WAQ74361 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 04/10/2017

A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddatganiad am adroddiad Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru ar y Rhaglen Cefnogi Pobl, a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Awst 2017?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gymunedau a Phlant | Wedi'i ateb ar 16/10/2017

Given their related nature, a single answer has been provided to address these questions comprehensively
Welsh Government has recently completed a consultation exercise on "Draft Supporting People guidance and outcomes framework". The consultation ended on the 4th August 2017 and we are currently considering the responses to this comprehensive engagement with stakeholders.
As part of this consideration we are seeking to absorb the lessons to be learned from the Auditor General's report on Supporting People; this will include revisions to the draft guidance to reflect the recommendations made. In particular we will be revising the procurement guidance to ensure that the mechanisms deliver value for money whilst balancing the risks identified by the Auditor General. Namely;

  • reducing the pool of potential suppliers;
  • inadvertently working against the Welsh Government's objective of local authorities developing local third-sector organisations;
  • creating frustration amongst providers where they consider such closed approaches inequitable; and
  • limiting opportunities for local authorities to drive further improvements and efficiencies.


With respect to monitoring, the system of local authority Supporting People visits has been developed in agreement with the Supporting People National Advisory Board. The visits provide constructive challenge for local authority Supporting People teams. In order to ensure an open and frank dialogue the reports of these visits are not scored and are not published.
Experience has shown that efforts to provide indicative allocations beyond the period for which Welsh Government budgets have been set, has proved futile, reflecting the fact that we can not provide assurance where Welsh Government itself is not certain of the funding parameters. As a result, indicative allocations are not set beyond the known budget period. The ability to set a two year budget in the current round is therefore a significant step forward where Welsh Government is able to offer indicative allocations for which it can enjoy a level of confidence.

Issues of distribution formula were discussed by the Distribution Sub-Group of the Local Authority Partnership Council at the time of the Mansel Aylward review and I continue to discuss formula matters with my Supporting People National Advisory Board. However, distribution formulae for revenue grants are within my gift as part of my portfolio responsibilities and I have not therefore had formal discussions with the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government on this matter.

I am seeking advice on the opportunities to rationalise grant administration within my portfolio in order to increase flexibility, reduce bureaucracy and help address future budget pressures which we anticipate in future Welsh settlements from U. K. Treasury. As part of this process I have asked officials to meet with chairs of the Regional Collaborative Committees and other key stakeholder representatives to discuss the opportunities and risks such an approach may present. In addition I have asked the Supporting People National Advisory Board to provide me with their views. The Board includes representatives of Local Authority Supporting People teams and the Welsh Local Government Association.

Welsh Government has published guidance and a Memorandum of Understanding governing Regional Collaborative Committees (RCCs). This guidance makes clear that RCCs should include: "Providers (representing long term and short term services) elected and supported by Cymorth Cymru and Landlords elected and supported by Community Housing Cymru," as well as service user representation. Whilst, I have been clear that I am listening to thoughts on how I might remove unnecessary barriers within the grant mechanism in my portfolio, this has not as yet translated to any proposals to change the role of the RCCs.

I have instructed my officials to engage with those in the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government's department on the implications of Local Government Modernisation for Regional Collaborative Committees. To date this has not necessitated any specific discussion with The Cabinet Secretary although of course the broader issues are the subject of regular discussion within Cabinet.

I made a written statement on the Wales Audit Office report on Supporting People on the 31st August. In that statement I welcomed the Auditor General's recognition of the progress that has been made and the value of the programme. However, I also acknowledged the work that remains to be done. An initial response has been provided and a fuller formal response will follow in due course. In that statement I offered to make a statement or answer questions and would be happy to do so should Assembly Members wish me to do so.