WAQ71912 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 20/01/2017

A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddatganiad am argaeledd sganio MRI ar gyfer diagnosis o ganser y prostad yng Nghymru?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Llesiant a Chwaraeon | Wedi'i ateb ar 31/01/2017

In December 2016, the Royal College of Surgeons in England published the National Prostate Cancer Audit Report for England and Wales. It confirmed TRUS biopsy remains the principal diagnostic technique with 92% of Welsh patients in the audit having this performed. It also reported that 65% of Welsh patients in the audit received multi parametric MRI (mpMRI) as part of staging the cancer.