Y Cyfarfod Llawn



Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Ogledd Cymru a Thrafnidiaeth
1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport

Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Ogledd Cymru a Thrafnidiaeth. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf [OQ61306] wedi'i dynnu yn ôl, felly, cwestiwn 2, Buffy Williams.

Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport. The first question [OQ61306] has been withdrawn, so, question 2, Buffy Williams.

Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus
Public Transport

2. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am fuddsoddiad mewn trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar draws etholaeth Rhondda? OQ61317

2. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on investment in public transport across Rhondda constituency? OQ61317

Yes, of course. We're investing £1 billion to transform the core Valleys lines, with new electric trains entering service later this year on the Treherbert line. We've jointly invested in Porth transport interchange, to connect buses, taxis, cyclists and walkers from the Rhondda Fach with the rail network via the transformed Treherbert line.

Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Rydym yn buddsoddi £1 biliwn er mwyn trawsnewid llinellau craidd y Cymoedd, gyda threnau trydan newydd yn dod i wasanaeth yn ddiweddarach eleni ar reilffordd Treherbert. Rydym wedi buddsoddi ar y cyd yng nghyfnewidfa drafnidiaeth y Porth, i gysylltu bysiau, tacsis, beicwyr a cherddwyr o’r Rhondda Fach â’r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd drwy reilffordd Treherbert ar ei newydd wedd.

Thank you. The investment on the Treherbert line will double the number of services an hour, which will make a huge difference to my constituents. 

Turning to buses, I know I've previously raised the need for through-ticketing for residents in the Rhondda Fach so that they can also utilise the new metro, and I look forward to our meeting later today to further discuss this. Price is one of the biggest barriers preventing residents from catching the bus. Stagecoach Bus and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council have been working in partnership over recent years to provide weeks and sometimes months where singles only cost a £1 within the local authority area. Bus usage during these periods has soared. I know the Welsh Government want to see fairer fares in Wales, and this vision is clearly shared by RCT council and Stagecoach in Rhondda. So, how are plans progressing for fairer fares in Wales and will you consider a pilot in our Valleys given the partnership working already taking place in the Rhondda?

Diolch. Bydd y buddsoddiad yn rheilffordd Treherbert yn dyblu nifer y gwasanaethau yr awr, a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i fy etholwyr.

Gan droi at fysiau, gwn fy mod eisoes wedi codi’r angen am docynnau drwodd i drigolion yn y Rhondda Fach fel y gallant ddefnyddio’r metro newydd hefyd, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ein cyfarfod yn nes ymlaen heddiw i drafod hyn ymhellach. Prisiau yw un o'r rhwystrau mwyaf sy'n atal trigolion rhag dal y bws. Mae Stagecoach Bus a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf wedi bod yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf i ddarparu wythnosau ac weithiau misoedd lle mae tocynnau unffordd ond yn costio £1 yn ardal yr awdurdod lleol. Mae'r defnydd o fysiau yn ystod y cyfnodau hyn wedi cynyddu'n aruthrol. Gwn fod Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn awyddus i weld prisiau tocynnau tecach yng Nghymru, ac mae'n amlwg fod cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf a Stagecoach yn y Rhondda yn rhannu'r weledigaeth hon. Felly, sut mae'r cynlluniau ar gyfer prisiau tocynnau tecach yn dod yn eu blaen yng Nghymru, ac a wnewch chi ystyried cynllun peilot yn ein Cymoedd o ystyried y gwaith partneriaeth sydd eisoes yn mynd rhagddo yn y Rhondda?

Well, can I thank Buffy Williams for her question? It's my view that investing in bus services is one of the best ways to level up opportunities for people across our communities and I do recognise the benefits of offering passengers simpler and far more affordable public transport fares, and I'm looking forward to discussing this very issue with the member this afternoon when we meet.

And I'd agree that it's really encouraging as well to see what Rhondda Cynon Taf council are doing with the trial of the £1 flat fare for local journeys in the council area. And I'm really keen to learn about the beneficial impacts that that has, because we do know that, as we progress the bus Bill and enact the proposals for a single bus network, we will be able to introduce more innovative schemes and a far fairer fare regime, not just on bus services, but on other transport modes. But in advance of being able to do that, Transport for Wales is working with local authorities and bus operators to improve the ticketing offer on existing services, but I'd be very keen to discuss the potential of pilots with the local Member and the role that the council could play in facilitating that.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Buffy Williams am ei chwestiwn? Yn fy marn i, buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau bysiau yw un o’r ffyrdd gorau o wella cyfleoedd i bobl ar draws ein cymunedau, ac rwy’n cydnabod manteision cynnig tocynnau symlach a llawer mwy fforddiadwy i deithwyr ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac edrychaf ymlaen at drafod yr union fater hwn gyda'r Aelod pan fyddwn yn cyfarfod y prynhawn yma.

Ac rwy'n cytuno ei bod hefyd yn galonogol iawn gweld yr hyn y mae cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn ei wneud gyda threialu'r pris safonol o £1 ar gyfer teithiau lleol yn ardal y cyngor. Ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i ddysgu am yr effeithiau buddiol y mae hynny'n eu cael, gan y gwyddom, wrth inni fwrw ymlaen â'r Bil bysiau a deddfu'r cynigion ar gyfer un rhwydwaith bysiau, y byddwn yn gallu cyflwyno cynlluniau mwy arloesol a threfn docynnau lawer tecach, nid yn unig ar wasanaethau bysiau, ond ar ddulliau trafnidiaeth eraill. Ond cyn gallu gwneud hynny, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda gweithredwyr bysiau ac awdurdodau lleol i wella’r cynnig tocynnau ar wasanaethau presennol, ond byddwn yn awyddus iawn i drafod potensial cynlluniau peilot gyda’r Aelod lleol a’r rôl y gallai'r cyngor ei chwarae yn hwyluso hynny.

Cabinet Secretary, Transport for Wales has recently released data showing that there has been a 28 per cent increase in anti-social behaviour at stations across the core Valleys lines so far this year. Almost 75 per cent of this anti-social behaviour is found to be committed by those under the age of 17, and almost 40 per cent involves trespassing. You'll be aware, Cabinet Secretary, that the risk of death or serious injury for trespassers has increased significantly since the introduction of electrified overhead line equipment, which carries 25,000 volts of electricity. You may also be aware that electricity can arc between gaps along the lines, which now means that the risk of electrocution without direct contact is significantly higher. With this in mind, what investment is the Welsh Government making to reduce the ability of people to trespass on the core Valleys lines? Thank you.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi rhyddhau data yn ddiweddar sy’n dangos y bu cynnydd o 28 y cant mewn ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yng ngorsafoedd llinellau craidd y Cymoedd hyd yn hyn eleni. Pobl dan 17 oed sy'n gyfrifol am bron i 75 y cant o’r ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol hwn, ac mae bron i 40 y cant yn ymwneud â thresmasu. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fod y risg o farwolaeth neu anafiadau difrifol i dresmaswyr wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol ers cyflwyno llinellau trydan uwchben ar y rheilffyrdd, sy’n cludo 25,000 folt o drydan. Efallai eich bod hefyd yn ymwybodol y gall trydan neidio rhwng bylchau ar y rheilffyrdd, sydd bellach yn golygu bod y risg o drydaniad heb gyswllt uniongyrchol yn sylweddol uwch. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, pa fuddsoddiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i leihau gallu pobl i dresmasu ar linellau craidd y Cymoedd? Diolch.

Yes, can I thank Joel James for his question and say how timely it is, as well, because I met with the Transport for Wales board just last week to discuss pressing issues and I raised behaviour on the rail network and at stations as one of the key concerns that I have in the wider context? This is not just about young people trespassing and the risk to their lives, but also the need to make sure that we make stations and services safer for people throughout the day and that we examine how we can improve behaviour on rail services as well, particularly on late-night services and around major events. The TfW board agreed that this should be a key area of work for executives, so I expect the report back in the not-too-distant future concerning this very important issue.

In the meanwhile, I’ll raise the concerns that you’ve made specifically regarding young people potentially trespassing and endangering their own lives, because there is a role not just for TfW in this regard, but also for transport police to ensure that those lives are not endangered.

Ie, a gaf i ddiolch i Joel James am ei gwestiwn a dweud pa mor amserol ydyw hefyd, gan imi gyfarfod â bwrdd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yr wythnos diwethaf i drafod materion pwysig, a chodais ymddygiad ar y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd ac mewn gorsafoedd fel un o’r pryderon allweddol sydd gennyf yn y cyd-destun ehangach? Mae'n ymwneud nid yn unig â phobl ifanc yn tresmasu a’r risg i’w bywydau, ond hefyd â'r angen i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud gorsafoedd a gwasanaethau’n fwy diogel i bobl drwy gydol y dydd a’n bod yn archwilio sut y gallwn wella ymddygiad ar wasanaethau rheilffyrdd hefyd, yn enwedig ar wasanaethau hwyr y nos ac yn ystod digwyddiadau mawr. Cytunodd bwrdd Trafnidiaeth Cymru y dylai hwn fod yn faes gwaith allweddol i swyddogion gweithredol, felly rwy'n disgwyl i'r adroddiad gael ei gwblhau yn y dyfodol agos ar y mater pwysig iawn hwn.

Yn y cyfamser, byddaf yn codi’r pryderon a fynegwyd gennych yn benodol ynghylch pobl ifanc o bosibl yn tresmasu ac yn peryglu eu bywydau eu hunain, gan fod rôl nid yn unig i Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn y cyswllt hwn ond hefyd i’r heddlu trafnidiaeth i sicrhau nad yw'r bywydau hynny'n cael eu peryglu.

Diogelwch ar y Ffyrdd
Road Safety

3. Beth yw polisi Llywodraeth Cymru ar ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd? OQ61310

3. What is the Welsh Government's policy on road safety? OQ61310

We're dedicated to improving road safety, saving lives and reducing casualties, and we'll continue to refine our 20 mph policy based on feedback. We provide road safety funding to local authorities, and we're making safety improvements to the strategic road network as well through schemes identified in our transport plan.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo i wella diogelwch ar y ffyrdd, achub bywydau a lleihau anafiadau, a byddwn yn parhau i fireinio ein polisi 20 mya yn seiliedig ar adborth. Rydym yn darparu cyllid diogelwch ar y ffyrdd i awdurdodau lleol, ac rydym yn gwneud gwelliannau diogelwch i’r rhwydwaith ffyrdd strategol hefyd drwy gynlluniau a nodir yn ein cynllun trafnidiaeth.


Thank you. Earlier this month you issued a written statement in which you said that new road collision data shows that casualties have reduced on roads since the introduction of the new 20 mph speed limits in September last year. However, the new data you quoted for the last three months of 2023, compared with the same period in 2022, actually shows that, even with the limited exceptions for default 20 mph limits supplied by local authorities acting in accordance with Welsh Government exceptions criteria, the number of people killed or seriously injured on 20 mph roads had risen by 800 per cent, from under 5 per cent to 36 per cent of the total, whilst the number killed or seriously injured on 30 mph roads had fallen by 88 per cent, from 49 per cent to just 5 per cent of the total, with the numbers of motorcyclists and cyclists killed and seriously injured both increasing. Further, overall road casualties had increased by over 13 per cent. How do you, therefore, answer the questions now being asked about whether the overall promised reduction in road casualties, plus the promised savings to the NHS, have materialised?

Diolch. Yn gynharach y mis hwn, fe gyhoeddoch chi ddatganiad ysgrifenedig lle dywedoch chi fod data newydd ar wrthdrawiadau ffyrdd yn dangos bod nifer yr anafusion wedi lleihau ar y ffyrdd ers cyflwyno’r terfynau cyflymder 20 mya newydd ym mis Medi y llynedd. Fodd bynnag, mae’r data newydd a ddyfynnwyd gennych ar gyfer tri mis olaf 2023, o gymharu â’r un cyfnod yn 2022, yn dangos, hyd yn oed gyda’r eithriadau cyfyngedig ar gyfer terfynau 20 mya diofyn a ddarparwyd gan awdurdodau lleol sy’n gweithredu yn unol â meini prawf Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer eithriadau, fod nifer y bobl a laddwyd neu a anafwyd yn ddifrifol ar ffyrdd 20 mya wedi codi 800 y cant, o lai na 5 y cant i 36 y cant o’r cyfanswm, tra bo'r nifer a laddwyd neu a anafwyd yn ddifrifol ar ffyrdd 30 mya wedi gostwng 88 y cant, o 49 y cant i ddim ond 5 y cant o’r cyfanswm, gyda nifer y beicwyr modur a’r beicwyr a gafodd eu lladd neu eu hanafu’n ddifrifol ill dau’n cynyddu. Ymhellach, roedd anafiadau cyffredinol ar y ffyrdd wedi cynyddu dros 13 y cant. Sut ydych chi'n ateb y cwestiynau sy’n cael eu gofyn nawr ynglŷn ag a yw’r gostyngiad cyffredinol a addawyd mewn anafusion ffyrdd, ynghyd â’r arbedion a addawyd i’r GIG, wedi'i wireddu?

Well, can I thank the Member for his question? I don't recognise some of the statistics quoted just now. I think the most important point to raise, though, is that the number of casualties on 20 and 30 mph roads combined—which is the key way of looking at this—in quarter four of 2023, was the lowest quarterly figure recorded outside of the COVID period. That is statistically correct; it's robust. But figures do fluctuate. So, whilst I do welcome that fall, figures will fluctuate from one quarter to another, and the most important point of all to make, which is what I was saying in committee earlier this morning, is that we have to look at the overall trend over time. But the statistics at the moment, I do welcome. Still far too many people are killed or seriously injured in Wales, but, in terms of 20 mph and 30 mph areas, when you look at the combined stats for both 20 and 30 mph routes, it's a downward figure for that quarter that I quoted.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Nid wyf yn cydnabod rhai o'r ystadegau a ddyfynnwyd. Credaf mai’r pwynt pwysicaf i’w godi, serch hynny, yw mai nifer yr anafusion ar ffyrdd 20 a 30 mya gyda’i gilydd—sef y ffordd allweddol o edrych ar hyn—ym mhedwerydd chwarter 2023 oedd y ffigur chwarterol isaf a gofnodwyd y tu hwnt i gyfnod COVID. Mae hynny’n ystadegol gywir; mae'n gadarn. Ond mae ffigurau'n amrywio. Felly, er fy mod yn croesawu’r gostyngiad hwnnw, bydd y ffigurau’n amrywio o un chwarter i’r llall, a’r pwynt pwysicaf oll i’w wneud, sef yr hyn roeddwn yn ei ddweud yn y pwyllgor yn gynharach y bore yma, yw bod yn rhaid inni edrych ar y duedd gyffredinol dros amser. Ond rwy'n croesawu'r ystadegau ar y foment. Mae gormod lawer o bobl yn dal i gael eu lladd neu eu hanafu'n ddifrifol yng Nghymru, ond o ran ardaloedd 20 mya a 30 mya, pan edrychwch ar yr ystadegau cyfunol ar gyfer ffyrdd 20 a 30 mya, mae'n ffigur is ar gyfer y chwarter a nodais.

Wel, mae nifer anghymesur—mi wnaf aros i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet gael ei offer cyfieithu—o ddamweiniau angheuol a difrifol ar ffyrdd Dwyfor Meirionnydd, a hynny oherwydd natur y ffyrdd yna yn rhai gwledig a throellog. Dwi wedi codi sawl gwaith efo'ch rhagflaenydd chi yr A494, yn enwedig y darn yna sydd yn mynd o Lanuwchllyn drwyddo i Gorwen a'r angen i wneud gwaith yno i'w wneud o'n fwy diogel. Fe ddaru i'ch rhagflaenydd ddweud ryw dair blynedd yn ôl y buasai yna waith yn mynd yn ei flaen er mwyn asesu pa waith sydd angen ei wneud ar y ffordd yna, ond does dim byd wedi digwydd eto—dydyn ni ddim wedi gweld unrhyw fuddsoddiad yno. Dwi'n cael nifer cynyddol o bobl o Lanfor, o Glan-yr-afon, o Lanuwchllyn,yn cysylltu efo fi yn pryderu am y ffordd yna, yn ofni mynd ar y ffordd, yn ofni eu bod hwythau yn mynd i ddioddef damwain. Pa waith ydych chi'n mynd i'w wneud er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch y ffordd yna a beth ydy'r amserlen, os gwelwch yn dda?

Well, there is a disproportionate number—I'll wait for the Cabinet Secretary to put his equipment on—of fatal and serious accidents on Dwyfor Meirionnydd roads, and that's because of their nature as rural, winding roads. I've raised several times with your predecessor the A494, particularly that stretch from Llanuwchllyn to Corwen and the need for works there to make it safer. Your predecessor said about three years ago that work would be undertaken to assess what further work needs to be done on that road, but nothing has happened as of yet—we've not seen any investment there. An increasing number of people from Llanfor, Llanuwchllyn and Glan-yr-afon are contacting me with their concerns about that road, concerned that they might suffer an accident. What work will you do to ensure the safety of that road and what's the timescale, please?

Well, can I thank the Member for the question, and can I also declare an interest here, in that that road is widely used by members of the public from my constituency? I will update the Member on progress that has been made, but I think there's an important point that I need to raise here, which, again, I made in committee earlier this morning, which is that I want to see a greater role for local authorities in determining transport priorities, particularly in regard to road investment, making sure that any improvements, particularly in respect of safety measures, are taken at the most appropriate level. And my view is that that level is at a local authority degree, not at a Welsh Government degree. It shouldn't be for us to dictate to local authorities what measures need to be taken to improve safety. We need to work with local authorities, and, ultimately, we're going to move to a position where it's local authorities, individually and collectively, through corporate joint committees, that will be making these key decisions.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod am ei gwestiwn, ac a gaf i ddatgan buddiant yma hefyd, sef bod y ffordd honno’n cael ei defnyddio gryn dipyn gan aelodau’r cyhoedd o fy etholaeth i? Byddaf yn rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Aelod am y cynnydd a wnaed, ond credaf fod pwynt pwysig y mae angen i mi ei godi yma, un a wneuthum, unwaith eto, yn y pwyllgor yn gynharach y bore yma, sef fy mod am weld mwy o rôl i’r awdurdodau lleol wrth bennu blaenoriaethau trafnidiaeth, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â buddsoddi mewn ffyrdd, gan sicrhau bod unrhyw welliannau, yn enwedig o ran mesurau diogelwch, yn cael eu gwneud ar y lefel fwyaf priodol. A lefel awdurdod lleol yw honno yn fy marn i, nid lefel Llywodraeth Cymru. Ni ddylem fod yn dweud wrth awdurdodau lleol pa fesurau y mae angen eu rhoi ar waith i wella diogelwch. Mae angen inni weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, ac yn y pen draw, rydym yn mynd i gyrraedd sefyllfa lle bydd awdurdodau lleol, yn unigol ac ar y cyd, drwy gyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig, yn gwneud y penderfyniadau allweddol hyn.

I was going to ask you a question about that same thing. I've been in regular contact with local authorities and councillors, and they have that local expertise. And, at present, funding—grant funding—can be too prescriptive, and applications time consuming and resource heavy. So, we desperately need additional funding for maintaining pavements and highways as well, because they're deteriorating rapidly. I've heard you mention that you're looking at devolving the processes to local authorities. So, are you looking at devolving the funding as well to local authorities, so that they can make decisions about safe routes around schools and communities, 20 mph, all these schemes, and about the maintenance of highways and pavements, at that local level?

Roeddwn yn mynd i ofyn cwestiwn i chi am yr un peth. Rwyf wedi bod mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â chynghorwyr ac awdurdodau lleol, ac mae ganddynt yr arbenigedd lleol hwnnw. Ac ar hyn o bryd, gall cyllid—cyllid grant—fod yn rhy ragnodol, a gall ceisiadau fynd â llawer o amser ac adnoddau. Felly, mae taer angen cyllid ychwanegol arnom ar gyfer cynnal a chadw palmentydd a phriffyrdd hefyd, gan eu bod yn dirywio'n gyflym. Rwyf wedi eich clywed yn sôn eich bod yn ystyried datganoli'r prosesau i awdurdodau lleol. Felly, a ydych chi'n ystyried datganoli’r cyllid i awdurdodau lleol hefyd, fel y gallant wneud penderfyniadau am lwybrau diogel ger ysgolion a chymunedau, 20 mya, yr holl gynlluniau hyn, ac ynghylch cynnal a chadw priffyrdd a phalmentydd ar y lefel leol honno?


Absolutely, yes. Llywydd, we're looking at the overall envelope of funding for local authorities through local transport grants and other forms of funding. My view is that we need to be less prescriptive. We need to give the greatest degree of flexibility that we can to local authorities. We want to make sure that we can enable and empower them to be able to make the decisions that are right for their communities. So, yes, we will be looking at devolving not just the decision-making processes, but also the funding.

Yn sicr. Lywydd, rydym yn edrych ar yr amlen gyffredinol o gyllid ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol drwy grantiau trafnidiaeth lleol a mathau eraill o gyllid. Fy marn i yw bod angen inni fod yn llai rhagnodol. Mae angen inni roi cymaint o hyblygrwydd ag y gallwn i awdurdodau lleol. Rydym am sicrhau y gallwn eu galluogi a’u grymuso i wneud y penderfyniadau sy’n iawn i’w cymunedau. Felly, byddwn yn edrych ar ddatganoli nid yn unig y prosesau gwneud penderfyniadau, ond y cyllid hefyd.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau llefarwyr nawr. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Natasha Asghar.

Questions from the party spokespeople now. The Conservative spokesperson, Natasha Asghar.

Thank you so much, Presiding Officer. Cabinet Secretary, this month, we saw the first accident data released by police forces since the introduction of the 20 mph speed limit policy. Whilst we all undoubtedly welcome the fact that, in the last quarter of 2023, the number of overall collisions across Wales had decreased, there were a few areas within the data that I'm sure you'll agree were a cause for concern. As reported by North Wales Live, the serious injuries figure for the final quarter of last year was the highest it's been since 2018. Sadly, the number of fatalities was higher in the last quarter of 2023 than in any of the previous five years' records. Also, while the data shows a drop is crashes across north Wales on 20 mph and 30 mph roads, during the same period there was an increase in the number of crashes on 40 mph to 70 mph roads. So, Cabinet Secretary, it's clear that we must take a holistic approach to this policy. While some of the data is indeed positive, it is vital that the worrying trends are addressed. So, in light of this new data, how are you taking these findings into account with your current review of the 20 mph policy? Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, y mis hwn, gwelsom y data cyntaf a gyhoeddwyd gan heddluoedd ar ddamweiniau ers cyflwyno polisi'r terfyn cyflymder 20 mya. Er bod pob un ohonom, heb os, yn croesawu’r ffaith bod nifer cyffredinol y gwrthdrawiadau ledled Cymru wedi gostwng yn chwarter olaf 2023, roedd rhai agweddau ar y data y byddech yn cytuno, rwy'n siŵr, eu bod yn destun pryder. Fel yr adroddwyd gan North Wales Live, y ffigur ar gyfer anafiadau difrifol ar gyfer chwarter olaf y llynedd oedd yr uchaf ers 2018. Yn anffodus, roedd nifer y marwolaethau yn uwch yn chwarter olaf 2023 nag yn unrhyw un o'r pum mlynedd flaenorol. Hefyd, er bod y data’n dangos gostyngiad mewn gwrthdrawiadau ar draws gogledd Cymru ar ffyrdd 20 mya a 30 mya, yn ystod yr un cyfnod, bu cynnydd yn nifer y damweiniau ar ffyrdd 40 mya i 70 mya. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n amlwg fod yn rhaid inni gael dull gweithredu cyfannol o ymdrin â'r polisi hwn. Er bod rhywfaint o'r data yn gadarnhaol, mae'n hanfodol mynd i'r afael â'r tueddiadau sy'n peri pryder. Felly, yng ngoleuni'r data newydd hwn, sut rydych chi'n ystyried y canfyddiadau hyn gyda'ch adolygiad presennol o'r polisi 20 mya? Diolch.

Can I thank the Member for her question and say that, in regard to 40 mph to 70 mph areas, this is very much a key concern of ours? We are committed, through the Wales transport strategy, to producing a road safety strategy, an action plan for improving safety on the road network. Through setting local speed limits, we'll be able to examine what measures may need to be taken. Also, we need to ensure that we are providing, and we go on providing, that vital revenue as well as capital to local authorities to be able to improve safety and resilience of local roads, and that we do so as well for the trunk road network. It's true to say that, with the latest accident data, the overall number of collisions that took place on 20 mph and 30 mph routes dropped in quarter 4 compared to the previous quarters. It was also the lowest level outside of the COVID period. But, as I said to Mark Isherwood, there really will be fluctuations from one quarter to the next. So, I will expect data to go up, I will expect data to go down. I won't make a big issue of it when it goes down, because I do recognise that there will be periods when it will rise.

A gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod am ei chwestiwn a dweud, o ran ardaloedd 40 mya i 70 mya, fod hyn yn bryder allweddol i ni? Rydym wedi ymrwymo, drwy strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru, i lunio strategaeth diogelwch ar y ffyrdd, cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer gwella diogelwch ar y rhwydwaith ffyrdd. Drwy osod terfynau cyflymder lleol, byddwn yn gallu archwilio pa fesurau y gall fod angen eu rhoi ar waith. Hefyd, mae angen inni sicrhau ein bod yn darparu, ac yn parhau i ddarparu, refeniw hanfodol yn ogystal â chyfalaf i awdurdodau lleol allu gwella diogelwch a gwydnwch ffyrdd lleol, a’n bod yn gwneud hynny hefyd ar gyfer y rhwydwaith cefnffyrdd. Mae'n wir, gyda'r data diweddaraf ar ddamweiniau, fod nifer cyffredinol y gwrthdrawiadau ar lwybrau 20 mya a 30 mya wedi gostwng yn chwarter 4 o gymharu â'r chwarteri blaenorol. Dyma hefyd oedd y lefel isaf y tu hwnt i gyfnod COVID. Ond fel y dywedais wrth Mark Isherwood, bydd amrywiadau o un chwarter i'r nesaf. Felly, byddaf yn disgwyl i ddata godi, byddaf yn disgwyl i ddata ostwng. Ni fyddaf yn gwneud môr a mynydd o'r peth pan fydd yn mynd i lawr, gan fy mod yn cydnabod y bydd yna adegau pan fydd yn codi.

Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. Sticking with the 20 mph theme for the moment, one of the biggest cheerleaders of the scheme has indeed been an organisation known as Sustrans. The cycling, walking and wheeling charity has been very vocal and consistent in its support for this policy, but is it any wonder that they're happy to sing songs of the Welsh Government's praise when, unfortunately, in the past, Labour Ministers have been handing over staggering amounts of cash to them? In fact, between 2008 and April this year, the Welsh Government paid Sustrans more than £20 million. News of obscene amounts of cash being given to Sustrans has understandably caused a great deal of anger and concern amongst the public. People are rightfully questioning why this particular charity has been receiving such favourable treatment. But perhaps what has made this a particularly bitter pill to swallow and raised quite a few eyebrows is the fact that your predecessor has had extremely close ties to Sustrans. It's no secret that the Deputy Minister for Climate Change was director of Sustrans many years ago. So, Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that the optics of this are not good? I'm curious to know if you'll be continuing to funnel this sort of money to Sustrans or will you be severing ties, going forward?

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Gan gadw at thema 20 mya am y tro, un o gefnogwyr mwyaf y cynllun yn wir yw sefydliad o’r enw Sustrans. Mae’r elusen feicio, cerdded ac olwyno wedi bod yn uchel ei chloch ac yn gyson ei chefnogaeth i’r polisi hwn, ond a yw’n syndod ei bod yn barod i ganu clodydd Llywodraeth Cymru pan fo Gweinidogion Llafur, yn y gorffennol, wedi darparu symiau syfrdanol o arian parod iddynt? Mewn gwirionedd, rhwng 2008 a mis Ebrill eleni, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi talu mwy nag £20 miliwn i Sustrans. Mae'r newyddion am y symiau gwarthus o arian parod a roddwyd i Sustrans wedi achosi cryn dipyn o ddicter a phryder dealladwy ymhlith y cyhoedd. Mae pobl yn cwestiynu, yn gywir ddigon, pam fod yr elusen arbennig hon wedi cael triniaeth mor ffafriol. Ond efallai mai’r hyn sydd wedi gwneud hyn yn arbennig o anodd ei dderbyn ac wedi codi cryn dipyn o aeliau yw’r ffaith bod gan eich rhagflaenydd gysylltiadau agos iawn â Sustrans. Nid yw'n gyfrinach fod y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn gyfarwyddwr Sustrans flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi nad yw hyn yn edrych yn dda? Rwy'n awyddus i wybod a fyddwch chi'n parhau i sianelu'r math hwn o arian i Sustrans, neu a fyddwch chi'n torri cysylltiadau, wrth symud ymlaen?

It's actually a really good question, John.

Mae'n gwestiwn da iawn, mewn gwirionedd, John.

I can only make decisions for the future. I can't make decisions for the past. On the very question of support for any organisation and any belief that there may be inappropriate decisions made, it would be for PAPAC and/or the Finance Committee to consider. I would not wish to be the judge of any allegations or suggestions. 

But, with regard to funding, as I said to a previous question, I've already committed to look at devolving decision making and funding for not just active travel, but also local transport grants to local authorities because I think it's local authorities who can make the best and most appropriate decisions for their communities.

Dim ond penderfyniadau ar gyfer y dyfodol y gallaf eu gwneud. Ni allaf wneud penderfyniadau ar gyfer y gorffennol. Ar y cwestiwn ynghylch cefnogaeth i unrhyw sefydliad ac unrhyw gred y gallai fod penderfyniadau amhriodol wedi'u gwneud, mater i'r Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus a Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus a/neu’r Pwyllgor Cyllid fyddai ystyried hynny. Ni fyddwn yn dymuno rhoi barn ar unrhyw honiadau neu awgrymiadau.

Ond o ran cyllid, fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i gwestiwn blaenorol, rwyf eisoes wedi ymrwymo i edrych ar ddatganoli’r broses o wneud penderfyniadau a chyllid ar gyfer nid yn unig teithio llesol, ond hefyd grantiau trafnidiaeth leol i awdurdodau lleol, gan y credaf mai awdurdodau lleol sy’n gallu gwneud y penderfyniadau gorau a mwyaf priodol ar gyfer eu cymunedau.

Thank you so much, Cabinet Secretary. So, Cabinet Secretary, Cardiff has played host to some really big musical names recently, including Bruce Springsteen, Pink and Taylor Swift, with more stars heading to the capital over the summer, which is great news for all of us. In the run-up to some of these events, I'm sure you can appreciate, particularly Taylor Swift, warnings were issued about expected travel chaos and rail cancellations. Motorists faced 19 miles of tailbacks on the M4 ahead of Pink's gig, there were major delays on the road for the Foo Fighters concert last night, and a blockage on one of the main rail lines caused widespread disruption on the morning of Taylor Swift's performance. Now—and I'm not referring to Andrew R.T. Davies in this—when the Boss came to town, Great Western Railway put on extra trains to help meet the increased demand, yet as far as I can see, Transport for Wales didn't.

Cabinet Secretary, I feel that unless something changes soon and radical improvements are made to cater for extra capacity, we risk losing future events here in Wales. The major events stabling line, which would have provided more capacity and perhaps ensured the smoother running of services with big spectacle events taking place, was in fact axed by the Welsh Government. So, Cabinet Secretary, with this infrastructure project on the scrap heap, how exactly is the Welsh Government going to ensure that our transport network is able to efficiently deal with the influx of people attending large events here in Wales, going forward?

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae Caerdydd wedi croesawu enwau cerddorol mawr iawn yn ddiweddar, gan gynnwys Bruce Springsteen, Pink a Taylor Swift, gyda mwy o sêr yn dod i'r brifddinas dros yr haf, sy'n newyddion gwych i bob un ohonom. Yn y cyfnod cyn rhai o'r digwyddiadau hyn, yn enwedig Taylor Swift, rwy'n siŵr y gallwch dderbyn y cyhoeddwyd rhybuddion ynghylch yr anhrefn a ragwelid o ran teithio a chanslo gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd. Wynebodd modurwyr 19 milltir o dagfeydd ar yr M4 cyn cyngerdd Pink, bu oedi mawr ar y ffyrdd ar gyfer cyngerdd Foo Fighters neithiwr, ac fe achosodd rhwystr ar un o’r prif linellau rheilffordd lawer o darfu ar fore perfformiad Taylor Swift. Nawr, pan ddaeth y Boss i'r dref—ac nid wyf yn cyfeirio at Andrew R.T. Davies—rhoddodd Great Western Railway drenau ychwanegol ar waith i helpu i ateb y cynnydd yn y galw, ond hyd y gwelaf, ni wnaed hynny gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, oni bai fod rhywbeth yn newid cyn bo hir a gwelliannau radical yn cael eu gwneud i ddarparu ar gyfer capasiti ychwanegol, teimlaf ein bod mewn perygl o golli digwyddiadau yma yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol. Cafodd y llinell sefydlogi digwyddiadau mawr, a fyddai wedi darparu mwy o gapasiti ac efallai wedi sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’n rhedeg yn fwy llyfn pan fo digwyddiadau mawr yn cael eu cynnal, ei diddymu gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, gyda'r prosiect seilwaith hwn ar y domen sgrap, sut yn union y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod ein rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth yn gallu delio'n effeithlon â'r dylifiad o bobl sy'n mynychu digwyddiadau mawr yma yng Nghymru, wrth symud ymlaen?


Well, can I thank her for the questions that the Member has raised, and rightly so, about major events, not just in Cardiff but also in other parts of Wales, and the need to make sure that we've got a strategy in place to move people around efficiently and as swiftly as possible? I should say regarding Taylor Swift, yes, many warnings were issued, but traffic movements before and after the Taylor Swift concert were actually extremely efficient. And when the world's biggest entertainer comes to the city, you should expect some delays, I think. You should expect queues. I think it's actually unreasonable to think that the traffic system, particularly the rail system, should be geared up always for major events; it's just not possible to gear up the transport system in that way on a consistent daily basis. And instead, if you Google 'Traffic chaos major event', 'Traffic chaos music concert', you'll find that cities around the world face the same problem in trying to channel people efficiently on public transport. Indeed, my niece attended the Taylor Swift concert, not in Cardiff, but at Anfield in Liverpool. So, I checked on the traffic ahead of that and found, yes, absolutely, traffic chaos on the motorways due to Taylor Swift. This is a common problem and we can't escape from it. The key thing is that Cardiff Council, Transport for Wales and rail operators and the hosts of the events are actually working very closely now to make sure that we minimise disruption. And I think actually it was proven to be successful with the Taylor Swift concert.

But, as we discussed in committee earlier this morning, there will be issues around Wales as well. I met recently with one of the co-owners of Wrexham Association Football Club and with the local authority and with Transport for Wales to discuss how, in the future, given—I was going to say 'the likelihood'—the hope that they will be promoted again, there will be far more people needing to be moved in and around Wrexham, and so that will require, for match days, very careful planning. So, we are looking at major events and how we can ensure that people are able to move to and from them in the most effective way. 

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch iddi am y cwestiynau y mae’r Aelod wedi’u codi, yn gywir ddigon, am ddigwyddiadau mawr, nid yn unig yng Nghaerdydd, ond hefyd mewn rhannau eraill o Gymru, a’r angen i sicrhau bod gennym strategaeth ar waith i symud pobl o gwmpas yn effeithlon ac mor gyflym â phosibl? Dylwn ddweud, o ran Taylor Swift, do, fe gyhoeddwyd llawer o rybuddion, ond roedd symudiad traffig cyn ac ar ôl cyngerdd Taylor Swift yn hynod effeithlon mewn gwirionedd. A phan ddaw un o ddiddanwyr mwyaf y byd i'r ddinas, credaf y dylech ddisgwyl rhywfaint o oedi. Dylech ddisgwyl ciwiau. Credaf ei bod yn afresymol meddwl y dylai'r system draffig, yn enwedig y system reilffyrdd, symud i gêr uwch bob amser ar gyfer digwyddiadau mawr; nid yw'n bosibl symud y system drafnidiaeth i gêr uwch yn y ffordd honno yn gyson bob dydd. Ac yn hytrach, os ydych chi'n chwilio ar Google am anrhefn traffig digwyddiad mawr, neu anrhefn traffig cyngerdd cerddoriaeth, fe welwch fod dinasoedd ledled y byd yn wynebu'r un broblem wrth geisio sianelu pobl yn effeithlon ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Yn wir, mynychodd fy nith gyngerdd Taylor Swift, nid yng Nghaerdydd, ond yn Anfield yn Lerpwl. Felly, gwiriais y traffig cyn y digwyddiad hwnnw a gweld, ie, anhrefn traffig ar y traffyrdd oherwydd Taylor Swift. Mae hon yn broblem gyffredin, ac ni allwn ddianc rhagddi. Y peth allweddol yw bod Cyngor Caerdydd, Trafnidiaeth Cymru a gweithredwyr rheilffyrdd a’r rheini sy’n cynnal y digwyddiadau yn cydweithio’n agos iawn nawr i sicrhau cyn lleied o darfu â phosibl. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny wedi llwyddo gyda chyngerdd Taylor Swift.

Ond fel y buom yn ei drafod yn y pwyllgor yn gynharach y bore yma, bydd materion yn codi ledled Cymru hefyd. Cyfarfûm yn ddiweddar ag un o gyd-berchnogion Clwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam a chyda’r awdurdod lleol a Trafnidiaeth Cymru i drafod sut, yn y dyfodol, o ystyried—roeddwn ar fin dweud ‘y tebygolrwydd’—y gobaith y byddant yn cael dyrchafiad arall, y bydd angen symud llawer mwy o bobl yn Wrecsam a’r cyffiniau, ac felly bydd angen cynllunio'n ofalus iawn ar gyfer diwrnodau gemau. Felly, rydym yn edrych ar ddigwyddiadau mawr, a sut y gallwn sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu mynd a dod ohonynt yn y ffordd fwyaf effeithiol.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths.

The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths. 

Cabinet Secretary, last week, Jo Stevens, the shadow Secretary of State for Wales, was interviewed for Newyddion. She refused to say that it is wrong that Wales received no consequential funding for HS2. As we know, there is not a single inch of track being laid in Wales, and Northern Ireland and Scotland are receiving consequential funding. As a result, the Welsh taxpayer is £4 billion worse off. She also refused to give a concrete guarantee that the same thing wouldn't happen under a Labour Government in Westminster in the future. Bizarrely, she added that HS2 is no longer in existence. We know this statement to be utterly false.

So, Cabinet Secretary, what communication have you had with Jo Stevens to put her right on this? Do you believe that it is wrong that Wales receives no consequential funding from HS2? And can we be sure that the same thing wouldn't be allowed to happen again with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yr wythnos diwethaf, cafodd Jo Stevens, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yr wrthblaid dros Gymru, ei chyfweld ar raglen Newyddion. Gwrthododd ddweud ei bod yn anghywir nad yw Cymru wedi cael unrhyw gyllid canlyniadol ar gyfer HS2. Fel y gwyddom, nid oes yr un fodfedd o drac yn cael ei gosod yng Nghymru, ac mae Gogledd Iwerddon a’r Alban yn cael cyllid canlyniadol. O ganlyniad, mae trethdalwyr Cymru £4 biliwn ar eu colled. Gwrthododd hefyd roi gwarant bendant na fyddai’r un peth yn digwydd o dan Lywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan yn y dyfodol. Yn rhyfedd ddigon, ychwanegodd nad yw HS2 yn bodoli mwyach. Gwyddom fod y datganiad hwn yn gwbl anghywir.

Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gyfathrebu a fu rhyngoch chi a Jo Stevens i'w chywiro ar hyn? A ydych chi'n credu ei bod yn anghywir nad yw Cymru’n cael unrhyw gyllid canlyniadol yn sgil HS2? Ac a allwn fod yn sicr na fyddai’r un peth yn cael ei ganiatáu i ddigwydd eto gyda Keir Starmer yn Brif Weinidog y DU?

Well, can I thank the Member for his question and say that the shadow—hopefully soon the actual—Secretary of State for Wales and I talk very regularly regarding all manner of policy areas, including rail transport? I think there's something to be said that the prize in GBR, Great British Railways, with Wales having a place to be able to direct investment within GBR, is greater than just a consequential. We need to be able to make sure that the entire network in Wales gets the investment that is required in order to bring it up to a fit state. I've likened it to a rusting old classic car, and it needs—it desperately needs—the investment to update it. Once it's had that investment and it has been updated, we would want to take control of that asset. At the moment, it’s a liability. So, there’s actually a far greater ask than just a consequential from HS2. What we need and what we have been promised with the UK Labour manifesto is the ability through Great British Railways to be able to devise and instruct investment in Wales, and I’m looking forward to us being able to do that. Also, the creation of a Wales business unit will be vitally important in ensuring that we’re able to identify priorities and get the investment required for them.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn a dweud bod Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yr wrthblaid dros Gymru—sef Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru cyn bo hir, gobeithio—a minnau'n siarad yn rheolaidd iawn am bob math o feysydd polisi, gan gynnwys trafnidiaeth rheilffyrdd? Credaf y gellir dadlau bod cael y gallu i Gymru gyfeirio buddsoddiad o fewn Great British Railways yn fwy gwerthfawr na chyllid canlyniadol. Mae angen inni allu sicrhau bod y rhwydwaith cyfan yng Nghymru yn cael y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen arno er mwyn sicrhau ei fod mewn cyflwr addas. Rwyf wedi ei gymharu â hen gar sy'n rhydu, ac mae angen—mae taer angen—y buddsoddiad arno i'w adnewyddu. Pan fydd wedi cael y buddsoddiad hwnnw ac wedi’i adnewyddu, byddem am gymryd rheolaeth o’r ased hwnnw. Ar hyn o bryd, mae'n faich. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, mae angen gofyn am lawer mwy na chyllid canlyniadol yn sgil HS2 yn unig. Yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom, a’r hyn a addawyd i ni gyda maniffesto Llafur y DU, yw’r gallu drwy Great British Railways i lunio a chyfeirio buddsoddiad yng Nghymru, ac edrychaf ymlaen at allu gwneud hynny. Hefyd, bydd creu uned fusnes Cymru yn hanfodol bwysig i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu nodi blaenoriaethau a chael y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen ar eu cyfer.


Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb yna. Mae'n dal yn £4 biliwn.

Thank you very much for that reply. It's still £4 billion.

In the same interview, Jo Stevens was particularly dismissive of devolution; she stated that we shouldn’t be fiddling around with structures and systems when there are urgent things to be done. This Senedd stated with one voice a little over a year ago that HS2 should be redesignated as an England-only project. When we debated HS2 last April, the then deputy climate change Minister, Lee Waters, said it was a scandal that Wales wasn’t receiving its fair share of the consequential funding. Now, the only way to ensure that Wales gets its fair share of transport infrastructure spend would be to devolve responsibility for transport infrastructure to Wales. We’re seeing with the south Wales metro that this has had to come from the Welsh Government’s main budget. Had transport infrastructure been devolved, this money could have been spent elsewhere. Is this something the Cabinet Secretary would be supportive of despite the comments of his Labour Party colleague?

Yn yr un cyfweliad, roedd Jo Stevens yn arbennig o ddiystyriol o ddatganoli; dywedodd na ddylem fod yn ffidlan gyda strwythurau a systemau pan fo pethau i'w gwneud ar frys. Dywedodd y Senedd hon ag un llais ychydig dros flwyddyn yn ôl y dylid ailddosbarthu HS2 yn brosiect Lloegr yn unig. Pan fuom yn trafod HS2 fis Ebrill diwethaf, dywedodd Lee Waters, y dirprwy Weinidog newid hinsawdd ar y pryd, ei bod yn sgandal nad oedd Cymru’n cael ei chyfran deg o’r cyllid canlyniadol. Nawr, yr unig ffordd o sicrhau bod Cymru’n cael ei chyfran deg o’r gwariant ar y seilwaith trafnidiaeth fyddai datganoli cyfrifoldeb am seilwaith trafnidiaeth i Gymru. Rydym yn gweld gyda metro de Cymru fod hyn wedi gorfod dod o brif gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru. Pe bai'r seilwaith trafnidiaeth wedi’i ddatganoli, gallai’r arian hwn fod wedi’i wario yn rhywle arall. A yw hyn yn rhywbeth y byddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn ei gefnogi er gwaethaf sylwadau ei gyd-aelod o'r Blaid Lafur?

I think the Member raises a really important point over devolution of rail infrastructure. My view is that devolution of rail infrastructure should be seen more as a process rather than an event. We know with the transfer of the core Valleys lines to Welsh Government and subsequently the work that Transport for Wales has carried out in upgrading core Valleys lines, the state of, as we call it, the asset, was actually worse than we were anticipating, and that reflects the picture across Wales; we don’t actually know just how bad and creaking some of the rail network is. So, to devolve it without being fully aware of the full cost of upgrading it, as is required, I think would be rather foolish. Instead, we need a process in place by which we are able to influence and instruct infrastructure upgrades, and then once we are confident that it is an asset, in a well-maintained position, then we would expect to take control of it with an appropriate amount of revenue and capital to be able to upgrade it and to maintain it fully.

Credaf fod yr Aelod yn codi pwynt gwirioneddol bwysig ynghylch datganoli'r seilwaith rheilffyrdd. Fy marn i yw y dylid meddwl am ddatganoli'r seilwaith rheilffyrdd fel proses yn hytrach nag un digwyddiad. Gwyddom, gyda throsglwyddo llinellau craidd y Cymoedd i Lywodraeth Cymru ac yna'r gwaith y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi’i wneud i uwchraddio llinellau craidd y Cymoedd, fod cyflwr yr ased, fel y’i gelwir, yn waeth nag a ragwelwyd gennym mewn gwirionedd, ac mae hynny’n adlewyrchu’r darlun ledled Cymru; nid ydym yn gwybod pa mor ddrwg a ffaeledig yw peth o'r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd. Felly, byddai ei ddatganoli heb fod yn gwbl ymwybodol o gost lawn ei uwchraddio, fel sy'n ofynnol, braidd yn ffôl yn fy marn i. Yn hytrach, mae arnom angen proses ar waith er mwyn inni allu cyfarwyddo a dylanwadu ar waith uwchraddio seilwaith, ac yna, pan fyddwn yn hyderus ei fod yn ased, mewn cyflwr da, byddem yn disgwyl cael rheolaeth ohono gyda swm priodol o refeniw a chyfalaf i allu ei uwchraddio a'i gynnal yn llawn.

That’s interesting, and we need to discuss this further, I understand, but it’s still a question as to whether or not you will have any influence or be able to guide that, whether or not they will listen to you or not.

Receiving our fair share from the HS2 funding, from future transport infrastructure spend in England could be transformative for our outdated transport systems here in Wales, and you’ve talked about that earlier. Whether it’s connecting communities north and south or ensuring the bus franchising is a success, the impact could be huge for our economy as well as people’s well-being. There’s also a huge efficiency gain to be made by supporting local transport conductivity.

Not too long ago we saw the removal of emergency bus funding, which ultimately led to 10 to 15 per cent of services across Wales being cut. In my region, Tredegar has lost the X4, which used to be direct to Cardiff. There is no railway in Tredegar, and now residents have to catch a bus to Merthyr and change there. There also used to be three buses an hour to Pontypool; now it’s only one. Another huge issue is the reduction of buses after 6.00 p.m. and on Sundays. There used to be the X15 from Blaenau Gwent to Newport on a Sunday, which has also gone. This isolates our communities, increases loneliness among older people, and limits work or education opportunities for those people without cars.

Now, the Cabinet Secretary may point to bus franchising as the answer—

Mae hynny'n ddiddorol, a deallaf fod angen inni drafod hyn ymhellach, ond mae'n dal i fod yn gwestiwn a fydd gennych unrhyw ddylanwad neu allu i lywio hynny ai peidio, a fyddant yn gwrando arnoch ai peidio.

Gallai derbyn ein cyfran deg o gyllid HS2, o wariant ar seilwaith trafnidiaeth yn Lloegr yn y dyfodol, fod yn drawsnewidiol i’n systemau trafnidiaeth hen ffasiwn yma yng Nghymru, ac rydych chi wedi sôn am hynny’n gynharach. Boed yn gysylltu cymunedau'r gogledd a'r de neu sicrhau bod masnachfreinio bysiau yn llwyddiant, gallai’r effaith fod yn enfawr ar ein heconomi yn ogystal â llesiant pobl. Mae cynnydd enfawr i'w wneud o ran effeithlonrwydd hefyd drwy gefnogi cysylltedd trafnidiaeth leol.

Heb fod mor bell yn ôl â hynny, gwelsom gyllid brys ar gyfer bysiau yn cael ei ddiddymu, a arweiniodd, yn y pen draw, at dorri 10 i 15 y cant o wasanaethau ledled Cymru. Yn fy rhanbarth i, mae Tredegar wedi colli’r X4, a oedd yn arfer bod yn llwybr uniongyrchol i Gaerdydd. Nid oes rheilffordd yn Nhredegar, a bellach mae'n rhaid i drigolion ddal bws i Ferthyr Tudful a newid yno. Arferai fod tri bws yr awr i Bont-y-pŵl; dim ond un sydd yna nawr. Mater enfawr arall yw'r gostyngiad yn nifer y bysiau ar ôl 6.00 pm ac ar ddydd Sul. Roedd yr X15 yn arfer mynd o Flaenau Gwent i Gasnewydd ar ddydd Sul, ac mae hwnnw hefyd wedi mynd. Mae hyn yn ynysu ein cymunedau, yn cynyddu unigrwydd ymhlith pobl hŷn, ac yn cyfyngu ar gyfleoedd gwaith neu addysg i bobl heb geir.

Nawr, efallai y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cyfeirio at fasnachfreinio bysiau fel yr ateb—

Can you come to your question now, please?

A allwch chi ddod at eich cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda?

Certainly. How can we ensure that this will be a success without fair funding, and what answer can you give to those residents I represent who are looking for good news on public transport?

Yn sicr. Sut y gallwn ni sicrhau y bydd hyn yn llwyddiant heb gyllid teg, a pha ateb y gallwch ei roi i’r trigolion rwy'n eu cynrychioli sy’n chwilio am newyddion da ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus?

Well, the Member is right: I do need to point to the bus Bill and bus franchising is a huge generational opportunity to be able to improve public transport across Wales, and I do believe that public transport should be viewed as the third public service, alongside health and education. It's incredibly enabling for people, it's a true levelling-up mechanism, and through the bus Bill, we aim to create one network with a single fare regime, and a timetable for both rail and bus services. It will come with a price tag, that is very true, and that price tag will deliver incredible life opportunities for people, so it will be money well worth it.

But in terms of the immediate challenge facing bus operators, we've been very clear that we want to make sure that there is the most stable and seamless progression towards 2027, when franchises will begin. That's why we've been making available additional funds over and above the bus services support grant, so, this year, £39 million, and it's also why we're keen for Transport for Wales to go on working closely with local authorities to identify service improvements that can be implemented before franchising comes into being.

Llywydd, I should also add that the development of regional transport plans is very important in this regard, bringing together local authorities at a regional level and ensuring that public transport is planned alongside Transport for Wales, rather than in isolation, away from Transport for Wales. That will be very important, making sure that we've got integrated transport wherever it can be delivered before franchising actually begins.

Wel, mae’r Aelod yn llygad ei le: mae angen imi dynnu sylw at y Bil bysiau, ac mae masnachfreinio bysiau yn gyfle enfawr mewn cenhedlaeth i allu gwella trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ledled Cymru, a chredaf y dylid meddwl am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus fel y trydydd gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, ochr yn ochr ag iechyd ac addysg. Mae'n hynod o alluogol i bobl, mae'n fecanwaith ar gyfer codi'r gwastad go iawn, a thrwy'r Bil bysiau, ein nod yw creu un rhwydwaith gydag un drefn docynnau, ac amserlen ar gyfer gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a gwasanaethau bysiau. Bydd hynny'n costio, mae hynny'n ddigon gwir, a bydd y gost honno'n darparu cyfleoedd bywyd anhygoel i bobl, felly bydd yn arian wedi ei wario'n dda.

Ond o ran yr her uniongyrchol sy'n wynebu gweithredwyr bysiau, rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn ein bod am sicrhau y ceir cynnydd cwbl sefydlog a di-dor tuag at 2027, pan fydd y masnachfreintiau'n dechrau. Dyna pam ein bod wedi bod yn darparu cyllid yn ychwanegol at y grant cynnal gwasanaethau bysiau, felly, eleni, £39 miliwn, a dyna hefyd pam ein bod yn awyddus i Trafnidiaeth Cymru barhau i weithio’n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol i nodi gwelliannau i'r gwasanaeth y gellir eu cyflwyno cyn y masnachfreinio.

Lywydd, dylwn ychwanegu hefyd fod datblygu cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol yn bwysig iawn yn hyn o beth, gan ddod ag awdurdodau lleol ynghyd ar lefel ranbarthol, a sicrhau bod trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn cael ei chynllunio ochr yn ochr â Trafnidiaeth Cymru, yn hytrach nag ar wahân, yn annibynnol ar Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Bydd hynny'n bwysig iawn, sicrhau bod gennym drafnidiaeth integredig lle bynnag y gellir ei darparu cyn dechrau'r masnachfreinio.

Llwybrau Diogel i Ysgolion
Safe Routes to Schools

4. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gyda Chyngor Caerdydd ynglŷn â datblygu mwy o lwybrau diogel i ysgolion? OQ61335

4. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with Cardiff Council about developing more safe routes to schools? OQ61335

We're working with Cardiff Council to support safer routes to schools, and we're providing funding to the local authority for cycle and child pedestrian training, as well as for improvements to road safety and walking and cycling routes to school.

Rydym yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Caerdydd i gefnogi llwybrau mwy diogel i ysgolion, ac rydym yn darparu cyllid i'r awdurdod lleol ar gyfer hyfforddi cerddwyr a beicwyr ifanc, yn ogystal ag ar gyfer gwelliannau i ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd a llwybrau cerdded a beicio i'r ysgol.

On a brilliant day like today, you wonder why anybody would not travel actively to school, because it's really important for everybody to realise that if a child is travelling to school in a congested area by car, they are imbibing far more pollution than the person walking or cycling on the same street. So, we really do need to get that message across.

I want to highlight the work that's been done at Roath Park Primary School in my constituency, where a five-year plan has led to 90 per cent of all of year 2 to year 6 travelling to school actively, and they're now working on the infants to ensure that the whole school is up to 90 per cent. It's taken a long time, and it's taken a collaboration between Cardiff Council, the police, Sustrans and Cycling UK, the installation of traffic sensors, big walk and big wheel events, as well as a school street in the immediate confines of the school, and, I think most importantly, new bikes and scooters to ensure that everybody can take part actively. The quality of this leadership and collaboration makes this school the third in Cardiff and the fifth in Wales for pupils travelling actively. Given these successes, what discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with Cardiff Council to expand this brilliant best practice across Wales, particularly to our more disadvantaged urban schools?

Ar ddiwrnod gwych fel heddiw, rydych chi'n meddwl tybed pam na fyddai unrhyw un yn teithio'n llesol i'r ysgol, gan ei bod yn bwysig iawn i bawb sylweddoli, os yw plentyn yn teithio i'r ysgol yn y car mewn ardal lle mae tagfeydd, eu bod yn anadlu llawer mwy o lygredd na'r unigolyn sy'n cerdded neu feicio ar yr un stryd. Felly, mae gwir angen inni gyfleu’r neges honno.

Hoffwn dynnu sylw at y gwaith a wnaed yn Ysgol Gynradd Parc y Rhath yn fy etholaeth, lle mae cynllun pum mlynedd wedi arwain at 90 y cant o blant blwyddyn 2 i flwyddyn 6 yn teithio'n llesol i’r ysgol, ac maent bellach yn gweithio ar y babanod i sicrhau cyfradd o 90 y cant ar gyfer yr ysgol gyfan. Mae wedi cymryd amser maith, ac mae wedi cymryd cydweithrediad rhwng Cyngor Caerdydd, yr heddlu, Sustrans a Cycling UK, gosod synwyryddion traffig, digwyddiadau strolio a rholio, yn ogystal â stryd ysgol yng nghyffiniau uniongyrchol yr ysgol, ac yn bwysicaf oll yn fy marn i, beiciau a sgwteri newydd i sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu cymryd rhan weithredol. Mae ansawdd yr arweinyddiaeth a’r cydweithio hwn yn golygu mai’r ysgol hon yw’r drydedd yng Nghaerdydd a’r bumed yng Nghymru o ran disgyblion sy’n teithio’n llesol. O ystyried y llwyddiannau hyn, pa drafodaethau y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi’u cael gyda Chyngor Caerdydd i ehangu’r arfer gorau gwych hwn ledled Cymru, yn enwedig i’n hysgolion trefol mwy difreintiedig?

Can I thank the Member for not just the question, but also outlining the huge success of programmes, particularly at Roath, but I have an extensive list of programmes that have been successful across Cardiff, which deserve, I think, applause? I know that schemes such as the Living Streets walk to school programme, which we support, has been hugely successful as well, and our active journeys programme likewise. The active travel board exists to ensure that we are capturing that best practice and that we're disseminating it across local authorities in Wales. I think it is fair to say that Cardiff Council are amongst the exemplars when it comes to active travel, particularly when it comes to—based on a briefing that I've had on the various schemes, not just capital but revenue schemes—promoting active travel to and from schools. As the Member says, on days like this, you would wonder why anyone would want to undertake a journey by any other means than by walking and cycling.

A gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod nid yn unig am ei chwestiwn, ond hefyd am amlinellu llwyddiant ysgubol rhaglenni, yn enwedig yn y Rhath, ond mae gennyf restr helaeth o raglenni sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus ledled Caerdydd ac sy’n haeddu cymeradwyaeth yn fy marn i? Gwn fod cynlluniau fel rhaglen cerdded i’r ysgol Living Streets, a gefnogir gennym, wedi bod yn hynod lwyddiannus, felly hefyd ein rhaglen teithiau llesol. Mae’r bwrdd teithio llesol yn bodoli i sicrhau ein bod yn nodi’r arfer gorau hwnnw a’n bod yn ei ledaenu ar draws awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod Cyngor Caerdydd ymhlith yr enghreifftiau gorau o ran teithio llesol, yn enwedig—yn seiliedig ar bapur briffio rwyf wedi’i gael ar y cynlluniau amrywiol, nid yn unig cynlluniau cyfalaf ond cynlluniau refeniw—hyrwyddo teithio'n llesol i ac o ysgolion. Fel y dywed yr Aelod, ar ddyddiau fel hyn, mae'n anodd meddwl tybed pam y byddai unrhyw un am deithio mewn unrhyw fodd heblaw cerdded a beicio.

Minister, the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008, which was brought in by a previous Government, for many learners, is one of the safe routes to school mechanisms that protect their journey to school and get them to their place of learning. The Welsh Government have undertaken two pieces of review of this legislation over the last several years, in 2021 and more recently in 2023. Fresh recommendations were made in March 2024 about how the learner travel Measure could be improved to improve the safety and ability for learners to access safe routes to school. What are you doing as the Minister responsible to enact those recommendations and improve the opportunities for learners to have safe routes to school?

Weinidog, mae Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008, a gyflwynwyd gan Lywodraeth flaenorol, i lawer o ddysgwyr, yn un o’r mecanweithiau llwybrau diogel i’r ysgol sy’n diogelu eu taith i’r ysgol ac yn mynd â nhw i'w man dysgu. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi adolygu’r ddeddfwriaeth hon ddwywaith dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, yn 2021 ac yn fwy diweddar yn 2023. Gwnaed argymhellion newydd ym mis Mawrth 2024 ynghylch sut y gellid gwella’r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr er mwyn gwella diogelwch a gallu dysgwyr i gael llwybrau diogel i’r ysgol. Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud fel y Gweinidog sy’n gyfrifol i roi’r argymhellion hynny ar waith a gwella’r cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr gael llwybrau diogel i’r ysgol?

Can I thank the Member for his question? He's absolutely right, there has been both a review and an internal review of the learner travel Measure. The fact of the matter is that whilst people call for legislative change to be made to it, the challenge in changing the distance threshold is not necessarily just about cost, it's also about the availability of bus drivers and buses. I do believe that, with bus franchising, we will be able to integrate services that are provided on a timetabled basis with school services to make maximum use of the bus network across Wales, and in so doing address the concerns of parents and learners where the Measure is not addressing them. In the meanwhile, we're working very closely with local authorities and with Transport for Wales to identify where inconsistency is being observed and then to make sure that local authorities can learn best practice from each other to make sure that the best opportunities are given to young people across Wales to access the school of their choice.

A gaf i ddiolch i’r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Mae'n llygad ei le, cafwyd adolygiad ac adolygiad mewnol o'r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr. Y ffaith amdani yw, er bod pobl yn galw am wneud newid deddfwriaethol iddo, nid yw'r her o newid y trothwy pellter yn ymwneud o reidrwydd â chost yn unig, mae'n ymwneud hefyd ag argaeledd gyrwyr bysiau a bysiau. Gyda masnachfreinio bysiau, rwy'n credu y byddwn yn gallu integreiddio gwasanaethau wedi'u hamserlennu â gwasanaethau ysgol er mwyn gwneud y defnydd mwyaf posibl o’r rhwydwaith bysiau ledled Cymru, a thrwy wneud hynny, mynd i’r afael â phryderon rhieni a dysgwyr lle nad yw'r Mesur yn mynd i'r afael â nhw. Yn y cyfamser, rydym yn gweithio’n agos iawn gydag awdurdodau lleol a Trafnidiaeth Cymru i nodi lle ceir anghysondebau ac yna i sicrhau bod awdurdodau lleol yn gallu dysgu arferion gorau oddi wrth ei gilydd i sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd gorau’n cael eu rhoi i bobl ifanc ledled Cymru allu cyrraedd ysgol o'u dewis.

Gwrthdrawiadau 20 mya
Collisions at 20 mph

5. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'i rhoi i ddata'r heddlu a gyhoeddwyd ar wrthdrawiadau 20 mya? OQ61322

5. What consideration has the Cabinet Secretary given to the police data released on 20 mph collisions? OQ61322

I've considered the data carefully and am pleased to note that collisions and injuries on roads have reduced since the introduction of 20 mph in September 2023.

Rwyf wedi ystyried y data'n ofalus ac rwy'n falch o nodi bod gwrthdrawiadau ac anafiadau ar ffyrdd wedi lleihau ers cyflwyno 20 mya ym mis Medi 2023.

Thank you for that. There's been a lot of discussion about the data today, and we all know that it's a snapshot in time and that data can fluctuate and change. One of the interesting things that has come out is that the insurance company Esure are seeing a 20 per cent drop in claims for car accidents in Wales since those new speed limits were introduced. I've got to thank them for that analysis, and I call on other insurance companies to follow their lead and monitor it. Because if that trend continues, then they should, accordingly, offer lower premiums, which would be another advantage to lowering the speed limits.

Of course, the new system is still bedding in and it's very much welcomed that you're reviewing, that you're listening, that you're refining the policies to get the right speeds on the right roads. But I'm somewhat confused about the Tories still insisting on a campaign that is only stirring up division around a move that was introduced to save lives. In the absence of anything positive to say, they think that scaring people may win them some votes, but I personally wouldn't bet on that.

Diolch am hynny. Bu llawer o drafod am y data heddiw, ac rydym i gyd yn gwybod ei fod yn gipolwg mewn amser a bod y data hwnnw'n gallu amrywio a newid. Un o'r pethau diddorol sydd wedi codi yw bod y cwmni yswiriant Esure yn gweld gostyngiad o 20 y cant mewn hawliadau am ddamweiniau ceir yng Nghymru ers cyflwyno'r terfynau cyflymder newydd. Rhaid imi ddiolch iddynt am y dadansoddiad hwnnw, ac rwy'n galw ar gwmnïau yswiriant eraill i ddilyn eu harweiniad a'i fonitro. Oherwydd os yw'r duedd honno'n parhau, fe ddylent gynnig premiymau is yn unol â hynny, mantais arall i ostwng y terfynau cyflymder.

Wrth gwrs, mae'r system newydd yn dal i ymwreiddio ac mae croeso mawr i'r ffaith eich bod chi'n adolygu, eich bod chi'n gwrando, eich bod chi'n mireinio'r polisïau i gael y cyflymderau cywir ar y ffyrdd cywir. Ond rwy'n ddryslyd braidd fod y Torïaid yn dal i fynnu cael ymgyrch sydd ond yn creu rhaniadau ynghylch newid a gyflwynwyd er mwyn achub bywydau. Heb unrhyw beth cadarnhaol i'w ddweud, maent yn credu y gall dychryn pobl ennill rhai pleidleisiau iddynt, ond yn bersonol ni fyddwn i'n betio ar hynny.

I think Joyce Watson has made a number of really valuable points. The data concerning insurance claims is very interesting indeed. I met with the Association of British Insurers recently, actually, and I asked whether this policy may have an impact in terms of insurance premiums. There are a number of factors that influence insurance costs: postcode-related theft and damage is one of them, and the availability of parts is another. And that is the key problem at the moment—that in repairing vehicles, trying to get parts, particularly from outside of the United Kingdom, is proving very challenging, and that's one of the key reasons why we've seen an increase in premiums. That said, I would hope that, over time, provided that the trend can continue, we would see a beneficial impact for motorists in terms of reduced policy premiums. It can't be guaranteed, but I would hope that that is the case over time.

I do think there's something important to be said about making sure that we move this debate into a central place where we can all agree that 20 mph, where it works well, works incredibly well in protecting lives, in making places safer and, perhaps most importantly of all, in making people feel safer. And if we can agree on that principle—and I'm sure that there are going to be differences of opinion over certain routes—actually, I think we can detoxify this issue, take it out of the culture wars, and, by and large, agree that, where 20 works best, it works incredibly well.

Rwy'n credu bod Joyce Watson wedi gwneud nifer o bwyntiau gwerthfawr iawn. Mae'r data am hawliadau yswiriant yn ddiddorol iawn. Cyfarfûm â Chymdeithas Yswirwyr Prydain yn ddiweddar, a gofynnais a allai'r polisi hwn gael effaith ar bremiymau yswiriant. Mae yna nifer o ffactorau sy'n dylanwadu ar gostau yswiriant: mae dwyn a difrod sy'n gysylltiedig â chod post yn un ohonynt, ac mae argaeledd rhannau ceir yn un arall. A dyna'r broblem allweddol ar hyn o bryd—fod trwsio cerbydau, ceisio cael rhannau, yn enwedig o'r tu allan i'r Deyrnas Unedig, yn heriol iawn, a dyna un o'r prif resymau pam ein bod wedi gweld premiymau'n cynyddu. Wedi dweud hynny, dros amser, a chyhyd ag y gall y duedd barhau, rwy'n gobeithio y byddem yn gweld effaith fuddiol i fodurwyr ar ffurf premiymau polisi is. Ni ellir ei warantu, ond rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n digwydd dros amser.

Rwy'n credu bod rhywbeth pwysig i'w ddweud am sicrhau ein bod yn symud y ddadl hon i le canolog lle gallwn i gyd gytuno bod 20 mya, lle mae'n gweithio'n dda, yn gweithio'n anhygoel o dda mewn perthynas â diogelu bywydau, gwneud lleoedd yn fwy diogel, ac yn bwysicaf oll efallai, i wneud i bobl deimlo'n fwy diogel. Ac os gallwn ni gytuno ar yr egwyddor honno—ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd gwahaniaethau barn ynghylch rhai llwybrau—rwy'n credu y gallwn dynnu'r gwenwyn o'r mater hwn, ei dynnu allan o'r rhyfeloedd diwylliant, a chytuno, at ei gilydd, lle mae 20 yn gweithio orau, ei fod yn gweithio'n anhygoel o dda.

Golden Grove School in Pembroke in my constituency, Cabinet Secretary, has St Daniel's Hill to its side entrance, which was 40 mph when the 20 mph policy was introduced, so it didn't receive a reduction in speed limit outside a side entrance that children use, and which doesn't have a pelican crossing or a zebra crossing. I've previously written to you on this matter and raised it with the local council and I'm pleased to confirm that a 30 mph sign has now been put at the foot of St Daniel's Hill, but there are still no pelican crossings and there are still no zebra crossings ensuring safe routes to school for children to Golden Grove who use the side entrance to access school and their education. When you are having discussions with local authorities and the police and other stakeholders, in ensuring that it's the right speed limit in the right place, what are you looking for, in terms of evidence, to ensure that the implementation of the correct speed limit is such, and also has the buy-in of the community that it serves?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ger mynedfa ochr Ysgol Gelli Aur ym Mhenfro yn fy etholaeth i mae St Daniel's Hill, a oedd yn 40 mya pan gyflwynwyd y polisi 20 mya, felly ni chafwyd gostyngiad yn y terfyn cyflymder y tu allan i fynedfa ochr y mae plant yn ei defnyddio, a lle na cheir croesfan pelican na chroesfan sebra. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu atoch o'r blaen ar y mater hwn a'i godi gyda'r cyngor lleol ac rwy'n falch o gadarnhau bod arwydd 30 mya wedi'i roi wrth droed St Daniel's Hill, ond nid oes croesfannau pelican na chroesfannau sebra yno o hyd i sicrhau llwybrau diogel i'r ysgol i blant Gelli Aur sy'n defnyddio'r fynedfa ochr i gyrraedd yr ysgol a'u haddysg. Pan fyddwch yn cael trafodaethau gydag awdurdodau lleol a'r heddlu a rhanddeiliaid eraill i sicrhau'r terfyn cyflymder cywir yn y lle cywir, beth ydych chi'n chwilio amdano o ran tystiolaeth i sicrhau bod y terfyn cyflymder cywir yn cael ei weithredu, ac wedi ei gefnogi gan y gymuned y mae'n ei gwasanaethu?


It's very much about that collision data. We are going to be embarking further on the setting local speeds in Wales work in the coming months, making sure that that data can inform any other measures that need to be taken in individual areas. I do think that the reduction in the speed limit at Golden Grove is very valuable in terms of promoting better safety. I was not aware that the other measures that Samuel Kurtz has called for are not being considered. I thought that they were being considered, but—

Mae'n ymwneud yn fawr â'r data ar wrthdrawiadau. Byddwn yn gwneud gwaith pellach ar osod terfynau cyflymder lleol yng Nghymru yn ystod y misoedd nesaf, gan sicrhau y gall y data hwnnw lywio unrhyw fesurau eraill y mae angen eu rhoi ar waith mewn ardaloedd unigol. Rwy'n credu bod y gostyngiad yn y terfyn cyflymder yn y Gelli Aur yn werthfawr iawn i hyrwyddo gwell diogelwch. Nid oeddwn yn ymwybodol nad yw'r mesurau eraill y mae Samuel Kurtz wedi galw amdanynt yn cael eu hystyried. Roeddwn i'n meddwl eu bod yn cael eu hystyried, ond—

Well, certainly it's something that I think needs to be raised with the local authority. Making sure that routes are safer is not just about making them actually become safer; it's about making sure that people feel safer as well, especially in and around schools. So, I would support measures, if they are carefully costed and affordable, that further improve safety around schools.

Wel, yn sicr mae'n rhywbeth y credaf fod angen ei godi gyda'r awdurdod lleol. Mae sicrhau bod llwybrau'n fwy diogel yn ymwneud â mwy na'u gwneud yn fwy diogel mewn gwirionedd; mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod pobl yn teimlo'n fwy diogel hefyd, yn enwedig o amgylch ysgolion. Felly, byddwn yn cefnogi mesurau, os ydynt wedi eu costio'n ofalus ac yn fforddiadwy, sy'n gwella diogelwch o amgylch ysgolion ymhellach.

Gwasanaethau Rheilffordd
Rail Services

6. Pa gynlluniau hirdymor sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gwasanaethau rheilffordd yn Islwyn? OQ61336

6. What long-term plans does the Welsh Government have for rail services in Islwyn? OQ61336

We have invested £70 million to upgrade the Ebbw Vale line, doubling service frequency and introducing direct services to Newport, which I know the Member has been keenly campaigning for. This part of the network is reserved, though, to the UK Government, and I am keen to work with whomever becomes the new rail Minister to develop future plans to build on this successful investment.

Rydym wedi buddsoddi £70 miliwn i uwchraddio rheilffordd Glynebwy, gan ddyblu amlder y gwasanaeth a chyflwyno gwasanaethau uniongyrchol i Gasnewydd, ac rwy'n gwybod bod yr Aelod wedi bod yn ymgyrchu'n frwd dros hynny. Fodd bynnag, mae'r rhan hon o'r rhwydwaith wedi'i chadw'n ôl i Lywodraeth y DU, ac rwy'n awyddus i weithio gyda phwy bynnag fydd y Gweinidog rheilffyrdd newydd i ddatblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol er mwyn adeiladu ar y buddsoddiad llwyddiannus hwn.

Diolch. Cabinet Secretary, the south Wales metro progress continues apace. The core Valleys lines—those that connect Cardiff with Aberdare, Coryton, Merthyr Tydfil, Rhymney and Treherbert—have all been electrified, and these communities will have four services an hour to Cardiff. Meeting the chief executive of Transport for Wales recently, I congratulated him on that recent upgrade, which you mentioned, of the Ebbw Vale line, which serves Islwyn, now with two valued services an hour, with the addition of new trains now stopping at Newport.

However, the Ebbw Vale line, unlike the core Valleys lines, is, firstly, unelectrified—yes, a failed UK responsibility and an unfulfilled promise. It still has only two services an hour, and still waits over two years now on any decision on the proposed Cardiff Parkway station, which will sit on the line. Alongside myself, additionally, I think that it's right to say that, seven years ago, our very much missed Gwent colleague, Steffan Lewis, expressed to you here in this Chamber his disappointment that Crumlin railway station, which closed in the early 1960s, was not on the list of Welsh train stations to be built or reopened across Wales.

Cabinet Secretary, with the composition of the next UK Government soon to be known, there are myriad discussions that will need to take place with our UK colleagues about how the Welsh rail network can be improved and electrified after years of utter UK capital starvation of investment. So, will you agree to meet with me, Cabinet Secretary, to discuss those granular details of the Welsh Government's future ambitions for the railways in Gwent, and can you tell the people of Islwyn today what their Welsh Government has to say to them about transitionally electrifying the Ebbw Vale line, increasing the frequency of hourly services, deciding on Cardiff Parkway, and righting the wrongs of—

Diolch. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae cynnydd metro de Cymru yn parhau. Mae llinellau craidd y Cymoedd—y rhai sy'n cysylltu Caerdydd ag Aberdâr, Coryton, Merthyr Tudful, Rhymni a Threherbert—i gyd wedi eu trydaneiddio, a bydd gan y cymunedau hyn bedwar gwasanaeth yr awr i Gaerdydd. Wrth gyfarfod â phrif weithredwr Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn ddiweddar, fe'i llongyfarchais ef ar y gwaith diweddar ar uwchraddio rheilffordd Glynebwy, y sonioch chi amdano, sy'n gwasanaethu Islwyn, ac sydd bellach â dau wasanaeth yr awr, sydd i'w croesawu, gyda threnau newydd yn mynd i Gasnewydd bellach.

Fodd bynnag, mae rheilffordd Glynebwy, yn wahanol i linellau craidd y Cymoedd, heb ei thrydaneiddio—ie, cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU sydd wedi methu ac addewid heb ei gyflawni. Dim ond dau wasanaeth yr awr sydd arni o hyd, ac mae'n dal i aros ers dros ddwy flynedd bellach am unrhyw benderfyniad ar orsaf arfaethedig Parcffordd Caerdydd, a fydd ar y rheiffordd honno. Yn ogystal â mi fy hun, rwy'n credu fy mod yn gywir i ddweud, saith mlynedd yn ôl, fod ein diweddar gyd-Aelod yng Ngwent, Steffan Lewis, wedi mynegi ei siom wrthych chi yma yn y Siambr nad oedd gorsaf reilffordd Crymlyn, a gaeodd ar ddechrau'r 1960au, ar y rhestr o orsafoedd i'w hadeiladu neu eu hailagor ledled Cymru.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, gyda chyfansoddiad Llywodraeth nesaf y DU i ddod yn hysbys yn fuan, bydd angen cynnal llu o drafodaethau gyda'n cymheiriaid yn y DU ynghylch sut y gellir gwella a thrydaneiddio rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru ar ôl blynyddoedd o ddiffyg buddsoddiad cyfalaf ar ran Llywodraeth y DU. Felly, a wnewch chi gytuno i gyfarfod â mi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, i drafod y manylion ynglŷn ag uchelgeisiau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y rheilffyrdd yng Ngwent yn y dyfodol, ac a allwch chi ddweud wrth bobl Islwyn heddiw beth sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'w ddweud wrthynt am drydaneiddio rheilffordd Glynebwy, cynyddu amlder gwasanaethau bob awr, penderfynu ar Barcffordd Caerdydd, ac unioni camweddau—

I have been extremely generous. That question started 30 seconds ago, and I allowed it to continue for 30 seconds. If you could answer the questions that have been asked now, please. 

Rwyf wedi bod yn hael iawn. Dechreuodd y cwestiwn hwnnw 30 eiliad yn ôl, ac fe wneuthum ganiatáu iddo barhau am 30 eiliad. Os gallwch chi ateb y cwestiynau sydd wedi'u gofyn nawr, os gwelwch yn dda. 

Thank you. I would be very keen to meet with the Member to discuss Crumlin railway station and how we could go about righting the wrongs of Beeching across her constituency. We do have, as the Member is aware, a very long and proud history of investing in rail services in the Ebbw valley. That came first of all in 2008, with the reopening of the line, and then, in 2014, the new station at Pye Corner, and the extension of the line to Ebbw Vale in 2015. We then had, of course, the introduction of services between Ebbw Vale and Newport earlier this year, so we have proven our ability to be able to improve rail services and rail infrastructure in the area. But I am very keen to work with an incoming UK Government to look at how we can make the case for additional investment in the area, to really deliver what the Member has outlined today.

Diolch. Rwy'n awyddus iawn i gyfarfod â'r Aelod i drafod gorsaf reilffordd Crymlyn a sut y gallem fynd ati i unioni camweddau Beeching ar draws ei hetholaeth. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, mae gennym hanes hir a balch iawn o fuddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau rheilffordd yng Nglyn Ebwy. Daeth hynny yn gyntaf oll yn 2008, gydag ailagor y rheilffordd, ac yna, yn 2014, yr orsaf newydd yn Pye Corner, ac ymestyn y rheilffordd i Lynebwy yn 2015. Wedyn, wrth gwrs, cyflwynwyd gwasanaethau rhwng Glynebwy a Chasnewydd yn gynharach eleni, felly rydym wedi profi ein gallu i wella gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a seilwaith rheilffyrdd yn yr ardal. Ond rwy'n awyddus iawn i weithio gyda Llywodraeth newydd yn y DU i edrych ar sut y gallwn gyflwyno'r achos dros fuddsoddiad ychwanegol yn yr ardal, i gyflawni'r hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi'i amlinellu heddiw.

Ffordd Osgoi Cas-gwent
A Chepstow Bypass

7. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch datblygu ffordd osgoi Cas-gwent? OQ61320

7. What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the UK Government regarding the development of a Chepstow bypass? OQ61320


The Welsh Government is working in partnership with Transport for Wales and Monmouthshire County Council to improve travel in and around Chepstow by considering options to improve the road network and public transport provision, and also active travel provision.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Trafnidiaeth Cymru a Chyngor Sir Fynwy i wella teithio yng Nghas-gwent a'r cyffiniau drwy ystyried opsiynau i wella'r rhwydwaith ffyrdd a'r ddarpariaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, a darpariaeth teithio llesol hefyd.

Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. Last week, both the Welsh Labour Party and Plaid Cymru voted against our Welsh Conservative Party motion on the need for a Chepstow bypass. The benefits of having one have been well rehearsed in this Chamber, namely reducing congestion and air pollution and improving the safety of residents. David T.C. Davies has been instrumental in the UK Government's commitment to the bypass. They have pledged to aid with funding to Monmouthshire County Council to move forward with the Chepstow bypass. Indeed, much work has already been done across the border to achieve this, with a firm financial commitment from Gloucestershire County Council too. Even though we welcome a commitment by this Government to study issues in Chepstow and to identify measures to help transport, as you said last week, it seems somewhat of a backwards step. Cabinet Secretary, isn't it rather reinventing the wheel as in-depth studies have already been done on this, with the bypass coming out to be the only viable option to alleviate the levels of traffic in question? Wouldn't it be more prudent and efficient to take those studies on board and get moving on this, not only to ease motorists' journeys, but also to protect the health of those that live there, given the high level of air pollution on Hardwick Hill, which exceeds the limits set by the World Health Organization, which would surely fall nicely alongside your supposed commitment to road-building projects that would reduce air pollution? Diolch.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yr wythnos diwethaf, pleidleisiodd Plaid Lafur Cymru a Phlaid Cymru yn erbyn ein cynnig gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar yr angen am ffordd osgoi ar gyfer Cas-gwent. Mae manteision cael un wedi cael eu hailadrodd droeon yn y Siambr hon, sef lleihau tagfeydd a llygredd aer a gwella diogelwch preswylwyr. Mae David T.C. Davies wedi bod yn allweddol yn ymrwymiad Llywodraeth y DU i'r ffordd osgoi. Maent wedi addo cynorthwyo gyda chyllid i Gyngor Sir Fynwy i symud ymlaen gyda ffordd osgoi Cas-gwent. Yn wir, mae llawer o waith wedi'i wneud eisoes dros y ffin i gyflawni hyn, gydag ymrwymiad ariannol cadarn gan Gyngor Swydd Gaerloyw hefyd. Er ein bod yn croesawu ymrwymiad gan y Llywodraeth hon i astudio problemau yng Nghas-gwent ac i nodi mesurau i helpu trafnidiaeth, fel y dywedoch chi yr wythnos diwethaf, mae'n teimlo fel cam yn ôl braidd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, onid yw'n debyg i ailddyfeisio'r olwyn gan fod astudiaethau manwl eisoes wedi'u gwneud ar hyn, gyda'r ffordd osgoi yn unig opsiwn ymarferol i liniaru'r lefelau traffig dan sylw? Oni fyddai'n fwy doeth ac effeithlon i gymryd yr astudiaethau sydd ar y gweill a symud ymlaen ar hyn, nid yn unig i wella teithiau modurwyr, ond hefyd i ddiogelu iechyd y rhai sy'n byw yno, o ystyried y lefel uchel o lygredd aer ar Riw Hardwick, sy'n uwch na'r terfynau a osodwyd gan Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd, rhywbeth a fyddai'n sicr yn edrych yn dda ochr yn ochr â'ch ymrwymiad tybiedig i brosiectau adeiladu ffyrdd a fyddai'n lleihau llygredd aer? Diolch.

Llywydd, can I make two points in response to the question? First of all, we do recognise the issues with congestion in Chepstow—absolutely. That's why we're providing funding to Transport for Wales this year to carry out work to identify measures to improve transport in the town. That work will take place in partnership with Monmouthshire County Council. I've said today on numerous occasions now that I believe that decisions on transport should be made at the most appropriate level, ideally at the local authority level. So, through creating corporate joint committees, and in devolving decision making and funding, we'll be able to get the decisions that are right for local areas made by the representatives of those local areas. I think that we will see then the most appropriate and popular schemes being taken forward across Wales.

Lywydd, a gaf i wneud dau bwynt mewn ymateb i'r cwestiwn? Yn gyntaf oll, rydym yn cydnabod y problemau gyda thagfeydd yng Nghas-gwent—yn bendant. Dyna pam ein bod yn darparu cyllid i Trafnidiaeth Cymru eleni i wneud gwaith i nodi mesurau i wella trafnidiaeth yn y dref. Bydd y gwaith hwnnw'n digwydd mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Sir Fynwy. Rwyf wedi dweud heddiw ar sawl achlysur nawr fy mod yn credu y dylid gwneud penderfyniadau ar drafnidiaeth ar y lefel fwyaf priodol, yn ddelfrydol ar lefel yr awdurdod lleol. Felly, drwy greu cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig, a thrwy ddatganoli penderfyniadau a chyllid, gallwn gael penderfyniadau sy'n iawn ar gyfer ardaloedd lleol wedi'u gwneud gan gynrychiolwyr yr ardaloedd lleol hynny. Rwy'n credu felly y gwelwn y cynlluniau mwyaf priodol a phoblogaidd yn cael eu datblygu ledled Cymru.

Gwasanaethau Bysiau
Bus Services

8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar ddeddfwriaeth arfaethedig ynghylch gwasanaethau bysiau? OQ61325

8. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on proposed legislation regarding bus services? OQ61325

The First Minister will set out the Government's legislative priorities in his July statement. The annual debate under Standing Orders covering policy objectives and the programme will provide a further opportunity for Members to consider an update on progress.

Bydd y Prif Weinidog yn nodi blaenoriaethau deddfwriaethol y Llywodraeth yn ei ddatganiad ym mis Gorffennaf. Bydd y ddadl flynyddol o dan y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymdrin ag amcanion polisi a'r rhaglen yn rhoi cyfle pellach i'r Aelodau ystyried y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynnydd.

Mae trigolion Dyffryn Ogwen—Tregarth a Rachub yn benodol—wedi eu gadael heb wasanaeth bws ar y Sul, ac erbyn hyn, does yna ddim bws yn mynd drwy Lys-y-gwynt, ar gyrion Dyffryn Ogwen, unrhyw ddydd o'r wythnos, sydd yn gwneud bywyd yn anodd iawn i bobl sydd yn ddigartref ac yn byw yno mewn llety dros dro yn y gwesty. Mae'n gwneud bywyd yn anodd i'r rhai sydd yn gweithio yn y gwesty, y bwytai ac yn yr orsaf betrol a'r siop goffi yn Llys-y-gwynt. Mae pobl leol yn teimlo mai cyflwyno'r gwasanaeth T10 sydd wedi arwain at ddileu'r gwasanaeth 67 oedd yn arfer rhedeg drwy'r cymunedau hyn, ac maen nhw'n galw i'r T10 alw yn Llys-y-gwynt ac am ddarparu gwasanaeth bws ar y Sul ar gyfer Rachub a Thregarth. A wnewch chi roi ystyriaeth i'r sefyllfa benodol honno? Dwi'n cytuno mai'r ateb tymor hir i'r math yma o ddiffyg cysylltedd a diffyg cynllunio mewn marchnad gystadleuol ydy ailreoleiddio gwasanaethau bysiau, felly a wnewch chi gadarnhau heddiw nad oes bwriad i oedi cyflwyno'r Bil bysiau? Beth yn union ydy'r amserlen ar gyfer dod â'r ddeddfwriaeth hon gerbron?

Residents in the Ogwen valley—Tregarth and Rachub specifically—have been left without a bus service on Sundays, and now there is no bus travelling through Llys-y-gwynt, on the outskirts of the Ogwen valley, on any day of the week, which makes life very difficult for people who are homeless and live there in temporary accommodation in the hotel. It makes life difficult for those working in the hotel, the restaurants and in the petrol station and coffee shop at Llys-y-gwynt. Local people feel that introducing the T10 service has led to the removal of the 67 service that used to run through these communities, and they are calling for the T10 to call at Llys-y-gwynt and for the provision of bus services for Rachub and Tregarth on Sundays. Will you give consideration to this particular situation? I do agree that the long-term solution to this lack of connectivity and lack of planning in a competitive market is to reregulate bus services, so will you confirm today that there is no intention to delay the introduction of the bus Bill? What exactly is the timetable for bringing this legislation forward?

Can I thank Siân Gwenllian for those questions? First of all, with regard to the specifics around the communities that unfortunately are being negatively impacted by a lack of service provision at the moment, I'll ask Transport for Wales to liaise with the local authority to see what can be done to address those concerns in the short term.

With regard to the bus Bill, I can confirm to Members that it will proceed through the Senedd this parliamentary term. The key date is actually 2027. That's the year when we expect franchise services to be introduced. When we actually commence the work on the Bill within this Chamber is less significant. In fact, it carries no significance as to whether it begins in September, October, November, December or into the spring, because as long as the Bill is passed in this Senedd term, we will be able to meet the target of delivering those franchise services in 2027.

Between now and then we need to create a bridge of stability for bus operators, because as the Member has highlighted, we can't go on with communities losing out as a result of operators not being able to provide decent services and regular services to communities. So, I'll ask Transport for Wales to work with the local authority to look at the T10 and the service provided by No. 67 to those communities that are missing out at the moment.

A gaf i ddiolch i Siân Gwenllian am y cwestiynau hynny? Yn gyntaf oll, ar y manylion ynghylch y cymunedau sy'n cael eu heffeithio'n negyddol gan ddiffyg darpariaeth gwasanaeth ar hyn o bryd, byddaf yn gofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru gysylltu â'r awdurdod lleol i weld beth y gellir ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â'r pryderon hynny yn y tymor byr.

Ar y Bil bysiau, gallaf gadarnhau i'r Aelodau y bydd yn mynd drwy'r Senedd yn y tymor seneddol hwn. Y dyddiad allweddol yw 2027 mewn gwirionedd. Dyna'r flwyddyn pan fyddwn yn disgwyl i wasanaethau masnachfraint gael eu cyflwyno. Mae pryd y byddwn yn dechrau ar y gwaith ar y Bil yn y Siambr hon yn llai pwysig. Mewn gwirionedd, nid yw'n bwysig pa un a yw'n dechrau ym mis Medi, mis Hydref, mis Tachwedd, mis Rhagfyr neu i mewn i'r gwanwyn, oherwydd cyn belled â bod y Bil yn cael ei basio yn nhymor y Senedd hon, fe allwn gyrraedd y targed o ddarparu'r gwasanaethau masnachfraint yn 2027.

Rhwng nawr a'r adeg honno mae angen inni greu pont o sefydlogrwydd i weithredwyr bysiau, oherwydd fel y mae'r Aelod wedi nodi, ni allwn barhau i weld cymunedau ar eu colled am fod gweithredwyr yn methu darparu gwasanaethau gweddus a gwasanaethau rheolaidd iddynt. Felly, byddaf yn gofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru weithio gyda'r awdurdod lleol i edrych ar y T10 a gwasanaeth 67 i'r cymunedau sydd ar eu colled ar hyn o bryd.

Teithio i'r Ysgol yn Ddiogel
Travelling to School Safely

9. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi dysgwyr yng Nghanol De Cymru i deithio i'r ysgol yn ddiogel? OQ61299

9. How is the Welsh Government supporting learners in South Wales Central to travel to school safely? OQ61299

Safety of learners is paramount to the Welsh Government. The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 places duties on local authorities to assess the travel needs of learners in their areas and to provide free transport for learners to their nearest suitable school on the basis of age, distance, aptitude and, of course, safety.

Mae diogelwch dysgwyr yn hollbwysig i Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008 yn gosod dyletswyddau ar awdurdodau lleol i asesu anghenion teithio dysgwyr yn eu hardaloedd a darparu cludiant am ddim i ddysgwyr i'w hysgol addas agosaf ar sail oedran, pellter, cymhwyster, a diogelwch wrth gwrs.

Thank you for the response, Cabinet Secretary, but I'm hearing concerns, because you'll be aware, because of delays with implementing changes to the learner travel Measure, some local authorities, such as Rhondda Cynon Taf council, who used to go above and beyond in terms of provision, are now rolling back to do the statutory. You'll know in an area like RCT council it's not that easy. Jenny Rathbone mentioned active travel, and obviously weather isn't the hindrance, but the fact that you don't have safe travel routes, often, and also the number of hills that are there. Not everybody is able for hills, and the distances are significant. So, can I ask, how are you ensuring that no child misses a day of school because of the changes being proposed? And how are we going to ensure that there are genuinely safe, active travel routes available, whether or not the transport is in place? It's especially concerning to hear of parents choosing to not send their children to their school of choice, perhaps a Welsh-medium one, because there's going to be a reduction in the number of buses available, or a change in terms of that learner travel Measure. So, what are you doing to ensure that what you're trying to achieve through the learner travel Measure is actually the reality on the ground?

Diolch am yr ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond rwy'n clywed pryderon, oherwydd fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, oherwydd oedi gyda gweithredu newidiadau i'r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr, fod rhai awdurdodau lleol, fel cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf, a arferai fynd y tu hwnt i'r galw o ran y ddarpariaeth, bellach yn cyfyngu ar y ddarpariaeth i wneud y gwaith statudol yn unig. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod mewn ardal fel cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf nad yw mor hawdd â hynny. Soniodd Jenny Rathbone am deithio llesol, ac yn amlwg nid tywydd yw'r rhwystr, ond y ffaith nad oes gennych lwybrau teithio diogel, yn aml, a hefyd nifer y bryniau sydd yno. Nid yw pawb yn gallu cerdded dros fryniau, ac mae'r pellteroedd yn sylweddol. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, sut ydych chi'n sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn colli diwrnod o ysgol oherwydd y newidiadau sy'n cael eu hargymell? A sut y gwnawn ni sicrhau bod llwybrau teithio llesol gwirioneddol ddiogel ar gael, pa un a yw'r cludiant ar waith ai peidio? Mae'n arbennig o bryderus clywed am rieni yn dewis peidio ag anfon eu plant i ysgol o'u dewis, un gyfrwng Cymraeg efallai, oherwydd bod gostyngiad yn nifer y bysiau sydd ar gael, neu newid i'r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr. Felly, beth ydych chi'n ei wneud i sicrhau bod yr hyn y ceisiwch ei gyflawni drwy'r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr yn digwydd ar lawr gwlad mewn gwirionedd?

Can I thank the Member for her question? I'd agree that we are investing enormous sums in capital in active travel provision, but for some people, active travel will not be the solution to the problems that they face in getting from A to B, particularly for young people who are trying to access school in areas where the natural landscape doesn't really lend itself that well to getting to school by walking or by cycling. And that's why bus franchising will become so very important. As I said earlier, the ability to be able to integrate bus services for schools with regular scheduled bus services could enable far more young people to be able to access school by bus, whereas at the moment they can't. That, alongside active travel infrastructure, I think will go a long way to solving the challenges that have been raised through the review of the active travel Measure.

A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn? Rwy'n cytuno ein bod ni'n buddsoddi symiau enfawr o gyfalaf mewn darpariaeth teithio llesol, ond i rai pobl, nid teithio llesol fydd yr ateb i'r problemau a wynebant wrth fynd o A i B, yn enwedig i bobl ifanc sy'n ceisio mynd i'r ysgol mewn ardaloedd lle nad yw'r dirwedd naturiol yn addas ar gyfer cyrraedd yr ysgol drwy gerdded neu feicio. A dyna pam y bydd masnachfreinio bysiau mor bwysig. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, gallai'r gallu i integreiddio gwasanaethau bysiau ar gyfer ysgolion â gwasanaethau bws rheolaidd alluogi llawer mwy o bobl ifanc i gyrraedd yr ysgol ar fws lle na allant wneud hynny ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n credu y bydd hynny, ochr yn ochr â seilwaith teithio llesol, yn cyfrannu'n helaeth at ddatrys yr heriau a godwyd drwy'r adolygiad o'r Mesur teithio llesol.

2. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Ddiwylliant a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol
2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice

Felly, y cwestiynau nesaf fydd y rhai i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Ddiwylliant a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Hefin David.

The next questions are those to the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, and the first question is from Hefin David.

Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru
Welsh National Opera

1. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ei thrafodaethau gydag Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru ynghylch y pwysau cyllidebol y mae'n eu hwynebu? OQ61337

1. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on her discussions with Welsh National Opera regarding the budgetary pressures it faces? OQ61337

Welsh Government funding for the arts is channelled through the Arts Council of Wales. Under the arm's-length principle, the Welsh Government does not intervene in ACW’s funding decisions. I met with the WNO on 21 May and assured them I will do all I can to help them navigate this very difficult period.

Mae cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y celfyddydau yn cael ei sianelu drwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. O dan yr egwyddor hyd braich, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymyrryd ym mhenderfyniadau cyllido CCC. Cyfarfûm ag Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru ar 21 Mai a'u sicrhau y byddaf yn gwneud popeth yn fy ngallu i'w helpu i lywio eu ffordd drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn.

And I appreciate everything that you're doing, Cabinet Secretary. It was my constituent who is a singer with the Welsh National Opera, Angharad Morgan, who raised this with me, but I know my colleague Rhianon Passmore in Islwyn has also had constituents that have been campaigning on this issue.

I was really pleased to attend the wonderful—one of the best protests you've probably ever seen—on the steps of the Senedd a few weeks ago. Budget cuts, as you say, by the Arts Council England and subsequently by the Arts Council of Wales, have put the WNO in this difficult position. There is little or no ecosystem in Wales for freelance musicians whose jobs are potentially under threat to supplement their reduced hours with additional work in a similar sector. So this means they face having to move away, and all the attendant impacts that that has. So, my question to you, Cabinet Secretary, is what can you do to help that and work with partners to safeguard those particular jobs, but also perhaps to meet with myself and with Rhianon Passmore to talk about some of our concerns around that specific issue? 

Ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi popeth a wnewch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fy etholwr i, sy'n gantores gydag Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, Angharad Morgan, a dynnodd hyn i fy sylw, ond rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Aelod Rhianon Passmore yn Islwyn hefyd wedi cael etholwyr yn ymgyrchu ar y mater hwn.

Roeddwn yn falch iawn o fynychu'r brotest wych—un o'r protestiadau gorau a welsoch erioed mae'n siŵr—ar risiau'r Senedd ychydig wythnosau yn ôl. Fel y dywedwch, toriadau yn y gyllideb gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr ac yna gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru sydd wedi rhoi Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn y sefyllfa anodd hon. Ni cheir fawr o ecosystem os o gwbl yng Nghymru ar gyfer cerddorion llawrydd y gallai eu swyddi fod dan fygythiad i ychwanegu at eu horiau llai â gwaith ychwanegol mewn sector tebyg. Felly mae hyn yn golygu eu bod yn wynebu gorfod symud i ffwrdd, a'r holl effeithiau sy'n gysylltiedig â hynny. Felly, fy nghwestiwn i chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yw beth y gallwch chi ei wneud i helpu a gweithio gyda phartneriaid i ddiogelu'r swyddi hynny, ond hefyd efallai i gyfarfod â mi a Rhianon Passmore i siarad am rai o'n pryderon ynghylch y mater penodol hwnnw? 


Thank you. Well, I'll certainly be very happy to meet with you. I think I've met with Rhianon on about three occasions now, who keeps me very updated because of her close links with the WNO. And as I said, I have met with them myself. I absolutely recognise the concerns that if we lose these amazing musicians from Wales, it would be incredibly difficult, then, to get them back. As you know, the budget I inherited when I came into the portfolio had unfortunately had significant cuts, and on top of the funding the WNO received from the Arts Council England. It's very unusual for an organisation in Wales to be funded by both of the arts councils.

I'm just about to write, actually, to the chief executives of both of them to see if there's anything further we can do to support the WNO, but I think the important bit was in the last part of your question when you say about working together. I think we all need to recognise the WNO don't just put on amazing productions; they do a lot in the well-being and health sector. They do a lot in the education sector. So, I am having discussions with Cabinet colleagues to see if there's anything we can do to support them in relation to that. And, of course, as Rhianon Passmore often points out to me, it's absolutely the jewel in our crown from a global export point of view.

Diolch. Wel, byddaf yn sicr yn hapus iawn i gyfarfod â chi. Rwy'n credu fy mod i wedi cyfarfod â Rhiannon ar ryw dri achlysur nawr, ac mae hi'n rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i mi oherwydd ei chysylltiadau agos ag Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru. Ac fel y dywedais, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â nhw fy hun. Rwy'n cydnabod y pryderon yn llwyr, pe byddem yn colli'r cerddorion anhygoel hyn o Gymru, y byddai'n anodd iawn eu cael yn ôl. Fel y gwyddoch, roedd y gyllideb a etifeddais pan gefais y portffolio wedi dioddef toriadau sylweddol, ac ar ben y cyllid a gâi Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr. Mae'n anarferol iawn i sefydliad yng Nghymru gael ei ariannu gan y ddau gyngor celfyddydau.

Rwy'n bwriadu ysgrifennu at brif weithredwyr y ddau gorff gyda hyn i weld a oes unrhyw beth pellach y gallwn ei wneud i gefnogi Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, ond rwy'n credu mai'r peth pwysig oedd rhan olaf eich cwestiwn pan soniwch am weithio gyda'n gilydd. Rwy'n credu bod angen i bob un ohonom gydnabod nad creu cynyrchiadau anhygoel yn unig y mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn ei wneud; maent yn gwneud llawer yn y sector iechyd a llesiant. Maent yn gwneud llawer yn y sector addysg. Felly, rwy'n cael trafodaethau gyda chyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet i weld a oes unrhyw beth y gallwn ei wneud i'w cefnogi mewn perthynas â hynny. Ac wrth gwrs, fel y mae Rhianon Passmore yn aml yn dweud wrthyf, mae'n un o'n trysorau mwyaf o safbwynt allforio byd-eang.

The arts and culture sector, as we've heard and we know, are very important not just to the Welsh economy but to our health, and you touched on that briefly then. Evidence published by the Social Biobehavioural Research Group at University College London shows that young people who engage regularly in the arts are at a lower risk of depression in adolescence. And they were also found to have higher self-esteem, with organisations such as the WNO running the Wellness with WNO programme that aims to help with that anxiety. The programme is, as you'll probably be aware, a six-week online programme that was developed with NHS medical professionals and that was launched in November 2021 to initially help with feelings of breathlessness and anxiety that have continued after the symptoms of COVID-19. So, we can see that there are very important wider implications of this service, and I wonder, Cabinet Secretary, can you make a pledge to do all you can to make sure that the arts and culture sector will be funded to ensure that these specific schemes, which are health-related, can go ahead?

Mae'r sector celfyddydau a diwylliant, fel y clywsom ac fel y gwyddom, yn bwysig iawn nid yn unig i economi Cymru ond i'n hiechyd, ac fe wnaethoch chi gyffwrdd â hynny yn fyr yn y fan honno. Mae tystiolaeth a gyhoeddwyd gan y Grŵp Ymchwil Bioymddygiadol Cymdeithasol yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain yn dangos bod pobl ifanc sy'n cymryd rhan yn y celfyddydau yn rheolaidd mewn llai o berygl o brofi iselder yn ystod eu harddegau. A gwelwyd bod ganddynt lefelau uwch o hunan-barch hefyd, gyda sefydliadau fel Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn cyflawni'r rhaglen Lles gyda WNO sy'n ceisio helpu gyda gorbryder. Fel y gwyddoch mae'n debyg, mae'n rhaglen ar-lein chwe wythnos o hyd a ddatblygwyd gyda gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol GIG ac a lansiwyd ym mis Tachwedd 2021, yn wreiddiol i helpu gyda theimladau o ddiffyg anadl a gorbryder sydd wedi parhau ar ôl symptomau COVID-19. Felly, gallwn weld bod goblygiadau ehangach pwysig iawn i'r gwasanaeth hwn, ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, tybed a allwch chi addo gwneud popeth yn eich gallu i sicrhau y bydd sector y celfyddydau a diwylliant yn cael ei ariannu i sicrhau y gall y cynlluniau penodol hyn, sy'n gysylltiedig ag iechyd, fynd yn eu blaen?

Yes, absolutely. I've had discussions with my colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, because the WNO are doing some really valuable work as a trusted partner, and that includes in the health sphere. And I know, since 2021, health boards across Wales have received funding particularly for wellness programmes, and we've got the Wellness with WNO programme, where the WNO go in and work with patients, use their expertise, use their techniques to support people. So, I think it is really important that we do recognise, and I said in my initial answer to Hefin David that the WNO do far more than the amazing productions that we see. So, I do pledge to absolutely continue to work with them. I don't underestimate the difficult challenge this is. Unfortunately, I've got very little flexibility in my funding, but I'm going to start having very early discussions ahead of us looking at the budget next year with my colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office.

Gallaf, yn sicr. Rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, am fod Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gwneud gwaith gwerthfawr iawn fel partner dibynadwy, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys ym maes iechyd. Ac rwy'n gwybod, ers 2021, fod byrddau iechyd ledled Cymru wedi derbyn cyllid yn arbennig ar gyfer rhaglenni lles, ac mae gennym raglen Lles gyda WNO, lle mae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn mynd i mewn ac yn gweithio gyda chleifion, yn defnyddio eu harbenigedd, yn defnyddio eu technegau i gefnogi pobl. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn cydnabod, a dywedais yn fy ateb cychwynnol i Hefin David fod Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gwneud llawer mwy na'r cynyrchiadau anhygoel a welwn. Felly, yn sicr rwy'n addo parhau i weithio gyda nhw. Nid wyf yn bychanu'r ffaith bod hon yn her anodd. Yn anffodus, ychydig iawn o hyblygrwydd sydd gennyf yn fy nghyllid, ond rwy'n mynd i ddechrau cael trafodaethau cynnar iawn i edrych ar gyllideb y flwyddyn nesaf gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid, y Cyfansoddiad a Swyddfa'r Cabinet.

Despite having been mentioned at least five times during the course of this question thus far, I will call Rhianon Passmore. 

Er iddi gael ei chrybwyll o leiaf bum gwaith yn ystod y cwestiwn hwn hyd yma, rwyf am alw ar Rhianon Passmore. 

Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. Cabinet Secretary, the internationally renowned orchestra of the WNO is being balloted for strike action as we speak, with the WNO chorus imminently expected to follow suit, and that is obviously truly unprecedented. It's an urgent situation within Welsh cultural life. What is the Welsh Government doing now to secure the full-time contracts of both orchestra and chorus to retain that talent that you spoke of in Wales as until such time that sustainable long-term funding can be negotiated? 

Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae cerddorfa ryngwladol enwog Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn cynnal pleidlais ynglŷn â streicio wrth inni siarad, gyda disgwyl i gorws Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru wneud yr un peth yn fuan, ac mae hynny'n amlwg yn wirioneddol ddigynsail. Mae'n sefyllfa enbyd ym mywyd diwylliannol Cymru. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud nawr i ddiogelu contractau llawn amser y gerddorfa a'r corws er mwyn cadw'r ddawn y sonioch chi amdani yng Nghymru hyd nes y gellir negodi cyllid hirdymor cynaliadwy? 

I do recognise those discussions between the WNO and the trade unions—and, obviously, the artists to whom you referred—are ongoing. Obviously, matters relating to employment, and that includes the terms and conditions, and issues around remuneration are an issue for the WNO. But I will continue to work with them to see if there is any further funding that we can access to support them. 

Rwy'n cydnabod bod y trafodaethau rhwng Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru a'r undebau llafur—a'r artistiaid y cyfeirioch chi atynt wrth gwrs—yn parhau. Yn amlwg, mae materion sy'n gysylltiedig â chyflogaeth, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys y telerau a'r amodau, a materion yn ymwneud â thâl, yn fater i Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru. Ond byddaf yn parhau i weithio gyda nhw i weld a oes unrhyw gyllid pellach y gallwn ei ddefnyddio i'w cefnogi. 

Chwaraeon Cymundeol
Community Sports

2. Pa gamau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn eu cymryd i gefnogi chwaraeon cymunedol yn Aberconwy? OQ61303

2. What steps is the Cabinet Secretary taking to support community sports in Aberconwy? OQ61303

Thank you. Through the funding we provide to Sport Wales, national governing bodies and other national partners are creating, promoting and supporting opportunities for people of all ages to be active in community sport all across Wales, including Aberconwy.

Diolch. Drwy'r cyllid a ddarparwn i Chwaraeon Cymru, mae cyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol a phartneriaid cenedlaethol eraill yn creu, hyrwyddo a chefnogi cyfleoedd i bobl o bob oed gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon cymunedol ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys Aberconwy.

Thank you. I'm sorry I've got to raise this here, and I am actually seeking some help through you, whether you might be able to write to the local authority. So, during the warmer months, children, young people and adults in Aberconwy delight in paddling in one of three paddling pools in Aberconwy. One of them is in Craig-y-Don, but it's now been closed over a year and a half, allegedly and supposedly to ensure that the repainting of it would have a non-slip surface. It is 660 days since this pool has been closed. Residents and visitors value this pool. It's renowned when you come to Llandudno. I've written to the leader umpteen times, I've written to the cabinet member as well, and we've not even had an estimated date of completion for these works. I was there on Monday, and they're still rollering some kind of surface on there, and there's a worry now it's not even going to be open for the summer holidays.

Do you have the remit to be able to write to the local authority, to raise the same concerns I'm raising? Because all those little children are losing out on this valuable exercise, and it's just wrong. I think the leader himself is frustrated, but I think it's the contractor that's—I don't know, I'll be asking about the contractual issues. But I just need some help, actually, with just finding out exactly why it's taken 660 days to paint the bottom of a paddling pool. Thank you.

Diolch. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf fod yn rhaid imi godi hyn yma, ac rwy'n chwilio am help drwoch chi mewn gwirionedd, i weld a allech chi ysgrifennu at yr awdurdod lleol. Felly, yn ystod y misoedd cynhesach, mae plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion yn Aberconwy wrth eu bodd yn padlo yn un o'r tri phwll padlo yn Aberconwy. Mae un ohonynt yng Nghraig-y-Don, ond mae wedi bod ar gau ers dros flwyddyn a hanner bellach, a hynny yn ôl pob sôn i sicrhau y byddai'n cael ei ailbeintio ag arwyneb gwrth-lithro. Mae 660 diwrnod wedi mynd heibio ers i'r pwll gael ei gau. Mae trigolion ac ymwelwyr yn gweld gwerth y pwll hwn. Mae'n enwog pan ddowch i Landudno. Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at yr arweinydd niferoedd o weithiau, rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at yr aelod cabinet hefyd, ac nid ydym wedi cael amcangyfrif o ddyddiad ar gyfer cwblhau'r gwaith hyd yn oed. Roeddwn yno ddydd Llun, ac maent yn dal i osod rhyw fath o arwyneb yno, ac mae pryder nawr na fydd ar agor ar gyfer gwyliau'r haf hyd yn oed.

A yw eich cylch gwaith yn eich galluogi i ysgrifennu at yr awdurdod lleol, i godi'r pryderon sydd gennyf? Oherwydd mae'r holl blant bach hynny'n colli cyfle i wneud ymarfer corff gwerthfawr, ac mae'n anghywir. Rwy'n credu bod yr arweinydd ei hun yn rhwystredig, ond rwy'n meddwl mai'r contractwr sydd—nid wyf yn gwybod, fe fyddaf yn holi ynghylch y materion cytundebol. Ond rwyf angen help i ddarganfod pam yn union ei bod hi wedi cymryd 660 diwrnod i beintio gwaelod pwll padlo. Diolch.

Thank you. I'm not sure if paddling pools are in my portfolio, but I guess, as a sport facility—and I know the paddling pool very well, as a fellow north Walian. But I'll be very happy to write to the leader of the council, because, as you say, particularly ahead of the summer holidays, I think it is a very important facility.

Diolch. Nid wyf yn siŵr a yw pyllau padlo yn fy mhortffolio, ond rwy'n tybio, fel cyfleuster chwaraeon—ac rwy'n adnabod y pwll padlo'n dda iawn, fel cyd-ogleddwr. Ond rwy'n hapus iawn i ysgrifennu at arweinydd y cyngor, oherwydd, fel y dywedwch, yn enwedig wrth edrych ymlaen at wyliau'r haf, rwy'n credu ei fod yn gyfleuster pwysig iawn.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr yn gyntaf—Joel James.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. Welsh Conservatives spokesperson first of all—Joel James.

Thank you, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, as you will be aware, International Distribution Services, who owns Royal Mail, has accepted an offer from Daniel Kretinsky's EP Group, to purchase the business. This has led business groups who represent thousands of small companies throughout Wales to call on regulators to safeguard existing service protections over concerns regarding the frequency of second-class deliveries and the continued rise of first-class postage. Recently, the chief executive of the British Independent Retailers Association has said that a reduced service would make it harder for small businesses to compete, and this will of course disproportionately affect Welsh businesses who rely more heavily on Royal Mail than other parts of the UK. With this in mind, Cabinet Secretary, what assessment have you made regarding the impact of the takeover of Royal Mail on Welsh businesses, and what action has the Welsh Government taken to communicate these findings to the UK Government? Thank you.

Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel y gwyddoch, mae International Distribution Services, sy'n berchen ar y Post Brenhinol, wedi derbyn cynnig gan EP Group Daniel Kretinsky, i brynu'r busnes. Mae hyn wedi arwain grwpiau busnes sy'n cynrychioli miloedd o gwmnïau bach ledled Cymru i alw ar reoleiddwyr i ddiogelu amddiffyniadau presennol y gwasanaeth mewn perthynas â phryderon ynghylch amlder dosbarthiadau ail ddosbarth a'r cynnydd parhaus ym mhris postio dosbarth cyntaf. Yn ddiweddar, mae prif weithredwr Cymdeithas Manwerthwyr Annibynnol Prydain wedi dweud y byddai gwasanaeth llai yn ei gwneud hi'n anos i fusnesau bach gystadlu, a bydd hyn wrth gwrs yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar fusnesau Cymru sy'n dibynnu mwy ar y Post Brenhinol na rhannau eraill o'r DU. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa asesiad a wnaethoch o effaith gwerthu'r Post Brenhinol ar fusnesau Cymru, a pha gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cymryd i gyfleu'r canfyddiadau hyn i Lywodraeth y DU? Diolch.

Thank you. Well, as you know, both Post Office and Royal Mail matters are non-devolved. I am aware of the bid that to you refer to, and I will certainly be endeavouring to have a meeting with the relevant Minister, once the new UK Government has been formed.

Diolch. Wel, fel y gwyddoch, nid yw materion Swyddfa'r Post a'r Post Brenhinol wedi'u datganoli. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r cais y cyfeiriwch ato a byddaf yn sicr yn ceisio cael cyfarfod gyda'r Gweinidog perthnasol, pan fydd Llywodraeth newydd y DU wedi'i ffurfio.

Thank you for that response, Cabinet Secretary. I must admit, Llywydd, it's always quite frustrating to come here, when we have matters like the Royal Mail and Post Office, lead responsibility offices, to then have the response, 'It's non-devolved'. I don't necessarily see why there's a need to have those responsibilities within the Cabinet.

But anyway, I continue, if I may. Cabinet Secretary we have all been appalled by the Horizon IT scandal and the subsequent treatment of staff by Post Office. Despite the justice that has now been served to those responsible, there have been serious consequences. The Post Office brand is now toxic to many people, and this has seen post office branch owners struggling to recruit new staff and finding it exceptionally difficult to sell their businesses on to new owners. Unfortunately, sub-postmasters are now trapped with businesses that they can't sell, meaning that when they retire, these businesses are wound up rather than sold on, and this of course means that, across the country, post offices are closing and local communities risk losing their branches. What assessment have you made of the impact of the loss of post offices across Wales, as sub-postmasters retire without being able to sell their businesses? Thank you.

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rhaid imi gyfaddef, Lywydd, ei bod bob amser yn eithaf rhwystredig dod yma, pan fydd gennym faterion fel y Post Brenhinol a Swyddfa'r Post, swyddi cyfrifoldeb arweiniol, i gael yr ymateb, 'Nid yw wedi'i ddatganoli' wedyn. Nid wyf o reidrwydd yn gweld pam fod angen cael y cyfrifoldebau hynny o fewn y Cabinet.

Ond beth bynnag, rwy'n parhau, os caf. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydym i gyd wedi ein syfrdanu gan sgandal TG Horizon a'r modd y cafodd staff eu trin gan Swyddfa'r Post wedyn. Er gwaethaf y cyfiawnder sydd bellach wedi cael ei weinyddu i'r rhai a oedd yn gyfrifol, gwelwyd canlyniadau difrifol. Mae brand Swyddfa'r Post bellach yn wenwynig i lawer o bobl, ac mae hyn wedi golygu bod perchnogion canghennau Swyddfa'r Post yn cael trafferth recriwtio staff newydd ac yn ei chael hi'n eithriadol o anodd gwerthu eu busnesau i berchnogion newydd. Yn anffodus, mae is-bostfeistri bellach wedi eu clymu wrth fusnesau na allant eu gwerthu, sy'n golygu, pan fyddant yn ymddeol, fod y busnesau hyn yn cael eu dirwyn i ben yn hytrach na'u gwerthu ymlaen, ac mae hyn wrth gwrs yn golygu bod swyddfeydd post, ledled y wlad, yn cau a bod cymunedau lleol mewn perygl o golli eu canghennau. Pa asesiad a wnaethoch chi o effaith colli swyddfeydd post ledled Cymru, wrth i is-bostfeistri ymddeol heb allu gwerthu eu busnesau? Diolch.

I'm a bit unclear as to whether you were saying that Post Office and Royal Mail should be devolved to Wales or shouldn't be devolved to Wales. But as I say, it is a reserved matter, and I hadn't had the opportunity to speak to the relevant Minister before the UK Government election was called, since I came into portfolio. But, clearly, this is a really important point that you raise about post offices closing in some of our communities where there is a real lack of other facilities for some of our, particularly, rural communities and residents. And certainly, from a social justice point of view, I think the post office provides services that are really valued by people, and you referred to the Horizon scandal, which—. It took a long time, I think, for the UK Government to recognise the scale and the urgency of the scandal, so, we very much welcomed the announcement that did come. But, as you say, I think the brand now is perhaps not something that people want to take up. And, again, it will be a discussion I think that I can have with the Minister about how we overcome that.

But I'm sure that everybody will be very pleased to see that Alan Bates, who had such a pivotal role in ensuring that this scandal was heard, received a knighthood in the recent honours list.

Rwy'n aneglur braidd a oeddech chi'n dweud y dylid datganoli Swyddfa'r Post a'r Post Brenhinol i Gymru neu na ddylid eu datganoli i Gymru. Ond fel y dywedais, mae'n fater a gadwyd yn ôl, ac ni chefais gyfle i siarad â'r Gweinidog perthnasol cyn i etholiad Llywodraeth y DU gael ei alw, ers imi gael y portffolio. Ond yn amlwg, rydych chi'n codi pwynt pwysig iawn am gau swyddfeydd post yn rhai o'n cymunedau lle mae diffyg cyfleusterau eraill i rai o'n cymunedau a'n trigolion gwledig yn enwedig. Ac yn sicr, o safbwynt cyfiawnder cymdeithasol, rwy'n credu bod swyddfa'r post yn darparu gwasanaethau y mae pobl yn eu hystyried yn bwysig iawn, ac fe gyfeirioch chi at sgandal Horizon, sydd—. Cymerodd amser hir i Lywodraeth y DU gydnabod maint a difrifoldeb y sgandal, felly roeddem yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad a ddaeth yn fawr. Ond fel y dywedwch, rwy'n credu efallai nad yw'r brand yn rhywbeth y mae pobl eisiau ei arddel mwyach. Ac unwaith eto, bydd yn drafodaeth y credaf y gallaf ei chael gyda'r Gweinidog ynglŷn â sut y gwnawn oresgyn hynny.

Ond rwy'n siŵr y bydd pawb yn falch iawn o weld bod Alan Bates, a oedd â rôl mor ganolog yn sicrhau bod y sgandal hon yn cael ei chlywed, wedi cael ei urddo'n farchog yn y rhestr anrhydeddau yn ddiweddar.


Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. So, finally, in regard again to the Horizon IT scandal, the Trades Union Congress has recently claimed that the Communication Workers Union has been blocked from effectively organising at the post office, and they've also alleged that the National Federation of SubPostmasters was given funds ranging from £500,000 to a staggering £2.5 million by the Post Office in order to support their services. This has led to accusations that George Thomson, a former head of the NFSP, was too close to the Post Office, lacked sympathy for those wrongly convicted and, ultimately, under his watch, failed in his duty to protect its members. In light of these accusations, are Post Office and Royal Mail workers in Wales being properly represented by their unions? Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Felly, yn olaf, eto o ran sgandal TG Horizon, mae Cyngres yr Undebau Llafur wedi honni yn ddiweddar fod Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu wedi'i rwystro rhag trefnu'n effeithiol yn y swyddfa bost, ac maent hefyd wedi honni bod Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol yr Is-bostfeistri wedi cael arian yn amrywio rhwng £500,000 a'r swm anhygoel o £2.5 miliwn gan Swyddfa'r Post er mwyn cefnogi eu gwasanaethau. Mae hyn wedi arwain at gyhuddiadau fod George Thomson, cyn-bennaeth Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol yr Is-bostfeistri, yn rhy agos at Swyddfa'r Post, heb gydymdeimlad â'r rhai a gafwyd yn euog ar gam ac yn y pen draw, o dan ei wyliadwriaeth, wedi methu yn ei ddyletswydd i ddiogelu ei aelodau. Yng ngoleuni'r cyhuddiadau hyn, a yw gweithwyr Swyddfa'r Post a'r Post Brenhinol yng Nghymru yn cael eu cynrychioli'n briodol gan eu hundebau? Diolch.

Well, I'm not aware of the issue you raise, but I'd be very happy to look into it. If you have any further information, perhaps you could write to me.

Wel, nid wyf yn ymwybodol o'r mater yr ydych yn ei godi, ond byddwn yn hapus iawn i'w archwilio. Os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth bellach, efallai y gallech ysgrifennu ataf.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Sioned Williams.

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Sioned Williams.

Diolch, Llywydd, a phrynhawn da, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.

Thank you, Llywydd, and good afternoon, Cabinet Secretary.

You've stated that tackling child poverty is one of your top priorities, and that of course is welcome, given that close to one in three children in Wales are living in poverty. And accordingly, of course, the depth of child poverty in Wales and its harmful effects on our future generations have been discussed in this Siambr many times by Members and Ministers and First Ministers. Your predecessor, Jane Hutt, for instance, said that the UK Government should abolish the

'appalling benefit cap and the two-child limit on child benefit.' 


'That is actually what’s driving children into poverty.'

And said that if the UK Government actually took some action to help tackle poverty and reduce the need for food banks, they’d abolish the benefit cap and the two-child limit.

The former First Minister, Mark Drakeford, criticised UK Government’s spring budget because there was

'nothing to abolish the benefit cap and the two-child limit, the single greatest driver of child poverty.'

And Vikki Howells accused the UK Government of being in breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by implementing the two-child limit. I’d ask you, therefore: should the next UK Government not scrap the two-child benefit limit, do you judge that they would be in breach of the UNCRC?

Rydych wedi dweud mai mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant yw un o'ch prif flaenoriaethau, ac mae croeso i hynny wrth gwrs, o gofio bod oddeutu un o bob tri phlentyn yng Nghymru yn byw mewn tlodi. Ac yn unol â hynny wrth gwrs, trafodwyd dyfnder tlodi plant yng Nghymru a'i effeithiau niweidiol ar genedlaethau'r dyfodol yn y Siambr hon lawer gwaith gan Aelodau a Gweinidogion a Phrif Weinidogion. Dywedodd eich rhagflaenydd, Jane Hutt, er enghraifft, y dylai Llywodraeth y DU ddiddymu'r

'cap gwarthus ar fudd-daliadau a'r terfyn dau blentyn ar fudd-dal plant'

gan mai

'Dyna mewn gwirionedd sy'n gyrru plant i fyw mewn tlodi.'

A dywedodd pe bai Llywodraeth y DU yn gweithredu rhywfaint i helpu i fynd i'r afael â thlodi a lleihau'r angen am fanciau bwyd, y byddent yn dileu'r cap ar fudd-daliadau a'r terfyn dau blentyn.

Fe wnaeth y cyn-Brif Weinidog, Mark Drakeford, feirniadu cyllideb y gwanwyn Llywodraeth y DU am nad oedd

'dim byd i ddiddymu'r cap ar fudd-daliadau a'r terfyn dau blentyn, y prif sbardun i dlodi plant.'

Ac fe wnaeth Vikki Howells gyhuddo Llywodraeth y DU o fynd yn groes i Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn drwy weithredu'r terfyn dau blentyn. Hoffwn ofyn i chi, felly: os nad yw Llywodraeth nesaf y DU yn cael gwared ar y terfyn dau blentyn i fudd-daliadau, a ydych chi'n barnu y byddent yn torri Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn?

Well, I certainly haven't done that assessment. You will have heard me say in the Chamber, I think it was last week, that I do think taking away that two-child benefit limit is a powerful lever in the endeavours to reduce child poverty. So, it's certainly a discussion I will be having as a matter of urgency with the new UK Government, but I haven't done the assessment to which you refer, but it's certainly something I could look at.

Wel, yn sicr, nid wyf wedi gwneud yr asesiad hwnnw. Byddwch wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud yn y Siambr, yr wythnos diwethaf rwy'n credu, fy mod yn credu y byddai diddymu'r terfyn dau blentyn i fudd-daliadau yn ysgogiad pwerus yn yr ymdrechion i leihau tlodi plant. Felly, mae'n sicr yn drafodaeth bwysig y byddaf yn ei chael gyda Llywodraeth newydd y DU, ond nid wyf wedi gwneud yr asesiad y cyfeirioch chi ato, ond mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y gallwn edrych arno.

Diolch, because, shockingly, tackling child poverty is not one of the six steps for change in Wales listed in the recently published Welsh Labour manifesto for this election. Launching a new border security command is there, seemingly deemed a bigger priority. I'm sure the people of places like Monmouthshire and Powys are alarmed and surprised in equal measure.

In its response to the Labour manifesto, the Child Poverty Action Group has stated that 

'real change won’t come for the 4 million children in poverty until the two-child limit and benefit cap are scrapped...no route to happy healthy children and a strong economy starts with record child poverty.'

And the chief executive of Action for Children said of the manifesto:

'You can't give our children their future back or kickstart growth without ending child poverty, which is making all of us poorer. Labour’s proposed strategy to reduce child poverty won’t get off the ground until they ditch the cruel two-child limit and benefit cap policies.'

So, could I ask what level of input did you, as the Member of the Welsh Government responsible for the child poverty strategy, have on the commitments in the UK Labour manifesto, bearing in mind that it's such a priority for you and the First Minister?

Diolch, oherwydd, yn syfrdanol, nid yw mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant yn un o'r chwe cham ar gyfer newid yng Nghymru a restrir ym maniffesto Llafur Cymru a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar ar gyfer yr etholiad hwn. Mae lansio trefn ddiogelwch y ffin newydd yno, sy'n fwy o flaenoriaeth yn ôl pob golwg. Rwy'n siŵr fod pobl o leoedd fel sir Fynwy a Phowys wedi dychryn ac yn synnu ar yr un pryd.

Yn ei ymateb i'r maniffesto Llafur, mae'r Grŵp Gweithredu ar Dlodi Plant wedi datgan

'na ddaw newid gwirioneddol i'r 4 miliwn o blant mewn tlodi hyd nes y caiff y terfyn dau blentyn a'r cap ar fudd-daliadau eu dileu... nid oes unrhyw lwybr at blant iach, hapus ac economi gref yn dechrau gyda thlodi plant sy'n uwch nag erioed.'

A dywedodd prif weithredwr Gweithredu dros Blant am y maniffesto:

'Ni allwch roi'r dyfodol yn ôl i'n plant na rhoi hwb i dwf heb roi diwedd ar dlodi plant, sy'n gwneud pawb ohonom yn dlotach. Ni fydd strategaeth arfaethedig y Blaid Lafur i leihau tlodi plant yn llwyddo nes iddynt roi'r gorau i bolisïau creulon y terfyn dau blentyn a'r cap ar fudd-daliadau.'

Felly, a gaf i ofyn pa lefel o fewnbwn oedd gennych chi, fel yr Aelod o Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n gyfrifol am y strategaeth tlodi plant, ar yr ymrwymiadau ym maniffesto Llafur y DU, gan gofio bod hynny'n gymaint o flaenoriaeth i chi a'r Prif Weinidog?

Thank you. Well, we certainly are seeing far too many of our children living in poverty and I think the First Minister said yesterday in First Minister's questions that we were making progress under the previous UK Labour Government in the early 2000s, but, since 2010, we have seen, I think, 0.5 million more children pushed into poverty. So, it is absolutely right that we look at every lever that we have as a Welsh Government, but, of course, the UK Government do have a lot of levers to help us in relation to that. 

I had input into the UK Labour manifesto, in as much as I fed in things that I think are really important. Not everything can be in the top priorities; it doesn't mean it's not in the manifesto. But, obviously, not everything can be in the top six priorities that you referred to. But I think there are a lot of discussions, not just in relation to child benefit limit, but also to other aspects of welfare, that we will need to talk about very quickly, and as a matter of urgency. Obviously, really, since I've been in post, I haven't had the opportunity to have those deep discussions, (1) because it was very difficult to engage—. So, for instance, the inter-ministerial group in relation to welfare hasn't met since I came into portfolio. I'd had one meeting with one of the relevant Ministers, was trying to get another IMG in place, and haven't been able to do that. So, for me, that inter-ministerial engagement I've always found really important with UK Government Ministers. So, I will be pushing that to start having these very important conversations. 

Diolch. Wel, rydym yn sicr yn gweld gormod o lawer o'n plant yn byw mewn tlodi ac rwy'n credu bod y Prif Weinidog wedi dweud ddoe yn y cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog ein bod wedi gwneud cynnydd o dan Lywodraeth Lafur flaenorol y DU yn y 2000au cynnar, ond ers 2010, rwy'n credu ein bod wedi gweld 0.5 miliwn yn rhagor o blant yn cael eu gwthio i dlodi. Felly, mae'n gwbl briodol ein bod yn edrych ar bob ysgogiad sydd gennym fel Llywodraeth Cymru, ond wrth gwrs, mae gan Lywodraeth y DU lawer o ysgogiadau i'n helpu mewn perthynas â hynny. 

Cefais fewnbwn i faniffesto Llafur y DU, i'r graddau fy mod wedi rhoi adborth ar bethau sy'n bwysig iawn yn fy marn i. Ni all popeth fod yn brif flaenoriaeth; nid yw'n golygu nad yw yn y maniffesto. Ond yn amlwg, ni all popeth fod yn y chwe blaenoriaeth uchaf y gwnaethoch chi gyfeirio atynt. Ond rwy'n credu bod llawer o drafodaethau, nid yn unig mewn perthynas â'r terfyn budd-dal plant, ond hefyd am agweddau eraill ar les, y bydd angen inni siarad amdanynt yn gyflym iawn, ac fel mater o frys. Yn amlwg, ers imi fod yn y swydd, nid wyf wedi cael cyfle i gael y trafodaethau dwfn hynny, (1) oherwydd ei bod hi'n anodd iawn ymgysylltu—. Felly, er enghraifft, nid yw'r grŵp rhyngweinidogol mewn perthynas â lles wedi cyfarfod ers imi gael y portffolio. Roeddwn wedi cael un cyfarfod gydag un o'r Gweinidogion perthnasol, ac yn ceisio sefydlu grŵp rhyngweinidogol arall, ac nid wyf wedi gallu gwneud hynny. Felly, i mi, mae'r ymgysylltu rhyngweinidogol hwnnw'n rhywbeth yr wyf bob amser wedi ei ystyried yn bwysig iawn gyda Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU. Felly, byddaf yn gwthio hynny i ddechrau cael y sgyrsiau pwysig hyn. 


Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. Good to hear you had input, but it's disappointing to hear that UK Labour didn't listen. Welsh Government Ministers have rightly criticised the devastating impact of 14 years of austerity on their budgets, and we remember, of course, that it was the social justice budget in the last round that had the largest cut in terms of its budget. So, what's your reaction, therefore, to today's analysis by the Wales Governance Centre of Labour's tax and spending pledges that the Welsh Government would have to implement further deep cuts to non-protected spending, such as those in your portfolio? It's an analysis that completely undermines the assertion that a UK Labour Government would be good for Wales. Will your current stated priorities, including child poverty, and struggling local authority services that support those families, withstand another round of cuts?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Da clywed eich bod wedi rhoi mewnbwn, ond mae'n siomedig clywed na wrandawodd Llafur y DU. Mae Gweinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru wedi beirniadu effaith ddinistriol 14 mlynedd o gyni ar eu cyllidebau, yn gywir ddigon, ac rydym yn cofio, wrth gwrs, mai'r gyllideb cyfiawnder cymdeithasol a welodd y toriad mwyaf yn ei chyllideb yn y rownd ddiwethaf. Felly, beth yw eich ymateb i'r dadansoddiad heddiw gan Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru o addewidion treth a gwariant y Blaid Lafur y byddai'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru weithredu toriadau dwfn pellach i wariant heb ei ddiogelu, fel y rhai yn eich portffolio? Mae'n ddadansoddiad sy'n tanseilio'n llwyr yr honiad y byddai Llywodraeth Lafur yn y DU yn dda i Gymru. A fydd eich blaenoriaethau datganedig presennol, gan gynnwys tlodi plant, a'r pwysau ar wasanaethau awdurdodau lleol sy'n cefnogi'r teuluoedd hynny, yn gwrthsefyll cyfres arall o doriadau?

Well, I think we have to all recognise, unfortunately, that not everything is going to be put right, even if we have a Labour Government, and, of course, that's absolutely what I hope. But we have to recognise that public finances are going to be very, very difficult, and it's about using those public finances in a much better way than we've seen over the past 14 years, and not seeing the lack of compassion, I think, that we've seen in the welfare system from the UK Government.

I've seen the headline of the report that you refer to, but I haven't looked at it in depth. But, clearly, you can see what's in the UK Labour manifesto, and everything's been costed, so, if that amount of funding went into their reforms, obviously, the Barnett consequential we should have will, I think, give us more money to be able to put into our priorities. But the most important thing is that people elect a Labour Government on 4 July. 

Wel, rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i bawb ohonom gydnabod, yn anffodus, nad yw popeth yn mynd i gael ei unioni, hyd yn oed os oes gennym Lywodraeth Lafur, ac wrth gwrs, dyna rwy'n ei obeithio. Ond mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod bod cyllid cyhoeddus yn mynd i fod yn anodd iawn, ac mae'n ymwneud â defnyddio'r cyllid cyhoeddus hwnnw mewn ffordd lawer gwell nag a welsom dros y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, a pheidio â gweld y diffyg tosturi a welsom yn y system les gan Lywodraeth y DU.

Rwyf wedi gweld pennawd yr adroddiad y cyfeiriwch chi ato, ond nid wyf wedi edrych arno mewn dyfnder. Ond yn amlwg, gallwch weld beth sydd ym maniffesto Llafur y DU, ac mae popeth wedi'i gostio, felly pe bai'r swm hwnnw o gyllid yn mynd tuag at eu diwygiadau, yn amlwg, bydd y cyllid canlyniadol Barnett y dylem ei gael yn rhoi rhagor o arian inni allu ei roi tuag at ein blaenoriaethau ni. Ond y peth pwysicaf yw bod pobl yn ethol Llywodraeth Lafur ar 4 Gorffennaf. 

Cartrefi sydd wedi'u Rhestru gan Cadw
Homes Listed by Cadw

3. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i helpu preswylwyr sy'n berchen ar eiddo sydd wedi'u rhestru gan Cadw i gynnal a datblygu eu cartrefi? OQ61340

3. What is the Welsh Government doing to help residents who own properties that have been listed by Cadw to maintain and develop their homes? OQ61340

Cadw has published a significant amount of best-practice guidance for owners of listed buildings, which is available on its website. The advice covers subjects including understanding listing, managing change to listed buildings, converting chapels and historic farm buildings, and adaptation for renewable energy schemes.

Mae Cadw wedi cyhoeddi cryn dipyn o ganllawiau arferion gorau ar gyfer perchnogion adeiladau rhestredig, sydd ar gael ar ei wefan. Mae'r cyngor yn ymdrin â phynciau gan gynnwys deall rhestru, rheoli newid i adeiladau rhestredig, addasu capeli ac adeiladau fferm hanesyddol, ac addasu ar gyfer cynlluniau ynni adnewyddadwy.

Diolch am yr ateb. 

Thank you for that response. 

I've been working with residents of Rhiwbina Garden Village in my constituency of Cardiff North, which has been listed by Cadw as grade II since 2001. And I've been working with residents who are experiencing a great deal of stress and worry about the necessary replacement of wooden windows with multiple panes of glass, because multiple panes of glass are a trademark of the development in Rhiwbina. Residents now have to seek listed building consent, and, up until last year, they were allowed to have wooden double-glazed units, with external bars to give the look of multipaned windows. However, since last year, that policy has changed, and now windows have to be made to very strict specifications, three times the price of the previous windows, and with very few firms able to build them. So, these buildings are over 100 years old. Many windows have rotted, they have to be replaced, and residents can't afford to do so. The houses were meant to be lived in, and this over-prescriptive policy is causing real problems. Would the Cabinet Secretary discuss this issue with Cadw, and see if a more reasonable decision can be reached to enable local residents to live in warm, well-maintained homes?

Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio gyda thrigolion Pentref Gardd Rhiwbeina yn fy etholaeth yng Ngogledd Caerdydd, sydd wedi'i restru gan Cadw fel gradd II ers 2001. Ac rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio gyda thrigolion sy'n profi llawer iawn o straen ac yn poeni am orfod gosod cwarelau gwydr lluosog yn lle ffenestri pren, oherwydd mae cwarelau gwydr lluosog yn nodwedd o'r datblygiad yn Rhiwbeina. Mae'n rhaid i drigolion ofyn am gydsyniad adeilad rhestredig nawr, a hyd at y llynedd, caniatawyd iddynt gael unedau gwydr dwbl pren, gyda bariau allanol i roi edrychiad tebyg i ffenestri cwarelau lluosog. Fodd bynnag, ers y llynedd, mae'r polisi hwnnw wedi newid, ac erbyn hyn, mae'n rhaid gwneud ffenestri i fanylebau llym iawn, dair gwaith pris y ffenestri blaenorol, a chyda fawr iawn o gwmnïau'n gallu eu hadeiladu. Felly, mae'r adeiladau hyn dros 100 mlwydd oed. Mae llawer o ffenestri wedi pydru, mae'n rhaid gosod rhai newydd, ac ni all trigolion fforddio gwneud hynny. Roedd y tai i fod ar gyfer byw ynddynt, ac mae'r polisi gor-ragnodol hwn yn achosi problemau gwirioneddol. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet drafod y mater gyda Cadw, a gweld a ellir gwneud penderfyniad mwy rhesymol i alluogi trigolion lleol i fyw mewn cartrefi cynnes, wedi'u cynnal a'u cadw'n dda?


Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.

Thank you. Deputy Presiding Officer, before I respond to the specific question, I need to note how it would be inappropriate for me to comment on specific cases as I must not prejudice the role of Welsh Ministers in the listed building consent process. So, for example, an owner has a right of appeal to Welsh Ministers against the decision of the local planning authority.

If I can just pick up the general point around windows in listed buildings, I think they are one of the most important architectural elements of a building, and the style and proportion vitally affect character and appearance. So, listed building consent has always been required to alter windows in a listed building, and original windows should be retained and repaired wherever possible. It is possible to improve the thermal efficiency of repaired windows with internal secondary glazing, for instance. But, if the Member would like to write to me, I will certainly ask my officials to ensure that the guidance is appropriate and proportionate, and then I'll be able to respond to you.

Diolch. Ddirprwy Lywydd, cyn imi ymateb i'r cwestiwn penodol, mae angen imi nodi y byddai'n amhriodol imi wneud sylwadau ar achosion penodol gan nad wyf i fod i niweidio rôl Gweinidogion Cymru ym mhroses y cydsyniad adeilad rhestredig. Felly, er enghraifft, mae gan berchennog hawl i apelio at Weinidogion Cymru yn erbyn penderfyniad yr awdurdod cynllunio lleol.

Os caf godi'r pwynt cyffredinol ynghylch ffenestri mewn adeiladau rhestredig, credaf eu bod yn un o elfennau pensaernïol pwysicaf adeilad, ac mae'r arddull a'r mesuriadau yn effeithio'n fawr ar gymeriad a golwg. Felly, mae angen cydsyniad adeilad rhestredig bob amser i newid ffenestri mewn adeilad rhestredig, a dylid cadw ffenestri gwreiddiol a'u hatgyweirio lle bynnag y bo modd. Mae'n bosibl gwella effeithlonrwydd thermol ffenestri wedi'u hatgyweirio gyda gwydr eilaidd mewnol, er enghraifft. Ond os hoffai'r Aelod ysgrifennu ataf, yn sicr fe ofynnaf i fy swyddogion sicrhau bod y canllawiau'n briodol ac yn gymesur, ac yna fe allaf ymateb i chi.

It is not only residents—I think you know where I'm going with this—but businesses that need support from this Welsh Government on maintaining these historic properties that Cadw have an interest in. Our very own Gwydir Castle in the Conwy valley is a stunning listed Welsh house, one of the finest Tudor houses in Wales, surrounded by a beautiful grade I listed 10-acre garden, which contains, among a variety of flora and fauna, ancient cedars and yew trees dating back 1,000 years. By 1994, the house and gardens had fallen into dereliction, and it's taken the current owners over 20 years to complete. It's still a work in progress. They've actually been able to obtain some of the original furniture that was in there; they found some in America and have brought it over. But they keep explaining to me that they experience very little support from Cadw and the Welsh Government. Preserving and protecting our wonderful Welsh incredible sites is of the utmost importance. So, will the Cabinet Secretary work with Cadw and other authorities to try and see where you could perhaps provide more support to Gwydir Castle? Diolch yn fawr. 

Mae busnesau yn ogystal â thrigolion—rwy'n credu eich bod yn gwybod i ble rwy'n mynd gyda hyn—angen cymorth gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gynnal yr eiddo hanesyddol y mae gan Cadw ddiddordeb ynddynt. Mae Castell Gwydir yn Nyffryn Conwy yn dŷ Cymreig rhestredig trawiadol, un o'r tai Tuduraidd gorau yng Nghymru, wedi'i amgylchynu gan ardd restredig gradd I 10 erw hardd, sy'n cynnwys, ymhlith amrywiaeth o blanhigion ac anifeiliaid, cedrwydd hynafol a choed yw sy'n dyddio'n ôl 1,000 o flynyddoedd. Erbyn 1994, roedd y tŷ a'r gerddi wedi dirywio, ac mae wedi cymryd dros 20 mlynedd i'r perchnogion presennol eu cwblhau. Mae'r gwaith yn dal i fynd rhagddo. Maent wedi gallu cael rhai o'r dodrefn gwreiddiol a oedd yno; fe ddaethant o hyd i rai ohonynt yn America ac maent wedi dod â nhw draw. Ond maent yn egluro wrthyf mai ychydig iawn o gymorth a gânt gan Cadw a Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae gwarchod a diogelu ein safleoedd anhygoel yng Nghymru o'r pwys mwyaf. Felly, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet weithio gyda Cadw ac awdurdodau eraill i geisio gweld lle gallech ddarparu rhagor o gymorth i Gastell Gwydir, efallai? Diolch yn fawr. 

As I said at the start of my answer to Julie Morgan, it's inappropriate for me to comment on specific cases. But the local planning authority is responsible for regulating changes to listed buildings, for instance, through the requirement for listed building consent. They can provide advice to owners, and I know the—. I think it's fair to say that just because your building is listed—and I appreciate there's very strict guidance that goes with it—it doesn't mean that things cannot be altered. I think that's a really important point. Certainly, since I've come in portfolio, I think that's something that people don't recognise.

Fel y dywedais ar ddechrau fy ateb i Julie Morgan, mae'n amhriodol imi wneud sylwadau ar achosion penodol. Ond mae'r awdurdod cynllunio lleol yn gyfrifol am reoleiddio newidiadau i adeiladau rhestredig, er enghraifft, drwy'r gofyniad am gydsyniad adeilad rhestredig. Maent yn gallu rhoi cyngor i berchnogion, ac rwy'n gwybod—. Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n deg dweud, er bod eich adeilad wedi ei restru—ac rwy'n derbyn bod canllawiau llym iawn sy'n mynd law yn llaw â hynny—mae'n bosibl newid pethau. Credaf fod hwnnw'n bwynt pwysig iawn. Yn sicr, ers imi gael y portffolio, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhywbeth nad yw pobl yn ei gydnabod.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Julie Morgan am y cwestiwn ardderchog yma. Dwi wedi codi mater tebyg sawl gwaith yma yn y Senedd yn barod, sef adeiladau wedi cael eu cofrestru a'r ffaith bod y bobl sy'n byw ynddyn nhw methu eu haddasu nhw ar gyfer anghenion yr oes fodern. Mae Julie wedi sôn am y mater o ffenestri, ond mae'r un peth yn wir pan fo'n dod i baneli solar, er enghraifft, neu dyrbinau gwynt, neu unrhyw beth arall sydd ei angen ar bobl sydd yn byw yn yr adeiladau yma er mwyn gwneud y tai yn well o ran ansawdd defnyddio ynni ac yn y blaen. Does ganddyn nhw ddim hawl i roi paneli solar, er enghraifft. Felly, pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi'u cael efo'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros tai er mwyn sicrhau bod hawl gan berchnogion yr adeiladau yma i addasu yr adeiladau yn unol ag anghenion yr oes fodern, er mwyn eu gwneud nhw'n addas i fyw ynddynt a chadw gwres ynddyn nhw?

Thank you to Julie Morgan for asking this excellent question. I've raised a similar issue on a number of occasions here in the Senedd already, namely buildings that have been listed and the fact that the people who live in them can't adapt them for the needs of modern times. Julie has mentioned an issue around windows, but the same is true when it comes to solar panels, for example, or wind turbines, or anything else that people who live in these buildings need in order to make the homes better in terms of energy efficiency and so on. They don't have the right to install solar panels, for example. So, what discussions have you had with the Cabinet Secretary for housing in order to ensure that owners of these buildings do have the right to make adaptations in accordance with the needs of modern times, in order to make them appropriate to live in and to keep heat in appropriately?

So, I haven't had any specific discussions with the Cabinet Secretary for housing, but I absolutely agree with you, there are very good reasons for improving energy efficiency of historic buildings. We want them to lower their carbon emissions. They need to reduce their fuel bills. They also need to make the buildings far more comfortable for the occupants. As you say, they're meant to be lived in, aren't they? We need to make sure that they are able to adapt them in the way that they think is suitable. But, of course, care needs to be taken to ensure that any changes align with the very special measures and the interests of the building, and how it performs also. So, I've had discussions with Cadw officials to bring myself up to speed about the regulations and the guidance, to make sure that the guidance is as it should be. And, I think, going back to my answer to Julie Morgan, I'm very happy to see if any guidance needs to be upgraded in order for people to be able to make the best choices for any listed building that they're living in.

Nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau penodol gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros dai, ond rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi, mae rhesymau da iawn dros wella effeithlonrwydd ynni adeiladau hanesyddol. Rydym am eu gweld yn lleihau eu hallyriadau carbon. Mae angen iddynt leihau eu biliau tanwydd. Mae angen iddynt wneud yr adeiladau'n llawer mwy cyfforddus i'r preswylwyr hefyd. Fel y dywedwch, maent i fod ar gyfer byw ynddynt, onid ydynt? Mae angen inni sicrhau bod modd eu haddasu yn y ffordd y credant sy'n addas. Ond wrth gwrs, mae angen bod yn ofalus i sicrhau bod unrhyw newidiadau yn cyd-fynd â'r mesurau arbennig iawn a buddiannau'r adeilad, a sut mae'n perfformio hefyd. Felly, rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau gyda swyddogion Cadw i gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch y rheoliadau a'r canllawiau, i sicrhau bod y canllawiau fel y dylent fod. Ac i fynd yn ôl at fy ateb i Julie Morgan, rwy'n hapus iawn i weld a oes angen uwchraddio unrhyw ganllawiau er mwyn i bobl allu gwneud y dewisiadau gorau ar gyfer unrhyw adeilad rhestredig y maent yn byw ynddo.

Gweinyddiaeth Lles
Welfare Administration

4. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar baratoadau i Gymru gymryd cyfrifoldeb am weinyddiaeth lles? OQ61341

4. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the preparations for Wales to take responsibility for welfare administration? OQ61341

Diolch. Through the implementation of the Welsh benefits charter, we are putting in place the infrastructure for a compassionate, person-centred Welsh benefits system. Any future administration of welfare powers would be delivered in line with the charter’s commitments.

Diolch. Drwy weithredu siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, rydym yn sefydlu'r seilwaith ar gyfer system fudd-daliadau sy'n dosturiol ac yn canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. Byddai unrhyw weinyddu pwerau lles yn y dyfodol yn cael ei gyflawni yn unol ag ymrwymiadau'r siarter.

Mae'n hynod siomedig nad oes bwriad gan eich plaid chi i gael gwared ar y cap dau blentyn creulon, fyddai'n gallu codi miloedd ar filoedd o deuluoedd allan o dlodi. Ac mae'n siomedig hefyd nad oes unrhyw sôn am ddatganoli gweinyddu lles i Gymru yn yr ymgyrch etholiadol presennol, er gwaethaf ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru i ystyried pa seilwaith sydd ei angen er mwyn paratoi at hynny. Rydyn ni, wrth gwrs, yn cytuno y byddai angen trosglwyddo cymorth ariannol priodol hefyd wrth drosglwyddo pŵer o'r math. Mae'n debyg, felly, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, mai chwilio am ymrwymiad personol gennych chi, fel y deilydd portffolio newydd, ydw i'r prynhawn yma—ymrwymiad na fydd unrhyw rwyfo nôl ar y maes gwaith hwn, er gwaethaf diffyg diddordeb y Llywodraeth Lafur yn Llundain. Fedrwch chi gadarnhau y bydd y gwaith ar yr anghenion seilwaith yn bwrw ymlaen, ac a wnewch chi roi amserlen ar gyfer y gwahanol gerrig milltir sydd angen eu cyrraedd? 

It is extremely disappointing that your party has no intention to eradicate the cruel two-child cap, which could raise thousands and thousands of families out of poverty. And it's also disappointing that there is no mention made of the devolution of the administration of welfare to Wales in the current electoral campaign, despite the commitment of the Welsh Labour Government to consider what infrastructure is needed to prepare for that devolution. We, of course, agree that the financial and funding support would need to be transferred in transferring these powers. It appears, therefore, Cabinet Secretary, that we're seeking a personal commitment from you, as the new portfolio holder, this afternoon—a commitment that there will be no rowing back on this field of endeavour, despite the lack of interest of the Labour Party in London. Can you confirm that the work on the infrastructure needs will continue, and will you give a timetable for the different milestones that need to be met? 

Thank you. Well, as Siân Gwenllian knows, the Welsh benefits charter was absolutely a central part of our preparations, as it sets out the commitment that we think is necessary for that compassionate and person-centred design and delivery of benefits I referred to. And I know you worked very closely with my predecessor as part of the co-operation agreement. What I can give you is a personal commitment to start having those discussions with the UK Government once it's formed after 4 July, and I will, obviously, update Members as those conversations take place and go through, but I can't give you a timetable of milestones.

Diolch. Wel, fel y gŵyr Siân Gwenllian, roedd siarter budd-daliadau Cymru yn rhan gwbl ganolog o'n paratoadau, gan ei bod yn nodi'r ymrwymiad y credwn ei fod yn angenrheidiol ar gyfer cynllun a darpariaeth budd-daliadau sy'n dosturiol ac yn canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn fel y nodais. Ac rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi gweithio'n agos iawn gyda fy rhagflaenydd fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio. Yr hyn y gallaf ei roi i chi yw ymrwymiad personol i ddechrau cael y trafodaethau hynny gyda Llywodraeth y DU pan fydd wedi'i ffurfio ar ôl 4 Gorffennaf, ac yn amlwg, byddaf yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau wrth i'r sgyrsiau hynny ddigwydd, ond ni allaf roi amserlen gyda cherrig milltir i chi.

I was a member of the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee that published the 2016 report, 'Benefits in Wales: options for better delivery', which recommended

'that the Welsh Government seeks the devolution of the assessment process for sickness and disability benefits.'

We found, as Community Housing Cymru stated, 

'that the "biggest issue" people have with the system is the "assessment process and the administration",

with people citing the high levels of successful appeals. However, our report acknowledged that, in Scotland, the funding from the UK Government has not covered all the administrative costs. We also recommended 

'that the Welsh Government establish a coherent and integrated "Welsh benefits system" for all the means-tested benefits for which it is responsible.' 

Nearly five years later, what specific action has the Welsh Government therefore taken to address these matters, which were well evidenced in our report?

Roeddwn yn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau a gyhoeddodd adroddiad yn 2016, sef 'Budd-daliadau yng Nghymru: opsiynau i'w cyflawni'n well', a argymhellodd fod

'Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio datganoli’r broses asesu ar gyfer budd-daliadau salwch ac anabledd.'

Daethom i'r casgliad, fel y dywedodd Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru, 

'mai problem fwyaf pobl gyda’r system yw’r broses asesu a’r trefniadau gweinyddu',

gyda phobl yn cyfeirio at y lefelau uchel o apeliadau llwyddiannus. Fodd bynnag, roedd ein hadroddiad yn cydnabod, yn yr Alban, nad yw'r cyllid gan Lywodraeth y DU wedi talu am yr holl gostau gweinyddol. Roeddem hefyd yn argymell 

'bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn sefydlu 'system fudd-daliadau Gymreig' gydlynol ac integredig ar gyfer yr holl fudd-daliadau sy’n seiliedig ar brawf modd y mae’n gyfrifol amdanynt.'  

Bron i bum mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, pa gamau penodol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cymryd felly i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn, y cafwyd tystiolaeth dda ohonynt yn ein hadroddiad?

Thank you. I think you raised a really important point about funding. For me, it's really important that, when we seek devolution of any further powers, we know why we want those powers. We know they will benefit the people of Wales, but it's really important that the funding comes as well. And I know, when I was in a previous portfolio and we had the council tax reduction scheme powers and we didn't get the funding, the impact that can then have. We certainly believe that devolving powers would ensure more benefits are delivered in alignment with our belief that it should be person centred, it should be compassionate. And that's what we've done with the Welsh benefits charter. 

I think it's fair to say that, often, there are unanticipated consequences, so you can get that increased administrative cost. So, that's something we need to look at very carefully. And we are undertaking research to provide an overview of the devolution of the administration to the Welsh Government—you know, what the potential benefits could be, but also what any unintended consequences could be. So, that piece of research is currently being undertaken. I would hope it will finish by the end of this year, but certainly early next year. 

Diolch. Rwy'n credu eich bod wedi codi pwynt pwysig iawn ynglŷn â chyllid. I mi, mae'n bwysig iawn, pan fyddwn yn ceisio datganoli unrhyw bwerau pellach, ein bod yn gwybod pam ein bod am gael y pwerau hynny. Rydym yn gwybod y byddant o fudd i bobl Cymru, ond mae'n bwysig iawn fod y cyllid yn dod hefyd. A phan oedd gennyf bortffolio blaenorol ac roedd gennym bwerau cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor ac ni chawsom y cyllid, rwy'n gwybod am yr effaith y gall hynny ei chael wedyn. Rydym yn sicr yn credu y byddai datganoli pwerau yn sicrhau bod rhagor o fudd-daliadau'n cael eu darparu yn unol â'n cred y dylai ganolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, y dylai fod yn dosturiol. A dyna a wnaethom gyda siarter budd-daliadau Cymru. 

Rwy'n credu ei bod yn deg dweud, yn aml, fod canlyniadau annisgwyl, felly, gallwch gael y gost weinyddol uwch honno. Felly, mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid inni edrych arno'n ofalus iawn. Ac rydym yn cyflawni ymchwil i roi trosolwg o ddatganoli'r weinyddiaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru—beth allai fod yn fuddion posibl, ond hefyd beth allai fod yn ganlyniadau anfwriadol. Felly, mae'r gwaith ymchwil hwnnw'n cael ei wneud ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n gobeithio y daw i ben erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn hon, ond yn sicr yn gynnar y flwyddyn nesaf.

Tlodi Plant
Child Poverty

5. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant? OQ61302

5. What is the Welsh Government doing to combat child poverty? OQ61302

Thank you. Our child poverty strategy sets out how the Welsh Government will tackle child poverty in Wales through initiatives to reduce costs, maximise incomes and develop pathways out of poverty so every child can enjoy their rights and have every opportunity to reach their potential.

Diolch. Mae ein strategaeth tlodi plant yn nodi sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant yng Nghymru drwy fentrau i leihau costau, cynyddu incwm a datblygu llwybrau allan o dlodi fel y gall pob plentyn fwynhau ei hawliau a chael pob cyfle i gyrraedd ei botensial.


Diolch. I think it's generally agreed that this Labour Welsh Government's record on tackling child poverty is a poor one. Indeed, my colleague Sioned Williams has reminded us already today of your Government's systematic failure to get to grips with this. Instead of working harder to meet targets, what you've done is scrap them, and I've said before here and elsewhere that a legacy of Labour Governments, aided by the Conservative Government as well in the UK, leaves a third of our children condemned to a life scarred by poverty. So, as highlighted by the Children in Wales Coalition, the two-child benefit cap is amongst the cruelest legacies of the decade and a half of Tory austerity that has been inflicted on Wales, so lifting it would, at a single stroke, help to take 60,000 children in Wales out of poverty. Now, I know that Labour Members of this Senedd know in their hearts that the two-child cap is wrong, so what is the point, therefore, of a Labour Government in Wales if you can't persuade your bosses in London of this injustice?

Diolch. Rwy'n credu y cytunir yn gyffredinol fod record Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru ar drechu tlodi plant yn un wael. Yn wir, mae fy nghyd-Aelod, Sioned Williams, wedi ein hatgoffa eisoes heddiw o fethiant systematig eich Llywodraeth i fynd i'r afael â hyn. Yn hytrach na gweithio'n galetach i gyrraedd targedau, rydych chi wedi'u dileu, ac rwyf wedi dweud o'r blaen yma ac mewn mannau eraill fod Llywodraethau Llafur, gyda chymorth Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn y DU, yn gadael traean o'n plant wedi'u condemnio i fywyd wedi'i greithio gan dlodi. Felly, fel yr amlygwyd gan gynghrair Plant yng Nghymru, mae'r cap budd-daliadau dau blentyn ymhlith y pethau creulonaf mewn degawd a hanner o gyni Torïaidd a orfodwyd ar Gymru, felly byddai ei godi yn helpu ar unwaith i dynnu 60,000 o blant yng Nghymru allan o dlodi. Nawr, gwn fod Aelodau Llafur y Senedd hon yn gwybod yn eu calonnau fod y cap dau blentyn yn anghywir, felly beth yw pwynt Llywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru os na allwch berswadio eich penaethiaid yn Llundain ynghylch yr anghyfiawnder hwn?

Well, they're certainly not my bosses. I don't disagree with you about the impact I think the removal of that two-child benefit cap could have. Certainly, everything I have read since I came into portfolio makes me believe that. I mean, one of the reasons we scrapped our targets was because the UK Government scrapped their targets, and we have to recognise that it is the UK Government that holds so many of those levers. So, I think, on that discussion with them, from the outset, if we do have a UK Labour Government—and even if we don't have; if we should, heaven forbid, have a UK Tory Government again—we need to have those conversations, but I'm far more hopeful that we will be able to achieve far more in relation to tackling poverty if we do have a UK Labour Government. 

Yn sicr, nid ydynt yn benaethiaid i mi. Nid wyf yn anghytuno â chi ynglŷn â'r effaith y credaf y gallai dileu'r cap budd-daliadau dau blentyn hwnnw ei chael. Yn sicr, mae popeth a ddarllenais ers imi gael y portffolio yn gwneud imi gredu hynny. Hynny yw, un o'r rhesymau pam y gwnaethom ddileu ein targedau oedd oherwydd bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi dileu eu targedau nhw, ac mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod mai Llywodraeth y DU sy'n dal cymaint o'r ysgogiadau hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu, ar y drafodaeth honno gyda nhw, o'r cychwyn cyntaf, os cawn Lywodraeth Lafur yn y DU—a hyd yn oed os na chawn; os cawn Lywodraeth Dorïaidd yn y DU eto, Duw a'n gwaredo—mae angen inni gael y sgyrsiau hynny, ond rwy'n llawer mwy gobeithiol y byddwn yn gallu cyflawni llawer mwy mewn perthynas â threchu tlodi os oes gennym Lywodraeth Lafur yn y DU. 

Cabinet Secretary, a recent meeting of the cross-party groups on poverty and child poverty heard work from the Bevan Foundation with regard to research they've undertaken in Wales that showed that 29 per cent of our children live in relative poverty, and one of the real issues is that they're unable to take part in activities inside and outside of school, as their peers do, for example learning skills and socialising in school during school trips. So, given the cross-Government nature of child poverty, I wonder what work you will do with the Cabinet Secretary for Education to try and ensure that our children do not suffer in their school experience in and outside school due to their family's financial circumstances.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, clywodd cyfarfod diweddar o'r grwpiau trawsbleidiol ar dlodi a thlodi plant am waith gan Sefydliad Bevan mewn perthynas ag ymchwil a wnaethant yng Nghymru a ddangosai fod 29 y cant o'n plant yn byw mewn tlodi cymharol, ac un o'r problemau gwirioneddol yw nad ydynt yn gallu cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau yn yr ysgol a'r tu allan i'r ysgol, fel y mae eu cyfoedion yn ei wneud, er enghraifft dysgu sgiliau a chymdeithasu yn yr ysgol yn ystod teithiau ysgol. Felly, o ystyried natur drawslywodraethol tlodi plant, tybed pa waith y byddwch chi'n ei wneud gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg i geisio sicrhau nad yw ein plant yn dioddef yn eu profiad yn yr ysgol a'r tu allan iddi oherwydd amgylchiadau ariannol eu teulu.

Thank you. I think you raise a very important point. I met with the Bevan Foundation very early after coming into this portfolio to talk about a range of issues and, certainly, many of the reports they've brought forward are very helpful in helping us to tackle poverty. And you're right, it's not just about child poverty; it's about tackling poverty, because we know children live in poverty because their parents also live in poverty. I'm due to have a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Education to discuss a wide range of issues around children in school, and the impact in that they see domestic abuse, for instance, and also other things in relation to tackling poverty, so I will certainly discuss that with her as well and report back to you.

Diolch. Credaf eich bod wedi codi pwynt pwysig iawn. Cyfarfûm â Sefydliad Bevan yn gynnar iawn ar ôl cael y portffolio hwn i siarad am amrywiaeth o faterion ac yn sicr, mae llawer o'r adroddiadau y maent wedi'u cyflwyno yn ddefnyddiol iawn i'n helpu i fynd i'r afael â thlodi. Ac rydych chi'n iawn, nid tlodi plant yn unig ydyw; mae'n ymwneud â mynd i'r afael â thlodi, oherwydd fe wyddom fod plant yn byw mewn tlodi am fod eu rhieni hefyd yn byw mewn tlodi. Rwyf i fod i gael cyfarfod gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg i drafod amrywiaeth eang o faterion yn ymwneud â phlant yn yr ysgol, a'r effaith pan fyddant yn gweld cam-drin domestig, er enghraifft, a phethau eraill hefyd mewn perthynas â threchu tlodi, felly byddaf yn sicr yn trafod hynny gyda hi hefyd ac yn adrodd yn ôl i chi.

The Welsh Government has consistently blamed the UK Government policies for the levels of child poverty here in Wales, which has been criticised by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who highlighted that many child poverty reduction measures are within the Welsh Government's powers, and, aside from the rhetoric, the action on this has been lacklustre. Twenty-eight per cent of children in Wales are living in relative poverty—higher than Scotland and Northern Ireland—and both Action for Children and Barnado's have criticised the Welsh Government's unambitious targets to get this down, with targets rarely met. In north Wales, the situation is more dire because all north Walian constituencies, with the exception of Alun and Deeside, have higher average rates of child poverty. One of the most effective ways to alleviate child poverty is to ensure that wages are rising, but, in Wales, we have the lowest employment rate and the lowest median wages in the UK. In Denbighshire, in my constituency, the median income is £27,400 compared to the £34,963 median UK income, and we have 3,500 children living in poverty in my constituency. So, can the Cabinet Secretary respond to that criticism the Welsh Government has received regarding the targets for tackling child poverty and outline how they plan to address the disproportionately higher child poverty rates in north Wales? Thank you.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi beio polisïau Llywodraeth y DU yn gyson am lefelau tlodi plant yma yng Nghymru, sydd wedi cael eu beirniadu gan Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree, a nododd fod llawer o fesurau lleihau tlodi plant o fewn pwerau Llywodraeth Cymru, ac ar wahân i'r rhethreg, mae gweithredu ar hyn wedi bod yn ddi-fflach. Mae 28 y cant o blant Cymru yn byw mewn tlodi cymharol—sy'n uwch na'r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon—ac mae Gweithredu dros Blant a Barnardo's ill dau wedi beirniadu targedau di-uchelgais Llywodraeth Cymru i ostwng hyn, gyda thargedau'n anaml yn cael eu cyrraedd. Yng ngogledd Cymru, mae'r sefyllfa'n fwy enbyd oherwydd bod gan holl etholaethau'r gogledd, ac eithrio Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy, gyfraddau uwch o dlodi plant ar gyfartaledd. Un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf effeithiol o liniaru tlodi plant yw sicrhau bod cyflogau'n codi, ond yng Nghymru, mae gennym y gyfradd gyflogaeth isaf a'r cyflogau canolrifol isaf yn y DU. Yn sir Ddinbych, fy etholaeth i, mae'r incwm canolrifol yn £27,400 o'i gymharu â'r incwm canolrifol o £34,963 yn y DU, ac mae gennym 3,500 o blant yn byw mewn tlodi yn fy etholaeth. Felly, a all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ymateb i'r feirniadaeth o Lywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â'r targedau ar gyfer trechu tlodi plant ac amlinellu sut maent yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â'r cyfraddau tlodi plant anghymesur o uwch yng ngogledd Cymru? Diolch.


No member of the Welsh Government is happy with the levels of child poverty that we have at the current time, but we do have to face facts that many of the levers do sit with the UK Government and that, up until 2010, when the Tories came in, we did have a significant drop in the number of children who were in poverty.

I absolutely agree with you around the economy and the importance of the economy, and, certainly, I've had early discussions with my colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language, because he absolutely recognises the levers that he has. So, child poverty sits in my portfolio, but every Cabinet Secretary recognises that they have a contribution to make to reducing that far, far too high number. And you will have heard me say in the Chamber since I came into post that one of the things I'm really keen to do is have bilaterals with every Minister to make sure I know what they're doing to try and alleviate child poverty, and that I'm also able to ask of them and their policies what they can do to consider and reduce those levels.

Nid oes yr un aelod o Lywodraeth Cymru yn hapus â'r lefelau tlodi plant sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd, ond mae'n rhaid inni wynebu'r ffaith bod llawer o'r ysgogiadau yn nwylo Llywodraeth y DU a'n bod, hyd at 2010 pan ddaeth y Torïaid i mewn, wedi gweld gostyngiad sylweddol yn nifer y plant a oedd yn byw mewn tlodi.

Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi ynghylch yr economi a phwysigrwydd yr economi, ac yn sicr, rwyf wedi cael trafodaethau cynnar gyda fy nghyd-Aelod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a'r Gymraeg oherwydd mae'n cydnabod yn llwyr yr ysgogiadau sydd ganddo. Felly, mae tlodi plant yn fy mhortffolio i, ond mae pob Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cydnabod bod ganddynt gyfraniad i'w wneud i leihau ffigur sy'n rhy uchel o lawer. Ac fe fyddwch wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud yn y Siambr ers imi ddod i'r swydd mai un o'r pethau rwy'n awyddus iawn i'w gwneud yw cael cyfarfodydd dwyochrog gyda phob Gweinidog i wneud yn siŵr fy mod yn gwybod beth maent yn ei wneud i geisio lliniaru tlodi plant, a fy mod hefyd yn gallu gofyn iddynt am eu polisïau i weld beth y gallant ei wneud i ystyried a lleihau'r lefelau hynny.

Hanes a Threftadaeth Cymoedd y De
The History and Heritage of the South Wales Valleys

6. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i hyrwyddo mynediad i hanes a threftadaeth Cymoedd y de? OQ61334

6. What is the Welsh Government doing to promote access to the history and heritage of the south Wales Valleys? OQ61334

The Welsh Government promotes access to history and heritage of the south Wales Valleys through its localised and international marketing campaigns and work in educating future generations of the importance of our historic and cultural environment.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn hyrwyddo mynediad at hanes a threftadaeth Cymoedd de Cymru drwy ei hymgyrchoedd marchnata lleol a rhyngwladol ac yn gweithio i addysgu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol am bwysigrwydd ein hamgylchedd hanesyddol a diwylliannol.

Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. Through the Valleys Re-told project, the Lee Gardens Pool committee in Penrhiwceiber in my constituency worked with Amgueddfa Cymru to bring the rich heritage of the village to life. The museum supported adults and children to collect and curate local stories and artefacts, teaching valuable skills and preserving their heritage, leading to an art trail and displays in multiple locations in the community, with the project culminating in items gathered going on display in Cardiff museum. It really was the most fabulous project. I appreciate the enormous challenges around funding as a result of 14 failed Tory years, but how is the Welsh Government supporting this type of initiative so that communities can explore and promote their history and their identities?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Drwy brosiect Ail-ddweud Stori'r Cymoedd, bu pwyllgor Pwll Gerddi Lee ym Mhenrhiw-ceibr yn fy etholaeth yn gweithio gydag Amgueddfa Cymru i ddod â threftadaeth gyfoethog y pentref yn fyw. Cefnogodd yr amgueddfa oedolion a phlant i gasglu a churadu straeon ac arteffactau lleol, gan ddysgu sgiliau gwerthfawr a gwarchod eu treftadaeth, gan arwain at lwybr celf ac arddangosfeydd mewn sawl lleoliad yn y gymuned, gyda'r prosiect yn gorffen gydag eitemau a gasglwyd yn cael eu harddangos yn amgueddfa Caerdydd. Roedd yn brosiect ardderchog. Rwy'n deall yr heriau enfawr sy'n gysylltiedig â chyllid o ganlyniad i 14 mlynedd o fethiannau'r Torïaid, ond sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi mentrau o'r fath fel y gall cymunedau archwilio a hyrwyddo eu hanes a'u hunaniaeth?

Thank you. Well, I think you've given us an excellent illustration of how our national heritage bodies can work proactively with communities and local museums so that they can investigate and also tell their stories to the wider community, and what's really important is we don't lose those stories. It's really important that we have them and we keep them and we protect them for future generations. I understand the project did engage with communities of all ages, from primary school upwards, and that's made hundreds of artworks and objects accessible. I know the project contributed to Amgueddfa Cymru's exhibition, which is on at the national museum until, I think, around November, and the Welsh Government did give funding to ensure that exhibition is free to enter. But we are exploring with Amgueddfa Cymru and the Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales how we can expand that partnership work, going forward.

Diolch. Wel, rwy'n credu eich bod wedi rhoi darlun ardderchog o sut y gall ein cyrff treftadaeth cenedlaethol weithio'n rhagweithiol gyda chymunedau ac amgueddfeydd lleol fel y gallant ymchwilio ac adrodd eu straeon i'r gymuned ehangach, a'r hyn sy'n bwysig iawn yw nad ydym yn colli'r straeon hynny. Mae'n bwysig iawn eu bod gyda ni a'n bod yn eu cadw ac yn eu diogelu ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Rwy'n deall bod y prosiect wedi ymgysylltu â chymunedau o bob oed, o'r ysgol gynradd i fyny, ac mae hynny wedi gwneud cannoedd o weithiau celf a gwrthrychau yn hygyrch. Rwy'n gwybod bod y prosiect wedi cyfrannu at arddangosfa Amgueddfa Cymru, sydd i'w gweld yn yr amgueddfa genedlaethol tan tua mis Tachwedd, rwy'n credu, a rhoddodd Llywodraeth Cymru gyllid i sicrhau bod mynediad am ddim i'r arddangosfa. Ond rydym yn archwilio gydag Amgueddfa Cymru a Ffederasiwn Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Celf Cymru i weld sut y gallwn ehangu'r gwaith partneriaeth hwnnw wrth symud ymlaen.

Diogelu'r Amgylchedd Hanesyddol
Protecting the Historic Environment

7. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i ddiogelu amgylchedd hanesyddol Cymru? OQ61332

7. What is the Welsh Government doing to protect the historic environment of Wales? OQ61332

When the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 comes into force later this year, Wales will have the most progressive legislation for the management and protection of the historic environment in the UK. This is supplemented by planning policies that protect the unique characteristics of our historic environment.

Pan ddaw Deddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2023 i rym yn ddiweddarach eleni, Cymru fydd â'r ddeddfwriaeth fwyaf blaengar yn y DU ar gyfer rheoli a gwarchod yr amgylchedd hanesyddol. Caiff ei hategu gan bolisïau cynllunio sy'n diogelu nodweddion unigryw ein hamgylchedd hanesyddol.

Thank you very much for your answer, Cabinet Secretary. As you're well aware, in my constituency of Brecon and Radnorshire, there are proposals by Bute Energy and Green GEN Cymru to put windfarms and pylons right the way through my constituency. This is going to have a massive effect on the historic environment in my constituency, and I'm very interested to know what the Welsh Government are going to do to ensure that the historic environment of Brecon and Radnorshire is protected from these large-scale developments in my constituency.

Diolch yn fawr am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fel y gwyddoch, yn fy etholaeth i ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed, mae cynigion gan Bute Energy a Green GEN Cymru i godi ffermydd gwynt a pheilonau yr holl ffordd drwy fy etholaeth. Mae hyn yn mynd i gael effaith enfawr ar yr amgylchedd hanesyddol yn fy etholaeth, ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn gwybod beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'w wneud i sicrhau bod amgylchedd hanesyddol Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed yn cael ei warchod rhag y datblygiadau mawr hyn yn fy etholaeth.

Thank you. Well, it would be inappropriate for me, Deputy Presiding Officer, to comment on specific proposals. As you know, Welsh Ministers determine whether applications should be approved or not. But I think what is really important, as I say, is we have the most progressive legislation in this area. It will come into force in the autumn, and I think it will provide us with accessible, bilingual law for our unique historic environment, supported by a range of secondary legislation. 'Planning Policy Wales' also requires the planning system to take account of our objectives to protect conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment.

Diolch. Wel, byddai'n amhriodol imi wneud sylwadau ar gynigion penodol, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Fel y gwyddoch, Gweinidogion Cymru sy'n penderfynu a ddylid cymeradwyo ceisiadau ai peidio. Ond rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n wirioneddol bwysig, fel y dywedais, yw bod gennym y ddeddfwriaeth fwyaf blaengar yn y maes hwn. Daw i rym yn yr hydref, ac rwy'n credu y bydd yn rhoi cyfraith hygyrch, ddwyieithog inni ar gyfer ein hamgylchedd hanesyddol unigryw, wedi'i chefnogi gan ystod o is-ddeddfwriaeth. Mae 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' hefyd yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r system gynllunio ystyried ein hamcanion i ddiogelu, gwarchod, hyrwyddo a gwella'r amgylchedd hanesyddol.


Mae cwestiwn 8 [OQ61309] wedi ei dynnu yn ôl felly, yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Tom Giffard.

Question 8 [OQ61309] has been withdrawn so, finally, question 9, Tom Giffard.

Pobl â Nam ar eu Golwg
Visually Impaired People

9. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn hawdd eu cyrraedd i bobl â nam ar eu golwg? OQ61338

9. How does the Welsh Government ensure public services are made easily accessible to people with visual impairments? OQ61338

The Welsh Government is committed to developing accessible, high-quality, responsive and citizen-centred services that meet the needs of all disabled people in Wales, including those who are blind or visually impaired. The work of the disability rights taskforce is integral to this commitment.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu gwasanaethau hygyrch, ymatebol o ansawdd uchel sy’n canolbwyntio ar y dinesydd ac sy’n diwallu anghenion holl bobl anabl Cymru, gan gynnwys y rheini sy’n ddall neu sydd ag amhariad ar y golwg. Mae gwaith y tasglu hawliau pobl anabl yn rhan annatod o'r ymrwymiad hwn.

Diolch yn fawr. In a letter to the chief executive of Cardiff Council, the Royal National Institute of Blind People detailed the council's failure to account for the needs of blind and partially sighted people. Whilst the issues raised in that letter pertain to the bus borders in Cardiff specifically, many blind and partially sighted people that I spoke to in my region say it applies elsewhere too. Blind and partially sighted people face the possible risks and unsafe conditions of bus borders when trying to navigate the transport system in Wales, and it's important to note that the then Deputy Minister for Climate Change recognised that the designs didn't always comply with the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 guidance, where local authorities must ensure suitable transport provision and public services access for everyone in a given area. It's obviously upsetting to hear the difficulties that blind and partially sighted people face when trying to go about their daily business, so what work is being done across the Welsh Government, and with local authorities in Wales, to ensure that public transport and other services are made easy and safe for people who are blind or partially sighted?

Diolch yn fawr. Mewn llythyr at brif weithredwr Cyngor Caerdydd, nododd Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol Pobl Ddall fethiant y cyngor i roi cyfrif am anghenion pobl ddall a rhannol ddall. Er bod y materion a godwyd yn y llythyr hwnnw’n ymwneud yn benodol â'r mannau ar gyfer mynd ar fysiau yng Nghaerdydd, mae llawer o'r bobl ddall a rhannol ddall y siaradais â nhw yn fy rhanbarth yn dweud eu bod yn berthnasol mewn mannau eraill hefyd. Mae pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn wynebu'r risgiau posibl ac amodau anniogel a achosir gan fannau ar gyfer mynd ar fysiau wrth geisio defnyddio’r system drafnidiaeth yng Nghymru, ac mae’n bwysig nodi bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar y pryd wedi cydnabod nad oedd y cynlluniau bob amser yn cydymffurfio â chanllawiau Deddf Teithio Llesol (Cymru) 2013, lle mae’n rhaid i awdurdodau lleol sicrhau mynediad at wasanaethau cyhoeddus a darpariaeth drafnidiaeth addas i bawb mewn ardal benodol. Mae clywed am anawsterau y mae pobl ddall a rhannol ddall yn eu hwynebu wrth geisio byw eu bywydau bob dydd yn amlwg yn destun gofid, felly pa waith sy’n mynd rhagddo ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru, a chydag awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru, i sicrhau bod trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus a gwasanaethau eraill yn cael eu gwneud yn hawdd ac yn ddiogel i bobl sy'n ddall neu'n rhannol ddall?

Thank you. You raise a very important point. It is absolutely vital that people with a vision impairment can travel independently, that they can do so with confidence, and certainly the transport working group that came up with recommendations for Welsh Government, which we're currently working through, from the disability rights taskforce I referred to, are going to help us with that piece of work. I'm actually due to meet the RNIB next week, so I will certainly raise that with them.

Diolch. Rydych yn codi pwynt pwysig iawn. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol fod pobl ag amhariad ar y golwg yn gallu teithio'n annibynnol, eu bod yn gallu gwneud hynny'n hyderus, ac yn sicr, mae'r gweithgor trafnidiaeth a luniodd yr argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru, argymhellion yr ydym yn gweithio drwyddynt ar hyn o bryd gan y tasglu hawliau pobl anabl y cyfeiriais ato, yn mynd i'n helpu gyda'r gwaith hwnnw. Byddaf yn cyfarfod â'r RNIB yr wythnos nesaf, felly byddaf yn sicr yn codi hynny gyda nhw.

3. Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd
3. Questions to the Senedd Commission

Eitem 3 yw'r cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Bydd yr unig gwestiwn heddiw gan Carolyn Thomas.

Item 3 is questions to the Senedd Commission. The only question today will be asked by Carolyn Thomas.

Denu Ymwelwyr i'r Senedd
Encouraging Visitors to the Senedd

1. Sut mae'r Comisiwn yn denu ymwelwyr i'r Senedd? OQ61326

1. How does the Commission encourage visitors to the Senedd? OQ61326

Llynedd, gwnaethom groesawu dros 150,000 o ymwelwyr i'r Senedd. Rydym yn defnyddio llawer o ddulliau i annog pobl i ymweld, gan gynnwys hysbysebion ac erthyglau mewn cyhoeddiadau arbenigol. Rydym yn hyrwyddo'r Senedd yn rheolaidd fel atyniad i ymwelwyr ar ein cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gydag ymgyrchoedd mwy o faint yn ystod yr haf. Hefyd, ym mis Chwefror 2024, caffi'r Senedd oedd y lleoliad cyntaf a'r unig un yng Nghymru i gael ei achredu â safon caffi teuluol Kids in Museums.

Last year, we welcomed over 150,000 visitors to the Senedd. There are many ways that we encourage people to visit, including adverts and editorials in specialist publications. We regularly promote the Senedd as a visitor attraction on our social media channels, with larger campaigns running in the summer. Also, in February 2024, the Senedd cafe was the first and only venue in Wales to have achieved accreditation from the Kids in Museums family cafe standard.

Diolch. Thank you. It's great to hear all that. When I walk around the bay and talk to people, they're not always sure if they're allowed to just pop into the Senedd, into the building, and are unsure how to access it as well—where the door is, basically. So, I was wondering if you've got plans to improve signage. And also, if people don't know the area at all, they can look at the three wonderful buildings, the Wales Millennium Centre, the Pierhead, and the Senedd itself, and if they don't have that background knowledge, they say, 'Which building is it?'—if you're talking to foreign visitors. And as you say, we've got the wonderful cafe.

I had a biodiversity event recently as well, and I wanted to open it up to members of the public so it wasn't just a private event, and it was great to see members of the public going and visiting the stands before Members were available to visit. So, I was just wondering about opening some of our events as well to members of the public and promoting them.

Diolch. Mae'n wych clywed hynny oll. Pan fyddaf yn cerdded o gwmpas y bae ac yn siarad â phobl, nid ydynt bob amser yn siŵr a ydynt yn cael picio i mewn i'r Senedd, i mewn i'r adeilad, ac maent yn ansicr sut i gael mynediad iddo hefyd—ble mae'r drws, yn y bôn. Felly, tybed a oes gennych gynlluniau i wella'r arwyddion. A hefyd, os nad yw pobl yn adnabod yr ardal o gwbl, gallant edrych ar y tri adeilad gwych, sef Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, y Pierhead, a’r Senedd ei hun, ac os nad oes ganddynt wybodaeth gefndirol, maent yn gofyn pa adeilad ydyw—os ydych chi'n siarad ag ymwelwyr tramor. Ac fel y dywedwch, mae gennym y caffi bendigedig.

Roedd gennyf ddigwyddiad bioamrywiaeth yn ddiweddar hefyd, ac roeddwn yn awyddus i'w agor i’r cyhoedd fel ei fod yn fwy na digwyddiad preifat yn unig, ac roedd yn wych gweld aelodau’r cyhoedd yn ymweld â’r stondinau cyn i’r Aelodau fod ar gael i ymweld. Felly, tybed a ellir agor rhai o'n digwyddiadau i aelodau'r cyhoedd, a'u hyrwyddo.

Well, certainly, the approach to making the Senedd a place that's welcoming for all is twofold. One is to attract those people who think about coming here, who plan to come here from all over Wales and beyond, but also, as you've said, those people who happen to be in Cardiff Bay and wandering around on a lovely sunny day like today and wondering what's in that building, we need those to be coming in as well. We have made an attempt recently, and we do have banners that are around outside, and also audiovisual displays, to make sure that members of the public are clear that they are able, as members of the public, to walk in. Obviously, we have a security system on the door, which we have to have, for quite obvious reasons, but most people are able to get through that security system without too much problem, hopefully.

Therefore, we want to make sure that people are aware that they can come and find out what we're doing in here, that it is somewhere that belongs to the people of Wales and the people of Wales can come in, not just as visitors and to look around, but also, as you've just mentioned, quite usefully, that they can take part and listen to anything that happens to be going on on our estate at any particular point in time. And I'll take away from this question the need to ensure that there's no disincentive for members of the public to feel that they can sit down and listen to a talk that happens to be happening in our more public places, or to engage with anybody who has a display or an exhibition that's currently ongoing in the Senedd.

Wel, yn sicr, mae’r syniad o wneud y Senedd yn lle croesawgar i bawb yn un deublyg. Un agwedd yw denu’r bobl sy’n meddwl am ddod yma, sy’n bwriadu dod yma o bob rhan o Gymru a thu hwnt, ond hefyd, fel y dywedoch chi, y bobl sy’n digwydd bod ym Mae Caerdydd ac yn crwydro o gwmpas ar ddiwrnod braf fel heddiw ac yn meddwl tybed beth sydd yn yr adeilad hwn, mae angen i'r rheini ddod i mewn hefyd. Rydym wedi gwneud ymdrech yn ddiweddar, ac mae gennym faneri y tu allan, ac arddangosfeydd clyweledol, i sicrhau bod aelodau'r cyhoedd yn deall eu bod yn cael galw i mewn. Yn amlwg, mae gennym system ddiogelwch ar y drws, ac mae’n rhaid i ni gael honno am resymau eithaf amlwg, ond mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gallu mynd drwy’r system ddiogelwch heb ormod o drafferth, gobeithio.

Felly, rydym am sicrhau bod pobl yn ymwybodol y gallant ddod i ddarganfod beth rydym yn ei wneud yma, ei fod yn rhywle sy'n perthyn i bobl Cymru ac y gall pobl Cymru ddod i mewn, nid yn unig fel ymwelwyr ac i edrych o gwmpas, ond hefyd, fel rydych chi newydd ddweud, gallant gymryd rhan a gwrando ar unrhyw beth sy'n digwydd bod yn cael ei gynnal ar ein hystad ar unrhyw adeg benodol. A byddaf yn nodi o'r cwestiwn yr angen i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw wrthanogaeth i aelodau'r cyhoedd deimlo y gallant eistedd a gwrando ar sgwrs sy'n digwydd bod yn cael ei chynnal yn ein mannau mwy cyhoeddus, neu ymgysylltu ag unrhyw un sydd ag arddangosfa yn y Senedd ar y pryd.


And since we're talking about visitors to the Senedd, can I welcome the visitors in the gallery? That highlights the fact that members of the public are able to access our business. 

A chan ein bod yn sôn am ymwelwyr â'r Senedd, a gaf i groesawu'r ymwelwyr yn yr oriel? Mae hynny’n amlygu’r ffaith bod aelodau’r cyhoedd yn gallu cael mynediad at ein busnes.

4. Cwestiynau Amserol
4. Topical Questions

Nid oes unrhyw gwestiynau amserol wedi eu derbyn heddiw.

No topical questions were accepted today. 

5. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
5. 90-second Statements

Felly, symudwn ymlaen at eitem 5, y datganiadau 90 eiliad, a bydd y datganiad cyntaf gan Vikki Howells. 

So, we'll move on to item 5, the 90-second statements, and the first statement is from Vikki Howells. 

The 23 June marked 130 years since the Albion colliery disaster, the second-worst mining disaster in Wales. Two hundred and ninety men and boys, the youngest just 13, lost their lives. The majority were from Cilfynydd, which reporters said resembled a city of the dead. I spoke about the disaster here three years ago, when I mentioned my hopes that an event that I was holding would become an annual commemoration, so that we remember the tragedy. Today, in addition to recalling the tremendous loss of that awful day, I am able to provide a more positive update on how those plans have developed.

The Albion colliery disaster memorial group, which we established, has worked really hard. Its dedicated volunteers have delivered a range of projects, including a very informative exhibition in St Luke's church hall in the village, all of which culminated in the unveiling of a new permanent memorial to the disaster in the village. A civic dedication ceremony for a monument in the shape of a coal-filled dram was held last Sunday, where participants included members of the community and Abercynon Male Voice Choir. I was privileged to take part in that service, so that we ensure that the memory of those who lost their lives lives on, so that we can make sure that the Albion colliery disaster is no longer the forgotten mining disaster. Diolch. 

Roedd 23 Mehefin yn nodi 130 o flynyddoedd ers trychineb glofa’r Albion, yr ail drychineb glofaol gwaethaf yng Nghymru. Collodd 290 o ddynion a bechgyn eu bywydau, gyda'r ieuengaf yn ddim ond 13 oed. Roedd y rhan fwyaf yn dod o Gilfynydd, y dywedodd gohebwyr ei bod fel tref y meirw. Siaradais am y trychineb yma dair blynedd yn ôl, pan soniais am fy ngobeithion y byddai digwyddiad yr oeddwn yn ei gynnal yn dod yn goffâd blynyddol, er mwyn inni gofio’r drasiedi. Heddiw, yn ogystal â chofio colled aruthrol y diwrnod ofnadwy hwnnw, gallaf roi diweddariad mwy cadarnhaol ar sut mae’r cynlluniau hynny wedi datblygu.

Mae grŵp cofeb trychineb glofa'r Albion, a sefydlwyd gennym, wedi gweithio’n galed iawn. Mae ei wirfoddolwyr ymroddedig wedi cyflwyno ystod o brosiectau, gan gynnwys arddangosfa addysgiadol iawn yn neuadd eglwys Sant Luc yn y pentref, ac uchafbwynt y cyfan oedd dadorchuddio cofeb barhaol newydd i’r trychineb yn y pentref. Cynhaliwyd seremoni gyflwyno ddinesig ar gyfer cofeb ar ffurf dram yn llawn o lo ddydd Sul diwethaf, lle roedd y cyfranogwyr yn cynnwys aelodau o’r gymuned a Chôr Meibion Abercynon. Cefais y fraint o gymryd rhan yn y gwasanaeth hwnnw, er mwyn inni sicrhau ein bod yn cofio'r rhai a gollodd eu bywydau, fel y gallwn wneud yn siŵr nad yw trychineb glofa’r Albion yn angof mwyach. Diolch.

Yn ei stori fer, 'Adrodd Cyfrolau', mae Jon Gower yn sôn am y pleser o grwydro ar hyd strydoedd cul Pontcanna, yr ardal debycaf o holl ardaloedd Caerdydd i Greenwich Village yn Efrog Newydd, ac yna taro i mewn i siop lyfrau Caban. Sefydlwyd y siop yn wreiddiol i gynnig gwaith i bobl ag anghenion dysgu. Pobl sy’n gwneud siop lyfrau da, ac mae hynny yn sicr yn wir am Caban—pobl fel Meinir Phillips a fuodd farw'r wythnos diwethaf. Roedd Meinir yno ar gyfer pob carreg filltir bywyd, o brynu llyfr i fabi newydd hyd at y cerdyn cydymdeimlo. Roedd Meinir yn gallu awgrymu llyfrau da i'w darllen ar wyliau, a dwi’n siŵr bod cannoedd o bobl ar hyd y blynyddoedd wedi darllen un o’i hargymhellion hi ar lan y môr neu wrth ymyl pwll. Llongyfarchiadau i Elin a’r tîm yn Caban ar ennill y wobr siop lyfrau orau yng ngwobrau manwerthwyr annibynnol Cymru eleni.

Yn y stori fer, awgrymir mai er cof am y caban yn y chwarel, lle byddai gweithwyr yn cyfnewid storis a newyddion, yr enwyd y siop lyfrau. Ac mae’r siop, awgryma Jon Gower, yn debyg mewn sawl ffordd i’r caban hwnnw. Ffrwyth dychymyg Jon yw hynny, ond mae ei ddisgrifiad o’r siop yn agos iawn i’r gwirionedd. Diolch yn fawr.

In his short story, 'Adrodd Cyfrolau', or 'Speaking Volumes', Jon Gower describes the pleasures of wandering the narrow streets of Pontcanna, the part of Cardiff most redolent of Greenwich Village in New York, and then stumbling across Caban bookshop. The shop was originally established to provide employment for people with learning needs. It is people who make a good bookshop, and this is certainly true of Caban—people like Meinir Phillips, who passed away last week. Meinir was there for all of life’s milestones, from buying a book to celebrate the birth of a child to the condolence card. Meinir could recommend good books to read on holidays, and I’m sure that hundreds of people over the years have read one of her must-reads at the seaside or by the pool. Congratulations to Elin and the team at Caban for winning the best bookshop award at this year’s Welsh independent retail awards.

In the short story, it is suggested that the bookshop was named in memory of the caban in the quarry, where workers would share stories and news. And the shop, Jon Gower suggests, is similar in several ways to that caban. That was the fruit of Jon’s imagination, but his description of the shop is very close to the truth. Thank you very much.

6. Cynnig i ddiwygio Rheolau Sefydlog: Trefniadau Cadeirio Pwyllgor y Llywydd
6. Motion to amend Standing Orders: Llywydd’s Committee Chairing Arrangements

Eitem 6 heddiw yw'r cynnig i ddiwygio'r Rheolau Sefydlog: trefniadau cadeirio Pwyllgor y Llywydd. Galwaf ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol. Jane Hutt. 

Item 6 is a motion to amend Standing Orders: Llywydd's Committee chairing arrangements. I call on a member of the Business Committee to move the motion formally. Jane Hutt. 

Cynnig NDM8622 Elin Jones

Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 33.2:

1. Yn ystyried adroddiad y Pwyllgor Busnes, 'Diwygio Rheolau Sefydlog: Trefniadau cadeirio Pwyllgor y Llywydd', a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 18 Mehefin 2024.

2. Yn cymeradwyo'r cynnig i ddiwygio Rheol Sefydlog 18B, fel y nodir yn Atodiad A i adroddiad y Pwyllgor Busnes.

Motion NDM8622 Elin Jones

To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 33.2:

1. Considers the report of the Business Committee, ‘Amending Standing Orders: Llywydd’s Committee chairing arrangements’, laid in the Table Office on 18 June 2024.

2. Approves the proposal to amend Standing Order 18B, as set out in Annex A of the Business Committee’s report.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid diwygio'r Rheolau Sefydlog? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheoi Sefydlog 12.36.

The proposal is to amend Standing Orders. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

7. Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod: Bil Buddion Ynni Cymunedol
7. Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal: A Community Energy Benefits bill

Eitem 7 yw'r ddadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod: Bil buddion ynni cymunedol. Galwaf ar Adam Price i wneud y cynnig.

Item 7 is a debate on a Member's legislative proposal: a community energy benefits Bill. I call on Adam Price to move the motion. 

Cynnig NDM8616 Adam Price

Cefnogwyd gan Rhun ap Iorwerth

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn nodi cynnig ar gyfer Bil buddion ynni cymunedol.

2. Yn nodi mai diben y Bil hwn fyddai:

a) sicrhau bod datblygiadau ynni adnewyddadwy o fudd uniongyrchol i gymunedau lleol, a bod colli amwynder i gymunedau yn ystyriaeth allweddol wrth benderfynu a yw prosiectau seilwaith ynni mawr yn mynd rhagddynt;

b) ei gwneud yn ofynnol i elw o ddatblygiadau ynni adnewyddadwy gael ei gadw yn yr ardal leol;

c) gwneud perchnogaeth leol yn elfen orfodol ym mhob datblygiad cynhyrchu ynni;

d) gwneud y defnydd o dechnoleg adnewyddadwy yn orfodol yn yr holl adeiladau newydd, datblygiadau sylweddol ac estyniadau; ac

e) defnyddio'r holl opsiynau tir llwyd hyfyw cyn y gellir ystyried unrhyw safle maes glas, yn enwedig os bydd yn effeithio ar gynefinoedd anghysbell ac amrywiol a/neu fod mynediad a seilwaith yn gyfyngedig neu'n anfodol.

Motion NDM8616 Adam Price

Supported by Rhun ap Iorwerth

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes a proposal for a community energy benefits Bill.

2. Notes that the purpose of this Bill would be to:

a) ensure that renewable energy developments have a direct benefit for local communities, and that loss of amenity for communities is a key consideration in determining whether large energy infrastructure projects proceed;

b) require profit from renewable energy developments to be kept in the local area;

c) make local ownership a mandatory element in every energy generation development;

d) mandate the use of renewable technology in all new buildings, significant redevelopments and extensions; and

e) utilise all viable brownfield options before any greenfield site can be considered, especially if remote and diverse habitats are to be affected and or access and infrastructure is limited or non-existent.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's a great pleasure to present this motion, which calls for legislation on renewable energy, and particularly with a focus on ensuring that local communities derive the greatest benefits—economically, socially and ecologically—from renewable energy investments. Because I think the real danger at the moment is that the past is reproducing itself in the history of Wales. We are well aware, of course, of the effect that the extractive economy had in Wales's past: all the mineral wealth that was produced in Wales, everything that could make a profit, has been dug out of the ground in Wales, apart from diamonds, and I suppose if we wait a few million years, we'll have them as well.

But the point is this: whereas we bore much of the human cost of that extractive economy, we didn't derive the economic benefit to the full extent. The profit was extracted from Wales for others' benefit, and unfortunately, I think we are seeing the same model, the same pattern now reproducing itself in terms of Wales's natural resources for the twenty-first century, in terms of renewable energy. So, we are seeing large companies—often multinational, or certainly externally-owned—leading developments and that profit being lost to Wales. Ironically, of course, in some cases, they are actually state-owned enterprises, aren't they? But of course, nevertheless, the point still remains that that profit is then for the benefit of taxpayers and citizens of another country, rather than those of Wales.

And really, what we're trying to achieve with this motion and the Bill that is suggested is to move us to adopt a different model in Wales, which is locally owned, where the benefit is retained within the community. And also, in terms of the types of development that we see, that they're then not just driven by the profit motive. So, there's a natural tendency at the moment, isn't there, to have exclusively developments that are mega-scale, which are concentrated physically. Why? Because that's the way to ensure the greatest level of profit, and that shouldn't be at the forefront of our decision making. What we're suggesting here is adopting a more distributed, dispersed model: distributed and dispersed, decentralised, in the physical sense of the network of energy generation that we want to see in the twenty-first century here in Wales, but also distributed and dispersed in terms of its ownership and in terms of its benefit as well, and the two really go together.

And just to pick up some of the specific points: making local ownership, an element of local ownership, at least a mandatory element in all developments, that is Government policy, and it has been Welsh Government policy since 2020, but it's not mandatory, and therefore it's ignored, which is why we have so many developments that have no substantive element of local ownership. And of course, in Denmark, which has been so successful in rooting its decarbonisation in local ownership, and therefore has accelerated the process, because people are supportive of it, they have a legal requirement and have had for many, many years, since 2009, for—at least, in their case, I believe—20 per cent to be offered in local ownership, and the Institute of Welsh Affairs has recently produced a report arguing for a similar threshold of around 15 per cent as a minimum.

There are other aspects of the motion that I may touch on in my closing remarks, but let's grasp that opportunity: we have the potential there in Wales, but let's do it in a way that learns from the past, doesn't reproduce its mistakes, and ensures that Wales and the people of Wales get the maximum benefit from this opportunity.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae’n bleser cyflwyno’r cynnig hwn, sy’n galw am ddeddfwriaeth ar ynni adnewyddadwy, ac yn enwedig gyda ffocws ar sicrhau bod cymunedau lleol yn cael y buddion mwyaf—yn economaidd, yn gymdeithasol ac yn ecolegol—o fuddsoddiadau ynni adnewyddadwy. Oherwydd credaf mai’r perygl gwirioneddol ar hyn o bryd yw bod y gorffennol yn ailadrodd ei hun yn hanes Cymru. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn, wrth gwrs, o’r effaith a gafodd yr economi echdynnol yng ngorffennol Cymru: mae’r holl gyfoeth mwynol a gynhyrchwyd yng Nghymru, popeth a allai wneud elw, wedi’i gloddio o’r ddaear yng Nghymru, ar wahân i ddiemwntau, ac os arhoswn ychydig filiynau o flynyddoedd, mae'n debyg y bydd rheini gennym hefyd.

Ond y pwynt yw hyn: er inni dalu llawer o gost ddynol yr economi echdynnol honno, ni chawsom y budd economaidd i'r graddau llawn. Echdynnwyd yr elw o Gymru er budd eraill, ac yn anffodus, credaf ein bod yn gweld yr un model, yr un patrwm yn ailadrodd ei hun nawr gydag adnoddau naturiol Cymru yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, mewn perthynas ag ynni adnewyddadwy. Felly, rydym yn gweld cwmnïau mawr—cwmnïau rhyngwladol yn aml, neu'n sicr, yn eiddo i endidau allanol—yn arwain datblygiadau a'r elw hwnnw'n cael ei golli o Gymru. Yn eironig, wrth gwrs, mewn rhai achosion, maent yn fentrau sy'n eiddo i'r wladwriaeth, onid ydynt? Ond wrth gwrs, serch hynny, erys y pwynt fod yr elw hwnnw wedyn yn mynd i drethdalwyr a dinasyddion gwlad arall, yn hytrach na threthdalwyr a dinasyddion Cymru.

A'r hyn y ceisiwn ei gyflawni gyda'r cynnig hwn a'r Bil a awgrymir yw ein hysgogi i fabwysiadu model gwahanol yng Nghymru, model sydd mewn perchnogaeth leol, lle mae'r budd yn cael ei gadw yn y gymuned. A hefyd, o ran y mathau o ddatblygiadau a welwn, nad ydynt wedyn ond yn cael eu llywio gan gymhelliad i wneud elw yn unig. Felly, mae tuedd naturiol ar hyn o bryd, onid oes, i gael datblygiadau ar raddfa anferthol yn unig, datblygiadau sydd wedi'u crynhoi mewn un lle. Pam? Am mai dyna'r ffordd i sicrhau'r lefel fwyaf o elw, ac ni ddylai hynny fod yn flaenoriaeth wrth inni wneud ein penderfyniadau. Yr hyn a awgrymwn yma yw mabwysiadu model mwy dosranedig, gwasgaredig: dosranedig a gwasgaredig, datganoledig, yn ystyr ffisegol y rhwydwaith cynhyrchu ynni yr ydym am ei weld yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain yma yng Nghymru, ond sydd hefyd yn ddosranedig ac yn wasgaredig o ran ei berchnogaeth ac o ran ei fudd hefyd, ac mae'r ddau beth yn mynd law yn llaw.

Ac i fynd ar drywydd rhai o’r pwyntiau penodol: polisi’r Llywodraeth yw gwneud perchnogaeth leol, elfen o berchnogaeth leol, yn elfen orfodol o leiaf ym mhob datblygiad, ac mae wedi bod yn bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru ers 2020, ond nid yw’n orfodol, ac felly mae'n cael ei anwybyddu, a dyna pam fod gennym gymaint o ddatblygiadau heb unrhyw elfen ystyrlon o berchnogaeth leol. Ac wrth gwrs, yn Nenmarc, sydd wedi bod mor llwyddiannus wrth wreiddio datgarboneiddio mewn perchnogaeth leol, gan gyflymu’r broses drwy hynny, gan fod pobl yn cefnogi'r syniad, mae ganddynt ofyniad cyfreithiol, ac maent wedi cael un ers blynyddoedd lawer, ers 2009—fan lleiaf, yn eu hachos nhw, rwy'n credu—fod 20 y cant yn cael ei gynnig mewn perchnogaeth leol, ac yn ddiweddar, mae’r Sefydliad Materion Cymreig wedi llunio adroddiad yn dadlau o blaid trothwy tebyg o oddeutu 15 y cant o leiaf.

Ceir agweddau eraill ar y cynnig y gallaf gyfeirio atynt yn fy sylwadau clo, ond gadewch inni fachu ar y cyfle: mae gennym botensial yng Nghymru, ond gadewch inni wneud hyn mewn ffordd sy’n dysgu o’r gorffennol, nid ailadrodd ei gamgymeriadau, ac sy'n sicrhau bod Cymru a'i phobl yn cael y budd mwyaf posibl o’r cyfle hwn.


I fundamentally agree with the premise of today's proposal. I do believe that where there is renewable energy development, local people should benefit, and as I've said before in the Chamber, I believe that profits from locally produced renewable energy should go towards lowering energy bills for residents, and we've seen already from investments from renewable energy how it can benefit communities in other ways. So, in north Wales, we've got the wind turbines offshore and they put some money into community funds that are administered through the voluntary councils, for different schemes. But do they actually go to where they're needed? That's the thing as well. If we see that energy being produced, you think we need to have that energy—the discount off our bills, basically.

I also agree that brownfield sites need to be utilised first. We're living in a nature crisis and, often, green sites are developed first because it's cheaper and it's easier. Very often though, energy can only be produced at certain sites, so usually it is up on the hills, but then they are protected landscapes as well, so it's really, really difficult. We should be ensuring that new buildings are fit for the future, using solar panels whenever possible, harvesting rainwater, energy-efficient materials. We need to be asking or forcing developers to do this. Installation of swift boxes, planting for pollinators—there's just so much more that we can be doing there.

I do understand that in undertaking large-scale infrastructure projects a balance needs to be struck. We've got a real issue with energy infrastructure, as well, if we're to achieve our net-zero goals. I know that the Welsh Government must be conscious of the vast investment in large-scale renewable energy projects. I suppose we need to have that balance, but we need to make sure that we have community energy projects that help those local communities. So, I totally get what you're saying here, Adam. The optimal output, I suppose, and outcome is we minimise the immediate environmental impact of necessary new infrastructure, whilst moving towards a sustainable future, taking everything into consideration.

I know we discussed last week about undergrounding cables for pylons, and I know it's really, really sensitive. We should underground wherever possible, absolutely, because of the amenity, the impact it has on people, but also, like I said last week, there are considerations around the natural environment—if it's peatland, if there's ancient grassland and fungi. I stand by that, as well, because we have to respect our natural environment. All those are part of the consideration. Thank you.

Yn y bôn, rwy'n cytuno â chynsail y cynnig heddiw. Lle ceir datblygiad ynni adnewyddadwy, rwy'n credu y dylai pobl leol elwa, ac fel y dywedais yn flaenorol yn y Siambr, rwy'n credu y dylai'r elw o ynni adnewyddadwy a gynhyrchir yn lleol fynd tuag at leihau biliau ynni trigolion, ac rydym eisoes wedi gweld o fuddsoddiadau ynni adnewyddadwy sut y gall fod o fudd i gymunedau mewn ffyrdd eraill. Felly, yng ngogledd Cymru, mae gennym y tyrbinau gwynt ar y môr, ac maent yn rhoi arian tuag at gronfeydd cymunedol a weinyddir drwy'r cynghorau gwirfoddol ar gyfer gwahanol gynlluniau. Ond a ydynt yn cyrraedd ble mae eu hangen mewn gwirionedd? Dyna'r peth hefyd. Os gwelwn yr ynni hwnnw'n cael ei gynhyrchu, rydych chi'n meddwl bod angen i ni gael yr ynni hwnnw—y disgownt ar ein biliau, yn y bôn.

Rwy'n cytuno hefyd fod angen defnyddio safleoedd tir llwyd yn gyntaf. Rydym yn byw mewn argyfwng byd natur, ac yn aml, mae safleoedd gwyrdd yn cael eu datblygu gyntaf am ei bod yn rhatach ac yn haws gwneud hynny. Ond yn aml iawn, dim ond mewn rhai safleoedd y gellir cynhyrchu ynni, felly fel arfer, mae hynny i fyny ar y bryniau, ond wedyn maent yn dirweddau gwarchodedig hefyd, felly mae'n anodd iawn. Dylem sicrhau bod adeiladau newydd yn addas at y dyfodol, gan ddefnyddio paneli solar lle bynnag y bo modd, casglu dŵr glaw, deunyddiau effeithlon o ran ynni. Mae angen inni ofyn neu orfodi datblygwyr i wneud hyn. Gosod blychau gwenoliaid duon, plannu ar gyfer peillwyr—mae cymaint mwy y gallwn ei wneud.

Rwy’n deall bod angen sicrhau cydbwysedd wrth ymgymryd â phrosiectau seilwaith ar raddfa fawr. Mae gennym broblem wirioneddol gyda seilwaith ynni hefyd os ydym am gyflawni ein nodau sero net. Gwn fod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru fod yn ymwybodol o’r buddsoddiad enfawr mewn prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy ar raddfa fawr. Mae’n debyg fod angen inni gael y cydbwysedd hwnnw, ond mae angen inni sicrhau bod gennym brosiectau ynni cymunedol sy’n helpu'r cymunedau lleol hynny. Felly, rwy'n deall yr hyn a ddywedwch yma yn llwyr, Adam. Yr allbwn a’r canlyniad gorau, am wn i, yw ein bod yn lleihau effaith amgylcheddol uniongyrchol seilwaith newydd angenrheidiol, wrth symud tuag at ddyfodol cynaliadwy, gan ystyried popeth.

Gwn inni drafod gosod ceblau o dan y ddaear yn lle peilonau yr wythnos diwethaf, ac rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn fater sensitif iawn. Dylem osod seilwaith o dan y ddaear lle bynnag y bo modd, yn sicr, oherwydd yr amwynder, yr effaith a gaiff ar bobl, ond hefyd, fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf, ceir ystyriaethau'n ymwneud â'r amgylchedd naturiol—os yw'n fawndir, os oes glaswelltir hynafol a ffyngau. Rwy'n glynu wrth hynny hefyd, gan fod yn rhaid inni barchu ein hamgylchedd naturiol. Mae’r rheini oll yn rhan o’r ystyriaeth. Diolch.


Ymbweru cymunedau ydy ffocws y cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn, ac rwyf i wir yn croesawu'r ffaith bod Adam Price wedi dod â hwn ymlaen. Mae'n sôn am roi llais cryfach i gymunedau yn wyneb nid yn unig maint a phŵer y system cynllunio, ond heriau’r argyfwng hinsawdd. Achos mae cymaint o’n cymunedau yn bennu lan yn teimlo bod datblygiadau ynni yn cael eu gorfodi ar ardaloedd, yn hytrach na bod datblygiadau a phenderfyniadau’n cael eu gwneud ar y cyd gyda nhw, ac er eu budd nhw. Dyna pam mae’r cynnig yma'n sôn am yr angen i ddatblygiadau gynnig buddion uniongyrchol i’r gymuned leol, a hefyd am yr angen i elw ariannol gael ei gadw’n lleol.

Dŷn ni wedi clywed hyn yn barod gan Adam. Mae straeon ein gorffennol i’w gweld fel creithiau ar ein tirluniau ni yng Nghymru. Yn ardaloedd fel y Cymoedd, mae hanes o gwmnïau yn gwneud elw ar draul trigolion lleol. Dyna sydd yn ein cefndir ni—hanes o ecsbloetiaeth. Rhaid inni wneud yn siŵr nad ydy’r straeon hynny’n cael eu hailadrodd yn y dyfodol. Mae cyfle gennym i fuddsoddi yn ein cymunedau, ymbweru pobl leol i ddatblygu ffyrdd amgen o greu ynni a sicrhau na fydd ein tirluniau unwaith eto yn safle ar gyfer elw ac ecsbloetiaeth.

Ein hetifeddiaeth ni yw ein gwlad: y darn o dir sy’n dyst ein bod wedi mynnu byw, chwedl Gerallt. Ein dyletswydd ni ydy sicrhau ein bod yn gadael etifeddiaeth gwell i’n plant, achos eu heiddo nhw ydy’n gwlad ni, eiddo ein cymunedau lleol. Rhaid ei diogelu a’i meithrin nawr, ac am flynyddoedd i ddod i’r dyfodol. Felly, er budd ein cymunedau ni heddiw ac yn y dyfodol, rwyf wir yn gobeithio y bydd hyn yn pasio.

Empowering communities is the focus of this legislative proposal, and I welcome the fact that Adam Price has introduced it today. It speaks about a stronger voice to communities when faced with the scale and might of the planning system, and the challenges posed by the climate emergency. Because so many communities end up feeling that energy developments are being imposed on those areas, rather than that developments and decisions are made jointly with them and for their benefit. That’s why this motion mentions the need for developments to offer direct benefits to local communities, and the need to retain financial profits locally.  

We've heard this already from Adam. Our history can be seen as scars on the landscapes of Wales. In areas like the Valleys, there's a history of corporations deriving a profit at the expense of local residents. That is the context—a history of exploitation. We must ensure that that history doesn’t repeat itself in future. We have an opportunity here to invest in our communities, to empower local people, to develop alternative methods of generating energy and to ensure that our landscapes are never again sites for the extraction of profit and exploitation.

Our country is our inheritance: the land that bears witness to our will to live, as Gerallt said. Our duty is to ensure that we leave a better legacy for our children, because the nation belongs to them, and to our local communities. We must protect and nurture them now, and for years to come in future. So, for the benefit of our communities today and tomorrow, I truly hope that this motion passes.

Diolch ichi, Adam, am ddod â'r ddadl yma heddiw.

Thank you, Adam, for bringing this debate forward today.

This really excites me, because renewable opportunities, especially in my part of the world, our part of the world in west Wales, in my constituency of Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, excite not just myself but the community as a whole, because they see the opportunities that come not just in terms of the employment that these renewable projects bring to these communities, but also the community benefit. I think that definition of 'community benefit' needs to be explored in the first and foremost element of this, because we've seen examples of energy companies across Wales and other areas undertaking their community benefit by donating sponsorship towards a football team having new kit. It's very good in that immediate sense, but what's the long-term benefit for a community? If you're not linked with that football club, you don't see that community benefit—a point that Luke Fletcher made in committee this morning very well.

I think if we explore the wider community benefit that's available to us by delivering on renewable projects, that opens a door into how we as a broader society can capitalise on the opportunities that our natural resources give us here in Wales. I'm thinking, especially in this weather, of the fantastic sun that we've got, the wind that's blowing off the coast of Pembrokeshire and the tidal opportunities, as well, around our coast. This is an exciting opportunity for Wales. How can we make sure that we benefit from that, not just in terms of the employment side, but in terms of the community who aren't directly involved in that?

And it's not just the projects themselves that need to see community benefit. I would say that it's the connecting materials as well, the connecting infrastructure. If we're talking about the floating offshore wind projects in Pembrokeshire, for example, a lot of that cabling that's coming ashore is going through the Castlemartin and Hundleton area, working very closely with Steve Alderman, the local councillor there. The community actively accepts that this infrastructure is necessary, but what's the community benefit for that connecting infrastructure, rather than the project itself, which is located some 40 km off the coast of Wales? How can we tie that together to see that benefit brought forward?

Another point I'd make is that, in defining community benefit, something that I think may be underexplored—and maybe the Cabinet Secretary may wish to touch on this, but I think there's an opportunity there as well—is how the grid, which we know requires vast infrastructure investment and upgrading, can be a sort of closed-circuit grid that is community focused, so that with energy projects delivering electricity generation in a specific area, that electricity isn't necessarily going into the grid, which we know needs that infrastructure upgrade, but is going into a local grid, supporting local homes. If we're talking about the need for more housing in these areas, how can that renewable energy be going towards those houses, taking off that impact that is needed in the investment of the grid by having a more localised grid? And so, with that, I really think this is something that we can be proud of here in Wales and I'll certainly be giving it my support this afternoon. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.

Mae hyn yn fy nghyffroi’n fawr, gan fod cyfleoedd adnewyddadwy, yn enwedig yn fy rhan i o’r byd, ein rhan ni o’r byd yng ngorllewin Cymru, yn fy etholaeth, Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro, ac nid yn unig fy nghyffroi i ond y gymuned gyfan, gan eu bod yn gweld y cyfleoedd a ddaw nid yn unig o ran y gyflogaeth a ddaw yn sgil y prosiectau adnewyddadwy hyn i’r cymunedau, ond hefyd y budd cymunedol. Rwy'n credu bod angen archwilio’r diffiniad o ‘fudd cymunedol’ cyn unrhyw beth arall, gan ein bod wedi gweld enghreifftiau o gwmnïau ynni ledled Cymru ac ardaloedd eraill yn cyflawni eu budd cymunedol drwy roi nawdd tuag at gitiau newydd i dîm pêl-droed. Mae'n dda iawn mewn ystyr uniongyrchol o'r fath, ond beth yw'r budd hirdymor i'r gymuned? Os nad ydych yn gysylltiedig â’r clwb pêl-droed hwnnw, nid ydych yn gweld budd cymunedol—pwynt a wnaeth Luke Fletcher yn dda iawn yn y pwyllgor y bore yma.

Os archwiliwn y budd cymunedol ehangach sydd ar gael i ni drwy gyflawni prosiectau adnewyddadwy, credaf fod hynny’n agor drws ar sut y gallwn fanteisio fel cymdeithas ehangach ar y cyfleoedd y mae ein hadnoddau naturiol yn eu rhoi i ni yma yng Nghymru. Rwy'n meddwl, yn enwedig yn y tywydd hwn, am yr haul gwych sydd gennym, y gwynt sy'n chwythu oddi ar arfordir sir Benfro a'r cyfleoedd sydd gennym gyda'r llanw hefyd, ar ein harfordir. Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i Gymru. Sut y gallwn sicrhau ein bod yn elwa ar hynny, nid yn unig o ran cyflogaeth, ond o ran y gymuned nad ydynt yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig â hynny?

Ac nid y prosiectau eu hunain yn unig sydd angen gweld budd cymunedol. Byddwn yn dweud yr un peth am y deunyddiau cysylltiol hefyd, y seilwaith cysylltiol. Os ydym yn sôn am brosiectau ffermydd gwynt arnofiol ar y môr yn sir Benfro, er enghraifft, mae llawer o'r ceblau sy'n dod i'r lan yn mynd drwy ardal Castell Martin a Hundleton, gan weithio'n agos iawn gyda Steve Alderman, y cynghorydd lleol yno. Mae’r gymuned yn derbyn yn llwyr fod y seilwaith hwn yn angenrheidiol, ond beth yw budd cymunedol y seilwaith cysylltiol hwnnw, yn hytrach na’r prosiect ei hun, sydd wedi’i leoli oddeutu 40 km oddi ar arfordir Cymru? Sut y gallwn glymu hynny at ei gilydd i weld y budd yn cael ei wireddu?

Pwynt arall yr hoffwn yn ei wneud wrth ddiffinio budd cymunedol, rhywbeth y credaf nad yw wedi ei archwilio'n ddigonol—ac efallai y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn dymuno sôn am hyn, ond credaf fod cyfle yno hefyd—yw sut mae'r grid, y gwyddom ei fod angen cryn dipyn o fuddsoddiad a gwaith uwchraddio o ran ei seilwaith, yn gallu bod yn fath o grid cylch cyfyng sy’n canolbwyntio ar y gymuned, fel bod prosiectau ynni sy’n cynhyrchu trydan mewn ardal benodol, nad yw trydan o reidrwydd yn mynd i’r grid, sydd angen y gwaith uwchraddio hwnnw i'w seilwaith, ond yn mynd i grid lleol, gan gefnogi cartrefi lleol. Os ydym yn sôn am yr angen am fwy o dai yn yr ardaloedd hyn, sut y gall yr ynni adnewyddadwy hwnnw fynd i'r tai hynny, a dileu’r effaith sydd ei hangen wrth fuddsoddi yn y grid drwy gael grid mwy lleol? Ac felly, gyda hynny, rwy'n credu'n wirioneddol fod hyn yn rhywbeth y gallwn fod yn falch ohono yma yng Nghymru, a byddaf yn sicr yn rhoi fy nghefnogaeth iddo y prynhawn yma. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.


This is, of course, a very welcome and important debate, and I fear that there's a bit of a theme appearing on the Plaid Cymru benches in discussing this in the context of history. Because it is the history of Wales, isn't it, profit extraction from our communities, and the same is happening now with renewable energy. I'll speak to this element of the legislative proposal specifically, because the communities I represent still bear the scars of past profit extraction.

What we want is a renewable energy sector, renewable energy projects, that communities can be proud of and benefit from. At the moment, communities get a sum of money in a community pot from a developer—a pot, by the way, that isn't even a drop in the ocean in comparison to the profits being extracted. That money is then put into the immediate needs of groups within the communities: a new play park here, a new rugby kit there. Sam referred to the debates that we have in the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee about how we need to look at this in a more strategic way. How do we look at this in the long term as something that actually impacts the community for the better?

For example, why not firstly retain that profit locally? Why not use that profit, then, to invest in projects like retrofitting housing, like fixing up transport links, even putting in place transport links that didn't exist in the first place? It's there that we see a visible positive effect on the community, and one that goes a long way in supporting our public finances. We could even establish a sovereign wealth fund on the back of it that invests in skills, invests in our assets as a nation, going from strength to strength. There's so much potential being lost here at the moment, and I would hope that Members across the Chamber can see the benefit of this approach. I'll be voting for the legislative proposal and I'd encourage other Members to do so.

Mae hon, wrth gwrs, yn ddadl bwysig ac yn un i'w chroesawu, ac mae arnaf ofn fod rhywfaint o thema'n dod i'r amlwg ar feinciau Plaid Cymru wrth drafod hyn yng nghyd-destun hanes. Oherwydd dyma yw hanes Cymru, ynte, echdynnu elw o’n cymunedau, ac mae’r un peth yn digwydd nawr gydag ynni adnewyddadwy. Rwyf am sôn yn benodol am yr elfen hon yn y cynnig deddfwriaethol, gan fod creithiau echdynnu elw yn y gorffennol yn dal i'w gweld ar y cymunedau rwy'n eu cynrychioli.

Yr hyn sydd ei eisiau arnom yw sector ynni adnewyddadwy, prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy, y gall cymunedau fod yn falch ohonynt ac elwa ohonynt. Ar hyn o bryd, mae cymunedau'n cael swm o arian mewn pot cymunedol gan ddatblygwr—pot, gyda llaw, nad yw'n ddim o gymharu â'r elw sy'n cael ei echdynnu. Mae’r arian hwnnw wedyn yn cael ei roi tuag at anghenion uniongyrchol grwpiau yn y cymunedau: parc chwarae newydd fan hyn, cit rygbi newydd fan draw. Cyfeiriodd Sam at y dadleuon a gawn ym Mhwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig ynglŷn â sut mae angen inni edrych ar hyn mewn ffordd fwy strategol. Sut rydym yn edrych ar hyn yn y tymor hir fel rhywbeth sy'n effeithio ar y gymuned er gwell?

Er enghraifft, beth am gadw’r elw hwnnw’n lleol yn gyntaf? Beth am ddefnyddio’r elw hwnnw wedyn i fuddsoddi mewn prosiectau fel ôl-osod tai, fel mynd i'r afael â chysylltiadau trafnidiaeth, a sefydlu cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth nad oeddent yn bodoli yn y lle cyntaf hyd yn oed? Dyna lle gwelwn effaith gadarnhaol weledol ar y gymuned, ac un sy'n mynd ymhell i gefnogi ein cyllid cyhoeddus. Gallem hyd yn oed sefydlu cronfa gyfoeth sofran yn ei sgil sy’n buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, yn buddsoddi yn ein hasedau fel cenedl, gan fynd o nerth i nerth. Mae cymaint o botensial yn cael ei golli yma ar hyn o bryd, a byddwn yn gobeithio y gall Aelodau ar draws y Siambr weld budd y dull hwn o weithredu. Byddaf yn pleidleisio dros y cynnig deddfwriaethol, a hoffwn annog yr Aelodau eraill i wneud hynny.

I just want to make a brief intervention to underline my support for the principles behind the motion today. Clearly, we want more than chicken feed and we want to learn the lessons of the past where the extractive model does Wales harm. Clearly, our renewable and natural assets are amongst our greatest strengths as we look to regenerate our economy and it's critical that we get our ducks in a row, if I may mix my metaphor from the chicken feed reference earlier, to maximise that.

Of course, the practical reality of that is incredibly complex. I was pleased to kick off a piece of work in the Institute of Welsh Affairs on setting out a route-map for making Wales entirely dependent on renewable energy, and also, some two years ago, to lead the deep-dive exercise within the Welsh Government, looking with industry and other experts, at a granular level, at what the constraints and points of friction were. Those reports are available online and are worth reading.

There was an update earlier this year on the deep-dive, which showed that considerable progress has been made. But we know that we need to have all of the different levers aligned, and currently, they are not. I am very encouraged by the proposal in the Labour manifesto for a sovereign wealth fund, but also for a publicly owned national developer of green energy. I think that that is going to be critical, and it will build on some of the early work that we have done, as a result of the co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru, on creating an energy company in Wales.

We know, and have rehearsed many times in this Chamber, about the role that the Crown Estate needs to play to make sure that Wales benefits from the enormous wealth that lies just off our shores, but it's going to take more than declarations to get that done. The way that foreign-owned investment is swooping in is a real challenge for us, and the ability to respond at scale to that is something that we need to grapple with. So, in a sense, a Bill is not really what's needed in response to this. It's not that we lack the powers. It's that we lack the capacity and the wherewithal and the finance to be able to properly move at the scale needed to capture these opportunities.

I think that it's worth just flagging some tensions that we need to confront. We know that the future generations Act places upon us a responsibility to not trade off the long-term interests of the generation not yet born for the short-term interests of us today. We know that energy projects—not just renewable ones, but any energy projects—face significant local opposition. Carolyn Thomas has rightly highlighted some of the unintended consequences of having a very fixed view on undergrounding cables, for example, which could damage very valuable ecosystems, which goes against what we want to do.

We also know that we have to balance the threats that we face. Only yesterday, a new piece of research was published in the journal Nature Geoscience, which showed how rapidly climate science is developing and how tipping points can be triggered by very small increases in temperature, which then produce very large increases in the loss of sea ice, for example. The study showed that a newly identified tipping point for the loss of—  

Hoffwn wneud ymyriad byr i danlinellu fy nghefnogaeth i’r egwyddorion y tu ôl i’r cynnig heddiw. Yn amlwg, mae arnom eisiau mwy na sbarion, ac mae arnom eisiau dysgu gwersi’r gorffennol lle mae’r model echdynnol yn gwneud niwed i Gymru. Yn amlwg, mae ein hasedau adnewyddadwy a naturiol ymhlith ein cryfderau mwyaf wrth inni geisio adfywio ein heconomi, ac mae'n hollbwysig ein bod yn cael trefn ar bethau er mwyn gwneud y mwyaf o hynny.

Wrth gwrs, mae realiti ymarferol hynny yn hynod o gymhleth. Roeddwn yn falch o ddechrau gwaith yn y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig ar nodi trywydd ar gyfer gwneud Cymru’n gwbl ddibynnol ar ynni adnewyddadwy, a thua dwy flynedd yn ôl, arwain yr archwiliad dwfn yn Llywodraeth Cymru, i edrych gyda'r diwydiant ac arbenigwyr eraill, ar lefel fanwl iawn, ar y cyfyngiadau a'r pethau sy'n creu anghytundeb. Mae’r adroddiadau hynny ar gael ar-lein ac yn werth eu darllen.

Cafwyd diweddariad yn gynharach eleni ar yr archwiliad dwfn a ddangosodd fod cynnydd sylweddol wedi’i wneud. Ond gwyddom fod angen inni sicrhau bod pob un o'r ysgogiadau gwahanol wedi'u halinio, ac ar hyn o bryd, nid ydynt. Rwyf wedi fy nghalonogi’n fawr gan y cynnig ym maniffesto Llafur ar gyfer cronfa gyfoeth sofran, ond hefyd ar gyfer datblygwr ynni gwyrdd cenedlaethol sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus. Rwy'n credu y bydd hynny'n hollbwysig, a bydd yn adeiladu ar rywfaint o’r gwaith cynnar a wnaethom o ganlyniad i’r cytundeb cydweithio â Phlaid Cymru ar greu cwmni ynni yng Nghymru.

Fe wyddom, ac rydym wedi sôn droeon yn y Siambr hon, am y rôl y mae angen i Ystad y Goron ei chwarae er mwyn sicrhau bod Cymru’n elwa o’r cyfoeth enfawr oddi ar ein glannau, ond mae’n mynd i gymryd mwy na datganiadau i wneud hynny. Mae’r ffordd y mae buddsoddiad tramor yn ysgubo i mewn yn her wirioneddol i ni, ac mae’r gallu i ymateb ar raddfa fawr i hynny yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni fynd i’r afael ag ef. Felly, ar ryw ystyr, nid Bil sydd ei angen mewn ymateb i hyn. Nid prinder pwerau yw'r broblem. Y broblem yw nad oes gennym y capasiti a'r modd a'r cyllid i allu cymryd camau ar y raddfa angenrheidiol i fachu'r cyfleoedd hyn.

Credaf ei bod yn werth tynnu sylw at rai tensiynau y mae angen inni eu cydnabod. Gwyddom fod Deddf cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn gosod cyfrifoldeb arnom i beidio â chyfnewid buddiannau hirdymor y genhedlaeth nad yw wedi'i geni eto am ein buddiannau tymor byr ni heddiw. Fe wyddom fod prosiectau ynni—nid rhai adnewyddadwy yn unig, ond unrhyw brosiect ynni—yn wynebu gwrthwynebiad lleol sylweddol. Mae Carolyn Thomas, yn gywir ddigon, wedi tynnu sylw at rai o ganlyniadau anfwriadol cael safbwynt diysgog iawn ar osod ceblau o dan y ddaear, er enghraifft, a allai niweidio ecosystemau hynod werthfawr, sy’n mynd yn groes i’r hyn rydym am ei wneud.

Gwyddom hefyd fod yn rhaid inni gydbwyso’r bygythiadau a wynebwn. Ddoe ddiwethaf, cyhoeddwyd ymchwil newydd yng nghyfnodolyn Nature Geoscience, a ddangosai pa mor gyflym y mae gwyddoniaeth newid hinsawdd yn datblygu a sut y gallai cynnydd bach iawn yn y tymheredd arwain at bwynt tyngedfennol, sydd wedyn yn arwain at golli llawer mwy o iâ môr, er enghraifft. Dangosodd yr astudiaeth fod pwynt tyngedfennol a nodwyd o'r newydd o ran colli—


You will need to conclude now, Lee, please.

Bydd angen ichi ddirwyn i ben os gwelwch yn dda, Lee.

—ice in Antarctica is progressing at a rate that is far faster than we anticipated. So, yes, there will be a need to bring communities along with us, but by delaying action against climate change we will be putting those communities in a far greater level of peril than we would want to. It is important that we understand those trade-offs and that we confront them in a judicious way. Diolch. 

—iâ yn yr Antarctig yn datblygu ar gyfradd lawer cyflymach nag a ragwelwyd gennym. Felly, bydd angen dod â chymunedau gyda ni, ond drwy ohirio gweithredu yn erbyn newid hinsawdd, byddwn yn rhoi’r cymunedau hynny mewn perygl llawer mwy nag y byddem yn dymuno. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn deall y cyfaddawdau hynny, a'n bod yn eu hwynebu mewn ffordd ddoeth. Diolch.

Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a'r Gymraeg, Jeremy Miles.

I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Member (w)
Jeremy Miles 15:28:30
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a’r Gymraeg