WAQ70943 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 13/09/2016

A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau a oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru gynllun gweithlu deng mlynedd ar gyfer GIG Cymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Llesiant a Chwaraeon | Wedi'i ateb ar 20/09/2016

I am committed to the development of a 10-year national workforce plan for the NHS, which received cross-party support in the Assembly in 2015.
Since that debate, work has been undertaken to develop the plan including a literature review of best practice across the UK and beyond, consideration of the outputs of the Health Professionals Education and Investment Review, the NHS Wales Workforce Review and the most recent Integrated Medium Term Plans submitted by health boards and trusts. A collaborative programme of work to address key workforce priorities common to NHS organisations in Wales has also been agreed by Chief Executives, with those priorities and actions also informing the approach of the 10-year plan. Action to address the current challenges faced by the workforce is therefore underway and the development of a plan for the longer term is in hand.
On 18 May the First Minister announced a Parliamentary Review into the future of Health and Social Care in Wales as a priority for this government. The original timescale for the 10-year workforce plan was for it to be made ready by November 2016. This now means that this long term plan would be published prior to the parliamentary review concluding and without having had the chance to consider its findings. I do not think this is the best course of action. The review represents a real opportunity to build a consensus on the priorities and long-term aims of health and social care in Wales, both of which will help further inform the direction of the future workforce.
In light of this, the 10-year plan publication date has been moved, to allow for the Parliamentary Review to conclude and provide a period of time to analyse the outcome of the review and develop the plan accordingly.