Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd

Plenary - Fifth Senedd


Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig
1. Questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs

Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni'r prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Joyce Watson. 

The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, and the first question is from Joyce Watson.

Iawndal Ariannol i Bysgotwyr Cymru
Financial Compensation to Welsh Fishermen

1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am faint o iawndal ariannol sydd wedi'i roi i bysgotwyr Cymru dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf o dan gronfa’r môr a physgodfeydd Ewrop ar gyfer potiau pysgota newydd? OAQ53661

1. Will the Minister make a statement on how much financial compensation has been provided to Welsh fishermen over the last five years under the European maritime and fisheries fund for replacement fishing pots? OAQ53661

Thank you. The European maritime and fisheries fund does not provide financial compensation. Under article 38 of the fund, fishers are able to apply for grants for small-scale investment in selective gear, including fishing pots. Only a small number of applications have been received to date. These are awaiting final approval.  

Diolch. Nid yw cronfa'r môr a physgodfeydd Ewrop yn darparu iawndal ariannol. O dan erthygl 38 o'r gronfa, gall pysgotwyr wneud cais am grantiau ar gyfer buddsoddi ar raddfa fach mewn offer dethol, gan gynnwys potiau pysgota. Nifer fach o geisiadau yn unig sydd wedi dod i law hyd yma. Mae'r rhain yn aros am gymeradwyaeth derfynol.

Okay. I thank you for that answer. But 90 per cent of fisheries in Wales are pots and, like all other forms of fishing gear, fishing pots can get lost at sea and they can continue to catch target and non-target species without any hope of being recovered, which is known as ghost fishing. Most fishing pots are currently made with plastic twine, and it's not biodegradable and it stays in the sea for thousands of years. Also, the majority of pots don't have escape hatches that would enable the catch to escape after a certain time if that pot was lost, and when fishing pots are reported as lost, my understanding is that the fishermen can apply for compensation.

Minister, would you consider implementing a condition that replacement pots that are paid for out of either Welsh Government or public fund money are both made from biodegradable material and that they have escape hatches so they have a lower impact on the marine ecosystem, and also consider introducing a tagging system that can enable the retrieval of those lost pots? 

O'r gorau. Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw. Ond mae 90 y cant o'r pysgodfeydd yng Nghymru yn bysgota potiau ac fel pob math arall o offer pysgota, gall potiau pysgota gael eu colli yn y môr a gallant barhau i ddal rhywogaethau targed a rhywogaethau nad ydynt yn rhai targed heb unrhyw obaith o gael eu hadfer, rhywbeth a elwir yn bysgota anfwriadol. Ar hyn o bryd gwneir y rhan fwyaf o botiau pysgota â chortynnau plastig, ac nid yw'n fioddiraddiadwy ac mae'n aros yn y môr am filoedd o flynyddoedd. Hefyd, nid oes hatshus dianc ar y mwyafrif o'r potiau a fyddai'n galluogi'r ddalfa i ddianc ar ôl amser penodol pe bai'r pot yn cael ei golli, a phan nodir bod potiau pysgota wedi'u colli, yn ôl yr hyn rwy'n ei ddeall, gall y pysgotwyr wneud cais am iawndal.

Weinidog, a fyddech yn ystyried gweithredu amod bod potiau newydd y telir amdanynt allan o arian Llywodraeth Cymru neu arian o gronfa gyhoeddus yn cael eu gwneud o ddeunydd bioddiraddiadwy a bod ganddynt hatshus dianc fel nad ydynt yn cael cymaint o effaith ar ecosystem y môr, ac a fyddech hefyd yn ystyried cyflwyno system dagio sy'n ei gwneud hi'n bosibl adfer y potiau coll hyn?

As I said in my opening answer to you, we don't provide financial compensation from the fund, but we did set up a shellfish pot replacement grant back in 2013-14 after those winter storms. That was set up by Welsh Government to support fishermen to replace equipment that had been lost. No pots have been purchased under the EMF at present. Appropriate checks will be put in place to confirm the suitability of any replacements, but I think there has to be a focus on escape hatches. I think that's really important, and certainly we can look at other sustainability measures, rather than the material used in the construction of the gear. But obviously we've just gone out to consultation on 'Brexit and our seas', and I think this is something that we could look at in a future fisheries policy. 

Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb cyntaf i chi, nid ydym yn darparu iawndal ariannol o'r gronfa, ond fe wnaethom sefydlu grant adnewyddu potiau pysgod cregyn yn ôl yn 2013-14 ar ôl y stormydd gaeafol hynny. Sefydlwyd hynny gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gynorthwyo pysgotwyr i gael offer newydd yn lle'r hyn a gollwyd. Nid oes unrhyw botiau wedi'u prynu o dan gronfa'r môr a physgodfeydd ar hyn o bryd. Bydd gwiriadau priodol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith i gadarnhau addasrwydd unrhyw offer newydd, ond credaf y dylid canolbwyntio ar hatshus dianc. Rwy'n meddwl bod hynny'n wirioneddol bwysig, ac yn sicr gallwn edrych ar fesurau cynaliadwyedd eraill, yn hytrach na'r deunydd a ddefnyddir wrth greu'r offer. Ond yn amlwg rydym newydd ddechrau ymgynghori ar 'Brexit a'n moroedd', a chredaf fod hyn yn rhywbeth y gallem edrych arno mewn polisi pysgodfeydd yn y dyfodol.

I'm sure the Minister would agree with me it's important that financial support available for the Welsh fishing industry actually reaches Welsh fishermen. It's therefore crucial that any organisations that receive Welsh Government funding on behalf of the Welsh fishing industry, now or in the future, are transparent and clear in the way that they spend funds. In the circumstances, could the Minister tell us what measures she has put in place to ensure that taxpayers' money given to organisations is absolutely transparent? And can she tell us how does her department go about ensuring due diligence when funds are made available to such organisations? 

Rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn bwysig fod cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael ar gyfer diwydiant pysgota Cymru yn cyrraedd pysgotwyr Cymru mewn gwirionedd. Felly, mae'n hanfodol fod unrhyw gyrff sy'n derbyn cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ran diwydiant pysgota Cymru yn awr neu yn y dyfodol, yn dryloyw ac yn glir yn y ffordd y maent yn gwario arian. Yn yr amgylchiadau hyn, a allai'r Gweinidog ddweud wrthym pa fesurau y mae wedi'u rhoi ar waith i sicrhau bod arian trethdalwyr a roddir i sefydliadau yn gwbl dryloyw? A all ddweud wrthym sut y mae ei hadran yn mynd ati i sicrhau diwydrwydd dyledus pan ddarperir arian i sefydliadau o'r fath?

All funding in the way that you suggest is absolutely transparent, and I know that you have written to me about the Welsh Fishermen's Association in particular. I can certainly assure you that all the funding is transparent. The WFA are completely compliant with all the monitoring issues. I absolutely refute what was put on Twitter not long ago and I'm taking action around those allegations. There is very, very robust monitoring that takes place, and you only have to go to Companies House to see that all the information is there. 

Mae'r holl arian yn y ffordd a awgrymwch yn hollol dryloyw, a gwn eich bod wedi ysgrifennu ataf ynglŷn â Chymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru yn arbennig. Gallaf yn bendant eich sicrhau fod yr holl arian yn dryloyw. Mae Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru yn cydymffurfio'n llwyr â'r holl faterion monitro. Rwy'n gwrthwynebu'n llwyr yr hyn a roddwyd ar Twitter heb fod yn hir yn ôl ac rwy'n gweithredu mewn perthynas â'r honiadau hynny. Mae monitro trwyadl tu hwnt yn digwydd, ac nid oes ond angen i chi fynd i Dŷ'r Cwmnïau i weld bod yr holl wybodaeth yno.

Dyfodol Gwarchodfeydd Natur Cenedlaethol
The Future of National Nature Reserves

2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer dyfodol gwarchodfeydd natur cenedlaethol yng Nghymru? OAQ53653

2. Will the Minister outline the Welsh Government's priorities for the future of national nature reserves in Wales? OAQ53653

Thank you. As set out in the nature recovery action plan, our national nature reserves are key to our suite of protected sites to deliver Welsh Government priorities for biodiversity. They are core to the resilience of ecological networks, safeguarding species and habitats, and providing huge benefits to our well-being in Wales.

Diolch. Fel y nodir yn y cynllun gweithredu ar adfer natur, mae ein gwarchodfeydd natur cenedlaethol yn allweddol i'n cyfres o safleoedd gwarchodedig ar gyfer cyflawni blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â bioamrywiaeth. Maent yn allweddol i gydnerthedd rhwydweithiau ecolegol, diogelu rhywogaethau a chynefinoedd, a darparu manteision enfawr i'n lles yng Nghymru.

Thank you, Minister, for that answer, and I note the keyword you said there—'core' to your policies. But yet many Members—I think all Members—might well have received this letter from retired former employees of Natural Resources Wales, the Countryside Council for Wales and other bodies who have an interest in this particular area, which highlights what they believe is the lack of confidence in Natural Resources Wales's management of our national nature reserves in Wales, and calls into question the future viability unless there's a change of direction. Do you share the concerns that these former senior retired employees of various nature organisations have highlighted? I believe the Minister was copied in on the letter. And if you do share those concerns, will you be taking these up directly with Natural Resources Wales, and have you any feedback that you can give us as Members that we can have confidence that Natural Resources Wales will engage with such criticism?

Diolch ichi am eich ateb, Weinidog, a nodaf y gair allweddol a ddefnyddioch—'craidd' i'ch polisïau. Ond efallai fod llawer o'r Aelodau—yr holl Aelodau rwy'n credu—wedi derbyn y llythyr gan gyn-gyflogeion sydd wedi ymddeol o Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru a chyrff eraill sydd â diddordeb yn y maes penodol hwn, sy'n tynnu sylw at yr hyn y credant sy'n ddiffyg hyder yn y modd y mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn rheoli ein gwarchodfeydd natur cenedlaethol yng Nghymru, ac yn cwestiynu'r hyfywedd yn y dyfodol oni bai bod yna newid cyfeiriad. A ydych yn rhannu'r pryderon y mae'r cyn-aelodau hyn o staff uwch sydd wedi ymddeol o sefydliadau natur amrywiol wedi tynnu sylw atynt? Credaf fod y Gweinidog wedi cael copi o'r llythyr. Ac os ydych yn rhannu'r pryderon hynny, a fyddwch yn eu dwyn i sylw Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn uniongyrchol, ac a oes gennych unrhyw adborth y gallwch ei roi inni fel Aelodau, y gallwn gael hyder y bydd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ymateb i feirniadaeth o'r fath?


I was copied in to the correspondence, and I think yesterday I wrote back to the man who did the original letter. I did note the concerns; I wouldn't say I share them. However, when anybody writes to me with concerns of that nature, I always ask my officials to look into them on my behalf initially, so they will be discussing the points that he raised with NRW. And certainly, if there are any concerns that I think I need to address, I will raise it with the chair and chief executive of NRW at my regular monthly meetings. Obviously, NRW do manage our NNRs. I think, again, they're very transparent in how they approach the management of them. I also think they set out very clearly in their strategies how they can improve the management of them. So, I will be keeping a very close eye, and if I feel I need to take steps, I will do so.

Cefais gopi o'r ohebiaeth, a ddoe, rwy'n credu, ysgrifennais yn ôl at y dyn a luniodd y llythyr gwreiddiol. Nodais y pryderon; ni fuaswn yn dweud fy mod yn eu rhannu. Fodd bynnag, pan fydd rhywun yn ysgrifennu ataf yn nodi pryderon o'r fath, rwyf bob amser yn gofyn i fy swyddogion edrych arnynt ar fy rhan i ddechrau, felly byddant yn trafod y pwyntiau a gododd gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Ac yn sicr, os oes unrhyw bryderon y credaf fod angen imi fynd i'r afael â hwy, byddaf yn eu dwyn i sylw cadeirydd a phrif weithredwr Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn fy nghyfarfodydd misol rheolaidd. Yn amlwg, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru sy'n rheoli ein gwarchodfeydd natur cenedlaethol. Unwaith eto, rwy'n credu eu bod yn dryloyw iawn o ran sut y maent yn eu rheoli. Credaf hefyd eu bod yn nodi'n glir yn eu strategaethau sut y gallant wella'r gwaith o'u rheoli. Felly, byddaf yn cadw llygad agos iawn ar hyn, ac os teimlaf reidrwydd i roi camau ar waith, byddaf yn gwneud hynny.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Llyr Gruffydd.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson, Llyr Gruffydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. Nôl ar 7 Tachwedd y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, Weinidog, pan glywon ni y newyddion bod Arolygiaeth Gynllunio Lloegr a Chymru yn bwriadu cael gwared â rôl cyfarwyddwr gweithredol Cymru, fe gytunoch chi â fi ei bod hi'n hen bryd i ni gael arolygiaeth gynllunio annibynnol i Gymru. Rwy'n credu mai 'nawr yw'r amser' yw'r hyn ddywedoch chi fan hyn yn y Siambr. Ers hynny, allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa gamau rŷch chi wedi eu cymryd i wireddu bwriad Llywodraeth Cymru i greu arolygiaeth annibynnol i Gymru?

Thank you, Llywydd. Back on 7 November last year, Minister, when we heard the news that the Planning Inspectorate for England and Wales intended to scrap the role of the executive director for Wales, you agreed with me that it was about time for us to have an independent planning inspectorate for Wales. I think 'now is the time' were the words you used here in the Chamber. Since then, can you tell us what steps you’ve taken to deliver the Welsh Government’s intention of creating an independent inspectorate for Wales?

Well, obviously, I haven't had responsibility for planning since the new Government came in at the beginning of December. That now falls in the portfolio of Julie James.

Wel, yn amlwg, nid wyf wedi bod yn gyfrifol am gynllunio ers i'r Llywodraeth newydd ddod i fodolaeth ddechrau mis Rhagfyr. Perthyn i bortffolio Julie James y mae hynny bellach.

Wel, allwch chi gadarnhau, felly, mai dyna yw polisi'r Llywodraeth yn dal i fod? Oherwydd chi oedd y Gweinidog ar y pryd, a byddwn i yn gobeithio bod ymrwymiadau a wnaethoch chi yn rhai y byddai'r Llywodraeth yn ymlynu atyn nhw. Felly, byddwn i'n hoffi clywed hynny fel ateb i'r cwestiwn yma.

Maes arall, wrth gwrs, lle mae angen i Gymru gael mwy o ddylanwad a mwy o afael ar ei dyfodol ei hunan, yn fy marn i, yw ynni, a byddwn i'n wastad yn galw am ddatganoli mwy o bwerau. Ond fe gyhoeddwyd adroddiad y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig yn ddiweddar, ar ailegnïo Cymru, ac, yn fy marn i, mae hwn yn cynnig sail gadarn ar gyfer datblygu polisi ynni sy'n addas i bwrpas fan hyn yng Nghymru. Dwi'n croesawu yn enwedig y pwyslais ar berchnogaeth gymunedol fel rhywbeth arbennig o bositif, a dwi'n ymwybodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud, erbyn 2020, eich bod chi am i brosiectau adnewyddadwy newydd gael elfen o berchnogaeth leol. Wel, wrth gwrs, mae galwad fan hyn, yn yr adroddiad yma, i bob cynllun dros 5 MW gael rhwng 5 y cant a 33 y cant o berchnogaeth leol. Felly, byddwn i yn gofyn a ydy hwnna yn rhywbeth y byddai'r Llywodraeth yn barod i'w fabwysiadu. Ac, yn ehangach wrth gwrs, pa elfennau eraill o'r adroddiad yma sy'n apelio atoch chi, a sut ydych chi, yn wir, yn mynd i fynd ati i sicrhau bod elfennau o'r adroddiad yn cael eu gwireddu?

Well, can you confirm therefore that that is the Government’s policy still? Because you were the Minister at the time, and I would hope that commitments that you made were ones that the Government would adhere to. So, I would like to hear that as an answer to that particular question.

Another area where Wales needs to have more influence and more of a grasp on its own future, in my view, is energy, and I would always call for the devolution of more powers. But the Institute of Welsh Affairs report was published recently on re-energising Wales, and, in my view, this provides a firm foundation for the development of an energy policy that is fit for purpose here in Wales. I particularly welcome the emphasis on community ownership as something that’s particularly positive, and I am aware that the Welsh Government says that, by 2020, you want new renewable projects to have an element of local ownership. But there is a demand here, in this report, for every scheme over 5 MW to have between 5 per cent and 33 per cent in public ownership. So, I would ask whether that is something that the Government would be willing to adopt. And, more broadly, of course, what other elements of this report appeal to you, and how are you going to ensure that elements of the report are delivered?

If I can just go to the first point, I'm not aware of any change in policy, but I will ask my colleague Julie James to write to you to give you that assurance.

In relation to renewable energies, Llyr Huws Gruffydd will be very aware of the targets that I set for renewable energy 12 months last December, and, clearly, community ownership plays a huge part in that. I am very pleased with the number of projects that have gone through the pipeline—if you pardon the pun—since I've been in portfolio. Clearly, if we want to reach our targets, community energy ownership has a massive element to play. And I've certainly been very keen that officials work with groups, because I think it's important that there is some hand holding—some communities need it more than others—but I think that advice should be there. I am aware of the IWA report, and I'm certainly looking at what we can pick out of it to assist us in reaching our targets.

Os caf fynd at y pwynt cyntaf, nid wyf yn ymwybodol o unrhyw newid yn y polisi, ond byddaf yn gofyn i fy nghyd-Aelod, Julie James, ysgrifennu atoch i roi'r sicrwydd hwnnw ichi.

Mewn perthynas ag ynni adnewyddadwy, bydd Llyr Huws Gruffydd yn ymwybodol iawn o'r targedau a bennwyd gennyf ar gyfer ynni adnewyddadwy 12 mis i fis Rhagfyr diwethaf, ac yn amlwg, mae perchnogaeth gymunedol yn chwarae rhan enfawr yn hynny. Rwy'n hapus iawn gyda nifer o'r prosiectau a roddwyd ar waith ers i mi fod yn y portffolio. Yn amlwg, os ydym am gyrraedd ein targedau, mae perchnogaeth ynni cymunedol yn elfen enfawr i'w chwarae. Ac rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i weld swyddogion yn gweithio gyda grwpiau, oherwydd mae'n bwysig fod rhywun i ddal eu llaw—mae mwy o angen hynny ar rai cymunedau nag eraill—ond credaf y dylai'r cyngor fod yno. Rwy'n ymwybodol o adroddiad y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig, ac rwy'n sicr yn edrych ar beth y gallwn ei ddefnyddio ohono i'n helpu i gyrraedd ein targedau.

Wel, byddwn i'n gofyn i chi wneud mwy na dim ond pigo mas elfennau; byddwn i'n awyddus i weld hwn yn ffurfio sail ar gyfer polisi ynni llawer mwy uchelgeisiol a radical efallai na'r hyn dŷn ni wedi ei gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru hyd yn hyn. Ac yn yr ysbryd yna, byddwn i'n awyddus i chi fel Gweinidog fod yn arwain o'r blaen ar geisio mynd ati i weithredu llawer o beth sydd yn hwn. Oherwydd dwi'n grediniol bod yna gonsensws yn bodoli ar draws y pleidiau i ni fynd ymhellach nag y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi ei ddatgan y mae hi am fynd ar hyn o bryd. A dwi hefyd yn teimlo bod hwn yn cynnig y cynsail i ni wneud hynny. Felly, yn yr ysbryd hynny, a fyddech chi'n barod, fel dwi'n dweud, i arwain o'r blaen drwy efallai wahodd y pleidiau i ddod at ei gilydd i drafod y polisi ynni yng nghyd-destun yr adroddiad yma a'r sector ehangach, oherwydd rŷn ni wedi gweld adroddiadau fel hyn yn dod ac yn mynd? Hynny yw, dwi'n gwybod am adroddiadau gan bwyllgor amgylchedd y Cynulliad diwethaf— 'Dyfodol Ynni Craffach i Gymru', er enghraifft—sydd yn hel llwch. Dwi ddim eisiau gweld adroddiad yr IWA yn dioddef o'r un dynged. Ac felly, ar eich ysgwyddau chi, fel Gweinidog, dwi'n meddwl y mae'r cyfrifoldeb nawr i sicrhau bod llawer o beth sydd yn hwn yn cael ei wireddu, a dwi'n cynnig i chi gydweithrediad er mwyn trio symud ar hyd y llinellau yna.

Well, I would ask you to do more than just pick out certain elements; I would be eager to see this forming the foundation for an energy policy that is far more ambitious and radical than we’ve had from the Welsh Government to date. And, in that spirit, I would be eager for you as Minister to be leading from the front in trying to deliver much of what’s contained here. Because I am convinced there is a consensus across parties for us to go further than the Government has stated it’s willing to go at present. I also feel that this does provide a precedent for us to do that. So, in that spirit, would you be willing, as I say, to lead from the front by perhaps inviting the parties to come together to discuss energy policy in the context of this report, and the broader sector too, because we have seen reports such as this come and go? I’m aware of reports from the environment committee of the last Assembly, such as ‘A Smarter Energy Future for Wales’, which are gathering dust. I don’t want to see the IWA report suffering the same fate. So, the responsibility is on your shoulders as Minister now to ensure that much of what’s contained here is delivered, and I propose to you that we collaborate in order to move along those lines.


Well, I'm always very happy to collaborate. I don't have all the good ideas; no-one does. It's really important that we do work together, and, certainly, I have worked with you and your predecessor on this issue. I do think that we've shown leadership and I do think—. When I sat down with officials and other stakeholders to come forward with those targets, there was a little bit of eyebrow raising that we were being overly ambitious, but I think the most important thing about targets is that (1) they're reached and (2) they're realistic. You don't want to set targets that you're not going to achieve. But, of course, they're just targets; of course, we can exceed them.

We've now got over 67,000 renewable energy projects across Wales, which, again, I think is really showing how we are encouraging these projects. Again, we're providing funding and we're providing advice, but I'm very happy at any time to sit down with you and work out what we can do.

Wel, rwyf bob amser yn hapus iawn i gydweithio. Nid wyf yn meddu ar bob un o'r syniadau da; nid oes neb. Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn cydweithio, ac yn sicr, rwyf wedi gweithio gyda chi a'ch rhagflaenydd ar y mater hwn. Credaf ein bod wedi dangos arweiniad a chredaf—. Pan eisteddais i lawr gyda swyddogion a rhanddeiliaid eraill er mwyn cyflwyno'r targedau hynny, cafwyd ychydig o godi aeliau ein bod yn rhy uchelgeisiol, ond credaf mai'r peth pwysicaf ynglŷn â thargedau yw (1) eu bod yn cael eu cyrraedd a (2) eu bod yn realistig. Nid ydych eisiau gosod targedau nad ydych yn mynd i'w cyrraedd. Ond wrth gwrs, targedau'n unig ydynt; gallwn ragori arnynt wrth gwrs.

Bellach mae gennym dros 67,000 o brosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy ledled Cymru, sydd, unwaith eto, yn dangos o ddifrif sut rydym yn annog y prosiectau hyn. Unwaith eto, rydym yn darparu cyllid ac rydym yn darparu cyngor, ond rwy'n hapus iawn i gyfarfod â chi unrhyw bryd a gweld beth y gallwn ei wneud.

Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.

The Conservatives' spokesperson, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. Minister, you've brought forward the proposals for new regulations to reduce water pollution. Obviously, we all want to see a better environment and a cleaner environment. These new regulations are in effect a cut-and-paste of the nitrate vulnerable zones regulations, and they will be applied across the whole of Wales if they are implemented. What assessment have you made of the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts through any regulatory impact assessment you might or might not have done to date?

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Weinidog, rydych wedi cyflwyno'r cynigion ar gyfer rheoliadau newydd i leihau llygredd dŵr. Yn amlwg, mae pawb ohonom am weld amgylchedd gwell ac amgylchedd glanach. Mewn gwirionedd mae'r rheoliadau newydd hyn yn gopi union o'r rheoliadau parthau perygl nitradau, a chânt eu cymhwyso ar draws Cymru gyfan os cânt eu gweithredu. Pa asesiad a wnaethoch o'r effeithiau economaidd, amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol a diwylliannol drwy unrhyw asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol y gallech fod wedi'i gyflawni hyd yma?

We are currently undertaking a great deal of work in this area. I don't accept that they're just a cut-and-paste. You'll be aware of the detailed work I've done particularly with the farming unions and other stakeholders to come forward with a voluntary approach. I was very keen to have a voluntary approach in the first instance. Unfortunately, last year, we saw about a 200 per cent increase in agricultural pollution incidents, which I think is unacceptable.FootnoteLink I think the majority of farmers agree that it's unacceptable and that we have to do more. So, unfortunately, I had to come forward with plans to bring the new regulations. I'm still very keen to work with stakeholders and with the farming unions—the National Farmers Union, in particular. There are people from the NFU who I am continuing to work with to see what more we can do. But I think the number of major polluting incidents we saw is very damaging for our reputation and I think the majority of people would agree with that.

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn gwneud llawer iawn o waith yn y maes hwn. Nid wyf yn derbyn mai copi union ydynt. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r gwaith manwl a wneuthum yn enwedig gydag undebau ffermwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill er mwyn cyflwyno dull gwirfoddol o weithredu. Roeddwn yn awyddus iawn i gael dull gwirfoddol o weithredu ar y cychwyn. Yn anffodus, y llynedd, gwelsom gynnydd o oddeutu 200 y cant yn nifer y digwyddiadau llygredd amaethyddol, a chredaf fod hynny'n annerbyniol.FootnoteLink Credaf y bydd y rhan fwyaf o ffermwyr yn cytuno ei fod yn annerbyniol a bod rhaid inni wneud mwy. Felly, yn anffodus, bu'n rhaid imi gyflwyno cynlluniau i roi'r rheoliadau newydd ar waith. Rwy'n dal i fod yn awyddus iawn i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid a'r undebau ffermio—gydag Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Amaethwyr yn enwedig. Mae yna bobl o'r NFU rwy'n parhau i weithio gyda hwy i weld beth arall y gallwn ei wneud. Ond credaf fod nifer y digwyddiadau llygredd mawr a welsom yn niweidio ein henw da yn fawr a chredaf y byddai'r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn cytuno â hynny.

But what is concerning is that there was no regulatory impact assessment done before you brought these proposals forward, because surely that should be done to assess, as I put to you earlier, the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts that these proposals could have. And it's deeply alarming that no impact assessment was undertaken, because this potentially could shut down many currently viable rural businesses that create employment opportunities and produce high-quality food. So, that is bitterly disappointing. How can you defend that position, Minister—that the  regulatory impact assessment was not done before you made the announcement?

Ond mae'n peri pryder na wnaed unrhyw asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol cyn i chi gyflwyno'r cynigion hyn, oherwydd does bosib na ddylid gwneud hynny i asesu, fel y dywedais wrthych yn gynharach, yr effeithiau economaidd, amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol a diwylliannol a allai fod i'r cynigion hyn. Ac mae'n frawychus iawn na chynhaliwyd unrhyw asesiad effaith, gan y gallai hyn gau llawer o fusnesau gwledig sy'n hyfyw ar hyn o bryd ac sy'n creu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth ac yn cynhyrchu bwyd o safon uchel. Felly, mae'n siomedig iawn. Sut y gallwch amddiffyn y safbwynt hwnnw, Weinidog—na wnaethpwyd yr asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol cyn ichi wneud y cyhoeddiad?

As I say, a great deal of impact assessment had been done. We had extensive consultations. I was accused of not going out to consultation. It had gone out to consultation before I came into portfolio in 2016. I wanted to work to try and find a voluntary approach. That was absolutely my priority, but I could not just sit back and see the increase in the number of major polluting incidents. Every weekend, I was getting several e-mails, as were other Members, with photographs of these incidents. So, it's very important that we continue to work with stakeholders to try and find an approach forward. I did not want to bring in the regulations as strictly as we had to, but unfortunately, because of the significant increase in the number of incidents, I've had to do that.

Fel y dywedaf, gwnaed llawer iawn o asesu effaith. Cawsom ymgynghoriadau helaeth. Cefais fy nghyhuddo o beidio â chynnal ymgynghoriad. Cynhaliwyd ymgynghoriad cyn i mi gael y portffolio yn 2016. Roeddwn am weithio i geisio canfod dull gwirfoddol o weithredu. Dyna oedd fy mlaenoriaeth yn bendant, ond ni allwn eistedd yn ôl a gwylio'r cynnydd yn nifer y digwyddiadau llygredd mawr. Bob penwythnos, roeddwn yn cael nifer o e-byst, fel Aelodau eraill, gyda lluniau o'r digwyddiadau hyn. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn parhau i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i geisio canfod ffordd ymlaen. Nid oeddwn am gyflwyno rheoliadau mor llym ag y bu'n rhaid i ni, ond yn anffodus, oherwydd y cynnydd sylweddol yn nifer y digwyddiadau, bu'n rhaid i mi wneud hynny.

Regrettably, this does seem to be regulation by e-mail, to be honest, with a press story, rather than a proper assessment, because, obviously, the Government, to its credit, had been working with the industry and had indicated that they'd reached a satisfactory accommodation with the industry on how a voluntary approach would be best suited to tackle these pollution incidences. I accept the point that we need to take action, and the industry itself accepts that point. But if you take it on a step further and you do actually implement these across country—and they are virtually a cut-and-paste of the NVZ regulations—when other parts of the United Kingdom, such as Northern Ireland, introduced similar measures 10 years ago—there was a comprehensive package of support to allow the industry to make that transition, of 60 per cent support from that particular administration in Northern Ireland—we've also got to make sure that the planning system works in unison and doesn't actually block these improvements. So, accepting that you will bring forward these regulations, how will you be seeking to make sure that the planning system works with the industry and the new regulations, and, importantly, that there is support there to make the transition that other parts of the United Kingdom have put forward to help their agricultural industries?

Yn anffodus, mae'n ymddangos mai rheoleiddio drwy e-bost yw hyn, i fod yn onest, gyda stori i'r wasg, yn hytrach nag asesiad priodol, oherwydd yn amlwg, roedd y Llywodraeth, er clod iddi, wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'r diwydiant ac wedi nodi eu bod wedi cyrraedd trefniant boddhaol gyda'r diwydiant ynglŷn â sut y byddai dull gwirfoddol yn gweddu orau er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r digwyddiadau llygredd hyn. Rwy'n derbyn y pwynt fod angen inni weithredu, ac mae'r diwydiant ei hun yn derbyn y pwynt hwnnw. Ond os ewch â hynny gam ymhellach a'ch bod yn eu gweithredu ar draws y wlad—ac maent yn gopi perffaith bron o reoliadau'r parthau perygl nitradau—pan oedd rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, megis Gogledd Iwerddon, wedi cyflwyno mesurau tebyg 10 mlynedd yn ôl—roedd pecyn cynhwysfawr o gymorth i ganiatáu i'r diwydiant wneud y newid hwnnw 60 y cant o gymorth gan y weinyddiaeth benodol honno yng Ngogledd Iwerddon—rhaid inni hefyd wneud yn siŵr fod y system gynllunio yn gweithio ar y cyd ac nad yw'n rhwystro'r gwelliannau hyn mewn gwirionedd. Felly, gan dderbyn y byddwch yn cyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn, sut y byddwch yn ceisio gwneud yn siŵr fod y system gynllunio yn gweithio gyda'r diwydiant a'r rheoliadau newydd, ac yn bwysicach, fod yna gefnogaeth yno i wneud y newid y mae rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig wedi'i gyflwyno i helpu eu diwydiannau amaethyddol hwy?


There's certainly not policy by e-mail. The point I was trying to make is that these pollution incidents are very visible, so to have photographs being sent to you—and I'm sure you have received them; I know the farming unions receive them and I see who is copied into the e-mails, so I know that a great number of people, probably, in the Chamber have seen them—. It is a very visible thing, and it is damaging, and particularly—you know, post Brexit, it's going to be even more damaging. And I think—. It's going to have an effect on the work we've got under way, for instance, on sustainable brand values for Welsh products, so it needs sorting and it needs sorting now.

In relation to support, I said right from the beginning that I would be happy to provide financial support. What I'm not happy to do is for people to bring their slurry pits up to the legal requirement. That should have been done anyway. But I accept that, if we bring these regulations in, we would have to provide some sort of financial support and I will certainly continue to look at what we will bring in. But, as I say, I am very keen to carry on working with stakeholders to see if we can have a voluntary approach alongside the regulatory reform.

Yn sicr nid oes unrhyw bolisi'n cael ei wneud drwy e-bost. Y pwynt yr oeddwn yn ceisio ei wneud yw bod y digwyddiadau llygredd hyn yn weladwy iawn, felly mae cael ffotograffau wedi'u hanfon atoch—ac rwy'n siŵr eich bod wedi eu cael; gwn fod undebau'r ffermwyr yn eu cael ac rwy'n gweld pwy sy'n cael eu copïo i mewn i'r negeseuon e-bost, felly gwn fod nifer o bobl yn y Siambr, mae'n debyg, wedi eu gweld—. Mae'n beth gweladwy iawn, ac mae'n niweidiol, ac yn enwedig—wyddoch chi, ar ôl Brexit, mae'n mynd i fod yn fwy niweidiol hyd yn oed. Ac rwy'n credu—. Bydd yn effeithio ar y gwaith sydd gennym ar y gweill, er enghraifft ar werthoedd brand cynaliadwy ar gyfer cynhyrchion Cymru, felly mae angen ei ddatrys ac mae angen ei ddatrys yn awr.

Mewn perthynas â chymorth, dywedais o'r dechrau un y buaswn yn hapus i ddarparu cymorth ariannol. Yr hyn nad wyf yn hapus i'w wneud yw i bobl sicrhau bod eu pyllau slyri yn cydymffurfio â'r gofyniad cyfreithiol. Dylai hynny fod wedi'i wneud beth bynnag. Ond os ydym yn cyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn, rwy'n derbyn y byddai'n rhaid inni ddarparu rhyw fath o gymorth ariannol ac yn sicr byddaf yn parhau i edrych ar yr hyn y byddwn yn ei gyflwyno. Ond fel y dywedaf, rwy'n awyddus iawn i barhau i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i weld a allwn gael dull gwirfoddol o weithredu ochr yn ochr â diwygio rheoleiddiol.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Last July, I raised with the Minister the subject of non-stun slaughter and in particular representations that had been made to her by the British Veterinary Association, to which she said that she'd had a discussion with them a couple of weeks ago and asked officials to look at the information they'd brought forward in detail. It's now nine months since those meetings took place. I wonder if the Minister could bring us up to date, and ask if she's reached any conclusions.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Fis Gorffennaf diwethaf, deuthum â mater lladd heb stynio i sylw'r Gweinidog ac yn arbennig, sylwadau a wnaed iddi gan Gymdeithas Milfeddygon Prydain, a dywedodd ei bod wedi cael trafodaeth â hwy ychydig wythnosau'n ôl a'i bod wedi gofyn i swyddogion edrych ar y wybodaeth yr oeddent wedi'i chyflwyno yn fanwl. Mae naw mis ers y cyfarfodydd hynny. Tybed a allai'r Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni, ac a yw hi wedi dod i unrhyw gasgliadau.

I had a meeting with the Food Standards Agency not too long ago—it may have been before Christmas—to discuss the recent slaughter method report that they'd carried out to identify what the current position was between the industry and providing consumers with information that they would need to make informed choices through voluntary arrangements. At the current time, the position is still the same: there are no red meat slaughterhouses undertaking non-stun slaughter in Wales.

Cefais gyfarfod gyda'r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd heb fod yn bell yn ôl—cyn y Nadolig efallai—i drafod yr adroddiad diweddar ar ddulliau lladd a gynhaliwyd ganddynt i ganfod beth oedd y sefyllfa bresennol rhwng y diwydiant a darparu'r wybodaeth roeddent ei hangen i ddefnyddwyr allu gwneud dewisiadau gwybodus drwy drefniadau gwirfoddol. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'r sefyllfa'n dal yr un fath: nid oes unrhyw ladd-dai cig coch yn lladd heb stynio yng Nghymru.

I accept that point that the Minister's just made, but I recently had a disturbing experience of watching some film footage from a supposedly non-stun slaughterhouse in England, where there were horrific images of animals being maltreated—kicked, stabbed, taunted—before finally being slaughtered in a most barbaric way without stunning. Now, that was caught on CCTV, so we were able to find out about it. And, although we're told that there are no non-stun slaughterhouses in Wales, we don't have CCTV in all slaughterhouses and it is possible that such scenes could take place in Wales. Will the Minister now take steps to ensure that CCTV is installed in all slaughterhouses in Wales?

Rwy'n derbyn y pwynt y mae'r Gweinidog newydd ei wneud, ond yn ddiweddar cefais brofiad annifyr o wylio ffilm o ladd-dy nad oedd yn stynio cyn lladd yn Lloegr, gyda lluniau erchyll o anifeiliaid yn cael eu cam-drin—eu cicio, eu trywanu, eu bygwth—cyn cael eu lladd yn y pen draw yn y ffordd fwyaf barbaraidd heb eu stynio. Nawr, cafodd hynny ei ddal ar deledu cylch cyfyng, felly roeddem yn gallu dod i wybod amdano. Ac er bod pobl yn dweud wrthym nad oes lladd-dai sy'n lladd heb stynio yng Nghymru, nid oes gennym deledu cylch cyfyng ym mhob lladd-dy ac mae'n bosibl fod golygfeydd o'r fath yn digwydd yng Nghymru. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi camau ar waith yn awr i sicrhau bod teledu cylch cyfyng yn cael ei osod ym mhob lladd-dy yng Nghymru?

Well, obviously, you referred to a slaughterhouse in England. We've got some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world in Wales. We have very strict regulations. There are a number of controls in all our slaughterhouses; there's a vet present in every slaughterhouse. The majority— certainly all the large slaughterhouses in Wales—have got CCTV. I am looking and I have provided funding to some of the smaller ones that haven't that do wish to do so. I visited a small abattoir in the constituency of the Llywydd last summer to see for myself the standards, and I reiterate that we have some of the highest animal welfare standards in Wales. And I can assure you, with the other checks, you don't need CCTV to know that that's not happening in Wales.

Wel, yn amlwg, fe gyfeirioch chi at ladd-dy yn Lloegr. Mae gennym rai o'r safonau lles anifeiliaid uchaf yn y byd yng Nghymru. Mae gennym reoliadau llym iawn. Mae yna nifer o fesurau rheoli yn ein holl ladd-dai; mae milfeddyg yn bresennol ym mhob lladd-dy. Mae gan y mwyafrif—pob lladd-dy mawr yng Nghymru yn sicr—deledu cylch cyfyng. Rwy'n edrych, ac rwyf wedi darparu arian i rai o'r rhai llai sydd heb deledu cylch cyfyng ac sy'n dymuno ei gael. Ymwelais â lladd-dy bach yn etholaeth y Llywydd yr haf diwethaf i weld y safonau drosof fy hun, a hoffwn ailadrodd bod gennym rai o'r safonau lles anifeiliaid uchaf yng Nghymru. A gallaf ddweud wrthych, gyda'r archwiliadau eraill, nad oes angen teledu cylch cyfyng arnoch i wybod nad yw hynny'n digwydd yng Nghymru.

I'm not making accusations against any operators of slaughterhouses in Wales, but I'm just saying that, as a precautionary measure, it would be wise to move towards a situation where we do have CCTV and there is, therefore, incontrovertible evidence if mistreatment of animals does take place, and that's an elementary precaution. The Minister frequently says to me when I'm asking her about global warming issues that she wants Wales to lead the world, even though nobody, really, is following. And although we may take the view that, currently in Wales, we don't have a problem with mistreatment of animals in slaughterhouses, it would be wise for us to compel and provide the means to comply with such a compulsion to slaughterhouses to provide a record of what goes on in those places, so that the public at large, which is very concerned about the animal welfare issues involved in non-stun slaughter, can be reassured that for the foreseeable future—indeed, forever—we will not develop and cannot develop such a problem in Wales.

Nid wyf yn gwneud cyhuddiadau yn erbyn unrhyw weithredwyr lladd-dai yng Nghymru, ond rwy'n dweud, fel mesur rhagofalus, y byddai'n ddoeth symud tuag at sefyllfa lle mae gennym systemau teledu cylch cyfyng ac felly, fod tystiolaeth ddiymwad os yw anifeiliaid yn cael eu cam-drin, a dyna fesur rhagofal elfennol. Dywed y Gweinidog wrthyf yn aml pan fyddaf yn gofyn iddi ynglŷn â materion yn ymwneud â chynhesu byd-eang ei bod am i Gymru arwain y byd, er nad oes neb, mewn gwirionedd, yn dilyn. Ac er y gallem fabwysiadu'r safbwynt nad oes gennym broblem cam-drin anifeiliaid mewn lladd-dai ar hyn o bryd yng Nghymru, byddai'n ddoeth inni orfodi a darparu'r modd i gydymffurfio â gorfodaeth o'r fath i ladd-dai ddarparu cofnod o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y lleoedd hynny, fel y gall y cyhoedd yn gyffredinol, sy'n bryderus iawn ynghylch materion lles anifeiliaid mewn perthynas â lladd heb stynio, gael tawelwch meddwl ar gyfer y dyfodol y gellir ei ragweld—am byth, yn wir—na fyddwn ac na allwn ddatblygu problem o'r fath yng Nghymru.


As I say, there are very few slaughterhouses in Wales that don't have CCTV. I did make funding available. We're certainly looking to see if we should make it mandatory; that's something we are considering at the moment. The industry itself, I think, has really led in this area, and they do publish extensive guidance on good practice, on protecting animal welfare at the time of killing. That information is available online, so should any member of the public wish to see it, it is available online.

Fel y dywedaf, ychydig iawn o ladd-dai yng Nghymru sydd heb deledu cylch cyfyng. Fe ddarparais arian. Yn sicr rydym yn edrych i weld a ddylem ei wneud yn orfodol; mae hynny'n rhywbeth rydym yn ei ystyried ar hyn o bryd. Credaf fod y diwydiant ei hun wedi arwain yn y maes hwn, ac maent yn cyhoeddi canllawiau helaeth ar arferion da, ar ddiogelu lles anifeiliaid ar adeg eu lladd. Mae'r wybodaeth honno ar gael ar-lein, felly os oes unrhyw aelod o'r cyhoedd am ei weld, mae ar gael ar-lein.

Morlyn Llanw Bae Abertawe
Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon

3. Pa drafodaethau diweddar y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael ynghylch buddiannau amgylcheddol posibl datblygu morlyn llanw Bae Abertawe? OAQ53658

3. What recent discussions has the Minister had in terms of the possible environmental benefits of developing a Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon? OAQ53658

Diolch. As the Minister responsible for marine licensing, I am unable to comment on specific projects, as this may prejudice my role. The Welsh national marine plan will set out policy for the sustainable development of our seas, and it has been informed by a sustainability assessment.

Diolch. Fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am drwyddedu morol, ni allaf gynnig sylwadau ar brosiectau penodol, gan y gallai hynny niweidio fy rôl. Bydd cynllun morol cenedlaethol Cymru yn gosod polisi ar gyfer datblygu ein moroedd yn gynaliadwy, ac mae wedi'i lywio gan asesiad cynaliadwyedd.

Minister, following the disappointing announcement by the UK Government last year not to invest in the Swansea bay tidal lagoon, the firm behind the development have been working to look at different delivery models, as well as making changes to the proposal itself. Adding floating solar panels to the lagoon, for example, is estimated to increase the scheme's energy output from 572 GWh to around 770 GWh. Now, whilst the Welsh Government has previously been publicly supportive and was prepared to invest in the scheme, it has not made any comment recently. Will you outline to the Chamber what action you have been taking over recent months to ensure that this groundbreaking project can be delivered and that the benefits, both environmental and economic, can be delivered locally?

Weinidog, yn dilyn cyhoeddiad siomedig gan Lywodraeth y DU y llynedd i beidio â buddsoddi ym morlyn llanw bae Abertawe, mae'r cwmni sydd wrth wraidd y datblygiad wedi bod yn gweithio i edrych ar fodelau cyflawni gwahanol, yn ogystal â gwneud newidiadau i'r cynnig ei hun. Amcangyfrifir bod ychwanegu paneli solar arnofiol i'r morlyn, er enghraifft, yn cynyddu cynhyrchiant ynni'r cynllun o 572 GWh i tua 770 GWh. Nawr, er bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gefnogol yn gyhoeddus o'r blaen ac yn barod i fuddsoddi yn y cynllun, ni wnaeth unrhyw sylw yn ddiweddar. A wnewch chi amlinellu i'r Siambr pa gamau rydych wedi bod yn eu cymryd dros y misoedd diwethaf i sicrhau y gellir cyflawni'r prosiect arloesol hwn ac y gellir cyflawni'r manteision amgylcheddol ac economaidd yn lleol?

Thank you. You will be aware that the marine energy summit was held last January—I think in Swansea—and the First Minister, in opening that summit, highlighted the Government's support for the development of a sustainable marine energy sector here in Wales, and, certainly, there are emerging technologies that we need to look at. I know that following the summit the First Minister has written twice to the UK Government, to Greg Clark, highlighting the importance of the marine energy sector to the UK, and particularly to Wales, asking the UK to provide a very clear path to market for marine energy. I think the lack of a strategy in relation to tidal lagoons and tidal energy in the UK Government is clearly an obstacle. There will be a report for the Welsh Government coming from the summit, I think by the end of April, and certainly we'll be making that available to the public, and I think it's really important that we do look at these emerging technologies, particularly around marine energy in Wales. We're very supportive of the economic benefits of tidal lagoons, as you said, and the opportunities to grow a vibrant marine industry, and that's why I was very keen to have a national marine plan.

Diolch. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod yr uwchgynhadledd ynni morol wedi'i chynnal fis Ionawr diwethaf—yn Abertawe rwy'n credu— ac wrth agor yr uwchgynhadledd honno, soniodd y Prif Weinidog am gefnogaeth y Llywodraeth i ddatblygu sector ynni morol cynaliadwy yma yng Nghymru, ac yn sicr, mae angen inni edrych ar dechnolegau sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Yn dilyn yr uwchgynhadledd, gwn fod y Prif Weinidog wedi ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth y DU ddwy waith, at Greg Clark, yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd y sector ynni morol i'r DU, ac yn enwedig i Gymru, ac yn gofyn i'r DU ddarparu llwybr clir iawn i'r farchnad ar gyfer ynni morol. Credaf ei bod hi'n amlwg fod diffyg strategaeth Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â morlynnoedd llanw ac ynni'r llanw yn rhwystr. Ceir adroddiad yn deillio o'r uwchgynhadledd ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru, erbyn diwedd mis Ebrill rwy'n credu, ac yn sicr byddwn yn gwneud yn siŵr ei fod ar gael i'r cyhoedd, a chredaf ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn inni edrych ar y technolegau sy'n datblygu, yn enwedig mewn perthynas ag ynni'r môr yng Nghymru. Rydym yn gefnogol iawn i fanteision economaidd morlynnoedd llanw, fel y dywedoch, a'r cyfleoedd i dyfu diwydiant morol hyfyw, a dyna pam yr oeddwn yn awyddus iawn i gael cynllun morol cenedlaethol.

Well, I think we'd all be keen to hear any developments on the front of the Swansea bay tidal lagoon—genuinely interested to hear what Dai Lloyd had to say there. But one of the circles that remains difficult to square, of course, is the cost of the energy that's produced by the lagoon— potential lagoon—which is a material consideration at a time when Tata Steel, for example, is competing in a global environment, where the cost of energy in France and Germany, for example, is a fraction of that that they are having to spend here. Tata is looking to reduce its energy costs, as well as its environmental impact, by increasing the capacity of its own power generation, and cheaper energy for them, of course, means more money available to tackle the pollution they produce from a different angle. Would you be happy to press the point in Cabinet that there are environmental as well as economic reasons for seeing Tata's ambitions for their power plant realised? Thank you.

Wel, credaf y byddem oll yn awyddus i glywed am unrhyw ddatblygiadau mewn perthynas â morlyn llanw bae Abertawe—roedd hi'n wirioneddol ddiddorol clywed beth oedd gan Dai Lloyd i'w ddweud yno. Ond un o'r pethau sy'n parhau i fod yn anodd, wrth gwrs, yw cost yr ynni a gynhyrchir gan y morlyn—y darpar forlyn—sy'n ystyriaeth berthnasol ar adeg pan fo Tata Steel, er enghraifft, yn cystadlu mewn amgylchedd byd-eang, lle mae cost ynni yn Ffrainc a'r Almaen, er enghraifft, yn rhan fechan iawn o'r hyn sy'n rhaid iddynt ei wario yma. Mae Tata'n gobeithio lleihau eu costau ynni, yn ogystal a'u heffaith amgylcheddol, drwy gynyddu capasiti eu cynhyrchiant pŵer eu hunain, ac mae ynni rhatach iddynt, wrth gwrs, yn golygu mwy o arian i fynd i'r afael â'r llygredd y maent yn ei gynhyrchu o ongl wahanol. A fyddech yn barod i bwysleisio yn y Cabinet fod yna resymau amgylcheddol yn ogystal â rhai economaidd dros wireddu uchelgeisiau Tata ar gyfer eu gwaith pŵer? Diolch.

Yes. I don't think I need to press the point. I think, certainly, colleagues are aware of that, and myself and Ken Skates are, I think, going to do a joint visit to Tata around this very issue within the next couple of months.

Ie. Nid wyf yn meddwl bod angen imi bwysleisio'r pwynt. Yn sicr, rwy'n credu bod fy nghyd-Aelodau'n ymwybodol o hynny, ac rwy'n credu fy mod i a Ken Skates yn mynd ar ymweliad ar y cyd â Tata ynglŷn â'r union fater hwn o fewn yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf.

I concur with everything Suzy Davies just said. But the question I want to ask is: we all appreciate that the tidal lagoon actually is a beneficial project and the issues it will bring and the benefits it will bring is something we all want to see. But as well as environmental benefits there are environmental challenges and one of them is obviously the impact upon fish. Now, I know that the fishing bodies in my area and the tidal lagoon themselves had two different fishing models that were quite different and quite a distance apart. What progress has been made by Natural Resources Wales on looking at those fishing models? Because, if it comes back to the fore, we don't want it held up as a consequence of this not having been addressed at this point in time.

Cytunaf â phopeth y mae Suzy Davies newydd ei ddweud. Ond y cwestiwn rwyf am ei ofyn yw hwn: mae pawb ohonom yn derbyn bod y morlyn llanw yn brosiect buddiol mewn gwirionedd ac mae'r pethau a ddaw yn ei sgil a'r buddion a ddaw yn ei sgil yn rhywbeth y mae pawb ohonom am ei weld. Ond yn ogystal â manteision amgylcheddol, ceir heriau amgylcheddol, ac un ohonynt yn amlwg yw'r effaith ar bysgod. Nawr, gwn fod gan y cyrff pysgota yn fy ardal i a'r morlyn llanw eu hunain ddau fodel pysgota a oedd yn wahanol iawn ac yn eithaf pell oddi wrth ei gilydd. Pa gynnydd a wnaethpwyd gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar edrych ar y modelau pysgota hynny? Oherwydd, os daw'n ôl i'r amlwg, nid ydym am i hynny gael ei weld fel canlyniad i beidio â bod wedi rhoi sylw i hyn ar yr adeg hon.


No. Obviously, that work was ongoing when the Swansea bay tidal lagoon was being considered as a scheme by the UK Government. I'm not aware of what work is currently ongoing, but you're quite right: if another project came forward, we would need to know which model was providing the correct information. So, I would be happy to write to the Member to update him.FootnoteLink

Na. Yn amlwg, roedd y gwaith hwnnw'n mynd rhagddo pan oedd morlyn llanw bae Abertawe dan ystyriaeth fel cynllun gan Lywodraeth y DU. Nid wyf yn ymwybodol o ba waith sy'n mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd, ond rydych yn llygad eich lle: pe bai prosiect arall yn cael ei gyflwyno, byddai angen inni wybod pa fodel oedd yn darparu'r wybodaeth gywir. Felly, buaswn yn hapus i ysgrifennu at yr Aelod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf iddo.FootnoteLink

Y Sector Coedwigaeth
The Forestry Sector

4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu creu sector coedwigaeth sy'n economaidd lewyrchus yng Nghymru? OAQ53652

4. Will the Minister outline how the Welsh Government intends to create an economically vibrant forestry sector in Wales? OAQ53652

Thank you. My statement on 12 March outlined the Welsh Government’s commitment to the forestry sector. We recently committed £2 million for a further round of the timber business investment scheme. The scheme provides capital funding for improvements that add value to forests for woodland management activities, timber harvesting and processing.  

Diolch. Roedd fy natganiad ar 12 Mawrth yn amlinellu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i'r sector coedwigaeth. Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi ymrwymo £2 filiwn ar gyfer cylch arall o'r cynllun buddsoddi mewn busnesau pren. Mae'r cynllun yn darparu cyllid cyfalaf ar gyfer gwelliannau sy'n ychwanegu gwerth i goedwigoedd ar gyfer gweithgareddau rheoli coetiroedd, cynaeafu a phrosesu pren.

Thank you, Minister, for that answer. One of the points that I did put to you in that statement that you made recently was this ability not to have windows in the bidding round for Glastir and have just an open period where people could, all year round, apply for support to plant new forestry. Have you given any consideration to this? Because it was an area that didn’t get touched on in response from your good self in that statement, and other parts of the United Kingdom have done this and it has been very effective in developing the forestry sector in those parts. So, could you give an indication today: are you minded to support such a lifting of the window application and just to have year-round applications?

Diolch ichi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Un o'r pwyntiau a roddais i chi yn y datganiad a wnaethoch yn ddiweddar oedd y gallu hwn i beidio â chael cyfnodau yn y rownd geisiadau ar gyfer Glastir a chael cyfnod agored yn unig lle gallai pobl wneud cais am gymorth i blannu coedwigoedd newydd drwy gydol y flwyddyn. A ydych wedi rhoi unrhyw ystyriaeth i hyn? Oherwydd roedd yn faes na chyffyrddwyd arno mewn ymateb gennych chi yn y datganiad hwnnw, ac mae rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig wedi gwneud hyn a bu'n effeithiol iawn wrth ddatblygu'r sector coedwigaeth yn y rhannau hynny. Felly, a allech roi syniad inni heddiw: a ydych yn bwriadu cefnogi cael gwared ar y cyfnod ymgeisio yn y modd hwn a chael ceisiadau drwy gydol y flwyddyn?

It's certainly something I'm very happy to consider. I thought I had said that in the statement. Certainly, I'm very aware that we need to support the forestry sector in perhaps a more innovative way, and it's certainly something that I'd be happy to do. But we are having a new round of funding for Glastir wood restoration opening on Monday, and there'll be more details around the levels of funding being announced on 1 April. Also, there's going to be a new round of funding for Glastir woodland creation. So, we are committed to those two, but it's certainly something that I'd be very happy to look at.FootnoteLink 

Mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth rwy'n hapus iawn i'w ystyried. Roeddwn yn meddwl fy mod wedi dweud hynny yn y datganiad. Yn sicr, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn fod angen inni gefnogi'r sector coedwigaeth mewn ffordd fwy arloesol o bosibl, ac mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y buaswn yn hapus i'w wneud. Ond mae gennym rownd gyllido newydd ar gyfer adfer coed Glastir yn agor ddydd Llun, a bydd mwy o fanylion ynghylch lefelau cyllid yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar 1 Ebrill. Hefyd, bydd rownd gyllido newydd ar gyfer creu coetiroedd Glastir. Felly, rydym wedi ymrwymo i'r ddau hynny, ond mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y byddem yn hapus iawn i edrych arno.FootnoteLink

Safonau Amgylcheddol ar ôl Brexit
Environmental Standards after Brexit

5. Pa fesurau y bydd y Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i hybu'r safonau amgylcheddol uchaf ar ôl Brexit? OAQ53656

5. What measures will the Minister take to promote the highest environmental standards after Brexit? OAQ53656

Thank you. I am committed to ensuring there will be no regression in environmental standards as a result of Brexit. I want Wales to not only maintain our current standards, but build upon them. Last week, I launched our consultation on environmental principles and governance post Brexit, which will run until 9 June.

Diolch. Rwy'n ymrwymedig i sicrhau na fydd unrhyw gamu'n ôl yn y safonau amgylcheddol o ganlyniad i Brexit. Rwyf am i Gymru gynnal ein safonau presennol, ac adeiladu arnynt hefyd. Yr wythnos diwethaf, lansiais ein hymgynghoriad ar egwyddorion amgylcheddol a llywodraethu ar ôl Brexit, i ddod i ben ar 9 Mehefin.

I think we very much welcome the work the Welsh Government is doing to make sure that we do have robust protections in place and in fact we enhance those protections after Brexit. But we note, as we speak today, that there are young people up in the gallery looking down on our proceedings, and, for them, some of the defence in protections for our natural environment will be the ability of the citizen to take on Governments—Welsh Government, UK Government and others. At the moment, we have that ability, as we've seen through organisations such as Client Earth, challenging not only the UK Government, but also Governments in Hungary and Italy and elsewhere, under European legislation. So, can we at this point, Minister, say categorically that there will still be the ability for citizens and citizens' organisations to challenge Governments when they do not live up to their environmental responsibilities?  

Credaf ein bod yn croesawu'n fawr y gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod gennym fesurau diogelu cadarn ar waith a'n bod yn gwella'r mesurau diogelu hynny ar ôl Brexit mewn gwirionedd. Ond wrth inni siarad heddiw, nodwn fod yna bobl ifanc i fyny yn yr oriel yn edrych i lawr ar ein trafodion, ac iddynt hwy, peth o'r amddiffyniad mewn mesurau diogelu ar gyfer ein hamgylchedd naturiol fydd gallu dinasyddion i herio Llywodraethau—Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywodraeth y DU ac eraill. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym y gallu hwnnw, fel y gwelsom drwy sefydliadau fel Client Earth, sy'n herio nid yn unig Llywodraeth y DU, ond Llywodraethau yn yr Eidal a Hwngari a mannau eraill hefyd, o dan ddeddfwriaeth Ewropeaidd. Felly, a allwn ddweud yn bendant ar hyn o bryd, Weinidog, y bydd dinasyddion a sefydliadau dinasyddion yn dal i allu herio Llywodraethau pan na fyddant yn cydymffurfio â'u cyfrifoldebau amgylcheddol?

We can. I think there's been a little bit of misinformation. Clearly, when we do leave the EU, UK citizens will no longer have access to the citizens' complaint procedure, which enables the EU Commission, as you refer, to act on their behalf, including the ability to refer cases to the European Court of Justice. However, they can obviously take their complaints to bodies such as the public services ombudsman and the National Assembly itself, and they do already receive citizens' complaints. But I think it is really important that we don't have a dilution of our rights that currently flow from our membership of the EU. That's why we published our consultation on the environmental principles and governance post EU exit. What I'm doing is seeking views on what an oversight body should be able to do, and I think it's really important that people feed into that. So, I would encourage Members and their constituents to do that. I think we need to know whether a body should be able to conduct investigations, what information they would require if they did that, assess the validity of complaints, have the ability to act in appropriate cases, and also make recommendations arising from their findings. I think it's really important that we do ensure that there is no gap post EU exit.

Gallwn. Credaf fod ychydig bach o wybodaeth anghywir wedi'i rhoi. Yn amlwg, pan fyddwn yn gadael yr UE, ni fydd gan ddinasyddion y DU fynediad mwyach at weithdrefn gwyno'r dinasyddion, sy'n galluogi Comisiwn yr UE, fel y dywedwch, i weithredu ar eu rhan, gan gynnwys y gallu i gyfeirio achosion at Lys Cyfiawnder Ewrop. Fodd bynnag, gallant fynd â'u cwynion wrth gwrs at gyrff fel yr ombwdsmon gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac at y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ei hun, ac maent eisoes yn derbyn cwynion gan ddinasyddion. Ond credaf ei bod hi'n bwysig tu hwnt nad yw ein hawliau sy'n deillio ar hyn o bryd o'n haelodaeth o'r UE yn cael eu gwanhau. Dyna pam ein bod wedi cyhoeddi ein hymgynghoriad ar egwyddorion a threfniadau llywodraethu amgylcheddol wedi inni adael yr UE. Rwy'n gofyn am farn ar beth y dylai corff goruchwylio allu ei wneud, ac mae'n bwysig iawn fod pobl yn cyfrannu at hynny. Felly, rwy'n annog Aelodau a'u hetholwyr i wneud hynny. Credaf fod angen inni wybod a ddylai corff allu cynnal ymchwiliadau, pa wybodaeth y byddai ei hangen arnynt pe baent yn gwneud hynny, asesu dilysrwydd cwynion, meddu ar y gallu i weithredu mewn achosion priodol, a gwneud argymhellion yn deillio o'u canfyddiadau. Credaf ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig inni sicrhau nad oes unrhyw fwlch ar ôl gadael yr UE.


Minister, we know that in England there'll be a 25-year environmental plan, and the draft environment Bill includes proposals for an office of environmental protection, to which, presumably, citizens would have the right—and it might be analogous to the Commission taking up the citizen's cause, which of course is why that form of very quick legal access is so effective. You've decided on a consultation, and I just wonder—but you have said you do not, at this stage, favour the UK Government's approach as regards England, and I just wonder if you do need to rethink this question of an enforcement body that is able to take up complaints brought to it by the citizen, not to give them advice as to how they then go to court. The citizen doesn't really have that capacity very easily, and many bodies have told us that this is what is crucial to the robustness of current EU regulations.

Weinidog, gwyddom y bydd cynllun amgylcheddol 25 mlynedd yn Lloegr, ac mae'r Bil amgylchedd drafft yn cynnwys cynigion ar gyfer swyddfa diogelu'r amgylchedd, rhywbeth y byddai gan ddinasyddion, mae'n debyg, hawl i’w gael—ac efallai fod hyn yn cyfateb i'r Comisiwn yn dadlau achos y dinesydd, sef pam, wrth gwrs, fod y math hwnnw o fynediad cyflym iawn at wasanaethau cyfreithiol mor effeithiol. Rydych wedi penderfynu ar ymgynghoriad, a tybed—ond rydych wedi dweud nad ydych, ar hyn o bryd, yn ffafrio dull gweithredu Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â Lloegr, a tybed a oes angen i chi ailfeddwl am y cwestiwn hwn ynglŷn â chorff gorfodi sy'n gallu mynd i’r afael â chwynion a gyflwynir iddo gan y dinesydd, yn hytrach na rhoi cyngor iddynt ynglŷn â dwyn achos llys. Nid yw'n hawdd i'r dinesydd wneud hynny mewn gwirionedd, ac mae sawl corff wedi dweud wrthym mai dyma sy'n allweddol i gadernid rheoliadau cyfredol yr UE.

Obviously the consultation will feed into the future policy. I think it's also important to recognise that we have a different governance gap to England. So, we've got the Environment (Wales) Act 2016, we've got the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. I've had a few discussions with Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ministers around this issue, and certainly, if we think we need to have a look at it post consultation, I'll be very happy to do so. It is absolutely right that, as I said in my answer to Huw Irranca-Davies, we don't see that dilution, not just in our standards, but in our rights too.

Yn amlwg, bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn llywio’r polisi yn y dyfodol. Credaf ei bod hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod bod gennym fwlch llywodraethu gwahanol i Loegr. Felly, mae gennym Ddeddf yr Amgylchedd (Cymru) 2016, mae gennym Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Rwyf wedi cael rhywfaint o drafodaethau gyda Gweinidogion Adran yr Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig ynghylch y mater hwn, ac yn sicr, os ydym o’r farn fod angen i ni edrych ar hyn ar ôl yr ymgynghoriad, byddaf yn fwy na pharod i wneud hynny. Mae'n hanfodol, fel y dywedais yn fy ateb i Huw Irranca-Davies, nad ydym yn gweld gwanhau o'r fath, nid yn unig yn ein safonau, ond yn ein hawliau hefyd.

Y Cynllun Gweithredu Adfer Natur
The Nature Recovery Action Plan

6. Sut y bydd cynllun gweithredu adfer natur arfaethedig Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r gwaith o gyflwyno rheoliadau strategaeth forol y DU? OAQ53648

6. How will the Welsh Government's forthcoming nature recovery action plan support the delivery of the UK marine strategy regulations? OAQ53648

Thank you. The nature recovery action plan is our national biodiversity strategy for land and sea, and sets out our commitment to biodiversity in Wales. Its six objectives support the UK marine strategy and our aims to achieve and maintain the good environmental status of our waters.

Diolch. Y cynllun gweithredu adfer natur yw ein strategaeth fioamrywiaeth genedlaethol ar gyfer tir a môr, ac mae'n nodi ein hymrwymiad i fioamrywiaeth yng Nghymru. Mae ei chwe amcan yn cefnogi strategaeth forol y DU a'n hamcanion i sicrhau a chynnal statws amgylcheddol da ein dyfroedd.

Minister, given that the forthcoming UK marine strategy consultation will show that the UK has not reached its 2020 target of good environmental status for the majority of the 14 descriptors, and none of the biodiversity-related descriptors, what action is Wales going to take to ensure that we are not in this position again in 2030?

Weinidog, o gofio y bydd yr ymgynghoriad sydd ar y ffordd ar strategaeth forol y DU yn dangos nad yw'r DU wedi cyrraedd ei tharged 2020 i sicrhau statws amgylcheddol da ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o'r 14 o ddisgrifyddion, nac unrhyw un o'r disgrifyddion sy'n ymwneud â bioamrywiaeth, pa gamau y bydd Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau nad ydym yn y sefyllfa hon eto yn 2030?

Thank you. I remain fully committed to delivering the robust programme of measures that were published back in 2015 as they apply to Wales, to continue to work towards achieving and maintaining good environmental status. Wales is now recognised internationally as being ahead of the game through our legislative and policy approach. That focuses on building and enhancing resilient ecosystems.

We're taking a number of positive actions to achieve this. We support delivery of the UK marine strategy, as I said. We embed delivery for biodiversity and ecosystem resilience across portfolios, including through the national resources policy. We've obviously had our draft first national marine plan, which highlights that, too. We've got the marine protected area network management framework 2018-23, and the delivery of associated annual action plans, again, working with stakeholders to ensure our extensive network of MPAs are effectively managed, and that's really important and continues to contribute to the conservation, improvement and resilience of the marine area. We're also working with stakeholders to complete the network of MPAs in Welsh waters, and, as part of the ongoing assessing Welsh fishing activities project, we're developing management proposals for the fishing activities assessed as having the most potential to affect site features.

Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n parhau i fod yn gwbl ymrwymedig i gyflawni’r rhaglen drylwyr o fesurau a gyhoeddwyd yn ôl yn 2015 fel y maent yn berthnasol i Gymru, i barhau i weithio tuag at gyflawni a chynnal statws amgylcheddol da. Mae Cymru bellach yn cael ei chydnabod yn rhyngwladol fel gwlad sydd ar y blaen oherwydd ein dulliau o weithredu polisi a deddfwriaeth. Mae'r dulliau hynny'n canolbwyntio ar adeiladu a gwella ecosystemau cydnerth.

Rydym yn rhoi nifer o gamau cadarnhaol ar waith i gyflawni hyn. Rydym yn cefnogi’r gwaith o sicrhau strategaeth forol y DU, fel y dywedais. Rydym yn ymgorffori darpariaeth ar gyfer cydnerthedd bioamrywiaeth ac ecosystemau ar draws portffolios, gan gynnwys drwy'r polisi cenedlaethol ar adnoddau. Yn amlwg, cawsom ein cynllun morol drafft cyntaf, sy'n nodi hynny hefyd. Mae gennym y fframwaith rheoli rhwydwaith ardaloedd morol gwarchodedig ar gyfer 2018-23, a’r gwaith o roi'r cynlluniau gweithredu blynyddol cysylltiedig ar waith, gan weithio unwaith eto gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau bod ein rhwydwaith helaeth o ardaloedd morol gwarchodedig yn cael eu rheoli'n effeithiol, ac mae hynny'n bwysig iawn ac yn parhau i gyfrannu at gadwraeth, gwellhad a chydnerthedd yr ardal forol. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i gwblhau'r rhwydwaith o ardaloedd morol gwarchodedig yn nyfroedd Cymru, ac fel rhan o’r prosiect parhaus i asesu gweithgareddau pysgota Cymru, rydym yn datblygu cynigion rheoli ar gyfer y gweithgareddau pysgota a asesir fel y rhai â'r potensial mwyaf i effeithio ar nodweddion safleoedd.

Minister, in 2017, the Marine Conservation Society produced a 'Great British Beach Clean' report. This report revealed that over 670 pieces of litter were collected over every 100m stretch of beaches in Wales, an increase of 11 per cent on the previous year. Litter from our beaches and in our seas is increasing. It is also threatening to entangle, suffocate and slowly kill our marine wildlife. Minister, what progress has been made in developing a strategy to prevent and reduce pollution of our marine environment in line with the requirement of United Kingdom marine strategy regulations in Wales?

Weinidog, yn 2017, cynhyrchodd y Gymdeithas Cadwraeth Forol adroddiad 'Glanhau Traethau Prydain'. Dangosodd yr adroddiad hwn fod dros 670 darn o sbwriel wedi eu casglu dros bob 100m o draeth yng Nghymru, cynnydd o 11 y cant o gymharu â'r flwyddyn flaenorol. Mae sbwriel o'n traethau ac yn ein moroedd yn cynyddu. Mae hefyd yn bygwth maglu, mygu a lladd ein bywyd gwyllt morol o dipyn i beth. Weinidog, pa gynnydd a wnaed ar ddatblygu strategaeth i atal a lleihau llygredd yn ein hamgylchedd morol yn unol â gofyniadau rheoliadau strategaeth forol y Deyrnas Unedig yng Nghymru?

Well, obviously, we all have a responsibility in relation to littering, not just of our beaches and seas, but our land as well. You'll be aware of the marine litter plan and strategy that we had back in, I think it was 2016, and clearly we are making progress. I think, also, the work that's been undertaken by my colleague Hannah Blythyn around reducing packaging is also very important.

Wel, yn amlwg, mae gan bob un ohonom gyfrifoldeb mewn perthynas â sbwriel, nid yn unig ar ein traethau ac yn ein moroedd, ond ar ein tir hefyd. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r cynllun a'r strategaeth ar gyfer sbwriel morol a gawsom yn ôl yn 2016, rwy'n credu, ac yn amlwg, rydym yn gwneud cynnydd. Credaf hefyd fod y gwaith a wnaed gan fy nghyd-Aelod, Hannah Blythyn, mewn perthynas â lleihau deunydd pacio yn bwysig iawn hefyd.

Gwarchod Rhywogaethau sydd o dan Fygythiad
Protecting Threatened Species

7. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i warchod rhywogaethau sydd o dan fygythiad yng Nghymru? OAQ53645

7. How does the Welsh Government help protect threatened species in Wales? OAQ53645

Thank you. The Welsh Government is committed to maintaining and enhancing populations of Welsh species through the nature recovery action plan. We must continue our work to increase the resilience of our countryside in order to support the continued survival of our most threatened species.

Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i gynnal a gwella poblogaethau o rywogaethau Cymreig drwy'r cynllun gweithredu adfer natur. Mae'n rhaid i ni barhau â'n gwaith i gynyddu cydnerthedd ein cefn gwlad er mwyn cynorthwyo ein rhywogaethau sy'n wynebu'r bygythiad mwyaf i oroesi.

Thank you. Well, curlew is listed as globally near threatened on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list of threatened species and is a red-listed bird of conservation concern in the UK. Minister, you may be aware that the 'State of Birds in Wales' report 2018 indicated that more than three quarters of the Welsh curlew population has disappeared over the last 25 years and will probably become extinct entirely as a regular breeding species within the Welsh landscape within 20 years without urgent conservation action. However, we learned last week that both collaborating-for-curlew bids for the Welsh Government's enabling natural resources and well-being in Wales grant by RSPB and British Trust for Ornithology were unsuccessful. Well, as the species champion in Wales for the curlew, I work closely with Gylfinir Cymru—the curlew Wales coalition—and I share their concern about the bird's future. What consideration, therefore, will the Welsh Government give to providing emergency support for curlew conservation measures so that we don't lose this species for good?

Diolch. Wel, mae'r gylfinir wedi'i restru fel rhywogaeth sy'n agos at fod dan fygythiad yn fyd-eang ar restr goch yr Undeb Rhyngwladol dros Gadwraeth Natur o rywogaethau dan fygythiad, ac mae ar y rhestr goch o adar sy'n destun pryder cadwraethol yn y DU. Weinidog, efallai eich bod yn ymwybodol fod adroddiad 'State of Birds in Wales 2018' wedi nodi bod mwy na thri chwarter poblogaeth y gylfinir yng Nghymru wedi diflannu dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf, ac mae'n debyg y byddant yn diflannu’n gyfan gwbl o dirwedd Cymru fel rhywogaeth sy'n bridio'n rheolaidd o fewn 20 mlynedd heb gamau cadwraeth brys. Fodd bynnag, fe glywsom yr wythnos diwethaf fod y ddau gais sy'n cydweithredu ar gyfer y gylfinir gan yr RSPB ac Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Prydain am grant Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer galluogi adnoddau naturiol a llesiant yng Nghymru wedi bod yn aflwyddiannus. Wel, fel hyrwyddwr rhywogaeth y gylfinir yng Nghymru, rwy'n gweithio'n agos gyda Gylfinir Cymru—cynghrair y gylfinir yng Nghymru—a rhannaf eu pryderon ynglŷn â dyfodol yr aderyn. Pa ystyriaeth, felly, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei rhoi i ddarparu cymorth brys i fesurau cadwraeth ar gyfer y gylfinir fel na fyddwn yn colli'r rhywogaeth hon am byth?

Thank you. I am aware that you are the species champion for the curlew and of the work that you do. Mark Isherwood may be aware of the Camlad valley project in Powys that was funded through our sustainable management scheme, and that's a farmer-led collaboration that is undertaking the restoration of traditional lowland wet grassland habitat. And that delivers a healthy and resilient diverse ecosystem to help ground-nesting birds, and the curlew is an indicator species for determining the success of that project. We've also got the enabling natural resources and well-being in Wales grants, and two of the applications that we've received are specifically related to conservation activity in relation to the curlew. Unfortunately, neither of them met the minimum threshold for funding at this stage, but I have asked officials to work with the applicants to see if there's anything further we can do to help them, because I do recognise that we need to take some really active work in this area.

Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol eich bod yn hyrwyddwr rhywogaeth y gylfinir a'r gwaith a wnewch. Efallai fod Mark Isherwood yn ymwybodol o brosiect dyffryn Camlad ym Mhowys a ariannwyd drwy ein cynllun rheoli cynaliadwy, sy'n waith cydweithredol o dan arweiniad ffermwyr sy'n ymgymryd â'r gwaith o adfer cynefinoedd glaswelltir gwlyb traddodiadol yr iseldir. Ac mae hynny'n darparu ecosystem iach a gwydn i helpu adar sy'n nythu ar y ddaear, ac mae'r gylfinir yn rhywogaeth ddangosol ar gyfer pennu llwyddiant y prosiect hwnnw. Mae gennym grantiau hefyd ar gyfer galluogi adnoddau naturiol a llesiant yng Nghymru, ac mae dau o'r ceisiadau a gawsom yn ymwneud yn benodol â gweithgarwch cadwraeth mewn perthynas â'r gylfinir. Yn anffodus, nid oeddent yn cyrraedd y trothwy isaf ar gyfer cyllid ar hyn o bryd, ond rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion weithio gyda'r ymgeiswyr i weld a oes unrhyw beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i'w cynorthwyo, gan fy mod yn cydnabod bod angen inni wneud gwaith gweithredol iawn yn y maes hwn.

Rhywogaethau Planhigion nad ydynt yn Gynhenid
Non-native Plant Species

8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am effaith rhywogaethau planhigion nad ydynt yn gynhenid yng Nghymru? OAQ53646

8. Will the Minister make a statement on the effect of non-native plant species in Wales? OAQ53646

Thank you. I recognise invasive non-native species continue to have an environmental, social and economic impact in Wales. I fully support a number of initiatives involving our partners designed to reduce the impact of these species and to control or eradicate them.

Diolch. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod rhywogaethau goresgynnol estron yn parhau i gael effaith amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol ac economaidd yng Nghymru. Rwy'n cefnogi nifer o fentrau y mae ein partneriaid yn rhan ohonynt a gynlluniwyd i leihau effaith y rhywogaethau hyn a'u rheoli neu eu dileu.

Can I thank you for that answer? Swansea has been described as the knotweed capital of Britain. And whilst we have other non-native species, such as Himalayan balsam, it is knotweed that is the big problem. Could the Minister give an update on the use of a natural predator that is being trialled on a number of sites, and also on the use of pesticides that are being developed at Swansea University?

A gaf fi ddiolch i chi am eich ateb? Mae Abertawe wedi'i disgrifio fel prifddinas clymog Prydain. Ac er bod gennym rywogaethau estron eraill, fel Jac y Neidiwr, clymog yw'r broblem fawr. A all y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni ar y defnydd o ysglyfaethwr naturiol, sy'n cael ei dreialu ar nifer o safleoedd, yn ogystal â'r defnydd o blaladdwyr sy'n cael eu datblygu ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe?

Thank you. I am aware—we've exchanged a great deal of correspondence and also in this Chamber around this issue. The establishment of the psyllid has proved difficult due to overwintering pressures and also predation. We've had seven years of feed trials and there's no discernible evidence to suggest a negative impact on Japanese knotweed. So, the trials have been paused in Wales whilst the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International conduct further investigations on establishment.

In terms of pesticide use, researchers have concluded glyphosate is the only current systemic herbicide that is successful at treating knotweed and, again, the researchers state eradication in the short term is not possible, but control can be achieved if you use it for three years of the minimum amounts, as highlighted in their research.

Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol—rydym wedi cael llawer iawn o ohebiaeth, ac yn y Siambr hon hefyd, ynghylch y mater hwn. Mae sefydlu'r llysleuen wedi bod yn anodd oherwydd pwysau gaeafu yn ogystal ag ysglyfaethu. Rydym wedi cael saith mlynedd o dreialon, ac ni cheir unrhyw dystiolaeth amlwg i awgrymu effaith negyddol ar glymog Japan. Felly, mae'r treialon wedi'u hatal dros dro yng Nghymru wrth i'r Ganolfan Amaethyddiaeth a Biowyddorau Ryngwladol gynnal ymchwiliadau pellach ar sefydlu.

O ran defnyddio plaladdwyr, mae ymchwilwyr wedi dod i'r casgliad mai glyffosad yw'r unig chwynladdwr systemig sy'n llwyddiannus ar gyfer trin clymog ar hyn o bryd, ac unwaith eto, dywed yr ymchwilwyr nad oes modd ei ddileu yn y tymor byr, ond gellir ei reoli os ydych yn defnyddio'r symiau gofynnol am dair blynedd, fel y nodir yn eu hymchwil.

Mike Hedges has mentioned the use of natural predators to remove species such as knotweed. Minister, if I can take a slightly different angle on this, both native and non-native species are, potentially, good environments for wildlife, a point that is made on the Bee Friendly Monmouthshire website. The Monmouthshire natural assets project is a collaboration between the Gwent Wildlife Trust and Monmouthshire County Council, offering advice and some grant money to maintain and enhance local wildlife sites like this and helping with environmental management. That's partially funded by the European agricultural fund for rural development. If and when we do leave the European Union, has your department given any thought to potential avenues that this fund can access to try and continue the fight against unwelcome non-native species and support wildlife across Wales?

Soniodd Mike Hedges am y defnydd o ysglyfaethwyr naturiol i gael gwared ar rywogaethau megis clymog. Weinidog, os caf ystyried hyn o ongl ychydig yn wahanol, mae rhywogaethau cynhenid ac estron, o bosibl, yn amgylcheddau da ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, pwynt a wneir ar wefan Bee Friendly Monmouthshire. Mae prosiect asedau naturiol Sir Fynwy yn gydweithrediad rhwng Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gwent a Chyngor Sir Fynwy, ac yn cynnig cyngor a rhywfaint o arian grant i gynnal a gwella safleoedd bywyd gwyllt lleol o'r fath a helpu gyda rheolaeth amgylcheddol. Ariennir y gwaith hwnnw’n rhannol gan gronfa amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer datblygu gwledig. Os a phan fyddwn yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, a yw eich adran wedi ystyried unrhyw lwybrau posibl y gall y gronfa hon eu defnyddio i geisio parhau â'r frwydr yn erbyn rhywogaethau estron nad oes croeso iddynt a chefnogi bywyd gwyllt ledled Cymru?


Well, yes, the UK Government told us we wouldn't lose a penny if we left the EU, so we're holding them to that. But I think you make an important point: not all non-native species do pose a threat to our health, economy and environment, and I think it is really important that we focus our action on the invasive non-native species because, as you say, there are other areas that we need to promote biodiversity. 

Wel, do, dywedodd Llywodraeth y DU wrthym na fyddem yn colli ceiniog pe byddem yn gadael yr UE, felly rydym yn eu dal at eu gair. Ond credaf eich bod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig: nid yw pob rhywogaeth estron yn fygythiad i'n hiechyd, ein heconomi a'n hamgylchedd a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn inni ganolbwyntio ar y rhywogaethau estron goresgynnol oherwydd, fel y dywedwch, ceir meysydd eraill sydd eu hangen arnom i hyrwyddo bioamrywiaeth.

Rheoli Lefelau Dŵr yng Nghronfa Ddŵr Clywedog a Llyn Efyrnwy
The Management of Water Levels at Clywedog Reservoir and Lake Vyrnwy

9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am reoli lefelau dŵr yng nghronfa ddŵr Clywedog a Llyn Efyrnwy? OAQ53657

9. Will the Minister make a statement on the management of water levels at Clywedog reservoir and Lake Vyrnwy? OAQ53657

Thank you. The reservoir management protocol between Natural Resources Wales, the Environment Agency and Hafren Dyfrdwy provides a detailed set of rules on management of water levels. There is a Vyrnwy and Clywedog liaison group that meets twice a year to discuss any issues and explain decisions relating to the management of the reservoir. 

Mae'r protocol rheoli cronfeydd dŵr rhwng Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd a Hafren Dyfrdwy yn darparu set fanwl o reolau ar reoli lefelau dŵr. Mae grŵp cyswllt Efyrnwy a Chlywedog yn cyfarfod ddwywaith y flwyddyn i drafod unrhyw faterion ac i esbonio penderfyniadau'n ymwneud â’r gwaith o reoli'r gronfa dŵr.

Can I thank the Minister for her response? The Minister will, perhaps, recall that I asked the Trefnydd last week for a statement with regard to the management of dams across Wales, because there is concern of flooding downstream of the Clywedog reservoir and Lake Vyrnwy. Both dams have, at some points in recent weeks, been tipping over the top, and NRW states that this is a controlled and processed measure, but that doesn't, of course, allay the concerns of landowners downstream whose land is being significantly affected. I would be grateful if you could outline if you have had discussions with NRW in terms of the management of dams in Wales, particularly of Lake Vyrnwy and the Clywedog reservoir in terms of whether those management processes need to be updated. 

A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hymateb? Efallai y bydd y Gweinidog yn cofio imi ofyn i'r Trefnydd yr wythnos diwethaf am ddatganiad ynglŷn â rheoli argaeau ledled Cymru, gan y ceir pryder ynglŷn â llifogydd i lawr yr afon o gronfa ddŵr Clywedog a Llyn Efyrnwy. Mae'r ddau argae, ar brydiau yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, wedi bod yn gorlifo, a dywed CNC fod hwn yn fesur rheoledig sydd wedi’i brosesu, ond wrth gwrs, nid yw hynny'n lleddfu pryderon tirfeddianwyr i lawr yr afon y mae eu tir yn cael ei effeithio'n sylweddol. Buaswn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech amlinellu a ydych wedi cael trafodaethau gyda CNC o ran rheoli argaeau yng Nghymru, yn enwedig Llyn Efyrnwy a chronfa ddŵr Clywedog i weld a oes angen diweddaru'r prosesau rheoli hynny.

Thank you. I've certainly had discussions with Natural Resources Wales around Clywedog reservoir. I am aware that they've added a reservoir level gauge to the Clywedog reservoir so it makes it much easier for the public, for instance, to be able to monitor what's happening. I know it's available on their website. I know Hafren Dyfrdwy—I've also had discussions with them around dams and reservoirs—are planning to invest £7.1 million in reservoir and dam safety and maintenance across their region over the next—I think it's up to 2025. Clearly, as you say, the release of water from Clywedog reservoir is managed on a tripartite agreement between NRW, the Environment Agency and Hafren Dyfrdwy, and, as part of the management protocol, reservoir discharge releases have to be within a detailed set of rules and they're necessary to ensure there is no detrimental impact downstream. 

I am aware—. I've had correspondence from your constituents, which I know you, too, are aware of, and I did send them a detailed response back towards the end of last year, but I think it is really important that as much information as possible is given from these organisations to the public.

Diolch. Yn sicr, rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ynglŷn â chronfa ddŵr Clywedog. Rwy'n ymwybodol eu bod wedi ychwanegu medrydd lefel dŵr yn nghronfa ddŵr Clywedog er mwyn ei gwneud yn haws o lawer i'r cyhoedd, er enghraifft, allu monitro’r hyn sy’n digwydd. Gwn ei fod ar gael ar eu gwefan. Gwn fod Hafren Dyfrdwy—rwyf hefyd wedi cael trafodaethau gyda hwy ynghylch argaeau a chronfeydd dŵr—yn bwriadu buddsoddi £7.1 miliwn i ddiogelu a chynnal a chadw cronfeydd dŵr ac argaeau ar draws eu rhanbarth dros—hyd at 2025, rwy’n credu. Yn amlwg, fel y dywedwch, caiff y broses o ryddhau dŵr o gronfa ddŵr Clywedog ei rheoli drwy gytundeb tairochrog rhwng CNC, Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd a Hafren Dyfrdwy, ac fel rhan o'r protocol rheoli, mae’n rhaid i’r broses o ryddhau dŵr o gronfeydd dŵr gydymffurfio â set fanwl o reolau, ac maent yn angenrheidiol er mwyn sicrhau na cheir unrhyw effaith niweidiol i lawr yr afon.

Rwy'n ymwybodol—. Rwyf wedi derbyn gohebiaeth gan eich etholwyr, a gwn eich bod chi hefyd yn ymwybodol ohoni, ac anfonais ymateb manwl atynt tua diwedd y llynedd, ond credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod y sefydliadau hyn yn rhoi cymaint o wybodaeth â phosibl i'r cyhoedd.

Lleoliad ar gyfer Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol
A Location for a Geological Disposal Facility

10. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ymgynghoriad presennol y corff Radioactive Waste Management o ran lleoliad ar gyfer cyfleuster gwaredu daearegol? OAQ53642

10. Will the Minister make a statement on Radioactive Waste Management's current consultation on a location for a geological disposal facility? OAQ53642

Thank you. Radioactive Waste Management held a series of consultation events on their site evaluation process for a geological disposal facility. There were eight events in England and two in Wales. The events in Wales were conducted by webinar. 

Cynhaliodd Rheoli Gwastraff Ymbelydrol gyfres o ddigwyddiadau ymgynghori ar eu proses o werthuso safle ar gyfer cyfleuster gwaredu daearegol. Cafwyd wyth digwyddiad yn Lloegr a dau yng Nghymru. Cynhaliwyd y digwyddiadau yng Nghymru drwy weminar.

Wel, mi gafodd y cyntaf o'r ymgynghoriadau cyhoeddus yna ei gynnal yn gyhoeddus, ond, wrth gwrs, mi ddatganwyd cryn wrthwynebiad i'r syniad o gael claddfa gwastraff ymbelydrol yn hwnnw yn Abertawe, wedyn mi newidiwyd i gael webinar yn hytrach na'r cyfarfod cyhoeddus oedd i fod i ddigwydd yn Llandudno. Mae yna rhai, yn sicr, yn fy etholaeth i wedi codi pryderon bod yna ymdrech yma gan RWM i symud tuag at fod yn llai agored yn ei ymgynghoriad. 

Rŵan, mae gen i bryderon ynglŷn â sawl elfen o'r ymgynghoriad yma gan RWM. Un o'r rhai sy'n fy mhoeni yn fawr ydy bod modd i un tirfeddiannwr neu un busnes hyd yn oed wneud cais i ddatgan diddordeb mewn dechrau ymgynghori ar ddarparu safle ar gyfer man claddu gwastraff ymbelydrol. Dwi'n meddwl bod hynny'n gwbl annerbyniol, yn enwedig yn y cyd-destun lle mae awdurdodau lleol cyfan efallai eisoes wedi dweud nad ydyn nhw'n dymuno edrych ar bosibiliadau yn eu hardaloedd nhw, fel y mae cyngor Ynys Môn wedi ei wneud. A ydych chi'n cytuno efo fi, os ydy cyngor yn dweud, 'Dim claddfa yn ein hardal ni', dyna ddylai fod ei diwedd hi? Ac ydych chi'n cytuno efo fi y dylai cynghorau yng Nghymru fod yn datgan hynny'n glir rhwng rŵan a diwedd yr ymgynghoriad ar 14 Ebrill, nad ydyn ni'n croesawu claddfa ddaearegol barhaol yma yng Nghymru? 

Well, the first of those public consultations was held in public, but, of course, some opposition was expressed to the idea of having a radioactive waste disposal site in Swansea, and then it was changed to be a webinar rather than the public meeting that was scheduled to happen in Llandudno. There are certain people in my constituency who have raised concerns that there is an attempt here by RWM to move towards being less open in their consultation.

Now, I do have concerns about many elements of the consultation by RWM. One of the things that concerns me greatly is that one landowner, or one business, even, can request to express an interest in starting a consultation on providing a geological disposal site for radioactive waste. I think that’s entirely unacceptable, particularly in a context where local authorities, in their entirety, have already said that they don’t wish to look at the possibilities in their own areas, as Anglesey council has done. Would you agree with me that if a council says, 'No facility in our area', that should be the end of it? And do you agree with me that councils in Wales should be expressing that clearly between now and the end of the consultation on 14 April, that we don't welcome geological disposal sites here in Wales? 


I certainly think if a council expresses this, absolutely it should be taken as read by RWM. I want to be very clear that Welsh Government has not identified any sites or communities in Wales where a geological disposal facility could be sited, nor will we seek to do so. Our policy is very clear: a GDF can only be built in Wales if there is a community willing to host it. 

Yn sicr, os yw cyngor yn mynegi hyn, credaf y dylai Rheoli Gwastraff Ymbelydrol ei gymryd fel y'i darllenwyd. Hoffwn ddweud yn glir iawn nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi nodi unrhyw safleoedd neu gymunedau yng Nghymru lle gellid gosod cyfleuster gwaredu daearegol, ac ni fyddwn yn ceisio gwneud hynny. Mae ein polisi'n glir iawn: ni ellir adeiladu cyfleuster gwaredu daearegol yng Nghymru oni bai fod cymuned yn barod i'w groesawu.

I was horrified when I learned that Swansea, as we heard, was one of the areas that was up for consideration by this company, and like many others I've made my own feelings clear about that within the consultation. You repeated again today that this is very much a matter for local communities to decide, and I'm grateful for the confirmation we heard then, but does Welsh Government plan to make any submission to the consultation itself? And if not, for various reasons, would you just confirm that individual members of Government who just happen to be in Government, but who represent areas around Swansea, would be free in their capacity as Assembly Members to respond to any such consultation? 

Fe'm dychrynwyd pan glywais fod Abertawe, fel y clywsom, yn un o'r ardaloedd a ystyriwyd gan y cwmni hwn, ac fel sawl un arall, rwyf wedi cyfleu fy nheimladau ynglŷn â hynny yn glir yn yr ymgynghoriad. Fe ailadroddoch chi eto heddiw fod hwn yn fater i gymunedau lleol wneud penderfyniad yn ei gylch, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cadarnhad a gawsom, ond a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu gwneud unrhyw gyfraniad i'r ymgynghoriad ei hun? Ac os nad yw, am ba resymau bynnag, a wnewch chi gadarnhau y byddai Aelodau unigol o'r Llywodraeth hon sy'n digwydd bod yn rhan o'r Llywodraeth, ond sy'n cynrychioli ardaloedd o gwmpas Abertawe, yn rhydd yn rhinwedd eu swydd fel Aelodau Cynulliad i ymateb i unrhyw ymgynghoriad o'r fath?

I won't be submitting a response. However, I did meet with RWM to make sure that the points raised by Rhun ap Iorwerth were absolutely taken on board. I also felt because they changed the Swansea one to a webinar, that the Llandudno one should be a webinar. As a north Walian, I'm very alive to the view that north Walians want to be treated the same as south Walians, so I made that point to them. I'm not sure if they thought I was being a bit flippant, but I really thought that was very important, that everyone was treated the same.   

Ni fyddaf yn cyflwyno ymateb. Fodd bynnag, cyfarfûm â Rheoli Gwastraff Ymbelydrol i sicrhau bod y pwyntiau a godwyd gan Rhun ap Iorwerth yn cael eu hystyried. Roeddwn yn teimlo hefyd, gan eu bod wedi newid yr un yn Abertawe i fod yn weminar, y dylai'r un yn Llandudno fod yn weminar hefyd. Fel gogleddwraig, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn fod y gogleddwyr am gael eu trin yr un fath â phobl y de, felly gwneuthum y pwynt hwnnw iddynt. Nid wyf yn siŵr a oeddent yn meddwl fy mod yn bod braidd yn smala, ond roeddwn yn credu o ddifrif fod hynny'n bwysig iawn, fod pawb yn cael eu trin yr un fath.

2. Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol
2. Questions to the Minister for Housing and Local Government

Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf i'w ateb gan y Dirprwy Weinidog, a'r cwestiwn gan Helen Mary Jones. 

The next item is questions to the Minister for Housing and Local Government. The first question is to be answered by the Deputy Minister, and the question is from Harry Mary Jones.

Hybu Amrywiaeth mewn Llywodraeth Leol
Boosting Diversity in Local Government

1. Pa adnoddau sydd ar gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru i hybu amrywiaeth mewn llywodraeth leol? OAQ53663

1. What resources are available from the Welsh Government to boost diversity in local government? OAQ53663

We are promoting the importance of diversity through our Diversity in Democracy initiative. An evaluation of the work undertaken to date will be available soon. A further phase of the project will then start later this year, and build on the earlier work in advance of the next local government elections.

Rydym yn hybu pwysigrwydd amrywiaeth drwy ein menter Amrywiaeth mewn Democratiaeth. Bydd gwerthusiad o'r gwaith a wnaed hyd yma ar gael cyn bo hir. Bydd cam arall o'r prosiect yn dechrau'n ddiweddarach eleni, gan adeiladu ar y gwaith cynharach cyn yr etholiadau llywodraeth leol nesaf.

I'm grateful to the Deputy Minister for her response. 

Minister, I've been looking at the legal equality statements in local authorities in Wales. I found that several—and I'm not going to do a naming and shaming here, because I think that would be very unfair, but I will write to the Minister with the specific concerns. I have found several that haven't been updated for quite a long time—and, again, I won't mention the number of years because that would enable them to be identified—and five who are consistently in their equality statements using language that doesn't reflect the Equality Act 2010, specifically where they're conflating sex discrimination with gender discrimination. This, of course, is of no advantage to sorting out discrimination between women and men, and it certainly isn't helpful to the trans community either for the language to be confused.

When I've raised these concerns directly with those local authorities, they tell me that they lack resources and that they lack the skills. Now, I'm not saying for a moment, Llywydd, that I accept that that is the case, but if I write to the Deputy Minister with my specific concerns, can I ask her to raise those with those local authorities, because it's absolutely vital that in their legally binding statements, they are complying with the law and using accurate language? And perhaps she can privately put them right on the allegation that there are not sufficient resources for them to comply with the legislation.   

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am ei hymateb.

Weinidog, rwyf wedi bod yn edrych ar y datganiadau cydraddoldeb cyfreithiol mewn awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru. Deuthum i'r casgliad fod llawer ohonynt—ac nid wyf am enwi a chodi cywilydd ar neb yma, gan y credaf y byddai hynny'n annheg iawn, ond byddaf yn ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog gyda'r pryderon penodol. Rwyf wedi dod i'r casgliad nad yw llawer ohonynt wedi cael eu diweddaru ers peth amser—ac unwaith eto, nid wyf am ddweud faint o flynyddoedd gan y byddai hynny'n ei gwneud hi'n bosibl eu hadnabod—ac mae pump ohonynt yn defnyddio ieithwedd yn gyson yn eu datganiadau cydraddoldeb nad yw'n gydnaws â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010, yn benodol wrth  gyfuno gwahaniaethu ar sail rhyw â gwahaniaethu ar sail rhywedd. Nid yw hyn, wrth gwrs, yn unrhyw help o gwbl wrth geisio mynd i'r afael â gwahaniaethu rhwng menywod a dynion, ac yn sicr, nid yw'r ffaith bod yr iaith yn ddryslyd o gymorth i'r gymuned traws chwaith.

Pan drafodaf y pryderon yn uniongyrchol gyda'r awdurdodau lleol hynny, dywedant wrthyf eu bod yn brin o adnoddau a sgiliau. Nawr, nid wyf yn dweud am eiliad, Lywydd, fy mod yn derbyn bod hynny'n wir, ond os ysgrifennaf at y Dirprwy Weinidog yn nodi fy mhryderon penodol, a gaf fi ofyn iddi eu codi gyda'r awdurdodau lleol hynny, gan ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol, yn eu datganiadau cyfreithiol rwymol, eu bod yn cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith ac yn defnyddio'r iaith gywir? Ac efallai y gall eu cywiro yn breifat o ran yr honiad nad oes digon o adnoddau ar gael iddynt i gydymffurfio â'r ddeddfwriaeth.

I'm sure that the Minister and I would be more than happy to put them right with respect to the resources and what they need to be doing. So, if you want to write to me with regard to specific authorities and outline what the concerns are, because we know that it's incredibly important if we want our councils and communities to reflect the communities that they serve, that they are getting things right in practice as well as in policy. 

Rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r Gweinidog a minnau'n fwy na pharod i'w goleuo ynghylch yr adnoddau a'r hyn y dylent fod yn ei wneud. Felly, os hoffech ysgrifennu ataf ynglŷn â'r awdurdodau penodol ac amlinellu beth yw'r pryderon, gan y gwyddom ei bod yn anhygoel o bwysig, os ydym am i'n cynghorau a'n cymunedau adlewyrchu'r cymunedau a wasanaethir ganddynt, eu bod yn gwneud pethau'n iawn yn ymarferol yn ogystal ag o ran polisi.

A really good question, and it is essential that accepting and promoting diversity is at the heart of local government in Wales. However, there is a major deterrent to this, and I do believe that our First Minister in his post as local government Cabinet Secretary tried addressing it: the fact that people who work for local authorities cannot stand to become county councillors. So, we have constituents who are teachers, school cooks, swimming instructors—there are many, many roles now within a local authority that preclude them from actually standing for our local authority. And to do so would mean them resigning from their work, you know—. [Interruption.] 

Cwestiwn da iawn, ac mae'n hanfodol fod derbyn a hyrwyddo amrywiaeth yn ganolog i lywodraeth leol yng Nghymru. Fodd bynnag, ceir rhwystr mawr i hyn, a chredaf fod ein Prif Weinidog yn ei swydd fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros lywodraeth leol wedi ceisio mynd i'r afael ag ef: y ffaith na all pobl sy'n gweithio i awdurdodau lleol sefyll i gael eu hethol yn gynghorwyr sir. Felly, mae gennym etholwyr sy'n athrawon, cogyddion ysgol, hyfforddwyr nofio—mae llawer iawn o rolau bellach mewn awdurdod lleol sy'n eu hatal rhag sefyll etholiad awdurdod lleol. A byddai angen iddynt ymddiswyddo o'u gwaith er mwyn gwneud hynny, wyddoch chi—. [Torri ar draws.]

Carry on. Take no notice of others who are trying to make a sedentary comment.

Parhewch. Peidiwch â chymryd sylw o eraill sy'n ceisio gwneud sylwadau oddi ar eu heistedd.


Thank you. Now, in 2017, Mark Drakeford AM consulted on electoral reform in local government, and section 6 asked if any council staff below senior level should be able to stand for election to their own authority, and 61 per cent of respondents agreed that they should. So, given that the previous local government Minister Mark Drakeford actually set the ball rolling on this and, from my conversations with him, he was actually quite in favour, what discussions have been held recently on bringing forward some kind of positive legislation so that people from all walks of life, including local authorities and the various roles they hold, are not prevented from standing for local authorities?

Diolch. Nawr, yn 2017, cynhaliodd Mark Drakeford AC ymgynghoriad ar ddiwygio etholiadol mewn llywodraeth leol, ac roedd adran 6 yn gofyn a ddylai unrhyw aelod o staff cyngor o dan y lefel uwch allu sefyll i gael eu hethol i'w hawdurdod eu hunain, ac roedd 61 y cant o'r ymatebwyr yn cytuno y dylent. Felly, o gofio bod y cyn-Weinidog llywodraeth leol, Mark Drakeford, wedi cychwyn pethau yn hyn o beth, ac o fy sgyrsiau gydag ef, roedd yn eithaf cefnogol i hyn mewn gwirionedd, pa drafodaethau a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar ynglŷn â chyflwyno rhyw fath o ddeddfwriaeth gadarnhaol fel nad yw pobl o bob cefndir, gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol a'r rolau amrywiol sydd ganddynt, yn cael eu hatal rhag sefyll i gael eu hethol i awdurdodau lleol?

I thank the Member for her question. I think you raise a very valid point about the contribution that people who work or have worked for the local authority have to make to local democracy in local government. The Member will be aware that we will be bringing forward the local government and elections (Wales) Bill later this year, and we hope in that to take action to address the anomaly that people who work in local government, in the roles that you list, aren't able to put themselves forward to serve their communities.

Diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn. Credaf eich bod yn codi pwynt dilys iawn ynglŷn â'r cyfraniad sydd gan bobl sy'n gweithio neu sydd wedi gweithio i'r awdurdod lleol i'w wneud i ddemocratiaeth leol mewn llywodraeth leol. Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol y byddwn yn cyflwyno Bil llywodraeth leol ac etholiadau (Cymru) yn ddiweddarach eleni, a gobeithiwn gymryd camau drwy hynny i fynd i'r afael ag anomaledd y ffaith nad yw pobl sy'n gweithio mewn llywodraeth leol, yn y rolau a restrwyd gennych, yn gallu sefyll i gael eu hethol i wasanaethu eu cymunedau.

Tai Cymdeithasol
Social Housing

2. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn diwallu'r angen am dai cymdeithasol? OAQ53666

2. How is the Welsh Government meeting the need for social housing? OAQ53666

Thank you for the question. An increased supply of rented social housing is essential. We will meet our 20,000 affordable homes target, and the majority of these homes will be social housing for rent. I will go further and support councils to take advantage of the new conditions to build new council housing at scale and pace.

Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae cyflenwad cynyddol o dai rhent cymdeithasol yn hanfodol. Byddwn yn cyflawni ein targed o 20,000 o gartrefi fforddiadwy, a bydd y mwyafrif o'r cartrefi hyn yn dai cymdeithasol i'w rhentu. Byddaf yn mynd gam ymhellach ac yn cefnogi cynghorau i fanteisio ar yr amodau newydd i adeiladu tai cyngor newydd ar raddfa fawr ac yn gyflym.

Minister, we both agree that we need much more social housing in Wales, but it isn't just the new homes that are important; it's the public services that surround the communities that we create, and austerity is posing severe problems for local authorities in doing that—so much so that many new facilities like playgrounds are only being built through section 106 agreements. This weekend, we've seen the flaws in such an approach with the news that a housing development in south London has excluded children from a social housing section of a development from the playground provided through construction of an impenetrable hedge. Amidst passing the buck of responsibility, the local authority has said that the much smaller space is fine because it meets the legal requirements of play areas. The developer said that social housing tenants don't pay maintenance so their children shouldn't use the larger playing area. How did we allow our political discourse around social housing to descend to such a pathetic level? Will you investigate whether something similar may be happening in Wales?

Weinidog, mae'r ddwy ohonom yn cytuno bod angen llawer mwy o dai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, ond nid y cartrefi newydd yn unig sy'n bwysig; mae a wnelo â'r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sy'n amgylchynu'r cymunedau rydym yn eu creu, ac mae cyni yn peri problemau difrifol i awdurdodau lleol rhag gallu gwneud hynny—gymaint felly fel bod llawer o gyfleusterau newydd fel meysydd chwarae yn cael eu hadeiladu drwy gytundebau adran 106 yn unig. Y penwythnos hwn, rydym wedi gweld gwendidau dull gweithredu o'r fath, gyda'r newyddion fod datblygiad tai yn ne Llundain wedi atal plant o adran tai cymdeithasol y datblygiad rhag defnyddio'r maes chwarae a ddarparwyd drwy adeiladu gwrych na ellir ei groesi. Wrth wadu cyfrifoldeb, mae'r awdurdod lleol wedi dweud nad oes unrhyw beth o'i le ar y man llawer llai o faint, gan ei fod yn bodloni'r gofynion cyfreithiol ar gyfer meysydd chwarae. Dywedodd y datblygwr nad yw tenantiaid tai cymdeithasol yn talu costau cynhaliaeth ac felly na ddylai eu plant ddefnyddio'r maes chwarae mwy o faint. Sut y gwnaethom ganiatáu i'n sgwrs wleidyddol ynghylch tai cymdeithasol ddisgyn i lefel mor druenus? A wnewch chi ymchwilio i weld a oes pethau tebyg yn digwydd yng Nghymru?

I completely share the Member's outrage at such behaviour. I'm confident that no such thing is happening in Wales, but I will redouble our efforts to make sure it doesn't. We recently changed 'Planning Policy Wales' to re-emphasise the need to create places, communities, sustainable communities, for the citizens of Wales, and that of course includes a sustainable set of housing and the facilities that go with it. So, we'll be looking to work with local authorities now that the UK Government's seen fit to come to its senses and take the cap off the housing revenue account. We'll be working with local authorities to investigate how they can use their new powers to their fullest extent to ensure that they build for sustainable communities of the future, in conjunction with our small and medium-sized enterprise builders, our registered social landlords and our place makers in general in our society.

Rwy'n rhannu dicter yr Aelod ynghylch ymddygiad o'r fath yn llwyr. Rwy'n hyderus nad yw'r fath beth yn digwydd yng Nghymru, ond fe atgyfnerthaf ein hymdrechion i sicrhau nad yw'n digwydd. Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi newid 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' i ailbwysleisio'r angen i greu lleoedd, cymunedau, cymunedau cynaliadwy, ar gyfer dinasyddion Cymru, ac wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n cynnwys set gynaliadwy o dai a'r cyfleusterau â ddaw gyda hynny. Felly, rydym yn gobeithio gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, gan fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gweld synnwyr ac wedi cael gwared ar y cap oddi ar y cyfrif refeniw tai. Byddwn yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ystyried sut y gallant ddefnyddio eu pwerau newydd i'r eithaf er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn adeiladu ar gyfer cymunedau cynaliadwy'r dyfodol, ar y cyd â'n cwmnïau adeiladu bach a chanolig, ein landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig a'n llunwyr lleoedd yn gyffredinol yn ein cymdeithas.

Minister, I applaud you for talking about sustainable communities rather than just sustainable housing and affordable housing. I do agree with the point made by Leanne Wood, and she used a good example that we need to make sure that, yes, we do need new social housing, new affordable housing, but there needs to be sustainability around that. With that in mind, there is great pressure on local authorities in Wales, particularly rural authorities, to give permission to areas often outside of current local development plans, which aren't properly supported by either sustainable transport links or services. So, what are you doing in your ministerial position to make sure that, when applications are looked at by local authorities, they only go ahead if they do meet the criteria of the future generations legislation and provide that real sustainability, that real community spirit, which we need to be generating in villages and towns across Wales?

Weinidog, rwy'n eich cymeradwyo am siarad am gymunedau cynaliadwy yn hytrach na thai cynaliadwy a thai fforddiadwy yn unig. Rwy'n cytuno â'r pwynt a wnaeth Leanne Wood, a defnyddiodd enghraifft dda fod angen inni sicrhau, oes, fod angen tai cymdeithasol newydd arnom, tai fforddiadwy newydd, ond mae angen cynaliadwyedd mewn perthynas â hynny. Gyda hynny mewn golwg, ceir pwysau mawr ar awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru, yn enwedig awdurdodau gwledig, i roi caniatâd ar gyfer ardaloedd sy'n aml y tu allan i gwmpas y cynlluniau datblygu lleol ar hyn o bryd, ardaloedd nad ydynt yn cael eu cynnal yn iawn naill ai gan wasanaethau na chysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gynaliadwy. Felly, beth rydych yn ei wneud fel Gweinidog i sicrhau, pan ystyrir ceisiadau gan awdurdodau lleol, nad ydynt yn cael eu derbyn oni bai eu bod yn bodloni meini prawf deddfwriaeth cenedlaethau'r dyfodol ac yn darparu'r cynaliadwyedd go iawn hwnnw, yr ysbryd cymunedol go iawn hwnnw y mae angen inni ei gynhyrchu mewn pentrefi a threfi ledled Cymru?

Yes. My predecessor in the planning portfolio, Lesley Griffiths, reissued 'Planning Policy Wales' towards the end of last year, and that's a complete rewrite of the document—it's not just an updating. That document goes out of its way to emphasise the importance of community building, placemaking, in the planning system and in any local authority's LDP. Local authorities should have an LDP in place that is robust, that sets out their housing need, and they ought to be able to hold fast to that inside their committees, so that if they have speculative development proposals made outside of the LDP, they're able to robustly withstand that. We don't have a full set of LDPs across the piece in Wales. We are encouraging local authorities to get their LDPs either in place where they don't have one, or reviewed and up-to-date where they have one in place but it isn't entirely up-to-date, precisely for the purpose that Nick Ramsay sets out, so that they can robustly defend decisions not to allow speculative development outside of the LDP process.

Ie. Ailgyhoeddwyd 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' gan fy rhagflaenydd yn y portffolio cynllunio, Lesley Griffiths, tuag at ddiwedd y llynedd, ac mae'r ddogfen honno wedi'i hailysgrifennu drwyddi draw—nid diweddariad yn unig mohoni. Mae'r ddogfen honno'n gwneud ymdrech arbennig i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd adeiladu cymunedol, creu lleoedd, yn y system gynllunio ac yng nghynllun datblygu lleol unrhyw awdurdod lleol. Dylai fod gan awdurdodau lleol gynllun datblygu lleol ar waith sy'n gadarn, sy'n nodi eu hanghenion tai, a dylent allu glynu at hynny yn eu pwyllgorau, er mwyn sicrhau, os gwneir cynigion datblygu hapfasnachol y tu allan i'r CDLl, y gallant wrthsefyll hynny'n gadarn. Nid oes gennym set gyflawn o gynlluniau datblygu lleol ym mhob rhan o Gymru. Rydym yn annog awdurdodau lleol naill ai i sicrhau bod ganddynt gynllun datblygu lleol ar waith pan nad oes un ganddynt, neu i'w hadolygu a'u diweddaru pan fo un ar waith ganddynt ond nad yw'n gwbl gyfoes, i'r diben a nodwyd gan Nick Ramsay, fel y gallant fod yn gadarn wrth amddiffyn penderfyniadau i beidio â chaniatáu datblygu hapfasnachol y tu allan i broses y CDLl.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Mark Isherwood. 

Questions from the party spokespeople. Conservative spokesperson, Mark Isherwood. 

Diolch, Llywydd. Well, as the Minister responsible for fire and rescue services in Wales, you've inherited the White Paper issued on the 'Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales' last November, with the consultation period closing on 5 February. As the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service response states,

'Fire and rescue services are highly regarded. It goes without saying, therefore, that any proposals to change the way in which fire and rescue authorities are structured, funded or operate would be of significant importance, not only to the authorities themselves but also the many organisations, communities, groups and individuals who rely on the services provided by the authorities.'

How, therefore, do you respond to this statement?

'Given that the Welsh Government's case for change is predicated on a belief that the arrangements that have produced excellent results in the past will not be effective in future, there is remarkably little in the White Paper to substantiate that belief. There's nothing, for example, to indicate that current arrangements are beginning to cause standards to deteriorate or performance to wane, or that they're any less able to meet challenges, innovate or change than they were when they were established in 1996.'

Diolch, Lywydd. Wel, fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am wasanaethau tân ac achub yng Nghymru, rydych wedi etifeddu'r Papur Gwyn a gyhoeddwyd ar 'Ddiwygio Awdurdodau Tân ac Achub yng Nghymru' fis Tachwedd diwethaf, gyda'r ymgynghoriad yn cau ar 5 Chwefror. Fel y dywed ymateb Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru,

Mae parch mawr i'r gwasanaethau tân ac achub. Afraid dweud, felly, y byddai unrhyw gynigion i newid y ffordd y caiff awdurdodau tân ac achub eu strwythuro, eu hariannu neu eu gweithredu yn bwysig iawn, nid yn unig i'r awdurdodau eu hunain, ond hefyd i'r nifer o sefydliadau, cymunedau, grwpiau ac unigolion sy'n dibynnu ar y gwasanaethau a ddarperir gan yr awdurdodau.

Sut, felly, yr ymatebwch i'r datganiad hwn?

O gofio bod achos Llywodraeth Cymru dros newid yn seiliedig ar gred na fydd y trefniadau sydd wedi cynhyrchu canlyniadau rhagorol yn y gorffennol yn effeithiol yn y dyfodol, ychydig iawn sydd yn y Papur Gwyn i gadarnhau'r gred honno. Nid oes unrhyw beth, er enghraifft, i ddangos bod y trefniadau presennol yn dechrau peri i safonau ddirywio neu i berfformiad waethygu, neu fod ganddynt lai o allu i ymdopi â heriau, arloesi neu newid nag a oedd ganddynt pan gawsant eu sefydlu yn 1996.

We've gone out to consultation, as the Member rightly says. We've had a large number of responses back. We're looking carefully at those responses. It's a general consultation. Once we've been able to analyse the responses thoroughly, then I'll be able to come back to the Member and Members in general to say how we're going to take this forward, but I've met the fire chiefs and their chairs very recently and I've emphasised the fact that it's a full and genuine consultation. I'm very interested to see the analysis of the responses that they've put in, and, in the light of those responses, I'll be able to answer the Member about how we're taking this service forward.

Rydym wedi cynnal ymgynghoriad, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod yn gwbl gywir. Rydym wedi cael nifer fawr o ymatebion. Rydym yn ystyried yr ymatebion hynny'n ofalus. Mae'n ymgynghoriad cyffredinol. Ar ôl inni ddadansoddi'r ymatebion yn drwyadl, bydd modd imi ddweud wrth yr Aelod a'r Aelodau yn gyffredinol sut y byddwn yn symud ymlaen ar hyn, ond rwyf wedi cyfarfod â'r prif swyddogion tân a'u cadeiryddion yn ddiweddar iawn, ac wedi pwysleisio'r ffaith ei fod yn ymgynghoriad llawn a dilys. Mae gennyf gryn diddordeb mewn gweld y dadansoddiad o'r ymatebion y maent wedi'u darparu, ac yng ngoleuni'r ymatebion hynny, bydd modd imi ateb yr Aelod ynglŷn â sut rydym yn symud y gwasanaeth hwn yn ei flaen.

Well, they also said that the proposed objective seeks, somewhat bizarrely, to preserve the current high standards of fire and rescue services by reforming the arrangements that have produced them. The White Paper lacks coherence in that it proposes solutions to problems that it accepts do not exist, and the White Paper speaks of a perception that fire and rescue authorities are unaccountable. Are you, therefore, at least sympathetic to this statement? 

'As for public accountability, we do not accept that fire and rescue authorities are unaccountable. Our meetings are open to the public and are now webcast so they can be watched remotely, spending and other plans are published annually, people have the facilities to make requests under freedom of information legislation, and the service goes out of its way to meet with representative groups and to take an active part in collaborations with other public voluntary and public sector organisations.'

And it goes on to financial information being accessible and so on. I appreciate that you can't prejudge your response to the consultation, but are you at least sympathetic to the concerns that are here being raised?

Wel, roeddent yn dweud hefyd mai'r amcan arfaethedig, yn rhyfedd braidd, yw ceisio gwarchod safonau uchel presennol y gwasanaethau tân ac achub drwy ddiwygio'r trefniadau a gynhyrchodd y safonau hynny. Ceir diffyg cysondeb yn y Papur Gwyn yn yr ystyr ei fod yn cynnig atebion i broblemau y mae'n derbyn nad ydynt yn bodoli, ac mae'r Papur Gwyn yn cyfeirio at ganfyddiad nad yw awdurdodau tân ac achub yn atebol. A ydych chi felly o leiaf yn cydymdeimlo â'r datganiad hwn?

O ran atebolrwydd cyhoeddus, nid ydym yn derbyn bod awdurdodau tân ac achub yn anatebol. Mae ein cyfarfodydd yn agored i'r cyhoedd a bellach yn cael eu gweddarlledu fel y gellir eu gwylio o bell, caiff gwariant a chynlluniau eraill eu cyhoeddi'n flynyddol, ceir cyfleusterau i bobl wneud ceisiadau o dan ddeddfwriaeth rhyddid gwybodaeth, ac mae'r gwasanaeth yn gwneud ymdrech arbennig i gyfarfod â grwpiau cynrychiadol ac i gymryd rhan weithredol mewn gwaith cydweithredol gyda sefydliadau cyhoeddus a sefydliadau gwirfoddol cyhoeddus eraill.

Ac mae'n cyfeirio at y ffaith bod gwybodaeth ariannol yn hygyrch ac ati. Rwy'n derbyn na allwch ragfynegi eich ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad, ond a ydych o leiaf yn cydymdeimlo â'r pryderon a godir yma?

Everybody finds change difficult. We had a very good discussion, as I said, pre the consultation closure. I encouraged them all to put forward all of the points—some of which you're now making on their behalf. When we've analysed all the responses, I promised them another meeting before we go public with that and a chance to speak to me directly, all of the fire chiefs and their chairs, so that we can discuss together a way forward.

I think it's not a problem to want to review a service that's been in existence for a very long time and see whether there are things that can be improved. There are things that we're discussing with firefighters, you'll be aware, around widening their roles, since they have, indeed, been very successful in lowering the number of fires across Wales and we're very delighted with that. I also pay tribute to the hard work and dedication of all the firefighters of Wales and the work that they do. But it's a timely look at how they're organised and whether that's optimal. And, as I said, it's a genuine consultation and when we know the result we'll be happy to report back.

Mae newid yn anodd i bawb. Cawsom drafodaeth dda iawn, fel y dywedais, cyn i'r ymgynghoriad gau. Fe anogais bob un ohonynt i gyflwyno pob un o'r pwyntiau—ac rydych yn gwneud rhai ar eu rhan yn awr. Pan fyddwn wedi dadansoddi'r holl ymatebion, addewais gyfarfod arall iddynt cyn inni eu cyhoeddi a chyfle i siarad â mi'n uniongyrchol, yr holl brif swyddogion tân a'u cadeiryddion, fel y gallwn drafod ffordd ymlaen gyda'n gilydd.

Ni chredaf fod problem ynglŷn â bod yn awyddus i adolygu gwasanaeth sydd wedi bodoli ers amser maith a gweld a oes pethau y gellir eu gwella. Rydym yn trafod rhai pethau gyda diffoddwyr tân, fel y gwyddoch, o ran ehangu eu rolau, gan eu bod wedi llwyddo'n dda iawn i ostwng nifer y tanau ledled Cymru ac rydym yn falch iawn o hynny. Rwy'n talu teyrnged hefyd i waith caled ac ymroddiad holl ddiffoddwyr tân Cymru a'r gwaith a wnânt. Ond mae'n bryd edrych ar sut y cânt eu trefnu ac a wneir hynny yn y ffordd orau. Ac fel y dywedais, mae'n ymgynghoriad go iawn, a phan fyddwn yn gwybod beth yw'r canlyniad, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i adrodd yn ôl.


But, of course, it's not just the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, because the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service consultation response stated that despite assertions to the contrary in the White Paper—clearly I think this will cause some offence across the nation of Wales—existing members of the fire and rescue authority do remain accountable to their home authorities, however in the manner in which they discharge their role, they're also accountable to the electorate through the annual reports they prepare.  

How, therefore, finally do you respond to the statement by the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service that they strongly support the wish to avoid any adverse changes to front-line operations or resources, and it's their opinion that this is not achievable through some of the solutions proposed? Budget mechanisms that allow final decisions to be taken outside of the authority legal entity could very likely cause potentially significant changes to front-line services, delivery and resources, to the detriment of the communities they serve, and raise interesting legal and liability implications should levels of funding prove insufficient or result in adverse consequences. 

So, clearly, this goes beyond just organisational proposals, but more deeply into financial considerations and potentially legal considerations. Again, how do you respond to the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service concerns, aligned to those with the other authorities across Wales? 

Ond wrth gwrs, nid oes a wnelo hyn â Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Gogledd Cymru yn unig, gan fod ymateb Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru i'r ymgynghoriad, er gwaethaf honiadau i'r gwrthwyneb yn y Papur Gwyn—yn amlwg, credaf y bydd hyn yn digio pobl ledled Cymru—yn dweud bod aelodau presennol o'r awdurdod tân ac achub yn parhau i fod yn atebol i'w hawdurdodau cartref, ond yn y modd y maent yn cyflawni eu rôl, maent hefyd yn atebol i'r etholwyr drwy'r adroddiadau blynyddol y maent yn eu paratoi.

Felly sut rydych yn ymateb i'r datganiad gan Wasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru eu bod yn llwyr gefnogi'r dymuniad i osgoi unrhyw newidiadau andwyol i adnoddau neu weithgarwch rheng flaen, a'u bod o'r farn nad oes modd cyflawni hyn drwy rai o'r atebion a gynigiwyd? Mae'n debygol iawn y gallai mecanweithiau cyllidebol sy'n caniatáu i benderfyniadau terfynol gael eu gwneud y tu allan i endid cyfreithiol yr awdurdod achosi newidiadau sylweddol posibl i wasanaethau, darpariaeth ac adnoddau'r rheng flaen, er anfantais i'r cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu, a chreu goblygiadau cyfreithiol ac atebolrwydd diddorol pe bai lefelau'r cyllid yn annigonol neu'n arwain at ganlyniadau andwyol.

Felly, yn amlwg, mae hyn yn mynd y tu hwnt i argymhellion sefydliadol yn unig, ac mae'n treiddio'n ddyfnach i ystyriaethau ariannol, ac ystyriaethau cyfreithiol o bosibl. Unwaith eto, sut rydych yn ymateb i bryderon Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru, ynghyd â phryderon awdurdodau eraill ledled Cymru?

[Inaudible.]—firefighting service. There's a range of opinions that have been expressed back, and as soon as we've analysed all the opinions—I've had a further discussion, I promised the fire services, with them—and we're able to come to some conclusions, I'll be able to report back to the Member, who's done a fine job of reading some of the concerns out for the Senedd today.  

[Anghlywadwy.]—gwasanaeth ymladd tân. Mae amrywiaeth o safbwyntiau wedi eu mynegi, a chyn gynted ag y byddwn wedi dadansoddi'r holl safbwyntiau—rwyf wedi cael trafodaeth bellach, addewais i'r gwasanaethau tân, gyda hwy—a gallwn ddod i rai casgliadau, bydd modd imi adrodd yn ôl i'r Aelod, sydd wedi cael hwyl ar ddarllen rhai o'r pryderon allan i'r Senedd heddiw.

Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, according to StatsWales, local authorities have granted planning permission for housing developments that should have resulted in the provision of 13,355 affordable houses, but only 6,746 have actually been built, which is just over 50 per cent of what we should have had. In some local authorities, the figure is even worse: in Wrexham, for example, just 16 per cent of the affordable homes promised within developments have been delivered. In some cases, what appears to have happened is that—[Inaudible.]planning permission, have negotiated their affordable housing requirements down so that the development can end up being more profitable, and, in doing this, they threaten the local authority with going to the Planning Inspectorate, which, as we all know, is not based in Wales, if they don't get their own way. Given that we've lost almost 7,000 affordable homes that we should have had because of this, do you have confidence that the existing planning system is capable of helping you to achieve your objectives on housing? 

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn ôl StatsCymru, mae awdurdodau lleol wedi rhoi caniatâd cynllunio i ddatblygiadau tai a ddylai fod wedi arwain at ddarparu 13,355 o dai fforddiadwy, ond mewn gwirionedd, 6,746 yn unig sydd wedi'u hadeiladu, sef ychydig dros 50 y cant o'r hyn y dylem fod wedi'i gael. Mewn rhai awdurdodau lleol, mae'r ffigur hyd yn oed yn waeth: yn Wrecsam, er enghraifft, 16 y cant yn unig o'r cartrefi fforddiadwy a addawyd mewn datblygiadau a gafodd eu darparu. Mewn rhai achosion, ymddengys mai'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd yw bod—[Anghlywadwy.]—caniatâd cynllunio, wedi negodi eu gofynion tai fforddiadwy i lawr fel y gall y datblygiad fod yn fwy proffidiol yn y pen draw, ac wrth wneud hyn, maent yn bygwth yr awdurdod lleol drwy ddweud y byddant yn mynd at yr Arolygiaeth Gynllunio, nad yw, fel y gŵyr pob un ohonom, wedi'i lleoli yng Nghymru, os na chânt eu ffordd eu hunain. O gofio ein bod wedi colli bron i 7,000 o gartrefi fforddiadwy y dylem fod wedi'u cael oherwydd hyn, a ydych yn hyderus fod y system gynllunio bresennol yn gallu eich helpu i gyflawni eich amcanion mewn perthynas â thai?

I think the Member raises a very important point, because the local authorities, who have, as we all know, suffered—this is their ninth year of austerity—have lost a number of skills from each individual local authority that enables them to withstand, for example, legal submissions by developers, particularly large developers across Wales, not so much with the small and medium-sized enterprise sector, and they are struggling to negotiate the right levels of social housing and other things, actually, out of their 106 and highways agreements and so on. We're very aware of that. We're in discussion with them about developing a pool of skilled resources to enable authorities to better withstand that kind of negotiation.

We're also, as I said, encouraging those who do not have a robust or very up-to-date local development plan in place to put one in place. I'll be looking at the national framework for Wales to make sure that we have a national framework properly constituted, within which the local authorities can sit more comfortably, which we have not yet done, but which we're developing. And I've recently discussed with the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales extending their remit to housing in order to be able to allow them to assist local authorities with the skills they need to do that. 

So, there are a number of steps that need to be taken. I recognise the danger that the Member outlined. We have had those discussions and I'm going to be continuing them over the next few months. 

Credaf fod yr Aelod yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn, gan fod yr awdurdodau lleol, sydd, fel y gŵyr pob un ohonom, wedi dioddef—dyma'u nawfed blwyddyn o gyni—wedi colli nifer o sgiliau o bob awdurdod lleol unigol sy'n eu galluogi i wrthsefyll cyflwyniadau cyfreithiol gan ddatblygwyr, er enghraifft, yn enwedig datblygwyr mawr ledled Cymru, nid yn gymaint gyda'r sector busnesau bach a chanolig, ac maent yn ei chael hi'n anodd negodi'r lefelau cywir o dai cymdeithasol a phethau eraill, mewn gwirionedd, o'u cytundebau 106 a'u cytundebau priffyrdd ac yn y blaen. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o hynny. Rydym yn cael trafodaethau gyda hwy ynghylch datblygu cronfa o adnoddau medrus i alluogi awdurdodau i wrthsefyll y math hwnnw o negodi yn well.

Fel y dywedais, rydym hefyd yn annog y rhai nad oes ganddynt gynllun datblygu lleol cadarn neu gyfredol iawn i roi un ar waith. Byddaf yn edrych ar fframwaith cenedlaethol Cymru i sicrhau bod gennym fframwaith cenedlaethol wedi'i gyfansoddi'n briodol, fel y gall yr awdurdodau lleol weithredu o'i fewn yn fwy cyfforddus, sy'n rhywbeth nad ydym wedi'i wneud eto, ond rydym yn ei ddatblygu. Ac yn ddiweddar, bûm yn siarad gyda Chomisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol Cymru ynglŷn ag ehangu eu cylch gwaith i gynnwys tai er mwyn eu galluogi i gynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol gyda'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i wneud hynny.

Felly, mae angen rhoi nifer o gamau ar waith. Rwy'n cydnabod y perygl a amlinellodd yr Aelod. Rydym wedi cael y trafodaethau hynny, a byddaf yn parhau â hwy dros y misoedd nesaf.

Minister, I know you're not responsible for planning, but, obviously, it's crucial in terms of delivering— 

Weinidog, gwn nad ydych yn gyfrifol am gynllunio, ond yn amlwg, mae'n hanfodol o ran darparu—

You are. Okay, I'll carry on with my questioning, then, if that's the case.

It is arguable that at the moment the planning system is not delivering, and you must be prepared to make major reforms in planning now. Your responsibility is also local authorities. Now, we currently know that large developers can always threaten to appeal decisions to a planning inspectorate and claim their legal costs back, and that's a right, of course, that communities and local objectors don't have. Now, planning departments, as you said, have been cut, and, as a result, they increasingly rely on fees for their services as an income stream, and I think that's a clear conflict of interest. So, what support are you putting in place to stop local authorities being bullied by housing developers into watering down affordable housing, and other planning requirements, and stop the lacklustre section 106 agreements that, as we've seen in London, can actually entrench community divisions?

Chi sy'n gyfrifol. O'r gorau, rwyf am barhau gyda fy nghwestiynau felly.

Gellir dadlau nad yw'r system gynllunio yn cyflawni ar hyn o bryd, ac mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn barod i wneud diwygiadau mawr o ran cynllunio yn awr. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn un o'ch cyfrifoldebau hefyd. Nawr, ar hyn o bryd, gwyddom y gall datblygwyr mawr bob amser fygwth apelio i arolygiaeth gynllunio ynghylch penderfyniadau a hawlio eu costau cyfreithiol yn ôl, ac mae honno'n hawl nad oes gan gymunedau a gwrthwynebwyr lleol, wrth gwrs. Nawr, mae adrannau cynllunio, fel y dywedasoch, wedi wynebu toriadau, ac o ganlyniad, maent yn dibynnu fwyfwy ar ffioedd am eu gwasanaethau fel ffrwd incwm, a chredaf fod hynny'n enghraifft amlwg o wrthdaro buddiannau. Felly, pa gefnogaeth rydych yn ei rhoi ar waith i atal awdurdodau lleol rhag cael eu bwlio gan ddatblygwyr tai i lastwreiddio tai fforddiadwy, a gofynion cynllunio eraill, ac i roi diwedd ar y cytundebau adran 106 di-fflach a allai waethygu rhaniadau cymunedol, fel y gwelsom yn Llundain?


As I said, I do recognise the problem that the Member outlines, and we are working with authorities to put the skills back in where necessary, and actually to share scarce skills around local authorities in particular areas. You will know that we also encourage authorities to put strategic development plans in place, within which their LDP can sit, which gives them another level of defence against speculative housing developments and in negotiating some of the smaller developments.

But, actually, I want a complete cultural shift in local authorities. With the removal of the cap on the housing revenue account, they can now borrow in order to invest in social housing that they build themselves. So, it would not be looking for a developer to get an affordable development overall, with some social housing in it—they would be looking to compulsorily purchase the land, and build a sustainable community themselves, which neatly takes away the problem. However, they don't have all of the skills to do that either, so we're talking with them about sharing scarce skills, like compulsory purchase skills, for example, land assembly skills, strategic planning skills—all of the skills that go with reconstituting a building programme, or working in partnership with their local small and medium firms, to make sure that they become sustainable, and don't have this terrible problem, as the Member will be aware. A small firm has to invest a lot of money upfront in the planning system and might have a gap for its workforce, struggles to retain the skills and so on.

So, we're looking to do things on a number of fronts. First of all, to encourage the authorities to actually build the houses themselves, in sustainable developments that they put special planning briefs out for; to work in conjunction with local building firms, so that they can smooth over the cashflow, to have the building accounts, and so on, that many colleagues have spoken about over the years; and, thirdly, to put in place a strategic plan, across a number of authorities, that identifies those housing sites, so that the land value uplift from that goes back to the local authority and not into the developer's pocket.

Fel y dywedais, rwy'n cydnabod y broblem a amlinellodd yr Aelod, ac rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau i roi'r sgiliau yn ôl i mewn lle bo angen, ac i rannu sgiliau prin, mewn gwirionedd, ymysg awdurdodau lleol mewn meysydd penodol. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol ein bod hefyd yn annog awdurdodau i roi cynlluniau datblygu strategol ar waith, y gall eu CDLl fod yn rhan ohonynt, er mwyn rhoi lefel arall o amddiffyniad iddynt rhag datblygiadau tai hapfasnachol ac wrth negodi rhai o'r datblygiadau llai.

Ond mewn gwirionedd, hoffwn weld newid diwylliannol llwyr mewn awdurdodau lleol. Gan fod y cap ar y cyfrif refeniw tai wedi'i ddiddymu, gallant bellach fenthyca er mwyn buddsoddi mewn tai cymdeithasol y maent yn eu hadeiladu eu hunain. Felly, ni fyddent yn chwilio am ddatblygwr i gael datblygiad fforddiadwy cyffredinol, gyda rhywfaint o dai cymdeithasol ynddo—byddent yn ceisio prynu'r tir yn orfodol, ac adeiladu cymuned gynaliadwy eu hunain, gan gael gwared ar y broblem. Fodd bynnag, nid oes ganddynt yr holl sgiliau i wneud hynny ychwaith, felly rydym yn siarad â hwy ynglŷn â rhannu sgiliau prin, fel sgiliau prynu gorfodol, er enghraifft, sgiliau crynhoi tir, sgiliau cynllunio strategol—yr holl sgiliau sydd ynghlwm wrth ailgyflunio rhaglen adeiladu, neu weithio mewn partneriaeth â'u cwmnïau bach a chanolig lleol, i sicrhau eu bod yn dod yn gynaliadwy, ac nad ydynt yn wynebu'r broblem ofnadwy hon, fel y gŵyr yr Aelod. Mae'n rhaid i gwmni bach fuddsoddi llawer o arian ymlaen llaw yn y system gynllunio ac efallai y bydd ganddo fwlch ar gyfer ei weithlu, ac mae'n wynebu trafferthion o ran cadw'r sgiliau ac ati.

Felly, rydym yn bwriadu gwneud pethau mewn sawl ffordd. Yn gyntaf oll, annog yr awdurdodau i adeiladu'r tai eu hunain, mewn datblygiadau cynaliadwy y maent yn gosod briffiau cynllunio arbennig ar eu cyfer; gweithio ar y cyd â chwmnïau adeiladu lleol, fel y gallant leddfu'r llif arian, a sicrhau bod ganddynt y cyfrifon adeiladu, ac yn y blaen, y mae llawer o gyd-Aelodau wedi sôn amdanynt dros y blynyddoedd; ac yn drydydd, rhoi cynllun strategol ar waith, ar draws nifer o awdurdodau, sy'n nodi'r safleoedd tai hynny, fel bod y cynnydd yng ngwerth y tir yn sgil hynny yn mynd yn ôl i'r awdurdod lleol yn hytrach nag i boced y datblygwr.

It's not clear to me whether there's a difference between those local authorities that have stock transferred their housing and those that have kept it in-house. But I'll come back to that at another point in time.

One of the achievements of this institution—and credit to the Deputy Llywydd here—has been the Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure 2011, which requires new residential properties to, basically, not be death traps. Now, that was a Measure that large housing developers opposed, because they feared that it would increase the cost. And the former director of Redrow Homes, Steve Morgan, was extremely critical of that, and other regulations on housing, saying that it made developers not want to build in Wales. Of course, Grenfell made it clear who is on the right side of that debate, didn't it? There's no doubt in my mind that we have to be switching from the poor-quality housing of old to new homes with the highest environmental and building standards. So, will you give us an assurance today that you will undertake a whole-Government review of planning legislation and regulations, to ensure that we have a housing sector that is amongst the best in the world, for building and environmental standards, and one where developers meet their obligations to the community, unlike the system we've got now?

Nid yw'n glir i mi a oes gwahaniaeth rhwng yr awdurdodau lleol sydd wedi trosglwyddo eu stoc dai a'r rheini sydd wedi'i chadw'n fewnol. Ond fe ddychwelaf at hynny maes o law.

Un o lwyddiannau'r sefydliad hwn—a chlod i'r Dirprwy Lywydd yma—yw Mesur Diogelwch Tân Domestig (Cymru) 2011, sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i eiddo preswyl newydd beidio â bod, yn y bôn, yn lleoedd sy'n creu perygl i fywyd. Nawr, roedd hwnnw'n Fesur a wrthwynebwyd gan ddatblygwyr tai mawr, gan eu bod yn ofni y byddai'n cynyddu'r gost. Ac roedd cyn-gyfarwyddwr Redrow Homes, Steve Morgan, yn feirniadol iawn o hwnnw, a rheoliadau tai eraill, gan ddweud y byddai'n gwneud datblygwyr yn llai awyddus i adeiladu yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs, dangosodd Grenfell pwy sydd ar yr ochr iawn i'r ddadl honno. Nid oes amheuaeth gennyf fod yn rhaid inni newid o dai o ansawdd gwael fel yr arferent fod i gartrefi newydd gyda'r safonau adeiladu a'r safonau amgylcheddol uchaf. Felly, a wnewch chi roi sicrwydd inni heddiw y byddwch yn cynnal adolygiad Llywodraeth gyfan o'r ddeddfwriaeth gynllunio a rheoliadau cynllunio i sicrhau bod gennym sector tai sydd ymhlith y gorau yn y byd o ran safonau adeiladu a safonau amgylcheddol, ac un lle mae'r datblygwyr yn cyflawni eu rhwymedigaethau i'r gymuned, yn wahanol i'r system sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd?

Yes, I share her ambition for a system that produces that. I don't think we need a full comprehensive review; we have a large number of reviews ongoing, actually. We have the affordable homes review—I met with the chair only yesterday morning; my time sense is not very good, it might have been this morning—certainly very recently. I had a very good conversation with her around what we're expecting her to come back with with her review. I've met with the decarbonisation working group, which my colleague Lesley has also met with, to talk about some of the problems with retrofitting our current housing stock, which is a real issue for decarbonising—bringing those up to standard; about the continuation of the Welsh housing quality standard into its second phase, to raise the standard of carbon outputs, energy efficiency, utility and so on in the existing housing stock. We're at about 91 per cent of housing that meets the current Welsh housing quality standard at the moment, so we're nearly at the point where we'll be able to say that we've reached the first stage of that.

There are a number of other things. We are looking to raise the bar for what kind of houses we are saying in 'Planning Policy Wales' ought to be permissible to build, around space requirements and around insulation requirements. I personally have a big bee in my bonnet, as you'll know from a previous portfolio, about making sure that builders cable estates to ensure that they can receive high-quality broadband, even if they can't get the thing connected, so that it doesn't have to be retrofitted, and there are a number of other things that councils around Wales want to put in place of that sort that are just standard in the building requirements of any development that comes forward. And on top of that, we have several pieces of work going on around stalled sites and planning problems, where we're looking to smooth the path of small and medium enterprises across Wales, so that they don't have the cash flips that they get when they encounter difficulties in planning and so on. So, there are a number of things we're doing with the Development Bank for Wales, and the stalled sites fund and so on, to afford a cash supply to local builders who want to do the right thing, so that we can encourage the local workforce to build the houses that their own community needs, rather than the big builders coming in and building the kind of one-size-fits-all homes that I personally do not think are what we need for our communities.

Gwnaf, rwy'n rhannu ei huchelgais am system sy'n cynhyrchu hynny. Ni chredaf fod angen adolygiad cynhwysfawr arnom; mae gennym nifer fawr o adolygiadau ar waith, mewn gwirionedd. Mae gennym yr adolygiad o dai fforddiadwy—cyfarfûm â'r cadeirydd bore ddoe; nid yw fy synnwyr o amser yn dda iawn, efallai mai bore heddiw oedd hi—yn ddiweddar iawn yn sicr. Cefais sgwrs dda iawn gyda hi ynglŷn â'r hyn rydym yn disgwyl iddi ei gynnwys yn ei hadolygiad. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â'r gweithgor datgarboneiddio, a chyfarfu fy nghyd-Aelod Lesley â hwy hefyd, i siarad am rai o'r problemau gydag ôl-osod ein stoc dai bresennol, sy'n broblem wirioneddol ar gyfer datgarboneiddio—sicrhau eu bod yn cyrraedd y safon; ynglŷn â pharhad safon ansawdd tai Cymru i'w hail gyfnod, i godi safon allbynnau carbon, effeithlonrwydd ynni, cyfleustodau ac ati yn y stoc dai bresennol. Mae oddeutu 91 y cant o dai yn cyrraedd safon ansawdd tai Cymru ar hyn o bryd, felly rydym bron â chyrraedd y pwynt lle gallwn ddweud ein bod wedi cyflawni'r cam cyntaf o hynny.

Ceir nifer o bethau eraill hefyd. Rydym yn awyddus i godi'r safon o ran pa fath o dai y dywedwn yn 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' y dylid caniatáu eu hadeiladu, mewn perthynas â gofynion o ran gofod ac inswleiddio. Yn bersonol, mae gennyf chwilen fawr yn fy mhen, fel y gwyddoch o bortffolio blaenorol, ynglŷn â sicrhau bod adeiladwyr yn gosod ceblau mewn ystadau i sicrhau y gallant dderbyn band eang o ansawdd uchel, hyd yn oed os na allant ei gysylltu, felly nad oes angen ei ôl-osod, a cheir nifer o bethau eraill o'r fath y mae cynghorau ledled Cymru yn awyddus i'w rhoi ar waith sy'n safonol yng ngofynion adeiladu unrhyw ddatblygiad a gaiff ei adeiladu. Ac yn ychwanegol at hynny, mae gennym lawer o waith yn mynd rhagddo mewn perthynas â safleoedd segur a phroblemau cynllunio, lle rydym yn ceisio darparu llwybrau llyfnach i fentrau bach a chanolig ledled Cymru, fel nad ydynt yn dioddef newidiadau sydyn o ran llif arian pan fyddant yn wynebu anawsterau wrth gynllunio ac yn y blaen. Felly, rydym yn gwneud nifer o bethau gyda Banc Datblygu Cymru, a'r gronfa safleoedd segur ac ati, i ddarparu cyflenwad o arian i adeiladwyr lleol sydd am wneud y peth iawn, fel y gallwn annog y gweithlu lleol i adeiladu'r tai sydd eu hangen ar eu cymunedau eu hunain, yn hytrach na bod yr adeiladwyr mawr yn dod i mewn ac yn adeiladu'r math o gartrefi unffurf nad sydd eu hangen ar ein cymunedau yn fy marn i.


Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, I raised the issue recently of the large amount of taxpayers' money that's being wasted in the long-running Caerphilly County Borough Council offices saga. The response I got from the First Minister was that it was largely a matter for the council itself, which is often the response we get when we raise local government issues here in the Chamber, although oversight of local government in Wales is clearly part of your remit, Minister, which is why we're all here doing local government Minister's questions today.

Now, since I tasked the First Minister with this issue, it has emerged that the figure wasted on the Caerphilly saga is not £4 million, which is the figure I quoted. Freedom of information requests have revealed that the figure is actually more than £6 million. And yet, the chief executive of the council is still taking home £130,000 a year for doing nothing, which is exactly what he has been doing for the past six years. Minister, do you now have any accurate estimate of when this whole sorry saga will actually be resolved?

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn ddiweddar, codais fater y swm mawr o arian trethdalwyr sy'n cael ei wastraffu mewn perthynas â saga hirhoedlog swyddfeydd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili. Yr ymateb a gefais gan y Prif Weinidog oedd mai mater i'r cyngor ei hun yw hwn yn bennaf, sef yr ymateb a gawn yn aml pan fyddwn yn codi materion llywodraeth leol yma yn y Siambr, er bod goruchwylio llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru yn amlwg yn rhan o'ch cylch gwaith, Weinidog, a dyna pam fod pob un ohonom yma yn gofyn cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog llywodraeth leol heddiw.

Nawr, ers imi dynnu sylw'r Prif Weinidog at y mater hwn, mae wedi dod i'r amlwg nad £4 miliwn, sef y ffigur a ddyfynnais, yw'r ffigur a wastraffwyd ar saga Caerffili. Mae ceisiadau rhyddid gwybodaeth wedi datgelu bod y ffigur mewn gwirionedd yn fwy na £6 miliwn. Ac eto, mae prif weithredwr y cyngor yn dal i ennill £130,000 y flwyddyn am wneud dim, sef yr hyn y mae wedi bod yn ei wneud dros y chwe blynedd diwethaf. Weinidog, a oes gennych unrhyw amcangyfrif cywir bellach pa bryd y caiff y saga druenus hon ei datrys?

I understand from my recent meeting with Caerphilly leader and chief executive that they expect a report of the designated independent person to come in some time during April. So, I can pass on the information that that's what they expect. However, the First Minister is entirely right: employment matters are entirely a matter for the council and we're not in a position to have any input into that.

Deallaf o fy nghyfarfod diweddar gydag arweinydd a phrif weithredwr Caerffili eu bod yn disgwyl i'r unigolyn annibynnol dynodedig gyflwyno eu hadroddiad rywbryd ym mis Ebrill. Felly, gallaf drosglwyddo mai dyna maent yn ei ddisgwyl. Fodd bynnag, mae'r Prif Weinidog yn llygad ei le: mater i'r cyngor yn llwyr yw materion cyflogaeth, ac nid ydym mewn sefyllfa i roi unrhyw fewnbwn yn hynny o beth.

Well, thank you for giving me a timeline, which is useful. Although I accept the point you just made, could I also point out that this is an issue that touches on the sometimes excessive pay of senior council officials on many councils in Wales—many of which are Labour controlled? Can I bring to your attention the fact that two councillors in Torfaen have resigned from the Labour group because they were highlighting possible cuts that could be made—they said—to the excessive amount that they were alleging Torfaen council was spending on corporate management. Torfaen is spending almost £3 million a year on corporate management, which is almost double what is being spent on the same thing in neighbouring Newport. Minister, is there a case that, with council services under threat from austerity, as you keep telling us, your Welsh Government should now be investigating whether councils in Wales are spending excessive amounts on the top tier of officer pay?

Wel, diolch am roi amserlen i mi, sy'n ddefnyddiol. Er fy mod yn derbyn y pwynt rydych newydd ei wneud, a gaf fi nodi hefyd fod hwn yn fater sy'n cyffwrdd â chyflog gormodol weithiau i uwch-swyddogion mewn sawl cyngor yng Nghymru—a llawer ohonynt yn gynghorau Lafur? A gaf fi dynnu eich sylw at y ffaith bod dau gynghorydd yn Nhorfaen wedi ymddiswyddo o'r grŵp Llafur am eu bod yn tynnu sylw at y toriadau posibl y gellid eu gwneud—yn ôl yr hyn a ddywedasant—i'r swm gormodol roeddent yn honni bod cyngor Torfaen yn ei wario ar reoli corfforaethol. Mae Torfaen yn gwario bron i £3 miliwn y flwyddyn ar reoli corfforaethol, sydd bron ddwywaith cymaint â'r hyn a werir ar yr un peth yng nghyngor cyfagos Casnewydd. Weinidog, gyda gwasanaethau cynghorau dan fygythiad oherwydd cyni fel y dywedwch wrthym o hyd, a oes achos i'w wneud dros ymchwiliad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i weld a yw cynghorau yng Nghymru yn gwario gormod o arian ar gyflogau swyddogion ar yr haen uchaf?

The Workforce Partnership Council has addressed this issue in the round for local authorities and the First Minister gave an undertaking that, once the processes in Caerphilly have finished, we will undertake a review of disciplinary action for the top tiers of local authority officers. I don't think it's at all right to compare two local authorities in the way that you have, because a large number of other issues will have come to bear in how a local authority structures its corporate core: what services it delivers and why something may or may not cost more than at another local authority. 

The truth is that most local authorities are really struggling with austerity. They've had their budgets either flatlined or cut for the last nine years. We know that all local authorities are really struggling to deliver much-valued and welcome local services and most of them are doing a fine job in making very bad decisions in the sense that there are no good decisions when you're cutting services that people rely on.

Mae Cyngor Partneriaeth y Gweithlu wedi mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn yn ei gyfanrwydd ar ran awdurdodau lleol a chafwyd ymrwymiad gan y Prif Weinidog, pan fydd y prosesau yng Nghaerffili wedi dod i ben, y byddwn yn cynnal adolygiad o gamau disgyblu ar gyfer haenau uchaf swyddogion awdurdodau lleol. Ni chredaf ei bod yn iawn cymharu dau awdurdod lleol fel y gwnaethoch, gan y bydd nifer fawr o faterion eraill yn effeithio ar sut y mae awdurdod lleol yn strwythuro ei graidd corfforaethol: pa wasanaethau y mae'n eu darparu a pham y gall rhywbeth gostio mwy nag mewn awdurdod lleol arall.

Y gwir yw bod y rhan fwyaf o awdurdodau lleol yn ei chael hi'n wirioneddol anodd oherwydd cyni. Mae eu cyllidebau naill ai wedi aros yn llonydd neu wedi eu torri am y naw mlynedd ddiwethaf. Gwyddom fod pob awdurdod lleol yn ei chael hi'n anodd iawn darparu gwasanaethau lleol gwerthfawr, ac mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn gwneud gwaith da o ddewisiadau gwael iawn, yn yr ystyr nad oes unrhyw ddewisiadau da pan fyddwch yn torri gwasanaethau y mae pobl yn dibynnu arnynt.

[Inaudible.]—the economic reality of austerity, which you described in the first part of your answer, but it may be true that excessive pay at the top of an organisation may mean that people at the lower levels are not being paid enough. And we do know, from an investigation carried out in 2017 by BBC Wales, that most councils in Wales are paying some of their staff less than the real living wage. Do you not think, Minister, that it is time that you looked at the top-tier pay of local authorities in Wales to see if we can get these councils to pay less to their fat cats and more to the workers at the bottom of their pay scales?

[Anghlywadwy.]—realiti economaidd cyni, a ddisgrifiwyd gennych yn rhan gyntaf eich ateb, ond gall fod yn wir y gall tâl gormodol ar ben uchaf sefydliad olygu nad yw pobl ar y lefelau is yn cael digon o dâl. A gwyddom, o ymchwiliad a gynhaliwyd gan BBC Wales yn 2017, fod y rhan fwyaf o gynghorau yng Nghymru yn talu cyflog sy'n llai na'r cyflog byw go iawn i rai o'u staff. Onid ydych yn credu, Weinidog, ei bod yn bryd ichi edrych ar gyflogau haen uchaf awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru i weld a allwn sicrhau bod y cynghorau hyn yn talu llai i'w gweithwyr blonegog a mwy i'r gweithwyr ar waelod eu graddfeydd cyflog?


As the First Minister said in answer to the question—and I agree with him entirely—I agree that there should be a multiplier. It's usually 20 between the lowest paid and the highest paid in any organisation. The workforce partnership council, which the Deputy Minister is going to be chairing later on this year, in its new reconfigured form, will be taking account of the pay and conditions of staff right across the public sector, and no doubt the workforce partnership council will have something to say about the multipliers that should be in effect.

Fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog wrth ateb y cwestiwn—a chytunaf yn llwyr—rwy'n cytuno y dylid cael lluosydd. Fel arfer, mae'r ffigur yn 20 rhwng y cyflogau isaf a'r cyflogau uchaf mewn unrhyw sefydliad. Bydd cyngor partneriaeth y gweithlu, a fydd yn cael ei gadeirio ar ei newydd wedd yn ddiweddarach eleni gan y Dirprwy Weinidog, yn ystyried cyflogau ac amodau staff ar draws y sector cyhoeddus, ac nid oes amheuaeth y bydd gan gyngor partneriaeth y gweithlu rywbeth i'w ddweud am y lluosyddion a ddylai fod ar waith.

Tynnwyd cwestiwn 3 [OAQ53669] yn ôl, felly cwestiwn 4, Jenny Rathbone.

Question 3 [OAQ53669] is withdrawn. Question 4, Jenny Rathbone.

Diwygio Adran 21 o Ddeddf Tai 1988
Amending Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988

4. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddiwygio Adran 21 o Ddeddf Tai 1988 i roi tenantiaethau mwy sicr i bobl sy'n rhentu cartrefi yn breifat? OAQ53675

4. What plans does the Welsh Government have to amend Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 to give people who privately rent homes more secure tenancies? OAQ53675

We're very much in favour of looking to see whether we can make security of tenure much more of a reality here in Wales, and we will be working hard with the sector to see whether we can repeal or modify section 21, as it's called, of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 in order to give people better security of tenure.

Rydym o blaid archwilio i weld a a allwn sicrhau bod sicrwydd deiliadaeth yn fwy o realiti o lawer yma yng Nghymru, a byddwn yn gweithio'n galed gyda'r sector i weld a allwn ddiddymu neu addasu adran 21, fel y'i gelwir, o Ddeddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016 er mwyn rhoi gwell sicrwydd deiliadaeth i bobl.

Thank you. Minister, obviously this affects nearly 0.5 million people. Obviously, quite a lot of them are young, single people who don't seem to have a problem moving around at short notice, but the people who are really affected by this lack of any secure tenancy are people with families, which means that if they have a child in school—being evicted for no reason whatsoever; they could be model tenants—means that the child has to move school, in all likelihood. And equally, vulnerable people who require support from within the community to avoid social isolation are in a similar position.

So, if and when we are in a position to actually make the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 go live, how is the section 173 replacing section 21 actually going to make any real difference to that security that people should be able to feel in privately rented homes? Because whilst it's possible for them to simply argue in the courts that they're being evicted because the landlord doesn't want to repair or otherwise make safe the dwelling that they're renting, that is not sufficient in itself. It opens it to racism and all sorts of other prejudice that could result from this very weak landlord-tenant relationship.

Diolch. Weinidog, yn amlwg, mae hyn yn effeithio ar bron i 0.5 miliwn o bobl. Yn amlwg, mae llawer ohonynt yn bobl ifanc, sengl nad yw'n ymddangos bod symud o gwmpas ar fyr rybudd yn broblem iddynt, ond y bobl yr effeithir arnynt yn fawr gan ddiffyg sicrwydd deiliadaeth yw pobl â theuluoedd, sy'n golygu, os oes plentyn ganddynt yn yr ysgol—cael eu troi allan am ddim rheswm o gwbl; gallent fod yn denantiaid gwych—mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i'r plentyn newid ysgol, yn ôl pob tebyg. Ac yn yr un modd, mae pobl agored i niwed sydd angen cymorth yn y gymuned i osgoi ynysu cymdeithasol mewn sefyllfa debyg.

Felly, os a phan fyddwn mewn sefyllfa i roi Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016 ar waith, sut y bydd y ffaith bod adran 173 yn disodli adran 21 yn gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn i'r sicrwydd y dylai pobl allu ei deimlo mewn cartrefi rhent preifat? Oherwydd, er ei bod yn bosibl iddynt ddadlau yn y llysoedd eu bod yn cael eu troi allan am nad yw'r landlord am drwsio'r annedd y maent yn ei rentu, neu ei wneud yn ddiogel, nid yw hynny'n ddigon ynddo'i hun. Mae'n ei wneud yn agored i hiliaeth a phob math o ragfarn arall a allai ddeillio o'r berthynas wan iawn hon rhwng landlord a thenant.

Yes. I don't disagree at all with the proposition that Jenny Rathbone puts forward, and I absolutely agree good-quality housing is a springboard from which children and families could create secure and successful futures. It's a human right to have a secure home that you can rely on and that you can build a future on, and I couldn't agree more. All of the evidence suggests that children who live in insecure rented accommodation are twice as likely to suffer from mental health problems than those in the owner-occupied sector, for example, and children who move frequently, as she said, are obviously much more likely to suffer from those kinds of problems.

We are looking to implement the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 to improve the clarity and consistency of housing law. As she said, there is a section in there that specifically prohibits the use of a no-fault eviction, where it's a retaliation eviction for something a tenant has tried to enforce. But I agree with her that that's not sufficient, and the Government would very much like to legislate to strengthen that. There are a number of problems with that, not least that that Act is not yet in force. It's not in force for two reasons: one is that there's one more set of regulations that we need to consult on to make sure that the Act can be implemented; and the second rather more prosaic reason is that the Ministry of Justice is updating its computer system, and we are in discussion with them about the timing of that because, without that, we can't implemented it as it is. The complexity for getting the contracts, the tenancy arrangements and all the rest of it are too much without the computer system. So, we're in discussion about whether we should pay to have the system upgraded in advance of the update or whether the update will take place in good time for us to be able to implement the Act. And that's an ongoing discussion that I'm happy to keep Members updated on.

We do need the other regulations to be put in place. We don't want a situation where we would basically be implementing an Act and then immediately amending it so that everybody has to cope with two sets of changes. So, I'd like to be able to put the change to what's now section 21, which would be section 178—173, sorry; the Member's got a better memory for it than I have—in place, so that when it's commenced, it commences with the new provisions in place. So, there are a number of practical and prosaic issues there, but, on the principle, I have no problem at all, and officials are working very hard to see what needs to be done to put that into place.

Ie. Nid wyf yn anghytuno o gwbl â'r hyn y mae Jenny Rathbone yn eu gynnig, a chytunaf yn llwyr fod tai o ansawdd da yn sbardun i blant a theuluoedd allu creu dyfodol diogel a llwyddiannus. Mae cartref diogel y gallwch ddibynnu arno ac y gallwch adeiladu dyfodol arno yn hawl dynol, ac ni allwn gytuno mwy. Awgryma'r holl dystiolaeth fod plant sy'n byw mewn llety rhent ansicr ddwywaith yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef problemau iechyd meddwl na phlant yn y sector perchen-feddiannaeth, er enghraifft, ac mae plant sy'n symud yn aml, fel y dywedodd, yn amlwg yn llawer mwy tebygol o ddioddef yn sgil y mathau hynny o broblemau.

Rydym yn bwriadu rhoi Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016 ar waith i wella eglurder a chysondeb cyfraith tai. Fel y dywedodd, mae'n cynnwys adran sy'n gwahardd y defnydd o droi allan 'dim bai', lle caiff tenant eu troi allan i ddial am rywbeth y maent wedi ceisio'i fynnu. Ond cytunaf â hi nad yw hynny'n ddigonol, ac mae'r Llywodraeth yn awyddus iawn i ddeddfu i gryfhau hynny. Ceir nifer o broblemau gyda hynny, yn enwedig y ffaith nad yw'r Ddeddf honno mewn grym eto. Nid yw mewn grym am ddau reswm: un yw bod angen inni ymgynghori ar un set arall o reoliadau er mwyn sicrhau y gellir gweithredu'r Ddeddf; a'r ail reswm, sydd ychydig yn llai diddorol, yw bod y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder yn diweddaru ei system gyfrifiadurol, ac rydym yn trafod gyda hwy ynghylch amseriad hynny, oherwydd, heb hynny, ni allwn ei roi ar waith fel y mae. Mae'r cymhlethdod mewn perthynas â sicrhau'r contractau, y trefniadau tenantiaeth a phopeth arall yn ormod heb y system gyfrifiadurol. Felly, rydym yn trafod a ddylem dalu i uwchraddio'r system cyn y diweddariad, neu a fydd y diweddariad yn digwydd mewn da bryd i ni allu weithredu'r Ddeddf. Ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am y drafodaeth honno sydd ar y gweill.

Mae angen rhoi'r rheoliadau eraill ar waith. Nid ydym am gael sefyllfa lle byddem, yn y bôn, yn gweithredu Deddf ac yna'n ei diwygio'n syth gan olygu bod yn rhaid i bawb ymdopi â dwy set o newidiadau. Felly, hoffwn allu gweithredu'r newid i'r hyn sy'n adran 21 yn awr, sef adran 178—173, mae'n ddrwg gennyf; mae gan yr Aelod gof gwell na minnau—er mwyn sicrhau ei bod yn dechrau gyda'r darpariaethau newydd yn eu lle pan fydd yn cychwyn. Felly, ceir nifer o faterion ymarferol a diflas yn hyn o beth, ond o ran yr egwyddor, nid oes gennyf unrhyw broblem o gwbl, ac mae swyddogion yn gweithio'n galed iawn i weld beth sydd angen ei wneud i roi hynny ar waith.


Thank you, Madam Presiding Officer. Minister, the leader of Caerphilly council said recently—

Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn ddiweddar, dywedodd arweinydd cyngor Caerffili—

My mistake, sorry; that's my mistake. David Melding was meant to be called on that question. You were too keen, Mohammad, and I was wrong. David Melding.

Fy nghamgymeriad i, mae'n ddrwg gennyf; fy nghamgymeriad i. David Melding a ddylai fod wedi'i alw ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwnnw. Roeddech yn rhy awyddus, Mohammad, ac roeddwn innau'n anghywir. David Melding.

I am grateful to you, Presiding Officer. In England, they're looking at this as well, and you know that there's a proposal to increase the minimum tenancy period from six months to three years. However, the 1988 reform was designed to bring more properties onto the market, because at that stage there was, one could argue, quite severe over-regulation and the supply of properties to rent was very much affected. So, we need to look at this carefully, but I think the default position shouldn't be at something like six months. I think that's where we've got a problem, and it should be set higher. We need to consult widely with the sector. And, for some people, having a short tenancy is what they want, but that's a bit crowded now and we need more variety in the market, but there will have to be assurances on both sides when we look at longer tenancies, because they bring some risk, obviously, for very reputable landlords, as well.

Diolch, Lywydd. Yn Lloegr, maent yn ystyried hyn hefyd, a gwyddoch fod cynnig i gynyddu isafswm y cyfnod tenantiaeth o chwe mis i dair blynedd. Fodd bynnag, lluniwyd diwygiad 1988 er mwyn rhoi mwy o eiddo ar y farchnad, oherwydd ar y pryd, gellid dadlau bod gor-reoleiddio wedi cael cryn effaith ar y cyflenwad o eiddo rhent. Felly, mae angen inni ystyried hyn yn ofalus, ond ni chredaf y dylai'r cyfnod rhagosodedig fod yn chwe mis. Credaf mai dyna lle mae gennym broblem, ac y dylid ei osod yn uwch. Mae angen i ni ymgynghori'n eang â'r sector. Ac mae rhai pobl yn dymuno cael tenantiaeth fer, ond mae llawer o hynny bellach ac mae angen mwy o amrywiaeth arnom yn y farchnad, ond bydd yn rhaid cael sicrwydd ar y ddwy ochr wrth ystyried tenantiaethau hirach, gan eu bod yn peri rhywfaint o risg, yn amlwg, i landlordiaid da iawn, hefyd.

Yes. I think the Member is absolutely right. I mean, there are a number of complexities here around why the sector is as it is, but there's no doubt at all that sudden eviction for no apparent reason is a real scourge. We know that it happens and we know that many landlords would never dream of doing such a thing, but we do know that it happens, so we need to get the regulation to be proportionate—he's right. We need to get the length of tenancies right. I think Jenny Rathbone particularly mentioned the difference between young, single people who have mobile careers and families and so on. So, we need to get to a situation where we've implemented our own Act that addresses some of those issues, and that we implement it in the light of changes that reflect changing policy and real circumstances across the UK, and that we do so in a way that both doesn't put off landlords from offering their property for rent, but also does allow the security of tenure that allows people to have the stable and secure accommodation that they want. 

In particular, we're looking to have landlords co-operate with us and come on board with schemes that would allow the private rented sector to participate in, effectively, a social rent so that they have a guaranteed rental income from one of the registered social landlords or a local housing authority by which they give over their property for a lengthier period of time for an arrangement that guarantees the level of rent, and so on. So, we are looking at a range of resources here, but I do think that most people would agree that being able to be evicted for no reason at all just at the drop of a hat is something that we need to address.

Ie. Credaf fod yr Aelod yn llygad ei le. Hynny yw, ceir nifer o gymhlethdodau yma ynghylch pam fod y sector fel y mae, ond nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth fod troi allan yn sydyn am ddim rheswm amlwg yn broblem ddifrifol. Gwyddom fod hynny'n digwydd, a gwyddom na fyddai llawer o landlordiaid yn breuddwydio am wneud y fath beth, ond gwyddom ei fod yn digwydd, felly mae angen inni sicrhau bod y rheoliadau'n gymesur—mae'n llygad ei le. Mae angen i ni sicrhau bod hyd tenantiaethau'n iawn. Credaf fod Jenny Rathbone yn arbennig wedi crybwyll y gwahaniaeth rhwng pobl ifanc, sengl sydd â gyrfaoedd symudol a theuluoedd ac ati. Felly, mae angen inni ddod i sefyllfa lle rydym wedi rhoi ein Deddf ein hunain ar waith sy'n mynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion hynny, a lle rydym yn ei gweithredu yng ngoleuni newidiadau sy'n adlewyrchu newidiadau mewn polisi ac amgylchiadau go iawn ledled y DU, a'n bod yn gwneud hynny mewn ffordd nad yw'n anghymell landlordiaid rhag cynnig eu heiddo i'w rentu, ond sydd hefyd yn darparu'r sicrwydd deiliadaeth sy'n caniatáu i bobl gael y llety sefydlog a sicr y maent ei angen.

Yn fwyaf arbennig, rydym am weld landlordiaid yn cydweithredu â ni ac yn ymrwymo i gynlluniau a fyddai'n caniatáu i'r sector rhentu preifat gymryd rhan, i bob pwrpas, mewn rhent cymdeithasol fel bod ganddynt incwm rhent gwarantedig gan un o'r landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig neu awdurdod tai lleol y byddant yn rhoi eu heiddo iddynt am gyfnod hirach ar gyfer trefniant sy'n gwarantu lefel y rhent, ac yn y blaen. Felly, rydym yn ystyried amrywiaeth o adnoddau yma, ond credaf y byddai'r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn cytuno bod gallu cael eich troi allan am ddim rheswm o gwbl ar fyr rybudd yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni fynd i'r afael ag ef.

Y Pwysau Ariannu mewn Llywodraeth Leol
Funding Pressures in Local Government

5. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y pwysau ariannu mewn llywodraeth leol? OAQ53674

5. Will the Minister provide a statement on funding pressures in local government? OAQ53674

Certainly. the Welsh Government is committed to protecting local government and the services they provide. Local government in all areas of Wales have received the best possible settlement, with the 1 per cent reduction announced at the 2018-19 final budget turning into a 0.2 per cent increase this year.

Yn sicr. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu llywodraeth leol a'r gwasanaethau y maent yn eu darparu. Mae llywodraeth leol ym mhob rhan o Gymru wedi cael y setliad gorau posibl, gyda'r gostyngiad o 1 y cant a gyhoeddwyd yng nghyllideb derfynol 2018-19 wedi troi'n gynnydd o 0.2 y cant eleni.

Minister, due to Tory austerity, Torfaen council has had no option but to increase council tax this year in order to protect vital services, namely social care and education. I'm very proud that, in Torfaen, we have a Labour council that is prepared to take those decisions to protect our local services. The leader of UKIP knows nothing about the financial pressures facing the local authority in Torfaen, and I'm sure that you would agree with me, Minister, that all the low-hanging fruit is now gone in local authorities and they are facing a genuine struggle to survive.

Last week, the leader of Torfaen told the Children, Young People and Education Committee that he had protected education as he believes that it is a key preventative service. I very much agree with that view. Do you agree with that view, Minister? And, given the very hard-hitting evidence that the committee has received about the funding pressures in schools, what steps will you take to ensure that education is prioritised in the next budget round?

Weinidog, yn sgil cyni'r Torïaid, nid oedd dewis gan gyngor Torfaen ond cynyddu'r dreth gyngor eleni er mwyn diogelu gwasanaethau hanfodol, sef gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg. Rwy'n falch iawn fod gennym, yn Nhorfaen, gyngor Llafur sy'n barod i wneud y penderfyniadau hynny i ddiogelu ein gwasanaethau lleol. Nid yw arweinydd UKIP yn gwybod dim am y pwysau ariannol sy'n wynebu'r awdurdod lleol yn Nhorfaen, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno â mi, Weinidog, fod yr holl ffrwythau isel wedi diflannu bellach mewn awdurdodau lleol a'u bod yn wynebu brwydr wirioneddol i oroesi.

Yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedodd arweinydd Torfaen wrth y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg ei fod wedi diogelu addysg gan ei fod yn credu ei fod yn wasanaeth ataliol allweddol. Cytunaf yn gryf â'r farn honno. A ydych yn cytuno â'r farn honno, Weinidog? Ac o ystyried y dystiolaeth gadarn iawn a gafodd y pwyllgor ynghylch pwysau ariannol mewn ysgolion, pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod addysg yn cael ei blaenoriaethu yn y cylch cyllidebol nesaf?

Yes. I absolutely welcome the prioritisation that Torfaen and, indeed, many other authorities are giving to education and social services in what is indeed a very difficult settlement for most local authorities. We recognise the challenges for authorities and the difficult choices they're making, as I said earlier, on the savings and changing services, and the decisions they're having to make on council tax in order to balance the budget. As I said, in between the indicative settlement and the actual settlement, we managed to increase the funding for local government to reflect some of the specific priorities that they have stressed to us around education and social services. We certainly do welcome that priority. But there is no doubt that austerity is biting deep into local services, and very difficult choices have to be made across all councils.

Ie. Rwy'n bendant yn croesawu'r flaenoriaeth y mae Torfaen, a llawer o awdurdodau eraill yn wir, yn ei rhoi i addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol mewn setliad sy'n anodd iawn i'r rhan fwyaf o awdurdodau lleol. Rydym yn cydnabod yr heriau i awdurdodau a'r dewisiadau anodd a wnânt, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, ynghylch arbedion a gwasanaethau sy'n newid, a'r penderfyniadau y mae'n rhaid iddynt eu gwneud ynglŷn â'r dreth gyngor er mwyn cydbwyso'r gyllideb. Fel y dywedais, rhwng y setliad dangosol a'r setliad gwirioneddol, fe lwyddasom i gynyddu'r cyllid i lywodraeth leol er mwyn adlewyrchu rhai o'r blaenoriaethau penodol y maent wedi eu pwysleisio wrthym ynglŷn ag addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Yn sicr, rydym yn croesawu'r flaenoriaeth honno. Ond nid oes amheuaeth fod cyni'n cael cryn effaith ar wasanaethau lleol, ac mae'n rhaid i'r holl gynghorau wneud dewisiadau anodd iawn.


Minister, the leader of Caerphilly council said recently that the authority was at the end of its tether after receiving a real-terms cut in its funding. As a result, residents of Caerphilly have seen their council tax bill increase by nearly 7 per cent, combined with a £14 million cut in council services. These cuts to services include Pontllanfraith leisure centre, which could close by the end of June this year, in spite of fierce opposition from the local community. That is the area where Neil Kinnock's [Inaudible.] are still there. Does the Minister accept that her poor local government settlement will have a serious and detrimental effect on the Welsh Government's strategies for the health, education and well-being of people living in Caerphilly, please?

Weinidog, dywedodd arweinydd cyngor Caerffili yn ddiweddar fod yr awdurdod ar ben ei dennyn ar ôl cael toriad i'w gyllid mewn termau real. O ganlyniad, mae trigolion Caerffili wedi gweld cynnydd o bron i 7 y cant yn eu biliau treth gyngor, ynghyd â thoriad o £14 miliwn i wasanaethau'r cyngor. Mae'r toriadau hyn i'r gwasanaethau yn cynnwys canolfan hamdden Pontllan-fraith, a allai gau erbyn diwedd mis Mehefin eleni, er gwaethaf gwrthwynebiad chwyrn gan y gymuned leol. Dyna'r ardal lle mae [Anghlywadwy.] Neil Kinnock yn dal yno. A yw'r Gweinidog yn derbyn y bydd ei setliad llywodraeth leol gwael yn cael effaith ddifrifol ac andwyol ar strategaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer iechyd, addysg a lles pobl sy'n byw yng Nghaerffili, os gwelwch yn dda?

Local authorities will receive £4.2 billion of general funding to spend on services in 2019-20, and core funding will increase by 0.2 per cent on a like-for-like basis compared to 2018-19. In line with our programme for government commitment to provide funding for a settlement floor, the settlement includes £3.5 million fully funded by the Welsh Government to ensure that no authority has to manage with a reduction of more than 0.3 per cent in its aggregate external finance next year.

We have done the very best we can to put an umbrella over our local authorities and their services from the incredibly cruel austerity programme implemented by the Conservative Government that Mohammad Asghar supports and presumably voted for. The idea that you can separate out a decision to continue with an austerity programme for nine years from the destruction of local services in your local authority is quite extraordinary, and you really need to look to see what the unintended consequences of your own policies are on the services that you're talking about before you look anywhere else, because there is absolutely no doubt that, as Lynne Neagle just said, there is no low-hanging fruit here. We are cutting into the bone of services that local people, as he has rightly said, really, really value, and they don't want those services closed. The only way of stopping that happening is to reverse the very cruel austerity programme that your Government has been implementing.

Bydd awdurdodau lleol yn derbyn £4.2 biliwn o gyllid cyffredinol i'w wario ar wasanaethau yn 2019-20, a bydd cyllid craidd yn cynyddu 0.2 y cant ar sail debyg am debyg o gymharu â 2018-19. Yn unol ag ymrwymiad ein rhaglen lywodraethu i ddarparu cyllid ar gyfer terfyn isaf i'r setliad, mae'r setliad yn cynnwys £3.5 miliwn a ariennir yn llawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau nad oes yn rhaid i unrhyw awdurdod ymdopi â gostyngiad o fwy na 0.3 y cant yn ei gyllid allanol cyfunol y flwyddyn nesaf.

Rydym wedi gwneud ein gorau glas i ddal ymbarél dros ein hawdurdodau lleol a'u gwasanaethau rhag y rhaglen hynod greulon o gyni a weithredir gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol y mae Mohammad Asghar yn ei chefnogi, ac y pleidleisiodd drosti yn ôl pob tebyg. Mae'r syniad y gallwch wahanu'r penderfyniad i barhau â rhaglen gyni am naw mlynedd oddi wrth y difrod i wasanaethau lleol yn eich awdurdod lleol yn eithaf rhyfeddol, ac mae angen i chi ystyried beth yw canlyniadau anfwriadol eich polisïau eich hun i'r gwasanaethau rydych yn sôn amdanynt cyn ichi edrych yn unrhyw le arall, gan nad oes unrhyw amheuaeth, fel y dywedodd Lynne Neagle yn awr, nad oes unrhyw ffrwythau isel ar ôl yma. Rydym yn torri hyd at yr asgwrn y gwasanaethau y mae pobl leol, fel y dywedodd yn gywir, yn eu gwir werthfawrogi, ac nid ydynt am i'r gwasanaethau hynny gau. Yr unig ffordd o atal hynny rhag digwydd yw gwrthdroi'r rhaglen greulon iawn o gyni y mae eich Llywodraeth wedi bod yn ei gweithredu.

Llosgydd y Barri
The Barry Incinerator

6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am yr asesiad effaith amgylcheddol mewn cysylltiad â llosgydd y Barri? OAQ53655

6. Will the Minister make a statement on the environmental impact assessment in relation to the Barry incinerator? OAQ53655

We continue to give careful consideration, including seeking further legal clarification on aspects of the case, to how the environmental impact assessment within the planning system applies to the plant built by Biomass UK No. 2 Ltd. We will issue a decision as soon as possible.

Rydym yn parhau i roi ystyriaeth ofalus, gan gynnwys gofyn am ragor o eglurhad cyfreithiol ar rai agweddau ar yr achos, o ran sut y mae'r asesiad o'r effaith amgylcheddol yn y system gynllunio yn berthnasol i'r ffatri a adeiladwyd gan Biomass UK No. 2 Ltd. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi penderfyniad cyn gynted â phosibl.

Regrettably, Minister, that will give me a clear indication—and those watching from Barry—that I will not get much insight into the situation the Government finds itself in at the moment, other than that it is still seeking legal advice, some 13 months after you yourself, in this Chamber, gave a commitment that you were minded to request an environmental impact assessment. Given that you will not go much further on offering a date for when you might be in a position to give that opinion, can you give us an understanding, then, of the legal advice that you are commissioning that is supporting your decision making? Is it outside legal expert advice that you are commissioning, or is it the internal legal expertise that you have within Welsh Government? Because, I am dumbfounded, like many people in Barry, as to why this process is still, 13 months on, unresolved.

Yn anffodus, Weinidog, bydd hynny'n rhoi arwydd clir i mi—a'r rheini sy'n gwylio'r o'r Barri—na fyddaf yn cael llawer o wybodaeth am sefyllfa'r Llywodraeth ar hyn o bryd, heblaw ei bod yn dal i ceisio cyngor cyfreithiol, oddeutu 13 mis ar ôl i chi roi ymrwymiad yn y Siambr hon eich bod yn bwriadu gofyn am asesiad o'r effaith amgylcheddol. O ystyried nad ewch chi lawer pellach a chynnig dyddiad i ddynodi pryd y gallech fod mewn sefyllfa i roi'r farn honno, a allwch roi eglurhad inni, felly, o'r cyngor cyfreithiol rydych yn ei gomisiynu i gefnogi eich penderfyniadau? Ai cyngor cyfreithiol arbenigol allanol rydych yn ei gomisiynu, neu'r arbenigedd cyfreithiol mewnol sydd gennych yn Llywodraeth Cymru? Oherwydd nid oes syniad gennyf, fel llawer o bobl yn y Barri, pam fod y broses hon yn dal heb ei datrys, 13 mis yn ddiweddarach.

I thank the Member for his question on this issue. As he is aware, the case raises complex issues about how the EIA applies to applications to amend planning conditions, which are taking some time to work through. Details of any Welsh Government instruction for legal advice, including whether legal advice is sought or given in relation to any matter, is protected by legal professional privilege.

Diolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn ar y mater hwn. Fel y gŵyr, mae'r achos yn codi materion cymhleth ynglŷn â sut y mae'r asesiad o'r effaith amgylcheddol yn berthnasol i geisiadau i ddiwygio amodau cynllunio, ac mae'n cymryd peth amser i weithio drwy'r materion hynny. Caiff manylion unrhyw gyfarwyddyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â chyngor cyfreithiol, gan gynnwys a roddir neu a ofynnir am gyngor cyfreithiol mewn perthynas ag unrhyw fater, eu diogelu gan fraint broffesiynol gyfreithiol.

The Barry incinerator is a travesty. It's just not a good idea at all. Barry is a lovely place to live. It's got a beautiful coastline. People want to live there, and people from all over the world go to Barry because it's such a great place. So, why on earth would you want to stick a huge incinerator on the waterfront, bring in rubbish from all over and burn it on the Barry coastline? Do you agree with me that this ridiculous scheme should be scrapped?

Mae llosgydd y Barri'n drychineb. Nid yw'n syniad da o gwbl. Mae'r Barri yn lle hyfryd i fyw. Mae ganddo arfordir hardd. Mae pobl yn dymuno byw yno, ac mae pobl o bob cwr o'r byd yn mynd i'r Barri gan ei fod yn lle mor wych. Felly, pam ar y ddaear y byddech yn dymuno gosod llosgydd enfawr ar y glannau, dod â sbwriel i mewn o bob man a'i losgi ar arfordir y Barri? A ydych yn cytuno â mi y dylid rhoi'r gorau i'r cynllun gwarthus hwn?

Llywydd, given the ongoing legal process, it's not appropriate for me to comment or add a further comment to the answers already given today.

Lywydd, o ystyried y broses gyfreithiol barhaus, nid yw'n briodol imi wneud sylwadau neu ychwanegu sylw pellach at yr atebion a roddwyd eisoes heddiw.

Gwella Cynhwysiant Digidol
Improving Digital Inclusion

7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ymdrechion i wella cynhwysiant digidol? OAQ53671

7. Will the Minister make a statement on efforts to improve digital inclusion? OAQ53671

With pleasure. Through Digital Communities Wales and the many other actions in our digital inclusion framework and delivery plan, we are supporting more people to gain maximum benefit from the life-changing opportunities digital technologies can offer.

 phleser. Drwy Cymunedau Digidol Cymru a'r nifer o gamau eraill yn ein cynllun cyflenwi a'n fframwaith cynhwysiant digidol, rydym yn cynorthwyo mwy o bobl i gael y budd mwyaf posibl o'r cyfleoedd sy'n gallu newid bywydau y gall technolegau digidol eu cynnig.


Thank you, Minister, for that answer. I'm sure you will agree with me that access to digital connectivity is a great way of ensuring that people across the country can access various social media platforms, including a range of online apps. Would the Minister agree with me that the roll-out is also important in ensuring that people can access online mental health services? We know the importance of developments in online services for those who aren't able to speak out face to face or over the phone, for example. There's been some great work in this area done by students from Coleg Cambria as part of their Welsh baccalaureate. They created an app for the charity Mind—the great charity called Mind—that will benefit individuals with mental health issues, such as myself. Do you agree with that?

Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno bod mynediad at gysylltedd digidol yn ffordd wych o sicrhau bod pobl ledled y wlad yn gallu cael mynediad at blatfformau cyfryngau cymdeithasol amrywiol, gan gynnwys amrywiaeth o apiau ar-lein. A fyddai'r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod y broses o ddarparu'r cysylltedd hefyd yn bwysig er mwyn sicrhau y gall pobl gael mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl ar-lein? Gwyddom pa mor bwysig yw datblygiadau mewn gwasanaethau ar-lein i bobl na allant siarad wyneb yn wyneb neu dros y ffôn, er enghraifft. Gwnaed gwaith gwych yn y maes hwn gan fyfyrwyr o Goleg Cambria fel rhan o fagloriaeth Cymru. Fe wnaethant ddylunio ap ar gyfer elusen Mind—yr elusen wych o'r enw Mind—a fydd o fudd i unigolion â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, fel fi. A ydych yn cytuno â hynny?

I certainly do. Digital inclusion can have a significant impact on people's health outcomes by helping them take control of their health and care, or helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. It can give them a medium through which they can communicate with others in the most comfortable way and access online services and resources to support their mental health in what can be a very beneficial and helpful way. I didn't know about the app. I'm very pleased to hear about it, and I'm sure that it will have a very good effect for those people who are using it.

We must also, as he said, be mindful of the risks and dangers and the responsibility that we all bear to ensure that people are not exposed to online experiences that can have severely detrimental effects on mental health. Through Digital Communities Wales we are providing a vital co-ordination role in communities, to help people with their motivation, access and skills, to be able to improve their lives through digital technology. The programme works with mental health charities to improve the digital skills of people experiencing mental health issues and to give them the resilience and techniques to withstand some of the experiences that we know can happen, while also accessing the online services that we know can be very helpful.

We want to ensure that our citizens have the basic digital skills needed to be able to make those informed choices, and that's why the training includes tips on how to stay safe, as I say. I'm very pleased that we've just announced the awarding of the contract for health services and for digital inclusion across Wales. That programme will be able to assist people who find themselves both in hospital and in other care settings to access digital services online, and to give them the skills they need to develop that.   

Ydw, yn sicr. Gall cynhwysiant digidol gael effaith sylweddol ar ganlyniadau iechyd pobl drwy eu cynorthwyo i gael rheolaeth ar eu hiechyd a'u gofal, neu helpu i leihau teimladau o unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd. Gall roi cyfrwng iddynt allu cyfathrebu ag eraill yn y ffordd fwyaf cyfforddus a chael mynediad at wasanaethau ac adnoddau ar-lein i gefnogi eu hiechyd meddwl mewn ffordd a all fod yn fuddiol ac yn ddefnyddiol iawn. Nid oeddwn yn ymwybodol o'r ap. Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed amdano, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn cael effaith dda iawn ar y bobl sy'n ei ddefnyddio.

Mae'n rhaid i ni hefyd, fel y dywedodd, fod yn ystyriol o'r risgiau a'r peryglon a'r cyfrifoldeb sydd gan bob un ohonom i sicrhau nad yw pobl yn agored i brofiadau ar-lein a all gael effeithiau niweidiol iawn ar iechyd meddwl. Drwy Cymunedau Digidol Cymru, rydym yn cyflawni rôl gydgysylltu hanfodol mewn cymunedau, i helpu pobl gyda'u cymhelliant, mynediad a sgiliau, i allu gwella eu bywydau drwy dechnoleg ddigidol. Mae'r rhaglen yn gweithio gydag elusennau iechyd meddwl i wella sgiliau digidol pobl sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl ac i roi'r gwytnwch a'r technegau iddynt allu ymdopi â rhai o'r profiadau y gwyddom y gallant eu hwynebu, wrth iddynt ddefnyddio'r gwasanaethau ar-lein y gwyddom y gallant fod yn ddefnyddiol iawn.

Rydym am sicrhau bod gan ein dinasyddion y sgiliau digidol sylfaenol sydd eu hangen i allu gwneud y dewisiadau gwybodus hynny, a dyna pam fod yr hyfforddiant yn cynnwys awgrymiadau ar sut i fod yn ddiogel, fel y dywedais. Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod newydd gyhoeddi'r contract ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd a chynhwysiant digidol ledled Cymru. Gall y rhaglen honno gynorthwyo pobl mewn ysbytai a lleoliadau gofal eraill i gael mynediad at wasanaethau digidol ar-lein, ac i roi'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i allu datblygu hynny.

As we move to a digital society—a fully digital society—I am concerned about those areas of Wales where, of course, we don't have comparable digital infrastructure in place for people to use, of course. But, on top of that, there is the issue of digital literacy, which is particularly high in areas where there are relatively higher populations of those who are older in age. So, it has been almost three years, I think, now since the Welsh Government published its digital inclusion plan. I wonder if you could outline what you're doing to support people to embrace new technology.

Wrth inni newid i fod yn gymdeithas ddigidol—yn gymdeithas gwbl ddigidol—rwy'n pryderu ynglŷn â'r ardaloedd o Gymru, wrth gwrs, lle nad oes gennym seilwaith digidol digonol i bobl ei ddefnyddio. Ond yn ychwanegol at hynny, ceir mater llythrennedd digidol, sy'n arbennig o gyffredin mewn ardaloedd lle ceir poblogaethau cymharol uwch o bobl hŷn. Felly, credaf fod tair blynedd, bron, wedi bod ers i Lywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddi ei chynllun cynhwysiant digidol. Tybed a allech amlinellu'r hyn rydych yn ei wneud i gynorthwyo pobl i fanteisio ar dechnoleg newydd.

Yes. As I said, we've got a new £6 million, three-year digital inclusion and health programme, which will work to improve the digital capabilities of citizens and health and social care staff, allowing more people to become more active participants in their own health and well-being, which will start in July of this year. We've also put £250,000 into the translation of Learn My Way, which is an online basic digital skills platform, to make the content bilingual, so it can be promoted widely across all of the communities of Wales, to assist people who are first-language Welsh or Welsh by choice to be able to access digital skills in that way.

Since April 2015, Digital Communities Wales supported an estimated 140,000 individuals to engage with their technology, and we've also trained 2,600 young digital heroes, where young people from schools, colleges and youth organisations volunteer to support older people to engage with digital technology. If the Member hasn't seen one of those programmes in action, I'm sure we could find one in his constituency to have a look at, because I can't even talk about it without smiling. It really was a great programme—to watch a youngster helping somebody older to access the technology and bring it to life for them, really, in a really good way.

He will know that I no longer have the responsibility for the broadband programme, so I can no longer exchange pleasantries with him across the Chamber about the widgety things. But my colleague Lee Waters recently made a statement on the mobile action plan and is, I know, continuing my programme of meeting with communities across Wales to ensure that we get them the broadband connectivity that they need to participate as soon as possible.

Gallaf. Fel y dywedais, mae gennym raglen cynhwysiant digidol ac iechyd newydd sy'n dair blynedd o hyd ac yn werth £6 miliwn, a bydd yn gweithio i wella gallu digidol dinasyddion a staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gan ganiatáu i fwy o bobl gymryd rhan fwy gweithgar yn eu hiechyd a'u lles eu hunain. Bydd yn dechrau ym mis Gorffennaf eleni. Rydym hefyd wedi darparu £250,000 er mwyn cyfieithu Learn My Way, platfform sgiliau digidol sylfaenol ar-lein, i wneud y cynnwys yn ddwyieithog, fel y gellir ei hyrwyddo'n eang i holl gymunedau Cymru, i gynorthwyo pobl y mae Cymraeg yn iaith gyntaf iddynt neu bobl sy'n dewis siarad Cymraeg i allu cael mynediad at sgiliau digidol yn y modd hwnnw.

Ers mis Ebrill 2015, mae Cymunedau Digidol Cymru wedi cynorthwyo 140,000 amcangyfrifedig o unigolion i ymgysylltu â'u technoleg, ac rydym hefyd wedi hyfforddi 2,600 o arwyr digidol ifanc, lle mae pobl ifanc o ysgolion, colegau a sefydliadau ieuenctid yn gwirfoddoli i gynorthwyo pobl hŷn i ymgysylltu â thechnoleg ddigidol. Os nad yw'r Aelod wedi gweld un o'r rhaglenni hynny ar waith, rwy'n siŵr y gallem ddod o hyd i un yn ei etholaeth fel y gall ei gweld, gan na allaf hyd yn oed siarad amdanynt heb wenu. Roedd yn rhaglen wirioneddol wych—gwylio rhywun ifanc yn cynorthwyo rhywun hŷn i ddefnyddio'r dechnoleg a dod â hi'n fyw iddynt mewn ffordd wirioneddol dda.

Bydd yn gwybod nad yw'r rhaglen band eang yn rhan o fy nghyfrifoldebau i bellach, felly ni allaf gael sgyrsiau ar draws y Siambr gydag ef mwyach ynglŷn â'r byd technegol. Ond gwnaeth fy nghydweithiwr, Lee Waters, ddatganiad yn ddiweddar ar y cynllun gweithredu ar ffonau symudol, a gwn ei fod yn parhau â fy rhaglen o gyfarfodydd â chymunedau ledled Cymru i sicrhau ein bod yn darparu'r cysylltedd band eang sydd ei angen arnynt i allu cyfranogi cyn gynted â phosibl.

Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 8 [OAQ53651].

Question 8 [OAQ53651] not asked.

Darpariaeth Tai ar gyfer Pobl sy’n Dod yn Ddigartref
The Provision of Houses for People who Find themselves Homeless

Gyda diolch i'r Llywydd ac i Darren Millar am y cyfle i ofyn y cwestiwn.

With thanks to the Llywydd and to Darren Millar for the opportunity to ask the question.

9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y ddarpariaeth tai ar gyfer pobl sy’n dod yn ddigartref yng Nghymru? OAQ53677

9. Will the Minister make a statement on the provision of houses for people who find themselves homeless in Wales? OAQ53677

Yes, thank you for the question. This Government is committed to ensuring everyone has a decent place to call home. We are investing in tackling homelessness, including through the development of Housing First in Wales, and are committed to increasing and protecting our social housing stock.

Ie, diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod gan bawb le da i'w alw'n gartref. Rydym yn buddsoddi mewn mynd i'r afael â digartrefedd, gan gynnwys drwy ddatblygu Tai yn Gyntaf yng Nghymru, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i gynyddu a diogelu ein stoc tai cymdeithasol.

Diolch ichi am eich ateb. Wrth gwrs, yn sgil Deddf Cartrefi (Cymru) 2014, mae yna ddyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod pawb sy'n canfod eu hunain yn ddigartref yn cael llety dros dro tra bod y cyngor, wrth gwrs, yn ffeindio cartref ar eu cyfer nhw, ac mae hynny yn rhywbeth i'w groesawu. Ond o ganlyniad, wrth gwrs, mae cost darparu llety dros dro, er enghraifft, yn sir Ddinbych wedi cynyddu o £151,000 bedair blynedd yn ôl i £558,000 eleni; yn Wrecsam, i fyny o £330,000 i dros £600,000; yng Ngwynedd o £354,000 i dros £700,000, ac yn y blaen. Felly, gaf i ofyn pa gamau rŷch chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn cael eu hariannu yn ddigonol er mwyn, wrth gwrs, medru sicrhau bod pawb sydd angen llety dros dro yn cael yr hyn sydd ei angen arnyn nhw?

Thank you for that response. Of course, in light of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, there is a duty on local authorities for everyone who finds themselves homeless—that they are given temporary accommodation whilst the council finds them a home. That is something to be welcomed. But, as a result, the cost of providing temporary accommodation in Denbighshire, for example, has increased from £151,000 four years ago to £558,000 this year. In Wrexham, it’s up from £330,000 to over £600,000. In Gwynedd, it’s gone from £354,000 to over £700,000. So, may I ask what steps you are taking to ensure that local authorities are funded sufficiently in order to ensure that everyone who needs temporary accommodation gets what they need?

Yes, it's an interesting consequence of the Act, which has been very successful in preventing homelessness, that we are seeing some of the rises that the Member outlines, and we are working hard with local authorities to ensure that people don't stay in expensive temporary accommodation for any length of time at all and to move them on into secure, long-term accommodation as fast as possible, which also has the added benefit of being cheaper for them and for the council or registered social landlord who's providing it. So, we're working on a programme of that, very much.

I already spoke, in an earlier answer to Leanne Wood, about the housing supply and our ambitious plan to get the housing supply to be sufficient. In the end, that's the only answer, because, in the end, unless we can increase the housing supply to match the social need—and, actually, I would say social demand—for houses for social rent we will always have the problem of people continuing to look for accommodation in what is after all a system of rationing, the allocations process. So, my ambition would be to get to a point where you aren't in a system of rationing, and, if you want to live in social rented housing, you can rock up to your local housing authority and say, 'I would like a house for social rent, please'. Certainly, when I grew up, that was the case.

So, we need to increase our housing supply dramatically. We need to build at pace and at scale, and in the meantime we need to work with our housing and RSL people right across Wales to ensure that they have the best route back into secure accommodation that they can manage, both to manage the costs and, actually, to manage the experience of the individuals who have found themselves, unfortunately, homeless.

Ie, mae'n ganlyniad diddorol i'r Ddeddf, sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn yn atal digartrefedd, ein bod yn gweld peth o'r cynnydd a amlinellwyd gan yr Aelod, ac rydym yn gweithio'n galed gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau nad yw pobl yn aros mewn llety drud dros dro am gyfnod hir o amser a'u symud i lety sicr, hirdymor cyn gynted â phosibl, sydd hefyd â'r fantais ychwanegol o fod yn rhatach iddynt hwy ac i'r cyngor neu'r landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig sy'n ei ddarparu. Felly, rydym yn gweithio ar raglen o hynny, yn bendant.

Rwyf wedi sôn eisoes, mewn ateb cynharach i Leanne Wood, am y cyflenwad tai a'n cynllun uchelgeisiol i sicrhau bod y cyflenwad tai yn ddigonol. Yn y pen draw, dyna'r unig ateb, oherwydd, yn y pen draw, oni bai y gallwn gynyddu'r cyflenwad tai i gyfateb i'r angen cymdeithasol—ac mewn gwirionedd, buaswn yn dweud y galw cymdeithasol—am dai rhent cymdeithasol, byddwn bob amser yn wynebu problem wrth i bobl barhau i chwilio am lety mewn system sydd, wedi'r cyfan, yn system ddogni, y broses ddyrannu. Felly, fy uchelgais fyddai cyrraedd pwynt lle nad ydych mewn system ddogni, ac os ydych am fyw mewn tai rhent cymdeithasol, gallwch fynd at eich awdurdod tai lleol a dweud, 'Hoffwn dŷ rhent cymdeithasol, os gwelwch yn dda'. Yn sicr, pan oeddwn yn ifanc, roedd hynny'n wir.

Felly, mae angen inni gynyddu ein cyflenwad tai yn sylweddol. Mae angen i ni adeiladu'n gyflym ac ar raddfa fawr, ac yn y cyfamser, mae angen inni weithio gyda'n diwydiant tai a Landlordiaid Cymdeithasol Cofrestredig ledled Cymru i sicrhau bod ganddynt y llwybr gorau yn ôl i lety diogel y gallant ei reoli, er mwyn rheoli'r costau, ac mewn gwirionedd, er mwyn rheoli profiad unigolion sydd, yn anffodus, yn ddigartref.

3. Dadl: Cyfnod 4 y Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru)
3. Debate: Stage 4 of the Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Bill

Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r ddadl ar Gyfnod 4 y Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru). Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol i wneud y cynnig—Julie James.

The next item is the Stage 4 debate on the Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Bill and I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government to move the motion—Julie James.

Cynnig NDM7022 Julie James

Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.47:

Yn cymeradwyo Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru).

Motion NDM7022 Julie James

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 26.47:

Approves the Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Bill.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I have it in command from Her Majesty the Queen to acquaint the Assembly that Her Majesty, having been informed of the purport of the Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Bill, has given her consent to this Bill.

Llywydd, I move the motion.

I am pleased to open this debate on the Renting Homes (Fees, etc.) (Wales) Bill following the completion of Stage 3 last week. As Members will know, the Bill was introduced by the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd in her former role as Minister for Housing and Regeneration, and I would like to pay tribute to her leadership, commitment and openness to ideas in seeking to improve the experiences of tenants across Wales by steering the Bill through Stages 1 and 2 of the Assembly's scrutiny. The Bill has key aims of making renting reasonable, affordable and transparent. It does this by restricting in particular the significant upfront costs tenants can face when moving into or between homes.

Many of our constituents, and too often those on low incomes, have been at the sharp end of letting fees. The Bill rebalances the relationship between tenant, agent and landlord, removing any doubt about what costs need to be budgeted for when renting. The reforms brought about by the Bill will help improve the reputation of the sector, which has become increasingly important in recent years.

The Bill's development was informed by the almost 700 responses we received to our consultation with stakeholders, which gave us a robust evidence base for bringing forward the legislation, and I am grateful to all those who contributed. As always, the scrutiny process has helped sharpen our initial proposals, and I would like to pay tribute to the work of the members and officials of the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee in leading this work. I also wish to acknowledge the efforts of stakeholder groups representing the interests of tenants, agents and landlords to this process, who either gave evidence in writing or in person.

As with most Bills, both the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee and Finance Committee have examined its provisions thoroughly as they apply to their interests. I am grateful for their work in this area.

Last week, Members provided thoughtful and considered responses to the Stage 3 Plenary debate on the Bill. There has been and remains a cross-party consensus on the need to legislate, and I am grateful that last week's discussion reinforced that view. The reports prepared by the committees have been valuable in helping us identify aspects of the Bill that were improved by amendments made at Stages 2 and 3. There has been a particular interest in the arrangements we have made to enforce the Bill, which have been strengthened further since the Bill was introduced by increasing the level of fixed penalties and also the extension of enforcement powers to the landlord and agent licensing authority, currently Rent Smart Wales.

The Bill also now restricts the issuing of no-fault eviction notices, and ensures that utilities payments are permitted payments. I'm grateful to David Melding and Leanne Wood for the collegiate way in which they have worked with us on these matters. We have listened to arguments about the treatment of payments required when a contract holder defaults against the terms of their contract. As a result, the Bill now includes a regulation-making power that will restrict the use of default payments by setting a prescribed limit on them.

I know there is considerable interest in commencing the Bill as soon as possible so that tenants can begin to benefit from no longer having to pay letting fees. Leanne Wood argued most passionately on behalf of students who wish to see fees banned in time for the start of the new academic year this autumn. That is my wish as well. Subject to the passage of the Bill through this final stage and subject to Royal Assent being granted, I intend for the Act to be commenced by the autumn. At that point, we will have in place an Act making renting more attractive, an Act that will reduce the up-front costs of renting to a minimum, and an Act that has robust restrictions and enforcement arrangements in place to further address the behaviour of rogue agents and landlords. 

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwyf wedi fy ngorchymyn gan Ei Mawrhydi y Frenhines i roi gwybod i'r Cynulliad fod Ei Mawrhydi, ar ôl cael ei hysbysu ynglŷn â pherwyl Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru), wedi rhoi cydsyniad i'r Bil hwn.

Lywydd, rwy'n gwneud y cynnig.

Mae'n bleser gennyf agor y ddadl hon ar y Bil Rhentu Cartrefi (Ffioedd etc.) (Cymru) yn dilyn cwblhau Cam 3 yr wythnos diwethaf. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, cyflwynwyd y Bil gan y Gweinidog Cyllid a'r Trefnydd yn ei rôl flaenorol fel y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'w harweinyddiaeth, ei hymrwymiad a'i pharodrwydd i drafod syniadau i geisio gwella profiadau tenantiaid ledled Cymru drwy arwain y Bil drwy Gamau 1 a 2 o broses graffu'r Cynulliad. Nodau allweddol y Bil yw sicrhau bod rhentu'n rhesymol, yn fforddiadwy ac yn dryloyw. Gwna hyn drwy gyfyngu'n arbennig ar y costau sylweddol y gall tenantiaid eu hwynebu ymlaen llaw wrth symud i gartrefi neu rhwng cartrefi.

Mae llawer o'n hetholwyr, ac yn rhy aml, y rheini sydd ar incwm isel, wedi dioddef yn sgil ffioedd gosod. Mae'r Bil yn ailgydbwyso'r berthynas rhwng tenant, asiant a landlord, gan ddileu unrhyw amheuaeth ynglŷn â pha gostau y mae angen cyllidebu ar eu cyfer wrth rentu. Bydd y diwygiadau a gyflwynir gan y Bil yn helpu i wella enw da'r sector, rhywbeth sydd wedi dod yn gynyddol bwysig dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf.

Cafodd datblygiad y Bil ei lywio gan bron i 700 o ymatebion a gawsom i'n hymgynghoriad â rhanddeiliaid, a roddodd sylfaen dystiolaeth gadarn i ni ar gyfer cyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i bob un a gyfrannodd. Fel bob amser, mae'r broses graffu wedi ein cynorthwyo i hogi ein cynigion cychwynnol, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i waith aelodau a swyddogion y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau wrth arwain y gwaith hwn. Hefyd hoffwn gydnabod ymdrechion grwpiau rhanddeiliaid sy'n cynrychioli buddiannau tenantiaid, asiantiaid a landlordiaid yn y broses hon, a roddodd dystiolaeth naill ai'n ysgrifenedig neu'n bersonol.

Fel gyda'r rhan fwyaf o Filiau, mae'r Pwyllgor Materion Cyfansoddiadol a Deddfwriaethol a'r Pwyllgor Cyllid wedi archwilio ei ddarpariaethau'n drylwyr o ran sut y maent yn berthnasol i'w buddiannau hwy. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am eu gwaith i'r perwyl hwn.

Yr wythnos diwethaf, darparodd yr Aelodau ymatebion ystyriol a phwyllog i ddadl y Cyfarfod Llawn ar Gam 3 y Bil. Cafwyd consensws trawsbleidiol ar yr angen i ddeddfu, a cheir consensws o hyd, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar fod y drafodaeth yr wythnos diwethaf wedi atgyfnerthu'r farn honno. Mae'r adroddiadau a baratowyd gan y pwyllgorau wedi bod yn werthfawr i'n cynorthwyo i nodi agweddau ar y Bil a gafodd eu gwella gan welliannau a wnaed yng Nghamau 2 a 3. Roedd diddordeb arbennig yn y trefniadau a wnaethom ar gyfer gweithredu'r Bil, sydd wedi'u cryfhau ymhellach ers cyflwyno’r Bil drwy gynyddu lefel y cosbau penodedig yn ogystal ag ymestyn pwerau gorfodi i gynnwys yr awdurdod trwyddedu landlordiaid ac asiantiaid, sef Rhentu Doeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd.

Mae'r Bil bellach yn cyfyngu hefyd ar gyflwyno hysbysiadau troi allan 'dim bai', ac yn sicrhau bod taliadau cyfleustodau yn daliadau a ganiateir. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i David Melding a Leanne Wood am y ffordd golegol y maent wedi gweithio gyda ni ar y materion hyn. Rydym wedi gwrando ar ddadleuon ynglŷn ag ymdrin â thaliadau sy'n ofynnol pan fydd deiliad contract yn methu cydymffurfio â thelerau eu contract. O ganlyniad, mae'r Bil bellach yn cynnwys pŵer i wneud rheoliadau a fydd yn cyfyngu ar y defnydd o ddiffygdaliadau drwy osod terfyn rhagnodedig arnynt.

Gwn fod cryn ddiddordeb mewn cychwyn y Bil cyn gynted â phosibl fel y gall tenantiaid ddechrau elwa o beidio â gorfod talu ffioedd gosod mwyach. Dadleuodd Leanne Wood yn angerddol ar ran myfyrwyr sy'n dymuno gweld ffioedd yn cael eu gwahardd erbyn dechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd yr hydref hwn. Dyna fy nymuniad innau hefyd. Yn amodol ar basio'r Bil drwy'r cam terfynol hwn ac yn amodol ar roi Cydsyniad Brenhinol, fy mwriad yw bod y Ddeddf yn cychwyn erbyn yr hydref. Yr adeg honno, bydd gennym Ddeddf ar waith sy’n sicrhau bod rhentu’n fwy deniadol, Deddf a fydd yn lleihau i'r graddau mwyaf posibl y costau ymlaen llaw sy’n gysylltiedig â rhentu, a Deddf sydd â chyfyngiadau a threfniadau gorfodi cadarn ar waith er mwyn mynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad asiantiaid a landlordiaid diegwyddor.

Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd.


I'm very pleased to speak at the final stage of this important piece of legislation today. As I said at the outset, at Stage 1, this Bill is just one step in the effort to build a housing market that is fit for the future. It is indeed unfair that tenants across the country should be stung by unexpected and unreasonable costs, and that is why I'm happy that we will be banning those fees, alongside other measures to make renting fairer and more transparent.

For us in the Welsh Conservatives, the most important aspect of this Bill was the need to balance and protect the rights of both landlords and tenants. That's been very much behind my approach in drafting amendments at Stages 2 and 3, and I'm very glad that some of my amendments have passed in one way or another. This includes, firstly, an amendment that gives Rent Smart Wales the ability to issue fixed-penalty notices—this amendment that I brought forward at Stage 2, but  which then the Government amended and brought forward themselves at Stage 3—and, second, my amendment that prevents the landlord from issuing a possession notice to the tenant when a prohibited payment has been issued and has subsequently not been repaid. This was passed at Stage 3 last week, following close co-operation with the Minister and her team, and I thank the Minister for working with me in that manner. There were other amendments, Llywydd, that I thought would have strengthened the Bill that have not been adopted, but I am happy to settle for the three quarters of a loaf in this instance.

For all those landlords and tenants who are co-operating in a harmonious way, I say to them today that they have nothing to fear from this legislation. This will help them in the long run, because, alongside other pieces of legislation that have strengthened this area that have been passed in this Assembly, we will weed out those who are undertaking unscrupulous practices and we will strengthen thereby the market, and especially make it more conducive for responsible landlords and agents. And I think it's a crucial part of what we're doing.

Over the last decade, the private rented sector has grown both in absolute numbers and in proportionality, mostly at the expense of owner occupation. If the trend continues, the private rented sector will become the second most prevalent accommodation type after home ownership. It is anticipated to reach 20 per cent of total housing stock by 2020, just next year. It is a market that is here to stay.

It is important that we got this legislation right because the sector is becoming increasingly important in meeting housing need, and we have been in the fortuitous position, in respect of trial and error and learning from others, that both the Scottish Government and the UK Government have taken this legislation forward before us, and this is something that I've tried to reflect in my approach and in my scrutiny. In fairness, also I think the Government has been quite aware of that as well. 

In conclusion, Llywydd, I'm content that this Bill strengthens the rights of all those involved in the sector and helps rebuild the trust between landlord and tenant. I urge all Members to support this legislation at its final stage today.

Rwy'n falch iawn o siarad yng ngham olaf y darn pwysig hwn o ddeddfwriaeth heddiw. Fel y dywedais ar y dechrau, yng Ngham 1, un cam yn unig yw'r Bil hwn yn yr ymdrech i adeiladu marchnad dai sy'n addas ar gyfer y dyfodol. Yn wir, mae’n annheg fod tenantiaid ledled y wlad yn wynebu costau annisgwyl ac afresymol, a dyna pam fy mod yn hapus y byddwn yn gwahardd y ffioedd hynny, ynghyd â mesurau eraill i wneud rhentu'n decach ac yn fwy tryloyw.

I ni’r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, agwedd bwysicaf y Bil hwn oedd yr angen i gydbwyso a diogelu hawliau landlordiaid a thenantiaid. Mae hynny wedi llywio fy ymagwedd wrth ddrafftio gwelliannau yng Nghamau 2 a 3, ac rwy'n falch iawn fod rhai o fy ngwelliannau wedi cael eu derbyn mewn rhyw ffordd neu'i gilydd. Mae hynny’n cynnwys, yn gyntaf, gwelliant sy'n galluogi Rhentu Doeth Cymru i gyhoeddi hysbysiadau cosb benodedig—gwelliant a gyflwynais yng Ngham 2, ond a ddiwygiwyd gan y Llywodraeth a’i gyflwyno ganddynt yng Ngham 3—ac yn ail, fy ngwelliant sy'n atal y landlord rhag rhoi hysbysiad cymryd meddiant i'r tenant pan fydd tâl gwaharddedig wedi’i godi a heb ei ad-dalu wedyn. Derbyniwyd y gwelliant hwn yng Ngham 3 yr wythnos diwethaf, yn dilyn cydweithredu agos â'r Gweinidog a'i thîm, a diolch i'r Gweinidog am weithio gyda mi yn y modd hwnnw. Roedd yna welliannau eraill, Lywydd, y teimlwn y byddent wedi cryfhau'r Bil na chawsant eu derbyn, ond rwy’n fodlon â thri chwarter y dorth yn yr achos hwn.

I bob un o'r landlordiaid a'r tenantiaid sy'n cydweithredu’n gytûn, rwy'n dweud wrthynt heddiw nad oes ganddynt unrhyw beth i’w ofni yn y ddeddfwriaeth hon. Bydd yn eu helpu yn y pen draw, oherwydd, ynghyd â darnau eraill o ddeddfwriaeth a basiwyd yn y Cynulliad hwn ac sydd wedi cryfhau'r maes hwn, byddwn yn cael gwared ar y rheini sy'n cyflawni arferion diegwyddor, a thrwy hynny, byddwn yn cryfhau'r farchnad, ac yn ei gwneud yn fwy ffafriol i landlordiaid ac asiantiaid cyfrifol. A chredaf fod hynny’n rhan hanfodol o'r hyn a wnawn.

Dros y degawd diwethaf, mae'r sector rhentu preifat wedi tyfu o ran niferoedd gwirioneddol ac o ran cymesuredd, yn bennaf ar draul perchen-feddiannaeth. Os bydd y duedd yn parhau, y sector rhentu preifat fydd yr ail fath mwyaf cyffredin o gartref ar ôl perchentyaeth. Rhagwelir y bydd yn cyrraedd 20 y cant o gyfanswm y stoc dai erbyn 2020, y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae'n farchnad sydd yma i aros.

Roedd yn bwysig inni gael y ddeddfwriaeth hon yn iawn gan fod y sector yn dod yn gynyddol bwysig wrth ddiwallu'r angen am dai, ac rydym wedi bod mewn sefyllfa ffodus, o ran profi a methu a dysgu gan eraill, gan fod Llywodraeth yr Alban a Llywodraeth y DU wedi bwrw ymlaen â'r ddeddfwriaeth hon eisoes, ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth rwyf wedi ceisio’i adlewyrchu yn fy ymagwedd ac yn fy ngwaith craffu. Er tegwch, credaf hefyd fod y Llywodraeth wedi bod yn gwbl ymwybodol o hynny hefyd.

I gloi, Lywydd, rwy'n fodlon fod y Bil hwn yn cryfhau hawliau pawb sy'n gysylltiedig â'r sector ac yn helpu i ailadeiladu'r hyder rhwng landlord a thenant. Rwy’n annog yr holl Aelodau i gefnogi'r ddeddfwriaeth hon ar ei cham olaf heddiw.


Y Gweinidog i ymateb.

The Minister to respond. 

Do you wish to—?

A ydych yn dymuno—?

Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.50C, mae'n rhaid cynnal pleidlais wedi ei chofnodi ar gynigion Cyfnod 4. Felly, dwi'n gohirio'r bleidlais ar y cynnig yma tan y cyfnod pleidleisio. 

In accordance with Standing Order 26.50C, a recorded vote must be taken on Stage 4 motions. So, I defer voting on this motion until voting time.

Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

Voting deferred until voting time.

4. Rheoliadau Trefniadau Partneriaeth ac Asesiadau Poblogaeth (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2019
4. The Partnership Arrangements and Population Assessments (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2019

Yr eitem nesaf yw eitem 4, y Rheoliadau Trefniadau Partneriaeth ac Asesiadau Poblogaeth (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2019. Dwi'n galw ar y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i wneud y cynnig—Julie Morgan.

The next item is item 4, the Partnership Arrangements and Population Assessments (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2019, and I call on the Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services to move the motion—Julie Morgan.

Cynnig NDM7015 Rebecca Evans

Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru; yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:

1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau Trefniadau Partneriaeth ac Asesiadau Poblogaeth (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) 2019 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft aosodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 05 Mawrth 2019.  

Motion NDM7015 Rebecca Evans

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:

1. Approves that the draft The Partnership Arrangements and Population Assessments (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2019 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 05 March 2019.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.