WQ81925 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 18/01/2021

Ymhellach i gyhoeddi'r Papur Gwyn ar y Bil Aer Glân (Cymru), a wnaiff y Gweinidog egluro pam nad yw'n cynnwys gofyniad i wella ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd ansawdd aer drwy addysg mewn ysgolion?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig | Wedi'i ateb ar 28/01/2021

I am committed to enabling communities, including schools, to access information on the causes and impacts of air pollution. In addition, we will provide information to empower people to reduce their exposure and their own impacts on air pollution.

Our proposals in the White Paper on the Clean Air (Wales) Bill consist of measures which will enable us to take action to improve air quality for all, including schoolchildren.

In the Clean Air Plan for Wales, I have already committed to working with education partners to promote and develop educational resources in support of the new curriculum in advance of its introduction from 2022.

It includes many opportunities to develop greater understanding of air quality, pollutants and personal contributions to preserving and improving our environment.

For example, proposed learning includes:

  • Developing an understanding of harmful factors in our environment and how this allows us to make informed decisions, including prevention and treatments for diseases
  • Studying the effects of industrial activities on Wales’ ecology and the effects of activities in Wales on ecosystems in other countries.
  • Investigating indoor and outdoor environments in a safe and systematic way.
  • Investigating how industry past and present has impacted on human health and the environment.

I have also committed to enhance the existing Air Quality in Wales website to develop a communications and information hub, which will be accessible to all. 

We have also worked with the charity Global Action Plan for the past two years to deliver Clean Air Day Wales, with the aim of raising awareness of the causes and effects of air pollution and promoting action people can take to reduce their emissions and exposure.

In particular, we have developed bilingual resources for schools and young people to access about air pollution. We will build on these resources for Clean Air Day Wales this year.