WQ82676 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 15/06/2021

Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i werthuso effaith penderfyniad Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio i anfon ffurflenni ailbrisio at berchnogion gwyliau sy'n gofyn am ddatgan ffigurau gosod diwrnodau dros y 3 blynedd diwethaf, o ystyried effaith coronafeirws ar fasnach?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol | Wedi'i ateb ar 21/06/2021

Valuation methodology is the responsibility of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).  As part of non-domestic rates revaluations, the VOA collects evidence from all sectors to inform the valuation process.  This information is essential in ensuring the revaluation process is robust and considers all areas of the non-domestic rates tax-base.  The Welsh Government will evaluate the impact of the revaluation exercise across the whole of the tax‑base prior to its implementation on 1 April 2023. 

The Non-Domestic Rating (Definition of Domestic Property) (Wales) Orders set out the criteria for a self-catering property to be classified as non-domestic for local taxation purposes.  The criteria include the requirement that a property must be let for at least 70 days in a 12-month period for it to be classified as self‑catering accommodation and listed as non-domestic. 

The criteria were determined following consultation and reflect the differing views of respondents, including those who supported lower thresholds and those who supported higher ones.  The thresholds seek to strike a balance between the economic benefits of tourism and the impact of self-catering accommodation on local communities and the availability of affordable housing.  The criteria take account of the fact that conditions will vary from year to year and that the thresholds might be more challenging to meet in some years than others.