WAQ79969 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 27/04/2020

A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau a oes cynllun cefnogi busnes ar waith, neu wedi'i gynllunio, i roi 'gwyliau' i landlordiaid preswyl rhag talu'r dreth gyngor ar eiddo gwag na allant ei ailosod yn ystod y gwaharddiadau symud oherwydd coranofeirws am na ellir dangos yr eiddo a bod yr asiantau gosod yn gweithio o gartref?

Wedi'i ateb gan Y Gweinidog Cyllid a'r Trefnydd | Wedi'i ateb ar 06/05/2020

There are a range of statutory exemptions from council tax for empty properties, depending on the circumstances.  Local authorities in Wales also have discretionary powers to provide discounts or agree alternative payment plans and I am aware that some authorities have applied a deferral of initial payments of council tax for some residents as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak.  Any tenant or landlord experiencing difficulties with their council tax should contact their local authority to discuss their circumstances and determine whether they might be eligible.

In responding to the outbreak, our immediate priority has been to provide support for tenants.  We have published guidance for tenants:
