Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio sydd gyntaf heddiw, ac mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, Rebecca Evans, yn ateb ar ran Julie James. Cwestiwn 1, Jack Sargeant.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning, and Cabinet Secretary, Rebecca Evans, will respond on behalf of Julie James. Question 1, Jack Sargeant.
1. Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gyda phartneriaid llywodraeth leol ynglŷn â manteision symud pensiynau llywodraeth leol Cymru i ffwrdd o fuddsoddiadau tanwydd ffosil? OQ61422
1. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with local government partners regarding the benefits of divesting Welsh local government pensions away from fossil fuels? OQ61422
Both I and the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning have discussed the continuing decarbonisation of Welsh local government pensions with leaders and others in the partnership council. We will continue to encourage further progress.
Rwyf i ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio wedi trafod y broses barhaus o ddatgarboneiddio pensiynau llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru gydag arweinwyr ac eraill yn y cyngor partneriaeth. Byddwn yn parhau i annog cynnydd pellach.
I’m grateful to the Cabinet Secretary for that answer and for the work that the Welsh Government have done with the WLGA and local government partners in this area. Pension divestment is happening in Wales and right across the world, and it is happening because it is the right thing to do, because major economies and investors are moving to other technologies. The question is: can Cymru lead the way? As I’ve said before, divestment provides an opportunity, as pension funds can invest significant sums in capital projects. If the work is done to build investor confidence and the pipeline of projects is there, it could be that Welsh projects in social housing, in renewables and in transport infrastructure could grasp this opportunity in front of us. Will the Cabinet Secretary commit to continuing to explore this opportunity with partners and the Wales Pension Partnership?
Rwy’n ddiolchgar i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei hateb ac am y gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i wneud gyda CLlLC a phartneriaid llywodraeth leol yn y maes hwn. Mae symud pensiynau yn rhywbeth sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru a ledled y byd, ac mae'n digwydd am mai dyna'r peth iawn i'w wneud, gan fod economïau a buddsoddwyr mawr yn symud i dechnolegau eraill. Y cwestiwn yw: a all Cymru arwain y ffordd? Fel rwyf wedi'i ddweud o’r blaen, mae symud pensiynau yn rhoi cyfle, gan y gall cronfeydd pensiwn fuddsoddi symiau sylweddol mewn prosiectau cyfalaf. Os gwneir y gwaith i feithrin hyder buddsoddwyr, ac os oes digon o brosiectau ar y gweill, mae’n bosibl y gallai prosiectau ym maes tai cymdeithasol, ynni adnewyddadwy a seilwaith trafnidiaeth yng Nghymru fanteisio ar y cyfle sydd gennym. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ymrwymo i barhau i archwilio’r cyfle hwn gyda phartneriaid a Phartneriaeth Pensiwn Cymru?
I'd absolutely give our commitment to continuing to explore those opportunities, but, before I do that, I really want to put on record my thanks to Jack Sargeant for the amazing work that he’s done in this space in terms of bringing this to the Senedd time after time, in the work that he’s done having discussions directly with local government on this issue, which he is clearly passionate about and he is clearly a driving force behind the changes that we are seeing, and I think we should all be welcoming those changes.
I completely agree that that pipeline of projects would absolutely help investor confidence, and I think that the announcement in 2022 that we were going to set up a renewable energy company in Wales to be owned in Wales for the people of Wales has absolutely given us an opportunity to drive forward this agenda even further. And we delivered on that commitment. Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru has been in place now since April of this year and it will formally launch later this month, and it will accelerate the delivery of renewable energy in Wales, keeping more of the value here. So, I think that absolutely speaks to the idea that Jack Sargeant is bringing forward to the Senedd today.
Also, I have to welcome the work by the incoming UK Government on making the green finance powerhouse and ensuring that we have pension funds as part of that. I think, again, that’s a really important part of the agenda in terms of making this shift. I think we are seeing change, but there’s absolutely more for us to do.
Byddwn yn sicr yn ymrwymo'n llwyr i barhau i archwilio’r cyfleoedd hynny, ond cyn imi wneud hynny, hoffwn ddiolch ar goedd i Jack Sargeant am ei waith anhygoel yn y maes yn codi hyn yn y Senedd dro ar ôl tro, yn y gwaith y mae wedi’i wneud wrth gael trafodaethau uniongyrchol â llywodraeth leol ar y mater y mae’n amlwg yn angerddol yn ei gylch, ac mae’n amlwg yn sbardun i’r newidiadau yr ydym yn eu gweld, a chredaf y dylai pob un ohonom groesawu’r newidiadau hynny.
Cytunaf yn llwyr y byddai’r gyfres honno o brosiectau’n helpu hyder buddsoddwyr, a chredaf fod y cyhoeddiad yn 2022 y byddem yn sefydlu cwmni ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru i fod yn eiddo i Gymru ar gyfer pobl Cymru yn sicr wedi rhoi cyfle i ni yrru'r agenda hon yn ei blaen ymhellach. Ac fe wnaethom gyflawni'r ymrwymiad hwnnw. Mae Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru bellach wedi bod yn weithredol ers mis Ebrill eleni, a bydd yn cael ei lansio’n ffurfiol yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn, a bydd yn cyflymu’r broses o ddarparu ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru, gan gadw mwy o’r gwerth yma. Felly, credaf fod hynny’n cyd-fynd yn llwyr â’r syniad y mae Jack Sargeant yn ei gyflwyno i’r Senedd heddiw.
Hefyd, rhaid imi groesawu'r gwaith gan Lywodraeth newydd y DU ar greu'r pwerdy cyllid gwyrdd a sicrhau bod gennym gronfeydd pensiwn yn rhan o hynny. Unwaith eto, rwy'n credu bod hynny’n rhan bwysig iawn o’r agenda o ran gwneud y newid hwn. Credaf ein bod yn gweld newid, ond yn sicr, mae mwy gennym i'w wneud.
Whilst we take our shift to net zero seriously, it’s also important not to make rash decisions that will have damaging consequences. The divest movement is lobbying local councils to divest local government pensions away from fossil fuel companies, which sounds good in theory, but I don’t think it would be advisable to jump on this bandwagon without looking at the consequences where this has been done so far. Most private pension funds today invest according to the environmental, social and governance scores in which companies will be ranked, amongst other things, based on their ethics and commitment to the environment, and I assume that most local government pension funds will already be doing something similar. But there have been well-publicised cases where socially responsible pension funds have lost significant sums of money due to divesting, which would amount to a breach of their fiduciary duty. We would not want to end up in a situation where pension funds have been depleted due to bad investments resulting from Government pressure, and, on top of that, local authorities would be open to widescale litigation due to a breach of fiduciary duty. Therefore, I’m more interested in what the Cabinet Secretary can do to encourage investment in renewables rather than punish those who invest in fossil fuels. So, could the Cabinet Secretary outline how the Welsh Government is ensuring that the planning rules ensure that planning permission for the construction of renewable energy projects is granted much more swiftly as it’s only the lowest paid people in the public sector who would be short-changed as a result of this agenda? Thank you.
Er ein bod o ddifrif ynghylch ein hymdrech i gyrraedd sero net, mae hefyd yn bwysig peidio â gwneud penderfyniadau brysiog a fydd yn arwain at ganlyniadau niweidiol. Mae’r mudiad symud pensiynau yn lobïo cynghorau lleol i symud pensiynau llywodraeth leol oddi wrth gwmnïau tanwydd, sy’n swnio’n dda mewn egwyddor, ond ni chredaf y byddai’n ddoeth neidio ar y drol hon heb edrych ar y canlyniadau lle mae hyn wedi digwydd hyd yma. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o gronfeydd pensiwn preifat heddiw yn buddsoddi yn ôl y sgoriau amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol a llywodraethiant, ymhlith pethau eraill, a ddefnyddir i raddio cwmnïau ar sail eu moeseg a’u hymrwymiad i’r amgylchedd, ac rwy’n cymryd y bydd y rhan fwyaf o gronfeydd pensiwn llywodraeth leol eisoes yn gwneud rhywbeth tebyg. Ond rydym wedi gweld achosion amlwg lle mae cronfeydd pensiwn cymdeithasol gyfrifol wedi colli symiau sylweddol o arian yn sgil symud pensiynau, sy'n golygu eu bod yn torri eu dyletswyddau ymddiriedol. Ni fyddem am fod mewn sefyllfa lle mae cronfeydd pensiwn wedi’u disbyddu oherwydd buddsoddiadau gwael o ganlyniad i bwysau gan y Llywodraeth, ac ar ben hynny, byddai awdurdodau lleol yn agored i ymgyfreitha ar raddfa eang oherwydd tor dyletswydd ymddiriedol. Felly, mae gennyf fwy o ddiddordeb yn yr hyn y gall Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ei wneud i annog buddsoddiad mewn ynni adnewyddadwy yn hytrach na chosbi’r rheini sy’n buddsoddi mewn tanwyddau ffosil. Felly, a allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet amlinellu sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod y rheolau cynllunio yn sicrhau bod caniatâd cynllunio ar gyfer adeiladu prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy yn cael ei roi'n llawer cyflymach gan mai dim ond y bobl ar y cyflogau isaf yn y sector cyhoeddus a fyddai ar eu colled o ganlyniad i'r agenda hon? Diolch.
Well, of course, it's for the investment funds and the boards to undertake their particular personal responsibilities and the Welsh Government doesn’t have a role in undertaking those responsibilities. But we do have a role, I think, in terms of being able to share best practice, and we’ve been able to do that through the Wales partnership council. And we’re really encouraged to see the Wales Pension Partnership plan and the assessment of its progress on decarbonising more of the £22 billion of local government pension assets that were in its control. We saw that report in February, and there are commitments for the pension partnership to go further.
I don’t agree with my colleague that the investment in renewable energy is a bandwagon. I think it absolutely is the future, and it’s absolutely the way in which we need to go in order to create the green energy that we need to grow our economy here in Wales.
Wel, wrth gwrs, mater i’r cronfeydd buddsoddi a’r byrddau yw ymgymryd â’u cyfrifoldebau personol penodol, ac nid oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl i ymgymryd â’r cyfrifoldebau hynny. Ond credaf fod gennym rôl i allu rhannu arferion gorau, ac rydym wedi gallu gwneud hynny drwy gyngor partneriaeth Cymru. Ac mae’n galonogol iawn gweld cynllun Partneriaeth Pensiwn Cymru, a’r asesiad o’u cynnydd ar ddatgarboneiddio rhagor o’r gwerth £22 biliwn o asedau pensiwn llywodraeth leol yr oeddent yn gyfrifol amdanynt. Gwelsom yr adroddiad hwnnw ym mis Chwefror, ac mae ymrwymiadau wedi'u gwneud i’r bartneriaeth bensiynau fynd ymhellach.
Nid wyf yn cytuno â fy nghyd-Aelod mai neidio ar y drol yw buddsoddi mewn ynni adnewyddadwy. Credaf mai dyma’r dyfodol, a dyma’r cyfeiriad y mae angen inni fynd iddo er mwyn creu’r ynni gwyrdd sydd ei angen arnom i dyfu ein heconomi yma yng Nghymru.
2. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am waith Llywodraeth Cymru gyda chynghorau lleol i wella hygyrchedd i drigolion anabl yng nghanol trefi? OQ61433
2. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Welsh Government's work with local councils on improving accessibility for disabled residents in town centres? OQ61433
The 'Manual for Streets' sets out our expectations for inclusive places. At the local level, placemaking plans outline how town centres will be improved for all communities, including disabled residents. With the support of the Design Commission for Wales, local authorities are empowering communities to be part of this process.
Mae'r 'Llawlyfr Strydoedd' yn nodi ein disgwyliadau ar gyfer lleoedd cynhwysol. Ar lefel leol, mae cynlluniau creu lleoedd yn amlinellu sut y bydd canol trefi'n cael eu gwella ar gyfer pob cymuned, gan gynnwys trigolion anabl. Gyda chefnogaeth Comisiwn Dylunio Cymru, mae awdurdodau lleol yn grymuso cymunedau i fod yn rhan o'r broses hon.
Thank you for that response, Cabinet Secretary. Recently, I was invited to take part in a Q&A session with RCT People First, organised by the organisation Leonard Cheshire, which supports disabled people. During the session, many issues were raised with me, but one I hear time and time again from constituents across the region is accessibility in and around our town centres—a lack of adaption, such as dropped kerbs on pavements, a lack of adequate changing facilities, accessible car parking, all placing unnecessary barriers on disabled people that can lead to isolation and lack of opportunities to participate in community life. In Pontypridd town centre, for instance, the fact that there are no automatic doors from the multi-storey car park assumes that a disabled person will be with someone else if they have a physical disability, rather than a scooter or whatever. So, there are very real barriers for people in accessing our town centres. We have a long way to go, and will you ensure that councils are adequately funded to make these necessary changes, and work with organisations like RCT People First and Leonard Cheshire to ensure that our towns are accessible to everyone, because that’s certainly not the case at the moment?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yn ddiweddar, cefais wahoddiad i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda Pobl yn Gyntaf RhCT, a drefnwyd gan sefydliad Leonard Cheshire, sy’n cefnogi pobl anabl. Yn ystod y sesiwn, codwyd nifer o faterion, ond un a glywaf dro ar ôl tro gan etholwyr ar draws y rhanbarth yw hygyrchedd yng nghanol ein trefi a'r cyffiniau—diffyg addasiadau, megis cyrbiau isel ar balmentydd, diffyg cyfleusterau newid addas, parcio hygyrch, pob un yn creu rhwystrau diangen i bobl anabl a all arwain at ynysu a diffyg cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn bywyd cymunedol. Yng nghanol tref Pontypridd, er enghraifft, mae’r ffaith nad oes unrhyw ddrysau awtomatig o’r maes parcio aml-lawr yn cymryd yn ganiataol y bydd rhywun arall gydag unigolyn anabl os oes ganddynt anabledd corfforol, yn hytrach na'u bod ar sgwter neu beth bynnag. Felly, mae rhwystrau gwirioneddol i bobl o ran mynediad i ganol ein trefi. Mae gennym ffordd bell i fynd, ac a wnewch chi sicrhau bod cynghorau’n cael eu hariannu’n ddigonol i wneud y newidiadau angenrheidiol hyn, a gweithio gyda sefydliadau fel Pobl yn Gyntaf RhCT a Leonard Cheshire i sicrhau bod ein trefi’n hygyrch i bawb, oherwydd yn sicr, nid yw hynny’n wir ar hyn o bryd?
I’m really grateful for the question this afternoon, and I’d also like to pay tribute to the work of RCT People First and also Leonard Cheshire, both of which are incredible campaigning organisations, and they are in the business of making change all of the time, so I absolutely support that.
On the issue of council funding, we will always try and provide local government with the best possible settlement that we’re able to. But—and I’m not going to labour the point this afternoon—we do know that our budget is worth so much less in real terms than it was at the point at which it was set, and the same pressures are being felt by local government. But they absolutely remain our priority, alongside health, in terms of funding.
I think that funding is only part of it. It’s also about having the right policies in place, and ensuring that, when we do provide investment, it’s done in a way which has that something-for-something approach as well. I think that the good work that’s happening around the Transforming Towns fund is something that we can certainly point to, because a prerequisite of that funding is that appropriate place plans are there, or are at least being developed. And one of the key elements, then, of those place plans is that kind of placemaking activity that should involve communities—so, RCT People First, Leonard Cheshire, other organisations, should absolutely be involved in that placemaking to ensure that our communities are truly accessible for everyone. But the points are absolutely well made, and I know that if the Minister for this portfolio was here, I’m sure she would agree with them as well.
Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn am eich cwestiwn y prynhawn yma, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged hefyd i waith Pobl yn Gyntaf RhCT a Leonard Cheshire, sy'n sefydliadau ymgyrchu anhygoel, ac maent yn sicrhau newid drwy'r amser, felly rwy'n llwyr gefnogi hynny.
Ar fater cyllid cynghorau, byddwn bob amser yn ceisio darparu’r setliad gorau y gallwn ei roi i lywodraeth leol. Ond—ac nid wyf yn mynd i rygnu ar y pwynt y prynhawn yma—gwyddom fod ein cyllideb yn werth cymaint llai mewn termau real na phan gafodd ei gosod, ac mae’r un pwysau'n cael ei deimlo gan lywodraeth leol. Ond maent yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i ni, ynghyd ag iechyd, o ran cyllid.
Rwy'n credu mai dim ond rhan ohono yw cyllid. Mae'n ymwneud hefyd â sicrhau bod y polisïau cywir ar waith, a sicrhau, pan fyddwn yn darparu buddsoddiad, fod hynny'n digwydd gan ddefnyddio dull rhywbeth am rywbeth yn ogystal. Credaf fod y gwaith da sy’n mynd rhagddo mewn perthynas â chronfa Trawsnewid Trefi yn rhywbeth y gallwn dynnu sylw ato yn sicr, gan mai un o ragofynion y cyllid hwnnw yw bod cynlluniau bro priodol ar waith, neu o leiaf yn cael eu datblygu. Ac un o elfennau allweddol y cynlluniau bro hynny yw'r math hwnnw o weithgarwch creu lleoedd a ddylai gynnwys cymunedau—felly, dylai Pobl yn Gyntaf RhCT, Leonard Cheshire a sefydliadau eraill fod yn rhan bendant o'r gwaith creu lleoedd hwnnw er mwyn sicrhau bod ein cymunedau yn wirioneddol hygyrch i bawb. Ond mae’r pwyntiau wedi’u gwneud yn dda iawn, a phe bai’r Gweinidog ar gyfer y portffolio hwn yma, rwy'n siŵr y byddai’n cytuno â nhw hefyd.
For many disabled adults and children, and their families, having a blue-badge parking permit is key to accessing services and facilities in town centres and maximising their independence. Speaking at the cross-party group on disability in February, STAND North Wales CIC—Stronger Together for Additional Needs and Disabilities—who submitted the Senedd petition to make blue-badge applications lifelong for individuals who have a lifelong diagnosis, stated that they had discovered through research that local authorities were either unaware of lifetime awards or had a different understanding of what it meant. Another speaker who I supported shared his experience of applying for a blue badge. When his application last year was initially unsuccessful, he was also informed that there was no statutory appeals process against the decision made by the local authority. And my extensive casework on behalf of affected constituents confirms and evidences the grave inconsistencies, inefficiencies and injustices arising from the Welsh Government’s blue-badge scheme in Wales guidance for local authorities. How will you engage with Cabinet colleagues to address this?
I lawer o oedolion a phlant anabl, a’u teuluoedd, mae cael cerdyn parcio bathodyn glas yn hollbwysig er mwyn cael mynediad at wasanaethau a chyfleusterau yng nghanol trefi a sicrhau eu bod mor annibynnol â phosibl. Wrth siarad yn y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar anabledd ym mis Chwefror, dywedodd cwmni buddiannau cymunedol STAND Gogledd Cymru—'Stronger Together for Additional Needs and Disabilities'—a gyflwynodd y ddeiseb i'r Senedd i ddarparu bathodyn glas gydol oes i unigolion sydd â diagnosis gydol oes, eu bod wedi darganfod drwy ymchwil fod awdurdodau lleol naill ai heb fod yn ymwybodol o fathodynnau gydol oes, neu fod ganddynt ddealltwriaeth wahanol o’r hyn a olygent. Rhannodd siaradwr arall a gefnogais ei brofiad o wneud cais am fathodyn glas. Pan oedd ei gais y llynedd yn aflwyddiannus i ddechrau, cafodd wybod hefyd nad oedd proses statudol i apelio yn erbyn y penderfyniad a wnaed gan yr awdurdod lleol. Ac mae fy ngwaith achos helaeth ar ran etholwyr yr effeithiwyd arnynt yn cadarnhau ac yn dangos tystiolaeth o anghysondebau, aneffeithlonrwydd ac anghyfiawnderau difrifol sy’n deillio o ganllawiau cynllun bathodyn glas Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol. Sut y gwnewch chi ymgysylltu â'ch cyd-Aelodau o'r Cabinet i fynd i’r afael â hyn?
So, again, I’m grateful for the question, and it does in fact echo one of the contributions from the Plaid Cymru benches yesterday, which was talking about the same challenges in terms of people who do have lifelong conditions and yet have to reapply, I believe, every three years for their blue badge. I think that and the point about there being no formal appeals process are two very important points, and I will commit to discussing them with the Minister on her return. I do know that people can make an additional application if they’re able to provide additional evidence, but it isn’t the same, I know, as an appeals process. So, there have been a number of reviews of the blue-badge scheme over recent years, but, given that these points have come up on two consecutive days in the Senedd now, I will commit to raising that with my colleague when she returns.
Felly, unwaith eto, rwy'n ddiolchgar am eich cwestiwn, ac mae'n adleisio un o'r cyfraniadau o feinciau Plaid Cymru ddoe, a oedd yn sôn am yr un heriau i bobl sydd â chyflyrau gydol oes ond sydd, er hynny, yn gorfod ailymgeisio bob tair blynedd, rwy’n credu, am eu bathodyn glas. Credaf fod hynny a'r pwynt nad oes proses apelio ffurfiol yn ddau bwynt pwysig iawn, ac rwy'n ymrwymo i’w trafod gyda’r Gweinidog wedi iddi ddychwelyd. Gwn y gall pobl wneud cais ychwanegol os ydynt yn gallu darparu tystiolaeth ychwanegol, ond gwn nad yw hynny yr un peth â phroses apelio. Felly, bu nifer o adolygiadau o gynllun y bathodyn glas dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ond o ystyried bod y pwyntiau hyn wedi codi ar ddau ddiwrnod yn olynol yn y Senedd nawr, rwy'n ymrwymo i godi hynny gyda fy nghyd-Aelod wedi iddi ddychwelyd.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Joel James.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservatives' spokesperson, Joel James.
Thank you, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, nature is in crisis globally and we need to do more to ensure that our wildlife not only thrives, but that those who use the land are protected. It’s a delicate balance. National parks have played an important role in this and have become the last safe haven for many species. However, research by the campaign for national parks has shown that, in Wales, substantially more needs to be done. Concerted action is needed to improve the condition of sites of special scientific interest, with our national parks only having 23 per cent that are ranked as ‘in favourable condition’, which is only slightly better than those outside of parks at 19 per cent. Many of these SSSIs are located on private land, and I understand that there’s no specific financial support provided by the Welsh Government in order to help landowners maintain these areas, which they’re expected to do at their own expense. Also, there is no up-to-date and ongoing monitoring information for the majority of SSSIs, which means that it’s very difficult to plan for their improvement. With this in mind, Cabinet Secretary, what plans do you have to properly fund and support land managers in restoring SSSIs and our national parks to favourable conditions? Thank you.
Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae byd natur mewn argyfwng yn fyd-eang ac mae angen inni wneud mwy i sicrhau bod ein bywyd gwyllt nid yn unig yn ffynnu, ond bod y rhai sy’n defnyddio’r tir yn cael eu diogelu. Mae'n gydbwysedd bregus. Mae parciau cenedlaethol wedi chwarae rhan bwysig yn hyn ac wedi dod yn hafan ddiogel olaf i lawer o rywogaethau. Fodd bynnag, mae ymchwil gan yr ymgyrch dros barciau cenedlaethol wedi dangos bod angen gwneud llawer mwy yng Nghymru. Mae angen gweithredu ar y cyd i wella cyflwr safleoedd o ddiddordeb gwyddonol arbennig, gyda dim ond 23 y cant yn ein parciau cenedlaethol wedi’u nodi fel rhai sydd ‘mewn cyflwr ffafriol’, sydd ond ychydig yn well na’r rheini y tu allan i'r parciau, ar 19 y cant. Mae llawer o’r SoDdGAau hyn wedi’u lleoli ar dir preifat, a deallaf nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu unrhyw gymorth ariannol penodol i helpu tirfeddianwyr i gynnal yr ardaloedd hyn, a disgwylir iddynt dalu am hynny o'u pocedi eu hunain. Hefyd, nid oes unrhyw wybodaeth fonitro gyfredol a pharhaus ar gael ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o SoDdGAau, sy’n golygu ei bod yn anodd iawn cynllunio ar gyfer eu gwella. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gynlluniau sydd gennych i ariannu a chefnogi rheolwyr tir yn briodol i adfer SoDdGAau a'n parciau cenedlaethol i gyflwr ffafriol? Diolch.
After you, Llywydd.
Ar eich ôl chi, Lywydd.
You can elaborate on whether SSSIs are in your portfolio.
Gallwch ymhelaethu ynglŷn ag a yw SoDdGAau yn eich portffolio.
I don't believe these are in the portfolio of the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning. However, I will certainly explore that after today's meeting. I've been briefing myself to the eyeballs over many hours, but, unfortunately, this particular issue hasn't come to me. [Interruption.] Yes, come on, Huw. [Laughter.]
Ni chredaf fod y rhain ym mhortffolio Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio. Fodd bynnag, byddaf yn sicr o archwilio hynny ar ôl y cyfarfod heddiw. Rwyf wedi briffio fy hun yn drylwyr dros oriau lawer, ond yn anffodus, nid yw'r mater penodol hwn wedi codi. [Torri ar draws.] Ie, dewch, Huw. [Chwerthin.]
I'll carry on, Llywydd. All these questions are national parks related, which are in the portfolio of the Cabinet Secretary. It's up to you, Llywydd—shall I push ahead?
Fe wnaf barhau, Lywydd. Mae'r holl gwestiynau hyn yn ymwneud â pharciau cenedlaethol, sydd ym mhortffolio Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Penderfynwch chi, Lywydd—a ddylwn i barhau?
Yes, try again, and we'll see where we get to. Quite a bit of the questions were on the detail of funding for maintaining SSSIs. I'm not the best person to know what portfolio that lies in. I don't want Huw Irranca-Davies to get up on his feet now and answer the question. [Laughter.] Let's go for the second question.
Ie, rhowch gynnig arall arni, a chawn weld lle cyrhaeddwn ni. Roedd cryn dipyn o'r cwestiynau yn ymwneud â manylion y cyllid ar gyfer cynnal SoDdGAau. Nid fi yw'r unigolyn gorau i wybod ym mha bortffolio y mae hynny. Nid wyf am i Huw Irranca-Davies godi ar ei draed nawr ac ateb y cwestiwn. [Chwerthin.] Gadewch inni fynd am yr ail gwestiwn.
Hopefully, fingers crossed. Thank you, Llywydd. Among the key findings of research undertaken by the campaign for national parks is that only 19 per cent of our lakes in Wales's three national parks and only 44 per cent of our rivers achieved good or higher ecological status, with sewage pollution being the main issue for such low scores. Between 2017 and 2021, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park saw a decline in water bodies meeting good overall status from 48.3 per cent to just 28 per cent, and in the Brecon Beacons the decline was from 43.4 per cent to 36.8 per cent. As you’ll know, Cabinet Secretary, I speak a lot in this Chamber about water quality because not only is it a consistent theme that’s brought up with me, but, from what I believe, there seems to be very little progress in holding Welsh Water to account for this. Recent reports have shown that there have been 5,635 sewage discharges in Wales’s national parks by Welsh Water, accounting for 51,555.75 spill hours. You’ll further know, Cabinet Secretary, that we cannot regenerate nature if we have sewage flooding our lakes, rivers and seas at this level. I’m keen to know what you’re doing to hold Welsh Water to account for sewage pollution in our national parks. Thank you.
Gobeithio, croesi bysedd. Diolch, Lywydd. Un o ganfyddiadau allweddol ymchwil a wnaed gan yr ymgyrch dros barciau cenedlaethol yw mai dim ond 19 y cant o’n llynnoedd yn nhri pharc cenedlaethol Cymru a dim ond 44 y cant o’n hafonydd a gyflawnodd statws ecolegol da neu uwch, gyda llygredd carthion yn brif achos dros sgoriau mor isel. Rhwng 2017 a 2021, fe ostyngodd nifer y cyrff dŵr ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro a gyflawnodd statws cyffredinol da o 48.3 y cant i ddim ond 28 y cant, ac ym Mannau Brycheiniog, cafwyd gostyngiad o 43.4 y cant i 36.8 y cant. Fel y gwyddoch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy’n aml yn sôn yn y Siambr hon am ansawdd dŵr, oherwydd nid yn unig ei bod yn thema gyson a godwyd gyda mi, ond o'r hyn a gredaf, ychydig iawn o gynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud yn ôl pob golwg ar ddwyn Dŵr Cymru i gyfrif am hyn. Mae adroddiadau diweddar wedi dangos bod Dŵr Cymru yn gyfrifol am 5,635 o ollyngiadau carthion ym mharciau cenedlaethol Cymru, sy'n cyfateb i 51,555.75 awr o ollyngiadau. Fe wyddoch hefyd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, na allwn adfywio byd natur os oes gennym y lefel hon o garthion yn ein llynnoedd, ein hafonydd a’n moroedd. Hoffwn glywed beth a wnewch i ddwyn Dŵr Cymru i gyfrif am lygredd carthion yn ein parciau cenedlaethol. Diolch.
Well, these are matters that fall to the Minister for climate change, but I am pleased to let colleagues know that the First Minister will be chairing a further summit on water quality, I believe, at the Royal Welsh Show. I know that there was significant progress that came from the meeting that took place previously, which the First Minister at that time took a strong personal interest in. I am pleased to let colleagues know that we do have an action plan that commits to unlocking the potential of designated landscapes to deliver more for nature, and, in the immediate term, we will be supporting the national parks and AONBs to develop prioritised action plans for nature restoration, embedding these in strategic planning. And then, in the longer term, we will realign designated landscapes priorities to enhance and accelerate nature recovery delivery, supported by updated policy resources and guidance. And also, speaking to the first point that the Member raised, we will also develop the evidence and mapping tools to enable designated landscapes to baseline, target and monitor areas of high nature value.
Wel, mae’r rhain yn faterion i’r Gweinidog newid hinsawdd, ond rwy’n falch o roi gwybod i fy nghyd-Aelodau y bydd y Prif Weinidog yn cadeirio uwchgynhadledd arall ar ansawdd dŵr yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru. Gwn y gwnaed cynnydd sylweddol yn dilyn y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd yn flaenorol, a bod y Prif Weinidog ar y pryd wedi dangos diddordeb personol cryf yn y mater. Rwy’n falch o roi gwybod i fy nghyd-Aelodau fod gennym gynllun gweithredu sy’n ymrwymo i ddatgloi potensial tirweddau dynodedig i ddarparu mwy ar gyfer natur, ac yn y tymor byr, byddwn yn cefnogi’r parciau cenedlaethol a’r AHNEau i ddatblygu cynlluniau gweithredu â blaenoriaeth ar gyfer adfer natur, a sefydlu'r rhain yn y cynlluniau strategol. Ac yna, yn y tymor hwy, byddwn yn ailosod blaenoriaethau tirweddau dynodedig i wella a chyflymu gwaith adfer natur, wedi'i gefnogi gan bolisi, adnoddau a chanllawiau wedi'u diweddaru. A hefyd, gan gyfeirio at y pwynt cyntaf a gododd yr Aelod, byddwn hefyd yn datblygu'r dystiolaeth a'r offer mapio i alluogi tirweddau dynodedig i osod llinell sylfaen, targedu a monitro ardaloedd o werth uchel i natur.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, for that response. Am I okay to proceed with one final question on—?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. A yw'n iawn imi fwrw ymlaen ag un cwestiwn olaf ar—?
Yes, perfect, thank you. There are many national park nature recovery initiatives led by a wide range of groups and individuals, including farmers, non-governmental organisation, volunteers, public bodies and national park authorities, and I think we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude for their continued efforts in helping to restore nature. However, the evidence shows that, despite the best efforts of these groups, their initiatives are not keeping pace with the rate of biodiversity decline, and that national parks are heavily reliant on other organisations, including landowners, land managers and local authorities, to implement many of the actions needed to deliver management plans.
In December 2023, legislative changes introduced by the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 placed new requirements on public bodies and statutory undertakers in England to contribute to the development and implementation of management plans, and to seek further the statutory purposes of national parks, as well as introducing more robust monitoring and enforcement on public bodies' compliance and existing biodiversity duties. This legislation will undoubtedly help address many of the issues in implementing management plans. However, in Wales, these measures are not in place. Cabinet Secretary, what plans do you have to introduce legislation for public bodies and statutory undertakers to have to contribute to national parks' management plans as part of their statutory commitments? Thank you.
Iawn, perffaith, diolch. Mae llawer o fentrau adfer natur parciau cenedlaethol yn cael eu harwain gan ystod eang o grwpiau ac unigolion, gan gynnwys ffermwyr, sefydliadau anllywodraethol, gwirfoddolwyr, cyrff cyhoeddus ac awdurdodau parciau cenedlaethol, a chredaf fod arnom ddyled fawr iddynt am eu hymdrechion parhaus yn helpu i adfer natur. Fodd bynnag, er gwaethaf ymdrechion gorau'r grwpiau hyn, mae'r dystiolaeth yn dangos nad yw eu mentrau’n dal i fyny â chyflymder dirywiad bioamrywiaeth, a bod parciau cenedlaethol yn ddibynnol iawn ar sefydliadau eraill, gan gynnwys tirfeddianwyr, rheolwyr tir ac awdurdodau lleol, i weithredu llawer o'r camau sydd eu hangen i gyflawni cynlluniau rheoli.
Ym mis Rhagfyr 2023, gosododd newidiadau deddfwriaethol a gyflwynwyd gan Ddeddf Ffyniant Bro ac Adfywio 2023 ofynion newydd ar gyrff cyhoeddus ac ymgymerwyr statudol yn Lloegr i gyfrannu at y gwaith o ddatblygu a gweithredu cynlluniau rheoli, ac i edrych ymhellach ar ddibenion statudol parciau cenedlaethol, yn ogystal â chyflwyno mesurau monitro a gorfodi mwy cadarn ar gydymffurfiaeth cyrff cyhoeddus a dyletswyddau bioamrywiaeth presennol. Bydd y ddeddfwriaeth hon heb os yn helpu i fynd i’r afael â llawer o’r problemau wrth roi cynlluniau rheoli ar waith. Fodd bynnag, nid yw’r mesurau hyn ar waith yng Nghymru. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gynlluniau sydd gennych i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth i'w gwneud yn orfodol i gyrff cyhoeddus ac ymgymerwyr statudol gyfrannu at gynlluniau rheoli parciau cenedlaethol fel rhan o’u hymrwymiadau statudol? Diolch.
Well, the First Minister set out our legislative programme in his statement yesterday. Of course, legislation is always important, but there are other things, I think, that don't require legislation in order to make progress. And I think that the contribution that the national parks made to the biodiversity deep-dive was really very important, and, as a result of that now, we look forward to a much more joined up and strategic focus in future in terms of improving biodiversity at a landscape level. And, of course, tackling the nature emergency, including within our national parks, is a key priority for us, and we have already published our ambitions plans as to how we would go about achieving this, and those also include some specific recommendations that our national parks play a greater role.
I know that colleagues in Welsh Government are very grateful to Howard Davies as chair of the wider group that has overseen the work on biodiversity in the last year, and, as a reflection of the importance of that work, further funding is being provided in the coming year for Mr Davies to continue in this role, and we look forward very much to seeing further progress in this area.
Wel, nododd y Prif Weinidog ein rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol yn ei ddatganiad ddoe. Wrth gwrs, mae deddfwriaeth bob amser yn bwysig, ond credaf fod pethau eraill nad oes galw am ddeddfwriaeth i wneud cynnydd arnynt. A chredaf fod y cyfraniad a wnaeth y parciau cenedlaethol at yr archwiliad dwfn bioamrywiaeth yn bwysig iawn, ac o ganlyniad i hynny, edrychwn ymlaen nawr at ffocws llawer mwy cydgysylltiedig a strategol yn y dyfodol o ran gwella bioamrywiaeth ar lefel tirweddau. Ac wrth gwrs, mae mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng natur, gan gynnwys o fewn ein parciau cenedlaethol, yn flaenoriaeth allweddol i ni, ac rydym eisoes wedi cyhoeddi ein cynlluniau uchelgeisiau ar gyfer y ffordd y byddem yn mynd ati i gyflawni hyn, ac mae'r rheini hefyd yn cynnwys argymhellion penodol y dylai ein parciau cenedlaethol chwarae mwy o rôl.
Gwn fod cyd-Aelodau yn Llywodraeth Cymru yn ddiolchgar iawn i Howard Davies fel cadeirydd y grŵp ehangach sydd wedi goruchwylio’r gwaith ar fioamrywiaeth yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ac fel adlewyrchiad o bwysigrwydd y gwaith hwnnw, mae cyllid pellach yn cael ei ddarparu yn y flwyddyn i ddod i Mr Davies barhau yn y rôl hon, ac edrychwn ymlaen yn fawr at weld cynnydd pellach yn hyn o beth.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarydd Plaid Cymru, Siân Gwenllian.
Questions now from the Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Siân Gwenllian.
Diolch, Llywydd. Dyma'r tro cyntaf imi ofyn cwestiynau fel y llefarydd tai. Mi hoffwn i ddiolch i Julie James am ei chydweithio adeiladol tra roedd y ddwy ohonom ni'n rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio, ac i chithau hefyd yn yr un modd. Dwi'n siŵr ein bod ni i gyd yn dymuno adferiad buan i Julie, a diolch hefyd i Mabon ap Gwynfor am yr holl waith gwych mae o wedi'i wneud yn y maes yma.
Dwi am ddechrau y prynhawn yma efo cyllid a thai, gan fanteisio ar gael eich presenoldeb chi yma heddiw. Mae'r argyfwng tai yng Nghymru yn parhau i fod yn fater hanfodol i gannoedd ar filoedd o bobl, a'r rhai sy'n dioddef fwyaf ydy'r 90,000 o bobl sy'n aros am dai cymdeithasol, a'r 11,000 sydd mewn llety dros dro. Dwi'n deall yn hanesyddol fod Cymru wedi dyrannu cyfartaledd o ddim ond 2.2 y cant o gyfanswm gwariant y Llywodraeth ar dai dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, ac er bod hynny wedi cynyddu i 4.3 y cant, dydy'r gwariant ddim yn ymddangos i gyd-fynd â difrifoldeb yr argyfwng tai presennol. Felly, sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn cyfiawnhau'r lefel gymharol isel o wariant yng ngoleuni'r argyfwng tai, a pha gynlluniau sydd ar waith i alinio dyraniadau cyllideb yn well efo'r angen i ddelio ar frys efo'r argyfwng tai?
Thank you, Llywydd. This is the first time for me to ask questions as the housing spokesperson. I'd like to thank Julie James for her very constructive collaboration while both of us were part of the co-operation agreement, and also thank you in the same way. I'm sure that we all wish Julie a quick recovery, and I also thank Mabon ap Gwynfor for all of the excellent work that he's done in this area.
I want to start this afternoon with finance and housing, taking advantage of your attendance here today. The housing crisis in Wales remains a vital issue for hundreds of thousands of people, and those suffering most are the 90,000 people who are waiting for social housing, and the 11,000 people who are in temporary accommodation. Historically, I understand that Wales has allocated an average of just 2.2 per cent of total Government spending to housing over the last 20 years, and although that has increased to 4.3 per cent, the expenditure does not appear to match the severity of the current housing crisis. So, how does the Government justify the relatively low level of current spending in light of the housing crisis, and what plans are in place to better align budget allocations with the need to deal with the housing crisis urgently?
Thank you very much for the question, and I welcome you to your new role as the spokesperson.
In terms of affordable housing, I do think that we'd always want to invest more funding in affordable housing, but we have, I think, invested quite significant funding recently in order to try and deliver on our pledge to introduce 20,000 social homes within this Senedd term. So, we've already provided more than £330 million in this financial year to take us towards that agenda. We have, in recent years, I think it's fair to say, invested very significantly in terms of our investment in social housing, but we have faced those really difficult choices across Government in respect of our economic and budgetary pressures that we've been facing, which I've already referenced during this session this afternoon.
One thing that we are particularly interested in, though, is looking at innovative housing to see what we can be doing more of in that particular space, which is often more cost-effective in many ways. So, these are the things that we're particularly focused on, but I think the £330 million of investment this year is really significant.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cwestiwn, ac rwy'n eich croesawu i’ch rôl newydd fel y llefarydd.
O ran tai fforddiadwy, credaf y byddem bob amser yn awyddus i fuddsoddi mwy o gyllid mewn tai fforddiadwy, ond credaf ein bod wedi buddsoddi cryn dipyn o gyllid yn ddiweddar er mwyn ceisio cyflawni ein haddewid i gyflwyno 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol yn nhymor y Senedd hon. Felly, rydym eisoes wedi darparu mwy na £330 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon i wneud cynnydd ar yr agenda honno. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud ein bod wedi buddsoddi’n sylweddol iawn dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mewn tai cymdeithasol, ond rydym wedi wynebu’r dewisiadau anodd hynny ar draws y Llywodraeth o ran y pwysau economaidd a chyllidebol a wynebwyd gennym, sy'n rhywbeth rwyf eisoes wedi cyfeirio ato yn y sesiwn hon y prynhawn yma.
Un peth y mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig ynddo, serch hynny, yw edrych ar dai arloesol i weld beth y gallwn wneud mwy ohono yn y maes hwnnw, sy’n aml yn fwy costeffeithiol mewn sawl ffordd. Felly, dyma'r pethau yr ydym yn canolbwyntio'n arbennig arnynt, ond credaf fod y buddsoddiad o £330 miliwn eleni yn sylweddol iawn.
Mae hwnna'n swnio fel swm mawr o arian, ond cymharol fechan o ran canran o gyllideb y Llywodraeth hon, yn wir. Yn sylfaenol, dwi'n meddwl bod yn rhaid i ni newid ein ffordd o feddwl am gartrefi, gan ddechrau eu gweld nhw fel hawl. Mae angen ymrwymiad cenedlaethol i'r egwyddor sylfaenol y dylai pob un ohonon ni gael yr hawl dynol, wedi'i ategu gan y gyfraith, i gael mynediad at dai digonol a chynaliadwy. Mae hyn yn ganolog i unrhyw ateb i'r argyfwng tai.
Ydych chi'n cytuno, felly, mai rŵan ydy'r amser i gyflwyno'r hawl i dai digonol i gyfraith Cymru? Ac ydych chi'n cytuno y byddai'r gydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol yma yn helpu i gyflymu'r ymdrechion i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng tai, ac yn sicrhau bod gan bob person hawl a mynediad at dai diogel a fforddiadwy?
It does sound like a large sum of money, but it's a very small percentage of this Government's budget, in fact. Fundamentally, I think that we must change the way that we think about homes, starting by seeing them as a right. We need a national commitment to the fundamental principle that we should all have a human right, backed by the law, to access adequate and sustainable housing. This is central to any solution to the housing crisis.
Do you agree, therefore, that now is the time to introduce the right to adequate housing into Welsh law? And do you agree that the legal recognition would help to accelerate the efforts to tackle the housing crisis, and would ensure that every person has a right and access to safe and affordable housing?
As I mentioned in response to the previous question, we did have the legislative statement from the First Minister yesterday, setting out our immediate priorities in terms of legislation, and colleagues will be aware that over recent years we've had a swathe of legislation that has sought to improve access to housing and also improve the quality of housing that people have available to them.
I understand completely the point being made about the right to housing and I know that there are legal questions that sit underneath that, which I'm not so close to, but I know it's certainly something that the Minister, Julie James, has been particularly interested in, and I know that she would value a further conversation with you on her return.
In terms of our immediate priorities for housing, though, it is very much about delivering on that 20,000 social homes target, but then also recognising the real challenges that we've had in our capital budget over recent years, which has only seen an additional £1 million in this financial year, bearing in mind all of the pressures and all of the inflation that is having an impact as well. So, improved capital settlements in future, I think, would really help us ensure that there is that greater supply of housing, and then we don't have that same situation where we have so many people who are just waiting for a good home.
Fel y soniais mewn ymateb i’r cwestiwn blaenorol, cawsom ddatganiad deddfwriaethol gan y Prif Weinidog ddoe yn nodi ein blaenoriaethau uniongyrchol o ran deddfwriaeth, a bydd fy nghyd-Aelodau’n ymwybodol ein bod wedi cael llawer o ddeddfwriaeth dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf gyda'r nod o wella mynediad at dai yn ogystal â gwella ansawdd y tai sydd ar gael i bobl.
Rwy’n deall yn llwyr y pwynt sy’n cael ei wneud am yr hawl i dai, a gwn fod cwestiynau cyfreithiol yn sail i hynny, nad wyf mor agos atynt, ond gwn ei fod yn sicr yn rhywbeth y mae gan y Gweinidog, Julie James, ddiddordeb arbennig ynddo, a gwn y byddai’n gwerthfawrogi sgwrs bellach gyda chi ar ôl iddi ddychwelyd.
O ran ein blaenoriaethau uniongyrchol ar gyfer tai, serch hynny, maent yn sicr yn cynnwys cyflawni’r targed o 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol, ond gan gydnabod hefyd yr heriau gwirioneddol a gawsom gyda'n cyllideb gyfalaf dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, sydd ond wedi cael £1 filiwn yn ychwanegol yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, gan gofio'r holl bwysau a'r holl chwyddiant sy'n cael effaith hefyd. Felly, credaf y byddai setliadau cyfalaf gwell yn y dyfodol yn ein helpu i sicrhau bod cyflenwad mwy o dai ar gael, ac yna ni fyddwn yn yr un sefyllfa, lle mae gennym gymaint o bobl yn aros am gartref da.
Diolch yn fawr. Dwi'n pryderu braidd na wnes i ddim eich clywed chi'n sôn yn fanna am y Papur Gwyn ar yr hawl i gartref digonol, sydd yn waith sydd ar y gweill. Rŵan, un ai efallai dydych chi ddim yn ymwybodol o'r gwaith yna, neu—dwi yn poeni—efallai fod yna oedi ar y gwaith gan y Llywodraeth, ac mi fyddai hynny'n newyddion gwael iawn. Mae cael fframwaith cyfreithiol yn hanfodol i flaenoriaethu materion tai o fewn y Cabinet, ac yn gallu dylanwadu—i fynd yn ôl at fy nghwestiwn gwreiddiol—ar ddyraniadau cyllidebol, gan sicrhau bod anghenion tai yn cael eu hystyried yn gyson ar y lefelau uchaf o Lywodraeth.
Fedrwch chi sôn am y Papur Gwyn, os gwelwch yn dda? Pryd ydyn ni'n disgwyl iddo fe gael ei gyflwyno? Sut fydd o'n sefydlu'r hawl i gartrefi digonol yn y gyfraith, ac wedyn yn rhoi'r gydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol yma i helpu blaenoriaethu materion tai?
Thank you. I'm a little concerned that I didn't hear you mention there the White Paper on the right to adequate housing, which is work in the offing. Now, maybe you're not aware of that work, or—I am concerned—perhaps there is a delay in the work by the Government, and that would be very bad news. Having a legal framework is vital to prioritise housing issues within the Cabinet, and it can influence—to go back to my original question—budgetary allocations, ensuring that housing needs are given consistent consideration at the highest levels of Government.
Could you talk about the White Paper, please? When do we expect it to be introduced? How will it establish the right to adequate housing in law, and then give that legal recognition in order to help to prioritise housing issues?
I'm really sorry to colleagues, I don't have that date in front of me at the moment, but I will endeavour to get the date following questions this afternoon, then I will e-mail everybody later on this afternoon, Llywydd. I’m sorry I don’t have the date.
Rwy'n ymddiheuro i fy nghyd-Aelodau nad oes gennyf y dyddiad hwnnw wrth law ar hyn o bryd, ond byddaf yn ymdrechu i wirio'r dyddiad yn dilyn y cwestiynau y prynhawn yma, a byddaf yn e-bostio pawb yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma, Lywydd. Rwy'n ymddiheuro nad yw'r dyddiad gennyf.
Thank you.
3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyrraedd ei thargedau o ran tai? OQ61423
3. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on how the Welsh Government is meeting its housing targets? OQ61423
We remain committed to delivering more homes to meet the needs of people throughout Wales. We have allocated £1.4 billion for social housing and, in the first two years of this Senedd term, successfully delivered 5,775 homes towards our 20,000 homes for rent in the social sector target.
Rydym yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i ddarparu mwy o gartrefi i ddiwallu anghenion pobl ledled Cymru. Rydym wedi dyrannu £1.4 biliwn ar gyfer tai cymdeithasol, ac yn ystod dwy flynedd gyntaf tymor y Senedd hon, rydym wedi llwyddo i ddarparu 5,775 o gartrefi tuag at ein targed o 20,000 o gartrefi i’w gosod ar rent yn y sector tai cymdeithasol.
Thank you. Diolch. Cabinet Secretary, in 2021 the Welsh Labour Party announced their target of building 20,000 new social homes for rent by 2026, as you've just outlined, but on current projections it seems that you're going to fail this target. As was just said, there is a housing crisis. There is a severe lack of affordable housing in Wales, and there is certainly not as much as has been promised by this Government. The average deposit was £50,000 for first-time buyers last year, marking a 67 per cent rise compared to 10 years ago. It's no surprise that the percentage of first-time buyers has dropped by 21 per cent compared to 2022, and in rural areas, affordability is worse, with an officer from Monmouthshire County Council stating that house prices in this area are 10 times the average annual income. From the figures I've seen, which you've just been referring to, it seems that fewer than half the houses you're building are going to be affordable. Cabinet Secretary, what are you and your Government doing to redress that balance on the budget you have, and with future budget allocations, and build the houses that people are so desperate for, namely affordable houses?
Diolch. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn 2021, cyhoeddodd Plaid Lafur Cymru eu targed o adeiladu 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol newydd i’w gosod ar rent erbyn 2026, fel rydych chi newydd amlinellu, ond yn ôl yr amcanestyniadau presennol, ymddengys eich bod yn mynd i fethu’r targed hwn. Fel y dywedwyd, mae gennym argyfwng tai. Mae prinder enbyd o dai fforddiadwy yng Nghymru, ac yn sicr, nid oes cymaint o dai â'r nifer a addawyd gan y Llywodraeth hon. Y blaendal cyfartalog oedd £50,000 ar gyfer prynwyr tro cyntaf y llynedd, sy'n gynnydd o 67 y cant o gymharu â 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Nid yw’n syndod fod canran y prynwyr tro cyntaf wedi gostwng 21 y cant o gymharu â 2022, ac mewn ardaloedd gwledig, mae fforddiadwyedd yn waeth, gyda swyddog yng Nghyngor Sir Fynwy yn dweud bod prisiau tai yn yr ardal hon 10 gwaith yn fwy na’r incwm blynyddol cyfartalog. O’r ffigurau a welais ac rydych chi newydd gyfeirio atynt, ymddengys y bydd llai na hanner y tai rydych chi'n eu hadeiladu yn fforddiadwy. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth rydych chi a’ch Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i unioni’r sefyllfa gyda'r gyllideb sydd gennych, a chyda dyraniadau cyllidebol yn y dyfodol, ac i adeiladu’r tai y mae eu hangen mor daer ar bobl, yn enwedig tai fforddiadwy?
We've been investing record levels of funding in the social housing grant to achieve that 20,000 homes target over the course of this Senedd term, and, of course, it's never the case that you build a certain number of homes in each year; it's always the case that you ramp up the programme over a period of time. But I would say that our record here in Wales is so much better than across the border. In England, in 2022-23, just 15 per cent of the affordable housing delivered was for social rent. Here in Wales, social rented housing accounted for 82 per cent of all affordable housing delivered by registered social landlords in the same year.
So, as a Government, we absolutely recognise that good-quality affordable housing can positively impact on health, mental health, education, and that's why we've never moved away from our support for the most affordable housing, which is social rent, and that's in stark contrast to England where the delivery of homes for social rent has dropped 76 per cent since 2010.
Rydym wedi bod yn buddsoddi’r lefelau uchaf erioed o gyllid yn y grant tai cymdeithasol i gyflawni'r targed o 20,000 o gartrefi yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon, ac wrth gwrs, nid ydych chi byth yn adeiladu nifer penodol o gartrefi ym mhob blwyddyn; rydych chi bob amser yn cynyddu'r rhaglen dros gyfnod o amser. Ond byddwn yn dweud bod ein cyflawniad yma yng Nghymru gymaint yn well na dros y ffin. Yn Lloegr, yn 2022-23, dim ond 15 y cant o’r tai fforddiadwy a ddarparwyd a oedd yn dai rhent cymdeithasol. Yma yng Nghymru, tai rhent cymdeithasol oedd 82 y cant o’r holl dai fforddiadwy a ddarparwyd gan landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig yn yr un flwyddyn.
Felly, fel Llywodraeth, rydym yn llwyr gydnabod y gall tai fforddiadwy o ansawdd da gael effaith gadarnhaol ar iechyd, iechyd meddwl, addysg, a dyna pam nad ydym erioed wedi cefnu ar ein cefnogaeth i'r tai mwyaf fforddiadwy, sef tai rhent cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny mewn gwrthgyferbyniad llwyr â Lloegr, lle mae’r ddarpariaeth o gartrefi rhent cymdeithasol wedi gostwng 76 y cant ers 2010.
The Welsh Government is not a house builder, but it can act as an enabler, and the return of council house building at the scale of the 1950s and 1960s would substantially reduce the number of people in housing need. Will the Minister give further consideration to expanding the number of co-operative housing projects? Because we all know that from New York to Scandinavia, and most places in between, it is a common form of housing provision. As I often say, John Lennon lived in a housing co-operative. What further support is the Welsh Government providing to grow the co-operative housing share of Welsh housing provision?
Nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn adeiladwr tai, ond gall weithredu fel galluogwr, a byddai adeiladu tai cyngor ar yr un raddfa â’r 1950au a’r 1960au yn lleihau nifer y bobl sydd angen tai yn sylweddol. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi ystyriaeth bellach i ehangu nifer y prosiectau tai cydweithredol? Oherwydd gŵyr pob un ohonom fod honno'n ffurf gyffredin ar ddarparu tai o Efrog Newydd i Sgandinafia, a’r rhan fwyaf o leoedd rhyngddynt. Fel y dywedaf yn aml, roedd John Lennon yn byw mewn darpariaeth dai cydweithredol. Pa gymorth pellach y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu i dyfu'r gyfran o ddarpariaeth dai Cymru sy'n dai cydweithredol?
So, we do have the programme for government commitment to support co-operative housing, community-led initiatives and community land trusts, and we have increased our funding through Cwmpas to £180,000 over the three years 2022-23 to 2024-25. Cwmpas is working with groups across Wales who are seeking to deliver affordable housing, including successful and emerging co-operatives and community groups in Swansea, Cardiff, Gwynedd and Pembrokeshire, and we continue to support those co-operative and community-led groups who wish to develop new homes to access the social housing grant, where they partner with a registered social landlord. Currently, four groups are working with RSLs to access the social housing grant, and, of course, community-led groups can also access the empty homes grant programme as well.
We've also, alongside that, strengthened our capital funding by working with Cwmpas and Gŵyr Community Land Trust in Swansea to pilot the land and buildings development fund being used for co-operatives as well. So, Gŵyr CLT has been awarded almost £900,000 for the development of 14 zero-carbon affordable homes, and other groups are now looking to work with Cwmpas as well. So, I think that as these particular schemes become more visible and as the knowledge becomes greater and shared more widely, I think we will see that increase in appetite for these schemes. I think, over previous years, that has been part of the challenge—it's just that there hasn't been that ground-up appetite for these schemes—but as we see them starting to come forward and succeed, we will certainly see that grow, I think.
Mae gennym ymrwymiad y rhaglen lywodraethu i gefnogi tai cydweithredol, mentrau a arweinir gan y gymuned ac ymddiriedolaethau tir cymunedol, ac rydym wedi cynyddu ein cyllid drwy Cwmpas i £180,000 dros y tair blynedd rhwng 2022-23 a 2024-25. Mae Cwmpas yn gweithio gyda grwpiau ledled Cymru sy’n ceisio darparu tai fforddiadwy, gan gynnwys mentrau cydweithredol a grwpiau cymunedol llwyddiannus a newydd yn Abertawe, Caerdydd, Gwynedd a sir Benfro, ac rydym yn parhau i gefnogi grwpiau cydweithredol a grwpiau a arweinir gan y gymuned sy’n dymuno datblygu cartrefi newydd i gael mynediad at y grant tai cymdeithasol, lle maent yn partneru gyda landlord cymdeithasol cofrestredig. Ar hyn o bryd, mae pedwar grŵp yn gweithio gyda landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig i gael mynediad at y grant tai cymdeithasol, ac wrth gwrs, gall grwpiau a arweinir gan y gymuned gael mynediad at y rhaglen grant cartrefi gwag hefyd.
Yn ogystal â hynny, rydym wedi cryfhau ein cyllid cyfalaf drwy weithio gyda Cwmpas ac Ymddiriedolaeth Tir Cymunedol Gŵyr yn Abertawe i dreialu’r gronfa datblygu tir ac adeiladau sy’n cael ei defnyddio ar gyfer mentrau cydweithredol hefyd. Felly, mae Ymddiriedolaeth Tir Cymunedol Gŵyr wedi derbyn bron i £900,000 i ddatblygu 14 o dai fforddiadwy di-garbon, ac mae grwpiau eraill bellach yn awyddus i weithio gyda Cwmpas hefyd. Felly, wrth i’r cynlluniau penodol hyn ddod yn fwy gweladwy ac wrth i’r wybodaeth gynyddu a chael ei rhannu’n ehangach, credaf y byddwn yn gweld awydd cynyddol am y cynlluniau hyn. Dros flynyddoedd blaenorol, rwy'n credu bod hynny wedi bod yn rhan o’r her—ni chafwyd awydd o’r gwaelod i fyny am y cynlluniau hyn—ond wrth i ni eu gweld yn dechrau ac yn llwyddo, byddwn yn sicr yn gweld hynny’n tyfu yn fy marn i.
4. Pa faterion o ran tai y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u nodi fel blaenoriaethau i fynd i’r afael â hwy dros weddill tymor y Senedd hon? OQ61432
4. What housing issues has the Cabinet Secretary identified as priorities to be addressed during the rest of this Senedd term? OQ61432
Access to a decent, affordable home to buy or rent remains an issue for too many people. This is why delivering 20,000 affordable social homes for rent remains our key commitment. Alongside this, we will continue to prioritise our efforts to prevent homelessness and to improve housing safety and quality.
Mae mynediad at gartref gweddus, fforddiadwy i'w brynu neu ei rentu yn parhau i fod yn broblem i ormod o bobl. Dyna pam mae darparu 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol fforddiadwy i'w gosod ar rent yn parhau i fod yn un o'n hymrwymiadau allweddol. Ochr yn ochr â hyn, byddwn yn parhau i flaenoriaethu ein hymdrechion i atal digartrefedd a gwella diogelwch ac ansawdd tai.
Diolch am yr ateb.
Thank you for that response.
One of the big issues we all see, I think, almost daily in our constituencies, is the availability of social housing, and I think we all know, from our constituency work, how difficult it is to get permanent housing as well as temporary housing, despite the great efforts of the Welsh Government, which we have heard about today, and the efforts of local authorities. In Cardiff North, a hotel was opened to homeless families last year. This has been full and at capacity since it opened, and this has got all the difficulties of children having to travel to schools all over Cardiff, trying to keep local links where we hope they will eventually be rehoused. Can the Cabinet Secretary suggest any more ways of boosting the supply of social housing in Wales? I recognise that, in the previous questions, you have covered a number of different ways, but it's really to see what other ways and ideas we've got to expand the supply.
Un o'r problemau mawr y mae pawb ohonom yn eu gweld yn ein hetholaethau bron bob dydd, rwy'n credu, yw argaeledd tai cymdeithasol, a chredaf ein bod i gyd yn gwybod, o'n gwaith etholaethol, pa mor anodd yw cael tai parhaol yn ogystal â thai dros dro, er gwaethaf ymdrechion mawr Llywodraeth Cymru y clywsom amdanynt heddiw, ac ymdrechion awdurdodau lleol. Yng Ngogledd Caerdydd, cafodd gwesty ei agor i deuluoedd digartref y llynedd. Mae hwn wedi bod yn llawn ers iddo agor, ac mae hyn wedi arwain at anawsterau gyda phlant yn gorfod teithio i ysgolion ledled Caerdydd, gan geisio cadw cysylltiadau lleol lle rydym yn gobeithio y byddant yn cael eu hailgartrefu yn y pen draw. A all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet awgrymu unrhyw ffyrdd eraill o roi hwb i'r cyflenwad o dai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru? Rwy'n cydnabod, yn y cwestiynau blaenorol, eich bod wedi ymdrin â nifer o wahanol ffyrdd, ond hoffwn wybod pa ffyrdd a pha syniadau eraill sydd gennym i ymestyn y cyflenwad.
We're looking to tackle this issue from both sides, in the sense of, in the first instance, preventing people from losing their homes, but then also trying to deliver more of those affordable homes at the other end. I did mention the £330 million that we're investing in this financial year. That actually brings the funding for the social housing grant up to £1.4 billion during the first four years of this Senedd term. I think that is significant investment in that space, although recognising there's always much more to do.
I'm really pleased that we've launched a range of initiatives that will deliver more genuinely affordable homes as quickly as possible, and one of those that I haven't mentioned so far is the transitional accommodation capital programme, and also Leasing Scheme Wales. I'm really pleased that the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning has opened the TACP for the 2024-25 financial year, with an indicative value of £100 million. That was done in June, and that helps to bring forward good-quality longer term accommodation for people who are currently in temporary accommodation, such as the people who you've talked about in your own constituency.
Rydym yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn o'r ddwy ochr, yn yr ystyr ein bod yn ceisio atal pobl rhag colli eu cartrefi yn y lle cyntaf, ond ar y pen arall rydym hefyd yn ceisio darparu mwy o gartrefi fforddiadwy. Soniais am y £330 miliwn yr ydym yn ei fuddsoddi yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Mae hynny'n golygu bod cyfanswm y cyllid ar gyfer y grant tai cymdeithasol yn ystod pedair blynedd gyntaf tymor y Senedd hon yn £1.4 biliwn. Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n fuddsoddiad sylweddol yn hynny o beth, er fy mod yn cydnabod bod llawer mwy i'w wneud o hyd.
Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod wedi lansio ystod o gynlluniau a fydd yn darparu mwy o gartrefi gwirioneddol fforddiadwy cyn gynted â phosibl, ac un o'r rheini nad wyf wedi sôn amdano hyd yma yw'r rhaglen gyfalaf ar gyfer llety dros dro, a hefyd Cynllun Lesio Cymru. Rwy'n falch iawn fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio wedi agor y rhaglen gyfalaf ar gyfer llety dros dro ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2024-25, gyda gwerth dangosol o £100 miliwn. Gwnaed hynny ym mis Mehefin, ac mae hynny'n helpu i gyflwyno llety mwy hirdymor o ansawdd da i bobl sydd mewn llety dros dro ar hyn o bryd, fel y bobl rydych chi wedi siarad amdanynt yn eich etholaeth chi.
Cabinet Secretary, I'm sure we can all agree that the housing crisis is worrying here in Wales, and I would strongly argue that it's a consequence of the failure of successive Labour Governments to build sufficient housing stock for the last 25 years. However, the planning regulations have been a barrier to local authorities across Wales, and I'm pleased to see, in the legislative programme yesterday, that planning legislation is going to be looked at.
Another barrier is the fact that construction businesses are facing shortages in skilled labour and access to materials. With this in mind, would you, Cabinet Secretary, know what discussions the relevant Cabinet Secretary would have had with the Cabinet Secretary for the economy, in providing support for smaller construction businesses in order to boost both the economy and local housing supply?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n siŵr y gallwn i gyd gytuno bod yr argyfwng tai yn peri pryder yma yng Nghymru, a byddwn yn dadlau'n gryf ein bod yn y sefyllfa hon o ganlyniad i fethiant Llywodraethau Llafur olynol i adeiladu digon o stoc dai dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf. Fodd bynnag, mae'r rheoliadau cynllunio wedi bod yn rhwystr i awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru, ac rwy'n falch o weld, yn y rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol ddoe, fod bwriad i edrych ar y ddeddfwriaeth gynllunio.
Rhwystr arall yw'r ffaith bod busnesau adeiladu yn wynebu prinder gweithwyr medrus a diffyg mynediad at ddeunyddiau. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, a fyddech chi'n gwybod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa drafodaethau y byddai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet perthnasol wedi'u cael gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr economi, o ran darparu cymorth i fusnesau adeiladu llai o faint er mwyn rhoi hwb i'r economi a'r cyflenwad o dai lleol?
I know that the Minister is very keen to work across Government, particularly recognising the importance of skills and apprenticeships in this space, and that she does have regular conversations with the Minister for economy, particularly exploring how we can bolster and support the supply chain here in Wales, so that we're able to ensure that we have the skilled individuals that we need in this space, but then also to see what more we can do in the space of supporting our small and medium-sized enterprises to provide the materials that we need in this space as well. So, I just want to reassure colleagues that the Minister does take very much a cross-Government approach to this agenda and has those discussions regularly with the economy Secretary.
Gwn fod y Gweinidog yn awyddus iawn i weithio ar draws y Llywodraeth, gan gydnabod pwysigrwydd sgiliau a phrentisiaethau yn y maes hwn, a'i bod yn cael sgyrsiau rheolaidd gyda Gweinidog yr economi, yn enwedig mewn perthynas ag archwilio sut y gallwn gryfhau a chefnogi'r gadwyn gyflenwi yma yng Nghymru, fel y gallwn sicrhau bod gennym yr unigolion medrus sydd eu hangen arnom yn y maes hwn, a gweld beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i gefnogi ein busnesau bach a chanolig i ddarparu'r deunyddiau sydd eu hangen arnom hefyd. Felly, hoffwn sicrhau cyd-Aelodau bod y Gweinidog yn gweithredu'n drawslywodraethol mewn perthynas â'r agenda hon ac yn cael y trafodaethau hynny'n rheolaidd gydag Ysgrifennydd yr economi.
5. Pa werthusiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r polisi datblygiadau Un Blaned? OQ61428
5. What evaluation has the Welsh Government undertaken of the One Planet development policy? OQ61428
The Welsh Government collected and monitored annual data on the number of One Planet developments approved and refused between 2011 and 2019 and published this information online each year. Analysis of the data has indicated that a review is not necessary at this time.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi casglu a monitro data blynyddol ar nifer y datblygiadau Un Blaned a gymeradwywyd ac a wrthodwyd rhwng 2011 a 2019 ac mae wedi cyhoeddi'r wybodaeth hon ar-lein bob blwyddyn. Mae dadansoddiad o'r data wedi dynodi nad oes angen adolygiad ar hyn o bryd.
Diolch. The so-called One Planet developments have been provided for by Welsh Government planning policy for more than a decade. According to Welsh Government practice guidance for OPDs, there are a range of strict criteria that these developments must meet on carbon neutrality and self-sufficiency in terms of income, food, energy and waste disposal. A series of FOIs we did recently shows that the counties of Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion have received the majority of OPD applications, with Carmarthenshire top of the pile with 29. These FOIs also reveal the very limited extent to which it has ever been investigated whether these OPDs are fulfilling the criteria against which they were awarded planning permission. The number of enforcement cases opened against OPDs is negligible, and the number of compliance notices issued is even lower. Indeed, only one has ever been issued anywhere in Wales. So, Cabinet Secretary, do you share my concern about this lack of enforcement, and that it reinforces concerns locally that OPDs may be used as a loophole, as a way of getting around local planning regulations and development plans?
Diolch. Mae polisi cynllunio Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu ar gyfer datblygiadau Un Blaned, fel y'u gelwir, ers dros ddegawd. Yn ôl canllawiau ymarfer Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer datblygiadau Un Blaned, mae yna ystod o feini prawf llym y mae'n rhaid i'r datblygiadau hyn eu bodloni ar niwtraliaeth carbon a hunangynhaliaeth o ran incwm, bwyd, ynni a gwaredu gwastraff. Mae cyfres o geisiadau rhyddid gwybodaeth a wnaethom yn ddiweddar yn dangos mai sir Gaerfyrddin, sir Benfro a Cheredigion a gafodd y mwyafrif o geisiadau datblygiadau Un Blaned, gyda sir Gaerfyrddin ar frig y rhestr gyda 29. Mae'r ceisiadau rhyddid gwybodaeth hyn hefyd yn datgelu mai cyfyngedig iawn fu'r ymchwil i weld i ba raddau y mae'r datblygiadau Un Blaned hyn yn bodloni'r meini prawf ar gyfer rhoi caniatâd cynllunio. Mae nifer yr achosion gorfodi a agorwyd yn erbyn datblygiadau Un Blaned yn isel iawn, ac mae nifer yr hysbysiadau cydymffurfio a gyhoeddwyd hyd yn oed yn is. Yn wir, dim ond un a gyhoeddwyd yn unman yng Nghymru erioed. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n rhannu fy mhryder am y diffyg gorfodaeth, ac yn cytuno ei fod yn atgyfnerthu pryderon lleol y gallai datblygiadau Un Blaned gael eu defnyddio fel bwlch yn y rheolau, fel ffordd o osgoi cynlluniau datblygu a rheoliadau cynllunio lleol?
I know the Cabinet Secretary doesn’t intend to change the One Planet development policy at this time, and that’s due to the very small number of applications received. I understand that between April 2014 and 2019 local planning authorities provided data showing just 19 One Planet developments had been granted permission, and seven had been refused. I think that that is the reason why there is not intended to be a more wholescale review. However, if local residents are concerned that individuals have built properties or are living outwith the agreement that was set out in the OPD guidance, then they should absolutely be raising that in the first instance with the local authority. But if there are specific examples that you’d like to discuss, I’d be more than happy to explore them with you.
Rwy'n gwybod nad yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn bwriadu newid y polisi datblygu Un Blaned ar hyn o bryd, a'r rheswm am hynny yw oherwydd y nifer fach iawn o geisiadau a ddaeth i law. Deallaf fod awdurdodau cynllunio lleol rhwng Ebrill 2014 a 2019 wedi darparu data sy'n dangos mai dim ond 19 o ddatblygiadau Un Blaned a gafodd ganiatâd, a bod saith wedi cael eu gwrthod. Rwy'n credu mai dyna'r rheswm pam nad oes bwriad i gynnal adolygiad mwy cyflawn. Fodd bynnag, os yw trigolion lleol yn pryderu bod unigolion wedi adeiladu eiddo neu'n byw y tu allan i amodau'r cytundeb a nodwyd yng nghanllawiau'r datblygiad Un Blaned, dylent godi hynny gyda'r awdurdod lleol yn y lle cyntaf. Ond os oes yna enghreifftiau penodol yr hoffech eu trafod, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i'w harchwilio gyda chi.
Cabinet Secretary, as we’ve just heard, there are many concerns over One Planet developments, and I’ve certainly corresponded on this particular matter more than a few times over the years with your Cabinet colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning. In light of the concerns raised with me in Pembrokeshire, for some time now I’ve been calling for a review of the One Planet development policy. Given that there have been serious concerns over this particular policy for years now, why won’t the Welsh Government review this policy in light of the concerns that have been raised with us as Members, and as we’ve just heard from the Member for Mid and West Wales as well?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel rydym newydd glywed, mae llawer o bryderon ynghylch datblygiadau Un Blaned, ac rwy'n sicr wedi gohebu ar y mater hwn fwy nag unwaith dros y blynyddoedd gyda'ch cyd-Aelod Cabinet, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio. Yng ngoleuni'r pryderon a godwyd gyda mi yn sir Benfro, ers peth amser bellach rwyf wedi bod yn galw am adolygiad o bolisi datblygu Un Blaned. O ystyried bod yna bryderon difrifol wedi bod mewn perthynas â'r polisi penodol hwn ers blynyddoedd bellach, pam na wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru adolygu'r polisi yng ngoleuni'r pryderon sydd wedi'u codi gyda ni fel Aelodau, ac fel rydym newydd ei glywed gan yr Aelod dros Ganolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru hefyd?
As I said in my previous answer, I know that it’s not the Cabinet Secretary’s approach at this point to review or indeed change the policy, and that is because of the very low number of developments that fall under this. OPD is not just about the development, of course; it’s about the lifestyle, where the majority of income, food and energy required to sustain the household must be generated from the application site itself. Those buildings are low or zero carbon in construction and should include degradable materials from sustainable sources, for example wood and so on. As I’ve offered to my colleague in Plaid Cymru, if there are particular developments that colleagues or their constituents believe are not within the agreement that was made when those applications were agreed, then of course we can have a conversation about those and the best way in which to move forward.
Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb blaenorol, gwn nad yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn bwriadu adolygu neu newid y polisi ar hyn o bryd, a'r rheswm am hynny yw oherwydd y nifer isel iawn o ddatblygiadau sy'n dod o dan hyn. Nid yw datblygiadau Un Blaned yn ymwneud â'r datblygiad yn unig, wrth gwrs; mae'n ymwneud â ffordd o fyw, lle mae'n rhaid cynhyrchu mwyafrif yr incwm, bwyd ac ynni sydd eu hangen i gynnal yr aelwyd o safle'r cais ei hun. Mae'r adeiladau hynny'n isel neu'n ddi-garbon o ran eu hadeiladwaith a dylent gynnwys deunyddiau diraddiadwy o ffynonellau cynaliadwy, er enghraifft pren ac ati. Fel y cynigiais i fy nghyd-Aelod ym Mhlaid Cymru, os oes datblygiadau penodol y mae cyd-Aelodau neu eu hetholwyr yn credu nad ydynt yn parchu'r cytundeb a wnaed pan gafodd y ceisiadau hynny eu cytuno, gallwn gael sgwrs am y rheini a'r ffordd orau o symud ymlaen.
6. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod tai yn diwallu anghenion tenantiaid ar bob cam o'u bywydau? OQ61442
6. How does the Welsh Government ensure that housing meets the needs of tenants at every stage of their lives? OQ61442
Every new home built with Welsh Government funding in Wales is built to the lifetime homes standard, ensuring that homes are accessible and convenient for all tenants and adaptable to long-term needs. It ensures dwellings are accessible for tenants of all ages and those with physical impairments.
Mae pob cartref newydd a adeiladir gyda chyllid Llywodraeth Cymru yng Nghymru yn cael ei adeiladu i'r safon cartrefi gydol oes, gan sicrhau bod cartrefi yn hygyrch ac yn gyfleus i bob tenant ac y gellir eu haddasu i anghenion hirdymor. Mae'n sicrhau bod anheddau'n hygyrch i denantiaid o bob oed a'r rheini sydd ag amhariadau corfforol.
Cabinet Secretary, it's always a pleasure to have your gentle response to our questions. As we're all well aware, we have a serious shortage of housing, and I welcome moves to increase the supply of homes across Wales as we seek to eliminate homelessness. However, we have to ensure that we not only build these homes quickly, but we also ensure that they meet the needs of those seeking to occupy them. We have to make sure that every home built can accommodate young, growing families, with adequate access to outdoor spaces, but also meet the needs of disabled and frail, elderly occupants. Cabinet Secretary, you often point to the Welsh housing quality standards, but their latest iteration does not address the adaptability needed to ensure homes meet changing needs. When will the Welsh housing quality standards next be updated, and what plans do you have to address care needs via housing standards?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae bob amser yn bleser clywed eich ymateb gofalus i'n cwestiynau. Fel y gwyddom i gyd, mae gennym brinder tai difrifol, ac rwy'n croesawu camau i gynyddu'r cyflenwad o gartrefi ledled Cymru wrth inni geisio dileu digartrefedd. Fodd bynnag, yn ogystal ag adeiladu'r cartrefi hyn yn gyflym, rhaid inni sicrhau eu bod yn diwallu anghenion y rhai sydd am fyw ynddynt. Rhaid inni sicrhau bod pob cartref a adeiladir yn darparu ar gyfer teuluoedd ifanc sy'n tyfu, gyda mynediad digonol at fannau awyr agored, a hefyd yn diwallu anghenion preswylwyr anabl, eiddil ac oedrannus. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydych chi'n aml yn cyfeirio at safonau ansawdd tai Cymru, ond nid yw eu hiteriad diweddaraf yn mynd i'r afael â'r hyblygrwydd sydd ei angen i sicrhau bod cartrefi'n diwallu anghenion sy'n newid. Pryd fydd safonau ansawdd tai Cymru yn cael eu diweddaru nesaf, a pha gynlluniau sydd gennych i fynd i'r afael ag anghenion gofal drwy safonau tai?
Every new home that is built now with Welsh Government funding is built to the lifetime homes standard. Whilst that isn't a full wheelchair standard, it does ensure that homes are built with stairs that are capable of taking a stairlift and that there is more circulation space, an accessible ground floor shower, wider access doors, and convenient external access paths. Those simple features make them flexible and able to be used by a whole range of occupants over the lifetime of the home, and, indeed, the lifetime of the individual, and respond to the changing needs of those households as well. Those lifetime homes are all about flexibility and adaptability. They're not special in any way, in a sense of being different, but they are thoughtfully designed and aim to create and encourage that better living environment for everyone. Whether it's about raising small children or coping with illness or dealing with reduced mobility in later life, that lifetime homes standard now, in all the houses that are built with Welsh Government funding, will make those ups and downs of life easier for people to manage. I think that that has been an important step forward in terms of being able to support people to stay at home when their needs might become greater at certain points in their lives.
Mae pob cartref newydd sy'n cael ei adeiladu gyda chyllid Llywodraeth Cymru nawr yn cael ei adeiladu i'r safon cartrefi gydol oes. Er nad yw hwnnw'n safon cadair olwyn llawn, mae'n sicrhau bod cartrefi'n cael eu hadeiladu gyda grisiau y gellir gosod lifft risiau arnynt, a mwy o le i symud, cawod llawr gwaelod hygyrch, drysau mynediad lletach, a llwybrau mynediad allanol cyfleus. Mae'r nodweddion syml hynny'n eu gwneud yn hyblyg a gall ystod eang o ddeiliaid eu defnyddio drwy gydol oes y cartref, ac yn wir, drwy gydol oes yr unigolyn, a gallant ymateb i anghenion newidiol yr aelwydydd hynny hefyd. Mae'r cartrefi gydol oes hyn i gyd yn ymwneud â hyblygrwydd a'r gallu i addasu. Nid ydynt yn arbennig mewn unrhyw ffordd, yn yr ystyr o fod yn wahanol, ond maent wedi'u cynllunio'n feddylgar a'u nod yw creu ac annog amgylchedd byw gwell i bawb. Boed yn fagu plant bach neu ymdopi â salwch neu lai o symudedd yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd, bydd y safon cartrefi gydol oes nawr, ym mhob tŷ sydd wedi'i adeiladu gyda chyllid Llywodraeth Cymru, yn gwneud y dyddiau da a'r dyddiau drwg mewn bywyd yn haws i bobl eu rheoli. Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw wedi bod yn gam pwysig ymlaen o ran gallu cefnogi pobl i aros gartref pan allai eu hanghenion gynyddu ar adegau penodol yn eu bywydau.
Mae'r ateb yna gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn dangos bod y Llywodraeth yn edrych i ateb rhai o anghenion corfforol pobl, ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna anghenion diwylliannol gan bobl, ac anghenion cymdeithasol, ac anghenion eraill. Wrth gwrs, y ffordd rwyddaf o sicrhau bod yr holl anghenion yma, i denantiaid a phawb arall, yn cael eu cyfarch ydy drwy sicrhau bod yna hawl i dai digonol gennym ni—deddfwriaeth rydyn ni wedi bod yn galw amdani ers sawl blwyddyn yma. Os ewch chi draw i ddinas fel Fienna, er enghraifft, cyn bod yna unrhyw ganiatâd cynllunio yn cael ei roi ar dai cymdeithasol i denantiaid yn fanno, maen nhw'n mesur anghenion cymdeithasol. Maen nhw'n sicrhau bod yna fynediad i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, bod yna fynediad i feddyg a deintydd, bod gan bobl oedrannus fynediad i ofal iddyn nhw yn eu hanghenion diwedd oes nhw, ac yn y blaen. Maen nhw'n astudio’r holl anghenion yma cyn rhoi caniatâd cynllunio. Mae hynny’n rhywbeth y dylem ni fod yn anelu tuag ato fan hyn yng Nghymru. Felly, yn absenoldeb Deddf hawl digonol, pa gamau mae'r Llywodraeth yma yn eu cymryd i sicrhau fod gan denantiaid fynediad i addysg, i iechyd, i drafnidiaeth a'r holl bethau eraill yma sydd eu hangen fel rhan o hanfodion eu bywydau beunyddiol nhw?
That response from the Cabinet Secretary demonstrates that the Government is looking to meet some of people's physical needs, but people have cultural needs and social needs and other needs too. Of course, the easiest way of ensuring that all these needs of tenants and everyone else are met is by ensuring that there is a right to adequate housing—legislation that we've been calling for for a number of years here. If you visited a city such as Vienna, for example, before any planning consent is given for social housing for tenants there, they measure social needs. They ensure that there is adequate access to public transport, that there is access to doctors and dentists, that elderly people have access to care in terms of their end-of-life needs. They look at all of these needs before giving planning consent. That is something that we should be aiming towards here in Wales. So, in the absence of legislation for adequate housing, what steps is the Government here taking to ensure that tenants have access to education, healthcare, transport and all of these other things that they need as the essentials of their daily lives?
I think there are two important things that come into play here. Firstly, in that kind of placemaking approach, which I referred to in respect of the second question this afternoon, which related to how we ensure that our town centres are suitable and accessible for disabled people, the same should apply for all of our communities, to have that kind of placemaking approach, to ensure that people are able to access the vital services they need, access the social life that they need, and also access their cultural interests and so forth as well. I think that all of that should be captured within the placemaking approach, which should, of course, include individuals and communities in the development of those placemaking plans as well. I think that's all really important.
And then, thinking about those conversations that we have when people need social care, the 'what matters to you' conversation, I think that's really important as well, to ensure that people's housing enables them to undertake the other responsibilities—the caring responsibilities they might have, going to school—and, again, having those hobbies that make life worth living. So, all of those different things, I think, will come together—the placemaking plans, the actual properties themselves, and then also any social care support that individuals might need as well.
Rwy'n credu bod dau beth pwysig i'w cofio yma. Yn gyntaf, yn y math o ddull o greu lleoedd, y cyfeiriais ato mewn perthynas â'r ail gwestiwn y prynhawn yma, a oedd yn ymwneud â sut rydym yn sicrhau bod canol trefi'n addas ac yn hygyrch i bobl anabl, dylai'r un peth fod yn wir i'n cymunedau i gyd, a sicrhau bod gennym y math hwnnw o ddull o greu lleoedd, er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at y gwasanaethau hanfodol sydd eu hangen arnynt, at y bywyd cymdeithasol sydd ei angen arnynt, ac at eu diddordebau diwylliannol ac yn y blaen hefyd. Rwy'n credu y dylid cynnwys y pethau hynny i gyd o fewn y dull creu lleoedd, a ddylai, wrth gwrs, gynnwys unigolion a chymunedau wrth ddatblygu'r cynlluniau creu lleoedd hynny hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod hyn i gyd yn bwysig iawn.
Ac wrth feddwl am y sgyrsiau hynny a gawn pan fydd pobl angen gofal cymdeithasol, y sgwrs 'beth sy'n bwysig i chi', rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn hefyd, er mwyn sicrhau bod tai pobl yn eu galluogi i ymgymryd â chyfrifoldebau eraill—y cyfrifoldebau gofalu a allai fod ganddynt, mynd i'r ysgol—ac unwaith eto, eu galluogi i gael y diddordebau sy'n gwneud bywyd yn werth ei fyw. Felly, rwy'n credu y daw'r holl bethau gwahanol hynny at ei gilydd—y cynlluniau creu lleoedd, yr adeiladau eu hunain, yn ogystal ag unrhyw gymorth gofal cymdeithasol y gallai fod ei angen ar unigolion hefyd.
Cabinet Secretary, I recently met with Cwm Taf care and repair, who told me that the number of people seeking support from them increased by more than 134 per cent between the years 2018-19 and 2022-23. Obviously, it is better in every way for people if we can enable them to stay in their own homes, but I'm told that older home owners are finding it increasingly difficult to fund the home repairs that make it safe for them to do so. So, Cabinet Secretary, how is Welsh Government working to support care and repair agencies across Wales, so that they can fulfil their vital role in making sure people's homes are fit for their needs?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, cyfarfûm â gofal a thrwsio Cwm Taf yn ddiweddar, ac fe wnaethant ddweud wrthyf fod nifer y bobl sy'n gofyn am gymorth ganddynt wedi cynyddu mwy na 134 y cant rhwng 2018-19 a 2022-23. Yn amlwg, mae'n well ym mhob ffordd i bobl os gallwn eu galluogi i aros yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, ond dywedir wrthyf fod perchnogion tai hŷn yn ei chael hi'n fwyfwy anodd ariannu'r gwaith trwsio cartrefi sy'n ei gwneud yn ddiogel iddynt wneud hynny. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i gefnogi asiantaethau gofal a thrwsio ledled Cymru, fel y gallant gyflawni eu rôl hanfodol i sicrhau bod cartrefi pobl yn addas ar gyfer eu hanghenion?
I absolutely want to join you in recognising the important work that care and repair carries out, helping people to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, and we are absolutely committed to supporting that work. Care and repair agencies across Wales currently receive funding from the Welsh Government through our home improvement agencies programme, and also our rapid response adaptations programmes, and a total of £8.6 million has been awarded in the current financial year to care and repair agencies to support them in that activity. The Cwm Taf agency is receiving £800,000 of this allocation, and I think that the work that they do, responding so rapidly to people's needs, is wonderful in terms of helping people get home from hospital or just to stay in their homes as well. Care and repair agencies can also receive financial assistance through our Enable funding programme. That's got an annual allocation of £6 million. Those funds, though, are allocated to local authorities to carry out adaptations and independent living works, but, as I say, care and repair agencies can access that funding for their work.
Hoffwn ymuno â chi i gydnabod y gwaith pwysig y mae gofal a thrwsio yn ei wneud, gan helpu pobl i fyw'n annibynnol yn eu cartrefi cyhyd â phosibl, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi'r gwaith hwnnw. Ar hyn o bryd, mae asiantaethau gofal a thrwsio ledled Cymru yn derbyn cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy ein rhaglen asiantaethau gwella cartrefi, a hefyd ein rhaglenni addasiadau brys, a dyfarnwyd cyfanswm o £8.6 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredol i asiantaethau gofal a thrwsio i'w cefnogi yn y gweithgarwch hwnnw. Mae asiantaeth Cwm Taf yn derbyn £800,000 o'r dyraniad hwn, a chredaf fod y gwaith y maent yn ei wneud, yn ymateb mor gyflym i anghenion pobl, yn wych wrth helpu pobl i ddod adref o'r ysbyty neu i aros yn eu cartrefi hefyd. Gall asiantaethau gofal a thrwsio gael cymorth ariannol drwy ein rhaglen ariannu Hwyluso hefyd. Mae'r rhaglen honno yn cael dyraniad blynyddol o £6 miliwn. Mae'r cronfeydd hynny, fodd bynnag, yn cael eu dyrannu i awdurdodau lleol i wneud addasiadau a gwaith byw'n annibynnol, ond fel y dywedais, gall asiantaethau gofal a thrwsio gael mynediad at y cyllid hwnnw ar gyfer eu gwaith.
7. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gefnogi’r broses o ddatgarboneiddio cartrefi? OQ61416
7. What is the Welsh Government doing to support the decarbonisation of homes? OQ61416
We are removing barriers and building an enabling environment for everyone in Wales to reduce emissions from their homes, while targeting direct support towards low-income households, including our £70 million optimised retrofit programme and the £30 million Warm Homes Nest scheme. This approach will drive a just transition and ensure that no-one is left behind.
Rydym yn cael gwared ar rwystrau ac yn creu amgylchedd a fydd yn galluogi pawb yng Nghymru i leihau allyriadau o'u cartrefi, gan dargedu cymorth uniongyrchol tuag at aelwydydd incwm isel, gan gynnwys ein rhaglen ôl-osod er mwyn optimeiddio gwerth £70 miliwn a'r cynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd gwerth £30 miliwn. Bydd y dull hwn o weithredu yn sicrhau pontio teg ac yn sicrhau nad oes neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl.
Diolch, Cabinet Secretary, for your answer. With 11 per cent of our overall carbon emissions coming from our homes, it is critical that in order to meet our carbon reduction targets we have to improve the energy efficiency within the housing stock. Insulating homes is of course only one of the answers to improving energy efficiency and decarbonisation of homes, but it is critically important. According to research by Which?, insulation levels in homes in the mid and west area are, I quote, 'relatively poor', particularly in the more rural areas. They also say there's a relatively low supply of insulation installers, and that was echoed at the all-party group on construction on Monday. So, what steps are the Welsh Government taking to ensure that there's an adequate number of people trained to meet the demand for insulation installers?
Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Gydag 11 y cant o'n hallyriadau carbon yn dod o'n cartrefi, er mwyn cyrraedd ein targedau lleihau carbon, mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni o fewn y stoc dai. Wrth gwrs, nid yw inswleiddio cartrefi ond yn un ffordd o wella effeithlonrwydd ynni a datgarboneiddio cartrefi, ond mae'n hanfodol bwysig. Yn ôl ymchwil gan Which?, mae lefelau inswleiddio mewn cartrefi yn ardal y canolbarth a'r gorllewin yn gymharol wael, yn enwedig yn yr ardaloedd mwy gwledig. Maent yn dweud hefyd fod cyflenwad cymharol isel o osodwyr inswleiddio, ac fe gafodd hynny ei adleisio yn y grŵp hollbleidiol ar adeiladu ddydd Llun. Felly, pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod nifer ddigonol o bobl yn cael eu hyfforddi i ateb y galw am osodwyr inswleiddio?
I'm very grateful for the question, and actually it reminds me of the question that Peter Fox was asking earlier, very much in the same vein around skills. Social landlords can access the funding that is available through the optimised retrofit programme towards training, including for insulation installers, and we do work really closely with our academic institutions, industry skills associations and other partners to continually review the skills and labour force capacity, to meet our retrofit ambitions and our standards.
We have also established a net-zero carbon hub to connect partners with expert knowledge and detail of the available skills programme, and specific funding, then, for training includes the flexible skills programme, which is a training grant available to all employers in Wales, offering up to 50 per cent of the training costs to the employer who wishes to purchase training courses to upskill their workforce, and also our green personal learning accounts, which are specifically designed to support key sectors, including domestic energy retrofit. So, there are a number of ways in which funding can be accessed to upskill people in this really important sector.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y cwestiwn, ac mewn gwirionedd mae'n fy atgoffa o'r cwestiwn a ofynnodd Peter Fox yn gynharach, a oedd hefyd yn ymwneud â sgiliau. Gall landlordiaid cymdeithasol gael gafael ar yr arian sydd ar gael drwy'r rhaglen ôl-osod er mwyn optimeiddio tuag at hyfforddiant, gan gynnwys ar gyfer gosodwyr inswleiddio, ac rydym yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'n sefydliadau academaidd, cymdeithasau sgiliau'r diwydiant a phartneriaid eraill i adolygu sgiliau'r gweithlu'n barhaus, i gyflawni ein huchelgeisiau ôl-osod a'n safonau.
Rydym hefyd wedi sefydlu hyb carbon sero net i gysylltu partneriaid â gwybodaeth arbenigol a manylion am y rhaglen sgiliau sydd ar gael, ac mae cyllid penodol ar gyfer hyfforddiant yn cynnwys y rhaglen sgiliau hyblyg, sef grant hyfforddi sydd ar gael i bob cyflogwr yng Nghymru, ac sy'n cynnig hyd at 50 y cant o'r costau hyfforddi i gyflogwr sy'n dymuno prynu cyrsiau hyfforddi i uwchsgilio eu gweithlu, a hefyd ein cyfrifon dysgu personol gwyrdd, sydd wedi'u cynllunio'n benodol i gefnogi sectorau allweddol, gan gynnwys ôl-osod ynni domestig. Felly, mae nifer o ffyrdd y gellir cael gafael ar gyllid i uwchsgilio pobl yn y sector pwysig hwn.
Mae cwestiwn 8 [OQ61407] wedi ei dynnu yn ôl. Cwestiwn 9, Russell George.
Question 8 [OQ61407] is withdrawn. Question 9, Russell George.
9. Pa drafodaethau y mae yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gyda chwmnïau dŵr ynglŷn â gosod systemau chwistrellu dŵr mewn eiddo newydd? OQ61418
9. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with water companies regarding the installation of fire sprinklers in new properties? OQ61418
The Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning has not had any discussions with water companies regarding sprinkler installations in new homes.
Nid yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol, Tai a Chynllunio wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau gyda chwmnïau dŵr ynghylch gosod systemau chwistrellu dŵr mewn cartrefi newydd.
Thank you for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. One of the issues raised on a fairly frequent basis with me from developers is the additional cost that they often have to encounter, not to install the sprinkler systems themselves, but where there's not sufficient water pressure provided by water companies, the additional cost that is then added on to other means to facilitate a sprinkler system, such as the cost of pumps or water tanks. So, the question I ask, Minister, is in that regard, because, of course, with those extra costs for the developer, they are passed on, and then a home is, of course, more expensive to the end purchaser. And, of course, we want to keep those homes at as low a cost as possible, especially for new developments where young people are looking to get on the housing ladder. So, can I ask, Minister, what you have in your power to discuss with water companies to provide the adequate water pressure that's needed to ensure that water pressure is suitable and relevant in a particular area when new developments take place?
Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Un o'r pethau y mae datblygwyr yn eu codi gyda mi yn weddol fynych yw'r gost ychwanegol iddynt yn aml, nid o osod y systemau chwistrellu dŵr eu hunain, ond lle nad oes digon o bwysedd dŵr wedi'i ddarparu gan gwmnïau dŵr, y gost ychwanegol o ddod o hyd i ddulliau eraill o hwyluso system chwistrellu dŵr, megis cost pympiau neu danciau dŵr. Felly, mae'r cwestiwn rwy'n ei ofyn, Weinidog, yn ymwneud â hynny, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, gyda'r costau ychwanegol hynny i'r datblygwr, cânt eu trosglwyddo, ac yna mae cartref, wrth gwrs, yn ddrutach i'r prynwr yn y pen draw. Ac wrth gwrs, rydym eisiau cadw cost y cartrefi hynny mor isel â phosibl, yn enwedig ar gyfer datblygiadau newydd lle mae pobl ifanc eisiau prynu am y tro cyntaf. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Weinidog, beth allwch chi ei wneud i sicrhau bod cwmnïau dŵr yn darparu'r pwysedd dŵr angenrheidiol i wneud yn siŵr bod pwysedd dŵr yn addas ac yn briodol mewn ardal benodol pan fo datblygiadau newydd yn digwydd?
So, I know my colleague knows that water companies in Wales have a statutory duty to provide water, but there is no requirement to provide it for firefighting purposes—so, that would include the water for sprinklers—under the Water Act 2014. We would say that, before the implementation of the building—. Excuse me. Ensuring sufficient flow, given the expected typical water pressure at a property, is something that the original design should take into account, and where there are issues with water pressure, there are some alternative design solutions available, such as a water storage tank. But I think it's important to recognise that, actually, innovation is happening at quite some speed, and there has been quite important innovation by the sprinkler industry to tackle low water pressure. For example, there is the development now of an inline pump, which enhances the flow and pressure, and also the use of low-flow sprinkler heads, which might actually negate the need for those water storage tanks in future as well. So, I think that we can welcome the innovation, but I do recognise the point that is being made.
Rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Aelod yn gwybod bod gan gwmnïau dŵr yng Nghymru ddyletswydd statudol i ddarparu dŵr, ond nid oes gofyniad i'w ddarparu at ddibenion diffodd tân—felly, byddai hynny'n cynnwys dŵr ar gyfer systemau chwistrellu—o dan Ddeddf Dŵr 2014. Byddem yn dweud, cyn gweithredu'r—. Esgusodwch fi. O ystyried y pwysedd dŵr arferol y gellir ei ddisgwyl mewn eiddo, mae sicrhau llif digonol yn rhywbeth y dylai'r cynllun gwreiddiol ei ystyried, a lle mae problemau gyda phwysedd dŵr, ceir rhai atebion cynllunio amgen, fel tanc storio dŵr. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod bod arloesedd yn digwydd ar gryn gyflymder mewn gwirionedd, a gwelwyd arloesedd pwysig gan y diwydiant chwistrellu i fynd i'r afael â phwysedd dŵr isel. Er enghraifft, datblygwyd y pwmp mewnol, sy'n gwella'r llif a'r pwysedd, yn ogystal â'r defnydd o bennau chwistrellu llif isel, a allai olygu na fydd angen tanciau storio dŵr yn y dyfodol mewn gwirionedd. Felly, rwy'n credu y gallwn groesawu'r arloesedd, ond rwy'n cydnabod y pwynt sy'n cael ei wneud.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Eitem 2 yw'r cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Julie Morgan.
Item 2 is the questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education, and the first question is from Julie Morgan.
1. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i annog pobl ifanc i ddysgu chwarae offerynnau cerddorol? OQ61431
1. What plans does the Cabinet Secretary have to encourage young people to learn to play musical instruments? OQ61431
The National Music Service for Wales is enabling every child and young person, from the age of three to 16, to benefit from opportunities to play a musical instrument, including through schools programmes such as First Experiences and Music Pathways.
Mae Gwasanaeth Cerddoriaeth Cenedlaethol Cymru yn galluogi pob plentyn a pherson ifanc, rhwng tair ac 16 oed, i elwa ar gyfleoedd i chwarae offeryn cerddorol, gan gynnwys drwy raglenni ysgolion fel Profiadau Cyntaf a Llwybrau Cerddoriaeth.
Thank you very much for the answer, and I really welcome the national music service and the schools programme, but as the Cabinet Secretary will know, I've been involved in the campaign to save the junior department of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, led by Rhianon Passmore and others across the Chamber, and the royal Welsh college is due to make an announcement next Friday, 19 July, on the outcome. And just to repeat, more than 400 children attend the junior conservatoire. It's the only service of its kind in Wales, providing teaching in both Welsh and English, and more than 50 per cent of the children receive bursaries because of the family income. And, of course, these children come from all backgrounds and go on to represent Wales in orchestras and theatres across the world. If the junior department is to close, Wales would be the only country in the UK not to have a dedicated junior conservatoire, meaning that our young people will be at a significant disadvantage. And, obviously, the conservatoire does fit in as the development from the national music service. I know the Cabinet Secretary met the college principal, and we did discuss it in business questions yesterday, but I wondered if she could tell us what the result of that meeting was.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am yr ateb, ac rwy'n croesawu'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol a'r rhaglen ysgolion yn fawr, ond fel y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gwybod, rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o'r ymgyrch i achub adran iau Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, dan arweiniad Rhianon Passmore ac eraill ar draws y Siambr, ac mae disgwyl i goleg brenhinol Cymru wneud cyhoeddiad ar y canlyniad ddydd Gwener nesaf, 19 Gorffennaf. A hoffwn ailadrodd, mae mwy na 400 o blant yn mynychu'r conservatoire iau. Dyma'r unig wasanaeth o'i fath yng Nghymru, sy'n darparu addysgu yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg, ac mae dros 50 y cant o'r plant yn derbyn bwrsariaethau oherwydd incwm y teulu. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'r plant hyn yn dod o bob cefndir ac yn mynd ymlaen i gynrychioli Cymru mewn cerddorfeydd a theatrau ar draws y byd. Pe bai'r adran iau yn cau, Cymru fyddai'r unig wlad yn y DU heb conservatoire iau pwrpasol, sy'n golygu y byddai ein pobl ifanc dan anfantais sylweddol. Ac yn amlwg, mae i'r conservatoire ei le fel y datblygiad o'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol. Rwy'n gwybod bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi cyfarfod â phennaeth y coleg, ac fe wnaethom ei drafod mewn cwestiynau busnes ddoe, ond tybed a allai ddweud wrthym beth oedd canlyniad y cyfarfod hwnnw.
Thank you very much for the supplementary, Julie. I know that the proposals to close the junior department at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama will have caused apprehension for all those involved. It is important to remember that the college is an autonomous body responsible for its own academic affairs. They have said that they remain fully committed to providing opportunities in music for young people and to creating pathways into professional training and will be continuing to deliver a number of areas of project work, including a series of weekend immersive workshops in music, the National Open Youth Orchestra residency and holiday courses in production arts.
I did indeed meet the college principal on Monday. I had a helpful discussion with her. I’m assured of her and her team’s commitment to youth music services, and while the financial pressure that the college is facing, in common with many universities in Wales and across the UK, is one of the factors surrounding the current proposals, there is also a real commitment to ensuring that youth activity is futureproofed, inclusive and national in scope. And while the current provision is incredibly valuable to those who benefit from it, the vast majority—almost 80 per cent—live in Cardiff and the surrounding south-east Wales area. There are, for example, no students from north Wales and Ceredigion.FootnoteLink And in terms of the bursaries, the figures I've received show that 24 per cent of young music students receive a bursary. As the Member has highlighted, there is a process that is ongoing, and the college are due to make an announcement on 19 July.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn atodol, Julie. Gwn y bydd y cynigion i gau'r adran iau yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru wedi peri pryder i bawb dan sylw. Mae'n bwysig cofio bod y coleg yn gorff annibynnol sy'n gyfrifol am ei faterion academaidd ei hun. Maent wedi dweud eu bod yn parhau i fod yn gwbl ymrwymedig i ddarparu cyfleoedd ym myd cerddoriaeth i bobl ifanc ac i greu llwybrau i hyfforddiant proffesiynol a byddant yn parhau i ddarparu gwaith prosiect mewn nifer o feysydd, gan gynnwys cyfres o weithdai trochi ar benwythnosau mewn cerddoriaeth, cyfnodau preswyl y Gerddorfa Ieuenctid Agored Genedlaethol a chyrsiau gwyliau yn y celfyddydau cynhyrchu.
Yn wir, cyfarfûm â phennaeth y coleg ddydd Llun. Cefais sgwrs ddefnyddiol gyda hi. Cefais fy sicrhau o'i hymrwymiad hi a'i thîm i wasanaethau cerddoriaeth ieuenctid, ac er bod y pwysau ariannol y mae'r coleg yn eu hwynebu, fel llawer o brifysgolion yng Nghymru ac ar draws y DU, yn un o'r ffactorau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r cynigion presennol, mae yna ymrwymiad gwirioneddol hefyd i sicrhau bod gweithgarwch ieuenctid yn gynhwysol ac yn genedlaethol ei gyrhaeddiad a'i fod wedi ei ddiogelu ar gyfer y dyfodol. Ac er bod y ddarpariaeth bresennol yn hynod werthfawr i'r rhai sy'n elwa ohoni, mae'r mwyafrif helaeth—bron 80 y cant—yn byw yng Nghaerdydd a'r cyffiniau yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru. Er enghraifft, nid oes unrhyw fyfyrwyr o ogledd Cymru a Cheredigion.FootnoteLink Ac o ran y bwrsariaethau, mae'r ffigurau a gefais yn dangos bod 24 y cant o fyfyrwyr cerddoriaeth ifanc yn derbyn bwrsariaeth. Fel y mae'r Aelod wedi nodi, mae'r broses yn parhau, ac mae disgwyl i'r coleg wneud cyhoeddiad ar 19 Gorffennaf.
One of the things I do find striking in your response to Julie Morgan’s question is the fact that 80 per cent of musical students who use the college of music and drama live in Cardiff and the surrounding area, so when you meet with the college, do you stress the importance of providing musical education opportunities to all prospective pupils across Wales? No matter where they live, everybody should have equal access to musical education if they so wish to take part in that field of study. So, what work is the Welsh Government doing with the musical sector in order to provide equal opportunities for people all across Wales, no matter where they live?
Un o'r pethau sy'n drawiadol yn eich ymateb i gwestiwn Julie Morgan yw'r ffaith bod 80 y cant o fyfyrwyr cerddoriaeth sy'n defnyddio'r coleg cerdd a drama yn byw yng Nghaerdydd a'r cyffiniau, felly pan fyddwch chi'n cyfarfod â'r coleg, a ydych chi'n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd darparu cyfleoedd addysg cerddoriaeth i bob darpar ddisgybl ledled Cymru? Ni waeth lle maent yn byw, dylai pawb gael mynediad cyfartal at addysg cerddoriaeth os ydynt yn dymuno cymryd rhan yn y maes astudio hwnnw. Felly, pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud gyda'r sector cerddoriaeth er mwyn darparu cyfleoedd cyfartal i bobl ledled Cymru, ni waeth lle maent yn byw?
Thank you very much, Gareth, and, yes, indeed, that was one of the issues that I discussed with the principal. If we’re talking about a national conservatoire, then it does need to be a national service, and the college is very mindful of that, and although they’re going through this process at the moment, they are considering how they can make sure the service is extended to young people in all parts of Wales.
I wouldn’t want you to think that because of what I just said about the royal college being focused in the south-east that we aren’t offering musical opportunities across the whole of Wales. Our national music service provides a range of programmes for schools across Wales, which include First Experiences in primary schools, Music Pathways in secondary schools and the wider music tuition and live music experience strands, and these initiatives are also supported by the Charanga Cymru digital music platform, which has, to date, been accessed by over 1,000 schools in Wales, and, to date, we’ve invested over £13 million in the national music service. I was able to go and join them for a celebration recently, and it’s really excellent, but you do make an important point that music should be available to children and young people across Wales.
Diolch yn fawr, Gareth, ac yn wir, roedd hwnnw'n un o'r materion a drafodais gyda'r pennaeth. Os ydym yn sôn am ysgol gerddoriaeth genedlaethol, mae angen iddo fod yn wasanaeth cenedlaethol, ac mae'r coleg yn ymwybodol iawn o hynny, ac er eu bod yn mynd drwy'r broses hon ar hyn o bryd, maent yn ystyried sut y gallant sicrhau bod y gwasanaeth yn cael ei gynnig i bobl ifanc ym mhob rhan o Gymru.
Ni fyddwn eisiau i chi feddwl, oherwydd yr hyn a ddywedais am ffocws y coleg brenhinol yn y de-ddwyrain, nad ydym yn cynnig cyfleoedd cerddoriaeth ledled Cymru gyfan. Mae ein gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol yn darparu ystod o raglenni ar gyfer ysgolion ledled Cymru, sy'n cynnwys Profiadau Cyntaf mewn ysgolion cynradd, Llwybrau Cerddoriaeth mewn ysgolion uwchradd, yn ogystal â hyfforddiant cerddorol a cherddoriaeth fyw yn ehangach, ac mae'r cynlluniau hyn hefyd yn cael eu cefnogi gan blatfform cerddoriaeth digidol Charanga Cymru, sydd, hyd yma, wedi cael ei ddefnyddio gan dros 1,000 o ysgolion yng Nghymru, a hyd yma rydym wedi buddsoddi dros £13 miliwn yn y gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol. Gallais ymuno â nhw mewn dathliad yn ddiweddar, ac mae'n wirioneddol wych, ond rydych chi'n gwneud pwynt pwysig y dylai cerddoriaeth fod ar gael i blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru.
I want to pay tribute also to Julie Morgan for her work and support for the cultural life of Wales.
So, it's important to recognise, as the Cabinet Secretary says, the groundbreaking significance of the first national music service, and in particular, I wanted to just pay tribute to Mari Pritchard for her innovative leadership. And you've mentioned some of the pan-Wales programmes that are actually rolling out very successfully.
My question today pertains obviously to that very important progression pyramid, at the forefront of the national plan for music, and the necessity of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama having a programme for more able and talented pupils, and many of those are from Valleys constituencies. I suppose important to note, then, that the national music service is not placed, and was never intended, to cater to that cohort and it's also clear that the Royal Northern College of Music is also a venue for some of our north-Walian pupils, and it is important that the college does roll out programmes in hubs as it can and is placed to do so.
So, will the Cabinet Secretary reassure this place that the national music plan is still viable in terms of a Saturday junior department school, and that all is being done to secure reinstatement of a proper junior department and a new future funding model suitable for a conservatoire, such as we have across the United Kingdom, which funds the junior department? And will she urgently assess how this has occurred and press the need for, yes, a junior bilingual department pipeline to the conservatoire of Wales?
So, I look forward to meeting with the Cabinet Secretary to seek to redress this situation for the distraught pupils, in terms of both their musical progress and the gap that they now have and their safeguarding issues, and for those tutors who are now looking outside of Wales—the land of song—for their future employment. Thank you.
Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i Julie Morgan hefyd am ei gwaith a'i chefnogaeth i fywyd diwylliannol Cymru.
Felly, fel y dywed Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n bwysig cydnabod arwyddocâd arloesol y gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol cyntaf, ac yn arbennig, roeddwn eisiau talu teyrnged i Mari Pritchard am ei harweinyddiaeth arloesol. Ac rydych chi wedi sôn am rai o'r rhaglenni Cymru gyfan sy'n cael eu cyflwyno'n llwyddiannus iawn.
Mae fy nghwestiwn heddiw yn amlwg yn ymwneud â'r pyramid dilyniant pwysig iawn sy'n ganolog i'r cynllun cenedlaethol ar gyfer cerddoriaeth, a'r angen i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru gael rhaglen ar gyfer disgyblion mwy abl a thalentog, ac mae llawer o'r rheini'n dod o etholaethau'r Cymoedd. Mae'n bwysig nodi, felly, nad yw'r gwasanaeth cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol yn darparu ar gyfer y garfan honno, ac ni fwriadwyd iddo wneud hynny erioed, ac mae hefyd yn amlwg fod Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol y Gogledd hefyd yn lleoliad i rai o'n disgyblion o ogledd Cymru, ac mae'n bwysig fod y coleg yn cyflwyno rhaglenni mewn hybiau fel y gall ei wneud.
Felly, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet roi sicrwydd i'r lle hwn fod y cynllun cerddoriaeth cenedlaethol yn dal i fod yn hyfyw mewn perthynas ag ysgol iau ar ddyddiau Sadwrn, a bod popeth yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau adferiad adran iau briodol a model ariannu newydd yn y dyfodol sy'n addas ar gyfer conservatoire, fel sydd gennym ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, i ariannu'r adran iau? Ac a wnaiff hi fynd ati ar frys i asesu sut mae hyn wedi digwydd a phwysleisio'r angen am adran iau ddwyieithog i'r conservatoire yng Nghymru?
Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at gyfarfod ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i geisio unioni'r sefyllfa hon i'r disgyblion gofidus, o ran eu cynnydd cerddorol a'r bwlch sydd ganddynt nawr a'u materion diogelu, ac i'r tiwtoriaid sydd bellach yn edrych y tu hwnt i Gymru—gwlad y gân—am gyflogaeth ar gyfer y dyfodol. Diolch.
Thank you very much, Rhianon, and obviously I'm aware of your strong commitment in this area and I’m very happy to meet you before the end of term to discuss this. As I’ve said to Julie Morgan, there is a process ongoing and the royal college will be making an announcement based on its consultations. I have been assured that they’re committed to providing continued opportunities for children and young people. The figures I’ve seen don’t suggest that there are that many children and young people using the service from the Valleys. As I said, 80 per cent are from Cardiff and the surrounding south-east Wales area. I know that they are committed to trying to make sure that there is an inclusive offer for the whole of Wales.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Rhianon, ac yn amlwg rwy'n ymwybodol o'ch ymrwymiad cryf yn y maes hwn ac rwy'n hapus iawn i gyfarfod â chi cyn diwedd y tymor i drafod hyn. Fel y dywedais wrth Julie Morgan, mae yna broses ar y gweill a bydd y coleg brenhinol yn gwneud cyhoeddiad yn seiliedig ar ei ymgynghoriadau. Rwyf wedi cael sicrwydd eu bod wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu cyfleoedd parhaus i blant a phobl ifanc. Nid yw'r ffigurau a welais yn awgrymu bod cymaint â hynny o blant a phobl ifanc o'r Cymoedd yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth. Fel y dywedais, mae 80 y cant yn dod o Gaerdydd ac ardal y de-ddwyrain. Rwy'n gwybod eu bod wedi ymrwymo i geisio sicrhau bod cynnig cynhwysol ar gyfer Cymru gyfan.
I agree, Cabinet Secretary, that it’s very important that we have an inclusive offer, but 50 per cent of the pupils who use this service are receiving bursaries because of their income circumstances. So, Cardiff may seem like a wealthy city—it is not. There are huge areas of deprivation and these young people are using this service. And it is a little bit difficult to see how a three-year-old would be able to travel from Pembrokeshire or north Wales in order to take part in the junior conservatoire, and I think that a great deal of rethinking needs to be done on this matter.
And I’m very disappointed to hear that the principal has refused to meet Jim Walker, who founded this service back in the middle of the 1990s, and doesn’t appear to be taking account of the proposals coming from the staff to reduce the length of the conservatoire, which would instantly save 20 per cent or more, depending on how much they reduce the actual service. Because to destroy it completely means it will no longer exist, whereas, if we could reduce the service to make it sustainable in the short term while there is a shortage of funding, it would give us the opportunity to find alternative sources of funding to enable all of these deprived young people—50 per cent of them are those on low incomes—to become professional musicians in the future, if that is what they chose to do. But, if we eliminate this, there is no conservatoire for young people in this country, and to simply say, ‘Well, just because it doesn’t exist in north Wales, we need to cut its legs off’, absolutely—. I wondered if you could tell us whether you have spoken with the Cabinet Secretary for finance, who is no longer in the Chamber, or indeed the Cabinet Secretary for culture, to come up with a solution before the plug is pulled on the wonderful work that’s been going on for nearly 20 years.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n cytuno ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod gennym gynnig cynhwysol, ond mae 50 y cant o'r disgyblion sy'n defnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn yn derbyn bwrsariaethau oherwydd eu hamgylchiadau incwm. Felly, efallai fod Caerdydd yn ymddangos fel dinas gyfoethog—nid yw hynny'n wir. Mae yna ardaloedd enfawr o amddifadedd ac mae'r bobl ifanc hyn yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn. Ac mae ychydig yn anodd gweld sut y byddai plentyn tair oed yn gallu teithio o sir Benfro neu ogledd Cymru er mwyn cymryd rhan yn y conservatoire iau, ac rwy'n credu bod angen gwneud llawer iawn o ailfeddwl ar y mater.
Ac rwy'n siomedig iawn o glywed bod y pennaeth wedi gwrthod cyfarfod â Jim Walker, a sefydlodd y gwasanaeth hwn yn ôl yng nghanol y 1990au, ac nid yw'n ymddangos ei fod yn ystyried y cynigion sy'n dod gan y staff i leihau hyd y conservatoire, a fyddai'n arbed 20 y cant neu fwy ar unwaith, yn dibynnu ar faint y byddant yn cyfyngu ar y gwasanaeth. Oherwydd byddai ei ddileu'n gyfan gwbl yn golygu na fydd yn bodoli mwyach, ond pe gallem leihau'r gwasanaeth i'w wneud yn gynaliadwy yn y tymor byr tra bod cyllid yn brin, byddai'n rhoi cyfle inni ddod o hyd i ffynonellau cyllid amgen i alluogi'r holl bobl ifanc ddifreintiedig hyn—50 y cant ohonynt ar incwm isel—i ddod yn gerddorion proffesiynol yn y dyfodol, os mai dyna fyddent yn dewis ei wneud. Ond os ydym yn ei ddileu, nid fydd conservatoire i bobl ifanc yn y wlad hon, ac mae dweud yn syml, 'Wel, am nad yw'n bodoli yng ngogledd Cymru, mae angen inni dorri ei goesau i ffwrdd', yn—. Roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a ydych chi wedi siarad ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid, nad yw yn y Siambr mwyach, neu'n wir Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros ddiwylliant, i ddod o hyd i ateb cyn tynnu'r plwg ar y gwaith gwych sydd wedi bod yn digwydd ers bron i 20 mlynedd.
Thank you, Jenny, and, as I said to Julie Morgan, the figures I've received show that 24 per cent of young music students receive a fee bursary. And there is no question of there not being provision for young people in Wales. This is a question of—. All universities are experiencing financial difficulties, lots of them are looking at their operating models. But, as I said to Julie, this is not just a financially driven exercise; this is also about looking at that inclusivity and how those services are delivered across Wales and how they are as inclusive as possible.
There is a statutory process ongoing, and I can’t really comment on what the royal college—which meetings the royal college—have accepted or not accepted. I know that they’ve committed to responding to the consultation by 19 July after they’ve reviewed all the submissions they've received, and then there'll be a further announcement.
I do have to say to the Member, in relation to her reference to the Cabinet Secretary for finance, that we do need to consider the huge financial pressures we’re under as a Government. We went into this budget round with a £1.3 billion shortfall. That has had implications. That was out of our control, because it was due to the lack of investment by Westminster. The budget in Wales for education is still £700 million less than we would expect it to be. So, there does have to be a recognition of the really difficult financial issues we’re grappling with across the Government.
Diolch, Jenny, ac fel y dywedais wrth Julie Morgan, mae'r ffigurau a gefais yn dangos bod 24 y cant o fyfyrwyr cerddoriaeth ifanc yn derbyn bwrsariaeth ffioedd. Ac nid oes unrhyw gwestiwn o fod heb unrhyw ddarpariaeth i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Mae'n fater o—. Mae pob prifysgol yn profi anawsterau ariannol, mae llawer ohonynt yn edrych ar eu modelau gweithredu. Ond fel y dywedais wrth Julie, nid ymarfer ariannol yn unig yw hwn; mae'n ymwneud hefyd ag edrych ar gynwysoldeb a sut y darperir y gwasanaethau ledled Cymru a sut maent mor gynhwysol â phosibl.
Mae proses statudol yn parhau, ac ni allaf wneud sylw ar yr hyn y mae'r coleg brenhinol—pa gyfarfodydd y mae'r coleg brenhinol—wedi derbyn neu heb ei dderbyn. Rwy'n gwybod eu bod wedi ymrwymo i ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad erbyn 19 Gorffennaf ar ôl iddynt adolygu'r holl sylwadau a ddaeth i law, a bydd cyhoeddiad pellach wedyn.
Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud wrth yr Aelod, mewn perthynas â'i chyfeiriad at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid, fod angen inni ystyried y pwysau ariannol enfawr sydd arnom fel Llywodraeth. Aethom i mewn i'r rownd gyllidebol hon gyda diffyg o £1.3 biliwn. Mae goblygiadau wedi bod i hynny. Roedd hynny allan o'n rheolaeth ni, ac yn deillio o ddiffyg buddsoddiad San Steffan. Mae'r gyllideb yng Nghymru ar gyfer addysg yn dal i fod £700 miliwn yn llai nag y byddem yn disgwyl iddi fod. Felly, mae'n rhaid cydnabod y problemau ariannol anodd iawn sy'n ein hwynebu ar draws y Llywodraeth.
2. Pa asesiad y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'i wneud o drefniadau diogelu ar gyfer clybiau gwyliau sy’n defnyddio adeiladau ysgolion? OQ61434
2. What assessment has the Government made of safeguarding arrangements for holiday clubs using school premises? OQ61434
The safeguarding of young people is of paramount importance to the Welsh Government. Every school must demonstrate effective safeguarding policies, procedures and practice. When commissioning activities from another organisation, or allowing them to use premises, schools should ensure that providers have robust mechanisms in place to protect children from harm.
Mae diogelu pobl ifanc o'r pwys mwyaf i Lywodraeth Cymru. Rhaid i bob ysgol ddangos polisïau, gweithdrefnau ac ymarfer diogelu effeithiol. Wrth gomisiynu gweithgareddau gan sefydliad arall, neu ganiatáu iddynt ddefnyddio adeiladau, dylai ysgolion sicrhau bod gan ddarparwyr fecanweithiau cadarn ar waith i ddiogelu plant rhag niwed.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, for that response. I have grave concerns regarding the issue of holiday clubs and the safeguarding procedures that should be in place. It has come to my attention that protocols may not always be straightforward and in place to address safeguarding when it comes to holiday clubs using school premises. Depending on the description of the holiday club, some operators are not legally obliged to register with Care Inspectorate Wales. Whilst schools can lease their premises to private holiday club providers, parents assume that the school’s own policies, including safeguarding, relate to the holiday club whilst they operate on the school premises, but, in reality, we know that isn’t the case, as the holiday clubs just lease the school buildings—a fact that many parents are not aware of. With all of this in mind, what consideration is the Welsh Government giving to tightening these loopholes and ensuring that all the necessary safeguards are put in place when it comes to our children?
Diolch yn fawr am yr ymateb hwnnw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae gennyf bryderon difrifol ynghylch clybiau gwyliau a'r gweithdrefnau diogelu a ddylai fod ar waith. Daeth i fy sylw efallai nad yw protocolau bob amser yn glir ac yn weithredol i fynd i'r afael â diogelu mewn clybiau gwyliau sy'n defnyddio adeiladau ysgol. Yn dibynnu ar y disgrifiad o'r clwb gwyliau, nid oes rheidrwydd cyfreithiol ar rai gweithredwyr i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru. Er y gall ysgolion lesio eu heiddo i ddarparwyr clybiau gwyliau preifat, mae rhieni'n rhagdybio bod polisïau'r ysgol ei hun, gan gynnwys diogelu, yn berthnasol i'r clwb gwyliau tra byddant yn gweithredu ar safle'r ysgol, ond fe wyddom nad yw hynny'n wir mewn gwirionedd, gan mai dim ond lesio adeiladau ysgol y mae clybiau gwyliau—ffaith y mae llawer o rieni'n anymwybodol ohoni. Gyda hyn i gyd mewn golwg, pa ystyriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei rhoi i gau'r bylchau hyn a sicrhau bod yr holl fesurau diogelu angenrheidiol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith er lles ein plant?
Thank you very much for that question, Peter. And, as you rightly indicate, settings registered with Care Inspectorate Wales must have regard to the national minimum standards for regulated childcare, and that includes specific standards relating to safeguarding, to ensure children are safe from harm, abuse and neglect and that parents are confident all possible steps to safeguard them are taken.
The national minimum standards were updated in May 2023 to include enhanced arrangements for safeguarding training for all staff working in registered childcare and play settings. We are currently reviewing the exceptions Order, which sets out the services and settings that do not need to register with Care Inspectorate Wales or comply with the childminding and daycare regulations. And that work is being taken forward.
You may be also interested to know that we are following up on key recommendations from the ministerial review of play. That means we are currently looking at what support and guidance is provided to unregistered childcare provision in terms of safeguarding. The code of safeguarding practice is being promoted amongst play settings to raise awareness of safeguarding issues, and that code provides advice on reasonable steps that anyone offering a service or running an activity can take to create safer environments. And a review and refresh of the code of safeguarding practice has commenced. That will include information to build awareness and understanding of abuse, neglect and harm and the vital steps to take where this is happening or suspected. And we’re also going to refresh and widely promote the accompanying staying safe guide for individuals, parents and carers.
Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiwn, Peter. Ac fel y nodwch, mae'n rhaid i leoliadau sydd wedi'u cofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru roi sylw i'r safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol ar gyfer gofal plant a reoleiddir, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys safonau penodol yn ymwneud â diogelu, er mwyn sicrhau bod plant yn ddiogel rhag niwed, camdriniaeth ac esgeulustod a bod rhieni'n hyderus fod pob cam posibl i'w diogelu yn cael eu cymryd.
Diweddarwyd y safonau gofynnol cenedlaethol ym mis Mai 2023 i gynnwys trefniadau gwell ar gyfer hyfforddiant diogelu i'r holl staff sy'n gweithio mewn lleoliadau chwarae a gofal plant cofrestredig. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn adolygu'r Gorchymyn eithriadau, sy'n nodi'r gwasanaethau a'r lleoliadau nad oes angen iddynt gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru na chydymffurfio â'r rheoliadau gwarchod plant a gofal dydd. Ac mae'r gwaith hwnnw ar y gweill.
Efallai y bydd o ddiddordeb i chi hefyd ein bod yn dilyn argymhellion allweddol o'r adolygiad gweinidogol o chwarae. Mae hynny'n golygu ein bod ar hyn o bryd yn edrych ar ba gymorth ac arweiniad a ddarperir i ddarpariaeth gofal plant anghofrestredig mewn perthynas â diogelu. Mae'r cod ymarfer diogelu yn cael ei hyrwyddo ymhlith lleoliadau chwarae i godi ymwybyddiaeth o faterion diogelu, ac mae'r cod hwnnw'n rhoi cyngor ar gamau rhesymol y gall unrhyw un sy'n cynnig gwasanaeth neu sy'n rhedeg gweithgaredd eu cymryd i greu amgylcheddau mwy diogel. Ac mae adolygiad a diweddariad o'r cod ymarfer diogelu wedi cychwyn. Bydd hynny'n cynnwys gwybodaeth i godi ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o gamdriniaeth, esgeulustod a niwed a'r camau hanfodol i'w cymryd lle mae hyn yn digwydd neu'n lle ceir amheuaeth ohonynt. Ac rydym hefyd yn mynd i adnewyddu a hyrwyddo'n eang y canllawiau cadw'n ddiogel sy'n cyd-fynd â'r cod ar gyfer unigolion, rhieni a gofalwyr.
Cwestiynau gan lefarwyr y pleidiau nawr. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Tom Giffard.
Questions from the party spokespeople now. Conservative spokesperson, Tom Giffard.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Prynhawn da, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. Good afternoon, Cabinet Secretary.
Cabinet Secretary, we’ve seen many Ministers in your role try to reverse the slide in academic performance in our education system in Wales after 25 years of this Welsh Labour Government. Time and again, we’ve seen Welsh Government Ministers launch new curricula, strategies, plans, all aimed to take Wales from the sad position where we are the bottom of UK-wide Programme for International Student Assessment league tables in every subject every time we've been assessed. But the evidence tells us that all of them have failed, so what confidence can you give the Senedd that you will succeed where your predecessors haven’t?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydym wedi gweld llawer o Weinidogion yn eich rôl yn ceisio gwrthdroi'r llithro mewn perfformiad academaidd yn ein system addysg yng Nghymru ar ôl 25 mlynedd o'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru. Dro ar ôl tro, rydym wedi gweld Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru yn lansio cwricwla, strategaethau, cynlluniau, oll â'r nod o godi Cymru o'r lle trist yr ydym ynddo ar waelod tablau cynghrair y Rhaglen Ryngwladol Asesu Myfyrwyr ledled y DU ym mhob pwnc bob tro y cawsom ein hasesu. Ond mae'r dystiolaeth yn dweud wrthym fod pob un ohonynt wedi methu, felly pa hyder allwch chi ei roi i'r Senedd y byddwch chi'n llwyddo lle nad yw eich rhagflaenwyr wedi gwneud hynny?
Thank you very much, Tom. I know that you weren’t here last week for my statement on curriculum reform update, where I set out some of the measures that we’re going to take to ensure that our ground-breaking Curriculum for Wales achieves for all learners. I firmly believe that our approach through the new curriculum is the right one: a purpose-led curriculum to engage all our children and young people in relevant learning, but I have acknowledged that some schools need more support with that. Last week, I set out the kinds of measures that we would be taking to ensure that we support schools who need additional help with that. That doesn’t mean restricting or stopping the schools who are flying with this; it means providing additional support around things like curriculum design, assessment, progression, and also putting literacy and numeracy on a statutory framework, and that’s all going to be part of an attainment plan that we’re pulling together as a Government. I’ve been clear that raising attainment is a top priority for me. The First Minister has been clear on that as well. I recognise we’ve got lots of work to do. It’s not just about PISA, as I said last week; we need to make sure that our attainment is aligned to our new curriculum. But this is a top priority for all of us.
Diolch yn fawr, Tom. Rwy'n gwybod nad oeddech chi yma yr wythnos diwethaf ar gyfer fy natganiad diweddaraf ar ddiwygio'r cwricwlwm, lle nodais rai o'r mesurau y byddwn yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod ein Cwricwlwm i Gymru arloesol yn cyflawni ar gyfer pob dysgwr. Credaf yn gryf mai ein dull o weithredu drwy'r cwricwlwm newydd yw'r un cywir: cwricwlwm pwrpasol i ennyn diddordeb ein holl blant a phobl ifanc mewn dysgu perthnasol, ond rwyf wedi cydnabod bod angen mwy o gefnogaeth ar rai ysgolion gyda hynny. Yr wythnos diwethaf, nodais y mathau o gamau y byddem yn eu cymryd i sicrhau ein bod yn cefnogi ysgolion sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol gyda hynny. Nid yw hynny'n golygu atal neu gyfyngu ar yr ysgolion sy'n llwyddo; mae'n golygu darparu cymorth ychwanegol ynghylch pethau fel cynllunio cwricwlwm, asesu, cynnydd, a rhoi llythrennedd a rhifedd ar fframwaith statudol, a bydd hyn oll yn rhan o gynllun cyrhaeddiad yr ydym yn ei roi at ei gilydd fel Llywodraeth. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir fod codi cyrhaeddiad yn brif flaenoriaeth i mi. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi bod yn glir ynglŷn â hynny hefyd. Rwy'n cydnabod bod gennym lawer o waith i'w wneud. Mae'n ymwneud â mwy na PISA yn unig, fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf; mae angen inni sicrhau bod ein cyrhaeddiad yn cyd-fynd â'n cwricwlwm newydd. Ond mae hon yn flaenoriaeth bwysig i bob un ohonom.
Thank you. I’m glad you mentioned your new guidance, because that was my next question. In launching that new guidance you admitted, and I quote, that
'leaders and practitioners need additional detail and support to help them make the most of those opportunities, particularly in areas like progression and assessment.'
End quote. But it does beg the question as to why that detail wasn’t present in the first place, Cabinet Secretary. We know that some of these changes have placed a huge amount of pressure and workload on our teaching staff as well. The NASUWT stated in an interview on Monday they were hearing real concerns of teachers leaving the profession because of the stress, pressure and lack of support they’re having to deal with as a result of the changes made by this Welsh Government. In some surveys, up to 80 per cent of teachers feel this way, and that of course worsens the teacher recruitment crisis in the sector and makes it even more unlikely you’ll be able to succeed in turning around our record low PISA results, where those predecessors have failed. So, do you accept that mistakes were made in the initial implementation of the curriculum and that they have placed an unfair pressure on our teaching staff?
Diolch. Rwy'n falch eich bod wedi sôn am eich canllawiau newydd, oherwydd dyna oedd fy nghwestiwn nesaf. Wrth lansio'r canllawiau newydd, fe wnaethoch chi gyfaddef,
'bod angen manylion a chefnogaeth ychwanegol ar arweinwyr ac ymarferwyr i'w helpu i wneud y mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd hynny, yn enwedig mewn meysydd fel dilyniant ac asesu.'
Ond mae'n codi'r cwestiwn pam nad oedd y manylion hynny'n bresennol yn y lle cyntaf, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Gwyddom fod rhai o'r newidiadau hyn wedi rhoi pwysau a llwyth gwaith enfawr ar ein staff addysgu hefyd. Dywedodd Cymdeithas Genedlaethol yr Ysgolfeistri ac Undeb yr Athrawesau mewn cyfweliad ddydd Llun eu bod yn clywed pryderon gwirioneddol am athrawon yn gadael y proffesiwn oherwydd y straen, y pwysau a'r diffyg cefnogaeth y maent yn gorfod ymdopi ag ef o ganlyniad i'r newidiadau a wnaed gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mewn rhai arolygon, mae hyd at 80 y cant o athrawon yn teimlo fel hyn, ac mae hynny wrth gwrs yn gwaethygu'r argyfwng recriwtio athrawon yn y sector ac yn ei gwneud yn fwy annhebygol byth y byddwch chi'n llwyddo i wella ein canlyniadau PISA is nag erioed, lle mae'r rhagflaenwyr hynny wedi methu. Felly, a ydych chi'n derbyn bod camgymeriadau wedi'u gwneud wrth roi'r cwricwlwm ar waith ar y cychwyn a'u bod wedi rhoi pwysau annheg ar ein staff addysgu?
Well, it does feel a bit like groundhog day, because I have answered a lot of these questions last week when you weren’t here, but I’m very happy to go over this again for your benefit. Minimising teacher workload is a priority for this Government. We’ve got a strategic workload group set up with various workstreams underneath it, which our trade union partners are all involved in. I’ve been very clear since coming into post that I recognise we are asking a lot of our school practitioners. But there is also a huge enthusiasm for our new curriculum in Wales, and especially in primary schools. The evidence suggests that lots of schools are really flying with it. It does take teaching and learning to a high level. It is a different way of doing things. Teachers told us, when we were developing the new curriculum, that they wanted that agency and that respect as practitioners to be able to do their job as educators, and that’s what we’ve tried to give them. But, since coming in to post, I have recognised what schools have said to me, that some of them do need more support with that. I think that’s particularly the case at secondary level, where schools are still very much focused on the current exam system that we’ve got, and we have said that we will put that into place. I actually think the new curriculum is one of the answers to the recruitment and retention challenges we’re facing with schools. This isn’t about standing in front of kids transmitting information, this is genuinely educating kids, it’s assessing them in a person-centred way and ensuring that every learner is able to meet their potential. I’m not a teacher, but I think, if I was, I would find that very exciting and appealing.
Wel, mae'n teimlo fel pe baem wedi bod yma droeon o'r blaen, oherwydd fe atebais lawer o'r cwestiynau hyn yr wythnos diwethaf pan nad oeddech chi yma, ond rwy'n hapus iawn i fynd dros hyn eto er eich budd chi. Mae lleihau baich gwaith athrawon yn flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth hon. Mae gennym grŵp strategol ar lwyth gwaith wedi'i sefydlu gydag amrywiol ffrydiau gwaith y mae ein partneriaid yn yr undebau llafur i gyd yn rhan ohonynt. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ers dod i'r swydd fy mod yn cydnabod ein bod yn gofyn llawer gan ein haddysgwyr ysgol. Ond mae yna frwdfrydedd enfawr hefyd dros ein cwricwlwm newydd yng Nghymru, ac yn enwedig mewn ysgolion cynradd. Mae'r dystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod llawer o ysgolion yn llwyddo gydag ef mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n mynd ag addysgu a dysgu i lefel uchel. Mae'n ffordd wahanol o wneud pethau. Pan oeddem yn datblygu'r cwricwlwm newydd, dywedodd athrawon wrthym eu bod eisiau'r pŵer a'r parch i allu gwneud eu gwaith fel addysgwyr, a dyna beth rydym wedi ceisio ei roi iddynt. Ond ers dod i'r swydd, rwyf wedi cydnabod yr hyn y mae ysgolion wedi'i ddweud wrthyf, fod angen mwy o gefnogaeth ar rai ohonynt gyda hynny. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n arbennig o wir ar lefel uwchradd, lle mae ysgolion yn dal i ganolbwyntio i raddau helaeth ar y system arholiadau bresennol sydd gennym, ac rydym wedi dweud y byddwn yn rhoi hynny ar waith. Rwy'n credu mai'r cwricwlwm newydd yw un o'r atebion i'r heriau recriwtio a chadw staff a wynebwn gydag ysgolion. Nid mater o sefyll o flaen plant yn trosglwyddo gwybodaeth yw hyn, mae'n ymwneud ag addysgu go iawn, eu hasesu mewn ffordd sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn a sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn gallu cyflawni ei botensial. Nid wyf yn athro, ond pe bawn i, rwy'n credu y byddwn i'n ystyried hynny'n gyffrous ac yn atyniadol iawn.
You've mentioned it twice, so I'll address it: I was not here last week, and I'm very grateful to Joel James for covering for me last week, but I did prepare the remarks Joel James made on my behalf and I've reviewed your responses. So, you don't need to bring me up to date, Cabinet Secretary. I am more concerned about bringing our students up to speed with their competitors in the rest of the United Kingdom, and now there's clearly a problem in the burden that the curriculum is putting on our teaching staff, and I think you acknowledged it, but I'm not entirely sure, and those union surveys paint that bleak picture too. But what also concerns me is that the Welsh Labour Government isn't following the evidence in terms of the approach that actually raises those PISA scores and those standards. The Institute for Fiscal Studies report into the Welsh Government's new curriculum said
'declines have happened in essentially every country that has adopted such skills-based curricula'.
And yet that's exactly the model the Welsh Labour Government has chosen to adopt by prioritising a skills-based approach over the knowledge-based learning approach we know that works. Indeed, countries like New Zealand have had to backtrack on the same approach, forced to move away from a skills-based curriculum because the evidence clearly showed that it was not improving educational standards.
Cabinet Secretary, we all want our young people to get the best possible start in life, so they can achieve their potential as they leave school and move on to the world of work. But, to do it, we need to follow the evidence about what works. And yet, almost everywhere that this approach has been tried, it has been proven to fail. So, why is it that the Welsh Government is pursuing this approach over one we know that works?
Rydych chi wedi sôn amdano ddwywaith, felly rwyf am roi sylw iddo: nid oeddwn yma yr wythnos diwethaf, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Joel James am gymryd fy lle yr wythnos diwethaf, ond fe wneuthum baratoi'r sylwadau a wnaeth Joel James ar fy rhan ac rwyf wedi adolygu eich ymatebion. Felly, nid oes angen i chi roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i mi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy'n poeni mwy am sicrhau bod ein myfyrwyr yn gallu cystadlu â'u cyfoedion yng ngweddill y Deyrnas Unedig, a nawr mae'n amlwg fod problem yn y baich y mae'r cwricwlwm yn ei roi ar ein staff addysgu, a chredaf eich bod wedi cydnabod hynny, ond nid wyf yn hollol siŵr, ac mae arolygon yr undebau'n paentio darlun llwm hefyd. Ond yr hyn sy'n fy mhoeni hefyd yw nad yw Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn dilyn y dystiolaeth o ran y dull o weithredu sy'n codi'r sgoriau PISA a'r safonau hynny. Dywedodd adroddiad y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid ar gwricwlwm newydd Llywodraeth Cymru
'mae dirywiadau wedi bod ym mhob gwlad sydd wedi mabwysiadu cwricwlwm o'r fath ar sail sgiliau'.
Ac eto, dyna'r union fodel y mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi dewis ei fabwysiadu drwy flaenoriaethu dull seiliedig ar sgiliau yn hytrach na dull dysgu seiliedig ar wybodaeth y gwyddom ei fod yn gweithio. Yn wir, mae gwledydd fel Seland Newydd wedi gorfod camu'n ôl ar yr un dull, wedi gorfod newid o gwricwlwm sy'n seiliedig ar sgiliau am fod y dystiolaeth yn dangos yn glir nad oedd yn gwella safonau addysgol.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydym i gyd eisiau i'n pobl ifanc gael y dechrau gorau posibl mewn bywyd, fel y gallant gyflawni eu potensial wrth iddynt adael yr ysgol a chamu ymlaen i fyd gwaith. Ond er mwyn gwneud hynny, mae angen inni ddilyn y dystiolaeth ynglŷn â'r hyn sy'n gweithio. Ac eto, bron ym mhobman lle rhoddwyd cynnig ar y dull hwn o weithredu, profwyd ei fod yn methu. Felly, pam fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd ar drywydd y dull hwn yn hytrach na dull y gwyddom ei fod yn gweithio?
Well, you constantly raise the IFS report, and, as I keep having to explain, the statistics about PISA that were highlighted in the IFS report relate to children and young people who have not been through the new curriculum. We're also doing everything we can to make sure that we do learn from other countries where they have gone down the road of curriculum reform. I answered questions last week to Cefin Campbell about how we are watching what's gone on with the curriculum for excellence in Scotland and making sure that we avoid falling into some of those pitfalls, which included providing too much detail to schools.
I think we have to remember as well that it is early days for curriculum reform. It is still being rolled out in all our schools. We've got a formative evaluation, which is ongoing, which is updating us as to how things are going. The evidence from Estyn suggests that primary schools are doing really good work with the curriculum. Yes, some schools need more support, but there is good support for the new curriculum. I think it's what's needed to ensure our children have that purpose-led, engaging education in Wales, and we are committed to doing what is necessary to make sure that it is delivered effectively in schools.
Wel, rydych chi'n codi adroddiad y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid yn gyson, ac fel rwy'n gorfod esbonio o hyd, mae'r ystadegau am PISA a amlygwyd yn adroddiad y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid yn ymwneud â phlant a phobl ifanc nad ydynt wedi bod drwy'r cwricwlwm newydd. Rydym hefyd yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu i sicrhau ein bod yn dysgu gan wledydd eraill lle maent wedi mynd ar drywydd diwygio'r cwricwlwm. Atebais gwestiynau yr wythnos diwethaf gan Cefin Campbell ynglŷn â sut rydym yn gwylio'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd gyda'r cwricwlwm rhagoriaeth yn yr Alban a sicrhau ein bod yn osgoi syrthio i rai o'r maglau hynny, a oedd yn cynnwys darparu gormod o fanylion i ysgolion.
Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid inni gofio hefyd ei bod hi'n ddyddiau cynnar ar ddiwygio'r cwricwlwm. Mae'n dal yn y broses o gael ei gyflwyno i bob un o'n hysgolion. Mae gennym werthusiad ffurfiannol parhaus sy'n rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni ynglŷn â sut mae pethau'n mynd. Mae'r dystiolaeth gan Estyn yn awgrymu bod ysgolion cynradd yn gwneud gwaith da iawn gyda'r cwricwlwm. Oes, mae angen mwy o gefnogaeth ar rai ysgolion, ond mae cefnogaeth dda i'r cwricwlwm newydd. Rwy'n credu mai dyma sydd ei angen i sicrhau bod ein plant yn cael addysg bwrpasol sy'n ennyn eu diddordeb yng Nghymru, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i wneud yr hyn sy'n angenrheidiol i sicrhau ei bod yn cael ei darparu'n effeithiol mewn ysgolion.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Cefin Campbell.
The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Cefin Campbell.
Diolch, Llywydd. As you know, Cabinet Secretary, the latest financial allocations for Welsh universities were released yesterday, which show a significant reduction once again. Now, here are some of the figures, just to shed light on the very real situation that they are facing: Aberystwyth University, a reduction of £1.1 million; Swansea University, £2.4 million; Cardiff, £3.7 million; Bangor, £0.6 million; Trinity St David's, £0.8 million. As we know, these funding cuts are just not only numbers on a balance sheet; they represent a severe blow to our universities' ability to provide high-quality education and support to our students. Now, these cuts will force universities to make difficult decisions, potentially leading to staff redundancies and reduced investment in essential resources and facilities. We also risk losing vital academic programmes and research initiatives that not only enrich the students' education, but also contribute significantly to the economy and wider society. So, given that the university sector is being battered and bruised from every angle, on that basis, do you agree with Cardiff University's assessment that the funding model for our universities is broken?
Diolch, Lywydd. Fel y gwyddoch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rhyddhawyd dyraniadau ariannol diweddaraf prifysgolion Cymru ddoe, sy'n dangos gostyngiad sylweddol unwaith eto. Nawr, dyma rai o'r ffigurau, i daflu goleuni ar y sefyllfa real iawn y maent yn ei hwynebu: Prifysgol Aberystwyth, gostyngiad o £1.1 miliwn; Prifysgol Abertawe, £2.4 miliwn; Caerdydd, £3.7 miliwn; Bangor, £0.6 miliwn; y Drindod Dewi Sant, £0.8 miliwn. Fel y gwyddom, nid rhifau ar fantolen yn unig yw'r toriadau hyn i gyllid; maent yn ergyd drom i allu ein prifysgolion i ddarparu addysg a chymorth o ansawdd uchel i'n myfyrwyr. Nawr, bydd y toriadau hyn yn gorfodi prifysgolion i wneud penderfyniadau anodd, gan arwain o bosibl at ddiswyddo staff a llai o fuddsoddiad mewn adnoddau a chyfleusterau hanfodol. Rydym hefyd mewn perygl o golli rhaglenni academaidd allweddol a chynlluniau ymchwil sydd nid yn unig yn cyfoethogi addysg y myfyrwyr, ond sydd hefyd yn cyfrannu'n sylweddol at yr economi a'r gymdeithas ehangach. Felly, o ystyried bod y sector prifysgolion yn cael ei daro a'i gleisio o bob cyfeiriad, ar y sail honno, a ydych chi'n cytuno ag asesiad Prifysgol Caerdydd fod y model cyllido ar gyfer ein prifysgolion wedi torri?
Thank you very much, Cefin, for that question. I do want to recognise that I know this is a really challenging time for higher education institutions not just in Wales, but across the UK. While the HEFCW funding allocations are difficult for institutions, those reductions in higher education budgets were published in the final budget in March, and I know that the sector has been planning in the context of constrained finances. Institutions have also felt the impact of changes to student visas and inflationary pressures, and that's a UK-wide issue.
Just to assure the Member, I do meet regularly with sector leaders and have had ongoing, constructive discussions about how to manage sector stability, and I do appreciate the university leaders are taking tough decisions to manage their budgets. Indeed, I met Universities Wales and Professor Paul Boyle yesterday to discuss this. I think it is important to also recognise that Welsh Government funding via HEFCW is just 10 per cent of the total funding that goes to the sector of Welsh providers. We're also seeing pressures under, as I said, overseas student fees, cost of living and reductions in other, outside funding that universities receive. For example, they took a big hit on their European funds. But I do recognise the pressures that they're under. That was also one of the reasons why we agreed to the increase in student fees to £9,250, and I'm continuing to have that dialogue. I've also asked for an early meeting with the new Labour Government's education team so that we can talk about the pressures affecting higher education across the UK.
Diolch am y cwestiwn, Cefin. Rwyf am gydnabod fy mod yn gwybod bod hwn yn gyfnod heriol iawn i sefydliadau addysg uwch nid yn unig yng Nghymru, ond ledled y DU. Er bod dyraniadau cyllid CCAUC yn anodd i sefydliadau, cyhoeddwyd y gostyngiadau i gyllidebau addysg uwch yn y gyllideb derfynol ym mis Mawrth, a gwn fod y sector wedi bod yn cynllunio yng nghyd-destun y pwysau ar gyllid. Mae sefydliadau hefyd wedi teimlo effaith newidiadau i fisâu myfyrwyr a phwysau chwyddiant, ac mae honno'n broblem ledled y DU.
Er mwyn tawelu meddwl yr Aelod, rwy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd ag arweinwyr y sector ac wedi cael trafodaethau parhaus ac adeiladol ynghylch sut i reoli sefydlogrwydd y sector, ac rwy'n deall bod arweinwyr y prifysgolion yn gwneud penderfyniadau anodd i reoli eu cyllidebau. Yn wir, cyfarfûm â Prifysgolion Cymru a'r Athro Paul Boyle ddoe i drafod hyn. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod hefyd nad yw cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru drwy CCAUC ond yn 10 y cant o gyfanswm y cyllid sy'n mynd i sector darparwyr Cymru. Rydym hefyd yn gweld pwysau, fel y dywedais, o dan ffioedd myfyrwyr tramor, costau byw a gostyngiadau eraill mewn cyllid ar wahân i gyllid y mae prifysgolion yn ei gael. Er enghraifft, fe gawsant ergyd fawr i'w cronfeydd Ewropeaidd. Ond rwy'n cydnabod y pwysau sydd arnynt. Dyna hefyd yw un o'r rhesymau pam y gwnaethom gytuno i'r cynnydd mewn ffioedd myfyrwyr i £9,250, ac rwy'n parhau i gael y ddeialog honno. Rwyf hefyd wedi gofyn am gyfarfod cynnar gyda thîm addysg newydd y Llywodraeth Lafur fel y gallwn siarad am y pwysau sy'n effeithio ar addysg uwch ledled y DU.
Diolch yn fawr i chi. Jest dau bwynt yn dilyn eich ateb: un, mae gyda chi gyfle nawr, gan fod yna Lywodraeth newydd yn Llundain, i ddylanwadu, gobeithio, ar newid y cynllun fisas yma sydd wedi, yn sicr, effeithio ar allu myfyrwyr o dramor i ddod i astudio yma yng Nghymru. Yr ail bwynt, wrth gwrs, yw bod y baich mwyaf yn mynd i syrthio ar ein myfyrwyr, achos mae’n anochel, efallai, y bydd yna gynnydd mewn ffioedd dysgu a hefyd lleihad o ran y gwasanaethau sy’n cael eu rhoi i fyfyrwyr.
Ond y perygl, wrth gwrs, yw y gwelwn ni fwy o ddiswyddiadau yn digwydd. Eisoes, mae prifysgolion wedi sôn am ddiswyddiadau gorfodol a hefyd rhai gwirfoddol, gydag Aberystwyth yn ddiweddar yn sôn am golli rhyw 200 o swyddi, a Phrifysgol Abertawe ryw 190. Felly, does dim un prifysgol eisiau gwneud y penderfyniadau hyn, ond, o safbwynt parhau hyfywedd y colegau yma ar gyfer y dyfodol, does gyda nhw ddim dewis ond gwneud penderfyniadau anodd. Ydych chi’n derbyn, felly, fod colli swyddi yn anochel oherwydd y toriadau hyn, ac os felly, pa gynlluniau ŷch chi’n mynd i roi yn eu lle i geisio lliniaru’r effeithiau niweidiol ar yr economi leol ac ar swyddi yn uniongyrchol y bydd y toriadau yma yn eu cael o ran prifysgolion?
Thank you very much. Just two points following on from your response: one, you have an opportunity now, as there is a new Government in London, to, hopefully, influence and change this visa programme that has certainly had an impact on the ability of overseas students to come and study here in Wales. The second point, of course, is that the greatest burden will fall on our students, because it's inevitable that there may be an increase in tuition fees and also a reduction in the services provided to students.
But the risk is that we will see more job losses happening. Already, universities have talked about redundancies, both voluntary and compulsory. Aberystwyth spoke recently about the loss of some 200 jobs, and Swansea around 190 jobs. So, no university wants to take these decisions, but, in terms of the continued viability of these universities for the future, they have no other choice but to make these difficult decisions. Do you accept, therefore, that job losses are inevitable because of these cuts, and, if so, what plans will you put in place in order to mitigate the damaging impacts that these cuts in our universities will have on the local economy and on jobs directly?
Thank you, Cefin, and you're absolutely right that the whole approach to immigration of the previous UK Government and the very unwelcoming climate that has been created have had an impact, a major impact, on overseas student recruitment, and that has caused very significant difficulties for universities in Wales, and we're not out of the woods on that yet. The migration advisory committee review obviously came out with favourable findings, and I'm looking to have an early discussion about the new UK Government's response to the MAC review, because we've got an opportunity with overseas students to try and pull this back before it becomes very much more challenging.
As far as I'm aware, the universities have had voluntary redundancies so far. Obviously, all redundancies are difficult. I'm being kept regularly updated with the position in our universities, but I'm not aware that any are compulsory at the moment. What I said yesterday to Universities Wales is that we need to keep in close contact on this and for me to follow what's going on so that we can respond appropriately, but I recognise this is a challenging time. Our budget reduction was made due to the huge pressures that we faced as a Government, in our budget. So, it's been a difficult time and, as a result, a lot of the universities are reviewing their operating procedures, but I will keep Members informed.
Diolch, Cefin, ac rydych chi'n llygad eich lle fod holl ymagwedd Llywodraeth flaenorol y DU tuag at fewnfudo a'r hinsawdd hynod ddigroeso sydd wedi'i chreu wedi cael effaith fawr ar recriwtio myfyrwyr tramor, ac mae hynny wedi achosi anawsterau sylweddol iawn i brifysgolion yng Nghymru, ac nid ydym wedi cefnu ar hynny eto. Yn amlwg, roedd adolygiad y pwyllgor cynghori ar fudo yn cynnwys canfyddiadau ffafriol, ac rwy'n bwriadu cael trafodaeth yn fuan am ymateb Llywodraeth newydd y DU i adolygiad y pwyllgor cynghori ar fudo, oherwydd mae gennym gyfle gyda myfyrwyr tramor i geisio gwella'r sefyllfa cyn iddi dyfu'n llawer mwy heriol.
Hyd y gwn i, diswyddiadau gwirfoddol a gafwyd gan y prifysgolion hyd yn hyn. Yn amlwg, mae pob diswyddiad yn anodd. Rwy'n cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yn rheolaidd ynghylch y sefyllfa yn ein prifysgolion, ond nid wyf yn ymwybodol fod unrhyw ddiswyddiadau'n orfodol ar hyn o bryd. Yr hyn a ddywedais ddoe wrth Prifysgolion Cymru yw bod angen i ni gadw mewn cysylltiad agos ar hyn ac i mi ddilyn yr hyn sy'n digwydd fel y gallwn ymateb yn briodol, ond rwy'n cydnabod bod hwn yn gyfnod heriol. Fe wnaethom dorri'r gyllideb oherwydd y pwysau enfawr a wynebem fel Llywodraeth, yn ein cyllideb. Felly, mae wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd ac o ganlyniad, mae llawer o'r prifysgolion yn adolygu eu gweithdrefnau gweithredu, ond byddaf yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau.
I understand that your cuts are as a result of the Tory cutbacks over many years, but now is an opportunity to change that around, and I'm hoping, in a year's time, when we have further questions on this, that the situation will have changed. But, your shortsighted approach in the meantime means that the role of higher education as a driver of economic growth and social mobility will be badly affected, because our universities are hubs of innovation and development and underfunding them is a disservice to our future as a country. If we believe in a robust and well-funded higher education system that can deliver world-class education and research, then investment must be at the heart of that to create a better future for Wales, because, if we don't, it means putting Wales at a competitive disadvantage, as other regions continue to invest in their higher education systems. Plaid Cymru will always fight for the resources and support that our universities need to thrive, and we call on the Welsh Government to step up, as well, to fulfil its responsibility to protect and promote higher education. So, is it your Government's policy to let our higher education sector wither, or will you finally step in and support this sector in crisis?
Rwy'n deall bod eich toriadau wedi digwydd o ganlyniad i doriadau Torïaidd dros nifer o flynyddoedd, ond mae cyfle i newid hynny nawr, ac rwy'n gobeithio, ymhen blwyddyn, pan gawn gwestiynau pellach ar hyn, y bydd y sefyllfa wedi newid. Ond mae eich agwedd annoeth yn y cyfamser yn golygu y bydd effaith wael ar rôl addysg uwch fel sbardun i dwf economaidd a symudedd cymdeithasol, oherwydd mae ein prifysgolion yn hybiau arloesi a datblygu ac mae eu tangyllido'n niweidio ein dyfodol fel gwlad. Os ydym yn credu mewn system addysg uwch gadarn ac wedi'i hariannu'n dda a all ddarparu addysg ac ymchwil o'r radd flaenaf, mae'n rhaid i fuddsoddi fod yn ganolog i hynny er mwyn creu dyfodol gwell i Gymru, oherwydd, os na wnawn ni hynny, mae'n golygu rhoi Cymru dan anfantais gystadleuol, wrth i ranbarthau eraill barhau i fuddsoddi yn eu systemau addysg uwch. Bydd Plaid Cymru bob amser yn brwydro am yr adnoddau a'r cymorth sydd eu hangen ar ein prifysgolion i ffynnu, a galwn ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gamu i'r adwy hefyd, i gyflawni ei chyfrifoldeb i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo addysg uwch. Felly, ai polisi eich Llywodraeth yw gadael i'n sector addysg uwch wywo, neu a wnewch chi gamu i'r adwy o'r diwedd a chefnogi'r sector hwn sydd mewn argyfwng?
Thank you, Cefin. As I said in my first answer to you, Welsh Government funding provided via HEFCW is barely 10 per cent of the total sector funding for Welsh providers. The challenges that they're facing are due to a range of factors, such as overseas student funding, changes in commercial revenues and research income. We want to do what we can to support our university sector, which is why we are maintaining such a close dialogue with them and why we took the decision to raise the student tuition fees following the budget last year.
You also referred in your previous question to students paying the price. I wanted to remind the Member that our student financial support package in Wales is the most generous in the UK. So, even though tuition fees will be going up, that will be covered by our student financial support offer. So, within the really difficult financial constraints we are facing, we are doing our utmost to support our university sector.
I think it's also important to remember that post 16 is not just about universities, and this is also about our further education and making sure that we hold on to those children and young people, as well. We've got Medr coming onstream now. That gives us an opportunity to have a more strategic approach across the sector to post-16 education, not just in universities and colleges, but also in our school sixth forms.
Diolch, Cefin. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb cyntaf i chi, prin fod cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru a ddarperir drwy CCAUC yn 10 y cant o gyfanswm cyllid y sector ar gyfer darparwyr Cymru. Mae'r heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu yn deillio o ystod o ffactorau, fel cyllid myfyrwyr tramor, newidiadau mewn refeniw masnachol ac incwm ymchwil. Rydym am wneud yr hyn a allwn i gefnogi ein sector prifysgolion, a dyna pam ein bod yn cynnal deialog mor agos â nhw a pham y gwnaethom y penderfyniad i godi ffioedd dysgu myfyrwyr yn dilyn y gyllideb y llynedd.
Fe wnaethoch chi hefyd gyfeirio yn eich cwestiwn blaenorol at fyfyrwyr yn talu'r pris. Roeddwn eisiau atgoffa'r Aelod mai ein pecyn cymorth ariannol i fyfyrwyr yng Nghymru yw'r mwyaf hael yn y DU. Felly, er y bydd ffioedd dysgu'n codi, caiff hynny ei gynnwys yn ein cynnig o gymorth ariannol i fyfyrwyr. Felly, o fewn y cyfyngiadau ariannol anodd iawn a wynebwn, rydym yn gwneud ein gorau glas i gefnogi ein sector prifysgolion.
Rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig cofio bod ôl-16 yn ymwneud â mwy na phrifysgolion yn unig, ac mae'n cynnwys addysg bellach a sicrhau ein bod yn dal gafael ar y plant a'r bobl ifanc hynny hefyd. Mae Medr yn cael ei gyflwyno nawr. Mae hwnnw'n rhoi cyfle i ni gael dull mwy strategol ar draws y sector o weithredu addysg ôl-16, nid yn unig mewn prifysgolion a cholegau, ond yn chweched dosbarth ein hysgolion hefyd.
Mae cwestiwn 3 [OQ61406] wedi ei dynnu'n ôl. Cwestiwn 4, Laura Anne Jones.
Question 3 [OQ61406] is withdrawn. Question 4, Laura Anne Jones.
4. Pa asesiad y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i wneud o effaith y nifer uchel o athrawon a ddiswyddwyd yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ar addysg mewn ysgolion? OQ61424
4. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the impact of the high number of teachers made redundant in the past year on education in schools? OQ61424
The responsibility for the employment of teachers lies with local authorities and governing bodies; Welsh Ministers are not able to intervene. Although local authorities and governing bodies are responsible for school staffing, we continue to monitor the situation across Wales and work with schools to minimise the impact on learners.
Awdurdodau lleol a chyrff llywodraethu sy'n gyfrifol am gyflogi athrawon; ni all Gweinidogion Cymru ymyrryd. Er bod awdurdodau lleol a chyrff llywodraethu yn gyfrifol am staffio ysgolion, rydym yn parhau i fonitro'r sefyllfa ledled Cymru ac yn gweithio gydag ysgolion i leihau'r effaith ar ddysgwyr.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. That's quite a disappointing response. All of us in this Chamber would agree that teachers form a vital part of society, educating the next generation of professionals who will be responsible for the future of our country. Last year, an alarmingly high number of teachers in Wales faced redundancy, whilst schools in Wales saw the worst PISA results in the UK. I know that you don't put a lot of weight on those PISA results, but they are vitally important and show us as the poor man of the UK.
Just from some of the data that was released in my region of South Wales East, at least 46 members of staff were made redundant last year due to headteachers struggling with rising bills or cut budgets. And this resulted, of course, in larger class sizes, cutting the curriculum offer for exams, and combining year groups, as well as, of course, the effect on ALN learners. Teaching assistants, who despite being underpaid are invaluable, are often the first to go when budgets are tight, so they are, of course, falling by the wayside. Meanwhile, there is a continuing recruitment crisis in some subject areas. Can the Cabinet Secretary reassure this Chamber that she is looking into addressing this issue and has a plan in place, alongside those LAs, to bolster teaching assistants in classes, and to ensure that there is enough money in school budgets for more teachers, not fewer?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Roedd hwnnw'n ymateb go siomedig. Byddai pob un ohonom yn y Siambr yn cytuno bod athrawon yn rhan hanfodol o gymdeithas, yn addysgu'r genhedlaeth nesaf o weithwyr proffesiynol a fydd yn gyfrifol am ddyfodol ein gwlad. Y llynedd, roedd nifer frawychus o uchel o athrawon yng Nghymru yn wynebu colli eu swyddi, ac ysgolion Cymru a gafodd y canlyniadau PISA gwaethaf yn y DU. Rwy'n gwybod nad ydych chi'n rhoi llawer o bwys ar y canlyniadau PISA hynny, ond maent yn hanfodol bwysig ac yn dangos ein bod ni ar ei hôl hi yn y DU.
O rywfaint o'r data a ryddhawyd yn fy rhanbarth i yn Ne Ddwyrain Cymru, cafodd o leiaf 46 aelod o staff eu diswyddo y llynedd oherwydd bod penaethiaid yn cael trafferth gyda biliau cynyddol neu gyllidebau a dorrwyd. Ac arweiniodd hyn, wrth gwrs, at ddosbarthiadau mwy o faint, torri cynnig y cwricwlwm ar gyfer arholiadau, a chyfuno grwpiau blwyddyn, yn ogystal â'r effaith ar ddysgwyr ADY wrth gwrs. Yn aml, pan fo cyllidebau'n dynn, er eu bod yn amhrisiadwy a heb fod yn cael tâl digonol, cynorthwywyr addysgu yw'r cyntaf i fynd. Yn y cyfamser, mae argyfwng recriwtio parhaus mewn rhai meysydd pwnc. A all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet sicrhau'r Siambr ei bod yn ystyried y mater a bod ganddi gynllun ar waith, ochr yn ochr â'r ALlau, i gynnal cynorthwywyr addysgu mewn dosbarthiadau, ac i sicrhau bod digon o arian yng nghyllidebau ysgolion ar gyfer mwy o athrawon, nid llai?
Thank you, Laura Anne, for that supplementary. As I said in my original answer, the employment of school staff is a matter for local authorities. Employing bodies must ensure that sufficient, suitable staff are employed or engaged to work at the school to provide education appropriate for the ages, aptitudes and needs of the pupils. We've just had the figures for the amount of money that local government has invested in schools this year, and actually that's very encouraging, as it shows a 7 per cent increase, which I'm very heartened by, given the financial pressures we are all under.
I do find it quite extraordinary, really, the lack of self-awareness for attacking us on financial pressures faced by the sector when our budget, when we went into this budget round, was worth £1.3 billion less because of your Conservative Government in Westminster. Our current budget is worth £700 million less because of your Conservative Government in Westminster. Despite that, we took the really difficult decisions to protect our health service, our social care service and local government to fund our schools. I hope that now we have a new Labour Government in Westminster that values our public services and that values our children's future—it's not going to happen overnight because of the legacy that they have inherited from 14 years of Tory Government—that we can start to see that investment in our public services. You'll be aware that we had a manifesto commitment both at the UK Labour Party level and here in Wales to prioritise investment in our teachers.
Diolch am y cwestiwn atodol, Laura Anne. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, mae cyflogi staff ysgolion yn fater i awdurdodau lleol. Rhaid i gyrff sy'n cyflogi sicrhau bod staff digonol, addas yn cael eu cyflogi i weithio yn yr ysgol i ddarparu addysg sy'n briodol ar gyfer oedrannau, galluoedd ac anghenion y disgyblion. Rydym newydd gael y ffigurau ar gyfer faint o arian y mae llywodraeth leol wedi ei fuddsoddi mewn ysgolion eleni, ac mae hynny'n galonogol iawn mewn gwirionedd, gan ei fod yn dangos cynnydd o 7 y cant, sy'n fy nghalonogi'n fawr, o ystyried y pwysau ariannol sydd ar bawb ohonom.
Rwy'n rhyfeddu braidd at y diffyg hunanymwybyddiaeth wrth ymosod arnom ynghylch y pwysau ariannol sy'n wynebu'r sector pan oedd ein cyllideb, pan ddechreuodd y cylch cyllidebol, yn werth £1.3 biliwn yn llai oherwydd eich Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn San Steffan. Mae ein cyllideb bresennol yn werth £700 miliwn yn llai oherwydd eich Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn San Steffan. Er gwaethaf hynny, fe wnaethom y penderfyniadau anodd iawn i ddiogelu ein gwasanaeth iechyd, ein gwasanaeth gofal cymdeithasol a llywodraeth leol i ariannu ein hysgolion. Gan fod gennym Lywodraeth Lafur newydd yn San Steffan bellach sy'n gweld gwerth ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a dyfodol ein plant—nid yw'n mynd i ddigwydd dros nos oherwydd yr hyn a etifeddwyd yn sgil 14 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Dorïaidd—rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ddechrau gweld buddsoddiad yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod bod gennym ymrwymiad maniffesto ar lefel Plaid Lafur y DU ac yma yng Nghymru i flaenoriaethu buddsoddiad yn ein hathrawon.
Does yna ddim amheuaeth bod y sefyllfa efo niferoedd athrawon yn argyfyngus, ac yn arbennig, felly, efo athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg, sydd hyd yn oed yn waeth. Mae'r ffaith bod Prifysgol Aberystwyth wedi penderfynu peidio â pharhau â'r cwrs hyfforddi athrawon am wneud pethau'n waeth fyth, yn enwedig i ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg ardal Dwyfor Meirionnydd, fel dwi'n ei chynrychioli, er enghraifft, sy'n ddibynnol ar Brifysgol Aberystwyth i ddarparu'r athrawon hynny ar gyfer ein hysgolion ni. Felly, pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi'u cael â Phrifysgol Aberystwyth ynghylch hynny, a beth ydych chi am ei wneud er mwyn sicrhau bod nifer yn fwy o athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg am ddod drwy'r system?
There's no doubt that the situation with teacher numbers is critical, particularly so in the Welsh-medium sector, where the situation is even worse. The fact that Aberystwyth University has decided not to continue with its teacher training course is only going to make things worse, particularly for Welsh-medium schools in the Dwyfor Meirionnydd area that I represent, for example, which are reliant on Aberystwyth University in providing those teachers for our schools. So, what discussions have you had with Aberystwyth University on that issue, and what will you do to ensure that more Welsh-medium teachers will come through our system?
Thank you, Mabon. You'll be aware that the decision by Aberystwyth University to withdraw from initial teacher education was following the independent process that is undertaken for us by the Education Workforce Council. That's not something that we do in the Government, and Aberystwyth University decided not to appeal against that. Our efforts were focused then on trying to support the people who were registered to do their ITE training at Aberystwyth—from memory, the numbers were about 21 people—to make sure that they had alternative provision.
You do make a very important point about the need for there to be a really good supply of Welsh-medium teachers. That's not just for Welsh-medium schools—you know, in my constituency I see schools struggling, and it's vital that we have that. That's why we've got our Welsh in education strategic plans, and the new ones will be coming in for me to have a look at this month. You'll be aware that my colleague Jeremy Miles will be introducing a Welsh language education Bill very shortly, which will put in some statutory duties around increasing the numbers of Welsh speakers, and that will require a step change in our approach to the Welsh-medium workforce.
Diolch yn fawr, Mabon. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod penderfyniad Prifysgol Aberystwyth i dynnu'n ôl o addysg gychwynnol i athrawon wedi deillio o'r broses annibynnol a wneir ar ein rhan gan Gyngor y Gweithlu Addysg. Nid yw hynny'n rhywbeth a wnawn ni yn y Llywodraeth, a phenderfynodd Prifysgol Aberystwyth beidio ag apelio yn erbyn hynny. Roedd ein hymdrechion yn canolbwyntio felly ar geisio cefnogi'r bobl a gofrestrwyd i wneud eu hyfforddiant addysg gychwynnol i athrawon yn Aberystwyth—o'r hyn a gofiaf, roedd tua 21 o bobl—i wneud yn siŵr fod ganddynt ddarpariaeth amgen.
Rydych yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn ynglŷn â'r angen i gael cyflenwad da iawn o athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg. Nid ar gyfer ysgolion Cymraeg yn unig y mae hynny—yn fy etholaeth i, rwy'n gweld ysgolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd, ac mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn cael hynny. Dyna pam mae gennym ein cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg, a bydd y rhai newydd yn dod i law imi gael golwg arnynt y mis hwn. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol y bydd fy nghyd-Aelod, Jeremy Miles, yn cyflwyno Bil addysg Gymraeg yn fuan iawn, a fydd yn gosod dyletswyddau statudol ynghylch cynyddu nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg, a bydd hynny'n galw am newid sylweddol yn ein hymagwedd tuag at y gweithlu cyfrwng Cymraeg.
5. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei roi i ddisgyblion sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol? OQ61440
5. What support does the Welsh Government provide to pupils with additional learning needs? OQ61440
The additional learning needs statutory framework secures additional learning provision for ALN learners underpinned by a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. The Curriculum for Wales is designed to break down barriers for all learners, giving teachers more flexibility to best meet the individual needs of each child.
Mae'r fframwaith statudol ar gyfer anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn sicrhau darpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol i ddysgwyr ADY sy'n seiliedig ar ddull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Lluniwyd y Cwricwlwm i Gymru i chwalu'r rhwystrau i bob dysgwr, gan roi mwy o hyblygrwydd i athrawon ddiwallu anghenion unigol pob plentyn yn y ffordd orau.
Diolch i chi am hynny, ond mae'n rhaid i fi ddweud dwi'n cael mwy a mwy o rieni plant sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn cysylltu â fi y dyddiau yma yn poeni'n fawr ynglŷn â'r toriadau sydd yn digwydd—rŷn ni'n gweld colli cefnogaeth un i un yn y dosbarth ar draws Cymru ar hyn o bryd—ac, yn aml iawn hefyd, dwi'n cael pobl yn dweud eu bod nhw'n methu â chael lle mewn ysgolion i'r rhai sydd ag anghenion dysgu.
Byddwch chi'n gwybod, wrth gwrs, roedd y Ddeddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018 i fod i fynd i'r afael â llawer o'r heriau rŷn ni wedi clywed amdanyn nhw yn y gorffennol, ond yn lle cael mwy o ddisgyblion yn cael diagnosis yn gynt, ac yn sgil hynny yn cael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw, mae'n ymddangos i fi fod mwy yn ei chael hi'n anodd os nad yn amhosib cael y diagnosis sydd ei angen arnyn nhw ac, yn sgil hynny, y gefnogaeth maen nhw'n ei haeddu. Yn wir, hyd yn oed os ydyn nhw'n llwyddo i gael diagnosis, maen nhw'n aml iawn yn cysylltu â fi yn dweud wedyn fod y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen ddim ar gael. Felly, pam ŷch chi'n credu bod hynny'n digwydd, ac, yn wir, beth ŷch chi fel Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i gywiro hynny?
Thank you for that, but I have to say that I'm seeing more and more parents of children with additional learning needs contacting me these days very concerned about the cuts that are happening—we are seeing a loss of one-to-one support in the classroom across Wales at the moment—and, very often too, I have people telling me that they can't access places in schools for those with learning needs.
You will know that the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 was supposed to address and tackle many of the challenges that we've heard about in the past, but instead of having more pupils getting an early diagnosis, and as a result being given the support that they need, it appears to me that more are finding it difficult if not impossible to get the diagnosis that they need and, in light of that, the support that they deserve. Indeed, even if they do get a diagnosis, they very often then contact me telling me that the support needed isn't available. So, why do you think that that's happening, and, indeed, what are you as a Government doing to put that right?
Thank you very much, Llyr. Just to start by saying that children and young people should not need a diagnosis to receive additional learning provision. We've been very clear with schools and local authorities about that. We've also invested very heavily in our implementation of ALN, which is still an ongoing process. There are still children transferring from the former special educational needs process to the ALN process. So, in this financial year, there's been £56 million spent on ALN implementation and ALN provision in both pre- and post-16 education, and increased resources in schools to implement the system and lead whole-school approaches to embed inclusive education. And, as I've said to other Members, we also protected the core local government settlement, which funds schoools.
There is more work to be done around implementation, and I've been very clear about that, when I went before the committee and when I responded in debate here. There is some really good practice in Wales, but there is more that we need to do to ensure consistent implementation across Wales, and that's something that I'm working on at the moment. That includes the need to ensure better joint working between education and health, which you probably remember from the scrutiny was one of the core issues we wanted to improve when the legislation was passed. So, there's more work to do. We've had encouraging feedback from Estyn, and they're currently conducting another thematic review. We've got an ongoing evaluation as well of the ALN system, but, as I said to the Chamber previously, I want to drive a programme of work to ensure consistent implementation of the ALN system across Wales, as well as ironing out some of the legal issues that have arisen with the code of practice and the legislation.
Diolch yn fawr, Llyr. Os caf ddechrau drwy ddweud na ddylai plant a phobl ifanc fod angen diagnosis i dderbyn darpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol. Rydym wedi bod yn glir iawn gydag ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol ynglŷn â hynny. Rydym hefyd wedi buddsoddi'n helaeth iawn wrth weithredu ADY, sy'n dal i fod yn broses barhaus. Mae rhai plant yn dal i drosglwyddo o'r hen broses anghenion addysgol arbennig i'r broses ADY. Felly, yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, gwariwyd £56 miliwn ar weithredu ADY a darpariaeth ADY mewn addysg cyn ac ôl-16, ac mae mwy o adnoddau mewn ysgolion i weithredu'r system ac arwain dulliau ysgol gyfan o wreiddio addysg gynhwysol. Ac fel y dywedais wrth Aelodau eraill, hefyd fe wnaethom ddiogelu'r setliad craidd i lywodraeth leol, sy'n ariannu ysgolion.
Mae mwy o waith i'w wneud o ran gweithredu, ac rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ynglŷn â hynny, pan euthum ger bron y pwyllgor a phan ymatebais mewn dadl yma. Mae arferion da iawn i'w cael yng Nghymru, ond mae angen inni wneud mwy i sicrhau gweithrediad cyson ledled Cymru, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth rwy'n gweithio arno ar hyn o bryd. Mae hynny'n cynnwys yr angen i sicrhau gwell cydweithio rhwng addysg ac iechyd, ac mae'n debyg eich bod yn cofio o'r gwaith craffu bod hynny'n un o'r materion craidd yr oeddem am eu gwella pan basiwyd y ddeddfwriaeth. Felly, mae mwy o waith i'w wneud. Rydym wedi cael adborth calonogol gan Estyn, ac ar hyn o bryd, maent yn cynnal adolygiad thematig arall. Mae gennym werthusiad parhaus hefyd o'r system ADY, ond fel y dywedais wrth y Siambr yn flaenorol, rwyf am wthio rhaglen waith i sicrhau bod y system ADY yn cael ei gweithredu'n gyson ledled Cymru, yn ogystal â datrys rhai o'r materion cyfreithiol sydd wedi codi gyda'r cod ymarfer a'r ddeddfwriaeth.
6. Sut y gellir defnyddio’r rhaglen ysgolion ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif yn y modd mwyaf effeithiol yng nghanol dinasoedd? OQ61419
6. How can the 21st century schools programme be most effectively used in city centres? OQ61419
Our sustainable communities for learning programme is fully aligned with the town-centre position statement and 'town centre first' principles when considering new schools and colleges. The location and links to town and city centres are considered key to improving access and supporting increased footfall.
Mae ein rhaglen Cymunedau Dysgu Cynaliadwy yn cyd-fynd yn llawn â'r datganiad sefyllfa ar ganol trefi ac egwyddorion 'canol trefi yn gyntaf' wrth ystyried ysgolion a cholegau newydd. Mae'r lleoliad a'r cysylltiadau â chanol trefi a dinasoedd yn cael eu hystyried yn allweddol i wella mynediad a chefnogi mwy o ymwelwyr.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. Albany Primary School is a really important community school in the heart of my constituency, with excellent leadership, a dedicated staff team and a governing body who've not let the physical state of the building get in the way of the quality of teaching and learning. But this Victorian school is causing a huge amount of challenge to the local authority who are struggling to fix the roof and other essential repairs. The pupils have had to put up with three years of scaffolding in their playground, which is already tiny and contains almost no green space. Millions have already been spent on this building and it's still not fit for purpose.
How can the twenty-first century schools programme be applied to inner-city schools like Albany, which continue to serve a community where there's a considerable population of young people, but there is no spare land to build on, unless we were to decant them onto a park and then move them back in afterwards? What would be your proposals for a school like this, which can't be unique to only this part of Cardiff?
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae Ysgol Gynradd Albany yn ysgol gymunedol bwysig iawn yng nghanol fy etholaeth, gydag arweinwyr ragorol, tîm staff ymroddedig a chorff llywodraethu nad yw wedi gadael i gyflwr ffisegol yr adeilad amharu ar ansawdd yr addysgu a'r dysgu. Ond mae'r ysgol Fictoraidd hon yn achosi llawer iawn o her i'r awdurdod lleol, sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd trwsio'r to a gwneud yr atgyweiriadau hanfodol eraill. Bu'n rhaid i'r disgyblion ddioddef tair blynedd o sgaffaldiau yn eu hiard chwarae, sydd eisoes yn fach ac yn cynnwys y nesaf peth i ddim man gwyrdd. Mae miliynau eisoes wedi'u gwario ar yr adeilad hwn ac nid yw'n addas i'r diben o hyd.
Sut y gellir cymhwyso rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain i ysgolion canol dinas fel ysgol Albany, sy'n parhau i wasanaethu cymuned lle mae poblogaeth sylweddol o bobl ifanc, ond lle nad oes tir dros ben i adeiladu arno, oni bai ein bod yn eu symud i barc ac yna'n eu symud yn ôl i mewn wedyn? Beth fyddai eich cynigion ar gyfer ysgolion fel hon, na all fod wedi eu cyfyngu i'r rhan hon o Gaerdydd yn unig?
Thank you, Jenny, and it's great to hear about the positive work that you described at Albany school. The sustainable communities for learning programme supports a wide range of projects and is about more than providing new-build schools, and we have delivered major refurbishment projects to improve existing facilities, particularly where there's limited opportunity to rebuild. The programme is fully aligned with our community-focused schools policy to ensure the projects are delivered in collaboration with families and the communities they serve, to maximize the benefits of our investment.
It is, of course, for local authorities, though, to be responsible for developing their investment priorities as they are best placed to understand the needs of their communities. The programme is also supported by a range of supplementary capital grants to invest in our schools that are not included within the programme, and over the last three years we've allocated £60 million in capital funding to support the delivery of community-focused schools, and £5.4 million of this funding has been allocated to Cardiff Council. We allocated £108 million to support repairs and maintenance across the school estate, £11.8 million of which was allocated to Cardiff Council. But it is the local authority that's responsible for developing their investment priorities as they’re best placed to understand the needs of their communities.
Diolch, Jenny, ac mae'n wych clywed am y gwaith cadarnhaol a ddisgrifiwyd gennych yn ysgol Albany. Mae'r rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy yn cefnogi amrywiaeth eang o brosiectau ac mae'n ymwneud â mwy na darparu ysgolion a adeiledir o'r newydd, ac rydym wedi cyflawni prosiectau adnewyddu mawr i wella cyfleusterau presennol, yn enwedig lle mae cyfle cyfyngedig i ailadeiladu. Mae'r rhaglen yn cyd-fynd yn llawn â'n polisi ysgolion bro i sicrhau bod y prosiectau'n cael eu cyflawni mewn cydweithrediad â theuluoedd a'r cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu, er mwyn sicrhau'r manteision mwyaf sy'n bosibl o'n buddsoddiad.
Fodd bynnag, cyfrifoldeb awdurdodau lleol yw datblygu eu blaenoriaethau buddsoddi wrth gwrs gan mai nhw sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i ddeall anghenion eu cymunedau. Cefnogir y rhaglen hefyd gan amrywiaeth o grantiau cyfalaf atodol i'w buddsoddi yn ein hysgolion nad ydynt wedi'u cynnwys yn y rhaglen, a dros y tair blynedd diwethaf, rydym wedi dyrannu £60 miliwn o gyllid cyfalaf i gefnogi'r gwaith o ddarparu ysgolion bro, a dyrannwyd £5.4 miliwn o'r cyllid hwn i Gyngor Caerdydd. Fe wnaethom ddyrannu £108 miliwn i gefnogi gwaith atgyweirio a chynnal a chadw ar draws yr ystad ysgolion, a dyrannwyd £11.8 miliwn o hynny i Gyngor Caerdydd. Ond yr awdurdod lleol sy'n gyfrifol am ddatblygu eu blaenoriaethau buddsoddi gan mai nhw sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i ddeall anghenion eu cymunedau.
7. Pa gamau sy'n cael eu cymeryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod ysgolion yng Nghanol De Cymru yn gweithredu y polisïau gwisg ysgol statudol ddaeth i rym y llynedd? OQ61435
7. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to ensure that schools in South Wales Central are implementing the statutory school uniform policies that came into force last year? OQ61435
Following the publication of the revised statutory guidance on school uniform and appearance policies, governing bodies were asked to review their existing school uniform policies. I am continuing to raise awareness of the statutory guidance with schools.
Yn dilyn cyhoeddi'r canllawiau statudol diwygiedig ar bolisïau gwisg ysgol ac edrychiad disgyblion, gofynnwyd i gyrff llywodraethu adolygu eu polisïau gwisg ysgol presennol. Rwy'n parhau i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r canllawiau statudol gydag ysgolion.
Diolch. Fel y byddwch chi’n gwybod, er bod y canllawiau'n statudol, does dim rhaid i'r ysgolion hyn fod yn eu gweithredu nhw. Mae'n dal yn opsiynol—canllawiau ydyn nhw, yn hytrach na dweud bod yn rhaid i’r llywodraethwyr weithredu’r polisi. Golyga hyn fod rhai ysgolion yn dal i fynnu ar wisg ysgol sy'n diystyru'r canllawiau, megis drwy fynnu logos ar bopeth, cael blazer drud yn rhan o'r wisg ysgol, neu fynnu ar got mewn lliw penodol. Mae hyn i gyd yn groes i'r canllawiau. Mae hyn yn creu pwysau ariannol mawr ar deuluoedd, yn arbennig y rhai sydd ag efallai dau neu dri phlentyn mewn ysgol, a dydy’r grant gwisg ysgol ddim yn mynd yn ddigon pell os nad ydy’r canllawiau yn cael eu dilyn. Does yna ddim digon o bres iddyn nhw allu prynu’r holl bethau sydd eu hangen. Felly, sut ydych chi am gryfhau'r polisïau i wneud yn siŵr bod ysgolion nid dim ond yn ystyried y canllawiau, ond yn eu gweithredu'n llawn? Oes angen inni eu gwneud nhw'n statudol?
Thank you. As you will know, while the guidance is statutory, the schools don't have to implement it. It's still optional—it's guidance, rather than there being an obligation for governors to implement the policy. This means that some schools are still insisting on a school uniform that disregards the guidance, such as by demanding logos on everything, having an expensive blazer as part of the school uniform, or insisting on a coat of a specific colour. This all contravenes the guidance. This creates great financial pressure for families, especially those who may have two or three children in school, and the school uniform grant does not go far enough if the guidance is not followed. There is not enough money available for them to be able to buy everything that's needed. So, how do you therefore intend to strengthen the policies to ensure that schools not only consider the guidance, but implement it fully? Do we need to make it statutory?
Thank you, Heledd. Well, the guidance is statutory already, so schools and governing bodies do have to have regard to the guidance. The amended statutory guidance states that branded uniform, including the use of logos, should not be a compulsory requirement for pupils. It also includes the advice that schools shouldn't have single-supplier arrangements with particular contractors. I have just sent a letter out to all schools in Wales to remind them that the guidance is statutory and to remind them of the impact on families where they are struggling financially. As you know, we've got our school essentials grant, which is not a small sum of money. We've invested £13 million in that in this financial year.
We're also doing lots of work around poverty proofing. In the letter I've sent to schools, I've also reminded them of the work that Children in Wales has available for them to support them in that. So, the guidance is statutory and I do expect schools to observe that guidance.
Diolch, Heledd. Wel, mae'r canllawiau'n statudol eisoes, felly mae'n rhaid i ysgolion a chyrff llywodraethu roi sylw i'r canllawiau. Mae'r canllawiau statudol diwygiedig yn nodi na ddylai gwisg â brand, gan gynnwys y defnydd o logos, fod yn ofyniad gorfodol i ddisgyblion. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys y cyngor na ddylai ysgolion gael trefniadau un cyflenwr gyda chontractwyr penodol. Rwyf newydd anfon llythyr at bob ysgol yng Nghymru i'w hatgoffa bod y canllawiau'n statudol ac i'w hatgoffa o'r effaith ar deuluoedd sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn ariannol. Fel y gwyddoch, mae gennym ein grant hanfodion ysgol, nad yw'n swm bach o arian. Rydym wedi buddsoddi £13 miliwn yn hwnnw yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon.
Rydym hefyd yn gwneud llawer o waith prawfesur polisïau ar dlodi. Yn y llythyr a anfonais at ysgolion, rwyf hefyd wedi eu hatgoffa o'r gwaith sydd gan Plant yng Nghymru ar gael iddynt i'w cefnogi gyda hynny. Felly, mae'r canllawiau'n statudol ac rwy'n disgwyl i ysgolion ddilyn y canllawiau hynny.
8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gymorth iechyd meddwl mewn ysgolion? OQ61430
8. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on mental health support in schools? OQ61430
In my oral statement to the Senedd on 14 May, I stated good mental health will be the platform on which our education system will be built. The Curriculum for Wales, together with our statutory guidance on a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being, support this ambition.
Yn fy natganiad llafar i'r Senedd ar 14 Mai, dywedais mai iechyd meddwl da fydd y llwyfan y bydd ein system addysg yn cael ei hadeiladu arno. Mae'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru, ynghyd â'n canllawiau statudol ar ddull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin â lles emosiynol a meddyliol, yn cefnogi'r uchelgais hwn.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
This question was prepared for me by a young person in Caerphilly who attends school and is in sixth form. She described how a member of her family has struggled adapting to secondary school due to social anxiety, and as a result started regularly refusing to go to school, which made her attendance drop below 50 per cent. The parent has regularly met and worked with the school and the local authority to try different approaches to encourage her child into school. Sometimes, this has helped in the short term, but overall, it hasn't. The parent has been threatened by the school with prosecution, despite doing all they can to try and improve the situation. Does the Cabinet Secretary therefore believe that there is more the Welsh Government could do to allow schools to provide more support for children and families struggling with mental health and attendance issues, particularly before it gets to the point of fines being imposed and parents finding themselves at the distressing point of risking prosecution?
Paratowyd y cwestiwn hwn i mi gan unigolyn ifanc yng Nghaerffili sy'n mynychu'r ysgol ac sydd yn y chweched dosbarth. Disgrifiodd sut mae aelod o'i theulu wedi cael trafferth addasu i'r ysgol uwchradd oherwydd gorbryder cymdeithasol, ac o ganlyniad, dechreuodd wrthod mynd i'r ysgol yn rheolaidd, a wnaeth i'w phresenoldeb ostwng o dan 50 y cant. Mae'r rhiant wedi cyfarfod a gweithio gyda'r ysgol a'r awdurdod lleol yn rheolaidd i roi cynnig ar ddulliau gwahanol i annog ei phlentyn i fynd i'r ysgol. Weithiau, mae hyn wedi helpu yn y tymor byr, ond yn gyffredinol, nid yw wedi gwneud hynny. Mae'r rhiant wedi cael eu bygwth ag erlyniad gan yr ysgol, er iddynt wneud popeth yn eu gallu i geisio gwella'r sefyllfa. A yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn credu felly fod mwy y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i ganiatáu i ysgolion ddarparu mwy o gymorth i blant a theuluoedd sy'n cael trafferth gyda phroblemau iechyd meddwl a phresenoldeb, yn enwedig cyn cyrraedd y pwynt lle caiff dirwyon eu rhoi a rhieni'n wynebu'r risg o erlyniad?
Thank you very much, Hefin. I'm very sorry to hear about the difficulties that the young person you referred to is having. I'm sure you recognise that mental health is a top priority for me and for the Government. That's why, despite our financial constraints, we've continued to protect funding for our whole-school approach for mental health, which we are investing around £13 million in this year. The Minister for Mental Health and Early Years and I are continuing to drive progress on that.
I do recognise, though, that there is more work to do. I think it's important to be clear that we've said that fines should only be used as a last resort. It's much more important to work with families, and fixed penalty notices should be the final part of a wider package of intervention and support strategies to improve attendance, and that should include support with mental health and well-being in line with the statutory framework we've put in place, underpinning our whole-school approach to mental health. Children do need to see school as a safe and welcoming place.
I should also say that we have seen an increase in the numbers of children and young people who are having difficulties attending school due to what we call EBSA, emotionally-based school avoidance, and our Welsh Government guidance on that asks schools to make sure that they've completed the assessments and take a graduated response to EBSA that involves early diagnosis, a whole-school approach, communication with families, and building on strong relationships in schools.
Diolch yn fawr, Hefin. Mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf glywed am yr anawsterau y mae'r unigolyn ifanc y gwnaethoch gyfeirio atynt yn eu cael. Rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn cydnabod bod iechyd meddwl yn brif flaenoriaeth i mi ac i'r Llywodraeth. Dyna pam, er gwaethaf ein cyfyngiadau ariannol, ein bod wedi parhau i ddiogelu cyllid ar gyfer ein dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl, ac rydym yn buddsoddi tua £13 miliwn i'r perwyl hwnnw eleni. Mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl a'r Blynyddoedd Cynnar a minnau yn parhau i wthio cynnydd ar hynny.
Fodd bynnag, rwy'n cydnabod bod mwy o waith i'w wneud. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig bod yn glir ein bod wedi dweud mai dim ond fel dewis olaf y dylid defnyddio dirwyon. Mae'n llawer pwysicach gweithio gyda theuluoedd, a dylai hysbysiadau cosb benodedig fod yn rhan olaf o becyn ehangach o strategaethau ymyrraeth a chymorth i wella presenoldeb, a dylai hynny gynnwys cymorth gydag iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn unol â'r fframwaith statudol a roddwyd ar waith gennym, sy'n ategu ein dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl. Mae angen i blant weld yr ysgol fel lle diogel a chroesawgar.
Dylwn ddweud hefyd ein bod wedi gweld cynnydd yn nifer y plant a'r bobl ifanc sy'n cael anawsterau gyda mynd i'r ysgol oherwydd yr hyn a elwir gennym yn osgoi ysgol am resymau emosiynol, ac mae canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru ar hynny yn gofyn i ysgolion sicrhau eu bod wedi cwblhau'r asesiadau a mabwysiadu ymateb graddedig i osgoi ysgol am resymau emosiynol sy'n cynnwys diagnosis cynnar, dull ysgol gyfan, cyfathrebu â theuluoedd, ac adeiladu ar berthnasoedd cryf mewn ysgolion.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Joyce Watson.
Finally, question 9, Joyce Watson.
9. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am gyfranogiad ysgolion yn y rhaglen Eco-Sgolion? OQ61415
9. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the participation of schools in the Eco-Schools program? OQ61415
The Eco-Schools programme runs in 75 countries with almost 50,000 schools engaged, making it the largest environmental education programme in the world. In Wales, approximately 90 per cent of schools have engaged with the Eco-Schools programme, with 60 per cent of schools having achieved the green flag accreditation. In this, the thirtieth year of our involvement, Wales has one of the highest participation rates in the world.
Mae'r rhaglen Eco-Sgolion yn gweithredu mewn 75 o wledydd gyda bron i 50,000 o ysgolion yn cymryd rhan, sy'n golygu mai hon yw'r rhaglen addysg amgylcheddol fwyaf yn y byd. Yng Nghymru, mae tua 90 y cant o ysgolion wedi ymgysylltu â'r rhaglen Eco-Sgolion gyda 60 y cant o ysgolion wedi cyflawni achrediad baner werdd. Yn ystod y ddegfed flwyddyn ar hugain o'n cyfranogiad, mae gan Gymru un o'r cyfraddau cyfranogi uchaf yn y byd.
It's a really good news story, Cabinet Secretary. The Eco-Schools programme is hugely impressive, and you've already taken some of the information I was going to give back to you—that 90 per cent of schools have taken part. But I think it's really heartening to see so many young people being given the opportunity to learn and take an interest in environmental issues in their schools and communities. They really get it and they really enjoy it. They learn in an outdoor space, sometimes without even realising they are learning, and they take it home as well. I think for a small nation, it is pretty impressive that we have the best outcome in the world in terms of participants per population in this programme. What I'm asking of you today, Cabinet Secretary, is if you'd join me in thanking all those people who've made this possible within our schools, within organisations like Keep Wales Tidy, and all those individuals and pupils. It's always nice to end a session on a good news story, and this is a fantastic news story.
Mae'n stori newyddion dda iawn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae'r rhaglen Eco-Sgolion yn hynod drawiadol, ac rydych eisoes wedi cyfeirio at beth o'r wybodaeth yr oeddwn am ei rhoi i chi—fod 90 y cant o ysgolion wedi cymryd rhan. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn galonogol iawn gweld cymaint o bobl ifanc yn cael cyfle i ddysgu a chymryd diddordeb mewn materion amgylcheddol yn eu hysgolion a'u cymunedau. Maent yn ei ddeall ac maent o ddifrif yn ei fwynhau. Maent yn dysgu mewn gofod awyr agored, weithiau heb sylweddoli eu bod yn dysgu, ac maent yn mynd ag ef adref hefyd. I genedl fach, rwy'n credu ei bod yn eithaf trawiadol fod gennym y canlyniad gorau yn y byd o ran cyfranogwyr fesul poblogaeth yn y rhaglen hon. Yr hyn rwy'n ei ofyn i chi heddiw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yw a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i ddiolch i'r holl bobl sydd wedi gwneud hyn yn bosibl yn ein hysgolion, mewn sefydliadau fel Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus, a'r holl unigolion a disgyblion hynny? Mae bob amser yn braf gorffen sesiwn gyda stori newyddion dda, ac mae hon yn stori newyddion wych.
Thank you very much, Joyce. I wholeheartedly agree with your comments and would like to take this opportunity to place on record my heartfelt thanks to all the staff, teachers, pupils, and organisations like Keep Wales Tidy, that represent Wales's commitment to leaving our planet in a better condition for future generations. I was lucky enough recently to experience this first-hand from the young people from some Mid and West Wales primary schools that Eluned Morgan had invited in for her Climate Challenge Cymru Earthshot event. I was blown away by how engaged the children were. I think, as adults, we can all learn a lot from them in terms of their enthusiasm for really getting to grips with this environmental agenda. Thank you very much for those positive comments about the Eco-Schools programme.
Diolch yn fawr, Joyce. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â'ch sylwadau a hoffwn achub ar y cyfle i gofnodi fy niolch o'r galon i'r holl staff, athrawon, disgyblion a sefydliadau fel Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus, sy'n cynrychioli ymrwymiad Cymru i adael ein planed mewn cyflwr gwell ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Roeddwn yn ddigon ffodus yn ddiweddar i brofi hyn yn uniongyrchol gan y bobl ifanc o rai o ysgolion cynradd Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yr oedd Eluned Morgan wedi eu gwahodd i mewn ar gyfer ei digwyddiad Her Hinsawdd Cymru Earthshot. Cefais fy synnu gan ba mor angerddol oedd y plant. Fel oedolion, rwy'n credu y gallwn i gyd ddysgu llawer ganddynt o ran eu brwdfrydedd dros fynd i'r afael â'r agenda amgylcheddol hon. Diolch yn fawr iawn am y sylwadau cadarnhaol hynny am y rhaglen Eco-Sgolion.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Eitem 3 yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Dim ond un sydd heddiw, a hwnnw gan Cefin Campbell.
Item 3 is the 90-second statements. We only have one statement today, and that will be from Cefin Campbell.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Fel un o drigolion Dyffryn Tywi, mae'n bosibl y dylwn i fod yn datgan diddordeb wrth i fi ganmol harddwch digymar yr ardal, o gopa’r Garn Goch i'r cestyll godidog, Parc Dinefwr a'r gerddi botaneg. Ond heddiw, fy mhleser i yw dathlu un o atyniadau eraill yr ardal, sef Gerddi Aberglasne ger Llangathen, dafliad carreg, fel mae'n digwydd, o lle dwi'n byw, wrth i’r safle ddathlu 25 mlynedd ers i’r gerddi gael eu hadfer a’u hagor i’r cyhoedd.
Mae hen hanes yn perthyn i’r ystad ryfeddol hon, gan iddi ddyddio nôl i’r canol oesoedd. Mae cyfeiriad ati yng nghywydd Lewys Glyn Cothi ar droad yr unfed ganrif ar bymtheg, lle mae e'n sôn am ei 'naw o arddau yn wyrddion’. Dros y canrifoedd, mae’r gerddi a’r plasty wedi bod yn gartref i sawl cymeriad lliwgar, o foneddigion i feirdd, artistiaid, yfwyr o fri a llwyrymwrthodwyr, a hyd yn oed ambell i ysbryd, os yw storïau lleol i'w credu. Er bod yr ystad wedi pylu i ebargofiant yn yr ugeinfed ganrif, trawsffurfiwyd ffawd y gerddi a’r ystad ddiwedd y 1990au yn y ganrif ddiwethaf, gan ddechrau ar y gwaith adfer, a oedd yn cael ei olrhain gan y BBC ar y rhaglen A Garden Lost in Time.
Bellach, mae’r plasty, y gerddi gogoneddus a'r ardd gloestr Elisabethaidd digymar yn un o brif atyniadau Sir Gâr. Felly, llongyfarchiadau gwresog i’r ardd, y staff a’r gwirfoddolwyr wrth gyrraedd y garreg filltir nodedig hon, a phob llwyddiant i'r ardd gyda’r dathliadau ac i'r dyfodol.
Thank you very much. As a resident of the Tywi valley, perhaps I should declare an interest in boasting about the incomparable beauty of the area, from the summit of Garn Goch to the incredible castles, Dinefwr park and the botanical gardens. However, it is my pleasure today to celebrate one of the area's other attractions, namely Aberglasney Gardens near Llangathen, which are stone's throw, as it happens, from where I live, as the site celebrates 25 years since the gardens were restored and opened to the public.
There is ancient history associated with this wonderful estate, dating back to the middle ages, with references made in Lewys Glyn Cothi's poetry at the turn of the sixteenth century, where he refers to its 'nine green gardens'. Over the centuries, the gardens and the manor house have been home to many colorful characters, from dignitaries to poets, artists, great drinkers and teetotalers, and even the occasional ghost, if local stories are to be believed. Despite the fact that the estate faded into oblivion in the twentieth century, the fortunes of the gardens and the estate were transformed in the late 1990s, with the start of the restoration work, which was broadcast to homes across Britain on the BBC's A Garden Lost in Time programme.
Now, the manor house, the glorious gardens and the incomparable Elizabethan cloister garden are one of Carmarthenshire's main attractions. So, warm congratulations to the garden, its staff and volunteers on reaching this notable milestone, and I wish every success to the garden with the celebrations and to the future.
Eitem 4 yw'r cynnig i nodi'r adroddiad blynyddol ar gynllun ieithoedd swyddogol Comisiwn y Senedd ar gyfer 2023-24. Galwaf ar Adam Price i wneud y cynnig.
Item 4 is a motion to note the annual report on the Senedd Commission's official languages scheme for 2023-24. I call on Adam Price to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8633 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi'r Adroddiad Blynyddol ar Gynllun Ieithoedd Swyddogol Comisiwn y Senedd ar gyfer y cyfnod 2023-24, yn unol â pharagraff 8(8) o Atodlen 2 i Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006, a osodwyd gerbron y Senedd ar 19 Mehefin 2024.
Motion NDM8633 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the Annual Report on the Senedd Commission's Official Languages Scheme for the period 2023-24, in accordance with paragraph 8(8) of Schedule 2 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, laid before the Senedd on 19 June 2024.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae’n bleser cyflwyno adroddiad blynyddol Comisiwn y Senedd ar ei gynllun ieithoedd swyddogol ar gyfer y flwyddyn 2023-24 gerbron y Senedd heddiw. Fe fydd Aelodau o’r Senedd yn ymwybodol ei fod yn ofynnol i Gomisiwn y Senedd, yn unol â Deddf Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Ieithoedd Swyddogol) 2012, gyflwyno adroddiad blynyddol ar ei waith.
Eleni, mae’r tîm ieithoedd swyddogol wedi cynnal arolwg sgiliau iaith Gymraeg ar draws staff Comisiwn y Senedd. Mae canlyniadau’r arolwg eleni yn gadarnhaol ac yn arwydd fod y penderfyniad i gyflwyno system cwrteisi ieithyddol yn y bumed Senedd wedi creu sylfaen gadarn, ac, fel rwyf yn nodi yn fy rhagair i’r adroddiad, yn dangos y potensial sydd i’r sefydliad i barhau i anelu’n uwch eto at y dyfodol. Mae’r tîm hefyd wedi dechrau ar y gwaith o ddadansoddi canlyniadau’r arolwg, ar y cyd â chynlluniau iaith y gwasanaethau unigol. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu inni fonitro capasiti dwyieithog ar draws y sefydliad ac yn cynnig sicrwydd ein bod yn gallu darparu gwasanaethau dwyieithog o’r radd flaenaf.
Y llynedd, fe ymrwymiais i ystyried y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael i Aelodau o'r Senedd i’w galluogi i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg mewn trafodion. Mae’n bwysig ein bod yn cefnogi Aelodau, boed yn siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd neu yn siaradwyr Cymraeg rhugl, i fod yn hyderus i ddefnyddio eu sgiliau yn rheolaidd, a bod yr amodau a’r gefnogaeth mewn lle hefyd i’r staff sy’n eu cefnogi i baratoi ar gyfer busnes seneddol. Fodd bynnag, mae’r data yn yr adroddiad hwn yn dangos patrwm tebyg i’r llynedd o ran cyfraniadau Cymraeg ac o ran ei defnydd yn ysgrifenedig yn ein gweinyddiaeth seneddol. Fy mlaenoriaeth felly yw rhoi camau mewn lle i geisio adfer perfformiad i lefelau blaenorol yn y lle cyntaf gan esgor, gobeithio, ar ragor o ddefnydd o’r Gymraeg ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig mewn pwyllgorau ac yn y Cyfarfod Llawn, ac wrth gyflwyno busnes.
Rwyf yn falch o adrodd i’r Senedd ein bod wedi dechrau mynd i’r afael o ddifrif â hyn yn barod, a hoffwn ddiolch i aelodau fforwm y cadeiryddion am y gefnogaeth a gafwyd i gamau cychwynnol mewn cyfarfod ddydd Llun. Ddydd Llun nesaf, byddaf yn trafod papur gyda’m cyd Gomisiynwyr ar hyn a materion eraill yn ymwneud â’r Gymraeg gyda golwg ar ein gwaith yn y tymor byr, y tymor canol a’r hirdymor wrth edrych tua’r seithfed Senedd.
Mae diwygio seneddol yn cynnig cyfle cyffrous i ni edrych yn ôl ar yr hyn sydd wedi’i gyflawni ers pasio’r Ddeddf ieithoedd swyddogol, ac i edrych tua’r dyfodol gan ein herio ein hunain i holi beth mwy sydd angen ei gyflawni a beth yw’n huchelgais yn ystod y bennod nesaf. Bydd yn gyfle i sicrhau bod ein ffyrdd o weithio, ein hethos a’n fframwaith cyfreithiol yn gwarantu bod defnydd a statws y Gymraeg fel iaith gyfartal yn ganolog ac yn flaenllaw yng ngwaith y Senedd, a’n bod yn atebol i holl ddinasyddion Cymru am y rhan rydyn ni’n ei chwarae yn yr ymdrech genedlaethol drawsbleidiol i gynllunio dyfodol i’r iaith.
Cyn cloi, hoffwn dynnu sylw Aelodau at ambell i lwyddiant hefyd sy’n brawf pellach o’n hethos a’n diwylliant fel sefydliad cynhwysol. Mae’r adroddiad yn cynnwys ambell i sylw gan unigolion sydd wedi manteisio ar y ddarpariaeth dysgu Cymraeg sydd ar gael i Aelodau, staff cymorth a staff y Comisiwn. Ar y pwynt yma, efallai y dylwn i ddatgan buddiant gan fod fy mrawd, Adrian, yn un o'r tîm o diwtoriaid.
Mae’n bleser clywed am y ffordd mae’r gwersi wedi dod â phobl at ei gilydd ac wedi creu ymdeimlad o berthyn a ninnau yn dal i geisio deall ein ffyrdd newydd o weithio, sydd yn aml yn cynnwys mwy o weithio o bell. Mae clywed sgyrsiau yn Gymraeg yn rhan annatod o’r diwrnod gwaith, gyda’r sawl sy’n derbyn gwersi yn awyddus i ddefnyddio eu sgiliau ac i ddarparu gwasanaethau dwyieithog o’r radd flaenaf. Diolch yn fawr, felly, i holl staff y Comisiwn am eu hymdrechion a’u hymroddiad.
Yn olaf, hoffwn ddiolch i chi, Aelodau’r Senedd, am eich cefnogaeth a’ch parodrwydd i ymgysylltu â ni i drafod ac i wella. Byddwn yn parhau i wrando ar eich barn a’ch sylwadau er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn cynnal y safonau uchaf posib ac yn chwilio am ffyrdd o wella'n barhaus. Edrychaf ymlaen nawr at y cwestiynau a fydd gennych chi. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. I’m pleased to present the Senedd Commission's annual report on its official languages scheme for 2023-24 before the Senedd today. Members of the Senedd will be aware that the Senedd Commission is required, in accordance with the National Assembly for Wales (Official Languages) Act 2012, to submit an annual report on its work.
This year, the official languages team has undertaken a survey of Welsh language skills across the staff of the Senedd Commission. The results of this year's survey are positive and an indication that the decision to introduce a linguistic courtesy system in the fifth Senedd has created solid foundations, and, as I state in my foreword to the report, they show the potential that the institution has to continue to aim even higher for the future. The team has also started analysing the results of the survey, together with the language plans of the individual services. This will allow us to monitor bilingual capacity across the institution and offer assurance that we are capable of providing first-class bilingual services.
Last year, I undertook to consider the support available to Senedd Members to enable them to use Welsh in proceedings. It's important that we support Members, whether they be new Welsh speakers or fluent Welsh speakers, to be confident in using their skills regularly, and that the conditions and support are also in place for the staff who support them in preparing for Senedd business. However, the data in this report show a similar pattern to last year in terms of Welsh contributions and in terms of its use in writing within our parliamentary administration. My priority, therefore, is to put steps in place to try to restore performance to previous levels in the first instance, which will hopefully result in more use of the Welsh language orally and in writing in committees and in Plenary meetings, and when introducing business.
I am proud to report to the Senedd that we have begun to tackle this in earnest, and I would like to thank the members of the chairs’ forum for the support received for the initial steps at a meeting on Monday. This coming Monday, I will be discussing a paper with my fellow Commissioners on this and other matters relating to the Welsh language with regard to our work in the short, medium and long term when looking towards the seventh Senedd.
Senedd reform offers us an exciting opportunity to look back at what has been achieved since the passing of the official languages Act, and to look towards the future, challenging ourselves to ask what more needs to be achieved and what our ambition is during the next chapter. It will be an opportunity to ensure that our ways of working, our ethos, and our legal framework guarantee that the use and status of the Welsh language as an equal language is central and prominent in the work of the Senedd, and that we're accountable to all of the citizens of Wales for the role that we are playing in the national cross-party effort to plan a future for the language.
Before closing, I would like to draw Members' attention to a few successes that provide further proof of our ethos and culture as an inclusive institution. The report includes a few comments from individuals who have taken advantage of the learning Welsh provision available to Members, support staff and Commission staff. On this point, maybe I should declare an interest given that my brother Adrian is a member of the tutoring team.
It's a pleasure to hear about the way that the lessons have brought people together and created a sense of belonging while we are still trying to understand our new ways of working, which often include more remote working. Hearing conversations in Welsh is an integral part of the working day, with those who receive lessons eager to use their skills and provide first-class bilingual services. Many thanks, therefore, to all the staff of the Commission for their efforts and dedication.
Finally, I would like to thank you, Senedd Members, for your support and willingness to engage with us to discuss and improve. We will continue to listen to your views and comments in order to ensure that we maintain the highest possible standards and continually look for ways to improve. I look forward very much to the questions that you have. Thank you.
A allaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod am gynnig y ddadl hon heddiw ac am y pwyntiau mae wedi’u gwneud? Dim ond cwpwl o bwyntiau sydd gen i i'w gwneud. Fe wnaf i ddechrau drwy ddweud ein bod ni fel Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn gwybod pwysigrwydd yr iaith Gymraeg, a hefyd pa mor bwysig yw hi bod y Senedd yn rhoi enghraifft i bobl ar draws Cymru o ran beth rydych chi’n gallu ei wneud yn y Gymraeg a defnyddio’r Gymraeg bob dydd. O ran y lefelau Cymraeg, y peth mwyaf i fi, dwi’n credu, oedd yr hyder. Rwy'n gwybod y geiriau, ond does gen i ddim yr hyder wastad i'w dweud nhw. Dwi’n credu bod y Dirprwy Lywydd yn yr un sefyllfa â fi, efallai, o ran safon yr iaith. Y peth mwyaf y gallaf i ddweud o’r tair blynedd dwi wedi bod yma yw dwi wedi datblygu’r hyder i ddefnyddio mwy a mwy, ac mae’r Senedd, dwi’n credu, yn gyfrifol am hynny, felly dwi’n ddiolchgar iawn i’r staff a phawb arall sydd yn gyfrifol am wneud hynny.
Gan ddarllen yr adroddiad, roedd cwpwl o bwyntiau rôn i'n moyn pigo lan arnynt. Dwi’n croesawu’r ffaith ein bod ni wedi gweld, o ran y survey rydych chi wedi’i gynnig, y nifer o bobl o lefelau 1 i 3 sydd yn gallu siarad Cymraeg yn mynd lan. Mae hwnna'n rhywbeth i'w groesawu. Rŷch chi'n dweud yn eich adroddiad hefyd—a dim ond yr adroddiad Saesneg sydd gen i i fy mlaen i, felly mae hwnna'n damaid bach o eironi, ond mae eich adroddiad yn dweud:
May I thank the Member for moving this motion this afternoon and for the points that he has made? I only have a few points to make this afternoon. I'll start by saying that we as Welsh Conservatives understand the importance of the Welsh language, and also the importance that we as a Senedd have as an exemplar for people across Wales in terms of what you can do through the medium of Welsh and using Welsh day to day. In terms of Welsh language levels, I think the main thing for me was confidence. I know the words, but I don’t always have the confidence to speak Welsh. I think the Dirprwy Lywydd might be in a similar position to me in terms of the language. The most important thing I can say over the three years that I’ve been here is that I’ve developed the confidence to use the Welsh language more and more, and I think the Senedd is responsible for that, so I’m very grateful to the staff and everyone else who has assisted in doing that.
In reading the report, there were a few points that I wanted to pick up on. I welcome the fact that, in terms of the survey you mentioned, we've seen an increase in the number of people at levels 1 to 3. Now, that is something that's to be welcomed. And you say in your report too—and I only have the English version in front of me, so there's a slight irony there, but you do say:
'This indicates that the decision to introduce Courtesy-level Welsh in the last Senedd has provided a solid baseline on which to build'.
'Mae hyn yn arwydd fod y penderfyniad i gyflwyno Cwrteisi Ieithyddol yn y Senedd ddiwethaf wedi creu gwaelodlin cadarn i adeiladu arno'
Felly, a allaf ofyn beth yn union ydych chi'n mynd i'w wneud nesaf? Dŷch chi wedi cael y courtesy level, dŷch chi wedi cael y sgiliau dechreuol, ond beth yw'r cam nesaf, a sut ŷch chi'n mynd i adeiladu ar hynny?
Beth dŷch chi wedi gweld hefyd yw tamaid bach o sefyllfa statig o ran lefelau 4 a 5 o ran y bobl sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg. Felly, rwy'n credu efallai fod mwy i'w wneud yn fanna. Felly, beth ydych chi'n gweld yw'r sialens yna yn y dyfodol, fel ein bod yn gallu cael y rhifau hynny lan hefyd?
Rŷch chi wedi sôn hefyd am y Senedd nesaf. Dŷn ni'n gwybod y bydd mwy o Aelodau yn y Senedd—byddwn ni lan i 96—ac mae hwnna'n meddwl y bydd rhaid inni wneud pethau'n hollol wahanol y tro nesaf. Mae cwpwl o bwyntiau fan hyn: mae hyn yn mynd i roi pwysau, dwi'n credu, ar ein staff ni, os bydd mwy o bobl yn moyn defnyddio'r Gymraeg yma. Felly, mae'n mynd i roi mwy o bwysau ar y gwasanaethau sydd ar gael, ac mae hwnna'n bwysig iawn. Felly, pa asesiad ydych chi wedi ei wneud ar hynny? A beth y mae'n rhaid i'r Senedd ei wneud yn y dyfodol fel eu bod nhw'n gallu cope with it—fel ein bod ni'n gallu sicrhau bod y gwasanaeth dal yna, fel yr un rŷn ni wedi'i ddefnyddio hyd yn hyn?
Hefyd, roeddwn i'n moyn dweud, pan ŷch chi jest yn dod i'r Senedd, pan ŷch chi wedi cael eich ethol am y tro cyntaf, mae'n damaid bach o whirlwind—mae lot yn digwydd ar yr un pryd. Mae'n rhaid ichi setio lan eich IT, sortio mas staff a swyddi a phopeth arall, felly sut ydyn ni'n sicrhau bod Aelodau newydd sy'n dod yma yn gwybod beth sydd ar gael—y gwersi sydd ar gael a sut maen nhw'n gallu defnyddio'r Gymraeg—a'u bod nhw ddim yn gallu colli hynny mewn rhyw welcome pack a bod pobl ond yn eu darganfod blwyddyn neu ddwy flynedd i mewn i'w tymor nhw?
Y peth olaf rwyf yn moyn ei ddweud yw hyn: roedd yna lein fach neis yn eich foreword—cwestiwn da—ac roeddwn i am ei rhoi yn ôl i chi. Rŷch chi'n dweud:
So, could I ask you what exactly you will do next? You've delivered the courtesy level, you've got those initial skills in place, but what are the next steps and how will you build on that?
Another thing that you've seen is some flatlining in terms of levels 4 and 5 in terms of those who can speak Welsh. So, there's perhaps more to be done there. So, what do you see as the challenge in that regard for the future in order to get those numbers up too?
You also mentioned the next Senedd. We know that there will be more Members—we'll be up to 96—and that means that we will have to do things completely differently next time. There are a few points here: this is going to put pressure on our staff because there will be more people wanting to use the Welsh language, so that will place more pressure on the services available, and that's hugely important. So, what assessment have you made of that? And what does the Senedd need to do in the future so that they can cope with that and ensure that the service is still in place—the service that we've used to date?
Also, I wanted to say that when you come to the Senedd for the first time following your election, it's something of a whirlwind—there's a great deal happening all at once. You have to set up your IT, you have to sort out your staff and jobs and so on and so forth. So, how do we ensure that newly elected Members know what's available in terms of the lessons and so on and how they can use the Welsh language, and that that isn't lost in some welcome pack and that people only discover it a year or two years into their term?
The final point that I wanted to make: there was a nice line in your foreword—a good question—and I wanted to throw that question back at you. You say:
'I want us to challenge each other and ask: what more needs to be done to ensure that we can engage fully and without hindrance in the business and work of the Senedd in Welsh, as is currently possible in English? How can we ensure that Welsh is truly equal to English in our proceedings and in the administration of the Senedd? And most importantly, how are we accountable to the people we serve—the citizens of Wales—for our performance and play our part in the national, cross-party effort to plan the future of the Welsh language?'
'rwyf am i ni herio’n gilydd a holi: beth mwy sydd angen ei wneud i sicrhau y gellir ymwneud yn llwyr ac yn ddi-rwystr â busnes a gwaith y Senedd yn Gymraeg, fel y gellir ei wneud yn Saesneg ar hyn o bryd? Sut mae sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn wirioneddol gydradd â’r Saesneg yn ein trafodion ac yng ngweinyddiaeth y Senedd? Ac yn bwysicach oll, sut ydym ni’n atebol i’r bobl ydym ni’n eu gwasanaethu—sef dinasyddion Cymru—am ein perfformiad ac yn chwarae ein rhan yn yr ymdrech genedlaethol, drawsbleidiol, i gynllunio dyfodol i’r Gymraeg?'
Felly, fe wnaf i droi hwnna nôl atoch chi: fel y Comisiynydd sydd yn gyfrifol am yr ieithoedd, beth yw eich asesiad chi o'r ateb i'r cwestiwn hwnnw dŷch chi wedi ei roi yn eich adroddiad chi? Diolch.
So, I'll throw that one back at you: as the Commissioner responsible for official languages, what's your assessment of the answer to that question that you yourself posed in your report? Thank you.
Dim ond newydd ddechrau yn y rôl yma oeddech chi flwyddyn yn ôl pan oeddem ni'n eich holi chi. Ac yn amlwg, mi oedd yna drafodaeth adeg hynny o ran siomedigaeth—efallai rhai o'r rhwystrau dŷn ni yn eu hwynebu o weld defnydd o'r Gymraeg.
Mae yna bethau mawr i'w dathlu yn fan hyn a dwi'n meddwl bod rhaid inni nodi hynny, ac mae'n dda clywed Tom yn cydnabod hynny. A dwi hefyd yn gwybod, o fod mewn pwyllgorau lle yn aml efallai mai fi ydy'r person mwyaf hyderus o ran y Gymraeg a dwi eisiau defnyddio fy Nghymraeg, mae wedi bod yn wych gweld Aelodau eraill, megis—. Dwi'n falch bod Hefin David yma yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg yn amlwg pan fo'n gallu, ond hefyd yn gefnogol o ran hynny. Ond mae o'n aml yn digwydd lle efallai mai dim ond un siaradwr Cymraeg hyderus sydd yna mewn pwyllgor ac mae hynny'n cael effaith wedyn o ran sut fath o iaith y mae'r pwyllgor yn ei ddefnyddio. Felly, roeddwn i'n falch o'ch clywed chi'n sôn ynglŷn â fforwm y Cadeiryddion.
Un o'r pethau sydd yn fy mhryderu i'n aml ydy sut ydyn ni'n cefnogi'r staff sydd yn ein cefnogi ni o fewn y Comisiwn i deimlo'r hyder i ddrafftio adroddiadau yn y Gymraeg? A sut wedyn dŷn ni'n defnyddio'r dechnoleg i alluogi wedyn fod Aelodau eraill yn gallu deall yr adroddiad hwnnw? Mae yna wastad y syniad yn parhau fod rhaid i bopeth fod yn y Saesneg i ddechrau, ac wedyn, pan fo'n dod i adroddiad terfynol, mi fydd yna fersiwn Cymraeg. Wel, mae'n bwysig ofnadwy ein bod ni'n ymbweru'r rheini sydd eisiau gweithio yn y Gymraeg i allu drafftio yn y Gymraeg. A dŷn ni'n lwcus eithriadol rŵan, a dwi ddim yn sôn am Google Translate—mae yna nifer fawr o ffyrdd gwahanol i ymbweru staff hefyd i deimlo eu bod nhw’n gallu drafftio yn Gymraeg. Felly, dyna un o’r elfennau y byddwn i’n hoffi, os oes gennych chi, eglurder arno fo.
Un o’r pethau a fyddai’n fuddiol, dwi’n credu, ydy deall beth ydy’r rhwystrau presennol y mae Aelodau yn eu teimlo, ac roeddwn i’n mynd i ofyn a oeddech chi wedi ystyried gwneud arolwg o’r Aelodau etholedig i ddeall eu defnydd nhw o’r iaith. Yn sicr, ar ôl gweld adroddiad y llynedd, dwi wedi trio fy ngorau glas i drio cyflwyno popeth yn fy enw i yn Gymraeg—ddim bob tro, weithiau mae yna rywbeth brys angen mynd i mewn, ac, yn amlwg, mae yna aelodau o staff yn rhoi pethau mewn ar ein rhan ni weithiau. Ond, yn sicr, dŷn ni fel grŵp hefyd—. Mae’r mwyafrif helaeth o’n cynigion ni a’n gwelliannau yn trio mynd mewn yn Gymraeg, ac mae hynna’n deillio o’r ffaith bod yr adroddiad hwn wedi dangos yn glir y llynedd pa mor ddiffygiol oedd rhai o’n prosesau ni, ac, efallai, ein bod ni bach yn ddiog, a’n bod ni angen y gic yna weithiau i atgoffa’n hunain i gyflwyno.
Dwi’n meddwl bod yna her hefyd—mae yna nifer o sefydliadau yn aml yn cysylltu gyda ni fel Aelodau’r Senedd yn gofyn inni gyflwyno cwestiynau ysgrifenedig ar amryw o bynciau. Mi fyddwn i’n dweud bod yna her iddyn nhw hefyd i ddarparu'r cwestiynau hynny yn ddwyieithog, a bod o ddim dim ond fyny i ni, ac os ydyn nhw'n ymgysylltu efo’r Senedd, rhaid iddyn nhw ystyried hefyd fod yna ddwy iaith swyddogol, a bod y ddwy iaith yn cael eu defnyddio.
Felly, fel dwi’n sôn, mae yna bethau calonogol fan hyn, ond dwi’n meddwl, o ran trafodion y pwyllgorau, trafodion y Cyfarfod Llawn a’r pethau efo’r Swyddfa Gyflwyno, yn amlwg fedrwn ni ddim gorfodi neb i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg, ond efallai ei fod o ddim yn ddrwg o beth deall yn iawn pam fod y rhwystrau hynny.
Roeddwn i’n sôn yn gynharach o ran pwyllgorau—a dwi wedi siarad efo nifer o Aelodau ynglŷn â hyn—ac mae hi’n anodd os taw chi ydy’r unig berson sydd yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg ar adegau, ac mae yna rôl bwysig gan y Cadeiryddion, dwi’n credu, o ran atgoffa, pan fo tystion yn dod i mewn, fod croeso iddyn nhw ateb yn Gymraeg. Efallai ei fod o’n un o’r pethau yna, ei fod o’n dda bod gennym ni’r adroddiad blynyddol yma i roi’r hwb yna i ni i gyd fod yn clywed hyn. Ond, yn amlwg, dydy pawb ddim yn y Siambr heddiw. Felly, os gallech chi ganolbwyntio, efallai, ar sut ydyn ni’n cael y neges i bob aelod o staff, pob Aelod etholedig, a chael eu mewnbwn nhw, fel ein bod ni’n cael Senedd lle mae’r ddwy iaith yn gydradd. Dŷn ni’n trio’n gorau, ond dwi’n credu bod yna fwy o bethau y gallem ni fod yn eu gwneud, ac mae’r datrysiadau o fewn y ffordd dŷn ni’n gweithio rŵan, yn sicr.
You had only just started in this role a year ago when we asked you some questions. And obviously, there was a discussion at that time around the disappointment around some of the barriers that we face in terms of the use of the Welsh language.
There are great things to celebrate here and I think that we have to note that, and it's great to hear Tom acknowledging that. And I also know, having been in committees where I'm often perhaps the most confident Welsh speaker there, it's great to see other Members, such as Hefin David here clearly using the Welsh language when he is able to, but also supportive in that regard. But it's often that there's only one confident Welsh speaker in a committee and that then has an impact on what kind of language the committee does use. So, I was pleased to hear you talk about the Chairs' forum.
One of the things that does concern me often is how we support the staff who support us within the Commission to feel confident to draft reports in Welsh, and how, then, do we use technology to enable other Members to understand that report? There's always this idea that everything has to be in English first, and then, when it comes to the final report, there will be a Welsh version. Well, it's very important, I think, that we do empower those who want to work through the medium of Welsh to be able to draft through the medium of Welsh. And we're very lucky now, and I'm not talking about Google Translate—there are many other different ways to empower staff to feel that they can draft through the medium of Welsh. So, that’s one of the elements I’d like some clarity on, if I may.
One thing that would be beneficial, I think, is understanding the current barriers Members feel, and I was going to ask whether you had considered undertaking a survey of the elected Members to understand their use of the Welsh language. Certainly, after seeing last year’s report, I’ve tried my level best to introduce everything in my name through the medium of Welsh—not always, sometimes there’s an urgent issue that needs to be submitted and staff members need to do that on my behalf. But, certainly, we as a group—. The majority of our motions and amendments are tabled in Welsh, and that does stem from the fact that this report showed clearly last year how deficient some of our processes were, and maybe there was a certain amount of laziness and that we do need a kick to remind us to do that.
I think that there's a challenge too—there are many organisations who contact us as Senedd Members asking us to table questions on a variety of subjects. I would say that there’s a challenge for them to provide those questions bilingually, and that it’s not just up to us—if they want to engage with the Senedd, they need to consider that there are two official languages, and that both languages are used.
So, as I mentioned, there are encouraging elements in this report. But in terms of committee proceedings, Plenary proceedings and the Table Office, evidently we can’t force anybody to table their materials in Welsh, but it might not be a bad thing to understand why those barriers exist.
I mentioned committees earlier—and I have spoken to a number of Members about this—and it is difficult if you’re the only person who uses Welsh at times, and there is an important role that the Chairs can play in terms of reminding witnesses when they come in that they are welcome to answer the questions in Welsh. And maybe it’s a good thing that we have this annual report to provide that boost, so that we can all hear that. But, evidently, not everyone is in the Chamber today. So, if you could focus on how we disseminate that message to all staff members, and to all elected Members, and get their input, so that we have a Senedd where both languages are equal. We are trying our best, but I think there is more that we can do, and the solutions are within the way that we work at present, certainly.
Dwi’n falch o allu siarad, neu i geisio siarad, ar yr eitem hon heddiw. Hoffwn i ddweud diolch wrth fy nhiwtor Cymraeg, Jordan. Mae Jordan yn diwtor ardderchog a brwdfrydig, ac mae e wedi fy helpu i lawer efo fy Nghymraeg. Fel arfer, dwi’n cael gwersi Cymraeg yn y Senedd ar-lein bob dydd Gwener. Yr haf diwethaf trefnodd Jordan wersi ychwanegol i fi, a mis diwethaf, fe wnes i fy arholiad Cymraeg cyntaf. Yr haf hwn, mae gen i lyfr gwaith arbennig.
Dwi’n dysgu Cymraeg achos hoffwn i siarad mwy o Gymraeg yn y Siambr ac yn y gymuned hefyd. Pan oeddwn i yn yr ysgol yn y Fflint, dysgais i Gymraeg, ond ni wnes i erioed sefyll arholiad. Dechreuais i ddysgu Cymraeg eto pan oeddwn i’n byw yn Llundain. Mae teulu fy nhad yn dod o ardal Ffynnongroyw sydd yn fy etholaeth i rŵan. Roedd fy nhaid yn siaradwr Cymraeg iaith gyntaf, ond roedd fy nain yn dod o Lerpwl. Yn anffodus, doedden nhw ddim yn siarad Cymraeg gyda’i gilydd, a dyw fy nhad erioed wedi dysgu Cymraeg. Felly, tasai fy nhad wedi bod yn siaradwr Cymraeg, ni fyddai e wedi cwrdd â fy mam yn Ysgol Ramadeg Treffynnon. [Chwerthin.]
So, dwi’n hapus i fod yn dysgu Cymraeg, a dwi’n ceisio defnyddio ychydig o Gymraeg pan allaf i. Dwi’n cefnogi cynllun Llywodraeth Cymru o gael miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050, ac mae’r cynllun ieithoedd swyddogol yn cefnogi hyn. Diolch.
I’m delighted to speak on this issue, or to try to do so at least. I’d like to say 'thank you very much' to my Welsh language tutor, Jordan. He is an excellent and enthusiastic tutor and he’s helped me a great deal with my Welsh language skills. I usually have Welsh lessons in the Senedd online every Friday. Last summer Jordan arranged additional lessons for me, and last month I took my first Welsh language examination, and this summer, I have a workbook that I’ll be using.
I’m learning Welsh because I’d like to use more Welsh, both in the Chamber and in the community too. When I was in school in Flint, I studied Welsh but never took examinations. I restarted learning when I was living in London. My father’s family are from the Ffynnongroyw area, which is currently in my constituency. My grandfather was a first-language Welsh speaker, but my grandmother was from Liverpool. Unfortunately, they didn’t speak Welsh to each other, and my father never learnt Welsh. As a result, had my father been a Welsh speaker, then he wouldn’t have met my mother at Holywell Grammar School. [Laughter.]
So, I’m delighted to be learning Welsh, and I try to use as much Welsh as I can when possible. I support the Welsh Government’s programme of having a million Welsh speakers by 2050, and the official languages scheme also supports that. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, a dwi, dwi'n siŵr ar ran pawb sydd yma yn y Siambr, yn llongyfarch Hannah ar y ffordd mae hi wedi meistroli’r Gymraeg, a hynny mewn cyfnod byr iawn. Felly, llongyfarchiadau mawr.
Hoffwn i longyfarch y Comisiynydd am roi ffocws a phwyslais clir ar y Gymraeg, a hynny ar ddechrau’r adroddiad. Ond mae gen i bryderon am sut mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei hyrwyddo a’i defnyddio yn y sefydliad yma. Mae’r adroddiad yn sôn am achosion lle na fuodd modd i unigolion ddefnyddio eu dewis iaith, lle na anfonwyd gohebiaeth yn ddwyieithog. Dwi’n meddwl mai sôn am y Gymraeg mae’r adroddiad yn hynny o beth, ac nid am yr iaith Saesneg. Ond 'dewis iaith' ydy’r term sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio, ac mae hynny’n wahanol i bob sefydliad cymharol a chyrff democrataidd eraill yng Nghymru. Mae’r Senedd yma yn gweithredu o dan fframwaith cyfreithiol sy’n rhoi pwyslais ar hyrwyddo dewis iaith, yn hytrach na hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg. Ond mae pob dim dŷn ni’n gwybod am gynllunio ieithyddol yng Nghymru ac, yn wir, bolisi iaith cenedlaethol Cymru, yn pwysleisio hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg.
Yn anffodus, mae’r fframwaith presennol, sydd yn arwain at hyrwyddo dewis iaith yn hytrach na’r Gymraeg, yn tanseilio'r ymdrechion ac yn beth od iawn i fod yn gwneud, a dweud y gwir. Felly, buaswn i’n licio cael eich ymateb chi i hynny. Ydy hi’n bryd inni feddwl am newid hyn, a bod y Senedd yn ymuno yn yr un fframwaith polisi a chyfreithiol â phob corff cyhoeddus arall? Mae hynny er mwyn gweld y Gymraeg yn tyfu yn y sefydliad yma. Achos dŷn ni wedi gweld gostyngiad. Mae Heledd Fychan wedi sôn am ostyngiad yn nifer y cwestiynau ysgrifenedig sydd wedi cael eu cyflwyno yn Gymraeg—mae wedi syrthio o 4 y cant i 3 y cant, ac yna i 1 y cant eleni. Mae cwestiynau llafar ac amserol yn dangos yr un un patrwm, a dirywiad pellach yn nefnydd y Gymraeg yn y Cyfarfod Llawn.
Jest rhai pwyntiau penodol yn codi o’r adroddiad: byddem ni’n cwestiynu a ydy’r ffigur o 34 dogfen a baratowyd yn fewnol gan bwyllgorau yn uniaith Saesneg yn gywir. Byddwn i’n meddwl ei fod llawer iawn mwy, oherwydd mae adroddiadau drafft pwyllgorau, sydd yn niferus, yn dal i gael eu cyflwyno yn uniaith Saesneg fel arfer ac wedyn yn cael eu cyfieithu ar y cam olaf, sef jest cyn eu cyhoeddi nhw.
O ran y comisiynydd safonau, medraf ddweud o brofiad fy mod i ac aelodau staff y gwn i amdanyn nhw wedi gorfod ymwneud â’r comisiynydd ar lafar yn yr iaith Saesneg. O dan y fframwaith cyfreithiol presennol, dwi ddim yn credu bod hawl defnyddio’r Gymraeg. Mae angen edrych ar gapasiti swyddfa'r comisiynydd safonau, felly—eu capasiti nhw i weithio yn Gymraeg heb angen dibynnu ar gyfieithydd, ac a oes angen ychwanegu at y capasiti yna. Mae trafod materion sensitif cymaint yn fwy effeithiol o wneud hynny yn eich mamiaith yn uniongyrchol efo aelod staff, yn hytrach na drwy gyfieithydd.
Yn olaf, mae angen hefyd edrych ar y fewnrwyd. Dwi’n gwybod bod yna broblem efo’r cyfeiriadur staff ac Aelodau o ran ansawdd a chywirdeb y wybodaeth. Buaswn i’n hoffi i’r Comisiwn sicrhau bod y wybodaeth am sgiliau iaith Aelodau a’u staff yn gywir ac yn cael ei adolygu’n rheolaidd. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, and I, I’m sure on behalf of everyone in this Chamber, congratulate Hannah on the progress that she’s made with the Welsh language in a very short period of time. So, huge congratulations to you.
I'd like to congratulate the Commissioner for putting a clear focus and emphasis on the Welsh language at the beginning of the report. But I do have some concerns about how the Welsh language is being promoted and used in this institution. The report mentions cases where it was not possible for individuals to use their language of choice, where correspondence was not sent bilingually. I would venture that the report is referring to the Welsh language in that sense, and not the English language. But 'language of choice' is the term used, and that's different to all comparable institutions and other democratic bodies in Wales. This Senedd operates under a legal framework that places an emphasis on promoting the language of choice, rather than promoting the Welsh language. But everything that we know about linguistic planning in Wales, and indeed Wales’s national language policy, emphasises the promotion of the Welsh language.
Unfortunately, the current framework, which leads to the promotion of the language of choice rather than the Welsh language, is undermining those efforts and is a very odd thing to be doing, in truth. So, I would like to get your response to that. Is it time for us to start thinking about changing that, and that the Senedd joins the same policy and legal framework as every other public body? That is in order to see the Welsh language growing in this institution. Because we have seen a reduction. Heledd Fychan has mentioned the reduction in the number of written questions submitted in Welsh, which has fallen from 4 per cent to 3 per cent, and then to 1 per cent this year. Oral and topical questions also show the same pattern, and there has been a further decline in the use of Welsh in Plenary meetings.
Some specific points arising from the report: we would question whether the figure of 34 documents prepared internally by committees in English only is correct. I think it would be much higher, because draft reports by committees, which are numerous, are usually still prepared in English only, and are then translated at the final stage, namely just before publication.
In terms of the standards commissioner, I can say from experience that I and staff members whom I know about have had to engage with the commissioner verbally in English. Under the current legal framework, I don't think that there is a right to use the Welsh language. We need to look at the capacity of the office of the standards commissioner to be able to work in Welsh without having to rely on translation, and whether it might be necessary to add to that capacity. Discussing sensitive issues is so much more effective if you do so in your mother tongue directly with a staff member rather than through a translator.
Finally, we also need to look at the intranet. I know that there is a problem with the staff and Members' directory in terms of the quality and accuracy of that information. I'd like the Commission to ensure that that information about the language skills of Members and their staff is correct and is reviewed regularly. Thank you.
Galwaf ar Adam Price i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Adam Price to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn i’r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl. Fel un bachan o Rydaman i fachan arall, byddwn i’n dweud, Tom, fod dy Gymraeg di’n grêt. Mae’n rhywbeth mae’n rhaid i mi ddweud wrth fy hunan wrth edrych yn y drych. Mae’n bwysig iawn ein bod ni’n adeiladau a magu hyder ymhlith ein gilydd, a hefyd yn holl amrywiaeth ieithyddol Cymru. Mae yna wahanol dafodieithoedd, gwahanol ffyrdd o siarad Cymraeg, ac mae’n rhaid iddyn nhw i gyd gael eu hadlewyrchu yma. Mae hynny’n rhan bwysig o’r neges.
Dwi’n meddwl, o ran y pwyntiau roeddet ti’n gwneud ynglŷn ag anwytho, dylai fod y Gymraeg yn rhan ganolog o’r profiad anwytho, felly fe wnawn ni edrych ar hynny wrth inni baratoi at ddiwygio’r Senedd. O ran sgiliau iaith, un o’r pethau dwi’n credu y byddwn ni’n awyddus i edrych arno fe yw cymryd y math o ddynesiad, y math o beth rŷn ni wedi gwneud nawr gyda staff y Comisiwn, ac edrych ar gasglu'r data yna, gyda chytundeb pawb, wrth gwrs, gydag Aelodau a staff Aelodau, fel ein bod ni'n gallu cael darlun cyfan wedyn ar draws yr holl Senedd. Felly, mae hwnna'n un ffordd i ni adeiladu ar y profiad da dŷn ni wedi ei gael o ran cwrteisi sylfaenol ac yn y blaen, drwy ymestyn hynny, a'r arolwg sgiliau a'r gwaith hwnnw, ar draws yr holl staff seneddol, fel petai, ac Aelodau.
Ac wedyn, o ran adeiladu ar y profiad, wel, bron â bod, Tom, roeddet ti wedi ateb dy gwestiwn dy hunan. Dŷn ni wedi gosod y seiliau, ond beth ŷn ni nawr yn edrych ar gynyddu ar bob lefel a sut dŷn ni yn gallu creu peuoedd, er enghraifft, lle mae yna fwy a mwy o gyfathrebu mewnol a gweinyddu a gweithio o fewn y Gymraeg? Achos mae hwnna'n un ffordd arbennig o ymarferol i helpu pobl i wella eu sgiliau ieithyddol hyd yn oed yn fwy fyth. Llongyfarchiadau i Hannah, yn sicr, ar y llwyddiant gyda'r arholiad. Ac mae'n ffantastig i weld mwy a mwy o Aelodau yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg yn y gwahanol fforymau sydd gyda ni.
Ie, byddwn ni yn edrych yn benodol, fel dywedais i—. Mae yna glwstwr, amrediad nawr, o syniadau gyda ni ar gyfer sut i wella a chynyddu'r lefel o ddefnydd mewn pwyllgorau. Mi fyddwn ni yn treialu'r rheini ac yn gweld y cynnydd dros gyfnod o chwe mis. Dwi yn credu—. Mi wnaf ysgrifennu at yr Aelodau gwahanol, yn arbennig Siân. Rwy'n credu roeddech chi wedi gofyn nifer o gwestiynau penodol; fydd dim o'r atebion gyda fi nawr. Ond jest cwpwl o bethau dwi am eu dweud yn fwy cyffredinol. Dwi yn credu, fel Senedd, nawr yw'r amser inni edrych ar y fframwaith yn gyffredinol. Mae'r pwynt roedd Siân yn ei wneud—dŷn ni yn trin y ddwy iaith yn gyfartal, yn hytrach na hyrwyddo. Ac, wrth gwrs, does dim problem gyda ni yn y Senedd ynglŷn â'r Saesneg. Hynny yw, mae gyda ni diwtoriaid Cymraeg, felly, mewn ffordd, onid hyrwyddo dŷn ni yn ei wneud yn barod? Ond dyw'r fframwaith cyfreithiol sydd gyda ni ddim yn mynd â ni ar hyd y llwybr yna. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar hwnna.
Ac mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar rannau o fywyd seneddol sydd tu fas, hyd yn oed, i'n fframwaith ni ar hyn o bryd, hynny yw, o ran y comisiynydd safonau, y bwrdd taliadau, yr is-ddeddfwriaeth sydd yn dod yn Saesneg yn unig, fel sy'n cael ei nodi yn yr adroddiad. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni edrych, rwy'n credu, ar fframwaith sydd yn gwbl gwmpasol, fel bod pob agwedd o waith seneddol yn trin y Gymraeg yn gyfartal ac yn creu'r cyfleon i ni i gyd ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg sydd gyda ni. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I'm very grateful to all Members who have contributed to this debate. As one Rhydaman boy to another, I would say, Tom, that your Welsh is excellent. It's something that I have to tell myself as I look in the mirror. It's very important that we develop confidence amongst each other, and in all the linguistic diversity of Wales. There are different dialects and different ways of speaking Welsh, and they must all be reflected here. That's an important part of the message.
I think, in terms of the points that you make on induction, the Welsh language should be a central part of that induction process, so we will certainly look at that as we prepare for Senedd reform. In terms of language skills, one of the things that I'd be eager to look at is to take the kind of approach that we took with Commission staff, and to look at gathering that data, with the agreement of everyone, looking then at Members and Members' staff too, so we can have a comprehensive picture across the whole Senedd. So, that is one way in which we can build on the good experience that we've had in terms of courtesy level Welsh and so on, by extending that, and the skills survey and that work, across all of our parliamentary staff, as it were, including Members.
And then, in terms of building on the experience, well, Tom, you almost answered your own question. Now, we have laid foundations, but we now need to look at building on those foundations at every level, in terms of how we can create domains where there is more internal communication and administration through the medium of Welsh, for example. Because that is a practical approach in assisting people to improve their language skills even more. Many congratulations to Hannah on her success in her exams. And it's fantastic to see more and more Members using the Welsh language in the different fora that we have.
Yes, we will be looking specifically, as I said—. There is now a range of ideas that we have in terms of how we can increase the use of the Welsh language in committees. And we will be trialling those and looking at progress over a period of six months. I think—. I will write to the different Members, particularly Siân. You asked a number of detailed questions, and I won't have the answers in front of me now. But just a few more general comments I'd like to make. I do think that, as a Senedd, now is the time for us to look at the framework in general. Siân's point as to whether we treat both languages equally, rather than promoting Welsh—. Now, we don't have a problem in the Senedd in relation to the English language. But we do have Welsh tutors, so, in a way, aren't we already promoting? But the legal framework that we have doesn't take us along that particular path. So, we need to look at that.
And we also need to look at parts of parliamentary life that are outwith even our own framework at the moment, in terms of the standards commissioner, the remuneration board, subordinate legislation that comes in English only, as is noted in the report. So, we do have to look at a framework that encapsulates everything, so that all aspects of parliamentary life treats the Welsh language equally and provides opportunities for us all to use the Welsh language.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 5 heddiw yw dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, 'Hawliau darlledu Pencampwriaeth Rygbi’r Chwe Gwlad'. A galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig—Delyth Jewell.
Item 5 today is a debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee report, 'Six Nations Rugby Championship broadcasting rights'. And I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion—Delyth Jewell.
Cynnig NDM8635 Delyth Jewell
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol ‘Hawliau darlledu Pencampwriaeth Rygbi’r Chwe Gwlad’, a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 25 Ebrill 2024.
Motion NDM8635 Delyth Jewell
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the report of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee ‘Six Nations Rugby Championship broadcasting rights’, which was laid in the Table Office on 25 April 2024.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.