Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu - Y Bumed Senedd

Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee - Fifth Senedd


Aelodau'r Pwyllgor a oedd yn bresennol

Committee Members in Attendance

Bethan Sayed Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor
Committee Chair
Dai Lloyd Yn dirprwyo ar ran Siân Gwenllian
Substitute for Siân Gwenllian
Jack Sargeant
Jenny Rathbone
Lee Waters
Mick Antoniw
Neil Hamilton

Swyddogion y Senedd a oedd yn bresennol

Senedd Officials in Attendance

Adam Vaughan Ail Glerc
Second Clerk
Robin Wilkinson Ymchwilydd
Steve George Clerc

Cofnodir y trafodion yn yr iaith y llefarwyd hwy ynddi yn y pwyllgor. Yn ogystal, cynhwysir trawsgrifiad o’r cyfieithu ar y pryd. Lle mae cyfranwyr wedi darparu cywiriadau i’w tystiolaeth, nodir y rheini yn y trawsgrifiad.

The proceedings are reported in the language in which they were spoken in the committee. In addition, a transcription of the simultaneous interpretation is included. Where contributors have supplied corrections to their evidence, these are noted in the transcript.

Dechreuodd y cyfarfod am 09:19.

The meeting began at 09:19.

1. Cyflwyniad, ymddiheuriadau, dirprwyon a datgan buddiannau
1. Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

Diolch, a chroeso i'r Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu, ac i eitem 1: cyflwyniad, ymddiheuriadau, dirprwyon a datgan buddiannau. A oes gan unrhyw Aelod rhywbeth i'w ddatgan yma heddiw? Na. Ymddiheuriadau gan Siân Gwenllian, a bydd Dai Lloyd yn dirprwyo drosti. Rydym ni wedi cael ymddiheuriadau eraill gan Rhianon Passmore a Suzy Davies, ond nid ydym yn disgwyl unrhyw ymddiheuriadau eraill. Sori, Lee; mae Lee Waters yn ymuno â ni.

Thank you, and welcome to the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, and item 1: introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest. Does anyone have anything to declare here today? No. Apologies from Siân Gwenllian, and Dai is the substitute today. We have had apologies from Rhianon Passmore and Suzy Davies, but we're not expecting any other apologies. Sorry, Lee; Lee Waters is joining us.

I just assumed you were on committee again. I was just getting back into old—

Yes. Lee's joining us from the Public Accounts Committee. Welcome, Lee.

Mae Mick Antoniw yn mynd i fod yn hwyr hefyd. Lot o ddatganiadau gwahanol i'w gwneud heddiw. Sori am hynny.

Mick Antoniw is also going to be late. A number of different declarations to make today. Apologies for that.

2. Cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 17.42 i benderfynu gwahardd y cyhoedd o'r cyfarfod ar gyfer y busnes a ganlyn:
2. Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:


bod y pwyllgor yn penderfynu gwahardd y cyhoedd o weddill y cyfarfod yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.42.


that the committee resolves to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 17.42.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Rydym ni'n symud ymlaen, felly, at eitem 2: cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 17.42 i wahardd y cyhoedd o'r cyfarfod ar gyfer y busnes a ganlyn. A ydyw pobl yn hapus gyda hynny?

We're moving on, therefore, to item 2: motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business. Are people content with that?

Derbyniwyd y cynnig.

Daeth rhan gyhoeddus y cyfarfod i ben am 09:20.

Motion agreed.

The public part of the meeting ended at 09:20.