WAQ78835 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 13/09/2019

A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu pa ddatblygiad pellach a gynigir ar gyfer safle SA1 yn Abertawe?

Wedi'i ateb gan Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth | Wedi'i ateb ar 19/09/2019

The Welsh Government is currently in the process of completing the next stage of infrastructure works at SA1 that will see the construction of the final highways, public realm and provision of mains services. The Registered Social Landlord Pobl is currently on site constructing the new ‘Sidings’ residential development that will see 22 new homes delivered in the eastern residential area of the estate.

Work has started on the new 650 unit student accommodation development on the gateway entrance to SA1 and once complete will see c£30m of private investment made in the project. Design briefs for the two final residential sites, which overlook the Prince of Wales dock are currently being finalised, following discussion with the Local Authority Planning Officers. This will enable Welsh Government to commence marketing and seek a developer to construct this phase.

Tenders are currently being assessed for the appointment of a developer to construct and operate a new multi storey car park and operate 2 surface car parks.

The Prince of Wales Dock is currently in the ownership of Associated British Ports (ABP). There are currently no proposals by Welsh Government to develop the dock water body in the short to medium term.