Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae'r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae'r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o'r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn y prynhawn yma. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd ac eraill yn ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi eu nodi ar eich agenda. Hoffwn atgoffa'r Aelodau fod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma, ac yr un mor berthnasol i Aelodau yn y Siambr ag i'r rhai sy'n ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo.
Welcome all to this afternoon's Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating in Senedd proceedings, wherever they may be, will be treated equally. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are set out on your agenda. I'd like to remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting, and apply equally to Members in the Chamber as to those joining virtually.
Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Peter Fox.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Peter Fox.
1. Sut bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi pobl sy'n agored i niwed dros fisoedd y gaeaf? OQ57008
1. How will the Welsh Government support vulnerable people over the winter months? OQ57008

Llywydd, households are under unprecedented financial pressure resulting from the pandemic, our exit from the European Union, the rising cost of living and damaging cuts to welfare supported by the UK Government. We are tackling the inequalities that can lead to poverty while helping people to maximise incomes and build financial resilience.
Llywydd, mae aelwydydd o dan bwysau ariannol digynsail o ganlyniad i'r pandemig, ein hymadawiad â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, costau byw cynyddol a thoriadau niweidiol i daliadau lles a gefnogwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU. Rydym ni'n mynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldebau a all arwain at dlodi wrth helpu pobl i sicrhau'r incwm mwyaf a datblygu cadernid ariannol.
Thank you, First Minister, for that answer. I'd like to welcome the work that the Welsh Government is doing to support vulnerable people, and I particularly want to pay tribute to our charities and other third sector organisations that are doing some fantastic work to help our communities.
As you will know, First Minister, the UK Government has recently announced a package of support worth £500 million to help people through the pandemic, as well as the winter months. This money will be provided to councils in England by October. Because of this, Wales will receive an additional £25 million. Can you confirm how this money will be used to support families across Wales and whether councils will directly receive this funding so that they can ensure that help is received by those who need it most? Thank you.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog, am yr ateb yna. Hoffwn groesawu'r gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gynorthwyo pobl agored i niwed, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged yn arbennig i'n helusennau a sefydliadau eraill yn y trydydd sector sy'n gwneud gwaith gwych i helpu ein cymunedau.
Fel y byddwch chi'n gwybod, Prif Weinidog, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cyhoeddi pecyn cymorth gwerth £500 miliwn yn ddiweddar i helpu pobl drwy'r pandemig, yn ogystal â misoedd y gaeaf. Bydd yr arian hwn yn cael ei ddarparu i gynghorau yn Lloegr erbyn mis Hydref. Oherwydd hyn, bydd Cymru yn derbyn £25 miliwn yn ychwanegol. A wnewch chi gadarnhau sut bydd yr arian hwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gynorthwyo teuluoedd ledled Cymru a pha un a fydd cynghorau yn cael yr arian hwn yn uniongyrchol fel y gallan nhw sicrhau bod cymorth yn cyrraedd y rhai sydd ei angen fwyaf? Diolch.

Well, Llywydd, I agree with what Peter Fox said about the importance of voluntary and third sector organisations that have done so much to help families and communities over the recent pandemic period. But let's be clear: the UK Government is taking £300 million out of the pockets of some of the poorest families in Wales and is offering £25 million in return. It's absolutely no bargain at all for those vulnerable families and the support that they will need over this winter.
Now, we have already provided over £25 million in additional investment in our discretionary assistance fund, a fund abandoned by the Conservative Party in England, where there's no recourse to such a nationally run, rules-based scheme. We will look to see how we can use the £25 million to the very best effect, supporting the range of organisations that make a difference to people's lives, while being absolutely clear sighted about the fact that to lose £300 million and to be offered £25 million in compensation is no deal at all.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Peter Fox am bwysigrwydd sefydliadau gwirfoddol a thrydydd sector sydd wedi gwneud cymaint i helpu teuluoedd a chymunedau dros gyfnod y pandemig yn ddiweddar. Ond gadewch i ni fod yn glir: mae Llywodraeth y DU yn tynnu £300 miliwn o bocedi rhai o'r teuluoedd tlotaf yng Nghymru ac yn cynnig £25 miliwn yn gyfnewid am hynny. Nid yw'n fargen o gwbl i'r teuluoedd agored i niwed hynny a'r cymorth y bydd ei angen arnyn nhw dros y gaeaf hwn.
Nawr, rydym ni eisoes wedi darparu dros £25 miliwn o fuddsoddiad ychwanegol yn ein cronfa cymorth dewisol, cronfa y cefnwyd arni gan y Blaid Geidwadol yn Lloegr, lle nad oes unrhyw hawl i gynllun mor genedlaethol wedi ei seilio ar reolau. Byddwn yn edrych i weld sut y gallwn ni ddefnyddio'r £25 miliwn i sicrhau'r effaith orau posibl, gan gynorthwyo'r ystod o sefydliadau sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl, gan fod yn gwbl glir ynghylch y ffaith nad yw colli £300 miliwn a chael cynnig £25 miliwn i wneud iawn am hynny yn unrhyw fargen o gwbl.
First Minister, loneliness has been a significant issue for thousands of people during the pandemic, and, as we enter the winter months, more people could feel even more isolated from friends and family. When people are lonely, they can be at greater risk of isolating themselves from services as well, and that can, in turn, be made worse if there are already barriers to accessing those services, like long waiting lists. I know the Red Cross has drawn attention to how people suffering from loneliness can need tailored support when they're waiting for treatment, support that isn't just about their physical ailment but about coping with the process of waiting, especially if that is prolonging the time before they can interact with friends and family more easily. So, First Minister, what support is in place, or could be put in place, please, to help people on long waiting lists to cope with the isolation that that might bring them, as well as, of course, the impact on their physical health?
Prif Weinidog, mae unigrwydd wedi bod yn broblem sylweddol i filoedd o bobl yn ystod y pandemig, ac wrth i ni ddechrau misoedd y gaeaf, gallai mwy o bobl deimlo eu bod wedi eu hynysu hyd yn oed yn fwy oddi wrth ffrindiau a theulu. Pan fydd pobl yn unig, gallan nhw fod mewn mwy o berygl o ynysu eu hunain oddi wrth wasanaethau hefyd, a gall hynny, yn ei dro, gael ei waethygu os oes rhwystrau eisoes i ddefnyddio'r gwasanaethau hynny, fel rhestrau aros hir. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Groes Goch wedi tynnu sylw at sut y gallai fod angen cymorth wedi ei deilwra ar bobl sy'n dioddef o unigrwydd pan fyddan nhw'n aros am driniaeth, cymorth nad yw'n ymwneud â'u salwch corfforol yn unig ond ag ymdopi â'r broses o aros, yn enwedig os yw hynny yn ymestyn yr amser cyn y gallan nhw ryngweithio â ffrindiau a theulu yn haws. Felly, Prif Weinidog, pa gymorth sydd ar waith, neu y gellid ei roi ar waith, os gwelwch yn dda, i helpu pobl ar restrau aros hir i ymdopi â'r ynysigrwydd y gallai hynny ei achosi iddyn nhw, yn ogystal â'r effaith ar eu hiechyd corfforol, wrth gwrs?

Llywydd, I thank Delyth Jewell for that important point. She will knew that some analysts say that loneliness should be added to the five giants that Beveridge set out at the start of the welfare state as one of the great social policy challenges of our time. I thank her for what she said about the importance of the Red Cross. She will know that, over last winter, the Welsh Government funded a series of actions by the Red Cross itself to assist in returning people to their own homes when they were discharged—sometimes after a brief period just visiting an A&E department; sometimes after a stay in hospital—precisely to make sure that those people who are lonely and isolated had another human being alongside them when they returned to their own homes, and were helped to settle in and make sure they had everything that they needed. Can I commend as well the work of the Older People's Commissioner for Wales in this area? I know my colleague Julie Morgan has been working closely with the commissioner and her office to put services in place to combat loneliness amongst old people. And sometimes this is a very simple set of arrangements, in the field that Peter Fox pointed to, of the voluntary and the third sector—just a simple phone call to somebody who doesn't hear another human voice from one day to the next, and just takes an interest in how they are doing and what they are going through, can make a real difference to people. And there are many, many volunteers now, in all parts of Wales, who take part in those simple but effective measures that can make a difference to loneliness.
Llywydd, diolch i Delyth Jewell am y pwynt pwysig yna. Bydd hi'n gwybod bod rhai dadansoddwyr yn dweud y dylid ychwanegu unigrwydd at y pum cawr a nodwyd gan Beveridge ar ddechrau'r wladwriaeth les yn un o heriau polisi cymdeithasol mawr ein hoes. Rwy'n diolch iddi am yr hyn a ddywedodd am bwysigrwydd y Groes Goch. Bydd yn gwybod bod Llywodraeth Cymru, dros y gaeaf diwethaf, wedi ariannu cyfres o gamau gweithredu gan y Groes Goch ei hun i helpu i ddychwelyd pobl i'w cartrefi eu hunain ar ôl iddyn nhw gael eu rhyddhau—weithiau ar ôl cyfnod byr yn ymweld ag adran damweiniau ac achosion brys; weithiau ar ôl aros yn yr ysbyty—am yr union reswm o wneud yn siŵr bod gan y bobl hynny sy'n unig ac yn ynysig berson arall ochr yn ochr â nhw pan oedden nhw'n dychwelyd i'w cartrefi eu hunain, ac yn cael eu helpu i ymgartrefu a gwneud yn siŵr bod ganddyn nhw bopeth yr oedd ei angen arnyn nhw. A gaf i gymeradwyo hefyd waith Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru yn y maes hwn? Rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Weinidog Julie Morgan wedi bod yn gweithio yn agos gyda'r comisiynydd a'i swyddfa i roi gwasanaethau ar waith i fynd i'r afael ag unigrwydd ymhlith hen bobl. Ac weithiau mae hyn yn gyfres syml iawn o drefniadau, yn y maes y cyfeiriodd Peter Fox ato, o'r sector gwirfoddol a'r trydydd sector—gall dim mwy na galwad ffôn syml i rywun nad yw'n clywed llais dynol arall o un diwrnod i'r llall, a chymryd diddordeb mewn sut mae'n teimlo a'r hyn y mae'n mynd drwyddo, wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i bobl. A cheir llawer iawn o wirfoddolwyr erbyn hyn, ym mhob rhan o Gymru, sy'n cymryd rhan yn y mesurau syml ond effeithiol hynny a all wneud gwahaniaeth i unigrwydd.
First Minister, in my constituency of Bridgend, I have been asking residents about their experiences of contacting primary care. The feedback has ranged from 'very good' to people who felt that they have waited too long. I am concerned that this could particularly impact vulnerable people over the winter months. So, how can Welsh Government ensure that our GP surgeries have the best technology so that people can make appointments and have a consistent service across Bridgend?
Prif Weinidog, yn fy etholaeth i ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, rwyf i wedi bod yn holi trigolion am eu profiadau o gysylltu â gofal sylfaenol. Mae'r adborth wedi amrywio o 'dda iawn' i bobl a oedd yn teimlo eu bod nhw wedi aros yn rhy hir. Rwy'n pryderu y gallai hyn effeithio ar bobl agored i niwed yn arbennig yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf. Felly, sut gall Llywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod gan ein meddygfeydd teulu y dechnoleg orau fel y gall pobl wneud apwyntiadau a chael gwasanaeth cyson ledled Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr?

Well, I thank Sarah Murphy for that point. As primary care has quite rightly relied on technological ways of providing advice and treatment outcomes to people, so the need to make sure that those technological platforms are effective for people is even more important than it was before. As part of our access arrangement with the General Practitioners Committee Wales, we provided millions of pounds of fresh investment to assist GP practices in making sure that their telephone systems, for example, were fit for today's society. I know the picture is mixed, in the way that the Member for Bridgend has mentioned. In the end, as she will know, these are private contractors who make their own arrangements for telephony services. We work with them, though, and we work with GPC Wales, including by additional funding, to try to make the performance of the whole system as good as it is for the best. And I know, from the work that she has done in her own constituency, which she shared with me, that she's come across some very good examples of where people feel that the service they get from their own surgery meets their needs very well. Now we need the rest to be in the same position.
Wel, diolch i Sarah Murphy am y pwynt yna. Gan fod gofal sylfaenol wedi dibynnu yn gwbl briodol ar ffyrdd technolegol o ddarparu cyngor a chanlyniadau triniaeth i bobl, mae'r angen i wneud yn siŵr bod y llwyfannau technolegol hynny yn effeithiol i bobl hyd yn oed yn bwysicach nag yr oedd o'r blaen. Yn rhan o'n trefniant mynediad gyda Phwyllgor Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol Cymru, fe wnaethom ddarparu miliynau o bunnoedd o fuddsoddiad newydd i gynorthwyo meddygfeydd teulu i wneud yn siŵr bod eu systemau ffôn, er enghraifft, yn addas ar gyfer y gymdeithas sydd ohoni. Rwy'n gwybod bod y darlun yn gymysg, yn y ffordd y mae'r Aelod dros Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr wedi sôn. Yn y pen draw, fel y bydd yn gwybod, contractwyr preifat yw'r rhain sy'n gwneud eu trefniadau eu hunain ar gyfer gwasanaethau teleffon. Fodd bynnag, rydym ni'n gweithio gyda nhw, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda Phwyllgor Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol Cymru, gan gynnwys drwy gyllid ychwanegol, i geisio gwneud perfformiad y system gyfan cystal ag y mae ar gyfer y gorau. Ac rwy'n gwybod, o'r gwaith y mae hi wedi ei wneud yn ei hetholaeth ei hun, y gwnaeth hi ei rannu â mi, ei bod hi wedi dod o hyd i rai enghreifftiau da iawn lle mae pobl yn teimlo bod y gwasanaeth y maen nhw'n ei gael gan eu meddygfa eu hunain yn diwallu eu hanghenion yn dda iawn. Nawr mae angen i'r gweddill fod yn yr un sefyllfa.
2. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bargen deg i staff gofal cymdeithasol? OQ57009
2. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to deliver a fair deal for social care staff? OQ57009

I thank Carolyn Thomas, Llywydd, for that question. Last year, we convened the social care fair work forum, to look at how the terms and conditions of the workforce can be improved. We are committed to paying social care workers the real living wage in this Senedd term and are working with partners to take this forward.
Diolch i Carolyn Thomas, Llywydd, am y cwestiwn yna. Y llynedd, fe wnaethom ni gynnull y fforwm gwaith teg gofal cymdeithasol, i edrych ar sut y gellir gwella telerau ac amodau'r gweithlu. Rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i dalu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yn ystod y tymor Senedd hwn ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda phartneriaid i fwrw ymlaen â hyn.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. I welcome the Welsh Labour Government's commitment to creating a stronger and better-paid workforce, and in particular the decision that care workers should be paid the real living wage and that this will be delivered during the current Senedd. I have been contacted by residents working in the sector who love their job, but the last few years have understandably taken a toll. One constituent in particular explained that, last year, she had worked Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day with no enhancement of pay. Can you reassure these residents that this Welsh Government is fully committed to improving working conditions, as well as pay, for those working in the social care sector in Wales, so that they can continue to provide the exemplary care they are relied upon for and that they really enjoy doing? Thank you.
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Rwy'n croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru i greu gweithlu cryfach sy'n cael ei dalu yn well, ac yn arbennig y penderfyniad y dylid talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal ac y bydd hyn yn cael ei gyflawni yn ystod y Senedd bresennol. Mae trigolion sy'n gweithio yn y sector wedi cysylltu â mi gan ddweud eu bod yn caru eu swydd, ond yn ddealladwy, mae'r blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi cael effaith. Eglurodd un etholwr yn benodol ei bod hi wedi gweithio, y llynedd, Noswyl Nadolig, Dydd Nadolig, Gŵyl San Steffan, Nos Galan a Dydd Calan heb gyflog ychwanegol. A wnewch chi roi sicrwydd i'r trigolion hyn bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo yn llwyr i wella amodau gwaith, yn ogystal â thâl, i'r rhai sy'n gweithio yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, fel y gallan nhw barhau i ddarparu'r gofal rhagorol y dibynnir arnyn nhw amdano ac y maen nhw wir yn mwynhau ei wneud? Diolch.

Llywydd, I think Carolyn Thomas makes a very important point. We are committed to the real living wage in the social care sector and to funding it. But the challenge of recruiting and retaining the skilled workforce in social care is more than simply a pay issue. It does, quite definitely, depend upon decent working terms and conditions being offered to people who do this vitally important work. Now, back in 2017, the Senedd legislated to deal with some of the most egregious examples of where terms and conditions were not being observed, including—some Members will be familiar with this—what's called the 'clipping' practice, and we legislated to put regulations around the practice of zero-hours contracts in the system. And, indeed, over the pandemic, the Welsh Government has funded proper sick pay for social care workers because we knew that anything up to 80 per cent of employers did not provide occupational sick pay in this sector.
Now, the social care fair work forum is looking at the wider package of reforms that are needed if people in this sector are to be properly valued and retained. And we know that in a very, very diverse workforce there are some employers who do absolutely the right thing by their employees, and we know that there are those who continue, for example, to ask their employees to pay for the costs of their own uniforms, to pay for the costs of their own DBS checks. And in a sector where we have to work harder to make sure that we're able to make those jobs attractive to people, there still are practices that do not support that sector-wide requirement. So, our ambition is to work with the best employers, and there are many of them, in the sector, and then to persuade the rest of the employers in social care that, alongside the money the Welsh Government will invest on paying the real living wage, they have to do more to make sure that the terms and conditions under which people are employed continue to attract people into this vital work.
Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod Carolyn Thomas yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn. Rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol ac i'w ariannu. Ond mae'r her o recriwtio a chadw'r gweithlu medrus ym maes gofal cymdeithasol yn fwy na mater o gyflog yn unig. Mae yn dibynnu, yn bendant, ar gynnig telerau ac amodau gwaith addas i bobl sy'n gwneud y gwaith hanfodol bwysig hwn. Nawr, yn ôl yn 2017, deddfodd y Senedd i ymdrin â rhai o'r enghreifftiau mwyaf dybryd o le nad oedd telerau ac amodau yn cael eu bodloni, gan gynnwys—bydd rhai Aelodau yn gyfarwydd â hyn—yr hyn a elwir yn arfer 'clipio', ac fe wnaethom ni ddeddfu i wneud rheoliadau yn gysylltiedig â'r arfer o gontractau dim oriau yn y system. Ac, yn wir, dros y pandemig, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ariannu tâl salwch priodol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol gan ein bod ni'n gwybod nad oedd unrhyw beth hyd at 80 y cant o gyflogwyr yn darparu tâl salwch galwedigaethol yn y sector hwn.
Nawr, mae'r fforwm gwaith teg gofal cymdeithasol yn edrych ar y pecyn ehangach o ddiwygiadau sydd eu hangen os yw pobl yn y sector hwn yn mynd i gael eu gwerthfawrogi a'u cadw yn briodol. Ac rydym ni'n gwybod bod rhai cyflogwyr mewn gweithlu amrywiol dros ben sy'n sicr yn gwneud y peth iawn dros eu gweithwyr, ac rydym ni'n gwybod bod rhai sy'n parhau, er enghraifft, i ofyn i'w gweithwyr dalu am gostau eu gwisgoedd eu hunain, i dalu am gostau eu gwiriadau Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd eu hunain. Ac mewn sector lle mae'n rhaid i ni weithio yn galetach i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gallu gwneud y swyddi hynny yn ddeniadol i bobl, ceir arferion o hyd nad ydyn nhw'n cefnogi'r gofyniad sector cyfan hwnnw. Felly, ein huchelgais yw gweithio gyda'r cyflogwyr gorau yn y sector, ac mae llawer ohonyn nhw yn bodoli, ac yna perswadio gweddill y cyflogwyr ym maes gofal cymdeithasol bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw wneud mwy, ochr yn ochr â'r arian y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei fuddsoddi mewn talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol, i wneud yn siŵr bod telerau ac amodau cyflogaeth pobl yn parhau i ddenu pobl i'r gwaith hanfodol hwn.
First Minister, one of the things that has been welcomed by my party is the social care financial payment—the bonus payment—which, of course, many people are receiving in their pay packets this month. But those bonus payments must get through to everybody who is part of that social care workforce, who's been working on the front line during the pandemic, and that includes advocacy workers who are not employed directly by local authorities. Unfortunately, I've been informed by Dewis—the Dewis Centre for Independent Living, which has offices in my constituency, in Colwyn Bay, provides advocacy services to people with mental health problems and disabilities across the whole of Conwy and Denbighshire—that its advocates are not eligible for the bonus payment, while people in neighbouring local authorities who are advocates but work for the local authority are receiving these payments. That, to me, doesn't seem like a very level playing field. Can I ask, First Minister, will you look into this in order that those people who have been doing valuable work, going into people's homes at very difficult times during the pandemic, do have the opportunity to benefit from these bonus payments in recognition of their work?
Prif Weinidog, un o'r pethau sydd wedi cael eu croesawu gan fy mhlaid i yw'r taliad ariannol ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol—y taliad bonws—y mae llawer o bobl, wrth gwrs, yn ei gael yn eu pecynnau cyflog y mis hwn. Ond mae'n rhaid i'r taliadau bonws hynny gyrraedd pawb sy'n rhan o'r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol hwnnw, sydd wedi bod yn gweithio ar y rheng flaen yn ystod y pandemig, ac mae hynny yn cynnwys gweithwyr eiriolaeth nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu cyflogi yn uniongyrchol gan awdurdodau lleol. Yn anffodus, rwyf i wedi cael gwybod gan Dewis—mae Canolfan Byw Annibynnol Dewis, sydd â swyddfeydd yn fy etholaeth i, ym Mae Colwyn, yn darparu gwasanaethau eiriolaeth i bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl ac anableddau ledled Conwy a sir Ddinbych gyfan—nad yw ei heiriolwyr yn gymwys i gael y taliad bonws, ond bod pobl mewn awdurdodau lleol cyfagos sy'n eiriolwyr ond yn gweithio i'r awdurdod lleol yn derbyn y taliadau hyn. Nid yw hynny, yn fy marn i, yn ymddangos fel chwarae teg iawn. A gaf i ofyn, Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymchwilio i hyn er mwyn i'r bobl hynny sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith gwerthfawr, yn mynd i gartrefi pobl ar adegau anodd iawn yn ystod y pandemig, gael y cyfle i elwa ar y taliadau bonws hyn i gydnabod eu gwaith?

Well, Llywydd, the Welsh Government was very pleased to be able to provide a payment of £500 early in the pandemic, and £735 later in the pandemic—£735 because we failed to persuade the UK Government to allow that payment to be made without it being subject to tax and national insurance contributions. Sixty-four thousand workers in the sector have benefited from those payments. I am, of course, willing to look into any anomaly, and I'll take up the point that the Member has made specifically, while endorsing the point he originally made about the recognition that those payments were designed to give to people who do these jobs for us here in Wales.FootnoteLink
Wel, Llywydd, roedd Llywodraeth Cymru yn falch iawn o allu darparu taliad o £500 yn gynnar yn y pandemig, a £735 yn ddiweddarach yn y pandemig—£735 gan ein bod ni wedi methu â pherswadio Llywodraeth y DU i ganiatáu i'r taliad hwnnw gael ei wneud heb iddo fod yn destun cyfraniadau treth ac yswiriant gwladol. Mae 64,000 o weithwyr yn y sector wedi elwa ar y taliadau hynny. Rwyf i, wrth gwrs, yn fodlon ymchwilio i unrhyw anghysondeb, a byddaf i'n nodi'r pwynt y mae'r Aelod wedi ei wneud yn benodol, wrth gymeradwyo'r pwynt a wnaeth yn wreiddiol am y gydnabyddiaeth y bwriadwyd i'r taliadau hynny ei rhoi i bobl sy'n gwneud y swyddi hyn i ni yma yng Nghymru.FootnoteLink
When I raised the issue of reduced day-care centre provision in Caerphilly County Borough Council for disabled adults and the implications this has for clients, their families and staff, you referred the matter to Caerphilly County Borough Council. Well, it may be a coincidence, but the Labour administration there decided to take a step back and consult properly on the matter. The old Welsh idiom of taro'r post i'r pared glywed springs to mind. You will also be pleased to hear that my colleague Delyth Jewell and I met with the council leader and the cabinet member for social services on this matter yesterday. During that meeting, it was stressed by them that the recruitment of social care staff is difficult and will continue to be so until there is parity between their wages and NHS staff. Can you accelerate your plans for fairer pay for social care workers in light of household budgets being squeezed and winter fuel prices increasing?
Pan godais y mater o lai o ddarpariaeth canolfannau gofal dydd yng Nghyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili ar gyfer oedolion anabl a goblygiadau hyn i gleientiaid, eu teuluoedd a'u staff, fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio'r mater at Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili. Wel, efallai ei fod yn gyd-ddigwyddiad, ond penderfynodd y weinyddiaeth Lafur yno gymryd cam yn ôl ac ymgynghori yn iawn ar y mater. Mae'r hen idiom Cymraeg 'taro'r post i'r pared glywed' yn dod i'r meddwl. Byddwch chi hefyd yn falch o glywed bod fy nghyd-Aelod Delyth Jewell a minnau wedi cyfarfod ag arweinydd y cyngor a'r aelod cabinet dros wasanaethau cymdeithasol ar y mater hwn ddoe. Yn ystod y cyfarfod hwnnw, fe wnaethon nhw bwysleisio bod recriwtio staff gofal cymdeithasol yn anodd ac y bydd yn parhau i fod felly tan fod cydraddoldeb rhwng eu cyflogau nhw a rhai staff y GIG. A wnewch chi gyflymu eich cynlluniau ar gyfer tâl tecach i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yng ngoleuni'r ffaith bod cyllidebau aelwydydd o dan bwysau a bod prisiau tanwydd y gaeaf yn cynyddu?

I certainly agree that people who work in the sector will feel the impact of the failures of the UK Government to contain the rises in energy prices, in food prices, and to have had a workable plan for the way in which the United Kingdom has withdrawn from the European Union. The Welsh Government led a successful recruitment campaign for social care workers in August and September, and I've seen the encouraging results of that campaign, encouraging enough for us to want to use the campaign again at the end of this month and into the autumn and winter to try to do everything we can to bring the many benefits that people who work in the sector feel from the important work that they do. We want to roll out a real living wage, but we will wait for the advice of the social care fair work forum in doing that, because we need to be confident that the money that the public purse will provide will make its way directly into the pay packets of those who it is intended to advantage.
Rwy'n sicr yn cytuno y bydd pobl sy'n gweithio yn y sector yn teimlo effaith methiannau Llywodraeth y DU i reoli'r cynnydd i brisiau ynni, i brisiau bwyd, ac i fod â chynllun ymarferol ar gyfer y ffordd y mae'r Deyrnas Unedig wedi ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Arweiniodd Llywodraeth Cymru ymgyrch recriwtio lwyddiannus ar gyfer gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol ym mis Awst a mis Medi, ac rwyf i wedi gweld canlyniadau calonogol yr ymgyrch honno, digon calonogol i ni fod eisiau defnyddio'r ymgyrch eto ddiwedd y mis hwn a thua'r hydref a'r gaeaf i geisio gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i gyflwyno'r manteision niferus y mae pobl sy'n gweithio yn y sector yn eu teimlo o'r gwaith pwysig y maen nhw'n ei wneud. Rydym ni eisiau cyflwyno cyflog byw gwirioneddol, ond byddwn yn aros am gyngor y fforwm gwaith teg gofal cymdeithasol o ran gwneud hynny, gan fod angen i ni fod yn hyderus y bydd yr arian y bydd pwrs y wlad yn ei ddarparu yn mynd yn uniongyrchol i becynnau cyflog y rhai y bwriedir iddyn nhw fod o fantais iddyn nhw.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Ar ran y Ceidwadwyr, Paul Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. On behalf of the Conservatives, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, last Sunday was World Mental Health Day, and before I go on to ask my questions, I'm sure that you and everyone in this Chamber will join me in sending our very best wishes to our colleague Andrew R.T. Davies as he takes some time now to focus on his own health.
I appreciate that the Welsh Government has provided some additional funding to reprioritise mental health in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the fact remains that some people have been without face-to-face appointments for several months now, and some have been unable to access specialist support. I appreciate that there will be a statement later today on the 'Together For Mental Health' delivery plan, but can you tell us what targeted action the Welsh Government is now taking to ensure that those who need support and assistance can access services wherever they live in Wales?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, roedd hi'n Ddiwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd ddydd Sul diwethaf, a chyn i mi symud ymlaen i ofyn fy nghwestiynau, rwy'n siŵr y gwnewch chi a phawb yn y Siambr hon ymuno â mi i anfon ein dymuniadau gorau i'n cyd-Aelod Andrew R.T. Davies wrth iddo gymryd ychydig o amser nawr i ganolbwyntio ar ei iechyd ei hun.
Rwy'n sylweddoli bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu rhywfaint o gyllid ychwanegol i ail-flaenoriaethu iechyd meddwl yng ngoleuni pandemig COVID-19. Fodd bynnag, y gwir amdani o hyd yw bod rhai pobl wedi bod heb apwyntiadau wyneb yn wyneb ers sawl mis bellach, ac nid yw rhai wedi gallu cael gafael ar gymorth arbenigol. Rwy'n sylweddoli y bydd datganiad yn ddiweddarach heddiw ar gynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl', ond a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa gamau wedi eu targedu y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd bellach i sicrhau y gall y rhai y mae angen cymorth a chefnogaeth arnyn nhw gael mynediad at wasanaethau lle bynnag y maen nhw'n byw yng Nghymru?

I thank Paul Davies for that question, and of course I very much associate myself with what he said in sending our very best wishes on behalf of the Welsh Government and the Labour Party to the leader of the opposition. I hope to see him back in his place in the Chamber as swiftly as he feels able to do that.
The general point that Paul Davies raises is an important one: it was World Mental Health Day, as he said, at the weekend. Mental health remains the single largest budget line in the whole of the NHS in Wales, and our health boards generally overspend the amount of money that is allocated to them for that purpose. What we tried to do during the pandemic was to strengthen those no-referral services, those primary and preventative services that people can get to without having to go through a gatekeeper in the first place, and to get help when they first feel the need to do so. We're particularly focused on that with young people, as the Member will know, in our increased investment in school counselling, in the work that we've done with the youth service to make sure workers there are as prepared as they can be to respond to the needs of young people, and in our commitment to the whole-school approach.
The demand for mental health services has risen significantly during the pandemic and the ability to provide those services face to face has to take into account the clinical conditions in which the service operates. But I believe that throughout Wales, there are very dedicated and determined people who work in the service trying to do exactly what Paul Davies has suggested.
Diolch i Paul Davies am y cwestiwn yna, ac wrth gwrs rwyf i'n sicr yn cysylltu fy hun â'r hyn a ddywedodd o ran anfon ein dymuniadau gorau ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Blaid Lafur at arweinydd yr wrthblaid. Rwy'n gobeithio ei weld yn ôl yn ei le yn y Siambr cyn gynted ag y mae'n teimlo y gall wneud hynny.
Mae'r pwynt cyffredinol y mae Paul Davies yn ei godi yn un pwysig: roedd hi'n Ddiwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd, fel y dywedodd, dros y penwythnos. Iechyd meddwl yw'r llinell gyllideb fwyaf o hyd yn y GIG cyfan yng Nghymru, ac yn gyffredinol mae ein byrddau iechyd yn gorwario'r swm o arian sy'n cael ei ddyrannu iddyn nhw at y diben hwnnw. Yr hyn y gwnaethom ni geisio ei wneud yn ystod y pandemig oedd cryfhau'r gwasanaethau dim atgyfeiriadau hynny, y gwasanaethau sylfaenol ac ataliol hynny y gall pobl eu cyrraedd heb orfod mynd drwy borthgeidwad yn y lle cyntaf, a chael cymorth pan fyddan nhw'n teimlo'r angen i wneud hynny gyntaf. Rydym ni'n canolbwyntio yn benodol ar hynny gyda phobl ifanc, fel y bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod, yn ein buddsoddiad cynyddol mewn cwnsela mewn ysgolion, yn y gwaith yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud gyda'r gwasanaeth ieuenctid i wneud yn siŵr bod gweithwyr yno mor barod ag y gallan nhw fod i ymateb i anghenion pobl ifanc, ac yn ein hymrwymiad i'r dull ysgol gyfan.
Mae'r galw am wasanaethau iechyd meddwl wedi cynyddu yn sylweddol yn ystod y pandemig ac mae'n rhaid i'r gallu i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau hynny wyneb yn wyneb ystyried yr amodau clinigol y mae'r gwasanaeth yn gweithredu ynddyn nhw. Ond rwy'n credu bod pobl ymroddedig a phenderfynol iawn ledled Cymru sy'n gweithio yn y gwasanaeth yn ceisio gwneud yn union yr hyn y mae Paul Davies wedi ei awgrymu.
First Minister, as you will be aware, as well as struggling to access mental health services, there are also people across Wales who are really struggling to access their GP, as mentioned earlier on in this session. The pandemic has exposed the fact that there are not enough doctors and staff in primary care. Whilst I understand that there has been recruitment activity taking place, that's of little comfort to those patients waiting day in, day out to book an appointment to see their GP. I accept what you said earlier, that the picture is mixed, but many are left waiting for up to an hour or even longer on the phone to speak to someone, and when they finally get through they are often told there are no available appointments, and to call back the following day.
We know that there has been a reduction in the number of GPs; according to the Welsh Government's own data, between 2018 and 2020, there has been a reduction in the number of GPs per 10,000 of population in three out of seven of our health boards—in Betsi Cadwaladr, Powys and Aneurin Bevan health boards. So, First Minister, with the population numbers in those areas growing over the same period, what assessment have you made of the impact the reduction of GPs in those areas has had on patient care?
Prif Weinidog, fel y byddwch chi'n ymwybodol, yn ogystal â chael trafferth yn cael gafael ar wasanaethau iechyd meddwl, ceir pobl ledled Cymru sy'n cael trafferth fawr yn cael gafael ar eu meddyg teulu hefyd, fel y soniwyd yn gynharach yn y sesiwn hon. Mae'r pandemig wedi amlygu'r ffaith nad oes digon o feddygon a staff ym maes gofal sylfaenol. Er fy mod i'n deall bod gweithgarwch recriwtio wedi digwydd, nid yw hynny'n fawr o gysur i'r cleifion hynny sy'n aros ddydd ar ôl dydd i drefnu apwyntiad i weld eu meddyg teulu. Rwy'n derbyn yr hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud yn gynharach, bod y darlun yn gymysg, ond mae llawer yn cael eu gadael yn aros am hyd at awr neu hyd yn oed yn hirach ar y ffôn i siarad â rhywun, a phan fyddan nhw'n cael ateb o'r diwedd, dywedir wrthyn nhw yn aml nad oes unrhyw apwyntiadau ar gael, ac i ffonio eto y diwrnod canlynol.
Rydym ni'n gwybod y bu gostyngiad i nifer y meddygon teulu; yn ôl data Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun, rhwng 2018 a 2020, bu gostyngiad i nifer y meddygon teulu fesul 10,000 o'r boblogaeth yn nhri o'n saith bwrdd iechyd—ym myrddau iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr, Powys ac Aneurin Bevan. Felly, Prif Weinidog, gyda'r niferoedd poblogaeth yn yr ardaloedd hynny yn tyfu dros yr un cyfnod, pa asesiad ydych chi wedi ei wneud o'r effaith y mae'r gostyngiad i nifer y meddygon teulu yn yr ardaloedd hynny wedi ei chael ar ofal cleifion?

The assessment that the Welsh Government makes is that the future of primary care cannot depend on GPs alone. The nature of the GP population is changing. The sorts of contracts that people emerging into the world of primary care wish to take up are changing, and we have to change with it. We have to change with it primarily by expanding the range of professional voices who are able to provide primary care services. A focus exclusively on GPs will not give us the sustainable future for primary care that we need here in Wales.
GPs remain fundamental to that primary care team—leading it, responsible for clinical standards, making sure that they see those people who only a GP can see. But at the same time, they will oversee broader teams involving physiotherapists, pharmacists, advanced practice nurses and paramedic professionals, all of whom are able to provide a clinically effective service to people who need a primary care contact. That is the way in which we will find a future for primary care that meets the needs of the Welsh population and that, through that mix of professionals who will be at the front line, can make sure that the right sort of help is available to the patient far quicker than if we were simply to be relying on the model that has served us well up until now, but that is reaching the end of its exclusive usefulness.
Yr asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud yw na all dyfodol gofal sylfaenol ddibynnu ar feddygon teulu yn unig. Mae natur y boblogaeth meddygon teulu yn newid. Mae'r mathau o gontractau y mae pobl sy'n cyrraedd y byd gofal sylfaenol yn dymuno manteisio arnyn nhw yn newid, ac mae'n rhaid i ni newid gyda nhw. Mae'n rhaid i ni newid gyda nhw yn bennaf drwy ehangu'r amrywiaeth o leisiau proffesiynol sy'n gallu darparu gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol. Ni fydd canolbwyntio ar feddygon teulu yn unig yn rhoi i ni y dyfodol cynaliadwy ar gyfer gofal sylfaenol sydd ei angen arnom ni yma yng Nghymru.
Mae meddygon teulu yn parhau i fod yn hanfodol i'r tîm gofal sylfaenol hwnnw—ei arwain, yn gyfrifol am safonau clinigol, gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gweld y bobl hynny dim ond meddyg teulu sy'n gallu eu gweld. Ond ar yr un pryd, byddan nhw'n goruchwylio timau ehangach sy'n cynnwys ffisiotherapyddion, fferyllwyr, nyrsys practis uwch a gweithwyr parafeddygol proffesiynol, y mae pob un ohonyn nhw'n gallu darparu gwasanaeth sy'n effeithiol yn glinigol i bobl y mae angen cyswllt gofal sylfaenol arnyn nhw. Dyna'r ffordd y byddwn ni'n dod o hyd i ddyfodol ar gyfer gofal sylfaenol sy'n diwallu anghenion poblogaeth Cymru ac a all, drwy'r cymysgedd hwnnw o weithwyr proffesiynol a fydd ar y rheng flaen, wneud yn siŵr bod y math cywir o gymorth ar gael i'r claf yn llawer cyflymach na phe baem ni'n dibynnu yn syml ar y model sydd wedi ein gwasanaethu ni yn dda hyd yma, ond sy'n cyrraedd diwedd ei ddefnyddioldeb unigryw.
First Minister, there is a serious issue here for patients trying to get access to their GPs. Mair Hopkin from the Royal College of General Practitioners has said that the crisis in GP surgeries actually predated COVID, with a lot of patients finding it difficult to get an appointment before the pandemic, and having to wait several weeks for an appointment. We've heard from Dr Phil White, chairman of the BMA's Welsh GP committee—he's said that problems were developing before COVID, with more GPs being lost to early retirement. And doctors themselves have highlighted the impact that this has on the whole system—doctors like Dr Oelmann, a GP at Clark Avenue surgery in Cwmbran, who has made it clear that it's not just GPs, it's right through the system. There are backlogs in secondary care, the ambulance service, social care. He's right to say that everything is interlinked, and that none of it can be viewed in isolation. It goes around in a circle and becomes more and more difficult for staff, and indeed for patients. Therefore, First Minister, do you accept the view of the Royal College of GPs that the crisis in GP surgeries predates COVID? And, given the impact the pandemic has had, what urgent steps will your Government take to specifically address the development of primary care in this parliamentary term? Given that one of your Government aims set out in the 'A Healthier Wales' review was to improve the experience and quality of care for individuals and families, how will you achieve this if the number of GPs continues to decline, and our population continues to grow?
Prif Weinidog, mae problem ddifrifol yma i gleifion sy'n ceisio cael gafael ar eu meddygon teulu. Mae Mair Hopkin o Goleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol wedi dweud bod yr argyfwng mewn meddygfeydd teulu wedi rhagflaenu COVID mewn gwirionedd, gyda llawer o gleifion yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael apwyntiad cyn y pandemig, ac yn gorfod aros sawl wythnos am apwyntiad. Rydym ni wedi clywed gan Dr Phil White, cadeirydd pwyllgor ymarferwyr cyffredinol Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain—mae wedi dweud y bu problemau yn datblygu cyn COVID, yn sgil colli mwy o feddygon teulu i ymddeoliad cynnar. Ac mae meddygon eu hunain wedi tynnu sylw at yr effaith y mae hyn yn ei chael ar y system gyfan—meddygon fel Dr Oelmann, meddyg teulu ym meddygfa Clark Avenue yng Nghwmbrân, sydd wedi ei gwneud yn eglur nad mater o feddygon teulu yn unig ydyw, ei fod drwy'r system gyfan. Mae ôl-groniadau ym maes gofal eilaidd, y gwasanaeth ambiwlans, gofal cymdeithasol. Mae'n iawn wrth ddweud bod popeth wedi ei gysylltu, ac na ellir ystyried dim ohono ar ei ben ei hun. Mae'n mynd o gwmpas mewn cylch ac yn mynd yn fwy ac yn fwy anodd i staff, ac yn wir i gleifion. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n derbyn barn Coleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol bod yr argyfwng mewn meddygfeydd teulu yn rhagflaenu COVID? Ac, o ystyried yr effaith y mae'r pandemig wedi ei chael, pa gamau brys wnaiff eich Llywodraeth chi eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael yn benodol â datblygu gofal sylfaenol yn y tymor seneddol hwn? O gofio mai un o nodau eich Llywodraeth chi a nodwyd yn adolygiad 'Cymru Iachach' oedd gwella profiad ac ansawdd y gofal i unigolion a theuluoedd, sut byddwch chi'n cyflawni hyn os bydd nifer y meddygon teulu yn parhau i ostwng, a'n poblogaeth yn parhau i dyfu?

I agree with what the Member says about the pressures that there are on the system, and they are in all parts of the system. Many GPs have chosen to take early retirement because of the changes in their pension arrangements that his Government at Westminster introduced, which meant that it was simply financially not sensible for them to continue in the jobs that they had done. We have urged the UK Government many times to remove the perverse incentives that have led to some people taking themselves out of the workforce earlier than they otherwise would have done.
The future of GP services—GPs in that narrow sense—lies in our ability to recruit more people into the profession, and to train here in Wales. He'll be well aware of the very healthy figures that we have achieved in recent times in reaching and overreaching the targets that we had set for GP trainees in Wales. I think in an answer to a question last week I explained how the number of GP trainees in north Wales was to be raised again next year. GPs by themselves are not the whole answer to primary care, in the way that I've described already, Llywydd, and what we will do as a Government is to invest in that wider set of professionals, changing the nature of primary care, bringing it into line with the way in which people who work in it see their futures as professional workers here in Wales, providing them with the twenty-first century surgeries that we are committed to in our manifesto, and continuing to celebrate the efforts that day in, day out see thousands and thousands of people successfully treated by primary care clinicians in Wales every single day.
Rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud am y pwysau sydd ar y system, ac maen nhw ym mhob rhan o'r system. Mae llawer o feddygon teulu wedi dewis ymddeol yn gynnar oherwydd y newidiadau i'w trefniadau pensiwn a gyflwynwyd gan ei Lywodraeth ef yn San Steffan, a oedd yn golygu nad oedd yn synhwyrol yn ariannol iddyn nhw barhau yn y swyddi yr oedden nhw wedi eu gwneud. Rydym ni wedi annog Llywodraeth y DU droeon i gael gwared ar y cymhellion gwrthnysig sydd wedi arwain at rai pobl yn tynnu eu hunain o'r gweithlu yn gynharach nag y bydden nhw wedi ei wneud fel arall.
Mae dyfodol gwasanaethau meddygon teulu—meddygon teulu yn yr ystyr gul honno—wedi ei seilio ar ein gallu i recriwtio mwy o bobl i'r proffesiwn, ac i hyfforddi yma yng Nghymru. Bydd yn ymwybodol iawn o'r ffigurau iach iawn rydym ni wedi eu sicrhau yn ddiweddar o ran cyrraedd a rhagori ar y targedau roeddem ni wedi eu gosod ar gyfer meddygon teulu dan hyfforddiant yng Nghymru. Rwy'n credu mewn ateb i gwestiwn yr wythnos diwethaf i mi esbonio sut y byddai nifer y meddygon teulu dan hyfforddiant yn y gogledd yn cael ei chynyddu eto y flwyddyn nesaf. Nid meddygon teulu yn unig yw'r ateb cyfan i ofal sylfaenol, yn y ffordd yr wyf i wedi ei disgrifio eisoes, Llywydd, a'r hyn y byddwn ni'n ei wneud fel Llywodraeth yw buddsoddi yn y gronfa ehangach honno o weithwyr proffesiynol, gan newid natur gofal sylfaenol, sicrhau ei fod yn cyd-fynd â'r ffordd y mae pobl sy'n gweithio yn y maes yn ystyried eu dyfodol fel gweithwyr proffesiynol yma yng Nghymru, darparu meddygfeydd yr unfed ganrif ar hugain ar eu cyfer yn unol â'n hymrwymiad ymrwymo iddyn nhw yn ein maniffesto, a pharhau i ddathlu'r ymdrechion sy'n golygu bod miloedd ar filoedd o bobl, ddydd ar ôl dydd, yn cael eu trin yn llwyddiannus gan glinigwyr gofal sylfaenol yng Nghymru bob un dydd.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.

Thank you, Llywydd. Can I at the outset on behalf of my party also send our messages of support to Andrew R.T. Davies? Many people will have taken courage and inspiration from him speaking openly about the challenges that he's facing with his own mental and emotional well-being, something, of course, that many of us will face at different times in our life.
First Minister, MPs at Westminster have today described the UK's pandemic response as one of the worst public health failures in UK history. I agree with that damning assessment. First Minister, do you?
Diolch, Llywydd. I ddechrau, a gaf i ar ran fy mhlaid hefyd anfon ein negeseuon o gefnogaeth at Andrew R.T. Davies? Bydd llawer o bobl wedi cael eu calonogi a'u hysbrydoli ganddo yn siarad yn agored am yr heriau y mae'n eu hwynebu gyda'i les meddwl ac emosiynol ei hun, rhywbeth, wrth gwrs, y bydd llawer ohonom ni'n eu hwynebu ar wahanol adegau yn ein bywydau.
Prif Weinidog, mae ASau yn San Steffan heddiw wedi disgrifio ymateb y DU i'r pandemig fel un o'r methiannau iechyd cyhoeddus gwaethaf yn hanes y DU. Rwy'n cytuno â'r asesiad damniol hwnnw. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi?

I've not had an opportunity to read the report published today. I've seen newspaper accounts of it. It is clearly a report that merits proper consideration, and I plan to do that. I'm not in a position to endorse or deny any verdicts that Members of Parliament came to until I've had an opportunity to study what they've had to say in more detail than I've had an opportunity to do so far.
Nid wyf i wedi cael cyfle i ddarllen yr adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd heddiw. Rwyf i wedi gweld adroddiadau papur newydd arno. Mae'n amlwg yn adroddiad sy'n haeddu ystyriaeth briodol, ac rwy'n bwriadu gwneud hynny. Nid wyf i mewn sefyllfa i gymeradwyo na gwadu unrhyw ddyfarniadau y mae Aelodau Seneddol wedi eu gwneud nes y byddaf i wedi cael cyfle i astudio'r hyn a fu ganddyn nhw i'w ddweud yn fanylach nag yr wyf i wedi cael cyfle i'w wneud hyd yn hyn.
First Minister, among the report's many findings is its conclusion that the decision by both the UK and the Welsh Government to abandon community testing against World Health Organization advice on 12 March 2020 was a fatal error that cost many lives. Notwithstanding the fact that you haven't had the opportunity to study the report, do you acknowledge that general criticism? Do you accept that it would have been better during that early phase of the pandemic to have followed your own policy in Wales, independent of Westminster, in relation to this, as you did indeed do on so many other matters in the later stages with considerable success?
Prif Weinidog, ymysg canfyddiadau niferus yr adroddiad mae ei gasgliad bod penderfyniad Llywodraethau'r DU a Chymru i roi'r gorau i brofion cymunedol yn erbyn cyngor Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd ar 12 Mawrth 2020 yn gamgymeriad angheuol a arweiniodd at golli llawer o fywydau. Er gwaethaf y ffaith nad ydych chi wedi cael y cyfle i astudio'r adroddiad, a ydych chi'n cydnabod y feirniadaeth gyffredinol honno? A ydych chi'n derbyn y byddai wedi bod yn well yn ystod cyfnod cynnar hwnnw y pandemig i fod wedi dilyn eich polisi eich hun yng Nghymru, yn annibynnol ar San Steffan, yng nghyswllt hyn, fel y gwnaethoch chi yn wir ar gynifer o faterion eraill yn y camau diweddarach gyda chryn lwyddiant?

I thank Adam Price for that. Llywydd, I've been asked the question many times, 'Were there things that you would have done differently had you known then what you know now?' I think that that question is particularly pertinent to those very early stages of coronavirus, when so many things that we have learned since we simply weren't aware of in the way that we are now, whether that is community testing or whether it's the example I've most often given, which is: had we understood the extent to which coronavirus was already seeded through the United Kingdom, and had we understood the rapidity with which this virus would spread to other parts and to other communities, we would have acted earlier to introduce some of the measures that were only introduced in the second half of March. But we didn't know those things then. We were following the advice that we had at the time. As our knowledge grew and as we were able to make our own independent decisions because we had the knowledge base that allowed us to do so, as Adam Price says, the Welsh Government has not hesitated to take our own decisions where we thought that that was in the best interests of Wales. But at each point, I think it is fair for people to think about: what did we know then, what do we know now, and in the light of circumstances at the time, did we make the best decisions that we were able to?
Diolch i Adam Price am hynna. Llywydd, gofynnwyd y cwestiwn i mi droeon, 'A oedd pethau y byddech chi wedi eu gwneud yn wahanol pe baech chi'n gwybod bryd hynny yr hyn rydych chi'n ei wybod nawr?' Rwy'n credu bod y cwestiwn hwnnw yn arbennig o berthnasol i gamau cynnar iawn hynny y coronafeirws, pan nad oeddem ni'n ymwybodol yn yr un ffordd o gynifer o bethau yr ydym ni wedi eu dysgu ers hynny, boed hynny'n brofion cymunedol neu yr enghraifft yr wyf i wedi ei rhoi amlaf, sef: pe baem ni wedi deall i ba raddau yr oedd y coronafeirws eisoes wedi ei sefydlu drwy'r Deyrnas Unedig, ac wedi deall pa mor gyflym y byddai'r feirws hwn yn lledaenu i rannau eraill ac i gymunedau eraill, byddem ni wedi gweithredu yn gynharach i gyflwyno rhai o'r mesurau a gyflwynwyd dim ond yn ail hanner mis Mawrth. Ond doedden ni ddim yn gwybod y pethau hynny bryd hynny. Roeddem ni'n dilyn y cyngor a gawsom ni ar y pryd. Wrth i'n gwybodaeth dyfu ac wrth i ni allu gwneud ein penderfyniadau annibynnol ein hunain oherwydd bod gennym ni'r sylfaen wybodaeth a ganiataodd i ni wneud hynny, fel y mae Adam Price yn ei ddweud, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi petruso cyn gwneud ein penderfyniadau ein hunain pan oeddem ni'n credu bod hynny er budd pennaf Cymru. Ond ar bob pwynt, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg i bobl feddwl am: yr hyn yr oeddem ni'n ei wybod bryd hynny, yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wybod nawr, ac yng ngoleuni amgylchiadau ar y pryd, a wnaethom ni'r penderfyniadau gorau yr oeddem ni'n gallu eu gwneud?
I, of course, understand the point about hindsight, but I suppose the crux of the matter here was that the WHO had the foresight at the time to emphasise the importance of community testing. Indeed, I remember our party criticising the Welsh Government's decision to abandon community testing at the time, on that basis, because there was advice there that actually has been borne out in terms of its importance. In the entire 147-page report, ostensibly about the UK as a whole, Wales is mentioned I think just nine times, and the majority of those references are in the footnotes. Doesn't that make the case for Wales to have its own inquiry, because without it, if we delegate to Westminster, the experiences of the bereaved families that you met last week, First Minister, will simply be forgotten, and the lessons for Wales that should be learnt will be lost?
Rwy'n deall, wrth gwrs, y pwynt am ôl-ddoethineb, ond mae'n debyg mai craidd y mater yma oedd bod gan Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd y craffter ar y pryd i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd profion cymunedol. Yn wir, rwy'n cofio ein plaid ni yn beirniadu penderfyniad Llywodraeth Cymru i roi'r gorau i brofion cymunedol ar y pryd, ar y sail honno, oherwydd bod y cyngor yno a gadarnhawyd yn y pen draw mewn gwirionedd o ran ei bwysigrwydd. Yn 147 tudalen cyfan yr adroddiad, am y DU yn ei chyfanrwydd i bob golwg, rwy'n credu mai dim ond naw gwaith y cyfeirir at Gymru, ac mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r cyfeiriadau hynny yn y troednodiadau. Onid yw hynny yn hyrwyddo'r ddadl i Gymru gael ei hymchwiliad ei hun, oherwydd hebddo, os byddwn ni'n dirprwyo i San Steffan, bydd profiadau'r teuluoedd sydd wedi dioddef profedigaeth y gwnaethoch chi gyfarfod â nhw yr wythnos diwethaf, Prif Weinidog, yn cael eu hanghofio, a bydd y gwersi i Gymru a ddylai gael eu dysgu yn cael eu colli?

Well, Llywydd, as I've said, I've not had a proper opportunity to study the report, but even from the newspaper account that I have seen, it seemed to me to strengthen the argument for the Welsh experience to be properly investigated within the wider UK context. This report, as I understand it, was never meant to be about the experience in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, but it does set out very clearly the decisions that were made at a UK level, and without understanding that, you cannot understand the way in which decisions were made here in Wales. But let me repeat, because I know the Member has heard me say this before, that I have been very clear with the UK Government that the Welsh Government's decisions, and those taken by other relevant bodies in Wales, have to be scrutinised within a UK-wide inquiry in a full and comprehensive manner. Wales cannot and must not be an afterthought or a footnote in any UK-wide inquiry. I set out, as he knows, in my letter to Michael Gove on 10 September, a series of tests that we would apply to give us the confidence, or otherwise, that the Welsh experience was being given the attention within a UK inquiry that it needs and deserves, so that those families get the best possible answers.
Now, there are a number of tests coming up for the UK Government in this regard. I am yet to receive a reply to that letter, and I will look very carefully at it when it arrives. I'm hoping to have a face-to-face meeting with the Prime Minister within the next coming days, and I plan to use that opportunity to make these points directly to him. He has promised bereaved families that the lead of the inquiry—the judge, as I hope it will be—to oversee the inquiry, will be appointed before Christmas. I would expect Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to be properly involved in that appointment—not to read about it in a press release. So, there are a number of ways in which, over the weeks ahead, the UK Government can demonstrate that this is to be an inquiry that sets out the actions that were taken at a UK level, therefore providing the proper context to understand what happened in Wales, but has a focus on the Welsh experience, which will give confidence to people who will look to it that the actions of the Welsh Government and of others have been fully and properly scrutinised and the answers to questions that people have properly addressed in the process.
Wel, Llywydd, fel yr wyf i wedi ei ddweud, nid wyf i wedi cael cyfle iawn i astudio'r adroddiad, ond hyd yn oed o'r adroddiad papur newydd yr wyf i wedi ei weld, roedd yn ymddangos i mi ei fod yn cryfhau'r ddadl dros ymchwilio yn iawn i brofiad Cymru yng nghyd-destun ehangach y DU. Nid bwriad yr adroddiad hwn erioed, yn ôl yr hyn yr wyf i'n ei ddeall, oedd bod am y profiad yng Nghymru, yr Alban, na Gogledd Iwerddon, ond mae yn nodi yn eglur iawn y penderfyniadau a gafodd eu gwneud ar lefel y DU, a heb ddeall hynny, ni allwch chi ddeall y ffordd y cafodd penderfyniadau eu gwneud yma yng Nghymru. Ond gadewch i mi ailadrodd, oherwydd gwn fod yr Aelod wedi fy nghlywed i'n dweud hyn o'r blaen, fy mod i wedi bod yn eglur iawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU bod yn rhaid craffu ar benderfyniadau Llywodraeth Cymru, a'r rhai a wnaed gan gyrff perthnasol eraill yng Nghymru, o fewn ymchwiliad y DU gyfan mewn ffordd lawn a chynhwysfawr. Ni all ac ni ddylai Cymru fod yn ôl-ystyriaeth nac yn droednodyn mewn unrhyw ymchwiliad y DU gyfan. Nodais, fel y mae'n gwybod, yn fy llythyr at Michael Gove ar 10 Medi, gyfres o brofion y byddem ni'n eu defnyddio i roi'r hyder i ni, neu fel arall, fod profiad Cymru yn cael y sylw o fewn ymchwiliad ar lefel y DU y mae ei angen ac yn ei haeddu, fel bod y teuluoedd hynny yn cael yr atebion gorau posibl.
Nawr, mae nifer o brofion ar y gorwel i Lywodraeth y DU yn hyn o beth. Nid wyf i wedi cael ateb i'r llythyr hwnnw eto, a byddaf yn edrych yn ofalus iawn arno pan fydd yn cyrraedd. Rwy'n gobeithio cael cyfarfod wyneb yn wyneb â Phrif Weinidog y DU yn ystod y diwrnodau nesaf, ac rwy'n bwriadu defnyddio'r cyfle hwnnw i wneud y pwyntiau hyn yn uniongyrchol iddo. Mae wedi addo i deuluoedd sydd wedi dioddef profedigaeth y bydd arweinydd yr ymchwiliad—rwyf i'n gobeithio mai'r barnwr fydd hynny—i oruchwylio'r ymchwiliad, yn cael ei benodi cyn y Nadolig. Byddwn i'n disgwyl i'r Alban, Cymru a Gogledd Iwerddon fod yn rhan briodol yn y penodiad hwnnw—nid darllen amdano mewn datganiad i'r wasg. Felly, ceir nifer o ffyrdd y gall Llywodraeth y DU, dros yr wythnosau nesaf, ddangos y bydd hwn yn ymchwiliad sy'n nodi'r camau a gymerwyd ar lefel y DU, gan ddarparu'r cyd-destun priodol felly i ddeall yr hyn a ddigwyddodd yng Nghymru, ond sy'n canolbwyntio ar brofiad Cymru, a fydd yn rhoi hyder i'r bobl a fydd yn edrych arno fod gweithredoedd Llywodraeth Cymru ac eraill wedi bod yn destun craffu llawn a thrwyadl a bod yr atebion i'r cwestiynau sydd gan bobl yn cael sylw priodol yn y broses.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am driniaeth canser yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ57026
3. Will the First Minister make a statement on cancer treatment in north Wales? OQ57026

Llywydd, cancer services in north Wales continue to recover from the impact of the pandemic. In July this year, for example, 374 patients started definitive cancer treatment, and that is 114 more than in the July of the previous year.
Llywydd, mae gwasanaethau canser yn y gogledd yn parhau i adfer ar ôl y pandemig. Ym mis Gorffennaf eleni, er enghraifft, dechreuodd 374 o gleifion driniaeth canser ddiffiniol, ac mae hynny 114 yn fwy nag ym mis Gorffennaf y flwyddyn gynt.
Thank you, First Minister, and I'm only sorry that I had to raise this with you today, but such are my concerns. First Minister, NHS diagnostic and therapy service waiting times for July this year show an eleven-fold increase in the number of people waiting over eight weeks for one of seven key tests used to diagnose cancer, and startlingly, one third of patients in the Betsi Cadwaladr region do not start their first definitive treatment in the month within 62 days of first being suspected of cancer. I've been really shocked recently to hear of some of my constituents and patients of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board learning that they are being informed, on some occasions, of a life-changing, devastating cancer diagnosis simply by the telephone rather than a personable face-to-face discussion, and this has caused a lot of further anxiety to my constituents. Even more troubling, I know of one constituent who, following a stage 4 terminal cancer diagnosis, was not even advised of the treatment options available at the time of this diagnosis, instead, just saying simply that a referral will be made at some stage going forward to Wrexham or Liverpool. That was until I made several representations on their behalf.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog, ac mae'n ddrwg gen i y bu'n rhaid i mi godi hyn gyda chi heddiw, ond dyna faint fy mhryderon. Prif Weinidog, mae amseroedd aros gwasanaeth diagnostig a therapi y GIG ar gyfer mis Gorffennaf eleni yn dangos cynnydd o un ar ddeg gwaith i nifer y bobl sy'n aros dros wyth wythnos am un o saith prawf allweddol a ddefnyddir i wneud diagnosis o ganser, ac yn syfrdanol, nid yw traean o gleifion yn rhanbarth Betsi Cadwaladr yn dechrau eu triniaeth ddiffiniol gyntaf yn y mis o fewn 62 diwrnod i'r amheuaeth gyntaf o fod â chanser. Rwyf i wedi cael sioc fawr yn ddiweddar o glywed am rai o fy etholwyr i a chleifion Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn darganfod eu bod nhw'n cael gwybod, ar rai achlysuron, am ddiagnosis canser ofnadwy sy'n newid bywydau, dros y ffôn yn hytrach na thrafodaeth bersonol wyneb yn wyneb, ac mae hyn wedi achosi llawer o bryder pellach i fy etholwyr i. Hyd yn oed yn fwy gofidus, rwy'n gwybod am un etholwr, yn dilyn diagnosis o ganser angheuol cam 4, na chafodd wybod hyd yn oed am yr opsiynau triniaeth a oedd ar gael ar adeg y diagnosis hwn, gan glywed yn hytrach y bydd atgyfeiriad yn cael ei wneud rywbryd yn y dyfodol i Wrecsam neu Lerpwl. Roedd hynny tan i mi gyfathrebu sawl gwaith ar ei ran.
Can you come to a question now, Janet Finch-Saunders?
A wnewch chi ddod at gwestiwn nawr, Janet Finch-Saunders?
Yes, of course.
Alongside delayed diagnoses, there is a concerning gap between diagnosis and finding that treatment. So, what steps, First Minister, will you take to ensure that you close that gap between a devastating cancer diagnosis and the treatment options available to those affected? Diolch, Llywydd.
Gallaf, wrth gwrs.
Ochr yn ochr ag oedi cyn gwneud diagnosis, ceir bwlch sy'n peri pryder rhwng diagnosis a chael y driniaeth honno. Felly, pa gamau, Prif Weinidog, wnewch chi eu cymryd i sicrhau eich bod chi'n cau'r bwlch hwnnw rhwng diagnosis ofnadwy o ganser a'r opsiynau triniaeth sydd ar gael i'r rhai y mae'n effeithio arnyn nhw? Diolch, Llywydd.

Llywydd, I thank the Member for that question. As you understand, I'm not in a position ever to comment on individual encounters between clinicians and their patients. I think there are two general points that the Member makes that I'd like to address. She's right that diagnostic services are under huge pressure. We worried on the floor of the Senedd during the pandemic about the delays in people coming forward to make their conditions known to clinicians. Thankfully, we've had some impact on that and more people are coming forward, but, of course, when they come forward in those numbers, it inevitably puts diagnostic systems under pressure. She will know that the Betsi Cadwaladr health board has recently approved a business case to pilot three rapid diagnostic centres—one in each of its three main hospitals—and that they are in the business now of recruiting the specialist nurses and the radiology time that they will need to get those diagnostic centres up and running early, as they hope, in the new year. So, I hope that that will make a difference to some of the individuals that Janet Finch-Saunders has mentioned this afternoon.
On the issue of how clinicians communicate their diagnoses to people, I don't think it's possible, in the Chamber of the Senedd, to make general rules about how that is best done. It needs to be done sensitively, of course, and it needs to be done with the best interests of the patient at the heart of it. And there will be some patients, won't there, for whom it is better for them that they have a conversation with their clinician while they're in their own homes, rather than asking them, ill as they are, to make inconvenient journeys to quite-far-away destinations where there are a lot of other very ill people, to be told what the clinician is able to tell them in a conversation in their own homes. Now, that won't suit everybody, I completely understand that, but nor do I think that it is probably right to say that everybody will prefer to make that journey to wait to see somebody to be told what they could've been told in other circumstances. It's for the clinician, with the patient, to make a judgment about the best way in which that can be done. And we have to have some trust in our clinicians that they go about that business—they're in the business of treating people with cancer, after all, that is what they've dedicated their professional lives to doing, and that they do it with that sensitivity in mind.
Llywydd, diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Fel y byddwch chi'n deall, nid wyf i byth mewn sefyllfa i wneud sylwadau am gyfarfodydd unigol rhwng clinigwyr a'u cleifion. Rwy'n credu bod dau bwynt cyffredinol y mae'r Aelod yn eu gwneud yr hoffwn i roi sylw iddyn nhw. Mae hi'n iawn bod gwasanaethau diagnostig o dan bwysau aruthrol. Roeddem ni'n poeni ar lawr y Senedd yn ystod y pandemig am yr oedi cyn i bobl ddod ymlaen i roi gwybod i glinigwyr am eu cyflyrau. Diolch byth, rydym ni wedi cael rhywfaint o effaith ar hynny ac mae mwy o bobl yn dod yn eu blaenau, ond, wrth gwrs, pan fyddan nhw'n dod yn eu blaenau yn y niferoedd hynny, mae'n anochel ei fod yn rhoi systemau diagnostig dan bwysau. Bydd hi'n gwybod bod bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr wedi cymeradwyo achos busnes yn ddiweddar i dreialu tair canolfan diagnosis cyflym—un ym mhob un o'i dri phrif ysbyty—a'u bod nhw wrthi bellach yn recriwtio'r nyrsys arbenigol a'r amser radioleg y bydd ei angen arnyn nhw i agor y canolfannau diagnostig hynny yn gynnar, fel y maen nhw'n ei obeithio, yn y flwyddyn newydd. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i rai o'r unigolion y mae Janet Finch-Saunders wedi sôn amdanyn nhw y prynhawn yma.
O ran sut y mae clinigwyr yn cyfathrebu eu diagnosis â phobl, nid wyf i'n credu ei bod hi'n bosibl, yn Siambr y Senedd, wneud rheolau cyffredinol ynghylch y ffordd orau o wneud hynny. Mae angen ei wneud mewn modd sensitif, wrth gwrs, ac mae angen ei wneud gyda budd pennaf y claf yn ganolog iddo. A bydd rhai cleifion, oni fydd, y mae'n well iddyn nhw gael sgwrs gyda'u clinigydd pan fyddan nhw yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, yn hytrach na gofyn iddyn nhw, yn sâl fel y maen nhw, i wneud teithiau anghyfleus i fannau eithaf pell i ffwrdd lle mae llawer o bobl sâl iawn eraill, i gael gwybod yr hyn y gall y clinigydd ei ddweud wrthyn nhw mewn sgwrs yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Nawr, ni fydd hynny yn addas i bawb, rwy'n deall hynny yn llwyr, ond nid wyf i chwaith yn credu ei bod hi'n iawn dweud, mae'n debyg, y bydd yn well gan bawb wneud y daith honno i aros i weld rhywun i gael gwybod yr hyn y gallen nhw fod wedi cael ei wybod o dan amgylchiadau eraill. Mater i'r clinigydd, ar y cyd â'r claf, yw penderfynu ar y ffordd orau o wneud hynny. Ac mae'n rhaid i ni gael rhywfaint o ffydd yn ein clinigwyr eu bod nhw'n mynd ati i wneud hynny—maen nhw yn y busnes o drin pobl â chanser, wedi'r cyfan, dyna'r hyn y maen nhw wedi ymroi eu bywydau proffesiynol i'w wneud, a'u bod nhw'n gwneud hynny gan ystyried y sensitifrwydd hwnnw.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gwaith a wnaed ar reilffordd Treherbert yn y Rhondda fel rhan o fetro de Cymru? OQ57029
4. Will the First Minister provide an update on the works undertaken on the Treherbert line in Rhondda as part of the south Wales metro? OQ57029

I thank Buffy Williams for that, Llywydd. The electrification and signalling work required to deliver four services per hour on new, greener trains on the Treherbert line has now started and is scheduled to be completed in mid-2023.
Diolch i Buffy Williams am hynna, Llywydd. Mae'r gwaith trydaneiddio a signalau sydd ei angen i ddarparu pedwar gwasanaeth yr awr ar drenau newydd, gwyrddach ar reilffordd Treherbert bellach wedi dechrau a disgwylir iddo gael ei gwblhau ganol 2023.
Thank you, First Minister. The metro will transform the way that we travel across south Wales, and I couldn't be happier that Rhondda will benefit from the £0.25 billion investment. We've had some real problems on the Treherbert line in the past, so a more modern, more green and more reliable service in the future will really benefit residents in Rhondda Fawr.
One of the only regions in south Wales currently excluded from the plans is Rhondda Fach. Residents in Maerdy face either a two-hour bus journey to Cardiff or the hassle of buying multiple tickets, paying over the odds for the bus and train. We have had train buses linking the Fach and Fawr in the past. What steps will the Welsh Government take to ensure that residents of Rhondda Fach benefit from the south Wales metro?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Bydd y metro yn gweddnewid y ffordd rydym ni'n teithio ar draws de Cymru, ac ni allwn i fod yn hapusach y bydd y Rhondda yn elwa ar y buddsoddiad o £0.25 biliwn. Rydym ni wedi cael problemau gwirioneddol ar reilffordd Treherbert yn y gorffennol, felly bydd gwasanaeth mwy modern, mwy gwyrdd a mwy dibynadwy yn y dyfodol o fudd gwirioneddol i drigolion Rhondda Fawr.
Un o'r unig ranbarthau yn y de sydd wedi ei eithrio o'r cynlluniau ar hyn o bryd yw Rhondda Fach. Mae trigolion y Maerdy naill ai yn wynebu taith bws o ddwy awr i Gaerdydd neu'r drafferth o brynu tocynnau lluosog, gan dalu mwy na'r angen am y bws a'r trên. Rydym ni wedi cael bysiau trên yn cysylltu'r Rhondda Fach a'r Rhondda Fawr yn y gorffennol. Pa gamau wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i sicrhau bod trigolion Rhondda Fach yn elwa ar fetro de Cymru?

I thank the Member for what she said about the impact of the work that the Welsh Government is funding on residents of Treherbert. One of the things, Llywydd, that we have certainly learnt about the metro system is that it has lifted the aspirations of many other communities wanting now to share in the investment that is already going on. I had a series of conversations with my colleague Ken Skates about the way in which we could capitalise on the excitement about the investment that the Welsh Government is making in the south Wales metro, the north Wales metro, the metro plans around Swansea, to bring other communities into that picture in the future.
I know that Transport for Wales is working on ideas to improve connectivity for Rhondda Fach, into the investment that's already being planned and delivered for people who live in Treherbert. I think I know that the—. I was told when I visited, anyway, the Taff's Well depot, where I went to see for myself some of the new rolling stock that will be deployed in south Wales, that the Member for the Rhondda was due to make a visit there as well. So, I know that she will have seen for herself the improvements that that will bring.
Of course, the Welsh Government is committed to making sure that as many communities as possible are able to benefit from what is an investment, after all, of over £700 million. I don't like to use the word 'transformation' too often, Llywydd, because I think that it is often overused. But, I genuinely think that in this case, the services will transform what is available to people in those communities.
Diolch i'r Aelod am yr hyn a ddywedodd am effaith y gwaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ariannu ar drigolion Treherbert. Un o'r pethau, Llywydd, yr ydym ni'n sicr wedi ei ddysgu am y system metro yw ei bod hi wedi codi dyheadau llawer o gymunedau eraill sy'n dymuno bellach ran o'r buddsoddiad sydd eisoes yn digwydd. Cefais i gyfres o sgyrsiau gyda fy nghyd-Weinidog Ken Skates am y ffordd y gallem ni fanteisio ar y cyffro ynghylch y buddsoddiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud ym metro de Cymru, metro gogledd Cymru, y cynlluniau metro o amgylch Abertawe, i dynnu cymunedau eraill i mewn i'r darlun hwnnw yn y dyfodol.
Rwy'n gwybod bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gweithio ar syniadau i wella cysylltedd ar gyfer Rhondda Fach, i'r buddsoddiad sydd eisoes yn cael ei gynllunio a'i ddarparu ar gyfer pobl sy'n byw yn Nhreherbert. Rwy'n credu fy mod i'n gwybod bod—. Dywedwyd wrthyf pan wnes i ymweld â depo Ffynnon Taf beth bynnag, lle es i weld drosof fy hun rai o'r cerbydau newydd a fydd yn cael eu defnyddio yn y de, fod yr Aelod dros y Rhondda i fod i ymweld yno hefyd. Felly, rwy'n gwybod y bydd hi wedi gweld drosti ei hun y gwelliannau a ddaw yn sgil hynny.
Wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i wneud yn siŵr bod cynifer o gymunedau â phosibl yn gallu elwa ar yr hyn sy'n fuddsoddiad, wedi'r cyfan, o dros £700 miliwn. Nid wyf i'n hoffi defnyddio'r gair 'gweddnewid' yn rhy aml, Llywydd, gan fy mod i'n credu ei fod yn aml yn cael ei orddefnyddio. Ond, rwyf i wir yn credu y bydd y gwasanaethau, yn yr achos hwn, yn gweddnewid yr hyn sydd ar gael i bobl yn y cymunedau hynny.
Tynnwyd cwestiwn 5 [OQ56994] yn ôl. Felly, cwestiwn 6—Russell George.
Question 6 [OQ56994] was withdrawn. Therefore, question 6—Russell George.
6. Pa gynnydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o ran datblygu cynllun strategol ar gyfer y grid ynni yn y dyfodol hyd at 2050? OQ56989
6. What progress has the Welsh Government made in developing a strategic plan for the future energy grid to 2050? OQ56989

Llywydd, Wales needs an integrated, long-term plan for the gas and electricity networks. This is essential to achieve our climate change ambitions. The tender for an independent partner to lead this work was published on 29 September, and a contractor is expected to be appointed in November.
Llywydd, mae angen cynllun hirdymor integredig ar gyfer y rhwydweithiau nwy a thrydan ar Gymru. Mae hyn yn hanfodol er mwyn cyflawni ein huchelgeisiau o ran y newid yn yr hinsawdd. Cyhoeddwyd y tendr am bartner annibynnol i arwain y gwaith hwn ar 29 Medi, a disgwylir i gontractwr gael ei benodi ym mis Tachwedd.
Diolch, Llywydd. Thank you, First Minister, for your reply. I can understand that there is a need for a planned approach to developing grid networks, and taking a strategic approach. I saw the press release from the Welsh Government last month in regard to taking a joint approach, and the Welsh Government taking a lead in terms of bringing relevant parties together to access and gather evidence, and to consider scenarios and advice. What I'm concerned about, First Minister, is that all parties are being brought together in this regard. You will be aware of the long-term history in my own constituency in regard to the mid-Wales connection project.
I think that what is important, when you do bring parties together, is that you bring all partners, including tourism groups, businesses that might be affected, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales and a number of other parties. It seems like, to date—and I hope that you will tell me that I'm wrong—the only parties involved are renewable energy companies themselves, network distributors and the National Grid. Will there be an opportunity for these other stakeholders that I have mentioned to also be involved in this piece of work that your Government is leading on?
Diolch, Llywydd. Diolch, Prif Weinidog, am eich ateb. Gallaf i ddeall bod angen dull wedi ei gynllunio o ddatblygu rhwydweithiau grid, a mabwysiadu dull strategol. Gwelais y datganiad i'r wasg gan Lywodraeth Cymru fis diwethaf ynghylch mabwysiadu dull gweithredu ar y cyd, a Llywodraeth Cymru yn arwain o ran dwyn partïon perthnasol at ei gilydd i gael gafael ar dystiolaeth a'i chasglu, ac i ystyried senarios a chyngor. Yr hyn yr wyf i'n pryderu amdano, Prif Weinidog, yw bod yr holl bartïon yn cael eu dwyn ynghyd yn hyn o beth. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol o'r hanes hirdymor yn fy etholaeth i o ran prosiect cysylltu canolbarth Cymru.
Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig, pan fyddwch chi yn dwyn partïon at ei gilydd, yw eich bod chi'n cynnwys yr holl bartneriaid, gan gynnwys grwpiau twristiaeth, busnesau y gallai effeithio arnyn nhw, yr Ymgyrch dros Ddiogelu Cymru Wledig a nifer o bartïon eraill. Mae'n ymddangos, hyd yn hyn—ac rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi ddweud wrthyf fy mod i'n anghywir—mai'r unig bartïon sy'n cymryd rhan yw'r cwmnïau ynni adnewyddadwy eu hunain, dosbarthwyr rhwydwaith a'r Grid Cenedlaethol. A fydd cyfle i'r rhanddeiliaid eraill hyn yr wyf i wedi sôn amdanyn nhw hefyd fod yn rhan o'r darn hwn o waith y mae eich Llywodraeth yn arwain arno?

I thank Russell George for that. I thank him for the question, which I think is one of the very important questions on the order paper today. Wales has suffered from the way in which the current system has developed. He will know that the way that grid developments in Wales have happened is on a bid basis. Bids are made from gas and electricity grid companies to Ofgem. These bids compete with one another for investment, and Ofgem has operated on the basis that they will only agree enhanced grid connections when the demand is already there and demonstrated. Now, the purpose of the Welsh Government's initiative is to bring those companies, those six companies, around the table with the Welsh Government and with Ofgem to plan the future. And that will have to, I think, persuade Ofgem to fund grid connections where there is anticipated demand as well as already demonstrated demand.
Now, I take the point that Russell George has made about the importance of taking a wider set of interests with us on this journey, and I think there’s a real appetite in Wales from communities and individuals to be part of the way in which we make our energy system fit for the climate change emergency that we face. I’ve been following closely the Garn Fach development that is proposed for the Member’s own constituency. I saw recently that over 400 people had replied to the pre-consultation process and that support for the Garn Fach proposals outnumbered those who had reservations about it by more than 2:1. I think that tells me that views are changing in Wales, and that people have a higher understanding today of the obligation that we all have to play our part in meeting the challenge that is already on our doorstep, and that we have to be able to do that in all parts of Wales, and there is a job of work, as the Member has said, to make sure that all voices are part of that conversation, while the conversation itself is firmly concentrated on making sure that we all do everything we can to deal with the difficulties we know this planet is already experiencing.
Diolch i Russell George am hynna. Diolch iddo am y cwestiwn, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn un o'r cwestiynau pwysig iawn ar y papur trefn heddiw. Mae Cymru wedi dioddef o'r ffordd y mae'r system bresennol wedi datblygu. Bydd yn gwybod mai'r ffordd y mae datblygiadau grid yng Nghymru wedi digwydd yw ar sail cais. Gwneir ceisiadau gan gwmnïau grid nwy a thrydan i Ofgem. Mae'r ceisiadau hyn yn cystadlu â'i gilydd am fuddsoddiad, ac mae Ofgem wedi gweithredu ar y sail y byddan nhw'n cytuno i gysylltiadau grid uwch dim ond pan fydd y galw eisoes yno ac yn cael ei ddangos. Nawr, diben menter Llywodraeth Cymru yw dod â'r cwmnïau hynny, y chwe chwmni hynny, o amgylch y bwrdd gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a gydag Ofgem i gynllunio'r dyfodol. A bydd yn rhaid i hynny, rwy'n credu, berswadio Ofgem i ariannu cysylltiadau grid lle rhagwelir y bydd galw yn ogystal â'r galw a ddangoswyd eisoes.
Nawr, rwy'n derbyn y pwynt y mae Russell George wedi ei wneud ynghylch pwysigrwydd ystyried cyfres ehangach o fuddiannau ar y daith hon, ac rwy'n credu bod awydd gwirioneddol yng Nghymru ymysg cymunedau ac unigolion i fod yn rhan o'r ffordd yr ydym ni'n gwneud ein system ynni yn addas ar gyfer yr argyfwng newid yn yr hinsawdd sy'n ein hwynebu. Rwyf i wedi bod yn dilyn yn agos ddatblygiad Garn Fach sydd wedi ei gynnig ar gyfer etholaeth yr Aelod ei hun. Gwelais yn ddiweddar fod dros 400 o bobl wedi ymateb i'r broses cyn-ymgynghori a bod y gefnogaeth i gynigion Garn Fach yn fwy na'r rhai a oedd ag amheuon yn ei gylch o fwy na 2:1. Rwy'n credu bod hynny yn dweud wrthyf fod safbwyntiau yn newid yng Nghymru, a bod gan bobl ddealltwriaeth uwch heddiw o'r rhwymedigaeth sydd ar bob un ohonom ni i chwarae ein rhan o ran ymateb i'r her sydd eisoes ar garreg ein drws, a bod yn rhaid i ni allu gwneud hynny ym mhob rhan o Gymru, ac mae gwaith i'w wneud, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, i wneud yn siŵr bod pob llais yn rhan o'r sgwrs honno, tra bod y sgwrs ei hun yn canolbwyntio yn gadarn ar wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni i gyd yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i ymdrin â'r anawsterau yr ydym ni'n gwybod y mae'r blaned hon eisoes yn eu dioddef.
7. Faint o gartrefi rhent cymdeithasol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn disgwyl y byddant wedi cael eu hôl-osod erbyn diwedd 2022 fel rhan o'r rhaglen i leihau allyriadau carbon o holl dai Cymru? OQ57028
7. How many socially rented homes does the Welsh Government expect to have been retrofitted by the end of 2022 as part of the programme to reduce carbon emissions from all Welsh housing? OQ57028

Llywydd, we have committed almost £700 million [Correction: £70 million]FootnoteLink into our optimised retrofit programme in the last 18 months to explore how best to decarbonise homes in Wales. By the end of 2022, this investment is forecast to have reduced emissions from around 5,000 social homes.
Llywydd, rydym ni wedi ymrwymo bron i £700 miliwn [Cywiriad: £70 miliwn]FootnoteLink i'n rhaglen ôl-osod wedi ei hoptimeiddio yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf i archwilio'r ffordd orau o ddatgarboneiddio cartrefi yng Nghymru. Erbyn diwedd 2022, rhagwelir y bydd y buddsoddiad hwn wedi lleihau allyriadau o tua 5,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol.
Thank you very much, First Minister. Last week, I took advantage of the Open Doors programme to visit some of the building sites in my constituency and observe the fantastic construction work going on. Given the urgency of creating the green skills jobs we need to retrofit our inadequately insulated homes, particularly from the cold winds of Tory cuts and our country’s failure overall to generate sufficient renewable energy to avoid us being involved in this scramble for scarce gas, I was really surprised that a lot of the skilled constructors I met didn’t always have an apprentice working alongside them. Given that I know you have the ambition to retrofit all these socially rented homes, I wondered what the Welsh Government can do to fast forward this programme of decarbonising all our homes if we don’t have the skills that we need to do the job.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Prif Weinidog. Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnes i fanteisio ar y rhaglen Drysau Agored i ymweld â rhai o'r safleoedd adeiladu yn fy etholaeth i ac i weld y gwaith adeiladu gwych sy'n cael ei wneud. O gofio'r brys i greu'r swyddi sgiliau gwyrdd sydd eu hangen arnom ni i ôl-osod ein cartrefi sydd wedi eu hinswleiddio yn annigonol, yn enwedig rhag gwyntoedd oer toriadau'r Torïaid a methiant ein gwlad yn gyffredinol i gynhyrchu digon o ynni adnewyddadwy i'n hatal rhag bod yn rhan o'r crafangu hwn am nwy prin, roedd yn syndod mawr i mi nad oedd gan lawer o'r adeiladwyr medrus y gwnes i gyfarfod â nhw brentis bob amser yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â nhw. Gan fy mod i'n gwybod bod gennych chi'r uchelgais i ôl-osod yr holl gartrefi rhent cymdeithasol hyn, roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed beth all Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i gyflymu datblygiad y rhaglen hon o ddatgarboneiddio ein holl gartrefi os nad oes gennym ni'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnom ni i wneud y gwaith.

Well, Llywydd, I think Jenny Rathbone makes a series of really important points. Just as the operation of the grid has been left to the marketplace, so meeting the energy needs of the United Kingdom has been largely navigated in the same way by the current UK Government. It wasn't true even of previous Conservative Governments, who, at the start of the last decade, provided the feed-in tariffs that have led to the growth in solar and wind renewable energies in Wales. Now, the approach of the Welsh Government is very different. We look to a planned approach. We look to the UK Government to make sure that there is genuine investment in marine technologies, for example, so that we can make sure that we are not left reliant upon marketplace availability of scarce commodities, with the prices that we now are seeing being charged for gas.
The Member makes another really important point, Llywydd, about the supply chain and about the skills involved in it. If my colleague Julie James had been answering this question, you would have heard her passion for the way in which the retrofit programme can create the jobs that are needed for the future. Now, the apprenticeship programme in Wales has been affected during the pandemic. It has been harder to be able to supply those practical experiences for young people that allow them to get the qualifications that they need. But, alongside the rest of the economy, there is strong recovery in all of that, and we certainly will be working closely with the sector to make sure that, as we move to build houses for the future that do not need retrofitting—and that's really important—but also to work to retrofit social care homes, private-rented properties and privately owned properties as well, there is the skilled and competent workforce there equipped to do so to take advantage of those opportunities and to help us all in the challenge of addressing climate change.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod Jenny Rathbone yn gwneud cyfres o bwyntiau pwysig iawn. Yn union fel y mae gweithrediad y grid wedi cael ei adael i'r farchnad, felly hefyd y mae Llywodraeth bresennol y DU wedi llywio'r gwaith o ddiwallu anghenion ynni'r Deyrnas Unedig i raddau helaeth. Nid oedd yn wir hyd yn oed am Lywodraethau Ceidwadol blaenorol, a wnaeth, ar ddechrau'r degawd diwethaf, ddarparu'r tariffau bwydo i mewn sydd wedi arwain at dwf i ynni adnewyddadwy solar a gwynt yng Nghymru. Nawr, mae dull Llywodraeth Cymru yn wahanol iawn. Rydym ni'n edrych ar ddull gweithredu wedi ei gynllunio. Rydym ni'n disgwyl i Lywodraeth y DU wneud yn siŵr bod buddsoddiad gwirioneddol mewn technolegau morol, er enghraifft, fel y gallwn ni wneud yn siŵr nad ydym yn ddibynnol ar y ffaith bod prinder nwyddau ar gael yn y farchnad, gyda'r prisiau rydym ni'n eu gweld yn cael eu codi am nwy bellach.
Mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn arall, Llywydd, am y gadwyn gyflenwi ac am y sgiliau sy'n gysylltiedig â hi. Pe bai fy nghyd-Weinidog Julie James wedi bod yn ateb y cwestiwn hwn, byddech chi wedi clywed ei hangerdd at y ffordd y gall y rhaglen ôl-osod greu'r swyddi sydd eu hangen ar gyfer y dyfodol. Nawr, bu effaith ar y rhaglen brentisiaethau yng Nghymru yn ystod y pandemig. Mae wedi bod yn anoddach gallu darparu'r profiadau ymarferol hynny i bobl ifanc sy'n caniatáu iddyn nhw gael y cymwysterau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw. Ond, ochr yn ochr â gweddill yr economi, mae adferiad cryf yn hynny i gyd, ac yn sicr byddwn yn gweithio yn agos gyda'r sector i wneud yn siŵr, wrth i ni symud i adeiladu tai ar gyfer y dyfodol nad oes angen eu hôl-osod—ac mae hynny yn bwysig iawn—ond hefyd i weithio i ôl-osod cartrefi gofal cymdeithasol, eiddo rhent preifat ac eiddo preifat hefyd, bod y gweithlu medrus a chymwys sydd wedi ei baratoi i wneud hynny ar gael i fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd hynny ac i'n helpu ni i gyd yn yr her o fynd i'r afael â'r newid yn yr hinsawdd.
8. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch atal y toriad mewn credyd cynhwysol, yn unol â'r hyn y gofynnwyd amdano gan arweinwyr y Llywodraethau datganoledig? OQ56987
8. What discussions has the First Minister had with the UK Government regarding halting the cut to universal credit, as requested by leaders of devolved Governments? OQ56987

Llywydd, the UK Government has chosen to ignore all the evidence provided by the Welsh Government on the severe financial hardship caused by cutting that £20 a week payment. It is simply indefensible to take money away from the poorest people in Wales just as they are facing a serious cost-of-living crisis.
Llywydd, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi dewis anwybyddu'r holl dystiolaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei darparu o'r caledi ariannol difrifol a achoswyd drwy dorri'r taliad hwnnw o £20 yr wythnos. Yn syml, ni ellir cyfiawnhau cymryd arian oddi wrth y bobl dlotaf yng Nghymru ar yr union adeg y maen nhw'n wynebu argyfwng cost byw difrifol.
I thank the First Minister for that response, and I genuinely am desperately worried for the autumn and the winter for my constituents, some of whom rely on universal credit to top up their wages, some of whom are out of work, but, for all of them, this makes the difference—it's make or break—between going into debt and poverty and possibly homelessness.
I would urge the First Minister to continue his discussions with the UK Government to seek to find additional funding to put in across the UK into these disadvantaged communities and vulnerable families to see them through this autumn and winter and spring, which will be long and hard. But I would also ask the First Minister: what more can we do in Wales, not only in terms of support, which he's mentioned previously, but in terms of supporting advice—debt advice, homelessness advice, crisis advice and support throughout Wales—so that we can at least be there when, inevitably, people are going to face these desperate times across this winter?
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb yna, ac rwyf i'n wirioneddol yn poeni yn fawr iawn am yr hydref a'r gaeaf i fy etholwyr i, y mae rhai ohonyn nhw yn dibynnu ar gredyd cynhwysol i atodi eu cyflogau, y mae rhai ohonyn nhw yn ddi-waith, ond, i bob un ohonyn nhw, mae hyn yn gwneud y gwahaniaeth—mae'n fater o lwyddo neu fethu—rhwng mynd i ddyled a thlodi ac o bosibl digartrefedd.
Byddwn i'n annog y Prif Weinidog i barhau â'i drafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU i geisio dod o hyd i gyllid ychwanegol i'w gyfrannu ledled y DU at y cymunedau difreintiedig hyn a theuluoedd agored i niwed i'w diogelu drwy'r hydref a'r gaeaf a'r gwanwyn, a fydd yn hir ac yn galed. Ond byddwn i hefyd yn gofyn i'r Prif Weinidog: beth arall allwn ni ei wneud yng Nghymru, nid yn unig o ran cymorth, y mae wedi sôn amdano o'r blaen, ond o ran cyngor ategol—cyngor ar ddyled, cyngor ar ddigartrefedd, cyngor a chymorth argyfwng ledled Cymru—fel y gallwn ni fod yno o leiaf pan fydd pobl, yn anochel, yn wynebu'r cyfnod enbyd hwn y gaeaf hwn?

Llywydd, I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that question. He has vividly put the predicament that will face so many families here in Wales. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation recently estimated that fuel prices alone will result in those families—. A family of two children managing on £20,000 a year, fuel prices alone will place a £3 a week extra demand on their budgets. And then when you take into account all the other cost pressures that we know are there in the economy, that will be £8 a week. That's over £700 a year, at a time when they are losing £1,000 from the very modest incomes that they have available to them. Of course we will continue to press the UK Government. The £20 cut in universal credit is the single largest cut in welfare for over 70 years. You have to go back to the 1930s to find a Government that was prepared to load the burden of addressing the financial circumstances of the nation onto the shoulders of those least able to bear it in this way.
Now, as well as the other things we are doing, I fully agree with what Huw Irranca-Davies said, Llywydd, about the need to make sure that as many as people as possible in Wales are getting the help that is already there in the system, and far, far too many families in Wales miss out on the help that is there. We carried out a welfare benefits take-up campaign back in March of this year; it has resulted in hundreds of thousands of pounds in additional benefit being claimed by Welsh families, and we're going to repeat that benefit take-up campaign at the end of this month and through the rest of the winter months. You've then got to make sure, as Huw Irranca-Davies said, that the facilities are there to deal with the extra demand that will be generated, and I'm very pleased to say that the Welsh Government is going to fund 35 full-time equivalent new welfare benefit advisers for advice Cymru so that the person power is there, when the campaign results in more people coming forward, to give them the advice that they will need. All those people will have been recruited by the end of this month, and they will be there to do exactly what Huw Irranca-Davies said, Llywydd: to make sure that we do more to help people to get the help that is still there, even as that really important strand in assistance is being taken away from them.
Llywydd, diolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am y cwestiwn yna. Mae wedi disgrifio yn fyw y cyfyng-gyngor a fydd yn wynebu cynifer o deuluoedd yma yng Nghymru. Amcangyfrifodd Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree yn ddiweddar y bydd prisiau tanwydd yn unig yn arwain i'r teuluoedd hynny—. I deulu o ddau o blant sy'n byw ar £20,000 y flwyddyn, bydd prisiau tanwydd yn unig yn gorfodi gofyniad ychwanegol o £3 yr wythnos ar eu cyllidebau. Ac yna pan fyddwch chi'n ystyried yr holl bwysau cost eraill yr ydym ni'n gwybod sy'n bodoli yn yr economi, bydd hynny yn £8 yr wythnos. Mae hynny dros £700 y flwyddyn, ar adeg pan fyddan nhw'n colli £1,000 o'r incwm cymedrol iawn sydd ar gael iddyn nhw. Wrth gwrs, byddwn ni'n parhau i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU. Y toriad o £20 i gredyd cynhwysol yw'r toriad unigol mwyaf i les ers dros 70 mlynedd. Mae'n rhaid i chi fynd yn ôl i'r 1930au i ddod o hyd i Lywodraeth a oedd yn barod i lwytho'r baich o fynd i'r afael ag amgylchiadau ariannol y genedl ar ysgwyddau'r rhai lleiaf abl i'w hysgwyddo fel hyn.
Nawr, yn ogystal â'r pethau eraill rydym ni'n eu gwneud, rwy'n cytuno yn llwyr â'r hyn a ddywedodd Huw Irranca-Davies, Llywydd, am yr angen i wneud yn siŵr bod cynifer o bobl â phosibl yng Nghymru yn cael y cymorth sydd eisoes yno yn y system, ac mae llawer iawn gormod o deuluoedd yng Nghymru yn colli allan ar y cymorth sydd ar gael. Fe wnaethom ni gynnal ymgyrch manteisio ar fudd-daliadau lles yn ôl ym mis Mawrth eleni; mae wedi arwain at gannoedd o filoedd o bunnoedd ychwanegol yn cael eu hawlio mewn budd-daliadau gan deuluoedd Cymru, ac rydym ni'n mynd i ailadrodd yr ymgyrch manteisio ar fudd-daliadau honno ddiwedd y mis hwn a thrwy weddill misoedd y gaeaf. Yna, mae'n rhaid i chi wneud yn siŵr, fel y dywedodd Huw Irranca-Davies, fod y cyfleusterau ar gael i ymdrin â'r galw ychwanegol a fydd yn cael ei gynhyrchu, ac rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i ariannu 35 o gynghorwyr budd-daliadau lles cyfwerth ag amser llawn newydd ar gyfer cyngor Cymru fel bod y grym pobl ar gael, pan fydd yr ymgyrch yn arwain at fwy o bobl yn dod yn eu blaenau, i roi'r cyngor y bydd ei angen arnyn nhw. Bydd yr holl bobl hynny wedi eu recriwtio erbyn diwedd y mis hwn, a byddan nhw ar gael i wneud yn union yr hyn a ddywedodd Huw Irranca-Davies, Llywydd: i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gwneud mwy i helpu pobl i gael y cymorth sydd ar gael o hyd, hyd yn oed wrth i'r llinyn cymorth pwysig iawn hwnnw gael ei gymryd oddi arnyn nhw.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9—Joel James.
And finally, question 9—Joel James.
9. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am y diwydiant rasio ceffylau yng Nghymru? OQ56993
9. Will the First Minister make a statement on the horse-racing industry in Wales? OQ56993

Llywydd, the Welsh Government recognises the economic value of the three race tracks in Wales, from Bangor-on-Dee in the north to Ffos Las in the south-west and Chepstow in the south-east of Wales, and the many people who work in this industry.
Llywydd, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod gwerth economaidd y tri thrac rasio yng Nghymru, o Fangor Is-y-coed yn y gogledd i Ffos Las yn y de-orllewin a Chas-gwent yn y de-ddwyrain, a'r llawer iawn o bobl sy'n gweithio yn y diwydiant hwn.
First Minister, the week beginning 13 September was National Racehorse Week across the UK, which is designed to showcase many of the fascinating aspects of horse racing, and open the doors of many of the horse trainers to show the high standards of love, care and attention that race horses receive. In Scotland and England, specific organisations have been set up to promote horse racing and to highlight the benefits that it has to their economy and tourism industry. In Scotland, Scottish Racing promotes and supports its five racecourses, assisting in the development of a sustainable horse-racing industry and its success globally. The organisation promotes all sectors of the industry and plays an integral part in delivering long-term prosperity and sustainability to the sport in Scotland. Sadly, in Wales, we have no such organisation, yet we have some of the finest trainers in Britain. Tim Vaughan, for example, who owns and operates a racing stable in the Vale of Glamorgan, has trained horses that have won many prestigious races, including the Scottish Grand National, and I believe that Wales deserves the same level of representation as other nations in the UK. I am confident that such an organisation promoting Welsh horse racing would undoubtedly benefit our economy and industry here in Wales. I am further confident that there would cross-party support for such an organisation. With this in mind, could the First Minister commit to meeting with myself and the necessary representatives of the industry to explore the possibility of setting up a specific Welsh organisation? Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, roedd hi'n Wythnos Genedlaethol y Ceffylau Rasio ledled y DU yn ystod yr wythnos a ddechreuodd ar 13 Medi, sydd â'r bwriad o arddangos llawer o'r agweddau hynod ddiddorol ar rasio ceffylau, ac agor drysau llawer o'r hyfforddwyr ceffylau i ddangos y safonau uchel o gariad, gofal a sylw y mae ceffylau rasio yn eu derbyn. Yn yr Alban a Lloegr, mae sefydliadau penodol wedi eu sefydlu i hyrwyddo rasio ceffylau ac i dynnu sylw at y manteision sydd ganddo i'w heconomi a'u diwydiant twristiaeth. Yn yr Alban, mae Scottish Racing yn hyrwyddo ac yn cefnogi ei phum cae rasio, gan gynorthwyo datblygiad diwydiant rasio ceffylau cynaliadwy a'i lwyddiant yn fyd-eang. Mae'r sefydliad yn hyrwyddo pob sector o'r diwydiant ac yn chwarae rhan annatod yn y gwaith o sicrhau ffyniant a chynaliadwyedd hirdymor i'r gamp yn yr Alban. Yn anffodus, yng Nghymru, nid oes gennym ni sefydliad o'r fath, ac eto mae gennym ni rai o'r hyfforddwyr gorau ym Mhrydain. Mae Tim Vaughan, er enghraifft, sy'n gweithredu ac yn berchen ar stabl rasio ym Mro Morgannwg, wedi hyfforddi ceffylau sydd wedi ennill llawer o rasys mawreddog, gan gynnwys Grand National yr Alban, ac rwy'n credu bod Cymru yn haeddu'r un lefel o gynrychiolaeth â gwledydd eraill yn y DU. Rwy'n hyderus y byddai sefydliad o'r fath sy'n hyrwyddo rasio ceffylau yng Nghymru yn sicr o fudd i'n heconomi a'n diwydiant yma yng Nghymru. Rwyf i hefyd yn hyderus y byddai cefnogaeth drawsbleidiol i sefydliad o'r fath. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, a wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ymrwymo i gyfarfod â mi a chynrychiolwyr angenrheidiol y diwydiant i archwilio'r posibilrwydd o sefydlu sefydliad penodol yng Nghymru? Diolch.

Well, Llywydd, I'll think carefully about what the Member has said this afternoon. The Welsh Government has provided over £1 million of funding to the industry from the spectator sport survival fund during the pandemic, and I've enjoyed many good days going horse racing myself, so I recognise what he says about its attractiveness to people, and particularly what he said about the standards of the industry here in Wales. He will understand that Government has to put its energies where we think the need is most urgent. I and my Ministers have been focused this week, Llywydd, on the steel industry and the urgent need to provide assistance to it, with its high-energy bills, to sustain that industry, with the thousands and thousands of people who rely upon it here in Wales. So, while I will, of course, think carefully about what the Member has said, in the end, Government has to decide where its energies and investments can most fruitfully be invested, and there are choices to be made in that.
Wel, Llywydd, fe wnaf i feddwl yn ofalus am yr hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi ei ddweud y prynhawn yma. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu dros £1 miliwn o gyllid i'r diwydiant o'r gronfa diogelu chwaraeon gwylwyr yn ystod y pandemig, ac rwyf i wedi mwynhau llawer o ddiwrnodau da yn mynd i rasio ceffylau fy hun, felly rwy'n cydnabod yr hyn y mae'n ei ddweud am ei atyniad i bobl, ac yn enwedig yr hyn a ddywedodd am safonau'r diwydiant yma yng Nghymru. Bydd yn deall bod yn rhaid i'r Llywodraeth roi ei hegni lle'r ydym ni'n credu y mae'r angen mwyaf brys. Rwyf i a fy Ngweinidogion wedi canolbwyntio yr wythnos hon, Llywydd, ar y diwydiant dur a'r angen dybryd i roi cymorth iddo, gyda'i filiau ynni uchel, i gynnal y diwydiant hwnnw, gyda'r miloedd ar filoedd o bobl sy'n dibynnu arno yma yng Nghymru. Felly, er y gwnaf i, wrth gwrs, feddwl yn ofalus am yr hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi ei ddweud, yn y pen draw, mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth benderfynu ble y gellir buddsoddi ei hegni a'i buddsoddiadau yn fwyaf ffrwythlon, ac mae dewisiadau i'w gwneud yn hynny o beth.
Members in the Chamber, First Minister, are fascinated to know whether you were actually riding the horses that were being raced, or whether you were just watching. [Laughter.] We'll think of it as a spectator sport for you, but you can correct us if we were wrong.
Mae aelodau yn y Siambr, Prif Weinidog, yn awyddus iawn i gael gwybod a oeddech chi mewn gwirionedd yn marchogaeth y ceffylau a oedd yn cael eu rasio, neu a oeddech chi'n gwylio. [Chwerthin.] Fe wnawn ni feddwl amdano fel camp gwyliwr i chi, ond gallwch chi ein cywiro os oeddem ni'n anghywir.
Felly, eitem 2, y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes. Galwaf ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad.
So, item 2, the business statement and announcement. I call on the Trefnydd to make the statement.

Diolch, Llywydd. There are no changes to this week's Plenary business. Draft business for the next three sitting weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Lywydd. Nid oes unrhyw newidiadau i fusnes y Cyfarfod Llawn yr wythnos hon. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos eistedd nesaf wedi ei nodi ar y datganiad a'r cyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w gweld ymysg y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Minister, could I call for an urgent statement from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language on our schools' readiness for the implementation of the new curriculum? Alongside the obvious impact the pandemic has had, many schools are currently really struggling with staff absences, and supply teachers are difficult to source at the moment due to the amount of teachers self-isolating and infected with COVID themselves. And this is clearly going to impact on the outcomes of the current Estyn inspections when trying to gauge the readiness of schools for the new curriculum. School meetings have been dominated by discussions on COVID rather than the implementation of this new curriculum. Headteachers and their teams are overstretched and need additional support, so I'd be grateful if the Minister could come to the Chamber to address these issues.
Gweinidog, a gaf i alw am ddatganiad brys gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg ar barodrwydd ein hysgolion i weithredu'r cwricwlwm newydd? Ochr yn ochr â'r effaith amlwg y mae'r pandemig wedi ei chael, mae llawer o ysgolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd iawn ar hyn o bryd yn sgil absenoldebau staff, ac mae'n anodd dod o hyd i athrawon cyflenwi ar hyn o bryd oherwydd faint o athrawon sy'n hunan-ynysu ac wedi eu heintio â COVID eu hunain. Ac mae'n amlwg y bydd hyn yn effeithio ar ganlyniadau'r arolygiadau Estyn presennol wrth geisio mesur parodrwydd ysgolion ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd. Mae cyfarfodydd ysgol wedi bod yn llawn trafodaethau ar COVID yn hytrach na gweithredu'r cwricwlwm newydd hwn. Mae gormod o bwysau ar benaethiaid a'u timau ac mae angen cymorth ychwanegol arnyn nhw, felly byddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe gallai'r Gweinidog ddod i'r Siambr i roi sylw i'r materion hyn.
Thank you, Laura. We are well on our way on the journey to making our new curriculum a reality in our schools and other settings across Wales. Of course the pandemic has affected preparations for reform. The recent survey results from the Education Workforce Council, and the Government social research service, show the challenges that obviously we face due to the pandemic. But there does remain a very strong commitment to these reforms throughout the whole of the sector, and I think it's very important that we do have a very clear national structure in place so that the implementation can be supported, and, obviously, it needs to be backed up by strong regional and local support.
The 'Curriculum for Wales: the journey to curriculum roll-out' document, which was published on 22 September, sets out that framework, and I'm sure you've had a chance to look at that, and it's backed up by £7.24 million in funding to support the curriculum development in this financial year.
Diolch, Laura. Rydym ni ymhell ar ein ffordd ar y daith i wireddu ein cwricwlwm newydd yn ein hysgolion a lleoliadau eraill ledled Cymru. Wrth gwrs, mae'r pandemig wedi effeithio ar baratoadau ar gyfer diwygio. Mae canlyniadau'r arolwg diweddar gan Gyngor y Gweithlu Addysg, a gwasanaeth ymchwil cymdeithasol y Llywodraeth, yn dangos yr heriau sydd yn amlwg yn ein hwynebu ni oherwydd y pandemig. Ond mae ymrwymiad cryf iawn o hyd i'r diwygiadau hyn ledled y sector cyfan, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn bod gennym ni strwythur cenedlaethol clir iawn ar waith fel bod modd cefnogi'r gweithredu, ac, yn amlwg, mae angen ei ategu gan gefnogaeth ranbarthol a lleol gref.
Mae'r ddogfen 'Cwricwlwm i Gymru: y daith i weithredu'r cwricwlwm', a gyhoeddwyd ar 22 Medi, yn nodi'r fframwaith hwnnw, ac rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi wedi cael cyfle i edrych ar hynny, ac mae'n cael ei gefnogi gan £7.24 miliwn o gyllid i ategu datblygiad y cwricwlwm yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon.
Trefnydd, the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has introduced significant temporary changes to maternity services because of staff shortages. So, home birthing has been suspended and midwifery-led units in the Royal Gwent, Nevill Hall, Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan and Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr will be temporarily closed, centralising all birthing services at the Grange hospital in Cwmbran. The health board expects that those changes will be in place until 18 October.
I'd like a statement from the Government please to tell us what support is being offered to the health board to ensure that staffing levels won't be affected like this again, particularly as we go into the winter months when COVID-19 is likely, unfortunately, to be more prevalent in our communities. And could that statement please also outline what support the Government could give through the health board to expectant mothers and their families, who will have to make changes to their plans at what is an already anxious time? I'm thinking especially of mothers who have elected to have either home births or local births because of traumatic births in the past. This could have really serious implications for them, so I'd be grateful to know what support could be offered urgently to them and, of course, to all families who will be affected by this.
Trefnydd, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan wedi cyflwyno newidiadau dros dro sylweddol i wasanaethau mamolaeth oherwydd prinder staff. Felly, mae geni yn y cartref wedi ei atal a bydd unedau wedi eu harwain gan fydwragedd yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent, Nevill Hall, Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan ac Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr ar gau dros dro, gan ganoli'r holl wasanaethau geni yn Ysbyty'r Faenor yng Nghwmbrân. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn disgwyl y bydd y newidiadau hynny mewn grym tan 18 Hydref.
Hoffwn i gael datganiad gan y Llywodraeth os gwelwch yn dda i ddweud wrthym ni ba gymorth sy'n cael ei gynnig i'r bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau na fydd effaith fel hyn ar lefelau staffio eto, yn enwedig wrth i ni fynd i fisoedd y gaeaf pan fydd COVID-19 yn debygol, yn anffodus, o fod yn fwy cyffredin yn ein cymunedau ni. Ac a oes modd i'r datganiad hwnnw hefyd amlinellu pa gymorth y gallai'r Llywodraeth ei roi drwy'r bwrdd iechyd i famau beichiog a'u teuluoedd, a fydd yn gorfod gwneud newidiadau i'w cynlluniau ar adeg sydd eisoes yn bryderus? Rwy'n meddwl yn arbennig am famau sydd wedi dewis cael genedigaethau yn y cartref neu enedigaethau lleol oherwydd genedigaethau trawmatig yn y gorffennol. Gallai hyn fod â goblygiadau difrifol iawn iddyn nhw, felly byddwn i'n ddiolchgar o wybod pa gymorth y byddai modd ei gynnig ar frys iddyn nhw ac, wrth gwrs, i bob teulu y bydd hyn yn effeithio arnyn nhw.
Thank you. I know the Minister and her officials are working closely with the health board around this issue. You mentioned that, hopefully, they would only be in place until 18 October, so there will not be time to have a Government statement, but I'm sure if the Minister has anything new that she wishes to inform Members of, she will do a written statement.FootnoteLink
Diolch. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog a'i swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r bwrdd iechyd ar y mater hwn. Fe wnaethoch chi sôn, gobeithio, mai dim ond tan 18 Hydref y bydden nhw ar waith, felly ni fydd amser i gael datganiad gan y Llywodraeth, ond rwy'n siŵr petai gan y Gweinidog unrhyw beth newydd y mae'n dymuno rhoi gwybod i'r Aelodau amdano, bydd yn gwneud datganiad ysgrifenedig.FootnoteLink
Could I ask for two statements from the Government please? Firstly, on the implications of the Supreme Court decision last week to rule two Scottish Acts to be out of competence. Those Acts contained a number of provisions that we have already enacted in this place, notably on the place of the rights of children in legislation. It appears to me that that has a direct read-across to legislation that is on the Welsh statute book, and I think it's important that we do have a statement from the Counsel General to understand what the Welsh Government believes is the situation with Welsh law as a consequence of this Supreme Court judgment.
And, secondly, could I have a statement from the Government on the current role of legislative consent motions? We're used to legislative consent motions in this place, but normally they tend to refer to quite minor matters that either impact upon legislative competence here or where the Welsh Government is seeking to enact legislation on a relatively minor matter as part of a UK process. It appears to me that in this Senedd there's been an increase in the number of LCMs, and also an increase in not just the quantity of LCMs themselves but in the nature of those LCMs, where there is too much legislation, Welsh legislation, reaching the statute book without proper scrutiny in this place. It is important that this Parliament has the opportunity to scrutinise all legislation that affects Wales within devolved areas before it reaches the statute book. And it is important, I think, that as a Parliament we're able to understand the processes that the Welsh Government intends to put in place to ensure that Welsh legislation does not reach the statute book without any scrutiny at all.
A gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth os gwelwch yn dda? Yn gyntaf, ar oblygiadau penderfyniad y Goruchaf Lys yr wythnos diwethaf i ddyfarnu bod dwy Ddeddf yn yr Alban y tu hwnt i gymhwysedd. Roedd y Deddfau hynny yn cynnwys nifer o ddarpariaethau yr ydym ni eisoes wedi eu deddfu yn y lle hwn, yn enwedig ar le hawliau plant mewn deddfwriaeth. Mae'n ymddangos i mi fod hynny'n cysylltu'n uniongyrchol â deddfwriaeth sydd ar lyfr statud Cymru, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig i ni gael datganiad gan y Cwnsler Cyffredinol i ddeall, yn ôl barn Llywodraeth Cymru, beth yw'r sefyllfa o ran cyfraith Cymru o ganlyniad i'r dyfarniad hwn gan y Goruchaf Lys.
Ac, yn ail, a gaf i ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar swyddogaeth bresennol cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol? Rydym ni wedi arfer â chynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol yn y lle hwn, ond fel arfer mae tuedd iddyn nhw gyfeirio at faterion eithaf bach sydd naill ai'n effeithio ar gymhwysedd deddfwriaethol yma neu pan fo Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio deddfu deddfwriaeth ar fater cymharol fach yn rhan o broses y DU. Mae'n ymddangos i mi y bu cynnydd yn nifer y cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol yn y Senedd hon, a hefyd gynnydd nid yn unig yn nifer y cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol eu hunain, ond yn natur y cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol hynny, lle mae gormod o ddeddfwriaeth, deddfwriaeth Cymru, yn cyrraedd y llyfr statud heb graffu priodol yn y lle hwn. Mae'n bwysig bod y Senedd hon yn cael cyfle i graffu ar yr holl ddeddfwriaeth sy'n effeithio ar Gymru o fewn meysydd datganoledig cyn iddo gyrraedd y llyfr statud. Ac mae'n bwysig, yn fy marn i, ein bod ni fel Senedd yn gallu deall y prosesau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau nad yw deddfwriaeth Cymru yn cyrraedd y llyfr statud heb unrhyw graffu o gwbl.
Thank you. With regard to your first point around the Supreme Court's decision, I know that the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution is currently having discussions to understand the implications of that decision.
In relation to LCMs, I think we have seen a significant number—I think we've got about 14 at the moment that the Welsh Government are considering. At the current time, I think there's only probably about seven of them that we could recommend the Senedd grants approval to. And I think it's really important that we work very closely with the UK Government. There is such a huge amount of legislation coming through at the moment, and obviously the Welsh Government can only process, and the Senedd can only scrutinise, so much. But I do think it is really important that Members have that opportunity to scrutinise LCMs as they come through.
Diolch. O ran eich pwynt cyntaf ynghylch penderfyniad y Goruchaf Lys, rwy'n gwybod bod y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad yn cael trafodaethau ar hyn o bryd i ddeall goblygiadau'r penderfyniad hwnnw.
O ran cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol, rwy'n credu ein bod ni wedi gweld nifer sylweddol—rwy'n credu bod gennym ni tua 14 y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ystyried ar hyn o bryd. Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n credu mai dim ond tua saith ohonyn nhw y gallem ni argymell bod y Senedd yn eu cymeradwyo. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU. Mae cymaint o ddeddfwriaeth yn dod drwodd ar hyn o bryd, ac yn amlwg ni all Llywodraeth Cymru ond prosesu, ac ni all y Senedd ond craffu ar hyn a hyn. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn bod Aelodau yn cael y cyfle hwnnw i graffu ar gynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol wrth iddyn nhw ddod drwodd.
Trefnydd, I'm sure you'd agree that north Wales continues to have a world-class reputation for delivering exceptional events and being a world-renowned destination. And following on from a point I raised with you before the summer, in regards the UK City of Culture competition, I'm sure you are delighted to see that Wrexham has been shortlisted to be named UK City of Culture 2025, along with seven other candidates across the United Kingdom. And you'll know more than anybody, Trefnydd, the fantastic culture that Wrexham has to offer, including Wrexham Football Club, and the historical Racecourse ground there as well; the Pontcysyllte aqueduct, which has received UNESCO world heritage status; the cultural community centre of Tŷ Pawb; theatres, churches, and many more, which you will be fully aware of. And of course, winning the UK City of Culture would not only have huge benefits for Wrexham, but for all of north Wales, and indeed our nation more broadly, creating jobs, driving investment, delivering long-lasting benefits. I would welcome a Welsh Government statement, outlining their support for Wrexham's bid to secure the UK City of Culture title, and hear how the Welsh Government would work together with local authorities to ensure that Wrexham has the best chance possible to win the UK City of Culture bid 2025.
Trefnydd, rwy'n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno bod gan ogledd Cymru enw da o'r radd flaenaf am gyflwyno digwyddiadau eithriadol a bod yn gyrchfan fyd-enwog. Ac yn dilyn pwynt y gwnes i ei godi gyda chi cyn yr haf, o ran cystadleuaeth Dinas Diwylliant y DU, rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi'n falch iawn o weld bod Wrecsam wedi cyrraedd y rhestr fer i gael ei henwi'n Ddinas Diwylliant y DU 2025, ynghyd â saith ymgeisydd arall ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. A byddwch chi'n gwybod yn fwy na neb, Trefnydd, y diwylliant gwych sydd gan Wrecsam i'w gynnig, gan gynnwys Clwb Pêl-droed Wrecsam, a'r Cae Ras hanesyddol yno hefyd; dyfrbont Pontcysyllte, sydd wedi derbyn statws treftadaeth y byd UNESCO; canolfan gymunedol ddiwylliannol Tŷ Pawb; theatrau, eglwysi, a llawer mwy, y byddwch chi'n gwbl ymwybodol ohonyn nhw. Ac wrth gwrs, yn ogystal â dod â manteision enfawr i Wrecsam, byddai ennill Dinas Diwylliant y DU hefyd yn dod â manteision enfawr i ogledd Cymru yn gyfan gwbl, ac yn wir ein gwlad yn ehangach, gan greu swyddi, ysgogi buddsoddiad, sicrhau manteision hirdymor. Byddwn i'n croesawu datganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn amlinellu ei chefnogaeth i gais Wrecsam i sicrhau teitl Dinas Diwylliant y DU, a chlywed sut y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydweithio ag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod gan Wrecsam y cyfle gorau posibl i ennill cais Dinas Diwylliant y DU 2025.
Thank you. Yes, I was very, very pleased to see that my constituency of Wrexham had been shortlisted for UK City of Culture; I think the announcement will be made in May of next year. And certainly, as a Welsh Government, we will be doing all we can to look at how we can support Wrexham, and I know that the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip is currently in discussions. You named many places within the constituency and just outside, in the constituency of Clwyd South—Ken Skates's constituency—that have got that fantastic reputation, but, absolutely, none other than the Racecourse, I quite agree.
Diolch. Oeddwn, roeddwn i yn falch iawn o weld bod fy etholaeth i yn Wrecsam wedi cyrraedd y rhestr fer ar gyfer Dinas Diwylliant y DU. Rwy'n credu y bydd y cyhoeddiad yn cael ei wneud ym mis Mai y flwyddyn nesaf. Ac yn sicr, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, byddwn ni'n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i ystyried sut y gallwn ni gefnogi Wrecsam, ac rwy'n gwybod bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon, a'r Prif Chwip, mewn trafodaethau ar hyn o bryd. Fe wnaethoch chi enwi llawer o leoedd yn yr etholaeth ac ychydig y tu allan, yn etholaeth De Clwyd—etholaeth Ken Skates—sydd â'r enw da gwych hwnnw, ond, yn hollol, dim llai na'r Cae Ras, rwy'n cytuno yn llwyr.
Trefnydd, dwi'n nodi'r datganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddwyd heddiw o ran diogelwch tomenni glo, gyda 33 yn fwy o domenni glo rŵan yn y categori risg uchaf, sef cyfanswm o 327. Wel, mae hyn eisoes wedi creu pryder mawr yn y cymunedau hynny sydd yn byw yng nghysgod tomenni glo, a hoffwn felly ofyn am ddatganiad pellach yn y Siambr hon gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn nodi pryd bydd lleoliad y tomenni hyn yn cael ei wneud yn wybyddus. Mae hyn yn gwestiwn sydd gan nifer o bobl sydd yn byw yn eu cysgod nhw. Hefyd, sut mae'r trafodaethau o ran ariannu'r gwaith yn mynd gyda Llywodraeth Prydain, ac a fydd yna ymgyrch benodol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ran sut y gall y cyhoedd roi adroddiad os ydynt yn poeni am ddiogelwch tomen lo ac unrhyw newid, yn fwy na'r hyn a nodir yn y datganiad heddiw?
Trefnydd, I note the written statement that was published today in terms of coal tip safety, with 33 more tips in the highest risk category, which leads to a total of 327. That's caused a great deal of anxiety in those communities that live in the shadow of those tips, so I'd like to ask for a further statement in the Chamber from the Minister for Climate Change to note when the location of these tips will be made known. This is a question that a number of people who live in their shadows have. Also, how have the discussions regarding the funding of this work gone with the UK Government, and will there be a specific campaign to raise awareness of how people can report their concerns about the safety of tips and any changes, more than what is noted in the statement today?
Thank you. And as you say, the written statement was issued yesterday, giving us an update on coal tip safety by the Minister for Climate Change. There's a huge amount of work that's gone into this piece of work—partnership working between the Coal Authority, UK Government, local authorities and Welsh Government. And as you say, there have been further coal tips highlighted as having high risk. Local authorities have the data as to where these are, obviously, sited. As you say, it does cause concern. I think it's really important not to cause even more concern to people. You'll be aware the Welsh Government brought forward a helpline—it was obviously in my portfolio in the previous term. The discussions around funding are really important, because this is significant funding. And clearly, it predates devolution—it predates 1999—so therefore, the UK Government really need to up their game in this area and ensure that we have the funding that is absolutely needed to make these coal tips safe.
Diolch. Ac fel yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud, cafodd y datganiad ysgrifenedig ei gyhoeddi ddoe, gan roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni am ddiogelwch tipiau glo gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd. Mae llawer iawn o waith wedi ei wneud ar y darn hwn o waith—gwaith partneriaeth rhwng yr Awdurdod Glo, Llywodraeth y DU, awdurdodau lleol a Llywodraeth Cymru. Ac fel yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud, y mae wedi ei nodi bod gan ragor o dipiau glo risg uchel. Mae gan awdurdodau lleol y data o ran ble mae'r rhain, yn amlwg. Fel yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud, mae yn peri pryder. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn peidio ag achosi hyd yn oed mwy o bryder i bobl. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno llinell gymorth—roedd yn amlwg yn fy mhortffolio i yn y tymor blaenorol. Mae'r trafodaethau ynghylch cyllid yn bwysig iawn, oherwydd bod hwn yn gyllid sylweddol. Ac yn amlwg, mae'n rhagflaenu datganoli—mae'n rhagflaenu 1999—felly, mae angen gwirioneddol i Lywodraeth y DU wella ei pherfformiad yn y maes hwn a sicrhau bod gennym ni'r arian sydd wir ei angen arnom i wneud y tipiau glo hyn yn ddiogel.
Given the ongoing disinvestment of the banking industry in our high streets, and, in some circumstances, that we don't even have the lender of last resort in our post offices—certainly some of my communities don't any longer have a post office—I just wondered whether we could have a Welsh Government statement on how we can protect the digitally excluded, who are really not comfortable with a cashless, paperless society, to ensure that they've still got a secure place to keep their savings and that they can still access cash without having to be charged for the privilege.
O ystyried dadfuddsoddi parhaus y diwydiant bancio yn ein strydoedd mawr, ac, mewn rhai amgylchiadau, nad oes gennym ni hyd yn oed fenthyciwr dewis olaf yn ein swyddfeydd post—yn sicr nid oes gan rai o fy nghymunedau i swyddfa bost erbyn hyn—roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar sut y gallwn ni ddiogelu'r rhai sydd wedi eu hallgáu'n ddigidol, sy'n wirioneddol anghyfforddus â chymdeithas ddi-arian, ddi-bapur, i sicrhau bod ganddyn nhw le diogel o hyd i gadw eu cynilion ac y gallan nhw barhau i gael gafael ar arian parod heb orfod talu am y fraint.
Thank you. We are very concerned, as a Government, at the reduction of banking services right across Wales. We've seen an ever increasing number of bank closures across the country. So, we do continue to use our influence, both with the UK Government and with the banking sector, to ensure that high street banking services are maintained. I don't think it's just the digitally excluded; we all rely on banking services. I think we all need to speak to somebody, don't we, from time to time, but I think you highlighted a specific group that need additional support. We've seen, I think, more banks closing due to the pandemic, where again we've seen cash used less and less, which again has an impact on people who are digitally excluded. And we know that there are increasingly a number of people who are very removed from conventional banking services, and we really don't want to leave anyone behind. We've also seen—I think I mentioned this when I was asked about banking services previously—we've seen a reduction in the number of free-to-use ATMs, while I think we've seen an increase in the ones that charge. So, we are committed to supporting the creation of a community bank for Wales, and, at the current time, we're working with the private sector to develop proposals in line with the regulatory approval process, and I think that would be the most opportune time to have a statement.
Diolch. Rydym ni'n bryderus iawn, fel Llywodraeth, am leihau gwasanaethau bancio ledled Cymru. Rydym ni wedi gweld nifer cynyddol o fanciau yn cau ledled y wlad. Felly, rydym ni yn parhau i ddefnyddio ein dylanwad, ar Lywodraeth y DU ac ar y sector bancio, i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau bancio'r stryd fawr yn cael eu cynnal. Nid wyf i'n credu bod hwn yn berthnasol i'r rhai sydd wedi eu hallgáu'n ddigidol yn unig; mae pob un ohonom ni'n dibynnu ar wasanaethau bancio. Rwy'n credu bod angen i bob un ohonom ni siarad â rhywun, onid oes, o bryd i'w gilydd, ond rwy'n credu eich bod chi wedi tynnu sylw at grŵp penodol y mae angen cymorth ychwanegol arnyn nhw. Rydym ni wedi gweld, rwy'n credu, fwy o fanciau yn cau oherwydd y pandemig, lle rydym ni wedi gweld unwaith eto arian parod yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n llai a llai, sydd unwaith eto yn effeithio ar bobl sydd wedi eu hallgáu'n ddigidol. Ac rydym ni'n ymwybodol bod nifer cynyddol o bobl yn bell iawn o wasanaethau bancio confensiynol, ac nid ydym ni eisiau gadael neb ar ei hôl hi mewn gwirionedd. Rydym ni hefyd wedi gweld—rwy'n credu i mi sôn am hyn pan ofynnwyd i mi am wasanaethau bancio o'r blaen—rydym ni wedi gweld gostyngiad yn nifer y peiriannau codi arian parod y mae modd eu defnyddio am ddim, er fy mod i'n credu ein bod ni wedi gweld cynnydd yn y rhai sy'n codi tâl. Felly, rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi camau i greu banc cymunedol i Gymru, ac, ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn gweithio gyda'r sector preifat i ddatblygu cynigion yn unol â'r broses gymeradwyo reoleiddiol, ac rwy'n credu mai dyna fyddai'r adeg fwyaf amserol i gael datganiad.
Recently, I visited the Tennant canal at Aberdulais to meet representatives of its owners and members of the Neath and Tennant Canals Trust to discuss its future, following a fall in the water levels. Many residents are concerned about the future of the canal, its historic infrastructure and role in sustaining wildlife. Whilst there are issues to resolve with NRW and other public bodies, it does remind me of the importance of our canals to our environment, tourism and well-being. Will the Government arrange a debate for us to consider the strategic importance of our canals, please?
Yn ddiweddar, es i ar ymweliad â chamlas Tenant yn Aberdulais i gwrdd â chynrychiolwyr ei pherchnogion ac aelodau o Ymddiriedolaeth Camlesi Castell-nedd a Thenant i drafod ei dyfodol, yn dilyn gostyngiad yn lefelau'r dŵr. Mae llawer o drigolion yn pryderu am ddyfodol y gamlas, ei seilwaith hanesyddol a'i swyddogaeth o ran cynnal bywyd gwyllt. Er bod materion i'w datrys gyda CNC a chyrff cyhoeddus eraill, mae yn fy atgoffa o bwysigrwydd ein camlesi i'n hamgylchedd, twristiaeth a lles. A wnaiff y Llywodraeth drefnu dadl i ni ystyried pwysigrwydd strategol ein camlesi, os gwelwch yn dda?
Thank you. I think you make a very important point about the role that canals play, certainly in relation to biodiversity, and you will be aware it's COP15 this week, which really highlights biodiversity. We do make a range of statements, and I'm sure the Minister will be making one following COP15, where she can cover that.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu eich bod chi’n gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn am y rhan y mae camlesi'n ei chwarae, yn sicr o ran bioamrywiaeth, a byddwch chi'n ymwybodol ei bod yn COP15 yr wythnos hon, sydd yn tynnu sylw yn wirioneddol at fioamrywiaeth. Rydym ni yn gwneud amrywiaeth o ddatganiadau, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Gweinidog yn gwneud un yn dilyn COP15, pan all gynnwys hynny.
Ac, yn olaf, Joyce Watson.
And, finally, Joyce Watson.
Diolch, Llywydd. Trefnydd, could we have a statement, and I think the Minister for Social Justice is best placed to speak on it, on the very urgent need to make public sexual harassment a specific criminal offence in England and Wales? I referred to it in my recent topical question to the Minister on women's safety in public places. But, since then, it's become clear that the roadblock to reform is the Prime Minister himself. As well as blocking a new law on harassment, the Prime Minister personally intervened to torpedo attempts to make misogyny a hate crime. It emerged this weekend, however, that Tory peers and MPs plan to defy Johnson and push ahead with attempts to change that law. I know it falls outside this institution's legislative powers, of course, but, just as Boris Johnson's dismissal of misogyny and gender-based harassment sends a dangerous public message, the Welsh Government ought to counter that and do what it can to realise change in the law to protect Welsh women and girls.
Diolch, Llywydd. Trefnydd, a gawn ni ddatganiad, ac rwy'n credu mai'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i siarad amdano, ar yr angen dybryd i wneud aflonyddu rhywiol cyhoeddus yn drosedd benodol yng Nghymru a Lloegr? Fe wnes i gyfeirio ato yn fy nghwestiwn amserol diweddar i'r Gweinidog ar ddiogelwch menywod mewn mannau cyhoeddus. Ond, ers hynny, mae'n amlwg mai Prif Weinidog y DU ei hun yw'r rhwystr i ddiwygio. Yn ogystal â rhwystro cyfraith newydd ar aflonyddu, ymyrrodd Prif Weinidog y DU yn bersonol i geisio chwalu'r ymgais i wneud casineb at fenywod yn drosedd casineb. Daeth i'r amlwg y penwythnos hwn, fodd bynnag, fod Arglwyddi ac ASau Torïaidd yn bwriadu herio Johnson a bwrw ymlaen ag ymdrechion i newid y gyfraith honno. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod y tu hwnt i bwerau deddfwriaethol y sefydliad hwn, wrth gwrs, ond, yn union fel y mae diystyriaeth Boris Johnson o gasineb yn erbyn menywod ac aflonyddu ar sail rhywedd yn anfon neges gyhoeddus beryglus, dylai Llywodraeth Cymru wrthwynebu hynny a gwneud yr hyn y gall ei wneud i wireddu newid yn y gyfraith i amddiffyn menywod a merched Cymru.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Thank you. I think, whilst I've been on my feet, the Minister for Social Justice has issued a written statement on hate crime. But we've been very clear that the current hate crime regime that we have isn't fit for purpose. It fails to deal with misogyny, and I think that's an absolute major demonstration of what is wrong with the regime. Earlier this year, you may be aware, the UK Government agreed to a pilot, where police would record crimes of violence motivated by a person's sex or gender. I think we need to see a bit of urgent progress on this. I know the UK Government will be considering the recommendations that come from the Law Commission on this, so I would urge the Law Commission, firstly, to expedite the report to the UK Government, and then certainly I would expect the UK Government to bring forward some action around the recommendations, and I know the Minister for Social Justice has written to UK Ministers several times to highlight this.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu, tra fy mod i wedi bod ar fy nhraed, fod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig ar droseddau casineb. Ond rydym ni wedi bod yn glir iawn nad yw'r drefn troseddau casineb bresennol sydd gennym ni yn addas i'r diben. Mae'n methu ag ymdrin â chasineb yn erbyn menywod, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny yn enghraifft bwysig lwyr o'r hyn sydd o'i le ar y gyfundrefn. Yn gynharach eleni, efallai eich bod chi'n ymwybodol, cytunodd Llywodraeth y DU i gynllun treialu, lle byddai'r heddlu'n cofnodi troseddau trais a gafodd eu hysgogi gan ryw neu rywedd unigolyn. Rwy'n credu bod angen i ni weld ychydig o gynnydd ar frys ar hyn. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn ystyried yr argymhellion a ddaw gan Gomisiwn y Gyfraith ar hyn, felly byddwn i'n annog Comisiwn y Gyfraith, yn gyntaf, i hwyluso'r adroddiad i Lywodraeth y DU, ac yna yn sicr byddwn i'n disgwyl i Lywodraeth y DU gyflwyno rhywfaint o gamau gweithredu ar yr argymhellion, ac rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi ysgrifennu at Weinidogion y DU sawl gwaith i dynnu sylw at hyn.
Diolch, Trefnydd.
Thank you, Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf yw datganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant: cynnydd ar y cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl’. Galwaf ar y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant, Lynne Neagle.
The next item is a statement by the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being: progress on 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan. I call the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being, Lynne Neagle.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. We are 12 months into delivering our refreshed 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan, and I want to provide an update on our progress. The delivery plan was revised in light of the pandemic, realising the need for it to adapt to evolving levels of need. The plan is ambitious, and establishes the absolute need for cross-Government, multi-agency working to deliver on the agreed actions. To assure us and our partners on progress, we have commissioned an evaluation of our 10-year strategy. This will provide an independent, evidence-based assessment of our progress and will inform next steps.
The pandemic has brought into sharper focus the actions in the delivery plan that needed to be accelerated. We have strengthened support for low-level mental health issues in response to the higher levels of anxiety that we have seen. We have expanded our CALL helpline, which supports over a 100 people a day, providing advice, support and often just someone to talk to. For the first time in Wales, we have rolled out online cognitive behavioural therapy. This digital support is overseen by clinicians and has received over 12,000 sign-ups in the first 12 months. It does not need a referral from a health professional, so it can be accessed when it is needed, providing timely access to support, taking pressure off more specialist services.
Health boards are reporting higher acuity and complexity of patient need and an increased demand for non-clinical support for lower level mental health issues. The ministerial delivery and oversight board, which I chair, is critical to understand the latest evidence and operational intelligence to ensure services can meet changing mental health needs. We are transforming the response to crisis care and are on track to establish single points of contact to respond to mental health crisis in all health board areas by April 2022. These will be for anyone to use, regardless of age or circumstance, and will provide individuals with immediate access to signposting, a trained mental health worker or a referral into specialist services. We have also improved mental health conveyance as part of the crisis care pathway, with a pilot run by St John Cymru. This support has already provided transport for over 400 people, with an average response time of one hour. It has the potential to reduce pressure on the police, ambulance service and mental health community staff whilst providing appropriate and compassionate transport for our most vulnerable people.
We have delivered the specialist perinatal mother and baby unit in Tonna, and it is already making a significant difference to new mothers who need this support and who can now access that closer to home. There is more to do, and I'm determined to see an increase in the pace of health boards achieving the Royal College of Psychiatrists standards for both community and in-patient perinatal mental health services. We must ensure that we have specialist mother and baby provision that is easily accessible for mothers from north Wales, and I am determined to see this put in place as soon as possible.
The delivery plan also includes actions on suicide prevention, and we are working with the police, the NHS and Public Health Wales to establish a real-time surveillance system for Wales. This will be hosted by Public Health Wales, and this approach will be crucial to our efforts to prevent suicide but also to ensure a timely and appropriate response for those bereaved by suicide in Wales.
All of these improvements have been supported by an increase in investment of almost £128 million over the past five years into the mental health ring-fenced budget. This year alone, we have provided an additional £42 million, and our programme for government continues our commitment to prioritise investment in mental health.
We know that the workforce are the lifeblood of our NHS services, and workforce pressures are a real challenge to progress. Health Education and Improvement Wales and Social Care Wales are on course to consult on a long-term mental health workforce strategy by the end of this year, as well as securing more immediate solutions to respond to demand.
Specialist mental health services are vitally important for those who need that higher level of support. Our delivery plan highlights actions we are taking to develop a secure in-patient strategy and further support for early intervention in psychosis services. However, specialist provision is only one part of the challenge to provide the right support at the right time in the right place. By taking an early intervention and prevention approach, we can meet this challenge and reduce demand on specialist services.
All Cabinet colleagues have agreed that mental health impacts will be considered and support embedded across Government. Our whole-system approach is a good example of this in practice, where I am working closely with the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language to drive progress. This work, along with the implementation of our NEST framework through regional partnership boards, underpins our longer term, preventative approach.
In employment, we are progressing action around employability as a key protective factor for mental health. We continue to provide advice and support to employers through the Healthy Working Wales programme and we have expanded our in-work and out-of-work health employability programmes as the pandemic has progressed. These will become more important as support like furlough comes to an end.
In housing, we have ensured that mental health is integrated as part of key programmes, including the rapid rehousing through homelessness scheme. Poverty and financial hardship are drivers of poor mental health, and we are integrating our approach to mental health and debt support provision. During the first year of the single advice fund it secured almost £44 million of additional welfare benefits, and this includes supporting people with mental health issues.
In terms of legislation, we have discussed widely with partners and stakeholders the potential benefits to Wales of the proposed reforms of the UK Mental Health Act 1983. I will be writing to the UK Secretary of State for Health to explore whether legislation brought forward to reform the Act should be extended to Wales, with the exception of those proposals where we have existing or more robust safeguards already in place—for instance, for care and treatment planning in Wales. This, of course, would have to be done in a way that respected the devolution settlement and the Sewel convention. It would be subject to the Senedd passing a legislative consent motion.
Welsh Government will also be consulting shortly on new regulations for Wales to support the implementation of the liberty protection safeguards, which will replace the current deprivation of liberty safeguards. These important safeguards will provide a more effective system, putting the person deprived of liberty at the heart of the decision-making process, and will better integrate the LPS into everyday care, support and treatment planning.
I have provided a snapshot of delivery here today. Overall, whilst there remains a significant challenge to services, we are making constructive progress on our 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan. And whilst I am encouraged by this progress, I do not underestimate the ongoing challenge ahead. However, I am committed to driving actions across Government and with stakeholders to improve the mental health and well-being of the nation as part of our wider approach to recover from this very difficult time. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rydym ni wedi cwblhau 12 mis o ran ein cynllun cyflawni newydd, 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl' ac rwy'n dymuno rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ein cynnydd ni. Fe ddiwygiwyd y cynllun cyflawni oherwydd y pandemig, wrth sylweddoli'r angen i'w addasu ar gyfer lefelau o anghenion sy'n esblygu. Mae'r cynllun yn un uchelgeisiol, ac yn sefydlu'r angen hanfodol am waith amlasiantaethol ar draws y Llywodraeth i gyflawni'r camau y cytunwyd arnyn nhw. I roi sicrwydd i ni a'n partneriaid ni am y cynnydd, rydym ni wedi comisiynu gwerthusiad o'n strategaeth 10 mlynedd. Fe fydd hwnnw'n rhoi asesiad annibynnol sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth o'n cynnydd ni ac fe fydd yn llywio'r camau nesaf.
Mae'r pandemig wedi gwneud i ni ganolbwyntio mwy ar yr angen i gyflymu'r gweithgarwch o ran rhai camau gweithredu yn y cynllun cyflawni. Rydym ni wedi cryfhau'r gefnogaeth i faterion iechyd meddwl lefel isel fel ymateb i'r cyfraddau uwch o bryder a welsom ni. Rydym ni wedi ehangu ein llinell gymorth CALL ni, sy'n cefnogi dros 100 o bobl y dydd, gan roi cyngor, cymorth neu ddim ond cynnig clust i wrando, yn aml. Am y tro cyntaf yng Nghymru, rydym ni wedi cyflwyno therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol ar-lein. Mae'r cymorth digidol hwn yn cael ei oruchwylio gan glinigwyr ac mae wedi cael dros 12,000 o bobl yn cofrestru ar ei gyfer yn ei 12 mis cyntaf. Nid oes angen atgyfeiriad gan weithiwr iechyd proffesiynol, ac felly fe ellir cael gafael arno pan fydd angen amdano, gan gynnig cymorth amserol, gan dynnu pwysau oddi ar wasanaethau mwy arbenigol.
Mae byrddau iechyd yn adrodd am gyfradd uwch o ddwyster a chymhlethdod o ran anghenion cleifion a mwy o alw am gymorth anghlinigol ar gyfer materion iechyd meddwl lefel is. Mae'r bwrdd cyflawni a goruchwylio gweinidogol, yr wyf i'n ei gadeirio, yn hanfodol ar gyfer deall y dystiolaeth a'r wybodaeth weithredol ddiweddaraf i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau yn gallu diwallu anghenion iechyd meddwl newidiol. Rydym ni'n trawsnewid yr ymateb i ofal argyfwng ac rydym ni ar y trywydd iawn i sefydlu safleoedd cyswllt unigol i ymateb i'r argyfwng iechyd meddwl ym mhob ardal bwrdd iechyd erbyn mis Ebrill 2022. Fe all unrhyw un eu defnyddio nhw, beth bynnag yw eu hoedran a'u hamgylchiadau, a bydd y rhain yn galluogi unigolion i gael gafael ar unwaith ar arwyddbyst, a gweithiwr iechyd meddwl hyfforddedig neu atgyfeiriad at wasanaethau arbenigol. Rydym ni wedi gwella trawsgludiad iechyd meddwl hefyd yn rhan o'r llwybr gofal argyfwng, gyda chynllun treialu yn cael ei redeg gan St John Cymru. Mae'r cymorth hwn wedi darparu cludiant i dros 400 o bobl eisoes, gydag amser ymateb cyfartalog o un awr. Mae ganddo'r potensial i leihau'r pwysau ar yr heddlu, y gwasanaeth ambiwlans a staff y gymuned iechyd meddwl wrth ddarparu cludiant priodol a charedig i'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas.
Rydym ni wedi sefydlu'r uned mamau a babanod amenedigol arbenigol yn Nhonnau, ac mae honno'n gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol eisoes i famau newydd sydd ag angen cymorth fel hyn ac sy'n gallu cael gafael ar hwnnw'n nes i'w cartrefi erbyn hyn. Mae mwy i'w wneud eto, ac rwy'n benderfynol o weld cynnydd yng nghyfradd y byrddau iechyd sy'n cyrraedd safonau Coleg Brenhinol y Seiciatryddion ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl amenedigol cymunedol ac ar gyfer cleifion mewnol. Mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau bod gennym ni ddarpariaeth arbenigol ar gyfer mamau a babanod sy'n hygyrch i famau yn y gogledd, ac rwy'n benderfynol o weld hynny'n digwydd cyn gynted â phosibl.
Mae'r cynllun cyflawni yn cynnwys camau gweithredu hefyd ynglŷn ag atal hunanladdiad, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r heddlu, y GIG ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i sefydlu system wyliadwriaeth amser real i Gymru. Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a fydd yn cynnal honno, ac fe fydd y dull hwn yn hanfodol i'n hymdrechion ni o ran atal hunanladdiad ond i sicrhau ymateb amserol a phriodol hefyd i'r rhai sydd mewn profedigaeth oherwydd hunanladdiad yng Nghymru.
Ategwyd yr holl welliannau hyn gan gynnydd mewn buddsoddiad o bron i £128 miliwn dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf i'r gyllideb a neilltuwyd ar gyfer iechyd meddwl. Dim ond eleni, rydym ni wedi darparu £42 miliwn ychwanegol, ac mae ein rhaglen lywodraethu ni'n parhau â'n hymrwymiad ni i flaenoriaethu buddsoddiad mewn iechyd meddwl.
Fe wyddom ni mai'r gweithlu yw swm a sylwedd ein gwasanaethau ni yn y GIG, ac mae pwysau ar y gweithlu yn her wirioneddol o ran symud ymlaen. Mae Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ar y trywydd iawn i ymgynghori ar strategaeth hirdymor ar gyfer y gweithlu iechyd meddwl erbyn diwedd eleni, yn ogystal â sicrhau atebion mwy uniongyrchol i ymateb i'r galw.
Mae gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl arbenigol yn hanfodol bwysig i'r rhai sydd ag angen y gyfradd uwch honno o gymorth. Mae ein cynllun cyflawni ni'n tynnu sylw at y camau yr ydym ni'n eu cymryd i ddatblygu strategaeth ddiogel i gleifion mewnol a chymorth pellach ar gyfer ymyrraeth gynnar mewn gwasanaethau seicosis. Er hynny, dim ond un rhan yn unig o'r her yw darpariaeth arbenigol i gynnig y cymorth priodol ar yr adeg iawn yn y lle iawn. Drwy fabwysiadu dull o ymyrraeth ac atal yn gynnar, fe allwn ni ymateb i'r her hon a lleihau'r galw am wasanaethau arbenigol.
Mae pob cyd-Aelod yn y Cabinet wedi cytuno y bydd effeithiau ar iechyd meddwl yn cael eu hystyried a byd cefnogaeth ar draws y Llywodraeth. Mae ein dull system gyfan ni'n enghraifft ymarferol dda o hyn, lle rwy'n gweithio yn agos gyda Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg i ysgogi cynnydd. Mae'r gwaith hwn, ynghyd â gweithredu ein fframwaith NEST ni drwy gyfrwng byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol, yn sail i'n dull ataliol tymor hwy.
O ran cyflogaeth, rydym ni'n parhau i weithredu ar sail ystyried cyflogadwyedd fel elfen ddiogelu allweddol ar gyfer iechyd meddwl. Fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i roi cyngor a chymorth i gyflogwyr drwy'r rhaglen Cymru Iach ar Waith ac rydym ni wedi ehangu ein rhaglenni cyflogadwyedd iechyd mewn gwaith a'r tu allan i'r gwaith fel roedd y pandemig yn datblygu. Fe fydd y rhain yn dod yn bwysicach wrth i gymorth megis ffyrlo ddod i ben.
O ran tai, rydym ni wedi sicrhau bod iechyd meddwl yn cael ei integreiddio yn rhan o raglenni allweddol, gan gynnwys y cynllun ailgartrefu cyflym drwy ddigartrefedd. Mae tlodi a chaledi ariannol yn sbardun i anhwylder meddyliol, ac rydym ni'n integreiddio ein dull ni o ymdrin â darpariaeth iechyd meddwl a chymorth gyda dyledion. Yn ystod blwyddyn gyntaf y gronfa gynghori sengl fe sicrhawyd bron i £44 miliwn o fudd-daliadau lles ychwanegol, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys cefnogi pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl.
O ran deddfwriaeth, rydym ni wedi trafod yn eang y manteision posibl i Gymru yn sgil diwygiadau arfaethedig i Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl y DU 1983 gyda phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid. Fe fyddaf i'n ysgrifennu at Ysgrifennydd Iechyd Gwladol y DU i ystyried a ddylid ymestyn y ddeddfwriaeth a gyflwynwyd i ddiwygio'r Ddeddf i Gymru, ac eithrio'r cynigion hynny lle mae gennym fesurau diogelu cyfredol neu fwy cadarn ar waith eisoes—er enghraifft, ar gyfer cynllunio gofal a thriniaeth yng Nghymru. Fe fyddai hi'n rhaid gwneud hyn, wrth gwrs, mewn ffordd a fyddai'n parchu'r setliad datganoli a chonfensiwn Sewel. Fe fyddai amodol ar y Senedd yn pasio cynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol.
Fe fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymgynghori yn fuan hefyd ar reoliadau newydd i Gymru ar gyfer cefnogi'r gwaith o weithredu'r mesurau i ddiogelu rhyddid, a fydd yn disodli'r mesurau cyfredol i ddiogelu rhag colli rhyddid. Fe fydd y mesurau diogelu pwysig hyn yn cynnig system fwy effeithiol, gan roi'r unigolyn sy'n cael ei amddifadu o'i ryddid wrth galon y broses o wneud penderfyniadau, ac fe fydd yn integreiddio'r mesurau i ddiogelu rhyddid yn well i gynllunio gofal, cymorth a thriniaeth bob dydd.
Rwyf i wedi rhoi cipolwg i chi ar gyflawni yn y fan hon heddiw. Yn gyffredinol, o ystyried yr her sylweddol barhaus i wasanaethau, rydym ni'n gwneud cynnydd mawr o ran ein cynllun cyflawni ni, 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl'. Ac er fy mod i'n cael fy nghalonogi gan y cynnydd hwn, nid wyf i'n bychanu'r her barhaus sydd o'n blaenau ni. Eto i gyd, rwyf i wedi ymrwymo i sbarduno camau gweithredu ar draws y Llywodraeth a chyda rhanddeiliaid i wella iechyd meddwl a llesiant y genedl yn rhan o'n dull ehangach ni i gael adferiad wedi'r cyfnod anodd iawn hwn. Diolch yn fawr.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, James Evans.
The Conservative spokesperson, James Evans.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Minister, thank you very much for your statement. I want to mention World Mental Health Day and the significance that that day has to raise the profile of those people who are suffering with their mental health. And I want to put on the record my best wishes to my friend and colleague Andrew R.T. Davies, who I hope makes a speedy recovery, and also to my brave colleague Sam Kurtz, who last week opened up about his own struggles with his mental health during lockdown. I hope that, in raising personal struggles, it will help those people who are suffering in silence to seek the help and support that they need.
Minister, the mental health delivery plan has been refreshed, and it's right that the Government focuses on cross-departmental working, which is right to address the mental health problems. It will take all Government departments to step up to the plate to deal with this. You mentioned you've commissioned an evaluation of the 10-year strategy. Can you outline what methodology and scrutiny will be used to ensure that this Senedd can scrutinise that evaluation when it comes forward? You also mentioned that the delivery plan needs to be accelerated, and I totally agree with you on that. We have no time to lose, and the NHS workforce in Wales is a key part of ensuring that that delivery plan is delivered, and delivered at pace. So, Minister, recruitment shortages in the mental health workforce are a challenge. On workforce plans, last week, you said that HEIW was making good progress on longer term workforce plans. So, when do you expect these plans to be published, and, when more staff are recruited, where will you be placing these professionals?
You also mentioned the delivery and oversight board, which you chair, and I think this is a step in the right direction to, as you said, ensure that services can change and meet the mental health needs that come forward. One thing that I think was omitted from the statement was a position on child and adolescent mental health services support for young people. As I've raised previously, detentions of young people have gone up by 666 per cent in under-16s being detained since March, and two thirds of those were defined as female. That's a shocking statistic, and I think this should be immediately looked at to try and resolve this problem. In CAMHS, four out of seven people are reporting less than 50 per cent assessed at local primary mental health support service levels within 28 days. So, can you outline what efforts you and the oversight board are making to investigate these figures further and ensure that the young girls who have passed early intervention get that crisis care that they need?
With that in mind, 24/7 crisis care centres are vitally important so that people have the care and at the right time, as you said. Crisis care is vital to help save people's lives, and also they reduce the pressure on wider services, and I was wondering what more support can be given to deliver those 24/7 crisis care centres.
You mentioned the perinatal mother and baby care unit at Tonna, and I welcome this. However, you have said that there are gaps in north Wales. So, can you just outline what progress you have made to fill the gaps, and not just in north Wales, but across mid and west Wales as well, so we have that provision right across our country?
Minister, you also mentioned the work with the UK Government over the need to update the Mental Health Act, and I welcome this cross-governmental work and I think it's very positive. However, do you think that maybe we should look at having an updated Welsh mental health Act here in Wales, made in Wales, decided by Welsh policy makers, to make sure that we have fantastic mental health services here in Wales? You mentioned the liberty safeguard regulations, and I look forward to seeing that detail coming forward and having wider discussions with you about that.
And finally, Minister, will you outline your top priorities now for improving mental health services in Wales? I think it would be very useful if I could get to judge or appraise the top five or six measures and what you really want to get on top of in this first term of the Senedd. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Thank you, Minister, for your statement.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Gweinidog, diolch yn fawr am eich datganiad chi. Fe hoffwn i sôn am Ddiwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd a'r arwyddocâd sydd gan y diwrnod hwnnw i godi proffil y bobl hynny sy'n dioddef oherwydd cyflyrau iechyd meddwl. Ac rwyf i am ddymuno'r gorau ar goedd i'm cyfaill a'm cydweithiwr Andrew R.T. Davies, sydd gobeithio, yn brysio i wella, a'm cydweithiwr dewr Sam Kurtz hefyd, a fynegodd yn ddidwyll iawn yr wythnos diwethaf ei anawsterau ei hun gyda'i iechyd meddwl yn ystod y cyfnod clo. Rwy'n gobeithio, wrth godi anawsterau personol, y bydd hyn yn annog y bobl hynny sy'n dioddef yn dawel i geisio'r cymorth a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw.
Gweinidog, fe adnewyddwyd y cynllun cyflawni iechyd meddwl, a pheth da yw i'r Llywodraeth ganolbwyntio ar weithio trawsadrannol, sy'n beth da i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Fe fydd hi'n rhaid i adrannau'r Llywodraeth i gyd ddod i'r adwy i ymdrin â hyn. Roeddech chi'n sôn eich bod chi wedi comisiynu gwerthusiad o'r strategaeth 10 mlynedd. A wnewch chi amlinellu pa fethodoleg a chraffu a ddefnyddir i sicrhau y gall y Senedd hon graffu ar y gwerthusiad pan gaiff hwnnw ei gyflwyno? Roeddech chi'n sôn hefyd fod angen cyflymu'r cynllun cyflawni, ac rwyf i'n cytuno yn llwyr â chi yn hynny o beth. Nid oes gennym ni amser i'w golli, ac mae gweithlu'r GIG yng Nghymru yn rhan allweddol o'r gwaith o sicrhau bod y cynllun cyflawni hwnnw'n cael ei gyflawni, a'i gyflawni ar garlam. Felly, Gweinidog, mae prinder recriwtio yn y gweithlu iechyd meddwl yn her. O ran cynlluniau'r gweithlu, yr wythnos diwethaf, roeddech chi'n dweud bod AaGIC yn gwneud cynnydd da o ran cynlluniau gweithlu tymor hwy. Felly, pryd ydych chi'n disgwyl i'r cynlluniau hyn gael eu cyhoeddi, a phan gaiff mwy o staff eu recriwtio, ym mha le y byddwch chi'n lleoli'r gweithwyr proffesiynol hyn?
Roeddech chi'n sôn hefyd am y bwrdd cyflawni a goruchwylio yr ydych chi'n ei gadeirio ac rwyf i o'r farn fod hwn yn gam i'r cyfeiriad iawn, fel roeddech chi'n dweud, at sicrhau y gall gwasanaethau newid a diwallu'r anghenion o ran iechyd meddwl a ddaw i'r amlwg. Un peth a hepgorodd y datganiad yn fy marn i oedd safbwynt ar gymorth gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl plant a'r glasoed i bobl ifanc. Fel rwyf i wedi dweud o'r blaen, mae nifer y bobl ifanc yn y ddalfa wedi cynyddu 666 y cant mewn pobl dan 16 oed sy'n cael eu dal ers mis Mawrth, ac fe ddiffiniwyd dwy ran o dair o'r rhain yn fenywaidd. Mae hwnnw'n ystadegyn brawychus, ac rwyf i'n credu y dylid ystyried hyn ar unwaith i geisio datrys y broblem hon. Mewn CAMHS, mae pedwar o bob saith o bobl yn adrodd mai llai na 50 y cant sydd wedi eu hasesu ar lefelau gwasanaeth cymorth iechyd meddwl sylfaenol lleol o fewn 28 diwrnod. Felly, a wnewch chi amlinellu pa ymdrechion a wnewch chi a'r bwrdd goruchwylio i ymchwilio ymhellach i'r ffigurau hyn a sicrhau bod y merched ifanc sydd wedi pasio ymyrraeth gynnar yn cael y gofal argyfwng hwnnw sydd ei angen arnyn nhw?
Gyda hynny mewn golwg, mae canolfannau gofal argyfwng 24/7 yn hanfodol bwysig i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael y gofal ac yn yr amser priodol, fel roeddech chi'n dweud. Mae gofal brys yn hanfodol i helpu i achub bywydau pobl, a hefyd maen nhw'n lleihau'r pwysau ar wasanaethau ehangach, tybed pa gymorth arall y gellir ei roi i ddarparu'r canolfannau gofal argyfwng 24/7 hynny.
Roeddech chi'n sôn am yr uned gofal mamau a babanod amenedigol yn Nhonnau, ac rwy'n croesawu hynny. Eto i gyd, rydych chi wedi dweud fod yna fylchau yn y gogledd. Felly, a wnewch chi amlinellu pa gynnydd a wnaethoch chi o ran llenwi'r bylchau, ac nid yn y gogledd yn unig, ond ar draws y canolbarth a'r gorllewin hefyd, fel bod y ddarpariaeth honno gennym ni ledled Cymru?
Gweinidog, roeddech chi'n sôn hefyd am y gwaith gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch yr angen i ddiweddaru'r Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl, ac rwy'n croesawu'r gwaith traws-lywodraethol hwn ac o'r farn ei fod yn rhywbeth adeiladol iawn. Serch hynny, a ydych chi'n credu efallai y dylem ni ystyried cael Deddf iechyd meddwl wedi'i diweddaru yma yng Nghymru, a luniwyd yng Nghymru, a benderfynwyd gan y rhai sy'n llunio polisi yng Nghymru, i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl rhagorol gennym ni yma yng Nghymru? Fe wnaethoch chi grybwyll y rheoliadau diogelu rhyddid, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld y manylion hynny'n cael eu cyflwyno a chael trafodaethau ehangach gyda chi ynglŷn â hynny.
Ac yn olaf, Gweinidog, a wnewch chi amlinellu eich prif flaenoriaethau chi nawr i wella gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru? Rwyf i o'r farn y byddai hi'n ardderchog i mi gael barnu neu arfarnu'r pump neu chwe phrif fesur a'r hyn yr ydych chi'n wir yn dymuno ei gyflawni yn ystod y tymor Seneddol cyntaf hwn. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad.
Thank you very much, James Evans. There were lots and lots of questions and points there, but, before I start to respond to you, can I just place on record my good wishes to Andrew R.T. Davies for a speedy recovery and to say how helpful I think it is to everyone that he has shown this courage in speaking out, as indeed Sam Kurtz did last week? In doing so, he helps everyone. So, I send him my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
If I can start with the points that James Evans made about our evaluation of the 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan, that has begun already, and we've contracted with people to undertake that evaluation for us in as thorough a way as we can. Possibly there'll be engagement with stakeholders, et cetera, and that work itself is due to be completed by next year—by September 2022. And I think then we'll have to look at what we take from that evaluation, because, obviously, we're going to have to have new plans going forward. And I think, at that point, then, we would want to be engaging with relevant committees and with the Senedd to make sure that we're also listening to the views of everybody here. But it's vitally important that the plan we take forward is one that will work for people who are going to be in receipt of services.
You mentioned workforce pressures. The workforce pressures are very significant indeed and are something that I am focusing a lot of my time and effort on. The plan that will be consulted on by HEIW and Social Care Wales will identify in a very comprehensive way, I hope, where we need to have the different staff. We know that we've had some success with attracting psychiatrists to come and work in Wales, but we've got shortages in other specialities as well. So, that comprehensive piece of work that is being undertaken by HEIW should give us that full picture. That should be completed by the end of this year, and then we'll go out to consultation. But we aren't resting on our laurels in the meantime. HEIW are looking at what immediate steps we can take to fill vacancies in shortage areas. And I have asked officials to look at whether we can pilot a form of psychological assistance—rather than having fully qualified clinical psychologists, that we can look at earlier intervention with psychology assistance—which is being used very effectively in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. I'm meeting them shortly to discuss what they are doing.
In terms of CAMHS, they continue to be a top priority for me, just as implementing the whole-system reforms of 'Mind over matter' is at the very centre of what I am trying to do. It's why I have come into Government, and I am completely committed to delivering on that. We have seen fluctuations in the average waiting time for children and young people to access specialist CAMHS during the pandemic. Data over the last 12 months shows that the average wait to receive a first appointment for specialist CAMHS is 4.4 weeks, and that ranges from three to six weeks. The latest waiting times data for under-18s primary mental health provisions shows that 83 per cent of young people received their local primary mental health service assessments within eight weeks of referral. We did see a sharp increase in referrals, but thankfully that is now showing signs of levelling off. Nevertheless, we are not complacent, and making sure that children and young people are seen in a timely way is a top priority for me. I meet with the vice-chairs regularly, officials have those regular, ongoing discussions with health boards to drive performance, and where I've had particular concerns about the performance of a health board, I have had a special meeting where I've gone there to discuss their performance and to seek assurances that they are addressing this matter as a question of urgency.
I note your welcome for the 24-hour crisis care provision. I think we are on course to deliver that. It's a big undertaking, a big change, but I am confident that we will be there by the end of this year, and we will be in a position then where people will be able to ring 111 for mental health in Wales. But below that, we're also undertaking an exercise where the delivery unit has been visiting all health boards to discuss the crisis services that operate for children and young people in particular, but across the board. They will be making recommendations about what more we need to do to improve the crisis support beyond that phone line. So, it's very much a major priority for me.
Thank you for your welcome for the joint working on the Mental Health Act. Clearly, it's important that, where we can work with the UK Government in a constructive way, we do that. You asked whether we should have a new law for Wales on mental health. My honest and considered answered is that, no, that is not the challenge that we face at the moment. We know what needs to happen. We've got the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010, which was made in Wales by a Conservative Member, Jonathan Morgan, who took that through this Senedd. Our challenge is to ensure that we are delivering across the whole system. So, I don't think that it's about legislation per se, but we are very happy to build on the legislative opportunities that are arising where they present themselves.
Finally, in terms of my priorities, my priority is to ensure that everybody in Wales, but especially children and young people, can get access to timely mental health support when they need it, at the same time as we are shifting the whole system in Wales to one of prevention and early intervention, so that fewer people need to access those specialist services in the first place. So, that is what is driving my work and what is taking up my time. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, James Evans. Roedd gennych chi gant a mil o gwestiynau a phwyntiau, ond, cyn i mi ddechrau ymateb i chi, a gaf innau fynegi fy nymuniadau gorau ar goedd i Andrew R.T. Davies am adferiad buan a dweud pa mor llesol i bawb yn fy marn i yw ei fod ef wedi dangos dewrder fel hyn wrth siarad, fel yn wir y gwnaeth Sam Kurtz yr wythnos diwethaf? Wrth wneud fel hyn, mae hynny'n helpu pawb. Felly, rwy'n anfon fy nymuniadau gorau iddo am adferiad buan.
Os caf i ddechrau gyda'r pwyntiau a wnaeth James Evans am ein gwerthusiad ni o'r cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl', mae hynny wedi dechrau eisoes, ac rydym ni wedi llunio cytundeb gyda phobl i gynnal y gwerthusiad hwnnw i ni mewn ffordd mor drylwyr ag y gallwn ni. Efallai y ceir ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid, ac ati, ac fe ddisgwylir i'r gwaith hwnnw ei hun gael ei gwblhau erbyn y flwyddyn nesaf—erbyn mis Medi 2022. Ac rwy'n credu wedyn y bydd yn rhaid i ni edrych ar yr hyn a ddysgwn ni o'r gwerthusiad hwnnw, oherwydd, yn amlwg, fe fydd yn rhaid i ni gael cynlluniau newydd wrth symud ymlaen. Ac rwy'n credu, bryd hynny, y byddem ni'n dymuno ymgysylltu â phwyllgorau perthnasol a chyda'r Senedd i sicrhau ein bod ni'n gwrando ar farn pawb yn hyn o beth hefyd. Ond mae hi'n hanfodol bwysig fod y cynllun a fabwysiadwn yn un a fydd yn gweithio i'r bobl a fydd yn cael y gwasanaethau.
Roeddech chi'n sôn am y pwysau ar y gweithlu. Mae'r pwysau ar y gweithlu yn sylweddol iawn wir a dyma rywbeth yr wyf i'n canolbwyntio llawer o'm hamser a'm hymdrech arno. Fe fydd y cynllun yr ymgynghorir ag ef gan AaGIC a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn nodi mewn ffordd gynhwysfawr iawn, rwy'n gobeithio, y mannau hynny lle mae angen i ni fod â'r staff gwahanol. Fe wyddom ein bod ni wedi gweld rhywfaint o lwyddiant o ran denu seiciatryddion i ddod i weithio yng Nghymru, ond mae yna brinder mewn arbenigeddau eraill hefyd. Felly, fe ddylai'r darn cynhwysfawr hwnnw o waith sy'n cael ei wneud gan AaGIC roi'r darlun llawn hwnnw inni. Fe ddylai hynny gael ei gwblhau erbyn diwedd eleni, ac yna fe fyddwn ni'n ymgynghori. Ond nid ydym ni'n gorffwys ar ein bri yn y cyfamser. Mae AaGIC yn edrych ar ba gamau uniongyrchol y gallwn ni eu cymryd i lenwi swyddi gwag mewn ardaloedd lle mae prinder. Ac rwyf i wedi gofyn i swyddogion ystyried a allwn ni dreialu math o gymorth seicolegol—yn hytrach na chael seicolegwyr clinigol cwbl gymwysedig, y gallwn ni edrych ar ymyrraeth gynharach gyda chymorth seicoleg—sy'n cael ei defnyddio'n effeithiol iawn ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan. Fe fyddaf i'n cwrdd â nhw cyn bo hir i drafod yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wneud.
O ran CAMHS, maen nhw'n parhau i fod yn brif flaenoriaeth i mi, yn union fel mae gweithredu'r diwygiadau system gyfan o 'Cadernid Meddwl' yn ganolog i'r hyn yr wyf yn ceisio ei wneud. Dyna pam yr wyf i wedi mynd i mewn i'r Llywodraeth, ac rwyf i wedi ymrwymo yn llwyr i gyflawni hynny. Rydym ni wedi gweld amrywiadau yn yr amser aros cyfartalog y bydd plant a phobl ifanc yn cael cymorth CAMHS arbenigol yn ystod y pandemig. Mae data dros y 12 mis diwethaf yn dangos mai 4.4 wythnos yw'r amser aros cyfartalog i gael apwyntiad cyntaf ar gyfer CAMHS arbenigol, ac mae hynny'n amrywio o dair i chwe wythnos. Mae'r data amseroedd aros diweddaraf ar gyfer darpariaethau iechyd meddwl sylfaenol i bobl ifanc dan 18 oed yn dangos bod 83 y cant o bobl ifanc wedi derbyn eu hasesiadau gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl sylfaenol lleol nhw o fewn wyth wythnos i'w hatgyfeirio. Fe welsom ni gynnydd sydyn yn yr atgyfeiriadau, ond diolch byth mae hynny bellach yn dangos arwyddion o arafu. Serch hynny, nid ydym ni'n hunanfodlon, ac mae sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu trin mewn ffordd amserol yn brif flaenoriaeth i mi. Rwy'n cyfarfod â'r is-gadeiryddion yn rheolaidd, mae swyddogion yn cael trafodaethau rheolaidd, parhaus fel hyn gyda byrddau iechyd i ysgogi perfformiad, a phan oedd gennyf bryderon penodol am berfformiad bwrdd iechyd, roeddwn yn cael cyfarfod arbennig yno i drafod eu perfformiad nhw a cheisio sicrwydd eu bod nhw'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwnnw gyda'r brys haeddiannol.
Rwy'n nodi eich croeso chi i'r ddarpariaeth gofal argyfwng 24 awr. Rwy'n credu ein bod ni ar y trywydd iawn i gyflawni hynny. Mae hwn yn ymrwymiad mawr, yn newid mawr, ond rwy'n ffyddiog y byddwn ni'n cyrraedd yno erbyn diwedd eleni, ac fe fyddwn ni mewn sefyllfa bryd hynny lle bydd pobl yn gallu ffonio 111 ar gyfer gofal iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru. Ond ar lefel is na hynny, rydym ni'n cynnal ymarfer hefyd lle mae'r uned gyflawni wedi bod yn ymweld â'r holl fyrddau iechyd i drafod y gwasanaethau argyfwng sy'n gweithredu ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc yn benodol, ond yn gyffredinol hefyd. Fe fyddan nhw'n gwneud argymhellion ynghylch beth arall y mae angen i ni ei wneud i wella'r cymorth argyfwng y tu hwnt i'r llinell ffôn honno. Felly, mae hon yn flaenoriaeth fawr i mi.
Diolch i chi am eich croeso i'r cydweithio ar y Ddeddf Iechyd Meddwl. Yn amlwg, mae hi'n bwysig, lle gallwn ni weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU mewn ffordd adeiladol, ein bod ni'n gwneud felly. Roeddech chi'n gofyn a ddylem ni fod â chyfraith newydd i Gymru o ran iechyd meddwl. Fy ateb gonest ac ystyriol i yw nad honno yw'r her sy'n ein hwynebu ni ar hyn o bryd. Rydym ni'n gwybod pa bethau sydd angen iddyn nhw ddigwydd. Mae gennym ni Fesur Iechyd Meddwl (Cymru) 2010, a luniwyd yng Nghymru gan Aelod Ceidwadol, Jonathan Morgan, a ddygodd hynny drwy'r Senedd hon. Ein her ni yw sicrhau ein bod ni'n gweld cyflawniadau ledled y system gyfan. Felly, nid wyf i o'r farn mai ymwneud â deddfwriaeth y mae hynny fel y cyfryw, ond rydym ni'n hapus iawn i adeiladu ar y cyfleoedd deddfwriaethol sy'n codi lle maen nhw'n ymgyflwyno.
Yn olaf, o ran fy mlaenoriaethau i, fy mlaenoriaeth i yw sicrhau bod pawb yng Nghymru, ond plant a phobl ifanc yn arbennig felly, yn gallu cael gafael ar gymorth iechyd meddwl amserol pan fydd ei angen arnyn nhw, a symud y system gyfan yng Nghymru, ar yr un pryd â hynny, tuag at un o atal ac ymyrryd yn gynnar, fel nad oes angen am y gwasanaethau arbenigol hynny ar gymaint o bobl yn y lle cyntaf. Felly, dyna sy'n ysgogi fy ngwaith i a'r hyn sy'n mynd â'm hamser i. Diolch i chi.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mi wnaf i, os caf i, anfon fy nymuniadau gorau i Andrew R.T. Davies. Dwi eisiau gyrru dymuniadau gorau i bawb, wrth gwrs, sydd yn wynebu heriau tebyg lle bynnag y bôn nhw. Wrth gwrs, y gwir amdani ydy ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa freintiedig i allu gwneud llawer mwy na dymuno'n dda i bobl mewn geiriau. Mae Llywodraeth yn gallu gweithredu, rydym ni i gyd yn gallu dal y Llywodraeth i gyfrif, a bod yn benderfynol i beidio â bodloni tan ein bod ni'n gwybod bod gennym ni'r gwasanaethau yn eu lle y mae pobl Cymru eu hangen. Achos rydym ni yn wynebu argyfwng. Ac efallai mai'r peth sydd fwyaf rhwystredig ydy arafwch y cynnydd, er gwaethaf mor amlwg ydy'r argyfwng hwnnw. Lleiafrif sydd yn cael triniaeth o gwbl am iechyd meddwl, ac o'r rheini sydd yn cael triniaeth, mae llawer, wrth gwrs, yn gorfod aros yn rhy hir.
Dwi yn croesawu, yn sicr, y ffaith bod adroddiad wedi cael ei gomisiynu gan y Dirprwy Weinidog i ddysgu mwy am lle mae'r cynnydd yn digwydd, lle dydy'r cynnydd ddim yn ddigwydd. Mi wnaf innau ychwanegu cwestiwn yn gofyn am eglurder, ychydig bach mwy, am y gwaith hwnnw. Pwy fydd yn gwneud hwnnw? Mae'n bwysig, dwi'n meddwl, gwybod bod yna olwg annibynnol yn mynd i fod yn cael ei gymryd ar hyn. Mi ddywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog yn ei hateb eiliad yn ôl y bydd y gwaith wedi ei gwblhau erbyn—dwi'n meddwl mis Medi y flwyddyn nesaf ddywedoch chi. Fydd yr adrodd yn ôl yn digwydd erbyn mis Medi, ynteu gorffen y gwaith casglu fydd yn digwydd erbyn hynny? Achos eisiau annog pethau i symud ymlaen mor gyflym â phosibl ydw i. A hefyd, oherwydd y broblem rydym ni'n gwybod sydd gennym ni efo gwasanaethau gofal iechyd meddwl i blant a phobl ifanc, allaf i gael sicrwydd y bydd yr asesiad yn cynnwys beth sy'n digwydd o ran cynnydd ym maes cefnogaeth i blant a phobl ifanc, yn benodol?
Rydym ni wedi cael rhestr gan y Dirprwy Weinidog heddiw o wahanol ffyrdd, yn cynnwys ambell i fenter newydd, mae pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at gefnogaeth. Dydy'r rheini ddim yn gweithio i bobl os dydyn nhw ddim yn gwybod amdanyn nhw, wrth gwrs, a dwi'n meddwl bod yna lawer o bobl sydd yn teimlo nad ydyn nhw'n gwybod lle i fynd i chwilio am gefnogaeth. Felly, tybed all y Dirprwy Weinidog ddweud wrthym ni pa waith sydd yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod yna gryfhau yn digwydd ar y signposting yna, sydd mor hanfodol er mwyn i bobl sydd â problem fechan, o bosib, rŵan, gael yr help amserol sydd ei angen arnyn nhw er mwyn atal, gobeithio, hynny rhag troi yn broblem fwy dwys a allai olygu angen triniaeth seiciatrig uwch.
Yn olaf, dwi'n troi at ddata a thryloywder. Mae Mind Cymru wedi codi pryderon dros y blynyddoedd, mae'n rhaid dweud, ynglŷn â'r broses o gasglu'r data sydd ei angen i fesur cynnydd yn strategaeth y Llywodraeth, achos dydy'r set ddata graidd iechyd meddwl rydyn ni wedi bod yn ei ddisgwyl yn hir iawn amdani yn dal ddim yn weithredol. A dwi'n dweud ein bod ni'n disgwyl yn hir—dwi'n meddwl fy mod i'n iawn i ddweud bod y set ddata i fod yn barod yn wreiddiol erbyn mis Rhagfyr 2014. Wnaeth yr amserlen honno ddim cael ei chyrraedd. Mae wedi llithro eto, a dwi'n meddwl mai'r dyddiad sydd gennym ni bellach ydy y bydd o'n weithredol erbyn 2022. Felly, pa bryd? Dechrau 2022? Rydyn ni'n cael sicrwydd bod hyn yn mynd i gael ei weithredu y flwyddyn nesaf. Ydy'r Gweinidog yn derbyn mewn difrif nad oes posib mesur llwyddiant na chynnydd ar y strategaeth heb fod y mesuryddion a'r data craidd yn eu lle gennym ni?
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. If I may send my best wishes to Andrew R.T. Davies. But I want to wish everyone well who is facing similar challenges wherever they may be. The truth is that we are in a very privileged position to do much more than wishing well, using words alone. The Government can take action, all of us can hold the Government to account and be determined not to be satisfied until we have the services in place that the people of Wales need. Because we are facing a crisis. And perhaps what is most frustrating is the slow progress despite how clear the crisis is. It’s a minority who receive treatment at all for mental health issues, and of those who receive treatment, many of them do have to wait too long.
I do welcome certainly the fact that a report has been commissioned by the Deputy Minister to learn more about where the progress is taking place, where the progress isn’t taking place. I will add a question asking for clarity about that work: who will be doing that work? It’s important for us to know, I think, that there is an independent look being taken at this. The Deputy Minister said in her response a moment ago that the work will be completed by, I think, September of next year. Will the report be published by September or will that be the end date of gathering the information? Because I would want to encourage things to move forward as quickly as possible. Also, because of the issue that we know that we have with child and adolescent mental health services, can I have an assurance that that assessment will include what is happening in terms of progress in that support for children and young people specifically?
We’ve had a list from the Deputy Minister today of the different ways, including some new initiatives, that people can access support. Those don’t work for people if they don’t know about them, of course. I think that there are many people who feel that they don’t know where to go to seek support. So, perhaps the Deputy Minister could tell us what work is being done to ensure that there is a strengthening of that signposting that is so vital, so that people who may have a small issue now can receive that timely support that they need to prevent that from becoming a more intensive issue that might need that elevated psychiatric care.
Finally, I turn to data and transparency. Mind Cymru have voiced concerns over years, I have to say, about the work of gathering the data to measure progress against the Government strategy, because the core mental health data—we’ve been waiting for that for a long time. That hasn’t been received yet. We’ve been waiting a long time, as I said, and I think it’s correct to say that the dataset was meant to be ready by December 2014. That timetable wasn’t adhered to, it slipped again and I think that the date that we now have is that it will be available by 2022. So, when? At the beginning of 2022? Will 2022 be achieved at all? Hopefully it will be achieved next year. Does the Deputy Minister accept, truth be told, that we can’t measure the progress and success of the strategy without having the measures and the core data in place?
Thank you for those questions, Rhun. I absolutely agree that we're in a position in this Chamber where we can take action and not just talk about things, and that is absolutely what I want to do. Can I just correct a mistake that I made about the completion date of the evaluation of the 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan? It's actually April 2022. I was struggling to reach my papers there. So, earlier than I said. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be ready at that time, and I also can't see any difficulty with making that available. Certainly, with other evaluations that the Welsh Government has commissioned, those have been published and made available on the Welsh Government website.
I should be clear, though, that this is an evaluation of the whole delivery plan, which I've tried to give you a flavour of today, which doesn't just cover direct mental health services—it covers housing, benefits advice, all those things. I wouldn't want you to think that it is the only thing that we are doing to track what's happening in mental health services. As I said in the statement, I chair a ministerial delivery and oversight board, which was actually set up by my predecessor, Eluned Morgan, because we recognised there was a need to have stronger oversight of the whole mental health system in Wales. That meets bimonthly, it's chaired by me, and I have a report on that on every single work stream that is being taken forward on mental health in Wales. Every single work stream has to report what they're doing. They have to highlight any risks, and they have to RAG rate their work. It's a relatively new body, but I feel that it is one that is coming into its own and that will help give us that assurance, as well, of course, as the evaluation across the piece of the delivery plan.
Your referred to CAMHS as well in your comments. Can I also assure you that, in addition to the ministerial delivery and oversight board, we've also got the ministerial task and finish group on the whole-system approach, which is jointly chaired by myself and Jeremy Miles? That used to be the task and finish group on the whole-school approach, but following 'Mind over matter: Two years on', we recognised that although there was a lot of focus on the whole-school approach, we needed to make sure that we didn't take our foot off the pedal on the more specialist services. So, that task and finish group was adapted to cover the whole system that would impact on a child, from school right up to the tier 4 services. I hope that that does give you some assurance that there are a number of mechanisms in place to scrutinise and drive performance in this area.
You mentioned the core data set, and I entirely recognise that it is vital that we have data if we're going to improve services. Before I became a Minister, I was constantly calling for the core data set myself. I don't recognise the date of it having meant to be ready by 2014, although I acknowledge that we haven't made as much progress as we would have liked, and that's partly due to the pandemic. Just to confirm to the Member that this work was relaunched in September as the mental health outcomes and measures board, and this work has been separated into two phases, which are developing an integrated mental health outcomes framework and a communication plan. That work should be completed by March 2022, and then there will be a period of implementation. But also to assure the Member that I entirely recognise where he's coming from on the need for robust data and driving that forward will be a priority for me.
Diolch am y cwestiynau yna, Rhun. Rwy'n llwyr gytuno ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa yn y Siambr hon lle y gallwn ni weithredu ac nid dim ond siarad am bethau, a dyna'n union yr wyf i'n awyddus i'w wneud. A gaf i gywiro camgymeriad a wneuthum i am ddyddiad cwblhau'r gwerthusiad o'r cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl'? Mis Ebrill 2022 fydd hynny, mewn gwirionedd. Roeddwn i'n cael trafferth i gael gafael ar fy mhapurau gynnau. Felly, yn gynharach nag y dywedais i. Ni allaf i weld unrhyw reswm pam na fydd yn barod bryd hynny, ac ni allaf weld unrhyw anhawster i sicrhau bod hwnnw ar gael. Yn sicr, gyda gwerthusiadau eraill a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fe gyhoeddwyd y rhain a'u rhoi nhw ar gael ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru.
Fodd bynnag, fe ddylwn i egluro mai gwerthusiad o'r cynllun cyflawni cyfan yw hwn, yr wyf i wedi ceisio rhoi rhagflas ohono i chi heddiw, ac nid yw'n cynnwys gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl uniongyrchol yn unig—mae'n cynnwys tai, cyngor ar fudd-daliadau, yr holl bethau hyn. Ni fyddwn i'n dymuno i chi feddwl mai dyma'r unig beth yr ydym ni'n ei wneud i dracio yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Fel y dywedais i yn y datganiad, rwy'n cadeirio bwrdd cyflawni a goruchwylio gweinidogol, a sefydlwyd mewn gwirionedd gan fy rhagflaenydd i, Eluned Morgan, oherwydd roeddem ni'n cydnabod bod angen cael goruchwyliaeth gryfach o'r system iechyd meddwl gyfan ni yng Nghymru. Mae hwnnw'n cyfarfod bob deufis, a chaiff ei gadeirio gennyf fi, ac mae gennyf adroddiad ar hynny ynglŷn â phob ffrwd waith unigol sy'n cael ei datblygu ar iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru. Mae'n rhaid i bob ffrwd waith unigol adrodd am yr hyn y mae'n ei wneud. Mae'n rhaid tynnu sylw at unrhyw risgiau, ac mae'n rhaid gwerthuso'r gwaith. Corff cymharol newydd yw hwn, ond rwy'n teimlo ei fod yn un sy'n magu stêm ac fe fydd yn helpu i roi'r sicrwydd hwnnw i ni, hefyd, wrth gwrs, fel mae'r gwerthusiad cyfunol o'r cynllun cyflawni yn ei wneud.
Roeddech chi'n cyfeirio hefyd at CAMHS yn eich sylwadau. A gaf i eich sicrhau chi hefyd, yn ogystal â'r bwrdd cyflawni a goruchwylio gweinidogol, fod gennym ni'r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen gweinidogol ar y dull system gyfan hefyd, a chaiff hwnnw ei gadeirio ar y cyd gan Jeremy Miles a minnau? Arferai hwnnw fod yn grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen ar y dull ysgol gyfan, ond yn dilyn 'Cadernid meddwl. Ddwy flynedd yn ddiweddarach', roeddem ni'n cydnabod, er bod llawer o ganolbwyntio ar y dull ysgol gyfan, fod angen i ni sicrhau nad oeddem ni'n arafu o ran y gwasanaethau mwy arbenigol. Felly, fe addaswyd y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen hwnnw i gwmpasu'r system gyfan a fyddai'n effeithio ar blentyn, o'r ysgol hyd at y gwasanaethau haen 4. Rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny'n rhoi rhywfaint o sicrwydd i chi fod yna nifer o systemau ar waith i graffu ar berfformiad yn y maes hwn a'i sbarduno ymlaen.
Roeddech chi'n sôn am y set ddata graidd, ac rwy'n cydnabod yn llwyr ei bod hi'n hanfodol i ni fod â data os ydym ni'n dymuno gwella gwasanaethau. Cyn i mi ddod yn Weinidog, roeddwn i fy hun yn galw yn gyson am y set ddata graidd. Nid wyf i'n cydnabod y dyddiad y dylid bod wedi ei gyflawni erbyn 2014, er fy mod i'n cydnabod nad ydym ni wedi gwneud cymaint o gynnydd ag y byddem ni wedi ei ddymuno, ac mae hynny'n rhannol oherwydd y pandemig. Ond dim ond i gadarnhau i'r Aelod, fe gafodd y gwaith hwn ei ail-lansio ym mis Medi fel bwrdd canlyniadau a mesurau iechyd meddwl, ac fe rannwyd y gwaith hwn yn ddau gam, sy'n datblygu fframwaith canlyniadau iechyd meddwl integredig a chynllun cyfathrebu. Fe ddylid cwblhau'r gwaith hwnnw erbyn mis Mawrth 2022, ac yna fe fydd yna gyfnod o roi hynny ar waith. Ond i sicrhau'r Aelod hefyd fy mod i'n cydnabod ei safbwynt ef yn llwyr o ran yr angen am ddata cadarn ac fe fydd bwrw ymlaen â hynny'n flaenoriaeth i mi.
Thank you, Minister, for bringing forward this important statement today. As both an individual Member of the Senedd and also as chair of the cross-party group on mental health, I'd like to pass on my best wishes to Andrew R.T. Davies and say just how impressive his openness, and indeed the openness of Sam Kurtz, was last week. C.S. Lewis once remarked that we read so that we know we are not alone, and there are many, many people who will have read Andrew R.T. Davies's comments last week and felt reassured that they are not alone.
Minister, we went into this COVID pandemic with an intensifying need to both address and prevent mental and emotional illness across our population, and we're emerging from the pandemic with that need even more pressing and intense, particularly for children and young people, as you have identified today. Indeed, Barnardo's produce a UK-wide quarterly practitioner survey, and since April of last year, respondents have consistently ranked the increase in mental health and well-being issues amongst children, young people and families as the No. 1 issue. And of course, in the workplace, we know that presenteeism is now costing businesses more than absenteeism. There's also emerging evidence linking the body's vulnerability to cancer to the combined impact of social isolation and sustained elevated levels of cortisol that comes with many mental illnesses and with stress. And this further demonstrates—
Diolch, Gweinidog, am gyflwyno'r datganiad pwysig hwn heddiw. Yn Aelod unigol o'r Senedd ac yn gadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar iechyd meddwl hefyd, fe hoffwn i fynegi fy nymuniadau gorau i Andrew R.T. Davies a dweud pa mor drawiadol oedd ei ddiffuantrwydd ef, a diffuantrwydd Sam Kurtz yn wir, yr wythnos diwethaf. Fe ddywedodd C.S. Lewis un tro ein bod ni'n darllen er mwyn gwybod nad ydym ni ar ein pennau ein hunain, ac mae llawer o bobl a fydd wedi darllen sylwadau Andrew R.T. Davies yr wythnos diwethaf wedi cael cysur o wybod nad ydyn nhw ar eu pennau eu hunain.
Gweinidog, fe aethom ni i mewn i'r pandemig COVID hwn gydag angen cynyddol i fynd i'r afael â salwch meddwl ac emosiynol ledled ein poblogaeth ni ac atal hynny, ac rydym ni'n codi o'r pandemig gyda'r angen hwnnw yn fwy dybryd a dwys, hyd yn oed, yn arbennig o ran plant a phobl ifanc, fel y gwnaethoch chi nodi heddiw. Yn wir, mae Barnardo's yn cynhyrchu arolwg ymarferwyr bob chwarter ledled y DU, ac ers mis Ebrill y llynedd, mae ymatebwyr wedi nodi'r cynnydd cyson mewn materion iechyd meddwl a llesiant ymhlith plant, pobl ifanc a theuluoedd fel y mater pwysicaf un. Ac wrth gwrs, yn y gweithle, fe wyddom ni fod presenoliaeth bellach yn costio mwy i fusnesau nag absenoliaeth. Mae tystiolaeth yn dod i'r amlwg hefyd sy'n cysylltu tuedd y corff i fod yn agored i gael canser ag effaith gyfunol ynysu cymdeithasol a chyfraddau uwch parhaus o cortisol sy'n dod yn sgil llawer o salwch meddwl yn ogystal â straen. Ac mae hyn yn amlygu ymhellach—
Can the Member ask the question now, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ofyn ei gwestiwn nawr, os gwelwch chi'n dda?
It further demonstrates that we do need to tackle mental illness. Now, one question in particular, cross-Government working, and you've alluded to it today, could you elaborate on how you're working with particularly the education and economy departments to tackle mental illness? And can you also identify how you're promoting the online cognitive behavioural therapy resource that has proven so popular to date and will be invaluable for many, many people?
Mae'n amlygu ymhellach yr angen i ni fynd i'r afael â salwch meddwl. Nawr, un cwestiwn yn benodol, o ran gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth, ac rydych chi wedi cyfeirio at hyn heddiw, a wnewch chi ymhelaethu ar sut yr ydych chi'n gweithio gyda'r adrannau addysg ac economi yn arbennig i fynd i'r afael â salwch meddwl? Ac a wnewch chi nodi hefyd sut yr ydych chi'n hybu'r adnodd therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol ar-lein sydd wedi bod mor boblogaidd hyd yma ac a fydd o werth amhrisiadwy i lawer iawn o bobl?
Thank you, Ken. And thank you, too, for the work that you're doing in chairing the cross-party group, which I also very much appreciate. As you've highlighted, that cross-Government working on mental health is absolutely crucial, and there is a huge amount of work going on across Government in this area. I'm working closely with the Minister for education on the delivery of the whole-system approach to children's mental health and I feel that we're making good progress there and we're going to be hearing more about that shortly.
We've also got a range of employment projects that are designed to support people who are at risk of leaving employment because they've got mental health problems, and we've also got a peer support programme that is designed to ensure that some of the people who are furthest from the workplace can get back into employment. But I think it's really important that we don't stop there, and I'm very pleased to say that I've had very positive discussions with colleagues across Government about the need to work together on mental health. I see mental health as everybody's business in Government. We're taking a different approach to the budget this year, where we're having thematic discussions and one of those has been around the need to protect funding in mental health and to ensure that decisions taken in other departments don't cause disadvantage to people with mental health problems. So, I think we're making good progress. I also referred to the housing issues, but there's much more that we can do and I think we're all up for that challenge.
And just to say—I should have said in response to Rhun as well—that we are really upping our activity to promote the tier 0 support that's available. There's been a significantly enhanced presence of the C.A.L.L. helpline and SilverCloud on social media. I know that my predecessor, Eluned Morgan asked health boards to make sure that they were much more open in terms of advertising how everybody can access their services. But, of course, there's always more that we can do. But I'm focused on trying to improve the awareness of the support that is available and there is a lot of support available out there, especially at that tier 0, which we've invested very heavily in.
Diolch, Ken. A diolch hefyd am y gwaith yr ydych chi'n ei wneud wrth gadeirio'r grŵp trawsbleidiol, yr wyf i'n ei werthfawrogi yn fawr iawn hefyd. Fel y gwnaethoch chi dynnu sylw ato, mae'r ffaith bod y gwaith o ran iechyd meddwl yn digwydd ar draws y Llywodraeth yn gwbl hanfodol, ac mae llawer iawn o waith yn digwydd ar draws y Llywodraeth yn y maes hwn. Rwy'n gweithio yn agos gyda'r Gweinidog addysg i ddarparu'r dull system gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl plant ac rwy'n teimlo ein bod ni'n gweld cynnydd da yn y maes hwn ac fe fyddwn ni'n clywed mwy am hynny cyn bo hir.
Mae gennym ni nifer o brosiectau cyflogaeth hefyd a gynlluniwyd i gefnogi pobl sydd mewn perygl o adael cyflogaeth oherwydd bod ganddyn nhw broblemau iechyd meddwl, ac mae gennym ni raglen cymorth cymheiriaid hefyd a gynlluniwyd i sicrhau bod rhai o'r bobl sydd bellaf o'r gweithle yn gallu dychwelyd i gyflogaeth. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn nad ydym ni'n gorffwys yn y fan honno, ac rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud fy mod i wedi cael trafodaethau cadarnhaol iawn gyda chyd-Aelodau ar draws y Llywodraeth am yr angen i gydweithio ynglŷn ag iechyd meddwl. Rwy'n gweld iechyd meddwl yn fusnes i bawb yn y Llywodraeth. Rydym ni'n mabwysiadu dull gwahanol o ymdrin â'r gyllideb eleni, ac y byddwn ni'n cael trafodaethau thematig ac mae un o'r rhain wedi bod yn ymwneud â'r angen i ddiogelu cyllid ym maes iechyd meddwl a sicrhau nad yw penderfyniadau a wneir mewn adrannau eraill yn achosi anfantais i bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Felly, rwy'n credu ein bod ni'n gwneud cynnydd da. Roeddwn i'n cyfeirio hefyd at y materion o ran tai, ond mae llawer mwy y gallwn ni ei wneud ac rwyf i o'r farn ein bod ni'n eiddgar i gyd i wynebu'r her honno.
A dim ond dweud—fe ddylwn i fod wedi dweud mewn ymateb i Rhun hefyd—ein bod ni'n cynyddu ein gweithgarwch ni i hybu'r cymorth haen 0 sydd ar gael. Mae'r llinell gymorth C.A.L.L. a SilverCloud ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi dod yn llawer mwy i'r amlwg. Fe wn i fod fy rhagflaenydd i, Eluned Morgan, wedi gofyn i fyrddau iechyd sicrhau eu bod nhw'n llawer mwy amlwg o ran hysbysebu sut y gall pawb gael gafael ar eu gwasanaethau nhw. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae mwy y gallwn ni ei wneud bob amser. Ond rwyf i'n canolbwyntio ar geisio gwella ymwybyddiaeth o'r cymorth sydd ar gael ac mae llawer o gefnogaeth ar gael yno, yn enwedig ar yr haen 0 honno, yr ydym ni wedi buddsoddi llawer iawn ynddi hi.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to raise a couple of questions about the progress of the 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan and to explore the key issues for the next plan. I also want to recognise the contribution to this work by those who have lived experiences of mental ill health, for their energy and commitment in providing their advice. My questions are: whilst welcoming the update this afternoon, can the Minister outline exactly how those who have lived experiences of mental ill health have contributed to the mental health strategy and any evaluation of the delivery plan? My second question is: you say in your statement that, by taking an early intervention and prevention approach, we can meet the challenge and reduce demand on specialist services, will the Minister consider the need for mental health A&E services to provide that early intervention? My third and last is: I would like to welcome the work being done on the long-term mental health workforce strategy; can the Minister confirm specifically which gaps in staffing need to be addressed and whether the health boards have the resources to recruit? Thank you.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfle i godi un neu ddau o gwestiynau ynglŷn â chynnydd o ran y cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl' ac archwilio'r materion allweddol ar gyfer y cynllun nesaf. Rwyf i am gydnabod cyfraniad at y gwaith hwn hefyd gan y rhai sydd wedi byw trwy gyfnodau o salwch meddwl, am eu hegni a'u hymrwymiad nhw wrth ddarparu eu cyngor. Fy nghwestiynau i yw: er fy mod i'n croesawu'r diweddariad y prynhawn yma, a wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu sut yn union y mae'r rhai sydd wedi byw trwy gyfnodau o salwch meddwl wedi cyfrannu at y strategaeth iechyd meddwl ac unrhyw werthusiad o'r cynllun cyflawni? Fy ail gwestiwn i yw: rydych chi'n dweud yn eich datganiad y gallwn ni, drwy fabwysiadu dull ymyrryd ac atal cynnar, ymateb i'r her a lleihau'r galw ar wasanaethau arbenigol, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ystyried yr angen am wasanaethau damweiniau ac achosion brys iechyd meddwl i ddarparu'r ymyrraeth gynnar honno? Fy nhrydydd cwestiwn a fy un olaf i yw: fe hoffwn i groesawu'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud ar strategaeth hirdymor y gweithlu iechyd meddwl; a wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau yn benodol pa fylchau o ran staffio y mae angen mynd i'r afael â nhw ac a oes gan y byrddau iechyd yr adnoddau ar gyfer recriwtio? Diolch i chi.
Thank you very much, Altaf Hussain, for those questions. You are absolutely right: lived experience is absolutely crucial, and if we are going to have effective policies, they have to be co-produced with people with lived experience. We already have the input of people who have mental health issues across the board, really, in the work that we're doing. We have a youth stakeholder group that informs the work in education. We also consult with Young Wales about mental health, and I am going to be attending their workshop on mental health in a few weeks' time.
But, we have also got people with lived experience who are involved in the partnership council, which takes forward a lot of this work across Government as well. But, I'm always open to looking at what more we can do to have lived experience, and one of the areas that I'm particularly interested in is the area of suicide prevention, where I think people with lived experience have got a huge role to play.
You mentioned mental health A&E. I think, really, that we don't want people to be getting to that situation where they are in an emergency. The last place that we want people who are in huge distress to be is A&E, really. So, what we are trying to do is prevent those problems from escalating.
We know from the work that was commissioned previously by the Welsh Government on urgent access to NHS services that many of the problems that people are presenting in crisis with are not mental illnesses. They are problems with debt, with housing, relationships—those everyday problems that we have but that have spiralled out of control. So, our approach is to try and stem those problems and support people earlier, but with a crisis provision there if people really need it.
As I said in response to James Evans, the detailed work on the gaps in the workforce across Wales—. This is a complex issue because, obviously, all health boards are different. They have different populations. That work is being done by HEIW and Social Care Wales, and when they have completed that work and drawn up the plan, then we'll have to look at resources. But, as far as I'm concerned, as Minister, the workforce is a key challenge to delivering the reforms that we want to see. So, I will certainly do everything that I can to assure you that we will find the resources that we need to.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Altaf Hussain, am y cwestiynau yna. Rydych chi yn llygad eich lle: mae profiad bywyd unigolion yn gwbl hanfodol, ac os ydym ni am gael polisïau effeithiol, mae'n rhaid i ni eu llunio nhw ar y cyd â phobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd. Mae gennym fewnbwn eisoes gan bobl sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl yn gyffredinol, mewn gwirionedd, yn y gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud. Mae'r grŵp rhanddeiliaid ieuenctid gennym ni sy'n llywio'r gwaith ym myd addysg. Rydym ni'n ymgynghori hefyd gyda Cymru Ifanc ynghylch iechyd meddwl, ac fe fyddaf i'n mynd i'w gweithdy nhw ar iechyd meddwl ymhen ychydig wythnosau.
Ond, mae gennym ni bobl hefyd sydd â phrofiad bywyd sy'n ymwneud â'r cyngor partneriaeth, sy'n bwrw ymlaen â llawer o'r gwaith hwn ar draws y Llywodraeth hefyd. Ond, rwyf i bob amser yn agored i ystyried unrhyw beth arall y gallwn ni ei wneud i gael profiad bywyd pobl, ac un o'r meysydd y mae gennyf i ddiddordeb arbennig ynddo yw maes atal hunanladdiad, ac rwy'n credu bod gan bobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd swyddogaeth aruthrol yn y maes hwn.
Roeddech chi'n sôn am adran damweiniau ac achosion brys iechyd meddwl. Yn fy marn i, mewn gwirionedd, nid ydym ni'n dymuno gweld pobl yn y fath gyflwr o argyfwng. Y lle olaf y byddem ni'n dymuno gweld pobl sydd mewn ing mawr yw mewn adran damweiniau ac achosion brys, mewn gwirionedd. Felly, yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud yw atal y problemau hynny rhag gwaethygu.
Fe wyddom ni o'r gwaith a gomisiynwyd yn flaenorol gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar fynediad brys i wasanaethau'r GIG nad salwch meddwl yw llawer o'r problemau y mae pobl yn eu hymgyflwyno mewn argyfwng. Problemau dyled, tai, perthnasoedd ydyn nhw—y problemau bob dydd hynny sydd gan bawb ohonom ni ond sydd wedi mynd allan o reolaeth. Felly, ein dull ni o weithredu yw ceisio atal y problemau hynny a chefnogi pobl yn gynharach, ond gyda darpariaeth argyfwng ar gael pe byddai gwir angen hynny ar bobl.
Fel y dywedais i mewn ymateb i James Evans, y gwaith manwl ar y bylchau yn y gweithlu ledled Cymru—. Mae hwn yn fater cymhleth oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae pob bwrdd iechyd yn wahanol. Mae ganddyn nhw boblogaethau gwahanol. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn cael ei wneud gan AaGIC a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, a phan fyddan nhw wedi cwblhau'r gwaith hwn ac wedi llunio'r cynllun, yna fe fydd yn rhaid i ni edrych ar yr adnoddau. Ond, o'm rhan i, yn Weinidog, mae diogelu gweithlu yn her allweddol o ran cyflawni'r diwygiadau yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w gweld. Felly, fe fyddaf i'n sicr yn gwneud popeth sydd yn fy ngallu i'ch sicrhau chi y byddwn ni'n dod o hyd i'r adnoddau y mae angen i ni eu cael.
Weinidog, 10 mlynedd yn ôl, profodd etholwr i fi ddirywiad yn ei iechyd meddwl, a olygodd ei fod o'n gorfod mynd am ofal arbenigol. Presgreibiwyd cyffuriau gwrthiselder a gwrthseicotig iddo, ac mae o wedi bod yn eu defnyddio nhw ers hynny. Ond, er hynny, dydy o ddim wedi cael adolygiad o'r feddyginiaeth yma ers y cyfnod cyntaf—dros 10 mlynedd. Aeth o am adolygiad i'r ysbyty lleol, ond dywedwyd wrtho y byddai'n rhaid iddo gael referral oddi wrth y meddyg teulu. Dywedodd y meddyg teulu yn ei dro ei fod o'n methu â'i helpu fo achos ei fod o'n methu â presgreibio neu addasu meddyginiaeth o'r fath. Roedd y claf mewn cylch seithug.
A wnewch chi, Weinidog, felly sicrhau y byddwch chi'n rhoi canllawiau clir ynghylch pa mor aml y dylid adolygu meddyginiaeth wrthseicotig, a phwy all ei hadolygu, a bod cleifion sydd mewn sefyllfa fregus iawn yn derbyn dealltwriaeth glir a syml o natur y feddyginiaeth, pa mor aml y caiff ei hadolygu, a phwy fydd yn gwneud yr adolygu, gan osgoi sefyllfa ble mae claf yn cael ei wthio o un rhan o'r gwasanaeth i'r llall, heb fod neb yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb, a chleifion yn mynd ar goll yn y system?
Minister, 10 years ago, a constituent of mine saw a decline in mental health, which meant that he had to go for specialist care. He was prescribed anti-depressants and anti-psychotic drugs, and he's been using them since that time. Despite that, he hasn't had a review of that medication since that very early period, over 10 years ago. He went for a review to the local hospital but he was told that he would have to have a referral from a GP. The GP, in turn, said that he couldn't help because he couldn't prescribe or change such medication. So, the patient was in a cycle.
Can you ensure that you put clear guidance in place as to how often anti-psychotic medication should be reviewed, and who can review it, and that patients who are in very vulnerable situations have a clear and simple understanding of the nature of the medicine, how often it will be reviewed, and who will carry out that review, avoiding a situation where a patient is pushed from one part of the health service to another without anyone taking responsibility, and patients being lost in the system?
Thank you very much for that question, and I'm very sorry to hear that your constituent has had that experience. Clearly, that is something that shouldn't have happened, and if you would like to write to me with the details of the constituent, I will certainly follow that up with the health board. But, I am also very happy to look at the wider issue that you have raised about the need for there to be guidance on timings, et cetera, for reviews of medication. Everybody should have regular medication reviews, whether it is physical or mental health, and that is a serious shortcoming if that hasn't happened.
But, what I would also say as well is that, what you have described—that sort of merry-go-round of services—is what we, as a Government, are committed to ending. It's in our programme for government that there will be no wrong door for people with mental health problems. That applies to adults and children, and that's what we want to see. But, if you'd like to write to me, I'd be very happy to follow up your constituent's situation.
Diolch yn fawr i chi am y cwestiwn yna, ac mae hi'n ddrwg iawn gennyf i glywed bod eich etholwr chi wedi cael profiad o'r fath. Yn amlwg, dyma rywbeth na ddylai fod wedi digwydd, a phe byddech chi'n ysgrifennu ataf i gyda manylion yr etholwr, fe fyddaf i'n sicr o geisio mynd ar drywydd hynny gyda'r bwrdd iechyd. Ond, rwy'n hapus iawn hefyd i edrych ar y mater ehangach y gwnaethoch chi ei godi ynghylch yr angen i gael arweiniad ar amseru, ac ati, ar gyfer adolygiadau o feddyginiaethau. Fe ddylai pawb gael adolygiadau cyson o'u meddyginiaethau nhw, boed hynny ar gyfer eu hiechyd corfforol neu feddyliol nhw, ac mae hwnnw'n ddiffyg difrifol os nad yw hynny wedi digwydd.
Ond, yr hyn yr hoffwn ei ddweud hefyd yw, yr hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddisgrifio—y math hwnnw o gylch seithug o wasanaethau—yw'r hyn yr ydym ni, yn y Llywodraeth, wedi ymrwymo i'w ddirwyn i ben. Yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu ni, ni fydd yna ddrws anghywir i bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Mae hynny'n berthnasol i oedolion a phlant, a dyna'r hyn yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w weld. Ond, pe byddech chi'n ysgrifennu ataf i, fe fyddwn i'n hapus iawn i fynd ar drywydd sefyllfa eich etholwr chi.
Whilst welcoming this statement, I note that these don’t exist in the ether. If the ambition and the actions are delivered upon in this, they’ll have a real, tangible effect on our constituents, not least those who attended the Bridgend mental health round-table organised by my good friend, Sarah Murphy, and which we co-hosted last week. They raised many of the issues that you’ve referred to, curiously, in this report: referrals; signposting; and continuity of funding, curiously, for some of the wider support organisations on the ground. So, could I simply ask the Minister: what level of confidence do you have that our constituents within the Cwm Taf health area will have that prompt and timely access to early intervention, which is key, but also to acute services? What can she do to monitor progress in the individual health boards, and share that data with us? And will she, as has been said by other Members of the Senedd, engage directly with people with real, lived experience—listen to their experience of whether things are getting better at the speed she wants to see as well, and which our constituents certainly want to see?
Er fy mod i'n croesawu'r datganiad hwn, rwy'n nodi nad yw'r pethau hyn yn bodoli mewn rhyw wagle. Os cyflawnir yr uchelgais a'r camau gweithredu yn hyn o beth, fe fyddan nhw'n cael effaith wirioneddol, ddiriaethol ar ein hetholwyr ni, yn enwedig y rhai a oedd yn bresennol ym mwrdd crwn iechyd meddwl Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr a drefnwyd gan fy nghyfaill da, Sarah Murphy, y gwnaethom ni ei lywyddu ar y cyd yr wythnos diwethaf. Fe godwyd llawer o'r materion yr ydych chi wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw, yn rhyfedd iawn, yn yr adroddiad hwn: atgyfeiriadau; cyfeirio; a pharhad cyllid, yn rhyfedd iawn, ar gyfer rhai o'r sefydliadau cymorth ehangach sydd ar lawr gwlad. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog: pa lefel o ffydd sydd gennych chi y bydd ein hetholwyr ni yn ardal iechyd Cwm Taf yn cael mynediad at ymyrraeth gynnar yn gyflym ac yn amserol, sy'n rhywbeth allweddol, ond at wasanaethau acíwt hefyd? Beth all hi ei wneud i fonitro cynnydd yn y byrddau iechyd unigol, a rhannu'r data hynny gyda ni? Ac a wnaiff hi, fel dywedodd Aelodau eraill o'r Senedd, ymgysylltu yn uniongyrchol â phobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd gwirioneddol—gwrandewch ar eu profiad nhw ynghylch a yw pethau yn wir yn gwella ar y cyflymder y mae hi'n dymuno ei weld hefyd, ac y mae ein hetholwyr ni'n dymuno ei weld, yn sicr?
Thank you very much, Huw, and can I thank both you and Sarah for the round-table that you organised? I think things like that are an incredibly valuable opportunity to listen to that lived experience at a local level, and I do really commend you for doing it.
We do have to make sure that what we say in this Chamber becomes reality. I hope that I’ve given a flavour of some of the mechanisms that are there within Government, in terms of the ministerial delivery and oversight board and the other bodies that we’ve got. Also, I meet regularly with vice chairs. I’ve told the regional partnership boards that I am coming around to visit every one of them to discuss how they are taking forward our NEST framework, which is our key early-intervention mechanism for children and young people. But I’m always looking to do more in this area, and I will certainly take away what you’ve said as well about lived experience to check that we're doing absolutely everything we can to make sure that the voices of those with mental health problems are fully heard in the development of our policies.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Huw, ac a gaf i ddiolch i chi a Sarah am y bwrdd crwn y gwnaethoch chi ei drefnu? Rwyf i o'r farn fod pethau fel hyn yn gyfle arbennig o werthfawr i wrando ar brofiad bywyd felly ar lefel leol, ac rwy'n eich canmol chi'n fawr am wneud fel hyn.
Mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yn siŵr bod yr hyn a ddywedwn ni yn y Siambr hon yn cael ei wireddu. Rwy'n gobeithio fy mod i wedi rhoi rhagflas o rai o'r dulliau sydd o fewn y Llywodraeth, o ran y bwrdd cyflawni a goruchwylio gweinidogol a'r cyrff eraill sydd gennym ni. Yn ogystal â hynny, rwy'n cyfarfod ag is-gadeiryddion yn rheolaidd. Rwyf i wedi dweud wrth y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol fy mod i am ddod o gwmpas i ymweld â phob un ohonyn nhw i drafod sut y maen nhw'n datblygu ein fframwaith NEST ni, sef ein dull ymyrraeth gynnar allweddol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc. Ond rwyf i'n bwriadu gwneud mwy yn y maes hwn trwy'r amser, ac fe fyddaf i'n sicr yn cadw'r hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud mewn cof hefyd o ran profiad bywyd i sicrhau ein bod ni'n gwneud popeth sydd yn ein gallu i sicrhau bod lleisiau'r rhai sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl yn cael eu clywed yn llawn wrth ddatblygu ein polisïau ni.
Ac yn olaf, Laura Anne Jones.
And finally, Laura Anne Jones.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I welcome this statement and delivery plan as mental health can affect anyone, regardless of colour, age or creed, and it’s vital that we tackle this head on and with some urgency. I find it very encouraging, actually, that this Government have appointed you, Lynne, as the Minister for mental health, because I know you’re a long-term campaigner on it, and you listen to people across the Chamber and you act on it. So, I welcome that, and I also welcome your focus on prevention. I think that is absolutely the right thing to do.
I’d also like to take this opportunity, Deputy Presiding Officer, to commend everyone that did talk in the last mental health debate last week. I listened at home because I was ill at home, unfortunately, and couldn’t do my speech, but I found it a really, really good thing and a very powerful debate, actually, and I think it will make some difference going forward. And it’s this openness and honesty that will cement mental health no longer being a taboo subject, won’t it, Minister, and show that mental health issues can affect anyone.
I was going to say to Members in my speech last week—I was going to ask them to raise their hands—
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad hwn a'r cynllun cyflawni oherwydd fe all iechyd meddwl effeithio ar unrhyw un, heb ystyried ei dras, ei oedran na'i grefydd, ac mae hi'n hanfodol ein bod ni'n mynd i'r afael â hyn ar fyrder a chyda rhywfaint o frys. Mae hi'n galonogol iawn i mi, mewn gwirionedd, fod y Llywodraeth hon wedi eich penodi chi, Lynne, yn Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl, oherwydd fe wn i eich bod chi wedi ymgyrchu amdano ers talwm, ac rydych chi'n gwrando ar bobl ar draws y Siambr ac rydych chi'n gweithredu yn hyn o beth. Felly, rwyf yn croesawu hynna, ac rwy'n croesawu eich pwyslais chi ar ataliaeth hefyd. Rwyf i o'r farn mai dyna'r peth cwbl briodol i'w wneud.
Fe hoffwn i achub ar y cyfle hwn hefyd, Dirprwy Lywydd, i roi canmoliaeth i bawb a siaradodd yn y ddadl iechyd meddwl ddiwethaf yr wythnos diwethaf. Gartref yn sâl yr oeddwn i'n gwrando ar honno, yn anffodus, ac ni allwn i roi fy araith, ond roeddwn i'n ei hystyried hi'n rhywbeth gwirioneddol dda ac yn ddadl rymus iawn, mewn gwirionedd, ac rwy'n credu y bydd hi'n gwneud rhyw gymaint o wahaniaeth wrth symud ymlaen. A'r elfen honno o fod yn agored a diffuant a fydd yn gwneud yn gwbl siŵr na fydd iechyd meddwl bellach yn bwnc sy'n cael ei osgoi, onid e, Gweinidog, ac yn dangos y gall materion iechyd meddwl effeithio ar unrhyw un.
Roeddwn i am ddweud wrth yr Aelodau yn fy araith i'r wythnos diwethaf—yr oeddwn i am ofyn iddyn nhw godi eu dwylo—
Can I remind Members that it's not a speech? You've got a question to ask. You're going over time.
A gaf i atgoffa Aelodau nad araith mo hon? Mae gennych chi gwestiwn i'w ofyn. Rydych chi'n mynd dros eich amser.
—if they’ve been affected by mental health or if they know someone who has been affected by mental health and been shocked by who it affected, because it is important that your plan can show that it can affect anyone, anywhere, like with Andrew R.T. Davies, and ensures that help is accessible to everyone, everywhere.
To this end, Minister, I’d like you to look at a Bill that’s going through the current UK Parliament at the moment. It’s ensuring that there’s parity between mental health and physical health, and ensuring that mental health first aid training forms a part of all first aid training within our businesses across the UK. So, can you ensure that that extends to Wales, and that it is happening in Wales? And then I’d also like to say as to your work in hospitals, if I may, just quickly—
—a yw salwch meddwl wedi effeithio arnyn nhw neu os ydyn nhw'n adnabod unrhyw un sydd wedi cael ei effeithio gan salwch meddwl ac wedi cael sioc o ddeall pwy sydd wedi dioddef hynny, oherwydd mae hi'n bwysig bod eich cynllun chi'n gallu dangos y gall hyn effeithio ar unrhyw un, yn unrhyw le, fel gydag Andrew R.T. Davies, ac yn sicrhau bod cymorth ar gael i bawb, ym mhobman.
I'r perwyl hwn, Gweinidog, fe hoffwn i chi ystyried Bil sy'n mynd drwy Senedd bresennol y DU ar hyn o bryd. Mae hwnnw'n sicrhau bod cydraddoldeb rhwng iechyd meddwl ac iechyd corfforol, a sicrhau bod hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf iechyd meddwl yn rhan o'r holl hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf yn ein busnesau ni ledled y DU. Felly, a wnewch chi sicrhau bod hynny'n ymestyn i Gymru, a'i fod yn digwydd yng Nghymru? Ac yna fe hoffwn i ddweud hefyd o ran eich gwaith mewn ysbytai, os caf i, yn gyflym—
You're out of time—[Inaudible.]
Mae eich amser chi ar ben—[Anghlywadwy.]
—that there's a safe space for adolescent mental health first aid patients in hospitals. Thank you.
—bod llecyn diogel ar gyfer cleifion cymorth cyntaf iechyd meddwl y glasoed mewn ysbytai. Diolch i chi.
Thank you, Laura, for those points, and thank you for your kind words, and I'm very keen to work cross-party to deliver this agenda, and I certainly echo your strong points about the contribution everybody's openness has made.
I belive we should have parity between mental and physical health, and that is what I've called for for a long time in this Senedd, and that is very much what I'm trying to drive forward. I'm aware of your interest in mental health first aid. I think that's one of a range of tools that can be used to support people, but, in this context of education, I would say that what we are doing is much more fundamental and radical than that really, and is designed to prevent people needing that mental health first aid. It's about embedding prevention and early intervention at a much earlier stage, really. But I'm very happy to look at the legislation that you've referred to, but please be assured that early intervention and prevention is absolutely core to what we're doing.
Diolch, Laura, am y pwyntiau yna, a diolch i chi am eich geiriau caredig, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i weithio yn drawsbleidiol i gyflawni'r agenda hon, ac rwy'n sicr yn adleisio eich pwyntiau cadarn chi ynglŷn â'r cyfraniad a wnaeth didwylledd pob un.
Rwy'n credu y dylem ni fod â chydraddoldeb rhwng iechyd meddwl ac iechyd corfforol, a dyna'r hyn yr wyf i wedi galw amdano ers amser maith yn y Senedd hon, a dyna'n union yr wyf yn ceisio ei ysgogi. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'ch diddordeb chi mewn cymorth cyntaf ym maes iechyd meddwl. Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n un o blith amrywiaeth o ddulliau y gellir eu defnyddio nhw i gefnogi pobl, ond, yn y cyd-destun hwn o addysg, fe fyddwn i'n dweud bod yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yn llawer mwy sylfaenol a radical na hynny mewn gwirionedd, ac fe'i cynlluniwyd i atal pobl rhag bod ag angen am y cymorth cyntaf hwnnw o ran iechyd meddwl. Ystyr hyn yw ymgorffori atal ac ymyrryd yn gynnar yn llawer cynharach, mewn gwirionedd. Ond rwy'n hapus iawn i edrych ar y ddeddfwriaeth yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio ati hi, ond cofiwch, da chi, fod ymyrraeth gynnar ac atal yn gwbl greiddiol i'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud.
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you, Deputy Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw datganiad gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg— cefnogi lles meddwl mewn addysg. Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles.
The next item is a statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language on supporting mental well-being in education. I call on the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae cefnogi lles emosiynol a meddyliol dysgwyr yn hanfodol os ydyn ni eisiau helpu pob person ifanc i gyflawni ei botensial.
Rydyn ni yma yng Nghymru yn gweithredu'n gyflym. Eleni yn unig rydym wedi darparu lefelau cyllid uwch nag erioed i gefnogi dysgwyr. O ganlyniad, mae 24,000 yn rhagor o sesiynau cwnsela wedi helpu 6,000 yn rhagor o blant a phobl ifanc. Rydyn ni wedi darparu cyllid i gyflwyno trefniadau lles cyffredinol a threfniadau sydd wedi'u targedu i bron 30,000 o blant a phobl ifanc. Rydym wedi helpu hyfforddi dros 4,000 o staff ysgolion, ac rydym wrthi yn cyflwyno ein cynlluniau peilot mewn ysgolion ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl i blant a'r glasoed yn genedlaethol, gyda mwy na 100 o ymarferwyr iechyd meddwl cyfwerth ag amser llawn yn cynnig cefnogaeth yn uniongyrchol mewn ysgolion.
Ond mae mwy eto i'w wneud. Mae cefnogi ysgolion i ddatblygu dull o fynd i'r afael â chwestiwn iechyd meddwl a lles ar lefel ysgol gyfan yn allweddol i'n strategaeth. Dyna sut y bydd modd gwneud y newidiadau sylfaenol y mae pob un ohonom ni am eu gweld ar draws ein system addysg. Cyhoeddwyd y fframwaith ar sefydlu dull ysgol gyfan ym mis Mawrth, ac rydym wedi ei wneud yn ganllaw statudol.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. Supporting the emotional and mental well-being of learners is essential if we are to support every young person to reach their full potential.
We in Wales have acted at pace. In the current year alone, we have provided record levels of funding to support learners. This has resulted in an additional 24,000 counselling sessions, benefiting an additional 6,000 children and young people. We have provided funding to deliver both universal and targeted well-being interventions for nearly 30,000 children and young people. We have helped to train over 4,000 school staff, and we are rolling our children and mental health adolescent services school in-reach pilots nationally, with over 100 full-time equivalent mental health practitioners providing support directly in schools.
But there is still more to do. Supporting schools to develop a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being is key to our strategy. And that is how we will enable the fundamental changes we all want to see across our education system. The framework on embedding a whole-school approach was published in March and we have made it statutory guidance.
This is a long-term piece of work and I want to ensure that our work in schools is replicated across other public services and across communities. This is why we have ensured strong links between our whole-school approach framework and the Together for Children and Young People NEST/NYTH framework, which complements our whole-school framework by strengthening the response of our partners and the whole system to the well-being of our children and young people.
I also want to ensure our successful work in schools is extended across the whole education system. I've therefore identified further education as a priority for further action. Investment has been made to support the mental health and well-being of both staff and learners within the further education sector, with nearly £7 million allocated to support a range of tailored initiatives. Part of this investment has also been dedicated to the work-based learning and adult learning sectors. Funding is being used to support national, collaborative and institutional projects, which include staff training, peer mentoring and the employment of pastoral coaches and well-being officers, as well as providing counselling.
Higher education also remains a priority. We all know the challenges students have faced since the start of the pandemic. Over the past year, we have allocated an additional £50 million through the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales to help universities address student hardship. This includes £10 million to provide increased support to students facing financial, emotional or mental health difficulties. Support for students in higher education is tailored to their needs, reflecting their status as independent adults and recognising the particular pressures they face around living independently, managing their own money and coping with the challenge of independent study.
I want ambition to be at the heart of our work and, in thinking about the mental, physical and social well-being of our young people, it is therefore right that we consider how and when we learn. As such, we have committed, in the programme for government, to explore reform of the school day and the school year. We haven't had a serious conversation about the way we structure school time in Wales for decades. That's far too long.
Going back to normal without first discussing it in the context of staff and learner well-being, tackling the impact of disadvantage on attainment and curriculum reform, would be a wasted opportunity. I'm leading work on the rhythm of the school day and year, and conversations with learners, with school staff, families, employers, unions and communities across the country over the coming weeks will underpin our wider work. Starting by talking to young people themselves, the school workforce and business representatives, followed by wider national engagement in the run up to Christmas, I will speak at first hand to those who can benefit most from reform and who can best help us shape our proposals.
At the same time, we are reviewing UK and international evidence to identify new ways to provide learners with opportunities to learn new skills and engage in new activities. These opportunities can lead to improved emotional well-being and mental health, increased participation in physical activities, healthier eating habits, improved social skills, as well as increased levels of confidence, school readiness—
Mae hwn yn ddarn hirdymor o waith ac rwyf am sicrhau bod ein gwaith mewn ysgolion yn cael ei ailadrodd ar draws gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill ac ar draws cymunedau. Dyna pam rydym ni wedi sicrhau cysylltiadau cryf rhwng ein fframwaith dull ysgol gyfan a fframwaith NEST/NYTH Law yn Llaw dros Blant a Phobl Ifanc, sy'n ategu ein fframwaith ysgol gyfan drwy gryfhau ymateb ein partneriaid a'r system gyfan i les ein plant a'n pobl ifanc.
Rwyf hefyd eisiau sicrhau bod ein gwaith llwyddiannus mewn ysgolion yn cael ei ymestyn ar draws y system addysg gyfan. Rwyf felly wedi nodi bod addysg bellach yn flaenoriaeth ar gyfer gweithredu pellach. Gwnaed buddsoddiad i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles staff a dysgwyr yn y sector addysg bellach, gyda bron i £7 miliwn wedi'i ddyrannu i gefnogi amrywiaeth o fentrau wedi'u teilwra. Mae rhan o'r buddsoddiad hwn hefyd wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer y sectorau dysgu seiliedig ar waith a dysgu oedolion. Mae cyllid yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi prosiectau cenedlaethol, cydweithredol a sefydliadol, sy'n cynnwys hyfforddiant staff, mentora cyfoedion a chyflogi hyfforddwyr bugeiliol a swyddogion lles, yn ogystal â darparu cwnsela.
Mae addysg uwch hefyd yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod am yr heriau mae myfyrwyr wedi'u hwynebu ers dechrau'r pandemig. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi dyrannu £50 miliwn ychwanegol drwy Gyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru i helpu prifysgolion i fynd i'r afael â chaledi myfyrwyr. Mae hyn yn cynnwys £10 miliwn i roi mwy o gymorth i fyfyrwyr sy'n wynebu anawsterau ariannol, emosiynol neu iechyd meddwl. Mae cymorth i fyfyrwyr mewn addysg uwch wedi'i deilwra i'w hanghenion, gan adlewyrchu eu statws fel oedolion annibynnol a chydnabod y pwysau penodol maen nhw’n eu hwynebu o ran byw'n annibynnol, rheoli eu harian eu hunain ac ymdopi â her astudio annibynnol.
Rwyf am i uchelgais fod wrth wraidd ein gwaith ac, wrth feddwl am les meddyliol, corfforol a chymdeithasol ein pobl ifanc, mae'n iawn felly ein bod yn ystyried sut a phryd y byddwn yn dysgu. Felly, rydym wedi ymrwymo, yn y rhaglen ar gyfer y llywodraeth, i archwilio diwygio'r diwrnod ysgol a'r flwyddyn ysgol. Dydyn ni ddim wedi cael sgwrs ddifrifol am y ffordd rydyn ni'n strwythuro amser ysgol yng Nghymru ers degawdau. Mae hynny'n llawer rhy hir.
Byddai mynd yn ôl i'r arfer heb ei drafod yn gyntaf yng nghyd-destun lles staff a dysgwyr, gan fynd i'r afael ag effaith anfantais ar gyrhaeddiad a diwygio'r cwricwlwm, yn gyfle wedi’i wastraffu. Rwy'n arwain gwaith ar rythm y diwrnod a'r flwyddyn ysgol, a bydd sgyrsiau gyda dysgwyr, gyda staff ysgolion, teuluoedd, cyflogwyr, undebau a chymunedau ledled y wlad dros yr wythnosau nesaf yn sail i'n gwaith ehangach. Gan ddechrau drwy siarad â phobl ifanc eu hunain, gweithlu'r ysgol a chynrychiolwyr busnes, ac yna ymgysylltiad cenedlaethol ehangach yn y cyfnod cyn y Nadolig, byddaf yn siarad yn uniongyrchol â'r rhai a all elwa fwyaf o ddiwygio ac a all ein helpu i lunio ein cynigion orau.
Ar yr un pryd, rydym yn adolygu tystiolaeth y DU a thystiolaeth ryngwladol i nodi ffyrdd newydd o roi cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr ddysgu sgiliau newydd a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau newydd. Gall y cyfleoedd hyn arwain at well lles emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl, mwy o gyfranogiad mewn gweithgareddau corfforol, arferion bwyta iachach, gwell sgiliau cymdeithasol, yn ogystal â lefelau uwch o hyder, parodrwydd ar gyfer yr ysgol—
Sorry, Minister. Can I remind Members, please, to let the Minister speak and not have private conversations in the Chamber, so others can listen? Sorry, Minister.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Gweinidog. A gaf i atgoffa'r Aelodau, os gwelwch yn dda, i adael i'r Gweinidog siarad a pheidio â chael sgyrsiau preifat yn y Siambr, fel y gall eraill wrando? Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Gweinidog.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. An important part of this is aligning how we access learning with modern patterns of living. Work is now beginning in earnest and I'll announce further details over coming weeks.
To conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd, we in Wales have a proud record of supporting mental health and well-being. And working across the sector, with key partners, we will continue on our journey in supporting a culture change across our education system, where mental well-being is put front and centre in all that we do.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rhan bwysig o hyn yw alinio sut rydym yn cael mynediad at ddysgu gyda phatrymau byw modern. Mae'r gwaith bellach yn dechrau o ddifrif a byddaf yn cyhoeddi rhagor o fanylion dros yr wythnosau nesaf.
I gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae gennym ni yng Nghymru hanes balch o gefnogi iechyd a lles meddwl. A thrwy weithio ar draws y sector, gyda phartneriaid allweddol, byddwn yn parhau ar ein taith i gefnogi newid diwylliant ar draws ein system addysg, lle mae lles meddwl yn cael ei roi ar flaen ac wrth wraidd popeth rydyn ni'n ei wneud.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Laura Anne Jones.
Conservative spokesperson, Laura Anne Jones.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I welcome this statement, Minister. Children across Wales have had an extremely difficult time over this pandemic, and the period has highlighted how vulnerable our children's mental health and well-being is through turbulence and significant change in their lives. Ensuring that every measure is there to support them is paramount as we go forward, and therefore I welcome anything that you could put forward right now in that regard. And I thank you for the work that you've done with Lynne Neagle on it.
Our children need all the support possible. As you said in your statement, you outlined 100 dedicated mental health practitioners. Do you think that that will be enough to cover all schools, and is this number significant enough to cover all the geographical areas? So, I'd just like a little bit more information on that, please.
Of course, we welcome the additional counselling sessions and the training of staff. But it's all very well having the provision in place and having the provision available to be signposted to, but we need people to signpost those children in the right direction in the first place. So, everything that I've said before—and you've heard many times as well, Lynne—is that we need to have dedicated mental health ambassadors throughout student year groups and teaching staff in all of our schools and education providers, so that there is someone there who you can go to, who can signpost you in that right direction to the provision that you're providing and who can look out for the signals of those who are struggling and ask that life-saving question, 'Are you okay?'
And also I welcome what you said, that there's been some staff training, as I said just now. But due to the amount of time that our teachers spend with our children, which is sometimes significantly more than parents, don't you agree with me that it's about time that mental health first aid training formed an integral part of all teachers' training, going forward?
There's also a lot of good work going on in our schools already, as we know. It's important that all learning environments keep talking about mental health, like here in this Chamber, to make sure it's no longer a taboo subject and they're not afraid to admit to any mental health issues or think that they are weak because they do so, because it shows great strength to admit this and to get that help, and that is the message that we need to keep getting across.
We are now more aware than ever of the causes—especially after this pandemic—of mental health issues, but we are also now more aware than ever of what we can do to protect our mental health. Would you agree with me, Minister, that physical activity and socialising have now been recognised as significant and important parts of school life, more so than ever before? And would you agree with me that now is the time to accept the importance of physical activity in the curriculum, invest in it and ensure its importance is recognised in the school timetable—so, I'd welcome your thoughts on that—and to ensure that all schools have all-weather facilities, so physical activity can continue, even in those winter months?
I also note what you say, that you hope there'll be an opportunity for children to develop healthier eating habits, and I wholeheartedly support that. But I hope that, alongside that, also healthier eating options in school meals will be available in our schools—judging from my son's options, it's not that good. So, it is something that we definitely need to look at, if we are serious about that part of our children's well-being.
Also, you said you want to look the structure of school in Wales. This has been bandied around for years, as we know, but I praise you for now saying that you're going to look into it, and with such regard for it. But because, as we know, this would be such a significant change, if you started changing the hours of school and everything else, there really has to be a holistic approach to this. Because the knock-on effect from changing school hours is massive, not only for school transport issues, but parents' working hours, for early years provision, because it all has got to be married together to change the school provision. But I welcome—. Any sort of extension of after-school activities, of course I would welcome. But I'd just like to know your initial thoughts—I know you're looking into it, but your initial thoughts—on how you see the school day panning out. Thank you.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad hwn, Gweinidog. Mae plant ledled Cymru wedi cael cyfnod anodd iawn dros y pandemig hwn, ac mae'r cyfnod wedi amlygu pa mor agored i niwed yw iechyd a lles meddwl ein plant drwy gynnwrf a newid sylweddol yn eu bywydau. Mae sicrhau bod pob mesur yno i'w cefnogi yn hollbwysig wrth i ni symud ymlaen, ac felly rwy'n croesawu unrhyw beth y gallech chi ei gyflwyno ar hyn o bryd yn hynny o beth. A diolch ichi am y gwaith yr ydych wedi'i wneud gyda Lynne Neagle arno.
Mae angen yr holl gymorth posibl ar ein plant. Fel y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud yn eich datganiad, fe wnaethoch chi amlinellu 100 o ymarferwyr iechyd meddwl penodol. Ydych chi’n credu y bydd hynny'n ddigon i gwmpasu pob ysgol, ac ydy'r nifer hwn yn ddigon sylweddol i gwmpasu'r holl ardaloedd daearyddol? Felly, hoffwn gael ychydig mwy o wybodaeth am hynny, os gwelwch yn dda.
Wrth gwrs, rydym yn croesawu'r sesiynau cwnsela ychwanegol a hyfforddiant staff. Ond mae'n ddigon hawdd cael y ddarpariaeth ar waith a chael y ddarpariaeth ar gael i gyfeirio ati, ond mae angen i bobl gyfeirio'r plant hynny i'r cyfeiriad cywir yn y lle cyntaf. Felly, popeth yr wyf wedi'i ddweud o'r blaen—ac rydych chi wedi’i glywed droeon hefyd, Lynne—yw bod angen i ni gael llysgenhadon iechyd meddwl pwrpasol ledled grwpiau blwyddyn myfyrwyr a staff addysgu ym mhob un o'n hysgolion a'n darparwyr addysg, fel bod rhywun yno y gallwch fynd ato, a all eich cyfeirio i'r cyfeiriad cywir at y ddarpariaeth yr ydych yn ei darparu ac sy'n gallu chwilio am arwyddion y rhai sy'n yn ei chael hi'n anodd ac yn gofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw sy'n achub bywydau, 'Ydych chi'n iawn?'
A hefyd rwyf yn croesawu'r hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud, bod rhywfaint o hyfforddiant staff wedi bod, fel y dywedais yn awr. Ond oherwydd faint o amser mae ein hathrawon yn ei dreulio gyda'n plant, sydd weithiau'n llawer mwy na rhieni, onid ydych yn cytuno â mi ei bod yn hen bryd i hyfforddiant cymorth cyntaf iechyd meddwl fod yn rhan annatod o hyfforddiant yr holl athrawon, wrth symud ymlaen?
Mae llawer o waith da yn digwydd yn ein hysgolion yn barod hefyd, fel y gwyddom ni. Mae'n bwysig bod pob amgylchedd dysgu yn parhau i siarad am iechyd meddwl, fel yma yn y Siambr hon, i sicrhau nad yw bellach yn bwnc tabŵ ac nad oes arnynt ofn cyfaddef i unrhyw broblemau iechyd meddwl na chredu eu bod yn wan oherwydd eu bod yn gwneud hynny, oherwydd mae'n dangos cryfder mawr i gyfaddef hyn ac i gael y cymorth hwnnw, a dyna'r neges mae angen i ni barhau i'w chyfleu.
Rydym yn awr yn fwy ymwybodol nag erioed o'r achosion—yn enwedig ar ôl y pandemig hwn—o faterion iechyd meddwl, ond rydym hefyd yn fwy ymwybodol nag erioed o'r hyn y gallwn ei wneud i ddiogelu ein hiechyd meddwl. A fyddech yn cytuno â mi, Gweinidog, fod gweithgarwch corfforol a chymdeithasu bellach wedi'u cydnabod fel rhannau sylweddol a phwysig o fywyd yr ysgol, yn fwy felly nag erioed o'r blaen? Ac a fyddech yn cytuno â mi mai dyma'r amser i dderbyn pwysigrwydd gweithgarwch corfforol yn y cwricwlwm, buddsoddi ynddo a sicrhau bod ei bwysigrwydd yn cael ei gydnabod yn amserlen yr ysgol—felly, byddwn yn croesawu eich barn ar hynny—ac i sicrhau bod gan bob ysgol gyfleusterau pob tywydd, fel y gall gweithgarwch corfforol barhau, hyd yn oed yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf?
Rwy'n nodi hefyd yr hyn a ddywedwch, eich bod yn gobeithio y bydd cyfle i blant ddatblygu arferion bwyta'n iachach, ac rwyf yn llwyr gefnogi hynny. Ond rwy'n gobeithio, ochr yn ochr â hynny, y bydd opsiynau bwyta'n iachach mewn prydau ysgol ar gael yn ein hysgolion—a barnu o opsiynau fy mab, nid yw mor dda â hynny. Felly, mae'n rhywbeth y mae angen i ni edrych arno'n bendant, os ydym o ddifrif am y rhan honno o les ein plant.
Hefyd, fe wnaethoch chi ddweud eich bod am edrych ar strwythur yr ysgol yng Nghymru. Mae hyn wedi'i drafod yn anffurfiol ers blynyddoedd, fel y gwyddom ni, ond rwyf yn eich canmol am ddweud yn awr eich bod yn mynd i ymchwilio iddo, a gyda'r fath barch ato. Ond oherwydd, fel y gwyddom ni, byddai hyn yn newid mor sylweddol, pe baech yn dechrau newid oriau'r ysgol a phopeth arall, mae'n rhaid cael ymagwedd gyfannol at hyn. Gan fod yr effaith ganlyniadol o newid oriau ysgol yn enfawr, nid yn unig ar gyfer materion cludiant i'r ysgol, ond oriau gwaith rhieni, ar gyfer darpariaeth y blynyddoedd cynnar, oherwydd mae'n rhaid i'r cyfan gyd-fynd â'i gilydd i newid darpariaeth yr ysgol. Ond rwyf yn croesawu—. Unrhyw fath o estyniad i weithgareddau ar ôl ysgol, wrth gwrs, byddwn i'n eu croesawu. Ond hoffwn wybod eich syniadau cychwynnol—gwn eich bod yn ymchwilio iddo, ond eich syniadau cychwynnol—ar sut yr ydych yn gweld y diwrnod ysgol yn datblygu. Diolch.
Diolch to Laura Anne Jones for that wide range of questions. I'll try and do justice to the breadth and depth of the questions that she covered in her contribution. In relation, firstly, to the question of the recruitment of over 100 whole-time equivalent staff to support the work of the CAMHS in-reach pilots and other interventions, I think it is a challenge to meet that target in itself, actually. It's a considerable number of additional professionals to recruit into the system in a reasonably short period of time. I think the experience on the ground is that the health boards are in different places on the journey, dependent on their participation in some of the work of the pilots to date. But I think, actually, that'll be a significant contribution to our agenda in this space.
I think she made a very important point in relation to counselling services and the range of benefits they can bring, but also some of the challenges in delivering that larger scale implementation. I mentioned some of the numbers in my statement, which the funding is intended to cover. Alongside that, she will, I know, be reassured to know that there is a review of the counselling service happening as well, so that we can learn from that, and that'll be followed up shortly by a series of one-to-one consultations with stakeholders across the system, and I think also making sure we capture experiences right across the system will be important. Some of the additional funding that has been made available will be around providing additional training to counsellors, forging links with providers of complementary services, where they're relevant, as well as addressing some of the waiting lists, because there is, as she will know, significant demand in the system at the moment. So, there's a kind of holistic approach being taken to that, the provision of counselling services.
The Member took the opportunity that she had already taken with my colleague the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being to raise the point that she makes frequently about mental health first aid. I think I have little to add to my colleague's observations here. What we don't want to do is to follow a path that takes us to a less ambitious outcome than I think the framework is going to take us towards. And really, we share this ambition in Government to make sure that we have the most ambitious approach to mental health in a whole-school context throughout everything that we do. We are mindful that there is a range of resources and interventions available to school leaders in making some of the judgments that they make in implementing the whole-school approach. And so, in order to help them navigate what can be quite a crowded space, I think, if you're making judgments about the best interventions, the best resources to use, we've commissioned Public Health Wales to develop a toolkit of evidence-based interventions, which will support schools in choosing which of the well-being interventions best support the individual—you know, the blend of needs that they have amongst their cohort. That work was paused during the COVID period, but that's actually now restarted, and I hope that that will be a useful tool for schools in addressing some of these questions.
I welcome her support for our emphasis on physical activity in the new curriculum, and indeed in encouraging that in the existing provision. She will know that we have recently provided an additional £20 million in funding to support access to play and sporting, creative and expressive activities, building on the Summer of Fun, through the renew and reform programme, and I know that she shares my passion for making sure that young people have opportunities to support their well-being generally through physical activities.
She closed with some questions in relation to the reform of the school day and the school year. As I say, the conversations with learners—we will start with learners and then the other stakeholders that we work with throughout the system—will be undertaken before the end of this year with a view to consultation in 2022. From my point of view, what I want to see in relation to the school day is to provide a range of opportunities for our learners, building on the things that we have seen have worked over the course of the last year and some of our other responses to the pressures that COVID has brought on our young people. Now, some of that will be about learning, but some of it will be in the way that she was, I think, hoping for, around play and cultural experiences, to have a richer set of experiences for our young people. There are lots of international examples that we can draw on. There are some examples within the UK—other parts of the UK—in Scotland and in England in particular, which we will be drawing on. We are already doing an evaluation of some of those things. Obviously, that will form part of the broader public conversation that follows.
Diolch i Laura Anne Jones am yr ystod eang honno o gwestiynau. Fe wnaf i geisio gwneud cyfiawnder ag ehangder a dyfnder y cwestiynau y gwnaeth hi ymdrin â nhw yn ei chyfraniad. O ran, yn gyntaf, y cwestiwn o recriwtio dros 100 o staff cyfwerth ag amser llawn i gefnogi gwaith cynlluniau treialu mewngymorth CAMHS ac ymyriadau eraill, rwy'n credu ei bod yn her cyrraedd y targed hwnnw ynddo'i hun, mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n nifer sylweddol o weithwyr proffesiynol ychwanegol i recriwtio i'r system mewn cyfnod cymharol fyr. Rwy'n credu mai'r profiad ar lawr gwlad yw bod y byrddau iechyd mewn gwahanol leoedd ar y daith, yn dibynnu ar eu cyfranogiad yn rhywfaint o waith y cynlluniau treialu hyd yma. Ond rwy'n credu, mewn gwirionedd, y bydd hynny'n gyfraniad sylweddol i'n hagenda yn y lle hwn.
Rwy'n credu iddi wneud pwynt pwysig iawn o ran gwasanaethau cwnsela a'r amrywiaeth o fanteision y gallan nhw eu cynnig, ond hefyd rhai o'r heriau o ran cyflawni'r gweithredu ar y raddfa fwy honno. Soniais am rai o'r niferoedd yn fy natganiad, y bwriedir i'r cyllid eu cynnwys. Ochr yn ochr â hynny, gwn y bydd yn dawel ei meddwl o wybod bod adolygiad o'r gwasanaeth cwnsela'n digwydd hefyd, fel y gallwn ddysgu o hynny, a bydd hynny'n cael ei ddilyn yn fuan gan gyfres o ymgynghoriadau unigol gyda rhanddeiliaid ar draws y system, ac rwy'n credu hefyd y bydd sicrhau ein bod yn cipio profiadau ar draws y system yn bwysig. Bydd rhywfaint o'r cyllid ychwanegol sydd ar gael yn ymwneud â darparu hyfforddiant ychwanegol i gwnselwyr, llunio cysylltiadau â darparwyr gwasanaethau cydategol, lle maen nhw’n berthnasol, yn ogystal â mynd i'r afael â rhai o'r rhestrau aros, oherwydd, fel y bydd hi'n gwybod, mae galw sylweddol yn y system ar hyn o bryd. Felly, mae rhyw fath o ddull cyfannol yn cael ei ddefnyddio at hynny, darparu gwasanaethau cwnsela.
Manteisiodd yr Aelod ar y cyfle yr oedd eisoes wedi'i gael gyda fy nghyd-Weinidog y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Lles i godi'r pwynt mae hi'n ei wneud yn aml am gymorth cyntaf iechyd meddwl. Nid wyf yn credu bod gennyf fawr ddim i'w ychwanegu at sylwadau fy nghyd-Aelod yma. Yr hyn nad ydym ni am ei wneud yw dilyn llwybr sy'n mynd â ni at ganlyniad llai uchelgeisiol nag y credaf fod y fframwaith yn mynd â ni tuag ato. Ac mewn gwirionedd, rydym ni'n rhannu'r uchelgais hon yn y Llywodraeth i sicrhau bod gennym y dull mwyaf uchelgeisiol o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl mewn cyd-destun ysgol gyfan drwy bopeth a wnawn. Rydym yn ymwybodol bod amrywiaeth o adnoddau ac ymyriadau ar gael i arweinwyr ysgolion wrth wneud rhai o'r dyfarniadau a wnânt wrth weithredu'r dull ysgol gyfan. Ac felly, er mwyn eu helpu i lywio'r hyn a all fod yn ofod eithaf gorlawn, rwy'n credu, os ydych yn llunio barn am yr ymyriadau gorau, yr adnoddau gorau i'w defnyddio, rydym wedi comisiynu Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i ddatblygu pecyn cymorth o ymyriadau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, a fydd yn cefnogi ysgolion i ddewis pa rai o'r ymyriadau lles sy'n cefnogi'r unigolyn orau—wyddoch chi, y cyfuniad o anghenion sydd ganddyn nhw ymhlith eu carfan. Cafodd y gwaith hwnnw ei oedi yn ystod cyfnod COVID, ond mae hynny wedi'i ailgychwyn yn awr, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n arf defnyddiol i ysgolion wrth fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r cwestiynau hyn.
Rwy'n croesawu ei chefnogaeth i'n pwyslais ar weithgarwch corfforol yn y cwricwlwm newydd, ac yn wir wrth annog hynny yn y ddarpariaeth bresennol. Bydd yn gwybod ein bod wedi darparu £20 miliwn ychwanegol yn ddiweddar mewn cyllid i gefnogi'r gallu i gael gafael ar weithgareddau chwarae a chwaraeon, creadigol a mynegiannol, gan adeiladu ar yr Haf o Hwyl, drwy'r rhaglen adnewyddu a diwygio, a gwn ei bod hi'n rhannu fy angerdd am sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn cael cyfleoedd i gefnogi eu lles yn gyffredinol drwy weithgareddau corfforol.
Caeodd gyda rhai cwestiynau am ddiwygio'r diwrnod ysgol a'r flwyddyn ysgol. Fel y dywedais i, bydd y sgyrsiau gyda dysgwyr—byddwn ni'n dechrau gyda dysgwyr ac yna'r rhanddeiliaid eraill yr ydym yn gweithio gyda nhw drwy'r system—yn cael eu cynnal cyn diwedd eleni gyda'r bwriad o ymgynghori yn 2022. O'm safbwynt i, yr hyn yr wyf i am ei weld o ran y diwrnod ysgol yw darparu amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd i'n dysgwyr, gan adeiladu ar y pethau yr ydym wedi gweld sydd wedi gweithio yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a rhai o'n hymatebion eraill i'r pwysau mae COVID wedi'u rhoi ar ein pobl ifanc. Nawr, bydd rhywfaint o hynny'n ymwneud â dysgu, ond bydd rhywfaint ohono yn y ffordd yr oedd, rwy’n credu, yn gobeithio, o amgylch profiadau chwarae a diwylliannol, i gael set gyfoethocach o brofiadau i'n pobl ifanc. Mae llawer o enghreifftiau rhyngwladol y gallwn ni eu defnyddio. Mae rhai enghreifftiau o fewn y DU—rhannau eraill o'r DU—yn yr Alban ac yn Lloegr yn benodol, y byddwn ni'n eu defnyddio. Rydym eisoes yn cynnal gwerthusiad o rai o'r pethau hynny. Yn amlwg, bydd hynny'n rhan o'r sgwrs gyhoeddus ehangach sy'n dilyn.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Delyth Jewell.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Delyth Jewell.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch am y datganiad hefyd, Weinidog. Roeddwn i eisiau gofyn i chi am eco-bryder neu bryder yn ymwneud â'r argyfwng newid hinsawdd, sy'n effeithio ar niferoedd cynyddol o bobl ifanc. Fel byddwch chi'n ei wybod, mae hwn yn fater dwi wedi bod yn ceisio perswadio'r Llywodraeth i weithredu arno ers dechrau'r Senedd yma.
Mae academyddion ym Mhrifysgol Caerfaddon wedi cynnal ymchwiliad mewn i'r maes, ac mae hwnna wedi ffeindio bod 60 y cant o bobl ifanc naill ai yn pryderu yn fawr neu yn pryderu yn enbyd am newid hinsawdd. Ac mae'r academyddion wedi pwysleisio bod eco-bryder yn ofn sydd yn gwbl resymegol a dealladwy. Felly, nid darbwyllo’r bobl ifanc sydd angen digwydd yma, ond eu cefnogi mewn ffordd. Allaf i ofyn ichi, plis, pa newidiadau yn y cwricwlwm y byddech chi'n fodlon ystyried eu cyflwyno er mwyn delio â'r ffenomenon yma o bryder newid hinsawdd, a hefyd i ddelio â'r tystiolaeth sydd wrth wraidd y pryder? Dwi'n meddwl bod angen cyfiawnhau y pryder hwn; mae angen dangos ein bod ni oll yn gwrando ar bobl ifanc am sut maen nhw'n teimlo, yn gwrando arnyn nhw hefyd ynglŷn â beth yw eu syniadau nhw, a gwneud iddyn nhw deimlo'n llai ynysig yn yr holl sefyllfa.
Wrth gwrs, mae angen ffocysu ar y fframio, ar sut mae'r bobl ifanc yn dysgu am newid hinsawdd—nid dim ond am y trychinebau, ond hefyd y gweithrediad sydd gennym ni oll, neu'r agency sydd gyda ni. Buaswn i yn hoffi gweld mwy o gymorth hefyd ar gyfer athrawon, ac efallai mwy o hyfforddiant ar sut i ymdopi â'r pryder hwn sydd yn cael ei brofi gan fwy a mwy o blant.
Mae hwn yn faes, Weinidog, lle dwi wir yn meddwl y byddem ni'n gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i fywydau nifer fawr iawn o blant trwy wrando ar yr hyn maen nhw yn ei ddweud wrthym ni. Buaswn i wir yn hoffi gweld symudiad gan y Llywodraeth ar hyn. Buaswn i'n hapus iawn, a brwdfrydig, yn wir, i weithio gyda'r Llywodraeth yn y maes, a buaswn i wir yn awyddus i glywed eich barn chi ar beth gall gael ei wneud tu mewn i ysgolion i ddelio â'r eco-bryder yma.
Ac yn olaf, Weinidog, yn ystyried bod newid hinsawdd yn un—wel, mae hi'n un sialens enfawr, nag yw hi, o fewn nifer o sialensau sydd yn wynebu'r genhedlaeth nesaf, sut ydy'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu helpu plant i ddod dros straen y pandemig? Dwi'n gwybod i hyn gael ei grybwyll gan Laura Jones ychydig funudau yn ôl. Mae plant wedi colli amser gyda ffrindiau, maen nhw wedi gweld rhieni a pherthnasau yn dioddef, rhai wedi colli teulu. Fel gyda newid hinsawdd, dŷn ni'n gallu gweld yr effaith mae'r pandemig yn ei gael ar gymunedau cyfan, ac mae angen i'r bobl ifanc hyn allu prosesu sut maen nhw'n teimlo, i ddysgu am rannu profiadau a gallu dod trwy'r sefyllfa sydd yn sefyllfa mor anodd. So, sut ydy'r Llywodraeth yn mynd ati i wneud yn siŵr bod cymorth ar gael tu mewn i ysgolion i helpu gyda hyn, plis?
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. Thank you for the statement also, Minister. I wanted to ask you about eco-anxiety or anxiety related to the climate change emergency, which is affecting an increasing number of young people. As you'll be aware, this is an issue that I've been trying to persuade the Government to act upon since the beginning of this Senedd.
Academics at the University of Bath have undertaken an inquiry into this issue, which found that 60 per cent of young people are either very concerned or extremely concerned about climate change. And the academics have also emphasised that eco-anxiety is an entirely rational and understandable fear. So, this isn't about convincing the young people otherwise here, but supporting them in a way. So, may I ask you what changes in the curriculum you would be willing to consider making to deal with this phenomenon of climate change anxiety, and also the evidence on which this anxiety is based? I think that we need to legitimise this concern; we need to demonstrate that we're all listening to young people when they tell us how they feel, that we're also asking them for their ideas, and that we're making them feel less isolated in facing the whole situation.
Of course, we need to focus on the framing, about how young people learn about climate change. It's not just about the disasters, but about the agency that we all have; I repeat, it's about having that agency. I would also like to see more support given to teachers and perhaps more training on how to cope with this anxiety that is being experienced by an increasing number of children.
This is an issue, Minister, on which I think we could make a major difference to children's lives by listening to what they're telling us. I would really like to see movement on this by the Government, and I'd be more than happy, and enthusiastic, to work with the Government on this, and I am genuinely eager to hear your view on what can be done in schools to respond to this eco-anxiety.
And finally, Minister, bearing in mind that climate change is but one huge challenge amongst a number of challenges facing the next generation, how does the Government intend to help children to recover from the stress caused by the pandemic? I know this was mentioned by Laura Jones earlier. Children have lost out on time spent with friends, they've seen parents and relatives suffering, and some have lost members of the family. As with climate change, we can see the impact that the pandemic is having on whole communities, and these young people need to be able to process how they feel in order to learn about sharing experiences and be able to come through such a difficult situation. So, how is the Government going to ensure that support is available in schools to help with this, please?
Diolch i Delyth Jewell am y cwestiynau ar ddau faes pwysig iawn. O ran y cwestiwn cyntaf, o ran eco-bryder, rwyf wedi cydnabod eisoes yn y trafodaethau rŷn ni wedi eu cael mor bwysig yw cymryd ystyriaeth o hyn, ac mae e'n rhan greiddiol o'r gwaith rŷn ni'n ei wneud eisoes, wrth gwrs, yn ein hysgolion, er mwyn sicrhau bod eco-bryder, fel ystod ehangach o bryderon, yn rhan o'r ddealltwriaeth o anghenion ein disgyblion ni.
O ran beth yw'r rôl i hynny yn ein cwricwlwm, wel, mae'r cwricwlwm, wrth gwrs, yn darparu ystod eang o newidiadau sy'n mynd i gynorthwyo athrawon i allu cefnogi'n dysgwyr ni i fynd i'r afael â chwestiynau i wneud gyda newid hinsawdd yn gyffredinol, gydag eco-bryder fel rhan o hwnnw. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â hi bod dealltwriaeth ehangach, nid yn unig o'r sialens, ond yr hyn gellid ei wneud fel unigolion, yn rhan bwysig o ymateb i'r cwestiwn yna o eco-bryder a'r cwestiynau llesiant ac iechyd meddwl sydd yn dod o hynny. Ond fe fyddwn i'n dadlau'n sicr iawn fod hynny'n greiddiol i'r cwricwlwm fel mae wedi'i ddylunio eisoes. Mae'n thema gyson drwy'r cwricwlwm yn ei gyfanrwydd, ac yn benodol yn y cyd-destun iechyd a llesiant fel maes o brofiad. Rŷn ni wrthi'n darparu adnoddau, wrth gwrs, ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd, a chefnogi'r sector i gomisiynu a datblygu adnoddau, a phwyslais ar adnoddau yng nghyd-destun newid hinsawdd yn rhan o hynny. Felly, fe wnaf i sicrhau ein bod ni'n darparu cefnogaeth i sicrhau adnoddau ym maes eco-bryder fel rhan ehangach o hwnnw.
Roedd yr ail set o gwestiynau yn ymwneud â pha gefnogaeth rŷn ni'n ei darparu i ddelio ag impact y pandemig ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant ein pobl ifanc ni. Byddwn i'n ei chyfeirio hi at y gwaith roedd y Dirprwy Weinidog yn sôn amdano yn ei datganiad hi—ac rwyf wedi cyfeirio ato fe—o ran y fframwaith ysgol gyfan. Mae'n newid y diwylliant o fewn ysgol fel bod pob rhan o gymuned yr ysgol yn gweld pwysigrwydd yr agenda hon ac yn cael y sgiliau i allu darparu cefnogaeth i'n dysgwyr ni, ond i'r gweithlu addysg hefyd yn ehangach. Mae hynny'n ymateb sylfaenol i'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd dros y cyfnod diwethaf. Wrth gwrs, mae seiliau'r peth yn dod cyn cyfnod COVID, ond rwy'n credu ein bod ni gyd wedi dysgu pa mor bwysig mae hyn wedi bod yn ystod y flwyddyn i 18 mis diwethaf.
Ac o ran y cynllun adnewyddu a diwygio, mae arian penodol wedi'i ddyrannu o fewn hynny er mwyn sicrhau gweithio ar lefel un wrth un, efallai, gyda rhai disgyblion sydd angen hynny, i ddarparu cefnogaeth benodol wedi'i theilwra i'w hanghenion personol nhw. Mae hwnna'n rhan o'r cynllun ehangach; mae lot o enghreifftiau eraill, wrth gwrs, yn y cynllun hwnnw, a byddwn i'n cyfeirio'r Aelod at y ddogfen honno.
I thank Delyth Jewell for those questions on two very important areas. In terms of the first, and eco-anxiety, I've already acknowledged in the discussions that we've had how important it is to take this into account, and it's a core part of the work that we're already undertaking in our schools in order to ensure that eco-anxiety, as with a whole range of other anxieties, is part of our understanding of the needs of our pupils.
In terms of the role of that in our curriculum, well, the curriculum, of course, provides for a broad range of changes that will assist teachers in supporting our learners in tackling issues around climate change generally, and eco-anxiety will be part of that. I agree entirely with her that a broader understanding, not only of the challenge, but also in terms of what we as individuals can do, is an important part of responding to that issue of eco-anxiety and issues of well-being and mental health that arise from that. But I would certainly argue that that's at the heart of the curriculum as it is currently designed. It is a constant theme throughout the whole curriculum, and specifically in the context of health and well-being as an area of learning and experience. We are currently providing resources for the new curriculum, and supporting the sector in commissioning and developing those resources, with an emphasis on resources in the context of climate change as part of that. So, I will ensure that we do provide support to provide materials around eco-anxiety as a broader part of that.
The second set of questions related to what support we're providing in dealing with the impact of the pandemic on the mental health and well-being of our young people. I would refer her to the work that the Deputy Minister referred to in her statement—and I've already referred to this—in terms of the whole-school framework. It's a change of culture within schools so that all parts of the school community understand the importance of this agenda and have the skills to provide support for our learners, but also for the education workforce more broadly. And that is a fundamental response to what has happened over recent times. Of course, the foundations were laid pre COVID, but I think we've all learnt just how important this has been over the past year to 18 months.
And in terms of the renew and reform programme, specific funding has been provided within that in order to ensure that we're able to work one to one with those pupils who need that, in order to provide specific support tailored for their needs. That's part of the broader programme; there are many other examples, of course, and I would refer the Member to that document.
Thank you, Minister, for your statement today; I have a few questions arising. A whole-school approach is obviously one that ensures that a policy is embedded across school life, and indeed if it's done well, then that can be the case. However, there is a danger that a whole-school approach, if not well planned and adequately analysed, can, in fact, simply place additional measures on actual teachers to deliver mental well-being support, in addition to their existing curriculum, without additional time being allocated or additional training. What discussions have you had or do you intend on having with teachers and their trade unions to ensure that adequate time and training can be provided to deliver meaningful well-being support?
And, secondly, a key stressor on our learners, which perhaps is not discussed as widely as it should be, is the impact that teacher stress has on them. Teaching is widely recognised as a highly stressful occupation; it would be naive of us to think that teachers don't convey this stress to their students at times. This can be in terms of teacher absence as a result of mental health issues, making continuity and quality of learning difficult, or students picking up on teacher stress during lessons and becoming stressed themselves as a result. Therefore, what work is being done to support teachers with their own mental health issues, and does the Minister agree with me that more needs to be done in this area?
Diolch, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad heddiw; mae gennyf ychydig o gwestiynau'n codi. Mae'n amlwg bod dull ysgol gyfan yn un sy'n sicrhau bod polisi wedi'i wreiddio ar draws bywyd yr ysgol, ac yn wir os yw wedi'i wneud yn dda, yna gall hynny fod yn wir. Fodd bynnag, mae perygl y gall dull ysgol gyfan, os nad yw wedi'i gynllunio'n dda a'i ddadansoddi'n ddigonol, roi mesurau ychwanegol ar athrawon gwirioneddol i ddarparu cymorth lles meddwl, yn ogystal â'u cwricwlwm presennol, heb neilltuo amser ychwanegol na hyfforddiant ychwanegol. Pa drafodaethau yr ydych chi wedi'u cael neu a ydych yn bwriadu eu cael gydag athrawon a'u hundebau llafur i sicrhau y gellir darparu digon o amser a hyfforddiant i ddarparu cymorth lles ystyrlon?
Ac, yn ail, un o'r prif straen ar ein dysgwyr, nad yw efallai'n cael ei drafod mor eang ag y dylai fod, yw'r effaith mae straen athrawon yn ei chael arnynt. Mae'r addysgu'n cael ei gydnabod yn eang fel galwedigaeth sy'n achosi straen mawr; byddai'n naïf i ni feddwl nad yw athrawon yn cyfleu'r straen hwn i'w myfyrwyr ar adegau. Gall hyn fod o ran absenoldeb athrawon o ganlyniad i faterion iechyd meddwl, gwneud parhad ac ansawdd y dysgu yn anodd, neu fyfyrwyr yn sylwi ar straen athrawon yn ystod gwersi ac yn profi straen eu hunain o ganlyniad. Felly, pa waith sy'n cael ei wneud i gefnogi athrawon gyda'u problemau iechyd meddwl eu hunain, ac a yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi fod angen gwneud mwy yn y maes hwn?
I thank the Member for those two important questions. I think providing sufficient capacity in the system to be able to provide training and develop the professional learning environment that is needed is obviously essential. Part of the investment that we've made, of course, over the recent period is to enhance capacity in our schools to be able to respond to some of the principal challenges of COVID, and that includes questions of well-being, both from the point of view of our learners, but also from the point of view of the teaching and other wider education workforce as well. Teacher well-being is a crucial dimension to that, in the way that her question sets out.
For the last two years, we have funded Education Support, which is, I'm sure she will know, a charitable organisation with expertise in providing support for well-being across the education profession to provide direct support for individuals in schools, but also to provide guidance and advice for teachers, school leaders and managers to give them the tools through which they can then support their staff. Some of that, as I say, is around support for individuals, in particular, perhaps, those practitioners working in highly challenging contexts. Some of it is support for the school on a systemic basis, helping them to create a mentally healthy workplace that benefits all parts of the school community, and some of that has been around well-being workshops booked in for INSET days and a range of other interventions. So, I hope that will provide a significant level of support for the teaching workforce in how they take forward the whole-school approach across Wales.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y ddau gwestiwn pwysig hynny. Rwy'n credu bod darparu digon o gapasiti yn y system i allu darparu hyfforddiant a datblygu'r amgylchedd dysgu proffesiynol sydd ei angen yn amlwg yn hanfodol. Rhan o'r buddsoddiad yr ydym ni wedi'i wneud, wrth gwrs, dros y cyfnod diweddar yw gwella'r capasiti yn ein hysgolion i allu ymateb i rai o brif heriau COVID, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys cwestiynau am les, o safbwynt ein dysgwyr, ond hefyd o safbwynt yr addysgu a'r gweithlu addysg ehangach arall hefyd. Mae lles athrawon yn ddimensiwn hanfodol i hynny, yn y ffordd mae ei chwestiwn yn nodi.
Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, rydym wedi ariannu Cymorth Addysg, sydd, rwy'n siŵr y bydd hi'n ymwybodol, yn sefydliad elusennol sydd ag arbenigedd mewn darparu cymorth ar gyfer lles ar draws y proffesiwn addysg i ddarparu cymorth uniongyrchol i unigolion mewn ysgolion, ond hefyd i roi arweiniad a chyngor i athrawon, arweinwyr ysgolion a rheolwyr i roi'r offer iddynt wedyn i gefnogi eu staff. Mae rhywfaint o hynny, fel y dywedais i, yn ymwneud â chefnogaeth i unigolion, yn arbennig, efallai, yr ymarferwyr hynny sy'n gweithio mewn cyd-destunau heriol iawn. Mae rhywfaint ohono'n gymorth i'r ysgol ar sail systemig, gan eu helpu i greu gweithle sy'n iach yn feddyliol sydd o fudd i bob rhan o gymuned yr ysgol, ac mae rhywfaint o hynny wedi bod yn ymwneud â gweithdai llesiant sydd wedi'u trefnu ar gyfer diwrnodau HMS ac amrywiaeth o ymyriadau eraill. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n rhoi lefel sylweddol o gefnogaeth i'r gweithlu addysgu o ran sut maen nhw'n datblygu'r dull ysgol gyfan ledled Cymru.
Ac yn olaf, Jane Dodds.
And finally, Jane Dodds.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Can I also put on record, on behalf of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, our best wishes to Andrew R.T. Davies in his recovery and thank him for his very bold and clear statements in terms of his mental health?
Minister, I'd like to thank you for bringing forward this very important debate and issue. The mental well-being of our children and young people is so important, and I'm pleased that the Welsh Government are continuing with this whole-school approach to mental well-being, which is integral to the new curriculum, as developed by your predecessor, Welsh Liberal Democrat Kirsty Williams. So, thank you very much for profiling this this afternoon.
I'd just like to highlight the issue around cross-cutting work, because 60 per cent of children and young people attempting to access specialist mental health services through CAMHS are waiting four weeks or more for their first appointment as of July 2021. There's been an increase to CAMHS services of around 350 per cent on the previous year's figures. So, my question and issue really are around how we can work across both health and education to ensure that there is a need to continue to support CAMHS services, but also ensure that children don't fall through the cracks, by making sure that we have adequate whole-school approaches in schools. And, secondly, I wonder if I could ask you what thought you have given to creating a network of mental health support over a 24-hour period, seven days a week for our children and young people. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. A gaf i hefyd gofnodi, ar ran Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru, ein dymuniadau gorau i Andrew R.T. Davies yn ei adferiad a diolch iddo am ei ddatganiadau beiddgar a chlir iawn o ran ei iechyd meddwl?
Gweinidog, hoffwn ddiolch i chi am gyflwyno'r ddadl a'r mater pwysig iawn hwn. Mae lles meddwl ein plant a'n pobl ifanc mor bwysig, ac rwy'n falch bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau â'r dull ysgol gyfan hwn o ymdrin â lles meddyliol, sy'n rhan annatod o'r cwricwlwm newydd, fel y datblygwyd gan eich rhagflaenydd, o blaid Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru, Kirsty Williams. Felly, diolch yn fawr iawn am broffilio hyn y prynhawn yma.
Hoffwn dynnu sylw at y mater sy'n ymwneud â gwaith trawsbynciol, oherwydd mae 60 y cant o blant a phobl ifanc sy'n ceisio cael gafael ar wasanaethau iechyd meddwl arbenigol drwy CAMHS yn aros pedair wythnos neu fwy am eu hapwyntiad cyntaf a hynny ym mis Gorffennaf 2021. Bu cynnydd o tua 350 y cant i wasanaethau CAMHS ar ffigurau'r flwyddyn flaenorol. Felly, mae fy nghwestiwn a'r mater yn ymwneud mewn gwirionedd â sut y gallwn ni weithio ar draws iechyd ac addysg i sicrhau bod angen i barhau i gefnogi gwasanaethau CAMHS, ond hefyd sicrhau nad yw plant yn syrthio drwy'r craciau, drwy sicrhau bod gennym ddulliau ysgol gyfan digonol mewn ysgolion. Ac, yn ail, tybed a gaf i ofyn i chi a ydych chi wedi ystyried creu rhwydwaith o gymorth iechyd meddwl dros gyfnod o 24 awr, saith diwrnod yr wythnos i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc. Diolch. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I thank Jane Dodds for that set of questions and join with her in paying tribute to my predecessor and for her commitment to both curriculum reform and to the agenda of mental health of children and young people, which was a very committed and very considerable priority for her. I hope you will have heard in both the contributions that Lynne Neagle and I have made in the Chamber today how joined up we are within the Government in relation to the interventions that can be made from a health perspective and from an education perspective to try and make sure that that joined-up approach that she identifies as being so important is, and becomes even more so, the reality on the ground. We jointly chair the task and finish group, as Lynne Neagle was outlining earlier, and a number of the interventions in this space are the product of very, very close working between the health department and education department, because we recognise that the very essence of this working is to ensure that children don't fall between the cracks, if you like, and there's a seamless service that supports children and young people in all their mental health and well-being needs. I'm confident that the work that we are putting in from a Government point of view is best designed to reach that outcome, but there are significant challenges in the system in delivering that in the way that I know that she is aware, and I hope that some of the things that we've outlined today in both the statements you've heard so far, and the ones that will follow, demonstrate how committed the Government is to making sure that everyone gets the support they need for their mental health.
Diolch i Jane Dodds am y set honno o gwestiynau ac rwy'n ymuno â hi i dalu teyrnged i'm rhagflaenydd ac am ei hymrwymiad i ddiwygio'r cwricwlwm ac i agenda iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc, a oedd yn flaenoriaeth ymroddedig iawn a sylweddol iawn iddi. Gobeithio y byddwch wedi clywed yn y cyfraniadau mae Lynne Neagle a minnau wedi'u gwneud yn y Siambr heddiw pa mor gydgysylltiedig yr ydym ni o fewn y Llywodraeth o ran yr ymyriadau y gellir eu gwneud o safbwynt iechyd ac o safbwynt addysg i geisio sicrhau bod y dull cydgysylltiedig hwnnw y mae'n ei nodi mor bwysig, ac yn dod hyd yn oed yn fwy felly, y realiti ar lawr gwlad. Rydym yn cadeirio'r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen ar y cyd, fel yr oedd Lynne Neagle yn ei amlinellu'n gynharach, ac mae nifer o'r ymyriadau yn y gofod hwn yn deillio o weithio agos iawn rhwng yr adran iechyd a'r adran addysg, oherwydd rydym yn cydnabod mai hanfod y gwaith hwn yw sicrhau nad yw plant yn syrthio rhwng y craciau, os mynnwch chi, a bod gwasanaeth di-dor sy'n cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc yn eu holl anghenion iechyd a lles meddwl. Rwy'n hyderus mai cyflawni'r gwaith yr ydym yn ei wneud o safbwynt y Llywodraeth yw'r ffordd orau o gyrraedd y canlyniad hwnnw, ond mae heriau sylweddol yn y system o ran cyflawni hynny yn y ffordd y gwn ei bod yn ymwybodol, ac rwy'n gobeithio bod rhai o'r pethau yr ydym ni wedi'u hamlinellu heddiw yn y ddau ddatganiad a glywsoch chi hyd yn hyn, a'r rhai a fydd yn dilyn, yn dangos pa mor ymroddedig yw'r Llywodraeth i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnyn nhw ar gyfer eu hiechyd meddwl.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Byddwn nawr yn atal y trafodion dros dro er mwyn caniatáu newidiadau yn y Siambr. Os ydych yn gadael y Siambr, gwnewch hynny'n brydlon. Bydd y gloch yn cael ei chanu dau funud cyn i'r trafodion ailgychwyn. Dylai unrhyw Aelodau sy'n cyrraedd ar ôl y newid aros tan hynny cyn mynd i mewn i'r Siambr.
Thank you, Minister. We will now suspend proceedings to allow changeovers in the Siambr. If you are leaving the Siambr, please do so promptly. The bell will be rung two minutes before proceedings restart, and any Members who are arriving after a changeover should wait until then before entering the Siambr.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 15:59.
Plenary was suspended at 15:59.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:08, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 16:08, with the Llywydd in the Chair.
Yr eitem nawr, felly, yw'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar natur, bioamrywiaeth a lleoedd lleol ar gyfer natur. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd i wneud ei datganiad—Julie James.
The next item is the statement by the Minister for Climate Change on nature, biodiversity and local places for nature. I call on the Minister for Climate Change to make her statement—Julie James.

Diolch, Llywydd. The natural environment in Wales underpins our well-being. Access to nature and taking action with others to care for nature benefits our mental health. The connection we have in Wales to our land and waters runs deep in our culture. It makes us who we are. Whilst we rely on nature for the economic opportunities it provides and the protection against pollution and natural hazards, our relationship is not purely functional. We cannot capture the full value of nature in a balance sheet and we cannot afford to leave its fate to be determined by the free market. The many thousands of people across Wales already taking action to halt and reverse the decline in nature are inspired by a desire to hand on our natural heritage in a condition of which we can be proud.
Developing a more sustainable relationship with the natural world begins in our local communities. The aim of this Government is to strengthen the connections between communities and nature by increasing the opportunities for people to be a part of collective action to respond to the climate and nature emergencies. This approach is reflected in the wide range of new initiatives we have developed in recent years, including our national forest, the sustainable farming scheme, our world-leading requirements to implement sustainable drainage, the priority we are giving to nature-based flood management schemes, and others. We are committed also over the course of this term to develop further initiatives, including a coastal habitat restoration scheme, a new national park, and supporting the designation of inland bathing waters to build on the high bathing water standards achieved right across the Welsh coastline. I believe there are opportunities to apply the approach we have taken to exemplar housing sites to developing exemplar nature recovery sites, particularly across the national nature resource areas identified in 'Future Wales'. These actions are not simply about maintaining and enhancing our landscapes, rivers and seas, but connecting communities more closely to them.
I would like to highlight two particularly important schemes we have developed with partners, and I would urge all Members of the Senedd to take a close interest in activity under way in their local areas and to encourage communities to get involved and shape this activity in years to come. The Nature Networks initiative was launched earlier this year, and today I have announced the first 29 projects to receive funding, benefiting more than 100 habitats and species of international significance. These projects recognise nature as a series of networks on land and at sea that we need to connect and grow to make them more resilient. Projects we are funding include connecting fragmented woodlands to enable species to establish habitat over larger areas, reducing phosphate pollution in rivers to protect nature far downstream, and improving the condition of habitats to enable some of our most iconic species to have greater freedom to roam—the curlew, fritillary butterflies and angel sharks, for example. Crucially, projects harness the energy of local communities—supporting citizen science, involvement of schools, and providing skills and training opportunities. In this sense, Nature Networks are both ecological networks and also the networks of people needed to ensure we are able sustain this action on nature into the future.
The second initiative I would like to highlight is the Local Places for Nature scheme, launched at the start of 2020 with the aim of supporting communities to create nature on their doorstep, working with local authorities and community groups both large and small. Whilst Nature Networks delivers at landscape scale, Local Places for Nature supports modest measures that can make a big difference at a community level, improving access to nature by creating and enhancing green spaces closest to where people live and work, from community food growing to nature-friendly mowing practices. Despite the impact of the pandemic, the public response to this initiative was overwhelming, and the scheme more than doubled in scale in response to demand. Not only do we aim to maintain this extraordinarily high level of public participation, but we want to increase it even further, and I would welcome contributions from Members here today about opportunities they see for us to achieve just that.
Our ability to support long-term action on nature has unfortunately been undermined by UK Government mismanagement of the public finances. By failing to provide multi-annual funding, and failing to replace funding that we have in the past received from the European Union, the UK Government has worked against nature recovery in Wales. I hope that all Members in the Chamber today will join with me in calling on the UK Government to provide a multi-year funding settlement for Welsh Government at the next spending review to enable us to provide multi-annual funding to our partners and communities, so the impact of the action Welsh communities are taking on nature can be amplified even further. For its part, the Welsh Government is ready to launch multi-annual schemes, including Nature Networks and Local Places for Nature, that can provide greater certainty and a longer planning horizon for those we fund, with a focus on the long-term priorities we are developing with Natural Resources Wales, local authorities and through our engagement with the third sector.
I hope Members will also join with me in calling on the UK Government to honour its promise to ensure Wales would not be a penny worse off as a result of leaving the European Union, and to provide in full replacement funding for EU rural development and the EU LIFE programmes. This year alone, Wales has lost out on tens of millions of pounds of investment in nature and in rural Wales. In the context of the climate and nature emergency, and on the eve of global summits on climate and nature, including COP26 in Glasgow, the UK Government must recognise the urgency of the situation and reverse its decision to deprive Wales of these crucial investments in the well-being of our communities. This week marks the start of COP15, the global convention on biological diversity, which aims to agree a new set of goals for nature recovery over the next decade. I can confirm the Welsh Government is committed to supporting the 30x30 target, which is proposed for negotiation at COP15, to protect 30 per cent of our land and seas by 2030.
We are committed to working with Welsh communities and the Senedd to develop our approach to meeting this goal. This will require strategic, regulatory and legislative action, which only the Welsh Government, working closely with the Senedd, can deliver. Achieving this goal will also require collective action in every community in Wales, where initiatives like Nature Networks and Local Places for Nature can create opportunities for people to work together to protect and enhance our natural heritage, and with it our mental health and our wider well-being. Diolch.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae'r amgylchedd naturiol yng Nghymru yn sail i'n llesiant. Mae gallu mynd i fyd natur a gweithredu gydag eraill i ofalu am natur o fudd i'n hiechyd meddwl. Mae'r cysylltiad sydd gennym yng Nghymru â'n tir a'n dyfroedd yn rhedeg yn ddwfn yn ein diwylliant. Mae'n ein gwneud ni pwy ydym ni. Er ein bod yn dibynnu ar natur am y cyfleoedd economaidd y mae'n eu darparu a'r amddiffyniad rhag llygredd a pheryglon naturiol, nid yw ein perthynas yn gwbl weithredol. Ni allwn grynhoi gwerth llawn natur ar fantolen ac ni allwn fforddio gadael i'r farchnad rydd benderfynu ar ei ffawd. Mae'r miloedd lawer o bobl ledled Cymru sydd eisoes yn cymryd camau i atal a gwrthdroi'r dirywiad mewn natur yn cael eu hysbrydoli gan awydd i drosglwyddo ein treftadaeth naturiol i gyflwr y gallwn fod yn falch ohono.
Mae datblygu perthynas fwy cynaliadwy â byd natur yn dechrau yn ein cymunedau lleol. Nod y Llywodraeth hon yw cryfhau'r cysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau a natur drwy gynyddu'r cyfleoedd i bobl fod yn rhan o weithredu ar y cyd i ymateb i'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur. Adlewyrchir y dull gweithredu hwn yn yr ystod eang o fentrau newydd yr ydym wedi'u datblygu yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gan gynnwys ein coedwig genedlaethol, y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, ein gofynion sy'n arwain y byd i weithredu draenio cynaliadwy, y flaenoriaeth yr ydym ni'n ei rhoi i gynlluniau rheoli llifogydd sy'n seiliedig ar natur, ac eraill. Rydym hefyd wedi ymrwymo yn ystod y tymor hwn i ddatblygu mentrau pellach, gan gynnwys cynllun adfer cynefinoedd arfordirol, parc cenedlaethol newydd, a chefnogi dynodi dyfroedd ymdrochi mewndirol i adeiladu ar y safonau dŵr ymdrochi uchel a gyflawnwyd ar hyd arfordir Cymru. Rwyf i'n credu bod cyfleoedd i ddefnyddio'r dull yr ydym ni wedi'i ddefnyddio o ran safleoedd tai enghreifftiol i ddatblygu safleoedd adfer natur enghreifftiol, yn enwedig ar draws yr ardaloedd adnoddau natur cenedlaethol a nodwyd yn 'Cymru'r Dyfodol'. Nid yw'r camau hyn yn ymwneud â chynnal a gwella ein tirweddau, afonydd a moroedd yn unig, ond mae'n ymwneud â chysylltu cymunedau'n agosach atynt.
Hoffwn dynnu sylw at ddau gynllun arbennig o bwysig yr ydym ni wedi'u datblygu gyda phartneriaid, a byddwn i'n annog pob Aelod o'r Senedd i gymryd diddordeb mawr mewn gweithgareddau sydd ar droed yn eu hardaloedd lleol ac i annog cymunedau i gymryd rhan a llunio'r gweithgareddau hynny yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Lansiwyd y fenter Rhwydweithiau Natur yn gynharach eleni, a heddiw rwyf wedi cyhoeddi'r 29 prosiect cyntaf i gael cyllid, gan fod o fudd i fwy na 100 o gynefinoedd a rhywogaethau o arwyddocâd rhyngwladol. Mae'r prosiectau hyn yn cydnabod natur fel cyfres o rwydweithiau ar dir ac ar y môr y mae angen i ni eu cysylltu a'u tyfu i'w gwneud yn fwy cydnerth. Mae'r prosiectau yr ydym ni'n eu hariannu yn cynnwys cysylltu coetiroedd tameidiog i alluogi rhywogaethau i sefydlu cynefin dros ardaloedd mwy, lleihau llygredd ffosffad mewn afonydd i ddiogelu natur ymhell i lawr yr afon, a gwella cyflwr cynefinoedd i alluogi rhai o'n rhywogaethau mwyaf eiconig i gael mwy o ryddid i grwydro—y gylfinir, gloÿnnod byw britheg a maelgwn, er enghraifft. Yn hollbwysig, mae prosiectau'n harneisio egni cymunedau lleol—cefnogi gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion, cynnwys ysgolion, a darparu sgiliau a chyfleoedd hyfforddi. Yn yr ystyr hwn, mae Rhwydweithiau Natur yn rhwydweithiau ecolegol a hefyd yn rhwydweithiau o bobl sydd eu hangen i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu cynnal y camau gweithredu hyn ar natur i'r dyfodol.
Yr ail fenter yr hoffwn i dynnu sylw ati yw'r cynllun Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur, a lansiwyd ar ddechrau 2020 gyda'r nod o gefnogi cymunedau i greu natur ar eu stepen drws, gan weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol a grwpiau cymunedol mawr a bach. Er bod Rhwydweithiau Natur yn cyflawni ar raddfa tirwedd, mae Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur yn cefnogi mesurau cymedrol a all wneud gwahaniaeth mawr ar lefel gymunedol, gan wella mynediad at natur drwy greu a gwella mannau gwyrdd sydd agosaf at le mae pobl yn byw ac yn gweithio, o dyfu bwyd cymunedol i arferion torri gwair sy'n ystyriol o natur. Er gwaethaf effaith y pandemig, roedd ymateb y cyhoedd i'r fenter hon yn aruthrol, a dyblodd maint y cynllun a mwy mewn ymateb i'r galw. Nid yn unig yr ydym ni'n bwriadu cynnal y lefel eithriadol o uchel hon o gyfranogiad y cyhoedd, ond rydym ni eisiau ei chynyddu hyd yn oed ymhellach, a byddwn i'n croesawu cyfraniadau gan Aelodau yma heddiw ynghylch cyfleoedd y maen nhw'n eu gweld i gyflawni hynny.
Yn anffodus, mae ein gallu i gefnogi gweithredu hirdymor ar natur wedi'i danseilio gan gamreoli cyllid cyhoeddus gan Lywodraeth y DU. Drwy fethu â darparu cyllid amlflwydd, a methu â rhoi cyllid yn lle'r cyllid a gawsom yn y gorffennol gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi gweithio yn erbyn adfer natur yng Nghymru. Gobeithio y bydd pob Aelod yn y Siambr heddiw yn ymuno â mi i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddarparu setliad ariannu amlflwydd i Lywodraeth Cymru yn yr adolygiad nesaf o wariant, i'n galluogi ni i ddarparu cyllid amlflwydd i'n partneriaid a'n cymunedau, fel y gellir cynyddu effaith y camau y mae cymunedau Cymru yn eu cymryd ar natur hyd yn oed yn fwy. O'i rhan hi, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i lansio cynlluniau amlflwydd, gan gynnwys Rhwydweithiau Natur a Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur, a all roi mwy o sicrwydd a llinell derfyn hirach ar gyfer cynllunio i'r rhai yr ydym yn eu hariannu, gan ganolbwyntio ar y blaenoriaethau hirdymor yr ydym yn eu datblygu gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, awdurdodau lleol a thrwy ein hymgysylltiad â'r trydydd sector.
Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Aelodau hefyd yn ymuno â mi i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU i anrhydeddu ei haddewid i sicrhau na fyddai Cymru geiniog yn waeth ei byd o ganlyniad i ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac i ddarparu cyllid newydd llawn yn lle cyllid ar gyfer datblygu gwledig yr UE a rhaglenni LIFE yr UE. Eleni yn unig, mae Cymru ar ei cholled o ddegau o filiynau o bunnau o fuddsoddiad mewn natur ac yng nghefn gwlad Cymru. Yng nghyd-destun yr argyfwng hinsawdd a natur, ac ar drothwy uwchgynadleddau byd-eang ar yr hinsawdd a natur, gan gynnwys COP26 yn Glasgow, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU gydnabod pa mor frys yw'r sefyllfa a gwrthdroi ei phenderfyniad i amddifadu Cymru o'r buddsoddiadau hollbwysig hyn yn llesiant ein cymunedau. Mae'r wythnos hon yn nodi dechrau COP15, y confensiwn byd-eang ar amrywiaeth biolegol, sy'n bwriadu cytuno ar gyfres newydd o nodau ar gyfer adfer natur dros y degawd nesaf. Gallaf gadarnhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi'r targed 30x30, a gynigir i'w drafod yn COP15, i ddiogelu 30 y cant o'n tir a'n moroedd erbyn 2030.
Rydym wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda chymunedau Cymru a'r Senedd i ddatblygu ein dull o gyflawni'r nod hwn. Bydd hyn yn gofyn am weithredu strategol, rheoleiddiol a deddfwriaethol, a dim ond Llywodraeth Cymru, gan weithio'n agos gyda'r Senedd, sy'n gallu cyflawni hyn. Bydd cyflawni'r nod hwn hefyd yn gofyn am weithredu ar y cyd ym mhob cymuned yng Nghymru, lle gall mentrau fel Rhwydweithiau Natur a Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur greu cyfleoedd i bobl gydweithio i ddiogelu a gwella ein treftadaeth naturiol, ac yn sgil hynny, ein hiechyd meddwl a'n llesiant ehangach. Diolch.
I do thank you, Minister, for this timely statement and the Noah's ark of activities that you announced earlier. I think it would be interesting for us all to know more about the 29 projects, but I do welcome the fact that nearly 70 species and 50 types of habitats are now to be protected. I would ask you whether you agree with me whether the 29 projects would be even more exciting if we could understand more how they are to contribute to achieving a specific target set by us. Fourteen weeks on from the declaration of a nature emergency, there's been no action as yet to act on the calls of this Senedd to introduce a legally-binding requirement to reverse biodiversity loss through statutory targets. So, will you agree, Minister, to bring in some legislation and put in law those targets? It's obvious that we all support the protection of 30 per cent of our land and seas by 2030.
Now, I am aware that you have started assembling a technical advisory group to help develop key strategies. By when do you aim to have draft plans ready for us to analyse? And one plan, of course, already published is the NFU Cymru's 'Growing Together: A strategy for sustainably increasing tree cover in Wales'. So, alongside reminding us of their ambitious goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for agriculture by 2040, it does highlight to everybody just how much our farmers are part of the solution. With over 80 per cent of land in Wales managed by our farmers, farming presents the greatest opportunity in terms of available land for new tree planting. However, will you commit to working to ensuring that future schemes for woodland creation will also reward farmers to deliver a wide range of public benefits from land, such as by planting hedges, shelter belts, streamside corridors, and the protection and the enhancement of other important carbon sinks, such as soils, peatlands and grassland?
We have, up to now, squandered the opportunity for Wales to be a world leader on environmental governance, with Scotland and the UK now overtaking us on environmental protections. So, whilst I know that you are committed to bringing forward suitable-for-Wales governance arrangements, why wait for the First Minister or Counsel General to make a statement on next year's legislative programme? Should legislation be presented this term, I'm sure you would find considerable momentum and support from all corners of this Siambr.
I welcome the overwhelming response to the Local Places for Nature scheme, and can respond to your request by suggesting that the scheme could be developed so that it helps town and community councils across Wales to cultivate for their community by entering Wales in Bloom 2022. This can be easily accessed by schools to see the areas around our churches and chapels, often graveyards, become even greater nature sanctuaries and places to rest and remember.
Finally, whilst I am eager to co-operate with you, I'm saddened that you have decided to claim that the UK Government has worked against nature recovery in Wales. You know, Minister, full well that the UK Government is placing Wales at the heart of the drive to deliver net zero and build back greener. The UK Government has committed £90 million to innovative Welsh net-zero projects, and last month you, in particular, must have been most pleased to see that the UK and Welsh Governments approved £58.7 million to help establish the Swansea bay city region as a leader in low-carbon growth and the green economy. So, is your attack on the UK Government a sign that you are now rowing back from co-operating on excellent schemes, such as the low-carbon programme, or are we all going to continue working together for Wales, going forward? There has to be this joint strategic approach by the UK Government and the Welsh Government. They are willing; are you, Minister? Diolch.
Diolch ichi, Gweinidog, am y datganiad amserol hwn a'r llond arch Noa o weithgareddau a gyhoeddwyd gennych yn gynharach. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n ddiddorol i ni i gyd wybod mwy am y 29 prosiect, ond rwyf yn croesawu'r ffaith bod bron i 70 rhywogaeth a 50 math o gynefinoedd i'w gwarchod nawr. Gofynnaf i chi a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y byddai'r 29 prosiect hyd yn oed yn fwy cyffrous pe gallem ddeall mwy am sut y byddan nhw'n cyfrannu at gyrraedd targed penodol a bennwyd gennym ni. Bedair wythnos ar ddeg ar ôl datgan argyfwng natur, ni fu unrhyw gamau hyd yma i weithredu ar alwadau'r Senedd hon i gyflwyno gofyniad wedi'i rwymo mewn cyfraith i wrthdroi colli bioamrywiaeth drwy dargedau statudol. Felly, a wnewch chi gytuno, Gweinidog, i gyflwyno rhywfaint o ddeddfwriaeth a rhoi'r targedau hynny mewn cyfraith? Mae'n amlwg ein bod i gyd yn cefnogi diogelu 30 y cant o'n tir a'n moroedd erbyn 2030.
Nawr, rwy'n ymwybodol eich bod wedi dechrau rhoi grŵp cynghori technegol at ei gilydd i helpu i ddatblygu strategaethau allweddol. Erbyn pryd ydych chi'n bwriadu cael cynlluniau drafft yn barod i ni eu dadansoddi? Ac un cynllun, wrth gwrs, a gyhoeddwyd eisoes yw 'Tyfu Gyda'n Gilydd: Strategaeth ar gyfer cynyddu gorchudd coed yng Nghymru' NFU Cymru. Felly, ochr yn ochr â'n hatgoffa ni o'u nod uchelgeisiol o gyrraedd allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr sero net ar gyfer amaethyddiaeth erbyn 2040, mae'n amlygu i bawb, cymaint y mae ein ffermwyr yn rhan o'r ateb. Gyda dros 80 y cant o'r tir yng Nghymru yn cael ei reoli gan ein ffermwyr, ffermio sy'n cynnig y cyfle mwyaf o ran y tir sydd ar gael ar gyfer plannu coed newydd. Fodd bynnag, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i weithio i sicrhau y bydd cynlluniau ar gyfer creu coetiroedd yn y dyfodol hefyd yn gwobrwyo ffermwyr i ddarparu ystod eang o fanteision cyhoeddus o'r tir, er enghraifft trwy blannu gwrychoedd, lleiniau cysgodi, coridorau nentydd, a diogelu a gwella dalfeydd carbon pwysig eraill, fel priddoedd, mawndiroedd a glaswelltir?
Hyd yma, rydym wedi gwastraffu'r cyfle i Gymru fod yn arweinydd byd-eang ar lywodraethu amgylcheddol, gyda'r Alban a'r DU bellach yn ein goddiweddyd o ran diogelu'r amgylchedd. Felly, er fy mod yn gwybod eich bod wedi ymrwymo i gyflwyno trefniadau llywodraethu addas i Gymru, pam aros i'r Prif Weinidog neu'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wneud datganiad ar raglen ddeddfwriaethol y flwyddyn nesaf? Pe bai deddfwriaeth yn cael ei chyflwyno y tymor hwn, rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn dod o hyd i fomentwm a chefnogaeth sylweddol o bob cwr o'r Siambr hon.
Rwy'n croesawu'r ymateb aruthrol i'r cynllun Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur, a gallaf ymateb i'ch cais drwy awgrymu y gellid datblygu'r cynllun fel ei fod yn helpu cynghorau tref a chymuned ledled Cymru i dyfu dros eu cymuned drwy gymryd rhan yn Cymru yn ei Blodau 2022. Gall ysgolion gael mynediad rhwydd i hyn i weld yr ardaloedd o amgylch ein heglwysi a'n capeli, yn aml yn fynwentydd, yn dod yn fwy fyth o warchodfeydd natur ac yn lleoedd i orffwys a chofio.
Yn olaf, er fy mod yn awyddus i gydweithredu â chi, rwy'n drist eich bod wedi penderfynu honni bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gweithio yn erbyn adfer natur yng Nghymru. Fe wyddoch chi yn iawn, Gweinidog, fod Llywodraeth y DU yn rhoi Cymru wrth wraidd yr ymgyrch i ddarparu sero net ac ailgodi'n wyrddach. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi ymrwymo £90 miliwn i brosiectau arloesol ar gyfer Cymru, a'r mis diwethaf mae'n rhaid eich bod chi, yn arbennig, wedi bod yn falch iawn o weld bod Llywodraethau'r DU a Chymru wedi cymeradwyo £58.7 miliwn i helpu i sefydlu dinas-ranbarth Bae Abertawe fel arweinydd ym maes twf carbon isel a'r economi werdd. Felly, a yw eich ymosodiad ar Lywodraeth y DU yn arwydd eich bod nawr yn tynnu'n ôl rhag cydweithredu ar gynlluniau rhagorol, fel y rhaglen carbon isel, neu a ydym ni i gyd yn mynd i barhau i gydweithio dros Gymru, wrth symud ymlaen? Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru weithredu'r dull strategol ar y cyd hwn. Maen nhw yn barod; ydych chi, Gweinidog? Diolch.
I'll just start from where Janet finished and say that, of course, we're willing to work together with the UK Government if only they were willing to work with us. Janet mentioned a few of the investments she says that they have made but, of course, they're all historic investments. What they haven't done is replaced the funding that we've lost from the European Union, and she knows that as well as I do. She would help Wales very much if she were able to make sure that the Government that she supports stays with its promise that Wales should not be a penny less well off as a result of us leaving the European Union, and she knows full well that that's not currently the case.
In terms of the other things that she's asked me, the binding targets I have discussed many times already in this Senedd. Of course, we will be looking at binding targets. We will be looking at that in the light of both COP15 and COP26, in the light of where the global community is, and to make sure that they are both stretching and achievable. So, I would be very happy to work with Senedd Members on coming to an agreement about what those targets should be, and I'd be very happy to have my feet held to that fire, because that's exactly what we want. We want stretching, binding targets. But we need to make sure that we set them in the right context and at the right level of stretch. So, I'd be very happy to do that.
In terms of plans coming forward, I've had very good meetings with the farmers unions myself. They have been very pleased to work with us. Our plan will be set in the context of our net-zero plan. We have, as you know, a statutory duty to produce such a plan. The plan should be produced by December, but we will be producing it before we go to COP26, so we can use it as the platform for our base there. So, we will be announcing that in the week just before COP26 starts, so I'm sure she'll look forward to that.
In terms of Wales in Bloom, of course we are very happy to support all of those kinds of initiatives. I do commend the numbers of community groups around Wales who are interested in the natural environment, both in beautifying the towns that they live in, but actually, much more importantly, making them receptive for pollinators and other species who are otherwise struggling. I'm very pleased to say that the Welsh Government itself has been able to install a number of bat boxes, bee boxes, and other types of things on its estates and Government buildings, so we are going along with the same thing that we're asking our communities to do in that spirit of 'team Wales'.
Fe wnaf i ddechrau lle y gorffennodd Janet a dweud ein bod ni, wrth gwrs, yn barod i gydweithio â Llywodraeth y DU os mai dim ond nhw oedd yn barod i weithio gyda ni. Soniodd Janet am rai o'r buddsoddiadau y mae'n dweud eu bod wedi'u gwneud ond, wrth gwrs, maen nhw i gyd yn fuddsoddiadau hanesyddol. Yr hyn nad ydyn nhw wedi'i wneud yw rhoi cyllid yn lle'r cyllid yr ydym wedi'i golli o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac mae'n gwybod hynny cystal â mi hefyd. Byddai'n helpu Cymru'n fawr pe bai'n gallu sicrhau bod y Llywodraeth y mae'n ei chefnogi yn glynu wrth ei haddewid na ddylai Cymru fod ceiniog ar ei cholled o ganlyniad i ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac mae'n gwybod yn iawn nad yw hynny'n wir ar hyn o bryd.
O ran y pethau eraill y mae hi wedi'u gofyn imi, y targedau rhwymol yr wyf wedi'u trafod droeon eisoes yn y Senedd hon. Wrth gwrs, byddwn ni'n edrych ar dargedau rhwymol. Byddwn ni'n edrych ar hynny yng ngoleuni COP15 a COP26, yng ngoleuni lle mae'r gymuned fyd-eang, ac i sicrhau eu bod yn ymestyn ac yn gyraeddadwy. Felly, byddwn i'n hapus iawn i weithio gydag Aelodau'r Senedd i ddod i gytundeb ynghylch beth ddylai'r targedau hynny fod, a byddwn yn hapus iawn i ymrwymo i'r targedau hynny, oherwydd dyna'n union yr ydym yn ei ddymuno. Rydym eisiau targedau sy'n ymestyn ac yn rhwymol. Ond mae angen i ni sicrhau ein bod yn eu gosod yn y cyd-destun cywir ac ar y lefel gywir o ymestyn. Felly, byddwn yn hapus iawn i wneud hynny.
O ran cynlluniau sy'n cael eu cyflwyno, rwyf wedi cael cyfarfodydd da iawn gyda'r undebau ffermwyr fy hun. Maen nhw wedi bod yn falch iawn o weithio gyda ni. Bydd ein cynllun yn cael ei osod yng nghyd-destun ein cynllun sero-net. Fel y gwyddoch chi, mae gennym ddyletswydd statudol i lunio cynllun o'r fath. Dylai'r cynllun gael ei lunio erbyn mis Rhagfyr, ond byddwn yn ei lunio cyn i ni fynd i COP26, fel y gallwn ei ddefnyddio fel llwyfan ar gyfer ein canolfan yno. Felly, byddwn ni'n cyhoeddi hynny yn yr wythnos ychydig cyn i COP26 ddechrau, felly rwy'n siŵr y bydd hi'n edrych ymlaen at hynny.
O ran Cymru yn ei Blodau, wrth gwrs rydym ni'n hapus iawn i gefnogi pob un o'r mathau hynny o fentrau. Rwy'n cymeradwyo nifer y grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru sydd â diddordeb yn yr amgylchedd naturiol, drwy harddu'r trefi lle maen nhw'n byw, ond mewn gwirionedd, yn bwysicach o lawer, eu gwneud yn barod ar gyfer pryfed peillio a rhywogaethau eraill sydd fel arall yn ei chael hi'n anodd. Rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun wedi gallu gosod nifer o flychau ystlumod, blychau gwenyn, a mathau eraill o bethau ar ei hystadau ac adeiladau'r Llywodraeth, felly rydym yn gweithredu'r un peth ag yr ydym yn gofyn i'n cymunedau ei wneud yn yr ysbryd hwnnw o 'dîm Cymru'.
Can I start by saying that the commitment to 30x30 is welcome? It's very welcome indeed, Minister. It would be useful to have more detail. How will the Welsh Government fund progress towards this commitment, please, and what steps will you be taking to secure extra funding for habitat protection, restoration and creation, and of course the longer term need for the monitoring and maintenance required to keep these sites in good ecological condition? And furthermore, on this point, ensuring that the workforce is there to deliver on these ambitions will be crucial, as I know that you've set out, so I'd welcome more detail on that point, or when we could expect more detail on it.
On the wider issue of targets relating to biodiversity loss, I recognise that the arguments around targets are well rehearsed. The reason for that is that we have spent a lot of time talking about biodiversity targets over the past few months, but the Government has been hesitant to commit, or indeed to give anything away on this point. Wales, like the rest of the world has failed to take sufficient action to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and protect wildlife. I do recognise, Minister, that this has just been rehearsed with Janet, and I do note what you said in response as well. I wanted to add my voice to these points just to remind the Chamber that they are species that are currently declining in Wales or at risk of extinction, and some species have already gone. So, the more quickly, I suppose, that we can get action on this the better. I'm not sure that that's the best grammatical way of putting it across but I hope that that makes sense.
With COP15 opening this week, more than 1,000 businesses have backed a global call for Governments to put in place policies to reverse nature loss this decade. CEOs of companies, including Unilever and H&M have asked for ambitious targets, saying that they're necessary to drive investment and transform business models. Could you set out, please, Minister, in light of this, what kind of action we can expect from the Welsh Government, and could you please outline when it will be possible to see the timeline for targets and the likely scope of those targets? I note again what you said in response to Janet Finch-Saunders on this point. The recent Dasgupta review has re-emphasised that biodiversity is integral to ecosystem health and the ability of ecosystems to provide essential benefits to society. Biodiversity loss impacts on our life support system. It calls for Government budgets to be aligned with the needs of nature, and departmental budgets across sectors to be ensured that they deliver for nature. So, if it's possible to have some more detail on what the Welsh Government aims to do to realise this need, it would also be really useful. Could you outline, in this case, finally, please, Minister, what steps the Government will take to see nature prioritised in financial terms and to align Welsh Government budgets with the needs of nature? Thank you.
A gaf i ddechrau drwy ddweud bod croeso i'r ymrwymiad i 30x30? Mae'n cael ei groesawu'n fawr, Gweinidog. Byddai'n ddefnyddiol cael mwy o fanylion. Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu cynnydd tuag at yr ymrwymiad hwn, os gwelwch yn dda, a pha gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i sicrhau cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer diogelu, adfer a chreu cynefinoedd, ac wrth gwrs yr angen tymor hirach am y gwaith monitro a chynnal a chadw sydd ei angen i gadw'r safleoedd hyn mewn cyflwr ecolegol da? Hefyd, ar y pwynt hwn, bydd sicrhau bod y gweithlu yno i gyflawni'r uchelgeisiau hyn yn hollbwysig, fel y gwn eich bod wedi'i nodi, felly byddwn i'n croesawu mwy o fanylion am y pwynt hwnnw, neu pryd y gallem ni ddisgwyl mwy o fanylion amdano.
O ran y mater ehangach o dargedau sy'n ymwneud â cholli bioamrywiaeth, rwy'n cydnabod bod y dadleuon ynghylch targedau wedi'u hailadrodd droeon. Y rheswm am hynny yw ein bod wedi treulio llawer o amser yn sôn am dargedau bioamrywiaeth dros y misoedd diwethaf, ond mae'r Llywodraeth wedi bod yn petruso rhag ymrwymo, neu'n wir i ddatgelu unrhyw beth ynghylch y pwynt hwn. Mae Cymru, fel gweddill y byd, wedi methu â chymryd camau digonol i atal a gwrthdroi colli bioamrywiaeth a diogelu bywyd gwyllt. Rwy'n cydnabod, Gweinidog, fod hyn newydd gael ei drafod eto gan Janet, ac rwy'n nodi yr hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud mewn ymateb hefyd. Roeddwn yn dymuno ychwanegu fy llais at y pwyntiau hyn dim ond i atgoffa'r Siambr eu bod yn rhywogaethau sy'n dirywio yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd neu sydd mewn perygl o ddiflannu, ac mae rhai rhywogaethau eisoes wedi mynd. Felly, y mwyaf cyflym, mae'n debyg, y gallwn ni weithredu ar hyn gorau oll. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr mai dyna'r ffordd ramadegol orau o'i fynegi ond rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny'n gwneud synnwyr.
Gyda COP15 yn agor yr wythnos hon, mae dros 1,000 o fusnesau wedi cefnogi galwad fyd-eang i Lywodraethau roi polisïau ar waith i wrthdroi colli natur y degawd hwn. Mae prif swyddogion gweithredol cwmnïau, gan gynnwys Unilever a H&M wedi gofyn am dargedau uchelgeisiol, gan ddweud eu bod yn angenrheidiol i sbarduno buddsoddiad a thrawsnewid modelau busnes. A wnewch chi nodi, Gweinidog, yn sgil hyn, pa fath o gamau y gallwn ni eu disgwyl gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac a wnewch chi amlinellu pryd y bydd modd gweld y llinell amser ar gyfer targedau a chwmpas tebygol y targedau hynny? Rwy'n nodi eto yr hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud mewn ymateb i Janet Finch-Saunders ar y pwynt hwn. Mae'r adolygiad Dasgupta diweddar wedi ailbwysleisio bod bioamrywiaeth yn rhan annatod o iechyd ecosystemau a gallu ecosystemau i ddarparu manteision hanfodol i gymdeithas. Mae colli bioamrywiaeth yn effeithio ar ein system cynnal bywyd. Mae'n galw am sicrhau bod cyllidebau'r Llywodraeth yn cyd-fynd ag anghenion natur, a bod cyllidebau adrannol ar draws sectorau yn sicrhau eu bod yn cyflawni dros natur. Felly, os yw'n bosibl cael mwy o fanylion am yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ei wneud i wireddu'r angen hwn, byddai hefyd yn ddefnyddiol iawn. A wnewch chi amlinellu, yn yr achos hwn, yn olaf, Gweinidog, pa gamau y bydd y Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i weld natur yn cael ei blaenoriaethu mewn termau ariannol ac i wneud cyllidebau Llywodraeth Cymru yn gydnaws ag anghenion natur? Diolch.
Yes, thank you, Delyth. You were trying to tempt me, I know, only very recently, to agree to the 30x30 target, so I knew you'd be very pleased that we are committing to it today. I'm very sorry I couldn't do it when you were asking me to do it slightly earlier.
Of course, what we'll be doing then, it's one of the targets proposed for the post-2020 biodiversity framework—that's the COP15 process, and just to remind everyone, I know that you already know, Delyth, that that's the process that was going to take place in China and was delayed because of the COVID pandemic and it's now being done virtually and co-operatively across the world. So, our officials have been working with other UK counterparts, through the Four Countries' Biodiversity Group, to develop a common set of principles. We'll be looking to designate wider landscape designations up to that 30 per cent. The 30 per cent is not a ceiling, I just want to—. It's not the limit of our ambition, but it's obviously a place to start. We also want to be really sure that we will be effective in improving and bringing back into good conservation order the lands that we've already worked on. And, Delyth, I know that you're very familiar with my various remarks on the Gwent levels, for example, and making sure that the whole of the Gwent levels comes back up to good conservation order. So, we'll be working to look at sites that could become exemplar projects, both for bringing the actual scientific work to bring the land back up to good nature conservation, but perhaps looking at different funding, community engagement, social enterprise-type models as well, to make sure that we have a sustainable model going forward that we can roll out across Wales. So, we'll be looking to work with all community leaders, including Members of the Senedd and others across Wales, to make sure that we engage and harness, if you like, the power of our communities in the groups that are already out there. I've met with a large number of them already and they're very inspiring and we're certainly wanting to work alongside that.
We're also part of the Edinburgh process of engagement with sub-national Government cities, small countries and local authorities in delivering the post-2020 framework, as it's called, over the next decade. When we've got that piece of work under our belt, then is the time to look at the targets. So, I want to make sure that they're stretching targets. In the light of that global set of targets, we want to understand where the world is going so that we can push the boundaries on it. I don't want to be setting targets now that then turn out to be not as stretching as they could've been, or indeed, so much more stretching that we simply can't get to them and people give up. This is all about harnessing the urgency of the situation whilst not being a counsel of despair, particularly for our young people. People reference all the time the real anxiety that especially young people feel about the scale of the problem that faces us. So, this is about dividing up into bite-sized, stretching but achievable chunks to make sure that people understand that they can play their role and make a real difference in the world. So, it is important to get the targets right. So, the principle of the targets—absolutely accepted. The piece of work we're doing now alongside the various other processes going on in the world is to just make sure that we get the level of that target right. I'm very happy to work with people across the Senedd, and its committees will be very instrumental in helping us to arrive at the right level of targets for us.
In terms of how we're going to proceed with the rest of it, well, we've got a number of things happening on all fronts, really. So, we're looking to support exemplar projects; we're looking to support our scientific groups; we're looking to corral the advice that we're getting off various scientists in a digestible way for policy formation, very much the way we did during COVID, we learnt a lot during the COVID pandemic about working with our scientists, our engineers and our practical people out there. So, it's about harnessing the right kinds of people to come onto challenge groups for the Government to make sure that they give us advice but also challenge us in our policy making, and again, I'll be looking to co-operate with the Senedd and its committees and yourself in bringing those groups of people forward and making sure that they're fit for purpose.
And the only last thing I wanted to say was that we also are very interested in understanding what's already out there in the communities and making sure that we can support them in an appropriate way, not necessarily just with funding, but in connections and with policy platforms.
Ie, diolch, Delyth. Roeddech chi'n ceisio fy nhemtio, fe wn i, dim ond yn ddiweddar iawn, i gytuno i'r targed 30x30, felly gwyddwn i y byddech chi'n falch iawn ein bod yn ymrwymo iddo heddiw. Mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf na allwn i ei wneud pan oeddech yn gofyn i mi ei wneud ychydig yn gynharach.
Wrth gwrs, yr hyn y byddwn ni yn ei wneud bryd hynny, mae'n un o'r targedau a gynigiwyd ar gyfer y fframwaith bioamrywiaeth ar ôl 2020—dyna'r broses COP15, a dim ond i atgoffa pawb, gwn eich bod chi eisoes yn gwybod, Delyth, mai dyna'r broses a oedd yn mynd i ddigwydd yn Tsieina ac a gafodd ei gohirio oherwydd pandemig COVID ac mae'n cael ei gwneud drwy ddulliau rhithwir ac yn gydweithredol ledled y byd erbyn hyn. Felly, mae ein swyddogion wedi bod yn gweithio gyda chymheiriaid eraill yn y DU, drwy Grŵp Bioamrywiaeth y Pedair Gwlad, i ddatblygu cyfres gyffredin o egwyddorion. Byddwn ni'n ceisio dynodi dynodiadau tirwedd ehangach hyd at y 30 y cant hwnnw. Nid yw'r 30 y cant yn derfyn uchaf, rwyf eisiau—. Nid dyna derfyn ein huchelgais, ond mae'n amlwg yn lle i ddechrau. Rydym hefyd eisiau bod yn siŵr iawn y byddwn yn effeithiol o ran gwella gan ddod â'r tiroedd yr ydym ni eisoes wedi gweithio arnyn nhw yn ôl i gyflwr cadwraeth da. A, Delyth, gwn eich bod yn gyfarwydd iawn â'm sylwadau amrywiol ar wastadeddau Gwent, er enghraifft, ac yn sicrhau bod holl wastadeddau Gwent yn dod yn ôl i gyflwr cadwraeth da. Felly, byddwn ni'n gweithio i edrych ar safleoedd a allai ddod yn brosiectau enghreifftiol, ar gyfer dod â'r gwaith gwyddonol gwirioneddol i sicrhau bod y tir yn ôl i gyflwr cadwraeth natur da, ond efallai'n edrych ar wahanol gyllid, ymgysylltu â'r gymuned, modelau yn debyg i fenter gymdeithasol hefyd, i sicrhau bod gennym fodel cynaliadwy wrth symud ymlaen y gallwn ei gyflwyno ledled Cymru. Felly, byddwn yn ceisio gweithio gyda phob arweinydd cymunedol, gan gynnwys Aelodau'r Senedd ac eraill ledled Cymru, i sicrhau ein bod yn ymgysylltu ac yn defnyddio, os mynnwch chi, bŵer ein cymunedau yn y grwpiau sydd eisoes ar gael. Rwyf wedi cwrdd â nifer fawr ohonyn nhw yn barod ac maen nhw'n ysbrydoli ac rydym yn sicr eisiau gweithio ochr yn ochr â hynny.
Rydym hefyd yn rhan o broses ymgysylltu Caeredin â dinasoedd is-genedlaethol Llywodraethau, gwledydd bach ac awdurdodau lleol wrth gyflawni'r fframwaith ôl-2020, fel y'i gelwir, dros y degawd nesaf. Pan fyddwn ni wedi cyflawni'r darn hwnnw o waith, yna dyna'r amser i edrych ar y targedau. Felly, rwyf eisiau sicrhau eu bod yn ymestyn targedau. Yng ngoleuni'r gyfres fyd-eang honno o dargedau, rydym eisiau deall i le mae'r byd yn mynd fel y gallwn wthio'r ffiniau. Nid wyf eisiau gosod targedau nawr sydd wedyn yn troi allan i fod yn llai ymestynnol nag y gallen nhw fod, neu yn wir, gymaint mwy ymestynnol fel na allwn ni eu bodloni a bod pobl yn rhoi'r gorau iddi. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â defnyddio natur frys y sefyllfa ond heb fod yn gyngor anobaith, yn enwedig i'n pobl ifanc. Mae pobl yn cyfeirio drwy'r amser at y pryder gwirioneddol y mae pobl ifanc yn ei deimlo ynghylch maint y broblem sy'n ein hwynebu. Felly, mae hyn yn ymwneud â rhannu'n ddarnau tameidiog, ymestynnol ond cyraeddadwy i sicrhau bod pobl yn deall y gallan nhw chwarae eu rhan a gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol yn y byd. Felly, mae'n bwysig cael y targedau'n iawn. Felly, egwyddor y targedau—derbyniwyd nhw'n llwyr. Y darn o waith yr ydym ni yn ei wneud nawr ochr yn ochr â'r gwahanol brosesau eraill sy'n digwydd yn y byd yw sicrhau ein bod yn cael lefel y targed hwnnw'n iawn. Rwy'n hapus iawn i weithio gyda phobl ar draws y Senedd, a bydd ei phwyllgorau'n allweddol iawn i'n helpu i gyrraedd y lefel gywir o dargedau.
O ran sut yr ydym ni'n mynd i fwrw ymlaen â'r gweddill, wel, mae gennym ni nifer o bethau'n digwydd ym mhob maes, mewn gwirionedd. Felly, rydym yn ceisio cefnogi prosiectau enghreifftiol; rydym yn gobeithio cefnogi ein grwpiau gwyddonol; rydym yn ceisio casglu cyngor yr ydym yn ei gael gan wyddonwyr amrywiol mewn ffordd dreuliadwy ar gyfer ffurfio polisi, yn union fel y gwnaethom yn ystod COVID, fe ddysgom ni lawer yn ystod pandemig COVID am weithio gyda'n gwyddonwyr, ein peirianwyr a'n pobl ymarferol. Felly, mae'n ymwneud â defnyddio'r mathau cywir o bobl i ddod i grwpiau herio er mwyn i'r Llywodraeth sicrhau ei bod yn rhoi cyngor i ni ond hefyd yn ein herio ni wrth lunio polisïau, ac eto, byddaf yn ceisio cydweithredu â'r Senedd a'i phwyllgorau a chithau i ddod â'r grwpiau hynny o bobl ymlaen a sicrhau eu bod yn addas i'r diben.
A'r unig beth olaf yr oeddwn eisiau ei ddweud oedd bod gennym ni hefyd ddiddordeb mawr mewn deall yr hyn sydd eisoes ar gael yn y cymunedau a sicrhau y gallwn ni eu cefnogi mewn ffordd briodol, nid yn unig gyda chyllid, ond drwy gysylltiadau a llwyfannau polisi.
I would like to thank the Minister for this statement, which I also agree is very timely. I agree with the Minister that we need to develop a more sustainable relationship with the natural world and that the relationship begins in our local communities. We all need to be a part of a collective action to respond to the climate change and nature emergency. We cannot leave it to someone else; those of us with gardens can plant trees and allow parts of our gardens to grow wild. These are actions all of us can take, or nearly all of us can take, now.
I further welcome the nature network initiative, with the first 29 projects benefiting more than 100 habitats and species of international significance. It's a good start. Does the Minister agree with me that all of us who can should plant trees in our garden, and we should leave some of our gardens to grow wild? My major concern is the loss of apex predators, such as owls and foxes, which, were it to continue, would distort the ecosystem. Does the Minister share my concern, and, if so, what action will the Welsh Government be taking to support apex predators? Because if you don't have apex predators, you have animals lower down the order, such as rats, which will grow and grow and grow.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am y datganiad hwn, ac rwyf hefyd yn cytuno ei fod yn amserol iawn. Cytunaf â'r Gweinidog fod angen inni ddatblygu perthynas fwy cynaliadwy â'r byd naturiol a bod y berthynas yn dechrau yn ein cymunedau lleol. Mae angen i bob un o'n cymunedau fod yn rhan o weithredu ar y cyd i ymateb i'r newid hinsawdd ac argyfwng natur. Ni allwn ei adael i rywun arall; gall y rhai ohonom ni sydd â gerddi, blannu coed a chaniatáu i rannau o'n gerddi dyfu'n wyllt. Mae'r rhain yn gamau y gall pob un ohonom ni eu cymryd, neu gall bron pob un ohonom ni eu cymryd, nawr.
Rwy'n croesawu hefyd menter y rhwydwaith natur, gyda'r 29 prosiect cyntaf o fudd i fwy na 100 o gynefinoedd a rhywogaethau o arwyddocâd rhyngwladol. Mae'n ddechrau da. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi y dylai pob un ohonom ni sy'n gallu, blannu coed yn ein gerddi, a dylem adael rhywfaint o'n gerddi ni i dyfu'n wyllt? Fy mhrif bryder yw colli prif ysglyfaethwyr fel tylluanod a llwynogod, a fyddai, pe bai'n parhau, yn aflunio'r ecosystem. A yw'r Gweinidog yn rhannu fy mhryder, ac, os felly, pa gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gefnogi'r prif ysglyfaethwyr hyn? Oherwydd os nad oes gennych brif ysglyfaethwyr, mae gennych anifeiliaid yn is i lawr y gadwyn, fel llygod mawr, a fydd yn tyfu ac yn tyfu ac yn tyfu.
Thank you very much, Mike. I do agree entirely with you. One of the things that we are aiming to do in advance of COP is look to see what we can do to assist people to plant trees, emphasising the right tree in the right place. So, for people lucky enough to have gardens that can support big trees, we can make sure that they can do that and have assistance to plant those trees so that they thrive and grow. We can also make sure that people have advice about what is the right kind of tree.
We've also—I'll just say as an aside—started a piece of work with the insurance industry, because many people have buildings insurance that says that they shouldn't have trees within a certain number of metres of their house. What we don't want is to encourage people to cut trees down in a mistaken understanding of what the root systems do and so on. So, it's all about the right tree in the right place for the right purpose. So, we will certainly be doing that.
We'll also be having a look at—. Well, we're already having a look across public land in Wales to make sure that those people who don't have gardens will also have access to space where we can plant community orchards and other kinds of trees and other plantations. I'm very interested in the model on the continent of a 'tiny forest' as it's called—a perfect, biodiverse forest on the size of a tennis court. So, I'm very interested, especially for urban areas, in what we can do for that and we're working with a large range of partners, looking for suitable sites for those kinds of initiatives.
In terms of the apex predators, we certainly are very concerned that apex predators, particularly raptors, are protected across the lands of Wales. So, we need to work with our farming and other landowning communities to make sure that they understand the right thing to do to ensure that raptors are protected and enhanced, and that we don't have mistaken targeting of raptors in farming communities. We've worked really hard already on really great projects like—I know you're very familiar with it, Mike—the red kite project, the introduction of the red kite, which has been a real example of what can be done when people work together.
I'm also very interested—and I'm not speaking on behalf of the Government here, just myself—in the reintroduction of apex predators across the world. Anyone who has seen the project in Yellowstone on the reintroduction of the wolves knows what the apex predator can do to restore the landscape. Elsewhere in the UK, in Scotland, beavers have been reintroduced into some landscapes. So, we will certainly be looking to work with our landowners and our scientists and our nature people to understand (a) how to protect the apex predators that we still have, and (b) where, if possible, to introduce apex predators elsewhere in Wales.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mike. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi. Un o'r pethau yr ydym ni'n bwriadu ei wneud cyn COP yw edrych i weld beth y gallwn ni ei wneud i gynorthwyo pobl i blannu coed, gan bwysleisio y goeden gywir yn y lle cywir. Felly, i bobl sy'n ddigon ffodus i fod â gerddi sy'n gallu cefnogi coed mawr, gallwn ni sicrhau y gallan nhw wneud hynny a chael cymorth i blannu'r coed hynny fel eu bod yn ffynnu ac yn tyfu. Gallwn hefyd sicrhau bod pobl yn cael gyngor ynghylch beth yw'r math cywir o goeden.
Rydym hefyd—rwy'n dweud hyn wrth fynd heibio—wedi dechrau darn o waith gyda'r diwydiant yswiriant, oherwydd mae gan lawer o bobl yswiriant adeiladau sy'n dweud na ddylen nhw fod â choed o fewn nifer penodol o fetrau o'u tŷ. Nid ydym ni eisiau annog pobl i dorri coed i lawr heb ddeall yn iawn beth mae'r systemau gwreiddiau yn eu gwneud ac ati. Felly, mae'n ymwneud â'r goeden gywir yn y lle cywir at y diben cywir. Felly, byddwn ni'n sicr yn gwneud hynny.
Byddwn hefyd yn cael golwg ar—. Wel, rydym eisoes yn cael golwg ar dir cyhoeddus yng Nghymru i sicrhau y bydd gan y bobl hynny nad oes ganddyn nhw erddi, y gallu hefyd i fynd i fan lle gallwn ni blannu perllannau cymunedol a mathau eraill o goed a phlanhigfeydd eraill. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr yn y model ar y cyfandir, 'coedwig fach' fel y'i gelwir—coedwig berffaith, bioamrywiol o faint cwrt tennis. Felly, mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr, yn enwedig ar gyfer ardaloedd trefol, yn yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud ar gyfer hynny ac rydym yn gweithio gydag ystod eang o bartneriaid, gan chwilio am safleoedd addas ar gyfer y mathau hynny o fentrau.
O ran y prif ysglyfaethwyr, rydym yn sicr yn pryderu'n fawr bod prif ysglyfaethwyr, yn enwedig adar ysglyfaethus, yn cael eu diogelu ar draws tiroedd Cymru. Felly, mae angen inni weithio gyda'n cymunedau ffermio a chymunedau eraill i sicrhau eu bod yn deall beth yw'r peth iawn i'w wneud i sicrhau bod adar ysglyfaethus yn cael eu diogelu ac yn ffynnu, ac nad ydym yn targedu adar ysglyfaethus ar gam mewn cymunedau ffermio. Rydym wedi gweithio'n galed iawn eisoes ar brosiectau gwirioneddol wych fel—gwn eich bod yn gyfarwydd iawn ag ef, Mike—prosiect y barcud coch, cyflwyno'r barcud coch, sydd wedi bod yn enghraifft wirioneddol o'r hyn y gellir ei wneud pan fydd pobl yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd.
Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr hefyd—ac nid wyf yn siarad ar ran y Llywodraeth yma, dim ond ar ran fi fy hun—mewn gwaith ailgyflwyno prif ysglyfaethwyr ledled y byd. Mae unrhyw un sydd wedi gweld y prosiect yn Yellowstone i ailgyflwyno'r bleiddiaid yn gwybod beth y gall y prif ysglyfaethwr ei wneud i adfer y dirwedd. Mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU, yn yr Alban, mae afancod wedi'u hailgyflwyno i rai tirweddau. Felly, byddwn ni'n sicr yn ceisio gweithio gyda'n tirfeddianwyr a'n gwyddonwyr a'n pobl natur i ddeall (a) sut i ddiogelu'r prif ysglyfaethwyr sydd gennym o hyd, a (b) lle, os yw'n bosibl, cyflwyno prif ysglyfaethwyr mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru.
As the Minister will be well aware, blue carbon ecosystems have been identified as having enormous potential to store carbon, and exhibit carbon burial rates of up to 30 times higher than forests, which, incidentally, receive a disproportionate amount of attention for their capacity to store carbon. As we know, Wales has a very long coastline; it has more than 3 million hectares of blue carbon habitat, such as coastal salt marshes and seagrass beds. Expanding them and restoring sites once taken over by farms and industry could massively increase the amount of carbon stored and help meet our 2050 carbon target.
I have no doubt that the Minister will know about the seagrass pilot scheme in Dale, Pembrokeshire, where planting seagrass beds has been shown to have many benefits in addition to carbon storage, such as increasing biodiversity and helping to offer a natural and resilient infrastructure against storm surges. In your speech last week, you stated that there was a lot of money available for tree-planting projects in Wales. Today, you have mentioned your commitment to coastal habitat regeneration, and the First Minister also today mentioned the importance of investing in maritime technologies. With this in mind, and given the potential for seagrass to absorb so much more carbon than trees, can the Minister make a commitment to financially prioritising blue carbon ecosystems? Thank you.
Fel y gŵyr y Gweinidog yn dda, nodwyd bod gan ecosystemau carbon glas botensial enfawr i storio carbon, ac arddangos cyfraddau claddu carbon hyd at 30 gwaith yn uwch na choedwigoedd, sydd, gyda llaw, yn cael cryn sylw anghymesur am eu gallu i storio carbon. Fel y gwyddom ni, mae gan Gymru arfordir hir iawn; mae ganddi fwy na 3 miliwn hectar o gynefin carbon glas, fel morfeydd heli arfordirol a gwelyau morwellt. Gallai eu hehangu nhw ac adfer safleoedd a feddiannwyd gan ffermydd a diwydiant, gynyddu'n aruthrol faint o garbon sy'n cael ei storio a helpu i gyrraedd ein targed carbon yn 2050.
Heb amheuaeth fe fydd y Gweinidog yn gwybod am y cynllun treialu morwellt yn Dale, sir Benfro, lle dangoswyd bod plannu gwelyau morwellt yn cynnig llawer o fanteision yn ogystal â storio carbon, fel cynyddu bioamrywiaeth a helpu i gynnig seilwaith naturiol a chydnerth yn erbyn ymchwydd stormydd. Yn eich araith yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaethoch chi ddweud bod llawer o arian ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau plannu coed yng Nghymru. Heddiw, rydych wedi sôn am eich ymrwymiad i adfywio cynefinoedd arfordirol, a soniodd y Prif Weinidog heddiw hefyd am bwysigrwydd buddsoddi mewn technolegau morol. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, ac o ystyried y potensial i forwellt amsugno cymaint mwy o garbon na choed, a all y Gweinidog ymrwymo i flaenoriaethu ecosystemau carbon glas yn ariannol? Diolch.
Diolch, Joel. I absolutely am recognising the importance that the marine environment can play in addressing the climate, and I am absolutely committed to establishing a targeted scheme for the restoration of seagrass and salt marsh coastal habitats in this Senedd term. We'll absolutely be working hard to establish a sustainable fisheries management project across portfolios, working with my colleague Lesley Griffiths, along an ecosystem approach, as demonstrated by the new—[Inaudible.]—legislation, which I think you're familiar with, and which will soon be coming into force. We obviously need to do this in collaboration with a large number of other activities around the coast. The Wales marine action and advisory group, which advises me, is beginning to develop a blue recovery plan for the next Senedd term, focused on action for resilient marine ecosystems and the growth they can deliver, exactly as you say, through nature-based solutions and community-based developments. So, I'm very happy to confirm that we are indeed looking at exactly that. You're absolutely right: seagrass and salt marsh restoration plays a huge part in carbon sequestration and management.
Just to say a small thing about the tree point that you made, talking about trees is a little bit like the World Wildlife Fund talking about pandas—it’s the iconic bit of it. It’s not necessarily the most important bit; it’s the most eye-catching bit. So, we absolutely are aware that long-grass meadows, coastal habitats, salt marshes, the Gwent levels, blanket bogs, peatlands—there’s an enormous long list of types of landscape that carbon sequester just as well. So, I just want to reassure everybody that, although trees are the iconic bit at the front, we are absolutely aware that they are not the only solution, nor even probably the biggest solution, but they are the most iconic one.
Diolch, Joel. Rwy'n cydnabod yn llwyr bwysigrwydd y rhan y gall yr amgylchedd morol ei chwarae wrth fynd i'r afael â'r hinsawdd, ac rwyf wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i sefydlu cynllun wedi'i dargedu ar gyfer adfer cynefinoedd arfordirol morwellt a morfa heli yn nhymor y Senedd hon. Byddwn yn gweithio'n galed i sefydlu prosiect rheoli pysgodfeydd cynaliadwy ar draws portffolios, gan weithio gyda'm cyd-Aelod Lesley Griffiths, gyda dull ecosystem o weithredu, fel y dangoswyd gan y—[Anghlywadwy.]—ddeddfwriaeth newydd, y credaf eich bod yn gyfarwydd â hi, ac a fydd yn dod i rym cyn bo hir. Mae'n amlwg bod angen i ni wneud hyn mewn cydweithrediad â nifer fawr o weithgareddau eraill o amgylch yr arfordir. Mae grŵp gweithredu a chynghori morol Cymru, sy'n fy nghynghori i, yn dechrau datblygu cynllun adfer glas ar gyfer tymor y Senedd nesaf, sy'n canolbwyntio ar weithredu ar gyfer ecosystemau morol cydnerth a'r twf y gallant ei gyflawni, yn union fel y dywedwch, drwy atebion sy'n seiliedig ar natur a datblygiadau yn y gymuned. Felly, rwy'n hapus iawn i gadarnhau ein bod yn wir yn edrych yn union ar hynny. Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle: mae adfer morwellt a morfa heli yn chwarae rhan enfawr yn y gwaith o ddal a rheoli carbon.
Dim ond i ddweud ychydig am y pwynt am goed a wnaethoch chi, mae siarad am goed ychydig bach fel y Gronfa Bywyd Gwyllt y Byd yn sôn am bandas—y darn eiconig ohono. Nid dyma'r darn pwysicaf o reidrwydd; dyma'r darn mwyaf trawiadol. Felly, rydym ni'n gwbl ymwybodol bod dolydd glaswellt hir, cynefinoedd arfordirol, morfeydd heli, gwastadeddau Gwent, gorgorsydd, mawndiroedd—mae rhestr hir ofnadwy o fathau o dirwedd sy'n dal a storio carbon hefyd. Felly, rwyf eisiau sicrhau pawb, er mai coed yw'r darn eiconig ar y blaen, rydym yn gwbl ymwybodol nad nhw yw'r unig ateb, na hyd yn oed yr ateb mwyaf, mae'n debyg, ond nhw yw'r mwyaf eiconig.
Minister, you referenced the benefit of nature on mental health during your statement, but we've also seen and you referenced anxiety, and we've seen the negative impact of the climate and nature emergency on the mental health of people living in communities that have already been impacted by these changes and live in fear of being impacted again. I know that Delyth Jewell raised this with the Minister for education earlier, but I would like to see that emphasis on support available and wondered is there any funding available to support people’s mental health in at-risk communities as part of proposals.
I was also pleased to hear in the statement that you are prioritising nature-based flood management schemes in response to the climate and nature emergencies. As the area that was worst hit by flooding in 2020, what specific plans does the Welsh Government have to utilise nature-based solutions to mitigate flooding and other climate-related hazards in Rhondda Cynon Taf? And how will communities across Rhondda Cynon Taf be empowered to be part of delivering such schemes? A lot of the action and response to recovery from the floods to date have been led by organisations or authorities rather than community led, with very little communication with residents or opportunities for them to be part of collective action. When will they see this changing from your statement today?
Gweinidog, fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at ba mor fuddiol yw natur i iechyd meddwl yn ystod eich datganiad, ond rydym hefyd wedi gweld ac fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at bryder, ac rydym wedi gweld effaith negyddol yr argyfwng hinsawdd a natur ar iechyd meddwl pobl sy'n byw mewn cymunedau sydd eisoes wedi dioddef effaith y newidiadau hyn ac sy'n ofni dioddef yr un effaith eto. Gwn fod Delyth Jewell wedi codi hyn gyda'r Gweinidog addysg yn gynharach, ond hoffwn weld y pwyslais hwnnw ar y cymorth sydd ar gael a tybed a oes unrhyw gyllid ar gael i gefnogi iechyd meddwl pobl mewn cymunedau sydd mewn perygl fel rhan o gynigion.
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch o glywed yn y datganiad eich bod yn blaenoriaethu cynlluniau rheoli llifogydd sy'n seiliedig ar natur mewn ymateb i'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur. Fel yr ardal a gafodd ei tharo waethaf gan lifogydd yn 2020, pa gynlluniau penodol sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddefnyddio atebion sy'n seiliedig ar natur i liniaru llifogydd a pheryglon eraill sy'n gysylltiedig â'r hinsawdd yn Rhondda Cynon Taf? A sut gellir grymuso cymunedau ar draws Rhondda Cynon Taf i fod yn rhan o gyflawni cynlluniau o'r fath? Mae llawer o'r camau gweithredu a'r ymateb i adferiad yn dilyn y llifogydd hyd yma wedi'u harwain gan sefydliadau neu awdurdodau yn hytrach na chael eu harwain gan y gymuned, gydag ychydig iawn o gyfathrebu â phreswylwyr neu ychydig iawn o gyfleoedd iddyn nhw fod yn rhan o weithredu ar y cyd. Pryd byddan nhw'n gweld hyn yn newid o'ch datganiad heddiw?
Diolch, Heledd. Those are very important points. In terms of the mental health point, I will certainly be working with colleagues Jeremy Miles and Lynne Neagle across the Government to make sure that, as we have community-based nature recovery schemes, we ensure that people are connected back to nature. We know that the connection back to nature really does help with mental health, and, as you know, there is a scheme across Government to look at that kind of social prescribing as well to make sure that people who have lost their connection with nature can rediscover it. So, I’m more than happy to update the Senedd as we take some of those issues forward, and I’m sure my colleagues will be very happy to do so as well.
In terms of natural flood management, we're investing around £3 million over three years in natural flood management as part of the pilot programme. We estimate that the programme will help reduce flood risk to about 1,000 properties, and it also obviously provides wider benefits, like habitat creation and improvement and enhancing public amenities. The programme is currently 100 per cent funded and is providing an excellent learning scheme that will enhance our future delivery for natural flood management across Wales. We’ve currently provided funding for 15 projects, which are being delivered by 10 different risk-management authorities across Wales. They’re working in partnership with landowners and key stakeholders, such as Snowdonia National Park Authority, West Wales Rivers Trust and the Woodland Trust, to deliver those mutual benefits. Once the pilots have completed, we’ll be able to take the learning from that and engage our communities on where the next set of the projects should be, as I absolutely do take your point that the communities need to be fully engaged in the project in their area.
Diolch, Heledd. Mae'r rheina'n bwyntiau pwysig iawn. O ran y pwynt iechyd meddwl, byddaf yn sicr yn gweithio gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau Jeremy Miles a Lynne Neagle ar draws y Llywodraeth i sicrhau, gan fod gennym gynlluniau adfer natur yn y gymuned, ein bod yn sicrhau bod pobl yn cael eu cysylltu'n ôl â natur. Gwyddom fod y cysylltiad yn ôl â natur yn helpu gydag iechyd meddwl mewn gwirionedd, ac, fel y gwyddoch chi, mae cynllun ar draws y Llywodraeth i edrych ar y math hwnnw o bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn ogystal â sicrhau y gall pobl sydd wedi colli eu cysylltiad â natur ei ailddarganfod. Felly, rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd wrth i ni fwrw ymlaen â rhai o'r materion hynny, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd fy nghyd-Aelodau'n hapus iawn i wneud hynny hefyd.
O ran rheoli llifogydd yn naturiol, rydym yn buddsoddi tua £3 miliwn dros dair blynedd mewn gwaith rheoli llifogydd fel rhan o'r rhaglen dreialu. Amcangyfrifwn y bydd y rhaglen yn helpu i leihau perygl llifogydd i tua 1,000 o eiddo, ac mae hefyd yn amlwg yn darparu manteision ehangach, fel creu a gwella cynefinoedd a gwella amwynderau cyhoeddus. Mae'r rhaglen yn cael ei hariannu 100 y cant ar hyn o bryd ac mae'n darparu cynllun dysgu rhagorol a fydd yn gwella ein darpariaeth ar gyfer rheoli llifogydd yn naturiol ledled Cymru yn y dyfodol. Ar hyn o bryd rydym wedi darparu cyllid ar gyfer 15 o brosiectau, sy'n cael eu darparu gan 10 awdurdod rheoli risg gwahanol ledled Cymru. Maen nhw'n gweithio mewn partneriaeth â thirfeddianwyr a rhanddeiliaid allweddol, megis Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, Ymddiriedolaeth Afonydd Gorllewin Cymru a Coed Cadw, i sicrhau'r manteision cydfuddiannol hynny. Pan fydd y cynlluniau treialu wedi'u cwblhau, byddwn ni'n gallu dysgu o hynny ac ymgysylltu â'n cymunedau ynghylch lle y dylai'r gyfres nesaf o'r prosiectau fod, gan fy mod yn sicr yn derbyn eich pwynt bod angen i'r cymunedau ymgysylltu'n llawn â'r prosiect yn eu hardal.
I'm grateful to you, Minister, for the statement this afternoon. I think it contains a lot of things that we have the right to look forward to. Also, I'm very grateful and pleased to hear your answer to Delyth Jewell earlier in this session, where you outlined the process by which you will be looking towards developing targets; I think that's absolutely essential in terms of driving forward this programme. But there are two things I would like to raise with you this afternoon: first of all, my concern that there is a certain lack of coherence in many of the schemes and projects and programmes that the Welsh Government is producing. There are a lot of good things happening, and there are a lot of good schemes being announced, but I worry that there isn't the coherence between schemes that actually means that they are actually meeting the ambitions that they could be meeting.
The second thing is that of designations. The Welsh Government reviewed the whole principle of designations some years ago; I felt that the report was quite a disappointing report. And we know that designations by themselves do not lead to the protection of biodiversity, or certainly have a very mixed record in doing so. Is it not time for us to review again the designations that we use to protect land, nature and landscapes in Wales, to have the sort of coherence of designations that can actually prevent biodiversity loss and restore habitats? Because, at the moment, the one thing we can be clear about is that the range of legal tools available to us are not delivering in terms of biodiversity loss across the country.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar ichi, Gweinidog, am y datganiad y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn cynnwys llawer o bethau y mae gennym yr hawl i edrych ymlaen atyn nhw. Hefyd, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn ac yn falch o glywed eich ateb i Delyth Jewell yn gynharach yn y sesiwn hon, lle gwnaethoch chi amlinellu'r broses y byddwch yn bwriadu ei defnyddio i ddatblygu targedau; rwy'n credu bod hynny'n gwbl hanfodol o ran hybu'r rhaglen hon. Ond mae dau beth yr hoffwn i eu codi gyda chi y prynhawn yma: yn gyntaf oll, fy mhryder bod rhywfaint o ddiffyg cydlyniant mewn llawer o'r cynlluniau a'r prosiectau a'r rhaglenni y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu llunio. Mae llawer o bethau da yn digwydd, ac mae llawer o gynlluniau da yn cael eu cyhoeddi, ond rwy'n poeni nad oes y cydlyniant rhwng cynlluniau a fyddai'n sicrhau eu bod mewn gwirionedd yn cyflawni'r uchelgeisiau y gallent fod yn eu cyflawni.
Yr ail beth yw dynodiadau. Adolygodd Llywodraeth Cymru holl egwyddor dynodiadau rai blynyddoedd yn ôl; teimlais fod yr adroddiad yn adroddiad eithaf siomedig. A gwyddom nad yw dynodiadau ar eu pen eu hunain yn arwain at ddiogelu bioamrywiaeth, neu'n sicr mae ganddyn nhw hanes cymysg iawn wrth wneud hynny. Onid yw'n bryd inni adolygu eto'r dynodiadau a ddefnyddiwn i ddiogelu tir, natur a thirweddau yng Nghymru, i gael y math o gydlyniant o ddynodiadau a all atal colli bioamrywiaeth ac adfer cynefinoedd? Oherwydd, ar hyn o bryd, yr un peth y gallwn ni fod yn glir yn ei gylch yw nad yw'r ystod o ddulliau cyfreithiol sydd ar gael i ni yn cyflawni o ran colli bioamrywiaeth ledled y wlad.
Diolch, Alun. Thank you. Yes, I take your point there, and, actually, interestingly enough, I'm having slight déjà vu here, because I remember asking you this question when you were the Minister and I was a backbencher, so we've been working on this for some time. So, what we've asked now—I've asked officials to explore what can be done to further improve the way that our national park authorities in particular manage the protected areas within their boundaries. There are a number of levers we have at our disposal to do that, and I know the national parks will be very keen to step up to that as well. So, we'll be having a series of meetings particularly with the national parks, but also looking at our areas of outstanding natural beauty and our other protected areas, to see what we can do to enhance the way that our designated landscapes are protected. And, as I say, this isn't just about protecting the landscape, this isn't about not doing it any further damage; this is about arresting the damage and then turning it around and actually bringing those areas back into good conservation order, so back into increased biodiversity.
There was a really worrying report that we had over the weekend about biodiversity loss—we should all be very, very worried about this. So, we need to really seriously look at not just not doing any further harm but actually enhancing and recovering all of our designated landscapes across Wales. And I'd be very happy, Alun, to work with yourself, other Members of the Senedd and our committees to make sure that we get the very best out of what we've already got designated, and, indeed, look to see whether we should be designating other landscapes across Wales.
Diolch, Alun. Ydw, rwy'n cymryd eich pwynt yn y fan yna, ac, mewn gwirionedd, yn ddigon diddorol, rwy'n cael ychydig o déjà vu yn y fan yma, oherwydd rwy'n cofio gofyn y cwestiwn hwn ichi pan oeddech chi yn Weinidog ac yr oeddwn i yn aelod o'r meinciau cefn, felly rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar hyn ers peth amser. Felly, yr hyn yr ydym wedi'i ofyn yn awr—rwyf wedi gofyn i swyddogion archwilio'r hyn y gellir ei wneud i wella ymhellach y ffordd y mae awdurdodau ein parciau cenedlaethol yn arbennig yn rheoli'r ardaloedd gwarchodedig o fewn eu ffiniau. Mae nifer o ysgogiadau ar gael i ni i wneud hynny, a gwn y bydd y parciau cenedlaethol yn awyddus iawn i gamu ymlaen i wneud hynny hefyd. Felly, byddwn ni'n cynnal cyfres o gyfarfodydd yn enwedig gyda'r parciau cenedlaethol, ond hefyd yn edrych ar ein hardaloedd o harddwch naturiol eithriadol a'n hardaloedd gwarchodedig eraill, i weld beth y gallwn ni ei wneud i wella'r ffordd y caiff ein tirweddau dynodedig eu gwarchod. Ac, fel y dywedais i, nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â diogelu'r dirwedd yn unig, nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â pheidio â gwneud unrhyw ddifrod pellach; mae hyn yn ymwneud ag atal y difrod ac yna ei droi o gwmpas a dod â'r ardaloedd hynny'n ôl i gyflwr cadwraeth da, ac felly yn ôl i fwy o fioamrywiaeth.
Cawsom adroddiad pryderus iawn dros y penwythnos am golli bioamrywiaeth—dylem ni i gyd fod yn bryderus iawn ynghylch hyn. Felly, mae angen inni edrych o ddifrif, nid yn unig ar beidio â gwneud unrhyw niwed pellach ond gwella ac adfer ein holl dirweddau dynodedig ledled Cymru. A byddwn i'n hapus iawn, Alun, i weithio gyda chi, Aelodau eraill y Senedd a'n pwyllgorau i sicrhau ein bod yn cael y gorau posib o'r hyn sydd gennym eisoes, ac, yn wir, edrych i weld a ddylem ni fod yn dynodi tirweddau eraill ledled Cymru.
In your statement, you refer to
'improving the condition of habitats to enable some of our most iconic species to have greater freedom to roam',
and I was grateful that one of the species you named was the curlew. Further to your very positive and welcome response to Gylfinir Cymru / Curlew Wales's action plan for the recovery of the curlew, do you recognise that this is about a lot more than freedom to roam, that, if we don't do something urgently, the curlew will disappear as a breeding population in Wales in just 12 years, but, if we do, there'll be multiple and multispecies benefits contributing positively to the sustainability of over 80 other species, and we need to embrace the farming population across Wales who have joined this agenda, and work with them and other agencies to make this survival a priority for all?
Yn eich datganiad, rydych yn gyfeirio at wella
'wella cyflwr cynefinoedd i alluogi rhai o'n rhywogaethau mwyaf eiconig i gael mwy o ryddid i grwydro',
ac roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar mai un o'r rhywogaethau a enwyd gennych chi oedd y gylfinir. Yn dilyn eich ymateb cadarnhaol a groesewir yn fawr i gynllun gweithredu Gylfinir Cymru ar gyfer adfer y gylfinir, a ydych yn cydnabod bod hyn yn ymwneud â llawer mwy na rhyddid i grwydro, sef bydd y gylfinir yn diflannu fel poblogaeth fridio yng Nghymru mewn dim ond 12 mlynedd, os na wnawn ni rywbeth ar frys, ond, os gwnawn ni rywbeth, bydd manteision lluosog ac amlrywogaeth yn cyfrannu'n gadarnhaol at gynaliadwyedd dros 80 o rywogaethau eraill, ac mae angen inni groesawu'r boblogaeth ffermio ledled Cymru sydd wedi ymuno â'r agenda hon, a gweithio gyda nhw ac asiantaethau eraill i wneud y goroesiad hwn yn flaenoriaeth i bawb?
Diolch, Mark—thank you, Mark. I was very pleased that you facilitated introduction to the curlew group for me. We had an excellent meeting, and we were very much on the same page in terms of what needs to be done.
As you heard in my statement, I'm looking for examplar schemes across Wales, where groups have already come together with a very good plan for what they want to do. While I met with the curlew group, I asked them to have another look at their plan and see if it could be brought forward, and I'm really looking forward to hearing back from them. And, as I said, I'm very grateful to you for having effected the introduction and, indeed, for your championing of the species.
Diolch, Mark. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn eich bod wedi hwyluso'r cyflwyniad i'r grŵp gylfinir i mi. Cawsom gyfarfod rhagorol, ac yr oeddem yn canu o'r un llyfr emynau o ran yr hyn y mae angen ei wneud.
Fel y clywsoch chi yn fy natganiad, rwy'n chwilio am gynlluniau enghreifftiol ledled Cymru, lle mae grwpiau eisoes wedi dod ynghyd â chynllun da iawn ar gyfer yr hyn y maen nhw eisiau ei wneud. Pan wnes i gyfarfod â'r grŵp gylfinir, gofynnais iddyn nhw gael golwg arall ar eu cynllun a gweld a ellid ei ddwyn ymlaen, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at glywed yn ôl ganddyn nhw. Ac, fel y dywedais i, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i chi am weithredu'r cyflwyniad ac, yn wir, am fod yn hyrwyddwr y rhywogaeth.
I agree it's easy to be paralysed by the extent of the challenge facing us, as the UK now has the most depleted nature resources in Europe. Good practice doesn't always travel well, and so I just wondered how we are going to share the good practice that is going on in various parts of our community. For example, I don't think that Nature Networks and Local Places for Nature are household names, and they absolutely need to be, and we need to engage all publicly funded bodies to be involved in this saving of our planet.
In terms of mental health benefits, last week I attended the open day of Adferiad Recovery, and saw the wonderful work going on, with people using gardening as a way of dealing with their addictions, and it really is a very, very powerful way of helping people with mental health crises. Next month, I'll be working with the National Trust, planting fruit trees in super-output areas of deprivation in my community as part of its Blossom Watch, and I'm very grateful to them for the work they're doing.
But I also just want to point out the work being done by Brent local authority, which I learnt about last night in a meeting, which I know that your Deputy Minister was also involved in, where they're using—. The fact that we've got cuts in local authority spending mean they're doing less grass cutting, but they're using that as an opportunity to plant more pollinating flowers and plants, and they've even got a bee corridor. They also have a monthly newsletter of the Brent forum, which ensures that everybody in the forum knows about what everybody else is doing. And I just wondered if there wasn't some sort of electronic way in which we could be spreading good practice on a fairly regular basis.
Rwy'n cytuno ei bod yn hawdd cael eich parlysu gan faint yr her sy'n ein hwynebu, gan mai'r DU bellach sydd â'r adnoddau natur prinnaf yn Ewrop. Nid yw arfer da bob amser yn teithio'n dda, ac felly roeddwn i'n tybio sut yr ydym ni'n mynd i rannu'r arfer da sy'n digwydd mewn gwahanol rannau o'n cymuned. Er enghraifft, nid wyf yn credu bod Rhwydweithiau Natur a Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur yn enwau cyfarwydd, ac mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn gyfarwydd iawn, ac mae angen i ni ymgysylltu â'r holl gyrff a ariennir yn gyhoeddus i fod yn rhan o'r gwaith hwn o achub y blaned.
O ran manteision iechyd meddwl, yr wythnos diwethaf es i i ddiwrnod agored Adferiad Recovery, a gwelais y gwaith gwych sy'n digwydd, gyda phobl yn defnyddio garddio fel ffordd o ymdrin â'u dibyniaeth, ac mae'n ffordd bwerus iawn o helpu pobl ag argyfyngau iechyd meddwl. Y mis nesaf, byddaf yn gweithio gyda'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, gan blannu coed ffrwythau mewn ardaloedd cynnyrch ehangach sydd wedi eu hamddifadu yn fy nghymuned fel rhan o Blossom Watch, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn iddyn nhw am y gwaith y maen nhw'n ei wneud.
Ond rwyf hefyd am dynnu sylw at y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud gan awdurdod lleol Brent, y dysgais amdano neithiwr mewn cyfarfod, y gwn fod eich Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd yn ymwneud ag e, lle y maen nhw'n defnyddio—. Mae'r ffaith bod gennym doriadau yng ngwariant awdurdodau lleol yn golygu eu bod yn torri llai o laswellt, ond maen nhw'n defnyddio hynny fel cyfle i blannu mwy o flodau a phlanhigion peillio, ac mae ganddyn nhw goridor gwenyn hyd yn oed. Mae ganddyn nhw hefyd gylchlythyr misol o fforwm Brent, sy'n sicrhau bod pawb yn y fforwm yn gwybod beth y mae pawb arall yn ei wneud. Tybed a oes unrhyw fath o ffordd electronig y gallem ni ei defnyddio i ledaenu arfer da yn weddol reolaidd.
Diolch, Jenny. Thank you very much for that, Jenny; Lee Waters was involved in that as well. We're certainly going to be looking at learning any lessons that we can learn from that. We absolutely do want our new programmes to be household names. We were very heartened by the number of community groups that have already come together to do this. So, we've already got the 29 projects across Wales. Once the funding rolls out, people will become aware of the schemes because they're great schemes; I'm hoping that Members of the Senedd will play their part in publicising them as well. But you're absolutely right: what we want to do is take the learning from all of these projects and then help the next set of community groups come together to access the funding for this, and indeed, as I said in response, I think, to Delyth, not just the funding, but the ways of organising it, the ways of engagement, the ways that you can lever in different kinds of finance.
I attended a Gwent levels working group, chaired by our colleague John Griffiths, only very recently, and it was very interesting to see the very different organisations that had come together there with him in the chair; different alliances of people coming together in good practice to both enthuse people to go out and actually do the physical work, but actually for those who didn't want to do that bit, do a whole series of other things around comms and publicity, planning and all the rest of it, which goes with that. So, I think there's a lot that we can learn from each other to do that. There are several really excellent schemes across Wales encouraging people not only to garden their own gardens, but to go out and help others in their community who are not able to do that, and I'm very keen to be able to share good practice on that basis as well.
And last but not least, the whole issue around the planting of community orchards and fruit trees is of real interest to us, and we're going to be working hard on this—the right-tree-for-the-right-place kind of space—to make sure that we can get fruit trees included in the numbers of trees that we plant across Wales.
Diolch yn fawr am hynna, Jenny; roedd Lee Waters yn rhan o hynny hefyd. Rydym yn sicr yn mynd i geisio dysgu unrhyw wersi y gallwn ni eu dysgu o hynny. Rydym ni eisiau i'n rhaglenni newydd ni fod yn enwau cyfarwydd. Cawsom ein calonogi'n fawr gan nifer y grwpiau cymunedol sydd eisoes wedi dod at ei gilydd i wneud hyn. Felly, mae gennym eisoes y 29 prosiect ledled Cymru. Pan fydd y cyllid yn cael ei gyflwyno, bydd pobl yn dod yn ymwybodol o'r cynlluniau oherwydd eu bod yn gynlluniau gwych; rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Aelodau'r Senedd yn chwarae eu rhan i'w rhoi nhw ar waith hefyd. Ond rydych yn llygad eich lle: yr hyn yr ydym ni eisiau ei wneud yw cymryd yr hyn a ddysgwn ni o'r holl brosiectau hyn ac yna helpu'r gyfres nesaf o grwpiau cymunedol i ddod at ei gilydd i gael gafael ar y cyllid ar gyfer hyn, ac yn wir, fel y dywedais i mewn ymateb, rwy'n credu i Delyth, nid yn unig y cyllid, ond y ffyrdd o'i drefnu, y ffyrdd o ymgysylltu, y ffyrdd y gallwch fanteisio ar wahanol fathau o gyllid.
Roeddwn yn bresennol mewn gweithgor ar wastadeddau Gwent, dan gadeiryddiaeth ein cydweithiwr John Griffiths, yn ddiweddar iawn, ac roedd yn ddiddorol iawn gweld y sefydliadau gwahanol iawn a oedd wedi dod ynghyd yno gydag ef yn y gadair; gwahanol gynghreiriau o bobl yn dod at ei gilydd mewn arfer da i ennyn brwdfrydedd pobl i fynd allan a gwneud y gwaith corfforol mewn gwirionedd, ond mewn gwirionedd ar gyfer y rhai nad oedden nhw eisiau gwneud y rhan honno, gwneud cyfres gyfan o bethau eraill yn ymwneud â chyfathrebu a chyhoeddusrwydd, cynllunio a'r gweddill sy'n ymwneud â hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu bod llawer y gallwn ni ei ddysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd i wneud hynny. Mae nifer o gynlluniau rhagorol iawn ledled Cymru yn annog pobl nid yn unig i arddio eu gerddi eu hunain, ond i fynd allan i helpu eraill yn eu cymuned sy'n methu â gwneud hynny, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i rannu arfer da ar y sail honno hefyd.
Ac yn olaf ond nid lleiaf, mae'r holl fater sy'n ymwneud â phlannu perllannau cymunedol a choed ffrwythau o ddiddordeb gwirioneddol i ni, a byddwn ni'n gweithio'n galed ar hyn—y math o le ar gyfer y goeden gywir yn y lle cywir—i sicrhau y gallwn ni fod â choed ffrwythau wedi'u cynnwys yn nifer y coed yr ydym yn eu plannu ledled Cymru.
Thank you very much for your statement today, Minister. I'm particularly keen on the local places of nature and connecting people in urban communities, which most of our population live in of course, with nature, as best we can. In Newport, there's a community in Maindee, which is just over the river from the city centre, which had and still has little green space, but they have an organisation, Maindee Unlimited, and an offshoot, Greening Maindee, which is doing a lot of really good work in creating gardens and orchards for community use, working with schools to create corridors for nature near to the school. They have a project opposite Maindee library, where they're based, to develop a patch of ground that was once, basically, a public toilet with a little bit of land around it, called the triangle, to develop that and, again, to green it and to create a community cafe. So, they're doing a lot of really good work. And I just wonder, Minister, if groups like that, with a track record of delivery, would benefit particularly from the schemes and the funding that is available, when they represent areas that are particularly lacking in green space, and Maindee is also very diverse ethnically. It has a lot of social and economic issues, but improving quality of life through these schemes is absolutely vital and puts a spring in every local person's step.
Just one other matter, Minister, I wonder if there's any work you might be able to do with Network Rail where they have—again, in urban areas where a lot of people live—railway bridges that are very unsightly, they're quite forbidding to walk underneath because they drip with water, they're not well lit, they're very drab and forbidding—
Diolch yn fawr am eich datganiad heddiw, Gweinidog. Rwy'n hoffi'n arbennig y lleoedd natur lleol a chysylltu pobl mewn cymunedau trefol, y mae'r rhan fwyaf o'n poblogaeth yn byw ynddyn nhw wrth gwrs, gyda natur, hyd y gallwn ni. Yng Nghasnewydd, mae cymuned ym Maendy, sydd dim ond dros yr afon o ganol y ddinas, a oedd heb ac sydd heb lawer o le gwyrdd o hyd, ond mae ganddyn nhw sefydliad, Maindee Unlimited, a changen o'r enw Gwyrddu Maendy, sy'n gwneud llawer o waith da iawn i greu gerddi a pherllannau at ddefnydd y gymuned, gan weithio gydag ysgolion i greu coridorau ar gyfer natur ger yr ysgol. Mae ganddyn nhw brosiect gyferbyn â llyfrgell Maendy, lle maen nhw wedi'u lleoli, i ddatblygu darn o dir a oedd unwaith, yn y bôn, yn doiled cyhoeddus gydag ychydig o dir o'i amgylch, o'r enw y triongl, i ddatblygu hwnnw ac, unwaith eto, i'w wyrddio ac i greu caffi cymunedol. Felly, maen nhw'n gwneud llawer o waith da iawn. A tybed, Gweinidog, pe bai grwpiau fel hynny, gyda hanes o gyflawni, yn elwa'n arbennig ar y cynlluniau a'r cyllid sydd ar gael, pan fyddan nhw'n cynrychioli ardaloedd sy'n brin iawn o fannau gwyrdd, ac mae Maendy hefyd yn amrywiol iawn yn ethnig. Mae ganddo lawer o broblemau cymdeithasol ac economaidd, ond mae gwella ansawdd bywyd drwy'r cynlluniau hyn yn gwbl hanfodol ac maen nhw'n gwneud camau pob person lleol yn sioncach o lawer.
Dim ond un mater arall, Gweinidog, tybed a oes unrhyw waith y gallech chi ei wneud gyda Network Rail lle mae ganddyn nhw—unwaith eto, mewn ardaloedd trefol lle mae llawer o bobl yn byw—bontydd rheilffyrdd hyll iawn, mae'n deimlad anghynnes cerdded oddi tanyn nhw gan fod dŵr yn diferu yno, nid ydyn nhw wedi'u goleuo'n dda iawn, maen nhw'n ddi-liw ac yn annymunol—
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
Can the Member conclude now?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod i ben nawr?
I've been trying to work with Network Rail to allow for some brightening up of this area, with perhaps graffiti artists and so on, but they say that their criteria are such that unless there's a structural issue, they have no funding for those sorts of schemes. I wonder if there's anything you might do to work with them to address those issues and limitations.
Rwyf wedi ceisio gweithio gyda Network Rail er mwyn ceisio bywiogi rhywfaint ar yr ardal hon, gydag efallai artistiaid graffiti ac ati, ond maen nhw'n dweud oherwydd eu meini prawf, oni bai bod problem strwythurol, nad oes ganddyn nhw gyllid ar gyfer y mathau hynny o gynlluniau. Tybed a oes unrhyw beth y gallech chi ei wneud i weithio gyda nhw i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau a'r cyfyngiadau hynny.
Diolch, John. Well, on that last one, I'm very happy to say that we've had a great deal of success, with my other hat on, in Swansea. We've done exactly that: we've had graffiti artists and lighting and so on put into one of the big railway arches that connects two parts of the centre of Swansea together, and I'm more than happy to have you come down and have a look at it and have a talk with the people from Swansea station and Network Rail who helped us do that. So, it certainly is possible, and I'm more than happy to talk to them at a strategic level about it as well. There's a lot of greening things that can be done with the arches as well, actually, not just brightening them up, and Network Rail has a large amount of land along the sides of its tracks, of course, that can be used for nature corridors and pollinators. So, I'm very keen on doing that.
The 29 projects that we've just awarded funding to will be used as pilots, so there will be other funding rounds. As I said in response to Janet Finch-Saunders, one of the biggest problems we have is that we don't have multi-annual budgets ourselves. So, I hope that the Conservative colleagues that are listening to this today will urge the UK Government to give us more than a single year settlement, so that we can put multi-annual funding in to assist groups like the one you mentioned in Maindee and, indeed, the Gwent levels group, which could seriously do with some multi-annual funding, because we know that nature isn't a one-off piece, it's about both recovering it, restoring it, but then, of course, maintaining it. So, we need the funding to be multi-annual in order to be able to do that.
And, John, I'm very happy to work with you and others right across the Senedd to help the various community groups that are coming together to green our urban areas, and indeed, actually, to give access in our rural areas to the funding that there is, and, as I said, to come together in different and innovative ways of working to make sure that we can enhance all of our local natural places.
Diolch, John. Wel, o ran yr un olaf yna, rwy'n hapus iawn i ddweud ein bod wedi cael llawer iawn o lwyddiant, gan wisgo fy het arall, yn Abertawe. Rydym wedi gwneud hynny'n union: rydym wedi cael gwaith artistiaid graffiti a goleuadau wedi'u gosod yn un o'r bwâu rheilffyrdd mawr sy'n cysylltu dwy ran o ganol Abertawe gyda'i gilydd, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i'ch gwahodd i ddod i lawr a chael golwg arno a chael sgwrs gyda'r bobl o orsaf Abertawe a Network Rail a'n helpodd ni i wneud hynny. Felly, mae'n sicr yn bosibl, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i siarad â nhw ar lefel strategol amdano hefyd. Mae llawer o bethau gwyrdd y gellir eu gwneud gyda'r bwâu hefyd, mewn gwirionedd, nid dim ond eu bywiogi, ac mae gan Network Rail lawer iawn o dir ar hyd ochrau ei gledrau, wrth gwrs, y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer coridorau natur a phryfed peillio. Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn i wneud hynny.
Bydd y 29 o brosiectau yr ydym newydd ddyfarnu cyllid ar eu cyfer yn cael eu defnyddio fel cynlluniau treialu, felly bydd cylchoedd ariannu eraill. Fel y dywedais i mewn ymateb i Janet Finch-Saunders, un o'r problemau mwyaf sydd gennym ni yw nad oes gennym gyllidebau amlflwydd ein hunain. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y cyd-Aelodau Ceidwadol sy'n gwrando ar hyn heddiw yn annog Llywodraeth y DU i roi mwy na setliad blwyddyn inni, fel y gallwn ni roi cyllid amlflwydd i mewn i gynorthwyo grwpiau fel yr un y sonioch chi amdano ym Maendy ac, yn wir, grŵp gwastadeddau Gwent, a fyddai'n elwa'n aruthrol ar rywfaint o gyllid amlflwydd, oherwydd rydym yn gwybod nad yw natur yn rhywbeth untro, mae'n ymwneud â'i hadennill, ei hadfer, ond yna, wrth gwrs, ei chynnal. Felly, mae angen i'r cyllid fod yn amlflwydd er mwyn gallu gwneud hynny.
A, John, rwy'n hapus iawn i weithio gyda chi ac eraill ar draws y Senedd i helpu'r gwahanol grwpiau cymunedol sy'n dod at ei gilydd i wyrddu ein hardaloedd trefol, ac yn wir, mewn gwirionedd, i roi mynediad yn ein hardaloedd gwledig i'r cyllid sydd ar gael, ac, fel y dywedais, i ddod at ein gilydd mewn ffyrdd gwahanol ac arloesol o weithio i sicrhau y gallwn ni wella ein holl leoedd naturiol lleol.
I really welcome today's funding announcement. Across the UK, we've seen a 44 per cent decline of 770 species as a result of habitat loss and environmental challenges. The nature networks fund demonstrates quite clearly that the Welsh Government is leading the way in tackling the biodiversity and nature crisis we face. The climate emergency and nature crisis need to be treated with the same urgency. I say that because, very often, people talk about carbon reduction, but miss out the nature crisis that needs to be treated the same way.
These projects, which include £1.5 million for the North Wales Wildlife Trust, are essential in protecting our biodiversity as well as sharing information on how and why we need to protect our future. The statement also recognises the power of communities, which is paramount, and since being elected, I've met with numerous voluntary organisations and seen the amazing work local volunteers do. But at the heart of this has to be a strong leader, backed up by core funding to help community projects thrive, and the nature networks fund will certainly provide this.
I recently visited the National Botanic Garden of Wales to hear from researchers about the incredible scientific work they are doing, saving pollinators using DNA evidence. Another example of how research in Wales—
Rwy'n croesawu'n fawr y cyhoeddiad am gyllid heddiw. Ledled y DU, rydym wedi gweld gostyngiad o 44 y cant mewn 770 o rywogaethau o ganlyniad i golli cynefinoedd a heriau amgylcheddol. Mae'r gronfa rhwydweithiau natur yn dangos yn gwbl glir bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn arwain y ffordd o ran mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng bioamrywiaeth a natur sy'n ein hwynebu. Mae angen trin yr argyfwng hinsawdd a natur gyda'r un brys. Rwy'n dweud hynny oherwydd, yn aml iawn, mae pobl yn sôn am leihau allyriadau carbon, ond yn anghofio'r argyfwng natur y mae angen ei drin yn yr un ffordd.
Mae'r prosiectau hyn, sy'n cynnwys £1.5 miliwn ar gyfer Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru, yn hanfodol er mwyn diogelu ein bioamrywiaeth yn ogystal â rhannu gwybodaeth am sut a pham y mae angen i ni ddiogelu ein dyfodol. Mae'r datganiad hefyd yn cydnabod grym cymunedau, sy'n hollbwysig, ac ers cael fy ethol, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â nifer o sefydliadau gwirfoddol ac wedi gweld y gwaith anhygoel y mae gwirfoddolwyr lleol yn ei wneud. Ond wrth wraidd hyn mae'n rhaid cael arweinydd cryf, ynghyd â chymorth cyllid craidd i helpu prosiectau cymunedol i ffynnu, a bydd y gronfa rhwydweithiau natur yn sicr yn darparu hyn.
Yn ddiweddar ymwelais â Gardd Fotaneg Genedlaethol Cymru i glywed gan ymchwilwyr am y gwaith gwyddonol anhygoel y maen nhw'n ei wneud, gan achub pryfed peillio drwy ddefnyddio tystiolaeth DNA. Enghraifft arall o sut y mae ymchwil yng Nghymru—
Can the Member ask a question now, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ofyn cwestiwn nawr, os gwelwch yn dda?
—is leading the way in tackling biodiversity loss. But I was concerned to hear that two of the three scientists I met would see their funding cut, one in March and one in June next year, because it comes from the European agricultural fund, which comes to an end. Does the Minister agree with me that the funding announced today shows Welsh Government's commitment, which is great, but concern regarding the challenges that Brexit poses regarding European funding and sustainability of this really important scientific research into biodiversity and the DNA research? Thank you.
—yn arwain y ffordd o ran mynd i'r afael â cholli bioamrywiaeth. Ond roeddwn yn bryderus o glywed y byddai dau o'r tri gwyddonydd y cyfarfûm â nhw yn gweld eu cyllid yn cael ei dorri, un ym mis Mawrth ac un ym mis Mehefin y flwyddyn nesaf, oherwydd daw o gronfa amaethyddol Ewrop, sy'n dod i ben. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi fod yr arian a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn dangos ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n wych, ond hefyd pryder ynghylch yr heriau y mae Brexit yn eu hachosi o ran cyllid Ewropeaidd a chynaliadwyedd yr ymchwil wyddonol bwysig iawn hon i fioamrywiaeth a'r ymchwil DNA? Diolch.
Diolch, Carolyn. Thank you very much. I, too, have visited the botanic gardens relatively recently and have seen the really excellent project that you're talking about. It is a real matter of concern to us that the UK Government has not held to its promise to make sure that Wales is not a penny worse off as a result of leaving the European Union. Research projects such as that which you've just mentioned are absolutely in the front line of losing that kind of funding, and we are working very hard with them and others to make sure that what we can do to replace at least some part of that can be done. But I cannot urge Members enough here, particularly the Conservative Members, to urge their Government to do more in this space, because we really, really need them to make sure that Wales really is not worse off as a result of us leaving the European Union. And, as we stand today, we certainly do look as if we're very considerably worse off.
I was very impressed by both the national seed bank and the DNA project down at the botanic gardens. Projects such as that are the sorts of scientific advice we need to be able to assist our local authorities and our other landowners across Wales to understand what needs to be done to recover our biodiversity. The seed bank there—I know you were there to look at this as well, Carolyn, at least in part. One of the things that I think Jenny mentioned was the issue about the mowing of grass verges, and so on. Not only do we want councils to very seriously consider not mowing the grass verges, we want them to very seriously consider planting native wildflower species across those verges so that we have pollinator corridors all along our arterial routes. It's very important that they are native seed species as well as just wildflower pollinators for obvious reasons, because we want to enhance the natural biodiversity of our native species. I knew that you were visiting, and I look forward to hearing more from you about your trip down to the botanic gardens in due course, and I hope that we can use it to inform our policy going forward.
Diolch, Carolyn. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rwyf i hefyd wedi ymweld â'r gerddi botaneg yn gymharol ddiweddar ac wedi gweld y prosiect gwirioneddol ragorol yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano. Mae'n fater o bryder mawr i ni nad yw Llywodraeth y DU wedi cadw ei haddewid i sicrhau nad yw Cymru geiniog yn waeth ei byd o ganlyniad i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae prosiectau ymchwil fel yr hyn yr ydych chi newydd ei grybwyll yn sicr yn y rheng flaen o ran colli'r math hwnnw o gyllid, ac rydym ni'n gweithio'n galed iawn gyda nhw ac eraill i sicrhau bod modd gwneud yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i wneud iawn am o leiaf rhan o hynny. Ond ni allaf i annog Aelodau yma ddigon, yn enwedig yr Aelodau Ceidwadol, i annog eu Llywodraeth i wneud mwy yn y lle hwn, oherwydd bod angen gwirioneddol iddyn nhw sicrhau nad yw Cymru yn waeth ei byd o ganlyniad i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Ac, fel yr ydym ni'n sefyll heddiw, rydym ni'n sicr yn edrych fel ein bod ni yn llawer gwaeth ein byd.
Fe wnes i ryfeddu'n fawr ar y banc hadau cenedlaethol a'r prosiect DNA i lawr yn y gerddi botaneg. Prosiectau fel hynny yw'r mathau o gyngor gwyddonol sydd ei angen arnom i allu cynorthwyo ein hawdurdodau lleol a'n tirfeddianwyr eraill ledled Cymru i ddeall beth y mae angen ei wneud i adfer ein bioamrywiaeth. Y banc hadau yno—rwy'n gwybod yr oeddech chi yno i edrych ar hyn hefyd, Carolyn, o leiaf yn rhannol. Un o'r pethau rwy'n credu y gwnaeth Jenny ei grybwyll oedd y mater ynghylch torri ymylon glaswellt, ac yn y blaen. Yn ogystal ag eisiau cynghorau i ystyried o ddifrif beidio â thorri'r ymylon glaswellt, rydym ni hefyd yn dymuno eu bod yn ystyried o ddifrif blannu rhywogaethau blodau gwyllt brodorol ar hyd yr ymylon hynny fel bod gennym ni goridorau pryfed peillio ar hyd ein llwybrau prifwythiennol. Mae'n bwysig iawn eu bod yn rhywogaethau hadau brodorol yn ogystal â phryfed peillio blodau gwyllt yn unig, am resymau amlwg, oherwydd ein bod ni'n awyddus i wella bioamrywiaeth naturiol ein rhywogaethau brodorol. Roeddwn i'n ymwybodol eich bod chi'n ymweld, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed mwy gennych chi am eich taith i lawr i'r gerddi botaneg maes o law, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ni ei ddefnyddio i lywio ein polisi ni wrth symud ymlaen.
Ac yn olaf, Joyce Watson.
And finally, Joyce Watson.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'm going to ask a question—one question—and it's about monitoring. The only reason that we all know that nature has declined is because of the longitudinal studies that have taken place that tell us that. And I welcome, obviously, all the new projects; they are to be welcomed. But, we mustn't lose sight of what we've already got. So, my question to you is very clear and very simple: is there money available, and will that money be invested in carrying on those longitudinal studies that tell us where we are now, so we know we're going to arrive at where it is we want to be?
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwyf i am ofyn cwestiwn—un cwestiwn—ac mae'n ymwneud â monitro. Yr unig reswm yr ydym ni i gyd yn gwybod bod natur wedi dirywio yw oherwydd yr astudiaethau hydredol sydd wedi digwydd sy'n dweud hynny wrthym ni. Ac rwyf i'n croesawu, yn amlwg, yr holl brosiectau newydd; maen nhw i'w croesawu. Ond, mae'n rhaid i ni beidio â cholli golwg ar yr hyn sydd gennym ni eisoes. Felly, mae fy nghwestiwn i chi yn glir iawn ac yn syml iawn: a oes arian ar gael, ac a fydd yr arian hwnnw yn cael ei fuddsoddi i barhau â'r astudiaethau hydredol hynny sy'n dweud wrthym ni ble'r ydym ni arni nawr, fel ein bod ni'n gwybod ein bod ni'n mynd i gyrraedd lle'r ydym ni eisiau bod?
Diolch, Joyce. Thank you very much for that. I'm delighted to be asked that question. I recently had the privilege of launching with the First Minister the Elsevier report on Wales's research performance on the UN sustainable development goals, and it was a really interesting meeting. I have been shown, as a result of meeting the scientists that were present at the launch, the land cover map for Wales, which is available to Members—and we can make sure that it's placed in the Library or circulated—which does exactly as you've just suggested: it shows the living map of Wales over time. So, it shows us the changing landscape, where the canopy is, where the hedgerows and greens are, and how urban sprawl is changing the nature of the landscape in Wales. So, you're absolutely right: we need to know what we've got now in order to be able to protect what we've got now and enhance it. We also are able, from this map, to see—and I'm afraid it's quite stark—how much has been lost over the last few years, and so it's a good wake-up call. So, I recommend both the Elsevier report and the maps to Members, and I'm very grateful, Joyce, to you for giving me the opportunity to highlight it.
Diolch, Joyce. Diolch yn fawr am hynny. Rwy'n falch iawn o gael y cwestiwn yna. Cefais i'r fraint yn ddiweddar o lansio adroddiad Elsevier gyda'r Prif Weinidog ar berfformiad ymchwil Cymru ar nodau datblygu cynaliadwy y Cenhedloedd Unedig, ac yr oedd yn gyfarfod diddorol iawn. Rwyf i wedi gweld y map gorchudd tir ar gyfer Cymru o ganlyniad i gwrdd â'r gwyddonwyr a oedd yn bresennol yn y lansiad, ac mae ar gael i'r Aelodau—a gallwn ni sicrhau y caiff ei roi yn y Llyfrgell neu ei ddosbarthu—sy'n gwneud yn union fel yr ydych chi newydd ei awgrymu: mae'n dangos map byw o Gymru dros amser. Felly, mae'n dangos i ni y dirwedd yn newid, ble mae'r canopi, ble mae'r gwrychoedd a'r mannau gwyrdd, a sut mae'r blerdwf trefol yn newid natur y dirwedd yng Nghymru. Felly, rydych chi'n hollol gywir: mae angen i ni wybod yr hyn sydd gennym ni nawr er mwyn gallu diogelu'r hyn sydd gennym nawr a'i wella. Rydym ni hefyd yn gallu gweld o'r map hwn—ac mae arnaf i ofn ei fod yn eithaf amlwg—faint sydd wedi ei golli yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac felly mae'n agoriad llygad da. Felly, rwy'n argymell adroddiad Elsevier a'r mapiau i'r Aelodau, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn, Joyce, i chi am roi'r cyfle i mi dynnu sylw ato.
Diolch, Weinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Eitem 6 nesaf, datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am COVID-19. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Eluned Morgan.
Item 6, a statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services, an update on COVID-19. I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Thank you very much for the opportunity to update the Chamber on the COVID situation and our plans to keep Wales safe during a difficult autumn and winter ahead.
Now, before I give my update, I'd like to acknowledge World Mental Health Day and thank the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being for her update on progress of our 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan earlier today. Mental health is such an important agenda, and more so now than ever in the last 18 months. In what have been unprecedented times, I know how deeply the impact of the pandemic has been felt by so many. And I'd also like to extend my regards to the leader of the Tory party, and my respect for him to come out in the way that he has in terms of his situation. I'm fully committed to improving health and well-being in Wales and it's absolutely right for Wales to have a dedicated Deputy Minister for health and well-being driving these initiatives forward.
On Friday, the First Minister announced the outcome of the 21-day review, and though we remain in alert level 0, there are important protections that have been maintained and strengthened to keep us safe. Coronavirus is still very much with us; since my last update, cases had surged. We still have very high rates of coronavirus in our communities, but I'm pleased to say that in the last week, numbers have fluctuated at around 500 cases per 100,000 people and we've seen similar fluctuating trends in hospital admissions, although noticeably lower numbers than last month. We therefore consider the public health situation to be stable, though we're acutely aware that this could quickly change.
The NHS is still under intense pressure. Our health and care services are still experiencing resource pressures and we still need everyone to play their part and follow the guidance in place to enable Wales to remain open under the lowest level of restrictions. There are very high numbers of infections in younger people and we're monitoring the links between schools and community transmission. Last week, we published strengthened advice and guidance to learners in secondary schools and colleges. When a household member tests positive for COVID-19, in addition to the current advice to take a PCR test on days two and eight, they should in future undertake daily lateral flow tests for seven days. By finding and isolating positive cases, we can help stop onward transmission.
We've also started the vaccination programme for 12 to 15-year-olds. Our incredible vaccination programme has helped weaken the link between infection and serious illness. Vaccination is the best defence we have against coronavirus. Our new vaccination strategy published today sets out how the vaccination programme will continue to deliver effectively and at pace in the autumn and winter months. The strategy focuses on providing boosters for the most vulnerable, vaccinating children and young people and our principle of leaving nobody behind, including those people who are pregnant. Over the summer, we worked with health boards to plan this next phase. This has allowed them to move quickly when confirmation of the booster and vaccination of children was recently announced. This new phase brings us hope.
This week sees the introduction of the COVID pass. With the increase in numbers we saw last month, we continue looking at measures to mitigate the spread of COVID through our communities. None of us wants to see businesses having to shut again. We will of course keep these measures under review to ensure that they remain proportionate.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch yn fawr am y cyfle i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Siambr am sefyllfa COVID a'n cynlluniau i gadw Cymru'n ddiogel yn ystod hydref a gaeaf anodd o'n blaenau.
Nawr, cyn i mi roi fy niweddariad, hoffwn i gydnabod Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd a diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Lles am ei diweddariad ar gynnydd ein cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl' yn gynharach heddiw. Mae iechyd meddwl yn agenda mor bwysig, ac yn fwy felly ar hyn o bryd nag erioed yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf. Yn yr hyn a fu'n adeg ddigynsail, rwy'n gwybod mor ddwfn y mae cynifer o bobl wedi teimlo effaith y pandemig. A hoffwn i hefyd estyn fy nghyfarchion i arweinydd y blaid Dorïaidd, a fy mharch tuag ato am sôn yn y ffordd y gwnaeth ef ynghylch ei sefyllfa. Rwyf i wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i wella iechyd a lles yng Nghymru ac mae'n gwbl briodol i Gymru gael Dirprwy Weinidog iechyd a lles penodol yn ysgogi'r mentrau hyn.
Ddydd Gwener, cyhoeddodd y Prif Weinidog ganlyniad yr adolygiad 21 diwrnod, ac er ein bod ni'n parhau i fod ar lefel rhybudd 0, mae amddiffyniadau pwysig sydd wedi eu cynnal a'u cryfhau i'n cadw ni'n ddiogel. Mae'r coronafeirws yn dal i fod gyda ni; ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, roedd achosion wedi cynyddu. Mae gennym ni gyfraddau uchel iawn o'r coronafeirws yn ein cymunedau o hyd, ond rwy'n falch o ddweud bod y niferoedd wedi amrywio o amgylch tua 500 o achosion fesul 100,000 o bobl yn ystod yr wythnos diwethaf ac rydym ni wedi gweld tueddiadau amrywiol tebyg o ran derbyniadau i'r ysbyty, er bod niferoedd amlwg yn is na'r mis diwethaf. Felly, rydym ni o'r farn bod sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd yn sefydlog, er ein bod ni'n ymwybodol iawn y gallai hyn newid yn gyflym.
Mae'r GIG yn dal i fod dan bwysau dwys. Mae ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal yn dal i wynebu pwysau adnoddau ac mae angen i bawb chwarae eu rhan o hyd a dilyn y canllawiau sydd ar waith i alluogi Cymru i aros ar agor o dan y lefel isaf o gyfyngiadau. Mae nifer uchel iawn o heintiau ymhlith pobl iau ac rydym ni'n monitro'r cysylltiadau rhwng ysgolion a throsglwyddo cymunedol. Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaethom ni gyhoeddi cyngor ac arweiniad cryfach i ddysgwyr mewn ysgolion uwchradd a cholegau. Pan fydd aelod o'r cartref yn profi'n bositif am COVID-19, yn ogystal â'r cyngor presennol i gael prawf PCR ar ddiwrnodau dau ac wyth, yn y dyfodol, dylen nhw gynnal profion llif unffordd dyddiol am saith diwrnod. Drwy ddod o hyd i achosion positif a'u cadw ar wahân, gallwn ni helpu i roi'r gorau i drosglwyddo ymhellach.
Rydym ni hefyd wedi dechrau'r rhaglen frechu ar gyfer pobl ifanc 12 i 15 oed. Mae ein rhaglen frechu anhygoel wedi helpu i wanhau'r cysylltiad rhwng haint a salwch difrifol. Brechu yw'r amddiffyniad gorau sydd gennym ni yn erbyn y coronafeirws. Mae ein strategaeth frechu newydd a gafodd ei chyhoeddi heddiw yn nodi sut y bydd y rhaglen frechu yn parhau i gyflawni'n effeithiol ac yn gyflym yn ystod misoedd yr hydref a'r gaeaf. Mae'r strategaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ddarparu brechlyn atgyfnerthu i'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed, brechu plant a phobl ifanc a'n hegwyddor o adael neb ar ôl, gan gynnwys y bobl hynny sy'n feichiog. Dros yr haf, fe wnaethom ni weithio gyda byrddau iechyd i gynllunio'r cam nesaf hwn. Mae hyn wedi eu galluogi i symud yn gyflym pan gafodd cadarnhad o'r brechlyn atgyfnerthu a brechu plant ei gyhoeddi yn ddiweddar. Mae'r cyfnod newydd hwn yn rhoi gobaith i ni.
Yr wythnos hon, rydym yn cyflwyno'r pàs COVID. Gyda'r cynnydd yn y niferoedd y gwnaethom ei weld fis diwethaf, rydym ni'n parhau i edrych ar fesurau i liniaru lledaeniad COVID drwy ein cymunedau. Nid oes yr un ohonom ni eisiau gweld busnesau'n gorfod cau eto. Wrth gwrs, byddwn ni'n adolygu'r mesurau hyn er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn parhau i fod yn gymesur.
Ddydd Gwener, cyhoeddwyd diweddariad o’n cynllun rheoli coronafeirws, sy'n nodi'r prif ffyrdd y byddwn yn cadw Cymru'n ddiogel. Yn y bôn, y rhain yw: brechu, profi, olrhain a diogelu, a pharhau â'r mesurau sylfaenol sy'n dal yn bwysig, pethau y gallwn ni i gyd eu gwneud i amddiffyn ein hunain. Dyw ein cyngor ar brofi ddim wedi newid. Rydyn ni’n dal i ofyn ichi gymryd prawf PCR os ydych yn datblygu symptomau COVID-19, ac i hunanynysu os yw eich canlyniad yn bositif. Rydyn ni’n cadw golwg fanwl ar y niferoedd digynsail o bobl sy'n dod i gael eu profi yng Nghymru. Os bydd y lefel hon yn parhau, efallai y bydd angen inni wneud dewisiadau. Ond ar gyfer y cyfnod adolygu hwn, mae ein cyngor yn aros yr un peth. Profi yw'r ffordd orau o dorri'r gadwyn drosglwyddo.
Mae'r mesurau sylfaenol rydyn ni i gyd wedi bod yn eu dilyn trwy gydol y pandemig yn dal yn bwysig: golchi eich dwylo, cadw eich pellter, a gwisgo gorchudd wyneb mewn mannau cyhoeddus dan do. Mae'r rhain yn fesurau hanfodol a fydd yn ein cadw'n fwy diogel. Mae'r cynllun rheoli hefyd yn nodi dwy senario gynllunio ar gyfer y pandemig dros y gaeaf. Yn y senario gyntaf, COVID sefydlog, mae Cymru yn parhau i fod ar lefel rhybudd 0, gyda phob busnes yn gallu agor. Rŷn ni’n disgwyl mai dyma fydd y senario at y dyfodol, wrth inni ddod i arfer â byw gyda'r coronafeirws a symud allan o'r pandemig yn raddol. O dan y senario hon, os bydd cyfraddau achosion yn gostwng, byddai modd llacio’r mesurau. Ond, os byddan nhw’n codi, byddai modd cryfhau'r mesurau presennol.
Mae'r ail senario, COVID brys, wedi'i chynllunio i ddelio â newidiadau sydyn i'r sefyllfa, fyddai’n gallu achosi cynnydd ym mhwysau’r pandemig ac yn rhoi pwysau llethol ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd. O dan y senario yma, byddai'r system lefelau rhybudd a'r cyfyngiadau yn cael eu defnyddio mewn ffordd gymesur, ond fel dewis olaf, i ddiogelu iechyd pobl, rheoli lledaeniad heintiau a diogelu'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Dirprwy Lywydd, mae gwaith modelu yn awgrymu ei bod yn ymddangos ein bod wedi pasio'r uchafbwynt hwn, ond allwn ni ddim fforddio llaesu dwylo ar yr adeg dyngedfennol hon. Yn y misoedd nesaf bydd bygythiadau eraill o heintiau anadlol eraill, fel RSV a’r fliw tymhorol, yn dod. Rŷn ni’n parhau i ganolbwyntio ar frechu yn erbyn yr heintiau hyn hefyd.
Mae angen inni ofalu am ein hiechyd dros gyfnod y gaeaf hwn. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cymryd camau bach, sydd o fewn ein cyrraedd, i gadw’n iach ac osgoi mynd yn sâl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cadw’n actif yn gorfforol, bwyta deiet cytbwys, cyfyngu ar faint o alcohol rŷn ni’n ei yfed, rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu, ac wrth gwrs gofalu am ein hiechyd meddwl. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda chanolfannau brechu, meddygfeydd a fferyllfeydd dros y gaeaf i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r negeseuon hyn a chyfeirio pobl at y cymorth sydd ar gael ledled Cymru.
Hoffwn i orffen ar nodyn cadarnhaol. Nid oes unrhyw newidiadau sylweddol i'r rheolau dros y tair wythnos nesaf, y tu hwnt i'r rhai yr oedden ni eisoes wedi'u cyhoeddi. Mae pawb wedi gweithio mor galed i amddiffyn eu hunain a'u hanwyliaid, ac mae'n gweithio. Rŷn ni’n newid cwrs y pandemig hwn gyda'n gilydd. Dydyn ni ddim allan o'r pandemig hwn eto—gall y sefyllfa newid yn gyflym—ond gyda'n gilydd, gallwn barhau â'r mesurau sydd ar waith i'n cadw ar y trywydd iawn, ac i ddiogelu ein gwasanaeth iechyd a diogelu ein gilydd. Diolch.
On Friday, we published an updated coronavirus control plan, setting out the main ways in which we will keep Wales safe. Essentially, these are: vaccination, test, trace and protect, and continuation of the basic measures that we can all do to protect ourselves. Our advice around testing is not changing. We still ask you take a PCR test if you develop symptoms of COVID-19, and self-isolate if your result is positive. We are closely monitoring the unprecedented numbers coming forward for tests in Wales. If this level continues, we may need to make choices. But for this review period, our advice remains the same. Testing is the best way to break transmission.
Those basic measures we’ve all been doing throughout the pandemic are still important: washing hands, keeping your distance, wearing face coverings in indoor public places. These vital measures will keep us safer. The control plan sets out two planning scenarios for the pandemic over the winter. In the first, called COVID stable, Wales remains at alert level 0, with all businesses able to open. We expect this will be the scenario for the future, as we become used to living with coronavirus and as we gradually move out of the pandemic. Under this scenario, if case rates fall, measures could be relaxed, but if they rise, existing measures could be strengthened.
The second planning scenario, called COVID urgent, is designed to deal with sudden changes to the situation that would cause a rise in pandemic pressures, which could risk overwhelming our NHS. In this scenario, the alert level system and restrictions would be used proportionately, but as a last resort, to protect people’s health, control the spread of infections and protect the NHS. Dirprwy Lywydd, modelling work suggests that we appear to have passed this peak, but we cannot be complacent at this critical time. In coming months there will be threats from other respiratory infections, such as RSV and seasonal flu. We continue to focus on vaccination for these infections.
We all need to look after our health this winter. It is important that we take the small, achievable steps to keep ourselves healthy and avoid getting ill. This includes being physically active, eating a balanced diet, limiting our alcohol intake, quitting smoking, and of course looking after our mental health. We will work with vaccination centres, GP surgeries and pharmacies over the winter to raise awareness of these messages and signpost people to the support available across Wales.
I would like to end on a positive note. There are no substantial changes to the rules over the next three weeks, beyond those we'd already announced. Everyone has worked so hard to protect themselves and their loved ones, and it is working. We're changing the course of this pandemic together. We aren’t out of this pandemic yet, and the situation could change quickly. But together we can continue with measures in place to keep us on the right track, to protect our NHS and to protect each other. Thank you.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Russell George.
Conservative spokesperson, Russell George.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Can I thank the Minister for her statement today, and can I also align myself to the Minister's comments in regard to mental health and the important agenda in that regard as well?
Minister, you mentioned your winter plan. I've mentioned a number of times previously that we need to include diagnosis centres, and I wonder if you could confirm whether that will be included in your plan next week. I wonder what efforts you're also making to ensure that investment and resource sharing is provided to primary care to release pressure from GPs and, ultimately, emergency services. How are you also addressing Healthcare Inspectorate Wales's report into ambulance services?
I will raise one area that is not mentioned in your statement, that is absent from the statement today, and this is the response to this Chamber about the UK Parliament Health and Social Care Committee's report into the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is almost exclusively centred around the UK Government's response, mentioning Wales only nine times, but it demonstrates, in my view, the urgency of the need for a Wales-specific inquiry. Throughout the pandemic, the First Minister has repeatedly said that Wales was doing things differently. You yourself mentioned the same today in respect of the very report I've just mentioned. So, I will ask: will you make a comment today to the Chamber about a Wales-specific inquiry in the context of what I've just said and this report today?
Your Government's decisions, good or bad, have decided the outcome of the pandemic. In relation to my next question, I'll raise a few points here. Wales has the highest death rate across the UK in terms of COVID-19 in terms of the population. The First Minister actually said that he saw no value in testing care homes a full two weeks after the UK Government significantly expanded their testing regime. The then health Minister said:
'I don’t understand the rationale in terms of how…it saves more lives for the way that the testing policy has been changed in England'.
The First Minister then said that face coverings were not a silver bullet, nearly two months after the UK Government introduced mandatory face masks. And finally, the previous health Minister was charged with reducing hospital-acquired infections going through our hospitals last winter, saying that lessons had been learned throughout, and we ended up with nearly a quarter of deaths from COVID picked up from infections in hospitals. These issues here are as a result of Wales doing things differently. There will be good, there will be bad things in terms of Wales doing things differently. But of the areas I've specifically mentioned that I have raised, do you think that they would be adequately addressed in a UK-wide public inquiry?
Also, I think your Government needs to learn lessons from the pandemic, as indeed all Government across the UK, of course, need to do. But the Westminster committee raised a very pertinent but valid point, I think, for the Welsh Government, and I quote here:
'The fact that the UK approach reflected a consensus between official scientific advisers and the Government indicates a degree of groupthink that was present at the time which meant we were not as open to approaches being taken elsewhere as we should have been.'
So, not open to other opinions. We've heard again today from yourself and the First Minister that Wales was following the science. Was the Government wrong to take this approach? And the final—[Interruption.] Well, that's a question that is a valid question to be asked. This is a question that's put forward by a cross—[Interruption.] I can see the Minister laughing. I'm sorry, but this was a question raised by a Westminster inquiry of all parties. I think it's a valid question to ask. I'm not making a suggestion; I'm asking that question that I think need to be addressed today.
Finally, Minister, you also mentioned COVID passports. I've been contacted by the National Autistic Society, and they've raised quite important points regarding COVID passes. People with disabilities such as autism are at risk of being discriminated against is the charge that they make, due to being unable to be vaccinated or tested due to behavioural changes or sensory difficulties, and this can cause, of course, as you'll understand, stress if people in those groups think they're being excluded. Routine, of course, is very important for people particularly in that group as well. So, will there be exemptions for people who are unable to vaccinated or tested for medical reasons, as is the case in Scotland, and if not, how do you plan to cater for these specific groups of people, Minister?
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei datganiad heddiw, ac a gaf i hefyd ategu sylwadau'r Gweinidog o ran iechyd meddwl a'r agenda bwysig yn hynny o beth hefyd?
Gweinidog, fe wnaethoch chi sôn am eich cynllun gaeaf. Rwyf i wedi sôn droeon o'r blaen fod angen i ni gynnwys canolfannau diagnosis, a tybed a wnewch chi gadarnhau a fydd hynny'n cael ei gynnwys yn eich cynllun yr wythnos nesaf. Tybed pa ymdrechion yr ydych chi'n eu gwneud hefyd i sicrhau bod buddsoddi a rhannu adnoddau yn cael eu darparu i ofal sylfaenol i ryddhau pwysau ar feddygon teulu ac, yn y pen draw, gwasanaethau brys. Sut ydych chi hefyd yn mynd i ymdrin ag adroddiad Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru ar wasanaethau ambiwlans?
Byddaf i'n codi un maes nad yw'n cael ei grybwyll yn eich datganiad, sy'n absennol o'r datganiad heddiw, a hynny yw'r ymateb i'r Siambr hon ynghylch adroddiad Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Senedd y DU ar ymdrin â phandemig COVID-19. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn ymwneud bron yn gyfan gwbl ag ymateb Llywodraeth y DU, gan sôn am Gymru dim ond naw gwaith, ond mae'n dangos, yn fy marn i, frys yr angen am ymchwiliad sy'n benodol i Gymru. Drwy gydol y pandemig, mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud dro ar ôl tro fod Cymru yn gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Fe wnaethoch chi eich hun sôn am yr un peth heddiw o ran yr union adroddiad yr wyf i newydd ei grybwyll. Felly, rwy'n gofyn: a wnewch chi sylw heddiw i'r Siambr am ymchwiliad sy'n benodol i Gymru yng nghyd-destun yr hyn yr wyf i newydd ei ddweud a'r adroddiad hwn heddiw?
Mae penderfyniadau eich Llywodraeth, da neu ddrwg, wedi penderfynu ar ganlyniad y pandemig. O ran fy nghwestiwn nesaf, fe wnaf i godi ychydig o bwyntiau yma. Cymru sydd â'r gyfradd marwolaethau uchaf ledled y DU o ran COVID-19 o ran y boblogaeth. Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog mewn gwirionedd nad oedd yn gweld unrhyw werth mewn profi cartrefi gofal bythefnos lawn ar ôl i Lywodraeth y DU ehangu ei threfn brofi yn sylweddol. Dywedodd y Gweinidog iechyd ar y pryd:
'Nid wyf i'n deall y rhesymeg o ran sut...mae'n achub mwy o fywydau ar gyfer y ffordd y mae'r polisi profi wedi ei newid yn Lloegr'.
Yna, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog nad oedd gorchuddion wyneb yn ateb i bob problem, bron i ddeufis ar ôl i Lywodraeth y DU gyflwyno masgiau wyneb gorfodol. Ac yn olaf, cafodd y Gweinidog iechyd blaenorol y cyfrifoldeb o leihau heintiau a oedd wedi eu dal mewn ysbytai rhag mynd drwy ein hysbytai y gaeaf diwethaf, gan ddweud bod gwersi wedi eu dysgu drwyddi draw, ac yn y pen draw, daeth bron i chwarter y marwolaethau o COVID o heintiau a gafodd eu dal mewn ysbytai. Mae'r materion hyn yma o ganlyniad i Gymru yn gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Bydd pethau da, bydd pethau drwg o ran Cymru yn gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Ond o'r meysydd yr wyf i wedi sôn yn benodol amdanyn nhw, yr wyf i wedi eu codi, a ydych chi' n credu y bydden nhw'n cael sylw digonol mewn ymchwiliad cyhoeddus ledled y DU?
Hefyd, rwy'n credu bod angen i'ch Llywodraeth ddysgu gwersi o'r pandemig, fel yn wir y mae angen i bob Llywodraeth ledled y DU ei wneud, wrth gwrs. Ond cododd pwyllgor San Steffan bwynt perthnasol ond dilys iawn, yn fy marn i, i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy'n dyfynnu yma:
'Mae'r ffaith bod dull y DU yn adlewyrchu consensws rhwng cynghorwyr gwyddonol swyddogol a'r Llywodraeth yn dangos rhywfaint o feddwl fel grŵp a oedd yn bresennol ar y pryd a oedd yn golygu nad oeddem ni mor agored i ddulliau a gafodd eu defnyddio mewn mannau eraill fel y dylem ni fod wedi ei wneud.'
Felly, nid yn agored i farn arall. Rydym ni wedi clywed eto heddiw gennych chi a'r Prif Weinidog fod Cymru yn dilyn y wyddoniaeth. A oedd y Llywodraeth yn anghywir i fabwysiadu'r dull hwn? A'r cwestiwn olaf—[Torri ar draws.] Wel, mae hynny'n gwestiwn sy'n gwestiwn dilys i'w ofyn. Mae hwn yn gwestiwn wedi ei gyflwyno gan ymchwiliad traws—[Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n gallu gweld y Gweinidog yn chwerthin. Mae'n ddrwg gen i, ond roedd hwn yn gwestiwn a gafodd ei godi gan ymchwiliad o bob plaid yn San Steffan. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn gwestiwn dilys i'w ofyn. Nid wyf i'n gwneud awgrym; rwy'n gofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw yr wyf i'n credu bod angen ymdrin ag ef heddiw.
Yn olaf, Gweinidog, fe wnaethoch chi sôn hefyd am basbortau COVID. Mae'r Gymdeithas Awtistiaeth Genedlaethol wedi cysylltu â mi, ac maen nhw wedi codi pwyntiau eithaf pwysig ynglŷn â phasys COVID. Mae pobl ag anableddau fel awtistiaeth mewn perygl o fod yn destun gwahaniaethu yw'r honiad y maen nhw'n ei wneud, oherwydd nad ydyn nhw'n gallu cael eu brechu neu eu profi oherwydd newidiadau mewn ymddygiad neu anawsterau synhwyraidd, a gall hyn achosi, wrth gwrs, fel y byddwch chi'n ei ddeall, straen os yw pobl yn y grwpiau hynny yn credu eu bod yn cael eu heithrio. Mae trefn arferol, wrth gwrs, yn bwysig iawn i bobl yn arbennig yn y grŵp hwnnw hefyd. Felly, a fydd eithriadau i bobl nad ydyn nhw'n gallu cael eu brechu neu eu profi am resymau meddygol, fel sy'n wir yn yr Alban, ac os na fydd, sut ydych chi'n bwriadu darparu ar gyfer y grwpiau penodol hyn o bobl, Gweinidog?
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Thank you for those questions. On the winter plan, I'm afraid you're going to have to wait for that to be published. So, good try, trying to get some information out of us, but we'll let you know when we're ready to publish that. You've only got a few more days to go. There is considerable pressure on GPs at the moment. That is undoubtedly the case. That's why we've got a huge programme of publicity going on at the moment, trying to inform the public on where they can go to get help. There are alternatives to GPs, and you heard the First Minister this morning—[Interruption.]
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Diolch i chi am y cwestiynau yna. O ran cynllun y gaeaf, mae arnaf i ofn y bydd yn rhaid i chi aros i hynny gael ei gyhoeddi. Felly, cynnig da yn ceisio cael rhywfaint o wybodaeth gennym ni, ond byddwn ni'n rhoi gwybod i chi pan fyddwn ni'n barod i gyhoeddi hynny. Dim ond ychydig o ddyddiau eto sydd gennych chi i aros. Mae pwysau sylweddol ar feddygon teulu ar hyn o bryd. Mae hynny yn sicr. Dyna pam mae gennym ni raglen enfawr o gyhoeddusrwydd ar waith ar hyn o bryd, i geisio rhoi gwybod i'r cyhoedd am ble y gallan nhw fynd i gael cymorth. Mae dewisiadau eraill yn lle meddygon teulu, a gwnaethoch chi glywed y Prif Weinidog y bore yma—[Torri ar draws.]
No interventions—[Inaudible.]
Dim ymyriadau—[Anghlywadwy.]
You heard the First Minister this morning talking about the fact that, actually, we need to wean ourselves off this assumption that you will always see a GP. There are people who are as good, as qualified, who can support us with our health needs who are alternatives to GPs, and we need to understand that.
You mentioned very briefly ambulance services. It's impossible for me to go through all of the points that you made, but you're aware that we have a whole programme of work that we're undertaking in relation to ambulance, trying to improve the situation with ambulances. We've spent an additional £25 million in terms of recurrent funding, huge numbers of ambulance workers have been recruited, there's been the creation of urgent primary care centres—so, lots of things are ongoing to try and take the pressure off our ambulance services.
Turning to the UK report, yes, you're absolutely right, it's a report that looks at the situation in the UK, but isn't it interesting that you come straight in here and try and throw the problems here at us in Wales? The fact is that they outline a situation like the fact that they should have taken a more cautious approach. Well, I think most people in Wales would understand that we have taken a more cautious approach than they have in the UK. The other thing, of course, is that we do have discussions in our Cabinet that I think are robust but are respectful, and we don't have groupthink. Part of the issue in the UK has been that there has been such an emphasis and such a focus on trying to keep the economy going that sometimes they've lost sight of the importance of public health. Getting that balance right, I think, has been something that we have tried to get right within the situation in Wales.
The other thing that they mention in this report is the fact that, actually, everything is too centralised. You've only got to look at the test, trace and protect system; the ridiculous amounts of money that they spent on that system in England, on private companies that have been completely ineffective when you compare them to us working in partnership with local government to drive a system that has been massively effective. I think it's very important that people understand that, actually, we are not in the same situation, as Wales. And you will be aware, also, that the First Minister has asked Michael Gove, in a letter, to set out, 'These are the things that we would like to see you address if there is going to be a public inquiry for the UK—we want these things to be set out.' Now, we're still waiting for an answer to that letter. I think it's absolutely clear that if there is a respect for looking at the kind of detail that the Welsh public will want to see, and we will want to see, then I think we will be able to go with the UK. If that doesn't happen, then of course we don't want to be a footnote in the UK public inquiry. I think that's enough on that one. Thank you.
Gwnaethoch chi glywed y Prif Weinidog y bore yma yn sôn am y ffaith bod angen i ni, mewn gwirionedd, ddiddyfnu ein hunain oddi ar y dybiaeth hon y byddwch chi bob amser yn gweld meddyg teulu. Mae yna bobl sydd cystal, yr un mor gymwys, sy'n gallu ein cefnogi gyda'n hanghenion iechyd sy'n ddewisiadau eraill i feddygon teulu, ac mae angen i ni ddeall hynny.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn yn fyr iawn am wasanaethau ambiwlans. Mae'n amhosibl i mi fynd drwy'r holl bwyntiau yr oeddech chi wedi eu gwneud, ond rydych chi'n ymwybodol bod gennym ni raglen waith gyfan yr ydym ni'n ei chynnal o ran ambiwlansys, gan geisio gwella'r sefyllfa o ran ambiwlansys. Rydym ni wedi gwario £25 miliwn yn ychwanegol o ran cyllid rheolaidd, mae nifer enfawr o weithwyr ambiwlans wedi eu recriwtio, mae canolfannau gofal sylfaenol brys wedi eu creu—felly, mae llawer o bethau'n mynd rhagddynt i geisio tynnu'r pwysau oddi ar ein gwasanaethau ambiwlans.
Gan droi at adroddiad y DU, ydych, rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, mae'n adroddiad sy'n ystyried y sefyllfa yn y DU, ond onid yw'n ddiddorol eich bod chi'n dod yn syth i mewn yma a cheisio taflu'r problemau atom ni yma yng Nghymru? Y ffaith yw eu bod yn amlinellu sefyllfa fel y ffaith y dylen nhw fod wedi mabwysiadu dull mwy gofalus. Wel, rwyf i'n credu y byddai'r rhan fwyaf o bobl yng Nghymru yn deall ein bod ni wedi defnyddio dull mwy gofalus nag sydd ganddyn nhw yn y DU. Y peth arall, wrth gwrs, yw ein bod ni yn cael trafodaethau yn ein Cabinet sy'n gadarn yn fy marn i ond sy'n barchus, ac nid ydym ni'n meddwl fel grŵp. Rhan o'r mater yn y DU yw bod cymaint o bwyslais wedi bod a chymaint o ganolbwyntio ar geisio cadw'r economi i fynd sydd weithiau wedi colli golwg ar bwysigrwydd iechyd y cyhoedd. Mae cael y cydbwysedd hwnnw yn iawn, yn fy marn i, wedi bod yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi ceisio ei gael yn iawn yn y sefyllfa yng Nghymru.
Y peth arall y maen nhw'n sôn amdano yn yr adroddiad hwn yw'r ffaith bod popeth, mewn gwirionedd, yn rhy ganolog. Mae ond angen i chi edrych ar y system brofi, olrhain a diogelu; y symiau hurt o arian y gwnaethon nhw eu gwario ar y system honno yn Lloegr, ar gwmnïau preifat sydd wedi bod yn gwbl aneffeithiol pan fyddwch chi'n eu cymharu nhw â ni yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â llywodraeth leol i lywio system sydd wedi bod yn hynod effeithiol. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn bod pobl yn deall mewn gwirionedd nad ydym ni, fel Cymru, yn yr un sefyllfa. A byddwch chi'n ymwybodol hefyd fod y Prif Weinidog wedi gofyn i Michael Gove mewn llythyr nodi, 'Dyma'r pethau yr hoffem ni eich gweld chi'n ymdrin â nhw os bydd ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i'r DU—rydym ni eisiau i'r pethau hyn gael eu nodi.' Nawr, rydym ni'n dal i aros am ateb i'r llythyr hwnnw. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl glir, os oes parch tuag at edrych ar y math o fanylion y bydd y cyhoedd yng Nghymru yn dymuno eu gweld, ac y byddwn ni yn dymuno ei weld, yna rwy'n credu y byddwn ni'n gallu mynd gyda'r DU. Os nad yw hynny'n digwydd, yna wrth gwrs, nid ydym ni eisiau bod yn droednodyn yn ymchwiliad cyhoeddus y DU. Rwy'n credu bod hynny yn ddigon ar hynny. Diolch.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you very much, Deputy Llywydd.
Today is a pretty sobering day, isn't it, with the publication of that report by Members of the UK Parliament saying that the UK Government's response to the pandemic was one of the 'worst ever' public health failures. Those are pretty strong words. There's hardly a reference to Wales in that report—I'll get back to that in a second—but many of the questions around the response to the pandemic are just as relevant to Welsh Government, of course, including what happened in those very early days, and questions have been asked publicly today about that, both here in the Senedd by my colleague Adam Price, and also by journalists in the press conference earlier.
We have heard some contrasting responses about the pace of response here in Wales; the First Minister, during First Minister's questions, saying, 'We just didn't know how serious this was,' although I think we did, or the health Minister saying, 'We did know, but it was very difficult for Wales to act without England acting too.' Now, I'm not sure how you square those two responses, but the truth of the matter is, these questions have not been asked in depth. Members of Parliament at Westminster have had a go, as I say, in this report, which mentions Wales nine times, I think, isn't it, in 147 pages. But these are questions that the Welsh public expect to be looked at in depth, and the only way to do that, as has been proven again, I think, by this report today—. The way to do that in depth on these questions about the initial response, and so many of the questions about the response over the past 18 months, is to have a Wales-specific inquiry.
Now, I have met, on a number of occasions now, including once in person with representatives of the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice campaign. I'm pleased that the First Minister has also met them now. And their central argument is this. It's very, very simple: decisions taken in Wales must be scrutinised in Wales. It's a very, very easy principle for me to get my head around. If I can get my head around it, I think most people can. Decisions taken in Wales need to be scrutinised in Wales. Now, perhaps the Minister can tell us now whether there has been a response now, or even an acknowledgement to the letter written by the First Minister to UK Government, seeking assurances about how Wales would somehow fit in and have enough focus on it as part of a UK inquiry. And can I ask, how long is Welsh Government prepared to wait for a response before deciding, 'You know what; we're going to have to do this ourselves and set up a Welsh inquiry'? It is the only answer.
I'd like to focus, secondly, on one word that we heard a few times from the Minister today: 'stable'—the situation in Wales currently is stable. Can I suggest, actually, we need three categories, not just 'COVID-stable' and 'COVID-urgent' going into this winter? This is urgent. This is urgent today. We perhaps need a 'COVID-crisis' if things become even worse, but we are in an urgent position. And let me just remind people what 'stable' looks like. Wales currently: over 500 cases per 100,000 people over a seven-day period—that's worse than any other nation in the UK; it's three times, almost, the figure for Ireland, almost six times the case rate for the Netherlands, almost 12 times the case rate for France and 20 times the case rate for Spain. The case rate for under 25s in Wales is double the average for Wales at nearly 1,000. Seven counties in Wales, including the one that I represent, have case rates of over 1,000. If that is not urgent, I do not know what is.
So, perhaps I can just pose these questions in closing. When does current Welsh Government strategy envisage we'll get down to levels in France, in Spain, in Italy and in any other western European country you could mention? Is getting there as quickly as possible even a part of the strategy? Or is stable, steady-as-she-goes the way things are going to be approached from now on? For example, we suggested last week that we could strengthen the COVID pass system, perhaps, as a means to ramp things up. What evidence can the Minister point to to show or to even suggest that the Welsh Government is trying to do everything it can to get those case rates down to the levels of our western European partners, because—
Mae heddiw'n ddiwrnod eithaf sobreiddiol, onid yw, gyda chyhoeddi'r adroddiad hwnnw gan Aelodau Senedd y DU yn dweud mai ymateb Llywodraeth y DU i'r pandemig oedd un o'r methiannau iechyd cyhoeddus 'gwaethaf erioed'. Mae'r rheini yn eiriau eithaf cryf. Prin fod cyfeiriad at Gymru yn yr adroddiad hwnnw—byddaf i'n dychwelyd at hynny mewn eiliad—ond mae llawer o'r cwestiynau ynghylch yr ymateb i'r pandemig yr un mor berthnasol i Lywodraeth Cymru, wrth gwrs, gan gynnwys yr hyn a ddigwyddodd yn y dyddiau cynnar iawn hynny, ac mae cwestiynau wedi eu gofyn yn gyhoeddus heddiw ynghylch hynny, yma yn y Senedd gan fy nghyd-Aelod Adam Price, a hefyd gan newyddiadurwyr yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg yn gynharach.
Rydym ni wedi clywed rhai ymatebion gwrthgyferbyniol ynghylch cyflymder yr ymateb yma yng Nghymru; y Prif Weinidog, yn ystod cwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog, yn dweud, 'Nid oeddem ni'n gwybod pa mor ddifrifol oedd hyn,' er fy mod i'n credu ein bod ni wedi gwybod, neu'r Gweinidog iechyd yn dweud, 'Roeddem ni yn gwybod, ond roedd yn anodd iawn i Gymru weithredu heb fod Lloegr yn gweithredu hefyd.' Nawr, nid wyf i'n siŵr sut yr ydych chi'n cysoni'r ddau ymateb hynny, ond y gwir amdani yw, nid yw'r cwestiynau hyn wedi eu gofyn yn fanwl. Mae Aelodau Seneddol yn San Steffan wedi rhoi cynnig arni, fel y dywedais i, yn yr adroddiad hwn, sy'n sôn am Gymru naw gwaith, rwy'n credu, mewn 147 o dudalennau. Ond mae'r rhain yn gwestiynau y mae'r cyhoedd yng Nghymru yn disgwyl iddyn nhw gael eu hystyried yn fanwl, a'r unig ffordd o wneud hynny, fel sydd wedi ei brofi eto, yn fy marn i, gan yr adroddiad hwn heddiw—. Y ffordd i wneud hynny'n fanwl ar y cwestiynau hyn am yr ymateb cychwynnol, a chymaint o'r cwestiynau ynghylch yr ymateb yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf, yw cael ymchwiliad sy'n benodol i Gymru.
Nawr, rwyf i wedi cyfarfod, droeon erbyn hyn, gan gynnwys unwaith yn bersonol â chynrychiolwyr o ymgyrch Teuluoedd mewn Profedigaeth dros Gyfiawnder Covid-19. Rwy'n falch bod y Prif Weinidog hefyd wedi cwrdd â nhw hefyd erbyn hyn. A'u dadl ganolog yw hyn. Mae'n syml iawn, iawn: mae'n rhaid craffu ar benderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud yng Nghymru yng Nghymru. Mae'n egwyddor hawdd iawn, iawn i mi ei deall. Os gallaf i ei deall, rwy'n credu y gall y rhan fwyaf o bobl ei deall. Mae angen craffu ar benderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud yng Nghymru yng Nghymru. Nawr, efallai y gall y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni yn awr a fu ymateb erbyn hyn, neu hyd yn oed gydnabyddiaeth i'r llythyr a ysgrifennodd y Prif Weinidog at Lywodraeth y DU yn gofyn am sicrwydd ynghylch pa ran y byddai i Gymru mewn ymchwiliad yn y DU ac y bydd yn cynnwys digon o bwyslais ar Gymru. Ac a gaf i ofyn, faint o amser y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i aros am ymateb cyn penderfynu, 'Wyddoch chi beth; bydd yn rhaid i ni wneud hyn ein hunain a sefydlu ymchwiliad i Gymru'? Dyma'r unig ateb.
Hoffwn i ganolbwyntio, yn ail, ar un gair yr ydym ni wedi ei glywed ychydig o weithiau gan y Gweinidog heddiw: 'sefydlog'—mae'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru yn sefydlog ar hyn o bryd. A gaf i awgrymu, mewn gwirionedd, fod angen tri chategori arnom ni, nid dim ond 'COVID-sefydlog' a 'COVID-brys' wrth fynd i mewn i'r gaeaf hwn? Mae hyn yn fater brys. Mae hyn yn fater brys heddiw. Efallai fod angen 'COVID-argyfwng' arnom ni os bydd pethau'n gwaethygu hyd yn oed, ond rydym ni mewn sefyllfa frys. A gadewch i mi atgoffa pobl sut beth yw 'sefydlog'. Cymru ar hyn o bryd: dros 500 o achosion fesul 100,000 o bobl dros gyfnod o saith diwrnod—mae hynny'n waeth nag unrhyw genedl arall yn y DU; mae tair gwaith yn fwy, bron, na'r ffigur ar gyfer Iwerddon, bron i chwe gwaith yn fwy na'r gyfradd achosion ar gyfer yr Iseldiroedd, bron i 12 gwaith yn fwy na'r gyfradd achosion ar gyfer Ffrainc ac 20 gwaith yn fwy na'r gyfradd achosion ar gyfer Sbaen. Mae'r gyfradd achosion ar gyfer pobl dan 25 oed yng Nghymru ddwywaith yn fwy na'r cyfartaledd ar gyfer Cymru, sef bron i 1,000. Mae gan saith sir yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys yr un yr wyf i'n ei chynrychioli, gyfraddau achos o dros 1,000. Os nad yw hynny'n fater brys, wn i ddim beth sydd.
Felly, efallai y caf i ofyn y cwestiynau hyn wrth gloi. Pryd mae strategaeth bresennol Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhagweld y byddwn ni'n gostwng i'r lefelau yn Ffrainc, yn Sbaen, yn yr Eidal ac mewn unrhyw wlad arall yng ngorllewin Ewrop y gallech chi sôn amdani? A yw cyrraedd yno cyn gynted â phosibl yn rhan o'r strategaeth hyd yn oed? Neu ai sefydlog, yn raddol, yw'r ffordd y bydd pethau'n cael eu trin o hyn ymlaen? Er enghraifft, fe wnaethom ni awgrymu yr wythnos diwethaf y gallem ni gryfhau system pasys COVID, efallai, fel modd cyflymu pethau. Pa dystiolaeth y gall y Gweinidog dynnu sylw ati i ddangos neu hyd yn oed awgrymu bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio gwneud popeth o fewn ei gallu i leihau'r cyfraddau achos hynny i lefelau ein partneriaid yng ngorllewin Ewrop, oherwydd—
Can the Member conclude now?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod i ben nawr?
—seeing the virus running riot in Welsh schools currently, and hearing from the parents who are scared and from the teachers who are scared about the continuing levels of the virus among young people and children in particular is something that we really need to continue to focus on?
—mae gweld y feirws yn mynd yn rhemp yn ysgolion Cymru ar hyn o bryd, a chlywed gan y rhieni sydd wedi ofni a gan yr athrawon sy'n ofni lefelau parhaus y feirws ymhlith pobl ifanc a phlant yn arbennig yn rhywbeth y mae angen gwirioneddol i ni barhau i ganolbwyntio arno?
Thanks very much. I'm not sure which press conference you were listening to, but I can assure you that I was very clear, I made it clear that it was a disease that we'd never seen before, none of us knew how it was going to impact, none of us knew how it was going to spread and none of us knew that you could spread this problem without showing any symptoms.
We've been over this ground before in terms of a Welsh inquiry. You know our position. Our position is that we would like a very clear and comprehensive view of what has happened in Wales, but we want that to be seen in the context of the UK Government and what happened there. And the reason for that is, as this has demonstrated today with the publication of this report, is that actually, there is a huge amount of crossover between what was happening in the UK and what was happening in Wales. Now, the First Minister met with people who lost loved ones last week to coronavirus. It was, I'm sure, a very sensitive and difficult meeting and he gave them some assurances there that if the UK Government does not listen to the Welsh Government then, of course, he will think again about the situation in relation to a Welsh inquiry. But that's not where we're at. It would be less rude if we got an answer to a question and a letter to our First Minister, and clearly, that would be something that would be very helpful. So, if you've got any friends in the UK Government, ask them to speed it up, if you wouldn't mind.
You talk to me about urgency; let me tell you about urgency. The rates amongst young people—you're absolutely right—are incredibly high. Last week, you wanted to postpone and procrastinate because of a COVID pass, because you wanted to strengthen it. That's not urgent, that's taking your time. We wanted to move and thank goodness we were able to move. Let me be clear, the rates are starting to go down, but the responsibility here is also on the public to help us. They know what they need to do to keep themselves safe. We all know what our own responsibilities are here, but vaccination is one of our key methods of keeping people safe, that's why we've got the booster vaccine being given at the moment. We've got the 12- to 15-year-olds receiving their vaccination. And of course, then, we have a very comprehensive test, trace and protect mechanism in place to try and curtail the spread of the virus. So, we do have lots of mechanisms at our disposal that we are using very comprehensively to try and get a grip on the situation.
Diolch yn fawr. Nid wyf i'n siŵr pa gynhadledd i'r wasg yr oeddech chi'n gwrando arni, ond gallaf i eich sicrhau fy mod i'n glir iawn, fe'i gwnes i hi'n glir ei bod yn glefyd nad oeddem ni erioed wedi ei weld o'r blaen, nid oedd yr un ohonom ni'n gwybod pa effaith yr oedd yn mynd i'w chael, nid oedd yr un ohonom ni'n gwybod sut yr oedd yn mynd i ledaenu ac nid oedd yr un ohonom ni'n gwybod y gallech chi ledaenu'r broblem hon heb ddangos unrhyw symptomau.
Rydym ni wedi trafod hyn o'r blaen o ran ymchwiliad i Gymru. Rydych chi'n gwybod ein safbwynt ni. Ein safbwynt ni yw yr hoffem ni gael golwg glir a chynhwysfawr iawn ar yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yng Nghymru, ond ein bod ni eisiau gweld hynny yng nghyd-destun Llywodraeth y DU a'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yno. A'r rheswm am hynny yw, fel y gwelwyd heddiw yn sgil cyhoeddi'r adroddiad hwn, fod llawer iawn o orgyffwrdd rhwng yr hyn a oedd yn digwydd yn y DU a'r hyn a oedd yn digwydd yng Nghymru. Nawr, yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaeth y Prif Weinidog gwrdd â phobl a gollodd anwyliaid i'r coronafeirws. Roedd, rwy'n siŵr, yn gyfarfod sensitif ac anodd iawn a rhoddodd rywfaint o sicrwydd iddyn nhw yno, os nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn gwrando ar Lywodraeth Cymru, yna, wrth gwrs, y bydd yn ailystyried y sefyllfa o ran ymchwiliad i Gymru. Ond nid dyna lle'r ydym ni. Byddai'n llai anghwrtais os byddem ni'n cael ateb i gwestiwn a llythyr at ein Prif Weinidog, ac yn amlwg, byddai hynny'n rhywbeth a fyddai'n ddefnyddiol iawn. Felly, os oes gennych chi unrhyw ffrindiau yn Llywodraeth y DU, gofynnwch iddyn nhw ei gyflymu, os na fyddai ots gennych chi.
Rydych chi'n siarad â mi am frys; gadewch i mi ddweud wrthych chi am frys. Mae'r cyfraddau ymhlith pobl ifanc—rydych chi'n hollol gywir—yn eithriadol o uchel. Yr wythnos diwethaf, roeddech chi eisiau gohirio ac oedi oherwydd pàs COVID, oherwydd eich bod chi eisiau ei gryfhau. Nid yw hynny'n fater brys, mae hynny'n cymryd eich amser. Roeddem ni eisiau symud a diolch byth ein bod ni wedi gallu gwneud. Gadewch i mi fod yn glir, mae'r cyfraddau yn dechrau gostwng, ond mae'r cyfrifoldeb yma hefyd ar y cyhoedd i'n helpu ni. Maen nhw'n gwybod yr hyn y mae angen iddyn nhw ei wneud i gadw eu hunain yn ddiogel. Rydym ni i gyd yn gwybod beth yw ein cyfrifoldebau ein hunain yma, ond brechu yw un o'n dulliau allweddol o gadw pobl yn ddiogel, dyna pam mae gennym ni'r brechlyn atgyfnerthu sy'n cael ei roi ar hyn o bryd. Mae gennym ni'r bobl ifanc 12 i 15 oed yn cael eu brechu. Ac wrth gwrs, felly, mae gennym ni system profi, olrhain a diogelu gynhwysfawr iawn ar waith i geisio cwtogi ar ledaeniad y feirws. Felly, mae gennym ni lawer o ddulliau sydd ar gael i ni yr ydym ni'n eu defnyddio'n eang iawn i geisio mynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa.
Minister, thank you for your statement. I reiterate what you say in your penultimate paragraph: everyone has worked hard to protect themselves and their loved ones, and it's working. We are changing the course of this pandemic together. It's important to say this because that reminder to people about how much they have done together and how much we have still got to do to get through this autumn and winter and next spring as well—.
I will be off to a venue this week for the first time since the pandemic has been had. I will be watching a show. I won't say which one because my fans will come there and mob me, I know. But, they are asking me to do a lateral flow test. It's not a problem at all. If they need to see my double vaccine certificate, that's not a problem as well. If that keeps that venue open through the winter and through the spring, and keeps the staff and the other audience members safe, then you know, that's a good job. That's part of my responsibility as well.
But, could I ask the Minister what she is doing across Government at the moment in terms of social and behavioural analysis? Not the technical things, not the direct measures, not the regulations and so on, but that analysis of what will help people do the right thing, and continue to do the right thing. The threat perception has changed, and that's partly because of the success of the vaccine roll-out. Social norms are shifting a little bit. But, there are ways in which this can be done because we have done it so well already. The messaging, the leadership, sometimes the penalties—
Gweinidog, diolch i chi am eich datganiad. Rwy'n ailadrodd yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud yn eich paragraff gobennol: mae pawb wedi gweithio'n galed i amddiffyn eu hunain a'u hanwyliaid, ac mae'n gweithio. Rydym ni'n newid hynt y pandemig hwn gyda'n gilydd. Mae'n bwysig dweud hyn oherwydd bydd y nodyn atgoffa hwnnw i bobl am faint y maen nhw wedi ei wneud gyda'i gilydd a faint y mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud o hyd i fynd drwy'r hydref a'r gaeaf hwn a'r gwanwyn nesaf hefyd—.
Byddaf i'n mynd i leoliad yr wythnos hon am y tro cyntaf ers y pandemig. Byddaf i'n gwylio sioe. Ni fyddaf i'n dweud pa sioe oherwydd bydd fy nghefnogwyr i gyd yn dod yno ac yn fy heidio, mi wn i. Ond, maen nhw'n gofyn i mi wneud prawf llif unffordd. Nid yw'n broblem o gwbl. Os oes angen iddyn nhw weld fy nhystysgrif brechlyn dwbl, nid yw hynny'n broblem chwaith. Os yw hynny'n cadw'r lleoliad hwnnw ar agor drwy'r gaeaf a thrwy'r gwanwyn, ac yn cadw'r staff ac aelodau eraill y gynulleidfa yn ddiogel, yna wyddoch chi, mae hynny'n waith da. Mae hynny'n rhan o fy nghyfrifoldeb i hefyd.
Ond, a gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog beth y mae'n ei wneud ledled y Llywodraeth ar hyn o bryd o ran dadansoddi cymdeithasol ac ymddygiadol? Nid y pethau technegol, nid y mesurau uniongyrchol, nid y rheoliadau ac yn y blaen, ond y dadansoddi hwnnw o'r hyn a fydd yn helpu pobl i wneud y peth iawn, ac i barhau i wneud y peth iawn. Mae canfyddiad o fygythiad wedi newid, ac mae hynny'n rhannol oherwydd llwyddiant cyflwyno'r brechlyn. Mae normau cymdeithasol yn symud rhywfaint. Ond, mae ffyrdd y mae modd gwneud hyn oherwydd ein bod ni wedi gwneud hynny cystal eisoes. Mae'r negeseuon, yr arweinyddiaeth, y cosbau weithiau—
Can the Member conclude?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod i ben?
So, I'd ask the Minister what work she is doing on social and behavioural science to actually make sure that we can get through this all together safely.
Felly, rwy'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog pa waith y mae'n ei wneud ar wyddoniaeth gymdeithasol ac ymddygiadol i sicrhau y gallwn ni fynd drwy hyn i gyd gyda'n gilydd yn ddiogel.
Diolch yn fawr, Huw. Thank you for recognising that, because of the COVID passes, we are hopefully able to keep some of those venues open that may otherwise have faced closure. Certainly what we are very pleased to see is that, actually, there has been a considerable amount of social and behavioural science associated with our whole approach here. We have comprehensive research that has been done into what it is that nudges people into behaving in a different way.
We have a really active campaign that has been ongoing for a number of weeks now, 'Help Us Help You', trying to help people to direct them to the right places for support, in particular if they are ill, but also to make sure that they look after themselves this winter. We can all eat better. We can all get fitter. I think that it is really important that we understand our responsibilities in this as well. Also, we have a 'Keep Wales safe this winter' campaign. So, it's really important that people engage with that. When people are getting their booster vaccinations, I'm hoping that they will also be given some advice in terms of public health and how to protect themselves this winter.
Diolch yn fawr, Huw. Diolch i chi am gydnabod, oherwydd y pasys COVID, ein bod ni, gobeithio, yn gallu cadw rhai o'r lleoliadau hynny ar agor a allai fod wedi wynebu cau fel arall. Yn sicr, yr hyn yr ydym ni'n falch iawn o'i weld yw bod cryn dipyn o wyddoniaeth gymdeithasol ac ymddygiadol wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â'n dull gweithredu cyfan yma. Mae gennym ni ymchwil gynhwysfawr sydd wedi ei wneud i'r hyn sy'n ysgogi pobl i ymddwyn mewn ffordd wahanol.
Mae gennym ni ymgyrch weithredol iawn sydd wedi bod yn mynd rhagddi ers sawl wythnos bellach, 'Helpwch Ni i'ch Helpu Chi', sy'n ceisio helpu pobl i'w cyfeirio i'r lleoedd iawn ar gyfer cymorth, yn enwedig os ydyn nhw'n sâl, ond hefyd i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn gofalu amdanyn nhw eu hunain y gaeaf hwn. Gallwn ni i gyd fwyta'n well. Gallwn ni i gyd fod yn fwy heini. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n deall ein cyfrifoldebau yn hyn hefyd. Hefyd, mae gennym ni ymgyrch 'Cadwch Gymru'n ddiogel y gaeaf hwn'. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn bod pobl yn ymgysylltu â hynny. Pan fydd pobl yn cael eu brechiadau atgyfnerthu, rwy'n gobeithio y byddan nhw hefyd yn cael rhywfaint o gyngor o ran iechyd y cyhoedd a sut i amddiffyn eu hunain y gaeaf hwn.
Minister, you referenced in your statement that the NHS is still under intense pressure. Many residents in the Cynon valley have contacted me to raise concerns that the A&E local to them at the Prince Charles Hospital has been under extreme pressure during the pandemic. Even now as we speak, there is an average time of eight hours and 15 minutes for people to be seen there, and 70 patients waiting to be seen.
The situation has worsened since the closure of the minor injuries unit as Ysbyty Cwm Cynon since 8 September, which was due to staff shortages. Today, it has been reported to me that this temporary closure will now be permanent. Is the Minister able to confirm this report? And, if it is the case that the minor injuries unit is being permanently closed, what is the Minister's view of a health board downgrading local services permanently during a pandemic, and adding to the pressures on other services such as the A&E at the Prince Charles Hospital?
Gweinidog, gwnaethoch chi sôn yn eich datganiad fod y GIG yn dal i fod dan bwysau dwys. Mae llawer o drigolion cwm Cynon wedi cysylltu â mi i godi pryderon bod yr adran damweiniau ac achosion brys sy'n lleol iddyn nhw yn Ysbyty'r Tywysog Charles wedi bod dan bwysau eithafol yn ystod y pandemig. Hyd yn oed yn awr wrth i ni siarad, mae amser cyfartalog o wyth awr a 15 munud i bobl gael eu gweld yno, a 70 o gleifion yn aros i gael eu gweld.
Mae'r sefyllfa wedi gwaethygu ers cau'r uned mân anafiadau yn Ysbyty Cwm Cynon ers 8 Medi, a hynny oherwydd prinder staff. Heddiw, cefais adroddiad y bydd y cau dros dro hwn yn barhaol bellach. A yw'r Gweinidog yn gallu cadarnhau'r adroddiad hwn? Ac, os yw'n wir bod yr uned mân anafiadau yn cael ei chau'n barhaol, beth yw barn y Gweinidog ar fwrdd iechyd yn israddio gwasanaethau lleol yn barhaol yn ystod pandemig, ac yn ychwanegu at y pwysau ar wasanaethau eraill fel yr adran damweiniau ac achosion brys yn Ysbyty'r Tywysog Charles?
Diolch yn fawr, Heledd. Can I just make it clear that our NHS services are under intense pressure at the moment? It's not because they are not working hard. They are working incredibly hard, as they have done for 18 months. Frankly, these people are already exhausted. A lot of them are off sick. A lot of them have COVID. So, you have to understand that, every time that that happens, there is more pressure on the people who stay. So, I would ask the public in Wales to act sensibly and to be sensitive to the fact that the people on our front line are now really facing a very, very difficult winter.
I do think that we have to understand that that means that, sometimes, we are going to see the need for those services to be concentrated in some areas because of the staff pressures that are happening. So, I do feel that it's important that people understand that, as we’ve seen this week in south Wales, maternity units are having to really concentrate their efforts because of that staffing situation. So, I would ask people to really, just during this time, be understanding of the severe pressure on our systems at the moment.
Diolch yn fawr, Heledd. A gaf i egluro bod ein gwasanaethau GIG o dan bwysau dwys ar hyn o bryd? Nid oherwydd nad ydyn nhw'n gweithio'n galed. Maen nhw'n gweithio'n eithriadol o galed, fel y maen nhw wedi ei wneud ers 18 mis. A bod yn onest, mae'r bobl hyn eisoes wedi blino'n lân. Mae llawer ohonyn nhw i ffwrdd o'r gwaith yn sâl. Mae gan lawer ohonyn nhw COVID. Felly, mae'n rhaid i chi ddeall, bob tro y bydd hynny'n digwydd, fod mwy o bwysau ar y bobl sy'n weddill. Felly, byddwn i'n gofyn i'r cyhoedd yng Nghymru weithredu'n synhwyrol a bod yn sensitif i'r ffaith bod y bobl ar ein rheng flaen bellach yn wynebu gaeaf anodd iawn, iawn.
Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni ddeall bod hynny'n golygu ein bod ni, weithiau, yn mynd i weld yr angen i grynhoi'r gwasanaethau hynny mewn rhai ardaloedd oherwydd y pwysau staff sy'n digwydd. Felly, rwyf i yn teimlo ei bod hi'n bwysig bod pobl yn deall, fel yr ydym ni wedi ei weld yr wythnos hon yn y de, fod unedau mamolaeth wir yn gorfod crynhoi eu hymdrechion yn fawr oherwydd y sefyllfa staffio honno. Felly, byddwn i'n gofyn i bobl, yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, fod yn oddefgar ynghylch y pwysau difrifol sydd ar ein systemau ar hyn o bryd.
Yn olaf, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Finally, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Weinidog, dwi’n meddwl eich bod chi a’r Llywodraeth yn bod braidd yn annheg yn dweud nad oedd neb yn gwybod beth oedd yn mynd i ddod dechrau’r flwyddyn ddiwethaf a'i fod o'n hawdd gwneud penderfyniadau ag edrych yn ôl—hindsight, fel roedd y Prif Weinidog wedi sôn heddiw. Dwi'n meddwl ein bod ni i gyd wedi gweld y lluniau'n dod o'r Eidal ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn, ac, yn wir, o Tsieina, ac roedd pawb efo syniad reit dda beth oedd o'n blaenau ni. Ond, yn fwy na hynny, diolch i'r Dr Moosa Qureshi, rydyn ni’n gwybod bod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol wedi cynnal ymarferiad trylwyr i baratoi am bandemig coronafeirws, a hynny bum mlynedd yn ôl, o’r enw Exercise Alice. Mae’n debyg bod yr ymarferiad yma wedi ein rhybuddio ni o'r angen am stociau PPE a’r angen am system olrhain cysylltiadau drylwyr, ymhlith nifer o bethau eraill. Ac os ydy’r adroddiad yn y Guardian i’w gredu, roedd Llywodraeth Cymru yn dystion i’r ymarferiad yma ac wedi derbyn yr argymhellion. Pam na wnaeth y Llywodraeth weithredu ar yr argymhellion, Weinidog?
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Minister, I think you and the Government are being slightly unfair in saying that no-one knew what was to come at the beginning of last year and that it's easy to use hindsight, as the First Minister mentioned earlier. I think we all saw the pictures coming from Italy at the beginning of the year, and from China too, and everyone had a pretty good idea of what we were facing. But, in addition to that, thanks to Dr Moosa Qureshi, we know that the UK Government held a thorough preparation for a coronavirus event, and that was five years ago, and it was called Exercise Alice. This apparently warned us of the need to stock PPE and the need for a thorough test and trace system, among many other things. And if the report in The Guardian is to be believed, the Welsh Government were witness to that exercise and accepted the recommendations. So, why didn't the Government take action on those recommendations, Minister?
Diolch yn fawr. I think it’s unfair to say that we knew lots about COVID when it arrived. The very fact that we didn’t know for a long time that people could carry COVID and they were asymptomatic—that was something that we learnt much later on, after it had arrived, just as one example of things that we’ve learned. If you read the report that’s come from the House of Commons today, one of the things that it does say is that the UK’s pandemic planning was too narrowly and inflexibly based on a flu model and failed to learn the lessons from SARS, MERS and Ebola. It doesn’t mention the report that you are talking about. So, I think it’ll be interesting to see why this committee didn’t pick up on the report that you’re talking about. So, that’s certainly something that I’ll go and look at after this question.
Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn annheg dweud ein bod ni'n gwybod llawer am COVID pan gyrhaeddodd. Yr union ffaith nad oeddem ni'n gwybod am gryn dipyn y gallai pobl gario COVID a'u bod yn asymptomatig—roedd hynny yn rhywbeth y gwnaethom ni ei ddysgu yn llawer diweddarach, ar ôl iddo gyrraedd, i roi dim ond un enghraifft o bethau yr ydym ni wedi eu dysgu. Os byddwch chi'n darllen yr adroddiad sydd wedi dod o Dŷ'r Cyffredin heddiw, un o'r pethau mae yn ei ddweud yw bod cynllunio pandemig y DU wedi ei seilio'n rhy gul ac anhyblyg ar fodel ffliw a'i fod wedi methu â dysgu'r gwersi gan SARS, MERS ac Ebola. Nid yw'n sôn am yr adroddiad yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano. Felly, rwy'n credu y bydd yn ddiddorol gweld pam na wnaeth y pwyllgor hwn nodi'r adroddiad yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano. Felly, mae hynny'n sicr yn rhywbeth y byddaf i'n mynd i ymchwilio iddo ar ôl y cwestiwn hwn.
Diolch, Weinidog. It appears that the—. Ah, we have the Minister.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Mae'n ymddangos bod—. A, mae gennym ni'r Gweinidog.
Eitem 7, Rheoliadau Dyrannu Tai a Digartrefedd (Cymhwystra) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 2) 2021. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd i wneud y cynnig. Julie James.
Item 7 is the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021. I call on the Minister for Climate Change to move the motion. Julie James.
Cynnig NDM7796 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau Dyrannu Tai a Digartrefedd (Cymhwystra) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 2) 2021 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 21 Medi 2021.
Motion NDM7796 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 21 September 2021.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Generally, persons subject to immigration control are not eligible for allocation of social housing or to homelessness assistance. The Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) Regulations 2014, known as 'the 2014 regulations', prescribe classes of persons who, despite being subject to immigration control, are classed as eligible for housing accommodation and housing assistance. They also prescribe classes of persons who, despite not being subject to immigration control, would nevertheless be ineligible; for example, if they were not habitually resident here and only recently returned.
The draft Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021—these regulations—will provide two new classes of people subject to immigration control with eligibility to an allocation of housing and access to housing assistance. These are people with a Hong Kong British National (Overseas), or BNO, visa who become destitute and have obtained a change to their immigration status enabling them to access public funds, and people entering the UK from Afghanistan under certain Home Office schemes or policies who have recently left Afghanistan due to the collapse of the Afghan Government. However, those who are subject to a maintenance or sponsorship undertaking would not be made eligible. These regulations will also provide that those who are arriving from Afghanistan and are not subject to immigration control, but would be excluded for lack of habitual residence, are instead eligible for assistance. For convenience, we describe those arriving or returning from Afghanistan and covered by these regulations as the Afghan arrivals/returnees cohort.
Members will be aware that the UK Government created a new pathway for people from Hong Kong to come to the UK because of the Chinese Government’s national security legislation and the affect it will have on the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong. Members will also be acutely aware of the impact and harm that has resulted from the toppling of the Afghan Government by the Taliban regime and how this is also affecting the rights and freedoms of the people of Afghanistan, in particular those Afghans who supported the work of the UK in their country, as well as women and girls, which has led to the creation of an immigration route for some of the Afghan arrivals or returnees cohort. These regulations will ensure that the cohort will be eligible for assistance from day one, rather than having to habitually be resident here.
Though the ties that exist between Hong Kong and Afghanistan with the UK, and, by extension, Wales, are very different, they are nonetheless deep and long-standing. Those relationships mean that we have a commitment to the people of Hong Kong and Afghanistan, and this is why we wish to support those coming here and who require help. Many of the BNO visa holders and the Afghan arrivals/returnees cohort are already in the country, so I hope Members will understand the need for us to amend the 2014 regulations in case those who have made Wales their new home have need of housing or housing assistance.
If Members support the motion, local authorities in Wales, working with their partners, will now be able to provide the support that will make it easier for people from Hong Kong and the Afghan arrivals/returnees cohort to settle within Wales. Diolch.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Yn gyffredinol, nid yw pobl sy'n destun rheolaeth fewnfudo yn gymwys i gael tai cymdeithasol wedi eu dyrannu iddyn nhw, nac i gael cymorth digartrefedd. Mae Rheoliadau Dyrannu Tai a Digartrefedd (Cymhwystra) (Cymru) 2014, a elwir yn 'rheoliadau 2014', yn rhagnodi dosbarthiadau o bersonau sydd, er eu bod nhw'n destun rheolaeth fewnfudo, yn cael eu hystyried yn gymwys i gael llety tai a chymorth tai. Maen nhw hefyd yn rhagnodi dosbarthiadau o bersonau a fyddai, er nad ydyn nhw'n destun rheolaeth mewnfudo, yn anghymwys serch hynny; er enghraifft, os nad oedden nhw'n preswylio yma'n arferol a'u bod nhw wedi dychwelyd yn ddiweddar.
Bydd Rheoliadau Dyrannu Tai a Digartrefedd (Cymhwystra) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 2) 2021—y rheoliadau hyn—yn darparu dau ddosbarth newydd o bobl sy'n destun rheolaeth fewnfudo sy'n gymwys i gael tai wedi eu dyrannu iddyn nhw a chyfle i gael cymorth tai. Pobl yw'r rhain sydd â fisa Dinesydd Prydeinig (Tramor) Hong Kong, neu Ddinesydd Prydeinig Tramor, sydd wedi mynd yn anghenus a bod newid wedi bod i'w statws mewnfudo gan eu galluogi i fanteisio ar arian cyhoeddus, a phobl sy'n dod i mewn i'r DU o Affganistan o dan rai cynlluniau neu bolisïau'r Swyddfa Gartref sydd wedi gadael Affganistan yn ddiweddar oherwydd cwymp Llywodraeth Affganistan. Fodd bynnag, ni fyddai'r rhai hynny sy'n destun ymgymeriad cynnal a chadw neu nawdd yn gymwys. Bydd y rheoliadau hyn hefyd yn darparu bod y rhai hynny sy'n cyrraedd o Affganistan ac nad ydyn nhw'n destun rheolaeth fewnfudo, ond a fyddai'n cael eu heithrio oherwydd ddiffyg preswylfa arferol, yn gymwys yn lle hynny i gael cymorth. Er hwylustod, rydym ni'n disgrifio'r rhai sy'n cyrraedd neu'n dychwelyd o Affganistan ac sydd wedi eu cynnwys o dan y rheoliadau hyn fel carfan o bobl sy'n dyfod/dychwelyd o Affganistan.
Bydd yr Aelodau yn ymwybodol bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi creu llwybr newydd i bobl o Hong Kong ddod i'r DU oherwydd deddfwriaeth diogelwch cenedlaethol Llywodraeth Tsieina a'r effaith y bydd yn ei chael ar hawliau a rhyddid pobl Hong Kong. Bydd yr Aelodau hefyd yn ymwybodol iawn o'r effaith a'r niwed sydd wedi dod yn sgil gorchfygu Llywodraeth Affganistan gan gyfundrefn y Taliban a sut mae hyn hefyd yn effeithio ar hawliau a rhyddid pobl Affganistan, yn enwedig y bobl hynny yn Affganistan a gefnogodd waith y DU yn eu gwlad, yn ogystal â menywod a merched, sydd wedi arwain at greu llwybr mewnfudo ar gyfer rhai o garfan o bobl sy'n dyfod/dychwelyd o Affganistan. Bydd y rheoliadau hyn yn sicrhau y bydd y garfan yn gymwys i gael cymorth o'r diwrnod cyntaf, yn hytrach na gorfod bod yn preswylio yma yn arferol.
Er bod y cysylltiadau sy'n bodoli rhwng Hong Kong ac Affganistan â'r DU, a Chymru, drwy estyniad, yn wahanol iawn, maen nhw'n ddwfn ac yn hirsefydlog serch hynny. Mae'r cysylltiadau hynny yn golygu bod gennym ni ymrwymiad i bobl Hong Kong ac Affganistan, a dyma pam yr ydym ni'n dymuno cefnogi'r rhai sy'n dod yma ac y mae angen cymorth arnyn nhw. Mae llawer o ddeiliaid fisa Dinesydd Prydeinig Tramor a charfan o bobl sy'n dyfod/dychwelyd o Affganistan eisoes yn y wlad, felly rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau yn deall yr angen i ni ddiwygio rheoliadau 2014 rhag ofn y bydd angen tai neu gymorth tai ar y rhai sydd wedi gwneud Cymru yn gartref newydd iddyn nhw.
Os bydd yr Aelodau yn cefnogi'r cynnig, bydd awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru, gan weithio gyda'u partneriaid, yn gallu darparu'r cymorth a fydd yn ei gwneud yn haws i bobl o Hong Kong a charfan o bobl sy'n dyfod/dychwelyd o Affganistan ymgartrefu yng Nghymru. Diolch.
Nid oes unrhyw siaradwyr ar gyfer yr eitem hon. Gweinidog, a ydych am ddweud unrhyw beth arall? Na. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
There are no speakers for this item. Minister, do you wish to say anything else? No. Therefore, the proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 8, dadl ar adroddiad blynyddol Comisiynydd Plant Cymru 2020-21. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol i wneud y cynnig. Jane Hutt.
Item 8, a debate on the Children's Commissioner for Wales's annual report 2020-21. I call on the Minister for Social Justice to move the motion. Jane Hutt.
Cynnig NDM7797 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi Adroddiad Blynyddol Comisiynydd Plant Cymru 2020-21.
Motion NDM7797 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the Children’s Commissioner for Wales's Annual Report 2020-21.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'm pleased to have the opportunity to debate the Children’s Commissioner for Wales's annual report for 2020-21 today. And the publication of Professor Sally Holland's annual report provides an important opportunity for us to collectively focus on children's rights. It's a time to take stock of progress and to take account of the commissioner's calls for us to go further. And this last year has been like no other, particularly for children and young people. The impact of the pandemic continues to affect their lives and the lives of their families. I'm extremely grateful to the children's commissioner for her independent role in championing the rights of children during this difficult time.
The commissioner and her team have consistently prioritised the needs of all children and young people in Wales, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are respected. This has been evident in the engagement the children's commissioner has had with the Welsh Government over the course of the pandemic. The commissioner has retained a relentless focus on children and young people during this crisis, and has worked constructively throughout with Ministers and officials. And this has allowed us to work through difficult issues, ensuring children and young people's needs are taken into account and their rights protected. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank the children's commissioner and her team for their work on the 'Coronavirus and Me' surveys of children and young people.
The commissioner, working in partnership with Welsh Government, the Youth Parliament and Children in Wales, led a project to hear directly how the pandemic was affecting the health, education and social aspects of young people's lives. Nearly 44,000 responses were received in May 2020 and January 2021, ensuring children's voices have been heard during the pandemic. The commissioner used the surveys as an opportunity to listen to the views of children from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and disabled children. The survey findings highlighted several areas where black, Asian and minority ethnic children and young people's access to their rights was not equal to their white Welsh or British counterparts, and this included their ability to exercise and play, staying in contact with friends and family, food insecurity, and worries about implications for their learning. These findings show us the role racism, discrimination and disadvantage play in these young people's experiences, and focuses us on the need for action in the race equality action plan for an anti-racist Wales. The findings from all the surveys were used cross Government, including when difficult choices needed to be made about restrictions on children's daily lives.
I'd also like to thank the Deputy Minister for Social Services for her extensive work with the children's commissioner. The Deputy Minister meets regularly with the commissioner, as does the First Minister and other members of Cabinet, and this ongoing engagement has helped us to retain a clear focus on the rights of children and young people in our work, especially during the pandemic.
The commissioner published her annual report for 2020-21 last week with a number of calls to action, including in relation to mental health, and I hope that we can use our time today to explore those areas where the commissioner has made calls for us to go further in our work. The report outlines the achievements of her office over the last financial year and their ongoing activity to respond to the pandemic, and this includes her first formal review of Welsh Government's exercise of its functions. She used her formal powers in relation to elective home education and safeguarding in independent schools. Welsh Government responded to her review in March this year.
This annual report includes 18 recommendations for the Welsh Government. These include recommendations relating to care-experienced children, education, children's health, the youth justice blueprint and the unpaid carers strategy. And this debate today will give Members of the Senedd the opportunity to express their views on the commissioner's report and to comment on the areas the commissioner has raised. I'd like to welcome the breadth and depth of the recommendations. However, I won't be discussing the specifics of our response to them today. The First Minister will publish the Welsh Government's response to the commissioner's annual report by 30 November.
Before Members debate this report, it is important to state that some of the recommendations the commissioner's put forward remain affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and there are some areas where we have not seen the progress we would have liked because of the need to pause or reprioritise workloads. Despite this, our intentions remain resolute. We are proud of our history in Wales, with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child continuing to be the basis for our policy for children. It's central to our approach to our work to improve children's outcomes, by helping and supporting them to achieve their full potential.
Deputy Llywydd, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that Professor Sally Holland's term as commissioner comes to an end in April next year, so this will be her last annual report. I'd therefore like to thank the commissioner for everything she's done to assist children and young people throughout her seven-year term. She's been a tireless advocate on behalf of children and young people and a champion of their rights and well-being. We are currently going through the process to appoint Sally's successor on a cross-party basis, and the First Minister will aim to make an announcement in the new year.
In conclusion, I look forward to this important debate, as we focus on the children's commissioner's independent report and our progress in supporting children's rights across Wales. The commissioner's independent role is vital, and we will continue to work with her office for the benefit of all children and young people in Wales. Diolch.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n falch o gael y cyfle i drafod adroddiad blynyddol Comisiynydd Plant Cymru ar gyfer 2020-21 heddiw. Ac mae cyhoeddi adroddiad blynyddol yr Athro Sally Holland yn gyfle pwysig i ni ganolbwyntio ar hawliau plant ar y cyd. Mae'n amser pwyso a mesur cynnydd ac ystyried galwadau'r comisiynydd i ni wneud mwy. Ac ni fu erioed blwyddyn arall fel y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, yn enwedig i blant a phobl ifanc. Mae effaith y pandemig yn parhau i effeithio ar eu bywydau a bywydau eu teuluoedd. Rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar i'r comisiynydd plant am ei rhan annibynnol mewn hyrwyddo hawliau plant yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn.
Mae'r comisiynydd a'i thîm wedi blaenoriaethu anghenion pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yng Nghymru yn gyson, gan sicrhau bod eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed a bod eu hawliau'n cael eu parchu. Mae hyn wedi bod yn amlwg yn yr ymgysylltu y mae'r comisiynydd plant wedi ei wneud gyda Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystod y pandemig. Mae'r comisiynydd wedi parhau i ganolbwyntio'n ddi-baid ar blant a phobl ifanc yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn, ac mae hi wedi gweithio'n adeiladol gyda Gweinidogion a swyddogion drwy gydol y cyfan. Ac mae hyn wedi ein galluogi ni i weithio trwy faterion anodd, gan sicrhau bod anghenion plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu hystyried a bod eu hawliau'n cael eu diogelu. A hoffwn i fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i'r comisiynydd plant a'i thîm am eu gwaith ar arolygon 'Coronafeirws a Fi' ymhlith plant a phobl ifanc.
Arweiniodd y comisiynydd, gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru, y Senedd Ieuenctid a Phlant yng Nghymru, brosiect i glywed yn uniongyrchol sut roedd y pandemig yn effeithio ar agweddau iechyd, addysg a chymdeithasol ar fywydau pobl ifanc. Daeth bron i 44,000 o ymatebion i law ym mis Mai 2020 a mis Ionawr 2021, gan sicrhau bod lleisiau plant wedi eu clywed yn ystod y pandemig. Defnyddiodd y comisiynydd yr arolygon fel cyfle i wrando ar farn plant o gefndiroedd du, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig a phlant anabl. Amlygodd canfyddiadau'r arolwg sawl maes lle nad oedd cyfleoedd i blant a phobl ifanc ddu, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig arfer eu hawliau yn gyfartal a'u cyfoedion gwyn yng Nghymru neu Brydain, ac roedd hyn yn cynnwys eu gallu i wneud ymarfer corff a chwarae, cadw mewn cysylltiad â ffrindiau a theulu, ansicrwydd bwyd, a phryderon ynghylch goblygiadau ar eu dysgu. Mae'r canfyddiadau hyn yn dangos i ni'r rhan y mae hiliaeth, gwahaniaethu ac anfantais yn ei chwarae ym mhrofiadau'r bobl ifanc hyn, ac yn rhoi pwyslais i ni ar yr angen i ni gymryd camau yn y cynllun gweithredu cydraddoldeb hiliol ar gyfer Cymru wrth-hiliol. Cafodd canlyniadau'r holl arolygon eu defnyddio gan bob rhan o'r Llywodraeth, gan gynnwys pan oedd angen gwneud dewisiadau anodd ynghylch cyfyngiadau ar fywydau pob dydd plant.
Hoffwn i ddiolch hefyd i'r Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol am ei gwaith helaeth gyda'r comisiynydd plant. Mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â'r comisiynydd, a'r Prif Weinidog ac aelodau eraill o'r Cabinet yn yr un modd, ac mae'r ymgysylltu parhaus hwn wedi ein helpu ni i barhau i ganolbwyntio'n glir ar hawliau plant a phobl ifanc yn ein gwaith, yn enwedig yn ystod y pandemig.
Cyhoeddodd y comisiynydd ei hadroddiad blynyddol ar gyfer 2020-21 yr wythnos diwethaf gyda nifer o alwadau i weithredu, gan gynnwys mewn cysylltiad ag iechyd meddwl, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ni ddefnyddio ein hamser ni heddiw i archwilio'r meysydd hynny lle mae'r comisiynydd wedi galw arnom ni i wneud mwy yn ein gwaith. Mae'r adroddiad yn amlinellu cyflawniadau ei swyddfa yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf a'u gweithgarwch parhaus i ymateb i'r pandemig, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys ei hadolygiad ffurfiol cyntaf o'r modd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn arfer ei swyddogaethau. Defnyddiodd ei phwerau ffurfiol mewn cysylltiad ag addysg ddewisol yn y cartref a diogelu mewn ysgolion annibynnol. Ymatebodd Llywodraeth Cymru i'w hadolygiad ym mis Mawrth eleni.
Mae'r adroddiad blynyddol hwn yn cynnwys 18 o argymhellion ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys argymhellion sy'n ymwneud â phlant â phrofiad o ofal, addysg, iechyd plant, y glasbrint cyfiawnder ieuenctid a'r strategaeth gofalwyr di-dâl. A bydd y ddadl hon heddiw yn rhoi cyfle i Aelodau'r Senedd fynegi eu barn ar adroddiad y comisiynydd a rhoi sylwadau ar y meysydd y mae'r comisiynydd wedi eu codi. Hoffwn i groesawu ehangder a dyfnder yr argymhellion. Fodd bynnag, ni fyddaf i'n trafod manylion ein hymateb iddyn nhw heddiw. Bydd y Prif Weinidog yn cyhoeddi ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd erbyn 30 Tachwedd.
Cyn i'r Aelodau drafod yr adroddiad hwn, mae'n bwysig nodi bod pandemig y coronafeirws yn parhau i effeithio ar rai o'r argymhellion y mae'r comisiynydd wedi eu cyflwyno, ac mae rhai meysydd lle nad ydym ni wedi gweld y cynnydd y byddem ni wedi ei ddymuno oherwydd yr angen i oedi neu ailflaenoriaethu llwythi gwaith. Er gwaethaf hyn, mae ein bwriadau yn parhau i fod yn benderfynol. Rydym ni'n falch o'n hanes yng Nghymru, gyda Chonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn yn parhau i fod yn sail i'n polisi ar gyfer plant. Mae'n ganolog i'n dull gweithredu i wella canlyniadau plant, drwy eu helpu a'u cefnogi i gyflawni eu potensial llawn.
Dirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn i fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i gydnabod bod cyfnod yr Athro Sally Holland fel comisiynydd yn dod i ben ym mis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf, felly hwn fydd ei hadroddiad blynyddol olaf. Hoffwn i felly ddiolch i'r comisiynydd am bopeth y mae hi wedi ei wneud i gynorthwyo plant a phobl ifanc drwy gydol ei chyfnod o saith mlynedd yn y swydd. Mae hi wedi bod yn eiriolwr diflino ar ran plant a phobl ifanc ac yn hyrwyddwr eu hawliau a'u lles. Ar hyn o bryd rydym ni'n mynd drwy'r broses i benodi olynydd Sally ar sail drawsbleidiol, a nod y Prif Weinidog fydd gwneud cyhoeddiad yn y flwyddyn newydd.
I gloi, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y ddadl bwysig hon, wrth i ni ganolbwyntio ar adroddiad annibynnol y comisiynydd plant a'n cynnydd o ran cefnogi hawliau plant ledled Cymru. Mae rôl annibynnol y comisiynydd yn hanfodol, a byddwn ni'n parhau i weithio gyda'i swyddfa er budd pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yng Nghymru. Diolch.
Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, Jayne Bryant.
I call on the Chair of the Children, Young People, and Education Committee, Jayne Bryant.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. I'm pleased to speak in this Plenary debate for the first time in my capacity as Chair of the Children, Young People, and Education Committee. I hope to build on the work of the predecessor committee and Chair, who, throughout their five-year term, demonstrated the value of effective committee scrutiny in driving through important changes to improve the lives of children and young people in Wales. As a committee, we have not yet had the opportunity to scrutinise the children's commissioner on her annual report. We will hold that session on 18 November.
As this is the current commissioner's last annual report, I'd like to thank her and her team for all their work over the past six and a half years in advocating for the rights of children and young people in Wales. I'd also like to echo the words of the children's commissioner, in her foreword to the report, to thank all those front-line workers who've supported, nurtured, cared for and educated children and young people throughout this pandemic, and, of course, to pay tribute to the nearly 700,000 children and young people in Wales who have shown resilience way beyond their years over the past 18 months.
We're all aware that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child underpins all the work that the commissioner does. The right for children to express their views about things that affect them, and have their opinions taken into account when decisions are made, is well understood. And, as the Minister mentioned, a very rare example of this in practice has been the 'Coronavirus and Me' surveys that the commissioner has run over the pandemic, with 44,000 children and young people contributing to them over the reporting period. And we will certainly be taking into account some of these findings as we look to devise and refine our strategic plan as a committee.
It's also very reassuring to see the commissioner state that, despite the pandemic, her office were able to deliver all the pre-pandemic objectives, whilst also doing additional work that arose because of the pandemic. The report also sets out a number of recommendations across a wide range of policy areas. I'm sure that, as a committee, some of these will be areas we will explore in more detail over the coming months and years.
Today, I'd like to seek some further detail from the Welsh Government on how they intend to respond to those recommendations as they relate to children in care. I'm highlighting these as they relate to clear programme for government commitments. The programme for government commits to eliminate private profit from the care of looked-after children. The commissioner calls for a road map to be brought forward by April next year to set out the timescale and action for delivering on this. Can the Minister indicate whether such a road map will be published within the timescale, and if not, why not? In the annual report, the commissioner calls for the Government to bring forward swiftly statutory entitlements and policy for care leavers as a coherent package. I welcome the commitment from the Deputy Minister in our committee last week that the Government intends to legislate in this Senedd term to ensure that every care leaver is entitled to a personal adviser up to the age of 25. Can the Minister outline today what other elements of the package of support they intend to make available to care leavers?
Once again, I'd like to thank the commissioner and her team for all their hard work, detailed in the annual report. The commissioner's role as an independent champion, advocating for children's rights and well-being, has been crucial. I look forward to exploring the report in more detail with the commissioner and the committee members on 18 November. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n falch o gael siarad yn y ddadl hon yn y Cyfarfod Llawn am y tro cyntaf yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg. Rwy'n gobeithio datblygu gwaith y pwyllgor a'r Cadeirydd blaenorol, a ddangosodd, drwy gydol eu cyfnod pum mlynedd, werth craffu effeithiol gan y pwyllgor wrth gyflwyno newidiadau pwysig i wella bywydau plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Fel pwyllgor, nid ydym ni wedi cael cyfle eto i graffu ar adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd plant. Byddwn ni'n cynnal y sesiwn honno ar 18 Tachwedd.
Gan mai hwn yw adroddiad blynyddol olaf y comisiynydd presennol, hoffwn i ddiolch iddi hi a'i thîm am eu holl waith yn ystod y chwe blynedd a hanner diwethaf i eirioli dros hawliau plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Hoffwn i hefyd adleisio geiriau'r comisiynydd plant, yn ei rhagair i'r adroddiad, i ddiolch i'r holl weithwyr rheng flaen hynny sydd wedi cefnogi, meithrin, addysgu a gofalu am blant a phobl ifanc drwy gydol y pandemig hwn, ac, wrth gwrs, i dalu teyrnged i'r bron i 700,000 o blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru sydd wedi dangos cadernid ymhell y tu hwnt i'w hoedran yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf.
Rydym ni i gyd yn ymwybodol bod Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn yn sail i'r holl waith y mae'r comisiynydd yn ei wneud. Mae'r hawl i blant fynegi eu barn ar bethau sy'n effeithio arnyn nhw, a bod eu barn yn cael ei hystyried pan fydd penderfyniadau'n cael eu gwneud, wedi ei deall yn dda. Ac, fel y soniodd y Gweinidog, mae'r arolygon 'Coronafeirws a Fi' y mae'r comisiynydd wedi eu cynnal yn ystod y pandemig, yn enghraifft brin iawn o hyn yn ymarferol, wrth i 44,000 o blant a phobl ifanc gyfrannu atyn nhw dros y cyfnod adrodd. A byddwn ni'n sicr yn ystyried rhai o'r canfyddiadau hyn wrth i ni geisio dyfeisio a mireinio ein cynllun strategol fel pwyllgor.
Mae hefyd yn galonogol iawn gweld y comisiynydd yn dweud bod ei swyddfa, er gwaethaf y pandemig, wedi gallu cyflawni'r holl amcanion a fu cyn y pandemig, gan hefyd wneud gwaith ychwanegol a gododd oherwydd y pandemig. Mae'r adroddiad hefyd yn nodi nifer o argymhellion ar draws amrywiaeth eang o feysydd polisi. Rwy'n siŵr, fel pwyllgor, y bydd rhai o'r rhain yn feysydd y byddwn ni'n eu harchwilio'n fanylach yn ystod y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd nesaf.
Heddiw, hoffwn i ofyn am ragor o fanylion gan Lywodraeth Cymru am sut y mae'n bwriadu ymateb i'r argymhellion hynny sy'n ymwneud â phlant mewn gofal. Rwy'n tynnu sylw at y rhain gan eu bod yn ymwneud ag ymrwymiadau clir y rhaglen lywodraethu. Mae'r rhaglen lywodraethu yn ymrwymo i ddileu elw preifat o ofal plant sy'n derbyn gofal. Mae'r comisiynydd yn galw am gyflwyno map ffordd erbyn mis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf i nodi'r amserlen a'r camau gweithredu ar gyfer cyflawni hyn. A wnaiff y Gweinidog nodi a fydd map ffordd o'r fath yn cael ei gyhoeddi o fewn yr amserlen, ac os na fydd, pam? Yn yr adroddiad blynyddol, mae'r comisiynydd yn galw ar y Llywodraeth i gyflwyno yn brydlon hawliau a pholisi statudol i'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal fel pecyn cydlynol. Rwy'n croesawu ymrwymiad y Dirprwy Weinidog yn ein pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf fod y Llywodraeth yn bwriadu deddfu yn nhymor y Senedd hon i sicrhau bod gan bob person sy'n gadael gofal hawl i gynghorydd personol hyd at 25 oed. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu heddiw pa elfennau eraill o'r pecyn cymorth y maen nhw'n bwriadu eu darparu i'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal?
Unwaith eto, hoffwn i ddiolch i'r comisiynydd a'i thîm am eu holl waith caled, sydd wedi ei nodi yn yr adroddiad blynyddol. Mae rôl y comisiynydd fel hyrwyddwr annibynnol, sy'n eirioli dros hawliau a lles plant, wedi bod yn hollbwysig. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at archwilio'r adroddiad yn fanylach gyda'r comisiynydd ac aelodau'r pwyllgor ar 18 Tachwedd. Diolch yn fawr.
Firstly, I would like to start by thanking the children's commissioner for all her hard work and dedication throughout her time in office. I'd also thank her and her staff for preparing this report. Sadly, like many other sections of society, children, particularly vulnerable children whose conditions may have been made worse by the substantial changes they have faced during the COVID pandemic, have suffered disproportionately, and it is certainly recognised that the children's commissioner has genuinely attempted to address many of the issues that they and their families have faced. Indeed, I've read the commissioner's report with much interest, and it is very pleasing to see the care and attention that she has been giving to so many aspects of child welfare.
Personally speaking, I was also pleased to see mentioned the round-table event that was held earlier this year and gave a platform to younger deaf people to voice their concerns. As Members may or may not be aware, I've spoken publicly about the hearing difficulties that I faced growing up and the impact it has had on my learning. As you can tell from what I wear around my neck, it is still something that has an impact on me, and as a result I'm very keen to see improvements delivered within this area. As such, I understand, for many years, that the deaf community have shared with the commissioner's office their frustrations that the needs of the community are not being addressed, and although the report highlighted some engagement, it nonetheless did not make any specific recommendations for deaf children. I believe this to be a shame, given the amount of work and effort that has been put into it by the deaf community to get the Welsh Government to make adequate provision for their needs.
So, with that in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to re-emphasise the need for a national charter in Wales to help with the delivery of services and resources, including education, for deaf children, young people and their families. Such a charter would enable local authorities to plan and resource support within a nationally recognised framework and help to ensure a consistency of provision throughout Wales. Likewise, we need to formally recognise that, in Wales, British Sign Language is the first language of deaf people, and we urgently need to address the concerns that they have raised about the standard and quality of British Sign Language for specialist education professionals.
Towards the end of the fifth Senedd, my colleague Mark Isherwood proposed a Bill that seeks to ensure that the deaf community and people with hearing loss have a voice in the design and delivery of services to ensure that they meet the needs of service users, with actions including the establishment of a BSL national advisory group, for example. The Bill had cross-party support, and I know it was one that many deaf people were eagerly anticipating to be introduced, but, sadly, the Government has yet to bring it forward. On behalf of all those who suffer from hearing loss and their families and supporters, can I now make a call for this Government to commit to introducing the British Sign Language Bill for Wales during this Senedd term? Many deaf people who use BSL lack access to education, health services, employment and other public services, and it's widely reported that a large percentage of deaf people struggle with achieving higher educational attainment, which can affect them throughout their lives. Given the impact of what proper and correct support can achieve in helping deaf children live an active and full life, I believe that it's vital that we put this into place—this legislation.
Finally, I would also like address the issue mentioned in the commissioner's report of how long the Welsh Government is taking to bring forward statutory entitlements and policies for care leavers as a coherent package. The Government agreed with the recommendations of the 'Hidden Ambitions' report in 2017, which is almost five years ago, yet they've still not implemented those amendments to the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 that were proposed. Likewise, the Government was also asked to develop national standards to address concerns of quality, sufficiency and suitability of semi-independent accommodation for care-experienced young people up to the age of 25 by its joint housing and social services group, but progress on these proposals has seemingly stopped.
The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales commented in her report that there is an implementation gap between the aspirations set out by the Welsh Government in policy and legislation and its commitment to drive and resource delivery on the ground. And it appears that it's the same story here as well. The Minister, I'm sure, should be very conscious as to how disrespectful this is to not only all those who have put in so much time and effort at the behest of this Government, but to all those children and young people who are being failed also in receiving the appropriate care that they need. This Government has agreed to the recommendations that they have asked for, and yet you have done very little in terms of implementing them. I believe the issue of caring for the health and well-being of our children and young people should transcend party-political lines, but the fact that the commissioner still needs to make calls for this legislation to be implemented is obscene. Can the Minister explain to all those young people who would have benefited from the implementation of this recommended legislation why this Government has continually failed to implement it? I'm also wondering whether the Minister would actually be brave enough to make an apology for this and recommit to implement the recommendations that were agreed to so long ago. Thank you.
Yn gyntaf, hoffwn i ddechrau trwy ddiolch i'r comisiynydd plant am ei holl waith caled a'i hymroddiad drwy gydol ei chyfnod yn y swydd. Hoffwn i ddiolch iddi hi a'i staff hefyd am baratoi'r adroddiad hwn. Yn anffodus, fel llawer o rannau eraill o gymdeithas, mae plant, yn enwedig plant sy'n agored i niwed y mae eu hamodau wedi eu gwaethygu o bosibl oherwydd y newidiadau sylweddol y maen nhw wedi eu hwynebu yn ystod pandemig COVID, wedi dioddef yn anghymesur, ac yn sicr caiff ei chydnabod bod y comisiynydd plant wedi ceisio yn wirioneddol i ymdrin â llawer o'r materion y maen nhw a'u teuluoedd wedi eu hwynebu. Yn wir, rwyf i wedi darllen adroddiad y comisiynydd â diddordeb mawr, ac mae'n braf iawn gweld y gofal a'r sylw y mae hi wedi bod yn eu rhoi i gynifer o agweddau ar les plant.
A siarad yn bersonol, roeddwn i hefyd yn falch o weld sôn am y digwyddiad bord gron a gafodd ei gynnal yn gynharach eleni ac a roddodd lwyfan i bobl fyddar iau i leisio eu pryderon. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau efallai, rwyf i wedi siarad yn gyhoeddus am yr anawsterau clyw yr oeddwn i'n eu hwynebu wrth dyfu i fyny a'r effaith y mae wedi ei chael ar fy nysgu. Fel y gallwch chi ei weld o'r hyn rwy'n ei wisgo o amgylch fy ngwddf, mae'n dal yn rhywbeth sy'n cael effaith arnaf i, ac o ganlyniad rwy'n awyddus iawn i weld gwelliannau yn cael eu cyflawni yn y maes hwn. Felly, rwy'n deall, ers blynyddoedd lawer, fod y gymuned fyddar wedi rhannu eu rhwystredigaethau â swyddfa'r comisiynydd nad yw anghenion y gymuned yn cael sylw, ac er bod yr adroddiad yn tynnu sylw at rywfaint o ymgysylltu, serch hynny, ni wnaeth unrhyw argymhellion penodol ar gyfer plant byddar. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn drueni, o ystyried faint o waith ac ymdrech a roddodd y gymuned fyddar ynddo i gael Llywodraeth Cymru i wneud darpariaeth ddigonol ar gyfer eu hanghenion.
Felly, gyda hynny mewn golwg, hoffwn i fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ailbwysleisio'r angen am siarter genedlaethol yng Nghymru i helpu i ddarparu gwasanaethau ac adnoddau, gan gynnwys addysg, ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc fyddar a'u teuluoedd. Byddai siarter o'r fath yn galluogi awdurdodau lleol i gynllunio ac adnoddu cymorth o fewn fframwaith sydd wedi ei gydnabod yn genedlaethol ac yn helpu i sicrhau cysondeb darpariaeth ledled Cymru. Yn yr un modd, mae angen i ni gydnabod yn ffurfiol yng Nghymru mai Iaith Arwyddion Prydain yw iaith gyntaf pobl fyddar, ac mae angen i ni ymdrin ar frys â'r pryderon y maen nhw wedi eu codi ynghylch safon ac ansawdd Iaith Arwyddion Prydain ar gyfer gweithwyr addysg proffesiynol arbenigol.
Tua diwedd y pumed Senedd, cynigiodd fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood Fil sy'n ceisio sicrhau bod gan y gymuned fyddar a phobl sydd wedi colli eu clyw lais wrth gynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau i sicrhau eu bod yn diwallu anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, gyda chamau gweithredu'n cynnwys sefydlu grŵp cynghori cenedlaethol Iaith Arwyddion Prydain, er enghraifft. Cafodd y Bil gefnogaeth drawsbleidiol, ac rwy'n gwybod ei bod yn un yr oedd llawer o bobl fyddar yn disgwyl yn eiddgar iddo gael ei gyflwyno, ond, yn anffodus, nid yw'r Llywodraeth wedi ei gyflwyno eto. Ar ran pawb sy'n dioddef o golli clyw a'u teuluoedd a'u cefnogwyr, a gaf i nawr alw ar y Llywodraeth hon i ymrwymo i gyflwyno Bil Iaith Arwyddion Prydain i Gymru yn ystod tymor hwn y Senedd? Mae diffyg cyfleoedd i dderbyn addysg, gwasanaethau iechyd, cyflogaeth a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill i lawer o bobl fyddar sy'n defnyddio Iaith Arwyddion Prydain, a chaiff ei hadrodd yn eang fod canran fawr o bobl fyddar yn ei chael hi'n anodd cyflawni cyrhaeddiad addysgol uwch, a all effeithio arnyn nhw drwy gydol eu bywydau. O ystyried effaith yr hyn y gall cymorth priodol a chywir ei gyflawni i helpu plant byddar i fyw bywyd llawn ac egnïol, rwy'n credu ei bod yn hanfodol i ni roi hyn ar waith—y ddeddfwriaeth hon.
Yn olaf, hoffwn i hefyd ymdrin â'r mater sydd wedi ei grybwyll yn adroddiad y comisiynydd ar faint o amser y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gymryd i gyflwyno hawliau a pholisïau statudol ar gyfer y rhai sy'n gadael gofal fel pecyn cydlynol. Cytunodd y Llywodraeth ag argymhellion yr adroddiad 'Uchelgeisiau Cudd' yn 2017, sydd bron i bum mlynedd yn ôl, ac eto nid ydyn nhw wedi gweithredu'r diwygiadau hynny i Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 a gafodd eu cynnig o hyd. Yn yr un modd, gofynnodd ei chyd-grŵp gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a thai i'r Llywodraeth hefyd ddatblygu safonau cenedlaethol i fynd i'r afael â phryderon ynghylch ansawdd, digonolrwydd ac addasrwydd llety lled annibynnol ar gyfer pobl ifanc â phrofiad o ofal hyd at 25 oed, ond mae'n ymddangos bod y cynnydd ar y cynigion hyn wedi dod i ben.
Dywedodd Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru yn ei hadroddiad fod bwlch gweithredu rhwng y dyheadau sydd wedi eu nodi gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn polisi a deddfwriaeth a'i hymrwymiad i weithredu a darparu adnoddau ar lawr gwlad. Ac mae'n ymddangos mai'r un stori sydd yma hefyd. Mae'r Gweinidog, rwy'n siŵr, yn ymwybodol iawn o ba mor amharchus yw hyn nid yn unig i bawb sydd wedi rhoi cymaint o amser ac ymdrech ar gais y Llywodraeth hon, ond i'r holl blant a phobl ifanc hynny sy'n cael cam hefyd o ran derbyn y gofal priodol sydd ei angen arnyn nhw. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi cytuno i'r argymhellion y maen nhw wedi gofyn amdanyn nhw, ac eto nid ydych chi wedi gwneud fawr ddim o ran eu gweithredu. Rwy'n credu y dylai'r mater o ofalu am iechyd a lles ein plant a'n pobl ifanc oresgyn llinellau plaid wleidyddol, ond mae'r ffaith bod dal angen i'r comisiynydd alw am weithredu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn ffiaidd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog egluro i'r holl bobl ifanc hynny a fyddai wedi elwa ar weithredu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon sydd wedi ei hargymell pam mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi methu yn barhaus â'i gweithredu? Rwyf i hefyd yn meddwl tybed a fyddai'r Gweinidog yn ddigon dewr mewn gwirionedd i ymddiheuro am hyn ac ailymrwymo i weithredu'r argymhellion y cytunwyd arnyn nhw mor bell yn ôl. Diolch.
Diolch am y cyfle i drafod yr adroddiad yma. Hoffwn i ganolbwyntio ar agweddau penodol o'r adroddiad, rhai sydd angen sylw buan a rhai sydd heb gael sylw hyd yma y prynhawn yma. A hoffwn i gymryd y cyfle i holi'r Gweinidog am ei sylwadau, gan dderbyn, wrth gwrs, nad ydy'r ymateb llawn swyddogol ar gael eto.
Trof yn gyntaf at blant sy'n cael eu hatal neu eu diarddel o'r ysgol. Sut yn y byd ei bod hi'n bosib fod angen diarddel plentyn tair oed, plentyn pump oed a phlentyn saith oed o'r ysgol? Sut bod angen diarddel 768 o blant tair i saith oed dros gyfnod o flwyddyn? Mae'r ffigurau yma gan y comisiynydd plant yn frawychus, ac mae'n amlwg nad yr un broses o ddiarddel a ddylai fod ar waith ar gyfer plant ifanc o'i chymharu â'r broses ar gyfer pobl ifanc hyd at 16 oed—er bod angen codi cwestiynau am y broses efo plant hŷn hefyd, gyda llaw. Ond, o ran y plant ieuengaf, mae'r comisiynydd wedi canfod bod un plentyn wedi cael ei ddiarddel 18 o weithiau mewn blwyddyn. Nid sôn am ystadegyn ydyn ni yn y fan yma, ond sôn am blentyn, ac mae'n hollol amlwg dydy diarddel plentyn dro ar ôl tro ddim yn mynd at wraidd y broblem nac yn ymateb i'w anghenion. Mae'r plant yma angen eu cefnogi, nid eu troi ymaith, ac mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth roi polisi ar waith i atal diarddel plant dan wyth oed, ac mae angen adolygu'r canllawiau diarddel ar gyfer plant hŷn hefyd. Hoffwn i glywed y prynhawn yma fod hyn yn gonsýrn a bod yna waith ar droed i newid y sefyllfa.
Maes arall sy'n peri pryder yn sgil adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd plant ydy diwygio gwasanaethau cyfiawnder ieuenctid. Mae'r comisiynydd yn dweud yn glir iawn na fu digon o gynnydd. Ac yn allweddol, araf iawn a fu'r cynnydd tuag at y glasbrint cyfiawnder ieuenctid. Yn ystod y pandemig, fe dynnodd y comisiynydd sylw at blant a oedd yn cael eu cadw yn y ddalfa ac oedd yn colli eu hawliau. Felly, a gawn ni wybod beth ydy'r amserlen ar gyfer cyflwyno'r glasbrint yn llawn ac, yn y cyfamser, faint o bryder ydy hi i'r Gweinidog nad oes yna bwyslais ar ddulliau amgen yn hytrach nag anfon plant i'r ddalfa? Does yna ddim digon o gyfleon ar gyfer gwasanaethau adferol. Fe dynnodd y comisiynydd sylw hefyd at y broblem o blant o Gymru yn cael eu gosod yn y ddalfa yn Lloegr a byddai'n dda clywed pa gynnydd sydd wedi ei wneud efo'r broblem benodol yna.
Troi at faes arall, sef cofrestru staff mewn ysgolion annibynnol efo Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg, neu yn wir y diffyg cynnydd tuag at orfodi hyn er mwyn diogelu disgyblion, yn enwedig i ddiogelu merched rhag aflonyddu rhywiol. Mae'n fater o gonsýrn i'r comisiynydd ers tro, ac rwy'n rhannu'r consýrn. Mae Plaid Cymru wedi bod yn rhannu’r consýrn yma bod y Llywodraeth mor araf yn datrys y problemau cofrestru, felly byddai’n dda gwybod bod y Llywodraeth o’r diwedd yn mynd i weithredu deuddegfed argymhelliad adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd plant, a hynny er mwyn diogelu disgyblion ysgol yng Nghymru.
A dwi'n troi yn olaf at fater arall o bryder, sef plant sydd yn cael eu dysgu gartref. Mae'r comisiynydd wedi dadlau nad ydy'r ddeddfwriaeth eilradd y mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu ei chyflwyno ar addysg gartref ddewisol, nad ydy'r ddeddfwriaeth eilradd yma'n ddigonol, a dydy o ddim ychwaith yn mynd yn ddigon pell o safbwynt diogelu hawliau plant. Hoffwn i wybod beth ydy'r rhesymeg y tu ôl i beidio â dilyn cyngor y comisiynydd i ddod â deddfwriaeth gynradd ymlaen ar y pwnc yma. Dwi'n gwybod bod yna brinder amser o fewn y rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol, ond tybed oes yna resymau eraill dros fod mor amharod i weithredu'n gadarn yn y maes yma. Felly, hoffwn i glywed sylwadau'r Gweinidog ar y meysydd yma os gwelwch chi'n dda. A gaf i ddiolch yn fawr iawn i'r comisiynydd am ei gwaith diflino, yn dal ati i bwyso am y newidiadau sydd eu hangen? Y tristwch ydy ein bod ni'n dal wrthi yn eu trafod nhw, a'n bod ni'n dal angen gweld gweithredu.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this report. I would like to focus on specific aspects of the report, namely those that need urgent attention and those that haven't received attention yet this afternoon. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask the Minister for her comments, accepting of course that the full official response isn't available yet.
Turning first of all to children who are excluded or suspended from school. How on earth is it possible that we need to exclude a child of three years of age, a child of five years of age, or a child who is seven years of age from school? How do we need to exclude 768 children who are between the ages of three and seven over a period of a year? These figures from the children's commissioner are frightening, and it's clear that the same process of exclusion should not be implemented for young children as for older pupils up to the age of 16—even though we need to raise questions about the process for older children as well, by the way. But, in terms of the younger children, the commissioner has found that one child was excluded 18 times in a year. We're not talking about a statistic here, we're talking about a child, and it is clear that exclusion for a child time and time again doesn't get to the heart of the problem, nor does it respond to that child's needs. These children need to be supported, not turned away, and the Government needs to implement a policy to prevent the exclusion of children under the age of eight, and we need to review the exclusion guidelines for older children as well. I would like to hear this afternoon that this is a concern and that there is work under way to respond to the situation.
Another issue that causes concern as a result of the annual report is the reform of the youth justice system. The commissioner states clearly that there hasn't been sufficient progress and, importantly, there's been very slow progress towards that youth justice blueprint. During the pandemic, the commissioner drew attention to children who were held in custody and who were losing their rights, or missing out on their rights. So, may we know what the timeline is for the full introduction of the blueprint, and, in the meantime, how much of a concern is it for the Government that there isn't an emphasis on alternative methods, rather than holding children in custody? There aren't sufficient opportunities for those restorative justice systems. Now, the commissioner also drew attention to the problem of children from Wales being held in custody in England, and it would be good to hear about the progress made with that particular problem.
Turning to another issue, namely the registration of staff in independent schools with the Education Workforce Council, or indeed the lack of progress towards implementing this to safeguard pupils, especially to safeguard girls from sexual harassment. It's been a matter of concern for the commissioner for some time, and I do share that concern. Plaid Cymru has been sharing this concern that the Government is so slow in solving this problem of registration, so it would be good to hear that the Government at last is going to implement the twelfth recommendation of the children's commissioner's annual report, to safeguard school pupils in Wales.
And I turn finally to another issue of concern, namely children who are educated at home. The commissioner has stated that the secondary legislation that the Government intends to introduce on elective home education, that this secondary legislation is insufficient and doesn't go far enough in terms of safeguarding the rights of children. I'd like to know what the rationale is behind not following the advice of the commissioner to bring forward primary legislation on this issue. I know that there's a lack of time within the legislative timetable, but perhaps there might be other reasons for being so unwilling to take robust action in this area. So, I'd like to hear the Minister's comments on these areas, please. May I thank the commissioner very much for her tireless work, continuing to press for these changes that are needed? The sadness is that we are still discussing these issues and that we still need to see action being taken.
Jane Dodds. Can we unmute? Thank you.
Jane Dodds. Allwn ni droi'r sain ymlaen? Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd, a hefyd dwi eisiau dweud diolch yn fawr iawn i Sally Holland hefyd.
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer, and I'd also like to thank Sally Holland.
Thank you for all your work, not just throughout the past year, which has been an exceptionally difficult year, but since being appointed in 2015.
I'd just like to focus on one small issue, and again, I'm asking the Minister to look at a road map in relation to this particular issue, and that is children in care. The number of children looked after in Wales has increased by 38 per cent over the last decade to over 6,000 children looked after in Wales as of March two years ago, and we expect that the figures more recently will show an additional increase. The children's commissioner first called for the Welsh Government to take action on residential care in 2016, and despite this recommendation being accepted by the Welsh Government in 2017 and 2018, progress on taking steps to phase out profit in children's residential care services has been very slow. However, I do feel hopeful that work on this complex area will progress, especially after my legislative motion on this very issue passed through the Senedd before the summer recess.
In spring 2021, the Welsh Government published their White Paper on 'Rebalancing care and support', which proposes developing a national social care framework to set fair commissioning practices for providers. This is coupled with a strong Welsh Labour manifesto pledge to eliminate private profit from the care of looked-after children during this Senedd term. The Welsh Government must now bring forward this road map by 1 April 2022, which will set out the timescales and actions that they will begin to safely phase profit out of children's social care provision. So, I would like to ask the Minister: when will we have that road map to realise this ambition? I do totally understand the complexity of these issues and don't want to disrupt the process, but we do need formal proposals being brought forward by the Welsh Government. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch am eich holl waith, nid yn unig drwy gydol y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, sydd wedi bod yn flwyddyn eithriadol o anodd, ond ers cael eich penodi yn 2015.
Hoffwn ganolbwyntio ar un mater bach, ac eto, rwy'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog edrych ar fap ffordd ynglŷn â'r mater penodol hwn, a phlant mewn gofal yw hynny. Mae nifer y plant sy'n derbyn gofal yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu 38 y cant dros y degawd diwethaf i dros 6,000 o blant yn derbyn gofal yng Nghymru o fis Mawrth ddwy flynedd yn ôl, a disgwyliwn y bydd y ffigurau'n fwy diweddar yn dangos cynnydd ychwanegol. Galwodd y comisiynydd plant yn gyntaf ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu ar ofal preswyl yn 2016, ac er i'r argymhelliad hwn gael ei dderbyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn 2017 a 2018, mae'r cynnydd o ran cymryd camau i ddiddymu elw mewn gwasanaethau gofal preswyl i blant wedi bod yn araf iawn. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n teimlo'n obeithiol y bydd gwaith ar y maes cymhleth hwn yn mynd rhagddo, yn enwedig ar ôl i'm cynnig deddfwriaethol ar yr union fater hwn fynd drwy'r Senedd cyn toriad yr haf.
Yng ngwanwyn 2021, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei Bapur Gwyn ar 'Ail-gydbwyso gofal a chymorth', sy'n cynnig datblygu fframwaith gofal cymdeithasol cenedlaethol i osod arferion comisiynu teg i ddarparwyr. Mae hyn ynghyd ag addewid cryf gan Lafur Cymru i ddileu elw preifat o ofal plant sy'n derbyn gofal yn ystod tymor y Senedd hwn. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru yn awr gyflwyno'r map ffordd hwn erbyn 1 Ebrill 2022, a fydd yn nodi'r amserlenni a'r camau gweithredu y byddan nhw yn eu dechrau i gael gwared yn ddiogel ar wneud elw o ddarpariaeth gofal cymdeithasol plant. Felly, hoffwn ofyn i'r Gweinidog: pryd y cawn ni y map ffordd hwnnw i wireddu'r uchelgais hwn? Rwyf yn deall yn llwyr gymhlethdod y materion hyn ac nid wyf eisiau amharu ar y broses, ond mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno cynigion ffurfiol. Diolch. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Good evening, everybody. I would just like to thank the children's commissioner and her staff for their ongoing work to protect the rights of Welsh children, and for the dedication they have shown throughout this past year. I do, however, have an issue with the stance taken over independent care providers. The private sector provides eight out of every 10 placements for children in care. Given the vast black hole that exists in funding for social services, we cannot expect the public sector to step in. Local authorities were already struggling with cost pressures prior to the pandemic. Services for looked-after children are woefully underfunded and funding shortfalls will be much worse as we emerge from the pandemic.
The WLGA have stated that local authorities are concerned about the demands that will be placed upon services as we emerge from the lockdown. There is still a backlog of court cases that is adding to the challenges faced in making appropriate and sustainable placements for looked-after children and young people. Without private providers, the situation would be much worse. Despite the private sector providing 80 per cent of placements, we still, sadly, saw over 365 children placed outside Wales last year. The problem isn't with the care providers, it's with the system. After all, our NHS and our care system is founded on the principle of public and private sectors working hand in hand together. Without the private sector, we would have no GPs, no dentists, no opticians, no medicines, and large numbers of children and young people without any care.
Lack of funding and, more importantly, demand are the major issues facing looked-after children's care. Just last week, the Auditor General for Wales outlined a stark fact: the number of looked-after children in Wales has increased by two thirds since 2004. The Wales Centre for Public Policy found that Wales has consistently had a higher number of looked-after children than the rest of the UK, and the gap is continuing to widen. It has also found that there is local variation in the number of looked-after children, with numbers in some council areas remaining steady or falling. They found that some of the variation was due to differing social work practices and policies across councils. The centre also found that Welsh judges are more likely than their UK counterparts to make orders allowing councils to take children into care, and I would ask Sally Holland and her team to focus on tackling this disparity.
Why are children in Wales more likely to end up in care? We all know that children in care are more likely to suffer poorer outcomes. While it's right that we should do everything in our power to improve the life chances of care leavers, the best action we can take is to prevent children from going into care in the first place and remembering that prevention should be our main focus. Thank you very much.
Noswaith dda, pawb. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r comisiynydd plant a'i staff am eu gwaith parhaus i ddiogelu hawliau plant Cymru, ac am yr ymroddiad y maen nhw wedi'i ddangos drwy gydol y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Fodd bynnag, mae gennyf broblem gyda'r safbwynt a gymerwyd dros ddarparwyr gofal annibynnol. Mae'r sector preifat yn darparu wyth o bob 10 lleoliad ar gyfer plant mewn gofal. O ystyried y twll du enfawr sy'n bodoli o ran cyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, ni allwn ddisgwyl i'r sector cyhoeddus gamu i mewn. Roedd awdurdodau lleol eisoes yn cael trafferthion gyda phwysau cost cyn y pandemig. Mae gwasanaethau ar gyfer plant sy'n derbyn gofal yn cael eu tanariannu'n druenus a bydd diffygion ariannol yn llawer gwaeth wrth i ni ddod allan o'r pandemig.
Mae Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru wedi datgan bod awdurdodau lleol yn pryderu am y galw a roddir ar wasanaethau wrth i ni ddod allan o'r cyfnod clo. Mae ôl-groniad o achosion llys o hyd sy'n ychwanegu at yr heriau a wynebir wrth wneud lleoliadau priodol a chynaliadwy ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gofal. Heb ddarparwyr preifat, byddai'r sefyllfa'n llawer gwaeth. Er bod y sector preifat yn darparu 80 y cant o leoliadau, yr oeddem yn dal wedi gweld dros 365 o blant y tu allan i Gymru y llynedd, yn anffodus. Nid gyda'r darparwyr gofal y mae'r broblem, mae gyda'r system. Wedi'r cyfan, mae ein GIG a'n system ofal yn seiliedig ar yr egwyddor o sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat yn gweithio law yn llaw â'i gilydd. Heb y sector preifat, ni fyddai gennym feddygon teulu, dim deintyddion, dim optegwyr, dim meddyginiaethau, a nifer fawr o blant a phobl ifanc heb unrhyw ofal.
Diffyg cyllid ac, yn bwysicach na hynny, y galw yw'r prif faterion sy'n wynebu gofal plant. Yr wythnos diwethaf, amlinellodd Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru ffaith amlwg: mae nifer y plant sy'n derbyn gofal yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu dwy ran o dair ers 2004. Canfu Canolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru fod gan Gymru yn gyson nifer uwch o blant sy'n derbyn gofal na gweddill y DU, ac mae'r bwlch yn parhau i ehangu. Mae hefyd wedi canfod bod amrywiad lleol yn nifer y plant sy'n derbyn gofal, gyda'r niferoedd mewn rhai ardaloedd cyngor yn parhau i fod yn sefydlog neu'n gostwng. Canfuwyd bod rhywfaint o'r amrywiad yn deillio o wahanol arferion a pholisïau gwaith cymdeithasol ar draws cynghorau. Canfu'r ganolfan hefyd fod barnwyr Cymru yn fwy tebygol na'u cymheiriaid yn y DU o wneud gorchmynion sy'n caniatáu i gynghorau gymryd plant i ofal, ac rwy'n gofyn i Sally Holland a'i thîm ganolbwyntio ar fynd i'r afael â'r gwahaniaeth hwn.
Pam mae plant yng Nghymru yn fwy tebygol o orfod derbyn gofal yn y pen draw? Rydym i gyd yn gwybod fod plant mewn gofal yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef canlyniadau gwaeth. Er ei bod yn iawn i ni wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i wella cyfleoedd bywyd y rhai sy'n gadael gofal, y camau gorau y gallwn ni eu cymryd yw atal plant rhag mynd i ofal yn y lle cyntaf a chofio mai atal ddylai fod ein prif pwyslais. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
The children's commissioner's annual report notes that groups of children currently face inequality due to a variety of factors, but it's on the effect of poverty that I'd like to focus. I welcome this report, and I really urge the Welsh Government to consider its recommendations with the sense of urgency that is suggested, particularly in regard to the expansion of eligibility for free school meals. Given Westminster's cruel decision to cut universal credit last week by £20, and the lack of interest, it seems, in truly addressing fuel poverty, we know Welsh children will be suffering this winter through absolutely no fault of their own. The Welsh Government has a duty to govern in the interests of the people of Wales, and so a failure to protect the poorest and most vulnerable from Tory austerity would be a gross abdication of this basic responsibility. There's also a need for Welsh Government to implement the principles it claims to represent—the principle of universality, for example, which was crucial to the establishment of the NHS and the welfare state, needs to be adopted if we are to end child poverty and the disadvantages it causes, which are outlined by this report.
On the issue of tackling child poverty, the report states that the commissioner had recommended that the Government publish a delivery plan, but the Government had rejected this. The report notes that the Government had undertaken their own child poverty internal review and found that not everyone was accessing their full entitlements. There is low awareness of entitlements, exacerbated by literacy and language barriers, and the programmes restricted by postcode/area exclude some people in need. Introducing universal policies such as free school meals for all children in state schools would go a long way in tackling these issues. The example given in the report of a family who went without any payments for free school meals during lockdown for six months due to a local authority cross-boundary issue and changes to local authority policy clearly shows why implementing a universal free-school-meal system would ensure no Welsh families would find themselves in need in this way. So, the question must be asked why the Welsh Government thus far has not done so, given it's supposed commitment to socialist principles, the widespread calls by anti-poverty and children's rights campaigners to do so, and the large and international body of evidence that points to the transformational effect of universal free school meals. There can be no doubt that the Government needs to take urgent action on child poverty. More of the same won't cut it. Bold action is needed if we are to end this moral stain on our society. The recommendation of the children's commissioner report that free-school-meals eligibility should be urgently addressed couldn't be clearer.
As the winter approaches and the pressures on Welsh families with children are highlighted in report after report, and in this Chamber time and time again, the Government needs to set a statutory target to cut child poverty and act without delay to extend the eligibility of free school meals, and this has to happen now, as Welsh families with children face a hard and difficult winter, their living costs rising as their income is being so cruelly cut. Can the Minister give us her assurance that the Welsh Government will finally act on this? Diolch.
Mae adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd plant yn nodi bod grwpiau o blant yn wynebu anghydraddoldeb ar hyn o bryd oherwydd amrywiaeth o ffactorau, ond hoffwn ganolbwyntio ar effaith tlodi. Rwy'n croesawu yr adroddiad hwn, ac anogaf Lywodraeth Cymru i ystyried ei hargymhellion gyda'r ymdeimlad o frys a awgrymir, yn enwedig o ran ehangu cymhwysedd ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim. O ystyried penderfyniad creulon San Steffan i dorri credyd cynhwysol yr wythnos diwethaf gan £20, a'r diffyg diddordeb, mae'n ymddangos, wrth fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd mewn gwirionedd, rydym yn gwybod y bydd plant Cymru yn dioddef y gaeaf hwn heb unrhyw fai arnyn nhw eu hunain. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru ddyletswydd i lywodraethu er budd pobl Cymru, ac felly byddai methu ag amddiffyn y tlotaf a'r mwyaf agored i niwed rhag cyni y Torïaid yn ymwrthod yn llwyr â'r cyfrifoldeb sylfaenol hwn. Mae angen hefyd i Lywodraeth Cymru weithredu'r egwyddorion y mae'n honni ei bod yn eu cynrychioli—mae angen mabwysiadu'r egwyddor o gyffredinolrwydd, er enghraifft, a oedd yn hanfodol i sefydlu'r GIG a'r wladwriaeth les, os ydym ni am roi terfyn ar dlodi plant a'r anfanteision y mae'n eu hachosi, a amlinellir gan yr adroddiad hwn.
O ran mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant, dywed yr adroddiad fod y comisiynydd wedi argymell bod y Llywodraeth yn cyhoeddi cynllun cyflawni, ond bod y Llywodraeth wedi gwrthod hyn. Mae'r adroddiad yn nodi bod y Llywodraeth wedi cynnal eu hadolygiad mewnol eu hunain o dlodi plant a chanfu nad oedd pawb yn cael eu hawliau llawn. Mae ymwybyddiaeth isel o hawliau, a waethygir gan rwystrau llythrennedd ac iaith, ac mae'r rhaglenni sydd wedi'u cyfyngu gan god post/ardal yn eithrio rhai pobl mewn angen. Byddai cyflwyno polisïau cyffredinol fel prydau ysgol am ddim i bob plentyn yn ysgolion y wladwriaeth yn gwneud llawer i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn. Mae'r enghraifft a roddwyd yn yr adroddiad o deulu a aeth heb unrhyw daliadau am brydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud am chwe mis oherwydd mater trawsffiniol awdurdodau lleol a newidiadau i bolisi awdurdodau lleol yn dangos yn glir pam y byddai gweithredu system prydau ysgol am ddim cyffredinol yn sicrhau na fyddai unrhyw deuluoedd o Gymru yn cael eu hunain mewn angen fel hyn. Felly, rhaid gofyn y cwestiwn pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud hynny hyd yma, o ystyried ei hymrwymiad tybiedig i egwyddorion sosialaidd, y galwadau eang gan ymgyrchwyr gwrth-dlodi a hawliau plant i wneud hynny, a'r corff mawr a rhyngwladol o dystiolaeth sy'n cyfeirio at effaith drawsnewidiol prydau ysgol am ddim i bawb. Nid oes amheuaeth bod angen i'r Llywodraeth gymryd camau brys ar dlodi plant. Ni fydd mwy o'r un peth yn ddigon. Mae angen gweithredu beiddgar os ydym ni am roi terfyn ar y staen foesol hon ar ein cymdeithas. Ni allai argymhelliad adroddiad y comisiynydd plant y dylid mynd i'r afael ar frys â chymhwysedd prydau ysgol am ddim fod yn gliriach.
Wrth i'r gaeaf agosáu a'r pwysau ar deuluoedd Cymru â phlant yn cael eu hamlygu mewn adroddiad ar ôl adroddiad, ac yn y Siambr hon dro ar ôl tro, mae angen i'r Llywodraeth osod targed statudol i leihau tlodi plant a gweithredu'n ddi-oedi i ymestyn cymhwysedd prydau ysgol am ddim, ac mae'n rhaid i hyn ddigwydd yn awr, wrth i deuluoedd Cymru sydd â phlant wynebu gaeaf caled ac anodd, mae eu costau byw yn codi wrth i'w hincwm gael ei dorri mor greulon. A all y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd i ni y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu ar hyn o'r diwedd? Diolch.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on the Minister to reply to the debate.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you to all the Members today who've contributed to the debate on the children's commissioner's annual report. Also, it was very important to hear from Jayne Bryant, our new Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee, that her committee will be considering this and considering the recommendations and the report as well. All of this is going to help inform and guide us as we move forward. Also, thank you to Jayne Bryant for acknowledging again the important independent, strong voice and role of the children's commissioner and, indeed, the recognition that the children's commissioner and the Chair of the committee of those key workers at the front line working with children and young people, and the resilience, as the children's commissioner has highlighted in the report, of our children and young people through this most challenging time for our generation and for their generations for which we have such a responsibility to listen, learn and support them.
So, it is quite clear that the Coronavirus and Me surveys were very important. I do thank Joel James for his recognition as well of the important role of the children's commissioner, and for acknowledging one specific area. It is important that you drew attention to the round-table that was undertaken and the recognition of the needs of deaf children. Although this debate is about the report, I certainly will undertake to update you on our work and response to the BSL charter, and the research that's being undertaken, of course, having responded to Mark Isherwood's debate in the last Senedd. I'm very happy to separately respond and update colleagues and Members on that issue.
Members have referred to important recommendations and areas where there is expectation that the Welsh Government needs to respond appropriately and fully to those recommendations, which we will do in due course, as I've said, by the end of November. And I think the recommendation in terms of statutory entitlements for care leavers is very key to this, as the second recommendation is calling us to
'swiftly bring forward statutory entitlements and policies for care leavers as a coherent package.'
Of course, this is something that we've been working on very closely. Just to reassure colleagues here today and Senedd Members, we are committed to legislating in this Senedd term to ensure all care leavers have an entitlement to a personal adviser up to the age of 25. And we are able to make this change via regulations under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, and the timetabling and prioritisation of subordinate legislation is currently being considered for this term, and we anticipate that this will be taken forward in 2022-23. So, this is an important opportunity to reassure people. We of course remain committed to supporting care leavers to adulthood and independence, and we're keen to build on the work that was undertaken in the last Senedd term and the outcomes achieved. This is going to be about delivering on this commitment to provide care leavers with that statutory entitlement to access a personal adviser up to the age of 25.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i'r holl Aelodau heddiw sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl ar adroddiad blynyddol y Comisiynydd Plant. Hefyd, roedd yn bwysig iawn clywed gan Jayne Bryant, cadeirydd newydd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, y bydd ei phwyllgor yn ystyried hyn ac yn ystyried yr argymhellion a'r adroddiad hefyd. Mae hyn i gyd yn mynd i helpu i'n hysbysu a'n harwain wrth i ni symud ymlaen. Hefyd, diolch i Jayne Bryant am gydnabod unwaith eto lais a swyddogaeth annibynnol, gref bwysig y comisiynydd plant ac, yn wir, y gydnabyddiaeth bod y comisiynydd plant a Chadeirydd pwyllgor y gweithwyr allweddol hynny yn y rheng flaen yn gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc, a chadernid, fel y mae'r comisiynydd plant wedi tynnu sylw ato yn yr adroddiad, ein plant a'n pobl ifanc drwy'r cyfnod mwyaf heriol hwn i'n cenhedlaeth ni ac i'w cenedlaethau nhw y mae gennym gymaint o gyfrifoldeb dros wrando arnyn nhw, dysgu ganddyn nhw a'u cefnogi.
Felly, mae'n gwbl glir bod arolygon Coronafeirws a Fi yn bwysig iawn. Rwy'n diolch i Joel James am ei gydnabyddiaeth hefyd o swyddogaeth bwysig y comisiynydd plant, ac am gydnabod un maes penodol. Mae'n bwysig eich bod yn tynnu sylw at y bwrdd crwn a gynhaliwyd a chydnabod anghenion plant byddar. Er bod y ddadl hon yn ymwneud â'r adroddiad, byddaf yn sicr yn ymrwymo i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am ein gwaith a'n hymateb i siarter y BSL, a'r ymchwil sy'n cael ei wneud, wrth gwrs, ar ôl ymateb i ddadl Mark Isherwood yn y Senedd ddiwethaf. Rwy'n hapus iawn i ymateb ar wahân a diweddaru cydweithwyr ac Aelodau ar y mater hwnnw.
Mae'r Aelodau wedi cyfeirio at argymhellion a meysydd pwysig lle disgwylir i Lywodraeth Cymru ymateb yn briodol ac yn llawn i'r argymhellion hynny, y byddwn yn eu gwneud maes o law, fel y dywedais i, erbyn diwedd mis Tachwedd. Ac rwy'n credu bod yr argymhelliad o ran hawliau statudol i'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal yn allweddol iawn i hyn, gan fod yr ail argymhelliad yn ein galw i
'fynd ati'n gyflym i gyflwyno hawliau statudol a pholisïau ar gyfer ymadawyr gofal, ar ffurf pecyn cydlynus.'
Wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi bod yn gweithio arno'n agos iawn. Er mwyn tawelu meddyliau cydweithwyr yma heddiw ac Aelodau'r Senedd, rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddeddfu yn nhymor y Senedd hwn i sicrhau bod gan bob un sy'n gadael gofal hawl i gynghorydd personol hyd at 25 oed. A gallwn ni wneud y newid hwn drwy reoliadau o dan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, ac mae amserlennu a blaenoriaethu is-ddeddfwriaeth yn cael ei ystyried ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer y tymor hwn, ac rydym yn rhagweld y bydd hyn yn cael ei ddatblygu yn 2022-23. Felly, mae hwn yn gyfle pwysig i dawelu meddyliau pobl. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gefnogi'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal i fod yn oedolion ac i fod yn annibynnol, ac rydym yn awyddus i adeiladu ar y gwaith a wnaed yn ystod tymor diwethaf y Senedd a'r canlyniadau a gyflawnwyd. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â chyflawni'r ymrwymiad hwn i roi'r hawl statudol honno i'r rhai sy'n gadael gofal gael mynediad at gynghorydd personol hyd at 25 oed.
And, of course, there are key issues that have been raised by Members today. Siân Gwenllian raised the important issue in terms of the recommendations around exclusions for our youngest children in the foundation phase. Just in 2019, of course, you will recall we published updated guidance, which was published back in 2015, on exclusions from schools and pupil referral units. This sets out the support schools and local authorities must put in place for all children who have been excluded from school and from pupil referral units, and it is vital that we have early support and intervention that leaves no young child excluded from education. I am absolutely clear that exclusion should only be used as a last resort. This is about underpinning the commitment that every child and young person receives an education so that they can thrive and flourish in society, and so it is that vital, important early intervention and support that is crucial, and I thank Siân Gwenllian for raising that point.
But also, it's important to recognise the issues around the youth justice blueprint, and I'm glad that I've got responsibilities, but of course responsibilities for many of these recommendations lie across the Welsh Government and are jointly shared in terms of our responsibilities. In terms of moving forward with the youth justice blueprint, we've got updated implementation plans, refreshed project delivery timescales, and they were published in consultation with our partners in March of this year, but also a further £500,000 to the blueprint programme as well—strong partnership moving forward. And it's with the Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Julie Morgan, and me, that we agreed to work with the Ministry of Justice to deliver an outcome that will see children in the welfare and justice systems in Wales co-located in the same building and site. We've got a joint programme. The custody project is also a joint programme. So, it's crucial that we are moving forward, and I can even respond today positively in terms of those recommendations.
Of course, there are many here; I can't answer them all, but we will do when we have our final report. Of course, recognising the issues around independent schools, the safeguarding and well-being of young people is crucially important, and we need to look at this in terms of the importance of registration of staff working in the independent school sector with the EWC, which would supplement the safeguarding provisions already in place. Of course, home education again—another recommendation of the children's commissioner. And, Deputy Llywydd, I will just say that this is again an area where we're making progress in this area. Of course, there has been an impact of COVID-19, as I said in my opening remarks, but the work, although it had to be paused in 2020, has been restarted.
Now, I do want to finally focus on the two key final points that have been made by Members. Jane Dodds gave very powerful—as she has done previously—support for the recommendation in terms of eliminating profit making from the care of looked-after children. It's one of the highest priorities for this Government. And I will say that to Gareth Davies—that is of highest priority, and we intend to remove all private profit from the care of children in relation to children's care homes.
Finally, Sioned Williams, yes, of course we see the work that we're doing in terms of free school meals not just in terms of a central pillar to our approach to tackling poverty, but also the eligibility review. I think it's good that, also, the children's commissioner recognised the importance of our free school breakfasts, where we led the way by introducing those free breakfasts in primary schools in 2004. But clearly, the important points that have been made in this debate today, covering a whole range of areas that affect our children and young people, will be vital as we move forward to fully respond to the children's commissioner's report. Can I just finally say, we have a very proud tradition of putting children's rights at the heart of our decision making? The children's commissioner's annual report is one of the ways we are held to account, and that's what's happened this afternoon, which is important for how we support children's rights as entitlements for children and young people. I do want to mention the fact that my colleague Julie Morgan, Deputy Minister for Social Services, will publish the Welsh Government's revised children's rights scheme before the end of the year and it will set out the arrangements we have in place for having due regard to the UNCRC when Ministers exercise any of their functions.
Finally, Dirprwy Lywydd, I'm sure that you will all again join me in thanking the commissioner, Sally Holland, for everything that she's done to make sure that all children know about their rights, how to access those rights and how to challenge when they're not receiving those rights. She has done this consistently during her term in office and we wish her well as she comes to the end of her term. Thank you, all, for the roles that you've played today in today's debate. Our response in November will show how seriously we take our commitment to children's rights. We respect the recommendations and the report of our children's commissioner. Diolch yn fawr.
Ac, wrth gwrs, mae materion allweddol a godwyd gan yr Aelodau heddiw. Cododd Siân Gwenllian y mater pwysig o ran yr argymhellion ynghylch gwaharddiadau ar gyfer ein plant ieuengaf yn y cyfnod sylfaen. Yn 2019, wrth gwrs, byddwch yn cofio i ni gyhoeddi canllawiau wedi'u diweddaru, a gyhoeddwyd yn ôl yn 2015, ar waharddiadau o ysgolion ac unedau cyfeirio disgyblion. Mae hwn yn nodi'r cymorth y mae'n rhaid i ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol ei roi ar waith ar gyfer pob plentyn sydd wedi'i wahardd o'r ysgol ac o unedau cyfeirio disgyblion, ac mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn cael cymorth ac ymyrraeth gynnar nad yw'n gadael unrhyw blentyn ifanc wedi'i wahardd o addysg. Rwyf yn gwbl glir mai dim ond fel dewis olaf y dylid defnyddio gwaharddiad. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â thanategu'r ymrwymiad bod pob plentyn a pherson ifanc yn cael addysg fel y gallan nhw ffynnu a llewyrchu mewn cymdeithas, ac felly yr ymyrraeth gynnar a'r gefnogaeth gynnar hanfodol a phwysig hynny sy'n hollbwysig, ac rwy'n diolch i Siân Gwenllian am godi'r pwynt hwnnw.
Ond hefyd, mae'n bwysig cydnabod y materion sy'n ymwneud â'r glasbrint cyfiawnder ieuenctid, ac rwy'n falch bod gennyf gyfrifoldebau, ond wrth gwrs mae cyfrifoldebau llawer o'r argymhellion hyn ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn cael eu rhannu ar y cyd o ran ein cyfrifoldebau. O ran symud ymlaen gyda'r glasbrint cyfiawnder ieuenctid, mae gennym gynlluniau gweithredu wedi'u diweddaru, amserlenni cyflawni prosiectau wedi'u hadnewyddu, ac fe'u cyhoeddwyd mewn ymgynghoriad â'n partneriaid ym mis Mawrth eleni, ond hefyd £500,000 ychwanegol i'r rhaglen glasbrint hefyd—partneriaeth gref wrth symud ymlaen. A gyda'r Dirprwy Weinidog dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Julie Morgan, a minnau, y cytunwyd i weithio gyda'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder i gyflawni canlyniad a fydd yn gweld plant yn y systemau lles a chyfiawnder yng Nghymru wedi'u cydleoli yn yr un adeilad a safle. Mae gennym raglen ar y cyd. Mae'r prosiect yn y ddalfa hefyd yn rhaglen ar y cyd. Felly, mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn symud ymlaen, a gallaf hyd yn oed ymateb yn gadarnhaol heddiw o ran yr argymhellion hynny.
Wrth gwrs, mae llawer yma; Ni allaf eu hateb i gyd, ond byddwn i'n gwneud hynny pan fydd gennym ein hadroddiad terfynol. Wrth gwrs, mae cydnabod y materion sy'n ymwneud ag ysgolion annibynnol, diogelu a lles pobl ifanc yn hollbwysig, ac mae angen i ni edrych ar hyn o ran pwysigrwydd cofrestru staff sy'n gweithio yn y sector ysgolion annibynnol gyda Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg, a fyddai'n ategu'r darpariaethau diogelu sydd eisoes ar waith. Wrth gwrs, addysg yn y cartref eto—argymhelliad arall gan y comisiynydd plant. A, Dirprwy Lywydd, fe wnaf ddweud bod hwn eto'n faes lle'r ydym yn gwneud cynnydd yn y maes hwn. Wrth gwrs, bu effaith COVID-19, fel y dywedais yn fy sylwadau agoriadol, ond mae'r gwaith, er bod yn rhaid ei oedi yn 2020, wedi'i ailgychwyn.
Nawr, rwyf eisiau canolbwyntio o'r diwedd ar y ddau bwynt terfynol allweddol a wnaed gan Yr Aelodau. Rhoddodd Jane Dodds gefnogaeth bwerus iawn—fel y gwnaeth hi yn flaenorol—i'r argymhelliad o ran dileu gwneud elw o ofal plant sy'n derbyn gofal. Mae'n un o'r blaenoriaethau uchaf i'r Llywodraeth hon. Ac fe ddywedaf hynny wrth Gareth Davies—mae hynny o'r flaenoriaeth uchaf, ac rydym yn bwriadu dileu'r holl elw preifat o ofal plant o ran cartrefi gofal plant.
Yn olaf, Sioned Williams, ie, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n gweld y gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud o ran prydau ysgol am ddim nid yn unig fel piler canolog i'n dull o fynd i'r afael â thlodi, ond hefyd yr adolygiad cymhwysedd. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn dda bod y comisiynydd plant, hefyd, yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd ein brecwast ysgol am ddim, lle'r oeddem yn arwain y ffordd drwy gyflwyno'r brecwast am ddim hwn mewn ysgolion cynradd yn 2004. Ond yn amlwg, bydd y pwyntiau pwysig a wnaed yn y ddadl hon heddiw, sy'n cwmpasu ystod eang o feysydd sy'n effeithio ar ein plant a'n pobl ifanc, yn hanfodol wrth i ni symud ymlaen i ymateb yn llawn i adroddiad y comisiynydd plant. A gaf i ddweud i gloi, mae gennym draddodiad balch iawn o roi hawliau plant wrth wraidd ein penderfyniadau? Mae adroddiad blynyddol y comisiynydd plant yn un o'r ffyrdd yr ydym ni'n cael ein dwyn i gyfrif, a dyna sydd wedi digwydd y prynhawn yma, sy'n bwysig o ran sut yr ydym ni'n cefnogi hawliau plant fel hawliau i blant a phobl ifanc. Rwyf eisiau sôn am y ffaith y bydd fy nghyd-Aelod Julie Morgan, y Dirprwy Weinidog dros Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol, yn cyhoeddi cynllun hawliau plant diwygiedig Llywodraeth Cymru cyn diwedd y flwyddyn a bydd yn nodi'r trefniadau sydd gennym ar waith ar gyfer rhoi sylw dyledus i Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn pan fydd Gweinidogion yn arfer unrhyw un o'u swyddogaethau.
Yn olaf, Dirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi i gyd eto'n ymuno â mi i ddiolch i'r comisiynydd, Sally Holland, am bopeth y mae hi wedi'i wneud i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn gwybod am eu hawliau, sut i gael gafael ar yr hawliau hynny a sut i herio pan nad ydyn nhw yn derbyn yr hawliau hynny. Mae hi wedi gwneud hyn yn gyson yn ystod ei thymor yn y swydd a dymunwn yn dda iddi wrth iddi ddod i ddiwedd ei thymor. Diolch i chi, i gyd, am yr holl swyddogaethau yr ydych chi wedi'u chwarae heddiw yn y ddadl heddiw. Bydd ein hymateb ym mis Tachwedd yn dangos pa mor ddifrifol yr ydym yn cymryd ein hymrwymiad i hawliau plant. Rydym yn parchu argymhellion ac adroddiad ein comisiynydd plant. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Weinidog. Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol a Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Thank you, Minister. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Daw hynny â thrafodion heddiw i ben.
That brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:16.
The meeting ended at 18:16.