Pa gyfran o gost taith ysgol haf Iâl, sef $6,000, fel rhan o rwydwaith Seren, y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn talu amdani?
The cost for participating in the Yale Young Global Scholars Summer School is $6000 per individual. The Welsh Government will be supporting a cost of $2800 per individual with the remainder being met by Yale University. Funding to cover this expenditure has been identified within the Seren Network budget for 2018/19.
The $6000 fee includes accommodation. Further sponsorship from Welsh businesses and donors is being pursued to support other costs including travel costs. Sponsorship has already been secured to cover the cost of four return flights and officials are hoping that the travel cost for all the successful applicants can be supported in this way.
Funding to cover this expenditure has been identified within the Seren Network budget for 2018/19.
The students who take part in the Yale Young Global Scholars Summer School Camp are also eligible to attend Oxford University Summer Camp and vice versa.
Yale University alone is responsible for selecting which applicants will be invited to attend the summer school. There is no limit placed on Yale University regarding the number of pupils from any hub which can be invited to participate.
While the opportunity for Welsh students to compete for funded places at the Yale Young Global Scholars Summer School arose and was acted on at very short notice, I have been assured that Yale University will take these circumstances into account when considering applications from Seren Students. I am grateful for the support which Yale University, schools and Seren Hub coordinators provided.