WQ80651 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 19/06/2020

A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau pa waith sydd wedi'i wneud gan Lywodraeth Cymru i wella a/neu atgyweirio seilwaith ffyrdd yng Nghanol De Cymru ers 1 Mawrth 2020, gan roi dadansoddiad o brosiectau a chostau?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru | Wedi'i ateb ar 30/06/2020

Please see below table. This expenditure relates to the Welsh Government motorway and trunk road network only, except in the case of Eastern Bay Link and Five Mile Lane which were Welsh Government funded Local Authority road projects.

Project / Road



A4226: Five Mile Lane

Works to drainage ponds and environmental landscaping, renewal of signage linked to project including on A4232 at Culverhouse Cross

Included as part of £25.8m for overall project cost

A4232 Eastern Bay Link

Landscaping and environmental site surveys, lighting and electrical works; Orders for additional signage, equipment delivery delayed due to Covid restrictions at manufacturers.

Included as part of £57.3m for overall project.

A470 Southbound, Upper Boat to Nantgarw



A470 Southbound, Taffs Well to Coryton



A470 Southbound, Glyntaff - Upperboat



A470 Southbound, South of Abercynon



M4 Eastbound, from J35 to J34



M4 Westbound, from J34 to J35*



A470 Abercynon Roundabout*



M4 J32-33 Westbound and M4 J33-32 Eastbound




Safety fencing repairs


M4 J30-34

Soft Estates


M4 Westbound J35 Off-slip



A470 Northbound & Southbound, Cefn Coed (A465 to Powys Boundary)*

Pre-patching works in advance of main scheme. Main scheme due to be complete by 6 July.


M4 J35 Pier Protection Scheme**



Note: * Works in progress or due to start imminently

          **Works started before March 2020, but now nearing completion

          *** Only £200,000 allocated this FY, bulk of spend was in last FY