WAQ75803 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 31/01/2018

A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet amlinellu sawl gwaith y rhagnodwyd antibiotigau 'llinell olaf', fel y'i gelwir, ar draws GIG Cymru yn y pum mlynedd diwethaf, fesul blwyddyn a math o wrthfiotigau?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol | Wedi'i ateb ar 06/02/2018

There is no common or generally accepted definition of “last-line” antibiotics. The Welsh Government publishes detailed information on prescriptions dispensed in the community here: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/prescriptions-dispensed-community/

Public Health Wales publish reports under the antimicrobial surveillance programme, including a report of all antibiotic prescribing in secondary car. This is available here:
