Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf y prynhawn yma gan Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary session. The first item this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government, and the first question this afternoon is from Peredur Owen Griffiths.
1. Pa adnoddau ariannol ychwanegol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu darparu i awdurdodau lleol i'w helpu i ddelio â'r argyfwng costau byw? OQ58608
1. What additional financial resources is the Welsh Government providing to local authorities to help them deal with the cost-of-living crisis? OQ58608

At the spending review, we maximised the use of all of our available funding. I prioritised funding for local government in the Welsh budget so that every authority in Wales received an increase in funding of more than 8.4 per cent.
Yn yr adolygiad o wariant, gwnaethom y defnydd mwyaf posibl o'r holl gyllid a oedd ar gael i ni. Blaenoriaethais gyllid ar gyfer llywodraeth leol yng nghyllideb Cymru fel bod pob awdurdod yng Nghymru yn cael cynnydd o fwy nag 8.4 y cant yn eu cyllid.
Diolch am yr ateb.
Thank you for that response.
People are petrified at the prospect of being unable to afford the basics this winter and they have little faith in a super-rich Prime Minister doing anything for them. In the absence of adequate help from Westminster, reserves that local authorities hold for rainy days need to be deployed. Unfortunately, you have local authorities like the Labour-run Caerphilly County Borough Council holding an astronomical reserve of £180 million. This stack of cash, which is bigger than the reserves held by the largest local authority in Wales, increased by £16 million in the last financial year alone. This is why my Plaid Cymru colleague Councillor Greg Ead has called for the Caerphilly county council cost-of-living hardship fund to be increased from £3 million to £10 million. Should the Government mandate a limit on how big cash reserves can get to prevent Scrooge-like local authorities sitting on huge pots of cash?
Mae pobl yn ofni'r posibilrwydd o fethu fforddio'r pethau sylfaenol y gaeaf hwn, ac nid oes ganddynt lawer o ffydd y bydd Prif Weinidog hynod gyfoethog yn gwneud unrhyw beth drostynt. Yn absenoldeb cymorth digonol gan San Steffan, mae angen defnyddio'r cronfeydd sydd gan awdurdodau lleol wrth gefn ar gyfer diwrnodau glawog. Yn anffodus, mae gennych awdurdodau lleol fel Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, sy'n cael ei redeg gan Lafur, yn cadw cronfeydd enfawr gwerth £180 miliwn wrth gefn. Cynyddodd y pentwr hwn o arian, sy’n fwy na chronfeydd wrth gefn yr awdurdod lleol mwyaf yng Nghymru, £16 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf yn unig. Dyma pam fod fy nghyd-aelod o Blaid Cymru, y cynghorydd Greg Ead, wedi galw am gynyddu cronfa galedi costau byw cyngor sir Caerffili o £3 miliwn i £10 miliwn. A ddylai’r Llywodraeth osod terfyn ar feintiau cronfeydd wrth gefn er mwyn atal awdurdodau lleol Scrooge-aidd rhag eistedd ar gronfeydd enfawr o arian?
I'm not sure that's a fair characterisation of local authorities and the way that they look towards their reserves. But, to be perfectly frank, I am glad that local authorities generally are in a much better position than they otherwise would have been, and that's partly thanks to the additional £50 million that we provided to local government at the end of the last financial year. And that was to help them manage their budget in response to the emerging inflationary and service pressures, which they were identifying and experiencing at that point.
But, I think that we do need to think about reserves in relation to the overall budget of local government. And certainly, at an all-Wales level, the widest interpretation of usable reserves—and I think that that is an important point—is 26 per cent of the total annual expenditure. So, that's just three months provision for all of the costs of local government. So, I'm pleased that local authorities are in a better place than they otherwise would have been thanks to the additional funding we were able to provide. But, at the same time, I do have to say that usable reserves are different to the general reserves position because, of course, local authorities will have earmarked funding for various things, not least our investment in the sustainable communities for learning programme and the new schools and so on.
Nid wyf yn siŵr a yw hynny'n ddisgrifiad teg o awdurdodau lleol a'r ffordd y maent yn ymdrin â'u cronfeydd wrth gefn. Ond a bod yn gwbl onest, rwy’n falch fod awdurdodau lleol, yn gyffredinol, mewn sefyllfa well o lawer nag y byddent wedi bod fel arall, ac mae hynny’n rhannol oherwydd y £50 miliwn ychwanegol a ddarparwyd gennym i lywodraeth leol ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf. Ac roedd hynny i'w helpu i reoli eu cyllideb mewn ymateb i bwysau cynyddol chwyddiant a phwysau ar wasanaethau roeddent yn ei nodi ac yn ei deimlo bryd hynny.
Ond credaf fod angen inni feddwl am gronfeydd wrth gefn mewn perthynas â chyllideb gyffredinol llywodraeth leol. Ac yn sicr, ar lefel Cymru gyfan, y dehongliad ehangaf o gronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy—a chredaf fod hwnnw'n bwynt pwysig—yw 26 y cant o gyfanswm y gwariant blynyddol. Felly, dim ond tri mis o ddarpariaeth ar gyfer holl gostau llywodraeth leol yw hynny. Felly, rwy'n falch fod awdurdodau lleol mewn lle gwell nag y byddent wedi bod fel arall diolch i'r cyllid ychwanegol y bu modd i ni ei ddarparu. Ond ar yr un pryd, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod cronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy yn wahanol i sefyllfa cronfeydd wrth gefn cyffredinol, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, bydd awdurdodau lleol wedi clustnodi cyllid ar gyfer gwahanol bethau, yn enwedig ein buddsoddiad yn y rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy a'r rhaglen ysgolion newydd ac ati.
I thank Peredur Owen Griffiths for tabling this question. I just wanted to follow up as well on the point about reserves, because I think it is important, and you're right—people don't necessarily understand the definition of usable reserves, particularly those councils that call them usable reserves and then never use them. So, in my region of South Wales West, Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea councils, in 2019-20, had a combined £288 million in reserves. In 2021, that went to £400 million. Can you explain why those three councils, two of them run by your party, have added £110 million to their usable reserves in a year and do you back it?
Diolch i Peredur Owen Griffiths am gyflwyno’r cwestiwn hwn. Roeddwn yn awyddus i sôn hefyd am y pwynt ynglŷn â chronfeydd wrth gefn, gan y credaf ei fod yn bwysig, ac rydych yn llygad eich lle—nid yw pobl o reidrwydd yn deall y diffiniad o gronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy, yn enwedig y cynghorau sy’n eu galw’n gronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy ac yna byth yn eu defnyddio. Felly, yn fy rhanbarth i, Gorllewin De Cymru, roedd gan gynghorau Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Castell-nedd Port Talbot ac Abertawe, yn 2019-20, gyfanswm o £288 miliwn mewn cronfeydd wrth gefn. Yn 2021, cynyddodd y ffigur hwnnw i £400 miliwn. A wnewch chi egluro pam fod y tri chyngor hynny, dau ohonynt yn cael eu rhedeg gan eich plaid, wedi ychwanegu £110 miliwn at eu cronfeydd defnyddiadwy mewn blwyddyn, ac a ydych chi'n cefnogi hynny?
Absolutely I can explain that, Llywydd, and it's called 'the pandemic', and that is one of the reasons why local government was provided with significant additional funding through the pandemic. And I have no doubt that local authorities, given the huge gap in funding that they've identified not only for this year, but into future years as well, will be looking at those reserves. But, let's remember, you can only spend those reserves once, so when I'm hearing calls, for example, for increases in pay and other pressures, you can only use those reserves once, and I know that local authorities will be looking to use those reserves very carefully. But, I make no apology whatsoever for providing significant additional funding to local authorities through the pandemic, and, frankly, I'm glad that they're in a better position than they otherwise would have been had we decided not to.
Yn sicr, gallaf egluro hynny, Lywydd, a'r rheswm yw ‘y pandemig’, a dyna un o’r rhesymau pam y darparwyd cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol i lywodraeth leol drwy’r pandemig. Ac nid oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth y bydd awdurdodau lleol, o ystyried y bwlch enfawr yn y cyllid y maent wedi'i nodi, nid yn unig ar gyfer eleni, ond ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod hefyd, yn edrych ar y cronfeydd wrth gefn hynny. Ond gadewch inni gofio, dim ond unwaith y gallwch wario’r cronfeydd wrth gefn hynny, felly pan fyddaf yn clywed galwadau, er enghraifft, am gynyddu cyflogau a phwysau eraill, dim ond unwaith y gallwch ddefnyddio’r cronfeydd wrth gefn hynny, a gwn y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn awyddus i ddefnyddio'r cronfeydd hynny'n ofalus iawn. Ond nid wyf yn ymddiheuro o gwbl am ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol i awdurdodau lleol drwy'r pandemig, ac a dweud y gwir, rwy'n falch eu bod mewn sefyllfa well nag y byddent wedi bod fel arall pe baem wedi penderfynu peidio â gwneud hynny.
Tom Giffard and I were at a briefing only in the last two weeks with Welsh local government leaders from our area, but also at a national level in Wales, having quite a frank assessment about the perilous state of local authority finances. And, of course, we also know this spreads right across the voluntary and third sector as well, at the time when the need for those public services and the reach of the third sector into communities has never been so acute. So, could I ask you, away from froth over reserves, which, frankly, if they are available and there's a bit in there, are going to be used pretty damn rapidly now—pardon my French, Presiding Officer—how can we actually target resources from Welsh Government to ensure that, right across the sectors, local authorities and local, regional and also third sector organisations are really tackling the cost-of-living crisis and collaborating together to do so, because we know we're going to have to stretch this money, reserves or not, a hell of a lot further than we've ever done before?
Yn y pythefnos diwethaf, roedd Tom Giffard a minnau mewn sesiwn friffio gydag arweinwyr llywodraeth leol o’n hardal ni, ond hefyd ar lefel genedlaethol yng Nghymru, yn cael asesiad eithaf di-flewyn ar dafod am gyflwr difrifol cyllid awdurdodau lleol. Ac wrth gwrs, gwyddom hefyd fod hyn yn wir ar draws y sector gwirfoddol a'r trydydd sector hefyd, ar adeg pan nad yw'r angen am y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hynny a chyrhaeddiad y trydydd sector i'r cymunedau erioed wedi bod mor ddifrifol. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn i chi, gan anghofio'r sôn am y cronfeydd wrth gefn, sydd a dweud y gwir, os ydynt ar gael, a bod ychydig o arian ynddynt, yn mynd i gael eu defnyddio'n eithaf cyflym bellach, sut y gallwn dargedu adnoddau gan Lywodraeth Cymru, i sicrhau, ar draws y sectorau, fod awdurdodau lleol a sefydliadau lleol, rhanbarthol a hefyd y trydydd sector yn mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw ac yn cydweithio er mwyn gwneud hynny, gan y gwyddom y bydd yn rhaid inni wneud i'r arian hwn, boed yn gronfeydd wrth gefn ai peidio, ymestyn yn llawer pellach nag erioed o'r blaen?
I absolutely agree that the approach has to be one of social partnership in terms of addressing the cost-of-living crisis. And this is one of the reasons why the First Minister has set up a cost-of-living Cabinet sub-committee, which I and other Ministers attend, but also we invite to those meetings representatives of the third sector, local government and other social partners to ensure that we're all pulling in the same direction and maximising our resources in ways that are complementary to one another. So, I just want to reassure colleagues that that is absolutely the approach that we're taking.
And I think that we can also look to some of the work that I've been doing in recent times in terms of our approach to grants policy. It used to be the case that we would have one-year grants, and that would be very difficult for the third sector in particular, but also others, including in local government, to be able to have that longer term and more strategic look at how they spend their money. So, now we have allowed grants to be up to five years—if they can roll over, they have to meet benchmarking and other due diligence tests as well. But I think that that has helped to give that longer term look, which also then provides better value for money.
Cytunaf yn llwyr fod yn rhaid i’r ymagwedd fod yn un o bartneriaeth gymdeithasol o ran mynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng costau byw. A dyma un o'r rhesymau pam fod y Prif Weinidog wedi sefydlu is-bwyllgor Cabinet ar gostau byw, is-bwyllgor rwyf fi a Gweinidogion eraill yn ei fynychu, ond rydym hefyd yn gwahodd cynrychiolwyr o'r trydydd sector, llywodraeth leol, a phartneriaid cymdeithasol eraill i'r cyfarfodydd hynny, i sicrhau ein bod oll yn tynnu i'r un cyfeiriad ac yn gwneud y mwyaf o'n hadnoddau mewn ffyrdd sy'n ategu ein gilydd. Felly, hoffwn roi sicrwydd i'm cyd-Aelodau mai dyna'n union yw'r dull a fabwysiadir gennym.
A chredaf y gallwn edrych hefyd ar rywfaint o’r gwaith y bûm yn ei wneud yn ddiweddar ar ein hymagwedd at bolisi grantiau. O'r blaen, byddai gennym grantiau un flwyddyn, a byddai hynny’n anodd iawn i’r trydydd sector yn enwedig, ond hefyd i eraill, gan gynnwys llywodraeth leol, o ran gallu cael golwg fwy hirdymor a strategol ar sut y maent yn gwario'u harian. Felly, rydym bellach wedi caniatáu i grantiau bara hyd at bum mlynedd—os gallant dreiglo o un flwyddyn i'r llall, ac mae'n rhaid iddynt fodloni profion meincnodi a diwydrwydd dyladwy eraill hefyd. Ond credaf fod hynny wedi helpu i roi’r olwg fwy hirdymor honno, sydd hefyd wedyn yn darparu gwell gwerth am arian.
Gaf i ddiolch hefyd i Peredur am godi'r mater yma?
May I too thank Peredur for raising this issue?
Good afternoon, Minister. Since the pandemic, many of our care workers have been struggling to make ends meet, and I'm sure many of us have heard about the situation that both those receiving care and those giving care are in. In July, the new administration of Powys County Council—a group of political parties: Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green; and we all need to work together on this as this shouldn't be about party politics in our local government finance, because we all know the people who receive those services—raised the travel expenses to 45p a mile, in line with their local authority employees. That package cost around £150,000 to implement, Minister. What consideration have you, the Government, given to support local authorities to continue with that funding for care workers, to ensure that they deliver that vital social care to vulnerable people? Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Prynhawn da, Weinidog. Ers y pandemig, mae llawer o'n gweithwyr gofal wedi'i chael hi'n anodd cael deupen llinyn ynghyd, ac rwy'n siŵr fod llawer ohonom wedi clywed am y sefyllfa y mae'r rhai sy'n derbyn gofal a'r rhai sy'n rhoi gofal ynddi. Ym mis Gorffennaf, gwnaeth gweinyddiaeth newydd Cyngor Sir Powys—grŵp o bleidiau gwleidyddol: Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, Llafur a Gwyrddion; ac mae angen inni weithio gyda'n gilydd ar hyn, ni ddylai cyllid llywodraeth leol ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth bleidiol, gan fod pob un ohonom yn adnabod y bobl sy'n derbyn y gwasanaethau hynny—godi costau teithio i 45c y filltir, yn unol â chostau teithio gweithwyr yr awdurdod lleol. Costiodd y pecyn hwnnw oddeutu £150,000 i’w roi ar waith, Weinidog. Pa ystyriaeth a roddwyd gennych chi, y Llywodraeth, i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol i barhau â’r cyllid hwnnw ar gyfer gweithwyr gofal, i sicrhau eu bod yn darparu gofal cymdeithasol hanfodol i bobl agored i niwed? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
So, in the first instance, we're seeking to impress upon the UK Government the importance within HMRC of raising that per-mile payment in respect of travel related to work. So, that's our first way in which we're trying to address this, and I know that my colleague Vaughan Gething's officials have been active in their discussions with HMRC on this. My officials have also raised it with Treasury, and it's my intention also to raise this issue with the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury in due course as well.
Felly, yn y lle cyntaf, rydym yn ceisio cael Llywodraeth y DU i ddeall pa mor bwysig o fewn CThEM yw codi'r taliad fesul milltir mewn perthynas â theithio sy'n gysylltiedig â gwaith. Felly, dyna'r ffordd gyntaf y ceisiwn fynd i'r afael â hyn, a gwn fod swyddogion fy nghyd-Aelod, Vaughan Gething, wedi bod yn weithgar yn eu trafodaethau gyda CThEM ynglŷn â hyn. Mae fy swyddogion innau wedi codi'r mater gyda'r Trysorlys hefyd, a fy mwriad yw codi'r mater gyda Phrif Ysgrifennydd newydd y Trysorlys maes o law yn ogystal.
2. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r arweinyddiaeth etholedig newydd yng Nghyngor Sir Fynwy? OQ58622
2. What discussions has the Minister had with the newly elected leadership at Monmouthshire County Council? OQ58622
I held an introductory meeting with the new leader in August. And I also meet all leaders regularly through our fortnightly meetings at the Welsh Local Government Association executive board and separately on issues such as taxation reform. I have also discussed local government financial challenges with Monmouthshire’s deputy leader through the finance sub-group.
Cynhaliais gyfarfod rhagarweiniol gyda'r arweinydd newydd ym mis Awst. Ac rwyf hefyd yn cyfarfod â'r holl arweinwyr yn rheolaidd drwy ein cyfarfodydd bob pythefnos gyda bwrdd gweithredol Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, ac ar wahân ar faterion fel diwygio trethiant. Rwyf hefyd wedi trafod heriau ariannol llywodraeth leol gyda dirprwy arweinydd sir Fynwy drwy’r is-grŵp cyllid.
Minister, you'll be aware that Newport East includes the Severnside area, which comes under Monmouthshire County Council. I was very pleased in May to see Labour take control of the council there, for the first time since the mid 1990s. I know the new leader, Mary Ann Brocklesby, and her cabinet have ambitious plans to tackle the affordability gap in housing in Monmouthshire. The area has suffered from historic underinvestment in affordable housing and has had an over-reliance on private landlords. Recently, the new Labour council approved plans for 100 per cent affordable housing on the former Caldicot school site, with Monmouthshire Housing Association being the preferred bidder. This illustrates the ambition and the work of the new Monmouthshire County Council, Minister. But I just wonder how you, as finance Minister, working with the Minister for Climate Change, can work closely with the new leadership to support them in their ambitions for more affordable housing in this area.
Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod Dwyrain Casnewydd yn cynnwys ardal Glannau Hafren, sy’n rhan o ardal Cyngor Sir Fynwy. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld Llafur yn ennill rheolaeth ar y cyngor yno ym mis Mai, am y tro cyntaf ers canol y 1990au. Gwn fod gan yr arweinydd newydd, Mary Ann Brocklesby, a’i chabinet gynlluniau uchelgeisiol i fynd i’r afael â’r bwlch fforddiadwyedd mewn tai yn sir Fynwy. Mae’r ardal wedi dioddef yn sgil tanfuddsoddi hanesyddol mewn tai fforddiadwy, ac wedi bod yn or-ddibynnol ar landlordiaid preifat. Yn ddiweddar, cymeradwyodd y cyngor Llafur newydd gynlluniau ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy 100 y cant ar hen safle ysgol Cil-y-coed, a Chymdeithas Tai Sir Fynwy oedd y cynigydd a ffafrir. Mae hyn yn dangos uchelgais a gwaith cyngor newydd sir Fynwy, Weinidog. Ond tybed sut y gallwch chi fel Gweinidog cyllid, gan weithio gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, weithio'n agos gyda'r arweinyddiaeth newydd, i'w cefnogi yn eu huchelgeisiau am fwy o dai fforddiadwy yn yr ardal hon?
I'm grateful to John Griffiths for raising this issue, and I do recognise what he says in terms of property prices being higher than average in Monmouthshire, and there obviously are links between job opportunities and higher house prices. But property prices can be skewed, of course, by second home ownership and also by a significant number of short-term holiday lets in an area, which is why the work that we're doing in partnership with Plaid Cymru to address the second home challenges is really important, and will have an impact, I think, in Monmouthshire.
But, of course, it's important that there is good-quality social housing and affordable private rental sector housing available in these areas, and schemes such as that which you've described, which I know has now been confirmed by Monmouthshire County Council's new administration, are exactly the sort of ambition that this Welsh Government wants to see in terms of fulfilling our citizens' needs. So, I can reassure John Griffiths that I and my colleague the Minister for Climate Change will absolutely be keen to support Monmouthshire in their ambitions.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i John Griffiths am godi’r mater hwn, ac rwy'n cydnabod yr hyn y mae’n ei ddweud o ran y ffaith bod prisiau eiddo'n uwch na’r cyfartaledd yn sir Fynwy, ac yn amlwg, mae cysylltiadau rhwng cyfleoedd gwaith a phrisiau tai uwch. Ond gall prisiau eiddo gael eu hystumio, wrth gwrs, gan berchnogaeth ail gartrefi, a hefyd gan nifer sylweddol o lety gwyliau tymor byr mewn ardal, a dyna pam fod y gwaith a wnawn mewn partneriaeth â Phlaid Cymru i fynd i’r afael â sefyllfa ail gartrefi yn wirioneddol bwysig, a chredaf y bydd yn cael effaith yn sir Fynwy.
Ond wrth gwrs, mae'n bwysig fod tai cymdeithasol o ansawdd da a thai fforddiadwy yn y sector rhentu preifat ar gael yn yr ardaloedd hyn, a chynlluniau fel yr hyn rydych wedi'i ddisgrifio, y gwn ei fod bellach wedi'i gadarnhau gan weinyddiaeth newydd Cyngor Sir Fynwy, yw’r union fath o uchelgais y mae’r Llywodraeth Cymru hon am ei weld er mwyn diwallu anghenion ein dinasyddion. Felly, gallaf roi sicrwydd i John Griffiths y byddaf i a’m cyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, yn bendant yn awyddus i gefnogi sir Fynwy yn eu huchelgeisiau.
I thank John Griffiths for raising this, and I very much welcome the renewed focus of the Welsh Government on Monmouthshire; it was sadly lacking for 13 years when I was a leader. And I'm also very pleased that the new Labour administration is taking forward the plans we put in place, so I do thank them.
Minister, you will know that I've consistently pushed, throughout my time in local government, and since I've been here, the importance of fair funding, and I've challenged the current funding formula several times. And I know the First Minister said only yesterday that if local government wants a change in the formula, if they ask for it, you'll do it. Now, we know turkeys won't vote for Christmas, and there are several leaders who are accruing up to £208 million of reserves while some only have £30 million of reserves. They're not going to vote for something that dismantles that. Can I ask you, Minister, if you will take the initiative to invoke an independent commission on the funding formula? We know there's only one pie and it's unlikely to get any bigger, but some people have huge slices and others have crumbs. That is not fair, and it's the responsibility of this Government, working with local authorities, to change that. Can you do that? Can you invoke that commission?
Diolch i John Griffiths am godi hyn, a chroesawaf y ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn canolbwyntio o'r newydd ar sir Fynwy; yn anffodus, ni ddigwyddodd hynny am 13 mlynedd pan oeddwn yn arweinydd. Ac rwyf hefyd yn falch iawn fod y weinyddiaeth Lafur newydd yn bwrw ymlaen â'r cynlluniau a roddwyd ar waith gennym ni, felly diolch iddynt.
Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn gwybod fy mod wedi rhoi pwyslais cyson, drwy gydol fy amser mewn llywodraeth leol, ac ers imi fod yma, ar bwysigrwydd ariannu teg, ac rwyf wedi herio’r fformiwla ariannu bresennol sawl gwaith. A gwn mai dim ond ddoe y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog, os yw llywodraeth leol yn dymuno cael newid i'r fformiwla, os byddant yn gofyn amdano, y byddwch yn gwneud hynny. Nawr, gwyddom na fydd tyrcïod yn pleidleisio dros y Nadolig, ac mae gan sawl arweinydd hyd at £208 miliwn o gronfeydd wrth gefn, tra bo gan eraill £30 miliwn o gronfeydd wrth gefn yn unig. Nid ydynt yn mynd i bleidleisio dros rywbeth sy'n disodli hynny. A gaf fi ofyn i chi, Weinidog, a wnewch chi gymryd y cam cyntaf a galw comisiwn annibynnol ar y fformiwla ariannu? Gwyddom mai dim ond un gacen sydd, a'i bod yn annhebygol o fynd yn fwy, ond mae rhai pobl yn cael tafelli enfawr, ac mae eraill yn cael briwsion. Nid yw hynny’n deg, a chyfrifoldeb y Llywodraeth hon, gan weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, yw newid hynny. A wnewch chi hynny? A wnewch chi alw'r comisiwn hwnnw?
Well, Llywydd, the core revenue funding that we provide to local authorities every year is distributed according to relative need, and that uses a formula that takes into account a wealth of information, including the demographic, physical, economic and social characteristics of authorities. And there is no evidence whatsoever that any authority, or a group of authorities, with any particular geographical or social characteristics, are being disadvantaged through that local government funding formula. It is free from political agenda, it's free from political influence and it's driven by data. And, in fact, the formula is set by 70 different indicators of the need to spend, and the majority of that, representing 72 per cent of the funding, is updated annually. And, of course, to ensure that level of independence, we do have independent members on the distribution sub-group to ensure that there's no bias in favour or against the interests of any individual authority.
Wel, Lywydd, mae’r cyllid refeniw craidd a ddarparwn i awdurdodau lleol bob blwyddyn yn cael ei ddosbarthu yn ôl angen cymharol, gan ddefnyddio fformiwla sy'n ystyried llwyth o wybodaeth am nodweddion demograffig, ffisegol, economaidd a chymdeithasol yr awdurdodau hynny. Ac nid oes unrhyw dystiolaeth o gwbl fod unrhyw awdurdod, neu grŵp o awdurdodau, sydd ag unrhyw nodweddion daearyddol neu gymdeithasol penodol o dan anfantais yn sgil y fformiwla ariannu llywodraeth leol honno. Nid oes a wnelo hyn ag agenda wleidyddol. Nid oes a wnelo hyn â dylanwad gwleidyddol, a chaiff ei lywio gan ddata. Ac mewn gwirionedd, caiff y fformiwla ei gosod gan 70 o wahanol ddangosyddion o'r angen i wario, a chaiff y rhan fwyaf o hynny, sef 72 y cant o’r cyllid, ei ddiweddaru’n flynyddol. Ac wrth gwrs, i sicrhau lefel o annibyniaeth, mae gennym aelodau annibynnol yn yr is-grŵp dosbarthu i sicrhau nad oes tuedd o blaid nac yn erbyn buddiannau unrhyw awdurdod unigol.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Sam Rowlands.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Sam Rowlands.
Diolch, Llywydd, and good afternoon, Minister. As you may have seen from social media over the weekend, Minister, a 2022 council candidate from Newport received hundreds of pounds-worth of damage to his car, and that isn't the first attack on his property, with targets to his house, nails pushed into his car tyres and social media trolling during the recent council and Senedd elections. So, in light of this, Minister, what are your views on council candidates, who are willing to put their head above the parapet and represent their communities, having to deal with this abhorrent abuse?
Diolch, Lywydd, a phrynhawn da, Weinidog. Fel y gwelsoch, o bosibl, ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol dros y penwythnos, Weinidog, gwnaed gwerth cannoedd o bunnoedd o ddifrod i gar unigolyn a fu'n ymgeisydd etholiadol i gyngor Casnewydd yn 2022, ac nid dyna’r ymosodiad cyntaf ar ei eiddo, gyda'i gartref yn cael ei dargedu, hoelion yn cael eu gwthio i mewn i deiars ei gar, a throlio ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ystod yr etholiadau cyngor a Senedd diweddar. Felly, o ystyried hyn, Weinidog, beth yw eich barn ynglŷn ag ymgeiswyr cynghorau, sy’n ddigon dewr i gynrychioli eu cymunedau, sy'n gorfod ymdopi â’r gamdriniaeth ffiaidd hon?
First of all, I would just like to say—and I know that Sam Rowlands agrees with me on this—that we have to give respect to anybody who puts themselves forward as a candidate for a community council, town council or county council election, because it does take an element of bravery to do that. And the abuse of any candidate is absolutely unacceptable and we have to do everything that we can to prevent it.
One of the things that I'm really pleased that we were able to do was to ensure that we removed the need for candidates to provide publicly their home address, which I think does provide a level of safety and security, although I know that candidates are often very well known anyway within their communities, so we have to bear that in mind. And we're also currently undertaking some work looking at a survey that we did of members of the public to gauge their understanding of councillors and the role that councillors play within their communities, to see what more we can do in terms of helping people better understand the role of councillors and, hopefully, that might bridge some of that gap between the lack of understanding that some people will have and the actual immense dedication that people put into these roles. And whether or not they are eventually elected, I think that we have to pay due respect to those people for putting themselves forward.
Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn ddweud—a gwn fod Sam Rowlands yn cytuno â mi ar hyn—fod yn rhaid inni barchu unrhyw un sy’n cynnig eu hunain fel ymgeisydd ar gyfer etholiad cyngor cymuned, cyngor tref neu gyngor sir, gan ei bod yn cymryd elfen o ddewrder i wneud hynny. Ac mae cam-drin unrhyw ymgeisydd yn gwbl annerbyniol, ac mae'n rhaid inni wneud popeth yn ein gallu i atal hynny.
Un o'r pethau rwy'n falch iawn inni allu eu gwneud oedd sicrhau ein bod yn cael gwared ar yr angen i ymgeiswyr ddarparu eu cyfeiriad cartref yn gyhoeddus, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn darparu lefel o ddiogelwch a sicrwydd, er y gwn fod ymgeiswyr yn aml yn adnabyddus iawn beth bynnag yn eu cymunedau, felly mae’n rhaid inni gadw hynny mewn cof. Ac rydym hefyd yn gwneud gwaith ar hyn o bryd i edrych ar arolwg a wnaethom o aelodau'r cyhoedd i fesur eu dealltwriaeth o gynghorwyr a'r rôl y mae cynghorwyr yn chwarae yn eu cymunedau, i weld beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i helpu pobl i ddeall rôl cynghorwyr yn well, a gobeithio y gallai hynny fynd i'r afael â'r bwlch rhwng diffyg dealltwriaeth rhai pobl a’r ymroddiad gwirioneddol aruthrol sydd gan bobl i'r rolau hyn. Ac ni waeth a gânt eu hethol ai peidio yn y pen draw, credaf fod yn rhaid inni roi parch dyledus i'r bobl hynny am gynnig eu hunain.
Thank you, Minister, for your response and for outlining some of the actions that are already in plan. Clearly, this is not just a recent issue as well, or a single issue for one candidate. We saw, in May's elections, that paint was thrown over cars owned by a long-serving Swansea councillor, which led to irreparable damage; we saw two councillors in Caerphilly receive abuse letters, calling them all sorts of things and the police had to get involved in that; in addition, a Cardiff councillor, who'd been a councillor here for a long time, shared some horrific stories about some of the abuse that she has had to face up to over recent years. So, you've outlined already, Minister, some of the work and the actions that you're undertaking. I'd be really keen to understand when you expect some fruit off the back of that, and when we can expect to see not just the understanding of it, but the actual real implementation of those potential actions, because it's really important, as you say, and as we all agree, that we protect our local councillors, our local candidates, from this disgusting behaviour.
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog, ac am amlinellu rhai o’r camau gweithredu sydd eisoes ar y gweill. Yn amlwg, nid mater diweddar neu fater unigol i un ymgeisydd yn unig yw hwn. Yn etholiadau mis Mai, gwelsom baent yn cael ei daflu dros geir a oedd yn eiddo i gynghorydd hirsefydlog yn Abertawe, a arweiniodd at ddifrod parhaol; gwelsom ddau gynghorydd yng Nghaerffili yn derbyn llythyrau difrïol, yn eu galw'n bob math o bethau, a bu'n rhaid i’r heddlu ymyrryd; yn ogystal, rhannodd cynghorydd o Gaerdydd, a oedd wedi bod yn gynghorydd yma ers amser maith, straeon erchyll am beth o’r gamdriniaeth y bu’n rhaid iddi ei hwynebu dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Felly, rydych eisoes wedi amlinellu rywfaint o'r gwaith a wnewch a'r camau a roddir ar waith gennych. Byddai'n dda gennyf ddeall pryd y disgwyliwch iddo ddwyn ffrwyth, a phryd y gallwn ddisgwyl gweld nid yn unig dealltwriaeth o'r mater, ond y camau gweithredu hynny'n cael eu rhoi ar waith, gan fod hyn yn bwysig iawn, fel y dywedwch, ac fel y mae pob un ohonom yn cytuno, ein bod yn amddiffyn ein cynghorwyr lleol, ein hymgeiswyr lleol, rhag yr ymddygiad ffiaidd hwn.
I think one of the important things that we have to do as well is to help councillors understand that this kind of behaviour isn't acceptable, because there's often an inclination on the part of elected representatives to think that abuse just comes with the job, and it absolutely shouldn't, and I know that we all appreciate that in this Chamber. And that's one of the reasons, again, why we've recently refreshed 'The good councillor's guide', and that very much is about helping those councillors understand what is and isn't acceptable in terms of the response that they receive and potentially the abuse that they receive, and it also then helps them to understand what support might be available to them. So, you would expect individual local authorities to be putting in place the appropriate plans to support the welfare and the well-being of those councillors, but also to be working in partnership locally with the police, who can also provide additional support and advice, as necessary, for the more serious kind of abuse and, in some cases, almost violence, that you've described.
Credaf mai un o'r pethau pwysig y mae'n rhaid inni eu gwneud hefyd yw helpu cynghorwyr i ddeall nad yw'r math hwn o ymddygiad yn dderbyniol, oherwydd yn aml, mae tueddiad ar ran cynrychiolwyr etholedig i feddwl bod camdriniaeth yn rhan o'r swydd, ac ni ddylai fod o gwbl, a gwn fod pob un ohonom yn deall hynny yn y Siambr hon. A dyna un o'r rhesymau, unwaith eto, pam ein bod wedi adnewyddu 'Canllaw'r cynghorydd da' yn ddiweddar, ac mae hwnnw'n ymwneud i raddau helaeth â helpu'r cynghorwyr hynny i ddeall yr hyn sy'n dderbyniol a'r hyn nad yw'n dderbyniol, o ran yr ymateb a gânt, ac o bosibl, y gamdriniaeth a gânt, ac mae hefyd felly yn eu helpu i ddeall pa gymorth a allai fod ar gael iddynt. Felly, byddech yn disgwyl i awdurdodau lleol unigol roi cynlluniau priodol ar waith i gefnogi lles a llesiant y cynghorwyr hynny, ond hefyd i weithio mewn partneriaeth yn lleol â’r heddlu, a all ddarparu cymorth a chyngor ychwanegol, fel y bo'r angen, ar gyfer mathau mwy difrifol o gamdriniaeth, a thrais, bron iawn, mewn rhai achosion, fel yr hyn a ddisgrifiwyd gennych.
Yes. Thank you, again, Minister for that, and it's pleasing to see that. I'm sure we all agree around this Chamber that more needs to be done and is being done to ensure that our candidates and elected members are being properly protected. But, again, we did see, in May's election, 74 uncontested seats, with many people suggesting that they're not willing to stand because of the fear, at times, of some of the abuse and behaviour pointed towards candidates. Of course, it's this level of democracy that is absolutely so fundamental not just to delivering services, but also as an example of elected individuals being able to make those decisions without fear or favour. We do have a new cohort of councillors elected in May's elections, so I wonder what work you may be doing with them to ensure that they, now in their elected positions, feel confident to make some of those difficult decisions without that fear of intimidation from all sorts of people who, sadly, are in our community?
Ie. Diolch unwaith eto am hynny, Weinidog, ac mae’n braf gweld hynny. Rwy'n siŵr fod pob un ohonom o amgylch y Siambr hon yn cytuno bod angen gwneud mwy a bod mwy'n cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod ein hymgeiswyr a'n haelodau etholedig yn cael eu hamddiffyn yn briodol. Ond unwaith eto, yn etholiad mis Mai, gwelsom 74 o seddi un ymgeisydd, gyda llawer o bobl yn awgrymu nad ydynt yn fodlon sefyll gan eu bod yn ofni, ar adegau, y gamdriniaeth a'r ymddygiad tuag at ymgeiswyr. Wrth gwrs, mae'r lefel hon o ddemocratiaeth mor hanfodol nid yn unig ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau, ond hefyd fel enghraifft o unigolion etholedig yn gallu gwneud y penderfyniadau hynny'n ddiduedd. Cawsom garfan newydd o gynghorwyr yn cael eu hethol yn etholiadau mis Mai, felly tybed pa waith y gallech fod yn ei wneud gyda hwy i sicrhau eu bod, yn eu swyddi etholedig erbyn hyn, yn teimlo'n hyderus i wneud rhai o'r penderfyniadau anodd hynny heb fygythiad gan bob math o bobl sydd, yn anffodus, yn rhan o'n cymuned?
Thank you again for that important question. Like you, I was disappointed at the level of uncontested seats. I think that having contested seats and giving local people a choice is a really positive thing, which is why the work that we're doing through our diversity and democracy programme is so important in terms of widening up access to elected office by all people in our community. We've introduced our access to elected office fund, which will, hopefully, support a wider range of people to become candidates, and we had some success with that. It was administered at the last election by Disability Wales, but we're considering now what other protected characteristics we can bring into that wider work as well. But I know that the Welsh Local Government Association and individual local authorities do work hard to support incoming councillors to understand these things, and, hopefully, to signpost them to where they can find local support, in the event that they should feel threatened or undermined in any way in their particular role, but I'm more than happy to have some further conversations, if there are good ideas as what more we or local authorities can be doing in this important space.
Diolch unwaith eto am eich cwestiwn pwysig. Fel chithau, roeddwn yn siomedig gyda lefel y seddi un ymgeisydd. Credaf fod cael seddi a ymleddir a rhoi dewis i bobl leol yn beth cadarnhaol iawn, a dyna pam fod y gwaith a wnawn drwy ein rhaglen amrywiaeth a democratiaeth mor bwysig i ehangu mynediad at swyddi etholedig i bawb yn ein cymuned. Rydym wedi cyflwyno ein cronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig, a fydd, gobeithio, yn cefnogi ystod ehangach o bobl i ddod yn ymgeiswyr, a chawsom rywfaint o lwyddiant gyda hynny. Fe'i gweinyddwyd yn yr etholiad diwethaf gan Anabledd Cymru, ond rydym yn ystyried bellach pa nodweddion gwarchodedig eraill y gallwn eu cynnwys yn y gwaith ehangach hwnnw hefyd. Ond gwn fod Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol unigol yn gweithio’n galed i gynorthwyo cynghorwyr newydd i ddeall y pethau hyn, a gobeithio, i’w cyfeirio at gymorth lleol os ydynt yn teimlo dan fygythiad neu eu bod yn cael eu tanseilio mewn unrhyw ffordd yn eu rôl benodol, ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i gael sgyrsiau pellach, os oes syniadau da ynglŷn â beth arall y gallwn ni neu awdurdodau lleol ei wneud yn y maes pwysig hwn.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Llyr Gruffydd.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Llyr Gruffydd.
Diolch, Llywydd. Afternoon, Minister. Cumulatively, the financial pressures building up in the local government system, of course, are beyond anything, really, that we've probably ever seen before, even though pressures in the current financial year were offset somewhat by a better than expected settlement for this year. That feels a different world away, doesn't it—only, what, eight months ago when that 9.4 per cent settlement was confirmed.
It is becoming clear that additional in-year pressures, amounting to over £0.25 billion, are potentially facing local councils in Wales this year, and there's an expected cumulative shortfall of over £800 million by the end of this three-year spending or funding cycle. Every authority is now reporting budget gaps, and other maybe than the experience of the early months of the COVID pandemic, these are unprecedented pressures that are being faced. So, the risks to all local government services, including, of course, significant statutory services, such as education and social care, can't be underestimated. So, if, as is being suggested, statutory services are facing significant cuts, what discussions have you had or what consideration are you giving to actually advising local authorities about which statutory services they should be prioritising? Because many of those councils are telling me that they need a clear steer from the Welsh Government. In a climate where they just can't deliver what they're expected to deliver, the message I'm getting is that the Welsh Government really needs to make it clear what councils are expected to prioritise when it comes to protecting key services.
Diolch, Lywydd. Prynhawn da, Weinidog. Gyda'i gilydd, mae'r pwysau ariannol sy'n cronni yn y system llywodraeth leol y tu hwnt i unrhyw beth a welsom erioed, yn ôl pob tebyg, er bod pwysau yn y flwyddyn ariannol gyfredol wedi'u gwrthbwyso i raddau gan setliad gwell na'r disgwyl ar gyfer eleni. Mae hynny'n teimlo fel byd gwahanol, onid ydyw—wyth mis yn ôl yn unig, pan gadarnhawyd y setliad hwnnw o 9.4 y cant.
Mae'n dod yn amlwg fod cynghorau lleol yng Nghymru eleni o bosibl yn wynebu pwysau ychwanegol o dros £0.25 biliwn yn ystod y flwyddyn, a disgwylir diffyg cronnol o dros £800 miliwn erbyn diwedd y cylch gwariant neu gyllido tair blynedd hwn. Mae pob awdurdod bellach yn nodi bylchau yn eu cyllideb, ac ar wahân i brofiad misoedd cynnar y pandemig COVID efallai, mae’r pwysau hyn sy’n cael ei wynebu yn ddigynsail. Felly, ni ellir gorbwysleisio’r risgiau i holl wasanaethau llywodraeth leol, gan gynnwys gwasanaethau statudol pwysig, megis addysg a gofal cymdeithasol. Felly, os yw’r gwasanaethau statudol hynny, fel sy’n cael ei awgrymu, yn wynebu toriadau sylweddol, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch, neu pa ystyriaeth a roddwch i gynghori awdurdodau lleol ynghylch pa wasanaethau statudol y dylent eu blaenoriaethu? Oherwydd mae llawer o'r cynghorau'n dweud wrthyf fod angen arweiniad clir arnynt gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mewn hinsawdd lle na allant gyflawni'r hyn y disgwylir iddynt ei gyflawni, y neges a gaf yw bod gwir angen i Lywodraeth Cymru nodi'n glir beth y mae disgwyl i gynghorau ei flaenoriaethu er mwyn diogelu gwasanaethau allweddol.
Well, I've had the opportunity to discuss these issues in depth with the local authority leaders very recently. So, as you've heard, we have now fortnightly meetings with local authority leaders. In last week's meeting, actually, one of the substantive items was budgetary pressures, and they were able to give those figures to me at that meeting. We also had, last week or the week before, a meeting of the finance sub-group, which again delved into those figures in greater detail. Obviously, they are extremely concerning in terms of the pressures that are being faced.
So, I'm being told that key areas include pay inflation, energy costs, schools, social care, the response to the situation in Ukraine and wider migration issues, alongside housing, homelessness and, of course, capital investment and the associated investment in climate change—so, lots of important areas there. Some of them aren't statutory, but nonetheless absolutely vital. So, we are having discussions with local authorities to see what we can practically do to support them. One of those things might be to assist them in terms of the prioritisation exercise locally. We're also looking at the grants that we provide to local government. So, £1.2 billion of grants are provided to local government every year, and local government is making the case that perhaps some of those should go into the revenue support grant rather than through particular grants, so I've said that I would broker discussions with whichever relevant Ministers need to be involved in those. And also looking again to see around the capitalisation of some costs—they've asked us to look at that. So, we've returned to local government asking for some more detail on those discussions. So, we are being as helpful as we possibly can be, obviously, to local government at what is a really worrying time for them and for us.
Wel, rwyf wedi cael cyfle i drafod y materion hyn yn fanwl gydag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol yn ddiweddar iawn. Felly, fel rydych wedi'i glywed, rydym bellach yn cael cyfarfodydd gydag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol bob pythefnos. Yn y cyfarfod yr wythnos diwethaf, mewn gwirionedd, un o'r eitemau mwyaf oedd pwysau cyllidebol, a gwnaethant roi'r ffigurau hynny i mi yn y cyfarfod hwnnw. Cafodd yr is-grŵp cyllid gyfarfod hefyd, yr wythnos diwethaf neu’r wythnos cyn hynny, lle buom yn ymchwilio unwaith eto i’r ffigurau hynny’n fanylach. Yn amlwg, maent yn peri cryn bryder o ran y pwysau a wynebir.
Felly, dywedir wrthyf fod y meysydd allweddol yn cynnwys chwyddo cyflogau, costau ynni, ysgolion, gofal cymdeithasol, yr ymateb i’r sefyllfa yn Wcráin a materion ymfudo ehangach, ochr yn ochr â thai, digartrefedd, ac wrth gwrs, buddsoddiad cyfalaf a’r buddsoddiad cysylltiedig yn y newid yn yr hinsawdd—felly, llawer o feysydd pwysig yno. Mae rhai nad ydynt yn statudol, ond serch hynny, maent yn gwbl hanfodol. Felly, rydym yn cael trafodaethau gydag awdurdodau lleol i weld beth y gallwn ei wneud yn ymarferol i’w cefnogi. Efallai mai un o’r pethau hynny fyddai eu cynorthwyo gyda'r ymarfer blaenoriaethu yn lleol. Rydym hefyd yn edrych ar y grantiau a ddarparwn i lywodraeth leol. Felly, caiff £1.2 biliwn o grantiau eu darparu i lywodraeth leol bob blwyddyn, ac mae llywodraeth leol yn dadlau efallai y dylai rhai o’r rheini fynd i’r grant cynnal refeniw yn hytrach na thrwy grantiau penodol, felly rwyf wedi dweud y byddwn yn trefnu trafodaethau â pha bynnag Weinidogion perthnasol sydd angen eu cynnwys. A hefyd, edrych eto ar gyfalafu rhai costau—maent wedi gofyn inni edrych ar hynny. Felly, rydym wedi mynd yn ôl at lywodraeth leol i ofyn am ragor o fanylion ynghylch y trafodaethau hynny. Felly, yn amlwg, rydym yn rhoi cymaint o gymorth ag y gallwn i lywodraeth leol ar adeg sy'n peri cryn bryder iddynt hwy ac i ninnau.
Okay, well, that was very nearly everything that you're prioritising, so I'm not sure whether that's possible, but I am glad that that engagement and that discussion is happening, because the message is coming through clearly that they need to know what the Government's priorities are in terms of what you're asking them to deliver under these circumstances.
I'm glad that you said that you're looking at what you 'can practically do'—your words—to support local councils, because they are very conscious as well that additional responsibilities and roles and duties are coming in their direction from Welsh Government through regulations, through legislation et cetera. They see things such as enforcing the single-use plastic ban, which I know all of us—very many of us—want to see implemented. That may well lead to additional costs. Dare I say it, implementing the 20 mph speed limit as well does bring with it additional work that needs to be done. So, councils are making it clear that, without additional resources, something else has to give.
So, can you confirm whether you're committed either to providing those additional resources to meet the new duties that the Government is asking local authorities to deliver, or, if you don't provide those additional resources, are you discussing what else they do not need to do in order to free up that capacity to deliver those additional duties, or, indeed, whether the Government is taking a step back, looking at the bigger picture and proactively profiling the implementation of new responsibilities in order to smooth out the workload?
Iawn, wel, rydych chi'n blaenoriaethu popeth bron iawn, felly nid wyf yn siŵr a yw hynny'n bosibl, ond rwy'n falch fod yr ymgysylltu a'r drafodaeth yn digwydd, gan fod y neges yn glir fod angen iddynt wybod beth yw blaenoriaethau'r Llywodraeth ynghylch yr hyn y gofynnwch iddynt ei gyflawni o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn.
Rwy’n falch ichi ddweud eich bod yn edrych ar yr hyn y gallwch ‘ei wneud yn ymarferol’—eich geiriau chi—i gefnogi cynghorau lleol, gan eu bod yn ymwybodol iawn hefyd fod cyfrifoldebau a rolau a dyletswyddau ychwanegol yn dod tuag atynt gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy reoliadau, drwy ddeddfwriaeth ac ati. Maent yn gweld pethau fel gorfodi’r gwaharddiad ar blastig untro, y gwn fod pob un ohonom—llawer iawn ohonom—am ei weld yn cael ei roi ar waith. Mae'n bur debyg y gallai hynny arwain at gostau ychwanegol. Meiddiaf ddweud bod rhoi'r terfyn cyflymder 20 mya ar waith hefyd yn golygu gwaith ychwanegol y mae angen ei wneud. Felly, mae cynghorau'n dweud yn glir, heb adnoddau ychwanegol, fod yn rhaid i rywbeth arall fynd.
Felly, a wnewch chi gadarnhau eich bod wedi ymrwymo naill ai i ddarparu'r adnoddau ychwanegol i gyflawni'r dyletswyddau newydd y mae'r Llywodraeth yn gofyn i awdurdodau lleol eu cyflawni, neu os nad ydych yn darparu'r adnoddau ychwanegol hynny, a ydych yn trafod beth arall nad oes angen iddynt ei wneud er mwyn rhyddhau’r capasiti i gyflawni’r dyletswyddau ychwanegol hynny, neu'n wir, a yw’r Llywodraeth yn camu'n ôl, ac edrych ar y darlun ehangach, ac yn mynd ati'n rhagweithiol i amlinellu'r gwaith o gyflawni cyfrifoldebau newydd er mwyn ysgafnhau'r baich gwaith?
I can see that the Plaid Cymru spokesperson and I have been having the same conversations with local government leaders in recent times, and that you're hearing very much the same message as I am, which I think is a positive thing. Again, that's one of the other things that we're looking at in terms of what we can practically do to support local government around the additional expectations that we're placing on local government, the additional things that we're asking them to do, exploring with them now what specifically—. So, you've named a couple of those specific areas, but we've asked officials to explore with local government what specifically they're finding to be putting extra pressure on their resources, on their time, on their finances and so on, to see if there are things that we can practically do to help them in that space as well. So, just to reassure you that those discussions are very live at the moment.
Gallaf weld bod llefarydd Plaid Cymru a minnau wedi bod yn cael yr un sgyrsiau ag arweinwyr llywodraeth leol yn ddiweddar, a’ch bod yn clywed yr un neges â minnau i raddau helaeth, sy’n beth cadarnhaol yn fy marn i. Unwaith eto, dyna un o'r pethau eraill rydym yn edrych arnynt o ran yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud yn ymarferol i gefnogi llywodraeth leol mewn perthynas â'r disgwyliadau ychwanegol a osodwn ar lywodraeth leol, y pethau ychwanegol y gofynnwn iddynt eu gwneud, gan archwilio gyda hwy yn awr beth yn benodol—. Felly, rydych wedi enwi un neu ddau o'r meysydd penodol hynny, ond rydym wedi gofyn i swyddogion archwilio gyda llywodraeth leol beth yn benodol sy'n rhoi pwysau ychwanegol ar eu hadnoddau, ar eu hamser, ar eu cyllid ac ati, i weld a oes rhywbeth y gallwn ei wneud yn ymarferol i'w helpu yn y cyswllt hwnnw hefyd. Felly, hoffwn roi sicrwydd i chi fod y trafodaethau hynny’n fyw iawn ar hyn o bryd.
3. Pa ystyriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i rhoi i sut y gall helpu awdurdodau lleol i ddyfeisio cynlluniau wrth gefn i liniaru costau ynni uwch? OQ58616
3. What consideration has the Welsh Government given to how it can help local authorities to devise contingency plans to mitigate against increased energy costs? OQ58616
Rising energy costs are significantly worrying for local communities and we call for the UK Government to take action to stem the increases. Welsh Government delivers support across the public sector through investing in skills, energy efficiency, research, innovation, decarbonisation and a renewable energy future for Wales.
Mae costau ynni cynyddol yn peri cryn bryder i gymunedau lleol, ac rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i roi camau ar waith i atal y cynnydd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cymorth ar draws y sector cyhoeddus drwy fuddsoddi mewn sgiliau, effeithlonrwydd ynni, ymchwil, arloesi, datgarboneiddio a dyfodol ynni adnewyddadwy i Gymru.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Huw has already mentioned the joint meeting that us South Wales West Members attended with council leaders across our region, and I would thank Mike Hedges for setting up that meeting. The reality of the situation is dire. We are facing wholesale cuts of council services. Bridgend County Borough Council face, for example, an unprecedented financial challenge over the coming years and estimate that spending reductions of up to £20 million in the 2023-24 financial period may be required to balance the budget. Now, whilst I live in hope that the now-delayed budget will bring some relief—I like to think that I'm optimistic every now and then—what work is the Welsh Government doing with local authorities to help them manage their budgets, but also to help our third sector providers and volunteer organisations manage theirs? Times are tough, they're about to get tougher, but times like these also require co-operation across all levels to protect our constituents.
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae Huw eisoes wedi sôn am y cyfarfod ar y cyd y gwnaethom ni fel Aelodau Gorllewin De Cymru ei fynychu gydag arweinwyr cynghorau ar draws ein rhanbarth, a hoffwn ddiolch i Mike Hedges am drefnu'r cyfarfod hwnnw. Mae realiti’r sefyllfa'n enbyd. Rydym yn wynebu toriadau mawr i wasanaethau cynghorau. Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn wynebu, er enghraifft, her ariannol ddigynsail dros y blynyddoedd nesaf, ac maent yn amcangyfrif y gallai fod angen gostyngiadau gwariant o hyd at £20 miliwn yng nghyfnod ariannol 2023-24 er mwyn cydbwyso'r gyllideb. Nawr, er fy mod yn byw mewn gobaith y bydd y gyllideb sydd bellach wedi'i gohirio yn darparu rhywfaint o ryddhad—rwy'n hoffi meddwl fy mod yn optimistaidd bob hyn a hyn—pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ei wneud gydag awdurdodau lleol i'w helpu i reoli eu cyllidebau, ond hefyd i helpu ein darparwyr trydydd sector a sefydliadau gwirfoddol i reoli eu cyllidebau hwythau? Mae'n gyfnod anodd, mae pethau ar fin mynd yn anoddach, ond mae adegau fel hyn hefyd yn galw am gydweithio ar bob lefel i ddiogelu ein hetholwyr.
I join you in also thanking Mike Hedges for facilitating the discussion. I can tell that it was a very impactful discussion, based not only on the order paper for questions today; I see that those discussions that you've had with local government have really had an impact in terms of giving you a real idea of the kinds of pressures that they're under and the holes in their budgets that they are looking to deal with. I know that you're particularly concerned about the cost of energy, and we are working really closely with local authorities. Local authorities themselves this financial year are in a better position in the sense that most of them purchase their energy from the Crown Commercial Service, so they're protected in this financial year from the volatile global energy prices. But what we're doing at the moment is assessing the impact on prices and budgets for 2023-24, and our Welsh Government procurement professionals are currently working with suppliers and the Crown Commercial Service to support local authorities so that they can plan at least with a level of confidence in terms of the numbers for the next year.
As many of the local authorities' contracts have already been agreed, I think that we're less worried, as I say, this year, but our real concerns are for next year, and this is why it's really important that the UK Government's energy review concludes rapidly, so that we can provide that confidence, but also that it really does consider the impact on local government and on the third sector, as you've referred to, as well, in terms of allowing them to keep on providing the vital services that they do. I'm sure we've all had discussions about the cost of just keeping the lights on in schools, for example, which has gone through the roof for future years. So, I know that those discussions are live, and just to reassure you that our procurement team are involved in that.
Rwy'n ategu eich diolch i Mike Hedges am drefnu’r drafodaeth. Gallaf ddweud ei bod yn drafodaeth a gafodd lawer o effaith, a hynny nid yn unig ar sail y papur trefn ar gyfer y cwestiynau heddiw; gwelaf fod y trafodaethau a gawsoch gyda llywodraeth leol wedi cael effaith wirioneddol o ran rhoi syniad clir i chi o'r mathau o bwysau sydd arnynt a'r bylchau y maent yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â hwy yn eu cyllidebau. Gwn eich bod yn arbennig o bryderus am gost ynni, ac rydym yn gweithio'n agos iawn gydag awdurdodau lleol. Mae'r awdurdodau lleol eu hunain mewn gwell sefyllfa yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon yn yr ystyr fod y rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn prynu eu hynni gan Wasanaeth Masnachol y Goron, felly maent wedi'u hamddiffyn yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon rhag prisiau ynni byd-eang anwadal. Ond ar hyn o bryd rydym yn asesu'r effaith ar brisiau a chyllidebau ar gyfer 2023-24, ac mae ein gweithwyr caffael proffesiynol yn Llywodraeth Cymru wrthi'n gweithio gyda chyflenwyr a Gwasanaeth Masnachol y Goron i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol fel y gallant gynllunio gyda rhywfaint o hyder o leiaf o ran y ffigurau ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf.
Gan fod llawer o gontractau awdurdodau lleol eisoes wedi’u cytuno, credaf ein bod yn llai pryderus eleni, fel y dywedaf, ond mae gennym bryderon gwirioneddol ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, a dyma pam ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig fod adolygiad ynni Llywodraeth y DU yn cael ei gwblhau'n gyflym, fel y gallwn roi'r hyder hwnnw, ond hefyd ei fod o ddifrif yn ystyried yr effaith ar lywodraeth leol ac ar y trydydd sector, fel y nodwyd gennych, ac yn caniatáu iddynt barhau i ddarparu’r gwasanaethau hanfodol y maent yn eu darparu. Rwy’n siŵr fod pob un ohonom wedi cael trafodaethau ynglŷn â chost dim ond cadw’r goleuadau ymlaen mewn ysgolion, er enghraifft, sydd wedi mynd drwy’r to ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod. Felly, gwn fod y trafodaethau hynny’n fyw, a hoffwn roi sicrwydd i chi fod ein tîm caffael yn rhan o hynny.
Minister, local authorities are responsible for agreeing school budgets, and energy is one of the big costs our schools face. In many schools we see big old boilers that are very expensive to run. What assessments have you made, together with local authorities, of the costs now facing schools as we look to the next six and 12 months? And what measures are you considering to ensure that our schools can keep warm? Thank you.
Weinidog, awdurdodau lleol sy’n gyfrifol am bennu cyllidebau ysgolion, ac ynni yw un o’r costau mawr y mae ein hysgolion yn eu hwynebu. Mewn llawer o ysgolion, gwelwn hen foeleri mawr sy'n ddrud iawn i'w rhedeg. Pa asesiadau a wnaethoch gydag awdurdodau lleol o’r costau sy’n wynebu ysgolion bellach wrth inni edrych tua'r chwe mis a’r 12 mis nesaf? A pha fesurau sydd dan ystyriaeth gennych i sicrhau y gall ein hysgolion gadw’n gynnes? Diolch.
Well, of course, the best thing that could happen to keep schools warm would be for the UK Government to step into this space. [Interruption.] I hear the Conservatives groaning out loud, but that is going to be the real answer in terms of ensuring that there is an affordable price for energy within schools. That's not the Welsh Government abdicating its responsibility. It's not the Welsh Government's responsibility to step in on energy prices. Welsh Government couldn't introduce a windfall tax, even if we wanted to, because we don't have the powers to do so. That's something that the UK Government should be stepping in to do at this point.
Fortunately, we have had discussions about reserves earlier in this question session, and reserves within schools are looking healthy. So, some schools will be able to make investments and be able to consider how they use those reserves in respect of addressing the cost-of-living crisis. That said, I am very mindful that the positive situation for reserves in schools isn't uniform across Wales, and there are schools that don't have those significant reserves that they'll be looking to rely on.
Wel, wrth gwrs, y peth gorau a allai ddigwydd, mewn perthynas â chadw ysgolion yn gynnes, fyddai i Lywodraeth y DU gamu i'r adwy. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n clywed y Ceidwadwyr yn griddfan yn uchel, ond dyna fyddai'r ateb gorau i sicrhau bod yna bris fforddiadwy am ynni mewn ysgolion. Ni fyddai hynny'n golygu bod Llywodraeth Cymru'n ymwrthod â'i chyfrifoldeb. Nid cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth Cymru yw camu i'r adwy mewn perthynas â phrisiau ynni. Ni allai Llywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno treth ffawdelw, hyd yn oed pe bai eisiau gwneud hynny, oherwydd nid oes gennym y pwerau i wneud hynny. Mae hwnnw'n rhywbeth y dylai Llywodraeth y DU fod yn ei wneud ar hyn o bryd.
Yn ffodus, rydym wedi cael trafodaethau am gronfeydd wrth gefn yn gynharach yn y sesiwn gwestiynau hon, ac mae cronfeydd wrth gefn mewn ysgolion yn edrych yn iach. Felly, bydd rhai ysgolion yn gallu gwneud buddsoddiadau ac yn gallu ystyried sut i ddefnyddio'r cronfeydd wrth gefn hynny i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw. Wedi dweud hynny, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn nad yw'r sefyllfa bositif mewn perthynas â chronfeydd wrth gefn mewn ysgolion yn unffurf ledled Cymru, ac mae yna ysgolion nad oes ganddynt y cronfeydd wrth gefn sylweddol hynny y byddant eisiau dibynnu arnynt.
Mae cwestiwn 4 [OQ58605] wedi ei dynnu nôl. Cwestiwn 5, Heledd Fychan.
Question 4 [OQ58605] has been withdrawn. Question 5, Heledd Fychan.
5. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi awdurdodau lleol yng Nghanol De Cymru i gynnal eu gwasanaethau statudol? OQ58625
5. How is the Welsh Government supporting local authorities in South Wales Central to maintain their statutory services? OQ58625
This year, the Welsh Government is providing unhypothecated revenue funding of over £5.1 billion, and over £1 billion in specific grant funding in support of local authority statutory and non-statutory services.
Eleni, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cyllid refeniw heb ei neilltuo o dros £5.1 biliwn, a thros £1 biliwn mewn cyllid grant penodol i gefnogi gwasanaethau statudol ac anstatudol awdurdodau lleol.
Thank you, Minister. I was referencing, in particular, the authorities within my region.
Diolch. Roeddwn yn cyfeirio, yn arbennig, at yr awdurdodau o fewn fy rhanbarth.
Un ddarpariaeth statudol hanfodol yw gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, ac, yn benodol, gofal. Gwyddom fod problemau dirfawr o ran recriwtio gofalwyr. O’r herwydd, mae mwy a mwy o unigolion yn dod yn ofalwyr di-dâl er mwyn gofalu am eu hanwyliaid, ac yn wynebu caledi ariannol o’r herwydd. A oes unrhyw drafodaethau wedi bod gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru o ran ymestyn y cymorth ariannol costau byw i bob gofalwr di-dâl, nid dim ond y 10 y cant sydd yn derbyn lwfans gofalwyr ar y funud? Yn bellach, a oes modd gwneud mwy i hyrwyddo ei bod hi’n bosibl i ofalwyr di-dâl dderbyn taliad uniongyrchol i ddarparu gofal, hyd yn oed os ydynt yn byw ar yr un aelwyd, os nad yw’n bosibl canfod gofal amgen? Mae nifer o deuluoedd o dan yr argraff nad yw hyn yn bosibl, ond y gwir amdani yw bod hawl gan awdurdodau lleol i ganiatáu hyn gyda thystiolaeth briodol. Felly, a oes trafodaethau wedi bod gyda'r gymdeithas llywodraeth leol hefyd am hyn?
One essential statutory provision is social services, and, specifically, care. We know that there are huge problems when it comes to recruiting carers. As a result, more and more individuals are becoming unpaid carers in order to look after their loved ones, and they face financial hardship as a result. Have there been any discussions with the Welsh Local Government Association in terms of extending the financial support for living costs to all unpaid carers, not just the 10 per cent who currently receive carers allowance? Furthermore, can more be done to promote the fact that it’s possible for unpaid carers to receive direct payments for providing care, even if they are living in the same household, if it is not possible to find alternative care? Many families are under the impression that this is not possible, but the truth is that local authorities have the right to allow this with appropriate evidence. So, have there been any discussions with the WLGA about this?
I know that the Minister for social services was at the recent meeting regarding budget pressures that local authority leaders were at, and they were able to have at least some starting of the discussions in terms of the specific concerns and pressures around social care. But I think the point that you make really does speak to the 'Claim what's yours' campaign that we're undertaking at the moment, because, as you say, there are plenty of people who are not aware that they're able to claim carers allowance. There are lots of people who aren't aware that they are able to claim direct payments, so it's important that we undertake as much work as we can to ensure that people are claiming everything to which they're entitled, especially at this difficult time. So, yes, we will absolutely redouble our efforts in that space.
Gwn fod y Gweinidog gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn bresennol yn y cyfarfod diweddar am y pwysau cyllidebol sy'n wynebu arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol, a llwyddasant i ddechrau'r trafodaethau, o leiaf, ar y pwysau a'r pryderon penodol ynghylch gofal cymdeithasol. Ond rwy'n credu bod y pwynt a wnewch yn gysylltiedig â'r ymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi' sydd ar y gweill gennym ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd, fel y dywedwch, ceir digonedd o bobl nad ydynt yn ymwybodol eu bod yn gallu hawlio lwfans gofalwyr. Ceir llawer o bobl nad ydynt yn ymwybodol eu bod yn gallu hawlio taliadau uniongyrchol, felly mae'n bwysig ein bod yn ymgymryd â chymaint o waith ag y gallwn i sicrhau bod pobl yn hawlio popeth y mae ganddynt hawl iddo, yn enwedig yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn. Felly, byddwn, fe fyddwn yn dyblu ein hymdrechion yn hynny o beth.
Minister, as you're aware and has already been brought up by several Members in this Chamber, local authorities in Wales have vast usable reserves in their coffers. At the end of the 2020-21 financial year, this totalled over £2.1 billion, an increase of £600 million on the year before, with some local authorities, such as my own of Rhondda Cynon Taf, having just under £208 million in usable reserves. You will also be aware that the calculation for the amount that local authorities will receive from the revenue support grant assumes that there is no use of, or addition to, these financial reserves. This ultimately means, Minister, that local authorities are incentivised to keep increasing council tax rates year on year, and hoarding money without any financial impact on the RSG from the Welsh Government. This also means that council tax payers are hit hard year on year with higher and higher council tax bills, just so that councils can keep increasing their financial reserves. With this in mind, Minister, what assessment have you made of limiting the amount of usable reserves that a council can hold before the RSG is affected? And what impact assessment have you made of the detriment that households face when local authorities continue to increase their council tax rates when they have such substantial usable reserves?
Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch ac fel sydd eisoes wedi'i godi gan sawl Aelod yn y Siambr, mae gan awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru gronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy helaeth yn eu coffrau. Ar ddiwedd blwyddyn ariannol 2020-21, ffurfient gyfanswm o dros £2.1 biliwn, cynnydd o £600 miliwn ers y flwyddyn flaenorol, gyda rhai awdurdodau lleol, megis fy awdurdod lleol i yn Rhondda Cynon Taf, yn meddu ar ychydig o dan £208 miliwn mewn cronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol hefyd fod y cyfrifiad ar gyfer y swm y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn ei dderbyn o'r grant cynnal refeniw yn rhagdybio nad oes defnydd o'r cronfeydd ariannol hyn nac ychwanegiadau atynt. Mae hyn yn golygu, yn y pen draw, Weinidog, fod awdurdodau lleol yn cael eu cymell i barhau i gynyddu cyfraddau treth gyngor o flwyddyn i flwyddyn, a chadw arian heb unrhyw effaith ariannol ar y grant cynnal refeniw gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae hyn hefyd yn golygu bod y rhai sy'n talu'r dreth gyngor yn cael eu taro'n galed flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn gan filiau treth gyngor uwch, er mwyn i gynghorau allu parhau i gynyddu eu cronfeydd ariannol wrth gefn. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Weinidog, pa asesiad a wnaethoch o gyfyngu ar faint o gronfeydd wrth gefn defnyddiadwy y gall cyngor eu cadw cyn i'r grant cynnal refeniw gael ei effeithio? A pha asesiad effaith a wnaethoch o'r anfantais y mae aelwydydd yn ei hwynebu pan fo awdurdodau lleol yn parhau i gynyddu eu cyfraddau treth gyngor er bod ganddynt gronfeydd defnyddiadwy mor sylweddol?
I'm not sure whether the Minister is able to hear. Were you able to hear that?
Nid wyf yn siŵr a yw'r Gweinidog yn gallu clywed. A glywsoch chi hynny?
I heard the—
Clywais y—
There was a lot of conversation going on on the same benches as the Member who was asking the question. Did you hear?
Roedd llawer o sgwrsio'n digwydd ar yr un meinciau â'r Aelod a oedd yn gofyn y cwestiwn. A glywsoch chi?
I did. I understood 90 per cent—
Do. Deallais 90 y cant—
The Minister to respond.
Y Gweinidog i ymateb.
—so I think we're okay.
—felly rwy'n credu ein bod ni'n iawn.
You can answer the question. They're now falling out over who was having the conversation. [Laughter.] Minister. Minister.
Gallwch ateb y cwestiwn. Maent bellach yn cweryla dros bwy oedd yn cael y sgwrs. [Chwerthin.] Weinidog. Weinidog.
Okay. So, to answer the question on reserves: I think it is a positive thing that local government has significant reserves when we move into a cost-of-living crisis. And let's remember, when we were discussing the budget last year, we were talking about that improved settlement in this first year of the three-year spending review, which gave local authorities over 9 per cent of an increase in their budget. But we talked, even at that time, when we had no real concept of the size of the cost-of-living crisis coming towards us, that years 2 and 3 of the spending review period were going to be difficult, so I think it's entirely right that local authorities now are looking to see how they can use their reserves in an appropriate way to help manage some of that particular pressure. I do think it is for local authorities to decide at what rate they set their council tax; it is a really important part of local democracy, and I think that we would only step in in extreme circumstances to tell local authorities what to do on council tax. I do believe it's an important tool that should be used on a local basis.
Iawn. Felly, i ateb y cwestiwn ar gronfeydd wrth gefn: rwy'n credu ei fod yn beth cadarnhaol fod gan lywodraeth leol gronfeydd sylweddol wrth gefn wrth inni nesu at argyfwng costau byw. A gadewch i ni gofio, pan oeddem yn trafod y gyllideb y llynedd, roeddem yn siarad am y setliad gwell yn y flwyddyn gyntaf o'r adolygiad o wariant tair blynedd, a ddarparodd gynnydd o dros 9 y cant yn y gyllideb i awdurdodau lleol. Ond fe wnaethom siarad, hyd yn oed bryd hynny, pan nad oedd gennym gysyniad go iawn o faint yr argyfwng costau byw a oedd yn ein hwynebu, am y ffaith bod blynyddoedd 2 a 3 o'r adolygiad o wariant am fod yn anodd, felly rwy'n credu ei bod yn hollol iawn fod awdurdodau lleol yn edrych yn awr i weld sut y gallant ddefnyddio'u cronfeydd wrth gefn mewn ffordd briodol i helpu i reoli rhywfaint o'r pwysau arbennig hwnnw. Rwy'n credu mai lle awdurdodau lleol yw penderfynu ar ba raddfa y maent yn gosod eu treth gyngor; mae'n rhan bwysig iawn o ddemocratiaeth leol, ac rwy'n credu mai mewn amgylchiadau eithafol yn unig y byddem yn camu i mewn i ddweud wrth awdurdodau lleol beth i'w wneud ar y dreth gyngor. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn offeryn pwysig y dylid ei ddefnyddio ar sail leol.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ar gyllido awdurdodau lleol yng Ngorllewin De Cymru? OQ58621
6. Will the Minister make a statement on the funding of local authorities in South Wales West? OQ58621
I will continue to prioritise funding for all local authorities in Wales through a transparent, equitable and jointly produced distribution formula for the local government settlement with our local government partners.
Byddaf yn parhau i flaenoriaethu cyllid ar gyfer pob awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru drwy gynhyrchu fformiwla ddosbarthu dryloyw a theg ar gyfer y setliad llywodraeth leol ar y cyd â'n partneriaid llywodraeth leol.
Diolch, Weinidog. Minister, the leader of Neath Port Talbot Council asked me, in a recent letter, to press for sufficient additional resources to enable the council to continue to support its communities through the current crises. He compares the current cost-of-living crisis with the COVID crisis, when local government demonstrated time and time again how it is uniquely placed to respond to local needs. But NPT estimate that they are facing unfunded in-year pressures of £10 million, and £24 million during the next financial year. At the same time, of course, the continued impact of the pandemic and current economic crisis have created unprecedented demand on services. For example, presentations to NPT's housing options service are 400 per cent higher than pre pandemic, contacts with children's social services are 300 per cent higher, and I attended that same regional WLGA meeting last week, in which the same bleak situation was repeated and outlined. So, how is the Minister going to ensure that our local authorities are able to maintain core services? We know the door of No. 10 Downing Street is shut firmly in Wales's face, so what answer will council leaders of South Wales West get from Cardiff Bay? Raising council tax isn't a progressive option, so what other ways are there to raise the required revenue?
Diolch, Weinidog. Mewn llythyr diweddar, gofynnodd arweinydd Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot i mi bwyso am fwy o adnoddau ychwanegol er mwyn galluogi'r cyngor i barhau i gefnogi ei gymunedau drwy'r argyfyngau presennol. Mae'n cymharu'r argyfwng costau byw presennol ag argyfwng COVID, pan ddangosodd llywodraeth leol dro ar ôl tro sut y mae mewn sefyllfa unigryw i ymateb i anghenion lleol. Ond mae Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn amcangyfrif eu bod yn wynebu pwysau heb eu cyllido o £10 miliwn yn ystod y flwyddyn hon, a £24 miliwn yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Ar yr un pryd, wrth gwrs, mae effaith barhaus y pandemig a'r argyfwng economaidd presennol wedi arwain at gynnydd digynsail yn y galw ar wasanaethau. Er enghraifft, mae'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar wasanaeth opsiynau tai Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot 400 y cant yn uwch na'r nifer cyn y pandemig, mae cysylltiadau â gwasanaethau cymdeithasol plant 300 y cant yn uwch, a mynychais yr un cyfarfod CLlLC rhanbarthol yr wythnos diwethaf, lle cafodd yr un sefyllfa ddiflas ei hailadrodd a'i hamlinellu. Felly, sut y mae'r Gweinidog yn bwriadu sicrhau bod ein hawdurdodau lleol yn gallu cynnal gwasanaethau craidd? Gwyddom fod drws Rhif 10 Stryd Downing wedi'i gau'n dynn yn wyneb Cymru, felly pa ateb y bydd arweinwyr cynghorau Gorllewin De Cymru yn ei gael o Fae Caerdydd? Nid yw codi'r dreth gyngor yn opsiwn blaengar, felly pa ffyrdd eraill sydd yna i godi'r refeniw angenrheidiol?
Thank you very much for the question, and I do recognise that similarity in terms of the crisis of the pandemic and the crisis of the cost-of-living crisis. What's different, of course, is that the pandemic attracted significant additional funding in terms of helping us to manage that, whereas the cost-of-living crisis has not provided us with significant additional funding to help us manage the crisis. And I just want to be really clear that we have allocated all of the available funding. So, you'll have seen our budget this year: we had a small contingency reserve for in-year this year. Next year, we've allocated everything, so we will be managing any additional spend through the Wales reserve and that alone, and the same for the following year.
So, we've also got an over-programme on capital, which is obviously very stretched in the first place, and at the time we set that, we didn't realise that UK Government would be taking £30 million back in respect of supporting the arms for Ukraine. So, the budget is extremely stretched; there's no additional significant funding to be allocated, so it really is going to be a case now of hoping that the UK Government does the right thing at its spending review—sorry, at its autumn budget when it appears—and does provide the additional funding that authorities are calling out for, and I have to say, the health service is also calling out for in this situation as well. So, we await that with interest. It's a shame that it's been pushed back, because that makes our own budget planning much more difficult, and it makes it more difficult then for us to provide the kind of reassurance, or at least assurance, that the leader of Neath Port Talbot, and other leaders, are seeking from us at this time.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn, ac rwy'n cydnabod y tebygrwydd rhwng argyfwng y pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw. Yr hyn sy'n wahanol, wrth gwrs, yw bod y pandemig wedi denu arian ychwanegol sylweddol i'n helpu i'w reoli, ond nid ydym wedi cael cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol i'n helpu i reoli'r argyfwng costau byw. Ac rwyf am ei gwneud yn glir iawn ein bod wedi dyrannu'r holl gyllid sydd ar gael. Felly, byddwch wedi gweld ein cyllideb eleni: roedd gennym gronfa fach wrth gefn ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Y flwyddyn nesaf, rydym wedi dyrannu popeth, felly byddwn yn rheoli unrhyw wariant ychwanegol drwy gronfa wrth gefn Cymru a honno'n unig, ac mae'r un peth yn wir am y flwyddyn ganlynol.
Felly, mae gennym orwariant ar y rhaglen cyfalaf, sy'n amlwg dan lawer o bwysau yn y lle cyntaf, a phan wnaethom osod honno, nid oeddem yn sylweddoli y byddai Llywodraeth y DU yn cymryd £30 miliwn yn ôl er mwyn cefnogi arfau ar gyfer Wcráin. Felly, mae'r gyllideb wedi'i hymestyn yn eithriadol; nid oes cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol i'w ddyrannu, felly mae'n rhaid i ni obeithio bod Llywodraeth y DU yn gwneud y peth iawn yn ei adolygiad o wariant—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, yn ei gyllideb yn yr hydref pan fydd yn ymddangos—ac yn darparu'r cyllid ychwanegol y mae awdurdodau'n galw amdano, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, y mae'r gwasanaeth iechyd hefyd yn galw amdano yn y sefyllfa hon. Felly, rydym yn aros am hynny gyda diddordeb. Mae'n drueni ei fod wedi cael ei wthio'n ôl, oherwydd mae hynny wedi gwneud y gwaith o gynllunio ein cyllideb ein hunain yn llawer anos, ac mae'n ei gwneud yn anos wedyn i ni ddarparu'r math o sicrwydd y mae arweinydd Castell-nedd Port Talbot, ac arweinwyr eraill, yn ei geisio gennym ar hyn o bryd.
7. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i rhoi i ddiwygio polisi treth oherwydd yr argyfwng costau byw? OQ58603
7. What consideration has the Minister given to revising tax policy due to the cost-of-living crisis? OQ58603
The Welsh Government is committed to supporting the most vulnerable through this cost-of-living crisis using our fiscal and policy levers. As part of the budget process, I will consider how we can continue to support our most vulnerable people through the cost-of-living crisis.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi'r rhai mwyaf agored i niwed drwy'r argyfwng costau byw hwn gan ddefnyddio ein hysgogiadau cyllid a pholisi. Fel rhan o broses y gyllideb, byddaf yn ystyried sut y gallwn barhau i gefnogi ein pobl fwyaf agored i niwed drwy'r argyfwng costau byw.
Diolch yn fawr, Gweinidog. Our friends in Scotland have greater levers than us to use. They have a progressive income tax system, introduced by the SNP Scottish Government, which ensures that those on lower income pay less tax than elsewhere in the United Kingdom, supporting stronger public services whilst also safeguarding those on lower incomes; a fairer tax system where those with the broadest shoulders are taking most of the weight. I hope, Minister, that you will raise this with your counterparts, with the shadow Cabinet at Westminster, so that Wales will also have the powers to vary the tax bands. Would the Minister agree with me that we shouldn't be left behind by our Scottish friends as they create a fairer nation up there?
Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog. Mae gan ein ffrindiau yn yr Alban fwy o ysgogiadau at eu defnydd na ni. Mae ganddynt system dreth incwm flaengar, a gyflwynwyd gan Lywodraeth SNP Yr Alban, sy'n sicrhau bod y rhai ar incwm is yn talu llai o dreth nag mewn mannau eraill yn y Deyrnas Unedig, gan gefnogi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus cryfach tra'u bod yn diogelu'r rhai ar incwm is; system dreth decach lle mae'r rhai sydd â'r ysgwyddau lletaf yn ysgwyddo'r rhan fwyaf o'r pwysau. Rwy'n gobeithio, Weinidog, y byddwch yn codi hyn gyda'ch cymheiriaid, gyda Chabinet yr wrthblaid yn San Steffan, fel y bydd gan Gymru hefyd bwerau i amrywio'r bandiau treth. A fyddai'r Gweinidog yn cytuno na ddylem gael ein gadael ar ôl gan ein ffrindiau Albanaidd wrth iddynt greu cenedl decach yno?
Well, it is the case that we have a different system, and, of course, our system was only agreed in 2016. We've only been collecting Welsh rates of income tax for a couple of years, so it is important, I think, at least in this first instance, to let the system bed in, but also, I think, to understand what the implications would be of us having a more progressive, as you say, banding system. So, it's an interesting discussion that we should be having, whilst also considering what the implications would be for our overall tax take here in Wales and what options might be available to us. So, you know, there is work going on in terms of considering the future of the United Kingdom, including fiscal levers, and I think that that plays in well to those particular discussions.
Wel, mae'n wir fod gennym system wahanol, ac wrth gwrs, dim ond yn 2016 y cafodd ein system ni ei chytuno. Ers ychydig flynyddoedd yn unig y buom yn casglu cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru, felly ar y cychwyn o leiaf, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig gadael i'r system ymsefydlu, ond hefyd er mwyn deall beth fyddai'r goblygiadau o gael system fandio fwy blaengar, fel y dywedwch. Felly, mae'n drafodaeth ddiddorol y dylem fod yn ei chael, gan ystyried hefyd beth fyddai'r goblygiadau i'r derbyniadau treth cyffredinol yma yng Nghymru a pha opsiynau a allai fod ar gael i ni. Felly, wyddoch chi, mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo i ystyried dyfodol y Deyrnas Unedig, gan gynnwys ysgogiadau cyllidol, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n chwarae rhan dda yn y trafodaethau hynny.

Building on the tax powers that you have, finance Minister, are you in a position this afternoon to inform us, for every penny that you might seek to raise, if that was your advice to Cabinet at the budget-setting period, how much extra money would come into the Welsh Government coffers in the 45p and 40p threshold, and, conversely, every penny you might take off, what that would lose to the Treasury here in Wales? And, any behavioural concepts that you might have modelled into your advice to Cabinet, would you make that available so that Members are in possession of the full facts when considering the tax powers?
Gan adeiladu ar y pwerau treth sydd gennych, Weinidog cyllid, a ydych mewn sefyllfa y prynhawn yma i'n hysbysu, am bob ceiniog y gallech geisio ei chodi, os mai dyna oedd eich cyngor i'r Cabinet yn y cyfnod o osod cyllidebau, faint o arian ychwanegol a fyddai'n dod i goffrau Llywodraeth Cymru yn y trothwy 45c a 40c, ac fel arall, pob ceiniog y gallech ei thynnu, beth fyddai'r golled i'r Trysorlys yma yng Nghymru? Ac unrhyw gysyniadau ymddygiadol y gallech fod wedi'u modelu yn eich cyngor i'r Cabinet, a fyddech yn sicrhau eu bod ar gael fel bod yr Aelodau'n cael y ffeithiau llawn wrth ystyried y pwerau treth?
Well, Llywydd, we do have the Welsh rates of income tax ready reckoner, which was published in 2021, so it's there for all colleagues to be looking at and using. It's available on the Welsh Government's website, and that does show the effects of changes to the Welsh rates of devolved income tax revenue. So, you're able to play around with it and look at different things. But, just for clarity, the basic rate of income tax for next year, if we were to raise or lower it by 1p, that would have an impact of £220 million; for the higher rate, it would be £33 million; and the additional rate, £5 million. And, of course, there will potentially be behavioural impacts. We don't have a very clear view of what the behavioural impacts would be; those behavioural impacts, I think, would probably only come into play in the additional rate, in any case, because those people tend to be people who are potentially more mobile and who would have different options in terms of structuring their tax affairs. But, of course, I know that the former Finance Committee did an interesting piece of work that did look at the potential of people moving across borders to avoid an increase in additional rates of income tax. So, all of that information is available, and I do commend the ready reckoner to colleagues who want to find out a bit more about what the implications of different choices might be. But, I should say that any choice that we make will be announced alongside our draft budget on 13 December.
Wel, Lywydd, mae gennym ganllaw cyflym i gyfraddau treth incwm Cymru a gyhoeddwyd yn 2021, felly mae hwnnw ar gael i bob cyd-Aelod edrych arno a'i ddefnyddio. Mae ar gael ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru, ac mae'n dangos effeithiau newidiadau i gyfraddau Cymreig o refeniw treth incwm datganoledig. Felly, rydych yn gallu chwarae o gwmpas ag ef ac edrych ar wahanol bethau. Ond er eglurder, pe baem yn codi neu'n gostwng cyfradd sylfaenol treth incwm 1 geiniog ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, byddai'n cael effaith o £220 miliwn; ar gyfer y gyfradd uwch, byddai'n £33 miliwn; a'r gyfradd ychwanegol, £5 miliwn. Ac wrth gwrs, fe fydd effeithiau ymddygiadol o bosibl. Nid oes gennym syniad clir iawn o beth fyddai'r effeithiau ymddygiadol; mae'n debyg y byddai'r effeithiau ymddygiadol hynny ond yn berthnasol yn y gyfradd ychwanegol, beth bynnag, oherwydd mae'r bobl hynny'n tueddu i fod yn bobl fwy symudol o bosibl a chanddynt opsiynau gwahanol ar gyfer strwythuro eu materion treth. Ond wrth gwrs, gwn fod y Pwyllgor Cyllid blaenorol wedi gwneud gwaith diddorol a edrychodd ar botensial pobl yn symud ar draws ffiniau er mwyn osgoi cynnydd mewn cyfraddau ychwanegol o dreth incwm. Felly, mae'r holl wybodaeth honno ar gael, ac rwy'n argymell canllaw cyflym cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru i gyd-Aelodau sydd eisiau darganfod ychydig mwy am oblygiadau posibl gwahanol ddewisiadau. Ond dylwn ddweud y bydd unrhyw ddewis a wnawn yn cael ei gyhoeddi ochr yn ochr â'n cyllideb ddrafft ar 13 Rhagfyr.
8. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith datganiad cyllidol Llywodraeth y DU ar Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy? OQ58609
8. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the UK Government's fiscal statement on Alyn and Deeside? OQ58609
Despite the reversals made on many elements of the mini budget, the damage has been done. Households and businesses in Alyn and Deeside and elsewhere are facing higher borrowing costs and greater economic uncertainty. We now face the prospect of more austerity in our already hard-pressed public services.
Er gwaethaf gwrthdroi sawl elfen o'r gyllideb fach, mae'r difrod wedi'i wneud. Mae cartrefi a busnesau yn Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy a mannau eraill yn wynebu costau benthyca uwch a mwy o ansicrwydd economaidd. Rydym bellach yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o fwy o gyni yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sydd eisoes dan bwysau.
Thank you for your response, Minister. The Tory party want us all to pretend that it was a different Tory party that crashed the economy with reckless giveaways. [Interruption.] Whether they're Conservatives or Tories, they're all under the same hat. Now, they crashed the economy with their giveaways to millionaires and billionaires just a few weeks ago. Minister, you're right; the damage from the most disastrous fiscal statement is done. They then were determined to cause more uncertainty in the budgets with their so-called Halloween statement, only for it to emerge today that they'll scare us sometime towards the end of November. But in the meantime, with all this nonsense on the corridors of Westminster, with the power struggles they have, residents in Alyn and Deeside are struggling. They require certainty, Minister. Do you agree with me that the very last thing they need is the additional dose of Tory austerity coming their way?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog. Mae'r blaid Dorïaidd eisiau i bawb ohonom esgus mai plaid Dorïaidd wahanol a chwalodd yr economi gyda rhoddion byrbwyll. [Torri ar draws.] Boed yn Geidwadwyr neu'n Dorïaid, maent i gyd o dan yr un het. Nawr, fe wnaethant chwalu'r economi gyda'u rhoddion i filiwnyddion a biliwnyddion ychydig wythnosau'n ôl yn unig. Weinidog, rydych yn iawn; mae'r difrod wedi'i wneud yn dilyn y datganiad cyllidol mwyaf trychinebus. Roeddent yn benderfynol wedyn o achosi mwy o ansicrwydd yn y cyllidebau gyda'u datganiad Calan Gaeaf fel y'i gelwid, ond daeth yn amlwg heddiw y byddant yn ein dychryn rywbryd tua diwedd mis Tachwedd. Ond yn y cyfamser, gyda'r holl nonsens ar goridorau San Steffan, gyda'r ymrafael rhyngddynt am bŵer, mae trigolion Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy yn ei chael hi'n anodd. Maent angen sicrwydd, Weinidog. A ydych yn cytuno â mi mai'r peth olaf un sydd ei angen arnynt yw'r dos ychwanegol o gyni Torïaidd sy'n nesu tuag atynt?
Yes, I absolutely agree with Jack Sargeant, and I agree with his analysis as well, because we have a new administration in Westminster, but we absolutely don't have a clean slate, because the Prime Minister and the Chancellor's fingerprints are all over the economic crisis that we're all facing at the moment. And Jack Sargeant is right again; it's his constituents who are feeling the pain. They'll be feeling it through the increases in their mortgage payments, and they'll be feeling it if benefits don't rise in line with inflation. So, I think that absolutely the last thing that we need is further austerity at this time, but whether or not the UK Government is even hearing that is another thing entirely.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â Jack Sargeant, ac rwy'n cytuno â'i ddadansoddiad hefyd, oherwydd mae gennym weinyddiaeth newydd yn San Steffan, ond nid oes gennym lechen lân o gwbl, oherwydd mae olion bysedd y Prif Weinidog a'r Canghellor ar hyd yr argyfwng economaidd y mae pawb ohonom yn ei wynebu ar hyn o bryd. Ac mae Jack Sargeant yn iawn eto; ei etholwyr sy'n teimlo'r boen. Byddant yn ei theimlo drwy'r cynnydd yn eu taliadau morgais, a byddant yn ei theimlo os nad yw budd-daliadau'n codi yn unol â chwyddiant. Felly, rwy'n credu mai'r peth olaf sydd ei angen arnom yw rhagor o gyni ar hyn o bryd, ond mater arall yn llwyr yw i ba raddau y mae Llywodraeth y DU hyd yn oed yn clywed hynny.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9. Joyce Watson.
And finally, question 9. Joyce Watson.
9. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â threfniadau ariannu ar ôl yr UE? OQ58617
9. What discussions has the Minister had with the UK Government regarding post-EU funding arrangements? OQ58617
The UK Government has bypassed the Welsh Government and this Senedd with post-EU funding. The impact of their flawed schemes and a £1.1 billion funding cut is seriously impacting on a range of sectors, and jobs and growth. I have repeatedly raised this with UK Ministers and I'll continue to do so.
Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi anwybyddu Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Senedd hon mewn perthynas ag ariannu ar ôl yr UE. Mae eu cynlluniau diffygiol a thoriad ariannol o £1.1 biliwn yn cael effaith ddifrifol ar ystod o sectorau yn ogystal â swyddi a thwf. Rwyf wedi codi hyn dro ar ôl tro gyda Gweinidogion y DU a byddaf yn parhau i wneud hynny.
The Senedd's Finance Committee reported this month that Wales is in danger of losing out financially if the UK Government fails to co-operate with the Welsh Government on post-EU funding. That's despite repeated Tory promises that Wales would receive not a penny less as a result of Brexit. Clearly, we must have that co-operation from the UK Government and the Tories must honour their pledge. But do you agree with me, Minister, that Wales is already losing out? The former Governor of the Bank of England has pointed out that in 2016 the British economy was 90 per cent the size of Germany's. It is now less than 70 per cent. And analysis by the Economic and Social Research Institute calculates that Brexit has led to a 16 per cent drop in trade from the UK to the EU. So, as well as a fair funding settlement for Wales, do you agree with me that we need urgently to rebuild Britain's economic ties with our biggest trading partner and reduce barriers to trade?
Dywedodd Pwyllgor Cyllid y Senedd y mis hwn fod Cymru mewn perygl o fod ar ei cholled yn ariannol os yw Llywodraeth y DU yn methu cydweithio â Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyllid ar ôl yr UE. Mae hynny er gwaethaf yr addewidion Torïaidd niferus na fyddai Cymru yn derbyn yr un geiniog yn llai o ganlyniad i Brexit. Yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau'r cydweithrediad hwnnw gan Lywodraeth y DU a rhaid i'r Torïaid anrhydeddu eu haddewid. Ond a ydych yn cytuno â mi, Weinidog, fod Cymru eisoes ar ei cholled? Mae cyn-Lywodraethwr Banc Lloegr wedi tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod economi Prydain yn 90 y cant o faint economi'r Almaen yn 2016. Erbyn hyn mae'n llai na 70 y cant. Ac mae dadansoddiad gan y Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd yn cyfrifo bod Brexit wedi arwain at ostyngiad o 16 y cant mewn masnach o'r DU i'r UE. Felly, yn ogystal â setliad cyllid teg i Gymru, a ydych yn cytuno bod angen ailadeiladu cysylltiadau economaidd Prydain gyda'n partner masnachu mwyaf a lleihau rhwystrau i fasnachu, a hynny ar frys?
Yes, I do agree with those points, because in my view the impact of Brexit has been very much camouflaged by the pandemic and now by the cost-of-living crisis. I think that the example that you've given, which compares our position with Germany, really does spell out the damage that has been done by Brexit and that will continue to be done unless the UK Government takes a different approach to trading with our most important trading partners.
I think the issue around replacement EU funding, as well, is an important one. We were promised that we wouldn't be a penny worse off. Well, that's true; we're £1.1 billion worse off in terms of the lack of available European funding. The shared prosperity fund has just been an abject failure in terms of being a replacement. As well as having that funding gap, no funding has reached Wales yet, whereas of course if we were still in the EU those EU programmes would have already started in January 2021. And not only that; they would have been programmes over a number of years, which would have allowed more strategic deployment of that funding, rather than funding small pet projects across Wales, decided by Ministers in Westminster. [Interruption.] I hear the Conservatives behind me, but I find it quite hilarious that anybody is still willing to defend the current situation, where we are worse off financially, and also our reputation across the world has been damaged, probably irreparably for some time, by the Conservative Party.
Ydw, rwy'n cytuno â'r pwyntiau hynny, oherwydd yn fy marn i mae effaith Brexit wedi cael ei guddio'n fawr gan y pandemig ac yn awr gan yr argyfwng costau byw. Rwy'n credu bod yr enghraifft a nodoch chi, sy'n cymharu ein sefyllfa gyda'r Almaen, yn dangos y difrod y mae Brexit wedi'i wneud ac y bydd yn parhau i'w wneud oni bai bod Llywodraeth y DU yn mabwysiadu ymagwedd wahanol tuag at fasnachu gyda'n partneriaid masnachu pwysicaf.
Rwy'n credu bod y mater ynglŷn â chyllid newydd yr UE yn un pwysig hefyd. Fe gawsom addewid na fyddem geiniog yn waeth ein byd. Wel, mae hynny'n wir; rydym £1.1 biliwn yn waeth ein byd yn sgil y diffyg cyllid Ewropeaidd sydd ar gael. Mae'r gronfa ffyniant gyffredin wedi bod yn fethiant llwyr fel cyllid newydd. Yn ogystal â chael bwlch ariannu, nid oes unrhyw gyllid wedi dod i Gymru eto, ond wrth gwrs pe baem yn dal i fod yn rhan o'r UE byddai'r rhaglenni UE hynny eisoes wedi dechrau ym mis Ionawr 2021. Ac nid yn unig hynny; byddent wedi bod yn rhaglenni dros nifer o flynyddoedd, a fyddai wedi caniatáu defnydd o'r cyllid hwnnw mewn modd mwy strategol, yn hytrach nag ariannu hoff brosiectau bach ar draws Cymru a benderfynwyd gan Weinidogion yn San Steffan. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n clywed y Ceidwadwyr y tu ôl i mi, ond rwy'n ei chael hi'n eithaf chwerthinllyd fod unrhyw un yn dal i fod yn fodlon amddiffyn y sefyllfa bresennol, lle rydym yn waeth ein byd yn ariannol, a'n henw da ar draws y byd wedi'i ddifrodi gan y Blaid Geidwadol, ac na fydd modd ei adfer am gryn dipyn o amser.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog cyllid.
I thank the Minister for finance.
Yr eitem nesaf yw cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog materion gwledig a'r gogledd. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Samuel Kurtz.
The next item is questions to the Minister for rural affairs and north Wales. The first question is from Samuel Kurtz.
1. Pa gefnogaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei darparu i annog perchnogaeth gyfrifol ar gŵn? OQ58618
1. What support is the Welsh Government providing to encourage responsible dog ownership? OQ58618

The Welsh Government's code of practice for the welfare of dogs informs owners of their obligations relating to controlling their dogs and the governing pieces of legislation, of which there are many. We are working with the UK Government on introducing further safeguards through the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill.
Mae cod ymarfer Llywodraeth Cymru ar les cŵn yn hysbysu perchnogion am eu rhwymedigaethau'n ymwneud â rheoli eu cŵn a'r deddfwriaethau sy'n llywodraethu, ac mae llawer ohonynt. Rydym yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar gyflwyno mesurau diogelu pellach drwy'r Bil Lles Anifeiliaid (Anifeiliaid a Gedwir).
Thank you, Minister. I recently had the opportunity, and the pleasure, indeed, to visit Dogs Trust Cymru at their state-of-the-art rehoming centre here in Cardiff Bay. The team do a marvellous job of rehabilitating, reassuring and rehoming the dogs, which, for a variety of reasons have been left unwanted by their previous owners. Whilst at the centre, I met several good dogs that had been, sadly, abused and suffered mistreatment. Indeed, another charity, the RSPCA, have long called for their investigation and prosecution activities to be placed on a formal basis, which would empower front-line officers to intervene sooner, reducing the reliance on local authorities and police forces. Given this, can I urge you to consider this proposal so that our much-loved family pets receive intervention before the worst-case scenario occurs? Diolch.
Diolch. Cefais gyfle yn ddiweddar, a phleser yn wir, o ymweld â Dogs Trust Cymru yn eu canolfan ailgartrefu o'r radd flaenaf yma ym Mae Caerdydd. Mae'r tîm yn gwneud gwaith rhyfeddol o adsefydlu, cysuro ac ailgartrefu'r cŵn, sydd, am amryw o resymau wedi'u gadael gan eu perchnogion blaenorol. Tra oeddwn yn y ganolfan, cyfarfûm â nifer o gŵn da a oedd, yn anffodus, wedi dioddef camdriniaeth. Yn wir, mae elusen arall, yr RSPCA, wedi galw ers tro am roi eu gweithgareddau ymchwilio ac erlyn ar sail ffurfiol a fyddai'n grymuso swyddogion rheng flaen i ymyrryd ynghynt, gan leihau'r ddibyniaeth ar awdurdodau lleol a heddluoedd. O ystyried hyn, a gaf fi eich annog i ystyried yr argymhelliad hwn fel bod ein hanifeiliaid anwes annwyl teuluol yn destun ymyrraeth cyn i'r senarios gwaethaf ddigwydd? Diolch.
Yes, absolutely, this is something that we are considering. I've had several meetings with the RSPCA and officials have also met with them. We've been looking at examples where other countries have had those powers with their third sector. Just to say I absolutely agree with you around Dogs Trust Cymru; it's one of my favourite places to visit.
Ie, yn hollol, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydym yn ei ystyried. Rwyf wedi cael sawl cyfarfod gyda'r RSPCA ac mae swyddogion hefyd wedi cyfarfod â hwy. Rydym wedi bod yn edrych ar enghreifftiau lle mae gwledydd eraill wedi cael y pwerau hynny gyda'u trydydd sector. Hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn cytuno'n llwyr â chi mewn perthynas â Dogs Trust Cymru; mae'n un o fy hoff lefydd i ymweld â hwy.
2. Beth yw cynllun Llywodraeth Cymru i leihau'r risg o achosion o ffliw adar yn Sir Ddinbych? OQ58600
2. What is the Welsh Government's plan to reduce the risk of bird flu cases in Denbighshire? OQ58600
On 17 October, the Welsh Government, along with other UK administrations, introduced an avian influenza prevention zone. This applies to all of Wales and places legal obligations on bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures. Good biosecurity is the best form of defence for preventing AI in kept birds.
Ar 17 Hydref, cyflwynodd Llywodraeth Cymru, ynghyd â gweinyddiaethau eraill yn y DU, barth atal ffliw adar. Mae hyn yn berthnasol i Gymru gyfan ac yn gosod rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol ar geidwaid adar i ddilyn mesurau bioddiogelwch llym. Bioddiogelwch da yw'r amddiffyniad gorau ar gyfer atal ffliw adar mewn adar a gedwir.
Thank you very much for that answer, Minister. I'm sure you're more than aware of the risks bird flu poses, and I welcome the action from the Welsh Government to stop the spread by imposing the 10 km surveillance zone around the infected premises. As we saw with COVID, immediate and tough action early on can ensure that the problem does not get worse, and I call on the Welsh Government to work closely with the UK Government to tackle this outbreak head on. Although bird flu affecting humans is rare, the damage it can do to the supply chain of poultry can add to the inflation of the prices of eggs and chicken at a time when the cost of these products is increasing due to cost-of-living pressures. Therefore, what is the Minister doing to ensure that bird flu does not spread across Wales, to ensure that the supply of poultry is not disrupted and that prices do not increase further for my constituents in Denbighshire?
Diolch yn fawr iawn am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn fwy nag ymwybodol o'r peryglon y mae ffliw adar yn eu hachosi, ac rwy'n croesawu'r camau gan Lywodraeth Cymru i atal ei ledaeniad drwy osod y parth gwyliadwriaeth 10 km o gwmpas y safle heintiedig. Fel y gwelsom gyda COVID, os cymerir camau gweithredu cadarn yn syth gellir sicrhau nad yw'r broblem yn gwaethygu, a galwaf ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithio'n agos gyda Llywodraeth y DU i fynd i'r afael â'r achosion hyn yn uniongyrchol. Er nad yw ffliw adar yn effeithio ar bobl fel arfer, gall y niwed y gallai ei wneud i'r gadwyn gyflenwi dofednod gyfrannu at chwyddo prisiau wyau a chyw iâr ar adeg pan fo cost y cynhyrchion hyn yn cynyddu oherwydd pwysau costau byw. Felly, beth y mae'r Gweinidog yn ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw ffliw adar yn lledaenu ledled Cymru, i wneud yn siŵr nad yw'n amharu ar gyflenwad dofednod ac nad yw prisiau'n codi ymhellach i fy etholwyr yn sir Ddinbych?
I should probably just say at the outset that there have been no cases of AI in kept birds in Denbighshire during the 2021-22 period or, indeed, in the current 2022-23 outbreak period, but it has been relentless across the UK. We have not had a break at all. Normally, you do get a bit of respite in the summer months, but we have absolutely not had any break at all. I can assure you I work very closely with the UK Government in relation to this. In fact, I wrote to George Eustice, back in February or March of this year, when we saw some significant outbreaks in, I think, Lincolnshire in England, which I was particularly concerned about and wondered if there was something we could do to work together. Clearly, we've had another two DEFRA Secretaries of State since that time, but it is something that I will be raising immediately with the new Secretary of State, because I do think it is something that we need to look at across the UK.
You mentioned public health, and clearly the risk to public health from the virus is very low, but it does have an impact and it has an impact also on free range, for instance, when we've had to house birds. So, I can absolutely assure Members that this is something that daily we are looking at.
Mae'n debyg y dylwn ddweud i gychwyn nad oes unrhyw achosion o ffliw adar wedi bod mewn adar sy'n cael eu cadw yn sir Ddinbych yn ystod y cyfnod 2021-22 neu'n wir yn ystod y cyfnod presennol o achosion yn 2022-23, ond mae wedi bod yn ddi-baid ar draws y DU. Nid ydym wedi cael seibiant o gwbl. Fel arfer, rydym yn cael peth seibiant yn ystod misoedd yr haf, ond nid ydym wedi cael unrhyw doriad o gwbl. Gallaf eich sicrhau fy mod yn gweithio'n agos iawn â Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â hyn. Yn wir, ysgrifennais at George Eustice, yn ôl ym mis Chwefror neu fis Mawrth eleni, pan welsom achosion sylweddol yn swydd Lincoln yn Lloegr, rwy'n credu, ac roeddwn yn poeni'n arbennig am y rheini ac yn meddwl tybed a oedd rhywbeth y gallem ei wneud i weithio gyda'n gilydd. Yn amlwg, rydym wedi cael dau Ysgrifennydd Gwladol DEFRA arall ers hynny, ond mae'n rhywbeth y byddaf yn ei godi'n syth gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol newydd, oherwydd rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni edrych arno ar draws y DU.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am iechyd y cyhoedd, ac yn amlwg mae risg y feirws i iechyd y cyhoedd yn isel iawn, ond mae'n cael effaith ac mae'n cael effaith hefyd ar ieir maes, er enghraifft, pan ydym wedi gorfod rhoi adar dan do. Felly, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelodau yn llwyr fod hyn yn rhywbeth rydym yn edrych arno'n ddyddiol.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Samuel Kurtz.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservatives' spokesperson, Samuel Kurtz.
Minister, can I firstly begin by paying tribute to Christianne Glossop, who served as Wales's chief veterinary officer for 17 years before standing down earlier this month? She has served under a number of rural affairs Ministers, and I'm sure that you will join me in putting our gratitude for her service on the record and wishing her the very best for the future. I'd also like to refer Members to my register of interests.
Two weeks ago, in debating the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee's nitrate vulnerable zones report, I asked several questions that did not receive an answer, specifically surrounding the impact of TB breakdown incidents. Given this, can I seek clarification that farmers with movement restrictions will be permitted to exceed the 170 kg per hectare nitrate limit? As you will know, farmers under TB restrictions are unable to move cattle, meaning stock numbers will inevitably increase, thus seeing the farmer contravening your water regulations. Obeying one set of rules could see them failing another. Are there any dispensations for breakdown herds, or is this something to be considered in the licensing consultation for the 250 kg per hectare derogation? And on the consultation, when are we expecting to see it open, as time is marching on?
Weinidog, a gaf fi ddechrau drwy dalu teyrnged i Christianne Glossop, a wasanaethodd fel prif swyddog milfeddygol Cymru am 17 mlynedd cyn iddi roi'r gorau iddi yn gynharach y mis hwn? Mae hi wedi gwasanaethu dan nifer o Weinidogion materion gwledig, ac rwy'n siŵr y gwnewch chi ymuno â mi i gofnodi ein diolch am ei gwasanaeth a dymuno'r gorau iddi ar gyfer y dyfodol. Hefyd, hoffwn gyfeirio'r Aelodau at fy nghofrestr buddiannau.
Bythefnos yn ôl, wrth drafod adroddiad parthau perygl nitradau'r Pwyllgor Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig, gofynnais sawl cwestiwn na chafodd eu hateb, ynghylch effaith achosion TB yn benodol. O ystyried hyn, a gaf fi ofyn am eglurhad y bydd ffermwyr sydd â chyfyngiadau symud yn cael mynd y tu hwnt i'r terfyn nitrad o 170 kg yr hectar? Fel y gwyddoch, nid yw ffermwyr o dan gyfyngiadau TB yn cael symud gwartheg, sy'n golygu y bydd niferoedd stoc yn anochel yn cynyddu, ac felly bydd y ffermwr yn torri eich rheoliadau dŵr. Gallai ufuddhau i un set o reolau olygu eu bod yn torri set arall o reolau. A oes unrhyw eithriadau ar gyfer achosion o TB mewn buchesi, neu a yw hyn yn rhywbeth i'w ystyried yn yr ymgynghoriad trwyddedu ar gyfer y rhanddirymiad 250 kg yr hectar? A pha bryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl gweld yr ymgynghoriad yn dechrau, gan fod amser yn mynd yn ei flaen?
Thank you. I would like to thank the Member for his kind words about Christianne Glossop leaving her post as Wales’s first chief veterinary officer after 17 years. She’ll certainly have big boots to fill. I know she will be very pleased to have heard your comments.
In relation to the question around farms that are in TB breakdown, this is something that we are considering, and will be considered in the scheme that we will be bringing forward. The consultation will be launched next month. We are still working with Plaid Cymru as part of the co-operation agreement to get that consultation together.
Diolch. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei eiriau caredig am Christianne Glossop sy'n gadael ei swydd fel prif swyddog milfeddygol cyntaf Cymru ar ôl 17 mlynedd. Yn sicr fe fydd hi'n gadael esgidiau mawr i'w llenwi. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd hi'n falch iawn o glywed eich sylwadau.
Ar y cwestiwn ynglŷn â ffermydd sydd ag achosion o TB, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydym yn ei ystyried, a bydd yn cael ei ystyried yn y cynllun y byddwn yn ei gyflwyno. Bydd yr ymgynghoriad yn cael ei lansio y mis nesaf. Rydym yn dal i weithio gyda Phlaid Cymru fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio ar baratoi'r ymgynghoriad hwnnw.
I’m grateful for that. Secondly, in scrutinising the agriculture Bill, very same committee that I sit on have taken evidence from farming unions and environmental non-governmental organisations, where despite there being differences of opinion, there is a general consensus and agreement. But having taken evidence from the Tenant Farmers Association and the Mynydd Eglwysilan, Mynydd Meio and Craig Evan Leyshon Commoners Association, there is a deep frustration that there is limited reference to tenant farmers and common land in the agriculture Bill itself. Whilst a tenancy working group has been established, can you commit to creating a working group for common land, to ensure that those who farm and enjoy common land, which makes up nearly 10 per cent of Wales’s landmass, can contribute and shape the agriculture Bill?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am hynny. Yn ail, wrth graffu ar y Bil amaethyddiaeth, mae'r pwyllgor rwy'n rhan ohono wedi cymryd tystiolaeth gan undebau ffermio a sefydliadau amgylcheddol anllywodraethol, ac er bod gwahaniaeth barn, ceir consensws a chytundeb cyffredinol. Ond ar ôl derbyn tystiolaeth gan Gymdeithas y Ffermwyr Tenant a Chymdeithas Cominwyr Mynydd Eglwysilan, Mynydd Meio a Chraig Evan Leyshon, mae yna rwystredigaeth ddofn ynglŷn â'r ffaith mai cyfeiriad cyfyngedig yn unig a geir at ffermwyr tenant a thir comin yn y Bil amaethyddiaeth ei hun. Er bod gweithgor tenantiaeth wedi'i sefydlu, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i greu gweithgor ar gyfer tir comin, i sicrhau bod y rhai sy'n ffermio ac yn mwynhau tir comin, sydd bron yn 10 y cant o dir Cymru, yn gallu siapio a chyfrannu at y Bil Amaethyddiaeth?
I think it’s been very good to see not just, as you referred to, the farming unions and the ENGOs, but the cross-party approval, if you like, of the way that the agriculture Bill has begun. I know there will be amendments brought forward, and again, we’re working with Plaid Cymru as part of the co-operation agreement to bring forward some Government amendments at the next stage.
Tenant farmers is a really important part; you’ll know a great number of our farmers are tenant farmers here in Wales. That was part of the reason for bringing the working group together. Because certainly, my discussions with them over the past six years as we’ve been bringing both the sustainable farming scheme forward and the agriculture Bill is that tenant farmers have very different and specific concerns around it.
In relation to common land, we haven’t thought about having a specific group, but it’s certainly something I can look at. I’m not saying I will bring forward another group, but I think, again, there are issues that are very specific to common land, and I’d be very happy to make sure my officials talk to people if they think they have anything that hasn’t been considered already by us.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn dda iawn gweld cymeradwyaeth yr undebau amaeth a'r sefydliadau amgylcheddol anllywodraethol, fel y dywedoch chi, yn ogystal â'r gymeradwyaeth drawsbleidiol, os mynnwch chi, i'r ffordd y mae'r Bil amaethyddiaeth wedi dechrau. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd gwelliannau'n cael eu cyflwyno, ac unwaith eto, rydym yn gweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio i gyflwyno gwelliannau gan y Llywodraeth ar y cam nesaf.
Mae ffermwyr tenant yn rhan bwysig iawn; fe wyddoch fod nifer fawr o'n ffermwyr yn ffermwyr tenant yma yng Nghymru. Roedd hynny'n rhan o'r rheswm dros sefydlu'r gweithgor. Oherwydd yn sicr, mae fy nhrafodaethau gyda hwy dros y chwe blynedd diwethaf, wrth inni sefydlu'r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy a'r Bil amaethyddiaeth, yn dangos bod gan ffermwyr tenant bryderon gwahanol a phenodol iawn yn hynny o beth.
O ran tir comin, nid ydym wedi meddwl am gael grŵp penodol ond mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y gallaf edrych arno. Nid wyf yn dweud y byddaf yn cyflwyno grŵp arall, ond rwy'n credu, unwaith eto, fod yna faterion sy'n benodol iawn i dir comin, a byddwn yn hapus iawn i sicrhau bod fy swyddogion yn siarad â phobl os ydynt yn credu bod ganddynt unrhyw beth nad yw wedi cael ei ystyried yn barod gennym ni.
I would say to you and your officials that the evidence given by the Member representing common land at the committee last week was exceptional. I would really urge you and your team to look at that as a starting point as to the concerns of those linked with common land.
Finally, Minister, I’m sure that you share my joy in seeing the growth of Wales’s food and drink manufacturing sector, with a 2021 turnover that increased by 10.2 per cent, from £4.9 billion to £5.4 billion. Despite the disruption of the pandemic, the sector has ploughed on, growing and helping local economies thrive and create new jobs for local people. I also recently attended an event in Downing Street to mark the export of Welsh and British lamb, following a 30-year hiatus, to the United States of America, the first shipment coming from Dunbia in Llanybydder in Carmarthenshire—Welsh lamb back on the menu in America. The NFU’s ambition is for UK agri-food exports grow by 30 per cent by the end of the decade. Do you share this ambition, and if so, what provision exists within the agriculture Bill to ensure Welsh food and drink exports continue to grow?
Byddwn yn dweud wrthych chi a'ch swyddogion fod y dystiolaeth a roddwyd gan yr Aelod a oedd yn cynrychioli tir comin yn y pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf yn eithriadol. Byddwn yn eich annog chi a'ch tîm i edrych ar hynny fel man cychwyn i bryderon y rhai sy'n gysylltiedig â thir comin.
Ac yn olaf, Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr eich bod yn rhannu fy llawenydd wrth weld twf sector gweithgynhyrchu bwyd a diod Cymru, gyda chynnydd o 10.2 y cant yn nhrosiant 2021, o £4.9 biliwn i £5.4 biliwn. Er bod y pandemig wedi tarfu ar bethau, mae'r sector wedi bwrw drwyddi ac wedi tyfu a helpu economïau lleol i ffynnu a chreu swyddi newydd i bobl leol. Mynychais ddigwyddiad yn Stryd Downing yn ddiweddar hefyd i nodi allforio cig oen o Gymru a Phrydain, yn dilyn bwlch o 30 mlynedd, i Unol Daleithiau America, gyda'r cludiant cyntaf yn dod o Dunbia yn Llanybydder yn sir Gaerfyrddin—gan roi cig oen Cymru yn ôl ar y fwydlen yn America. Uchelgais Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Amaethwyr yw sicrhau cynnydd o 30 y cant yn allforion bwyd-amaeth y DU erbyn diwedd y degawd. A ydych yn rhannu'r uchelgais hwn, ac os felly, pa ddarpariaeth sy'n bodoli o fewn y Bil amaethyddiaeth i sicrhau bod allforion bwyd a diod Cymru'n parhau i dyfu?
I don’t think there’s any greater cheerleader than me for the Welsh food and drink producers that we have. I’ve made sure whilst I’ve been in portfolio that we’ve always put them absolutely at the fore. We’ve just been in SIAL in Paris, and last night there was an event in Qatar, ahead of the world cup, to make sure that people are aware of Welsh food and drink there also.
In relation to your specific question around the US, I was very pleased to see that we’re able now to export Welsh lamb to the US for the first time for 30 years. Unfortunately, it’s five years, probably, later than we would have wanted. We were nearly there when Donald Trump became President, so it’s great that we’ve managed to do it now. I work very closely with, as you know, and support, Hybu Cig Cymru to make sure they are working with the US to ensure that we absolutely make the maximum benefit of ensuring our Welsh lamb is everywhere in America, I think it’s fair to say. Obviously, the agriculture Bill has food absolutely at the heart of it—sustainable food production as well. So, this is all-encompassing for every meat, and for all our Welsh food and drink.
Rwy'n credu mai fi yw cefnogwr mwyaf brwd y cynhyrchwyr bwyd a diod Cymreig sydd gennym. Rwyf wedi sicrhau eu bod yn cael blaenoriaeth ers imi gael y portffolio hwn. Rydym newydd fod yn SIAL ym Mharis, a neithiwr cynhaliwyd digwyddiad yn Qatar, cyn cwpan y byd, i wneud yn siŵr fod pobl yn ymwybodol o fwyd a diod Cymreig yno hefyd.
Ar eich cwestiwn penodol mewn perthynas â'r Unol Daleithiau, roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld ein bod bellach yn gallu allforio cig oen Cymreig i'r Unol Daleithiau am y tro cyntaf ers 30 mlynedd. Yn anffodus, mae'n dal i fod bum mlynedd, mae'n debyg, yn hwyrach nag y byddem wedi'i ddymuno. Roeddem bron yno pan ddaeth Donald Trump yn Arlywydd felly mae'n wych ein bod wedi llwyddo i'w wneud yn awr. Rwy'n gweithio'n agos iawn ac yn cefnogi Hybu Cig Cymru, fel y gwyddoch, i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn gweithio gyda'r Unol Daleithiau i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud ein gorau i sicrhau bod ein cig oen Cymreig ym mhobman yn America, rwy'n credu ei bod yn deg dweud. Yn amlwg, mae bwyd yn gwbl ganolog i'r Bil amaethyddiaeth—a chynhyrchu bwyd cynaliadwy hefyd. Felly, mae hyn yn berthnasol i bob math o gig ac i'n holl fwyd a diod Cymreig.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch, Llywydd. The new ministerial advisory group for Welsh fisheries met for the first time in July. Among the priorities discussed was the fisheries funding scheme—the replacement for the EU fisheries fund. But there are concerns that the proposals for a Welsh fisheries funding scheme fall short of the previous European maritime fisheries fund scheme and the equivalent fisheries and shellfish scheme in England. The Welsh fisheries funding scheme in only in development and is already behind England in terms of implementation. Fisheries and aquaculture businesses are therefore at a disadvantage here and there are further concerns that the Welsh fisheries funding scheme does not reflect the targeted support and interventions required to achieve the statutory objectives of the UK Fisheries Act 2020.
The current proposals offer revenue funds thereby limiting the scope for Welsh fisher people and other producers of seafood to contribute to the requirements that effectively enable transition to meet the fisheries Act objectives and wider net-zero commitments. Does the Minister recognise these concerns, and how will she ensure that the Welsh fisheries funding scheme directs the necessary targeted support and interventions required to achieve the statutory objectives of the UK Fisheries Act 2020?
Diolch, Lywydd. Fe wnaeth grŵp cynghori newydd y Gweinidog ar bysgodfeydd Cymru gyfarfod am y tro cyntaf ym mis Gorffennaf. Ymhlith y blaenoriaethau a drafodwyd oedd y cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd—yn lle cronfa pysgodfeydd yr UE. Ond mae yna bryderon fod y cynigion ar gyfer cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd Cymru yn syrthio'n fyr o'r cynllun cronfa pysgodfeydd arforol Ewropeaidd blaenorol a'r cynllun pysgodfeydd a physgod cregyn cyfatebol yn Lloegr. Mae cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd Cymru wrthi'n cael ei ddatblygu ac mae eisoes y tu ôl i Loegr o ran ei weithrediad. Felly mae pysgodfeydd a busnesau dyframaethu dan anfantais yma a cheir pryderon pellach nad yw cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd Cymru yn adlewyrchu'r gefnogaeth a'r ymyriadau wedi'u targedu sydd eu hangen i gyflawni amcanion statudol Deddf Pysgodfeydd y DU 2020.
Mae'r cynigion presennol yn cynnig cronfeydd refeniw sy'n cyfyngu felly ar allu pysgotwyr Cymru a chynhyrchwyr bwyd môr eraill i gyfrannu at y gofynion sy'n ei gwneud hi'n bosibl trosglwyddo'n effeithiol er mwyn cyflawni amcanion y Ddeddf pysgodfeydd ac ymrwymiadau sero net ehangach. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cydnabod y pryderon hyn, a sut y bydd yn sicrhau bod cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd Cymru yn cyfeirio'r cymorth a'r ymyriadau angenrheidiol wedi'u targedu sy'n ofynnol er mwyn cyflawni amcanion statudol Deddf Pysgodfeydd y DU 2020?
Well, ensuring the replacement to the EMFF is correct, is appropriate, is pertinent—it goes where we need it to go. It's one of the reasons why I changed the format of the ministerial advisory group. I thought that was really important to make sure—. The previous one had been in being for about 10 years and obviously, the world has changed and I thought it was really important that we had a group that would advise me and officials on how we replace the EMFF.
As you say, the group did meet on 14 July. The next meeting is next month. I will make sure that the complaints or issues that you've just raised with me are considered, if they're not being considered, although I think it's very unlikely that the replacement for the EMFF is not on the agenda, but I will ensure that it is. Because you are right: it needs to be done in the most appropriate way. But for me, what's really important—it's a bit like the sustainable farming scheme—is that we need to do it in co-production with our fishers and with the wider sector. And, absolutely, the reason to have that ministerial advisory group is to make sure that everybody can contribute.
Wel, mae sicrhau bod yr arian a ddaw yn lle cronfa'r môr a physgodfeydd Ewrop yn gywir, yn briodol, yn bwrpasol—ei fod yn mynd i ble y mae angen iddo fynd. Mae'n un o'r rhesymau pam y newidiais fformat grŵp cynghori'r Gweinidog. Roeddwn yn meddwl bod hynny'n bwysig iawn i wneud yn siŵr—. Roedd yr un blaenorol mewn bodolaeth ers tua 10 mlynedd ac yn amlwg, mae'r byd wedi newid ac roeddwn yn meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn fod gennym grŵp a fyddai'n fy nghynghori i a swyddogion ar sut i sicrhau cyllid yn lle cronfa'r môr a physgodfeydd Ewrop.
Fel y dywedwch, fe wnaeth y grŵp gyfarfod ar 14 Gorffennaf. Mae'r cyfarfod nesaf y mis nesaf. Byddaf yn sicrhau bod y cwynion neu'r materion rydych newydd eu dwyn i fy sylw yn cael eu hystyried, os nad ydynt yn cael eu hystyried, er fy mod yn credu ei bod yn annhebygol iawn nad yw'r hyn a ddaw yn lle cronfa'r môr a physgodfeydd Ewrop ar yr agenda, ond byddaf yn sicrhau ei fod. Oherwydd rydych chi'n gywir: mae angen ei wneud yn y ffordd fwyaf priodol. Ond i mi, beth sy'n bwysig iawn—mae ychydig fel y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy—yw bod angen inni ei wneud drwy gydgynhyrchu gyda'n pysgotwyr a chyda'r sector ehangach. Ac yn hollol, y rheswm dros gael grŵp cynghori'r Gweinidog yw er mwyn sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu cyfrannu.
Thank you for the response. Well, carrying on on the theme of funding for fishing and aquaculture, the UK seafood fund has funds of £100 million under three pillars: science and innovation, infrastructure, skills and training. The Welsh fisheries funding scheme rightly highlights the need to maximise leverage of the £100 million UK seafood fund into Wales. In principle, this sounds sensible, however in practice, neither fisher people in Wales nor the fishing representative bodies are equipped to navigate or cash-flow the UK fund's processes. So, it's unlikely that the sector will benefit from it. Wales should benefit from £8 million of this UK fund, which, combined with the Welsh funds of £6.2 million, would be transformational for the Welsh seafood offer and the whole supply chain.
The science and innovation pillar of the UK fund certainly provides an opportunity for the fishing sector, however, other pillars are limited to ports, harbours and processing facilities and training organisations, leaving little for our catching sector. It's difficult to see how the Welsh scheme would lever any funding from the UKSF pillars. The Welsh seafood industry could be seriously disadvantaged by barriers to accessing the UKSF, which could result in unspent funds reverting to the Treasury or other administrations. So, does the Minister agree with the concerns expressed by the sector and, if so, how will the Welsh Government help ensure that the Welsh fishing sector can maximise the benefits of available funding under the UKSF?
Diolch am yr ymateb. Wel, gan barhau â thema cyllid ar gyfer pysgota a dyframaethu, mae gan gronfa bwyd môr y DU gyllid o £100 miliwn o dan dair colofn: gwyddoniaeth ac arloesi, seilwaith, sgiliau a hyfforddiant. Mae cynllun ariannu pysgodfeydd Cymru yn tynnu sylw'n briodol at yr angen i sicrhau bod cymaint ag y bo modd o gronfa bwyd môr y DU sy'n werth £100 miliwn yn dod i Gymru. Mewn egwyddor, mae hyn yn swnio'n synhwyrol, ond yn ymarferol, nid oes gan bysgotwyr yng Nghymru na'r cyrff sy'n cynrychioli pysgota fodd o lywio prosesau cronfa'r DU. Felly, mae'n annhebygol y bydd y sector yn elwa ohono. Dylai Cymru elwa o £8 miliwn o gronfa'r DU, a fyddai, ynghyd ag arian Cymru o £6.2 miliwn, yn drawsnewidiol i gynnig bwyd môr Cymru a'r gadwyn gyflenwi gyfan.
Mae colofn gwyddoniaeth ac arloesi cronfa'r DU yn sicr yn rhoi cyfle i'r sector pysgota, ond mae colofnau eraill yn gyfyngedig i borthladdoedd, harbwrs a chyfleusterau prosesu a sefydliadau hyfforddi, gan adael fawr ddim ar gyfer ein sector dal pysgod. Mae'n anodd gweld sut y byddai cynllun Cymru'n denu unrhyw gyllid o golofnau cronfa bwyd môr y DU. Gallai diwydiant bwyd môr Cymru fod dan anfantais ddifrifol oherwydd rhwystrau rhag cael mynediad at gronfa bwyd môr y DU, a allai olygu bod arian heb ei wario yn dychwelyd i'r Trysorlys neu weinyddiaethau eraill. Felly, a yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â'r pryderon a fynegwyd gan y sector, ac os felly, sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n helpu i sicrhau y gall sector pysgota Cymru sicrhau cymaint â phosibl o'r cyllid sydd ar gael o dan gronfa bwyd môr y DU?
Yes, I absolutely recognise that, and those concerns were raised with me very early on—probably this time last year, when the UK Government announced their seafood scheme. I think it's really confusing, because what would have been better is if they'd just given us our share of the funding that we were entitled to and we could decide what we did with that funding and how we worked with the sector to allocate that funding. So, I think it did create a lot of confusion at the outset. So, what we've done is agree an approach on how we access that UK Government funding so that our fishers don't miss out on that funding, and that work is being undertaken at the moment.
Rwy'n cydnabod hynny'n llwyr, a chodwyd y pryderon hynny'n gynnar iawn—yr adeg hon y llynedd, mae'n debyg, pan gyhoeddodd Llywodraeth y DU eu cynllun bwyd môr. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn ddryslyd iawn, oherwydd byddai wedi bod yn well pe baent wedi rhoi ein cyfran o'r cyllid roedd gennym hawl i'w gael a gallem ni benderfynu beth i'w wneud gyda'r cyllid hwnnw a sut y byddem yn gweithio gyda'r sector i ddyrannu'r cyllid hwnnw. Felly, rwy'n credu iddo greu llawer o ddryswch ar y cychwyn. Felly, rydym wedi cytuno ar ddull o gyrchu'r cyllid hwnnw gan Lywodraeth y DU fel nad yw ein pysgotwyr ni'n cael eu hamddifadu ohono, a bod gwaith yn cael ei wneud ar hyn o bryd.
3. Sut fydd y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy newydd o fudd i ffermwyr tenant ifanc ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed? OQ58614
3. How will the new sustainable farming scheme benefit young tenant farmers in Brecon and Radnorshire? OQ58614
Thank you. The sustainable farming scheme has been designed to reward all types of farmers, including tenant farmers who manage the land, to deliver environmental outcomes alongside the sustainable production of food. This will ensure that we have a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector for future generations.
Diolch. Bwriad y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yw gwobrwyo pob math o ffermwr, gan gynnwys ffermwyr tenant sy'n rheoli'r tir, er mwyn sicrhau canlyniadau amgylcheddol ochr yn ochr â chynhyrchu bwyd mewn modd cynaliadwy. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod gennym sector amaethyddol cynaliadwy a gwydn ar gyfer cenedlaethau'r dyfodol.
Thank you for that, Minister. Many young tenant farmers in my constituency believe that the proposals as currently drafted within the sustainable farming scheme are still very much leaned towards land ownership. Tenants, usually young farming families on the first rung of the farming ladder, have to deal with different types of landlords, from the local farmer who's retired, up to the big organisations, like the National Trust. Many young farmers rent land, whether that's on grazing agreements or farm business tenancies, and the tenants are the ones who carry the financial business risks on the land. So, Minister, are you content that the proposals set out in the sustainable farming scheme allow tenant farmers to enter that on the same level as land owners, and that the scheme protects young, active tenant farmers and their families from potential evictions by some landlords, so that they can offset their carbon and meet environmental targets?
Diolch am hynny, Weinidog. Mae llawer o ffermwyr tenant ifanc yn fy etholaeth yn credu bod y cynigion fel y maent wedi'u drafftio ar hyn o bryd o fewn y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn dal i ogwyddo'n helaeth tuag at berchnogaeth ar dir. Mae tenantiaid, teuluoedd ffermio ifanc fel arfer sydd ar y gris cyntaf ar yr ysgol ffermio, yn gorfod ymdrin â gwahanol fathau o landlordiaid, o'r ffermwr lleol sydd wedi ymddeol, i sefydliadau mawr, fel yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Mae nifer o ffermwyr ifanc yn rhentu tir, boed hynny drwy gytundebau pori neu denantiaethau busnes fferm, a'r tenantiaid yw'r rhai sy'n ysgwyddo'r risgiau busnes ariannol ar y tir. Felly, Weinidog, a ydych chi'n fodlon fod y cynigion a nodir yn y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn caniatáu i ffermwyr tenant fynd i mewn i hynny ar yr un lefel â pherchnogion tir, a bod y cynllun yn diogelu ffermwyr tenant ifanc actif a'u teuluoedd rhag y perygl o gael eu troi allan gan rai landlordiaid, fel y gallant wrthbwyso eu carbon a chyrraedd targedau amgylcheddol?
Yes, I am, but I will point out that we're still looking at designing the sustainable farming scheme. The survey is still open until 21 November, so please do encourage all of your colleagues to make sure that they complete the survey and let us hear their views. I've said all along that if it doesn't work for tenant farmers, it won't work for anybody, because they are just as important as land farmers, as you say; they make up a third of our land here in Wales, so it's really important. And I've been very, very clear the scheme must work for them.
You mentioned young farmers in particular, and the reason that we're bringing forward the support in a different way to how it was when we were in the European Union is because we know that our next generation of farmers are going to be farming in a very much tougher climates and conditions than we are now. But I do want to continue to work with tenant farmers—I want to make that very clear. And you will have heard me say in an earlier answer to one of our colleagues that we have got the tenancy working group, specifically to look at how the actions—. So, you'll be aware of the pyramid of actions that we have in the sustainable farming scheme. It's really important that all actions work for tenant farmers, just in the same way as those who own the land.
Ydw, ond hoffwn nodi ein bod yn dal i edrych ar lunio'r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy. Mae'r arolwg yn dal ar agor tan 21 Tachwedd, felly cofiwch annog eich holl gymheiriaid i sicrhau eu bod yn cwblhau'r arolwg a gadewch inni glywed eu barn. Rwyf wedi dweud ar hyd yr amser, os nad yw'n gweithio i ffermwyr tenant, ni fydd yn gweithio i unrhyw un, oherwydd maent yr un mor bwysig â ffermwyr tir, fel y dywedwch; ffermwyr tenant sy'n ffermio traean o'n tir yma yng Nghymru, felly mae hyn yn bwysig iawn. Ac rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn fod yn rhaid i'r cynllun weithio iddynt hwy.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am ffermwyr ifanc yn enwedig, a'r rheswm ein bod ni'n cyflwyno'r gefnogaeth mewn ffordd wahanol i sut oedd pethau pan oeddem yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yw oherwydd ein bod yn gwybod y bydd ein cenhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr yn ffermio mewn hinsawdd a than amodau llawer iawn caletach nag a wnawn ni yn awr. Ond rwy'n awyddus i barhau i weithio gyda ffermwyr tenant—rwyf eisiau gwneud hynny'n glir iawn. A byddwch wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud mewn ateb cynharach i un o'n cyd-Aelodau ein bod wedi cael y gweithgor tenantiaeth i edrych yn benodol ar sut y mae'r gweithredoedd—. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r pyramid o gamau gweithredu sydd gennym yn y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy. Mae'n bwysig iawn fod pob cam gweithredu yn gweithio i ffermwyr tenant, yn yr un ffordd â'r rhai sy'n berchen ar y tir.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am safbwynt y Llywodraeth ar rasio milgwn? OQ58630
4. Will the Minister provide an update on the Government's position on greyhound racing? OQ58630
5. Pa gynnydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud mewn perthynas â'i bwriad datganedig i ystyried rheoleiddio rasio milgwn? OQ58627
5. What progress has the Welsh Government made in relation to its stated intention to consider regulating greyhound racing? OQ58627
Llywydd, I understand that you've given permission for questions 4 and 5 to be grouped. I have made no secret about my desire to address concerns relating to the welfare of racing greyhounds in Wales. Our animal welfare plan sets out how we will consider introducing further measures. I look forward to the outcome of the recent petition, currently being considered by the Petitions Committee.
Lywydd, rwy'n deall eich bod wedi rhoi caniatâd i gwestiynau 4 a 5 gael eu grwpio. Nid wyf wedi celu fy awydd i fynd i'r afael â phryderon yn ymwneud â lles milgwn rasio yng Nghymru. Mae ein cynllun lles anifeiliaid yn nodi sut y byddwn yn ystyried cyflwyno mesurau pellach. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ganlyniad y ddeiseb ddiweddar, sydd dan ystyriaeth y Pwyllgor Deisebau ar hyn o bryd.
Diolch am yr ymateb, Weinidog.
Thank you for that response, Minister.
I would like to thank the Minister as well for her continued engagement on this issue. No doubt, the Minister is aware of the current plans in Caerphilly to change the independent track there to a Greyhound Board of Great Britain-regulated one. A concern I have, which is shared by other Members in the Chamber, as well as Hope Rescue, Greyhound Rescue Wales, Dogs Trust, Blue Cross and the RSPCA, is that regulation, especially if it's a copy-and-paste job from what we have in England, will not stop the injuries and deaths. We know, for example, that, between 2018 and 2021, 2,000 dogs died, and a further 18,000 were injured on licensed tracks. What I and others are looking to understand is where the Government is leaning right now—is it towards regulation, or is it to a ban?
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog hefyd am ei diddordeb cyson yn y mater hwn. Mae'n siŵr fod y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol o'r cynlluniau presennol yng Nghaerffili i newid y trac annibynnol yno i un a gaiff ei reoleiddio gan Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain. Un pryder sydd gennyf, pryder a rannaf gydag Aelodau eraill yn y Siambr, yn ogystal â Hope Rescue, Achub Milgwn Cymru, Dogs Trust, Blue Cross a'r RSPCA, yw na fydd y rheoliad hwnnw, yn enwedig os yw'n fater o ddim ond copïo'r hyn sydd gennym yn Lloegr, yn atal yr anafiadau a'r marwolaethau. Gwyddom, er enghraifft, fod 2,000 o gŵn wedi marw rhwng 2018 a 2021, a bod 18,000 arall wedi eu hanafu ar draciau trwyddedig. Rwyf fi ac eraill yn ceisio deall i ba gyfeiriad y mae'r Llywodraeth yn gwyro ar hyn o bryd—ai tuag at reoleiddio, neu tuag at waharddiad?
Thank you. I appreciate you also keeping the pressure on in relation to this issue, and I look forward to meeting you and Jane Dodds, I think it's the week after recess, to discuss the situation in more detail. I am aware, obviously, of the plans of the one greyhound track that we still have here in Wales. As you know, I wrote to the owner back in March, and haven't received a response. This week, I've written to the new manager, to raise some questions there, and also to ask for a meeting with him. Obviously, there is a planning application before Caerphilly County Borough Council, and that will be a matter for them to look at, and, obviously, I can't comment in relation to that.
As you know, as part of our animal welfare plan, which I published a year ago—we're coming up to the first anniversary of that—which set out what we're going to do in relation to animal health and welfare over the term of this Government, we were looking at licensing activities involving animals, and that includes racing greyhounds. As I say in my answer to you, I'm aware that there is a petition—sorry, I was looking for the Chair—in front of the Petitions Committee; I understand that it's got 35,000 signatures at the current time. So, you can see the strength of feeling amongst people in relation to that, but, obviously, as a Government, we will have a look at that. So, I think, while it's awaiting a response from the Petitions Committee, it's not really appropriate to comment any further.
Diolch. Rwy'n deall eich bod chi hefyd yn dal ati i bwyso mewn perthynas â'r mater hwn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gyfarfod â chi a Jane Dodds, yr wythnos ar ôl toriad, rwy'n credu, i drafod y sefyllfa'n fwy manwl. Wrth reswm, rwy'n ymwybodol o gynlluniau'r un trac milgwn sy'n dal i fod gennym yma yng Nghymru. Fel y gwyddoch, ysgrifennais at y perchennog yn ôl ym mis Mawrth, ac nid wyf wedi cael ymateb. Yr wythnos hon, ysgrifennais at y rheolwr newydd, i ofyn ambell gwestiwn, a hefyd i ofyn am gyfarfod gydag ef. Yn amlwg, mae yna gais cynllunio gerbron Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, a bydd hwnnw'n fater iddynt hwy edrych arno, ac yn amlwg, ni allaf wneud sylw mewn perthynas â hynny.
Fel y gwyddoch, fel rhan o'n cynllun lles anifeiliaid a gyhoeddais flwyddyn yn ôl—rydym yn nesu at flwyddyn ers cyhoeddi'r cynllun hwnnw—a oedd yn nodi'r hyn a wnawn mewn perthynas ag iechyd a lles anifeiliaid dros dymor y Llywodraeth hon, roeddem yn edrych ar weithgareddau trwyddedu sy'n cynnwys anifeiliaid, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys milgwn rasio. Fel y dywedaf yn fy ateb i chi, rwy'n ymwybodol fod yna ddeiseb—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, roeddwn yn chwilio am y Cadeirydd—gerbron y Pwyllgor Deisebau; rwy'n deall bod honno wedi denu 35,000 o lofnodion erbyn hyn. Felly, gallwch weld cryfder teimladau pobl ynglŷn â hynny, ond yn amlwg, fel Llywodraeth, fe gawn olwg ar hynny. Felly, tra byddwn yn aros am ymateb gan y Pwyllgor Deisebau, nid wyf yn credu ei bod yn briodol imi wneud sylw pellach.
Greyhound racing is an issue that concerns lots of my constituents. I've lost count of the number of e-mails that I've received about the plans to expand the only track in Wales in Caerphilly county. As you've said, Minister, 35,000 people—more than that—have signed a petition calling for a ban. The concerns they've raised include the fact that hundreds of greyhounds die in Britain every year due to the practice. Thousands get injuries that lead to amputations. The absence of a qualified vet at the track has the potential to cause unnecessary suffering, and thousands of dogs have to be rehomed every year, with the costs covered by charities and the public.
You said, Minister, after your appointment, that you would prioritise this issue early in the Senedd term, and I've been listening to what you've said to my colleague, Luke Fletcher. What action are you taking to persuade the council about the need to uphold Welsh Government commitments to animal welfare as part of the planning process, and can you confirm that if you're not satisfied that the welfare of dogs is being prioritised, you will be willing to take direct action to protect them?
Mae rasio milgwn yn broblem sy'n poeni llawer o fy etholwyr. Rwyf wedi cael e-byst dirifedi ynglŷn â'r cynlluniau i ehangu'r unig drac yng Nghymru yn sir Caerffili. Fel y dywedoch chi, Weinidog, mae 35,000 o bobl—mwy na hynny—wedi llofnodi deiseb yn galw am waharddiad. Mae'r pryderon a leisiwyd ganddynt yn cynnwys y ffaith bod cannoedd o filgwn yn marw ym Mhrydain bob blwyddyn oherwydd yr arfer. Mae miloedd yn cael anafiadau sy'n arwain at golli eu coesau. Mae perygl y bydd methu cael milfeddyg cymwys ar y trac yn achosi dioddefaint diangen, ac mae'n rhaid ailgartrefu miloedd o gŵn bob blwyddyn, gyda'r costau'n cael eu talu gan elusennau a'r cyhoedd.
Fe ddywedoch chi ar ôl i chi gael eich penodi, Weinidog, y byddech chi'n blaenoriaethu'r mater hwn yn gynnar yn nhymor y Senedd, ac rwyf wedi bod yn gwrando ar yr hyn a ddywedoch chi wrth fy nghyd-Aelod Luke Fletcher. Pa gamau rydych chi'n eu cymryd i berswadio'r cyngor ynghylch yr angen i gynnal ymrwymiadau Llywodraeth Cymru i les anifeiliaid fel rhan o'r broses gynllunio, ac a wnewch chi gadarnhau, os nad ydych yn fodlon fod lles cŵn yn cael ei flaenoriaethu, y byddwch yn barod i weithredu'n uniongyrchol i'w diogelu?
The planning application is a matter for Caerphilly County Borough Council. It would not be right for me, or any other Welsh Minister, to interfere. I think what is really important—and this is what I've sought assurance from Caerphilly council around—is that the unannounced inspections are continued. And I know, to date, in between February 2020 and August of this year, there have been eight unannounced inspections, and I think it's really important that they continue. I know that, on occasion, vets have also gone along to those unannounced inspections, and I think it is really important that the local authority continues to do that, and that any issues of concern are obviously raised and dealt with.
But I think that you do raise a very important point, and you can see from your own postbag as a Member of the Senedd—and we said that the Petitions Committee have had 35,000 signatures—the strength of feeling about this issue. I've always had my concerns, especially for the welfare of the dogs, and the injuries and the suffering they can and do sustain. And, sometimes, there are very grave consequences. So, as I say, it is something that we're looking at very closely, and we will see what comes forward from the Petitions Committee as well.
Mater i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yw'r cais cynllunio. Ni fyddai'n iawn i mi ymyrryd, nac unrhyw Weinidog Cymreig arall. Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig iawn—a dyma'r hyn y gofynnais am sicrwydd yn ei gylch gan gyngor Caerffili—yw bod yr arolygiadau dirybudd yn parhau. A hyd yma, rhwng mis Chwefror 2020 a mis Awst eleni, rwy'n gwybod bod wyth arolygiad dirybudd wedi'u cynnal, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn eu bod yn parhau. Rwy'n gwybod, ar brydiau, fod milfeddygon hefyd wedi mynychu'r arolygiadau dirybudd hynny, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod yr awdurdod lleol yn parhau i wneud hynny, ac yn amlwg, fod unrhyw faterion sy'n peri pryder yn cael sylw.
Ond rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n nodi pwynt pwysig iawn, a gallwch weld o'ch bag post eich hun fel Aelod o'r Senedd—ac fel y dywedasom, mae'r Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi cael 35,000 o lofnodion—pa mor gryf yw'r teimladau ynglŷn â'r mater hwn. Rwyf fi bob amser wedi bod yn bryderus, yn enwedig am les y cŵn, a'r anafiadau y gallant ac y maent yn eu dioddef. Weithiau, mae'r canlyniadau'n ddifrifol iawn. Felly, fel y dywedaf, mae'n rhywbeth rydym yn edrych arno'n ofalus iawn, a chawn weld beth a ddaw o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau hefyd.
Minister, you don't need me to remind you that, in Great Britain, over 2,000 greyhounds died and nearly 18,000 injuries occurred between 2018 and 2021. In 2021, there were 4,422 injuries on licensed tracks, 307 deaths in Great Britain, and 39 per cent of those were at the track. We've mentioned the one independent racing track. Since April 2018, Hope Rescue and their rescue partners have taken in almost 200. You yourself have mentioned how you feel for these dogs. Now, enough is enough. I would say that there's cross-party support for this. If I was Minister, I wouldn't be having a member of the opposition asking me: why have you not done anything up until now? Thirty-five thousand on the petition—that's a large number of people across Wales. Enough of this cruelty. Will you now go forward and implement a ban? Thank you.
Weinidog, nid oes angen imi eich atgoffa bod dros 2,000 o filgwn wedi marw a bron i 18,000 o anafiadau wedi digwydd ym Mhrydain rhwng 2018 a 2021. Yn 2021, roedd 4,422 o anafiadau ar draciau trwyddedig, 307 marwolaeth ym Mhrydain, ac roedd 39 y cant o'r rheini ar y trac hwn. Rydym wedi sôn am yr un trac rasio annibynnol. Ers mis Ebrill 2018, mae Hope Rescue a'u partneriaid achub wedi cymryd bron i 200 o gŵn. Rydych chi eich hun wedi sôn am eich teimladau ynglŷn â'r cŵn hyn. Erbyn hyn, digon yw digon. Rwy'n tybio bod cefnogaeth drawsbleidiol i hyn. Pe bawn i'n Weinidog, ni fyddwn yn cael aelod o'r wrthblaid yn gofyn i mi: pam nad ydych chi wedi gwneud unrhyw beth tan nawr? Deiseb ac arni 35,000 o lofnodion—mae hynny'n nifer fawr o bobl ar draws Cymru. Dyna ddigon ar y creulondeb hwn. A wnewch chi fwrw iddi yn awr i weithredu gwaharddiad? Diolch.
Well, if you were Minister, you would recognise that you can't just go around banning things; you have to have evidence and you have to have consultations, and this is one of the things that we are looking at. You'll be aware of the petition. Having been Chair yourself, you'll be aware of the process that we go through with that. You will have read, I'm sure, the animal welfare plan that does include the licensing of activities, and that does include racing greyhounds.
I do have, and certainly, my officials keep in very close contact with Caerphilly County Borough Council around inspections. I've met with the chief executive of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain. I'm trying to get a meeting with both the owner and the manager of Valley racetrack. I think I've written to the owner twice, and I haven't had the courtesy of a response. So, please be assured that I am continuing to do all that I can within the restrictions that are also placed on me.
Wel, pe baech chi'n Weinidog, byddech chi'n cydnabod na allwch fynd o gwmpas yn gwahardd pethau; mae'n rhaid cael tystiolaeth ac mae'n rhaid ichi gael ymgynghoriadau, ac mae hwn yn un o'r pethau rydym yn edrych arnynt. Fe fyddwch yn gwybod am y ddeiseb. Ar ôl bod yn Gadeirydd eich hun, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r broses yr awn drwyddi gyda hynny. Fe fyddwch wedi darllen, rwy'n siŵr, y cynllun lles anifeiliaid sy'n cynnwys trwyddedu gweithgareddau, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys milgwn rasio.
Rwyf fi, a fy swyddogion yn sicr, yn cadw mewn cysylltiad agos iawn â Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili ynglŷn ag arolygiadau. Cyfarfûm â phrif weithredwr Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain. Rwy'n ceisio cael cyfarfod gyda pherchennog a rheolwr trac rasio Valley. Rwy'n meddwl fy mod wedi ysgrifennu at y perchennog ddwywaith, ac ni chefais ymateb. Felly, gallwch fod yn sicr fy mod yn parhau i wneud popeth a allaf o fewn y cyfyngiadau arnaf innau hefyd.
Good afternoon, Minister. I must declare an interest. As you know, I own a rescue greyhound myself—10-year-old Arthur, who we've had for just over two years now. Arthur could not be rehomed because of his high levels of anxiety. Arthur came to us with significant injuries; he has a neck injury from falling at the racetrack, and we are now seeing, sadly, his back legs giving way, which means that Arthur will not be with us for very long, and that is due, probably in a large part, to the cruelty he experienced at the racetrack.
We know that the Greyhound Board of Great Britain want to take over Valley racetrack. GBGB, last year—this year, sorry—. In July, many of us were at the Royal Welsh Show. Temperatures at the Royal Welsh Show were—what were they—25, 28 degrees C. In that week, GBGB raced on two tracks; they forced the dogs in that heat to race. GBGB are not interested in looking after their dogs; they are cruel to their dogs through this process. So, I would appeal to you, what is it that is stopping the Welsh Government from banning greyhound racing, as they have done fantastically with snares and glue traps? Let's show the world what we can do. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Thank you.
Prynhawn da, Weinidog. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddatgan buddiant. Fel y gwyddoch, rwy'n berchen ar filgi achub fy hun—Arthur 10 oed, sydd wedi bod gyda ni ers ychydig dros ddwy flynedd bellach. Nid oedd modd ailgartrefu Arthur oherwydd ei lefelau uchel o orbryder. Daeth Arthur atom gydag anafiadau sylweddol; mae ganddo anaf i'w wddf o syrthio ar y trac rasio, ac rydym bellach yn gweld ei goesau cefn yn gwanychu, yn anffodus, sy'n golygu na fydd Arthur gyda ni am lawer iawn o amser eto, a'r rheswm am hynny i raddau helaeth, mae'n debyg, yw'r creulondeb a brofodd ar y trac rasio.
Rydym yn gwybod bod Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain am feddiannu trac rasio Valley. Y llynedd fe wnaeth Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain—eleni, mae'n ddrwg gennyf—. Ym mis Gorffennaf, roedd llawer ohonom yn y Sioe Frenhinol. Roedd y tymheredd yn y Sioe Frenhinol—beth oeddent—yn 25, 28 gradd Celsius. Yn ystod yr wythnos honno, cynhaliodd Bwrdd Milgwn Prydain rasys ar ddau drac; fe wnaethant orfodi'r cŵn i rasio yn y gwres hwnnw. Nid oes diddordeb gan Fwrdd Milgwn Prydain mewn gofalu am eu cŵn; maent yn greulon i'w cŵn drwy'r broses hon. Felly, hoffwn apelio arnoch, beth sy'n atal Llywodraeth Cymru rhag gwahardd rasio milgwn, fel y gwnaethant yn wych gyda maglau a thrapiau glud? Gadewch inni ddangos i'r byd beth y gallwn ei wneud. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you. I certainly look forward to my photographs that you'll send me of Arthur, and I'm sorry to hear of his condition deteriorating, because, as you say, it's not just the deaths, is it, but it's the injuries that these animals sustain. I think I've answered part of your question in my answer to Janet Finch-Saunders. There is a process that we have to go through. We are committed to licensing, but, clearly, as more and more concerns come before me—. And I'm very sorry to hear—. It was actually 38 degrees C the week of the Royal Welsh Show, so you can see, if you're forcing dogs to run in that heat, it's just completely inappropriate.
Diolch. Rwy'n sicr yn edrych ymlaen at y ffotograffau y byddwch yn anfon ataf o Arthur, ac mae'n ddrwg gennyf glywed fod ei gyflwr yn dirywio, oherwydd, fel y dywedwch, nid y marwolaethau'n unig ydyw, ond yr anafiadau y mae'r anifeiliaid hyn yn eu cael. Rwy'n meddwl fy mod wedi ateb rhan o'ch cwestiwn yn fy ateb i Janet Finch-Saunders. Mae'n rhaid inni fynd drwy broses. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i drwyddedu, ond yn amlwg, wrth imi glywed am fwy a mwy o bryderon—. Ac mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf glywed—. Mewn gwirionedd, roedd hi'n 38 gradd Celsius yn ystod wythnos y Sioe Frenhinol, felly gallwch weld, mae gorfodi cŵn i redeg yn y gwres hwnnw'n hollol amhriodol.
Minister, these gentle, sensitive animals deserve our best protection, which is why both the Welsh and UK Governments must work together to protect and safeguard the welfare of these loving animals. The UK Government recently introduced the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022, which will ensure that all policy decisions are to be considered regarding the impact on the welfare of animals as sentient beings. What action are you taking to ensure that the Welsh Government considers the impact its policies are having on sentient animals like greyhounds? Thank you.
Weinidog, mae'r anifeiliaid addfwyn, sensitif hyn yn haeddu pob gwarchodaeth y gallwn ei rhoi, a dyna pam y mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU gydweithio i amddiffyn a diogelu lles yr anifeiliaid annwyl hyn. Yn ddiweddar, cyflwynodd Llywodraeth y DU Ddeddf Lles Anifeiliaid (Ymdeimladoldeb) 2022, a fydd yn sicrhau bod pob penderfyniad polisi i'w hystyried mewn perthynas â'r effaith ar les anifeiliaid fel bodau ymdeimladol. Pa gamau a roddir ar waith gennych i sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried effaith ei pholisïau ar anifeiliaid ymdeimladol fel milgwn? Diolch.
Thank you. Well, officials have been working very closely with the UK Government on this piece of legislation. We absolutely recognise that animals are sentient beings, and I don't think I can really answer in any more detail to previous answers.
Diolch. Wel, mae swyddogion wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar y ddeddfwriaeth hon. Rydym yn cydnabod yn llwyr fod anifeiliaid yn fodau ymdeimladol, ac nid wyf yn credu y gallaf ateb yn fwy manwl nag y gwneuthum i atebion blaenorol.
6. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd er mwyn sicrhau bod gan ddatblygiadau tai newydd fannau gwyrdd cymunedol? OQ58602
6. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Climate Change to ensure that new housing developments have community green spaces? OQ58602
Thank you. I have regular discussions with all Cabinet colleagues about matters relating to my portfolio. The Minister for Climate Change is committed to the promotion of quality places and for new housing developments to have adequate infrastructure, including green spaces.
Diolch. Rwy'n cynnal trafodaethau rheolaidd gyda fy holl gyd-aelodau o'r Cabinet ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â fy mhortffolio. Mae'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo lleoedd o ansawdd ac i ddatblygiadau tai newydd gael seilwaith digonol, gan gynnwys mannau gwyrdd.
Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog. Roeddwn i'n gweld yn ddiweddar cyhoeddiad ym Madrid eu bod nhw'n mynd i gael mannau gwyrdd agored o amgylch y ddinas yna, ac mae ymgyrchydd lleol yng Nghaerdydd, Steffan Webb, yn trio gwneud rhywbeth tebyg fan hyn. Mae parciau gwych yng Nghaerdydd, ond roedd y mwyafrif llethol wedi cael eu hagor yn oes Fictoria. Mae modd creu parciau newydd yng Nghaerdydd, mewn llefydd fel Llaneirwg a Sain Ffagan. Byddai hyn yn creu ardaloedd hyfryd i bobl leol, byddai'n sicrhau llain las o amgylch y ddinas, a byddai hefyd yn amddiffyniad naturiol i lifogydd. Sut mae modd, Weinidog, i chi gydweithio ag eraill i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cael parciau newydd yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain yng Nghaerdydd?
Thank you, Minister. I saw recently an announcement in Madrid that they were going to have open, green spaces around that city, and a local campaigner, Steffan Webb, is trying to do something similar here. We have great parks in Cardiff, but the vast majority were opened in the Victorian era. It is possible to create new parks in Cardiff, in places like St Fagans and St Mellons, and this would create beautiful places for local people, and it would ensure a green belt around the city, and it would also provide a natural protection against floods. How, Minister, can you collaborate with others to ensure that we do have new parks in the twenty-first century in Cardiff?
Thank you. I always think that Cardiff is a very green city. As you say, there are many beautiful parks here. I haven't had any discussions around any local authority coming to me in relation to new parks since this, obviously, came back into my portfolio, but certainly we would be very keen to look at the merits of any proposal that came forward.
Diolch. Rwyf bob amser yn meddwl bod Caerdydd yn ddinas werdd iawn. Fel y dywedwch, mae llawer o barciau hardd yma. Nid wyf wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau gydag unrhyw awdurdod lleol yn dod ataf mewn perthynas â pharciau newydd ers i hyn ddod yn ôl i fy mhortffolio wrth gwrs, ond yn sicr byddem yn awyddus iawn i edrych ar rinweddau unrhyw gynnig a gâi ei gyflwyno.
Minister, as you are no doubt aware, a new sewage pumping station has been proposed on the community green space of Hailey park in Cardiff in order to service the needs of the new Plasdŵr development. Proposals have come about because the developers of the new housing estate have failed to make adequate provision, and the proposals have met with fierce opposition from local groups, such as YGC Rebel Mams, who have been forced to fundraise over £50,000 to take the local authority to judicial review, all because they want to protect the limited green spaces that they have available to them for their children and for their community, and because they feel that they shouldn't be forced to pick up the slack for Cardiff Council's inability to work with developers to plan out the needs of new housing estates. Minister, green spaces in Cardiff are at a premium, and Cardiff Council is determined with all its might to remove them whenever and wherever possible in the face of fierce resistance from residents who know that these spaces will be lost to them forever. So, I ask, Minister, will the Welsh Government commit to encouraging Cardiff Council not to lease the land at Hailey park to Welsh Water so that sewage works can be stopped, and will you offer a commitment that the Minister for Climate Change will work with local authorities to better plan developments, which in turn should stop them from removing the last of our community green spaces in our urban areas? Thank you.
Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, cafwyd cynnig ar gyfer gorsaf bwmpio carthion newydd ar fan gwyrdd cymunedol parc Hailey yng Nghaerdydd er mwyn gwasanaethu anghenion datblygiad newydd Plasdŵr. Daeth y cynigion gerbron oherwydd bod datblygwyr yr ystad dai newydd wedi methu gwneud darpariaeth ddigonol, ac mae gwrthwynebiad ffyrnig i'r cynigion gan grwpiau lleol, fel YGC Rebel Mams, sydd wedi cael eu gorfodi i godi dros £50,000 i fynd â'r awdurdod lleol i adolygiad barnwrol, a'r cyfan am eu bod am ddiogelu'r mannau gwyrdd cyfyngedig sydd ar gael iddynt ar gyfer eu plant a'u cymuned, ac oherwydd eu bod yn teimlo na ddylent gael eu gorfodi i ysgwyddo'r baich oherwydd anallu Cyngor Caerdydd i weithio gyda datblygwyr ar gynllunio anghenion ystadau tai newydd. Weinidog, mae mannau gwyrdd yn brin iawn yng Nghaerdydd, ac mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn benderfynol o gael gwared arnynt pryd bynnag a lle bynnag y bo modd yn wyneb gwrthwynebiad ffyrnig trigolion sy'n gwybod y bydd y mannau hyn yn cael eu colli iddynt am byth. Felly, rwy'n gofyn, Weinidog, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i annog Cyngor Caerdydd i beidio â gosod y tir ym mharc Hailey ar brydles i Dŵr Cymru fel y gellir atal gwaith carthffosiaeth, ac a wnewch chi gynnig ymrwymiad y bydd y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i gynllunio datblygiadau'n well, gan eu hatal yn eu tro rhag cael gwared â'n mannau gwyrdd cymunedol olaf yn ein hardaloedd trefol? Diolch.
You would have to raise that directly with the Minister for Climate Change. Obviously, the issue you refer to is a matter for Cardiff Council; they are the local planning authority. It wouldn't be appropriate for any Welsh Minister to comment on the merits of any proposal, for instance, as it could come before Welsh Ministers at some point in the future.
Byddai'n rhaid i chi godi hynny'n uniongyrchol gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd. Yn amlwg, mater i Gyngor Caerdydd yw'r hyn y cyfeiriwch ato; hwy yw'r awdurdod cynllunio lleol. Ni fyddai'n briodol i unrhyw Weinidog Cymreig wneud sylw ar deilyngdod unrhyw gynnig, er enghraifft, gan y gallai ddod gerbron Gweinidogion Cymru rywbryd yn y dyfodol.
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi diweddariad am fesurau Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i’r afael â lledaeniad ffliw adar yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru? OQ58624
7. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's measures to tackle the spread of bird flu in Mid and West Wales? OQ58624
When avian influenza is confirmed at any premises in Wales, stringent disease control measures are immediately put in place to stop further spread. The Welsh Government introduced an avian influenza prevention zone on 17 October, which makes it a mandatory requirement for bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures.
Pan fydd achos o ffliw adar yn cael ei gadarnhau mewn unrhyw safle yng Nghymru, mae mesurau llym i reoli afiechydon yn cael eu rhoi ar waith ar unwaith i atal lledaeniad pellach. Cyflwynodd Llywodraeth Cymru barth atal ffliw adar ar 17 Hydref, sy'n ei gwneud yn ofyniad gorfodol i geidwaid adar ddilyn mesurau bioddiogelwch llym.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Mae'r mesurau yna, wrth gwrs, yn cael eu croesawu achos mae'r straen cyfredol o'r ffliw adar yn cael ei gydnabod fel y gwaethaf sydd wedi digwydd yma yn ynysoedd Prydain, gyda'r newyddion diweddar yn Norfolk bod yna rhyw 0.5 miliwn o ieir wedi cael eu difa o ganlyniad i'r haint, a phryder ymhlith y diwydiant bod hyn yn mynd i gael effaith ar nifer y twrcwn fydd ar gael ar gyfer y Nadolig.
Ond, yn ogystal â'r sector amaeth, mae lledaeniad yr haint ac effaith hynny ar fywyd gwyllt hefyd yn ddifrifol iawn, gyda rhyw 10,000 o wyddau môr wedi cael eu lladd gan yr haint y llynedd wrth iddyn nhw fudo o'r Arctig i Brydain. Yn ddiweddar, rydyn ni wedi clywed am effaith hyn ar y mulfrain, cormorants, ar Ynys Gwales yn sir Benfro. Rydyn ni'n gwybod am bwysigrwydd arfordir gorllewin Cymru o ran adar môr a gwarchodfeydd natur pwysig. Felly, gyda phryderon am y lledaeniad yma y gaeaf hwn a'r berthynas rhwng y sector amaeth a bywyd gwyllt, ydy'r Gweinidog yn gallu ein sicrhau ni fod ymdrechion ac adnoddau i fynd i'r afael â'r ffliw yma yn y sector amaeth yn mynd law yn llaw gydag ymdrechion i ddiogelu ein bywyd gwyllt rhag yr haint?
Thank you very much. Those measures are, of course, welcome because the current strain of avian influenza is recognised as the worst to have affected the UK, with the recent news in Norfolk that some 0.5 million chickens have been destroyed a result of the inflection, and concern in the industry that this will have an effect on the number of turkeys available for Christmas.
But, in addition to the agricultural sector, the spread of avian influenza and the impact on wildlife can be very serious, with some 10,000 sea geese having been killed by the disease last year as they migrated from the Arctic to the UK. We've recently heard about the impact of this on cormorants on Grassholm in Pembrokeshire. We know of the importance of the west Wales coast in terms of seabirds and important nature reserves. So, with concerns about the spread this winter and the relationship between the agriculture sector and wildlife, can the Minister provide an assurance that efforts and resources to tackle bird flu in the agriculture sector go hand in hand with steps to safeguard our wildlife too?
Yes, absolutely, and I work very closely with the Minister for Climate Change in relation to this issue as well. She published the mitigation strategy for avian influenza in wild birds in England and Wales back in August, I think it was, and that was to enable conservation charities and land managers— obviously, that includes the agricultural sector—to take an effective and consistent response to AI in wild birds.
Gallaf yn sicr, ac rwy'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd mewn perthynas â'r mater hwn hefyd. Cyhoeddodd y strategaeth liniaru ar gyfer ffliw adar mewn adar gwyllt yng Nghymru a Lloegr yn ôl ym mis Awst, rwy'n credu, a hynny er mwyn galluogi elusennau cadwraeth a rheolwyr tir— yn amlwg, mae hynny'n cynnwys y sector amaethyddol—i ymateb yn effeithiol a chyson i ffliw adar mewn adar gwyllt.
As I understand it, there has been a case of avian influenza in my constituency, and it's crucial, therefore, that everything is done to stop the disease spreading further across Pembrokeshire and indeed across the rest of Wales. Of course, it's vital that the Welsh Government works collaboratively with other Governments across the UK on this matter. Therefore, can the Minister update us on the latest discussions that the Welsh Government has had with other UK Governments regarding avian influenza outbreaks in the UK, and what more can be done to monitor this specific disease across the UK because, as you're aware, diseases, of course, naturally don't recognise boundaries?
Fel rwy'n deall, mae achos o ffliw adar wedi bod yn fy etholaeth, ac mae'n hollbwysig, felly, fod popeth yn cael ei wneud i atal yr afiechyd rhag lledaenu ymhellach ar draws sir Benfro ac yn wir ar draws gweddill Cymru. Wrth gwrs, mae'n hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru'n cydweithio gyda Llywodraethau eraill ledled y DU ar y mater hwn. Felly, a wnaiff y Gweinidog roi gwybod inni am y trafodaethau diweddaraf y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraethau eraill y DU ynghylch achosion o ffliw adar yn y DU, a beth arall y gellir ei wneud i fonitro'r clefyd penodol hwn ledled y DU oherwydd, fel y gwyddoch wrth gwrs, nid yw clefydau'n adnabod ffiniau?
You may have heard me say in an earlier answer to Gareth Davies that it is very important we work with other UK administrations, particularly the UK Government. As I said, we were working on this with George Eustice back at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, the DEFRA Secretary of State who just left Government yesterday, I didn't meet with, but I will certainly be writing to Thérèse Coffey on this issue. Biosecurity is the most important defence we have in relation to avian influenza. Certainly, some of the outbreaks we've seen, and I mentioned the ones in Lincolnshire, were all in big premises at the start of the year, so we were all very concerned about that biosecurity element of it. So, if there's any message I can give, because it's clearly a massive issue where we haven't had any break at all really—we've continued to have new cases of AI throughout the summer, and the new counting season starts on 1 October, and we've just gone straight into that—. So, I think that message is really important, but it is a very serious point that we have to work together, because, as you say, birds fly; they don't see those boundaries and it's so easy for that disease to transmit, and, clearly, in wild birds as well. I mentioned the work that the Minister for Climate Change is doing around that, but I am hoping we'll have an inter-ministerial group as a matter of urgency, and it will be something that I will raise, and I'm very happy to report back to Members.
Efallai eich bod wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud mewn ateb cynharach i Gareth Davies ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn gweithio gyda gweinyddiaethau eraill y DU, yn enwedig Llywodraeth y DU. Fel y dywedais, roeddem yn gweithio ar hyn gyda George Eustice yn ôl ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn. Yn anffodus, ni chyfarfûm â'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol DEFRA a adawodd y Llywodraeth ddoe, ond byddaf yn sicr yn ysgrifennu at Thérèse Coffey ynghylch y mater. Bioddiogelwch yw'r amddiffyniad pwysicaf sydd gennym mewn perthynas â ffliw adar. Yn sicr, roedd rhai o'r achosion a welsom, a soniais am y rhai yn swydd Lincoln, mewn safleoedd mawr ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn, felly roeddem i gyd yn bryderus iawn am yr elfen fioddiogelwch. Felly, os oes unrhyw neges y gallaf ei rhoi, oherwydd mae'n amlwg yn fater enfawr lle nad ydym wedi cael unrhyw seibiant o gwbl mewn gwirionedd—rydym wedi parhau i gael achosion newydd o ffliw adar drwy gydol yr haf, ac mae'r tymor cyfrif newydd yn dechrau ar 1 Hydref, ac rydym newydd fynd yn syth i mewn i hynny—. Felly, rwy'n credu bod y neges honno'n bwysig iawn, ond mae'n bwynt difrifol iawn fod yn rhaid inni weithio gyda'n gilydd, oherwydd, fel y dywedwch, mae adar yn hedfan; nid ydynt yn gweld ffiniau ac mae mor hawdd i'r afiechyd drosglwyddo, ac mewn adar gwyllt hefyd, yn amlwg. Soniais am y gwaith y mae'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn ei wneud ar hynny, ond rwy'n gobeithio y bydd gennym grŵp rhyngweinidogol fel mater o frys, a bydd yn rhywbeth y byddaf yn ei godi, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i adrodd yn ôl i'r Aelodau.
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gymorth ariannol i ffermwyr Cymru ar ôl y polisi amaethyddol cyffredin? OQ58611
8. Will the Minister provide an update on post-common agricultural policy financial support for Welsh farmers? OQ58611
Thank you. In July, I published an outline of the proposed sustainable farming scheme. The scheme's proposals signify a major change in the way Welsh farmers will be supported. The scheme will be key in supporting Welsh farmers to play a leading role in delivering a more resilient environment and a more resilient rural economy.
Diolch. Ym mis Gorffennaf, cyhoeddais amlinelliad o'r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy arfaethedig. Mae cynigion y cynllun yn arwydd o newid mawr yn y ffordd y bydd ffermwyr Cymru'n cael eu cefnogi. Bydd y cynllun yn allweddol i gefnogi ffermwyr Cymru i chwarae rhan flaenllaw yn y gwaith o greu amgylchedd mwy gwydn ac economi wledig fwy gwydn.
My question arises, as some other questions have today, from the scrutiny we're doing of the Wales agriculture Bill in committee. Particularly, one of the issues that were raised last week was funding for the supply chain in addition to that directly targeted at farmers, and we know that the supply chain is diverse—it includes abattoirs, meat packers, food and drink processes right to the customer. What we were asking our witnesses about, and what, perhaps, I'd like the Minister to comment on today, is how that funding will be spread across that supply chain, and how she will ensure that, post CAP, that funding won't be spread too thinly and will be targeted in the right places.
Mae fy nghwestiwn yn codi, fel ambell gwestiwn arall heddiw, yn sgil y craffu a wnawn ar Fil amaeth Cymru yn y pwyllgorau. Yn fwyaf penodol, un o'r materion a godwyd yr wythnos diwethaf oedd cyllid ar gyfer y gadwyn gyflenwi yn ogystal â'r hyn a dargedir yn uniongyrchol at ffermwyr, ac rydym yn gwybod bod y gadwyn gyflenwi'n amrywiol—mae'n cynnwys lladd-dai, pacwyr cig, prosesau bwyd a diod yr holl ffordd i'r cwsmer. Yr hyn roeddem yn ei ofyn i'n tystion, a'r hyn yr hoffwn i'r Gweinidog wneud sylwadau arno heddiw efallai, yw sut y bydd yr arian hwnnw'n cael ei rannu ar draws y gadwyn gyflenwi, a sut y bydd hi'n sicrhau, ar ôl y PAC, na fydd cyllid yn cael ei rannu'n rhy denau ac y bydd yn cael ei dargedu yn y mannau cywir.
Thank you. I think I was certainly asked about that, I think it was Sam Kurtz who asked me about that in the committee, and it is a very important point. But you'll appreciate at the moment I don't even know what my budget is, so it's very difficult to give you any assurances. It is important that the money that we have is directed to farmers, but, of course, the ancillary activities that we refer to will be part of that supply chain, and as we look at the actions within the sustainable farming scheme. I suppose it's a bit like pillar 1 and pillar 2 now; we will look at how we allocate that funding. But, as I say, it's just too early at the moment, because we don't know what our budget is, to say how we can allocate it. For me, the person that has to ultimately benefit is the active farmer.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu imi gael fy holi am hynny yn sicr, rwy'n credu mai Sam Kurtz a ofynnodd i mi am hynny yn y pwyllgor, ac mae'n bwynt pwysig iawn. Ond fe fyddwch yn deall ar hyn o bryd nad wyf hyd yn oed yn gwybod beth yw fy nghyllideb, felly mae'n anodd iawn rhoi unrhyw sicrwydd i chi. Mae'n bwysig fod yr arian sydd gennym yn cael ei gyfeirio at ffermwyr, ond wrth gwrs, bydd y gweithgareddau atodol y cyfeiriwn atynt yn rhan o'r gadwyn gyflenwi honno, ac wrth inni edrych ar y camau gweithredu o fewn y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy. Mae'n debyg ei fod ychydig fel colofn 1 a cholofn 2 yn awr; byddwn yn edrych ar sut y dyrannwn y cyllid hwnnw. Ond fel y dywedaf, mae'n rhy gynnar ar hyn o bryd i ddweud sut y byddwn yn ei ddyrannu am na wyddom beth yw ein cyllideb. I mi, y person y mae'n rhaid iddo elwa yn y pen draw yw'r ffermwr actif.
Sam Kurtz and James Evans have already talked about the tenant situation, and I must draw Members' attention to my interests as I am an active farmer. But Sam also mentioned common land, and I'd just like to push a little further on that, because common land is currently an eligible area for the purpose of the basic payment scheme, which is vital to many businesses across Wales. Farmers are asking, 'Will common land be included in the universal tier of the new scheme, recognising that it will not be possible for common right holders to deliver many of the proposed universal actions on common land?' Minister, I was just wondering what steps the Welsh Government is taking to ensure that the new scheme continues to promote active management of common land through grazing and other sustainable agricultural measures.
Mae Sam Kurtz a James Evans eisoes wedi siarad am sefyllfa'r tenantiaid, ac mae'n rhaid imi dynnu sylw'r Aelodau at fy muddiannau gan fy mod yn ffermwr actif. Ond soniodd Sam hefyd am dir comin, a hoffwn wthio ychydig ymhellach ar hynny, oherwydd mae tir comin ar hyn o bryd yn ardal gymwys at bwrpas cynllun y taliad sylfaenol, sy'n hanfodol i lawer o fusnesau ar draws Cymru. Mae ffermwyr yn gofyn, 'A fydd tir comin yn cael ei gynnwys yn haen gyffredinol y cynllun newydd, i gydnabod na fydd yn bosibl i ddeiliaid hawliau comin gyflawni llawer o'r camau cyffredinol arfaethedig ar dir comin?' Weinidog, roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod y cynllun newydd yn parhau i hybu rheolaeth actif ar dir comin drwy bori a mesurau amaethyddol cynaliadwy eraill.
I go back to what I was saying in an earlier answer: we are still in the co-design phase of the sustainable farming scheme, so now is the time to make sure everybody puts their views forward. I mentioned the survey—that's open till 21 November. Please ask anybody who contacts you with concerns to ensure they complete the survey.
We have the three tiers, as you say, and the universal tier, I think we can all safely assume, will be the biggest tier of the three. So, it's absolutely vital that anybody who was part of the basic payment scheme—. I want as many farmers as possible to be able to access the sustainable farming scheme, and, obviously, that includes farmers on common land.
Rwy'n mynd yn ôl at yr hyn roeddwn yn ei ddweud mewn ateb cynharach: rydym yn dal ar gam cyd-gynllunio'r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, felly nawr yw'r amser i sicrhau bod pawb yn cyflwyno'u safbwyntiau. Soniais am yr arolwg—mae hwnnw'n agored tan 21 Tachwedd. Gofynnwch i unrhyw un sy'n cysylltu â chi gyda phryderon i sicrhau eu bod yn cwblhau'r arolwg.
Mae gennym y tair haen, fel y dywedwch, a'r haen gyffredinol y credaf y gallwn i gyd ragdybio y bydd yn haen fwyaf o'r tair. Felly, mae'n gwbl hanfodol fod unrhyw un a oedd yn rhan o gynllun y taliad sylfaenol—. Rwyf eisiau i gymaint o ffermwyr â phosibl allu manteisio ar y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, ac yn amlwg, mae hynny'n cynnwys ffermwyr ar dir comin.
9. Pa asesiad mae'r Gweinidog wedi ei wneud o effaith cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy Llywodraeth Cymru ar wastadeddau Gwent? OQ58623
9. What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the Welsh Government's sustainable farming scheme on the Gwent levels? OQ58623
The proposed sustainable farming scheme will support farmers and other land managers to work together to deliver nature-based solutions at a landscape level. The Gwent levels are a great example where the adoption of sustainable land management practices can support resilient farm businesses and improve the environment for people and wildlife.
Bydd y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy arfaethedig yn cefnogi ffermwyr a rheolwyr tir eraill i gydweithio i ddarparu atebion sy'n seiliedig ar natur ar lefel tirwedd. Mae gwastadeddau Gwent yn enghraifft wych lle gall mabwysiadu arferion rheoli tir cynaliadwy gefnogi busnesau fferm gwydn a gwella'r amgylchedd ar gyfer pobl a bywyd gwyllt.
Thank you very much, Minister, for the recognition of the value of what's been happening on the Gwent levels. Last month, I was pleased to speak at the Sustaining the Gwent Levels conference in Redwick, a small and historic village in the Newport East area. The Gwent levels, of course, was reclaimed from the sea in Roman times, and has a unique and historic watercourse system that contains a diverse range of habitats, including the water vole at Magor marsh. It also has a lot of productive farmland. It's important we work closely with farmers and other organisations on the levels to produce the food needed, restore nature, tackle climate change and improve water quality. This includes the restoration of the reens, willow pollarding, orchard restoration, but also restoring species-rich grasslands and creating herbal leys. Minister, can you say how the Welsh Government's sustainable farming scheme will help achieve these goals?
Diolch yn fawr, Weinidog, am gydnabod gwerth yr hyn a fu'n digwydd ar wastadeddau Gwent. Y mis diwethaf, roeddwn yn falch o gael siarad yng nghynhadledd Cynnal Gwastadeddau Gwent yn Redwick, pentref bach hanesyddol yn ardal Dwyrain Casnewydd. Cafodd gwastadeddau Gwent eu hadfer o'r môr adeg y Rhufeiniaid, ac mae ganddynt system cyrsiau dŵr unigryw a hanesyddol sy'n cynnwys amrywiaeth fawr o gynefinoedd, gan gynnwys llygoden y dŵr ar gors Magwyr. Maent yn cynnwys llawer o dir ffermio cynhyrchiol hefyd. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn gweithio'n agos gyda ffermwyr a sefydliadau eraill ar y gwastadeddau i gynhyrchu'r bwyd sydd ei angen, adfer natur, gwrthsefyll newid hinsawdd a gwella ansawdd dŵr. Mae hyn yn cynnwys adfer y ffosydd, peillio helyg, adfer perllannau, ond hefyd adfer glaswelltiroedd llawn rhywogaethau a chreu gwyndynnydd llysieuol. Weinidog, a wnewch chi ddweud sut y bydd cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy Llywodraeth Cymru yn helpu i gyrraedd y nodau hyn?
Thank you. Well, I would imagine the collaborative tier—. We've just been referring to the three tiers of the sustainable farming scheme, and I would assume that the collaborative layer of the scheme will be able to offer support to projects at a landscape level at the Gwent levels, as you just referred to, or within the supply chain, so that they can deliver on those local and national priorities that you've just referred to. I know we are—well, you as chair of the Gwent levels working group are—looking at a strategic enhancement plan, which I think will be available in the new year, and then we will come out of the co-design phase. I think it's really important that we look at that plan to see how it will fit into the scheme.
Diolch. Wel, byddwn yn dychmygu y bydd yr haen gydweithredol—. Rydym newydd fod yn cyfeirio at dair haen y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, a byddwn yn tybio y bydd haen gydweithredol y cynllun yn gallu cynnig cymorth i brosiectau ar lefel tirwedd ar wastadeddau Gwent, fel y nodwyd gennych yn awr, neu o fewn y gadwyn gyflenwi, fel y gallant gyflawni mewn perthynas â'r blaenoriaethau lleol a chenedlaethol hynny y cyfeirioch chi atynt. Gwn ein bod—wel, rydych chi, fel cadeirydd gweithgor gwastadeddau Gwent—yn edrych ar gynllun gwella strategol, a fydd ar gael yn y flwyddyn newydd, rwy'n credu, ac yna, byddwn yn dod allan o'r cyfnod cyd-gynllunio. Credaf ei bod yn wirioneddol bwysig inni edrych ar y cynllun hwnnw i weld sut y bydd yn cyd-fynd â’r cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwm 10, Vikki Howells.
And finally, question 10, Vikki Howells.
10. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am waith Llywodraeth Cymru i wella safonau lles anifeiliaid? OQ58604
10. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's work to improve animal welfare standards? OQ58604
Thank you. Our priorities for animal welfare are set out in our animal welfare plan for Wales. It includes a timetable for the delivery of key actions against our four animal welfare programme for government commitments, and actions for our other animal welfare priorities.
Diolch. Mae ein blaenoriaethau ar gyfer lles anifeiliaid wedi’u nodi yn ein cynllun lles anifeiliaid ar gyfer Cymru. Mae’n cynnwys amserlen ar gyfer cyflawni camau gweithredu allweddol yn erbyn y pedwar ymrwymiad sy'n ymwneud â lles anifeiliaid yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu, a chamau gweithredu ar gyfer ein blaenoriaethau lles anifeiliaid eraill.
Thank you, Minister. The Welsh Government's commitment to regulating animal welfare establishments is very welcome and has received support from animal welfare organisations to help ensure the adoption of best practice. The regulation of these establishments is also important, as it closes a loophole in Lucy's law that third party sellers can exploit. Given the importance of this regulation, are you able to provide any updates on its progress?
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i reoleiddio sefydliadau lles anifeiliaid i’w groesawu’n fawr ac mae wedi cael cefnogaeth gan gyrff lles anifeiliaid er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod arferion gorau’n cael eu mabwysiadu. Mae rheoleiddio’r sefydliadau hyn hefyd yn bwysig, gan fod hynny'n cau bwlch y gall gwerthwyr trydydd parti fanteisio arno yng nghyfraith Lucy. O ystyried pwysigrwydd y rheoliad hwn, a wnewch chi roi unrhyw ddiweddariadau ar ei gynnydd?
Thank you. I can't give you any specific update, because, as you know, we are working with key stakeholders at the moment to develop a document within the animal welfare plan to look at all existing animal welfare focused licensing legislation—as you can imagine, that's quite a significant piece of work, but what that will do is gauge where the gaps are—and then set out proposals for the licensing amendments going forward. There will be public consultation as necessary and, obviously, I don't want to pre-empt the results of that exercise.
Diolch. Ni allaf roi unrhyw ddiweddariad penodol i chi, oherwydd, fel y gwyddoch, rydym yn gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid allweddol ar hyn o bryd i ddatblygu dogfen o fewn y cynllun lles anifeiliaid i edrych ar yr holl ddeddfwriaeth drwyddedu bresennol sy'n canolbwyntio ar les anifeiliaid—fel y gallwch ddychmygu, mae hwnnw’n waith go arwyddocaol, ond yr hyn y bydd y gwaith hwnnw'n ei wneud yw mesur ble mae'r bylchau—ac yna nodi cynigion ar gyfer y gwelliannau trwyddedu wrth symud ymlaen. Cynhelir ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus yn ôl yr angen, ac yn amlwg, nid wyf am achub y blaen ar ganlyniadau’r ymarfer hwnnw.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
I thank the Minister.
And as has been said already by both Samuel Kurtz and the Minister, may I also add my thanks to the chief veterinary officer as she moves on from her role? As a one-time rural affairs Minister myself, I know exactly of the 100 per cent commitment that Christianne Glossop showed to her role, but also, of course, in working across political parties and with committees and the Senedd as a whole, and I'm sure, on behalf of the Senedd, that we wish her well with whatever comes next, because I'm sure there's much to come.
Ac fel y dywedwyd eisoes gan Samuel Kurtz a’r Gweinidog, a gaf innau ddiolch i’r prif swyddog milfeddygol wrth iddi symud ymlaen o’i rôl? Fel cyn-Weinidog materion gwledig fy hun, gwn yn iawn am yr ymrwymiad 100 y cant a ddangosodd Christianne Glossop i’w rôl, ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, wrth weithio ar draws y pleidiau gwleidyddol a chyda phwyllgorau a’r Senedd yn gyffredinol, ac rwy'n siŵr, ar ran y Senedd, ein bod yn dymuno'n dda iddi gyda beth bynnag a ddaw nesaf, gan fy mod yn siŵr fod llawer i ddod.
Felly, diolch i Christianne Glossop am ei gwaith bendigedig.
So, thank you to Christianne Glossop for her excellent work.
Cwestiynau amserol sydd nesaf, ac mae'r cwestiwn heddiw gan Sioned Williams ac i'w ateb gan y Trefnydd. Sioned Williams.
We'll move now to topical questions, and today's question is from Sioned Williams and is to be answered by the Trefnydd. Sioned Williams.
1. A wnaiff y Llywodraeth ddatganiad yn dilyn dyfarniad yr Uchel Lys ar gynlluniau addysg Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot? TQ670
1. Will the Government make a statement following the High Court ruling on Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council's education plans? TQ670

Diolch. There is a constituency link for the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, so I am responding on behalf of the Welsh Government. I understand the council has noted the court's judgment in respect of the Swansea valley proposal and are considering their next steps. The council has a period of time to decide if it will appeal, so any further consideration needs to await the council's decision.
Diolch. Mae cyswllt etholaethol gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, felly rwy’n ymateb ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru. Deallaf fod y cyngor wedi nodi dyfarniad y llys mewn perthynas â chynnig cwm Tawe a'u bod yn ystyried eu camau nesaf. Mae gan y cyngor gyfnod o amser i benderfynu a fydd yn apelio, felly mae angen i unrhyw ystyriaeth bellach aros am benderfyniad y cyngor.
Diolch. Yn dilyn cais am adolygiad barnwrol gan Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg, fe ddyfarnodd yr Uchel Lys ddydd Llun fod penderfyniad Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot i agor ysgol enfawr newydd cyfrwng Saesneg ym Mhontardawe yn anghyfreithlon am iddyn nhw fod wedi methu ag asesu effaith hyn ar y Gymraeg ac yn benodol ar addysg Gymraeg. Mae'r dyfarniad wedi'i ddisgrifio fel un o bwys cenedlaethol gan Gwion Lewis, y bargyfreithiwr a gyflwynodd yr achos, gan ei fod yn golygu, meddai, y bydd nawr angen i gynlluniau sydd ddim yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â'r Gymraeg ac addysg Gymraeg asesu eu heffaith ar y Gymraeg. Tra bod y dyfarniad yn newyddion da i gwm Tawe, mae'n codi cwestiynau ynghylch y safbwynt a gymerwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar y mater.
Ymateb y Llywodraeth i'r achos oedd ei bod hi'n fater i'r awdurdod lleol, ond, cyn i wleidyddion fel fi a chyrff fel RhAG a Dyfodol i'r Iaith dynnu sylw at y mater, o gymeradwyo'r cynllun busnes amlinellol roedd y Llywodraeth yn amlwg yn ddigon bodlon ar y cychwyn gyda'r modd y gwnaed yr ymgynghoriad ac yn cytuno â'r hyn a alwyd gan y barnwr yn gamddehongliad o bolisïau’r Llywodraeth ei hun o ran trefniadaeth ysgolion a'r polisi 'Cymraeg 2050'.
Hoffwn ofyn, felly, i'r Llywodraeth ymchwilio i'r ffaith nad oedd dealltwriaeth gan yr adran addysg o'i pholisi ei hun a sicrhau bod cefnogaeth ymarferol, drawsadrannol i'r polisi 'Cymraeg 2050'. Sut bydd y Llywodraeth yn sicrhau bod holl gynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg a rhaglenni cyfalaf yn cynnwys ystyriaeth briodol o ran effaith pob datblygiad ar y Gymraeg a hefyd sicrhau dealltwriaeth a chapasiti o fewn awdurdodau lleol o ran cynllunio twf y Gymraeg ar draws pob adran?
Yn olaf, er mwyn cefnogi'r newid cyfeiriad sydd ei angen yn yr achos penodol yma, a fydd y Llywodraeth yn ymrwymo i ystyried clustnodi'r arian a addawyd i'r cynllun gwallus a niweidiol hwn i'r Gymraeg i gynllunio ad-drefnu addysg amgen na fydd yn niweidio'r Gymraeg yn y fath fodd, cyhyd â bod y cynlluniau yn cwrdd â gofynion y cynllun cyllido rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy?
Thank you. Following a request for a judicial review from Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg, the High Court ruled that the decision of Neath Port Talbot Council to open a huge English-medium school in Pontardawe was unlawful because they failed to assess its impact on the Welsh language and particularly on Welsh-medium education. The ruling has been described as being of national importance by Gwion Lewis, the barrister who brought the case forward, because it means, according to him, that plans that don't relate directly to the Welsh language and Welsh-medium education will need to assess their impact on the Welsh language. Whilst the ruling is good news for the Tawe valley, it does raise questions on the stance taken by the Welsh Government on the issue.
The Government's response to the case was that it was a matter for the local authority, but, before politicians like me and bodies like RhAG and Dyfodol i'r Iaith drew attention to the issue, in approving the outline business case the Government was clearly content, initially, with the way the consultation was carried out and agreed with what the judge called a misinterpretation of the Government's own policies in terms of school organisation and the 'Cymraeg 2050' policy.
I would, therefore, like to ask the Government to look into the fact that there wasn't an understanding in the education department of its own policies and to ensure that practical, cross-departmental support is available for the 'Cymraeg 2050' policy. How will the Government ensure that all of the Welsh in education strategic plans and the capital programmes include appropriate consideration of the impact of all developments on the Welsh language and also secure an understanding and capacity within local authorities in terms of planning the growth of the Welsh language across all departments?
Finally, in order to support the change of direction required in this particular case, will the Government commit to consider allocating the funding pledged to this flawed and damaging proposal to plan alternative provision that wouldn't damage the Welsh language in such a way, as long as those plans meet the needs of the sustainable learning communities programme?
Thank you. Well, going forward, obviously, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language's officials will work with the local authority. They will have to, obviously, consider what comes forward from Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. As I say, the next thing is for them, obviously, to respond. My understanding is that officials did look at and consider WESP plans in the way that you suggested. In relation to funding, I think the Welsh Government have made it very clear to the local authority that, should the project change, they would, obviously, need to resubmit a business case and then the Minister's officials would again consider it.
Diolch. Wel, wrth symud ymlaen, yn amlwg, bydd swyddogion Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg yn gweithio gyda’r awdurdod lleol. Yn amlwg, bydd rhaid iddynt ystyried yr hyn a gyflwynir gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Fel y dywedaf, y peth nesaf iddynt, yn amlwg, yw ymateb. Fy nealltwriaeth i yw bod swyddogion wedi edrych ar y cynlluniau strategol Cymraeg mewn addysg ac wedi'u hystyried yn y ffordd yr awgrymwyd gennych. Mewn perthynas â chyllid, credaf fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dweud yn glir iawn wrth yr awdurdod lleol, pe bai’r prosiect yn newid, y byddai angen iddynt ailgyflwyno achos busnes wrth gwrs, ac yna byddai swyddogion y Gweinidog yn ei ystyried eto.
Minister, I think it's important that we stress here that this was due to be a twenty-first century state-of-the-art school with local facilities for children with additional learning needs and a new pool as well, which is much needed in the community. But what must be made clear is the fact that local authorities perhaps need clearer guidance when consulting on issues such as these. This judgment—and it's worth noting that it was on one of the three counts—was that the council had acted unlawfully in, quote,
'failing to consult further after receipt of the Welsh language impact assessment with its consultation.'
End quote. So, what we need now is a clearer indication from the council on its next steps, so that it can provide clarity for schools, pupils and parents currently at Alltwen, Llangiwg and Godre'r Graig schools. So, given this ruling could have further implications for other school reorganisations across Wales and twenty-first century schools programmes in other council areas, what assurances can the Welsh Government give that this judgment will not affect future plans in the pipeline elsewhere, and what lessons can be learnt from this judgment on Neath Port Talbot Council?
Weinidog, credaf ei bod yn bwysig inni bwysleisio yma mai'r bwriad oedd i hon fod yn ysgol yr unfed ganrif ar hugain o’r radd flaenaf gyda chyfleusterau lleol ar gyfer plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol a phwll nofio newydd hefyd, rhywbeth y mae ei angen yn fawr yn y gymuned. Ond yr hyn y mae’n rhaid ei wneud yn glir yw’r ffaith bod angen canllawiau cliriach ar awdurdodau lleol efallai pan fyddant yn ymgynghori ar faterion fel y rhain. Y dyfarniad hwn—ac mae'n werth nodi ei fod ar un o'r tri chyhuddiad—oedd bod y cyngor wedi ymddwyn yn anghyfreithlon drwy, ac rwy'n dyfynnu,
'fethu ymgynghori ymhellach ar ôl derbyn yr asesiad o'r effaith ar y Gymraeg gyda'i ymgynghoriad.'
Cau'r dyfyniad. Felly, yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom yn awr yw arwydd cliriach gan y cyngor ynglŷn â'i gamau nesaf, fel y gall roi rhywfaint o eglurder i ysgolion, disgyblion a rhieni yn ysgolion Alltwen, Llan-giwg a Godre’r Graig ar hyn o bryd. Felly, o ystyried y gallai’r dyfarniad hwn arwain at oblygiadau pellach o ran ad-drefnu ysgolion eraill ledled Cymru a rhaglenni ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain mewn ardaloedd cynghorau eraill, pa sicrwydd y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei roi na fydd y dyfarniad hwn yn effeithio ar gynlluniau sydd ar y gweill mewn mannau eraill, a pha wersi y gellir eu dysgu o'r dyfarniad hwn ar Gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot?
Well, as I stated in my answer to Sioned Williams, the next step will be for the council to respond; it's a matter for them, then, to come to Welsh Government with their next steps. I'm sure the Minister—. As I mentioned at the outset of my answer, there is, obviously, a constituency link for the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, so, obviously, if it's something specific to do with the constituency, the First Minister will consider it. But, on your general point around guidance, I'm sure the Minister and his officials will have a look at the guidance to see if there is anything that could have been done to avert this. Whether it will have—. I'm sure that lessons can always be learnt, can't they, from anything like this. And again, I'm sure that officials will consider that.
Wel, fel y dywedais yn fy ateb i Sioned Williams, y cam nesaf fydd i’r cyngor ymateb; mater iddynt hwy, wedyn, yw dod at Lywodraeth Cymru gyda'u camau nesaf. Rwy’n siŵr fod y Gweinidog—. Fel y soniais ar ddechrau fy ateb, yn amlwg, mae cyswllt etholaethol gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, felly, yn amlwg, os yw’n rhywbeth penodol i’w wneud â’r etholaeth, bydd y Prif Weinidog yn ei ystyried. Ond ar eich pwynt cyffredinol ynghylch canllawiau, rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Gweinidog a'i swyddogion yn edrych ar y canllawiau i weld a oes unrhyw beth y gellid bod wedi'i wneud i osgoi hyn. P'un a fydd—. Rwy'n siŵr y gellir dysgu gwersi bob amser, oni ellir, o bethau fel hyn. Ac unwaith eto, rwy'n siŵr y bydd swyddogion yn ystyried hynny.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Un yn unig heddiw. Natasha Asghar.
The next item is the 90-second statements. There is only one today. Natasha Asghar.
Thank you, Presiding Officer. Having been a Member for a short period of time, I have no doubt that the Members here believe in the great benefits of a multicultural and multifaith society, which is why I'm pleased to be able to illuminate the Chamber on the importance of Diwali here in Wales. Better known as the festival of lights, derived from the Sanskrit Deepawali, which means 'row of lights', Diwali is known for the brightly burning clay lamps that celebrants line up outside, or, weather dependent, inside, their homes. This year, Diwali began on Monday 24 October. Widely observed amongst more than a billion people from a variety of faiths across India and its diaspora, including Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs, and, although each have their own individual beliefs for its origins, the holiday still represents the same symbolic victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
Day one signifies Dhanteras, which is dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi. Day two—it is believed that, on that day Kali, the goddess of Shakti, or strength, killed the demon Narakasura. Day three is the largest of the five days of Diwali. Day four of Diwali marks the first day of the new year, and day five, the final day, is called Bhai Duj, which celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. All five days of Diwali are marked by prayer, feasts, fireworks, family gatherings and charitable giving. Whilst the different regions of India and its faiths have different legends of heroic actions of the incarnations, the celebration of Diwali represents the inner light that protects each household and individual from spiritual darkness.
It is such an important celebration for the Hindu community, who are an integral part of all the communities here in Wales, so, on behalf of all the Members of the Welsh Parliament, diwali ki dheron shubh kamnayein, which translates as 'Happy Diwali to everybody celebrating'. Thank you.
Diolch, Lywydd. Ar ôl bod yn Aelod am gyfnod byr o amser, nid oes gennyf amheuaeth nad yw’r Aelodau yma yn credu ym manteision gwych cymdeithas amlddiwylliannol ac aml-ffydd, a dyna pam fy mod yn falch o allu goleuo’r Siambr ynghylch pwysigrwydd Diwali yma yng Nghymru. Yn fwy adnabyddus fel gŵyl y goleuadau, ac yn deillio o'r gair Sansgrit, Deepawali, sy'n golygu 'rhes o oleuadau', mae Diwali'n adnabyddus am y lampau clai y mae'r rhai sy'n dathlu'r ŵyl yn eu cynnau a'u gosod y tu allan, neu'n dibynnu ar y tywydd, yn eu cartrefi. Eleni, dechreuodd Diwali ar ddydd Llun 24 Hydref. Caiff yr ŵyl ei dathlu gan fwy na biliwn o bobl o amrywiaeth o wahanol grefyddau ar draws India a'i diaspora, gan gynnwys Hindŵiaid, Jainiaid, Bwdhyddion a Sikhiaid, ac er bod gan bob un ohonynt eu credoau unigol eu hunain ynghylch gwreiddiau'r ŵyl, mae'n dal i gynrychioli'r un fuddugoliaeth symbolaidd, sef goleuni dros dywyllwch, da dros ddrwg a gwybodaeth dros anwybodaeth.
Mae'r diwrnod cyntaf yn dynodi Dhanteras, er clod i'r dduwies Lakshmi. Diwrnod dau—credir, ar y diwrnod hwnnw, fod Kali, duwies Shakti, neu gryfder, wedi lladd y demon Narakasura. Y trydydd diwrnod yw'r mwyaf o bum diwrnod Diwali. Mae pedwerydd diwrnod Diwali yn nodi diwrnod cyntaf y flwyddyn newydd, a diwrnod pump, y diwrnod olaf, yw Bhai Duj, sy'n dathlu'r cwlwm rhwng brodyr a chwiorydd. Mae pum diwrnod Diwali yn cael eu dathlu gyda gweddïau, gwleddoedd, tân gwyllt, aduniadau teuluol a rhoddion elusennol. Er bod gan wahanol ranbarthau India a'i chrefyddau wahanol chwedlau am weithredoedd arwrol yr ymgnawdoliadau, mae dathlu Diwali yn cynrychioli'r golau mewnol sy'n diogelu pob aelwyd ac unigolyn rhag tywyllwch ysbrydol.
Mae’n ddathliad mor bwysig i’r gymuned Hindŵaidd, sy’n rhan annatod o’r holl gymunedau yma yng Nghymru, felly, ar ran yr holl Aelodau o Senedd Cymru, diwali ki dheron shubh kamnayein, sy’n golygu ‘Diwali hapus i bawb sy'n dathlu'. Diolch.
Diwali hapus i bawb, ie, wir.
Happy Diwali to everyone.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cynnig i ethol Cadeirydd dros dro i'r Cyfarfodydd Llawn, a dwi'n galw ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol.
The next item is the motion to elect an acting Chair of Plenary meetings, and I call on a member of the Business Committee to formally move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8114 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 6.23A, yn ethol Paul Davies fel Cadeirydd Dros Dro y Cyfarfodydd Llawn.
Motion NDM8114 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 6.23A, elects Paul Davies as Acting Chair of Plenary Meetings.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Diolch. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu?
Thank you. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object?
Was that an objection?
A oeddech yn gwrthwynebu?

No, I was waving to—[Inaudible.]
Na, roeddwn yn codi llaw ar—[Anghlywadwy.]
Oh, okay. Okay. [Laughter.] Perhaps you should consider the timing of the wave for next time. So, just to confirm, there are no objections, and therefore the motion is agreed.
O, iawn. Iawn. [Chwerthin.] Efallai y dylech ystyried eich amseru wrth godi llaw y tro nesaf. Felly, i gadarnhau, nid oes unrhyw wrthwynebiadau, ac felly, derbyniwyd y cynnig.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Llongyfarchiadau i Paul Davies ar gael ei ethol yn Gadeirydd dros dro.
Congratulations to Paul Davies on his election as acting Chair.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.91 yn ceisio cytundeb y Senedd i gyflwyno Bil Aelod. Bil addysg awyr agored (Cymru) yw hwnnw. Dwi'n galw ar Sam Rowlands i wneud y cynnig. Sam Rowlands.
The next item is a motion under Standing Order 26.91 seeking the Senedd's agreement to introduce a Member Bill, the outdoor education (Wales) Bill. I call on Sam Rowlands to move the motion. Sam Rowlands.
Cynnig NDM8069 Sam Rowlands
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.91:
Yn cytuno y caiff Sam Rowlands MS gyflwyno Bil i roi effaith i'r wybodaeth a gaiff ei chynnwys yn y Memorandwm Esboniadol a gyhoeddwyd ar 17 Awst 2022 o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.91A.
Motion NDM8069 Sam Rowlands
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 26.91:
Agrees that Sam Rowlands MS may introduce a Bill to give effect to the information included in the Explanatory Memorandum published on 17 August 2022 under Standing Order 26.91A.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch Llywydd, and can I first say what an absolute pleasure it is today to seek the Senedd's agreement for me to introduce my Member Bill, the outdoor education (Wales) Bill? As Members will be aware, back in July I was selected from a Members ballot to bring forward a Bill. Clearly, since July not a huge amount has happened in politics in the UK, but I've certainly been very busy, working with representatives of the outdoor education and activity sector, universities, councils, Members of the Senedd, schools and pupils in bringing forward what I think is not only an extremely exciting Bill, but also one that will deliver a range of long-lasting benefits.
Back in July I had the pleasure of publishing a 16-page explanatory memorandum, which looked into the policy objectives of this Bill and the support received for the Bill, along with the financial factors to consider. I'm sure all Members already know this, as I'm sure we've all it read it from back to front; nevertheless Members will be happy to note that I'll discuss the points from the explanatory memorandum through my contribution today, in which I will firstly outline what the Bill is, secondly, I'll outline why outdoor education is so important, I'll explain why this Bill is needed, I'll explain the financial aspects of the Bill as well, and, finally, I'll outline what I believe are the next steps in taking this proposal forward.
So, in short, the Bill will establish a statutory duty on local authorities to ensure that Wales's young people have the opportunity to participate in a week-long, four-nights residential outdoor education visit at some point during their school career. This will be put into practice by ensuring funding is put in place to enable local authorities and schools to deliver these experiences for all our youngsters, which would be, as I say, for at least one week—four nights—at some stage during their school years.
Of course, I'm sure many Members will be thinking: out of all the policy proposals that I could have sought to introduce, why did I choose outdoor education? The main reason behind this is my basic conviction of how important outdoor education is to a child's education and overall development. It's my aspiration, and, I believe, that of many Members of the Senedd, that, regardless of a child's socioeconomic background, additional learning needs, cultural background or geographical location, they should get to enjoy the fantastic and long-lasting benefits that come from outdoor education. In addition to this, I and Members from across the Chamber have worked with the outdoor activity sector through Huw Irranca-Davies's excellent chairmanship of the outdoor activity cross-party group, which helped myself and members of the cross-party group truly understand the benefits of outdoor education. I'm sure many Members of the Senedd will remember outdoor education residential visits that they went on, creating memories, building confidence and preparing ourselves for decades to come. Sadly, I'm also sure that there are Members here who will not have had the chance to have this incredible experience themselves.
Diolch, Lywydd, ac a gaf fi ddweud yn gyntaf ei bod yn bleser ceisio cytundeb y Senedd heddiw imi gyflwyno fy Mil Aelod, Bil addysg awyr agored (Cymru)? Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, yn ôl ym mis Gorffennaf, cefais fy newis drwy bleidlais Aelodau i gyflwyno Bil. Yn amlwg, ers mis Gorffennaf, nid oes llawer iawn wedi digwydd ym myd gwleidyddiaeth yn y DU, ond rwyf fi yn sicr wedi bod yn brysur iawn, gan weithio gyda chynrychiolwyr o'r sector addysg a gweithgareddau awyr agored, prifysgolion, cynghorau, Aelodau o'r Senedd, ysgolion a disgyblion ar gyflwyno'r hyn sydd nid yn unig yn Fil hynod gyffrous yn fy marn i, ond un a fydd hefyd yn sicrhau ystod o fanteision hirdymor.
Yn ôl ym mis Gorffennaf, cefais y pleser o gyhoeddi memorandwm esboniadol 16 tudalen, a oedd yn archwilio amcanion polisi’r Bil hwn a’r gefnogaeth a ddaeth i law i’r Bil, ynghyd â’r ffactorau ariannol i’w hystyried. Rwy'n siŵr fod pob Aelod eisoes yn gwybod hyn, gan fy mod yn siŵr fod pob un ohonom wedi darllen pob gair ohono; serch hynny, bydd yr Aelodau'n falch o nodi y byddaf yn trafod y pwyntiau o'r memorandwm esboniadol drwy fy nghyfraniad heddiw, lle byddaf yn dechrau drwy amlinellu beth yw'r Bil, yn ail, byddaf yn amlinellu pam fod addysg awyr agored mor bwysig, byddaf yn esbonio pam fod angen y Bil hwn, byddaf yn egluro agweddau ariannol y Bil hefyd, ac yn olaf, byddaf yn amlinellu'r camau nesaf, yn fy marn i, ar gyfer bwrw ymlaen â'r cynnig hwn.
Felly, yn fyr, bydd y Bil yn sefydlu dyletswydd statudol ar awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc Cymru yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn ymweliad addysg awyr agored preswyl wythnos o hyd, pedair noson, ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu gyrfa ysgol. Bydd hyn yn cael ei roi ar waith drwy sicrhau bod cyllid yn cael ei ddarparu i alluogi awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion i gynnig y profiadau hyn i’n holl bobl ifanc, a fyddai'n para, fel y dywedais, am o leiaf wythnos—pedair noson—ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu blynyddoedd yn yr ysgol.
Wrth gwrs, rwy’n siŵr y bydd llawer o'r Aelodau’n meddwl: o’r holl gynigion polisi y gallwn fod wedi ceisio'u cyflwyno, pam y dewisais addysg awyr agored? Y prif reswm y tu ôl i hyn yw fy argyhoeddiad sylfaenol ynghylch pwysigrwydd addysg awyr agored i addysg a datblygiad cyffredinol plentyn. Fy nyhead i, a dyhead llawer o Aelodau’r Senedd, rwy'n credu, yw y dylai plant, ni waeth beth fo'u cefndir economaidd-gymdeithasol, eu hanghenion dysgu ychwanegol, eu cefndir diwylliannol neu eu lleoliad daearyddol, gael mwynhau’r manteision gwych a hirhoedlog y gall addysg awyr agored eu cynnig. Yn ogystal â hyn, rwyf fi ac Aelodau o bob rhan o’r Siambr wedi gweithio gyda’r sector gweithgareddau awyr agored dan gadeiryddiaeth ragorol Huw Irranca-Davies o grŵp trawsbleidiol y sector gweithgareddau awyr agored, a fu'n gymorth i mi ac aelodau’r grŵp trawsbleidiol i ddeall gwir fanteision addysg awyr agored. Rwy’n siŵr y bydd llawer o Aelodau’r Senedd yn cofio bod ar ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored, gan greu atgofion, magu hyder a pharatoi ein hunain ar gyfer degawdau i ddod. Yn anffodus, rwyf hefyd yn siŵr fod yna Aelodau yma na fyddant wedi cael cyfle i gael y profiad anhygoel hwn eu hunain.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Indeed, recent Welsh Government-commissioned research, published via Hwb, has outlined that outdoor education has well-established benefits for children and young people in both their physical health and well-being, but also their mental health and well-being. In addition to this, Welsh Government-commissioned research found that outdoor education has exceptional benefits for personal and social learning, cognitive development and appreciation of our environment, and with our climate crisis, this is more important now than ever before.
Along with this, research from across the world has further outlined that if a child experiences these benefits at a young age, they will carry it through for the rest of their life, making a lasting difference. Furthermore, the Curriculum for Wales's health and well-being area of learning and experience contains statements of 'what matters', which place importance on responding to experiences, decision making and social influences. These are all fundamental within outdoor education, as fully realised through an outdoor education residential experience.
I'd now like to move on to why the Bill is needed here in Wales, and what the published research and statistics are telling us. I'd firstly like to put on record my thanks to those schools and organisations through which we currently see outdoor education taking place, with fantastic work being carried out to enable this to happen. The main rationale behind my Bill is that all this good work that schools and organisations are currently doing simply doesn't go far enough, because it's seen as enrichment rather than an essential part of education, with many parts of our communities missing out due to financial constraints, where they live or their family background, and I'll go into that a little bit more shortly.
As Members will be aware, last week, with the help of the outdoor education sector and the Senedd's research team, I produced a statistical paper that briefly outlines what we currently see with those who participate in outdoor education, as, regretfully, there were no official statistics about the number of outdoor education residential visits or how many of our children and young people in Wales are gaining the clear range of benefits that they provide. This statistical paper has surveyed 350 schools across 18 of Wales's local authorities, and working with the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel Cymru, I collected data that shows four key findings.
Firstly, in over a third of Welsh schools, of those children offered the opportunity to participate in outdoor education residential visits, fewer than 75 per cent of children take part. Secondly, 60 per cent of schools surveyed cited financial reasons as the main barrier to participation in outdoor education residential visits. Thirdly, over one in five Welsh schools do not offer a subsidy to those families who are financially constrained. And fourthly, initial research has also suggested that more affluent areas will see more children participate in outdoor education visits, while those in less affluent areas participate less.
Indeed, those survey results found that in Blaenau Gwent, 65 per cent of schools indicated financial constraints as an issue; in Caerphilly, 70 per cent of schools indicated financial constraints as an issue; and in Rhondda Cynon Taf, 75 per cent of schools showed that financial constraints are an issue, whilst in Monmouthshire, it was 45 per cent outlining this as an issue. In addition, during this process, a key thing that struck me is the fact that, regretfully, an outdoor education visit may, in fact, be the only time that some of your youngsters actually have the opportunity to see beyond the communities that they live in, and experience something new.
So, along with my statistical paper, I'm sure avid followers of my Twitter and Facebook pages saw two key articles that I shared this summer in relation to outdoor education. Firstly, new research from Swansea University, published via BBC Wales, found that children in Wales were among the world's least fit, with researchers giving Wales's youngsters an F for fitness. A second BBC article, featuring research from Sport Wales, found that children are doing less sport than they were four years ago, with 36 per cent of children not doing any activities outside of their school physical education lessons, compared with 28 per cent just four years ago. I'm sure all Members from across the Chamber can agree that it's simply not right that a significant proportion of our young people across Wales don't have the chance to participate in something so beneficial, due to either where they're from or their family's financial situation. I believe that we cannot stand back and look at our children becoming unhealthier and our young people not engaging in outdoor activities, and for us to sit here and not to do anything about it is simply not acceptable.
Moving on to the financial costs, which I know Members are keen to understand further, and I think it's only fair that we address this issue as well. The initial research and understanding has shown that this would cost between £9.9 million and £13.6 million to fund, which is around 0.06 per cent of the Welsh Government's total budget. Nevertheless, following the Bill's implementation, I believe we would actually see cost benefits from this Bill, with savings to public services through improved health, well-being, mental health services and education outcomes, along with an enhanced appreciation of the environment. Furthermore, the introduction and support of this Bill would contribute to four key purposes of the Welsh Government's Curriculum for Wales: we would see even more ambitious and capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives; we would see enterprising and creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work; we would see more ethical and informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world; and finally, we would see healthier and confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
I'd also like to just update Members as to how this is working in other parts of the United Kingdom. As some will be aware, there's an outdoor education Bill currently working its way through the Scottish Parliament, and it's been extremely useful to talk to colleagues there and understand that there is cross-party support there too for such a proposal. It's also important to outline the support coming from the outdoor education sector when it comes to this Bill, because despite working on this for the last three months, I can't claim at all that I'm an expert, unlike those who are in the outdoor education sector, who live, breathe and work outdoor education day in and day out. And Members will note, as I'm sure they've read the explanatory memorandum, in section 41, the sheer support from leading outdoor organisations across Wales, including Urdd Gobaith Cymru, the Institute for Outdoor Learning, the Wales Council for Outdoor Learning, the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel and Ramblers Cymru. Deputy Presiding Officer, there are a number of organisations that I could go on to list, but there's a huge amount of support out there for this Bill.
I'd also like to express my understanding and reality that a lot more work needs to be done with this Bill. Over the past few months, I and many others have found lots of significant work and data around why the Bill is needed, but there is of course more that needs to be done to understand this fully. And that's why I believe there's a crucial role for opposition and backbench Members of this Senedd to be able to work cross-party to bring forward positive and lasting changes that will complement the work being carried out by the Welsh Government. It's also crucial to note that, by supporting today's motion, it allows me to start the process of working tirelessly over the next year, hand in hand with the outdoor sector, to gain more evidence and data regarding the need for outdoor education residential stays, and consequently present this to the Senedd in a year's time. But it's important to reiterate that today's vote can be used as an opportunity for a backbench and opposition Member to seek to introduce important legislation that will deliver lasting changes and complement the work of the Welsh Government.
So, in closing, Deputy Presiding Officer, I'd like to thank all the organisations and staff who've worked tirelessly in helping me produce the Bill's explanatory memorandum, the statistical paper, along with a summary of the Bill. But I'd also like to thank Members from across the Senedd for taking the time out of their busy schedules to discuss this Bill with me, along with the Minister for education, who I look forward to hearing from later in this debate, and his positive discussions so far. I look forward to Members' contributions to today's motion and welcome discussions and questions regarding my proposals. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Yn wir, mae ymchwil diweddar a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac a gyhoeddwyd drwy Hwb, wedi nodi bod addysg awyr agored yn arwain at fanteision pendant i blant a phobl ifanc o ran eu hiechyd a’u lles corfforol, ond hefyd eu hiechyd meddwl. Yn ogystal â hyn, canfu ymchwil a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru fod gan addysg awyr agored fanteision eithriadol o ran dysgu personol a chymdeithasol, datblygiad gwybyddol a gwerthfawrogiad o’n hamgylchedd, a chyda’n hargyfwng hinsawdd, mae hyn yn bwysicach yn awr nag erioed.
Ynghyd â hyn, mae ymchwil o bob rhan o’r byd wedi nodi ymhellach, os yw plentyn yn profi'r manteision hyn yn ifanc, y bydd hynny'n cael effaith arnynt am weddill eu hoes, gan wneud gwahaniaeth parhaol. Ymhellach, mae maes dysgu a phrofiad iechyd a lles y Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn cynnwys datganiadau o'r 'hyn sy'n bwysig', sy'n rhoi pwys ar ymateb i brofiadau, gwneud penderfyniadau a dylanwadau cymdeithasol. Mae'r rhain oll yn elfennau sylfaenol o addysg awyr agored, fel y'u gwireddir yn llawn drwy brofiad preswyl o addysg awyr agored.
Hoffwn symud ymlaen yn awr at y rhesymau pam fod angen y Bil yma yng Nghymru, a’r hyn y mae’r ymchwil a’r ystadegau a gyhoeddwyd yn ei ddweud wrthym. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i'r ysgolion a'r sefydliadau sy'n darparu addysg awyr agored ar hyn o bryd, gyda'r gwaith gwych sy'n mynd rhagddo i alluogi hyn i ddigwydd. Y brif resymeg y tu ôl i’m Bil yw nad yw’r holl waith da hwn y mae ysgolion a sefydliadau'n ei wneud ar hyn o bryd yn mynd yn ddigon pell, gan ei fod yn cael ei ystyried yn rhywbeth sy'n cyfoethogi yn hytrach na'n rhan hanfodol o addysg, gyda sawl rhan o’n cymunedau ar eu colled oherwydd cyfyngiadau ariannol, ble maent yn byw neu eu cefndir teuluol, a byddaf yn sôn am hynny mewn mwy o fanylder yn y man.
Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, yr wythnos diwethaf, gyda chymorth y sector addysg awyr agored a thîm ymchwil y Senedd, cyhoeddais bapur ystadegol sy’n amlinellu’n gryno yr hyn a welwn ar hyn o bryd gyda’r rhai sy’n cymryd rhan mewn addysg awyr agored, oherwydd, yn anffodus, nid oedd unrhyw ystadegau swyddogol ynghylch nifer yr ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored neu faint o’n plant a’n pobl ifanc yng Nghymru sy’n cael yr ystod glir o fanteision y maent yn eu darparu. Mae’r papur ystadegol hwn wedi cynnal arolwg o 350 o ysgolion ar draws 18 o awdurdodau lleol Cymru, a thrwy weithio gyda Phanel Cynghorwyr Addysg Awyr Agored Cymru, cesglais ddata sy’n dangos pedwar canfyddiad allweddol.
Yn gyntaf, mewn dros draean o ysgolion Cymru, o’r plant y cynigir cyfle iddynt gymryd rhan mewn ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored, mae llai na 75 y cant o blant yn cymryd rhan. Yn ail, nododd 60 y cant o'r ysgolion y gwnaed arolwg ohonynt mai rhesymau ariannol yw'r prif rwystr rhag cymryd rhan mewn ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored. Yn drydydd, nid yw dros un o bob pump o ysgolion Cymru yn cynnig cymhorthdal i deuluoedd sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn ariannol. Ac yn bedwerydd, mae ymchwil cychwynnol wedi awgrymu hefyd y bydd mwy o blant o ardaloedd mwy cefnog yn cymryd rhan mewn ymweliadau addysg awyr agored, tra bo'r rheini mewn ardaloedd llai cefnog yn cymryd rhan yn llai aml.
Yn wir, canfu canlyniadau'r arolwg fod 65 y cant o ysgolion ym Mlaenau Gwent wedi nodi cyfyngiadau ariannol fel problem; yng Nghaerffili, nododd 70 y cant o ysgolion fod cyfyngiadau ariannol yn broblem; ac yn Rhondda Cynon Taf, nododd 75 y cant o'r ysgolion fod cyfyngiadau ariannol yn broblem, tra bo 45 y cant yn unig yn amlinellu hyn fel problem yn sir Fynwy. Yn ogystal, yn ystod y broses hon, un peth allweddol a nodais yw’r ffaith anffodus mai ymweliad addysg awyr agored, mewn gwirionedd, yw’r unig gyfle o bosibl y caiff rhai o’ch pobl ifanc weld y tu hwnt i’r cymunedau y maent yn byw ynddynt, ac i gael profiad o rywbeth newydd.
Felly, gyda fy mhapur ystadegol, rwy'n siŵr fod dilynwyr brwd fy nghyfrif Twitter a fy nhudalen Facebook wedi gweld dwy erthygl allweddol a rannais yr haf hwn mewn perthynas ag addysg awyr agored. Yn gyntaf, canfu ymchwil newydd gan Brifysgol Abertawe, a gyhoeddwyd drwy BBC Cymru, fod plant yng Nghymru ymhlith y plant lleiaf heini yn y byd, gydag ymchwilwyr yn rhoi F am ffitrwydd i blant a phobl ifanc Cymru. Canfu ail erthygl gan y BBC, a oedd yn cynnwys ymchwil gan Chwaraeon Cymru, fod plant yn cymryd rhan mewn llai o chwaraeon nag a wnaent bedair blynedd yn ôl, gyda 36 y cant o blant heb fod yn gwneud unrhyw weithgareddau y tu allan i’w gwersi addysg gorfforol yn yr ysgol, o gymharu â 28 y cant bedair blynedd yn ôl yn unig. Rwy'n siŵr y gall pob Aelod o bob rhan o'r Siambr gytuno nad yw'n iawn nad yw cyfran sylweddol o'n pobl ifanc ledled Cymru yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn rhywbeth sydd mor fuddiol, naill ai oherwydd o ble maent yn dod neu sefyllfa ariannol eu teulu. Credaf na allwn sefyll yn ôl a gadael i'n plant fynd yn llai iach a’n pobl ifanc i beidio â chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau awyr agored, ac nid yw’n dderbyniol inni eistedd yma a pheidio â gwneud dim ynglŷn â'r peth.
Gan symud ymlaen at y costau ariannol, y gwn fod yr Aelodau’n awyddus i’w deall yn well, a chredaf ei bod ond yn deg ein bod yn rhoi sylw i'r mater hwn hefyd. Mae’r ymchwil a’r ddealltwriaeth gychwynnol wedi dangos y byddai hyn yn costio rhwng £9.9 miliwn a £13.6 miliwn i’w ariannu, sef oddeutu 0.06 y cant o gyfanswm cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru. Serch hynny, ar ôl i'r Bil gael ei roi mewn grym, credaf y byddem yn gweld manteision ariannol o ganlyniad iddo mewn gwirionedd, gydag arbedion i wasanaethau cyhoeddus drwy welliannau i iechyd, llesiant, gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl a chanlyniadau addysg, ynghyd â gwell gwerthfawrogiad o’r amgylchedd. Yn ogystal â hynny, byddai cyflwyno a chefnogi’r Bil hwn yn cyfrannu at bedwar diben allweddol Cwricwlwm i Gymru Llywodraeth Cymru: byddem yn gweld dysgwyr hyd yn oed yn fwy uchelgeisiol a galluog sy'n barod i ddysgu drwy gydol eu hoes; byddem yn gweld cyfranwyr mentrus a chreadigol sy’n barod i chwarae rhan lawn mewn bywyd a gwaith; byddem yn gweld dinasyddion mwy moesegol a gwybodus sy’n barod i fod yn ddinasyddion Cymru a’r byd; ac yn olaf, byddem yn gweld unigolion iachach a hyderus sy’n barod i fyw bywydau boddhaus fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas.
Hoffwn roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Aelodau hefyd ynglŷn â sut y mae hyn yn gweithio mewn rhannau eraill o’r Deyrnas Unedig. Fel y bydd rhai yn gwybod, mae Bil addysg awyr agored yn gweithio'i ffordd drwy Senedd yr Alban ar hyn o bryd, ac mae wedi bod yn hynod ddefnyddiol siarad â chymheiriaid yno a deall bod cefnogaeth drawsbleidiol yno hefyd i gynnig o'r fath. Mae hefyd yn bwysig amlinellu’r cymorth sy’n dod o’r sector addysg awyr agored mewn perthynas â’r Bil hwn, oherwydd er imi fod yn gweithio arno dros y tri mis diwethaf, ni allaf honni o gwbl fy mod yn arbenigwr, yn wahanol i’r rheini yn y sector addysg awyr agored, sy'n byw, yn anadlu ac yn gweithio addysg awyr agored o ddydd i ddydd. A bydd yr Aelodau’n nodi, gan fy mod yn siŵr eu bod wedi darllen y memorandwm esboniadol, yn adran 41, y gefnogaeth gref gan sefydliadau awyr agored blaenllaw ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys Urdd Gobaith Cymru, y Sefydliad Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored, Cyngor Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored, y Panel Cynghorwyr Addysg Awyr Agored a'r Cerddwyr. Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae yna nifer o sefydliadau y gallwn barhau i'w rhestru, ond mae llawer iawn o gefnogaeth i'r Bil hwn.
Hefyd, hoffwn fynegi fy nealltwriaeth a'r realiti fod angen gwneud llawer mwy o waith gyda’r Bil hwn. Dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, rwyf fi a llawer o bobl eraill wedi dod o hyd i lawer o waith a data arwyddocaol yn ymwneud â pham fod angen y Bil, ond wrth gwrs, mae angen gwneud mwy i ddeall hyn yn llawn. A dyna pam y credaf fod rôl hollbwysig i Aelodau’r wrthblaid ac Aelodau meinciau cefn y Senedd hon allu gweithio’n drawsbleidiol i gyflwyno newidiadau cadarnhaol a pharhaol a fydd yn ategu’r gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae’n hollbwysig nodi hefyd, drwy gefnogi’r cynnig heddiw, ei fod yn caniatáu imi ddechrau’r broses o weithio’n ddiflino dros y flwyddyn nesaf, law yn llaw â’r sector awyr agored, i gasglu mwy o dystiolaeth a data ynghylch yr angen am ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored, ac o ganlyniad, i gyflwyno hyn i'r Senedd ymhen blwyddyn. Ond mae'n bwysig ailadrodd y gellir defnyddio pleidlais heddiw fel cyfle i Aelod o'r meinciau cefn a'r wrthblaid geisio cyflwyno deddfwriaeth bwysig a fydd yn sicrhau newidiadau parhaol ac yn ategu gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru.
Felly, i gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl sefydliadau a staff sydd wedi gweithio'n ddiflino i fy helpu i gynhyrchu memorandwm esboniadol y Bil, y papur ystadegol, ynghyd â chrynodeb o'r Bil. Ond hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i'r Aelodau ar draws y Senedd am roi amser o’u hamserlenni prysur i drafod y Bil hwn gyda mi, ynghyd â’r Gweinidog addysg, yr edrychaf ymlaen at glywed ganddo yn ddiweddarach yn y ddadl hon, a’i drafodaethau cadarnhaol hyd yn hyn. Edrychaf ymlaen at gyfraniadau’r Aelodau i’r cynnig heddiw, ac rwy'n croesawu trafodaethau a chwestiynau ynglŷn â fy nghynigion. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles.
I call on the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae dysgu yn yr awyr agored yn elfen sylfaenol o ran lles ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. Mae'n ffordd o'u helpu nhw i gadw'n iach yn gorfforol ac yn gallu helpu gyda'u lles meddyliol ac emosiynol hefyd. Mae'n caniatáu iddyn nhw ymwneud â'r byd o'u cwmpas, gan roi cyfle iddyn nhw brofi rhyfeddodau natur. Dyna pam mae ein cwricwlwm newydd yn pwysleisio rôl dysgu yn yr awyr agored ar draws y cwricwlwm, mewn meysydd fel iechyd a lles, gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg, y dyniaethau, a'r celfyddydau mynegiannol. Mae hyn yn cael ei wneud yn gwbl glir yn y canllawiau statudol y mae'n rhaid i bob ysgol eu hystyried wrth ddatblygu eu cwricwlwm.
Mae'n hanfodol i blant a phobl ifanc gael profiadau o ddysgu yn yr awyr agored drwy gydol eu hamser yn yr ysgol, ac i'r profiadau hynny fod yn rhai difyr a chofiadwy. Mae canllawiau statudol y Cwricwlwm i Gymru'n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd yr amgylchedd dysgu fel ysgogwr allweddol yn y cwricwlwm, ac yn nodi y dylai dysgwyr o bob oed brofi cyfleoedd dysgu dilys dan do ac yn yr awyr agored. Mae'r egwyddorion addysgeg sy'n cael eu hamlinellu yn y canllawiau hefyd yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd dysgu yn yr awyr agored. Mae disgwyliad clir, felly, y dylai dysgwyr fwynhau'r awyr agored yn rheolaidd.
Mae ein canllawiau statudol ar sicrhau dull ysgol gyfan o edrych ar les emosiynol a meddyliol hefyd yn tynnu sylw at y cysylltiad rhwng lles corfforol a meddyliol, manteision dysgu yn yr awyr agored, a chael mynediad at fannau yn yr awyr agored. Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn i gydweithio â'r Aelod a phobl eraill sydd â buddiant ar ffyrdd o gryfhau, cefnogi a pharhau i ddatblygu'r cyfraniad y mae addysg yn yr awyr agored yn ei wneud i'r hawl i ddysgu yng Nghymru, a datblygiad ein plant a'n pobl ifanc.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. Outdoor learning is a fundamental element in terms of the well-being of our children and young people. It's a way of helping them to keep physically healthy and can help with their mental and emotional well-being too. It allows them to relate to the world around them, giving them an opportunity to experience the wonders of nature. That's why our new curriculum emphasises the role of outdoor learning across the curriculum, in areas such as health and well-being, science and technology, humanities, and the expressive arts. This is all made entirely clear in the statutory guidance that every school must take account of as they develop their curriculum.
It is crucial that children and young people have the experience of outdoor learning throughout their time at school, and for those experiences to be interesting and memorable. Statutory guidance for the Curriculum for Wales does emphasise the importance of the learning environment as a key motivator in the curriculum, and notes that learners of all ages should have valid learning experience indoors and outdoors. The pedagogical principles outlined in the guidance also emphasise the importance of outdoor learning and teaching. There’s a clear expectation, therefore, that learners should enjoy the outdoor space regularly.
Our statutory guidance on ensuring a whole-school approach of looking at emotional and mental well-being also draws attention to the link between physical and mental well-being, the benefits of outdoor learning, and having access to outdoor spaces. I am therefore very eager to work with the Member and others who have an interest in this issue on ways of strengthening, supporting and continuing to develop the contribution that outdoor education makes to the right to learn in Wales, and the development of our children and young people.
It is, of course, important, Dirprwy Lywydd, to emphasise that different learners have different needs. We want to empower schools to choose the outdoor learning experiences that best support their particular learners in their particular context. That will—and rightly will—look different for different learners, with different contexts at different ages. To be successful, our efforts to promote outdoor learning, which we are all agreed are vital, must recognise this.
We also need to ensure that learners' access to outdoor learning is something that happens throughout their time in school. We need learners to have ongoing memorable and engaging experiences of outdoor learning that will develop the behaviours and attitudes that instil a lifelong love of the outdoors.
The first concern I have with the proposed Bill is that it intends that one approach to providing outdoor learning and experience should be made a statutory duty. Our new curriculum approach in Wales is to ensure that the experiences of the learner reflect as nearly as possible the needs of that learner. That is not reflected in the approach that the Bill proposes.
My second concern, which the Member has anticipated in his opening contribution, is that the costs are significant. The Member's explanatory memorandum estimates the bill for this to be around £10 million to £13.6 million. Our early analysis would put it closer to the £18 million mark. Either way, given the current economic climate, this creates another very significant pressure on an already highly pressurised funding pot. We all know that the outlook for public funding over the next few years is extremely bleak. The inflationary pressure on our current funding from the UK Government means that we are getting considerably less for our money now than we would have when it was allocated, and there is little to no sign that this pressure will be eased in the short to medium term. Indeed, there is a very real scenario in which we face even deeper cuts to our budget.
At a time when we are doing everything we can to reduce the financial burden on schools and parents, I cannot add more pressure to the public purse, however sympathetic I am to the broad aims of the proposed Bill. In future, when we reach a point when the funding choices aren't, perhaps, so stark, we might be able to have a different sort of discussion, but in the current climate, it is simply not possible.
However, having recently met on more than one occasion with the Member and with members of the cross-party group for the outdoor activity sector, I know that there is an enormous amount of energy, experience and expertise available to us. The proposal has brought a renewed vigour to the discussion of the merits of outdoor learning, and I would like to work with the sector, alongside my officials and our school practitioners, on ways to encourage more outdoor learning, including outdoor residential experiences, in a way that is practically deliverable.
Areas that could be explored, for example, could include improved professional learning support for practitioners, initial teacher education, resources and supporting materials, and the sharing of good practice, including to help address some of the barriers that schools face or perceive. Such an approach would make practitioners central to a conversation about what works best for outdoor learning, and how this can be done. With the best will in the world, there will of course be less capacity to do all of that good work if we are also engaged in working with the Member on the Bill, but I would hope we could make at least some progress. I know from our discussions with the Member that he would be keen to work together, and I welcome that.
In conclusion, Dirprwy Lywydd, the Government cannot support the Bill, but we are proposing an alternative approach, within the principles of our curriculum, to work instead with the Member and others on developing a package of measures that can be implemented quickly, in the here and now, aimed at strengthening the impact of and access to outdoor education for all of our learners in Wales, without putting an unwelcome pressure on its already pressured funding pot. Diolch yn fawr.
Wrth gwrs, mae'n bwysig pwysleisio, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fod gan wahanol ddysgwyr anghenion gwahanol. Rydym yn awyddus i rymuso ysgolion i ddewis y profiadau dysgu awyr agored sy'n cefnogi eu dysgwyr hwy orau yn eu cyd-destun penodol. Bydd hynny—ac yn gwbl briodol—yn edrych yn wahanol ar gyfer gwahanol ddysgwyr, gyda chyd-destunau gwahanol i wahanol oedrannau. Er mwyn bod yn llwyddiannus, mae'n rhaid i'n hymdrechion i hyrwyddo dysgu yn yr awyr agored, y mae pob un ohonom yn cytuno eu bod yn hanfodol, gydnabod hyn.
Mae angen inni sicrhau hefyd fod mynediad dysgwyr at ddysgu yn yr awyr agored yn rhywbeth sy’n digwydd drwy gydol eu hamser yn yr ysgol. Mae angen i ddysgwyr gael profiadau cofiadwy a difyr parhaus o ddysgu yn yr awyr agored a fydd yn datblygu'r ymddygiadau a'r agweddau sy'n meithrin cariad gydol oes at yr awyr agored.
Y pryder cyntaf sydd gennyf gyda’r Bil arfaethedig yw ei fod yn bwriadu gwneud un dull o ddarparu dysgu a phrofiad awyr agored yn ddyletswydd statudol. Dull y cwricwlwm newydd yng Nghymru yw sicrhau bod profiadau’r dysgwr yn adlewyrchu anghenion y dysgwr hwnnw mor agos â phosibl. Nid yw hynny’n cael ei adlewyrchu yn y dull y mae’r Bil yn ei argymell.
Fy ail bryder, un y mae’r Aelod wedi’i ragweld yn ei gyfraniad agoriadol, yw bod y costau’n sylweddol. Mae memorandwm esboniadol yr Aelod yn amcangyfrif y bydd y bil ar gyfer hyn oddeutu £10 miliwn i £13.6 miliwn. Byddai ein dadansoddiad cynnar yn ei roi'n nes at £18 miliwn. Ond y naill ffordd neu'r llall, o ystyried yr hinsawdd economaidd bresennol, mae hyn yn creu pwysau sylweddol iawn arall ar gronfa gyllid sydd eisoes dan lawer o bwysau. Gŵyr pob un ohonom fod y rhagolygon ar gyfer cyllid cyhoeddus dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf yn llwm dros ben. Mae pwysau chwyddiant ar ein cyllid presennol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn golygu ein bod yn cael cryn dipyn yn llai am ein harian yn awr nag y byddem wedi’i gael pan gafodd ei ddyrannu, ac nid oes fawr ddim arwydd y bydd y pwysau hwn yn lleddfu yn y tymor byr i’r tymor canolig. Yn wir, mae yna senario real iawn lle gallem wynebu toriadau dyfnach byth i’n cyllideb.
Ar adeg pan ydym yn gwneud popeth a allwn i leihau’r baich ariannol ar ysgolion a rhieni, ni allaf ychwanegu mwy o bwysau ar bwrs y wlad, ni waeth faint o gydymdeimlad sydd gennyf ag amcanion cyffredinol y Bil arfaethedig. Yn y dyfodol, pan fyddwn yn cyrraedd adeg pan nad yw’r dewisiadau cyllidol mor llwm, efallai y bydd modd inni gael trafodaeth wahanol, ond yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni, nid yw hynny’n bosibl.
Fodd bynnag, ar ôl cyfarfod ar fwy nag un achlysur yn ddiweddar â’r Aelod a chydag aelodau o’r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar gyfer y sector gweithgareddau awyr agored, gwn fod llawer iawn o egni, profiad ac arbenigedd ar gael i ni. Mae’r cynnig wedi dod ag egni o’r newydd i’r drafodaeth ar rinweddau dysgu yn yr awyr agored, a hoffwn weithio gyda’r sector, ochr yn ochr â fy swyddogion ac addysgwyr, ar ffyrdd o annog mwy o ddysgu yn yr awyr agored, gan gynnwys profiadau preswyl awyr agored, mewn ffordd y gellir ei chyflawni'n ymarferol.
Gallai meysydd y gellid eu harchwilio, er enghraifft, gynnwys gwell cymorth dysgu proffesiynol i addysgwyr, addysg gychwynnol i athrawon, adnoddau a deunyddiau ategol, a rhannu arferion da, gan gynnwys helpu i fynd i’r afael â rhai o’r rhwystrau y mae ysgolion yn eu hwynebu neu’n eu canfod. Byddai dull o’r fath yn gwneud addysgwyr yn ganolog i'r sgwrs ynglŷn â'r hyn sy’n gweithio orau ar gyfer dysgu yn yr awyr agored, a sut y gellir gwneud hyn. Gyda’r ewyllys gorau yn y byd, wrth gwrs, bydd llai o gapasiti i wneud yr holl waith da hwnnw os ydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda’r Aelod ar y Bil, ond byddwn yn gobeithio y gallem o leiaf wneud rhywfaint o gynnydd. Gwn o’n trafodaethau gyda’r Aelod y byddai’n awyddus i gydweithio, ac rwy'n croesawu hynny.
I gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ni all y Llywodraeth gefnogi’r Bil, ond rydym yn cynnig dull amgen, o fewn egwyddorion ein cwricwlwm, i weithio yn lle hynny gyda’r Aelod ac eraill ar ddatblygu pecyn o fesurau y gellir eu rhoi ar waith yn gyflym, ar unwaith, gyda’r nod o gryfhau effaith addysg awyr agored a mynediad at addysg awyr agored i bob un o’n dysgwyr yng Nghymru, heb roi pwysau diangen ar y gronfa sy'n ei hariannu, cronfa sydd eisoes dan bwysau. Diolch yn fawr.
My thanks go to Sam for bringing forward this legislative proposal. It gives a really much-needed airing here in the Senedd to the benefits of outdoor education and activity. It's very timely on the back of the new curriculum, which has been shaped by the heightened realisation of the wide benefits of learning in the outdoors. Indeed, the Welsh Government curriculum guidance states that learning outdoors can lead to high levels of well-being, confidence and engagement; that it supports social, emotional, spiritual and physical development; that it provides opportunities to inspire awe and wonder, to engage and connect with the natural world, to explore the concept of sustainability in a practical way; and to explore a young person's physical potential, develop their ability to assess and experience risk, helping to develop resilience and confidence. So, we're on fertile ground, where, from Welsh Government to front-line educators, there's a drive towards taking our pupils, our young people, into the great outdoors.
The habits of early years are ingrained. If we develop active participation in the outdoors as a child, it sticks with us. In primary school, I was lucky enough to visit Llangrannog for a week, and also an outdoor education centre in the Gower, learning about oxbow lakes and prehistoric burial mounds. In secondary school, we went to Bala, and we canoed and we climbed. Our geography teacher took us scrambling over the mountains and valleys of north Wales, to study glacial moraines, arêtes, drumlins and cirques. We learnt hands on through the Duke of Edinburgh awards, to gold level, how to safely venture into the outdoors in all conditions, and read maps and the hills in front of us, old style. And by the time I left school, I could trust myself, and be trusted by others, to walk back in the snow and the full moon along the Fan Hir ridge, or even to hike those Alps that I never got to as a youngster because there was a fee to do so. I've been there now, and I've literally got the T-shirt. Now, at nearly 60, I still get itchy feet to get out of the Siambr and up high on the mountains, or on our great Wales coast path, or even canoeing the Cleddau. Residential stays are even more profound for a young person than even the best, the most brilliant day excursions. Staying away from home with your peers, with expert and experienced tutors and teachers, is a deeper and more lasting experience. It's the difference between dipping your toes in that mountain stream and full head-and-shoulders immersion in that mountain lake.
With my own background, but also as the current chair of the cross-party group for the outdoor activity sector, of which Sam is a prominent member—and, in fact, many of Wales's outdoor organisations are members, and probably helped him in drafting the legislative proposal—I have an intuitive warmth towards this. But there are, and Sam will acknowledge this, some real and difficult questions to face, which are not to do with the good intent or principle of the proposal, but they go to the heart of the practicality at this moment in time. Not least amongst these—and the Minister touched on them—are costs and legislative time. The proposal isn't clear on costs yet, understandably. It estimates £10 million to £15 million, but it could be more. The costs have a heightened significance right now, at a time when we know that schools, local authorities and the Welsh Government itself are under intense pressures. We anticipate that things could get a lot worse. To mandate schools, local authorities or the Welsh Government to even find another £10 million or £15 million, or more, for residential stays right now—a cost that, I have to say, in better times, would be considered money well spent—is I suspect currently money not available easily, when, at the same time, schools may be this autumn facing decisions on whether to lay off staff, not just whether they can afford an uplift in salaries.
The second issue is that of legislative time and the immense legislative load of Government and the Senedd, and, indeed, the Commission. There's the made-in-Wales legislation, which is ramping up as the programme for government and the co-operation agreement commitments kick in; the unprecedented number of LCMs flowing from the made-in-England and Wales legislation, originating from Westminster; the long tail continuing of the post-Brexit legislation and the pandemic legislation—all this and the pending Northern Ireland legislation and the headlong rush to remove EU retained law from the statute book by December 2023, involving an estimated 2,400 regulations, but we're not sure of the exact number. The legislative workload has never been so stretched; school and public finances likewise. There has never been, Sam, a more challenging time to bring forward a Bill, and I say that as somebody who is supportive of seeing more backbench legislation forming part of our legislative programme.
If the reality I describe is correct, Minister, then it does fall to you to explain how the spirit, if not the letter, of this well-intentioned proposal can be taken forward. You've started to flesh that up. If we don't have the cash or the legislative capacity right now, that will surely not always be the case. I and others would advocate that our children and young people should have access to the outdoors as a rite—and I say this in capitals—of passage into safe lifelong enjoyment and exploration of the outdoors with all the benefits it brings.
Minister, you've acknowledged in your statement that a residential outdoor experience could indeed be part of every child or person's life, and that if the timing is wrong now, and the door is not being shut forever on such a proposal, that Government will embark on a new phase of work with the organisations behind the proposal, and the proposer, Sam, and the cross-party group on ways to encourage greater uptake of outdoor experience, and this will look at removing real or perceived barriers to outdoor residential uptake from schools, but immediately, ways in which the sector can work with the new curriculum to maximise opportunities for them and for learners.
Finally, Minister, if I could simply ask you in closing to make every effort—. I know you've engaged constructively with Sam, and likewise, it's been reciprocated. I want you to continue that dialogue with Sam, with the wider outdoor education and activity sector, and also, dare I suggest, with the cross-party group as well, because this is a well-intentioned piece of legislation, even if the timing is difficult.
Diolch i Sam am gyflwyno'r cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn. Mae'n hen bryd ein bod yn gwyntyllu manteision addysg a gweithgarwch awyr agored yn y Senedd. Daw'n amserol iawn yn sgil y cwricwlwm newydd, sydd wedi'i lunio gan sylweddoliad pellach o fanteision eang dysgu yn yr awyr agored. Yn wir, mae canllawiau cwricwlwm Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi y gall dysgu yn yr awyr agored arwain at lefelau uchel o lesiant, hyder ac ymgysylltiad; mae'n cefnogi datblygiad cymdeithasol, emosiynol, ysbrydol a chorfforol; mae'n rhoi cyfleoedd i ysbrydoli synnwyr o barch a rhyfeddod, i ymgysylltu a chysylltu â byd natur, i archwilio'r cysyniad o gynaliadwyedd mewn ffordd ymarferol; ac i archwilio potensial corfforol person ifanc, gan ddatblygu eu gallu i asesu a phrofi risg, a helpu i ddatblygu gwytnwch a hyder. Felly, rydym ar dir ffrwythlon, lle mae pawb, o Lywodraeth Cymru i addysgwyr rheng flaen, yn ymgyrchu i fynd â'n disgyblion, ein pobl ifanc, allan i'r awyr agored.
Mae arferion y blynyddoedd cynnar wedi'u gwreiddio ynom. Os ydym yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn yr awyr agored yn blant, mae'n aros gyda ni. Yn yr ysgol gynradd, bûm yn ddigon ffodus i ymweld â Llangrannog am wythnos, a hefyd canolfan addysg awyr agored yn y Gŵyr, yn dysgu am ystumllynnoedd a chladdfeydd cynhanesyddol. Yn yr ysgol uwchradd, aethom i'r Bala, ac fe aethom i ganŵio a dringo. Aeth ein hathrawes ddaearyddiaeth â ni i sgrialu dros fynyddoedd a chymoedd gogledd Cymru, i astudio marianau rhewlifol, cribau, drymlinau a pheirannau. Fe ddysgasom drwy brofiad personol gyda gwobrau Dug Caeredin, i lefel aur, sut i fentro i'r awyr agored yn ddiogel ym mhob tywydd, a darllen mapiau a'r bryniau o'n blaenau, yn yr hen ffordd. Ac erbyn imi adael yr ysgol, gallwn ymddiried ynof fy hun, a phobl eraill yn gallu ymddiried ynof fi, i gerdded yn ôl yn yr eira a'r lleuad llawn ar hyd crib Fan Hir, neu hyd yn oed i gerdded yr Alpau na chefais eu cerdded yn berson ifanc oherwydd bod yn rhaid talu ffi i wneud hynny. Rwyf wedi bod yno bellach, ac rwyf wedi cael y crys-T, yn llythrennol. Erbyn hyn, a minnau bron yn 60 oed, rwy'n dal i ysu i adael y Siambr a mynd i gerdded mynyddoedd, neu lwybr arfordir Cymru, neu ganŵio'r Cleddau hyd yn oed. Mae arosiadau preswyl yn fwy cyffrous i berson ifanc na'r gwibdeithiau dydd gorau hyd yn oed. Mae aros oddi cartref gyda'ch cyfoedion, gyda thiwtoriaid ac athrawon arbenigol a phrofiadol, yn brofiad dyfnach a mwy parhaol. Dyna'r gwahaniaeth rhwng trochi eich traed yn nant y mynydd a throchi ben ac ysgwydd mewn llyn ar fynydd.
Gyda fy nghefndir fy hun, ond hefyd fel cadeirydd presennol grŵp trawsbleidiol y sector gweithgareddau awyr agored, y mae Sam yn aelod amlwg ohono—ac mae llawer o sefydliadau awyr agored Cymru yn aelodau ohono mewn gwirionedd, ac mae'n debyg eu bod wedi ei helpu i ddrafftio'r cynnig deddfwriaethol—mae gennyf gydymdeimlad greddfol â hyn. Ond mae yna gwestiynau real ac anodd i'w hateb, a bydd Sam yn cydnabod hyn, cwestiynau nad ydynt yn ymwneud â bwriad da nac egwyddor y cynnig, ond sy'n mynd at wraidd yr ymarferoldeb ar yr adeg hon. Mae costau ac amser deddfwriaethol yn arbennig—ac mae'r Gweinidog wedi cyffwrdd â hwy—ymhlith y rhain. Nid yw'r cynnig yn glir ar gostau eto, yn ddigon dealladwy. Mae'n amcangyfrif £10 miliwn i £15 miliwn, ond gallai fod yn fwy. Mae arwyddocâd dwysach i'r costau ar hyn o bryd, ar adeg pan wyddom fod ysgolion, awdurdodau lleol a Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun o dan bwysau dwys. Rydym yn rhagweld y gallai pethau fynd yn llawer gwaeth. Rwy'n tybio bod mandadu ysgolion, awdurdodau lleol neu Lywodraeth Cymru i ddod o hyd i £10 miliwn neu £15 miliwn arall, neu fwy, ar gyfer arosiadau preswyl ar hyn o bryd—cost a fyddai, rhaid i mi ddweud, mewn amseroedd gwell, yn cael ei ystyried yn arian wedi'i wario'n dda—yn arian nad yw ar gael yn hawdd ar hyn o bryd, pan allai ysgolion, ar yr un pryd, fod yn wynebu penderfyniadau ynglŷn ag a ddylid diswyddo staff yr hydref hwn, nid yn unig i ba raddau y gallant fforddio codi cyflogau.
Mae'r ail fater yn ymwneud ag amser deddfwriaethol a llwyth deddfwriaethol aruthrol y Llywodraeth a'r Senedd, a'r Comisiwn yn wir. Mae gennym y ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed yng Nghymru, sy'n mynd o nerth i nerth wrth i'r rhaglen lywodraethu ac ymrwymiadau'r cytundeb cydweithio ddod i rym; y nifer digynsail o gynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol sy'n llifo o'r ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed yng Nghymru a Lloegr, sy'n tarddu o San Steffan; parhad y ddeddfwriaeth ôl-Brexit hirfaith a deddfwriaeth y pandemig—hyn i gyd a'r ddeddfwriaeth sydd ar y gweill mewn perthynas â Gogledd Iwerddon a'r rhuthr byrbwyll i ddiddymu cyfreithiau a gadwyd yn ôl gan yr UE o'r llyfr statud erbyn Rhagfyr 2023, sy'n cynnwys oddeutu 2,400 o reoliadau, ond nid ydym yn siŵr o'r union nifer. Nid yw'r llwyth gwaith deddfwriaethol erioed wedi gweld y fath bwysau; na chyllid ysgolion a chyllid cyhoeddus ychwaith. Ni fu amser mwy heriol erioed i gyflwyno Bil, Sam, ac rwy'n dweud hynny fel rhywun sy'n gefnogol i weld mwy o ddeddfwriaeth meinciau cefn yn rhan o'n rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol.
Os yw'r realiti rwy'n ei ddisgrifio yn gywir, Weinidog, mae cyfrifoldeb arnoch chi i egluro sut y gellir bwrw ymlaen ag ysbryd, os nad llythren, y cynnig hwn o leiaf, sydd â bwriad da. Rydych wedi dechrau gwisgo cnawd am hynny. Os nad oes gennym arian na chapasiti deddfwriaethol ar hyn o bryd, mae'n siŵr na fydd hynny bob amser yn wir. Byddwn i ac eraill yn dadlau y dylai ein plant a'n pobl ifanc gael mynediad at yr awyr agored fel defod newid byd—ac rwy'n dweud hyn mewn prif lythrennau—i sicrhau eu bod yn gallu mwynhau ac archwilio'r awyr agored drwy gydol eu hoes mewn modd diogel a chyda'r holl fanteision a ddaw yn sgil hynny.
Weinidog, rydych wedi cydnabod yn eich datganiad y gallai profiad preswyl yn yr awyr agored fod yn rhan o fywyd pob plentyn neu berson, ac os yw'r amseru'n anghywir yn awr, ac nad yw'r drws wedi'i gau am byth ar gynnig o'r fath, y bydd y Llywodraeth yn bwrw iddi i weithio gyda'r sefydliadau sy'n cefnogi'r cynnig, y cynigydd, Sam, a'r grŵp trawsbleidiol i feddwl am ffyrdd o annog mwy o ddefnydd o brofiadau awyr agored, a bydd hyn yn edrych ar gael gwared ar rwystrau go iawn neu ganfyddedig i ddefnydd ysgolion o sefydliadau preswyl awyr agored, ond ar unwaith, ffyrdd y gall y sector weithio gyda'r cwricwlwm newydd i sicrhau cymaint â phosibl o gyfleoedd iddynt hwy ac i ddysgwyr.
Yn olaf, Weinidog, wrth orffen hoffwn ofyn i chi wneud pob ymdrech—. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi ymgysylltu'n adeiladol â Sam, ac mae yntau wedi ymateb yn yr un modd. Rwyf eisiau i chi barhau â'r ddeialog honno gyda Sam, gyda'r sector addysg a gweithgareddau awyr agored ehangach, ac os caf awgrymu, gyda'r grŵp trawsbleidiol hefyd, oherwydd mae hon yn ddeddfwriaeth ag iddi fwriadau da, hyd yn oed os yw'r amseru'n anodd.
Diolch, Sam, am ddod â hyn ger ein bron ni.
Thank you, Sam, for bringing this forward today.
I don't avidly follow your Twitter or Facebook, I have to admit; I like to look after my blood pressure. [Laughter.] But I have seen the research that you've referenced, and, certainly, we can all relay the countless benefits there are from outdoor education. Many of us, as Huw mentioned, have had the pleasure of being in Llangrannog, Glan-llyn—all those are invaluable experiences, and we would like to see, I'm sure, every child and young person have that opportunity.
We will be supporting you in taking forward the Bill. We think it's important that some of the issues raised are explored further. Of course, we have questions around the funding. There are some questions I've outlined when we've met and discussed in terms of some of the practicalities there, but we think it does deserve having that additional time and additional focus, for us to understand currently who does and who doesn't have access to this opportunity, what risks there are from the cost-of-living crisis with local authorities in terms of those currently having these experiences missing out, because we can't take that for granted. The thing that really convinced us was, in particular, the fact that we see from the evidence that it indicates worryingly that double the percentage of children who live in the most affluent local authorities attend an outdoor education residential visit compared to those pupils in the local authorities with the highest levels of deprivation. If we're talking about ensuring that every child has the best start in life, then surely it cannot be that it's only the most affluent, those that can afford. So, even if it is looking at how we provide for those families who are currently in receipt of grants in terms of school uniform et cetera, we would love to see this expanded so that more children and young people can benefit.
I think there are also things that we can tie in with the target of a million Welsh speakers, and our agreement to be working on a Welsh language education Bill, because key to this as well is the opportunity outdoor education provides for children and young people to enjoy through the medium of Welsh, to be able to be in Glan-llyn in a canoe and enjoy through the medium of Welsh, to have all those enriching experiences. Because these outdoor education experiences aren't just for those in Welsh-medium education at the moment. If we're serious about the Welsh language as a single continuum, then this provides a great opportunity to introduce the Welsh language outside of the classroom, in a fun and engaging way. I know that the Urdd have embraced the opportunities provided by this Bill in particular. Wouldn't it be amazing if every child in Wales had the opportunity to go to either Gwersyll yr Urdd in Cardiff here, or Llangrannog or Glan-llyn, and have that fun experience through the medium of Welsh? All of this is possible.
We do believe there are some things—. Of course, finances are the most challenging things. Determining the budgets for residential visits, drawing up a comprehensive plan, are all important, but we agree with the principle that, regardless of family income or demographic, all children and young people should have this opportunity. We need to be mindful as well, of course, in terms of teacher engagement. Teachers, very often, organise such initiatives in addition to what they're doing already. It obviously takes time away from the classroom as well, but they see it as worthwhile, so we would like to see teaching unions engaged in the work as it progresses. But we wish you luck and we look forward to engaging more positively, if this is taken forward.
Nid wyf yn dilyn eich cyfrifon Twitter a Facebook yn frwd, rhaid imi gyfaddef; rwy'n hoffi edrych ar ôl fy mhwysedd gwaed. [Chwerthin.] Ond rwyf wedi gweld yr ymchwil y cyfeirioch chi ati, ac yn sicr gallwn i gyd ailadrodd y manteision dirifedi sy'n gysylltiedig ag addysg awyr agored. Fel y soniodd Huw, mae llawer ohonom wedi cael y pleser o fod yn Llangrannog, Glan-llyn—mae pob un o'r rheini'n brofiadau amhrisiadwy, ac rwy'n siŵr yr hoffem weld pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yn cael y cyfle hwnnw.
Byddwn yn eich cefnogi i fwrw ymlaen â'r Bil. Rydym yn credu ei bod yn bwysig fod rhai o'r materion a godwyd yn cael eu harchwilio ymhellach. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym gwestiynau ynghylch y cyllid. Mae yna rai cwestiynau a amlinellais pan wnaethom gyfarfod a thrafod rhai o'r pethau ymarferol, ond credwn ei fod yn haeddu cael amser ychwanegol a ffocws ychwanegol er mwyn i ni ddeall pwy sy'n cael manteisio ar y cyfle hwn a phwy nad yw'n cael gwneud hynny, pa risgiau sy'n codi o'r argyfwng costau byw gydag awdurdodau lleol o ran y rhai sy'n cael eu hamddifadu o'r profiadau hyn ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd ni allwn gymryd hynny'n ganiataol. Yn fwyaf arbennig, y peth a'n hargyhoeddodd yn fawr oedd bod y dystiolaeth yn dangos, yn bryderus, fod dwbl canran y plant sy'n byw yn yr awdurdodau lleol mwyaf cefnog yn mynychu ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored o gymharu â disgyblion yn yr awdurdodau lleol sydd â'r lefelau uchaf o amddifadedd. Os ydym yn sôn am sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael y dechrau gorau mewn bywyd dylai hynny olygu pawb, nid yn unig y rhai mwyaf cefnog a'r rhai sy'n gallu fforddio gwneud hynny. Felly, hyd yn oed os yw'n fater o edrych ar sut y darparwn ar gyfer teuluoedd sy'n derbyn grantiau ar gyfer gwisgoedd ysgol ac yn y blaen, byddem wrth ein boddau'n gweld hyn yn cael ei ehangu fel bod mwy o blant a phobl ifanc yn gallu elwa.
Rwy'n credu bod yna bethau y gallwn eu plethu i mewn i'r targed o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg hefyd, a'n cytundeb i weithio ar Fil addysg y Gymraeg, oherwydd mae'r cyfle y mae addysg awyr agored yn ei ddarparu i blant a phobl ifanc fwynhau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn allweddol i hyn hefyd, i allu bod yng Nglan-llyn mewn canŵ a mwynhau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, i gael yr holl brofiadau sy'n cyfoethogi bywyd. Oherwydd mae'r profiadau addysg awyr agored hyn ar gyfer mwy na'r rhai sydd mewn addysg Gymraeg ar hyn o bryd yn unig. Os ydym o ddifrif am y Gymraeg fel continwwm sengl, mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle gwych i gyflwyno'r Gymraeg y tu allan i'r dosbarth, mewn ffordd hwyliog a deniadol. Gwn fod yr Urdd wedi cofleidio'r cyfleoedd a ddarparir gan y Bil hwn yn arbennig. Oni fyddai'n rhyfeddol pe bai pob plentyn yng Nghymru yn cael cyfle i fynd i Wersyll yr Urdd yma yng Nghaerdydd, neu Langrannog neu Lan-llyn, a chael y profiad hwyliog hwnnw drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Mae hyn i gyd yn bosibl.
Rydym yn credu bod rhai pethau—. Wrth gwrs, cyllid yw'r peth mwyaf heriol. Mae penderfynu ar y cyllidebau ar gyfer ymweliadau preswyl a llunio cynllun cynhwysfawr i gyd yn bwysig, ond rydym yn cytuno â'r egwyddor, ni waeth beth fo'u hincwm teuluol neu ddemograffeg, y dylai pob plentyn a pherson ifanc gael y cyfle hwn. Mae angen i ni ystyried ymgysylltiad athrawon hefyd wrth gwrs. Mae athrawon, yn aml iawn, yn trefnu mentrau o'r fath yn ychwanegol at yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud eisoes. Mae'n amlwg yn golygu amser i ffwrdd o'r ystafell ddosbarth hefyd, ond maent yn ei ystyried yn werthfawr, felly hoffem weld undebau athrawon yn rhan o'r gwaith wrth iddo fynd rhagddo. Ond rydym yn dymuno pob lwc i chi ac edrychwn ymlaen at ymgysylltu'n fwy cadarnhaol, os eir ymlaen â hyn.
I'm more than happy to stand here and support this Bill today, and I'd like to thank my colleague Sam Rowlands for bringing it to the floor. I was delighted to hear the positivity coming from across the Chamber from Plaid Cymru as well. I was delighted when I saw that this Bill was drawn, as I know, just like myself, that the Member for North Wales is passionate about ensuring that every child and young person has this opportunity—I certainly did, when I was younger—to participate in a week-long residential outdoor education visit at some point during their school journey, ensuring that they too can learn new skills and maybe an appreciation for the outdoors, as well as benefiting from it in terms of physical exercise. It is essential that this Welsh Government and governments that follow give the sort of ring-fenced money to deliver this aim, so it ensures that our local authorities and schools are able to deliver these exciting experiences for our youngsters, even when we face tough economic times.
The benefits of residential outdoor education visits for young people are clear for all to see. As well as the obvious enjoyment on the faces of our young people, they are a way to bond with their peers, to share experiences with friends, to promote healthier lifestyles, to improve mental health and, often, to improve educational outcomes. It isn't right that young people from less affluent areas miss out on these opportunities, like in many parts of my south-east Wales region, and it shouldn't depend on where you live or what school you go to. Many of us, like myself, often take for granted the opportunities and experiences that we had growing up, when many children and young people across Wales haven't had these same experiences. This Bill goes a long way to levelling that playing field across Wales, ensuring equality of opportunity, ensuring we don't have a postcode lottery, council by council, to have experiences like this.
As Sam Rowlands said, if every child were to be fully funded to partake in these activities, initial estimates put the cost between £10 million to £15 million, less than 0.06 per cent of the Welsh Government's budget, although you predict it to be more, Minister. It certainly seems to me that it would be a relatively small price to pay for the education and well-being outcomes for our children that would result from it. Obviously this money needs to come from the centre, and not be put on our local authorities. But we have seen, particularly post pandemic, the investment in outdoor facilities and outdoor spaces, and the increase in outdoor learning, and schools using those learning environments far more now, and the benefits that they have had across Wales.
As shadow education Minister, I am pleased to see ideas like this coming to the Senedd, which enhance what is already there, and I'd like to thank Sam Rowlands for presenting this Bill today. I put my support fully behind it. I now hope that the Chamber can work constructively on the Bill to ensure that young people don't miss out. I just want to make one final point, actually. I just wanted to make sure that it's made clear that this is an out-of-school opportunity that Sam is proposing, not in-school, as you outlined, Minister. Both are important, and, as Huw quite rightly said, it's a deeper long-lasting experience that is being proposed here. I urge you all today to support this motion and the Bill that Sam has brought forward. Thank you.
Rwy'n fwy na pharod i sefyll yma a chefnogi'r Bil hwn heddiw, a hoffwn ddiolch i fy nghyd-Aelod Sam Rowlands am ei gyflwyno. Roeddwn wrth fy modd yn clywed agwedd gadarnhaol Plaid Cymru ar draws y Siambr hefyd. Roeddwn wrth fy modd pan welais fod y Bil hwn wedi'i lunio, oherwydd gwn fod yr Aelod dros Ogledd Cymru yn angerddol, fel finnau, ynglŷn â sicrhau bod pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yn cael y cyfle hwn—yn sicr fe gefais i'r cyfle pan oeddwn i'n iau—i gymryd rhan mewn ymweliad preswyl addysg awyr agored wythnos o hyd ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu cyfnod yn yr ysgol, gan sicrhau eu bod hwythau hefyd yn gallu dysgu sgiliau newydd a gwerthfawrogiad o'r awyr agored efallai, yn ogystal â chael budd ohono o ran ymarfer corff. Mae'n hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru a llywodraethau i ddilyn yn neilltuo arian i gyflawni'r nod hwn, fel y gellir sicrhau bod ein hawdurdodau lleol a'n hysgolion yn gallu cyflwyno'r profiadau cyffrous hyn i'n pobl ifanc, hyd yn oed pan ydym yn wynebu amseroedd economaidd anodd.
Mae manteision ymweliadau preswyl addysg awyr agored i bobl ifanc yn glir i bawb eu gweld. Yn ogystal â'r mwynhad amlwg ar wynebau ein pobl ifanc, maent yn ffordd o greu perthynas agosach â'u cyfoedion, rhannu profiadau gyda ffrindiau, hyrwyddo ffyrdd iachach o fyw, gwella iechyd meddwl, a gwella canlyniadau addysgol yn aml. Nid yw'n iawn fod pobl ifanc o ardaloedd llai cefnog yn cael eu hamddifadu o'r cyfleoedd hyn, fel sy'n digwydd mewn sawl rhan o fy rhanbarth yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru, ac ni ddylai ddibynnu ar ble' rydych yn byw na pha ysgol rydych yn ei mynychu. Mae llawer ohonom, fel fi, yn aml yn cymryd y cyfleoedd a'r profiadau a gawsom wrth dyfu i fyny yn ganiataol, pan fo llawer o blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru heb gael yr un profiadau. Mae'r Bil yn gwneud llawer i sicrhau tegwch ledled Cymru, gan sicrhau cyfle cyfartal, a gwneud yn siŵr nad oes gennym loteri cod post rhwng un cyngor a'r llall i gael profiadau fel hyn.
Fel y dywedodd Sam Rowlands, pe bai pob plentyn yn cael ei ariannu'n llawn i gymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau hyn, roedd yr amcangyfrifon cychwynnol o'r gost rhwng £10 miliwn a £15 miliwn, llai na 0.06 y cant o gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru, er eich bod yn rhagweld y bydd yn fwy, Weinidog. Yn sicr, mae'n ymddangos i mi mai pris cymharol fach fyddai hynny i'w dalu am y canlyniadau addysg a llesiant i'n plant a fyddai'n deillio ohono. Yn amlwg, mae angen i'r arian ddod o'r canol, ac ni ddylai fod yn gyfrifoldeb i'n hawdurdodau lleol. Ond yn enwedig ar ôl y pandemig, gwelsom y buddsoddiad mewn cyfleusterau awyr agored a mannau awyr agored, a'r cynnydd mewn dysgu awyr agored, a'r ffaith bod ysgolion yn defnyddio'r amgylcheddau dysgu hynny i raddau llawer mwy erbyn hyn, a'r manteision y maent wedi'u creu ledled Cymru.
Fel Gweinidog addysg yr wrthblaid, rwy'n falch o weld syniadau fel hyn yn dod i'r Senedd, gan wella'r hyn sydd yno eisoes, a hoffwn ddiolch i Sam Rowlands am gyflwyno'r Bil hwn heddiw. Rwy'n ei gefnogi'n llawn. Rwy'n gobeithio y gall y Siambr weithio'n adeiladol ar y Bil i sicrhau nad yw pobl ifanc yn cael eu hamddifadu. Rwyf eisiau gwneud un pwynt terfynol. Roeddwn eisiau gwneud yn siŵr ei bod yn glir i bawb mai cyfle y tu allan i'r ysgol y mae Sam yn ei gynnig, nid cyfle yn yr ysgol, fel y gwnaethoch chi ei amlinellu, Weinidog. Mae'r ddau'n bwysig, ac fel y dywedodd Huw yn gwbl briodol, profiad hirhoedlog dyfnach sy'n cael ei gynnig yma. Rwy'n eich annog chi i gyd heddiw i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn a'r Bil y mae Sam wedi'i gyflwyno. Diolch.
I stand here as someone with a very open mind. I'll be honest, I haven't made a decision on how I'm going to vote, and I do understand that my vote may mean that this continues or doesn't today. So, I'm standing here giving some views. On the one hand, thank you, Sam, for doing this. I like the universality of it. I like the fact that it appeals to everybody, rich or poor, and that there's no discrimination. In fact, that's what some of us believe in relation to universal basic income—that we should all have that income floor. So, I would support the universality of it. I think nobody here—nobody here—disagrees with the principle, so there's no need, in my view, for any further evidence. There's no need for any further arguments that tell us all how either we've benefited from the ability to go away or others have benefited from it.
I'm just reflecting on Huw Irranca-Davies's experience in Llangrannog. I did go to Llangrannog, but I have absolutely nothing that I could bring from that experience into my adult life. That's not to say that I didn't love it, and I think everybody should have it. It's great that you've got that. I just think there are massive challenges here. Sam talked a bit about it, but we all have houses that we run, and the Welsh Government and Cabinet Ministers are here to balance the budgets. If we spend money on this, what goes? Eighteen million pounds, and possibly more, because it is about capacity, not just the capacity of the Welsh Government staff, but also the capacity of our local authority staff could be going on this. So, I really would appreciate hearing more about that in this debate in order for me to make a decision.
Right now, let's look at what is facing schools, not just here—well, in Wales, we have specific issues—but across the UK. We don't have enough teachers and we want to pay them more. We don't have enough classroom assistants and we want to pay them more. We know that, in schools—and this is a pet project of mine—children have very bad tooth decay, and we actually want to see that happening better at the grass-roots level. Even with the Designed to Smile programme in Wales, between 2 per cent and 5 per cent of children under seven are going to hospital—double the amount are going to hospital to have their teeth removed. They're having anaesthetic and a hospital admission. So, these are some of the priorities.
Some of us went to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association reception and we heard about habilitators. They are people who should be working with children who are blind or have visual impairments across our schools in Wales in order to help them to be able to get on in life. There are only 10 in Wales at the moment. That means that children with visual impairment or who are blind actually don't have the ability to get on in life. Those are some of the challenges that are being faced across the UK.
In addition, and I am pleased to support this, Wales has committed itself to free school meals for children. I just don't know how we're going to be able to fund not only those challenges but what you put forward, Sam. So, I would like to really hear from you, as you summarise, what is going to go—literally, what we're going to ditch, what we're going to jettison, if we are going to support this. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Thank you very much. [Interruption.] Oh, sorry. Yes, you can intervene.
Rwy'n sefyll yma fel rhywun sydd â meddwl agored iawn. Rwyf am fod yn onest, nid wyf wedi penderfynu sut rwyf am bleidleisio, ac rwy'n deall y gallai fy mhleidlais olygu parhad neu ddiwedd hyn heddiw. Felly, rwy'n sefyll yma i rannu ambell i safbwynt. Ar y naill law, diolch am wneud hyn, Sam. Rwy'n hoffi cyffredinoliaeth y peth. Rwy'n hoffi'r ffaith ei fod yn apelio at bawb, boed yn gyfoethog neu'n dlawd, ac nad yw'n gwahaniaethu. Mewn gwirionedd, dyna mae rhai ohonom yn ei gredu mewn perthynas ag incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol—y dylem i gyd gael yr isafswm incwm. Felly, byddwn yn cefnogi cyffredinoliaeth y peth. Nid wyf yn credu bod unrhyw un yma—neb yma—yn anghytuno â'r egwyddor, felly nid oes angen unrhyw dystiolaeth bellach yn fy marn i. Nid oes angen unrhyw ddadleuon pellach sy'n dweud wrthym i gyd sut y gwnaethom elwa o allu mynd i ffwrdd neu sut y mae eraill wedi elwa o hynny.
Rwy'n meddwl am brofiad Huw Irranca-Davies yn Llangrannog. Euthum innau i Langrannog, ond nid oes unrhyw beth o gwbl y gallwn ei ddefnyddio o'r profiad hwnnw yn fy mywyd fel oedolyn. Nid yw hynny'n golygu nad oeddwn wrth fy modd gyda'r profiad, ac rwy'n credu y dylai pawb gael y profiad hwnnw. Mae'n wych fod gennych chi hynny. Ond rwy'n credu bod yna heriau enfawr yma. Fe wnaeth Sam siarad rhywfaint am hynny, ond mae gennym ni i gyd dai rydym yn eu cynnal, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru a Gweinidogion y Cabinet yma i gydbwyso'r cyllidebau. Os gwariwn arian ar hyn, beth sy'n gorfod mynd? Deunaw miliwn o bunnoedd, a mwy o bosibl, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â chapasiti, ac nid capasiti staff Llywodraeth Cymru yn unig, gallai capasiti staff ein hawdurdod lleol gael ei effeithio gan hyn. Felly, byddwn yn falch o glywed mwy am hynny yn y ddadl hon er mwyn imi allu penderfynu.
Nawr, gadewch inni edrych ar yr hyn sy'n wynebu ysgolion, nid fan hyn yn unig—wel, yng Nghymru, mae gennym faterion penodol—ond ledled y DU. Nid oes gennym ddigon o athrawon ac rydym eisiau rhoi cyflog gwell iddynt. Nid oes gennym ddigon o gynorthwywyr dosbarth ac rydym eisiau rhoi cyflog gwell iddynt. Rydym yn gwybod, mewn ysgolion—ac mae hwn yn brosiect bach sydd gennyf—mae gan blant bydredd dannedd drwg iawn, ac rydym eisiau gweld gwelliant yn hynny ar lawr gwlad. Hyd yn oed gyda'r Cynllun Gwên yng Nghymru, mae rhwng 2 y cant a 5 y cant o blant dan saith oed yn mynd i'r ysbyty—mae dwbl hynny'n mynd i'r ysbyty i gael tynnu eu dannedd. Maent yn cael anesthetig ac yn cael eu derbyn i'r ysbyty. Felly, dyma rai o'r blaenoriaethau.
Aeth rhai ohonom i dderbyniad Cymdeithas Cŵn Tywys y Deillion a chlywsom am gymhwyswyr. Pobl ydynt a ddylai fod yn gweithio gyda phlant sy'n ddall neu sydd â nam ar eu golwg ar draws ein hysgolion yng Nghymru er mwyn eu helpu i allu bwrw ymlaen â'u bywydau. Dim ond 10 ohonynt sydd i'w cael yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Mae hynny'n golygu nad yw plant sy'n ddall neu sydd â nam ar eu golwg yn gallu bwrw ymlaen â'u bywydau. Dyna rai o'r heriau sy'n cael eu hwynebu ar draws y DU.
Yn ogystal, ac rwy'n falch o gefnogi hyn, mae Cymru wedi ymrwymo i brydau ysgol am ddim i blant. Nid wyf yn gwybod sut y byddwn yn gallu ariannu'r heriau hynny yn ogystal â'r hyn rydych yn ei gyflwyno, Sam. Felly, hoffwn glywed gennych, wrth i chi grynhoi, beth sydd am orfod mynd—yn llythrennol, beth y byddwn yn cael gwared arno, beth y byddwn yn ei daflu ymaith, os ydym am gefnogi hyn. Diolch yn fawr iawn. [Torri ar draws.] O mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Cewch, fe gewch chi ymyrryd.
No, you'd finished. Samuel Kurtz.
Na, roeddech chi wedi gorffen. Samuel Kurtz.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I congratulate Sam Rowlands on his success in being drawn in the ballot and I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak in this debate on his outdoor education (Wales) Bill.
As someone who was fortunate enough to grow up in rural Pembrokeshire with the countryside just outside my front door, I was always fortunate to enjoy the full extent of our natural world. Indeed, that important link with our environment is one that we shouldn't underestimate. Not just because it nurtures growth and reflection, but because it develops a respect and a learning about the importance of our countryside, rural life, food, farming and wildlife—developing our understanding and strengthening our efforts to protect and preserve.
Unlike some of my classmates, my love for the outdoors was developed from an early age, but not all children are able to experience the countryside in the same way as I did. Let's make no mistake, to take education outdoors is to bring the natural world into the classroom, and by doing so, you can take a child's education and enhance its quality, value and worth. But, it is for this reason that we need to ensure that every child has equal access to the outdoors. For me and many of my classmates, it was trips to Glan-llyn and Llangrannog, which other Members have mentioned today, Urdd residential camps, that saw them fully appreciate the value of nature. Therefore, I'm really pleased to learn from Sam that the Urdd are supporting this Bill. This was not just the first time that me and my friends had been away from home, but, for many, the first time that they had a chance to experience the real outdoors. From kayaking across Llyn Tegid, as Heledd mentioned, to nature walks and bushcraft in Llangrannog, these opportunities played a critical role in the development of not just myself, but also my friends who weren't as fortunate as me, who hadn't experienced the joys and benefits of our natural environment.
However, not all young people are afforded this opportunity. By granting consent to this Bill, we can ensure that every child, no matter their background, can discover and fall in love with the countryside. And as we've heard from colleagues, the benefits of this are second to none. Whether that be improving physical health and mental well-being, developing better personal and social learning, alongside the growth in cognitive development—all enhancing educational attainment and teaching standards. The impact that an outdoor education can have on our young people goes far beyond what can be learnt in a classroom. Discovering our outdoors brings the world of our countryside, farming, wildlife and rural life right into the classroom and, at this moment, we can ensure that every child has limitless access to these opportunities, of the kind that our education provides.
In responding to the previous Member, Jane Dodds's concerns around this Bill, I would plead with her to offer Sam your support at this stage so that further work can be done on this to see how this can be done, and I think those benefit savings that Sam mentioned at the beginning in opening this debate, where moneys would be saved elsewhere by having healthier children, more educated children—I think that's where there's real value within Sam's Bill today. So, I plead with you to give him support at this stage so that further evidence can be collected and more discussion can be had around this. I commend Sam for his diligence, his dedication and determination in getting this Bill moving forward, and I have no hesitation whatsoever in offering him and the Bill my full support. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac rwy'n llongyfarch Sam Rowlands ar ei lwyddiant yn y bleidlais ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfle i siarad yn y ddadl hon ar ei Fil Addysg Awyr Agored (Cymru).
Fel rhywun a oedd yn ddigon ffodus i dyfu i fyny mewn ardal wledig yn sir Benfro gyda chefn gwlad y tu allan i ddrws y tŷ, roeddwn bob amser yn ddigon ffodus i allu mwynhau ein byd natur yn llawn. Yn wir, mae'r cysylltiad pwysig hwnnw â'n hamgylchedd yn un na ddylem ei danbrisio. Nid yn unig oherwydd ei fod yn meithrin twf a myfyrdod, ond oherwydd ei fod yn datblygu parch ac yn dysgu am bwysigrwydd ein cefn gwlad, bywyd gwledig, bwyd, ffermio a bywyd gwyllt—gan ddatblygu ein dealltwriaeth a chryfhau ein hymdrechion i amddiffyn a chadw.
Yn wahanol i rai o fy nghyd-ddisgyblion, datblygodd fy nghariad tuag at yr awyr agored o oedran cynnar, ond nid yw pob plentyn yn gallu profi cefn gwlad yn yr un ffordd ag y gwneuthum i. Gadewch inni fod yn glir, mae mynd ag addysg allan i'r awyr agored yn golygu dod â byd natur i mewn i'r ystafell ddosbarth, a thrwy wneud hynny, gallwch wella ansawdd a gwerth addysg plentyn. Ond oherwydd hynny mae angen inni sicrhau bod gan bob plentyn fynediad cyfartal at yr awyr agored. I mi a llawer o fy nghyd-ddisgyblion, teithiau i Lan-llyn a Llangrannog, y soniodd Aelodau eraill amdanynt heddiw, gwersylloedd yr Urdd, a wnaeth iddynt werthfawrogi gwerth natur yn llwyr. Felly, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed gan Sam fod yr Urdd yn cefnogi'r Bil hwn. Nid dyna'r tro cyntaf i mi a fy ffrindiau fod oddi cartref, ond i lawer, dyna oedd y tro cyntaf iddynt hwy gael cyfle i brofi'r awyr agored go iawn. O gaiacio ar draws Llyn Tegid, fel y soniodd Heledd, i deithiau cerdded natur a byw yn y gwyllt yn Llangrannog, chwaraeodd y cyfleoedd hyn ran allweddol yn fy natblygiad i a datblygiad fy ffrindiau nad oeddent mor ffodus â mi ac nad oeddent wedi profi pleserau a manteision ein hamgylchedd naturiol.
Fodd bynnag, nid yw pob person ifanc yn cael y cyfle hwn. Drwy gymeradwyo'r Bil hwn, gallwn sicrhau bod pob plentyn, ni waeth beth fo'u cefndir, yn gallu darganfod a syrthio mewn cariad â chefn gwlad. Ac fel y clywsom gan gyd-Aelodau, mae manteision hyn yn ddiguro. Boed yn wella iechyd corfforol a llesiant meddyliol, datblygu dysgu personol a chymdeithasol gwell, ochr yn ochr â'r twf mewn datblygiad gwybyddol—mae'r cyfan yn gwella cyrhaeddiad addysgol a safonau addysgu. Mae'r effaith y gall addysg awyr agored ei chael ar ein pobl ifanc yn mynd ymhell y tu hwnt i'r hyn y gellir ei ddysgu mewn ystafell ddosbarth. Mae darganfod ein hawyr agored yn dod â chefn gwlad, ffermio, bywyd gwyllt a bywyd gwledig i mewn i'r ystafell ddosbarth ac ar hyn o bryd gallwn sicrhau bod gan bob plentyn fynediad di-ben-draw at y cyfleoedd hyn, o'r math y mae ein haddysg yn eu darparu.
Wrth ymateb i'r Aelod blaenorol, pryderon Jane Dodds ynghylch y Bil hwn, byddwn yn erfyn arni i gynnig ei chefnogaeth i Sam ar y cam hwn fel y gellir gwneud rhagor o waith ar hyn i weld sut y gellir ei wneud, ac rwy'n credu bod yr arbedion nawdd y soniodd Sam amdanynt ar y dechrau wrth agor y ddadl hon, lle byddai arian yn cael ei arbed mewn mannau eraill drwy gael plant iachach, plant mwy addysgedig—rwy'n credu mai dyna lle mae'r gwir werth ym Mil Sam heddiw. Felly, rwy'n erfyn arnoch i'w gefnogi ar y cam hwn fel bod modd casglu tystiolaeth bellach ac fel y gellir cael mwy o drafodaeth ynglŷn â hyn. Rwy'n canmol Sam am ei ddiwydrwydd, ei ymroddiad a'i benderfyniad wrth fwrw ymlaen â'r Bil hwn, ac nid wyf yn petruso o gwbl rhag cynnig fy nghefnogaeth lawn iddo ef a'r Bil. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
I must say that this proposal does have laudable aims, and thanks, Sam, for bringing this forward for a discussion. I think trying and learning new skills in our wonderful outdoor environment of independence, bonding with others in a day at camp or an outdoor activity are ones you do remember, and it's great for physical and mental health and well-being. I don't remember going to one with school, but I went with the Brownies and Sunday school, and I remember reading to children who were missing their parents, and I know that that is an issue that has been brought up—being away from parents as well is a bit of an issue, but it is good to build that confidence. I think it's so important for children to connect with nature, because if they don't do so as a child, then they won't do as an adult. So, that's really, really important going forward. And I think, with there being a nature emergency as well as a climate emergency, I would like any programme and the curriculum to educate and teach children about the importance of the variety of wildlife and habitats, connecting to nature, and I think that the forest schools initiative is really good.
So, I think it's a really great proposal if there was the funding, and the situation is dire. And according to the new Prime Minister, it's going to get even worse, and I think that there needs to be a reality check here. As you know, I was a Flintshire councillor for 14 years and I was a member of the education scrutiny committee, and I recall that, when we were looking at funding cuts over the years, we looked at the cost of giving that funding to the outdoor education centres. I know that each authority used to give towards Pentre-llyn-cymmer and Nant Bwlch yr Haearn, but, in the end, we had to look at the core funding of education, so we had to remove that funding bit by bit, which was terrible. I remember, under that austerity, every year, we sliced 30 per cent off each budget, and I remember being in the chamber facing opposition members as I was trying to introduce garden waste charges and car park increases, but I was being told by my fellow cabinet members, 'It's either do that, or we cut education.' Now, I couldn't cut education, because it's so important, but I know that other local authorities did and, I'm afraid, Sam, Conwy did cut the core funding for education and caused dire issues there, where they’ve had to cut teaching assistants and staff, and I just can't support this if there isn't that money going forward.
Councils are facing even more funding cuts now because of what's happened over the last few weeks, because of fuel increases, inflationary pressures, and people are talking about going out on strike. I know that Cardiff is facing a £53 million funding gap, Flintshire £26 million, Conwy is about the same, and I think Denbighshire is about £10 million. It's really, really worrying. They're looking at rationalisation of play areas even—play areas; we need them on doorstep play. Closure of swimming baths, public rights of way maintenance, and countryside services—that was on the table to be cut when I was a cabinet member—access to rights of way and country parks. So, without those, what are we going to do? And those are what are on the table now. It's so worrying. We're in such a dire situation. Children are going hungry and cold. It's a matter of priorities, and this is why—. Thank goodness we've got these universal free school meals coming forward; that's so much more important. Schools are looking at wrap-around care, providing that childcare so that mothers can go out to work as well—[Interruption.] Sorry, I'm in full flow at the moment—and becoming warm hubs. That's so important. Further education are providing breakfast because people are turning up at those hungry. These are young adults starving—[Interruption.] I'm sorry, that wasn't a proper intervention, so I won't reply to that.
Speaking briefly to the WLGA education member—
Rhaid i mi ddweud bod yna amcanion canmoladwy i'r cynnig hwn, a diolch, Sam, am gyflwyno'r mater hwn i'w drafod. Rwy'n credu bod dysgu sgiliau newydd yn ein hamgylchedd awyr agored, sgiliau fel annibyniaeth a meithrin perthynas well ag eraill mewn diwrnod mewn gwersyll neu weithgaredd awyr agored yn rhai a gofiwch, ac mae'n wych ar gyfer iechyd corfforol a meddyliol a llesiant. Nid wyf yn cofio mynd i un gyda'r ysgol, ond euthum gyda'r Brownis a'r ysgol Sul, ac rwy'n cofio darllen i blant a oedd yn gweld colli eu rhieni, ac rwy'n gwybod bod hwnnw'n fater sydd wedi cael ei godi—mae bod i ffwrdd oddi wrth rhieni yn dipyn o broblem hefyd, ond mae'n dda i fagu hyder. Rwy'n credu ei bod mor bwysig i blant gysylltu â byd natur, achos os nad ydynt yn gwneud hynny'n blentyn, ni fyddant yn gwneud hynny'n oedolyn. Felly, mae hynny'n bwysig iawn wrth symud ymlaen. Ac o gofio bod yna argyfwng natur yn ogystal ag argyfwng hinsawdd, rwy'n credu y byddwn yn hoffi i unrhyw raglen a'r cwricwlwm addysgu plant am bwysigrwydd amrywiaeth o fywyd gwyllt a chynefinoedd, cysylltu â natur, ac rwy'n credu bod menter ysgolion y goedwig yn dda iawn.
Felly, credaf y byddai'n gynnig gwych iawn pe bai'r cyllid yn bodoli, ac mae'r sefyllfa'n enbyd. Ac yn ôl y Prif Weinidog newydd, bydd yn mynd i fod yn waeth byth, ac rwy'n credu bod angen wynebu gwirioneddau yma. Fel y gwyddoch, roeddwn yn gynghorydd yn sir y Fflint am 14 mlynedd ac roeddwn yn aelod o'r pwyllgor craffu ar addysg, ac rwy'n cofio, pan oeddem yn edrych ar doriadau cyllid dros y blynyddoedd, ein bod wedi edrych ar y gost o roi'r arian hwnnw i'r canolfannau addysg awyr agored. Rwy'n gwybod bod pob awdurdod yn arfer rhoi tuag at Pentre-llyn-cymmer a Nant Bwlch yr Haearn, ond yn y diwedd, roedd yn rhaid inni edrych ar gyllid craidd addysg, felly roedd yn rhaid inni dorri'r cyllid hwnnw fesul tipyn, ac roedd hynny'n ofnadwy. Rwy'n cofio, yn ystod y cyni hwnnw, bob blwyddyn, roeddem yn torri 30 y cant oddi ar bob cyllideb, ac rwy'n cofio bod yn y siambr yn wynebu aelodau'r gwrthbleidiau wrth imi geisio cyflwyno taliadau gwastraff gardd a chynnydd i ffioedd parcio, ond roedd fy nghyd-aelodau cabinet yn dweud wrthyf, 'Naill ai hynny, neu dorri ar addysg.' Nawr, ni allwn dorri ar addysg, oherwydd mae mor bwysig, ond rwy'n gwybod bod awdurdodau lleol eraill wedi gwneud ac mae arnaf ofn, Sam, fod Conwy wedi torri'r cyllid craidd ar gyfer addysg gan achosi problemau enbyd yno, lle bu'n rhaid iddynt gael gwared ar gynorthwywyr addysgu a staff, ac ni allaf gefnogi hyn os na fydd yr arian hwnnw gennym yn y dyfodol.
Mae cynghorau'n wynebu mwy byth o doriadau cyllid yn awr oherwydd yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, oherwydd cynnydd ym mhris tanwydd, pwysau chwyddiant, ac mae pobl yn sôn am fynd ar streic. Rwy'n gwybod bod Caerdydd yn wynebu bwlch cyllid o £53 miliwn, sir y Fflint £26 miliwn, mae Conwy mewn sefyllfa debyg, ac rwy'n credu bod sir Ddinbych oddeutu £10 miliwn. Mae'n bryderus iawn. Maent yn edrych ar resymoli meysydd chwarae hyd yn oed—meysydd chwarae; mae eu hangen arnom fel bod plant yn gallu chwarae'n lleol. Cau pyllau nofio, cynnal hawliau tramwy cyhoeddus a gwasanaethau cefn gwlad—roedd rheini ar y bwrdd i'w torri pan oeddwn yn aelod cabinet—mynediad at hawliau tramwy a pharciau gwledig. Felly, heb y rheini, beth a wnawn? A dyna sydd ar y bwrdd yn awr. Mae'n peri cymaint o bryder. Rydym mewn sefyllfa mor enbyd. Mae plant yn llwglyd ac yn oer. Mae'n fater o flaenoriaethu, a dyma pam—. Diolch byth ein bod wedi sicrhau prydau ysgol am ddim i bawb; mae hynny'n gymaint pwysicach. Mae ysgolion yn edrych ar ofal cofleidiol, ar ddarparu'r gofal plant hwnnw fel y gall mamau fynd allan i weithio hefyd—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, mae pethau'n llifo'n dda ar hyn o bryd—ac ar ddod yn ganolfannau clyd. Mae hynny mor bwysig. Mae addysg bellach yn darparu brecwast oherwydd bod yna bobl yn mynychu'r rheini sy'n llwglyd. Oedolion ifanc sy'n llwgu yw'r rhain—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, nid oedd hwnnw'n ymyriad priodol, felly ni wnaf ateb.
Wrth siarad yn fyr ag aelod addysg o CLlLC—
I think the Member has indicated that she is not going to take the intervention. Let her complete her speech.
Rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod wedi dweud na fydd yn derbyn yr ymyriad. Gadewch iddi orffen ei haraith.
—he has said to me that the Welsh Government, though, does provide PDG funding, so they do use that money to enable those who are on free school meals to visit education centres at the moment. So, if the Minister could let me know if that funding is being cut, because it is essential.
As I said, schools do not have the resources. Now is not the time for this. The UK Government, the Tory Government, are talking about more funding cuts, and it's those funding cuts that are causing issues here. The Welsh Government spends over 90 per cent of its budget on public service funding. [Interruption.] Absolutely not. And I hope that Sam Rowlands and the Conservatives will support public service funding, not further cuts going forward. This is why I always speak against austerity and cuts to public service funding. That's why I wanted to become a member of this party—to shout out about it. Now is not the right the time. I do support the idea of it, but now is not the right time, and I hope that I got these points across, because I feel very strongly about it. Thank you very much.
—dywedodd wrthyf fod Llywodraeth Cymru, serch hynny, yn darparu cyllid grant datblygu disgyblion, felly maent yn defnyddio'r arian hwnnw i alluogi'r rhai sy'n cael prydau ysgol am ddim i ymweld â chanolfannau addysg ar hyn o bryd. Felly, a allai'r Gweinidog roi gwybod i mi a yw'r cyllid hwnnw'n cael ei dorri, oherwydd mae'n hanfodol.
Fel y dywedais, nid oes adnoddau gan ysgolion. Nid nawr yw'r amser ar gyfer hyn. Mae Llywodraeth y DU, Llywodraeth y Torïaid, yn sôn am fwy o doriadau ariannol, a'r toriadau ariannol hynny sy'n achosi problemau yma. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gwario dros 90 y cant o'i chyllideb ar gyllido gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. [Torri ar draws.] Dim o gwbl. Ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Sam Rowlands a'r Ceidwadwyr yn cefnogi cyllid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac nid toriadau pellach wrth symud ymlaen. Dyna pam rwyf bob amser yn siarad yn erbyn cyni a thoriadau i gyllid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Dyna pam roeddwn eisiau dod yn aelod o'r blaid hon—i godi llais dros hynny. Nid nawr yw'r amser. Rwy'n cefnogi'r syniad ohono, ond nid nawr yw'r amser iawn, ac rwy'n gobeithio i mi eich argyhoeddi chi gyda'r pwyntiau hyn, oherwydd rwy'n teimlo'n gryf iawn am y peth. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Y siaradwr olaf yw Peter Fox.
Peter Fox is the last speaker.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to start by saying that I will be supporting this motion today, and I very much welcome the proposal that has been tabled by Sam. Knowing myself how much work goes into designing a Bill from scratch, I really feel that your explanatory memorandum was excellent and really sums up why we need this forward-thinking legislation.
Deputy Presiding Officer, as has been stated in the debate, outdoor education is such an important part of a young person's development. The practical skills that are gained from such an experience are beneficial for later life. It also helps to improve their physical and mental well-being, but also to develop their independence. So, young people should not be forced to miss out on such opportunities. I know personally how my—[Interruption.] Sorry, I thought you were.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddweud y byddaf yn cefnogi'r cynnig hwn heddiw, ac rwy'n croesawu'r cynnig a gyflwynwyd gan Sam. Gwn fy hun faint o waith sy'n mynd i mewn i lunio Bil allan o ddim byd, ac rwy'n teimlo'n gryf fod eich memorandwm esboniadol yn rhagorol ac yn crynhoi pam fod angen y ddeddfwriaeth flaengar hon.
Fel sydd wedi'i nodi yn y ddadl, mae addysg awyr agored yn rhan mor bwysig o ddatblygiad person ifanc. Mae'r sgiliau ymarferol a geir o'r fath brofiad yn fuddiol ar gyfer yn nes ymlaen mewn bywyd. Mae hefyd yn helpu i wella eu llesiant corfforol a meddyliol, ond hefyd i ddatblygu eu hannibyniaeth. Felly, ni ddylai pobl ifanc orfod cael eu hamddifadu o gyfleoedd o'r fath. Rwy'n gwybod yn bersonol sut y mae fy—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, roeddwn yn meddwl eich bod chi eisiau ymyrryd.
Thank you very much for taking the intervention, because as the former leader of Monmouthshire council, you'll be aware that the PDG is one of the ways in which funding is supposed to be directed at giving opportunities to young people whose families can't afford to pay for it themselves. So, having listened carefully to what Sam Rowlands said about the inverse care law going on here, which is that some of the most deprived local authorities are the ones that are having the least outdoor education, it clearly is a major problem. But we have to surely ask, 'Are schools properly using their pupil development grants?' as well as, we have to consider how well we are addressing the inverse care law when it comes to the numbers of voluntary organisations that are supporting schools to enable these sorts of outdoor trips to take place, because we know that charities are far less likely to be operating in poor areas than they are in better-off areas.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am dderbyn yr ymyriad, oherwydd fel cyn-arweinydd cyngor sir Fynwy, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod y grant datblygu disgyblion yn un o'r ffyrdd y mae cyllid i fod i gael ei gyfeirio tuag at roi cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc na all eu teuluoedd fforddio talu amdanynt eu hunain. Felly, ar ôl gwrando'n astud ar yr hyn a ddywedodd Sam Rowlands am y ddeddf gofal gwrthgyfartal sydd gennym yma, sef mai rhai o'r awdurdodau lleol mwyaf difreintiedig yw'r rhai sy'n cael leiaf o addysg awyr agored, mae'n amlwg yn broblem fawr. Ond mae'n rhaid inni ofyn, 'A yw ysgolion yn defnyddio'u grantiau datblygu disgyblion yn briodol?' ac yn ogystal â hynny, mae'n rhaid inni ystyried pa mor dda yr awn i'r afael â'r ddeddf gofal gwrthgyfartal mewn perthynas â niferoedd y sefydliadau gwirfoddol sy'n cefnogi ysgolion i gynnal y mathau hyn o dripiau awyr agored, oherwydd rydym yn gwybod bod elusennau'n llawer llai tebygol o fod yn gweithredu mewn ardaloedd tlawd nag mewn ardaloedd sy'n well eu byd.
Thank you, Jenny, and I absolutely recognise your point and some good points of how that assistance can be used. I'm going to come on a little further, in a moment, to local government funding, but I'll just pick up where I left off. I know personally how my own children and many other Monmouthshire children have benefited from their time at Gilwern outdoor education centre and Hilston Park. There used to be Talybont as well, which was owned by Newport but run by Monmouthshire. And I myself as a young boy, 50-odd years ago, went to Llangrannog as well, because I grew up in Carmarthen, down there. But when I was leader of Monmouthshire County Council, I always made sure that these services were protected, even during times when we received challenging settlements, and we've always had challenging settlements in Monmouthshire.
I've been very disappointed over recent years when neighbouring local authorities, funded far greater from Monmouthshire, withdrew from that Gwent-based education service and left Monmouthshire on its own holding the baby, but we would keep it going. So, it's important that local authorities as well as schools show a commitment to young people's development, and clearly that was being pulled out in some areas, and they had the resources to do it; they chose not to. So, as that example shows, unfortunately not every young person has equal opportunity to receive outdoor education, and the research paper published by Sam further highlights the barriers to such education: 60 per cent of schools surveyed cited financial reasons; 23 schools do not offer any support to families who are financially constrained, and by far the greatest barrier to inclusion in outdoor education was the inability of families to pay.
Now, I know that we are in challenging times, but you've got to remember that this Bill, if it was to receive Royal Assent, would probably be two or three years down the line, and we're talking about money and financial constraints at this moment. You've got to find reasons why, sometimes, things can happen, not why they can't happen. And that's one of the biggest problems I've found since I've been here in the Welsh Assembly—rather, the Senedd—is why we find reasons that things can't happen and we try to trade off, Jane, with 'What can you do? What can't you do?' Sometimes, you've got to make things happen. People make things happen or people stop things happening, and that's what happens too often. You've got to have foresight, look ahead, see how you can improve the future generations, because these difficult times will not last forever. Look ahead, look to the future, look to our future generations.
So, it's really important that we do get behind this Bill. I hope that Wales's Government and the Minister will interact more with Sam, moving forward. I'm disappointed that the Government can't support the Bill, and I know that more work and engagement is going to happen. But I ask you, Jane, as Sam did, please think carefully. You're in a very privileged position to hold the casting vote in many ways on decisions here. It's a big responsibility. Don't stifle the opportunity of our future generations; give them an opportunity to breathe. Presiding Officer, I rest my case, and I support the Bill.
Diolch i chi, Jenny, ac rwy'n cydnabod eich pwynt yn llwyr ac roedd rhai pwyntiau da o ran sut y gellid defnyddio'r cymorth hwnnw. Rwyf am droi at gyllid llywodraeth leol yn y man, ond yn gyntaf hoffwn orffen y pwynt roeddwn yn ei wneud yn gynharach. Rwy'n gwybod yn bersonol sut mae fy mhlant fy hun a nifer o blant eraill yn sir Fynwy wedi elwa o'u cyfnod yng nghanolfan addysg awyr agored Gilwern a Pharc Hilston. Roedd Tal-y-bont yn arfer bod yn ganolfan addysg awyr agored hefyd, yn eiddo i Gasnewydd ond dan ofal sir Fynwy. Ac fe euthum fy hun yn fachgen ifanc, oddeutu 50 mlynedd yn ôl, i Langrannog hefyd, oherwydd cefais fy magu yng Nghaerfyrddin. Ond pan oeddwn yn arweinydd Cyngor Sir Fynwy, roeddwn bob amser yn sicrhau bod y gwasanaethau hyn yn cael eu diogelu, hyd yn oed ar adegau pan oeddem yn wynebu setliadau heriol, ac rydym bob amser wedi cael setliadau heriol yn sir Fynwy.
Rwyf wedi cael fy siomi'n fawr dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf pan fo awdurdodau lleol cyfagos, sy'n cael llawer mwy o arian na sir Fynwy, yn tynnu'n ôl o'r gwasanaeth addysg hwnnw yng Ngwent a gadael sir Fynwy ar ei phen ei hun i ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb, ond fe wnaethom ei gadw i fynd. Felly, mae'n bwysig fod awdurdodau lleol yn ogystal ag ysgolion yn dangos ymrwymiad i ddatblygiad pobl ifanc, ac yn amlwg roedd hwnnw'n cael ei dynnu allan mewn rhai ardaloedd, ac roedd ganddynt yr adnoddau i'w wneud; fe wnaethant ddewis peidio. Felly, fel y mae'r enghraifft honno'n dangos, yn anffodus nid yw pob person ifanc yn cael cyfle cyfartal i gael addysg awyr agored, ac mae'r papur ymchwil a gyhoeddwyd gan Sam yn tynnu sylw pellach at y rhwystrau i addysg o'r fath: roedd 60 y cant o'r ysgolion a arolygwyd yn nodi rhesymau ariannol; nid yw 23 ysgol yn cynnig unrhyw gymorth i deuluoedd sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn ariannol, a'r rhwystr mwyaf o bell ffordd i addysg awyr agored oedd anallu teuluoedd i dalu.
Nawr, rwy'n gwybod ein bod mewn cyfnod heriol, ond mae'n rhaid i chi gofio y byddai'r Bil hwn, pe bai'n cael Cydsyniad Brenhinol, yn dod i rym mewn oddeutu dwy neu dair blynedd, ac rydym yn siarad am arian a chyfyngiadau ariannol sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd. Weithiau, rhaid i chi ddod o hyd i resymau pam y gall pethau ddigwydd, nid pam na allant ddigwydd. A dyna un o'r problemau mwyaf y deuthum ar eu traws ers i mi ddod yma i Gynulliad Cymru—i'r Senedd, yn hytrach—sef ein bod yn dod o hyd i resymau pam na all pethau ddigwydd a pham, Jane, ein bod yn ceisio cyfnewid 'Beth allwch chi ei wneud?' am 'Beth na allwch chi ei wneud?' Weithiau, mae'n rhaid ichi wneud i bethau ddigwydd. Mae pobl yn gwneud i bethau ddigwydd neu mae pobl yn atal pethau rhag digwydd, a dyna sy'n digwydd yn rhy aml. Mae'n rhaid ichi ragweld, edrych i'r dyfodol, sut y gallwch wella cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, oherwydd ni fydd y cyfnod anodd hwn yn para am byth. Edrychwch ymlaen, edrychwch tua'r dyfodol, edrychwch tuag at genedlaethau'r dyfodol.
Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn cefnogi'r Bil hwn. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Gweinidog yn rhyngweithio mwy â Sam wrth symud ymlaen. Rwy'n siomedig na all y Llywodraeth gefnogi'r Bil, a gwn y bydd mwy o waith ac ymgysylltiad yn digwydd. Ond rwy'n gofyn i chi, Jane, fel y gwnaeth Sam, i ystyried yn ofalus. Rydych mewn sefyllfa freintiedig iawn, yn dal y bleidlais fwrw mewn sawl ffordd ar benderfyniadau yma. Mae'n gyfrifoldeb mawr. Peidiwch â mygu cyfleoedd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol; rhowch gyfle iddynt anadlu. Lywydd, dyna gloi fy nadl, ac rwy'n cefnogi'r Bil.
Galwaf ar Sam Rowlands i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Sam Rowlands to respond to the debate.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and can I say how fantastic it has been to listen to Members from across the Chamber this afternoon outlining their views and their support, certainly at least in principle, for the ideas behind the outdoor education (Wales) Bill? It's also always interesting to hear of Members' experiences in the great outdoors and the privilege that they had growing up and in school as well. I just want to reiterate a few points that have been raised today by Members during the debate and discussion, and it's the reminder that outdoor education has proven health and well-being benefits, along with the appreciation of the world that we live in, our environment, which certainly has the ability to shape our youngsters in the long run. We've also been reminded that the statistics and data sadly show that not enough of our young people are able to participate, and this is primarily down to financial constraints.
We have, of course, heard throughout this Members' concerns about timing and about costs, and they're really important concerns. But, as I outlined in the opening of today's debate, I am convinced that there would be longer-term savings from a physical health and mental health and well-being perspective. I think there would be savings to be gained through the way in which our young people engage with the environment more broadly. And as Members have already outlined here today, the whole purpose of this here today is to enable me, working with others, to look at the nuts and bolts, to look at the detail, to understand fully what the opportunities are and then how that can be financed and perhaps where the savings can come from as well. And as Peter Fox outlined just a moment ago, Bills, as we know, take years to go through the process. So, whilst there are immediate concerns right here and now, absolutely, I understand that, but by giving me 12 months to have a look at the nuts and bolts on this, do the research properly and come back and go through the process, we have a great opportunity to make a difference, a long-lasting difference, in the lives of our young people.
I'm conscious of time, Deputy Presiding Officer, so in closing I'd like to thank all of those who've supported the Bill so far here today. Certainly, Minister, thank you for your engagement through this process as well. I'm looking forward to that continuing. Members of the Senedd, the Senedd support team, councils, the outdoor education, and many others have provided a huge amount of support up until this point, and I hope Members from across the Chamber have heard today and understand the real positive that this Bill could bring, and will allow me the opportunity to introduce this Bill in the future and carry out the work that is needed to be done to deliver long-lasting benefits to our young people and communities up and down Wales. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch i chi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac a gaf fi ddweud pa mor wych oedd gwrando ar Aelodau o bob rhan o'r Siambr y prynhawn yma yn nodi eu barn a'u cefnogaeth, mewn egwyddor fan lleiaf, am y syniadau sy'n sail i'r Bil addysg awyr agored (Cymru). Mae bob amser yn ddiddorol clywed am brofiadau Aelodau yn yr awyr agored wych a'r manteision a gawsant yn tyfu i fyny ac yn yr ysgol hefyd. Rwyf am ailadrodd ambell bwynt a godwyd heddiw gan Aelodau yn ystod y ddadl a'r drafodaeth, ac mae'n ein hatgoffa bod manteision iechyd a lles i addysg awyr agored, ynghyd â gwerthfawrogiad o'r byd rydym yn byw ynddo, ein hamgylchedd, sy'n sicr â'r gallu i ddylanwadu ar ein pobl ifanc yn y pen draw. Cawsom ein hatgoffa hefyd fod yr ystadegau a'r data'n dangos, yn anffodus, nad oes digon o'n pobl ifanc yn gallu cyfranogi, a chyfyngiadau ariannol yw'r rheswm am hynny yn bennaf.
Wrth gwrs, clywsom drwy gydol y ddadl am bryderon yr Aelodau ynghylch amseru a chostau, ac maent yn bryderon pwysig iawn. Ond fel yr amlinellais wrth agor y ddadl heddiw, rwy'n argyhoeddedig y byddai arbedion mwy hirdymor o safbwynt iechyd corfforol ac iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Rwy'n credu y byddai arbedion i'w hennill drwy'r ffordd y mae ein pobl ifanc yn ymgysylltu â'r amgylchedd yn ehangach. Ac fel y mae'r Aelodau eisoes wedi nodi yma heddiw, holl bwrpas hyn yma heddiw yw er mwyn fy ngalluogi i, gan weithio gydag eraill, i edrych ar y manylion, i ddeall yn iawn beth yw'r cyfleoedd a sut y gellir ariannu hynny wedyn ac efallai o ble y gall yr arbedion ddod hefyd. Ac fel yr amlinellodd Peter Fox eiliad yn ôl, mae Biliau, fel y gwyddom, yn cymryd blynyddoedd i fynd drwy'r broses. Felly, er bod yna bryderon uniongyrchol yma a nawr, yn sicr, rwy'n deall hynny, ond drwy roi 12 mis i mi gael golwg ar y manylion hyn, gwneud yr ymchwil yn briodol a dod yn ôl a mynd drwy'r broses, mae gennym gyfle gwych i wneud gwahaniaeth, gwahaniaeth a fydd yn para'n hir, ym mywydau ein pobl ifanc.
Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser, Ddirprwy Lywydd, felly wrth gloi hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi cefnogi'r Bil hyd yma heddiw. Yn sicr, Weinidog, diolch am eich ymwneud chi drwy'r broses hon hefyd. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld hynny'n parhau. Mae Aelodau'r Senedd, tîm cymorth y Senedd, cynghorau, yr addysg awyr agored, a llawer o rai eraill wedi darparu llawer iawn o gefnogaeth hyd yma, ac rwy'n gobeithio bod Aelodau o bob rhan o'r Siambr wedi clywed heddiw ac yn deall y pethau cadarnhaol y gallai'r Bil hwn eu darparu, a chaniatáu i mi gyflwyno'r Bil hwn yn y dyfodol a chyflawni'r gwaith sydd angen ei wneud i sicrhau manteision a fydd yn para'n hir i'n pobl ifanc a'n cymunedau ar hyd a lled Cymru. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Oes. Felly, gohiriaf y bleidlais ar y cynnig tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? Yes, there is an objection. I will therefore defer voting until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Eitem 7 sydd nesaf, dadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod, Bil manteisio ar fudd-daliadau, a galwaf ar Sioned Williams i wneud y cynnig.
Item 7 is next, a debate on a Member's legislative proposal, take-up of benefits Bill, and I call on Sioned Williams to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8108 Sioned Williams
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi cynnig ar gyfer Bil defnyddio budd-daliadau.
2. Yn nodi mai diben y Bil hwn fyddai:
a) sicrhau bod mwy o arian yn dod i bocedi pobl Cymru drwy gynyddu'r defnydd o daliadau cymorth Cymreig a thaliadau cymorth awdurdodau lleol;
b) gosod dyletswydd ar bob sefydliad sector cyhoeddus i hyrwyddo i'r eithaf y defnydd o fudd-daliadau Cymreig a budd-daliadau awdurdodau lleol;
c) ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gyrff cyhoeddus symleiddio a sicrhau cysondeb drwy Gymru o ran y dull o ymgeisio am fudd-daliadau o'r fath.
Motion NDM8108 Sioned Williams
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes a proposal for a take-up of benefits Bill.
2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be to:
a) ensure that more money ends up in Welsh people’s pockets by increasing take up of Welsh and local authority support payments;
b) place a duty on all public sector organisations to maximise take-up of Welsh and local authority benefits;
c) require public bodies to streamline and make consistent throughout Wales the method of application for such benefits.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I was recently asked by a constituent of mine who is struggling to pay her bills, 'What’s the point of Welsh Government if they can't help us?' It's a valid question, because what good is devolution if we are powerless to protect, at the very least, our most vulnerable citizens? The proposal before you is a way to make the powers that we do have, the resources that we can deploy, more efficient and effective by ensuring every pound—every Welsh pound of support on offer—reaches people's pockets as easily and quickly as possible. The deficiencies, disparities and, during the last decade of Tory Westminster rule, downright cruelty that characterises the UK welfare system have caused hardship for tens of thousands of Welsh people and has seen the Welsh Government forced to step in where Westminster has failed Wales.
The Scotland Act 2016 gave Scotland new powers relating to social security, including responsibility over certain benefits, which the Scottish Government are using to create a Scottish social security system based on dignity, fairness and respect. Plaid Cymru have long campaigned for the devolution of the administration of welfare to Wales, and we’re glad to be moving forward on this issue through our co-operation agreement with the Welsh Government. But, while we wait for progress on that ambition, the support available from Welsh coffers has rightly been fast multiplying and thus evolving into a whole patchwork of payments that are mainly, but not solely, delivered by local authorities. The payments are sometimes means tested, sometimes linked to certain benefits, with eligibility conditions varying, forms and regularity of payment differing, and modes of application mainly separate and often complicated.
Let's take the schemes available to help with fuel bills as an example. In Wales, we have a winter fuel support scheme, recently renamed in its second roll-out from this September as the Welsh fuel support scheme. Eligible households on certain benefits between certain months can claim a one-off cash payment from their local authority. This is different to the winter fuel payment and the cold weather payment, which is offered by UK Government. The fuel voucher scheme is a new form of support to provide crisis help to those households that have to pay in advance for their energy, providing top-up vouchers for those on prepayment meters and a crisis service for households that are off gas. But you can't apply; households have to be referred. The discretionary assistance fund provides two types of grant, one of which, the emergency assistance payment, is available until the end of March to help off-gas households suffering financial hardship to top-up oil and LPG. Those who need emergency support to top-up gas and electricity prepayment meters can also get support, although, if you Google the DAF, you'll get to a Welsh Government page that makes no mention of this. Again, application has to be done through a support worker. So, you get the picture: different eligibility, different rules, different application processes. And this is all meant to help people who are in crisis, who, to be frank, have no headspace for navigating all this while they are worrying about how to keep their kids warm. And this is just support with fuel.
The Bevan Foundation argues for the need for a Welsh system of devolved benefits and services. Its research into the way these Welsh Government and local authority support payments, allowances and grants were administered suggests that changes to individual schemes and their integration into a seamless system could increase their reach and impact. When it first made these calls, there were 12 different grants and allowances, each administered separately, so, even where eligibility criteria were the same, people had to apply for each type of support separately. As with the example I gave regarding fuel support payments, many more have been introduced or eligibility expanded since the start of the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis. And so the basis and argument for creating a single, seamless, integrated system has thus only increased.
And support isn't support if you don't know it's there or are unable to access it. The latest survey by Children in Wales included this view from one practitioner who works with children and families:
'It is not enough to say people lack information about their entitlements. Many of the vulnerable people I see would not be able to navigate this complex system without a lot of ongoing support.'
We should bear that in mind while noting that fewer than half of eligible households made an application for the first round of the winter fuel support scheme.
Organisations such as Home Start Cymru, who work across 18 local authorities supporting families with children, agree the situation needs to be improved and simplified. At a recent meeting of the Senedd cross-party group on poverty, they shared views from their Caerphilly Supporting People project. One mother said she didn't know there was a deadline for applying for the cost-of-living payment and so missed out. Another said, 'I got a £326 payment in the other week. I’m not sure what it’s for. But the reference on my bank account says it's just a number.' Staff shared how hard it is to support families with such a complex system to navigate. A common problem is being told by advisers they can't act on behalf of families to help solve things like council tax reduction claims; written permission is needed.
And I think the following quotation from a support worker really crystallises the need for change as proposed by the motion: 'One of the people I supported was a single dad. Although he was receiving universal credit and relying on foodbanks, he had been paying the full amount of council tax for 14 months. I discovered advisers in council tax don't ask if you're on benefits.' We know that council tax arrears are the biggest debt problem for Welsh households. Linking the council tax reduction scheme with eligibility for universal credit would prevent people falling into debt. There would be benefits in terms of a reduction in administration costs and capacity freed up for local authorities and advisers to promote benefits, further boosting take-up.
In answer to previous questions in the Senedd on ensuring maximisation and improvement of take-up, the Minister has pointed to the ongoing work, such as working with local authorities to explore how a single access point could be developed and the sharing of best practice by publishing a toolkit on how to simplify the application process. The Government has also said local authorities can passport those who are eligible for the council tax reduction scheme on to the Welsh fuel support scheme, but fewer than half of our local authorities are doing so. We need a whole-system, holistic approach.
The Minister has spoken about the work going into creating a charter for delivering these payments. And I welcome the fact research is being undertaken by Policy in Practice, funded by multiple organisations, to look at how a common approach can be achieved that would result in that 'no wrong door' approach that we know is so vital and effective. My argument here is that a charter, which is essentially guidance, won't cut it. It won't avoid a postcode lottery; it won't avoid those holes in that crucial safety net. We need a firm statutory footing for a rights-based system that will ensure a coherence and effectiveness, and allow people to apply for all the support they are entitled to in one place. And in Wales, Welsh Government has regulatory powers over local government, so this really is achievable.
There would be a cost to creating a system that speaks to all the systems it needs to, but the benefits are plain. Most importantly, it will help those who need every single penny of help to keep that heat on, to keep the light on, to keep children clothed and fed. Diolch.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yn ddiweddar gofynnodd etholwr sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu ei biliau, 'Beth yw pwynt Llywodraeth Cymru os na allant ein helpu?' Mae'n gwestiwn dilys, oherwydd pa les yw datganoli os ydym yn ddi-rym i warchod ein dinasyddion mwyaf bregus fan lleiaf? Mae'r cynnig sydd o'ch blaen yn ffordd o wneud y pwerau sydd gennym, yr adnoddau y gallwn eu defnyddio, yn fwy effeithlon ac effeithiol drwy sicrhau bod pob punt—pob punt Gymreig o gefnogaeth sy'n cael ei chynnig—yn cyrraedd pocedi pobl mor hawdd a chyflym â phosibl. Mae'r diffygion, y gwahaniaethau, a dros y degawd diwethaf o reolaeth y Torïaid yn San Steffan, y creulondeb llwyr sy'n nodweddu system les y DU wedi achosi caledi i ddegau o filoedd o Gymry ac wedi arwain at orfodi Llywodraeth Cymru i gamu i'r adwy lle mae San Steffan wedi gwneud cam â Chymru.
Rhoddodd Deddf yr Alban 2016 bwerau newydd i'r Alban mewn perthynas â nawdd cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys cyfrifoldeb dros fudd-daliadau penodol, y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban yn eu defnyddio i greu system nawdd cymdeithasol yn yr Alban yn seiliedig ar urddas, tegwch a pharch. Mae Plaid Cymru wedi ymgyrchu ers tro byd dros ddatganoli gweinyddu lles i Gymru, ac rydym yn falch o symud ymlaen ar y mater hwn drwy ein cytundeb cydweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru. Ond tra byddwn yn aros am gynnydd ar yr uchelgais hwnnw, mae'r cymorth sydd ar gael o goffrau Cymru wedi bod yn cynyddu'n gyflym ac felly'n esblygu'n glytwaith o daliadau a ddarparir yn bennaf gan yr awdurdodau lleol, er nad yn llwyr. Weithiau mae'r taliadau'n ddarostyngedig i brawf modd, weithiau'n gysylltiedig â budd-daliadau penodol, gydag amodau cymhwysedd amrywiol, gwahanol ffurflenni a rheoleidd-dra talu, a dulliau o wneud ceisiadau ar wahân i'w gilydd yn bennaf, dulliau sy'n aml yn gymhleth.
Gadewch inni edrych ar y cynlluniau sydd ar gael i helpu gyda biliau tanwydd er enghraifft. Yng Nghymru, mae gennym gynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf, a ailenwyd yn ddiweddar yn ei ail gyfnod cyflwyno o'r mis Medi hwn yn gynllun cymorth tanwydd Cymru. Gall aelwydydd cymwys ar fudd-daliadau penodol rhwng misoedd penodol hawlio taliad ariannol untro gan eu hawdurdod lleol. Mae hyn yn wahanol i'r taliad tanwydd y gaeaf a'r taliad tywydd oer sy'n cael ei gynnig gan Lywodraeth y DU. Mae'r cynllun talebau tanwydd yn fath newydd o gymorth i ddarparu cymorth mewn argyfwng i aelwydydd sy'n gorfod talu ymlaen llaw am eu hynni, gan ddarparu talebau ychwanegol i'r rhai ar fesuryddion rhagdalu a gwasanaeth argyfwng i aelwydydd nad ydynt ar y grid nwy. Ond ni allwch wneud cais; rhaid i aelwydydd gael eu cyfeirio. Mae'r gronfa cymorth dewisol yn darparu dau fath o grant, ac mae un ohonynt, y taliad cymorth mewn argyfwng, ar gael tan ddiwedd mis Mawrth i helpu aelwydydd nad ydynt ar y grid nwy sy'n dioddef caledi ariannol i dalu am olew ychwanegol ac LPG. Mae'r rhai sydd angen cymorth brys tuag at nwy ychwanegol a mesuryddion rhagdalu trydan yn gallu cael cymorth hefyd, ond os chwiliwch chi am y gronfa cymorth dewisol ar Google, fe gewch dudalen Llywodraeth Cymru nad yw'n crybwyll hyn o gwbl. Unwaith eto, rhaid i geisiadau gael eu gwneud drwy weithiwr cymorth. Felly, fe welwch sut mae pethau: amodau cymhwysedd gwahanol, rheolau gwahanol, prosesau gwahanol ar gyfer gwneud ceisiadau. Ac mae hyn i gyd i fod i helpu pobl sydd mewn argyfwng, sydd, i fod yn onest, heb fod yn y lle iawn yn feddyliol i fynd ar drywydd hyn i gyd tra'u bod yn poeni sut i gadw eu plant yn gynnes. A dim ond cymorth gyda thanwydd yw hyn.
Mae Sefydliad Bevan yn dadlau dros yr angen am system fudd-daliadau Gymreig a gwasanaethau datganoledig. Mae ei ymchwil i'r ffordd y cafodd y taliadau cymorth, lwfansau a grantiau Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdod lleol hyn eu gweinyddu yn awgrymu y gallai newidiadau i gynlluniau unigol a'u hintegreiddio'n system ddi-dor gynyddu eu cyrhaeddiad a'u heffaith. Pan wnaeth y galwadau hyn am y tro cyntaf, roedd yna 12 grant a lwfans gwahanol, pob un yn cael eu gweinyddu ar wahân, felly, hyd yn oed pan oedd meini prawf cymhwysedd yr un fath, roedd rhaid i bobl wneud cais am bob math o gymorth ar wahân. Fel yn achos yr enghraifft a roddais ynghylch taliadau cymorth tanwydd, mae llawer mwy wedi'u cyflwyno neu gymhwysedd wedi'u ehangu ers dechrau'r pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw. Ac felly dim ond cynyddu y mae'r sail a'r ddadl dros greu un system integredig ddi-dor.
Ac nid yw cymorth yn gymorth os nad ydych chi'n gwybod ei fod yno neu os nad yw'n hygyrch. Roedd yr arolwg diweddaraf gan Plant yng Nghymru yn cynnwys y farn hon gan un ymarferydd sy'n gweithio gyda phlant a theuluoedd:
'Nid yw’n ddigon i ddweud bod pobl heb wybodaeth am yr hyn y gallan nhw ei hawlio. Fyddai llawer o’r bobl agored i niwed rwyf fi’n eu gweld yn methu cael hyd i ffordd trwy’r system gymhleth hon heb lawer o gefnogaeth barhaus.'
Dylem gofio hynny wrth nodi bod llai na hanner yr aelwydydd cymwys wedi gwneud cais am rownd gyntaf y cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf.
Mae mudiadau fel Home Start Cymru, sy'n gweithio ar draws 18 awdurdod lleol i gefnogi teuluoedd â phlant, yn cytuno bod angen gwella a symleiddio'r sefyllfa. Mewn cyfarfod diweddar o grŵp trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar dlodi, fe wnaethant rannu safbwyntiau o'u prosiect Cefnogi Pobl Caerffili. Dywedodd un fam nad oedd hi'n gwybod bod dyddiad cau ar gyfer gwneud cais am y taliad costau byw ac felly ei bod ar ei cholled. Dywedodd un arall, 'Cefais daliad o £326 i mewn yr wythnos o'r blaen. Nid wyf yn siŵr ar gyfer beth y mae. Ond mae'r cyfeiriad ar fy nghyfrif banc yn dweud mai dim ond rhif ydyw.' Rhannodd staff pa mor anodd yw cefnogi teuluoedd gyda system mor gymhleth i'w llywio. Un broblem gyffredin yw bod cynghorwyr yn dweud na allant weithredu ar ran teuluoedd i helpu i ddatrys pethau fel hawliadau gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor; mae angen caniatâd ysgrifenedig.
Ac rwy'n credu bod y dyfyniad canlynol gan weithiwr cymorth yn crisialu'r angen am newid fel y mae'r cynnig yn ei argymell: 'Tad sengl oedd un o'r bobl a gefnogais. Er ei fod yn cael credyd cynhwysol ac yn dibynnu ar fanciau bwyd, roedd wedi bod yn talu swm llawn y dreth gyngor ers 14 mis. Fe ganfyddais nad yw cynghorwyr y dreth gyngor yn gofyn a ydych chi ar fudd-daliadau.' Gwyddom mai ôl-ddyledion y dreth gyngor yw'r broblem ddyledion fwyaf i aelwydydd Cymru. Byddai cysylltu cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor â chymhwysedd i gael credyd cynhwysol yn atal pobl rhag mynd i ddyled. Byddai manteision yn sgil gostwng costau gweinyddu a chapasiti'n cael ei ryddhau i awdurdodau lleol a chynghorwyr allu hyrwyddo budd-daliadau, gan roi hwb pellach i'r nifer sy'n eu cael.
Wrth ateb cwestiynau blaenorol yn y Senedd ar wella a sicrhau bod y nifer mwyaf o bobl yn eu cael, nododd y Gweinidog y gwaith parhaus, megis gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i archwilio sut y gellid datblygu un pwynt mynediad a rhannu arferion gorau drwy gyhoeddi pecyn cymorth ar sut i symleiddio'r broses ymgeisio. Mae'r Llywodraeth hefyd wedi dweud y gall awdurdodau lleol sicrhau pasbort i'r rhai sy'n gymwys ar gyfer y cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor i gynllun cymorth tanwydd Cymru, ond mae llai na hanner ein hawdurdodau lleol yn gwneud hynny. Mae angen dull cyfannol, system gyfan.
Mae'r Gweinidog wedi siarad am y gwaith ar greu siarter ar gyfer darparu'r taliadau hyn. Ac rwy'n croesawu'r ffaith bod ymchwil yn cael ei wneud gan Policy in Practice, a ariennir gan sawl sefydliad, i edrych ar sut y gellir cyflawni dull cyffredin a fyddai'n arwain at ddull 'dim drws anghywir' y gwyddom ei fod mor hanfodol ac effeithiol. Fy nadl i yn hyn o beth yw na fydd siarter, sef canllawiau i bob pwrpas, yn ddigon. Ni fydd yn osgoi loteri cod post; ni fydd yn osgoi'r tyllau yn y rhwyd ddiogelwch hollbwysig honno. Mae angen troedle statudol cadarn ar gyfer system sy'n seiliedig ar hawliau a fydd yn sicrhau cydlyniad ac effeithiolrwydd, ac yn caniatáu i bobl wneud cais am yr holl gymorth y mae ganddynt hawl i'w gael mewn un lle. Ac yng Nghymru, mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru bwerau rheoleiddio dros lywodraeth leol, felly mae modd cyflawni hyn.
Byddai cost i greu system sy'n siarad â'r holl systemau sydd angen iddi siarad â hwy, ond mae'r manteision yn amlwg. Yn bwysicaf oll, bydd yn helpu'r rhai sydd angen pob un geiniog o help i gadw'r gwres ymlaen, i gadw'r golau ymlaen, i roi dillad am y plant a bwyd yn eu boliau. Diolch.
Interesting contribution from Sioned Williams, and I share your passion for ensuring that everybody gets what they're entitled to, but that, of course, is a main plank of the Welsh Government's proposals to try and help people through these very difficult times. That's why we have 'Claim what's yours'.
So, I definitely support the administration of benefits to be devolved to Wales, as proposed by the Bevan Foundation, because I understand the benefits that it's had in Scotland. Amidst the unprecedented cost-of-living crisis, it looks very attractive to introduce such a Bill here, but is it within the scope of our powers and is it going to be necessary if, in fact, we get the devolution of benefits agreed by a future Government?
Clearly, we need to improve on what we're doing at the moment, because far too many people are suffering really horrendously. And, at the moment, charities, for example, are really raising the red flag over the numbers of people who are being dumped onto prepayment meters simply because they've run into debt on their existing arrangements. This is very, very worrying, and something that we probably need to do something about, because disconnection by the back door is simply unacceptable. We wouldn't be doing this in relation to water debt, and we don't need to be doing it in relation to enabling people to keep warm and the light on. But whether or not we need legislation to improve on the situation, or whether we need further instruction from Welsh Government to improve local authority assessment of this matter.
I was very concerned to hear Sioned say that fewer than half of the local authorities are passporting the council tax reduction benefit recipients onto other benefits, like the Welsh winter fuel payment scheme. That seems very worrying, because I know that that's certainly not occurring in Cardiff where all council tenants, for example, were automatically passported into the Welsh winter fuel payment scheme last year. Now, the take-up last year wasn't as good as 100 per cent, because it was obviously something that was done in a very short timescale, but now that the Welsh Government's extended the scheme to a greater number of households—400,000 low-income households for this coming winter—although the scheme started on 26 September, I am completely amazed that approaching half the number of eligible people have already taken up the claim. Obviously that's a reflection of need, but it's also a reflection of the competency of people to ensure that they're getting it.
I think that the universal free school meals is a missed opportunity to have a proper conversation with parents on whether they are actually claiming everything that they're entitled to, because I know that local authorities in England have massively increased the take-up of benefits as a result of that conversation that takes place—
Cyfraniad diddorol gan Sioned Williams, ac rwy'n rhannu eich angerdd ynghylch sicrhau bod pawb yn cael yr hyn mae ganddynt hawl iddo, ond hynny, wrth gwrs, yw prif sail cynigion Llywodraeth Cymru i geisio helpu pobl drwy'r cyfnod hynod anodd hwn. Dyna pam y mae gennym 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi'.
Felly, rwy'n bendant yn cefnogi datganoli gweinyddu budd-daliadau i Gymru, fel yr argymhellwyd gan Sefydliad Bevan, oherwydd rwy'n deall y manteision a ddaeth yn sgil hynny yn yr Alban. Ynghanol yr argyfwng costau byw na fu ei debyg o'r blaen, mae'n edrych yn ddeniadol iawn i gyflwyno Bil o'r fath yma, ond a yw o fewn cwmpas ein pwerau ac a fydd ei angen os oes Llywodraeth yn y dyfodol yn mynd i gytuno i ddatganoli budd-daliadau?
Yn amlwg, mae angen inni wella'r hyn a wnawn ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd mae llawer gormod o bobl yn dioddef yn ddychrynllyd iawn. Ac ar hyn o bryd, mae elusennau, er enghraifft, yn codi'r faner goch dros niferoedd y bobl sy'n cael eu gorfodi i gael mesuryddion rhagdalu am ddim rheswm heblaw eu bod wedi mynd i ddyled ar eu trefniadau presennol. Mae hyn yn destun pryder mawr, ac yn rhywbeth y dylem wneud rhywbeth yn ei gylch yn ôl pob tebyg, oherwydd mae datgysylltu drwy'r drws cefn yn gwbl annerbyniol. Ni fyddem yn gwneud hyn mewn perthynas â dyled dŵr, ac nid oes angen inni ei wneud mewn perthynas â galluogi pobl i gadw'n gynnes a chadw'r golau ymlaen. Ond p'un a oes angen deddfwriaeth arnom i wella'r sefyllfa ai peidio, neu p'un a oes angen cyfarwyddyd pellach arnom gan Lywodraeth Cymru i wella asesiadau awdurdodau lleol o'r mater hwn.
Roeddwn yn bryderus iawn o glywed Sioned yn dweud bod llai na hanner yr awdurdodau lleol yn sicrhau pasbort i'r rheini sy'n derbyn budd-dal gostyngiad y dreth gyngor i fudd-daliadau eraill, fel cynllun taliad tanwydd y gaeaf yng Nghymru. Mae hynny'n peri pryder, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod yn sicr nad yw hynny'n digwydd yng Nghaerdydd lle'r oedd holl denantiaid y cyngor, er enghraifft, wedi cael pasbort awtomatig i gynllun taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf Cymru y llynedd. Nawr, nid oedd y nifer a'i câi y llynedd yn 100 y cant, oherwydd yn amlwg roedd yn rhywbeth a wnaethpwyd mewn amser byr iawn, ond gan fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymestyn y cynllun i gynnwys nifer mwy o aelwydydd erbyn hyn—400,000 o aelwydydd incwm isel ar gyfer y gaeaf sydd i ddod—er i'r cynllun ddechrau ar 26 Medi, rwy'n synnu'n fawr fod yn agos at hanner nifer y bobl gymwys eisoes wedi manteisio ar yr hawl. Yn amlwg mae hynny'n adlewyrchu'r angen, ond mae hefyd yn adlewyrchu cymhwysedd pobl i sicrhau eu bod yn ei gael.
Rwy'n credu bod prydau ysgol am ddim i bawb yn gyfle a gollwyd i gael sgwrs briodol gyda rhieni ynglŷn ag a ydynt yn hawlio popeth y mae ganddynt hawl iddo mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod bod awdurdodau lleol yn Lloegr wedi cynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar fudd-daliadau yn aruthrol o ganlyniad i gael y sgwrs honno—
Jenny, you need to conclude, please.
Jenny, mae angen i chi ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda.
—on this. Lastly, I think, if Gordon Brown's proposals for constitutional reform include devolution of the administration of benefits to Wales, and they're accepted by a future Government, would we therefore need this legislation? And, in the meantime, how can we improve the way in which public authorities are engaging in this really important issue?
—am hyn. Yn olaf, os yw cynigion Gordon Brown ar gyfer diwygio cyfansoddiadol yn cynnwys datganoli gweinyddu budd-daliadau i Gymru, a'u bod yn cael eu derbyn gan Lywodraeth yn y dyfodol, a fyddem angen y ddeddfwriaeth hon felly? Ac yn y cyfamser, sut y gallwn wella'r rhan y mae awdurdodau cyhoeddus yn ei chwarae yn y mater pwysig hwn?
In January 2019, the Bevan Foundation launched its project on the Welsh benefits system, aiming to develop a coherent and streamlined framework of help in Wales. As they said:
'The Welsh Government and Welsh local authorities provide a number of different schemes which...range from the provision of free school meals to discretionary housing payments.'
They added:
'At present, each of these schemes is viewed as discrete from each other, meaning that claimants often have to make multiple claims to receive all of the additional Welsh support they are entitled to, and creating inefficiency in the system.'
Speaking at the policy forum for Wales seminar on reducing poverty in Wales, welfare reform, local approaches and long-term strategies in March 2019, I noted that Community Housing Cymru had called on the Welsh Government to respond positively to their call for Welsh Government and local authorities to work with Jobcentre Plus in Wales to co-locate services and enable applications for local authority benefits to be made at the same time as universal credit.
Speaking here in September 2020, in the debate on the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report, 'Benefits in Wales: options for better delivery', I welcomed the Welsh Government's acceptance of our recommendations that it establish a
'"coherent and integrated 'Welsh benefits system' for all the means-tested benefits for which it is responsible...co-produced with people who claim these benefits and the wider Welsh public"
'and that it used the Oxfam sustainable livelihoods approach toolkit'.
I added, however, that
'We now need words turned into real action so that at last things are done with people rather than to them.'
'The Welsh Government states that it is finalising actions to take forward following its review of its existing programmes and services'—
and they're—
'developing a set of principles and values on which a Welsh benefits system will be based and tackling poverty more widely will only succeed with citizen involvement at its core.'
That's over two years ago.
Speaking here in January 2021, I asked the First Minister how he responded to the calls by the Bevan Foundation, Citizens Advice Cymru and Community Housing Cymru for the Welsh Government to establish a single point of access for benefits and support schemes administered in Wales.
Speaking here in July 2021, I challenged the Welsh Government on the actions it had taken to establish a coherent and integrated Welsh benefits system, as recommended in the 2019 committee report on benefits in Wales. I asked the Trefnydd, who was answering questions on behalf of the First Minister,
'what action has the Welsh Government therefore taken since to turn its words into real action'.
We'll be pleased to support the motion as drafted accordingly.
Ym mis Ionawr 2019, lansiodd Sefydliad Bevan ei brosiect ar system fudd-daliadau Cymru, gyda'r nod o ddatblygu fframwaith cydlynol a symlach o help yng Nghymru. Roeddent yn dweud hyn:
'Mae Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn darparu nifer o gynlluniau gwahanol sy'n amrywio o ddarparu prydau ysgol am ddim i daliadau tai dewisol.'
Roeddent yn ychwanegu:
'Ar hyn o bryd, mae pob un o'r cynlluniau hyn yn cael eu hystyried fel rhai ar wahân i'w gilydd, sy'n golygu bod yn rhaid i hawlwyr wneud ceisiadau lluosog yn aml i gael yr holl gymorth ychwanegol Cymreig y mae ganddynt hawl i'w gael, ac yn creu aneffeithlonrwydd yn y system.'
Wrth siarad yn seminar fforwm polisi Cymru ar leihau tlodi yng Nghymru, diwygio lles, dulliau lleol o weithredu a strategaethau hirdymor ym mis Mawrth 2019, nodais fod Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ymateb yn gadarnhaol i'w galwad ar Lywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol i weithio gyda'r Ganolfan Byd Gwaith yng Nghymru er mwyn cydleoli gwasanaethau a'i gwneud yn bosibl i geisiadau am fudd-daliadau awdurdodau lleol gael eu gwneud ar yr un pryd â'r credyd cynhwysol.
Wrth siarad yma ym mis Medi 2020, yn y drafodaeth ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau, 'Budd-daliadau yng Nghymru: opsiynau i'w cyflawni'n well', roeddwn yn croesawu'r ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn ein hargymhellion y dylai sefydlu
'"system fudd-daliadau Gymreig" gydlynol ac integredig ar gyfer yr holl fudd-daliadau sy’n seiliedig ar brawf modd y mae’n gyfrifol amdanynt... [wedi] eu cydgynhyrchu gyda phobl sy’n hawlio’r budd-daliadau hyn a’r cyhoedd ehangach yng Nghymru'
'a'i fod yn defnyddio pecyn cymorth dull bywoliaethau cynaliadwy Oxfam'.
Ychwanegais, fodd bynnag,
'Mae angen i ni droi geiriau yn weithredu go iawn yn awr fel bod pethau'n cael eu gwneud gyda phobl o'r diwedd yn hytrach nag iddyn nhw.'
'Dywed Llywodraeth Cymru ei bod yn cwblhau'r camau sydd i'w cymryd yn dilyn ei hadolygiad o'i rhaglenni a'i gwasanaethau presennol'—
'ni fydd datblygu cyfres o egwyddorion a gwerthoedd ar gyfer seilio system fudd-daliadau Gymreig arnynt a mynd i'r afael â thlodi'n ehangach yn llwyddo heb gynnwys dinasyddion yn y canol.'
Mae hynny dros ddwy flynedd yn ôl.
Wrth siarad yma ym mis Ionawr 2021, gofynnais i'r Prif Weinidog sut roedd yn ymateb i alwadau gan Sefydliad Bevan, Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru a Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sefydlu un pwynt mynediad ar gyfer budd-daliadau a chynlluniau cymorth a weinyddir yng Nghymru.
Wrth siarad yma ym mis Gorffennaf 2021, fe heriais Lywodraeth Cymru am y camau a gymerodd i sefydlu system fudd-daliadau Gymreig gydlynol ac integredig, fel yr argymhellwyd yn adroddiad pwyllgor 2019 ar fudd-daliadau yng Nghymru. Gofynnais i'r Trefnydd, a oedd yn ateb cwestiynau ar ran y Prif Weinidog,
'pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu cymryd ers hynny i droi ei geiriau yn weithredu go iawn'.
Byddwn yn falch o gefnogi'r cynnig fel y'i drafftiwyd yn unol â hynny.
I think Sioned hit the nail on the head when she said that support is not support if you don't know it's there. I'd like to thank her for proposing this motion. The reality is that many don't take up the benefits they're entitled to—benefits that they desperately need. I believe it is incumbent on the Government to seek out those in need and not to expect those in need to come forward.
There is an inherent stigma in claiming any support; we've seen countless reports highlight this. We've heard that the bureaucracy in applying acts as a barrier; again, countless reports highlight this. As Sioned has mentioned, people simply don't have the headspace or the time to seek out a large range of support from different providers. It's why I subscribe to the principle of universality, it's why I believe in universal free school meals and it's why I believe universal basic services are fundamental.
I believe—fundamentally believe—that any society that is compassionate should set out to ensure that everyone has access to the essentials. If we are going to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, if we are going to wake up from the neoliberal nightmare that is the UK today, then radical solutions, grounded in universality, are needed. I see this as a proposal that takes us in the right direction and I wholeheartedly support my friend's proposal.
Rwy'n credu bod Sioned wedi taro'r hoelen ar ei phen pan ddywedodd nad yw cymorth yn gymorth os nad ydych yn gwybod ei fod yno. Hoffwn ddiolch iddi am gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn. Y gwir amdani yw y ceir llawer o bobl nad ydynt yn manteisio ar y budd-daliadau y mae ganddynt hawl iddynt—budd-daliadau y maent eu hangen yn ddybryd. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddyletswydd ar y Llywodraeth i chwilio am y rhai sydd mewn angen a pheidio â disgwyl i'r rhai sydd mewn angen gamu ymlaen.
Ceir stigma cynhenid wrth hawlio unrhyw gymorth; rydym wedi gweld adroddiadau dirifedi'n tynnu sylw at hyn. Clywsom fod y fiwrocratiaeth wrth wneud cais yn gweithredu fel rhwystr; unwaith eto, ceir adroddiadau dirifedi'n tynnu sylw at hyn. Fel y soniodd Sioned, nid yw pobl yn y lle iawn yn feddyliol ac nid oes ganddynt amser i chwilio am ystod fawr o gymorth gan wahanol ddarparwyr. Dyna pam rwy'n cefnogi egwyddor cyffredinoliaeth, dyna pam rwy'n credu mewn prydau ysgol am ddim i bawb a dyna pam rwy'n credu bod gwasanaethau sylfaenol cyffredinol yn hanfodol.
Rwy'n credu—yn credu'n gryf—y dylai unrhyw gymdeithas sy'n dosturiol fynd ati i sicrhau bod gan bawb fynediad at yr hanfodion. Os ydym yn mynd i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw, os ydym yn mynd i ddeffro o hunllef neoryddfrydol y DU heddiw, mae angen atebion radical, wedi'u seilio ar gyffredinoliaeth. Rwy'n gweld hwn fel cynnig sy'n mynd â ni i'r cyfeiriad cywir ac rwy'n cefnogi cynnig fy nghyfaill yn llwyr.
I've been to three cost-of-living seminars in north Wales recently, and communication of what benefits people are entitled to was the biggest issue. There have been a variety of suggestions: an online grant checker, printing the CAB advice number on prescription bags from the pharmacy, having community advisers who get to know those hard to reach in the community and a single-point-of-access number, and I'd like the Government to write to everybody, as they did during the pandemic—that's my suggestion as well.
It was also discussed that there was a need for residents and, also, organisations to know what's happening. We need to make every contact count, so that's councillors; CABx; council social care; housing, revenue and benefits departments; and lottery fund officers. The list goes on: doctors, foodbanks, health visitors and district nurses.
Delivering benefits is messy, bureaucratic and costly. Local authorities are short staffed; I saw a local authority advertising for 12 new benefits staff, but each of those were on low pay as well, so that doesn't help. But, fundamentally, if universal credit had an uplift; if we had a universal basic income; if everyone had an inflationary increase; and if public services, which in Wales are a big employer, were properly funded, not cut year after year, people would have money in their pockets to spend in the local economy. Surely, that would be better.
I listen and learn, and those who have money conserve it, while those who don't are most generous and they will spend it—they will buy raffle tickets and they will help the community, spending each last bit of their money helping others, not hoarding it away.
If that change does not happen, we need to devolve social security. I think a fundamental change is needed. We need to get rid of the benefits system and bureaucracy once and for all. Anyway, thank you.
Bûm mewn tair seminar costau byw yng ngogledd Cymru yn ddiweddar, a chyfathrebu ynghylch pa fudd y mae gan bobl hawl iddo oedd y broblem fwyaf. Cafwyd amrywiaeth o awgrymiadau: gwiriwr grant ar-lein, argraffu rhif cyngor CAB ar fagiau presgripsiwn o'r fferyllfa, cael cynghorwyr cymunedol sy'n dod i adnabod y rhai sy'n anodd eu cyrraedd yn y gymuned a rhif un pwynt mynediad, a hoffwn i'r Llywodraeth ysgrifennu at bawb, fel y gwnaethant yn ystod y pandemig—dyna fy awgrym i hefyd.
Trafodwyd hefyd fod angen i drigolion a sefydliadau wybod beth sy'n digwydd. Mae angen inni wneud i bob cyswllt gyfrif, felly mae hynny'n golygu cynghorwyr; swyddfeydd cyngor ar bopeth; gofal cymdeithasol cynghorau; adrannau tai, refeniw a budd-daliadau; a swyddogion cronfa'r loteri. Mae'r rhestr yn parhau: meddygon, banciau bwyd, ymwelwyr iechyd a nyrsys ardal.
Mae darparu budd-daliadau yn flêr, yn fiwrocrataidd ac yn gostus. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn brin o staff; gwelais awdurdod lleol yn hysbysebu am 12 o staff budd-daliadau newydd, ond roedd pob un o'r rheini ar gyflogau isel hefyd, felly nid yw hynny'n helpu. Ond yn y bôn, pe bai ychwanegiad i'r credyd cynhwysol; pe bai gennym incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol; pe bai cynnydd yn incwm pawb i gyd-fynd â chwyddiant; a phe bai gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, sy'n gyflogwyr mawr yng Nghymru, yn cael eu hariannu'n iawn, yn hytrach na chael eu torri flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, byddai gan bobl arian yn eu pocedi i'w wario yn yr economi leol. Byddai hynny'n sicr yn well.
Rwy'n gwrando ac yn dysgu, ac mae'r rhai sydd ag arian yn ei gadw, tra bod y rhai sydd heb lawer o arian yn fwy hael ac yn ei wario—byddant yn prynu tocynnau raffl a byddant yn helpu'r gymuned, gan wario pob ceiniog olaf o'u harian yn helpu eraill, nid yn ei gelcio.
Os nad yw'r newid hwnnw'n digwydd, mae angen inni ddatganoli nawdd cymdeithasol. Rwy'n credu bod angen newid sylfaenol. Mae angen inni gael gwared ar y system fudd-daliadau a biwrocratiaeth unwaith ac am byth. Beth bynnag, diolch.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, Jane Hutt.
I call on the Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you for the opportunity to respond to this debate on the proposal of a take-up of benefits Bill. I do welcome the opportunity this debate provides to report on the actions the Welsh Government is taking to improve the take-up of benefits and to report on the ways we're driving this forward, in collaboration, particularly, with our local authorities. It has never been so vital that people are encouraged to claim every pound they're entitled to.
Through our every-contact-counts approach, we're taking a proactive stance on the identification of eligibility for benefits, concentrating on the public services that people use the most. And, as the Member proposing this motion has said, our Welsh benefits, which include support like free school meals, pupil development grant access, the council tax reduction scheme, the discretionary assistance fund and Healthy Start vouchers, are a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of people during the worst cost-of-living crisis in over 40 years. This year, our discretionary assistance fund has supported nearly 148,000 vulnerable individuals with more than £16.5 million in awards, help towards council tax bills is claimed by 268,000 people, and 73,024 children receive free school meals, and it's important we put that on the record.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch am y cyfle i ymateb i'r ddadl hon ar y cynnig ar gyfer Bil manteisio ar fudd-daliadau. Rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle y mae'r ddadl hon yn ei roi i adrodd ar y camau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar fudd-daliadau ac i adrodd ar y ffyrdd rydym yn gyrru hyn yn ei flaen, mewn cydweithrediad â'n hawdurdodau lleol, yn enwedig. Ni fu erioed mor hanfodol fod pobl yn cael eu hannog i hawlio pob punt y mae ganddynt hawl i'w hawlio.
Drwy ein dull gwneud i bob cyswllt gyfrif, rydym yn mabwysiadu safbwynt rhagweithiol ar gyfer adnabod cymhwysedd ar gyfer budd-daliadau, gan ganolbwyntio ar y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus y mae pobl yn eu defnyddio fwyaf. Ac fel y dywedodd yr Aelod sy'n cyflwyno'r cynnig, mae ein budd-daliadau Cymreig, sy'n cynnwys cymorth fel prydau ysgol am ddim, grant datblygu disgyblion—mynediad, y cynllun gostyngiad y dreth gyngor, y gronfa cymorth dewisol a thalebau Dechrau Iach, yn achubiaeth i gannoedd o filoedd o bobl yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw gwaethaf ers dros 40 mlynedd. Eleni, mae ein cronfa cymorth dewisol wedi cefnogi bron i 148,000 o unigolion bregus gyda mwy na £16.5 miliwn o ddyfarniadau, caiff help tuag at filiau'r dreth gyngor ei hawlio gan 268,000 o bobl, ac mae 73,024 o blant yn cael prydau ysgol am ddim, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cofnodi hynny.
Awareness of the financial support that is available, be it devolved or non-devolved, is increasing in households across Wales due to the success of campaigns like 'Claim what's yours'. Over 9,000 people are so far being helped to claim over £2.6 million of additional income in the latest reports, and I do thank our partners, including local authorities, for their support for our drive together to encourage people across Wales to claim their entitlements by promoting our campaign materials.
But whilst we are doing excellent work together to raise awareness, I recognise there is more that we can do to streamline the Welsh benefits system, and that is where we are focusing our actions. At present, a person will often have to complete multiple forms that ask for similar information but need to be sent to different departments. I know that this deters people from accessing their entitlements, and that's why the Welsh Government and our partners are absolutely committed to a shared vision of a Welsh benefits system that has that single point of contact, where an individual only has to tell their story once.
The Centre for Digital Public Services is working with my officials to undertake exploratory work and identify solutions that will allow for a cohesive, unified system, and I do welcome the separate research being led by the Bevan Foundation on the barriers to take-up of Welsh benefits. However, whilst we work towards this goal, we're continuing to deliver improvements. We're determined to ensure that the approach taken to administering Welsh benefits is a person-centred and compassionate one, based on rights and entitlements. The work we're undertaking to simplify the Welsh benefits system is supporting our co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru for the devolution of the administration of welfare and the exploration of the necessary infrastructure required to prepare for this.
An essential element of this work is the benefits charter, an underpinning set of principles for the Welsh benefits system that we produced with stakeholders from our income maximisation group. We're now taking forward our charter from inception to implementation by engaging with people who claim Welsh benefits and delivery partners. Complementing the benefits charter is our best practice toolkit for local authorities, which provides practical tips and guidance on the administration of Welsh benefits. We've developed that toolkit in partnership with local authorities, drawing on their practical and operational experience. We believe it's most appropriate to work collaboratively with our local government colleagues to deliver the toolkit effectively, and we are working with them to share and exchange good practice in the take-up of benefits in Wales.
We've recently seen many examples of best practice, of new payments being delivered by local authorities, notably with the automation of the £150 cost-of-living payment, which in many cases was sent directly to eligible individuals without them needing to make an application—an approach that has now been adopted by authorities under the current Welsh Government fuel support scheme. As Jenny Rathbone has said, more than 185,000 payments have already been paid in less than a month.
So, I do extend my gratitude to all involved, whether working on the front line helping individuals to claim Welsh benefits, or responsible for administering those benefits, for their ongoing commitment to ensuring that people across Wales are able to claim what's available to them. That is where we're focusing our efforts.
Finally, Dirprwy Lywydd, I can't speak at a debate on benefits without mentioning the households across Wales who are facing daily financial struggles, with the highest level of inflation for over 40 years. I know all Members of the Senedd across the Chamber will join my call for the Chancellor to do the right thing and confirm that they will not break their previous promises, and will uprate all social security benefits by 10.1 per cent from April next year. Diolch.
Mae ymwybyddiaeth o'r cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael, boed wedi'i ddatganoli neu heb ei ddatganoli, yn cynyddu mewn cartrefi ar draws Cymru oherwydd llwyddiant ymgyrchoedd fel 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi'. Mae dros 9,000 o bobl hyd yma yn cael cymorth i hawlio dros £2.6 miliwn o incwm ychwanegol yn yr adroddiadau diweddaraf, ac rwy'n diolch i'n partneriaid, gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol, am eu cefnogaeth i'n hymgyrch gyda'n gilydd i annog pobl ledled Cymru i hawlio'r hyn y mae ganddynt hawl iddo drwy hyrwyddo ein deunyddiau ymgyrchu.
Ond er ein bod yn gwneud gwaith rhagorol gyda'n gilydd i godi ymwybyddiaeth, rwy'n cydnabod bod mwy y gallwn ei wneud i symleiddio system fudd-daliadau Cymru, a dyna lle rydym yn canolbwyntio ein gweithredoedd. Ar hyn o bryd, bydd unigolion yn aml yn gorfod llenwi sawl ffurflen sy'n gofyn am wybodaeth debyg ond sydd angen eu hanfon at adrannau gwahanol. Rwy'n gwybod bod hyn yn rhwystro pobl rhag manteisio ar eu hawliau, a dyna pam y mae Llywodraeth Cymru a'n partneriaid yn gwbl ymrwymedig i weledigaeth gyffredin o system fudd-daliadau Gymreig sydd ag un pwynt cyswllt, lle nad oes raid i unigolyn ddweud ei stori fwy nag unwaith.
Mae'r Ganolfan Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Digidol yn gweithio gyda fy swyddogion i wneud gwaith archwilio a nodi atebion a fydd yn caniatáu ar gyfer system gydlynol, unedig, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ymchwil ar wahân sy'n cael ei harwain gan Sefydliad Bevan ar y rhwystrau rhag hawlio budd-daliadau Cymreig. Fodd bynnag, tra byddwn yn gweithio tuag at y nod hwn, rydym yn parhau i gyflawni gwelliannau. Rydym yn benderfynol o sicrhau bod y dull o weinyddu budd-daliadau Cymreig yn un sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn ac yn dosturiol, yn seiliedig ar hawliau. Mae'r gwaith a wnawn i symleiddio system fudd-daliadau Cymru yn cefnogi ein cytundeb cydweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru ar ddatganoli gweinyddu lles ac archwilio'r seilwaith angenrheidiol sydd ei angen i baratoi ar gyfer hyn.
Elfen hanfodol o'r gwaith hwn yw'r siarter fudd-daliadau, cyfres sylfaenol o egwyddorion ar gyfer system fudd-daliadau Gymreig y gwnaethom ei chreu gyda rhanddeiliaid o'n grŵp uchafu incwm. Rydym bellach yn bwrw ymlaen â'n siarter o'r cychwyn cyntaf hyd at ei gweithrediad drwy ymgysylltu â phobl sy'n hawlio budd-daliadau Cymreig a phartneriaid cyflawni. I gyd-fynd â siarter fudd-daliadau, mae gennym becyn cymorth arferion gorau ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol, sy'n cynnig awgrymiadau ymarferol ac arweiniad ar weinyddu budd-daliadau Cymreig. Rydym wedi datblygu'r pecyn cymorth hwnnw mewn partneriaeth ag awdurdodau lleol, gan ddefnyddio'u profiad ymarferol a gweithredol. Credwn mai gweithio ar y cyd â'n cydweithwyr llywodraeth leol yw'r ffordd fwyaf priodol o gyflwyno'r pecyn cymorth yn effeithiol, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda hwy i rannu a chyfnewid arferion da i hybu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar fudd-daliadau yng Nghymru.
Yn ddiweddar, gwelsom nifer o enghreifftiau o arferion gorau, o daliadau newydd yn cael eu darparu gan awdurdodau lleol, yn fwyaf arbennig gydag awtomeiddio'r taliad costau byw o £150, a anfonwyd yn uniongyrchol at unigolion cymwys mewn llawer o achosion heb fod angen iddynt wneud cais—dull sydd bellach wedi'i fabwysiadu gan awdurdodau o dan gynllun cymorth tanwydd presennol Llywodraeth Cymru. Fel y dywedodd Jenny Rathbone, mae dros 185,000 o daliadau eisoes wedi eu talu mewn llai na mis.
Felly, rwy'n ddiolchgar i bawb sydd wedi bod yn rhan o hyn, boed yn gweithio ar y rheng flaen yn helpu unigolion i hawlio budd-daliadau Cymreig, neu'n gyfrifol am weinyddu'r budd-daliadau hynny, am eu hymrwymiad parhaus i sicrhau bod pobl ledled Cymru yn gallu hawlio'r hyn sydd ar gael iddynt. Dyna lle rydym yn canolbwyntio ein hymdrechion.
Yn olaf, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ni allaf siarad mewn dadl ar fudd-daliadau heb sôn am yr aelwydydd ledled Cymru sy'n wynebu trafferthion ariannol dyddiol, gyda'r lefel uchaf o chwyddiant ers dros 40 mlynedd. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd holl Aelodau'r Senedd ar draws y Siambr yn ymuno â'm galwad ar y Canghellor i wneud y peth iawn a chadarnhau na fyddant yn torri eu haddewidion blaenorol, ac y byddant yn uwchraddio'r holl fudd-daliadau nawdd cymdeithasol 10.1 y cant o fis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf. Diolch.
Sioned, you did use all your allocated time for both opening and closing to open the session, but I've agreed to allocate an additional minute to you to close the session, so I'll now give you the time to do so.
Sioned, fe ddefnyddioch yr holl amser a neilltuwyd i chi ar gyfer agor a chloi i agor y sesiwn, ond rwyf wedi cytuno i neilltuo munud ychwanegol ichi gloi'r sesiwn, felly rwyf am roi amser ichi wneud hynny yn awr.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's difficult when you're on Zoom and when you've got COVID.
I just want to say to Jenny, who wants to wait, that families can't wait. I would prefer to listen to those with lived experience, rather than Gordon Brown, on what solutions are needed.
Mark Isherwood, thank you for your support. I agree that these are not new ideas. Action is overdue. Imagine if this had been in place a few years ago, before the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis hit. We heard in the questions earlier today to Rebecca Evans that local authorities are under so much pressure; we should be doing everything we can to help them expand and free up their capacity, and this would do that. We know that Citizens Advice are seeting a 200 per cent increase, and that was back at the end of August and the beginning of September. We need to free up the capacity of those support workers away from filling in forms.
I recognise, Minister, the effort the Welsh Government is making on income maximisation with 'Claim what's yours' et cetera, but we know, don't we, that guidance doesn't always do it. We've seen, when we talked about the cost of the school day, that guidance on school uniform isn't always adhered to, and that's why 'in many cases' isn't good enough. That's why this kind of legislation is needed—so that this is all put on a statutory footing.
I want to thank everybody who contributed to the debate. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'n anodd pan ydych ar Zoom a phan fo gennych COVID.
Hoffwn ddweud wrth Jenny, sy'n dymuno aros, na all teuluoedd aros. Byddai’n well gennyf wrando ar y rheini a chanddynt brofiad bywyd, yn hytrach na Gordon Brown, ynghylch yr atebion sydd eu hangen.
Mark Isherwood, diolch am eich cefnogaeth. Rwy’n cytuno nad yw’r rhain yn syniadau newydd. Mae'n hen bryd gweithredu. Dychmygwch pe bai hyn wedi bod ar waith ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, cyn i'r pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw daro. Clywsom yn y cwestiynau yn gynharach heddiw i Rebecca Evans fod awdurdodau lleol dan gymaint o bwysau; dylem wneud popeth a allwn i'w helpu i ehangu a rhyddhau eu capasiti, a byddai hyn yn gwneud hynny. Gwyddom fod Cyngor ar Bopeth yn nodi cynnydd o 200 y cant, ac roedd hynny yn ôl ar ddiwedd mis Awst a dechrau mis Medi. Mae angen inni ryddhau capasiti’r gweithwyr cymorth hynny i wneud mwy na llenwi ffurflenni.
Weinidog, rwy'n cydnabod yr ymdrech y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gwneud ar wneud y gorau o incwm gyda 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi' ac ati, ond gwyddom nad yw canllawiau bob amser yn ddigon. Rydym wedi gweld, pan fuom yn siarad am gost y diwrnod ysgol, nad yw canllawiau ar wisg ysgol bob amser yn cael eu dilyn, a dyna pam nad yw 'mewn llawer o achosion' yn ddigon da. Dyna pam fod angen y math hwn o ddeddfwriaeth—er mwyn rhoi hyn oll ar sylfaen statudol.
Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a gyfrannodd at y ddadl. Diolch yn fawr.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Rwyf wedi clywed gwrthwynebiad, felly gohiriaf y bleidlais ar y cynnig tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to note the proposal. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I've heard an objection, therefore I defer voting on this item until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Eitem 8 heddiw yw dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, 'Mae’n effeithio ar bawb: Aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith dysgwyr'. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Jayne Bryant.
Item 8 today is a debate on the Children, Young People and Education Committee’s report, 'Everybody’s affected: Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among learners'. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Jayne Bryant.
Cynnig NDM8112 Jayne Bryant
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg ‘Mae’n effeithio ar bawb: Aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith dysgwyr’ a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 13 Gorffennaf 2022.
Motion NDM8112 Jayne Bryant
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the report of the Children, Young People and Education Committee ‘Everybody’s affected: Peer on peer sexual harassment among learners’ which was laid in the Table Office on 13 July 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. Before I begin my opening remarks, I should warn anybody listening to today’s debate that I will be talking in a general way about peer-on-peer sexual harassment among children and young people. Some people may find some of what I and others say distressing.
I'll begin by making it clear what exactly I mean when I talk about 'sexual harassment'. I mean making sexual comments, remarks, jokes, and nasty comments to cause humiliation, distress or alarm; I mean taking pictures under a person’s clothes without them knowing; I mean sharing nude photos or videos of someone without their consent, or sending unwanted sexually explicit photos or videos to someone. By sexual harassment, I do not mean 'banter'. Sexual harassment is not 'boys being boys', whatever that means. It is not bullying, either. When I talk about sexual harassment, I am talking about a form of sexual violence.
We launched this inquiry because of the shocking findings of Estyn’s thematic report, published in December 2021, alongside concerns raised to me by representatives of police forces in Wales. We took verbal and written evidence from professionals, organisations and the Welsh Government between February and May this year. We also launched a survey aimed at children and young people to ask them what change they wanted to see to reduce peer-on-peer sexual harassment in schools and colleges.
The remarkably consistent evidence we received described a harrowing backdrop to the learning of many children and young people: catcalling, hurtful comments, homophobic and transphobic verbal abuse during the school day. And the problem is worse outside the school day. Those abusive comments continue on messaging apps and social media. Alongside those comments, learners receive such high volumes of unsolicited sexual images that many young people have become desensitised to image-based abuse. The problem is so extensive that many girls and young women see it as a part of normal life.
That should alarm everybody here. Because the impact of sexual harassment is substantial and long-lasting. It affects young people’s mental health and educational attainment. It can drain self-confidence, cause withdrawal from education and society, lead to substance abuse, self-harm and even attempted suicide. These risks are heightened for our most vulnerable learners.
That peer-on-peer sexual harassment among learners is so common in schools and colleges is a reflection of society more widely. Sexism, homophobia and transphobia are stubbornly deep-rooted in schools, just as they are across society at large. Pornography depicting unrealistic, unhealthy or even violent sex is easily accessible, and is the first sex education that many young people get. And although social media and messaging apps provide wonderful opportunities for people to communicate and stay in touch, they can create pressure for young people to look, act or behave in a certain way. They can act as vehicles for sexual harassment by making it easy to share sexual images.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Cyn imi ddechrau fy sylwadau agoriadol, dylwn rybuddio unrhyw un sy’n gwrando ar y ddadl heddiw y byddaf yn siarad mewn ffordd gyffredinol am aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith plant a phobl ifanc. Efallai y bydd rhywfaint o'r hyn rwyf fi ac eraill yn sôn amdano'n peri gofid i rai pobl.
Fe ddechreuaf drwy ddweud yn glir beth yn union rwy'n ei olygu wrth sôn am 'aflonyddu rhywiol'. Rwy'n golygu gwneud sylwadau rhywiol, jôcs, a sylwadau cas i achosi cywilydd, gofid neu ddychryn; rwy'n golygu tynnu lluniau o dan ddillad unigolyn heb yn wybod iddynt; rwy'n golygu rhannu lluniau neu fideos noeth o rywun heb eu caniatâd, neu anfon lluniau neu fideos rhywiol na ofynnwyd amdanynt. Wrth ddweud aflonyddu rhywiol, nid wyf yn golygu 'tynnu coes'. Nid 'bechgyn yn bod yn fechgyn' yw aflonyddu rhywiol, beth bynnag y mae hynny'n ei olygu. Nid bwlio mohono, chwaith. Pan fyddaf yn sôn am aflonyddu rhywiol, rwy'n sôn am fath o drais rhywiol.
Lansiwyd yr ymchwiliad hwn gennym oherwydd canfyddiadau brawychus adroddiad thematig Estyn, a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Rhagfyr 2021, ochr yn ochr â phryderon a fynegwyd wrthyf gan gynrychiolwyr heddluoedd yng Nghymru. Cawsom dystiolaeth lafar ac ysgrifenedig gan weithwyr proffesiynol, sefydliadau a Llywodraeth Cymru rhwng mis Chwefror a mis Mai eleni. Hefyd, fe wnaethom lansio arolwg wedi'i anelu at blant a phobl ifanc i ofyn iddynt pa newid roeddent am ei weld i leihau aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion mewn ysgolion a cholegau.
Roedd y dystiolaeth hynod gyson a gawsom yn disgrifio cefndir torcalonnus i ddysgu llawer o blant a phobl ifanc: chwibanu, sylwadau cas, cam-drin geiriol homoffobig a thrawsffobig yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol. Ac mae'r broblem yn waeth y tu allan i'r diwrnod ysgol. Mae'r sylwadau sarhaus hynny'n parhau ar apiau negeseua a'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ochr yn ochr â’r sylwadau hynny, mae dysgwyr yn derbyn cymaint o ddelweddau rhywiol na ofynnwyd amdanynt fel bod llawer o bobl ifanc wedi eu dadsensiteiddio i gamdriniaeth drwy ddelweddau. Mae'r broblem mor gyffredin fel bod llawer o ferched a menywod ifanc yn ei hystyried yn rhan o fywyd normal.
Dylai hynny ddychryn pob un ohonom yma. Oherwydd mae effaith aflonyddu rhywiol yn sylweddol ac yn hirhoedlog. Mae'n effeithio ar iechyd meddwl a chyrhaeddiad addysgol pobl ifanc. Gall amharu ar hunanhyder, achosi i bobl ymwrthod ag addysg a chymdeithas, arwain at gamddefnyddio sylweddau, hunan-niweidio a hyd yn oed ceisio lladd eu hunain. Mae'r risgiau hyn yn uwch i'n dysgwyr mwyaf agored i niwed.
Mae'r ffaith bod aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith dysgwyr mor gyffredin mewn ysgolion a cholegau yn adlewyrchiad o gymdeithas yn fwy cyffredinol. Mae rhywiaeth, homoffobia a thrawsffobia wedi’u gwreiddio’n ddwfn mewn ysgolion, yn union fel y maent yn ein cymdeithas yn gyffredinol. Mae pornograffi sy'n dangos rhyw afrealistig, afiach neu dreisgar hyd yn oed ar gael yn hawdd, a dyma'r addysg rhyw gyntaf y mae llawer o bobl ifanc yn ei chael. Ac er bod y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac apiau negeseua'n darparu cyfleoedd gwych i bobl gyfathrebu a chadw mewn cysylltiad, gallant greu pwysau ar bobl ifanc i edrych neu ymddwyn mewn ffordd benodol. Gallant fod yn gyfrwng ar gyfer aflonyddu rhywiol drwy ei gwneud yn hawdd rhannu delweddau rhywiol.
The causes of peer-on-peer sexual harassment are incredibly complicated. For that reason, we see very little value in singling out anyone to blame for its root causes. But we are clear as a committee that a lot needs to change. We heard time and time again from professionals and from young people that despite pockets of good practice, sex and relationships education is generally poor. We heard that it was not done well enough, insufficient, poor quality and, sometimes, even completely absent. The Welsh Government must ensure that pupils are taught about the underlying causes of peer-on-peer sexual harassment.
We heard over and over again that the new curriculum is an opportunity to improve sex and relationships education. We hope that its potential is realised. But any child currently in year 8 or above—those most at risk of peer-on-peer sexual harassment—will never be taught under the new curriculum. So, old curriculum or new, change must take place at pace for the sake of every single learner. We also heard from young people that school staff routinely downplay their experiences of sexual harassment, dismiss their concerns, or even completely ignore signs that it’s happening. All schools must make it absolutely clear to their learners that sexual harassment is unacceptable. They must respond to reports seriously, promptly and consistently.
We have asked Estyn to amend its inspection framework for schools and colleges to ensure that it focuses on how well education establishments keep records of sexual harassment, how they respond to allegations of sexual harassment, and support learners who have experienced it. But we understand that many school staff do not feel that they have received adequate training to be able to respond to peer-on-peer sexual harassment confidently. Conversations with young people about unhealthy sexual behaviours are not easy. School staff need support. We have recommended that the Welsh Government provides ring-fenced funding for training for all school staff, not just teaching staff, to identify, respond to and report incidents of peer-on-peer sexual harassment.
In total, we made 24 recommendations in our report, some of which I have already touched on, but before I turn to my colleagues across the Senedd and in Government for their contributions, I'll add just a few more. Perhaps the most important is that young people must be central to developing the Welsh Government’s response to peer-on-peer sexual harassment in the form of a young people’s advisory board. Our hope is that this board shapes action in relation to some key recommendations: a national awareness-raising campaign targeted at learners and their families; a review of the support offered to victims of sexual harassment; and the development of a bank of effective approaches to sex and relationships education.
We know too little about the scale and nature of sexual harassment in primary schools and colleges. Worryingly, we heard that it can start among children as young as nine. We have recommended that the Welsh Government undertake an age-appropriate review into sexual harassment in primary schools. The Welsh Government had already committed to a similar review in colleges, a crucial piece of work that we are all pleased is under way. I hope that the Minister will be able to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to tackling peer-on-peer sexual harassment among learners here today in the Senedd, and update us on work carried out to date and the timetable for work to come to implement the accepted recommendations.
I would also like to put to the Minister some concerns raised to us by stakeholders when we asked for feedback on the Welsh Government’s response to our report. The first: can the Minister confirm that the Welsh Government recognises the impact of sexual harassment on young people and the long-lasting impact it can have on a child’s life, even if it isn’t categorised as an adverse childhood experience? Second: that the funding provided for training for school staff to report and respond to incidents of sexual harassment does not come at the cost of much-needed training and support for school staff in other areas.
And finally, can the Minister reassure us that young people will be genuinely and directly involved in co-developing the Government's response to peer-on-peer sexual harassment, from working on the national awareness-raising campaign to developing a best-practice set of sessions for schools to teach about the impact of peer-on-peer sexual harassment? I look forward to hearing the contributions from members of the committee and all Members across the Senedd, and from the Minister. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae achosion aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn hynod gymhleth. Am y rheswm hwnnw, ychydig iawn o werth a welwn mewn beio unrhyw un am ei achosion sylfaenol. Ond rydym yn glir fel pwyllgor fod angen i lawer o bethau newid. Clywsom dro ar ôl tro gan weithwyr proffesiynol a chan bobl ifanc, er gwaethaf pocedi o arferion da, fod addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd yn wael yn gyffredinol. Clywsom nad oedd yn cael ei darparu'n ddigon da, ei bod yn annigonol, o ansawdd gwael, ac weithiau hyd yn oed yn gwbl absennol. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod disgyblion yn cael eu haddysgu am achosion sylfaenol aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion.
Clywsom dro ar ôl tro fod y cwricwlwm newydd yn gyfle i wella addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd. Gobeithiwn y caiff ei botensial ei wireddu. Ond ni fydd unrhyw blentyn sydd ym mlwyddyn 8 neu uwch ar hyn o bryd—y rhai yn y perygl mwyaf o wynebu aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion—byth yn cael eu haddysgu o dan y cwricwlwm newydd. Felly, boed yn yr hen gwricwlwm neu'r cwricwlwm newydd, mae'n rhaid i newid ddigwydd yn gyflym er lles pob dysgwr. Clywsom hefyd gan bobl ifanc fod staff ysgolion yn aml yn bychanu eu profiadau o aflonyddu rhywiol, yn diystyru eu pryderon, neu hyd yn oed yn anwybyddu arwyddion ei fod yn digwydd yn llwyr. Mae'n rhaid i bob ysgol ddweud yn gwbl glir wrth eu dysgwyr fod aflonyddu rhywiol yn annerbyniol. Mae'n rhaid iddynt ymateb i adroddiadau o ddifrif, yn brydlon ac yn gyson.
Rydym wedi gofyn i Estyn ddiwygio eu fframwaith arolygu ar gyfer ysgolion a cholegau i sicrhau eu bod yn canolbwyntio ar ba mor dda y mae sefydliadau addysg yn cadw cofnodion o aflonyddu rhywiol, sut y maent yn ymateb i honiadau o aflonyddu rhywiol, ac yn cefnogi dysgwyr sydd wedi’i wynebu. Ond rydym yn deall nad yw llawer o staff ysgolion yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael hyfforddiant digonol i allu ymateb i aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn hyderus. Nid yw'n hawdd sgwrsio â phobl ifanc am ymddygiad rhywiol afiach. Mae angen cefnogaeth ar staff ysgolion. Rydym wedi argymell bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cyllid wedi'i glustnodi ar gyfer hyfforddiant i bob aelod o staff ysgolion, nid staff addysgu'n unig, i nodi achosion o aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion, ymateb iddynt a rhoi gwybod amdanynt.
At ei gilydd, gwnaethom 24 o argymhellion yn ein hadroddiad, ac rwyf eisoes wedi crybwyll rhai ohonynt, ond cyn imi droi at fy nghyd-Aelodau ar draws y Senedd ac yn y Llywodraeth am eu cyfraniadau, hoffwn ychwanegu ychydig rhagor. Efallai mai’r pwysicaf yw bod yn rhaid i bobl ifanc fod yn ganolog i'r gwaith o ddatblygu ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ar ffurf bwrdd cynghori pobl ifanc. Ein gobaith yw y bydd y bwrdd hwn yn llywio camau gweithredu mewn perthynas â rhai argymhellion allweddol: ymgyrch codi ymwybyddiaeth genedlaethol wedi’i thargedu at ddysgwyr a’u teuluoedd; adolygiad o'r cymorth a gynigir i ddioddefwyr aflonyddu rhywiol; a datblygu cronfa o ddulliau effeithiol o ddarparu addysg rhyw a pherthnasoedd.
Ni wyddom ddigon am raddfa a natur aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion cynradd a cholegau. Clywsom y gall ddechrau ymhlith plant mor ifanc â naw oed, sy'n peri cryn bryder. Rydym wedi argymell bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnal adolygiad sy’n addas i'r oedran o aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion cynradd. Roedd Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi ymrwymo i adolygiad tebyg mewn colegau, gwaith hollbwysig y mae pob un ohonom yn falch ei fod ar y gweill. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn gallu ailddatgan ymrwymiad y Llywodraeth i fynd i’r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith dysgwyr yma heddiw yn y Senedd, ac yn rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am y gwaith a wnaethpwyd hyd yma a’r amserlen ar gyfer y gwaith sydd i ddod i roi’r argymhellion a dderbynnir ar waith.
Hefyd, hoffwn gyflwyno rhai pryderon i’r Gweinidog a godwyd gyda ni gan randdeiliaid pan ofynnwyd am adborth ar ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i’n hadroddiad. Y cyntaf: a wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod effaith aflonyddu rhywiol ar bobl ifanc a’r effaith hirdymor y gall ei chael ar fywyd plentyn, hyd yn oed os nad yw wedi'i gategoreiddio fel profiad niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod? Yn ail: nad yw'r cyllid a ddarperir ar gyfer hyfforddiant i staff ysgolion ar roi gwybod am achosion o aflonyddu rhywiol ac ymateb iddynt yn dod ar draul cefnogaeth a hyfforddiant mawr eu hangen i staff ysgolion mewn meysydd eraill.
Ac yn olaf, a wnaiff y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd i ni y bydd pobl ifanc yn rhan ystyrlon ac uniongyrchol o'r gwaith o gyd-ddatblygu ymateb y Llywodraeth i aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion, o weithio ar yr ymgyrch codi ymwybyddiaeth genedlaethol i ddatblygu set o sesiynau ar arferion gorau i ysgolion eu haddysgu am effaith aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion? Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed y cyfraniadau gan aelodau’r pwyllgor a’r holl Aelodau ar draws y Senedd, a chan y Gweinidog. Diolch yn fawr.
I'd first like to thank our committee Chair, Jayne Bryant, for all her hard work during this report, and, of course, the clerks and staff who have so ably assisted the committee in our work, enabling us to do this important review and so quickly. It was palpably obvious that we needed to do this review quickly to understand the issues and also create awareness of what is happening within this Senedd, in the Welsh Government and across Wales, as to what is going on in our schools—the horrendous nature of it and the fact that it is a problem that is growing and will continue to grow unless we take action now.
Deputy Presiding Officer, Estyn's report on peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales, '"We don’t tell our teachers"', helped to inform, as our Chair said, and prompt this report. It shockingly found that half of all pupils said they had personal experience of peer-on-peer sexual harassment in some form, and three quarters of all pupils reported seeing other pupils experiencing it, with the most common forms of peer-on-peer sexual harassment during the school day. Sexual harassment's impact on learners can be so severe that it not only impacts their learning, but also their relationships, mental health, life prospects, and, in serious cases, can lead to self-harm and suicide.
At the start of this process, our Chair, Jayne Bryant, met with the police representatives last November, where she learned of the police's particular concern about peer-on-peer sexual harassment, which has become increasingly prevalent, especially online. This coincided with Estyn's preparations to report on its investigation into peer-on-peer harassment among secondary school pupils. The report, published on 8 December 2021, laid bare the enormity of the problem. It's commonplace in schools, and so much so, as our Chair outlined, that it's become normalised, which is extremely worrying.
It's clear from our findings that young people do not feel comfortable reporting their issues to school staff, and schools are struggling to respond in the instances when they do. This harassment is going on beyond school hours, as our Chair also outlined, permeating the lives of young people both online and in school, which was exacerbated by the pandemic, as was shown in our findings. As is said in the foreword, as seriously as we looked at the issue then, as I look back six months later, it is clear to me that we underestimated the enormity of the problem.
Estyn found that 61 per cent of female pupils and 29 per cent of male pupils have experienced sexual harassment—
Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i Gadeirydd ein pwyllgor, Jayne Bryant, am ei holl waith caled yn ystod yr adroddiad hwn, ac wrth gwrs, i’r clercod a’r staff a fu mor fedrus wrth gynorthwyo’r pwyllgor yn ein gwaith, gan ein galluogi i gwblhau'r adolygiad pwysig hwn, a hynny mor gyflym. Roedd yn amlwg fod angen inni gwblhau'r adolygiad hwn yn gyflym i ddeall y materion a hefyd i greu ymwybyddiaeth o’r hyn sy’n digwydd yn y Senedd hon, yn Llywodraeth Cymru a ledled Cymru, o ran yr hyn sy’n digwydd yn ein hysgolion—natur erchyll y peth a’r ffaith ei bod yn broblem sy’n tyfu ac a fydd yn parhau i dyfu oni bai ein bod yn gweithredu ar unwaith.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, fe wnaeth adroddiad Estyn ar aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd yng Nghymru, '"Dydyn ni ddim yn dweud wrth ein hathrawon"', helpu i lywio, fel y dywedodd ein Cadeirydd, ac ysgogi'r adroddiad hwn. Yn frawychus, canfu fod hanner ein holl ddisgyblion yn dweud eu bod wedi cael profiad personol o aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion ar ryw ffurf, a dywedodd tri chwarter ein holl ddisgyblion eu bod wedi'i weld yn digwydd i ddisgyblion eraill, gyda’r mathau mwyaf cyffredin o aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol. Gall effaith aflonyddu rhywiol ar ddysgwyr fod mor ddifrifol fel ei bod nid yn unig yn effeithio ar eu dysgu, ond hefyd ar eu perthynas ag eraill, iechyd meddwl, rhagolygon bywyd, ac mewn achosion difrifol, gall arwain at hunan-niweidio a hunanladdiad.
Ar ddechrau’r broses hon, cyfarfu ein Cadeirydd, Jayne Bryant, â chynrychiolwyr yr heddlu fis Tachwedd diwethaf, lle clywodd am bryder penodol yr heddlu ynghylch aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion, sydd wedi dod yn fwyfwy cyffredin, yn enwedig ar-lein. Roedd hyn yn cyd-daro â pharatoadau Estyn i adrodd ar ei ymchwiliad i aflonyddu rhwng cyfoedion ymhlith disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd. Amlygodd yr adroddiad, a gyhoeddwyd ar 8 Rhagfyr 2021, anferthedd y broblem. Mae'n gyffredin mewn ysgolion, i'r fath raddau, fel yr amlinellodd ein Cadeirydd, nes ei fod wedi'i normaleiddio, sy'n peri cryn bryder.
Mae'n amlwg o'n canfyddiadau nad yw pobl ifanc yn teimlo'n gyfforddus yn dweud wrth staff ysgolion am eu problemau, ac mae ysgolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd ymateb pan gânt wybod am yr achosion hynny. Mae’r aflonyddu hwn yn digwydd y tu hwnt i oriau ysgol, fel y nododd ein Cadeirydd hefyd, gan dreiddio i fywydau pobl ifanc ar-lein ac yn yr ysgol, rhywbeth a waethygwyd gan y pandemig, fel y dengys ein canfyddiadau. Fel y dywedir yn y rhagair, er inni edrych o ddifrif ar y mater bryd hynny, wrth imi edrych yn ôl chwe mis yn ddiweddarach, mae’n amlwg i mi ein bod wedi tanamcangyfrif anferthedd y broblem.
Canfu Estyn fod 61 y cant o ddisgyblion benywaidd a 29 y cant o ddisgyblion gwrywaidd wedi wynebu aflonyddu rhywiol—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Yes, sure.
Gwnaf, wrth gwrs.
I'd also like to pay tribute to my colleague Jayne Bryant for her excellent chairing of the committee, which I sit on. I just wanted to raise the point that you talk about males who also suffer from sexual harassment. I'm sure you'd agree with me, and others who sit on that committee, that nobody should be afraid to come forward if they are suffering sexual harassment, especially young men who do feel stigmatised if they come forward. I'm sure you'd agree with me that if anybody suffers sexual harassment, no matter what their gender, they should come forward and report it to the right authorities.
Hoffwn i dalu teyrnged hefyd i fy nghyd-Aelod Jayne Bryant am ei gwaith rhagorol yn cadeirio'r pwyllgor rwy'n aelod ohono. Hoffwn godi’r pwynt eich bod yn sôn am wrywod sydd hefyd yn wynebu aflonyddu rhywiol. Rwy’n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno â mi, ac eraill sy’n aelodau o'r pwyllgor hwnnw, na ddylai unrhyw un fod ag ofn rhoi gwybod os ydynt yn wynebu aflonyddu rhywiol, yn enwedig dynion ifanc sy’n teimlo stigma os ydynt yn rhoi gwybod. Rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno, os oes unrhyw un yn wynebu aflonyddu rhywiol, ni waeth beth fo'u rhywedd, dylent roi gwybod i'r awdurdodau cywir.
Yes, absolutely. A very important point made by my colleague there.
What is worrying also is that the numbers that we've seen, and the evidence that we've gathered, are probably underestimating the problem of what we're seeing. Further still, whilst Estyn did not consider sexual harassment in primary schools or colleges, their inquiry convinced them that it's likely that sexual harassment is common in both. Our committee heard the same as well. Learners with additional learning needs are also at risk, and whilst robust data to reinforce the point has not yet been acquired, they have reason to believe that other groups of learners are at risk too.
The causes of peer-on-peer sexual harassment are complicated. They include deep-rooted societal attitudes, amplified by pornography, social media, and in the recent years, the pandemic. They are embedded cultural matters that stretch far beyond the remit of this committee and the scope of this inquiry. It is a society-wide problem. The Welsh Government, the Senedd, local authorities, schools, charities, parents, families, all of us, need to act collectively to de-normalise these harmful behaviours.
I know that the Minister is here today and will respond to the debate, and I want to ask if he will ensure that the awareness campaign by the Welsh Government is created and implemented in our schools as soon as possible. Only through proper education and awareness will young people truly understand the issue, be able to combat it, and also know how to get the help that they need.
We had excellent suggestions from the young people who gave evidence in our committee, and I see the Chair is nodding, that is definitely worth looking at—their ideas for posters and social media and so on. From the evidence given, and from being aware as a parent of a child who has just recently gone out of junior school, it is clear that cases of peer-on-peer sexual harassment are happening in those years 5 and 6 groups as well, as we had evidence in our committee that proved it. I'd be grateful to the Minister if he could ensure that any campaign does extend to those groups in primary schools, of course, with the content age-appropriate, so that we can nip that behaviour in the bud as soon as possible.
Twenty-four recommendations have been made in the report, covering a range of issues, with the hope that the Welsh Government, Estyn, and other bodies involved receive them and proceed constructively. We, the Welsh Conservatives, welcome the recommendations from the committee and fully support the important demands and recommendations being made to the Welsh Government. We believe that sexual harassment in any form is completely unacceptable, and believe it must be an absolute priority of this Welsh Government to ensure that schools in Wales are no longer an environment where young people are made to feel unsafe, and where sexual harassment and sexual violence can flourish. Thank you.
Yn sicr. Mae fy nghyd-Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn.
Yr hyn sy'n peri pryder hefyd yw bod y niferoedd a welsom, a'r dystiolaeth rydym wedi'i chasglu, yn tanamcangyfrif y broblem yn ôl pob tebyg, o ran yr hyn a welwn. Ymhellach, er na wnaeth Estyn ystyried aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion cynradd neu golegau, fe wnaeth eu hymchwiliad eu hargyhoeddi ei bod yn debygol fod aflonyddu rhywiol yn gyffredin yn y ddau le. Clywodd ein pwyllgor yr un peth hefyd. Mae dysgwyr ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol hefyd mewn perygl, ac er nad oes data cadarn wedi'i gaffael eto i atgyfnerthu'r pwynt, mae ganddynt reswm dros gredu bod grwpiau eraill o ddysgwyr mewn perygl hefyd.
Mae achosion aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn gymhleth. Maent yn cynnwys agweddau cymdeithasol sydd wedi'u gwreiddio'n ddwfn, ac sydd wedi'u cryfhau gan bornograffi, y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf, y pandemig. Maent yn faterion diwylliannol sydd wedi’u gwreiddio ac sy’n ymestyn ymhell y tu hwnt i gylch gwaith y pwyllgor a chwmpas yr ymchwiliad hwn. Mae’n broblem ar draws y gymdeithas gyfan. Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru, y Senedd, awdurdodau lleol, ysgolion, elusennau, rhieni, teuluoedd, pob un ohonom, weithredu ar y cyd i ddadnormaleiddio’r ymddygiadau niweidiol hyn.
Gwn fod y Gweinidog yma heddiw ac y bydd yn ymateb i’r ddadl, ac rwyf am ofyn a wnaiff sicrhau bod yr ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn cael ei chreu a’i gweithredu yn ein hysgolion cyn gynted â phosibl. Dim ond drwy addysg ac ymwybyddiaeth briodol y bydd pobl ifanc yn deall y broblem go iawn, yn gallu mynd i'r afael â hi, ac yn gwybod hefyd sut i gael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt.
Cawsom awgrymiadau rhagorol gan y bobl ifanc a roddodd dystiolaeth i'n pwyllgor, a gwelaf fod y Cadeirydd yn nodio'i phen, mae'n sicr yn werth edrych ar hynny—eu syniadau ar gyfer posteri a'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac yn y blaen. O’r dystiolaeth a roddwyd, ac o fod yn ymwybodol fel rhiant i blentyn sydd newydd adael yr ysgol gynradd yn ddiweddar, mae’n amlwg fod achosion o aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn digwydd yn y grwpiau blynyddoedd 5 a 6 hynny hefyd, gan ein bod wedi cael tystiolaeth yn ein pwyllgor sy'n profi hynny. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar i’r Gweinidog pe gallai sicrhau bod unrhyw ymgyrch yn cyrraedd y grwpiau hynny mewn ysgolion cynradd, wrth gwrs, gyda’r cynnwys yn addas i’r oedran, fel y gallwn fynd i'r afael â'r ymddygiad hwnnw cyn gynted â phosibl.
Mae 24 o argymhellion wedi’u gwneud yn yr adroddiad, sy’n ymdrin ag ystod o faterion, gyda’r gobaith y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru, Estyn, a chyrff eraill sy’n ymwneud â'r mater yn eu cael ac yn bwrw ymlaen â phethau mewn modd adeiladol. Rydym ni, y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, yn croesawu argymhellion y pwyllgor ac yn llwyr gefnogi’r gofynion a’r argymhellion pwysig i Lywodraeth Cymru. Credwn fod aflonyddu rhywiol ar unrhyw ffurf yn gwbl annerbyniol, a chredwn fod yn rhaid iddi fod yn flaenoriaeth lwyr i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau nad yw ysgolion yng Nghymru yn amgylchedd lle mae pobl ifanc yn cael eu gwneud i deimlo’n anniogel, a lle gall aflonyddu rhywiol a thrais rhywiol ffynnu. Diolch.
Yr hyn a oedd yn amlwg i ni o'r dystiolaeth a glywsom ni fel pwyllgor oedd bod aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion mor gyffredin fel ei fod yn cael ei dderbyn fel ymddygiad normal. Hwnna oedd y peth mwyaf trawiadol i fi, yn sicr, a bod ysgolion hefyd yn cael trafferth i ddelio gyda hyn yn effeithiol. Mae'r effaith yn un sydd, mewn rhai achosion, yn effeithio'n ddifrifol ar les, cyrhaeddiad ac iechyd dysgwyr. Fel dywedodd Laura Anne Jones, roedd yr hyn y clywson ni gan y bobl ifanc eu hunain yn hynod werthfawr, a'u syniadau ynglŷn â sut dylid delio gyda'r broblem—pethau syml ond amlwg, fel bod angen poster i esbonio beth sy'n dderbyniol a beth sydd ddim yn dderbyniol.
Mae Plaid Cymru yn cefnogi prif argymhellion yr adroddiad, sef ymgyrch genedlaethol i godi ymwybyddiaeth gyda phrofiad a barn pobl ifanc yn ganolog iddi hi, a'r galwadau ar Lywodraeth Cymru ac Estyn i sicrhau bod ysgolion yn ymateb yn well, yn cadw cofnodion gwell, ac yn cefnogi disgyblion yn well, yn ogystal â'r angen i gynnal adolygiad o'r sefyllfa yn ein hysgolion cynradd, achos mae'r agweddau sy'n creu'r broblem hon yn dechrau amlygu eu hunain o oedran ifanc, ac fe gawson ni dystiolaeth o hynny yn ein hymchwiliad. Mae mwyafrif llethol y rhai sy'n profi'r aflonyddu yn ferched, ac mae disgyblion LHDTC+ a disgyblion eraill sydd â nodweddion lleiafrifol hefyd yn fwy tebygol o brofi aflonyddu. Roedd yn glir o'n hymchwiliad bod achos yr aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn gymhleth, ond roedd yn eglur bod agweddau cymdeithasol wrth wraidd hyn, sydd, yn anad dim, yn gyfrifol am greu'r amgylchiadau sy'n arwain at yr achosion yma tu fewn a thu hwnt i gatiau'r ysgol a choleg.
Mae Plaid Cymru yn llwyr gefnogi rôl y cod addysg cyd-berthynas a rhywioldeb o fewn y cwricwlwm newydd i fynd i'r afael â hyn, ond mae angen gwneud mwy nawr dros y dysgwyr na fydd yn elwa o'r ymgais yma i newid dealltwriaeth ein plant er gwell o ran hyn. Mae'r cymorth sydd ar gael i'r rhai sy'n dioddef aflonyddu rhywiol yn dameidiog, yn anghyson, ac mae safon gyffredinol yr addysg rhyw a chydberthynas yn annerbyniol mewn nifer o ysgolion. I wella hyn, mae angen gwell hyfforddiant i holl staff ysgol ar bwnc sy'n anodd i nifer, ac yn anweledig i eraill, ac mae hyn yn fater brys.
Mae'n dda bod y Llywodraeth wedi derbyn y rhan fwyaf o'r argymhellion, ond hoffwn dynnu sylw at un y mae Stonewall Cymru wedi bod yn tanlinellu ers tro ac sydd o hyd heb ei wireddu, sef y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddi canllawiau statudol cenedlaethol traws ar gyfer ysgolion erbyn mis Ionawr nesaf. Mae'r adroddiad yma yn dangos yn eglur pam fo'r oedi'n annerbyniol ac yn niweidiol, ac felly hoffwn ofyn i'r Gweinidog beth yw'r cynnydd o ran hyn.
Fel y noda'r adroddiad, nid drwy'n system addysg yn unig y gwaredwn ni ar yr agweddau niweidiol sy'n cael mynegiant yn yr aflonyddu rhywiol yma. Mae gan wleidyddiaeth, y cyfryngau, a chymdeithas yn fwy eang gyfrifoldeb i beidio a chaniatáu na derbyn agweddau misogynistaidd neu rhywiaethol, neu unrhyw iaith neu ymddygiad sy'n bychanu neu'n manteisio ar sail hunaniaeth neu rywedd. Rhaid i ni gydweithio i ddadnormaleiddio yr hyn sydd wedi ei normaleiddio, hyd yn oed ymysg ein plant lleiaf. Mae'r adroddiad a'i argymhellion yn wirioneddol bwysig os ydym o ddifrif am greu cymdeithas sy'n gydradd, yn iach ac yn ddiogel i'n pobl ifanc.
What was obvious in the evidence that we heard as a committee was that peer-on-peer sexual harassment was so common that it was accepted as normal behaviour. That was certainly the most striking thing for me as well, and that schools are also struggling to deal with this effectively. The impact, in some cases, affects the well-being, attainment and health of learners. As Laura Anne Jones said, what we heard from the young people themselves was extremely valuable, and their ideas about how we should deal with the problem—simple but obvious things, such as having a poster to explain what's acceptable and what's not acceptable.
Plaid Cymru supports the main recommendations of the report, namely a national campaign to raise awareness, with the experiences and opinions of young people at the heart of it, and calls on the Welsh Government and Estyn to ensure that schools respond better, keep better records, and support pupils better, as well as the need to carry out a review of the situation in our primary schools, because the attitudes that create this problem start to manifest themselves from a young age, and we found evidence of that in our inquiry. The overwhelming majority of those who experience harassment are girls, and LGBTQ+ pupils and other pupils with minority characteristics are also more likely to experience harassment. It was clear from our inquiry that the cause of peer-on-peer sexual harassment is complex, but it was clear that social attitudes, above all else, are responsible for creating the circumstances that lead to these cases within and beyond the school and college gates.
Plaid Cymru fully supports the role of the relationship and sexuality education code within the new curriculum in addressing this, but more needs to be done now for the learners who will not benefit from this attempt to change the understanding of our children for the better in this regard. The support available to those who suffer sexual harassment is fragmented and inconsistent, and the general standard of sex and relationships education is unacceptable in a number of schools. To improve this, we need better training for all school staff in relation to a subject that is difficult for many, and invisible to others. And this is an urgent matter.
It's good that the Government has accepted most of the recommendations, but I would like to draw attention to one that Stonewall Cymru has been emphasising for a while, and that is still not realised, namely, that the Welsh Government should publish its statutory national trans guidelines for schools by January 2023. This report clearly explains why the delay is unacceptable and harmful, and I would therefore like to ask the Minister what progress has been made in this regard.
As the report states, it is not only through our education system that we will get rid of the harmful attitudes that find expression in this sexual harassment. Politics, the media, and society more broadly have a responsibility not to allow or accept misogynistic or sexist attitudes, or any language or behaviours that demean or exploit identity or gender. We must work together to de-normalise what has been normalised, even among our youngest children. The report and its recommendations are genuinely important if we are serious about creating a society that is equally healthy and safe for our young people.
Can I thank all Members for contributing, not only to today's debate, but also to this difficult report, but a very important report is what it is, led so eloquently by the Chair, Jayne Bryant? But Jayne's committee is not the only committee addressing this particular issue. The Petitions Committee, which I chair, has received a petition, upon the publication of this particular report, and it was submitted by Hanna Andersen with a total of 417 signatures. That's now closed, in terms of collecting signatures, and it will be coming to committee later in the year, but I wanted to take the opportunity to just outline the title of the petition and some of the highlights from the text. The petition is titled, 'Take immediate action to end sexual harassment in ALL Welsh schools, not just secondary schools'. And it goes on to highlight and suggest that evidence shows that harassment is also rife in primary schools and colleges. Now, I note, in the Chair’s opening, that the Welsh Government will be reviewing this in colleges, but the text of the petition actually says,
'We can’t wait for yet more inquiries before taking action. The Welsh Government must ensure that the actions taken from the report are immediately extended to cover all settings, keeping learners safe from sexual harassment throughout education'.
The actual petition draws on the report from Estyn, which Laura Anne Jones has mentioned this afternoon, and I won't go over that. Presiding Officer, I'm obviously very limited in what I can say about the petition and, obviously, what steps committee members and the committee as a whole will decide to take when it comes to this petition, but I did think it was right and a good opportunity to do two things, really: make this debate aware of the strong feelings expressed by petitioners, and also give the Minister some opportunity, perhaps, to respond before the petition comes to my committee, and to take those actions that keep learners safe in all those settings, and not just secondary schools. Diolch.
A gaf fi ddiolch i’r holl Aelodau am gyfrannu, nid yn unig at y ddadl heddiw, ond hefyd at yr adroddiad anodd ond pwysig iawn hwn, dan arweiniad medrus y Cadeirydd, Jayne Bryant? Ond nid pwyllgor Jayne yw'r unig bwyllgor sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater penodol hwn. Cyflwynwyd deiseb gan Hanna Andersen i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau rwy’n ei gadeirio ar ôl i’r adroddiad penodol hwn gael ei gyhoeddi, gyda chyfanswm o 417 o lofnodion. Mae'r ddeiseb honno bellach wedi cau, o ran casglu llofnodion, a bydd yn dod gerbron y pwyllgor yn nes ymlaen yn y flwyddyn, ond hoffwn achub ar y cyfle i nodi teitl y ddeiseb a rhai o uchafbwyntiau’r testun. Teitl y ddeiseb yw, 'Rhaid gweithredu ar unwaith i roi terfyn ar aflonyddu rhywiol yn HOLL ysgolion Cymru, nid ysgolion uwchradd yn unig'. Ac mae’n mynd ymlaen i amlygu ac awgrymu bod y dystiolaeth yn dangos bod aflonyddu hefyd yn rhemp mewn ysgolion cynradd a cholegau. Nawr, nodaf, yn sylwadau agoriadol y Cadeirydd, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn adolygu hyn mewn colegau, ond mae testun y ddeiseb yn nodi,
'Ni allwn aros am ragor o ymchwiliadau cyn gweithredu. Rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod y camau a gymerir yn sgil yr adroddiad yn cael eu hymestyn ar unwaith i gynnwys pob lleoliad, a hynny er mwyn cadw dysgwyr yn ddiogel rhag aflonyddu rhywiol drwy gydol eu haddysg'.
Mae’r ddeiseb ei hun yn sôn am yr adroddiad gan Estyn a grybwyllodd Laura Anne Jones y prynhawn yma, ac nid wyf am ailadrodd hynny. Lywydd, mae'r hyn y gallaf ei ddweud am y ddeiseb, ac ynglŷn â pha gamau y bydd aelodau'r pwyllgor a'r pwyllgor cyfan yn penderfynu eu cymryd mewn perthynas â'r ddeiseb hon, yn amlwg yn gyfyngedig iawn, ond roeddwn yn credu ei bod yn iawn ac yn gyfle da i wneud dau beth: gwneud y ddadl hon yn ymwybodol o’r teimladau cryf a fynegwyd gan ddeisebwyr, yn ogystal â rhoi cyfle i’r Gweinidog ymateb, efallai, cyn i’r ddeiseb ddod i fy mhwyllgor, ac i roi camau ar waith sy’n cadw dysgwyr yn ddiogel ym mhob un o’r lleoliadau hynny, ac nid mewn ysgolion uwchradd yn unig. Diolch.
I want to thank that committee for this report and all those people who've contributed towards it. I'd particularly like to thank the Everyone's Invited movement for shining a light on the prevalence of peer-on-peer sexual harassment. I was pleased to read that the Welsh Government have agreed to adopt Estyn's definition of sexual harassment, as recommended in the report. As the report points out, peer-on-peer sexual harassment is so prevalent amongst school-age children and young people that it has become normalised. That is extremely worrying. Many children and young people may not even realise that what they're experiencing is sexual harassment. So, having a clear definition is really important. It will help clarify what behaviour is considered as sexual harassment, and I hope that will help pupils feel empowered to report incidents to teachers, parents and any other organisation. I also believe that it will give clarity to those who are being confided in that the individual is being subject to sexual harassment as opposed to bullying, as an example.
The report highlights that many young people felt that there should be more education on the subject, and having a definition will be particularly helpful in delivering education on sexual harassment in schools. And I'd be keen to know if the Welsh Government has had any discussion with other agencies about adopting the same definition, because it would be joined-up working that will drive change.
According to the school list on the Everyone's Invited website, there are testimonials from pupils in every single local authority area in Wales. Moving forward, I believe that it will be essential that there is honest and regular reporting in each local authority area; schools must be actively encouraged to report incidents to the local authority; and there must be support in place for both the school and the pupil reporting peer-on-peer sexual harassment. As we know, a huge proportion of sexual harassment is carried out online. Having access to social media messaging platforms has made it much easier for pupils to both carry out harassment and to be targeted by it. A person being targeted may not even attend the same school or college as the person who is carrying out that behaviour. So, I think it would be hugely beneficial for children and young people to have some clear guidance on how to report incidents in those cases. Working together and with our children and young people is absolutely paramount. Minister, what action will the Welsh Government take to respond to the role that social media and being online has on peer-on-peer sexual harassment?
And finally, it is essential that children are taught and understand how to respect each other, and I know that the new curriculum aims to do that, because if that doesn't happen—and this is really worrying evidence—if this is perceived as normal behaviour, those children will be the adults of tomorrow, and they will be taking forward those harmful views into life with them. So, I thank the committee very much for this, and I look forward to the Minister's response.
Hoffwn ddiolch i’r pwyllgor am yr adroddiad a’r holl bobl sydd wedi cyfrannu ato. Hoffwn ddiolch yn arbennig i fudiad Everyone's Invited am daflu goleuni ar fynychder aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion. Roeddwn yn falch o ddarllen bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cytuno i fabwysiadu diffiniad Estyn o aflonyddu rhywiol, fel yr argymhellir yn yr adroddiad. Fel y mae'r adroddiad yn nodi, mae aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion mor gyffredin ymhlith plant oed ysgol a phobl ifanc fel ei fod wedi'i normaleiddio. Mae hynny’n hynod bryderus. Efallai na fydd llawer o blant a phobl ifanc hyd yn oed yn sylweddoli mai aflonyddu rhywiol yw'r hyn y maent yn ei ddioddef. Felly, mae cael diffiniad clir yn bwysig iawn. Bydd yn helpu i egluro pa ymddygiad a ystyrir yn aflonyddu rhywiol, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny’n helpu disgyblion i deimlo eu bod wedi’u grymuso i roi gwybod i athrawon, rhieni ac unrhyw sefydliad arall am ddigwyddiadau. Credaf hefyd y bydd yn rhoi eglurder i’r rheini y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn ymddiried ynddynt fod yr unigolyn yn dioddef aflonyddu rhywiol yn hytrach na'n cael eu bwlio, er enghraifft.
Mae’r adroddiad yn nodi bod llawer o bobl ifanc yn teimlo y dylid cael mwy o addysg ar y pwnc, a bydd cael diffiniad yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol wrth gyflwyno addysg ar aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion. A hoffwn wybod a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael unrhyw drafodaeth gydag asiantaethau eraill ynghylch mabwysiadu'r un diffiniad, gan mai gweithio cydgysylltiedig sy'n mynd i ysgogi newid.
Yn ôl y rhestr o ysgolion ar wefan Everyone's Invited, cafwyd tystiolaeth gan ddisgyblion ym mhob ardal awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru. Wrth symud ymlaen, credaf y bydd yn hanfodol cael adroddiadau gonest a rheolaidd ym mhob ardal awdurdod lleol; rhaid mynd ati i annog ysgolion i roi gwybod am ddigwyddiadau i'r awdurdod lleol; ac mae'n rhaid cael cefnogaeth ar gyfer yr ysgol a'r disgybl sy'n rhoi gwybod am aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion. Fel y gwyddom, mae cyfran enfawr o aflonyddu rhywiol yn digwydd ar-lein. Mae cael mynediad at blatfformau negeseua ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi'i gwneud yn llawer haws i ddisgyblion aflonyddu, a chael eu targedu gan aflonyddu. Mae'n bosibl na fydd unigolyn sy'n cael eu targedu hyd yn oed yn mynychu'r un ysgol neu goleg â'r unigolyn sy'n aflonyddu. Felly, credaf y byddai’n hynod fuddiol i blant a phobl ifanc gael canllawiau clir ar sut i roi gwybod am ddigwyddiadau yn yr achosion hynny. Mae gweithio gyda’n gilydd a chyda’n plant a’n pobl ifanc yn hollbwysig. Weinidog, pa gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ymateb i’r rôl y mae cyfryngau cymdeithasol a bod ar-lein yn ei chwarae mewn aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion?
Ac yn olaf, mae'n hanfodol fod plant yn cael eu haddysgu ac yn deall sut i barchu ei gilydd, a gwn fod y cwricwlwm newydd yn bwriadu gwneud hynny, oherwydd os na fydd hynny'n digwydd—ac mae'r dystiolaeth hon yn peri cryn bryder—os yw hyn yn cael ei ystyried yn ymddygiad normal, y plant hynny fydd oedolion yfory, a bydd y safbwyntiau niweidiol hyn yn aros gyda hwy yn ystod eu hoes. Felly, diolch yn fawr iawn i’r pwyllgor am hyn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ymateb y Gweinidog.
I think this is a really important report and I think it's really timely as well. But I think, as Laura Anne Jones said, the level of sexual harassment is so widespread that it really requires a response across society. But it really does underpin the importance of compulsory relationship and sexuality education, because young people need educating on how to keep themselves safe. These bad beasts, which we all find really convenient, parents give their children these things without realising what it gives them access to. I absolutely agree with where you cover the importance of having consistency of approach in relation to mobile phones in school, because there is absolutely no reason why anybody should have a mobile phone on while they're actually supposed to be in lessons. They can keep them in their bags so they've got them when they're going home, but they should not be appearing in school, and they should be confiscated if they appear, in my view.
I think, also, your emphasis on good record-keeping, as well as quality relationship and sexuality education, is absolutely essential, because unless schools have a trauma-informed approach to the behaviour problems that may be exhibited by a young person, or indeed their absence from school, then the school is simply not understanding what is going on here. They have simply got to be ensuring that young people know that the school is a safe place where they can tell people what is happening to them, because the evidence coming from the school where I'm a governor was that, actually, school is the safest place in their lives. Unfortunately, they are receiving harassment both at home and on public transport, for example.
I was very pleased today to get a response to a letter I wrote to Cardiff Bus about the sexual harassment that has been reported on buses, and it was a really excellent letter, saying that they take it very seriously, that their control room controls exactly what's going on on every bus, and that they are going to write to other public transport providers so that we have a whole-system approach in relation to public transport. So, I think that's really welcome.
But anyway, I thank very much the committee for its work on this, and clearly, this is something that is going to be an ongoing piece of work for us.
Credaf fod hwn yn adroddiad pwysig iawn, a chredaf ei fod yn amserol iawn hefyd. Ond fel y dywedodd Laura Anne Jones, rwy'n credu bod lefel yr aflonyddu rhywiol mor gyffredin fel bod gwir angen ymateb ar draws y gymdeithas gyfan. Ond mae'n bendant yn ategu pwysigrwydd addysg orfodol ar berthnasoedd a rhywioldeb, gan fod angen addysgu pobl ifanc ar sut i gadw eu hunain yn ddiogel. Mae'r bwystfilod drwg hyn, sy'n gyfleus iawn i bob un ohonom, mae rhieni'n rhoi'r pethau hyn i'w plant heb sylweddoli beth maent yn rhoi mynediad iddynt ato. Cytunaf yn llwyr â lle rydych yn sôn am bwysigrwydd cael dull gweithredu cyson mewn perthynas â ffonau symudol yn yr ysgol, gan nad oes unrhyw reswm o gwbl pam y dylai unrhyw un gael ffôn symudol ymlaen pan fyddant mewn gwersi. Gallant eu cadw yn eu bagiau fel eu bod ganddynt pan fyddant yn mynd adref, ond ni ddylent gael eu gweld yn yr ysgol, a dylent gael eu cymryd oddi arnynt os cânt eu gweld, yn fy marn i.
Credaf hefyd fod eich pwyslais ar gadw cofnodion da, yn ogystal ag addysg perthnasoedd a rhywioldeb o ansawdd, yn gwbl hanfodol, oherwydd oni bai bod gan ysgolion ddull sy'n ystyriol o drawma o ymdrin â phroblemau ymddygiad unigolyn ifanc, neu'n wir, eu habsenoldeb o'r ysgol, nid yw'r ysgol yn deall beth sy'n digwydd. Yn syml iawn, mae'n rhaid iddynt sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn gwybod bod yr ysgol yn lle diogel lle gallant ddweud wrth bobl beth sy'n digwydd iddynt, oherwydd y dystiolaeth yn yr ysgol lle rwy'n llywodraethwr oedd mai'r ysgol yw'r lle mwyaf diogel yn eu bywydau mewn gwirionedd. Yn anffodus, maent yn wynebu aflonyddu gartref ac ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, er enghraifft.
Roeddwn yn falch iawn heddiw o gael ymateb i lythyr a ysgrifennais at Bws Caerdydd am yr adroddiadau o aflonyddu rhywiol ar fysiau, ac roedd yn llythyr gwirioneddol wych, a ddywedodd eu bod yn rhoi sylw difrifol i'r mater, fod eu hystafell reoli yn rheoli beth yn union sy’n digwydd ar bob bws, a’u bod yn mynd i ysgrifennu at ddarparwyr trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus eraill fel bod gennym ddull system gyfan mewn perthynas â thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Felly, credaf fod hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr.
Ond beth bynnag, diolch yn fawr iawn i’r pwyllgor am ei waith ar hyn, ac yn amlwg, mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy’n mynd i fod yn waith parhaus i ni.
Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles.
I call on the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwyf am ddiolch, os caf i, i aelodau'r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg am eu hadroddiad nhw. Mae ymchwiliadau fel hyn yn helpu i gadw'r sgyrsiau pwysig yma ar frig yr agenda, a hoffwn i sôn heddiw am rai o'r camau rŷn ni'n eu cymryd.
Yn gyntaf, mae'n bwysig nad ydyn ni'n diystyru pŵer lleisiau plant a phobl ifanc sy'n herio'r arfer o'r normaleiddio rŷn ni wedi sôn amdano fe heddiw—normaleiddio aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion. Cafodd hyn ei wneud yn arbennig o amlwg i fi mewn digwyddiad diweddar a gafodd ei gynnal gan grŵp trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar atal cam-drin plant yn rhywiol, a ches i'r cyfle o glywed gan bobl ifanc sydd wedi defnyddio eu profiad personol nhw i greu newid go iawn. Dyna pam mae'n bwysig i sicrhau bod lleisiau plant a phobl ifanc yn rhan hanfodol o bopeth rŷn ni'n ei wneud. Ac rŷn ni'n gweithio gyda sefydliadau partner ar y ffordd orau o gyflawni hynny ac yn cytuno bod angen sefydlu bwrdd ymgynghorol a bod ganddyn nhw rôl lawn, fel y gwnaeth Jayne Bryant ofyn i fi ei gydnabod.
Rwy'n cydnabod hefyd fod aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn fater cymdeithasol ehangach a bod gan rieni, gofalwyr a theuluoedd rôl allweddol i'w chwarae wrth gefnogi pobl ifanc. Byddwn ni hefyd yn datblygu negeseuon i rieni a gofalwyr am sut i ddelio ag aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion. Mae gan ysgolion a lleoliadau rôl bwysig i'w chwarae hefyd wrth greu amgylcheddau diogel, gan helpu sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn gallu mwynhau cydberthnasau iach a diogel.
Mae addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb yn ofyniad statudol i bob dysgwr o dan y cwricwlwm newydd. Bydd y maes hwn yn chwarae rôl gadarnhaol, gan ddiogelu a helpu pob plentyn a pherson ifanc i ddeall ymddygiad a sefyllfaoedd a allai eu rhoi mewn perygl o niwed, fel eu bod yn gwybod beth i'w wneud i gadw'n ddiogel a sut i ofyn am help.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. I would like to thank, if I may, members of the Children, Young People and Education Committee for their report. Inquiries such as this do help to keep these important conversations on top of the agenda, and I would like to mention today some of the steps that we are taking.
First of all, it's important that we don't ignore the power of the voices of children and young people who challenge the practice of the normalisation that we've discussed today—the normalisation of peer-on-peer sexual harassment. That was made particularly clear to me in a recent event staged by the Senedd cross-party group on preventing the sexual abuse of children, where I had an opportunity to hear from young people who have used their personal experiences to generate real change. And that's why it's important that we do ensure that the voices of children and young people are a central part of everything we do. And we are working with partner organisations on the best way of delivering that and agree that we do need to establish an advisory board and that they should have a full role, as Jayne Bryant requested I should do.
I also acknowledge that peer-on-peer sexual harassment is a broader social issue and that parents, carers and families have a key role to play in supporting young people. We will also be developing messages for parents and carers on how to deal with peer-on-peer sexual harassment. Schools and other settings have an important role to play in creating safe environments, helping to ensure that children and young people can enjoy healthy and safe relationships.
Relationships and sexuality education is a statutory requirement for all pupils under the new curriculum. This will play a positive role in safeguarding and helping children and young people to understand behaviours and scenarios that could place them at risk of harm, so that they know what to do to stay safe and how to ask for help.
Digital technologies have changed the way we all communicate, and this is especially true of young people, as we've just heard in Jenny Rathbone's contribution. Online sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of behaviours, and I recognise the challenge this presents to schools. I visited a school myself recently that has been working with boys, in that case, on understanding the impact of sharing images online, for example, and another school where girls are raising awareness with others of the online harassment they had received both in and outside school. And again, in response to the point that Joyce Watson and others have made, the 'keeping safe online' area of Hwb provides schools with information, guidance and training opportunities on a wide range of online safety issues. It's vitally important that the education workforce are provided with training and development opportunities to support them with identifying, responding to and reporting peer-on-peer sexual harassment. We'll shortly be piloting a bespoke online sexual harassment training course for education providers, which will be rolled out across Wales.
I was asked about professional learning funding. Schools are already allocated grants that are ring-fenced for professional learning so that that funding isn't at the expense of other sources of funding, as Jayne Bryant asked me to confirm. And they're in receipt of guidance as well on how they can invest in that professional learning. We'll also be reviewing the RSE resources and looking to identify further effective resources that can support the effective delivery of RSE.
There is a clear need for more robust reporting of instances of sexual harassment in education settings. We know that children and young people sometimes lack the confidence to report instances to their teachers, often because they worry that it won't be taken seriously. As such, there is a lack of knowledge of the true scale of the issue, as well as a lack of consistency, as we've been discussing, in the reporting systems, and therefore, in turn, in data collection.
I was dismayed to learn that our LGBTQ+ pupils have substantial personal experiences of verbal homophobic harassment and that this is the most common type of harassment in many schools. Any form of bullying is completely unacceptable, including harassment and bullying due to a person's sexuality or gender identity. Many of us who have grown up gay will have had our own experiences of this in school. It has no place in society, in schools or in the lives of our young people, and we are committed to changing that reality for our LGBTQ+ pupils. We are already making changes to our anti-bullying guidance, 'Rights, respect, equality', in relation to racial harassment and bullying in schools, and we will also consider how that work can be effectively widened to include robust reporting, recording and data collection of peer-on-peer sexual harassment, including homophobic harassment and bullying.
LGBTQ+ inclusion and support will also feature in new guidance to support education settings to embed a culture of inclusion, anti-discrimination and rights. It's clear from our engagement with local authorities, practitioners, teachers and young people that schools need additional guidance about how best to support LGBTQ+ children and young people, particularly those who are trans or non-binary. In response to Sioned Williams's question, the guidance is currently in development and we anticipate publishing it in spring 2023. We know peer-on-peer sexual harassment is not limited to secondary schools and we are clear that action is needed across all settings, as Jack Sargeant referred to in his contribution. A better understanding of the ways this is experienced at different ages is important to ensure we respond with appropriate and tailored interventions, so we've commissioned a thematic review by Estyn into peer-on-peer sexual harassment in the further education sector. That review is currently under way and is due to report in spring of next year. We are committed to using Estyn's recommendations to underpin a specific programme of work to tackle sexual harassment in further education. We also need a greater understanding of children's experiences of gender-based bullying or sexual harassment in primary settings, and we are currently considering the scope of this review.
Whilst further work will help to ensure we have evidence-based policy and interventions, this does not preclude us from acting now. My officials are working with a range of stakeholders, including the police, to develop a multi-agency action plan, and the plan will outline the actions the Welsh Government and our partners will take to prevent and respond to peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings. It will complement work on preventing and responding to child sexual abuse, including harmful sexual behaviour and child sexual exploitation, and I can confirm, in response to Joyce Watson's question, that it will adopt on a multi-agency basis the definition of 'sexual harassment' used by Estyn.
The Welsh Government is committed to the vision of ending violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales. This can have a huge impact on girls and young women, and indeed on all children and young people, which can affect their well-being and peer relationships. On 24 May, we published the VAWDASV national strategy, which increases awareness in children, young people and adults of the importance of safe, equal and healthy relationships, and empowering them to make positive personal choices. We'll be adopting a cross-Government approach to ensuring its success.
Finally, Jayne Bryant asked me to acknowledge the long-lasting impact of peer-on-peer sexual harassment, even where that is outside the definition of ACEs. This was an issue that was identified in the 2020 review. One of the recommendations was for the Government to take a more holistic view to tackling childhood adversity and trauma, and the ACEs plan work that has been under way will be built on an evidence base of ACEs, but recognise other sources of adversity, and that will include peer-to-peer sexual harassment.
I've outlined today just some of the actions we will be taking, but we will continue to listen and to work with our stakeholders and partners to ensure that we evolve our approach to ensure our work has maximum impact.
Mae technolegau digidol wedi newid y ffordd y mae pawb ohonom yn cyfathrebu, ac mae hyn yn arbennig o wir am bobl ifanc, fel rydym newydd glywed yng nghyfraniad Jenny Rathbone. Mae aflonyddu rhywiol ar-lein yn cwmpasu ystod eang o ymddygiadau, ac rwy'n cydnabod yr her y mae hyn yn ei chreu i ysgolion. Fe ymwelais ag ysgol yn ddiweddar sydd wedi bod yn gweithio gyda bechgyn, yn yr achos hwnnw, ar ddeall effaith rhannu delweddau ar-lein, er enghraifft, ac ysgol arall lle mae merched yn codi ymwybyddiaeth gydag eraill o'r aflonyddu ar-lein roeddent wedi'i brofi yn yr ysgol a'r tu allan. Ac unwaith eto, mewn ymateb i'r pwynt y mae Joyce Watson ac eraill wedi'i wneud, mae adran 'cadw'n ddiogel ar-lein' Hwb yn rhoi gwybodaeth, arweiniad a chyfleoedd hyfforddi i ysgolion ar ystod eang o faterion diogelwch ar-lein. Mae'n hanfodol bwysig fod y gweithlu addysg yn cael cyfleoedd hyfforddi a datblygu i'w cynorthwyo i adnabod, ymateb i ac adrodd am aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion. Cyn bo hir, byddwn yn treialu cwrs hyfforddi pwrpasol ar aflonyddu rhywiol ar-lein i ddarparwyr addysg, a bydd yn cael ei gyflwyno ledled Cymru wedyn.
Gofynnwyd i mi am arian dysgu proffesiynol. Mae ysgolion eisoes yn cael grantiau sydd wedi'u neilltuo ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol fel nad yw'r arian hwnnw ar draul ffynonellau cyllid eraill, fel y gofynnodd Jayne Bryant i mi gadarnhau. Ac maent yn derbyn arweiniad yn ogystal ar sut y gallant fuddsoddi yn y dysgu proffesiynol hwnnw. Byddwn hefyd yn adolygu'r adnoddau addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb ac yn ceisio nodi adnoddau effeithiol pellach a all gefnogi'r gwaith o ddarparu addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb yn effeithiol.
Mae angen clir i adrodd yn fwy cadarn am achosion o aflonyddu rhywiol mewn lleoliadau addysg. Gwyddom nad oes gan blant a phobl ifanc hyder bob amser i adrodd am achosion wrth eu hathrawon, yn aml oherwydd eu bod yn poeni na fydd yn cael ei gymryd o ddifrif. O'r herwydd, ceir diffyg gwybodaeth am raddfa wirioneddol y broblem, yn ogystal â diffyg cysondeb, fel y buom yn ei drafod, yn y systemau adrodd, ac felly, yn ei dro, wrth gasglu data.
Cefais fy siomi o glywed bod ein disgyblion LHDTC+ yn cael profiadau personol sylweddol o aflonyddu geiriol homoffobig ac mai dyma'r math mwyaf cyffredin o aflonyddu mewn llawer o ysgolion. Mae unrhyw fath o fwlio yn gwbl annerbyniol, gan gynnwys aflonyddu a bwlio oherwydd rhywioldeb neu hunaniaeth rhywedd unigolyn. Bydd llawer ohonom sydd wedi tyfu i fyny'n hoyw wedi cael profiadau ein hunain o hyn yn yr ysgol. Nid oes lle iddo mewn cymdeithas, mewn ysgolion nac ym mywydau ein pobl ifanc, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i newid y realiti hwnnw i'n disgyblion LHDTC+. Rydym eisoes yn gwneud newidiadau i'n canllawiau gwrth-fwlio, 'Hawliau, parch, cydraddoldeb', mewn perthynas ag aflonyddu hiliol a bwlio mewn ysgolion, a byddwn hefyd yn ystyried sut y gellir ehangu'r gwaith hwnnw'n effeithiol i gynnwys adrodd cadarn, cofnodi a chasglu data o aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion, gan gynnwys aflonyddu homoffobig a bwlio.
Bydd cynhwysiant a chefnogaeth LHDTC+ hefyd yn cael sylw mewn canllawiau newydd i gynorthwyo lleoliadau addysg i ymgorffori diwylliant o gynhwysiant, gwrth-wahaniaethu a hawliau. Mae'n amlwg o'n hymgysylltiad ag awdurdodau lleol, addysgwyr, athrawon a phobl ifanc fod angen arweiniad ychwanegol ar ysgolion am y ffordd orau o gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc LHDTC+, yn enwedig rhai sy'n draws neu'n anneuaidd. Mewn ymateb i gwestiwn Sioned Williams mae'r canllawiau'n cael eu datblygu ar hyn o bryd ac rydym yn rhagweld y cânt eu cyhoeddi yng ngwanwyn 2023. Gwyddom nad yw aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion wedi'i gyfyngu i ysgolion uwchradd ac rydym yn glir fod angen gweithredu ar draws pob lleoliad, fel y nododd Jack Sargeant yn ei gyfraniad. Mae gwell dealltwriaeth o'r ffyrdd y caiff hyn ei brofi ar wahanol oedrannau'n bwysig er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn ymateb gydag ymyriadau priodol ac wedi'u teilwra, felly rydym wedi comisiynu adolygiad thematig gan Estyn ar aflonyddu rhywiol rhwng cyfoedion yn y sector addysg bellach. Mae'r adolygiad hwnnw ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd ac mae disgwyl iddo adrodd yn y gwanwyn y flwyddyn nesaf. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio argymhellion Estyn i fod yn sylfaen i raglen waith benodol i fynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol mewn addysg bellach. Mae angen gwell dealltwriaeth hefyd o brofiadau plant o fwlio ar sail rhyw neu aflonyddu rhywiol mewn lleoliadau cynradd, ac rydym ar hyn o bryd yn ystyried cwmpas yr adolygiad hwn.
Er y bydd gwaith pellach yn helpu i sicrhau bod gennym bolisi ac ymyriadau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, nid yw hyn yn ein hatal rhag gweithredu nawr. Mae fy swyddogion yn gweithio gydag ystod o randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys yr heddlu, i ddatblygu cynllun gweithredu amlasiantaeth, a bydd y cynllun yn amlinellu'r camau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru a'n partneriaid yn eu cymryd i atal ac ymateb i aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion mewn lleoliadau addysg. Bydd yn ategu'r gwaith ar atal ac ymateb i gam-drin plant yn rhywiol, gan gynnwys ymddygiad rhywiol niweidiol a chamfanteisio rhywiol ar blant, a gallaf gadarnhau, mewn ymateb i gwestiwn Joyce Watson, y bydd yn mabwysiadu ar sail amlasiantaethol y diffiniad o 'aflonyddu rhywiol' a ddefnyddir gan Estyn.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i'r weledigaeth o roi diwedd ar drais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol yng Nghymru. Gall hyn gael effaith enfawr ar ferched a menywod ifanc, ac yn wir ar bob plentyn a pherson ifanc, sy'n gallu effeithio ar eu llesiant a'u perthynas â'u cyfoedion. Ar 24 Mai, gwnaethom gyhoeddi strategaeth genedlaethol trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, sy'n cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth mewn plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion o bwysigrwydd perthnasoedd diogel, cyfartal ac iach, ac yn eu grymuso i wneud dewisiadau personol cadarnhaol. Byddwn yn mabwysiadu dull trawslywodraethol o sicrhau ei llwyddiant.
Yn olaf, gofynnodd Jayne Bryant i mi gydnabod effaith hirdymor aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion, hyd yn oed lle mae hynny y tu allan i'r diffiniad o brofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod. Roedd hwn yn fater a nodwyd yn adolygiad 2020. Un o'r argymhellion oedd i'r Llywodraeth edrych yn fwy cyfannol ar fynd i'r afael â niwed a thrawma yn ystod plentyndod, a bydd gwaith y cynllun profiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod sydd wedi bod ar y gweill yn cael ei adeiladu ar sylfaen dystiolaeth o brofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod, ond yn cydnabod ffynonellau eraill o niwed, a bydd hynny'n cynnwys aflonyddu rhywiol gan gyfoedion.
Heddiw amlinellais rai yn unig o'r camau y byddwn yn eu cymryd, ond byddwn yn parhau i wrando ac i weithio gyda'n rhanddeiliaid a'n partneriaid er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn esblygu ein dull o sicrhau bod ein gwaith yn cael yr effaith fwyaf.
Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i ymateb i'r ddadl. Jayne Bryant.
I call on the Chair of the committee to reply. Jayne Bryant.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd, and I'd just like to thank all Members who've taken part in this debate today. I think it's been a really important one, and I really appreciate all the contributions.
I'd like to put on record first of all my thanks and the committee's thanks to the clerking and research team, who have been fantastic throughout this inquiry, as well as our outreach team, and I'd like to thank all committee members for their commitment and attention to detail in producing such an important report, and absolutely echo Laura Jones's words about the speed with which we undertook this report, and I think that goes to show the importance the committee put on this particular issue. So, I'd like to thank all Members for the work that they've done.
Also to say that James made a really important point—James Evans—about this is a matter for everybody, and that everybody affected should come forward, and our report is titled 'Everybody's affected' for that reason, and I think Estyn told us that 29 per cent of male secondary school pupils experienced harassment. Although lower than girls, that's still almost a third of all boys, which is clearly unacceptable.
Also, just to reiterate one of Sioned's points about it being such an urgent matter, and that the new curriculum sadly won't help any child currently in year 8 or above. I know I mentioned that in my opening remarks, but just to reiterate that message to the Minister.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon heddiw. Rwy'n meddwl iddi fod yn un bwysig iawn, ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'r holl gyfraniadau'n fawr.
Hoffwn gofnodi yn gyntaf oll fy niolch a diolch y pwyllgor i'r tîm clercio ac ymchwil, sydd wedi bod yn wych drwy gydol yr ymchwiliad hwn, yn ogystal â'n tîm allgymorth, a hoffwn ddiolch i holl aelodau'r pwyllgor am eu hymrwymiad a'u sylw i fanylion wrth gynhyrchu adroddiad mor bwysig, ac rwy'n adleisio geiriau Laura Jones yn llwyr ynglŷn â pha mor gyflym yr aethpwyd i'r afael â'r adroddiad hwn, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n dangos pa mor bwysig yr ystyriai'r pwyllgor y mater penodol hwn. Felly, hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl Aelodau am y gwaith a wnaethant.
Hefyd rwyf am ddweud bod James wedi gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn—James Evans—ynglŷn â bod hwn yn fater i bawb, ac y dylai pawb yr effeithir arnynt gamu ymlaen, a dyna pam mai enw ein hadroddiad yw 'Mae'n effeithio ar bawb', ac rwy'n credu bod Estyn wedi dweud wrthym fod 29 y cant o ddisgyblion ysgolion uwchradd gwrywaidd wedi profi aflonyddu. Er ei fod yn is na'r ffigur ar gyfer merched, mae hynny'n dal i fod bron yn draean yr holl fechgyn, sy'n amlwg yn annerbyniol.
Hefyd, os caf ailadrodd un o bwyntiau Sioned ynglŷn â'r brys ynghylch hyn, ac na fydd y cwricwlwm newydd, yn anffodus, yn helpu unrhyw blentyn sydd ym mlwyddyn 8 neu'n uwch ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n gwybod imi grybwyll hynny yn fy sylwadau agoriadol, ond hoffwn ailadrodd y neges honno i'r Gweinidog.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
On the points that Jack Sargeant made, I'd firstly like to thank the petitioner for the important points raised in the petition, but perhaps it would be helpful if I just help to clarify why the committee did not feel able to extend our recommendations to primary schools. We know, and we heard in our inquiry time and again, that sexual harassment is likely to begin in primary schools, but the evidence we gathered over the course of the inquiry did not give a clear enough picture of the prevalence or the nature of sexual harassment in primary schools to make a well-informed recommendation to the Welsh Government about how to address it. The committee felt that addressing sexual harassment in the primary sector presents many different challenges to addressing it in the secondary sector, so we didn't feel confident as a committee in extending our recommendations, which are based on research on secondary-age children, to children who are much younger. So, I hope that helps to clarify why our recommendations didn't include primary school children, but, obviously, we're really pleased that that work is going on.
We heard from Joyce about, and the Minister also mentioned, the voice of young people. We did hear from young people about the solutions and what they felt needed to change. We received over 100 responses to our online survey, and those views really did shape our recommendations. The committee's inquiry also drew on the many personal anonymised testimonies on the Everyone's Invited website, and Estyn's primary evidence, which was the foundation of our inquiry. So, just to give an idea—you know, we really want to put young people's voices at the heart of everything we do.
So, I'd like to thank everybody who contributed to our inquiry. The written and oral evidence we received from everybody, the academics, charities, schools and other public bodies, was exceptionally high quality. I'd also like to place on record my thanks to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language and to the Minister for Social Justice for their constructive engagement with our inquiry and their positive response to our report. I'm really pleased that the Minister's been able to answer some of those questions put by outsiders as well to our recommendations. That's really positive; thank you.
I also say in the Chair's foreword to the report that we've asked a lot of the Welsh Government, and we have. We've asked a lot of the Welsh Government because of all the testimonies from young Welsh people on the Everybody's Invited website, submitted by pupils of schools across Wales and beyond, because of what children in schools across Wales told Estyn, and because what children in schools across Britain have been telling anyone who asks them for years and years. Schools can't be held responsible for sexual harassment. We must take responsibility for denormalising the harmful behaviours and assumptions that underpin it. But they are ideal places for that process of denormalisation to begin, and are sites for early intervention and effective, high-quality support for learners who have been harassed. My fellow committee members and I will pay close attention to the Welsh Government's implementation of the recommendations in our report to do everything we can to make sure that happens.
I've saved my biggest thanks for last. To the many young people across Wales who responded to our survey: thank you for sharing your views on what needed to change. To Ebonie, Glenn, Jake and Sophie and your lecturers: thank you for your hard work and expertise in analysing our engagement responses and producing a video summarising those findings. We appreciated your recommendations to us, and, really, all Members should see that and share it as widely as possible. As Laura Jones said in her contribution, they really challenged us when we had some ideas, so we know that their voices are so important in the work that goes on through Welsh Government now. And to our Welsh Youth Parliamentarian Ffion Williams, who so bravely, articulately and convincingly spoke to ITV Wales about her own experiences of sexual harassment in an interview following the launch of our report.
To children and young people across Wales more generally: I know this isn’t the end of the conversation, and that change will not happen overnight. But you have every right to expect that we, as your elected representatives, will do more to prevent sexual harassment in schools and colleges. It is not normal, it is not okay and it has to stop. Diolch.
Ar y pwyntiau a wnaeth Jack Sargeant, hoffwn ddiolch yn gyntaf i'r deisebydd am y pwyntiau pwysig a godwyd yn y ddeiseb, ond efallai y byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe bawn i'n helpu i egluro pam nad oedd y pwyllgor yn teimlo y gallem ymestyn ein hargymhellion i ysgolion cynradd. Fe wyddom, ac fe glywsom yn ein hymchwiliad dro ar ôl tro, fod aflonyddu rhywiol yn debygol o ddechrau yn yr ysgolion cynradd, ond ni roddodd y dystiolaeth a gasglwyd gennym yn ystod yr ymchwiliad ddarlun digon clir o ba mor gyffredin yw aflonyddu rhywiol na natur aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion cynradd i allu gwneud argymhelliad hyddysg i Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â sut i fynd i'r afael â'r mater. Roedd y pwyllgor o'r farn fod mynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu rhywiol yn y sector cynradd yn cyflwyno llawer o heriau sy'n wahanol i'r modd yr eir i'r afael ag ef yn y sector uwchradd, felly nid oeddem yn teimlo'n hyderus fel pwyllgor i ymestyn ein hargymhellion, sy'n seiliedig ar ymchwil ar blant oedran uwchradd, i blant sy'n llawer iau. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny'n helpu i egluro pam nad oedd ein hargymhellion yn cynnwys plant ysgol gynradd, ond yn amlwg, rydym yn falch iawn fod y gwaith hwnnw'n digwydd.
Clywsom gan Joyce, a soniodd y Gweinidog hefyd, am lais pobl ifanc. Clywsom gan bobl ifanc am yr atebion a'r hyn y teimlent hwy fod angen iddo newid. Cawsom dros 100 o ymatebion i'n harolwg ar-lein, ac yn bendant, fe wnaeth y safbwyntiau hynny roi ffurf i'n hargymhellion. Dylanwadwyd ar ymchwiliad y pwyllgor hefyd gan y nifer o dystebau personol dienw ar wefan Everyone's Invited, a thystiolaeth wreiddiol Estyn, sef sylfaen ein hymchwiliad. Felly, i roi syniad—wyddoch chi, rydym eisiau rhoi lleisiau pobl ifanc wrth galon popeth a wnawn.
Felly, hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a gyfrannodd i'n hymchwiliad. Roedd safon y dystiolaeth ysgrifenedig a llafar a gawsom gan bawb, yr academyddion, elusennau, ysgolion a chyrff cyhoeddus eraill, yn eithriadol o uchel. Hoffwn hefyd gofnodi fy niolch i Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg ac i'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am eu hymwneud adeiladol â'n hymchwiliad a'u hymateb cadarnhaol i'n hadroddiad. Rwy'n falch iawn fod y Gweinidog wedi gallu ateb rhai o'r cwestiynau a ofynnwyd gan bobl o'r tu allan yn ogystal â'n hargymhellion. Mae hynny'n gadarnhaol iawn; diolch.
Rwy'n dweud yn rhagair y Cadeirydd i'r adroddiad hefyd ein bod wedi gofyn llawer gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac mae hynny'n wir. Rydym wedi gofyn llawer gan Lywodraeth Cymru oherwydd yr holl dystiolaeth gan Gymry ifanc ar wefan Everyone's Invited, a gyflwynwyd gan ddisgyblion ysgol ar draws Cymru a thu hwnt, oherwydd yr hyn a ddywedodd plant mewn ysgolion ar draws Cymru wrth Estyn, ac oherwydd yr hyn y mae plant mewn ysgolion ar draws Prydain wedi bod yn dweud wrth unrhyw un sy'n gofyn iddynt ers blynyddoedd maith. Ni ellir dal ysgolion yn gyfrifol am aflonyddu rhywiol. Rhaid i ni ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am ddadnormaleiddio'r ymddygiadau a'r rhagdybiaethau niweidiol sy'n sail iddo. Ond maent yn lleoedd delfrydol i ddechrau ar y broses honno o ddadnormaleiddio, ac maent yn safleoedd ar gyfer ymyrraeth gynnar a chymorth effeithiol, o ansawdd uchel i ddysgwyr yr aflonyddwyd arnynt. Bydd fy nghyd-aelodau o'r pwyllgor a minnau'n rhoi sylw manwl i'r modd y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithredu'r argymhellion yn ein hadroddiad i wneud popeth yn ein gallu i sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd.
Rwyf wedi cadw fy niolch mwyaf at y diwedd. I'r llu o bobl ifanc ledled Cymru a ymatebodd i'n harolwg: diolch am rannu eich safbwyntiau ar yr hyn roedd angen ei newid. I Ebonie, Glenn, Jake a Sophie a'ch darlithwyr: diolch am eich gwaith caled a'ch arbenigedd yn dadansoddi ein hymatebion ymgysylltu a chynhyrchu fideo'n crynhoi'r canfyddiadau hynny. Roeddem yn gwerthfawrogi eich argymhellion i ni, ac mewn gwirionedd, dylai pob Aelod weld hwnnw a'i rannu mor eang â phosibl. Fel y dywedodd Laura Jones yn ei chyfraniad, fe wnaethant ein herio go iawn pan oedd gennym ambell syniad, felly rydym yn gwybod bod eu lleisiau mor bwysig yn y gwaith sy'n digwydd drwy Lywodraeth Cymru nawr. Ac i'n Seneddwr Ieuenctid Cymru, Ffion Williams, a siaradodd mor ddewr, mor huawdl ac mor argyhoeddiadol ag ITV Cymru am ei phrofiadau ei hun o aflonyddu rhywiol mewn cyfweliad yn dilyn lansiad ein hadroddiad.
I blant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru yn fwy cyffredinol: rwy'n gwybod nad dyma ddiwedd y sgwrs, ac na fydd newid yn digwydd dros nos. Ond mae gennych bob hawl i ddisgwyl y byddwn ni, fel eich cynrychiolwyr etholedig, yn gwneud mwy i atal aflonyddu rhywiol mewn ysgolion a cholegau. Nid yw'n normal, nid yw'n iawn ac mae'n rhaid iddo stopio. Diolch.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Ac felly, mae'r cynnig yn cael ei dderbyn.
The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliant canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Lesley Griffiths.
The following amendment has been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Lesley Griffiths.
Yr eitem nesaf yw eitem 9, a dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar strôc yw hon. Dwi'n galw ar Mark Isherwood i wneud y cynnig. Mark Isherwood.
The next item 9 is the Welsh Conservatives debate on stroke. I call on Mark Isherwood to move the motion. Mark Isherwood.
Cynnig NDM8113 Darren Millar
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi bod Diwrnod Strôc y Byd yn cael ei gynnal ar 29 Hydref 2022.
2. Yn cydnabod yr ymateb brys sydd ei angen i atal perygl i fywyd pobl sy'n dioddef strôc.
3. Yn cyfarwyddo'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.2, i gynnal adolygiad i fanteision a heriau ail-gategoreiddio strôc fel 'coch: galwadau sy'n bygwth bywyd ar unwaith' o dan y Model Ymateb Clinigol.
Motion NDM8113 Darren Millar
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that World Stroke Day is 29 October 2022.
2. Recognises the urgent response required to prevent danger to life for people suffering a stroke.
3. In accordance with Standing Order 17.2, instructs the Health and Social Care Committee to conduct a review into the benefits and challenges of recategorising strokes as 'red: immediately life-threatening calls' under the Clinical Response Model.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Llywydd. Our motion today proposes that this Senedd notes that World Stroke Day is 29 October 2022, recognises the urgent response required to prevent danger to life for people suffering a stroke, and instructs the Senedd's Health and Social Care Committee to conduct a review into the benefits and challenges of recategorising strokes as red calls, immediately life-threatening, under the clinical response model.
World Stroke Day takes place on 29 October every year. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the serious nature and high rates of stroke, and to talk about ways in which we can reduce the burden of stroke through better public awareness of the risk factors and signs of stroke. It is also an opportunity to advocate for actions by decision makers at global, regional and national levels, which are essential to improve stroke prevention, access to acute treatment and support for survivors and care givers. For 2021 and 2022, the campaign is focused on raising awareness of the signs of stroke and the need for timely access to quality stroke treatment.
Across the UK, a stroke happens every five minutes. An estimated 7,400 people a year in Wales experience a stroke—the fourth leading cause of death in Wales. A further 70,000 stroke survivors live in Wales and, without early intervention and diagnosis, significant harm to the patient, or chance of death, subsequentially increases—this is substantially.
According to the Stroke Association, there are three different types of stroke: ischaemic, the most common type of stroke, found in about 85 per cent of cases, caused by a blockage cutting off the blood supply to the brain; haemorrhagic, caused by bleeding in or around the brain and apparent in 15 per cent of cases—this is the most severe type of stroke; and the transient ischaemic attack, also known as a mini stroke, where the symptoms only last for a short amount of time.
Strokes are a conditions where the golden hour is vital. Certain acute conditions, including stroke, have 60 minutes to receive definitive care. Any later, and harm, including brain damage, physical disability and mortality, can increase significantly. Quality standards for strokes in adults, published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, also highlight that patients with acute stroke should receive brain imaging within one hour of arrival at hospital should they meet any indicators for immediate imaging. NICE and the Stroke Association recommend the use of thrombolysis, or clot-busting medicine, within four and a half hours of an ischaemic stroke. According to NHS advice, alteplase, the medication used for treatment, is most effective if started as soon as possible after the stroke occurs, and certainly within four and a half hours. The NHS further notes that medication is not generally recommended if more than four and a half hours have passed, as it's not clear how beneficial it is when used after this time, and that it is vital that a brain scan is done to confirm diagnosis of an ischaemic stroke, as the medicine can make bleeding that occurs in haemorrhagic strokes worse.
Latest Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme data, or SSNAP data, showing hospital performance on stroke management across England and Wales, highlights a decline in appropriate care for stroke patients. Once arrived in hospital, stroke patients must be scanned within an hour, according to NICE, yet three hospitals in Wales took longer than this target time to scan a patient.
The SSNAP data, which scores Welsh NHS responses to key indicators, such as time to scan, time to treatment and time to admission to stroke units, highlights some concerning trends in Welsh hospitals. Their scores range from A, or hospital meets the highest standards for almost all patients, to E, or hospital does not meet the highest standards for almost all patients. The latest overall scores for Welsh hospitals were D for all hospitals apart from Withybush, which scored a C, with, for example, all three district hospitals in north Wales scoring E for admission to stroke units in their latest disclosed figures.
Diolch, Lywydd. Mae ein cynnig heddiw yn argymell bod y Senedd yn nodi bod Diwrnod Strôc y Byd yn cael ei gynnal ar 29 Hydref 2022, yn cydnabod yr ymateb brys sydd ei angen i atal perygl i fywyd pobl sy'n dioddef strôc, ac yn cyfarwyddo Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol y Senedd i gynnal adolygiad o fanteision a heriau ail-gategoreiddio strôc fel coch, galwadau sy'n peryglu bywyd ar unwaith, o dan y model ymateb clinigol.
Cynhelir Diwrnod Strôc y Byd ar 29 Hydref bob blwyddyn. Mae'n gyfle i godi ymwybyddiaeth o natur ddifrifol a chyfraddau uchel strôc, ac i siarad am ffyrdd y gallwn leihau baich strôc drwy well ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus o ffactorau risg ac arwyddion strôc. Mae hefyd yn gyfle i ddadlau dros gamau gan wneuthurwyr penderfyniadau ar lefel fyd-eang, ranbarthol a chenedlaethol, sy'n hanfodol i wella gwaith i atal strôc, mynediad at driniaeth acíwt a chefnogaeth i oroeswyr a'r rhai sy'n gofalu. Ar gyfer 2021 a 2022, mae'r ymgyrch yn canolbwyntio ar godi ymwybyddiaeth o arwyddion strôc a'r angen am driniaeth strôc amserol o ansawdd da.
Ar draws y DU, mae strôc yn digwydd bob pum munud. Amcangyfrifir bod 7,400 o bobl y flwyddyn yng Nghymru yn cael strôc—y pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth yng Nghymru. Hefyd, mae 70,000 o oroeswyr strôc yn byw yng Nghymru, a heb ymyrraeth gynnar a diagnosis, mae perygl o niwed sylweddol i'r claf, neu farwolaeth, yn cynyddu—a hynny'n sylweddol.
Yn ôl y Gymdeithas Strôc, ceir tri math gwahanol o strôc: isgemig, y math mwyaf cyffredin o strôc, a geir mewn tua 85 y cant o achosion, ac a achosir gan rwystr sy'n torri'r cyflenwad gwaed i'r ymennydd; gwaedlifol, a achosir gan waedu yn yr ymennydd neu o'i amgylch ac sy'n digwydd mewn 15 y cant o achosion—dyma'r math mwyaf difrifol o strôc; a phwl o isgemia dros dro, a elwir hefyd yn strôc fach, lle nad yw'r symptomau ond yn para am gyfnod byr.
Mae strôc yn gyflwr lle mae'r awr euraidd yn hanfodol. Mae gan rai cyflyrau acíwt, gan gynnwys strôc, 60 munud lle mae'n rhaid cael gofal diffiniol. Gall ymateb diweddarach gynyddu niwed, gan gynnwys niwed i'r ymennydd, anabledd corfforol a marwolaethau, yn sylweddol. Mae safonau ansawdd ar gyfer strôc mewn oedolion, a gyhoeddwyd gan y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Ragoriaeth mewn Iechyd a Gofal, hefyd yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith y dylai cleifion sydd wedi cael strôc acíwt gael triniaeth ddelweddu'r ymennydd o fewn awr i gyrraedd yr ysbyty os oes ganddynt unrhyw ddangosyddion ar gyfer delweddu ar unwaith. Mae NICE a'r Gymdeithas Strôc yn argymell defnyddio thrombolysis, neu feddyginiaeth chwalu clotiau, o fewn pedair awr a hanner i gael strôc isgemig. Yn ôl cyngor y GIG, mae alteplase, y feddyginiaeth a ddefnyddir ar gyfer triniaeth, yn fwyaf effeithiol os yw'n dechrau cyn gynted â phosib ar ôl i'r strôc ddigwydd, ac yn sicr o fewn pedair awr a hanner. Mae'r GIG yn nodi ymhellach nad argymhellir meddyginiaeth fel y cyfryw os oes mwy na phedair awr a hanner wedi mynd heibio, gan nad yw'n glir pa mor fuddiol yw hi pan gaiff ei defnyddio ar ôl yr amser hwn, a'i bod yn hanfodol gwneud sgan ar yr ymennydd i gadarnhau diagnosis o strôc isgemig, gan y gall y feddyginiaeth wneud gwaedu sy'n digwydd mewn strôc waedlifol yn waeth.
Mae data diweddaraf y Rhaglen Archwilio Genedlaethol ar gyfer Strôc Sentinel, neu ddata SSNAP, sy'n dangos perfformiad mewn ysbytai ar reoli strôc ar draws Cymru a Lloegr, yn tynnu sylw at ostyngiad mewn gofal priodol i gleifion strôc. Ar ôl cyrraedd yr ysbyty, rhaid sganio cleifion strôc o fewn awr yn ôl NICE, ac eto fe wnaeth tri ysbyty yng Nghymru gymryd mwy o amser na'r amser targed hwn i sganio claf.
Mae data SSNAP, sy'n sgorio ymatebion GIG Cymru i ddangosyddion allweddol, megis amser i sganio, amser i driniaeth ac amser i gael mynediad i unedau strôc, yn tynnu sylw at rai tueddiadau pryderus yn ysbytai Cymru. Mae eu sgoriau'n amrywio o A, neu ysbyty sy'n bodloni'r safonau uchaf i bron bob claf, i E, neu ysbyty nad yw'n cyrraedd y safonau uchaf i bron pob claf. Y sgoriau cyffredinol diweddaraf ar gyfer ysbytai Cymru oedd D i bob ysbyty heblaw am Lwynhelyg, a sgoriodd C, gyda phob un o'r tri ysbyty dosbarth yng ngogledd Cymru, er enghraifft, yn sgorio E ar gyfer derbyn i unedau strôc yn y ffigyrau diweddaraf a ryddhawyd.
The latest SSNAP data also shows that it takes on average six hours and 35 minutes between stroke onset and arrival at hospital in Wales, compared to three hours and 41 minutes in England and two hours and 41 minutes in Northern Ireland. This impacts on the time it takes for patients to receive a scan, with patients in Wales being scanned just over eight hours after their symptom onset, compared to 4.4 hours in England and 3.3 in Northern Ireland.
Wales's current clinical response model classifies stroke as an amber response call, which is serious but not immediately life threatening. Since 2015, amber calls have had no target time, meaning that patients can often be waiting several hours for an ambulance to respond. Although the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust confirmed that a differing response will be made for haemorrhagic strokes, stating in 2020 that they will often tip into the red category due to their seriousness, these types of stroke are in the minority, making up, as I said, 15 per cent of stroke cases.
Further, the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust stated that although there were no target times, the ideal response times for amber 1 and 2 categories were around 20 minutes and 30 to 40 minutes respectively. Given the seriousness of ischaemic strokes, which make up the majority of cases, and the deterioration of amber response times, this should, therefore, be revisited.
The last review of amber response calls, conducted in 2018, found that the clinical response model is a valid and safe way of delivering ambulance services, and that the length of time waiting for an ambulance response in the amber category does not appear to correlate with worse outcomes. However, by 2020, and pre pandemic, the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust stated that amber performance remains a concern.
Since COVID-19, amber response times have deteriorated significantly, with a median waiting time of one hour and 35 minutes in September—last month—2022. Comparing Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust amber 1 and 2 category ideal times, just 12.6 per cent of overall amber times arrived within 20 minutes, and 25.2 per cent within 40 minutes. A staggering 64.3 per cent—nearly two thirds—took over an hour to respond.
The English NHS recategorised ambulance emergency target calls in 2017, with stroke categorised as 'emergency', with a target time of 18 minutes and 90 per cent of calls in 40 minutes. In September 2022, the mean response time for category 2 ambulances in England was 47 minutes and 59 seconds.
Given the pandemic and subsequent pressures on both ambulance and accident and emergency departments, it is, therefore, imperative that the suitability of amber calls for stroke patients in Wales is revisited. As of April to June 2022, less than half of stroke patients in Wales—46.1 per cent—were arriving at hospital by ambulance, down from 75 per cent in January to March 2021.
Although the Stroke Association does not support recategorisation of amber calls, stating,
'It is better for stroke patients to get the most appropriate response vehicle'
—an ambulance that can take them to hospital, rather than simply the first one that is available, which may be unable to get them to hospital to receive the treatment they need—it supports a committee inquiry into ambulance response times for stroke in Wales, which would examine the issue in more detail. They add that the review should look into the experiences of stroke patients from call to treatment, to understand how the pathway can be improved.
The Welsh Conservatives believe that the Stroke Association should not be forced to choose between a quick response by an inappropriate vehicle and a slow response by a life-saving ambulance, and that the system should be able to be adapted to ensure that an ambulance is sent for a suspected stroke, subject to the modelling necessary. It has been suggested that a few ambulances should be attached, for example, to the stroke medicine department through a direct telephone line, and emphasised that rehabilitation should start as soon as the patient arrives in hospital.
The Stroke Association has also called for a renewed FAST campaign by Public Health Wales. The FAST campaign—face, arms, speech, time—was launched UK wide in 2009 to improve awareness of stroke symptoms and urge those experiencing these to call 999 as soon as possible. Acting fast gives the person having a stroke the best chance of survival and recovery. But although the FAST campaign was run in both England and Northern Ireland in 2021, it was last run in Wales in 2018. Analysis of the campaign in England found that, after being shown the materials from 2021, nearly two thirds of those at risk mentioned needing to act as a campaign message, and two thirds mentioned a need to call 999 or ask for help. Modelling found that the campaign is highly cost-effective, and since launch in 2009 it has delivered 4,000 additional thrombolysis treatments, providing 1,137 quality-adjusted life years, and a return on investment of £8.98 for every £1 spent.
Throughout the pandemic, Welsh Conservatives have been constructively calling on the Welsh Government for action in numerous areas to help the Welsh NHS recover from COVID-19. As Wales and the NHS seek to come out of the pandemic, it's critical that a cross-party approach is embraced to the fullest by Welsh Government. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae'r data SSNAP diweddaraf hefyd yn dangos ei bod yn cymryd chwe awr a 35 munud ar gyfartaledd rhwng dechrau strôc a chyrraedd yr ysbyty yng Nghymru, o'i gymharu â thair awr a 41 munud yn Lloegr a dwy awr a 41 munud yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Mae hyn yn effeithio ar yr amser mae'n ei gymryd i gleifion gael sgan, gyda chleifion yng Nghymru'n cael eu sganio ychydig dros wyth awr ar ôl i'w symptomau ddechrau, o'i gymharu â 4.4 awr yn Lloegr a 3.3 yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.
Mae model ymateb clinigol presennol Cymru yn dynodi strôc fel galwad ymateb oren, sy'n ddifrifol ond heb fod yn peryglu bywyd ar unwaith. Ers 2015, nid oes unrhyw amser targed wedi bod ar gyfer galwadau oren, sy'n golygu bod cleifion yn aml yn gallu aros sawl awr i ambiwlans ymateb. Er i Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru gadarnhau y bydd ymateb gwahanol yn cael ei wneud ar gyfer strociau gwaedlifol, gan nodi yn 2020 y byddant yn aml yn gogwyddo i'r categori coch oherwydd eu difrifoldeb, lleiafrif yw'r mathau hyn o strôc, fel y dywedais, sef 15 y cant o achosion strôc.
Ymhellach, dywedodd Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru, er nad oedd unrhyw amseroedd targed, fod yr amseroedd ymateb delfrydol ar gyfer categorïau oren 1 a 2 tua 20 munud a 30 i 40 munud yn y drefn honno. O ystyried difrifoldeb strociau isgemig, sef y mwyafrif o achosion, a dirywiad amseroedd ymateb oren, dylid ailedrych ar hyn.
Canfu'r adolygiad diwethaf o alwadau ymateb oren, a gynhaliwyd yn 2018, fod y model ymateb clinigol yn ffordd ddilys a diogel o ddarparu gwasanaethau ambiwlans, ac nad yw'n ymddangos bod yr amser a dreulir yn aros am ymateb ambiwlans yn y categori oren yn cyfateb i ganlyniadau gwaeth. Ond erbyn 2020, a'r cyfnod cyn y pandemig, dywedodd Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru fod perfformiad oren yn parhau i beri pryder.
Ers COVID-19, mae amseroedd ymateb oren wedi dirywio'n sylweddol, gydag amser aros canolrifol o awr a 35 munud ym mis Medi—y mis diwethaf—2022. O gymharu amseroedd delfrydol categori oren 1 a 2 Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru, dim ond 12.6 y cant o amseroedd oren cyffredinol a gyrhaeddodd o fewn 20 munud, a 25.2 y cant o fewn 40 munud. Cymerodd 64.3 y cant—bron i ddwy ran o dair—dros awr i ymateb.
Fe wnaeth GIG Lloegr ail-gategoreiddio galwadau targed brys ambiwlansys yn 2017, gyda strôc yn cael ei gategoreiddio'n 'argyfwng', gydag amser targed o 18 munud a 90 y cant o alwadau mewn 40 munud. Ym mis Medi 2022, roedd yr amser ymateb cymedrig ar gyfer ambiwlansys categori 2 yn Lloegr yn 47 munud a 59 eiliad.
O ystyried y pandemig a'r pwysau dilynol ar ambiwlansys ac adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys, rhaid ailedrych ar addasrwydd galwadau oren ar gyfer cleifion strôc yng Nghymru. O fis Ebrill i fis Mehefin 2022, roedd llai na hanner y cleifion strôc yng Nghymru—46.1 y cant—yn cyrraedd yr ysbyty mewn ambiwlans, i lawr o 75 y cant ym mis Ionawr i fis Mawrth 2021.
Er nad yw'r Gymdeithas Strôc o blaid ail-gategoreiddio galwadau oren, gan ddatgan,
'Mae'n well i gleifion strôc gael y cerbyd ymateb mwyaf priodol'
—ambiwlans a all fynd â hwy i'r ysbyty, yn hytrach na dim ond y cerbyd cyntaf sydd ar gael, sydd efallai'n methu eu cludo i'r ysbyty i gael y driniaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt—mae'n cefnogi ymchwiliad pwyllgor i amseroedd ymateb ambiwlans ar gyfer strôc yng Nghymru, a fyddai'n archwilio'r mater yn fanylach. Maent yn ychwanegu y dylai'r adolygiad edrych ar brofiadau cleifion strôc o'r alwad ffôn i driniaeth, er mwyn deall sut y gellir gwella'r llwybr.
Cred y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig na ddylai'r Gymdeithas Strôc gael ei gorfodi i ddewis rhwng ymateb cyflym gan gerbyd amhriodol ac ymateb araf gan ambiwlans achub bywyd, ac y dylid gallu addasu'r system i sicrhau bod ambiwlans yn cael ei anfon pan fo amheuaeth o strôc, yn amodol ar y modelu angenrheidiol. Awgrymwyd y dylid cysylltu ambell ambiwlans, er enghraifft, â'r adran meddygaeth strôc drwy linell ffôn uniongyrchol, a phwysleisiodd y dylai adsefydlu ddechrau cyn gynted ag y bydd claf yn cyrraedd yr ysbyty.
Mae'r Gymdeithas Strôc hefyd wedi galw am adnewyddu ymgyrch y prawf wyneb, braich, lleferydd, amser gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru. Cafodd ymgyrch FAST—face, arms, speech, time—ei lansio ledled y DU yn 2009 i wella ymwybyddiaeth o symptomau strôc ac annog y rhai sy'n profi'r rhain i ffonio 999 cyn gynted â phosibl. Mae gweithredu'n gyflym yn rhoi'r cyfle gorau i'r person sy'n cael strôc oroesi a gwella. Ond er i ymgyrch FAST gael ei chynnal yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon yn 2021, cafodd ei chynnal ddiwethaf yng Nghymru yn 2018. Yn ôl dadansoddiad o'r ymgyrch yn Lloegr, ar ôl cael gweld y deunyddiau o 2021, soniodd bron i ddwy ran o dair o'r rhai a oedd mewn perygl am yr angen i weithredu fel neges i'r ymgyrch, a soniodd dwy ran o dair am yr angen i ffonio 999 neu i ofyn am help. Canfu modelu fod yr ymgyrch yn gosteffeithiol iawn, ac ers ei lansio yn 2009 mae wedi darparu 4,000 o driniaethau thrombolysis ychwanegol, gan ddarparu 1,137 o flynyddoedd bywyd a addaswyd yn ôl ansawdd, ac elw ar fuddsoddiad o £8.98 ar gyfer pob £1 a wariwyd.
Drwy gydol y pandemig, mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wedi bod yn galw'n adeiladol ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu mewn sawl maes i helpu'r GIG yng Nghymru i wella ar ôl COVID-19. Wrth i Gymru a'r GIG geisio dod allan o'r pandemig, mae'n hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mabwysiadu ymagwedd drawsbleidiol yn llawn. Diolch yn fawr.
Dwi wedi dethol y gwelliant i'r cynnig, a dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog iechyd i gynnig yn ffurfiol gwelliant 1.
I have selected the amendment to the motion, and I call the Minister for health to formally move amendment 1.
Gwelliant 1—Lesley Griffiths
Dileu pwynt 3 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn nodi sefydlu Bwrdd y Rhaglen Strôc yn ddiweddar i ysgogi gwelliannau mewn gwasanaethau ac i sicrhau canlyniadau gwell i bobl yng Nghymru o ran strôc.
Amendment 1—Lesley Griffiths
Delete point 3 and replace with:
Notes the recent establishment of the Stroke Programme Board to drive service improvement and deliver improved stroke outcomes for people in Wales.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Jenny Rathbone. Na, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Jenny Rathbone. No, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Sorry, Jenny. I caught you slightly by surprise there. I caught myself by surprise as well. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Jenny. Fe'ch dychrynais i chi, braidd. Fe ddychrynais fy hun hefyd. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd, a diolch i'r Ceidwadwyr am ddod â'r testun yma o'n blaenau ni heddiw. Dwi ddim yn siŵr am y cynnig yn ei gyfanrwydd. Fe ddown ni draw at hynny mewn eiliad, ond o ran y pwynt canolog, yr hyn sydd gennym ni yng nghymalau 1 a 2 yn y cynnig heddiw yma, ydy, mae hi'n Ddiwrnod Strôc y Byd ddydd Sadwrn 29 Hydref, ac mae'n bwysig bachu ar gyfle fel hyn bob amser i atgoffa ein hunain o'r effaith y mae strôc yn ei gael o fewn ein teuluoedd ni, o fewn ein cymunedau ni, a'r hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud a'r hyn y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i sicrhau bod ein hymateb ni cyn gryfed ac mor effeithiol ag y gall o fod.
Cymal 2, wrth gwrs, rydyn ni yn adnabod ac yn cydnabod bod angen ymateb brys pan fydd rhywun yn cael strôc er mwyn ceisio dylanwadu ar yr outcomes gorau i'r person hwnnw. Strôc ydy'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth yng Nghymru. Mae'r cyfraddau goroesi wedi gwella, ac mae hynny i'w groesawu wrth i dechnolegau yn fyd-eang wella. Mae'n bwysig nodi, serch hynny, fod eich siawns chi o oroesi llawer mwy os nad ydych chi'n byw mewn tlodi, ac mae hwn yn un arall o'r meysydd yna lle mae anghyfartaledd mewn iechyd yn cael effaith go iawn ar eich siawns chi i oroesi os ydy'r gwaethaf yn digwydd.
Ond rydyn ni'n gwybod bod yna lawer mwy sydd angen ei wneud i wella'r gwasanaeth sy'n cael ei gynnig yng Nghymru ar ôl strôc. Mae angen sicrhau bod goroeswyr yn cael cefnogaeth well, yn cael eu hadolygiadau chwe mis, yn cael gwasanaethau i ailadeiladu eu bywydau mewn rhai ffyrdd. Mae angen ffisiotherapyddion, therapyddion galwedigaethol, ac yn y blaen, er mwyn sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth yna i bobl sydd yn dioddef strôc.
Ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, mae'r elfen yma rydyn ni'n ei gweld yn y cynnig o frys—yr angen am ymateb mor fuan â phosibl pan fydd strôc yn digwydd. Rydyn ni'n gweld yr ystadegau sydd yn dangos i ni, ar gyfartaledd, ei bod hi'n cymryd chwech awr a hanner rhwng dechrau'r strôc a chyrraedd ysbyty yng Nghymru, a bod hynny'n sylweddol hirach na'r hyn rydyn ni'n ei weld mewn rhannau eraill o'r ynysoedd yma. Dwi'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn ei sylwadau hi yn cydnabod nad ydy hynny'n ddigon da, a bod angen gwella'r perfformiad hwnnw yn sylweddol.
Mi wnaf i dynnu sylw yn fan hyn, o ran ymateb cyflym, i'r ffaith bod ambiwlans awyr Cymru yn nodi ar eu gwefan nhw fod ymateb i strôc yn un o'r gwasanaethau y maen nhw'n ei gynnig. Mae hynny'n cael ei nodi'n glir iawn ar eu gwefan nhw. Dwi'n tynnu sylw at hynny, wrth gwrs, oherwydd y pryderon mewn rhannau o Gymru—yn y canolbarth ac yn y gogledd-orllewin yn arbennig—bod y syniadau sydd ar y bwrdd ar gyfer ad-drefnu gwasanaethau ambiwlans yn mynd i olygu bod pobl yn yr ardaloedd anoddaf i'w cyrraedd yn mynd i orfod aros yn hirach i A&E eu cyrraedd nhw, achos dyna, wrth gwrs, ydy'r ambiwlans awyr.
Mi wnaf droi at gymal 3. Dwi'n gweld hwn, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, yn gymal od. Dwi'n gallu gweld bod llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr ar iechyd a gofal ddim yn ei sedd y prynhawn yma, am ba bynnag reswm, ond beth sydd gennym ni ydy cynnig gan ei blaid yn gorchymyn y pwyllgor iechyd i edrych ar faterion yn ymwneud â strôc a'r ymateb i strôc. Fel aelod o'r pwyllgor iechyd, dwi'n gweld hynny braidd yn od. Dwi'n berffaith hapus, wrth reswm, i'r pwyllgor iechyd—os ydyn ni'n gallu gwneud amser; mae'n bosib y gallwn ni gael sgwrs efo'r Cadeirydd am hynny—edrych ar y maes yma, ond dwi yn ei gweld hi'n broses od bod hyn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn y ffordd yma.
Mi wnaf droi yn sydyn at welliant y Llywodraeth. Dwi wedi cael profiad diddorol iawn yn paratoi am y sesiwn yma heddiw, gan nad ydw i'n gallu dod o hyd i unrhyw wybodaeth o gwbl ynglŷn â beth ydy'r bwrdd rhaglen strôc mae'r Llywodraeth yn cyfeirio ato fo, ac yn dweud sydd yn mynd i wneud cyfraniad mawr at yr ymateb i strôc yng Nghymru. Does yna ddim gwybodaeth ar gael yn unrhyw le ynglŷn ag ydy o'n bodoli eto, pwy sydd ar y bwrdd yma, felly dwi'n edrych ymlaen yn arw i'r Gweinidog ein addysgu ni ar hynny. Ond mae o'n dweud wrthym ni, lle mae yna gamau yn cael eu cymryd, siawns bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru egluro beth ydy'r camau hynny. Doedd hyd yn oed elusennau ddim yn medru dweud wrthym ni beth oedd y bwrdd yma. Mi wrandawaf i'n astud. Ond mi allwn ni i gyd fod yn gwbl, gwbl gytûn bod angen gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod pobl sydd yn dioddef o strôc yng Nghymru yn cael cefnogaeth frys, a'r gefnogaeth orau posib.
Thank you very much, Llywydd, and I thank the Conservatives for bringing this subject before us today. I'm not sure about the motion in its entirety. We'll come to that in due course, but in terms of the central point, what we have in clauses 1 and 2 in the motion, yes, it is World Stroke Day on Saturday 29 October, and it's important to take every possible opportunity to remind ourselves of the impact that strokes have within our families, within our communities, and what we can do and what the Government can do to ensure that our response is as strong and as effective as it can be.
Clause 2, of course, we recognise that we need an urgent response when somebody has a stroke in order to try to influence the best outcomes for that person. Stroke is the fourth main cause of death in Wales. The survival rates have improved, and that is to be welcomed as technologies worldwide improve. It is important to note, however, that your chance of survival is much greater if you don't live in poverty, and this is another one of those areas where health inequality has a genuine impact on your chance of survival if the worst happens.
But we do know that there is much more that we need to do to improve the service that is provided in Wales after a stroke. We need to ensure that survivors do receive better support, receive their six-monthly reviews, and receive services to rebuild their lives in some ways. There is a need for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and so on, to ensure that people have the necessary support after suffering a stroke.
Now, there is also the element that we see in the motion of urgency—the need for a response as soon as possible when a stroke happens. We see the statistics that show us that, on average, it takes six and a half hours between the start of a stroke and reaching hospital in Wales, and that is significantly longer than what we see in other parts of these isles. I do hope that the Minister, in her comments, will recognise that that's not good enough and that we need to improve that performance significantly.
I will draw attention here, in terms of a swift response, to the fact that the Wales air ambulance notes on their website that stroke response is one of the services that they offer. That is noted very clearly on their website. I draw attention to that, of course, because of the concerns in parts of Wales—in mid Wales and the north-west in particular—that the ideas on the table in terms of reorganising air ambulance services mean that people in the hardest-to-reach areas are going to have to wait longer for A&E to reach them, because, of course, that's what the air ambulance is.
I'll turn now to clause 3. I do see this, I have to say, as a strange clause. I can see that the Conservative spokesperson on health and care is not in his seat this afternoon, for whatever reason, but what we have is a proposal by his party ordering the health committee to look at issues relating to stroke and the response to stroke. As a member of the health committee, I see that as a strange thing. I'm perfectly happy for the health committee—if we can make time for it; maybe we can have a conversation with the Chair about that—to look at that area, but I do see it as an odd process that that is being presented in this way.
I'll turn quickly to the amendment from the Government. I have had an interesting experience in preparing for this session today, because I can't find any information at all in terms of what the stroke programme board that the Government refers to here is, which it says is going to make a great contribution to the response to stroke in Wales. There is no information available anywhere as to whether it exists and who is a member of that board, so I'm looking forward greatly to the Minister educating us on that. But it does say to us that where action is being taken, the Welsh Government should explain that. Even charities couldn't tell us what that board was. I'll listen very carefully. But we can all be in agreement that we need to do more to ensure that people who do suffer from stroke in Wales have urgent support, and the best possible support.
I'm grateful to my colleagues for tabling this motion, especially given that this Saturday marks World Stroke Day 2022. As Mark Isherwood mentioned in his opening remarks, on average, 7,400 people a year in Wales will experience a stroke, the fourth leading cause of death in this country. Therefore, the importance of fast-acting, excellent-quality stroke services cannot and should not be underestimated, not just in supporting and treating patients, but within the wider context of pressures within the health and social care system.
But for this to be the case, the entire system needs to be overhauled. We have heard this afternoon about the importance of those first 60 minutes post stroke. In that time, treatment intervention can be the difference between a successful recovery or irreversible damage. And if you live in a rural area like Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, then the attainability of this target is one of huge concern. Since 2015, stroke emergencies have had no target time, meaning that patients displaying FAST symptoms can often wait several hours for an ambulance to respond to their call. And as we've heard during the debate, stroke patients do not have hours to wait.
Not only does the Government need to review its clinical response model, but it also needs to ensure that there are quality services in place to support an individual through their stroke treatment action plan. On both fronts, unfortunately, this isn't currently happening. Over the past few weeks, I've had the pleasure of meeting with both Carmarthen Stroke Group and Stroke Association UK on the Senedd steps to discuss the effectiveness of the FAST acronym, the importance of quality stroke services, and the administration of quick and fast access to healthcare.
However, having reviewed the most recent SSNAP data for west Wales—the sentinel stroke national audit programme—where services are rated from A to E depending on their quality, it is clear that stroke services across the country have not received the focus and funding they require. SSNAP data for Withybush Hospital categorises four of their six ratings as outside the acceptable green zone, with their 'admission to stroke unit' rating scoring an E, the lowest possible grade. At Glangwili Hospital, both 'admission to stroke unit' and thrombolysis services were rated an E. And at Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli, three services—stroke admissions, thrombolysis and occupational therapy services—received, again, an E, Minister. I'm sure you'll agree that simply isn't good enough, and this is happening in our region as Members.
Let us make no mistake: the situation I have described this afternoon is certainly not the fault of our committed and dedicated NHS staff; this is the responsibility of the Government. But if we are to give any stroke patient the best chance of recovery, then we must ensure that stroke services across the board are the very best that they can be. This is our opportunity to overhaul stroke services in Wales and ensure that every person, no matter what their postcode, has excellent access to top-class services, which can take the necessary interventions to prohibit the irreversible damage of severe strokes. With that, I would urge all colleagues in this Chamber to vote in favour of this motion this afternoon. Diolch.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i fy nghyd-Aelodau am gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn, yn enwedig o gofio ei bod yn Ddiwrnod Strôc y Byd 2022 ddydd Sadwrn. Fel y soniodd Mark Isherwood yn ei sylwadau agoriadol, ar gyfartaledd, bydd 7,400 o bobl yn cael strôc bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru, a dyna yw'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth yn y wlad hon. Felly, ni ellir bychanu pwysigrwydd gwasanaethau strôc cyflym o ansawdd rhagorol, nid yn unig ar gyfer cefnogi a thrin cleifion, ond yng nghyd-destun ehangach y pwysau ar y system iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.
Ond er mwyn i hyn fod yn wir, mae angen ailwampio'r system gyfan. Rydym wedi clywed y prynhawn yma am bwysigrwydd y 60 munud cyntaf ar ôl strôc. Yn yr amser hwnnw, gall ymyrraeth triniaeth olygu'r gwahaniaeth rhwng adferiad llwyddiannus a niwed na ellir ei wella. Ac os ydych yn byw mewn ardal wledig fel Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro, mae pa mor gyraeddadwy yw'r targed hwn yn peri pryder enfawr. Ers 2015, ni fu unrhyw amser targed ar gyfer argyfyngau strôc, sy'n golygu bod cleifion sy'n dangos symptomau FAST yn aml yn gorfod aros sawl awr i ambiwlans ymateb i'w galwad. Ac fel y clywsom yn ystod y ddadl, nid oes gan gleifion strôc oriau i aros.
Mae angen i'r Llywodraeth adolygu ei model ymateb clinigol, ac mae angen iddi hefyd sicrhau bod gwasanaethau o ansawdd ar waith i gefnogi unigolyn drwy eu cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer triniaeth strôc. Yn anffodus, nid oes yr un o'r pethau hyn yn digwydd ar hyn o bryd. Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, cefais y pleser o gyfarfod â Grŵp Strôc Caerfyrddin a Chymdeithas Strôc y DU ar risiau'r Senedd i drafod effeithiolrwydd yr acronym FAST, pwysigrwydd gwasanaethau strôc o ansawdd, a gweinyddu mynediad cyflym at ofal iechyd.
Fodd bynnag, ar ôl adolygu'r data SSNAP diweddaraf ar gyfer gorllewin Cymru—y rhaglen archwilio genedlaethol ar gyfer strôc sentinel—lle mae gwasanaethau'n cael eu graddio o A i E yn dibynnu ar eu hansawdd, mae'n amlwg nad yw gwasanaethau strôc ledled y wlad wedi cael y ffocws a'r cyllid sydd ei angen arnynt. Mae data SSNAP ar gyfer Ysbyty Llwynhelyg yn categoreiddio pedwar o'u chwe sgôr fel rhai sydd y tu allan i'r parth gwyrdd derbyniol, gyda'u sgôr 'mynediad at uned strôc' yn sgorio E, sef y radd isaf bosibl. Yn Ysbyty Glangwili, cafodd 'mynediad at uned strôc' a gwasanaethau thrombolysis sgôr o E. Ac yn Ysbyty'r Tywysog Philip yn Llanelli, cafodd tri gwasanaeth—mynediad at uned strôc, thrombolysis a gwasanaethau therapi galwedigaethol—sgôr o E unwaith eto, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno nad yw hynny'n ddigon da, ac mae hyn yn digwydd yn ein rhanbarth ni fel Aelodau.
Gadewch inni fod yn glir: yn sicr nid staff ymroddedig y GIG sydd ar fai am y sefyllfa a ddisgrifiais y prynhawn yma; cyfrifoldeb y Llywodraeth yw hyn. Ond os ydym am roi'r cyfle gorau am adferiad i unrhyw glaf sy'n dioddef strôc, rhaid inni sicrhau bod gwasanaethau strôc yn gyffredinol o'r ansawdd gorau posibl. Dyma ein cyfle i ailwampio gwasanaethau strôc yng Nghymru a sicrhau bod gan bob person, beth bynnag fo'u cod post, fynediad rhagorol at wasanaethau o'r radd flaenaf, a all wneud yr ymyriadau angenrheidiol i atal niwed na ellir ei wella yn dilyn strôc ddifrifol. Gyda hynny, hoffwn annog pob cyd-Aelod yn y Siambr hon i bleidleisio o blaid y cynnig hwn y prynhawn yma. Diolch.
My constituents have a challenging relationship with stroke services, unlike those in many other parts of Wales, due to us not having a district general hospital in Powys. The rural nature of Brecon and Radnorshire and the lack of stroke service provision makes treatment more difficult for my constituents, and many of them have to travel across the border into Herefordshire and Worcestershire to receive treatment. A total of 150 people in Powys were admitted to hospital in England following a stroke in 2021-22. Think of the difference that it could've made to those people if they could've been treated closer to home. For a long time, as the Minister knows, I've been calling for an acute stroke unit within Brecon and Radnorshire, to ensure that people get timely treatment in our communities. This would be a massive boost to the people in my area who are desperately in need of modern and effective stroke provision.
With strokes, the seconds and the minutes matter. People from Powys having to go across the border for treatment is an unnecessary burden in time for those people who have suffered. The lengthy travel times due to the lack of a hospital, as I've said, in Powys, make death and disability more likely, because time saves lives. I was reassured, I think it was last week, to hear, health Minister, that you had plans for regional stroke services that are being worked on, but my residents need to know how many people in those will be able to stay in Wales for treatment instead of going into England. Because the closer we can have stroke treatment to home, the better, and I think I'd like to hear more clarity from you around when we're going to see those coming to fruition.
With stroke being the fourth leading cause of death in Wales, it's essential that people in mid Wales have good, timely treatment and they are not passed over. Stroke provision must be a priority, and when we look at the Wales-wide ambulance response times, it seems to me and others that this is not currently a priority for the Welsh Government. That's why Welsh Conservatives are calling for a review into the benefits and the challenges of recategorising strokes as red calls instead of amber. That's something that I hope the health committee can look into. This would be a recognition of the huge challenges that stroke poses and a big step on the way to dealing with the problem, which will get worse before it gets better. Diolch, Llywydd.
Mae gan fy etholwyr berthynas heriol gyda gwasanaethau strôc, yn wahanol i'r rhai mewn sawl rhan arall o Gymru, a hynny oherwydd nad oes gennym ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth ym Mhowys. Mae natur wledig Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed a diffyg darpariaeth gwasanaethau strôc yn golygu bod cael triniaeth yn anos i fy etholwyr, ac mae'n rhaid i nifer ohonynt deithio dros y ffin i swydd Henffordd a swydd Gaerwrangon i gael triniaeth. Cafodd cyfanswm o 150 o bobl ym Mhowys eu derbyn i'r ysbyty yn Lloegr ar ôl cael strôc yn 2021-22. Meddyliwch am y gwahaniaeth y gallai fod wedi ei wneud i'r bobl hynny pe gallent fod wedi cael eu trin yn nes at adref. Fel y mae'r Gweinidog yn gwybod, bûm yn galw am uned strôc acíwt ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed ers amser hir, i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael triniaeth amserol yn ein cymunedau. Byddai hyn yn hwb enfawr i bobl yn fy ardal sydd mewn angen dybryd am ddarpariaeth strôc fodern ac effeithiol.
Gyda strôc, mae'r eiliadau a'r munudau'n bwysig. Mae'r ffaith bod pobl o Bowys yn gorfod mynd dros y ffin am driniaeth yn golygu baich diangen o ran amser i'r bobl sydd wedi dioddef. Mae'r amseroedd teithio hir oherwydd diffyg ysbyty ym Mhowys, fel y dywedais, yn gwneud marwolaeth ac anabledd yn fwy tebygol, oherwydd mae amser yn achub bywydau. Roeddwn yn dawelach fy meddwl yr wythnos diwethaf, rwy'n credu, ar ôl eich clywed chi, Weinidog iechyd, yn dweud bod gennych gynlluniau ar y gweill ar gyfer gwasanaethau strôc rhanbarthol, ond mae fy nhrigolion angen gwybod faint o bobl yn y rheini fydd yn gallu aros yng Nghymru am driniaeth yn lle mynd i Loegr. Oherwydd gorau po agosaf i adref y gallwn gael triniaeth strôc, ac rwy'n credu yr hoffwn glywed mwy o eglurder gennych chi ynghylch pryd y gwelwn y rheini'n dwyn ffrwyth.
Gan mai strôc yw'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth yng Nghymru, mae'n hanfodol fod pobl y canolbarth yn cael triniaeth dda, amserol ac nad ydynt yn cael eu hanwybyddu. Rhaid i ddarpariaeth strôc fod yn flaenoriaeth, a phan edrychwn ar amseroedd ymateb ambiwlansys ledled Cymru, mae'n ymddangos i mi ac i eraill nad yw hyn yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru ar hyn o bryd. Dyna pam y mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn galw am adolygiad o fanteision a heriau ail-gategoreiddio galwadau strôc fel rhai coch yn lle oren. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth rwy'n gobeithio y gall y pwyllgor iechyd edrych arno. Byddai hyn yn gydnabyddiaeth o'r heriau enfawr y mae strôc yn eu hachosi ac yn gam mawr ymlaen ar y ffordd i ddatrys y broblem, a fydd yn gwaethygu cyn ei bod yn gwella. Diolch, Lywydd.
I think this is an important debate, because, as has already been acknowledged, it is the fourth biggest killer, so it's clearly something we need to get right. But I would caution James Evans on the idea that we could have a district general hospital in Powys that would provide you with the quality of care that you need when you have a stroke. [Interruption.] If I misunderstood you, I'm happy to take an intervention.
Rwy'n credu bod hon yn ddadl bwysig, oherwydd, fel sydd eisoes wedi'i gydnabod, dyma'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth, felly mae'n amlwg yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei gael yn iawn. Ond byddwn yn gochel rhag syniad James Evans y gallem gael ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth ym Mhowys a fyddai'n darparu gofal o'r ansawdd rydych ei angen pan fydd rhywun yn cael strôc. [Torri ar draws.] Os wyf wedi eich camddeall, rwy'n hapus i dderbyn ymyriad.
I didn't say we needed a district general hospital in Powys; I'd like to see one, but I recognise the challenges of doing that. What I would like to see is actually more of those services being delivered, like a stroke care centre, in our little cottage hospitals or in our minor injury units, so actually we can have those services closer to home so people don't have to travel over 40 minutes in a car.
Nid oeddwn yn dweud bod angen ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth ym Mhowys; hoffwn weld un, ond rwy'n cydnabod yr heriau o wneud hynny. Yr hyn yr hoffwn ei weld mewn gwirionedd yw mwy o'r gwasanaethau hynny'n cael eu darparu, megis canolfan gofal strôc, yn ein hysbytai bwthyn bach neu yn ein hunedau mân anafiadau, fel y gallwn gael y gwasanaethau hynny'n nes at adref ac nad oes raid i bobl deithio dros 40 munud mewn car.
It might well be possible, in a cottage hospital, to deliver the sort of rehabilitation services that you may have in mind, but it isn't going to be possible to deliver clinical excellence unless you've got the critical mass of patients to justify it. It is really, really important that we have stroke units that are available to all our populations within a reasonable driving distance, but there's no doubt that, if you're having a stroke, you need to go to a stroke unit, end of story. That is what the ambulance should be doing—and I'm hoping that the Minister will reassure us that that is what they are doing—because it means that survival is infinitely more likely and the limitations on any disability much more likely.
This is an important debate, and I think it's a good use of World Stroke Day on Saturday to highlight this issue. But I have to say, I'm struggling a little bit in terms of the amount of information that we have been given by the Stroke Association. I was quite concerned when I got the information that my stroke unit for my population in Cardiff and the Vale has an overall score of D. But, when I asked for more information to understand exactly what was going on, I was just referred to the methodology, the alphabet soup; this is not helpful. I need a layperson's description as to what we need to do. And whilst I acknowledge that the physiotherapy services, the speech and language services, occupational therapy, are really good, and the scanning services as well, the key issue is how quickly can you get thrombolysis when you first have a stroke.
That brings us back to the amendment. I'm not convinced, I'm afraid, that recategorising strokes as red, in the same category as immediately-life-threatening calls, is the right approach at this point, because, brutally, if we add stroke to the red list, then in the context of today's stretched services, I fear that that would mean that other people on the red list would die. I don't want to be alarmist about this, but I think—. I acknowledge, however, that the Tories' motion is taking a precautionary approach by suggesting that we refer this to the Health and Social Care Committee to review the benefits of recategorising it, but there's nothing stopping the Health and Social Care Committee from doing that anyway, if they wish to.
I think more important for me is really understanding how the stroke implementation group, which was established in 2013, has been approaching its work to bring all stroke units in Wales up to the standard that is required, and how this stroke implementation board, which was announced in a written statement in September last year, is actually going to change things. Because I don't know anything further about the stroke implementation board. Like Rhun, I've had difficulty finding out about it. I think this is a really important debate, and clearly one that our constituents want us to pay attention to. But, I do think that we need to be clear that in order to have high-quality stroke units, we need to have them not in every district hospital; we need to have stroke units geographically spread out so that the whole population is able to get to one, but it has to be with the justification for the population of that area if you want the quality that everybody is going to want if it's their loved one or their constituent who is having a stroke.
I look forward to hearing the Minister's contributions. I want to hear a little bit more about what Dr Shakeel Ahmad, who is our Wales national clinical lead for stroke, has been doing. I also note that there is a UK conference in Liverpool at the end of November, which I hope some of our Welsh clinicians will be going to, because this is something that is just as important for people the other side of our border. There's been huge improvements in the way that stroke patients are cared for, but, clearly, there's always more to learn.
Gallai fod yn ddigon posibl darparu'r math o wasanaethau adsefydlu sydd gennych mewn golwg mewn ysbyty bwthyn, ond ni fydd yn bosibl darparu rhagoriaeth glinigol oni bai bod gennych fàs critigol o gleifion i'w gyfiawnhau. Mae'n bwysig iawn fod gennym unedau strôc ar gael i'n holl boblogaethau o fewn pellter gyrru rhesymol, ond nid oes amheuaeth, os ydych yn cael strôc, fod angen ichi fynd i uned strôc, a dyna ddiwedd arni. Dyna ddylai'r ambiwlans ei wneud—ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn ein sicrhau mai dyna maent yn ei wneud—oherwydd mae'n golygu ei bod yn llawer mwy tebygol y bydd claf yn goroesi ac y cyfyngir ar unrhyw anabledd.
Mae hon yn ddadl bwysig, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddefnydd da o Ddiwrnod Strôc y Byd ddydd Sadwrn i dynnu sylw at y mater. Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, rwy'n cael peth trafferth gyda faint o wybodaeth a gawsom gan y Gymdeithas Strôc. Roeddwn yn eithaf pryderus pan gefais yr wybodaeth fod fy uned strôc ar gyfer fy mhoblogaeth yng Nghaerdydd a'r Fro wedi cael sgôr cyffredinol o D. Ond pan ofynnais am fwy o wybodaeth i ddeall beth yn union oedd yn digwydd, cefais fy nghyfeirio at y fethodoleg, cawl yr wyddor; nid yw hyn o gymorth. Rwyf angen disgrifiad syml o beth sydd angen inni ei wneud. Ac er fy mod yn cydnabod bod y gwasanaethau ffisiotherapi, y gwasanaethau lleferydd ac iaith, therapi galwedigaethol, yn dda iawn, a'r gwasanaethau sganio hefyd, y mater allweddol yw pa mor gyflym y gallwch gael thrombolysis pan fyddwch newydd gael strôc.
Daw hynny â ni'n ôl at y gwelliant. Nid wyf wedi fy argyhoeddi, mae arnaf ofn, mai ail-gategoreiddio strôc yn goch, yn yr un categori â galwadau lle mae bywyd yn y fantol, yw'r cam cywir ar y pwynt hwn, oherwydd, yn gwbl onest, os ydym yn ychwanegu strôc at y rhestr goch, yng nghyd-destun presennol y pwysau sydd ar wasanaethau, ofnaf y byddai hynny'n golygu y byddai pobl eraill ar y rhestr goch yn marw. Nid wyf eisiau codi bwganod ynghylch hyn, ond rwy'n credu—. Rwy'n cydnabod, fodd bynnag, fod cynnig y Torïaid yn mabwysiadu agwedd ragofalus drwy awgrymu ein bod yn cyfeirio'r mater hwn at y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i adolygu manteision ei ail-gategoreiddio, ond nid oes unrhyw beth yn atal y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol rhag gwneud hynny beth bynnag, os ydynt yn dymuno.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysicach deall yn iawn sut y mae'r grŵp gweithredu ar gyfer strôc, a sefydlwyd yn 2013, wedi bod yn gweithio i sicrhau bod yr holl unedau strôc yng Nghymru yn cyrraedd y safon angenrheidiol, a sut y mae'r bwrdd gweithredu ar gyfer strôc, a gyhoeddwyd mewn datganiad ysgrifenedig ym mis Medi y llynedd, am newid pethau mewn gwirionedd. Oherwydd nid wyf yn gwybod unrhyw beth pellach am y bwrdd gweithredu ar gyfer strôc. Fel Rhun, rwyf wedi cael trafferth dod o hyd i wybodaeth am y peth. Rwy'n credu bod hon yn ddadl bwysig iawn, ac yn amlwg yn un y mae ein hetholwyr eisiau inni dalu sylw iddi. Ond er mwyn cael unedau strôc o ansawdd uchel, rwy'n credu bod angen inni fod yn glir fod angen inni eu cael, nid ym mhob ysbyty dosbarth; mae angen inni gael unedau strôc wedi'u gwasgaru'n ddaearyddol, fel bod y boblogaeth gyfan yn gallu cyrraedd un, ond mae'n rhaid gallu cyfiawnhau hynny ar gyfer poblogaeth yr ardal honno os ydych eisiau'r ansawdd y byddai pawb yn ei ddymuno pe bai eu hanwyliaid neu eu hetholwyr yn cael strôc.
Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed cyfraniadau'r Gweinidog. Rwyf eisiau clywed ychydig bach mwy am yr hyn y mae Dr Shakeel Ahmad, sef arweinydd clinigol cenedlaethol Cymru ar gyfer strôc, wedi bod yn ei wneud. Nodaf hefyd fod cynhadledd ar gyfer y DU yn Lerpwl ddiwedd mis Tachwedd, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd rhai o'n clinigwyr o Gymru yn mynychu honno, oherwydd mae hyn yn rhywbeth sydd yr un mor bwysig i bobl ar yr ochr arall i'r ffin. Mae gwelliannau enfawr wedi bod yn y ffordd y gofalwn am gleifion strôc, ond yn amlwg, mae mwy i'w ddysgu bob amser.
It has already been pointed out that an estimated 7,000 people a year in Wales experience a stroke, and that can be the equivalent of a whole town having one every year. It takes on average, as has been said, 6 hours 35 minutes between stroke onset and arrival at hospital in Wales. Compare that with 3 hours 41 minutes in England, and 2 hours 41 minutes in Northern Ireland. There's been mention of this need for that golden hour. Some years ago, a relative of mine experienced a stroke, and in those days it was almost expected that it was going to be classed as urgent.
The sentinel stroke national audit programme data, which scores Welsh NHS responses to key indicators such as time to scan, time to treatment, time to admission to stroke units, highlights some concerning trends in north Wales hospitals. With the worst possible score of E, Wrexham and Ysbyty Glan Clwyd have seen no improvement in their SSNAP scores of D since 2021. In fact, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd took longer than an hour on average to scan stroke patients. When considering that stroke is the fourth leading cause of death, it comes as no surprise that I have constituents who really have a heightened level of anxiety about whether an ambulance would turn up on time and, if it did, how, then, would they proceed to have a scan.
Of the four-hour target for patients to be admitted to a stroke unit, just one hospital in Wales was within that timeframe, and according to the Stroke Association, the time it takes for patients to arrive at a hospital does impact on the time it takes patients to receive a scan. Patients in Wales are being scanned just over eight hours after their symptom onset. So, we've got to get patients into hospital faster and we need speedier scans.
Since 2015, this Welsh Labour Government has downgraded suspected stroke ambulance response times to amber, with no target time for arrival. England's ambulance services, which have a specific category for suspected stroke patients, had a mean response time of 47 minutes and 59 seconds. Here in Wales, amber calls are taking on average, one hour and 35 minutes to arrive with patients—that says 'on average'; I can tell you that I know of examples really recently, where, unfortunately, a constituent of mine passed away because, well, it was just too late. Any longer than 60 minutes, and harm, including brain damage, physical disability and mortality can increase significantly. By 2020, and pre pandemic, even the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust stated that amber performance remains a concern. So, it's therefore reasonable to vote to instruct the Health and Social Care Committee to conduct a review into the benefits and challenges of recategorising strokes as red—immediately life-threatening calls under the clinical response model. And I speak as an elected Member where we have a greater number of old people, obviously, I'm speaking on behalf of my constituents in Aberconwy. That will provide a fair opportunity to hear from health boards and professionals, enabling this Welsh Parliament and your Government to make the best decision that is truly also the best for patients.
So, I've also got a question and an explanation, Minister, as to why there is no thrombectomy specialist in north Wales. There are only two employed, and they are both in Cardiff. Betsi Cadwaladr sends patients to Walton Hospital. As outlined by the Stroke Association's Saving Brains campaign, whilst thrombectomy could significantly reduce the chance of disabilities, like paralysis or blindness, it could save the NHS £47,000 over five years, per patient. Less than 1 per cent of stroke patients in Wales received a thrombectomy in 2021. So, it's not good enough. Surely, between us, we can agree to work with health boards to achieve better than that and establish a workforce plan so that north Wales has its own specialist too.
Yet again, we have fewer services than the south, and we're having to depend on England, but I will say that Walton is exceptionally good. Nonetheless, we've had devolution for nearly 25 years. Minister, as you can imagine, this is a debate that's very close to my colleagues on the Welsh Conservative benches, but it's also close to the hearts and minds of my constituents in Aberconwy, and many across Wales. I know that you listen to what we say here; please, on this one, really study the motion and do what you can to help our stoke victims. Thank you.
Nodwyd eisoes bod tua 7,000 o bobl yn cael strôc yng Nghymru bob blwyddyn, ac mae hynny'n gyfystyr â thref gyfan yn cael strôc bob blwyddyn. Ar gyfartaledd, mae'n cymryd 6 awr 35 munud rhwng dechrau strôc a chyrraedd ysbyty yng Nghymru. Cymharwch hynny â 3 awr 41 munud yn Lloegr, a 2 awr 41 munud yng Ngogledd Iwerddon. Mae sôn wedi bod am yr angen am yr awr euraidd. Rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, cafodd perthynas i mi strôc, ac yn y dyddiau hynny roedd hi bron yn ddisgwyliedig y byddai'n cael ei ystyried yn fater brys.
Mae data'r rhaglen archwilio genedlaethol ar gyfer strôc sentinel, sy'n sgorio ymatebion GIG Cymru i ddangosyddion allweddol megis amser i sgan, amser i driniaeth, amser i dderbyn i unedau strôc, yn tynnu sylw at dueddiadau pryderus yn ysbytai gogledd Cymru. O gofio mai'r sgôr waethaf bosibl yw E, nid yw Wrecsam nac Ysbyty Glan Clwyd wedi gweld unrhyw welliant yn eu sgoriau SSNAP, sef D, ers 2021. Yn wir, cymerodd Ysbyty Glan Clwyd fwy nag awr ar gyfartaledd i sganio cleifion strôc. Wrth ystyried mai strôc yw'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth, nid yw'n syndod fod gennyf etholwyr sy'n bryderus iawn ynglŷn ag a fyddai ambiwlans yn cyrraedd mewn pryd, a hyd yn oed pe bai'n gwneud hynny, faint y byddai'n ei gymryd i gael sgan wedyn.
Un ysbyty'n unig yng Nghymru a lwyddodd i sicrhau bod cleifion yn cael mynediad at uned strôc o fewn y targed o bedair awr, ac yn ôl y Gymdeithas Strôc, mae'r amser y mae'n ei gymryd i gleifion gyrraedd ysbyty yn effeithio ar yr amser y mae'n ei gymryd i gleifion gael sgan. Mae cleifion yng Nghymru'n cael eu sganio ychydig dros wyth awr ar ôl i'w symptomau gychwyn. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni gael cleifion i'r ysbyty yn gynt ac mae angen sganiau cyflymach arnom.
Ers 2015, mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur Gymreig hon wedi israddio amseroedd ymateb ambiwlansys ar gyfer cleifion lle'r amheuir strôc i oren, heb unrhyw amser targed ar gyfer cyrraedd. Mae gan wasanaethau ambiwlans Lloegr, sydd â chategori penodol ar gyfer cleifion lle'r amheuir strôc, amser ymateb cymedrig o 47 munud a 59 eiliad. Yma yng Nghymru, mae galwadau oren yn cymryd awr a 35 munud ar gyfartaledd i gyrraedd gyda chleifion—'ar gyfartaledd' mae'n dweud; gallaf ddweud wrthych fy mod yn gwybod am enghreifftiau yn ddiweddar iawn, lle bu farw etholwr i mi oherwydd, wel, roedd yn rhy hwyr. Os yw'n hwy na 60 munud, mae'r risg o niwed, gan gynnwys niwed i'r ymennydd, anabledd corfforol a marwolaethau yn gallu cynyddu'n sylweddol. Erbyn 2020, a'r cyfnod cyn y pandemig, dywedodd hyd yn oed Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru fod perfformiad oren yn dal i beri pryder. O ganlyniad, mae'n rhesymol inni bleidleisio i gyfarwyddo'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol i gynnal adolygiad o fanteision a heriau ail-gategoreiddio galwadau strôc fel rhai coch—galwadau lle mae bywyd yn y fantol o dan y model ymateb clinigol. Ac rwy'n siarad fel Aelod etholedig lle mae gennym niferoedd uwch o hen bobl, yn amlwg, rwy'n siarad ar ran fy etholwyr yn Aberconwy. Bydd hynny'n rhoi cyfle teg i glywed gan fyrddau iechyd a gweithwyr proffesiynol, gan alluogi Senedd Cymru hon a'ch Llywodraeth i wneud y penderfyniad gorau a fydd hefyd yn orau i gleifion.
Felly, mae gennyf gwestiwn ac esboniad, Weinidog, ynglŷn â pham nad oes arbenigwr thrombectomi yng ngogledd Cymru. Dim ond dau sydd wedi'u cyflogi, ac mae'r ddau ohonynt yng Nghaerdydd. Mae Betsi Cadwaladr yn anfon cleifion i Ysbyty Walton. Fel yr amlinellir gan ymgyrch Saving Brains y Gymdeithas Strôc, gallai thrombectomi leihau'r perygl o anableddau fel parlys neu ddallineb yn sylweddol, a gallai hefyd arbed £47,000 y claf i'r GIG dros bum mlynedd. Cafodd llai nag 1 y cant o gleifion strôc yng Nghymru thrombectomi yn 2021. Felly, nid yw'n ddigon da. Rhyngom, dylem allu cytuno i weithio gyda byrddau iechyd i gyflawni gwell na hynny a sefydlu cynllun gweithlu fel bod gan ogledd Cymru ei arbenigwr ei hun hefyd.
Eto i gyd, mae gennym lai o wasanaethau na'r de, ac rydym yn gorfod dibynnu ar Loegr, ond rwyf eisiau dweud bod Walton yn eithriadol o dda. Er hynny, rydym wedi cael datganoli ers bron i 25 mlynedd. Weinidog, fel y gallwch ddychmygu, mae hon yn ddadl sy'n agos iawn at galonnau fy nghyd-Aelodau ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, ond mae hefyd yn agos at galonnau a meddyliau fy etholwyr yn Aberconwy, a llawer iawn o bobl ledled Cymru. Gwn eich bod yn gwrando ar yr hyn a ddywedwn yma; os gwelwch yn dda, ar y mater hwn, astudiwch y cynnig yn ofalus a gwnewch yr hyn a allwch i helpu ein dioddefwyr strôc. Diolch.
Unfortunately, it doesn't give me any grace to say that I actually know only too well just how serious a stroke can be. Not too long ago my mother actually had a stroke and, thankfully, by acting swiftly, we managed to limit the amount of damage it caused. What started off as a headache—in her words, a migraine and flu-like symptoms—quickly turned into something really sinister. And with my mum being rushed to hospital with three clots having formed on her brain, thankfully, after a two-week stay in hospital and really, really extensive physiotherapy and speech therapy, which went on for months, she made a pretty good recovery. If we hadn't acted quickly and got her to hospital on time, the outcome would have been completely different, and I'm under no illusion here that there's a chance that she would be dead today.
Everyone knows that the quicker you act when someone is having a stroke, the better. We've all heard about the acronym FAST—face, arms, speech and time—when it comes to acting upon a stroke, and it's worth remembering, and I only became aware of this after my mother had hers, that there is that golden hour, which many of my colleagues have spoken about today when it comes to having a stroke. The likelihood of having serious or irreversible harm, in fact, during a stroke hugely increases if the patient doesn't receive definitive treatment within the first 60 minutes. However, shockingly, in Wales, it takes more than six hours and 30 minutes on average between stroke onset and arrival in hospital. In comparison, it takes just over three hours and 40 minutes in England, and two hours and 41 minutes in Northern Ireland.
With an estimated 7,400 people a year having a stroke in Wales, it's vital that we do all that we can to ensure that more patients are seen as quickly as possible, as it is a matter of life and death. Many 999 calls for a suspected stroke in Wales arrive beyond the golden hour, since the Labour Government here downgraded suspected stroke ambulance services to amber. Like I said earlier, acting fast is crucial, and I cannot emphasise how grateful I am to the paramedics who came to our aid, and those who continue to help those who experience a stroke. But with amber calls in Wales taking on average an hour and 35 minutes to arrive to patients, let's be honest, it's not that fast at all.
Education is key to improving outcomes for people who are suffering from a stroke. There needs to be a huge push to make sure that people know how important it is to seek medical attention if they are showing symptoms of a stroke. Many years ago, when I worked for the regional Member for South Wales East, he organised a stroke event for all of his constituents with the help of and in association with the Stroke Association—if that made sense—to make the public aware of the symptoms and challenges that one experiences when having a stroke. It was a huge success and really appreciated by the residents of south-east Wales, but sadly the Senedd does not allow such events to take place any more, which is a real, real shame.
A review into the benefits and challenges of making strokes red calls instead of amber is needed, Minister, and needed urgently. I really hope that Labour Ministers and colleagues here in the Senedd today will listen to what I and other Members have said today and act quickly to save lives. Thank you.
Yn anffodus, nid yw'n rhoi pleser imi ddweud fy mod yn ymwybodol iawn o ba mor ddifrifol y gall strôc fod. Cafodd fy mam strôc beth amser yn ôl a diolch byth, drwy weithredu'n gyflym, fe lwyddasom i gyfyngu ar y niwed a achosodd. Yn gyflym trodd yr hyn a ddechreuodd fel cur pen—yn ei geiriau hi, meigryn a symptomau tebyg i ffliw—yn rhywbeth gwirioneddol sinistr. Ac ar ôl i fy mam gael ei rhuthro i'r ysbyty gyda thri chlot ar ei hymennydd, ac ar ôl aros yn yr ysbyty am bythefnos a chael ffisiotherapi a therapi lleferydd helaeth iawn, a barhaodd am fisoedd, fe lwyddodd i wella'n eithaf da. Pe na baem wedi gweithredu'n gyflym a mynd â hi i'r ysbyty mewn pryd, byddai'r canlyniad wedi bod yn hollol wahanol, ac nid wyf dan unrhyw gamargraff y gallai fod wedi marw.
Fel y mae pawb yn gwybod, gorau po gyntaf y gweithredwch pan fo rhywun yn cael strôc. Rydym i gyd wedi clywed am yr acronym FAST—wyneb, breichiau, lleferydd ac amser—mewn perthynas â strôc, ac mae'n werth ei gofio, a dim ond ar ôl i fy mam gael ei strôc y deuthum yn ymwybodol o'r awr euraidd y mae llawer o fy nghyd-Aelodau wedi siarad amdani heddiw mewn perthynas â strôc. Mae'r tebygolrwydd o gael niwed difrifol neu niwed na ellir ei wella yn ystod strôc yn cynyddu'n aruthrol os nad yw'r claf yn cael triniaeth ddiffiniol o fewn y 60 munud cyntaf. Ond yn rhyfeddol, yng Nghymru, mae'n cymryd mwy na chwe awr a 30 munud ar gyfartaledd rhwng dechrau symptomau strôc a chyrraedd yr ysbyty. O'i gymharu, mae'n cymryd ychydig dros dair awr a 40 munud yn Lloegr, a dwy awr a 41 munud yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.
Amcangyfrifir bod 7,400 o bobl y flwyddyn yn cael strôc yng Nghymru, ac mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu i sicrhau bod mwy o gleifion yn cael eu gweld cyn gynted â phosibl, oherwydd mae'n fater o fywyd neu farwolaeth. Mae llawer o alwadau 999 lle'r amheuir strôc yng Nghymru yn cyrraedd ar ôl yr awr euraidd, ers i'r Llywodraeth Lafur yma israddio gwasanaethau ambiwlans lle'r amheuir strôc i oren. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, mae gweithredu'n gyflym yn hollbwysig, ac ni allaf bwysleisio pa mor ddiolchgar wyf fi i'r parafeddygon a ddaeth i roi cymorth i ni, a'r rheini sy'n parhau i helpu pobl sy'n cael strôc. Ond o ystyried bod galwadau oren yng Nghymru'n cymryd awr a 35 munud ar gyfartaledd i gyrraedd cleifion, gadewch inni fod yn onest, nid yw mor gyflym â hynny o gwbl.
Mae addysg yn allweddol i wella canlyniadau i bobl sy'n dioddef strôc. Mae angen ymdrech enfawr i wneud yn siŵr fod pobl yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw cael sylw meddygol os ydynt yn arddangos symptomau strôc. Flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl, pan oeddwn yn gweithio i'r Aelod rhanbarthol dros Ddwyrain De Cymru, trefnodd ddigwyddiad strôc i bob un o'i etholwyr gyda chymorth ac mewn cydweithrediad â'r Gymdeithas Strôc i godi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd o'r symptomau a'r heriau y mae rhywun yn eu profi wrth gael strôc. Roedd yn llwyddiant ysgubol ac fe gafodd ei werthfawrogi'n fawr gan drigolion de-ddwyrain Cymru, ond yn anffodus nid yw'r Senedd yn caniatáu i ddigwyddiadau o'r fath ddigwydd rhagor, sy'n drueni mawr.
Mae angen adolygiad o'r manteision a'r heriau o ail-gategoreiddio galwadau strôc fel rhai coch yn lle oren, Weinidog, a hynny ar frys. Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd Gweinidogion Llafur a chyd-Aelodau yma yn y Senedd heddiw yn gwrando ar yr hyn rwyf fi ac Aelodau eraill wedi'i ddweud heddiw ac yn gweithredu'n gyflym i achub bywydau. Diolch.
Y Gweinidog iechyd, nawr, i gyfrannu i'r ddadl.
The Minister for health to contribute to the debate.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Firstly, I want to thank the Conservatives for bringing this important issue to the Chamber today, and all Members who've contributed to the debate. I've listened carefully to all speakers, and there have been many important points made. Stroke, as Mark Isherwood stated, is the fourth leading cause of death in Wales, and has a significant long-term impact on the survivors, and there are 70,000 of them in Wales.
Ambulance response to stroke is one element of stroke care in Wales. Other important elements include how we transform our model for stroke services across the system, and public awareness of stroke symptoms. The Welsh ambulance service recognises stroke as a potentially life-threatening condition, and always aims to respond as quickly as possible, and I agree that the current performance is not good enough. But for stroke patients, it's not only time that's important; it's also about making sure that they get the most appropriate response and rapid access to the right specialist services.
Stroke patients might experience any combination of a range of physical and neurological symptoms. It is these symptoms that will prompt the 999 call, and it is the relative severity of these symptoms that will inform how the call is categorised by the ambulance service. The Welsh ambulance service keeps the prioritisation of calls under ongoing review through its clinical prioritisation assessment software group, which is made up of senior clinicians and operational managers. The group has a planned, regular cycle of reviews, but will also make ad hoc reviews in response to emerging clinical evidence. This is a similar process to the other UK trusts, and aims to ensure that patients continue to receive the most appropriate response to meet their clinical need, based on the latest clinical guidance.
The clinical response model was designed by leading clinicians, and decisions on the prioritisation of calls must always be made by clinicians on the basis of the latest clinical evidence. It is not for members of the committee, nor anyone else without that expert knowledge, to determine what happens on such matters. When the clinical response model was first introduced in 2015, it was predicated on an average of 5 per cent of calls being categorised as red. Would the committee also be interested in telling the ambulance services what other conditions will be downgraded from current red? I very much doubt it. Can I be clear? The Welsh Government did not downgrade suspected stroke ambulance response times to amber. All calls were previously given the same level of priority, irrespective of the clinical severity. So, prior to the changes, theoretically, cardiac arrest was given the same response time as toothache. So, the ambulance service introduced four new categories to ensure that people who needed a faster response received a faster response. As I say, the target was for 5 per cent of all calls to be categorised as red. But recently, red calls have been as high as 10.5 per cent in recent months—more than twice what the model was designed for, and a clear indicator that the ambulance service is increasingly responding to people with more complex and acute conditions.
Mark Isherwood suggested that England's ambulance service, which has a specific category for suspected stroke patients, had a mean response time of 47 minutes, except this isn't true. There is no separate or designated category for stroke in England. Although the categories and codes within these categories do differ between the Welsh and English models, calls are prioritised in the same way in both models. That is, on relative clinical severity. They, like us, do not have a hard-and-fast rule for all strokes.
We know that we need to do more to improve the timeliness of ambulance responses to all calls, and we have a national ambulance improvement plan in place to increase ambulance capacity, improve the responsiveness to people with time-sensitive complaints, and reduce ambulance patient handover delays. We've invested £3 million to enable WAST, the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust, to recruit 100 more front-line staff, and that's on top of the 263 they've recruited in the past two years. I've also been extremely clear in my expectations for health boards to address handover delays, which have a significant impact on the availability of ambulances to respond to calls in the community.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, rwyf eisiau diolch i'r Ceidwadwyr am gyflwyno'r mater pwysig hwn i'r Siambr heddiw, a'r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl. Rwyf wedi gwrando'n astud ar bob siaradwr, ac mae llawer o bwyntiau pwysig wedi cael eu gwneud. Strôc, fel y dywedodd Mark Isherwood, yw'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth yng Nghymru, ac mae'n cael effaith hirdymor sylweddol ar oroeswyr, ac mae yna 70,000 ohonynt yng Nghymru.
Mae ymateb ambiwlansys i strôc yn un elfen o ofal strôc yng Nghymru. Mae elfennau pwysig eraill yn cynnwys sut rydym yn trawsnewid ein model ar gyfer gwasanaethau strôc ar draws y system, ac yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o symptomau strôc ymhlith y cyhoedd. Mae gwasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru yn cydnabod bod strôc yn gyflwr a all beryglu bywyd, a'i nod bob amser yw ymateb cyn gynted â phosibl, ac rwy'n cytuno nad yw'r perfformiad presennol yn ddigon da. Ond i gleifion strôc, nid amser yn unig sy'n bwysig; mae'n fater hefyd o wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn cael yr ymateb mwyaf priodol a mynediad cyflym at y gwasanaethau arbenigol cywir.
Gallai cleifion strôc brofi unrhyw gyfuniad o ystod o symptomau corfforol a niwrolegol. Y symptomau hyn fydd yn ysgogi'r alwad 999, a difrifoldeb cymharol y symptomau hyn fydd yn llywio'r modd y bydd yr alwad yn cael ei chategoreiddio gan y gwasanaeth ambiwlans. Mae gwasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru yn adolygu'r drefn o flaenoriaethu galwadau yn barhaus drwy ei grŵp meddalwedd asesu blaenoriaethau clinigol, sy'n cynnwys uwch glinigwyr a rheolwyr gweithredol. Mae gan y grŵp gylch o adolygiadau rheolaidd wedi'u cynllunio, ond bydd hefyd yn gwneud adolygiadau ad hoc mewn ymateb i dystiolaeth glinigol sy'n dod i'r amlwg. Mae hon yn broses debyg i ymddiriedolaethau eraill y DU, a'i nod yw sicrhau bod cleifion yn parhau i gael yr ymateb mwyaf priodol i ddiwallu eu hanghenion clinigol, yn seiliedig ar y canllawiau clinigol diweddaraf.
Cafodd y model ymateb clinigol ei lunio gan glinigwyr blaenllaw, ac mae'n rhaid i benderfyniadau ar flaenoriaethu galwadau gael eu gwneud bob amser gan glinigwyr ar sail y dystiolaeth glinigol ddiweddaraf. Nid cyfrifoldeb aelodau'r pwyllgor, nac unrhyw un arall nad oes ganddynt yr wybodaeth arbenigol honno, yw penderfynu beth sy'n digwydd mewn perthynas â materion o'r fath. Pan gyflwynwyd y model ymateb clinigol am y tro cyntaf yn 2015, gwnaed hynny ar y sail y byddai 5 y cant o alwadau ar gyfartaledd yn y categori coch. A fyddai gan y pwyllgor ddiddordeb hefyd mewn dweud wrth y gwasanaethau ambiwlans pa gyflyrau eraill fydd yn cael eu hisraddio o'r categori coch presennol? Rwy'n amau'n fawr. A gaf fi fod yn glir? Ni wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru israddio galwadau lle'r amheuir strôc i oren. Cyn hynny, rhoddwyd yr un lefel o flaenoriaeth i bob galwad, ni waeth beth fo'r difrifoldeb clinigol. Felly, cyn y newidiadau, yn ddamcaniaethol, rhoddwyd yr un amser ymateb i ataliad y galon â'r ddannoedd. Felly, cyflwynodd y gwasanaeth ambiwlans bedwar categori newydd er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl sydd angen ymateb cyflymach yn cael ymateb cyflymach. Fel y dywedaf, y targed oedd i 5 y cant o'r holl alwadau gael eu categoreiddio'n goch. Ond mae galwadau coch wedi bod mor uchel â 10.5 y cant yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf—mwy na dwywaith yr hyn y cynlluniwyd y model ar ei gyfer, a dangosydd clir fod y gwasanaeth ambiwlans yn ymateb yn gynyddol i bobl sydd â chyflyrau mwy cymhleth ac acíwt.
Awgrymodd Mark Isherwood fod gan wasanaeth ambiwlans Lloegr, sydd â chategori penodol ar gyfer cleifion lle'r amheuir strôc, amser ymateb cymedrig o 47 munud, ond nid yw hyn yn wir. Nid oes categori ar wahân na dynodedig ar gyfer strôc yn Lloegr. Er bod y categorïau a'r codau o fewn y categorïau hyn yn wahanol rhwng modelau Cymru a Lloegr, mae galwadau'n cael eu blaenoriaethu yn yr un modd yn y ddau fodel. Hynny yw, yn ôl difrifoldeb clinigol cymharol. Fel ni, nid oes ganddynt hwy un reol bendant ar gyfer pob strôc.
Gwyddom fod angen inni wneud mwy i wella prydlondeb ymatebion ambiwlansys i bob galwad, ac mae gennym gynllun gwella gwasanaethau ambiwlans cenedlaethol ar waith i gynyddu capasiti ambiwlansys, gwella'r ymateb i bobl sydd â chyflyrau lle mae amser o'r pwys mwyaf, a lleihau oedi wrth drosglwyddo cleifion o ambiwlansys. Rydym wedi buddsoddi £3 miliwn i alluogi Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru i recriwtio 100 yn rhagor o staff rheng flaen, a hynny ar ben y 263 y maent wedi'u recriwtio yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn hynod o glir yn fy nisgwyliadau i fyrddau iechyd fynd i'r afael ag oedi wrth drosglwyddo cleifion, sy'n cael effaith sylweddol ar argaeledd ambiwlansys i ymateb i alwadau yn y gymuned.
Will you give way?
A wnewch chi ildio?
I shall.
Just to clarify, you said, I think, that I had said that there was a special category for strokes in England and there was a 47-minute—. No, what I said was that they've recategorised strokes as an emergency in category 2, and category 2 collectively had a 47 minute and 59 second response time.
Er eglurder, fe ddywedoch chi, rwy'n credu, fy mod wedi dweud bod categori arbennig ar gyfer strôc yn Lloegr a bod 47 munud—. Na, yr hyn a ddywedais oedd eu bod wedi ail-gategoreiddio galwadau strôc fel galwadau argyfwng yng nghategori 2, ac roedd gan gategori 2, yn ei gyfanrwydd, amser ymateb o 47 munud a 59 eiliad.
So, my point absolutely stands, which is that there is no hard-and-fast rule for strokes, neither in England nor in Wales.
So, the McClelland review, which prompted the change to the clinical model response highlighted that the Welsh ambulance service has been subject to more reviews than any other part of the NHS in Wales and that this scrutiny contributes to the issues that the organisation faces. It concluded that a constant cycle of reviews can be disruptive, counterproductive and likely to have little chance of significant improvement for patients.
The amber review undertaken in 2018 carried out by clinicians, found no clinical evidence to support the recategorisation of stroke calls into the red category as a whole. It would not be justified for yet another review of the ambulance service to prompt a change until there's a body of evidence to support such a change.
Felly, mae fy mhwynt yn sefyll, sef nad oes un reol bendant mewn perthynas â strôc yn Lloegr nac yng Nghymru.
Felly, mae adolygiad McClelland, a ysgogodd y newid i'r model ymateb clinigol, wedi nodi bod gwasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru wedi bod yn destun mwy o adolygiadau nag unrhyw ran arall o'r GIG yng Nghymru a bod y craffu hwn yn cyfrannu at y problemau sy'n wynebu'r sefydliad. Daeth i'r casgliad y gall cylch parhaus o adolygiadau fod yn aflonyddgar, yn wrthgynhyrchiol ac nad yw'n debygol iawn o arwain at welliant sylweddol i gleifion.
Ni ddaeth yr adolygiad oren a gynhaliwyd gan glinigwyr yn 2018 o hyd i unrhyw dystiolaeth glinigol i gefnogi ail-gategoreiddio'r holl alwadau strôc i'r categori coch. Ni fyddai modd cyfiawnhau adolygiad arall o'r gwasanaeth ambiwlans i ysgogi newid hyd nes y bydd corff o dystiolaeth i gefnogi newid o'r fath.
Dwi am sôn nawr am yr elfennau eraill gwnes i grybwyll. Cafodd y datganiad ansawdd ar gyfer strôc ei gyhoeddi ym mis Medi 2021. Mae'n nodi 20 o nodweddion ansawdd ar gyfer gwasanaethau strôc. Ym mis Mehefin 2022, fe wnaeth prif weithredwyr y byrddau iechyd gefnogi sefydlu bwrdd rhaglen strôc genedlaethol, ac fe fydd y bwrdd yn ategu ac adeiladu ar waith y grŵp gweithredu ar gyfer strôc. Bydd hefyd yn sicrhau cysondeb o ran sefydlu canolfannau strôc ranbarthol cynhwysfawr, a oedd yn arfer cael eu galw’n unedau strôc dra acíwt, a rhwydweithiau strôc weithredol rhanbarthol. Mae'r bwrdd hwn bellach wedi'i sefydlu. Cafodd y cyfarfod cyntaf ei gynnal ar 13 Hydref. Mae'n cael ei gadeirio gan Mark Hackett, prif swyddog gweithredol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe. Mae’r aelodau’n cynnwys uwch gynrychiolwyr o'r byrddau iechyd, ymddiriedolaeth gwasanaethau ambiwlans Cymru, swyddfa comisiynwyr gwasanaethau ambiwlans Cymru, y Gymdeithas Strôc, cynghorau iechyd cymunedol a Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r bwrdd yn cael ei gefnogi gan dîm rhaglen craidd, gan gynnwys yr arweinydd clinigol cenedlaethol ar gyfer strôc yng Nghymru, Dr Shakeel Ahmad. Dyma’r mecanwaith a fydd yn goruchwylio ac yn ysgogi’r trawsnewid sydd ei angen i sefydlu model cynaliadwy ar gyfer gwasanaethau strôc yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys edrych i mewn i thrombectomi. Fe fydd yn sicrhau ein bod yn cyrraedd safonau cenedlaethol ac yn gwella canlyniadau i gleifion sydd wedi cael strôc.
Dwi wedi clywed galwad Rhun ap Iorwerth a Jenny fod angen gwella’r cyfathrebu â’r cyhoedd gan y bwrdd yma. Mae gennym ni i gyd rôl i’w chwarae, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn croesawu pob cyfle i godi ymwybyddiaeth o strôc fel bod pobl yn gyfarwydd â’r symptomau ac yn gallu ymateb yn gyflym. Cefais gyfarfod â’r Gymdeithas Strôc bythefnos yn ôl, ac rŷm ni'n gweithio’n agos gyda nhw i hyrwyddo Diwrnod Strôc y Byd ar 29 Hydref, ac rŷn ni'n edrych ar gyfleoedd eraill i godi ymwybyddiaeth o symptomau strôc, yn cynnwys ymgyrch FAST. I gloi, hoffwn i sicrhau'r Siambr fod gwella canlyniadau strôc yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru, a dwi'n annog y Siambr i gefnogi'r cynnig gyda'r gwelliant a gafodd ei gyflwyno gan Lesley Griffiths. Diolch.
I want to turn now to the other elements I mentioned. The stroke quality statement was published in September 2021. It sets out 20 quality benchmarks for stroke services. In June 2022, the chief executives of the health boards supported the establishment of a national stroke programme board, which will build on the work of the stroke action group. It will also ensure consistency in terms of the establishment of regional stroke centres, which used to be called acute stroke units, and regional stroke units. This board is now established. The first meeting was held on 13 October. It is chaired by Mark Hackett, the chief operating officer of Swansea Bay University Health Board. The members include senior representatives of health boards, the ambulance trust, the office of the commissioners of ambulance services in Wales, the Stroke Association and community health organisations and Welsh Government. The board is supported by a core team, including the national clinical lead for stroke in Wales, Dr Shakeel Ahmad. This is the mechanism that will oversee and motivate the transformation that we need to see for a sustainable stroke service in Wales, including looking into thrombectomy. It will ensure that we reach national standards and improve outcomes for patients who have suffered stroke.
I heard Rhun ap Iorwerth and Jenny's calls that we need to improve communication with the public on this board. We all have a role to play, and the Welsh Government welcomes all opportunities to raise awareness of stroke so that people are familiar with the symptoms and can respond quickly. I had a meeting with the Stroke Association a fortnight ago, and we work closely with them to promote World Stroke Day on 29 October, and we are looking at other opportunities to raise awareness of the symptoms of stroke, including the FAST campaign. To conclude, I'd like to assure the Chamber that improving outcomes for stroke is a priority for Welsh Government, and I encourage the Chamber to support the motion, with the amendment proposed by Lesley Griffiths. Thank you.
Gareth Davies i ymateb i'r ddadl.
Gareth Davies to respond to the debate.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. It’s a pleasure to take part in this debate this afternoon and to, indeed, close the debate. I’m quite passionate about strokes, really, because it was what I did for a living before I was elected to the Senedd. We speak about some of the most well-known symptoms of stroke. It can include slurred speech, losing strength on one side of the body; they’re the most well-known symptoms. But if you really want to see some of the range of symptoms of strokes, then I’d urge anyone to spend a day on a stroke unit or a rehab facility to see the actual reality of some of these cases. In the worst situations, people can lose their mobility, they can lose all their freedoms and independence, they need feeding, they lose all their strength to do their own personal care, they need showering, they need bathing. They’re the worst things. And 24, 48 hours before that, they lived a normal life, like we all do now, and to go from that, to that extreme, is why I stress the importance this afternoon of this early intervention, the thrombolysis, the physiotherapy and getting those things in place as soon as possible so it can maximise the chances of success in rehabilitation. Sometimes it can’t be done, that’s the reality of it; sometimes stroke cases are just too acute to achieve any rehabilitation, but, where we can do that, we should really be investing in allied health professionals, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and thrombolysis to make sure that we’re giving people the best chance to have a full recovery and restore some independence and dignity in their lives.
Mark Isherwood opened up the debate, highlighting that it’s World Stroke Day on Saturday, the twenty-ninth, and stressed the importance of having public awareness across all levels of the health system. Rhun ap Iorwerth mentioned it’s the fourth main cause of death, and that was echoed by many other contributions this afternoon, and, again, the importance of allied health professionals in the healthcare system to maximise the potential of rehabilitation. Sam Kurtz mentioned some of the local things in his constituency, including the Carmarthen Stroke Group, and some of the local stats at Withybush and Glangwili hospitals, and then James Evans mentioned his constituency and some of the problems in Brecon and Radnorshire of his local residents having to go over the border into England, where maybe there could be some more local provision so that people in Powys can get the treatment that they deserve.
I didn’t agree with Jenny Rathbone’s statement on not being included on the red list. It just speaks for itself; it’s the fourth biggest killer, Jenny, so that speaks for itself in terms of its importance of getting this as a priority.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Mae'n bleser cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma a chau'r ddadl yn wir. Rwy'n teimlo'n eithaf angerddol ynglŷn â strôc, a dweud y gwir, achos dyna oedd fy ngwaith cyn imi gael fy ethol i'r Senedd. Rydym yn siarad am rai o symptomau mwyaf cyfarwydd strôc. Gall gynnwys lleferydd aneglur, colli cryfder ar un ochr i'r corff; dyna'r symptomau mwyaf cyfarwydd. Ond os ydych chi eisiau gweld rhai o'r ystod o symptomau strôc, byddwn yn annog unrhyw un i dreulio diwrnod mewn uned strôc neu gyfleuster adsefydlu i weld realiti rhai o'r achosion hyn. Yn y sefyllfaoedd gwaethaf, gall pobl golli eu symudedd, gallant golli eu holl ryddid a'u hannibyniaeth, maent angen eu bwydo, maent yn colli eu holl nerth i wneud eu gofal personol eu hunain, maent angen i rywun roi cawod iddynt, maent angen i rywun eu golchi. Dyna'r pethau gwaethaf. A 24, 48 awr cyn hynny, roeddent yn byw bywyd normal, fel rydym ni i gyd yn ei wneud yn awr, ac i fynd o hynny, i'r pegwn arall hwnnw, dyna pam rwy'n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd ymyrraeth gynnar y prynhawn yma, y thrombolysis, y ffisiotherapi a chael y pethau hynny yn eu lle cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn sicrhau cymaint o lwyddiant â phosibl wrth adsefydlu. Weithiau, nid oes modd gwneud hynny, dyna realiti'r peth; weithiau mae achosion strôc yn rhy acíwt i allu cyflawni unrhyw adsefydlu, ond lle gallwn wneud hynny, dylem fynd ati o ddifrif i fuddsoddi mewn gweithwyr proffesiynol perthynol i iechyd, ffisiotherapi, therapi galwedigaethol a thrombolysis i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn rhoi'r cyfle gorau i bobl gael adferiad llawn ac adfer rhywfaint o annibyniaeth ac urddas yn eu bywydau.
Agorodd Mark Isherwood y ddadl drwy dynnu sylw at y ffaith ei bod yn Ddiwrnod Strôc y Byd ddydd Sadwrn, y nawfed ar hugain, a phwysleisiodd bwysigrwydd ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus ar draws pob lefel o'r system iechyd. Soniodd Rhun ap Iorwerth mai dyma'r pedwerydd prif achos marwolaeth, ac adleisiwyd hynny mewn llawer o'r cyfraniadau eraill y prynhawn yma, ac unwaith eto, pwysigrwydd gweithwyr proffesiynol perthynol i iechyd yn y system gofal iechyd i gynyddu potensial adsefydlu i'r eithaf. Soniodd Sam Kurtz am rai o'r pethau lleol yn ei etholaeth, gan gynnwys Grŵp Strôc Caerfyrddin, a rhai o'r ystadegau lleol yn ysbytai Llwynhelyg a Glangwili, ac yna fe soniodd James Evans am ei etholaeth ef a rhai o'r problemau ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed wrth i'w drigolion lleol orfod mynd dros y ffin i Loegr, lle gallai fod ychydig mwy o ddarpariaeth leol er mwyn i bobl ym Mhowys gael y driniaeth y maent yn ei haeddu.
Nid oeddwn yn cytuno gyda datganiad Jenny Rathbone ynglŷn â pheidio â'i gynnwys ar y rhestr goch. Mae'n siarad drosto'i hun; dyma'r pedwerydd lladdwr mwyaf, Jenny, felly mae hynny'n siarad drosto'i hun am bwysigrwydd gwneud hyn yn flaenoriaeth.
I think you’re trying to compare apples and pears there. It’s about the speed with which you need to get an ambulance to somebody who is choking, compared with the speed with which you need to get to somebody who is having a stroke. I don’t think we are in the business of deciding what the guidelines should be for the ambulance service. That’s done by clinicians. I think we do need to improve stroke services, but I don’t think that is going—[Inaudible.]
Rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n ceisio cymharu dau beth gwahanol yno. Mae'n ymwneud â'r cyflymder y mae angen ichi gael ambiwlans at rywun sy'n tagu, o'i gymharu â'r cyflymder y mae angen ichi gyrraedd rhywun sy'n cael strôc. Nid wyf yn meddwl y dylem ni benderfynu beth ddylai'r canllawiau fod ar gyfer y gwasanaeth ambiwlans. Caiff hynny ei wneud gan glinigwyr. Rwy'n meddwl bod angen inni wella gwasanaethau strôc, ond nid wyf yn meddwl bod hynny'n mynd—[Anghlywadwy.]
That was an excellent view of your back on the camera there, Jenny, but your voice was heard on Gareth's microphone, so it's all on the record. It's okay. Gareth Davies.
Dyna olygfa ardderchog o'ch cefn ar y camera yno, Jenny, ond clywyd eich llais ar feicroffon Gareth, felly mae'r cyfan wedi'i gofnodi. Mae'n iawn. Gareth Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. And fair point, Jenny, and that’s why I hope that you’ll vote for our motion to take it to the Health and Social Care Committee where we can take evidence from the right people, and hopefully they’ll echo our same words. Janet Finch-Saunders mentioned some stats in north Wales, in particular on older patients in her constituency of Aberconwy, and, as a former employee of Llandudno General Hospital in the rehab units, I fully understand and appreciate the work that goes on in Llandudno and your constituency. So, I fully support the hard-working staff there who do a good job there day in, day out.
Natasha mentioned some of the personal experiences that she's had with strokes with what her mother experienced, and it's good to see she's making a good recovery and back to good health.
Minister, you said in opening your response to the debate that you think that the performance is not good enough. Well, we have the opportunity this afternoon to actually do something about it, so let's be ambitious, let's show the people of Wales that we're on the side of victims of stroke and get this on the ambulance red list, because stroke victims do deserve, from the Welsh Government, immediate action to consider their pain as a red priority if they or anybody suffers a stroke so that they're able to be treated faster, have a higher chance of surviving and be on a solid road to recovery and independence. I'd just like to close by encouraging everyone to support our motion without amendment this afternoon. Thank you.
Diolch, Lywydd. A phwynt teg, Jenny, a dyna pam rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn pleidleisio dros ein cynnig i fynd ag ef i'r Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol lle gallwn gymryd tystiolaeth gan y bobl gywir, a gobeithio y byddant hwy'n adleisio ein geiriau. Soniodd Janet Finch-Saunders am ystadegau yng ngogledd Cymru, yn enwedig ar gleifion hŷn yn ei hetholaeth yn Aberconwy, ac fel cyn-weithiwr yn Ysbyty Cyffredinol Llandudno yn yr unedau adsefydlu, rwy'n deall ac yn gwerthfawrogi'r gwaith sy'n digwydd yn Llandudno a'ch etholaeth. Felly, rwy'n llwyr gefnogi'r staff gweithgar yno sy'n gwneud gwaith da yno bob dydd o'r flwyddyn.
Soniodd Natasha am rai o'r profiadau personol a gafodd hi gyda strôc wedi'r hyn a brofodd ei mam, ac mae'n dda gweld ei bod yn gwella'n dda ac yn ôl mewn iechyd da.
Weinidog, fe ddywedoch chi wrth agor eich ymateb i'r ddadl eich bod yn credu nad yw'r perfformiad yn ddigon da. Wel, mae gennym gyfle y prynhawn yma i wneud rhywbeth yn ei gylch mewn gwirionedd, felly gadewch inni fod yn uchelgeisiol, gadewch inni ddangos i bobl Cymru ein bod ar ochr dioddefwyr strôc a chael hyn ar restr goch yr ambiwlans, oherwydd mae dioddefwyr strôc yn haeddu gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu ar unwaith i ystyried eu poen fel blaenoriaeth goch os ydynt hwy neu unrhyw un yn dioddef strôc fel bod modd eu trin yn gyflymach, iddynt gael mwy o obaith o oroesi a bod ar ffordd gadarn i adferiad ac annibyniaeth. Hoffwn gau drwy annog pawb i gefnogi ein cynnig heb welliant y prynhawn yma. Diolch.
Y cynnig, felly, yw y dylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad, felly fe fyddwn ni'n gohirio'r bleidlais tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection and, therefore, we will defer voting until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Dyma ni yn cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio ac, oni bai bod tri Aelod yn dymuno i fi ganu'r gloch, dwi'n symud yn syth i'r cyfnod pleidleisio. Does yna ddim cais i ganu'r gloch. Felly, mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar eitem 6 ar y cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.91 yn ceisio cytundeb y Senedd i gyflwyno Bil gan Aelod, sef y Bil addysg awyr agored (Cymru). Dwi'n galw am bleidlais, felly, ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Sam Rowlands. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, yn ymatal un, yn erbyn 24. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi ei dderbyn.
That brings us to voting time and, unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, I will move immediately to voting time. I don't see any request for the bell to be rung. So, the first vote this afternoon is on item 6, the motion under Standing Order 26.91 seeking the Senedd's agreement to introduce a Member Bill, namely the outdoor education (Wales) Bill. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Sam Rowlands. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, one abstention, and 24 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
Eitem 6. Cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 26.91 yn ceisio cytundeb y Senedd i gyflwyno Bil Aelod—Bil Addysg Awyr Agored (Cymru): O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 1
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 6. Motion under Standing Order 26.91 seeking the Senedd's agreement to introduce a Member Bill—Outdoor Education (Wales) Bill: For: 25, Against: 24, Abstain: 1
Motion has been agreed
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r bleidlais ar y ddadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod ar Fil manteisio ar fudd-daliadau. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig, yn enw Sioned Williams. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 30, 19 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi ei dderbyn.
The next vote is on the debate on a legislative proposal: take-up of benefits Bill. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Sioned Williams. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 30, 19 abstentions, and one against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
Eitem 7. Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod—Bil Manteisio ar Fudd-daliadau: O blaid: 30, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 19
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 7. Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal—Take-up of Benefits Bill: For: 30, Against: 1, Abstain: 19
Motion has been agreed
Eitem 9 yw'r eitem nesaf, dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar strôc yw'r eitem yma. Mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 14, neb yn ymatal, 36 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.
The next votes are on item 9, the Welsh Conservatives debate on stroke. The first vote is on the motion, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 14, no abstentions and 36 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—strôc. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 14, Yn erbyn: 36, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives' Debate—stroke. Motion without amendment: For: 14, Against: 36, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Mae'r bleidlais nesaf ar welliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, neb yn ymatal, 14 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i dderbyn.
The next vote is, therefore, on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, no abstentions and 14 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—strôc. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 14, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives debate—stroke Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths: For: 36, Against: 14, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Y bleidlais olaf, felly, ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio.
The final vote is, therefore, on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8113 fel y'i diwygiwyd
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi bod Diwrnod Strôc y Byd yn cael ei gynnal ar 29 Hydref 2022.
2. Yn cydnabod yr ymateb brys sydd ei angen i atal perygl i fywyd pobl sy'n dioddef strôc.
3. Yn nodi sefydlu Bwrdd y Rhaglen Strôc yn ddiweddar i ysgogi gwelliannau mewn gwasanaethau ac i sicrhau canlyniadau gwell i bobl yng Nghymru o ran strôc.
Motion NDM8113 as amended
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that World Stroke Day is 29 October 2022.
2. Recognises the urgent response required to prevent danger to life for people suffering a stroke.
3. Notes the recent establishment of the Stroke Programme Board to drive service improvement and deliver improved stroke outcomes for people in Wales.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 50, neb yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 50, no abstentions and none against. Therefore, the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig—strôc. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 50, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 9. Welsh Conservatives debate—stroke. Motion as amended: For: 50, Against: 0, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
Dyna ddiwedd ar bob pleidlais.
That concludes voting time.
Dyma ni, felly, yn cyrraedd y ddadl fer.
That brings us, therefore, to the short debate.
If Members who are leaving the Chamber can do so quietly, then I'll ask Tom Giffard to present his short debate. Tom Giffard.
Os gall Aelodau sy'n gadael y Siambr wneud hynny'n dawel, fe ofynnaf i Tom Giffard gyflwyno ei ddadl fer. Tom Giffard.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Llywydd.
Thank you very much, Llywydd.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
I've given four minutes of my time away, to Peter Fox, Mike Hedges, James Evans and Laura Jones for this debate.
First of all, I want to place on record my thanks to all at the British Heart Foundation, in particular Gemma Roberts, for highlighting this important campaign and for their work in helping me to bring this debate to the Senedd today.
Research, development and innovation are absolutely essential to any thriving economy. Research has the ability to support our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. There are huge opportunities to bring money and talent into Wales. But, right now, Wales is missing these opportunities, and we're missing these opportunities because our universities are underfunded. The role research plays in our economy should not be underestimated. Recipients of research funding purchase goods and services in order to undertake their research. That in itself generates activity in their supply chains and across the whole Welsh economy. Research boosts output and productivity in an economy with new technologies, medicines and processes. And, as new methods and technologies are discovered, there are knowledge spillovers into the public, private and third sectors. This boosts productivity and economic growth and could, ultimately, help drive a new economic recovery. But if Wales is ever to reap the benefits of research, our universities need to achieve external investment and win competitive funding bids, and, to do this, our universities need infrastructure, and it's the duty of the Welsh Government to fund that infrastructure.
Wales is simply not achieving its potential in medical research. We have world-class universities, but they're not being properly funded by the Welsh Government. According to the Office for National Statistics, out of the three devolved nations of the UK, and each of the nine regions of England, Wales has proportionally the lowest expenditure on research and development. We are the lowest performing of the 12 UK nations and regions. Wales has only 2 per cent of the R&D spend in the UK. We make up nearly 5 per cent of the population, so shouldn't we have 5 per cent of the research spend? Wales only wins 3 per cent of competitive funding, but, again, we make up 5 per cent of the population of the UK, so we should be winning at least 5 per cent of competitive funding. But, because of low levels of investment in Welsh universities, we're not attracting our population share of funding. Low investment is inhibiting economic success and the contribution of research to our economic recovery.
But this is not a new problem. In 2018, the Welsh Government itself commissioned a review of the research environment. That was called the Reid review, and it found that low levels of infrastructure funding in Welsh universities had been a source of, and I quote,
'structural weakness...for...two decades'.
Rwyf wedi rhoi pedwar munud o fy amser, i Peter Fox, Mike Hedges, James Evans a Laura Jones ar gyfer y ddadl hon.
Yn gyntaf oll, rwyf am gofnodi fy niolch i bawb yn y British Heart Foundation, yn enwedig Gemma Roberts, am dynnu sylw at yr ymgyrch bwysig hon ac am eu gwaith yn fy helpu i ddod â'r ddadl hon i'r Senedd heddiw.
Mae ymchwil, datblygu ac arloesi yn gwbl hanfodol i unrhyw economi ffyniannus. Mae gan ymchwil allu i gefnogi ein hadferiad economaidd o bandemig COVID-19. Mae yna gyfleoedd enfawr i ddod ag arian a thalent i mewn i Gymru. Ond ar hyn o bryd, mae Cymru'n methu manteisio ar y cyfleoedd hyn, ac rydym yn methu manteisio arnynt am nad yw ein prifysgolion yn cael digon o gyllid. Ni ddylid tanbrisio'r rôl y mae ymchwil yn ei chwarae yn ein heconomi. Mae'r rhai sy'n derbyn arian ymchwil yn prynu nwyddau a gwasanaethau er mwyn gwneud eu gwaith ymchwil. Mae hynny ynddo'i hun yn creu gweithgarwch yn eu cadwyni cyflenwi ac ar draws economi Cymru gyfan. Mae ymchwil yn hybu allbwn a chynhyrchiant mewn economi gyda thechnolegau, meddyginiaethau a phrosesau newydd. Ac wrth i ddulliau a thechnolegau newydd gael eu darganfod, mae gwybodaeth yn gorlifo i'r sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat a'r trydydd sector. Mae hyn yn hybu cynhyrchiant a thwf economaidd ac yn y pen draw, gallai helpu i sbarduno adferiad economaidd newydd. Ond os yw Cymru'n mynd i elwa ar fanteision ymchwil, mae angen i'n prifysgolion sicrhau buddsoddiad allanol ac ennill ceisiadau cystadleuol am gyllid, ac i wneud hyn, mae angen seilwaith ar ein prifysgolion, a dyletswydd Llywodraeth Cymru yw ariannu'r seilwaith hwnnw.
Nid yw Cymru'n cyflawni ei photensial mewn ymchwil feddygol. Mae gennym brifysgolion o'r radd flaenaf, ond ni chânt eu hariannu'n briodol gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Yn ôl y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, o dair gwlad ddatganoledig y DU, a phob un o naw rhanbarth Lloegr, Cymru sydd â'r gwariant isaf yn gyfrannol ar ymchwil a datblygu. Ni sy'n perfformio salaf o 12 gwlad a rhanbarth y DU. Dim ond 2 y cant o'r gwariant ymchwil a datblygu yn y DU sydd yng Nghymru. Rydym yn ffurfio bron i 5 y cant o'r boblogaeth, felly oni ddylem gael 5 y cant o'r gwariant ymchwil? Dim ond 3 y cant o gyllid cystadleuol y mae Cymru'n ei ennill, ond unwaith eto, rydym yn ffurfio 5 y cant o boblogaeth y DU, felly dylem fod yn ennill o leiaf 5 y cant o gyllid cystadleuol. Ond oherwydd lefelau isel o fuddsoddiad ym mhrifysgolion Cymru, nid ydym yn denu cyfran ein poblogaeth o gyllid. Mae buddsoddiad isel yn atal llwyddiant economaidd a chyfraniad ymchwil i'n hadferiad economaidd.
Ond nid problem newydd yw hon. Yn 2018, comisiynodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun adolygiad o'r amgylchedd ymchwil. Adolygiad Reid oedd hwnnw, a chanfu fod lefelau isel o gyllid seilwaith ym mhrifysgolion Cymru wedi bod yn ffynhonnell, ac rwy'n dyfynnu,
'gwendid strwythurol dros ddau ddegawd'.
It has been four years now since that review was published and still there has been no increase in funding from the Welsh Government to bring it in line with the rest of the United Kingdom. How can our universities compete when we continue to invest less in them than Scotland or England?
We're all competing for the same funding streams, but Wales is at a significant disadvantage—a disadvantage caused by a real-terms disinvestment in our universities. Research in Wales has historically relied on European Union funding, but even with EU funding Wales was still at a disadvantage compared to other UK nations because of Welsh Government's low levels of investment in infrastructure.
In that 2018 Reid review, commissioned by the Welsh Government, it pointed out that EU funding streams at that time should be replaced with the Welsh Government funding ones instead. This would support success in UK-wide funding competitions and attract high levels of business investment. But this recommendation has still not been implemented.
The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales administers infrastructure funding to universities on behalf of the Welsh Government. Their budget for 2022-23 was £81.7 million. Pro rata, if Welsh universities were supported to compete with England, funding in Wales would be around £100 million. That's a shortfall of £18 million in funding for crucial infrastructure. That shortfall means that Welsh universities do not have the vital infrastructure they need and are simply unable to compete with other universities across the UK for funding. That dramatically reduces the number of grants coming into Wales and limits the potential benefits to the Welsh economy from research and development.
Medical research is a prime example of that. Medical research not only saves lives in the future but it fuels our economy now, and the people of Wales agree: British Heart Foundation Cymru recently reported that an astounding 82 per cent of people in Wales believe that it is important for Wales to be doing medical research. As well as providing a host of benefits to patients, medical research, including charity-funded medical research, is absolutely vital to our economy. Modelling commissioned by the BHF suggests that charity-funded medical research plays a vital role in Wales's economy and also has the potential to drive economic growth.
Research by the Fraser of Allander Institute at the University of Strathclyde estimated that charity funding makes up 35 percent of all third sector and public funding of medical research in Wales, with active research funding of £21 million in 2018. The institute found that, in 2019, medical research funding by charities in Wales supported £86 million-worth of output and £55 million gross value added.
The institute, commissioned by the British Heart Foundation, also found that every £1 million spent on medical research by charities likely has significantly larger benefits for the economy than the average investment in Wales, making investment in research excellent value for money. Each £1 million spent on medical research funding in Wales by charities supports £2.3 million in output and £1.47 million GVA. Those figures mean that the multipliers of medical research funding in Wales by charities are likely to be comparable to some sectors with the highest GVA multipliers in Wales, making investment in attracting charity-funded medical research to Wales excellent value for money.
Increases in Government and third sector funded research can also increase private sector funding. Increasing investment by the public sector and third sector by 1 per cent creates nearly the same increase in private sector expenditure within a year. To put it another way, anything the Welsh Government puts in will likely be matched by the industry within a year.
The British Heart Foundation also reported that charity-funded medical research supports job creation in skilled sectors like education, research and development, health and social work and engineering. These salaries are, obviously, then spent in our local communities, local businesses and local economies. At the moment, charity-funded medical research supports 975 full-time-equivalent jobs in Wales, even with Wales underperforming in attracting research funding. Imagine the benefits if the Welsh Government were to invest and ensure Wales lives up to its potential in attracting that funding to Wales.
The Institute of Physics are also calling on the Welsh Government to increase quality-related research, QR, funding. Office for National Statistics data shows that QR funding in Wales has not kept pace with inflation since 2008, and the Scottish Government has managed to maintain or increase QR funding in the same time frame. To note, the failure to keep pace with inflation precedes Brexit and debates about the removal of structural funds. They also go on to say that the Welsh Government abolished bespoke funding for innovation and engagement in 2014-15 and the funding was reinstated in 2018-19 at £7.5 million, and is now £15 million per annum. But that is below the £25 million that was recommended in the Reid review commissioned by the Welsh Government.
Their concerns come in part from the findings of a CBI economics survey of physics innovators. It found Wales’s physics innovators collaborate more regularly with universities than innovators in the UK as a whole. With 54 per cent of Wales’s innovators saying improved opportunities to collaborate were a key driver of their plans to increase investment, these partnerships may be central to realising R&D and innovation goals.
Welsh Government should commit to winning at least Wales’s population share of external competitive funding—that is, 5 per cent of external competitive funding in the UK. But to do this, Welsh Government needs to increase its own investment. Welsh universities desperately need to see an uplift to funding for infrastructure provided by Welsh Government. Without the same support as the rest of the UK, Welsh universities and Welsh researchers will be unable to compete on a level playing field for UK-wide funding. We would be missing not only the benefits of medical research, but also an opportunity for economic recovery and economic growth. There is a funding inequality in research in the UK, and I believe it's the duty of the Welsh Government to address it.
Bellach, mae pedair blynedd ers cyhoeddi'r adolygiad hwnnw ac ni fu cynnydd o hyd yn y cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'w godi i'r un lefel â gweddill y Deyrnas Unedig. Sut y gall ein prifysgolion gystadlu pan ydym yn parhau i fuddsoddi llai ynddynt na'r Alban neu Loegr?
Rydym i gyd yn cystadlu am yr un ffrydiau ariannu, ond mae Cymru dan anfantais sylweddol—anfantais a achosir gan ddadfuddsoddi mewn termau real yn ein prifysgolion. Yn hanesyddol, mae ymchwil yng Nghymru wedi dibynnu ar gyllid gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, ond hyd yn oed gydag arian o'r UE roedd Cymru'n dal i fod dan anfantais o'i chymharu â gwledydd eraill y DU oherwydd lefelau isel o fuddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn seilwaith.
Yn adolygiad Reid 2018, a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, tynnodd sylw at y ffaith y dylai ffrydiau ariannu Llywodraeth Cymru gymryd lle ffrydiau ariannu'r UE ar y pryd. Byddai hyn yn cefnogi llwyddiant wrth gystadlu am gyllid ledled y DU ac yn denu lefelau uchel o fuddsoddiad busnes. Ond nid yw'r argymhelliad hwn wedi'i weithredu o hyd.
Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru sy'n gweinyddu arian seilwaith i brifysgolion ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru. Roedd eu cyllideb ar gyfer 2022-23 yn £81.7 miliwn. Pro rata, pe bai prifysgolion Cymru'n cael eu cefnogi i gystadlu â Lloegr, byddai'r cyllid yng Nghymru oddeutu £100 miliwn. Mae hynny'n ddiffyg o £18 miliwn o gyllid ar gyfer seilwaith hanfodol. Mae'r diffyg hwnnw'n golygu nad oes gan brifysgolion Cymru y seilwaith hanfodol sydd ei angen arnynt, ac ni allant gystadlu â phrifysgolion eraill ar draws y DU am arian. Mae hynny'n lleihau nifer y grantiau sy'n dod i mewn i Gymru yn ddramatig, ac yn cyfyngu ar y manteision posibl i economi Cymru o ymchwil a datblygu.
Mae ymchwil feddygol yn enghraifft wych o hynny. Mae ymchwil feddygol nid yn unig yn achub bywydau yn y dyfodol ond mae'n tanio ein heconomi nawr, ac mae pobl Cymru'n cytuno: yn ddiweddar adroddodd British Heart Foundation Cymru fod cymaint ag 82% o bobl yng Nghymru yn credu ei bod hi'n bwysig i Gymru fod yn gwneud ymchwil feddygol. Yn ogystal â darparu llu o fanteision i gleifion, mae ymchwil feddygol, gan gynnwys ymchwil feddygol a ariennir gan elusennau, yn gwbl hanfodol i'n heconomi. Mae modelu a gafodd ei gomisiynu gan y BHF yn awgrymu bod ymchwil feddygol a ariennir gan elusennau yn chwarae rôl hanfodol yn economi Cymru ac mae ganddi botensial hefyd i sbarduno twf economaidd.
Roedd ymchwil gan Sefydliad Fraser of Allander ym Mhrifysgol Strathclyde yn amcangyfrif mai cyllid elusennol yw 35 y cant o'r holl gyllid ymchwil feddygol trydydd sector a sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, gyda chyllid ymchwil gweithredol o £21 miliwn yn 2018. Yn ôl y sefydliad, yn 2019, roedd cyllid ymchwil feddygol gan elusennau yng Nghymru yn cefnogi gwerth £86 miliwn o allbwn a £55 miliwn o werth ychwanegol gros.
Hefyd, canfu'r sefydliad, a gafodd ei gomisiynu gan British Heart Foundation, ei bod yn debygol fod gan bob £1 filiwn a werir ar ymchwil feddygol gan elusennau fanteision sylweddol fwy i'r economi na'r buddsoddiad cyfartalog yng Nghymru, sy'n golygu bod buddsoddi mewn ymchwil yn werth ardderchog am arian. Mae pob £1 filiwn a werir ar gyllid ymchwil feddygol yng Nghymru gan elusennau'n cefnogi £2.3 miliwn mewn allbwn a £1.47 miliwn mewn gwerth ychwaegol gros. Mae'r ffigyrau hynny'n golygu bod lluosyddion cyllid ymchwil feddygol yng Nghymru gan elusennau yn debygol o fod yn debyg i rai sectorau gyda'r lluosyddion gwerth ychwanegol gros uchaf yng Nghymru, gan wneud buddsoddi mewn denu ymchwil feddygol a ariennir gan elusennau i Gymru yn werth ardderchog am arian.
Gall cynnydd mewn ymchwil a ariennir gan y Llywodraeth a'r trydydd sector gynyddu cyllid y sector preifat hefyd. Mae cynyddu buddsoddiad gan y sector cyhoeddus a'r trydydd sector 1 y cant yn creu bron yr un cynnydd yng ngwariant y sector preifat o fewn blwyddyn. O'i roi mewn ffordd arall, bydd unrhyw beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ei roi i mewn yn debygol o ddenu arian cyfatebol gan y diwydiant o fewn blwyddyn.
Dywedodd y British Heart Foundation hefyd fod ymchwil feddygol a ariennir gan elusennau yn cefnogi creu swyddi mewn sectorau medrus fel addysg, ymchwil a datblygu, iechyd a gwaith cymdeithasol a pheirianneg. Mae'r cyflogau hyn, yn amlwg, yn cael eu gwario wedyn yn ein cymunedau lleol, busnesau lleol ac economïau lleol. Ar hyn o bryd, mae ymchwil feddygol sy'n cael ei hariannu gan elusennau yn cefnogi 975 o swyddi cyfwerth ag amser llawn yng Nghymru, hyd yn oed gyda Chymru'n tangyflawni o ran denu cyllid ymchwil. Dychmygwch y manteision pe bai Llywodraeth Cymru'n buddsoddi ac yn sicrhau bod Cymru'n cyrraedd ei photensial o ran denu'r cyllid hwnnw i Gymru.
Mae'r Sefydliad Ffiseg hefyd yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gynyddu cyllid ymchwil cysylltiedig ag ansawdd Mae data'r Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol yn dangos nad yw cyllid cysylltiedig ag ansawdd yng Nghymru wedi cadw gyfuwch â chwyddiant ers 2008, ac mae Llywodraeth Yr Alban wedi llwyddo i gynnal neu gynyddu cyllid cysylltiedig ag ansawdd dros yr un cyfnod o amser. Nodaf fod y methiant i gadw gyfuwch â chwyddiant yn rhagflaenu Brexit a dadleuon ynghylch dileu cronfeydd strwythurol. Ânt rhagddynt i ddweud hefyd fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi diddymu cyllid pwrpasol ar gyfer arloesi ac ymgysylltu yn 2014-15 ac fe gafodd y cyllid ei adfer yn 2018-19 ar £7.5 miliwn, ac erbyn hyn mae'n £15 miliwn y flwyddyn. Ond mae hynny'n is na'r £25 miliwn a gafodd ei argymell yn adolygiad Reid a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Daw eu pryderon yn rhannol o ganfyddiadau arolwg economeg Cyd-ffederasiwn Diwydiant Prydain o arloeswyr ffiseg. Canfu fod arloeswyr ffiseg Cymru yn cydweithio'n fwy rheolaidd â phrifysgolion nag arloeswyr yn y DU gyfan. Gyda 54 y cant o arloeswyr Cymru'n dweud bod gwell cyfleoedd i gydweithio yn sbardun allweddol i'w cynlluniau i gynyddu buddsoddiad, gallai'r partneriaethau hyn fod yn ganolog i wireddu nodau ymchwil a datblygu ac arloesi.
Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i ennill o leiaf cyfran poblogaeth Cymru o gyllid cystadleuol allanol—hynny yw, 5 y cant o gyllid cystadleuol allanol y DU. Ond er mwyn gwneud hyn, mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gynyddu ei buddsoddiad ei hun. Mae gwir angen i brifysgolion Cymru weld cynnydd mawr yn y cyllid ar gyfer seilwaith a ddarparir gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Heb yr un cymorth â gweddill y DU, ni fydd prifysgolion Cymru ac ymchwilwyr Cymru yn gallu cystadlu'n deg am gyllid ar gyfer y DU gyfan. Byddem yn colli manteision ymchwil feddygol, a'r cyfle hefyd i adfer yr economi a thwf economaidd. Mae yna anghydraddoldeb o ran cyllido ymchwil yn y DU, ac rwy'n credu mai dyletswydd Llywodraeth Cymru yw mynd i'r afael â hynny.
Can I thank you, Tom Giffard, for bringing forward this debate and giving me some time? I think all of us in this Chamber agree with the notion that research, development and innovation are important drivers to economic growth and prosperity, and of course universities are fundamental to this. Now, there is good news. Wales has been noted as a consistently strong player within international and regional research and innovation, and recent statistics show that Wales has a higher proportion of academic publications in the most cited global publications compared with any other part of the UK. But, as my colleague mentioned in his contribution, there is more that we can do to support universities to boost their capabilities.
One thing I think we need is more focus. So, what particular areas do we lead on, and what areas do we want to grow in? This comment has been made about the Welsh Government’s innovation strategy. The general missions of the strategy, whilst laudable, are quite broad. By being more focused and specific we can make it easier for universities and indeed Wales to develop and then scale the new ideas we require. And we’ve seen examples of how well this can work. For example, the Cardiff capital region city deal invested in developing the compound semiconductor appliances industry, prioritising investment in research and development and supporting innovative business, and we’ve seen universities engaging with this investment, with the Institute for Compound Semiconductors being established at Cardiff University. We need to ensure that we don’t just invest in research and innovation, but we also need to create synergies between academia and businesses to ensure that their needs and priorities align with one another. Thank you.
A gaf fi ddiolch i chi, Tom Giffard, am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon a rhoi ychydig o amser i mi? Rwy'n credu bod pob un ohonom yn y Siambr yn cytuno â'r syniad fod ymchwil, datblygu ac arloesi yn sbardun pwysig i dwf economaidd a ffyniant, ac wrth gwrs mae prifysgolion yn allweddol i hyn. Nawr, mae yna newyddion da. Nodwyd bod Cymru'n chwaraewr cyson o gryf o fewn ymchwil ac arloesi rhyngwladol a rhanbarthol, ac mae ystadegau diweddar yn dangos bod gan Gymru gyfran uwch o gyhoeddiadau academaidd ymhlith y cyhoeddiadau byd-eang a ddyfynnir amlaf o'u cymharu ag unrhyw ran arall o'r DU. Ond fel y soniodd fy nghyd-Aelod yn ei gyfraniad, mae mwy y gallwn ei wneud i gynorthwyo prifysgolion i hybu eu galluoedd.
Yn un peth, rwy'n credu ein bod angen mwy o ffocws. Felly, pa feysydd penodol rydym yn eu harwain, a pha feysydd yr hoffem dyfu ynddynt? Mae'r sylw hwn wedi cael ei wneud am strategaeth arloesedd Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae negeseuon cyffredinol y strategaeth, er yn ganmoladwy, yn eithaf eang. Drwy fod â mwy ffocws ac yn fwy penodol, gallwn ei gwneud yn haws i brifysgolion, a Chymru yn wir, ddatblygu a chynyddu maint y syniadau newydd sydd eu hangen arnom. A gwelsom enghreifftiau o ba mor dda y gall hyn weithio. Er enghraifft, mae bargen ddinesig prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd wedi buddsoddi i ddatblygu'r diwydiant lled-ddargludyddion cyfansawdd, gan flaenoriaethu buddsoddi mewn ymchwil a datblygu a chefnogi busnesau arloesol, ac mae pawb ohonom wedi gweld prifysgolion dangos diddordeb yn y buddsoddiad hwn, gyda'r Sefydliad Lled-ddargludyddion Cyfansawdd yn cael ei sefydlu ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae angen inni sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud mwy na buddsoddi mewn ymchwil ac arloesedd yn unig, mae angen inni hefyd greu synergeddau rhwng y byd academaidd a busnesau i sicrhau bod eu hanghenion a'u blaenoriaethau'n cyd-fynd â'i gilydd. Diolch.
Thanks to Tom Giffard for giving me a minute in this debate. Successful regions and countries in the world use their universities as economic drivers—Cambridge, Bristol and Warwickshire, amongst others in England, and California, Denmark and Germany, which are economically successful, benefit from their universities, such as Stanford, Heidelberg and Aarhus. We have outstanding universities in Wales. We need to use them more effectively. The development of science parks by universities and the development of university schools of entrepreneurship have helped developed economies throughout the world.
A major growth area in the world economy is life sciences. This has got to be a priority. It’s meant to be a priority of the Welsh Government, but it really does have to play a more important part. Universities can play a key role in developing further the Welsh life sciences industry. And unlike other parts of the UK, the activity investment isn’t concentrated in just one wealthy area or region. The growth of the life sciences sector in Wales spans the length and breadth of the country, from harvesting jellyfish collagen in the west to a foundation for cutting-edge infantile prosthetics in the north. If this can work, we need to make it work.
Diolch i Tom Giffard am roi munud i mi yn y ddadl hon. Mae rhanbarthau a gwledydd llwyddiannus yn y byd yn defnyddio eu prifysgolion fel sbardun economaidd—Caergrawnt, Bryste a swydd Warwick, ymhlith eraill yn Lloegr, ac mae Califfornia, Denmarc a'r Almaen, sy'n llwyddiannus yn economaidd, yn elwa o'u prifysgolion, megis Stanford, Heidelberg ac Aarhus. Mae gennym brifysgolion rhagorol yng Nghymru. Mae angen inni eu defnyddio'n fwy effeithiol. Mae datblygu parciau gwyddoniaeth gan brifysgolion a datblygu ysgolion entrepreneuriaeth prifysgolion wedi helpu i ddatblygu economïau ledled y byd.
Un maes twf pwysig yn economi'r byd yw gwyddorau bywyd. Rhaid i hyn fod yn flaenoriaeth. Mae i fod yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru, ond mae'n rhaid iddo chwarae rhan bwysicach mewn gwirionedd. Gall prifysgolion chwarae rhan allweddol yn datblygu diwydiant gwyddorau bywyd Cymru ymhellach. Ac yn wahanol i rannau eraill o'r DU, nid yw'r buddsoddiad mewn gweithgarwch wedi'i ganoli mewn un ardal neu ranbarth cyfoethog yn unig. Mae twf y sector gwyddorau bywyd yng Nghymru yn rhychwantu hyd a lled y wlad, o gynaeafu colagen sglefrod môr yn y gorllewin i sefydliad blaengar ar gyfer prostheteg babandod yn y gogledd. Os gall hyn weithio, mae angen inni wneud iddo weithio.
I’d like to thank Tom Giffard for giving me a minute of his time two minutes before this debate was about to start. [Laughter.] Research funding is vital to solving some of the major problems we do have in the world, and, as colleagues in this Chamber sat through the recent Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill, it was evident through evidence taking that there was a focus from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and others that the setting up of the new commission might not focus enough of its time and resource on research. So, I'd like to ask the Minister a direct question that he might want to answer. I'd like to know what discussions you have had with HEFCW and Welsh Government officials around the setting up of the new commission, and what focus and funding they're going to put in place for medical research, because that is going to be vital if we're going to solve some of the problems that we have in the world today.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Tom Giffard am roi munud o'i amser i mi ddau funud cyn i'r ddadl hon ddechrau. [Chwerthin.] Mae cyllid ymchwil yn hanfodol i ddatrys rhai o'r problemau mawr sydd gennym yn y byd, ac wrth i gyd-Aelodau yn y Siambr eistedd drwy'r Bil Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil (Cymru) yn ddiweddar, roedd yn amlwg o gasglu tystiolaeth fod yna ffocws gan Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru ac eraill efallai na fyddai sefydlu'r comisiwn newydd yn canolbwyntio digon o'i amser a'i adnoddau ar ymchwil. Felly, hoffwn ofyn cwestiwn uniongyrchol i'r Gweinidog y gallai fod eisiau ei ateb. Hoffwn wybod pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda swyddogion CCAUC a Llywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â sefydlu'r comisiwn newydd, a pha ffocws a chyllid y maent yn mynd i'w roi i ymchwil feddygol, oherwydd mae hynny'n mynd i fod yn hanfodol os ydym yn mynd i ddatrys rhai o'r problemau sydd gennym yn y byd heddiw.
I'd like to thank my colleague Tom Giffard for allowing me a minute during this short debate today. There needs to be a sharp focus on investing in Wales's universities to stimulate the Welsh economy, and improving research and development. The new campaign and report on funding Wales's future by British Heart Foundation Cymru highlights how properly funding our brilliant universities will improve medical research and drive economic growth, two big wins and reasons to invest. As Tom Giffard said earlier, Wales makes up about 5 per cent of the UK population, however has just 2 per cent of R&D spend in the UK. We have seen the importance of research and development and innovation during the pandemic. We need to invest in research that can advance us significantly medically and in many other ways, and I'd hope, like James, that the new commission for tertiary education and research will look to address this going forward.
Welsh Government needs to support our universities so that they can become more competitive, so they can be better placed to win those external bids and future funding bids. Welsh Government's funding on quality-related research is far too low at a time when they should be investing in Wales's future. We all know that QR funding from Welsh Government pays for things that grants don't—staff infrastructure and utility bills, which I'm sure are a particular concern to them right now. And, of course, R&D directly impacts growth. So, thank you, Tom, for letting us highlight this today.
Hoffwn ddiolch i fy nghyd-Aelod Tom Giffard am ganiatáu munud i mi yn ystod y ddadl fer hon heddiw. Mae angen canolbwyntio'n gadarn ar fuddsoddi ym mhrifysgolion Cymru i ysgogi economi Cymru, a gwella ymchwil a datblygu. Mae'r ymgyrch newydd a'r adroddiad ar ariannu dyfodol Cymru gan British Heart Foundation Cymru yn tynnu sylw at sut y bydd ariannu ein prifysgolion disglair yn briodol yn gwella ymchwil feddygol ac yn sbarduno twf economaidd, dwy fuddugoliaeth fawr a rhesymau dros fuddsoddi. Fel y dywedodd Tom Giffard yn gynharach, mae gan Gymru oddeutu 5 y cant o boblogaeth y DU, ond dim ond 2 y cant o wariant ymchwil a datblygu y DU. Gwelsom bwysigrwydd ymchwil a datblygu ac arloesi yn ystod y pandemig. Mae angen inni fuddsoddi mewn ymchwil a all ein datblygu'n sylweddol yn feddygol ac mewn sawl ffordd arall, a byddwn yn gobeithio, fel James, y bydd y comisiwn newydd ar gyfer addysg drydyddol ac ymchwil yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â hyn wrth symud ymlaen.
Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gefnogi ein prifysgolion er mwyn iddynt allu bod yn fwy cystadleuol, fel y gallant fod mewn sefyllfa well i ennill y ceisiadau allanol a cheisiadau am gyllid yn y dyfodol. Mae cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer ymchwil cysylltiedig ag ansawdd yn llawer rhy isel ar adeg pan ddylent fod yn buddsoddi yn nyfodol Cymru. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod cyllid cysylltiedig ag ansawdd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn talu am bethau nad yw grantiau'n talu amdanynt—seilwaith staff a biliau cyfleustodau, ac rwy'n siŵr fod hynny'n bryder arbennig iddynt ar hyn o bryd. Ac wrth gwrs, mae ymchwil a datblygu'n effeithio ar dwf yn uniongyrchol. Felly, diolch i chi, Tom, am adael inni dynnu sylw at hyn heddiw.
Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language to reply to the debate.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae prifysgolion yn elfen hanfodol o'n economi ni, gan gynhyrchu dros £5 miliwn o allbwn bob blwyddyn. Maen nhw'n sefydliadau angori ac yn chwarae rhan hollbwysig yn eu hardal leol drwy gynnig cyfleoedd am swyddi a chadwyni cyflenwi, a phoblogaethau amrywiol o fyfyrwyr a staff. Mae eu cyfraniad hefyd yn cael ei deimlo ar draws Cymru a thu hwnt drwy eu gwaith blaengar ar ymchwil, arloesi a datblygu sgiliau.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymfalchïo yn ei buddsoddiad a'i chefnogaeth i'n prifysgolion. Rŷm ni wedi cynyddu cyllidebau Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru tua 82 y cant, gan eu galluogi nhw i ailgyflwyno cyllid arloesi ac ymgysylltu a chynyddu lefel y cyllid a roddir i ymchwil ar sail ei ansawdd. Mae cyfanswm cyllid ymchwil ac arloesi Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2022-23 bellach bron yn £103 miliwn. Mae canlyniadau fframwaith rhagoriaeth ymchwil 2021 yn dangos yr effaith ardderchog y mae prifysgolion Cymru yn eu cael. Barnwyd bod 83 y cant o'r gwaith ymchwil a gafodd ei gyflwyno yn arwain y byd, neu yn rhagorol yn rhyngwladol. Mae'r sylfaen ymchwil hon yn ysgogi lledaenu gwybodaeth, arloesi technolegol a mewnfuddsoddiad.
Fel y bydd yr Aelodau yn gwybod, mae ymchwil mewn prifysgolion yn cael ei ariannu drwy gymysgedd o arian gan fusnesau, elusennau a sefydliadau cymunedol, yn ogystal â Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig a'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mi ddof yn ôl at fater cyllid Ewropeaidd yn y man. Yn y cyfnod heriol ariannol sydd ohoni, mae'n hanfodol i sector ymchwil ac arloesi Cymru gydweithio ar flaenoriaethau cyffredin, a chanolbwyntio ar daclo'r heriau mwyaf rŷm ni'n eu wynebu fel cenedl. Rydym ni wedi buddsoddi £2 filiwn eleni yn rhwydwaith arloesi Cymru, a gafodd ei sefydlu er mwyn hwyluso cydweithio a phartneriaeth rhwng prifysgolion yng Nghymru a thu hwnt, gydag amrywiaeth eang o gyrff sector cyhoeddus, sector preifat a thrydydd sector.
Wrth gwrs, mae Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru yn bartner allweddol wrth fuddsoddi mewn prifysgolion, ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i weithio gyda nhw er mwyn gweld sut y gallwn ni ddatblygu'n strategol y ffordd y caiff cyllid ymchwil ei ddyrannu er mwyn ennill grantiau o ffynonellau eraill. Rwy'n croesawu agwedd ymarferol a hyblyg y sector a'i barodrwydd i gydweithio er mwyn bod yn fwy cystadleuol o ran y Deyrnas Unedig. Drwy gydweithio, fe fyddwn ni'n sicrhau'r gwerth mwyaf o gyllid ymchwil Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru i gefnogi ymchwil ac arloesi. Yn y dyfodol, y bydd cyllid prifysgolion yn dod o dan y comisiwn newydd ar gyfer addysg drydyddol ac ymchwil. Mewn ateb i James Evans, bydd disgwyl i'r comisiwn chwarae rhan allweddol yn y system ymchwil, gan weithio'n agos gyda chynghorau ymchwil y Deyrnas Unedig. Bydd yn parhau gyda gwaith Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru ar gynyddu'r swm o gyllid ymchwil y Deyrnas Unedig sydd yn dod i Gymru.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Universities are a crucial element of our economy, producing over £5 million of outputs every year. They are anchor institutions in their local areas, providing opportunities for jobs and supply chains, and diverse populations of students and staff. Their contribution is also felt across Wales and beyond through their innovative work on innovation, research and skills development.
The Welsh Government takes pride in its investment and support to our universities. We have increased HEFCW's budgets by some 82 per cent, enabling them to reintroduce innovation and engagement funding and to increase the funding level provided on quality-related research. The HEFCW funding for the academic year 2022-23 is almost £103 million. The outcomes of the research excellence framework of 2021 show the great impact that Welsh universities are having. It was judged that 83 per cent of the research work presented was world leading, or was excellent on an international stage. This research foundation encourages the spread of information, technological innovation and inward investment.
As Members will know, research in universities is funded by a mix of funding from businesses, charities, community organisations, as well as the Welsh Government, the UK Government and the European Union. I will return to the matter of European funding in due course. In this challenging financial time, it is crucial that the research and innovation sector in Wales collaborates on shared priorities, and concentrates on tackling the major challenges that we face as a nation. We have invested £2 million this year in the Welsh innovation network, which was established in order to facilitate co-operation and partnership between universities in Wales and beyond, with a broad variety of public sector, private sector and third sector involvement.
Of course, HEFCW is a key partner in investing in universities, and we will continue to work with them to see how we can develop strategically the way in which research funding is allocated in order to gain grants from other sources. I welcome the practical approach of the sector and its willingness to collaborate in order to be more competitive on a UK-wide basis. Through collaboration, we will ensure the best value from research funding from HEFCW to support innovation and research. In future, university funding will come under the new commission on tertiary and higher education. In response to James Evans, the commission will be expected to play a key role in the research system, working closely with the UK research councils. It will continue with the work of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales on increasing the amount of research funding from the UK that comes to Wales.
Of course, it's not only through research and innovation that universities have an economic impact. They are anchor institutions and significant employers. In 2019-20, one in 20 jobs in Wales was associated with university activity. Over 21,700 jobs were provided by Welsh universities, with a further 19,600 jobs created in other industries through the knock-on effect of higher education. I am proud that universities in Wales are paying the living wage, and I would encourage more in terms of local and regional procurement. This year's growth in the number of undergraduates will have an immediate economic effect in local communities, and thanks to our progressive student finance reforms, the number of postgraduates continues to increase, translating into future researchers and innovators in the years to come, which will bring its own economic effect.
Skills levels are clearly correlated to economic growth, and we are investing in our universities to deliver part-time education, more postgraduate activity, degree apprenticeships, all alongside their core offer. We have invested in a microcredentials pilot, the expansion of medical places through the new north Wales medical school, and continued investment in higher cost subjects, such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses. We're ensuring that Wales is seen as an inviting study destination for international students and researchers, and also that our international partnerships are able to continue and grow. Our Taith and Global Wales initiatives are good examples of our work in this area.
I said I would return to the issue of European funding. I'm sure that everyone here is concerned about the loss of the European research and development funding. By refusing to replace these funds, the UK Government is leaving a funding gap, undermining competitiveness during a time of immense change. I am absolutely clear that we must see funding levels at least equivalent to those we received historically return to Wales. To secure greater investment and return us to at least historic levels of funding, the direct support and co-operation of the UK Government and its departments and agencies, particularly the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and UK Research and Innovation, are needed to work in partnership on decisions impacting on Wales. The UK Government must improve relationships with the EU to bring about the UK's full participation in Horizon Europe, as agreed under the trade and co-operation agreement. Association with the programme is in all four nations' best interests, and I made this point very much over the last two days in my visits to Brussels. It is our firm view that dialogue and negotiation is the sole route to a positive outcome that would prevent material harm to the Welsh economy. As a recent Russell group report said,
'Failure to secure association to Horizon, Euratom and Copernicus will significantly limit the UK’s attractiveness as a destination for talent and investment.'
If the UK Government can't deliver what was agreed in the trade and co-operation agreement, then we must build a close, long-term relationship with Horizon Europe as a third country. This is vital to our economy. Maybe the Member can talk to his colleagues in Westminster about some of these issues.
Another area in which European funding was important is innovation, so crucial to our economic development. Under UK Government arrangements, the Welsh budget is losing over £1.1 billion of replacement EU funding. We know that schemes such as SMART expertise have been highly impactful in supporting effective collaboration between research and industry. These recognise the shared effort between parties, resulting in shared rewards, in particular the generation of intellectual property, exploited to create economic and social impact for all partners.
This Government is of the view, Dirprwy Lywydd, that universities are a core part of the Welsh economic and educational infrastructure, and we have invested accordingly, supporting research and innovation, skills development and knowledge dissemination. We've worked with the sector to deliver the real living wage, encouraged innovation and procurement and enhanced community engagement through civic mission activity. Investment in our universities is investment in people, in researchers, in support staff, in technicians, in lecturers. It's investment in our economy, in one in 20 jobs across Wales; it's investment in our students and their futures, in the skills for Wales in the twenty-first century.
I'll conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd, by restating part of my vision for higher education being one of distinctive institutions working in partnership. It is by working together that they can make the most out of the substantial investment they receive, and by working together, they will continue to make a significant contribution to economic growth.
Wrth gwrs, nid drwy ymchwil ac arloesi'n unig y mae prifysgolion yn cael effaith economaidd. Maent yn sefydliadau angori ac yn gyflogwyr sylweddol. Yn 2019-20, roedd un ym mhob 20 swydd yng Nghymru yn gysylltiedig â gweithgarwch prifysgol. Câi dros 21,700 o swyddi eu darparu gan brifysgolion Cymru, gyda 19,600 yn rhagor o swyddi wedi'u creu mewn diwydiannau eraill drwy effaith ganlyniadol addysg uwch. Rwy'n falch fod prifysgolion yng Nghymru yn talu'r cyflog byw, a byddwn yn annog mwy o gaffael lleol a rhanbarthol. Bydd twf eleni yn nifer yr israddedigion yn cael effaith economaidd ar unwaith mewn cymunedau lleol, a diolch i'n diwygiadau blaengar i gyllid myfyrwyr, mae nifer yr ôl-raddedigion yn parhau i gynyddu, gan drosi'n ymchwilwyr ac arloeswyr y dyfodol yn y blynyddoedd i ddod, gan greu ei effaith economaidd ei hun.
Mae lefelau sgiliau'n cydberthyn yn glir i dwf economaidd, ac rydym yn buddsoddi yn ein prifysgolion i ddarparu addysg ran-amser, mwy o weithgaredd ôl-raddedig, prentisiaethau gradd, a'r cyfan ochr yn ochr â'u cynnig craidd. Rydym wedi buddsoddi mewn cynllun peilot microgymwysterau, ehangu llefydd meddygol drwy ysgol feddygol newydd gogledd Cymru, a pharhau i fuddsoddi mewn pynciau cost uwch, fel cyrsiau gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, peirianneg a mathemateg. Rydym yn sicrhau bod Cymru'n cael ei gweld fel cyrchfan sy'n denu myfyrwyr ac ymchwilwyr rhyngwladol i astudio, a bod ein partneriaethau rhyngwladol hefyd yn gallu parhau a thyfu. Mae ein mentrau Taith a Global Wales yn enghreifftiau da o'n gwaith yn y maes hwn.
Dywedais y byddwn yn dychwelyd at fater arian Ewropeaidd. Rwy'n siŵr fod pawb yma'n pryderu am golli'r arian ymchwil a datblygu Ewropeaidd. Drwy wrthod rhoi arian yn lle'r cronfeydd hyn, mae Llywodraeth y DU yn gadael bwlch cyllid, gan danseilio cystadleurwydd yn ystod cyfnod o newid aruthrol. Rwy'n gwbl glir fod rhaid inni weld lefelau ariannu sy'n cyfateb fan lleiaf i'r rhai roeddem yn eu cael yn hanesyddol yn dychwelyd i Gymru. Er mwyn sicrhau mwy o fuddsoddi a dychwelyd i lefelau cyllid hanesyddol fan lleiaf, mae angen cefnogaeth uniongyrchol a chydweithrediad Llywodraeth y DU a'i hadrannau a'i hasiantaethau, yn enwedig yr Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol ac Ymchwil ac Arloesi yn y DU, i weithio mewn partneriaeth ar benderfyniadau sy'n effeithio ar Gymru. Rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU wella'r berthynas gyda'r UE er mwyn sicrhau cyfranogiad llawn y DU yn Horizon Europe, fel y cytunwyd o dan y cytundeb masnach a chydweithredu. Mae cysylltiad â'r rhaglen o fantais i'r pedair gwlad, ac fe wneuthum y pwynt hwn yn gadarn dros y deuddydd diwethaf yn fy ymweliadau â Brwsel. Ein barn gadarn ni yw mai deialog a thrafod yw'r unig lwybr i ganlyniad cadarnhaol a fyddai'n atal niwed o sylwedd i economi Cymru. Fel y dywedodd adroddiad diweddar gan grŵp Russell,
'Bydd methiant i sicrhau cysylltiad â Horizon, Euratom a Copernicus yn cyfyngu'n sylweddol ar atyniad y DU fel cyrchfan ar gyfer talent a buddsoddiad.'
Os na all Llywodraeth y DU gyflawni'r hyn y cytunwyd arno yn y cytundeb masnach a chydweithredu, rhaid i ni adeiladu perthynas agos, hirdymor gyda Horizon Europe fel trydedd wlad. Mae hyn yn hollbwysig i'n heconomi. Efallai y gall yr Aelod siarad â'i gymheiriaid yn San Steffan ynghylch rhai o'r materion hyn.
Maes arall lle roedd cyllid Ewropeaidd yn bwysig yw arloesi, sydd mor hanfodol i'n datblygiad economaidd. O dan drefniadau Llywodraeth y DU, mae cyllideb Cymru'n colli dros £1.1 biliwn o gyllid newydd yn lle cyllid yr UE. Rydym yn gwybod bod cynlluniau fel arbenigedd SMART wedi bod yn effeithiol iawn wrth gefnogi cydweithio effeithiol rhwng ymchwil a diwydiant. Mae'r rhain yn cydnabod yr ymdrech ar y cyd rhwng partïon, gan arwain at wobrau a rennir, yn enwedig cynhyrchiant eiddo deallusol, y manteisiwyd arno i greu effaith economaidd a chymdeithasol i'r holl bartneriaid.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, mae'r Llywodraeth hon o'r farn fod prifysgolion yn rhan greiddiol o seilwaith economaidd ac addysgol Cymru, ac rydym wedi buddsoddi'n unol â hynny, gan gefnogi ymchwil ac arloesi, datblygu sgiliau a lledaenu gwybodaeth. Rydym wedi gweithio gyda'r sector i ddarparu'r cyflog byw go iawn, wedi annog arloesedd a chaffael a gwell ymgysylltiad â'r gymuned drwy weithgarwch cenhadaeth ddinesig. Mae buddsoddi yn ein prifysgolion yn fuddsoddiad mewn pobl, mewn ymchwilwyr, mewn staff cymorth, mewn technegwyr, mewn darlithwyr. Mae'n fuddsoddiad yn ein heconomi, mewn un ymhob 20 swydd drwy Gymru; mae'n fuddsoddiad yn ein myfyrwyr a'u dyfodol, yn y sgiliau ar gyfer Cymru yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain.
Rwyf am orffen, Ddirprwy Lywydd, drwy ailddatgan mai rhan o fy ngweledigaeth ar gyfer addysg uwch yw sefydliadau neilltuol yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth. Drwy gydweithio, gallant wneud y gorau o'r buddsoddiad sylweddol a gânt, a thrwy gydweithio, byddant yn parhau i wneud cyfraniad sylweddol i dwf economaidd.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. A daw hynny â thrafodion heddiw i ben, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pawb yn cael cyfle i orffwys yn ystod ein toriad.
Thank you, Minister. And that brings today's proceedings to a close, and I hope that everyone has an opportunity to take a break during our recess.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:35.
The meeting ended at 18:35.