WAQ71601 (e) Wedi’i gyflwyno ar 01/12/2016

Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn hybu iechyd a diogelwch ar ffermydd ymysg y diwydiant ffermio?

Wedi'i ateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig | Wedi'i ateb ar 08/12/2016

The Welsh Government has an important role to play in promoting on farm health and safety. However, there is a need for the industry to work alongside Government if lasting improvements are to be achieved.

The Welsh Government is an equal partner of the Wales On-farm Health & Safety Partnership established in 2012. All organisations involved work collaboratively to encourage farmers to pause, stop and think before taking unnecessary risks and to promote the importance of good health and safety on-farm. To date, the group has focused on four main themes based on the Health & Safety Executive's (HSE) analysis of the major causes of deaths and serious injuries on Welsh farms; transport, machinery, falls and working with cattle.

The Welsh Government's contribution to the work of the Partnership includes delivering important messages using a range of channels including our Gwlad e-newsletter, promotional posters and exhibition stands at agricultural shows and events.

In addition, health & safety is one of the key themes of our Farming Connect programme. Messages are embedded into all aspects of delivery. Discussion groups consider the importance of health & safety on farm with a specific project looking at parlour performance and the knock on effects of cow welfare and behaviour which can reduce injury to farm workers. Farmers wishing to apply for funding towards machinery and equipment courses through Farming Connect must complete an e-learning course on health & safety.

To date 150 health and safety related one-to-one training courses have been approved through Farming Connect, these include First Aid at work, manual handling and working at heights awareness.