WAQ70700 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 14/07/2016

Yn dilyn ei gyhoeddiad diweddar ynghylch strategaeth economaidd newydd i Gymru ers canlyniad Refferendwm yr UE, a wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu'r telerau, targedau ac amserlenni ar gyfer y strategaeth economaidd hon?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a Llywodraeth Leol | Wedi'i ateb ar 22/07/2016

I am in the process of talking to businesses and other key partners about the priorities that will need to feature in a new economic development strategy – to frame our approach to delivering more and better jobs closer to home, through a stronger and fairer economy.